#that would be nice. i still wanna do the thing with the bench outside in the open space but that IDK if i'll be allowed to
yoshistory · 10 months
i wonder if i would be like. allowed. to set up a little free library outside my apartment
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trippinsorrows · 3 months
with me + part sixteen
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authors note: this is a nice lil break from all of the angst! ya'll deserve it! just.....remember that storms sometimes come in cycles, so let's just enjoy now! also, my legal knowledge is limited, so we take some creative liberties. just go with the flow, bro.
i also wanna just say thank you, as always, to all of you who enjoy this story of mine! i hit over 100k words and 300+ pages in the google doc i write this in, and it's such a special thing that i feel largely goes to you all for the wonderful support. so thank you!!!!
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: angst (good-ish?), fluff, language, suggestive themes
song inspo: with me by destiny’s child
words: 7k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @southerngirl41 @wanderingreigns
The hearing to see if the open case against you moves forward is scheduled for 8am on February 15th, 2024.
You’re outside that courthouse at 7am sharp on February 15th, 2024.
It’s all you could think about in the days leading up. Once you learned that you passed your home inspection, there was a bit of relief but still that bitter feeling of not knowing how the court date would go that kept you in that loop of misery.
Joe, bless his soul, has been a saint, staying with and supporting you in between his frequent trips to your mom’s house to spend time with Callie.
And Alexis…..my God, you’re not sure how and if you could ever repay her. She gave you a detailed play by play of her attack on Mariah, and while on the surface level, it pleased you to know that bitch got her ass beat.
It didn’t do shit to the emotional pain you’ve felt at having your child ripped away from you.
Hate is a strong word, but you hate her. She could drop dead tomorrow, and you’d spit on her grave.
It’s a bold sentiment but also how you feel. Maybe it’ll go away as time passes, or maybe it won’t. Truth be told, you don’t really care too much about it either way.
You’d hoped Alexis would stay around a little longer, as you deeply enjoyed her company, her support, wanted to express to her how much her grounding you and keeping you from catching a case, putting herself at risk for catching a case, meant to you. But, in true Alexis fashion, she’d hopped on a flight and skipped town.
It wasn’t entirely surprising. She can never be in one place for too long, but it does leave a little bit of a sting. 
Granted, in her words, “Girl, don’t worry, I’ll be back when my warrant becomes active.”
The memory brings a small smile on your face as you sit in the courtroom, hearing the details of the case presented to the judge. 
It’s a daunting ordeal but not nearly as difficult as you anticipated, mostly because there is literally nothing being presented that could implicate you in any way. Truthfully speaking, the prosecutor and your public defender sound like they're advocating for the same thing: a complete dismissal. 
It provides you a small slither of reassurance and validates your request to have Joe stay at the apartment. In the negative percent chance that something went wrong today, you wanted to continue to keep his presence in Callie’s life a secret. Push comes to shove, he could serve as a liaison between the two of you.
The presenting of the “evidence” lasts much shorter than you were anticipating, and it’s when the court is ordered to stand, that the rush of anxiety returns. It takes a lot in you to settle yourself, to keep your foot from tapping, to keep from falling out.
Reminding yourself that not a speck of incriminating evidence was presented, thus no basis for moving forward with the investigation, is what keeps your centered.
As centered as one can be in this moment. 
There’s a brutal delay in the moments before the verdict is handed, one that makes your throat dry and eyes water. It’s suddenly so overwhelming, but you force yourself to pull it together. 
Judge Merritt removes his glasses from his eyes and releases a heavy sigh. “In all my years on this bench, this may be the most frustrated I’ve felt by a case before me.” For a second, your stomach drops. What does he mean by that? “There is not an ounce of evidence before me to support the actions that were taken nor the claims made against the defendant.” A shaky breath leaves your mouth as you ground your feet into your heels. That’s definitely not what you were expecting him to say, but it’s most definitely what you were praying he would say. 
“The law is the law, and I respect all parties involved who followed protocol. But my God, what a waste of time and resources.” He then directs his focus specifically on you, gaze almost apologetic. “Young lady, I sincerely apologize for the stress this situation has put you and this innocent child under. What a disgrace. Whoever made these horrific, false accusations against you, may God have mercy on their soul.” He reaches for his gavel. “All charges are dismissed against the defendant on the basis of no evidence. This case is officially closed, and the child is to be returned to the defendant’s custody, effectively immediately.”
At the same moment he bangs the gavel, you double over, hand over your stomach, crying almost instantaneously. “Thank you,” you say in between tears and share a hug with your lawyer. Surely, this is the easiest case they’ve ever defended, but it’s now one of the most important moments of your life.
You don’t hesitate to gather your jacket and adjust the purse on your shoulder as you murmur a goodbye to the lawyer and make your way down the aisle of the courtroom. You’ll probably send him a thank you card with a heartfelt message at a later date and time, but that’s not a priority currently.
The only thing you want and need is to go get your baby.
You’re looking down, trembling hands digging for your car key in your purse when you hear it, the single most beautiful sound to exist in this world, in your world.
There’s a good chance you risk whiplash when your head snaps up at the sound of the voice you’ve been almost dying to hear for the past couple days. It’s so worth it when you land your eyes on that dimpled smile that makes your life have meaning.
Before you can even close the gap between the two of you, Callie’s little feet are moving across the busy lobby of the courtroom. You literally drop to both knees, arms spread to accept her hug when she throws her body against yours. 
The tears intensify as you hold her close, hold her tight, like you’ll never let her go. And you won’t. Never again. “Calista….” She’s crying into your chest the same way your tears are soaking the top of her head. “My baby. My sweet baby….”
Callie pulls back to look at you with a frown you hope to never see on her face ever again. “Please don’t leave me anymore, mommy.”
“Never,” you vow. Law be damned, nothing could ever separate you from her again. “I will never leave you again.”
It’s the joy and happiness you feel at being reunited with your daughter that prevents you from asking just why the hell she’s at the courthouse. But, that question is answered when footsteps approach the two of you.
Your heart swells again. “Mom….” 
Your mom is the first to pull you into her for a hug that includes the three of you. She pulls ways, tears in her eyes. “There was no way on God's green earth I was going to let one more unnecessary minute pass before letting that baby be with you again.” It’s clear Joe communicated the time of your court date with your mom to make sure she would be here right on time for the dismissal and subsequent return of custody of Callie to you.
He’s literally the perfect man.
You can’t stop hugging Callie, can’t stop holding her tight, almost needing to have her in your embrace. It’s when you turn to your mom though, needing to express something to her but not entirely knowing how that you loosen your hold a little bit. “I’ve missed you so much, mom, but….”
She lifts her hand to stop you. “I understand, sweetie. We’ll catch up.” You appreciate her so much in this moment. She must know all you want is to be able to have Callie back in your place again, return to some semi sense of normalcy. “Go take your baby home.”
She gets it. You love her and have missed her dearly. However, you just want to go back to your place, especially as Joe is eagerly waiting for Callie to be back with you as well. Just want her to be home.
“Thank you, mama,” you hug her again, sniffling. She holds you for a minute and then steps back, brushing a hand over Callie’s face. Callie, who hasn’t pulled her head away from where she’s laying on your chest. 
You thank her yet again for all she did. She had to have been out of work the past week to stay with Callie, and you make a mental note to talk to her about giving her some money for that time she couldn’t work. You know she does okay for herself, but that loss of income has to impact her one way or another.
She may not accept it, but you still want to offer.
The car drive is full of Callie catching you up on everything you missed in the days without her, and you eat up every second of it. She’s even more thrilled when she sees that Joe is at the apartment, waiting for you and her with breakfast already prepared.
He really is a gem.
The three of you enjoy your meal, Callie opting to sit on your lap as she eats, clearly wanting to be close to you. 
The feeling is mutual. 
Joe had made a comment just yesterday, partially frustrated as it was Valentine’s Day, and he wanted to do something nice for you, something nice with you. But, he already knew you weren’t really in the mood for anything other than sulking and obsessing over your court date. Still, he was just irked about the situation as a whole and its hindering him spending what should be a special day catering to you.
You’d calmly explained to him that the best valentine's day gift you could receive was returned physical and actual custody of your daughter. And to have her back, to have just that, means the absolute world to you.
All you need is her.
Hence why the rest of the day is spent holed up in your apartment, Callie taking the lead and dictating what she wants to do. A lot of play. Some movie viewings. Occasional food breaks. And a lot of wholesome fun.
It warms your heart to see how happy she is to be home. 
The three of you are sitting on the floor of your living room, coffee table moved to the side to make room for all of Callie’s art supplies she ‘shares’ with the two of you as you all color. It’s about halfway through the day, when you realize you’ll need to start wrapping up to get her in bed.
Clearing your throat, you catch her attention. “Callie….your dad and I want to talk to you about something.” Her eyes lift from the page and settle on you with a heightened level of curiosity. Reaching out to brush back some of her hair, you start to explain, “you know how we live here in mommy’s place in this town?” She nods. “Well, daddy actually lives somewhere else when he’s not working.”
Her eyes fall on Joe as she asks, “where do you live?”
He answers with the gentleness you’ve noticed he reserves for her and only her. “I live in Florida.”
Her eyes flash with a glimpse of excitement. “Really? That’s where Disney is!”
Joe chuckles, and you can tell he doesn’t want to focus too much on that aspect of the move. He wants Disney to be an absolute surprise for her. “It is, but almost all of your cousins all live in Florida too.”
The excitement grows as she clarifies. “Cousin Jon and Cousin Josh too?”
Joe flicks her nose. “Yup.”
“Callie….” You redirect her attention back to you, taking both of her hands in yours. “Your dad and I think it’s a good idea if….if you and I move to Florida with him.” You quickly add on. “We’ll get a house together, and we’ll all live with each other. That way when daddy comes to visit, he’ll be at home with us.”
You can tell she’s sitting on the words, processing and making as much sense as a 4-year-old can make out of a situation like this. Finally, she asks, “will I still see grandma?”
This is when Joe jumps in and assures her. “I will make sure your grandma can come see you whenever she wants, baby girl.” Callie is too young to understand the underlying meaning of his words, but you catch on quickly. He’ll pay for your mom to come visit whenever she, you, or Callie want to see one another. “And you and mommy can come here and visit however many times you want to.” At this point, as this man is already forking up most, if not all of the money for a house, you have a hard time finding it in you to protest any of this. Especially as it primarily benefits Callie.
Again, she sits on this new information and asks a follow up question. “Can we get a backyard?”
Joe is quick to answer. “We sure can.”
She glances up at him with those sweet eyes you’re almost certain he’s physically incapable of saying ‘no’ to. “A big backyard?”
Joe suddenly reaches over and lifts her up high. Callie’s sweet giggles are food to your soul. God, you missed her. “As big as you want.”
Settling into Joe’s lap, she shoots you a wishful glance. “And a puppy, mommy?”
Laughing, you reach and tickle her side. “Nice try, sis, but you know the rule. Not until you hit double digits.”
Joe gives you that look. That look that tells you this is clearly something he wants to “discuss” further when alone, i.e., try to convince you why you should cave. You’re open for the discussion, but you’re not changing your mind. Callie is entirely too young for a pet, because you would be the one taking care of the damn dog most of the time anyway. And as you weren’t raised with animals, it’s not really your thing.
Maybe a fish.
Settling down, you ask her again as she sits comfortably in Joe’s lap. “So, you’re okay with this? With us moving?” Before she can answer, you add. “We’re going to try to find a house soon, so….so we can move as soon as we can.” This is the part you struggle with the most. Not having a lot of time to prepare for such a big thing, but you also know the sooner you’re out of that town, the better. Not being able to give her more time to say goodbye though absolutely sucks. 
You have to get Callie out of this town. 
“What about my graduation?” There’s a hint of sadness to her question. Understandably so. This is a big accomplishment for her. 
Joe offers, gently. “We’ll do something special for your graduation. I promise. Maybe invite your cousins.”
“With ice cream?”
“Yes. With ice cream.” Laughing, you share a look with Joe who nods for you to share the next part. “Hey, baby?”
“You, me, and daddy are gonna spend some time in Florida this weekend so we can go tour a house and see what we think of it.”
It’s something you and Joe discussed at length the night before. Well, more him telling you that he thought it’d be a good idea if you could get away for a couple days. You’re pretty sure he expected more of a protest from you, but he received none. The idea of being in a completely different state with Callie is more appealing than you think he realizes. 
It’s not a hard sell.
As with most of this discussion, she’s clearly intrigued. “Really?”
Nodding, you continue. “Daddy’s gonna fly out with us tomorrow morning, but he’s gotta leave tomorrow afternoon to get back to work, so it’ll mostly be you and me this weekend. But, I talked to your cousin Kaylah and we’re gonna see if you and Ellie can have a playdate.”
Both Kaylah and Trinity have checked on you often in the past week, offering words of support and encouragement that truly held you up in moments where you were already feeling so low. 
They make the idea of moving and having that kind of support system that much more enticing.
Connecting with her cousin clearly chips away some of Callie’s sadness as she cheers. “Yay!”
It pleases you immensely that she took the news so well, though a large part of you believed she would. 
This is what she’s always wanted.
A family. 
Traveling with Joe is so much easier than traveling alone, mostly because of how helpful it is to have another adult present when flying with a child. Naturally, Callie stays close to you, but it’s the closeness and holding her most of the time while Joe handles luggage and checking you in for your flight that you appreciate more than anything.
You’re appreciative of all he does for you, but it's physically being there that makes the biggest difference. His money is fine and all, but you don’t care about that shit. You just need him. That’s all.
Of course, he got you all first class tickets but unlike the last time you flew with Callie, instead of her being the social butterfly that she is by making friends with the flight crew, she’s fast asleep in her seat. It’s not entirely unexpected considering the ungodly hour you had to wake her up at to make it in time for the flight. If the situation was different, you’d have objected to such a crunch timeline. However, as Joe literally has a show tonight, the earlier the flight, the sooner you could view the house, the better the chances he can make his flight out in time.
Joe’s apartment is exactly as nice as you imagined it to be. It’s definitely luxury, but it looks like it’s unlived in, which is expected. You know he spends most of his time on the road. He’s probably been at your place more than he’s been at his own in the past couple months.
That’s just the life of a professional wrestler.
You lay Callie down in the guest bedroom and let her get in a little rest while you freshen up in the shower before Joe shows you around his place, where things are and whatnot. He tries to get you to take a nap, but it’s hard for you to sleep, especially when you slept as well as you did the night before.
The best sleep you’ve had since Callie was removed from you.
So, you instead catch up on some emails, mostly work related, navigating a time to meet with your principal and figure out some plan for your resignation. You’d be willing to stay on with the school system to guide and help out whoever they hire to replace you, so long as they understand it would be a long distance type of situation. 
Regardless, it’s not a major concern. Your family comes first. 
Joe, being the perfect man that he is, fixes a breakfast for you and Callie to eat before you head out. And it’s nice to finally be able to eat without emptying your stomach less than half an hour later. It’s even nicer to be able to share that breakfast with the two people you love the most.
Similar to breakfast, the car ride to the viewing is a fun time, Joe allowing Callie to have control of the music. She, of course, asks you to play her Disney playlist.
You don’t hesitate. You’ve missed this, missed all of her requests, everything about her, really. 
But pulling up to said house is an entirely different experience.
“Holy shit,” you breathe as Joe pulls his Range Rover into the driveway behind the red Tesla you’d guess belongs to the realtor his manager hired for ya’ll, Jen.
“Mommy, you said a bad word,” Callie scolds, and Joe chuckles. You shoot him a side glare which only makes him laugh more as he moves to unbuckle Callie from her booster seat. 
“Mommy’s sorry, baby.” It’s a genuine apology, but you don’t actually regret what you said. You can’t help it. The house looked huge in the pictures, but it’s massive in person. You feel like you’ve just walked into Beverly Hills or something. Like if the house wasn’t secured by a massive, black wrought iron gate, the neighbors would call the police on you for trespassing on some where did you people come from BS.
Jen, the realtor, is waiting for you in the foyer of the house. She’s nice enough, seems genuine and chill. But, it’s hard to focus too much on her when you’re stuck in a state of awe at the fact that you’re literally standing in a mansion. Callie instantly falls in love just from the fact that her voice echoes near the entrance, among other things as well, but that fact alone wins her over immediately. 
You find it strange, however, when Jen basically leaves the three of you alone to tour the house. Granted, you’ve never actually been on a house tour, everything you've seen on HGTV indicated homegirl is supposed to actually, well, sell the house.
“Sis must not care about this commission,” you whisper to Joe, but a gasp immediately leaves your mouth afterwards as you walk into the kitchen. “Oh my god….” You’d fallen in love the minute you saw the pictures, but seeing it in person is a whole other experience. “Look at the ovens.” The open floor plan of the kitchen alone probably rivals half the size of your apartment back home. Maybe more. “Is this real granite?” Running a finger over the cool stone, you realize that in a house this big and luxurious, it only makes sense that everything included is real. 
And expensive.
Callie giggles, standing close to Joe. “Maybe mommy can learn how to cook.”
Smacking your teeth, you playfully cross your arms over your chest, warning, “okay, I’m forreal. Ya’ll better leave me alone. I try.” 
“Yes, you do absolutely try.” You can’t move fast enough to punch Joe’s arm, a small laugh leaving his mouth at your slowness. Or maybe it’s just his speed. You can tell he’s been hitting the gym harder in preparation for WrestleMania, and it’s paying off, paying off very well. With everything going on, you haven’t had the time nor desire to show him said appreciation. 
An unfortunate occurrence indeed. 
“Let’s look at the rest,” Joe encourages, leaning over to pick up Callie, though something tells you she’ll be wiggling to get down and explore with her own two feet. 
Following them, you’re grateful that you wore your most comfortable pair of sneakers. Exploration of this home is a workout in and of itself.
Sure enough, you’re barely into the back of the house when Callie asks to get down, running into the movie theater room. “It’s just like the movies!”
“It sure is….” Touring the rest of the residence is something like out of a fantasy. There’s not a single thing you can find wrong with this house. The rooms, and there are plenty of them,  are large, spacious, ready to be decorated as you see fit. You even come across two spaces that you could see being your and Joe’s office spaces. That’s one thing you really did miss after giving up your office for Callie to have a playroom. This house is big enough for her to have two playrooms if she wants.
And you know Joe would give it to her. 
The master bedroom is literally perfect, but the bathroom is even better with a separate shower, bathroom, and large his/her sinks with counter space that links the two sinks. It conjures inappropriate thoughts about how said space could be used. 
But, it’s really the backyard that does it for you. It’s humongous, beautiful green grass stretching out for what seems like a mile. There’s a separate attached building that you already know Joe would turn into a home gym, a beautiful pool that’s covered up, covered patio and just nothing but room for Callie to run around.
And she does just that.
Her little legs take her all over the greenery as you take in everything else. 
Joe suddenly turns you toward him. His hand is on the back of your neck, and his voice is almost vulnerable, as he asks, “do you like it?”
Maybe if not for the emotional rollercoaster you’ve been on the past week, you’d hit him with your usual smartass remark. But, that’s neither a desire nor an option, as you answer with equal vulnerability. “I love it.” It’s when you see that spark of excitement and relief in his eyes that you see a glimpse of Callie, see her smiling face and big, hopeful eyes. You’d never realized just how much of him is in her. “But Joe, I don’t want you sp—”
“It’s ours.” 
One, two, three blinks precede you asking with a stutter in your voice. “W–what?”
His hands shift to your hips as he repeats himself. “It’s ours.”
There’s a hint of alarm growing in your body and projected into your voice. “You’re saying that like it’s supposed to make sense, Joe.” 
He brings his lips to your forehead and says, “this is our house.”
You’re hearing him, but you’re not actually hearing him because there’s no way in hell he can be serious right now. No way that he can seriously be telling you that this beautiful house you’re standing in, the kind of house people can only dream about having one day, the level of luxury that’s reserved for Pinterest and vision boards…..is yours.
Chuckling at your probably expected reaction, he adds. “I could tell by your facial expressions just looking at the pictures that you loved it, so I asked Kaylah and Alexis to come see it, since Kay knows what I like, and I know Lex knows what you like.” You suddenly realize why he was being a bit strange with his phone the other day, a stark difference from the man who literally told you his passcode even when you didn’t ask for it. Going through your man’s phone was never your thing, especially with him. You trust him too much for that shit.
It also explains Alexis' sudden departure. She was checking out the house for you, seeing if it was something that you would like. Obviously, it’s not something you like.
It’s something you love.
Joe continues to explain. “Now, technically, the signing isn’t until next week, because I wanted to give you and Callie a chance to see it for yourselves, but it is under contract to make sure it’s ours….if you want it.”
There is no if in this situation.
“Joe…..” Tears are burning your eyes, and it’s still hard to comprehend just what he’s saying, but the reality is also setting in as well. “You seriously bought us a house?”
His expression softens, voice lowering as he reminds you. “I told you, I love you, and I want to be with you. Wanna be with Callie.” 
It’s hard to not be choked up in this moment where this man has literally purchased an entire house for you. And not some small 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom starter home in the middle of bumfuck nowhere but a literal mansion, a dream.
Sniffling, you nod to yourself, laughing tearily and reach up to hug him. Joe’s arms are immediately around you, holding your body close to his. “Thank you.” He must have done all of this in under a week, recognized how difficult all of this was on you and wasted no time in speeding up this process to get you what you need. “Thank you so much.”
He’s always there for you when you need him, and you’re not sure how to help him understand how that means the absolute world to you.
Callie runs over to where you’re standing, trying not to be a blubbering mess. Your emotions have been all over the damn place lately. Thankfully, she directs her question to Joe. “can we come visit here when we move to Florida? It’s so fun!”
You give Joe a nod, indicating to him that he should tell her. This may be a moment for all of you, but it’s a special thing you want him to be able to have with Callie. 
“Baby girl….” He kneels down on knee in front of her, gently pulling her closer to him. “This is our house.” She gasps, and you can only imagine the happy smile on his face. “You, me, and mommy, we’re gonna live here.”
“Really?” Her excitement is palpable and stretches across the entire premises. “Forever?”
He chuckles. “As long as you want to live here.” 
Callie suddenly asks, clearly realizing just what this means. “I can paint my room?”
That’s one thing you also know she’s always wanted to do, to paint the bland white walls of her room back at your place. 
Now though….now she can. 
“You can draw on the walls in your room for all I care, baby girl. It’s your room.” He would be that dad, the dad that lets his kid do whatever they want with their space, because it’s their space. 
If only you were that mom.
“Uhh, Joe—”
“And get a puppy!” Your eyes go wide at this. This child really is not taking you seriously, but you’re especially floored when Joe’s ass whispers to her something about talking to you about it.
It’s when Callie starts to run around the backyard, happy and ecstatic, celebrating, that you warn him. 
“You think I’m playing, Joe. Get that lil girl a puppy, and I promise you, you gon be taking Toto on the road with you. She gon be at your side when you do your slow ass walk to the ring. I’m not taking care of no dog.” And you mean that. Callie can give him all the puppy dog eyes—no pun intended—she wants. She’s just not old enough yet.
Of course, Joe tries to sway you, suggesting, “it’ll teach her responsibility.”
A heavy sigh leaves your mouth as you observe Callie spinning in a circle. This child has the energy of the energizer bunny. “We already have one rambunctious child. Let’s just focus on her first, please?”
Your little family of three is more than enough.
It’s everything you need.
This, right here, right now, is all you need.
Joe told you he talked with Kaylah about being a bit of your tour guide and helping you and Callie to familiarize yourself with the area while he was gone, but he didn’t mention that Kaylah would literally be coming over that night.
It’s a surprise when you get a call from the front desk asking for permission to buzz Kaylah in, but you don’t hesitate to authorize it, especially when you overhear Ellie’s little voice in the background. 
You know Callie will be thrilled to see her cousin. 
And she definitely is, the two girls making more noise than probably what’s appropriate for an apartment, especially an upscale apartment. But, something tells you even if there is some type of noise complaint, Joe won’t hesitate to dead that shit.
“How are you doing? Really?” Kaylah asks as the two of you sit in Joe’s living room on the sofa as the girls play in the guest bedroom. The TV is on Smackdown, but Joe hasn’t made his appearance yet.
You promised Callie you’d call her when he got on screen, so it’s something you pay attention to.
“I can’t believe she would do that to you, and she was supposed to be your best friend?” Kaylah sounds rightfully disgusted. “You and Callie didn’t deserve that.”
“I have my baby back, so I’m much better now.” And it’s the truth. It’s almost night and day how having Callie back in your custody has completely changed your existence. You can actually bring yourself to do something other than cry, can actually experience emotions other than sadness, and most importantly, you can also keep food down.
There’s still some lingering nausea that you wish would just go away, but it’s tolerable. Much tolerable than the constant vomiting.
“I don’t blame you for wanting to leave that place. I don’t know if I could stay there either after that.”
“A part of me doesn’t want to go back now.” Even though you’ve only met Kaylah once, there’s something about her that’s comforting and easy to talk to. “I just….even now, it’s like I have this fear that they’re gonna take her from me as soon as I step foot off the plane.”
She reaches over and places her hand on top of yours. “That’s over with now. The judge dismissed everything. You’re okay, girl. Callie’s back home.”
Feeling the wetness on your face alerts you that those damn tears have returned. For someone who hates crying, you’ve sure been doing a lot of it. And you hate it. 
“Thank you, Kaylah.”
She gives you a warm nod and smile. “Oh!” Kaylah reaches over to her purse on the coffee table, digging around before she pulls out a folded piece of paper. “Here. You’ll need this.” Unfolding the paper, she explains, “it’s the info for the doctors and dentists Jon and I use for ourselves and the kids. Ellie especially loves Dr. Pyle. She’s super great with kids, and I absolutely adore my primary and OB-GYN. They’re both fabulous black women who actually listen when you have an issue.”
There’s so many things to consider when moving that it never even crossed your mind yet that you’d need to find a whole new slate of medical providers. Kaylah’s thoughtfulness is so appreciated. “Thank you. I should probably call tomorrow and get those appointments set up now.”
With everything you’ve been through this past week, it’s not a half bad idea to get a check up just to make sure everything is going good internally.
You add that to your to-do list for tomorrow. 
Maybe see the OB-GYN for your women’s wellness exam as well. You’re just about due anyway.
She nods. “Definitely, and I don’t know if you and Joe have talked about schools, but Ellie’s private school is really great.”
Private school….
You’d definitely thought about schools for Callie, but a private school wasn’t really an option as you were factoring in your financial capability. Now though….now that Joe is in the picture, you’re almost certain he would not only want Callie to be in private school vs public school, but he’d pay however much it cost to do so.
You’re not entirely opposed, interestingly enough. Especially since Callie is technically the kid of a celebrity, it might be a good move to keep her in a smaller, more private setting. 
“We haven’t, but I’m sure it's a discussion we’ll have.” You then remember. “Can you also give me the information for the dance academy Ellie goes to? I think I want to see about putting Callie in ballet.” It’s something she’s been wanting for a while, and accepting Joe’s financial generosity is becoming easier when you think about how it can benefit Callie. She deserves all of the happiness in the world.
And you’d much rather her do ballet than finesse her daddy into getting her a dog that’ll eventually be yours.
“Of course! We can actually swing by there tomorrow, so you can get a feel, if you want.” She offers, and it sounds like a great plan. Checking out the school with Joe is also something you make a mental note to discuss with him. Something tells you Kaylah is a good judge of character, but you need to check for yourself. This whole experience has made you that much more protective of your baby girl. “Joe also asked that I take you guys furniture shopping to start furnishing the house.”
At that, you groan and lean your head back against the sofa. “Girl, it’s gon take a minute to furnish that house. It’s so big.”
“It is, but it’s also so beautiful.” She leans closer to you, hand on your forearm. “And you don’t have to do everything at once, just like the master, Callie’s bedroom, the living room. You know, the main rooms.”
“Oh my goodness, I already know Joe is gonna’ have that girls room looking like a damn toy store.” He already mentioned something about knowing someone who does wall art and murals and reaching out to see if they could do a Disney mural in her bedroom. Not that you’re opposed to that. “He already spoils her. Now that we have this big ass house, I know it’s only going to get worse.”
Kaylah makes a sound and shrugs. “Let him. He loves her. He loves being a dad. Let him spoil her. Let him spoil you.”
“I love Joe for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with his money. I don’t need him to spoil me financially. Other ways though….” Because of everything that’s happened the past week, you’ve had neither the mental or desire to be intimate with Joe. But with Callie returned to you and the litany of other positive things happening in your life, that sex drive is gradually building back up.
A small part of you is wishing that you’d gotten in a ‘quickie’ in the small space of 
‘Callie is sleeping’ time before you went to see the house. Granted, you also know that Joe isn’t a fan of quickies.
If he can’t have you for as long as he wants you, milking out at least 2 to 3 orgasms, he doesn’t want you at all. 
“Girl please, that man is like my brother. I don’t need the visuals.” She laughs, waving her hands in a “please shut up” manner. Giggling, you glance at the TV and see the blue lights flashing around the arena.
Sitting up and angling your body towards the back of the sofa, you make a sound when your chest presses against the cushion of the sofa. Your boobs have been weirdly tender too. Ignoring one of many annoying things about being a woman, you shout out, “Callie Bear! Daddy’s on TV!”
Callie runs in there faster than Usain Bolt, Ellie not too far behind. The girls plop on the living room floor, Callie’s eyes glued to the TV, not wanting to miss a second of it.
Your attention is also glued to the TV, but also elsewhere, even as your fine ass man talks his shit while looking so good doing so. 
You’ve learned a lot in the past week, been through a lot, but one of the major takeaways has been the importance of community. Of family. Alexis has transcended past best friend territory. A best friend doesn’t do what she did, doesn’t take the heat, even if she won’t feel said heat, the way that she did for you.
That’s something a sister would do. 
And while your heart swells at the notion of considering and seeing her as such, having that important conversation with her about what you want her to be in your life moving forward,, it’s also triggered another train of thought.
With change, comes friction, and while that friction can be uncomfortable, it can lead to something beautiful.
Look at you and Joe. Where you started, and where you are now. If you had to, you’d do it all again. It’s just all so worth it. 
So, you decide to pull out your phone as Callie goes crazy seeing Dwayne aka “cousin Maui!” appear on the screen and scroll to your earlier messages. Your thumb hovers over that thread, and there’s a brief moment of hesitation before you decide to power over fear and type out a message
You: hi, bianca. sorry for the delayed response, a lot has happened….  but you’re right. it can end with us. when’s a good time to call you? better yet, can we meet up?
You don’t even bother proofreading it before hitting send, not trusting yourself not to back out.
To say you feel 100% confident with your decision would be an absolute lie. You’re still wary about moving forward, but you owe it to yourself, and Callie, to try. From now on, you only want and need people in your life who want and deserve to be there.
And if…..and if your sister is included in that list, then you owe it to yourself to at least see what happens there.
This is a new season of your life, and you intend to embrace it for all it brings.
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azulock · 1 year
you know, I wanted to properly write something as the first thing to post on this blog but I've been starved of free time recently so have an exhibitionist Oli drabble thing. I love this garbage man
summary. just Oliver being a shameless pervert who likes sending nudes, just casually
pairing. Oliver Aiku x Reader
wordcount. roughly 1k
warnings. nsfw (minors back off)
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shameless Oliver Aiku who will send you a nude any time of the day if he can. without any warning what so ever. his excuses for sending the picture completely half assed. by this point you know not to open any image from him in public.
you are not even dating either, haven't even fucked. Oliver wanted, tho, and as far as he knew you did too. you met when he moved to Europe to play in the Ubers main team. you hit it off, exchanged messages but you were both always so damn busy. when you were free, he wasn't, it just never happened.
then you moved to another country. Oliver had to accept his luck was trash on this one. shit just never worked but you strangely kept in touch. texts ranging from funny to mundane to flirty with ease. it was entertaining at least. that's when he decided to try something.
it wasn't the first time he sent nudes. but it was the first time Oliver had sent a nude to someone he hadn't fucked before. someone he had no idea when (if) he even was gonna have a shot with again. but it could be something he does for fun. and to stroke his ego, of course.
he didn't straight up start with a nude, though. he worked his way up to that. first Oliver started with clothed but horny pictures. then he moved to the shirtless pictures. you had access to his instagram, so you were already used to his thirst traps, these steps were quick. then came the shirtless picture with a clear bulge.
honestly, that was pretty much gonna be the diving point. you could react badly and just cut him off then and there. he wouldn't be losing much - ok, he'd be losing something, you were pleasant to talk to, he'd come to enjoy your conversations. but he was already not expecting a big chance at a shot here. might as well have fun with it.
the first one Oliver sent you was after a training at his home gym - you seemed to like when he sent you a picture after training with the team, so it sounded like a safe bet. he was wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts, sitting on a bench before the mirror, sweat still clinging to his skin. one hand holding the phone while the other sat on top of his large thigh. right beside the long outline of his thick cock.
got some training done for the day
then it was a waiting game. tho, he didn't have to wait much. it didn't take even a full hour for you to respond.
nice shape. you got a gym at home or you just showing off to everyone? nah, got a gym at the apartment, I'm just showing off to you hmmmm an exclusive look. I like it ;)
now, that would do, that would do just fine. from then, it didn't take much for Oliver to grow bold. he went from shorts, to towel wrapped around his waist, and then to towel poorly held over his crotch with one hand. after that, of course, came the leap of faith.
wyd oliver you live on the other end of europe, no use wydoing me what? you think so lowly of me :'( can't I just wanna chat? when you lead with a wyd, no. what, you bored or something? yeah, been holed up indoors all day cause of a freak storm. world's falling over here oh poor oliver, the italian summer treating you badly? you afraid of a little rain? this ain't a little rain, this is a big ass storm. I'm gonna show it to ya
he sent you a short video, just a couple of seconds, enough to see a lighting strike crash somewhere off in the distance. the video was shot with the view of his floor to cieling window, from his 15th floor apartment. but aside from the storm raging outside there was the reflection of his bed on the window. and Oliver lying naked on it, lit only by the warm glow of his bedroom lamp, straining erection resting heavy on his lower abs.
as far as nudes go, that was a pretty damn good one, if Oliver could say so himself. pretty damn artistic even. he'd be praising himself for the rest of the month for thinking of using the reflection like that. damn smart of him.
well that sure does look pretty damn big and that storm is impressive too I guess
and that seals the deal, giving Oliver free range to be the shameless whore he is. after that he is fearless and far more obvious with the nudes he sends. not that he does it everyday, he doesn't want it to become boring, he knows the importance of balance - besides he does still enjoy just talking to you, it's just that now he got the added benefit of the ego boost every now and again. he likes showing off, you like seeing, what's the harm on that?
sure, he'd love to get you to send some nudes too - and the shameless bastard has asked for them before. but he gets why you wouldn't, Oliver isn't stupid. and having you praise his body is good enough. besides you give him the occasional thirst trap - nothing much riskier than the ones you post on instagram, but damn, it feels good getting sent them personally.
honestly, he likes this arrangement. sure he'd like to see more of your body but who knows, if he plays his cards right he might just get to see it up close at some point. but for now he keeps on sending nudes - happy with the freedom to indulge in his exhibitionist tendencies. and indulge Oliver does, already plotting a way to start sending you jerking off videos soon enough.
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callsign-muffin · 20 days
Heal Together: Chapter 4
(Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw fic)
This chapter came together super fast, I'm a little shocked! Next on my to do list is to make a masterlist, so that all parts are easily accessible. If time permits, I really want to make a playlist. I just love making playlists!
Word Count: 2.3k+
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Rooster finished his song behind the piano, surrounded by his friends who were all singing along. The whole bar burst into applause and cheers.
You clapped slowly, still staring in disbelief. He looked so great, so healthy, so… handsome.
Carly nudged you, snapping you out of your haze, “If you two don’t stop staring at each other and say ‘hello’, I’ll drag his ass over here!”
You shook your head, “I have a rule about seeing patients in the wild, I don’t acknowledge them unless they acknowledge me first.”
“But this former patient is sooooo hot!” Madi swooned.
Sam scanned the people surrounding Rooster at the piano, “And so are his friends…”
You and Bradley locked eyes again.
Hi. He mouthed to you.
Hey. You mouthed back.
A smile spread across his face and he slowly stood up from the piano bench, breezing past his friends, and swaggered towards you and the girls.
“Oh my god, he’s coming!” Sam squealed under her breath.
Carly shushed her, “Shut up and be cool!”
“What is my favorite nurse doing at my favorite bar?” Bradley posted up in front of you and winked.
You shifted your weight, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach, “The youngins on the unit bullied me into coming out.”
He looked over at them, “Oh hey, night nurse.”
Carly laughed, “Oh hey, night patient. Staying out of trouble?”
He shrugged, “I mean, I’d fuck around and get hospitalized if my favorite nurse was there to take care of me.”
“Please don’t do that, Bradshaw.” You rolled your eyes.
“I promise I’ll be good if you let me buy you a drink.” He smirked, glancing towards the bar.
Before you could argue, Carly answered for you, “She would love that! Thank you, Lt. Bradshaw.”
You turned and glared at her.
“Wanna lead the way?” Bradley suggested.
You pursed your lips, he was so cute! “Well alright!”
As you and Bradley walked away from the girls, you could feel them silently celebrating behind you.
“So are you chaperoning a field trip?” Bradley chuckled as the two of you stood outside on the deck that faced the beach. The only thing illuminating the dark sky was the moon and its reflection on the water.
You snorted, “Is it that obvious I’m the old lady?”
“Oh no, it’s obvious that those girls look like they just graduated high school.” He explained and looked over at you, “you look like a grown ass woman.”
“Nice save.” You softly punched his arm playfully, an electrical current ignited all throughout your body as soon as you touched him. Woah.
You wondered if Bradley could tell the feelings that just came over you, he was beaming at you. “It’s clear that they love and respect the shit outta you. Especially Carly, the child.”
You sputtered, “Oh my god, I forgot you called her that!”
He chuckled, “I still can’t believe she’s old enough to a be a nurse.”
“I can tell you this now since you’re no longer under her care,” you prefaced, “But she’s like brand new. She’s only been a nurse for like 3 months, she’s fresh off of her orientation. All those girls are.”
”And you’ve adopted them all?” He asked.
You shrugged, “They adopted me, more so. There’s a big culture of ‘nurses eat their young’. Basically meaning that like older nurses are really shitty to new nurses as a way of breaking them in and toughening them up.”
Bradley nodded, “Sounds familiar.”
“I, however, don’t agree with that.” You explained, “I think it instills insecurity with their skills and clinical judgment. It also makes them less likely to ask for help when they’re in over their heads. So I go out of my way to be a resource for these new nurses. And I’ve grown very fond of them in the process.”
He smiled, “Maybe if I had someone like you in the Navy, I’d be a colonel by now.”
“Maybe you could be that for someone else.” You suggested.
“ROOOOOOOOOSTERRRRRR!” Two tall, buff, tipsy men stood at the window calling for their friend.
He looked at them, then looked at you, “I think those idiots are beyond help.”
█ ✪ █▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█ ✪ █
Rooster and Y/N re-entered the bar to join his friends around the pool table.
“Hey guys, this is Y/N.” Bradley introduced her, “She was my nurse in the ICU.”
Phoenix's eyes widened, “Oh! The hot one?”
Y/N choked on your drink then looked up at Bradley, who was red as a lobster.
“Yes, Phoenix…” he sighed, “The best nurse I’ve ever seen do the damn job.”
Hangman sauntered up and held out his hand, “Name’s Hangman. How about you come take care of me, Honey?”
She couldn’t help but audibly gag, “That is the worst pick up line to ever use on a nurse, dude. Instant ick.”
Rooster smirked. She was smart, pretty, and completely saw through Hangman’s bullshit. What a woman.
“Hey, I’m Bob.” Bob greeted her, “Thanks so much for taking care of Rooster.”
“Of course, he was a wonderful patient.” She then looked up at Bradley again, “Why do they call you Rooster?”
“Cuz he’s got a big—“ Payback started to say but Bradley reached over and covered his mouth to shut him up.
“It’s my callsign, what I go by in the air as a pilot.” He explained, “We all have one. They’re given to us during training, usually it starts out as someone clowning you and it just sticks.”
She nodded, “Interesting… you’re more of a Bradley to me though.”
Eventually Carly, Sam, and Madi made their way over to the group of aviators as well. Hangman looked a little too excited to see three hot young things. He was starting to get real close and touchy with Madi.
“How old is she?” Rooster asked Carly.
“Twenty two.” Carly chirped.
He took his head and walked over to the flirty pair mumbling to himself, “Absolutely the fuck not.”
Y/N kind of loved that he was protective over the girls. “Glad he got in the middle of them before I had to.”
“It’s giving Mom and Dad.” Sam giggled.
She rolled your eyes, “It’s giving… you’re reading way too far into this.”
“Y/N, come get your patient!” Madi pouted walking back to the group with Rooster, “He’s a cock block.”
“They don’t call him Rooster for nothing.” Carly held up her drink, pretending to cheers.
“Ooooh, good one.” Phoenix prompted a high-five and Carly gladly accepted.
Y/N scooted in closer to Bradley when he stood beside her. He so desperately wanted to drape his arm around her shoulder, to make her feel as safe as she made him feel in the hospital. But he was… nervous. He didn’t want to scare away the angelic figure that he had been daydreaming about for the past two weeks. 
Somehow, Bradley ended the night with three drunk 22 year olds in the back of his vintage Bronco and Y/N in the front seat. 
“If one of them throws up in your car, I’ll pay for it to be cleaned.” She whispered to him.
He scoffed, “No, need to worry about it. It wouldn’t be the first time these seats have been christened with vomit.”
She looked back at the girls, still with a concerned look on her face as they giggled and slurred.
He placed his hand over hers and a surge of electricity shot through his entire body.
Y/N then looked over at him and gave him a soft smile, “Thank you for staying sober enough to drive.”
Bradley winked, “I was planning on it, wouldn’t have driven myself to the bar if I was planning on having more than a beer or two.”
“I guess DUIs are probably frowned upon in the Navy.” 
He chuckled, “I mean yes, but many seamen straight outta boot camp still get them… it’s a lot of fucking paperwork.”
“Y/N… he said semen!” Sam leaned forward in her seat and giggled, making all three young girls burst into hysterical laughter.
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle too, though she tried to hide it. 
Rooster couldn’t help but smile to himself as he turned into the parking lot of the apartment complex that your phone was navigating him to. 
“This is you girls.” Rooster looked back at the silly trio, “You all roommates?”
Carly shook her head, “Noooo, we’re having a sleepover!”
“Ooh, very nice.” He nodded, trying not to laugh at the girls too much as they stumbled out of the truck.
Sam straightened herself up at waved to Bradley from the curb, “Thanks Dad!”
“Thanks Dad!” The other two echoed, making Bradley laugh. 
Y/N shooed them away, “Go to bed! Maybe give each other IVs in the morning if you feel bad.”
The girls stumbled into the building, “Okay Mom!”
She watched them and made sure they were safely inside before turning back to Bradley, “Sorry about them.”
He waved it off, “They’re a trip, I’m happy to be able to help you get them home safely.”
“May I?” She reached for the AUX cord that was hooked up to the updated radio system. It juxtaposed the vintage feel of the rest of the Bronco, but it was a necessity for Bradley to easily jam out.
“Be my guest.” 
“What do you like to listen to?”
He looked over at her and smirked, “is it too ironic for me to say Dad Rock?”
She burst into laughter. Oh god, how Bradley’s heart soared when he heard that beautiful sound. Once she caught her breath, Y/N plugged in her phone. “Have I got the playlist for you!”
The intro to Up Around the Bend by Creedence Clearwater Revival started to play through his speakers.
“Oh hell yeah!” He bobbed his head to the beat and turned up the volume, “I love CCR!”
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Bradley drummed his palms against the steering wheel to the beat of And She Was by Talking Heads as he pulled up in front of your apartment. He idled there for a moment before shifting into park.
You sighed… This is so inappropriate. But you desperately wanted to shoot your shot…
He looked over at her, “I just… I can’t believe I saw you again… It doesn’t feel real.”
“Do you wanna come inside?” You blurted out, possibly a little too loud.
He perked up, completely surprised. “Uh yeah. Yeah! I would love to!” He shifted his car into drive and found a guest parking space for the Bronco.
You started to reach for your door handle but Bradley stopped you, “Don’t you dare touch that door.”
You blushed, remembering how he scolded you earlier in the parking lot of the Hard Deck for the same thing.
He got out of the car, walked around to your door, and opened it for you.
“An officer and a gentleman.” You winked at him as you climbed out.
He offered you a hand for assistance, “Now you’re gettin’ it.”
You accepted, placing your hand in his— again that feeling of electricity jolted through you.
He gestured for you to walk ahead of him, “Lead the way.”
You began to ramble as the two of you walked to your building, “So I’m not much of a beer drinker but I do have seltzers, wine, liquor, and all kinds of mixers. Don’t feel like you have to take anything if you don’t want it though. I can also put a pizza in the oven—“
You were interrupted by a large hand on your shoulder, again with the electric feeling. 
“That all sounds wonderful.” Bradley said sweetly, “Please don’t make a fuss over me.”
You sighed, “Sorry, can’t help it. I get nervous.”
“You don’t need to be nervous with me.” 
“So was I correct in hearing that you told the girls to do IVs on each other in the morning?” Bradley questioned polishing off the last sip of his glass of wine.
You promptly refilled his glass and your own, finishing the bottle you opened together. “You are correct.”
“What the fuck?” He was absolutely tipsy now.
“Obviously we don’t do it often,” you explained, “But after a night out, you feel crappy and dehydrated… give yourself a bag of IV fluid and you’re golden for the day. Nurses have actually made businesses out of going to people’s houses and giving them.”
Rooster was so shook by the information he was receiving, “Where do you get the stuff?!”
“I’ve collected some from hospitals over my time working there. As I said, I don’t do it often but… it’s nice to have on hand.” You shrugged.
He smirked, “What are the odds I can get you to give me an IV sometime?”
You laughed, “Bradshaw, I gave you tons of IV fluids two weeks ago!”
“That’s different, I was a patient!” He sipped his wine, “That’s not as fun as getting drunk and having one the next morning.”
You scanned his arms, “I mean… ya do have some great veins.”
He looked down at his arms, “I have never had anyone tell me that before, especially not so sensually.”
You burst out laughing, “Sorry! Good veins are like Nurse Porn. We love them.”
Bradley shook his head, “The more I learn about this profession, the weirder it gets. First you’re telling me about older nurses eating their young; now you’re telling me you all are into vein porn!”
Your laughing continued until your stomach started to hurt. It has been a really long time since you laughed this hard. You looked over and caught him smiling at you, “What?”
“You have a great laugh,” he explained, “I remember the first time I heard it. You were talking to me while I was intubated and drugged up.”
“You remember that?” You asked in disbelief.
He nodded, “How could I forget the first time I felt human in that place?”
You placed your hand over his, this time instead of electricity, there was a wave of calm with your touch. 
He turned his hand so that his palm was up and holding yours, “You made me feel like I could actually get better.”
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heyhihellosworld · 2 years
𝗛𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁!
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Pt 2 Pt 3
Mason Mount x reader
Word count: 4.5k, this is the longest one i've written so far
Summary: A quick bathroom fuck never hurt no one. Right?
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
Notes: Had fun writing this but didn't quite turn out the way I wanted. Plus I can't write Jack's accent so just pretend it's his talking lol and also smut is really hard to write so sorry for it, just couldn't skip it
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"Oh my" you sighed, shaking your head at your brother. You were sprawled out on the couch, listening to Jack who hadn't stopped ranting for the last thirty minutes.
"Jack, come on man" you laughed, flicking his forehead with your fingers and ignoring his grimace. "I know what to do, I have been to games before. I won't go outside the box in game-time and I will see you later on" you summarized his rant with a pointed expression.
"I know you have, it's just... It was a long time ago and I just want ya to be safe" he sighed, standing up and heading to the kitchen, filling a bottle with water. "And you forgot one thing"
You scoffed at him, leaning your head back against the couch with a sarcastic chuckle "Oh wow, I'm so sorry how could I forget"
"Don't apricate the tone"
You laughed for real this time, meeting his playful eyes from across the room "I won't fuck any of your teammates Jack"
He hummed in appreciation of your words but couldn't help but fill in "any footballers"
"I won't fuck your teammats Jack" you declared, making him grunt "what, no no, no footballers" "That's mean!" you argued but he shook his head
You raised your eyebrows at him in a daring way "Either way you agree with no teammates or I will fuck all of your teammates" you threatened halfheartedly, eyes narrowing at his face.
"Fine" he sighed, giving up. It wasn't like you planned on fucking any of them, at least not tonight but you still felt good having won that small battle.
"Okay well are you ready?" he asked, making you jerk your head up from the couch "What? But it's like three hours to the game" you protested, not being ready at all.
"Well yeah, but if you wanna go you need to go with me and I have to be there in twenty minutes" "Why can't I just take an uber?" you questioned but stood up anyway, you knew this was a battle he would win and you were not ready to go yet. "No, just go get ready" Jack chuckled as you sprinted up the stair of his house. You had moved in with your brother a few days ago after having come home from studying in France for the last three years.
You had always been close, it only being three years between the two of you meant you had grown up really close. So when you announced you wanted to move back to England this year he had opened his home for you immediately, pleading you to live with him rather than your parents until you found a job and arranged a living on your own.
You sprinted to the bathroom, brushing your hair and whipping up some mascara before changing into a simple outfit, a hoodie and jeans since you were gonna wear his shirt later on anyways. Since Jack was always late so you didn't hurry your ass too much but took your time.
When you emerged from the stairs fifteen minutes later he was sprawled out on the couch smiling as you walked towards him, standing up and giving you a side hug. "I really missed you ya know" he hummed a smile taking over your face "well I have missed you to Jack"
He messed your hair around in a loving manner before you both tied your shoes and made your way to his car. He lived close to the arena and considering it was a home game it was only a fifteen minutes drive.
"I bet you'll start on the bench if you'r late" you hummed jokingly "nah, not when I got you with me" Jack grinned "Plus I warned them about it yesterday so don't worry, you won't miss me on the pitch, you will get to live your dream"
You smiled at him, "wow, how nice"
He grinned back at you, he looked just the same he had always done, of course he looked a lil more mature and manly then when he was a kid but not much had changed. He had the same strong face, same long stroppy hair and the same humor and personality. Never failing to make you smile.
"So, what will I do for five hours?" Jack shrugged "I don't know, entertain yourself"
"Are you gonna leave me on a bench?" you joked dramatically but when he shrugged you gasped "Jack Peter Grealish you are not leaving me like that!"
"Don't middle name me"
"Well don't leave me on a bench for five hours then!"
"I haven't done anything yet! We are in the car for fucks sake"
"Okay okay" you giggled "I'm gonna follow you around"
"You can not follow me into the changing room"
"Well fine, I can understand that but otherwise"
"Yeah, yeah, just don't get on ma nerves" he grunted, already regretting talking you into going with him.
"As you bed you lay" you grinned, messing his hair up to his dismay, grimace spreading over his features as he tried to fix his looks before you rolled up to the parking lot. There were already a couple of fans outside, wanting to talk to Jack and he was nice enough to wave his window down, sign some shirts and talk a little to the fans before excusing himself and driving into the private part of the park.
"Okay, behave now" he scolded playfully, your eyes rolling at his manner. "Oi! I saw that!"
You rolled your eyes again with a smile on your lips, ignoring his yelp and climbing out of the car. "Just go in Jack"
You walked after him into the building, he had a meet up with the team and then they walked to the pitch. It wasn't actually five hours but more like two-three hours until kickoff.
You didn't want to actually hang off him all day because you knew he needed to get into his mood as well so you opted to go directly to the arena and climbed up in the middle of the stand. It had been a long time since you were there last. You had grown up with the same passion for football as your brother but had never acted on it. You loved it but you didn't want it to be your job, only your hobby.
You had stopped playing as a teen and then opted to play only for fun in the garden with Jack or someone else when the opportunity came up. Even though you hadn't been here and watched his games you hadn't missed a single one of his since you moved. But you had to admit that sitting here beat the couch. Even empty the atmosphere was awesome.
You studied the players as they walked onto the pitch. It was an awesome game today, City against Chelsea. You didn't know that many players outside of City but Chelsea were a good team that you knew. Plus you had always had an extra eye for a few players at Chelsea.
Soon the players started to tumble onto the pitch. You spotted Jack walking with Phil, humming along each other and laughing, probably a stupid joke of Jack's.
Your air-pods buzzed by the sounds of your playlist whilst you just observed. Soon dark blue clothed players started to come onto the pitch as well, greeting some of the city players before focusing.
You let your eyes fleet around, naming the players you knew by name which was close to everyone. You knew a few of them personally but it was mostly Villa players you had met.
Suddenly your eyes stuck on one of the Chelsea players. He stuck out to you, not because he looked special or weird he just... stuck out. He had headphones on and looked really into his zone. Fair brown fluffy hair stuck out messily around the headphones and he had a slight scruff covering his chin. He was more than handsome.
Your eyes followed him around as he walked, stopping after a while to talk to Jack and a few other City players. You couldn't put a name to his face.
The idea of asking Jack about him traveled into your mind but you quickly waved the idea out of your head. He would never tell you if he got the impression you thought he was good looking.
As you stared at his movements he suddenly looked up at you, meeting your eyes with a concentrated look. You froze in your seat, shit had he noticed you staring. You tried to play it off but didn't move your eyes from him, mirroring the grin he gave you as he had spotted you.
His tongue poked out from the side of his mouth, swiping over his bottomlip before he followed his teammates off the pitch and back down the tunnel.
"Hey, you fell asleep?"
Your head snapped around to the tunnel where Jack's head poked out. "No no, just calm here" you hummed
Jack chuckled, nodding. Okay I just wanted to check on you, people are starting to come now so get away from there. We will start warming up in ten"
You nodded, walking down from the stand and into the tunnel where they were already preparing for the public. You squeezed yourself past and walked with Jack into the tunnel. "Hey, can I get coffee?" you pulled your cutest face, blinking at him while he rolled his eyes. "Sure, let me just check they are all dressed" he grunted, leaving you in the stairs. "Fine, come in" Jack gruffed, holding the door open for you into the city area of the building.
You waved trough the opening at the players who all greeted you back before taking a cup and making yourself some coffee while Jack looked at you with crossed arms. You weren't new to his teammates. During your French years you had been home to visit and met most of them. It had become known that where Jack went you went too. He was protective and always wanted to have you under his sight when there were a lot of people around.
"So, in ten minutes it's warm up so you gotta get to the box and please-" "I won't leave the box Jack" you sighed, rolling your eyes. "Calm down, It'll be fine"
"Little Grealish" John grinned, cutting off your conversation with Jack as he engulfed you in a hug "ah hi Stones, how are ya?"
"All good, what about you? Haven't seen you for a long time"
"I'm all good" you smiled "Jack said you moved back here?"
You nodded, sipping your coffee "Yeah, earlier this week, I finished my studies so it felt like the right decision"
"Well that's really nice, maybe I will see you around a little more than?" he grinned making Jack cough beside you "Yeah you sure will" you smiled, not missing the wink he threw you before going back to his seat.
"No" Jack grunted before you had even had the time to look at him. Laughter spilled out of your mouth before you could stop it "What"
"No, not gonna happen he is old plus he is my teammate"
You chuckled, leaning against his side "Don't worry Jack, I'm not into Stones, plus he has a girlfriend"
"Didn't seem to stop him" he grunted "Maybe not but it stops me. You don't have to be so tense Jack. I can take care of myself and I won't sleep with your teammates, I promised"
"Okay, Okay" he sighed, giving up on the argument. "Anyway, I'm just gonna fill this up and then i'll go. Good luck" you smiled, kissing his cheek before shouting a collective good luck and moving to your seat.
It was packed in the stadium already, people bussing for an hopefully exciting game. You smiled as you saw him jog up the pitch in his light blue set. Hair flopping as he ran. But soon your eyes changed direction as dark blue clothed men started to jog into the other half of the pitch.
Your eyes immediately found him, he looked ridiculously hot in his set, hair flopping a little and tongue again poking out from his lips. You noticed he was popular by the way the arena started buzzing as he did something towards them but yet you couldn't put your finger on who he was. You followed City and some national teams but not more than that. It was what you had time for.
The whole game your eyes seemed to fleet back to the brunette. He played really well and you caught yourself cheering when he scored a goal. Stopping quickly as you realized your betrayal.
Jack played really good too, creating a lot on his side and almost scoring a goal.
When the final whistle blew it was 3-2 to City and you cheered as the team waved up to the stands, clapping their hands to thank the public. You quickly slipped down to Jack again, just as he had told you too. All players had gone into the changing rooms so you sat down on the top of the stairs. Resting your back against the wall.
You were kinda tired, it had been an early morning and there was always a lot of tension and excitement during the game, a tension that was let off and left tiredness.
You went on your phone, sighing at all the notifications and shutting it again.
"Are you lost?"
You flinched, almost losing balance at the voice. Your head almost snapped off as you looked at the man who stood on the top of the stairs, looking down at you with a small smirk.
You felt your face heat up as you saw the familiar face of the handsome Chelsea player. "Ah, no" you said, your voice coming out choked and hurried. You cursed yourself, forcing yourself to calm down and act cool despite how ridiculously hot this man was.
"Really because usually fans aren't allowed to be here, how did you even get here?" "Ah you know I just climbed over the wall" you said in ironic voice, loving the smile that lit up his face
"So noticing tre sarcasm I'm guessing you're allowed here"
"Yeah" you breathed "My brother is playing on the team" you clarified making him hum in recognition "I see, i'm guessing city?" he grinned, looking down at your light blue shirt you had pulled on over your hoodie. "Yeah"
"Mase come on man!"
Mason looked back over his shoulder where one of his teammates shouted after him "Ah shit, I need to go. Pleasure to meet you..." "y/n"
"Ah, Mason" he greeted, shaking your hand awkwardly as you chuckled "MASON!"
"I'm coming!"
He bid farewell, jogging out the tunnel to grab something before winking at you as he went past up the stairs and into the changing room again.
You felt as if your whole body flushed as you looked after him, shaking your head at how you were acting. He was a normal human being for fucks sake. Just ridiculously gorgeous.
"Ah there you are" Jack grinned as he walked out into the hall, grinning widely, his hair all dripping wet. "Congratulations" you grinned, hugging him shortly before pulling off, not wanting to get soaked by him. "Thanks" he grinned with his characteristic smile.
"I'm just gonna go get changed then we're gonna go out for a couple of drinks. I can drop you off if you don't wanna go" "Nah, it sounds fun" you assured, meeting his smile as he slipped inside the changingroom again.
The club was packed. Sure it was starting to get into evening time but still, pretty early to get to the club in your opinion. Jack had taken you to a McDonald's after whining you were hungry but he had refused to go home so you could change but after downing your meal you were pretty happy regardless.
It was nice in the club, you talked a little amongst his teammates, drank a little until the clock turned to a more decent time where you began drinking for real. The club started getting busier and more and more alcohol went down your throat. Jack was somewhere unknown so you entertained yourself with Ruben. Someone you'd always found ridiculously attractive but you never acted on it, you wouldn't today either but a lil flirting and teasing didn't hurt.
After a little while you excused yourself to the bar, pushing through a lot of bodies to get to the front. You got your drink and turned around with a sigh, leaning against the side of the bar while sipping on it.
"Did someone ditch you here?"
Your eyes flickered up at the voice you somehow remembered it but couldn't place it until you saw that face again, Mason.
You couldn't hide the grin that spread on your face upon seeing him again, grinning lazily at him. "Hello Mason" you smiled
"No one ditched me, I just wanted some more alcohol" you answered, swirling your glass in front of him whilst he hummed.
"What are you doing here?" you questioned, looking over his shoulder to see if any other Chelsea players were there as well but you couldn't recognize anyone.
"Stones told me they were going and I thought why not, it's not too often i'm in manchester" he answered your question. You nodded in understanding, not really clicking it all together.
"So, what did you think of the game?" "Ah really good, good goal too" you hummed, looking into his brown eyes. He looked so good it felt cruel. He had changed into a simple white tee and dark jeans, his hair still visibly dampened but still styled. You let your tongue swipe over your bottom lip whilst keeping eye contact with him seeing his adam-apple bobble as he swallowed.
"Are you drunk?" he questioned making you chuckle "Nah" you grinned, standing up from the leant back position and downing the remainants of your drink before walking past him, grabbing his arm on the way and pulling him out on the floor.
You began dancing in front of his hungry eyes, the alcohol giving you a lot of confidence. He was as tipsy as you were soon joining you by grabbing your hips, looking intently into your eyes as you smirked, grinding into him more and more for every song.
The heat between you was too much, you couldn't miss it and you couldn't miss the way you felt his hardness through his jeans nor the way he did not so subtle ground into your ass every chance he got.
"I would ask you to go home with me but i'm sleeping at a friends" he revealed making you pout your lips in thought. You couldn't take him home to Jack's, not a chance but you couldn't not fuck him either. Your need for him was too much.
Your eyes lit up as you came up with a solution, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the bathroom.
He chuckled as you locked the door to one of them. "Really?" he laughed, "Well if you don't wanna fuck me-"
He shut you up by kissing you. His lips hungrily meet yours in a mess of teeth and tongue. You knew it was gonna be a messy and hurried fuck but it was all you needed right now. His hands roamed your body, squeezing your figure and feeling you up desperately.
Your hands tangled in his hair, tugging at it slightly as he let out small breathy noises at the contact. Your hands traveled under his t-shirt groaning as you felt his abs under your fingertips.
He broke the kiss only to tug his t-shirt over his head, his hands pushing up your own hoodie to grasp at your breasts. He walked you backwards, hoisting you up on the counter, your head leaning against the mirror as he hungrily kissed up your neck and over your jaw. "You're so sexy" he grunted, leaving a trail of kisses down your throat and up to your jaw again, kissing you hungrily.
You were the one who broke the kiss, grasping at his jeans to hurry things up a little. Let's face it, you were in a public bathroom.
"Okay okay" he chuckled, undoing your pants first before chucking them down your legs and letting them pool on the floor.
His hand moved like on instinct to your pussy, rubbing your clit over the flimsy material. You groaned, tilting your head back, closing your eyes in content. Finally getting what you wanted.
"Hm, that feels good?" he hummed, tone almost lingering on mocking. "Mhm" you moaned, looking at him with warning eyes which he just waved off with a chuckle. You were just about to say something when he gripped your underwear, pulling them off and throwing them next to your jeans.
His fingers created path between your fold, going up and down before two of them slid inside of you. You bit your lip to prevent the moan as he slowly started to move them, hooking them slowly and teasingly against your spot.
"Oh fuck" you groaned, breathing heavily against his ear and eyes threatening to close of pleasure.
Your hand made its way to his jeans, unbuttoning the button and pushing your hand down inside, palming his already hard dick through his boxers. He breathed out a heavy breath, eyelids getting heavy at the relief.
You pushed his underwear off as far as necessary and continued to stroke him, finding it satisfactory how he looked and breathed when you did. He however soon found it necessary to stop you before he would be cumming in your hand.
"Okay, okay" he breathed, pushing your hand away from him. He continued to flick his fingers inside of you a few more times before pulling them out. He pushed the digits into his mouth making you moan at the sight.
He pulled his digits out, chuckling at your reaction with gleeful eyes. His fingers softly brushed a couple of hair strands out of your face as his lips met yours again, this time much softer but still hungry and needy.
You lifted your hips slightly, hurrying him up. He got your signal, grabbing your hips while guiding himself to your opening just as eager as you were.
You couldn't help the moan that left your throat as he pushed in slowly. Your head fell back as your eyes fell closed at the stretch.
"Fuck" you breathed, gripping the edge of the counter harshly, your hips moving on their own to ger yourself used to the feeling of him.
He began slowly, easing you both into it. The alcohol making you both careless and needy, just wanting some sloppy club-bathroom sex.
He soon began to go faster, moving your hips to meet his thrusts, his dick hitting all the perfect spots inside of you with the position you were in. The pace getting more and more desperate for every thrust. "Ah fuck Mason" you groaned, trying to keep your eyes open to watch his reaction as he continued to thrust.
His eyes sparkled in the dim light and his mouth was half-open. Small pants coming out whenever he bottomed out inside of you. He watched your body move, watching how his dick repeatably disappeared inside of you, he watched as your breasts moved and how you bit your lip to not let out the loud moans you had on your tongue.
"Yeah? Feel good?" he hummed, looking cocky at your reactions to his actions. You nodded, not having the energy to put him in his place right now. "Yeah?" he pressed making you roll your eyes "Just shut up and fuck me" you grunted not missing the cocky smile he gave you as he picked up his speed further, thrusting harder into you.
The sound of your skin meeting was loud and you were almost scared someone would hear from outside of the bathroom. You tried to keep your moans in, biting your lip and when it became too much you leaned forward, bracing yourself on his shoulder as you bit the skin where his shoulder and neck met. He let out a slight whine at the mark only speeding up his movements.
"I'm close" he grunted, giving you a heads up. You nodded, kissing up his shoulder and neck while you let one of your hands move between you, rubbing tight circles on your clit. You could feel it building in your lower stomach, on the edge of bursting already. Your head felt dizzy and your eyes rolled at the extra stimulation.
"I'm gonna cum" you warned, rutting your hips against him as he groaned, silencing both of you with a kiss, each of you swallowing the others moans as you came down from your highs. You felt almost high, your eyes squeezing close and a lazy smile on your face. You could feel his legs and tummy clench as he came inside of you. Only then did it occur to you that you hadn't used a condom.
Mason seemed to realize the same thing, looking at you and blinking slowly "Did I just cum inside of you?"
You chuckled, leaning your head back against the mirror "It seems like it"
"Oh shit, I'm sorry-"
"I am on the pill, it should be fine" you dismissed, patting his shoulder reassuringly whilst he nodded at you, relief filling his eyes.
He slowly moved to slip out of you resting his forehead on your shoulder while you both tried to regain your breaths. "Maybe we should get out of here" you whispered, letting your lips ghost over his.
He nodded, meeting your eyes with a sweet smile before kissing you slowly, his tongue sweetly intertwining with yours.
When you parted you reached out to grab some paper towels from beside you, cleaning yourself up as he did the same.
He handed you your clothes and you quickly fixed yourself up, untangling your hair with your fingers before you nodded at him.
You stood up from the counter, buttoning your jeans before unlocking the door.
You stopped in your tracks seeing Jack casually leaned back against the wall as if he was waiting for you "Hey, there ya are, I thought you had drunken too much" he grinned
"I-uh" you stuttered, wincing as you felt Mason press into your back, his face snapping up as he saw that you were talking to someone.
Jack's mouth fell open, eyes fleeting between the two of you before he opened his mouth
"Hey! We said no teammates!" he exclaimed, looking at you accusingly.
"He is not your teammate!" You defended looking stroppily at him
"Yes he is!" "What, no he is in Chelsea!" You uttered in confusion. "England y/n, he is in England" Jack spoke calmly, his voice flat as he looked at you.
"Oh fuck"
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1-800-hwahui · 2 years
three men and a slut
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member  |  seungcheol x vernon x chan x fem reader genre  |  smut word count  |  ~2,700 warnings  |  foursome, car sex, dom!cheol, sub!vernon, sub!chan, switch!reader, pet names (princess, puppy, baby, good girl), name calling (slut, whore), possessive cheol, fingering, oral (m receiving), exhibitionism, voyeurism, humiliation, degradation, a little manhandling, some choking, a teeny bit of objectification ?, masturbation (m), creampie (they don't discuss birth control so BE SAFE), no mentions of alcohol but it's kinda implied they're a little tipsy, they're still aware enough to consent though!!, there's no clear relationships but it's mentioned that cheol & reader used to hook up, this is just really rough and nasty car sex, if i missed any please lmk! notes  |  lowercase intended. this is technically the first threesome (well- foursome) i've written so feedback would be really helpful! also i don't usually write sub!idol just bc i personally am not experienced being a dom so that's why i usually write sub!reader, but for this i wanted to try writing it :) also don't laugh at my title i think i'm very clever and funny. this is written completely targeted at @duhnova i hope you suffer (lovingly) merry christmas heathen <3 please note since this was written with nova in mind it may have some things that not everybody enjoys so don't feel obligated to read if it's not something you're into! everybody has different tastes. for those that read it, i hope you like it hehe - 💒 june
minors dni - you will be blocked.
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“chan will be here– soon,” you call behind you, stumbling over a crack in the sidewalk as you walk to go sit at a bench outside the club. 
vernon follows behind you, his jacket slung over his shoulder. “are you… coming back to my place?”
“mhm!” you giggle, sloppily pressing your lips against his. your tongue delves into his mouth as he whimpers, his hands falling to your hips and squeezing, pulling you against him so you can feel he's already half hard.
with public indecency charges the furthest thing from your mind, you’re almost considering undressing him right here and now, until a pair of bright white lights engulfs you and a shrill honk sounds behind you.
reluctantly you pull away from vernon, and he quickly reaches out to wipe the little bit of drool from your mouth as you turn towards the black suv.
“hiii, channie!” you sing out as you fling open the back door, vernon teetering after you.
he smiles, calling your name. "so where am i taking you now? your house, or vernon's?"
"mine," vernon says, helping you into the car with a grin before sliding into the passenger seat himself.
the drive starts out fine. until you look up at vernon in the front seat, hooded eyes watching the streetlights go by, and you begin thinking to yourself how pretty his face would be when you sit on his cock.
so you tell him so.
"you wanna… what?" he says, turning around in his seat to face you, his cheeks dusted with pink.
"well, it's not like i haven't before," you frown, scooching to the edge of your seat so you can lean forward to hear him better.
vernon sighs. "not in front of chan, though."
“you know i can hear you guys, right? i’m literally right here,” chan mutters, his eyes glued to the road. “now sit back in the seat and put your seatbelt on, or i’ll pull over.”
“well, you can join,” you sulk, but you slide back into the seat. “you don’t have to be so grouchy about it. do you want me to suck your dick? you probably have a really nice dick, too, would probably fit so nice in my mouth."
vernon whines about something in the front seat, but you can’t hear him, so you lean forward again to hear him. chan sees you out of the corner of his eye and glares at you, turning off at the next freeway exit and pulling into the first empty parking lot.
“can you just– do whatever it is you need to do so i can take you home safely?” he asks, exasperated.
“sure, if you don’t mind watching. or participating,” you say, already climbing up over the center console to sit yourself on vernon’s lap before chan can say anything.
you’re already starting to grind down onto him, but vernon stills your hips and looks over at chan, then back at you. “baby, we can wait til we get back home. don't make him watch if he doesn't want to."
you pout. “no, i want him to watch,” you whine, sliding your hands along vernon’s arms. “want him to see how good you make me feel.”
you look at vernon, and vernon looks over at chan. he coughs awkwardly, his face a bright shade of red that's only half visible in the moonlight. "i… never said i didn't wanna watch," he says finally.
"see! told you," you tell vernon, smacking his shoulder lightly. 
you turn back to face them, both their eyes watching you intently.
"so. who wants to do what first?"
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while you’ve been caught up with the two men in the car with you, at the other end of the parking lot, seungcheol is just locking up at his closing shift.
the lot is empty, except for one car a few rows down from his, which is… odd, considering it’s after three in the morning. and when he looks closer, he notices they’ve got their hazard lights on. 
so of course, he can’t just leave without checking it out. somebody might be in trouble.
and somebody is in trouble. you, for cumming without permission, as vernon’s fingers are deep inside your cunt and you lean across the seat to bob your head up and down on chan’s lap.
“can feel you throbbing on my fingers,” vernon moans. he leans his head forward to kiss your hip, but it quickly turns into a bite, his teeth skimming over your ass as he sucks deep bruises into your skin. 
seungcheol is just about to knock on the window and ask if whoever’s inside needs help, when his jaw falls open at the sight in front of him. oh, the way his eyes go wide when he sees your ass, plastered against the passenger side window, your dripping pussy spread open on display with vernon’s fingers shoved into you for anyone who might walk by to see; your pretty lips wrapped around the driver’s girthy cock, spit pooling around the base of it from how hard you’re sucking.
you’re all so consumed with each other, drinking in how pretty you all look all fucked out already, that you don’t even notice your friend watching until vernon moans, rolling his head to the side and seeing seungcheol standing outside, face contorted with emotion.
vernon leans over to tap your shoulder to get your attention, then motions to the window, finally sliding his fingers out of you and wiping your wetness on your breasts.
you turn around, drool trickling from the corners of your mouth as you wipe your hand across your face, smearing it across your chin. you break into a grin and sit back onto vernon’s lap, reaching behind you to open his door. “hi, cheollie.”
chan looks up, breathing heavily as he struggles to recover from the feeling of your perfect, wet little mouth on him. “yo-you know him?” he pants.
“we… used to hook up,” seungcheol says, and if you weren’t so distracted by a million other things you might have noticed the cold tone to his voice. “looks like you’ve moved on, huh, princess?”
“and what if i have?” you giggle, raising an eyebrow daringly.
he tsks, his features morphing into a look you know all too well. “if i’d have known i’d see you tonight, i would’ve brought your collar, puppy,” he says with a sly grin that has vernon and chan’s mouths falling open in shock.
you sit back, placing your hands on vernon's chest. "well, you can join in, too. don't be a brat now, cheollie."
he scoffs. "princess, i think the only brat here is you."
you roll your eyes and point to the back door as you wrap your hand around vernon's cock, slowly beginning to move up and down. "door's unlocked. take it or leave it."
seungcheol just smirks, taking off his jacket and yanking open the door to slide into the backseat.
vernon whimpers as you curl your hand around him, the tips of your manicured nails gently scraping down his length as he bucks up into your hand.
you bring your other hand up to his cheek to kiss him. "you're the lucky one tonight, darling," you tell him. "you get to fuck me."
he groans, and he swears he'll cum on the spot, but then you're sinking down onto his cock and the car fills with his pretty sounds.
as he starts to find a rhythm, you lean back over and reattach your mouth to chan’s cock, painfully hard from so much happening all at once. precum drools from his tip, red and throbbing, and he sighs in relief when you finally begin to swirl your tongue around him.
cheol positions himself in the backseat, muscular legs spread wide as he watches three pretty little sluts whining in the front seat.
he's fine with sitting back and observing for now. he's fucked you enough times, had you in so many positions before, that it's almost nice to have the chance to see someone else ruin you.
but of course, both you and he know that no one makes you cum like he does; even these two cute men you have fawning over you every move, they can't make you scream their names like you would his.
so for now he sits back, patiently waiting for his turn, so he can show these two what it really means to give someone pleasure.
"i'm so close, bab–princess," vernon moans, correcting himself automatically after hearing the names seungcheol called you by earlier.
you clench around him, not used to hearing the familiar word on his lips.
"please, m'bout to cum, can i…" he pants, "…inside? please, i–"
the deep, stern voice that comes from the backseat is so unexpected, vernon's hips stutter, his orgasm falling away in a matter of seconds.
"you don't get to cum inside," cheol says, finally moving to unbuckle his pants and slip them onto the floor. "that's my job, and my job only." his hard cock slaps against his stomach, aching at the feeling of finally being freed from his pants.
"come on back here, slut," he says gruffly, motioning with two fingers. the same fingers you've had stuffed in your mouth, your cunt, every one of your holes, and that you can't help but imagine cumming on again– even after you've cum so many times already.
you whine but you comply, lifting your hips and letting vernon's cock slip out of you as he lets out a long, low groan.
he twists around in his seat, watching you climb back into the backseat.
"well, what are we supposed to do now?" he whines, gripping his cock with one hand.
"watch," seungcheol barks out, and to your surprise, vernon obeys, sitting back in his seat without complaining, his neck craned behind him to see what you're doing.
cheol grabs you by your shoulders and manhandles you into the seat on all fours, one hand wrapped around the back of your neck.
you wiggle your ass and he gives it a smack, so loud it cuts through the air.
"you ready, little brat?" he growls, rubbing at your skin where his slap left a mark.
"ple-ase?" you whimper, exaggerating the word. it's nowhere near as much begging as he'd usually require, but he's still a guest in this car, so he lets it go. if you ever call him for another late-night fuck, he'll be sure to make you beg twice as hard to make up for it then.
with one hand still grasping your neck, he uses his other hand to line himself up with you, finally pushing into you and bottoming out with one thrust.
he laughs at the way you whine, your hands gripping onto the edge of the seat. "forgotten what it's like to have a real cock in you, hm?" he teases.
you vaguely register vernon whimpering from the front seat, and out of the corner of your eye you can see his hand jerking up and down rapidly, no doubt building himself back up to the orgasm that cheol ruined just minutes ago.
cheol doesn't move, so you begin pushing your hips back against his, setting your own pace as he simply sits there, letting you fuck yourself on him.
but, as you're used to with him, he only allows you to do this for a minute or two before he's gripping your neck more tightly and thrusting into you.
you yelp at the sudden change of pace, your head falling forward as you hang onto the seat beneath you for dear life.
"you like it like this, don't you?" he groans, his hips slamming against yours so hard you're sure they'll leave your ass bruised when he’s finished. "my little whore, so greedy for a nice, thick cock, you'll do anything, won't you?"
you know he's expecting an answer, but his brutal pace barely allows you time to breathe, let alone speak. so all you can do is whimper in agreement, trying your best to nod but getting lost in the motion of his perfectly angled thrusts that have your knees shaking.
"three of us here with our own personal slut, to use however we want," he continues, giving your ass another hard slap that makes you clench around him.
with quite a bit of effort, you manage to lift your head to see how your other partners are doing.
vernon is still turned around, intensely focused on watching you, and he still has his hand around his cock, pumping furiously. his eyes dart back and forth between your cunt, where cheol is relentlessly fucking into you, and your face, where your features are probably scrunched up in pleasure.
chan must've just cum, and for a second you're disappointed you missed it– you would've loved to have seen the pretty faces he makes when his orgasm overtakes him. but then you see the way his head falls back against the headrest, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath, and you're just happy you get to see him like this afterwards. both his hand and the steering wheel in front of him are covered in thick, white ropes.
one particularly well-timed thrust brings your attention back to the man fucking you, your arms buckling and you fall to your elbows, back arched and ass in the air.
"are you gonna cum, little slut?" he coos, his voice deceivingly sweet. "go on, princess, cum all over my cock."
and like magic you feel your walls contract at his words, an orgasm you didn't even see coming hitting you with so much force you nearly fall off the seat. 
it feels like your high lasts forever, wave after wave of immense pleasure slamming into you as cheol fucks you through your orgasm, not once letting up.
he leans over you, wrapping one muscular arm around your body and holding you close. "you still want me to cum inside?" he breathes into your ear, and you nod rapidly, humming out a 'yes' as best you can.
"p-please, ch-cheollie…" you murmur, your eyes squeezed shut as you struggle to recover. "wanna f-feel you. wanna be f-full of you."
"good girl." you can feel him smile against your skin before he lets go, sitting back up and bringing both his hands to your hips, giving him more momentum to push himself into you.
every thrust starts hitting deeper than the last, a telltale sign he's getting close, too.
with a guttural moan he buries his cock in you one last time, pushing in all the way to the hilt before you hear him let go and you can feel each rope of thick cum that he pumps into you.
when he's finally finished cumming, he lets out a long exhale, his hands gliding over your body soothingly. he stays inside you for another minute before he pulls out, his cum already beginning to leak out of you, spilling down your trembling thighs. immediately you push your fingers into yourself to keep it in, and cheol grins. "mm. good, obedient whore," he coos, the sweetness in his voice no longer fake as he leaves one more playful smack to your aching rear.
you look up to see vernon, who came all over himself, his shirt stained with white as he sits in the passenger seat, eyes fluttering shut.
chan, having gotten over his orgasm earlier, is pouting in the driver's seat, complaining about how he's going to have to deep-clean his car again after it's been thoroughly covered in cum.
and finally, cheol. he slips his pants back on, struggling a bit in the cramped space, then opens the back door and hops out of the car.
he nods at the two in the front. "nice meeting you. now take good care of her."
vernon opens his mouth to say something, but quickly closes it, deciding not to. 
seungcheol waves behind him as he walks across the lot to his car.
"you know where to find me if you want me again."
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The Color of Blood [4]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, situational almost non-con kissing? (it’s not too bad, I swear, but I don’t wanna catch anyone off guard), cursing, mentions of PTSD/flashbacks/nightmares
Word Count: 3,976
Summary: In this world, a person didn’t discover color until they locked eyes with their soulmate. As an agent of SHIELD, finding your soulmate was hardly a priority. Especially since you were currently dealing with the shocking discovery that HYDRA had been pulling the strings behind SHIELD actions this entire time. Life was all about timing, and you were about to find out that your timing was absolute shit.
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Bucky stood stiff beside you. Over the last few days, the two of you had floated around, out of sight, but hadn’t left DC yet. There was something you wanted him to see first. He wore some clothes you had gotten for him, a baseball cap over his clean hair, and his face was drawn in solemn concentration.
“I’m gonna wait here.” You whispered. Bucky turned and gave you a curious look and you just shrugged. “This is something you have to do alone, I think, but I’ll be right here if you need me.”
Bucky stared at you for another beat before walking away from you into the exhibit. The ‘Captain America and the Howling Commandos’ display wasn’t as crowded today as it had been the day you came with Steve. You turned and found a bench to sit on.
The last few days had been… unusual. Looking from the outside it was probably awkward. Bucky had said less than ten words to you since the two of you left that used to be bank. He stayed though. Bucky hadn’t run from you, and despite the lack of communication, you felt comfortable. Being around him, despite barely knowing him, was just nice. You were on the run with a man who people either thought were dead or a criminal, but you felt at peace for the first time…well…ever.
You rested your elbows on your knees and kept your face down in hopes that your own hat shielded your face from view. The burner phone in your coat pocket began to go off so you quickly pulled it out and answered. It was a quick phone call, only minutes long, but it was good news. One of your sources had gotten you in touch with a guy that could get you and Bucky out of the country without being seen. Granted that meant the two of you would be riding in a sketchy cargo plane leaving an abandoned airfield at around 1:30 in the morning, but beggars couldn’t be picky.
More time passed, nearly pushing onto an hour and a half, and you briefly wondered if he would come back. This would be the perfect opportunity for Bucky to slip away if he really wanted to and you couldn’t blame him. You couldn’t imagine what he was mentally going through right now and as much as you hated to admit it, you didn’t even know where to begin to help. You figured getting out of sight was a good first step, but you were winging this entirely.
You sighed and buried your face into your hands. What if you couldn’t help him? What if you made this worse somehow? What kind of soulmate would that make you? You rubbed your hands against your face and then moved them to the back of your neck. Familiar shoes stepped into your line of vision and you glanced up just as Bucky knelt down in front of you. You hadn’t even heard him walk up.  
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked softly, his voice low.
You gave him a tight smile, “Yeah. How are you? How was…”
Bucky glanced down at his feet briefly before looking back up to meet your gaze. The corner of his lips twitched up just a bit. It was the closest thing you had seen to a smile on him, but you could hardly even consider it that with the pain that was still in his eyes. He nodded once, “Thank you for this. I…”
“You’re welcome.” You replied. He didn’t need to say anything more than that. Bucky stood up and he hesitated for a moment before holding his hand out to you. You took it and he pulled you up from your seat before shoving his hands into his coat pocket. “I got us a ride out of the country.” Bucky’s eyes widened in surprise. “How do you feel about Romania?”
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.” You mumbled under your breath as you tried to salvage the chicken that was burning in the pan. You had only looked away for a second and the damn thing chose that moment to start turning black. It was ridiculous. All the skills you had as an agent did not translate over into the domestic world. You beat the Black Widow in sparring once, only once, and yet you couldn’t cook a chicken without fucking it up.
Bucky was suddenly beside you, you never heard him coming, but he carefully took the spatula from you and went to work in fixing what you had messed up. The two of you were living the weirdest domestic life that probably ever existed. You shared a tiny apartment in the middle of a busy Romanian city. It was only one large room with a bathroom that branched off it. A bed sat in the corner that you slept on and a couch sat in the middle of the room, a little way in front of the kitchen island counter, that Bucky slept on. You fought him tooth and nail to trade, since he was so much larger, but the man wouldn’t have it.
The two of you had fallen into a familiar, cozy habit. You worked at a small café nearby with a fake name to earn money and Bucky did odd jobs that he ran into around the apartment complex. He mostly stayed out of sight for now. It was better that way.
Despite four months together, Bucky still didn’t say much. He’d hold a soft conversation with you now and again, but he kept mostly to himself. He’d read books you picked up from him on the way home and he’d write in a few notebooks he kept. You weren’t entirely sure what he wrote all the time, but it didn’t seem like your place to be nosy about it.
You found comfort in all that silence though. Bucky didn’t talk much, but he did little things that warmed your heart. He’d make your coffee just like you liked it in the morning without saying a word and sometimes when you’d wake up from a nap you’d find a blanket spread over you despite not placing it there when you passed out. You had a bit of a sweet tooth, but it didn’t feel right spending your limited money on any sort of sweets. Yet, sometimes you’d come home from work and your favorite candy or pastry would be on the counter waiting for you.
“How did you manage to fix this mess?” You asked with a chuckle. The edges of the chicken were still burned because of you, but Bucky had managed to save the rest.
Bucky gave you a small smile, “It’s easy. You just make cooking a lot harder than it should.”
Your lips curled up into a wide grin at his teasing. Bucky diverted his eyes away from you and focused back on the pan. The urge to bump your shoulder into his playfully came to mind, but you resisted. He still wasn’t much of a fan of any sort of contact, understandably. The only times he sought out any sort of touch was after one of his nightmares, which he still had regularly much to your dismay, and you never hesitated to wrap your arms around him and give him any sort of comfort he needed.
It was the middle of the night and at first you weren’t entirely sure what had roused you from your sleep. Your eyes fluttered wearily, and it took a second for your eyes to adjust to the dark. There was a weight on the mattress beside you and when you turned your head you came face to face with Bucky. You took in a sharp breath as your eyes traced his features. Not Bucky. The Soldier.
This wasn’t the first time you had woken up to what HYDRA had created. Sometimes Bucky would have a terrible nightmare and instead of waking up himself the Soldier would slip through the cracks. As startling as it was though, the Soldier had never hurt you.  
He was lying on his right side, and slowly lifted his left hand up to your face. That was one strange thing you noticed. Bucky tended to shy away from physical touch still, but anytime he did reach out to you he always used his right hand. His flesh and blood. Anytime the Soldier came out to play though, he would only touch you with the metal one.
The Soldier traced his metal fingers across your eyebrow then around the curve of your eye down to the cheekbone beneath it. He lightly grazed the skin there before letting his fingers trail down the bridge of your nose until they found your lips. The Soldier’s cold fingers traced your lips and you stayed as still as possible as you let him. He never seemed to mean you harm and he never went too far. It seemed like he just liked to trace your features, like a man memorizing a lover’s face, while mumbling in Russian.
You couldn’t help but gasp a little when his cold finger brushed against your neck. They followed the curve down to your shoulder and slipped under the edge of your shirt just a bit so he could feel your collarbones. It was all normal. Actually, normal might not be the right word. You didn’t think anything about this was normal. It was the usual though. Nothing out of the ordinary and you actually found your eyes drifting closed at the feather light touches.
The Soldier shifted beside you, but you didn’t think anything of it until the metal hand cupped around your neck. Your eyes snapped open, panicked, but the Soldier’s face just hovered over yours as he half leaned on top of you. It was easy to differentiate between the Soldier and your soulmate. As time had passed you mentally separated the two and drew a line in the sand. The face hovering over yours with cold eyes and tightly drawn lips was not your Bucky. It was not the man whose lips would curl up into a small smile anytime you walked into the room. It wasn’t the man whose soft, stormy eyes made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Like you were something special.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the Solider leaned down. You whipped your head to the side, his lips landing on the side of your face, and his hands tightened around your neck in response to try and straighten your head.
“Bucky!” You yelled. The moment the name fell from your lips the body half on top of yours leaped off. You sat up and your eyes landed on Bucky who was pressed against the wall opposite from you, his chest heaving like he had run a marathon. It was Bucky though. It was your Bucky. You recognized those eyes, “Buck—”
Bucky’s eyes snapped to meet yours, but before you could say another word he sprinted out the front door. You fell out of bed, tangled in your own blankets, then tried to run after him. By time you got to the stairs though he was far out of sight. Panic flooded your system. You stumbled back to your apartment and sat down at the kitchen island at one of the two bar stools you had.
You had known the Soldier wouldn’t have hurt you. Something in you was convinced that if you had told him to stop he would’ve immediately.  You had just panicked though. The first time you’d kiss those lips you wanted it to be Bucky. It’d be a lie to say you hadn’t thought of it before, but you’d wait until he was ready. Even if that took years and years and years.
What if he didn’t come back?
That thought plagued you for hours until you passed out on the counter.
Morning light filled the room around you and when you slowly woke up you realized you were lying back on your bed rather than the kitchen island. Your blanket was tucked around you, a good sign, but Bucky was nowhere to be seen in the room and you didn’t hear the bathroom fan running. Worry ran through your veins as you sat up, but before you could start to form some kind of plan the front door opened.
Bucky stepped inside, baseball cap pulled tight over his dark hair, and he stopped at the sight of you staring at him. In one hand he had a box of pastries from your favorite bakery down the street and in the other he had a bouquet of flowers. He swallowed nervously, using his foot to close the door behind him. You stood up as he walked over to the counter and set the items he had on the tile top.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky breathed. “I’m so sorry. I thought about leaving. Thought it’d be better, but…” He clenched his jaw and glanced down at his feet with a shake of his head before looking back up at you, “I couldn’t. I’m so sorry.”
You crossed the room, stopping in front of him, and pressed your lips together, “Can I—Can I hug you?”
Bucky opened his mouth just to shut it again then he nodded. That was all you needed. You closed the space between the two of you and threw your arms around him as you buried your face into the crook of his neck. It took a moment, but you slowly felt him wrap his arms around you as well.
“It’s okay.” You whispered. “I’m not scared of you. You’d never hurt me, Bucky.”
His arms tightened around you just a little bit more.
It had been a normal day. You had gotten home from work in a good mood, dinner had been made and eaten. After a year together, the two of you had settled like some sort of old married couple. It wasn’t the kind of life you ever expected you’d have, but you were weirdly happy. Bucky had improved a lot over the year. He still had nightmares, but they were coming once a week rather than daily now. More than that, he smiled these days. He’d smile and laugh and he’d talk to you about old memories that came to him. That’s what those notebooks he kept were. One was for the memories he wished he didn’t remember. Missions that he felt obligated to suffer for. One was for memories from his past. Things about Steve or his sister Rebecca or his parents and friends. Then the third notebook he had was for things he never wanted to forget. It was like his journal.
Bucky had come so far and nothing proved that more to you than the moment he touched you for no reason other than wanting to touch you. You had been at the sink, washing dishes, and he had come over to help you by drying. As he grabbed the rag though, he set his right hand on the small of your back and left it there for just a moment. It was such a small thing, sweet and short, but it felt like such a huge step as well.
It had felt like a switch had been flipped. Bucky had gone from no contact at all to constantly having at least one hand on you. It was all innocent touches. A hand on your shoulder, a hand on your back as he passed you, a brush against your wrist as he handed you a coffee, or his shoulder pressed against yours when you sat on the couch together talking. It was just like he was trying to convince himself that you were actually there beside him. You liked it though. You liked it a lot.
Your shift at the café had lasted longer than it usually did, you were covering for a coworker, and when you got home you figured Bucky would’ve eaten by now and had something set aside for you. That’s usually how it went. When you opened the apartment door you were startled to see that the room lights were out, but a couple candles were lit on the kitchen counter. The setting sun cast light through the small balcony door you guys had as well. Bucky had been by the fridge and he turned around at the sound of your entrance.
Bucky had on a button up shirt and jeans, rather than his usual t-shirt and jacket, and his hair was pulled back into a small half bun so it didn’t hang in his face. On the counter, by the candles, you now realized there were two plates set out and a small thing of flowers there as well. A small smile flittered to your features and Bucky mimicked the motion.
“Hey,” He nodded and wrung his hands together, a nervous tic of his that you recognized, “I figure, we’ve lived together almost a year and a half now, yet I still haven’t taken my soulmate out on any kind of date.” Bucky cleared his throat. “My ma would beat me if she knew.”
You laughed, “Oh, would she?”
“Without a doubt.” Bucky nodded. He quickly stepped forward and pulled out the stool for you, “I made your favorite.”
You tossed your bag aside and sat down on the stool, “My favorite? Wow, you’re pulling out all the stops, aren’t you?”
“I’m trying, doll.” Bucky chuckled and moved to get the food. “I’m just praying some of the charm I used to have back in the day somehow survived.”
“I think you’d be surprised.” You replied with a smirk. After setting the food down, he grabbed a bottle of wine and uncorked it. If someone had told you that your first date with your soulmate was going to be in a rundown apartment in Romania after living with them for a year then you would’ve laughed in their face. Yet, here you were doing just that and you couldn’t imagine a more perfect first date.
The evening went by perfectly. As the sun dipped below the horizon the only thing lighting the room were the candles and the moonlight.
Bucky chuckled and took a sip of his drink, “It would be too cheesy if I said that of all the colors we can now see my favorite is your eyes, right?”
“Oh, absolutely.” You laughed even though your favorite color was definitely the stormy, blue gray of his. “You were supposed to be convincing me that you were charming not cheesy.”
Bucky grinned and it made him look years younger, “I am doing my best. Can I get a little slack, doll?”
“Nope.” You said and finished the last of your wine. “I’m actually keeping score right now so I can give you a grade by the end of the night.” Bucky shook his head and stood up to grab the wine bottle off the counter behind him. He poured a little more in your glass. “I can’t decide if you gain points for giving me more wine or lose points for trying to get me inebriated.”
Bucky scoffed, “You’re killing me. You know that right? Actually killing me.”
“You love it.” You joked in response.
He hesitated beside you, setting the bottle down, and cleared his throat, “Yeah. I do.” Your eyes widened a little at his tone. Bucky leaned one arm on the counter beside you and took in a steadying breath, “Everything you’ve done for me… I can’t even begin to tell you how much that means to me.”
Bucky shifted to set his hand on top of yours, “I spent the first 27 years of my life wondering what it’d be like to meet my soulmate. What she’d be like. Then, when I—when I fell… I can remember it. I can remember lying in the snow, bleeding, and I distinctly remember waiting to die and feeling so goddamn sorry.” You flipped your hand over to squeeze his hand in comfort. “I felt so awful that I was leaving my soulmate with no one. That she’d live in a world without color for the rest of her life because I made a stupid mistake on a mission.” He gave you a tight smile. “Then I met you. I don’t deserve any of this. After everything I’ve done—”
“None of that was your fault. That was HYDRA, not you.” You said firmly.
Bucky raised his other hand to set on the side of your face, “I don’t understand how I’m so lucky to have a soulmate as remarkable and amazing as you. I love you. I just want you to know that.”
“I love you.” You replied softly and you meant it with your entire being. Bucky said he was lucky, but you felt like the lucky one. You had never met someone who seemed to just understand you like he did. He might have thought all of this was effort for you, a trial, but this past year and half had been the best of your life.
Bucky’s eyes darted down to your lips and he slowly leaned forward. His lips hovered a breath away from yours and you knew he was giving you the space to pull back if you wanted to. That was the last thing on your mind though. You had been waiting for this moment for so long. You leaned forward, eyes closed, and pressed your lips against his. The kiss was soft, hesitant, and you broke apart after a moment. When your eyes opened and met his again though something changed between the two of you.
You stood up from your stool, knocking it over in the process, and wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled his lips back to yours. Bucky grabbed your thighs, not letting his lips leave yours, and lifted you up until you were sitting on the counter. One hand traced up your body, grabbing the back of your head to hold you close, as his other rested on your back to pull you flush against his chest. You sucked on his lower lip and the groan that fell from his mouth was a sound you’d do anything to hear again.
Bucky tore his lips from yours and left a trail of kisses along your jawline, to the space right below your ear, then down the side of your neck until you felt his teeth graze against your pulse point. A small gasp left your lips as his tongue brushed over where his teeth had gotten you and he tightened his other arm around you as if you weren’t already pressed as close to him as you physically could be.
“It’s been a while since I’ve done this.” Bucky mumbled against your skin.
You grinned and tugged on his shirt to bring his lips back towards yours, “Could’ve fooled me.” Bucky slipped his tongue between your lips and you briefly wondered how the hell anyone could be this good at kissing. You didn’t realize a kiss could be good enough to make you feel like this. After another moment, the kiss turned soft again. Bucky pulled back slightly only to lean forward and press his lips against yours a few more times. You set your hands on either side of his face and met his warm gaze. “I love you.”
“I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that.” Bucky mumbled and pressed his lips against yours again. “I love you.”
Romania wasn’t a place you planned to call home, but you were beginning to realize that home was in Bucky’s arms.
[previous chapter]
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flyingwargle · 1 month
sakusa wasn't sure what to expect when bokuto invited them over for movies and drinks, but it certainly wasn't this.
his one-bedroom apartment is spacious, kitchen separated from the living room, bathroom large enough for a tub that can fit a professional athlete. it isn't very cluttered, but dust still clings to the shelves where framed photos and accolades are lined. sakusa inspects them while hinata and atsumu drop off their 7-eleven haul, joining him shortly. "nice pictures ya got, bokkun," atsumu calls out, summoning the spiker.
"thanks! i just had to bring a few with me to osaka. it helps with the homesickness."
"hm? hey, wait a minute..." hinata picks one up. "isn't this..." he holds it toward sakusa, eyes widening. "it's omi-san!"
"hah? no way. lemme see." atsumu leans over, blinking at the picture and then at sakusa, who simply stares back in confusion. "holy crap, yer right."
"it's the moles, right?" hinata nods. "they're iconic."
sakusa plucks the photo from him. "what are you talking about?" the moment he registers the photo, a scowl spreads on his face, and he turns to bokuto. "you kept this?"
"hey, i had fun that day! you just happened to be in the picture." bokuto grins, oblivious to their clueless teammates.
"wanna give us some context?" atsumu asks.
bokuto slings an arm around sakusa. “sakkun and i are childhood friends! we’ve known each other since our little league days.”
the photo, in question, depicts them as kids. bokuto has an arm around sakusa, whose glower contrasts his toothy grin. they're wearing black shorts and red t-shirts with the japanese flag.
“an’ neither of ya bothered to mention this…?” atsumu raises an eyebrow.
they exchange looks and shrugs. "it never came up," sakusa says.
"we never went to the same school or anything," bokuto adds, "but we played in the same league, went to the same volleyball camps...heck, my dad picked him and komo-kun up a lot since their parents were busy. komo-kun was supposed to be here with us-" he gestures at the photo. "-but he, what? broke his arm?"
"rolled his ankle."
"yeah! sakkun’s dad left him alone and he got lost, but i found him and..."
their little league was chosen to escort the athletes of the japan national team for an exhibition match against spain. motoya was most excited about it, but the day before, he rolled his ankle and couldn't walk. that meant sakusa had to deal with the crowds, noise, and unfamiliarity by himself.
he didn’t need motoya, he thought to himself on the way to the stadium. all he had to do was walk with whichever player he was paired with, sit with his teammates during the match, and then wait for his dad to pick him up. it was going to be fine.
until he saw the sheer amount of people milling inside and outside. he almost started crying.
his dad dropped him off, not bothering to bring him inside. sakusa was tempted to run off and find a bench to hide until it was time to leave, but he promised motoya that he'd be fine. plus, it was his duty, as a little league athlete. he had to do it.
except there were so many people who were much bigger than him, and he couldn't understand the signs. it was also overwhelmingly loud, and the stifling air made it difficult to breathe. he kept running into things, dizzy and confused. he nearly broke down in tears until–
he flinched when a hand touched his shoulder. bokuto stood in front of him, blinking his owlish eyes, voice soft when he asked, “are you okay?”
sakusa couldn’t reply, throat dry. bokuto’s dad – their coach – crouched at his eye level. “did you get dropped off by yourself?” he asked.
a nod. coach let out a tiny sigh. “let’s go together, then. when we’re inside, you can sit and rest. koutarou, hold his hand.”
“okay!” bokuto released him and offered his other hand to sakusa. “you hold onto dad, and i’ll hold onto you! that way, we’ll stick together.”
sakusa would never voluntarily take anyone’s hand, but he was too overwhelmed to care. hands clutched by his coach and bokuto, they entered the venue, and before long, he was guided to a bench and given a bottle of water. bokuto sat next to him, respectfully quiet. he usually never shut up, which was why sakusa stayed away from him, but in that moment, he was grateful for his presence.
he didn't know how much time elapsed before bokuto jumped to his feet and turned to him. "we're gonna go out soon," he says. "you wanna go wash your hands?"
"okay." this time, sakusa followed behind him to the nearest washroom, where they both got ready and washed their hands before returning to the entrance corridor.
the familiar faces of his teammates brought him relief, but it morphed quickly into anxiety when the jnt athletes appeared, large and impossibly tall. sakusa felt his throat seize up, but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. bokuto nodded at him in reassurance, and sakusa turned to the athlete that approached him. he took his hand, and waited for their cue to walk out.
“i don’t remember who i escorted or the match,” sakusa says. they’d moved to the couch, a bag of chips open on the table. “i do remember you lost your voice from shouting so much.”
bokuto laughs. “yeah, i was so excited! we got a bunch of candy afterwards too, and we had our picture taken. that’s when my dad took this.” he holds up the photo, again. “i had a lot of fun that day, but you looked like you hated it.”
“i didn’t hate it. i was overwhelmed, and…” sakusa runs a hand through his curls. “you helped a lot. i never thanked you for it.”
“it’s fine! it’s because of that my dad started picking you and komo-kun up more. he hated that your parents didn’t do it properly.” it continued even after they outgrew the little league and joined other clubs, eventually stopping when they became old enough to attend games and camps alone. “who knew we’d end up playing on the same team again, huh?”
“it’s like the two of you were fated to play together!” hinata chirps. “like me and kageyama are fated to be rivals!”
sakusa glances at the photo again. he received a copy of it a few days later, which he kept in his desk drawer. the thought of playing with bokuto again never crossed his mind, only the thought of returning to the center court and playing under those stadium lights.
but now that they’re seated together in his apartment, teammates for one of the top div. 1 teams in japan, it isn’t an unwelcomed thought. “who would’ve thought, indeed.”
inspiration: this fanart of bokuto and sakusa as kids! <3
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Eddie x reader with social anxiety below the cut…just a little self indulgent blurb cause for real this is all I need 😪
also-would LOVE to talk about this concept with someone cause I think about it a lot
Eddie being so good with you if you have social anxiety and never once making you feel bad about it.  You’re walking around the mall trying to enjoy a nice Saturday with your boyfriend and low and behold that sinking feeling hits and you’re suddenly so uncomfortable and overstimulated like EVERYTHING is bothering you from the chatter of people throughout the mall to the bright lighting, even down to the feeling of your clothes on your body suffocating you.  
You’re getting itchy and your heart rate is picking up faster and faster with each passing second, mouth going dry and sweat forming in the most odd places.  Everything is too vivid for you and there’s no way to turn it off.  Eddie starts talking beside you about how ugly some shirt is and while you hear him you just nod and let out a forced giggle as the world around you seems to crumble.  He senses you’re a little off but can’t be too sure because sometimes you’re quiet anyway and he doesn’t wanna point anything out just to make you feel insecure.  
It’s when you’re walking out of the store and through the mall that he definitely knows, when he’s trying to talk to you about a gig he booked for Corroded Coffin next month and your eyes are just blank as he talks.  Your responses are just small nods and fake closed mouth smiles, almost as if you can’t actually smile even if your life depended on it.  That’s the point that he knows he has to intervene and force you to stop conforming to the world around you and to do what you need to feel human again.  
His hand would graze yours gently and then interlock your fingers, pulling you toward an empty bench nearby saying “Okayyy, let’s sit down for a minute, alright baby?”  His eyes would be so kind and caring and he’d just sit with you.  He knew you’d almost always go mute in this kind of situation so he would be patient and try to say things that didn’t require a verbal answer.  “Things are kinda loud in here aren’t they?” He would ask softly, his full attention on you as your eyes dart around your surroundings nervously.  You’d nod your head, tears brimming at your eyes, you just couldn’t control it.  “Hey, look at me.” He’d tilt his head down to catch your focus, big chocolatey button eyes captivating you.  “I’ve got you.”  His hand gives yours a light squeeze.  
You still feel paralyzed, there’s nothing you could do, you couldn’t even ask if you could leave and maybe just go home to enjoy the rest of the day.  Every time you tried it just felt like your throat closed up.  And you couldn’t stand up either, feeling glued to the bench as the voices among the mall rang through your ears.  You felt like everyone was staring at you and how pathetic you are when in reality not a soul looked over at you.  But you swear it felt like millions of eyes were on you watching your every move, waiting for you to do something stupid so they could laugh.  
Your breathing was shallow, Eddie could see it in the way your chest moved up and down quicker than normal.  To the average person it wouldn’t look like you were having a meltdown but Eddie could see it in your body language and your slightest movements that you were going through hell.  He knew he had to get you out of there or you would just let yourself suffer in silence. 
“Let’s go outside, okay?  Need a smoke break.” He would tell you.  He didn’t need a smoke break, was actually doing really well and not relying on cigarettes as often.  But he would do anything to alleviate the feeling that you were burdening him by wanting to leave so he would make it sound like his idea.  You would nod and finally stand up and he’d lead you out of the mall where it was quiet and you could potentially find some calm.  
Finally being away from all those people, your voice returns and you’re able to speak up, sniffling as you did so.  “M’ sorry, Eddie, I-I dunno what happened.  I thought I was doing so well and this hasn’t happened in a while—“ he’d interrupt you by bringing you close to his chest, his hand cradling the back of your head.  His other hand would sneak under your jaw and his thumb would gently caress the apple of your cheek, catching a stray tear that had escaped.  He would speak so softly in your ear because he knows you have trouble with eye contact and sometimes it overwhelms you “Don’t ever apologize, do you hear me?”  You’d whimper, trying not to cry and he’d continue.  “You feeling comfortable means more to me than anything.  We could sit at home all day staring at the floor and I would have the best time because I’m with you.”  You would still protest, always a people pleaser and never putting your own comfort first.  “I-I wish I could be normal and go out in public without freaking out, w-we could do normal couple things and do date nights but I always ruin it.” Your voice would be wobbly.  
He’d nudge his nose ever so slightly against your cheek and you’d find the courage to look up at him, his lashes dusting shadows over his cheeks as he smiles sweetly.  “In case you haven’t realized, baby, I don’t do normal.”  At this you wouldn’t be able to hide the small smile pulling at your lips.  “And I think a blanket-fort movie night with takeout has your name on it.”  He would be looking at you so gooey and in love, only ever wanting to make you feel happy and cared for.  
Wow I’m projecting.  
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dehydrated-turtle · 4 months
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//warnings// nsfw, 16+
//contents// Jason Todd x Reader, transmasc reader, smut, vaginal sex, fingering, drunk sex
//synopsis// Jason picks you up from a party and you beg him to make you feel good - wc: 848
//full fic on ao3// wc: 1.9k
You decide to go partying with one of your friends from work after a considerably long week at a Wayne party, just to get drunk and have some fun. It���s 4 a.m. when you drunkenly call Jason to come pick you up because you forgot that cabs were a thing.
He pulls up about 20 minutes later in his little shitbox he calls a car that he uses mainly for steakouts because it looks more inconspicuous than his bike. He thought it would be a lot safer to take his drunk boyfriend in the car than on the death trap of a bike. He spots you sitting on a bench outside where the party was, disgustedly watching your friend make out with a stranger.
“HEY, BABE, GET IN!” he shouts, rolling down the window. You don’t hear him or are too drunk to notice what’s going on other than how gross the two people in front of you are getting. Jason gets out of the car and walks over to you, carefully avoiding the other two.
“Honey, I’ve got to get you home ok?” you look at him, dazed.
“You’re pretty.”
“Alright, c’mon…” He said, lifting you by the arm then wrapping his arm around your waist for support. He opened the car door and put your seatbelt on for you after refusing to do it yourself. After starting the car, you put your hand on his thigh with a cocky smirk on your face.
“Your thighs are so yummy, I wanna eat them.”
“Maybe when you’re sober.”
“I am sober. 100%”
“Mhm, sure, I believe you.” He said with a chuckle and looked over at you briefly. You close your eyes for the rest of the ride home, falling asleep.
You feel a hand on your shoulder, pushing you forward slightly and another underneath your knees. Soon enough you were being lifted out of your seat, groaning slightly in confusion before Jason whispered some sweet nothings into your ear telling you to go back to sleep. He carried you all the way up the steps to his favourite safe house, your place. Your arms wrapped around his neck, nose buried in his shoulder breathing in his scent.
“It’s ok my prince…” he plants a kiss on your forehead, “partying all night has got to be tiring. I’m gonna get you to bed and you are going to sleep ok? That’s an order, pretty boy.”
All you can manage in your heavy daze is a groan of concurring before heaving a sigh against the fabric draped on his skin. Once he arrived in your room, he gently placed you on top of the mattress before starting to take off your clothes. You had been wearing a nice pair of slacks and a perfectly steamed white button down and a few pieces of jewellery to tie the look together. The party was obviously one of the elite parties for Gotham's wealthiest–which you definitely weren’t but still tried to fit in. Still, you had gotten shit faced.
“Mm, trying to get me naked, big boy?” you slur, looking down at Jason who had become red with his actions and now even more red at your words. He had definitely seen you naked before but he will never not get butterflies anytime he sees you at all let alone sprawled across the bed, dressed up and so pretty.
“No, I’m trying to get you into some PJs. Now lift…” You lift your hips so he can pull off your pants and throw them into the hamper across the room. “And sit up for me, honey.”
You shift back on the bed so you’re sitting up against the headboard, Jason beside you unbuttoning your shirt and sliding it off revealing your chest, nipples hard at the sudden coldness. He threw the shirt in the same direction as the pants before coming back to carefully take off all of your jewellery and placing them all on your bedside table.
“Ok do you want some PJs or are you good in your boxers?”
“Hm, I’m good I think.” you say, a little more tired, curling into the pillows. Jason notices and pulls the duvet over you, plants a kiss on your forehead and starts toward the door. “Wait, where are you going?”
“Downstairs. You have to sleep, honey.”
“Only if you’re here with me. Please.”
“Fine but only because you asked nicely.”
He takes off his jacket and jeans and crawls into the bed behind you, nuzzling into the back of your neck and letting out a heavy sigh as soon as he’s settled.
“Jay?” you whine, pushing your hips into him.
“I need you.”
“Honey you’re drunk you need to sleep.”
“No I need you please, Jay…” you push your ass further into him trying your best to break him down.
“Ugh, you are so persistent.” He said, planting kisses along the back of your neck and onto your shoulder. “I’m only doing this because I love you and your happiness is my top priority ok?”
“Anything you say, big man.”
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annie-creates · 2 years
My beautiful nightmare
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 800
Note: Hi darling, as I've said I don't wanna write another part of that story as I would have probably killed someone and I don't wanna make anyone (including myself) cry. I left the ending open so everyone can imagine the ending they want. But I've written a different family piece for you, hope it will make up for it a bit.
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Lady Lesso was a force to be reckoned with. She was respected by all and feared by most. Nevers went silent when she stepped into the room and Evers cleared out of her way. No one wanted to be the center of her attention, much less her wrath. She was known to be cruel, coldhearted and firm. The smallest mistake or fault in her mood could earn you hours in the doom room, and that was a fate no one wanted to challenge. But she was also collected and deliberate. Almost anyone could get to her nerves. Except for you.
You were a shy little mouse when you started teaching in the school for evil. Quiet, subdued, and seemingly scared of everything and everyone around you. Even your students had fun of you sometimes for being too tranquil to be a real Never. But as soon as you got facilitated around the place you became the real devil in disguise. Not only did you pester your students to prepare them for all the dangers of the outside world, but you also caught out your colleagues and other authorities.
Lesso didn’t exactly appreciate that as you were showing her the fatuous incapability of her own staff. All the complain about your tricks and traps bored her to no avail. The moment she fell into one of your snares herself was the cherry on the cake of her anger. But the more you annoyed her the more you enjoyed yourself and your little shenanigans. Soon it became your personal mission to get her as many times as possible. Your highest score was two times a day so far. It annoyed her to the highest levels yet firing you wasn’t much of an option. The Nevers strangely took a liking to you, or at least appreciated your wit. And then, you were the best teacher she had here, as you have so inaptly shown her.
“You are my worst nightmare Y/l/n,” she told you once, but you took it as a compliment.
What’s better than misguiding the devil herself? She almost got used to it… so much that the moment you fell ill and couldn’t leave your bed for a week, she found herself missing your pranks. Not that she would ever admit such thing out loud of course. Your artifice and cunning was something she started to admire. She found herself enamored by you. You were still her worst nightmare tho, and she made sure to tell you every time you angered her.
Now you were sitting at the terrace bench, your back supported by cushions, looking over the magnificent mountains. You loved the peace and quietness of the place, one of the reasons you decided to move here. Whoever said Nevers can’t enjoy nice things must have been really really wrong. Sometimes you missed the busyness of the school, but you moved on in your life and you had more important pressing matters to attend to.
“How’s out little spider doing?” Leonora asked as she walked up to you, hands full of chopped wood and sleeves pulled up.
“Taking his after-lunch nap,” you replied with a smile, controlling the baby you were rocking in your arms.
“Mama I wanna play,” your daughter whined as she came back from the trip with her mother.
“You have to wait till Y/s/n is a bit older my dear viper. I promise you he’ll be in all the trouble with you then,” you assured the little girl. “Don’t worry, he’ll be running around before you blink.”
“How do you know? It’s taking him too long,” Y/d/n wasn’t having your excuses.
“Because that’s what you did to me and mommy. You grew up before we turned around to wipe your chin,” your wife laughed at that as your daughter got obviously tired with the conversation already and ran into the house to do god knows what.
“Well she’s not wrong, I can’t wait for out little demon to run around causing trouble either,” Leonora admits as she sits next to you, taking your son in her arms.
“I’m sure you can’t. Maybe you should be cleaning up all the mess this time,” you taunt her leaning your head on her shoulder.
“Hey, they got that after you!” Lesso argues with an amused smile.
“Yeah sure, cause the dean of evil and wickedness herself is a good little angel who wouldn’t hurt a fly,” sometimes she was just as annoying as you could be, but you loved her for it none the less. “But I love you with all your devilry and spite.” you assure her, you adored and sometimes even envied her troubling cruel talents.
“I love you, my beautiful nightmare.” Leonora exclaimed as she kissed your head, admiring the little vicious family you’ve build together.
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weixuldo · 1 year
Enigma// ch 13
anakin x reader
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a/n: sorry for the wait!!! i started a summer job and i’ve been hellllllaaaa busy lol- dw tho, im still writing!!
You have a relaxing dinner with Ahsoka until the end of the year approaches
warnings: cursing, cannon disabled character, insecurity, mention of periods, possible pregnancy mention,
More time passed and you prepped for finals; luckily this year you were able to exempt most of your sit in exams and instead only had one big project and a 20 page thesis due. 
You had been feeling nauseous for the past few days but the 20 page paper’s deadline was looming over you, so it was probably the stress from that. You also hadn’t had much time to eat, so you could also just be hungry. 
You ignored the feeling and went back to typing.
The paper was almost done, only two more pages then you were free for the weekend.. Just two more.
Ring Ring
Ahsoka was calling, you finished the sentence you were on before picking up the phone.
Hey hey! Are you busy tonight?
“I should be free after one more page of this thing”
Damn! Congrats! You've been at that shit since mid terms! I think that deserves celebration!
You laughed, hopefully she wasn’t proposing a party because you weren't quite feeling up to that.
“What do you have in mind?”
I dunno… wanna  just grab take out and eat it by the koi pond? I kinda just want a chill night before I have to start practice for nationals. 
“That sounds wonderful”
Cool! I'll see you at 6:30?
“Sounds good to me!”
Oki bye bye!
The end of the line clicked as she hung up and a small smile settled onto your face; even though you hadn’t known Ahsoka that long, the two of you just clicked and were almost always on the same wavelength.
Some of you wanted to tell her about Anakin, but you just felt like at this point it would add drama to the already stressful end of the year. 
You were seen as the baby of the friend group, so you wouldn’t know how they would feel if you and Anakin officially confirmed the relationship…Also Ahsoka could be a little dramatic at times and you were afraid she would become too involved and make jokes or treat you and Ani differently.
And you had known Anakin long enough to know that those small changes would piss him off and he might accidentally take it out on the relationship.
You got back to your computer when you got a really bad cramp in your abdomen. 
Oh fuck, you hadn’t gotten your period on its normal week so apparently its deciding to come now…great, something else to add to your delightful week.
You finally finished your paper and let out a long groan as you stretched your back. You grabbed your keys and headed down to meet Ahsoka outside the dorms. Once the two of you met up and got your food, you walked to the koi pond on the northern side of campus. 
The sun was setting and the sky was a mixture of beautiful oranges and pinks; you took a seat on the iron bench that overlooked the gardens surrounding the koi pond. 
“This is so nice, I needed to chill,” Ahsoka said, breaking apart the cheap wooden chopsticks that came with her bento box. 
“Yea, I feel ya” you said opening the box of lo mein you ordered. 
“Ya know, I cant believe i’m gonna be graduating in just a few weeks… Like what the actual fuck, I swear I was just a freshman like two weeks ago” Ahsoka baffled as she watched the fish swim laps around the pond. 
“Oh yea, I wanted to get a brunch with all of us next sunday before I have to go to nationals, would you be able to come?” she added.
“Yes! I’d love to” you responded, before remembering that would be one of the last times you would see her before her graduation. 
“I’m going to miss you so much Ahsoka” you said sadly, “Will you keep in touch?”
“Does a fish need water? Of course y/n!” she smiled; “you’re my best girl friend; sure sky guy and Ben are nice, but they're not another girl. And I like Satine alot, but she's older and in a totally different place in life than us, ya know?” 
“Yea, I’m glad we met too” you smiled. 
You conversed over random topics and future plans-
“Do you think you’ll party a lot next year?” she asked you
“Hmm, I don’t think so” 
“Why not? Don’t you wanna find a partner or atleast a hook-up?” She asked, biting down on her last California roll.
“I’m actually pretty content, I think most of my party phase was exhausted freshman and sophomore year” 
“Yea, I get it, I really only kept going out cause the team likes to go to the big parties. Kinda changing topics though, are you interested in anyone this year?”
You froze for a split second before bringing the noodles to your mouth, “Not really, I mean I’ve been seeing this guy off campus, but I wanna keep it on the dl and so does he” you responded (you didn’t have the heart to completely lie to her).
“Ooo, is he cute? How old is he? What's his name? Does he have socials? I gotta make sure he’s good enough for my girl”
“Hah, that's a lot. Umm, I think he's cute, he doesn’t use social media much, and he’s just a bit older” (yeah right, more like twice your age).
“Ok….what's his name?” she asked again, a devious grin on her face.
You smiled and looked away, “Ahsoka, I love you, but I can't tell you, I promised him we’d keep it under wraps… He’s a very private person” 
“Do I know him?” she definitely was gonna guess it if she kept at the questions.
You took all the power you could to construct a final lie, “no, I met him on a dating app”.
“Oh, never mind I guess, I’m happy for you!”
You were not practiced in lying.
“Thanks, I really like him… I think I may be in love…I’ve never felt this way before” you smiled. 
“That’s amazing, y/n. Will I meet him some day?”
“Of course” 
The rest of dinner was pleasant, until your stomach started hurting again.
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, I think I'm just gonna get my period soon” you said.
“Wait, shouldn’t you have gotten it like two weeks ago?”
“Yea, remember, we’re kind of synced, You’ve been starting yours half way through my cycle since like September”
“Oh, I think it's just late from the stress”
“Hopefully so” she laughed, “Wouldn’t want that mystery man to have knocked you up”. 
She was joking, but something in you became worried… it had been a long time since your last period… and you and Anakin had been pretty busy…but wait
Anakin couldn’t have kids. 
The doctors said so.
But what if…
You shook the thoughts from your head and asked Ahsoka if she would come with you to the drug store to pick up some tums for the stomach ache.
She went off to go look at the shampoo because she needed some more and you sneaked off to grab a pregnancy test.
While you were in line you decided to update your boyfriend on the night’s conversation
“Hey babe, just fyi Ahsoka was asking about who i was seeing so i lied and said a guy from tinder, just wanted to lyk”
In no time your phone buzzed
Alright, thanks for covering, have a good night princess.
“Goodnight my love”
The week went by and you only had the project to finish. Most of your academic stress was subsided, but your personal stress grew by the day.
You hadn't opened the pregnancy test you got last week… you couldn’t bring yourself to.
Maybe it was because you hadn't had time…
oh who were you kidding? 
You were scared. 
But if you were pregnant, you should probably find out soon. Right?
You went into the bathroom and locked the door.
This was it.
The moment of truth.
a/n: so this ch was more of a filler to get to the next few chapters…. the plot is thickening and i hope your interest stays!! ty again for reading :)
taglist: : @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
day 21 - virginity
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txt 1.4k words female reader insert Reader x Choi Soobin NSFW
🖤 warnings: virgin!soobin 🥰, a lovely first date, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, good communication, ain’t nothing wrong with having a first time yall enjoy that shit 🖤
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
Baby-faced, is the first thing you think when you meet him.
Blind dates aren't usually your thing, but your friend who'd set it up on your behalf had insisted that this one would be worth it. Trusting Yeonjun's taste in stuff sight unseen also isn't usually your thing, but hey, there's a first time for everything. He's got some hot friends, which is why you agreed, but you'd never met this one before.
It's going really well, despite any reservations you might have had about going out with one of Yeonjun's friends. The restaurant is nice but not obnoxiously so, and you dressed comfortably well. And the guy himself is a delightful surprise.
Soobin is tall, boyishly handsome, and a little bit baby-faced.
He's been a good and utterly engaging conversationalist, despite not saying too much, and he laughs at every single one of your stupid jokes and stories. That's what he's doing now.
"I can't believe people do that," he says, chin resting in the palm of his hand as he gazes at you.
He looks like a goddamn print model. You kind of can't believe this is just some guy that Yeonjun went to college with, who works a job and has hobbies and stuff.
"Old people are like that," you reply.
Soobin leans forward a little more onto the table. "Not even the whole tangerine?"
"Absolutely not, just one section that she peeled out with her old lady hands."
"Do they know about germ theory?"
You grin. "Germs don't exist when there's weird good deeds to do."
He's looking at you with wonder in his round pretty eyes, listening to your stories about old ladies pushing fruit on you at the local park like he's never heard something more entertaining. They're just your usual inoffensive date stories, but he's hanging on your every word.
It's refreshing, honestly. Some well-intended attention.
Somehow, when you return your gaze to the table rather than the dish across from you, the main courses are already gone. You'd talked your way through the entire meal without realizing it.
"Did you want dessert?" Soobin asks.
From anyone else, that would be a line. But you can tell with a half glance that he's really asking.
"Not here," you decide. "Wanna go get ice cream or something? Coffee?"
His smile makes his dimples pop. "Sure."
Ice cream turns into sharing one spoon back and forth because the other fell on the ground, which turns into kissing on the cement bench outside the Baskin Robbins, which turns into a delighted and flushed-faced Soobin following you into the stairwell of your apartment.
He looks stunning in the low, flickering light on the landing outside your door. Good enough to eat.
"Sure this is okay?" he asks.
"Of course."
His expression is playful, open. "On the first date?"
"If you want to."
"I do."
It takes you a second to remember to close the door, because Soobin is using his considerable height to box you in against the wall and kiss you breathless again. But your neighbors don't need the show you're about to put on.
"D'you usually take people home on the first date?"
You pull back to study him at that one.
It doesn't seem like a judgmental question. Rather, he seems incredibly genuine about it, even if it's a a strange thing to ask. Not slut-shaming or anything. Soobin is just looking at you curiously, still pressed in close.
"No, not usually," you answer, giving him the benefit of good intention.
"That means I'm special, then," he muses.
"You're pretty cool," you rib him.
He pouts, bow-shaped lips sitting prettily. "Hey. Just cool?"
"And handsome. And tall."
"Those things are genetic, that doesn't count."
"You laugh at my jokes, that's all I need," you says.
He laughs at that, too, but even so, he's sheepish. He pulls back a little more. His body language has changed, and you wonder with no small amount of panic if he didn't mean well, after all.
"What's wrong?"
"I guess...okay, full disclosure time," he sighs, "I'm a virgin."
That's all?
"B-but, like! It's not a big deal, to me. Like, I still very much want to do this," he says quickly.
"Yeah, of course," you agree.
Soobin's expression is the most adorable kind of absolute confusion. "Wait. You're not. Like. Mad?"
"Why would I be mad?"
"If you don't mind, I don't mind," you say, perplexed.
You didn't think it was something that needed so much discussion, but apparently it is. Your own first time wasn't a big deal. Lots of people's aren't a big gesture, a big emotional moment, or something. It was just the first time, of many. No reason it can't be that way for him.
Explains all his questions, anyway. Probably trying to feel out if you were going to laugh in his face and kick him out.
"I might not be very good," he says.
"As if anyone is the first time. I swear, it's fine. More than fine."
It looks like the weight of the world has been lifted off his skinny shoulders, as he darts in to kiss you again. "Okay. Okay."
"Relax," you say, giving him a fond squeeze. "It's gonna be fun."
Soobin looks even taller all spread out in your bed.
Keeping things even, you'd decided, is the recipe for success. You'd taken off your clothes and his in equal layers - his crisp shirt and jeans, your one-piece, no one more or less exposed than the other. And it seems to be working to keep the atmosphere fun and pressure-free since Soobin is grinning up at you where you're sat straddling his lap, with his fingers toying at the band of your bra.
"This is the hardest part," you advise him soberly, barely keeping your laughter in check.
"I'm aware."
He push-pull-releases the clasps all at once, with one hand, and you stare at him as the two halves fall apart at your sides.
You point a finger at him. "Cheater."
"I'm a virgin, not a loser."
Now that really does make you laugh, and you shrug the garment all the way off and discard it.
Taking things slow is another part of that successful recipe. You're doing your best, anyway. Soobin is eager, and there's only so much you're willing to do to suppress that. His glee is infectious, and before you know it, he's rolled the the two of you over so that you're pillowed on your back and he's pecking messy kisses down your torso.
"C'mon, I've waited my whole life, don't make me wait more," he says.
"Impatience will get you nowhere," you reply sagely.
He nods, as if considering your wisdom, and plucks at the band of your underwear.
"Can I take these off?"
"Of course you can, what're you waiting for?"
When they're gone, you can feel his appraising stare on you. People don't usually pay this much attention, think this much about every piece of the process, no matter how careful and invested they are. First time or no, Soobin is something else.
He licks his lips, maybe subconsciously, as he asks, "Do you want me to-"
"No," you interrupt.
"No, I just want to feel you."
The truth is that he's so cute and thoughtful and so excited to be doing this, and you've thought he was unbearably attractive since he walked into that restaurant, and you've admittedly been dripping wet ever since he mentioned he was virgin, and you'll be more than fine knowing that he's having a good time. He can even the score, as it were, later.
But that's a lot to tell him, so you just pull at the band of his boxers, and he gets the hint quickly enough to discard them.
"Okay," he says. "I'm...gonna..."
"I wanna."
You take him in hand, yourself - how the hell has he gone this long without getting laid, he's hot and throbbing and thick in your hand, fuck - and line him up.
That first push in is delicious for you, but for him, it's something completely new, and it's a wonder to watch him. The guttural noise he makes, trailing into a whine, the long line of his throat as he buried his face in your shoulder.
Gentle cants of his hips - you're not sure if it's his own pleasure kneecapping his control or if he's worried for you, either way it's appreciated - ease him in, inch by glorious inch, until finally his hips meet yours, and there he is.
"You," you pant, as he gets settled, "Are no longer a virgin."
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deathskid · 2 years
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࿔ pairing: officer!jean kiersten x bimbo!reader
࿔ synopsis: you found yourself in a holding cell in the middle of the night after a halloween party gone wrong. maybe if you bat your eyelashes a little more, you can convince the nice officer to let you go.
࿔ cw: dubcon, reader is drunk, handcuffs, use of the pet name daddy, throat fucking, spanking, degradation, orgasm denial, dumbification, infidelity, unprotected sex, squirting, fingering, anal play, dacryphilia, breath play, impact play, hair pulling, spitting, breeding kink, overstimulation, reader is kind of a bimbo
࿔ wc: 5.2k
a/n: after hours of technical difficulties and stress, better late than never xoxo
kinktober masterlist
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“public indecency, huh?” jean cackled as he tossed your papers onto his desk before returning his attention to his phone.
“it was an accident!” you protested, words slurring while you huffed and crossed your arms. it really wasn’t an accident. you got too drunk for your own good and decided to show the whole neighborhood how good your tits looked. you didn’t plan on spending the rest of halloween night in a holding cell. you were supposed to be party hopping with your friends, but two parties in, you overestimated just how much alcohol you could drink.
of course, you were lucky enough to flash the neighbors just as the police rolled up. they had to make an example out of you, so you ended up cuffed in the back of the squad car. now, you sat on the cold concrete bench behind the metal bars of the cell by yourself, the alcohol still in full effect.
“i didn’t know you could accidentally flash an entire neighborhood.”
“wasn’t me.” you giggled, laying down on the bench to keep the room from spinning. you almost forgot how restricting your costume was.
you had on a button down white mini dress that barely covered your ass, and the small nurse’s hat you had on earlier in the night was long gone—probably on someone’s couch drenched in alcohol. your fishnets were full of holes and torn up from how many times you tripped throughout the night. you discarded the uncomfortable heels you had on hours ago, waddling around in some random girl’s slippers that she let you borrow.
the buttons on your dress were on the verge of popping off, tits threatening to spill out at any minute. you groaned, sitting back up to undo a few more buttons so you could move more freely. you almost forgot you had an audience as you sighed out, tits sitting pretty in a black lace balconette underneath the white nurse outfit. jean cleared his throat as he glanced at your supple breasts, adjusting in his seat as his cock began to stir in his pants. he inwardly cursed at himself, palming at his half hardened cock.
“i wanna go home!” you sighed loudly.
“you do the crime, you pay the time, sweetheart.” jean continued aimlessly scrolling on his phone, leaning far back in his chair. “might as well get real comfortable. it’s gonna be a long night for you.”
“don’t i get another phone call?” you whined. you wasted your only phone call when you drunkenly dialed the wrong number. instead of calling your boyfriend, you called a disconnected line. the monotonous dial tone was the last thing you needed to hear after your long night. you were shivering and the cold presence of jean looming over your shoulder didn’t help. the quiet sounds of the wind outside and the creaking of metal bars became deafening.
“nope. should’ve double checked the number before you called.” jean chuckled, lowering his eyes to your hardened nipples peaking through your dress. you rubbed your arms, goosebumps forming on your skin as you let out a soft whine. you were really regretting your costume choice. if you would have known you’d end up in a 4x4 concrete cell, you might have gone with something different.
“no no! i cant stay here for the rest of night. i’ll do whatever you ask, please just let me out!” your bottom lip quivered as tears threatened to fall. just thinking about sleeping in this cold cell was enough to make you shiver. your anxiety skyrocketed, creating such obscene scenarios to scare yourself even more. jean didn’t pay any mind to your cries and pleas—he’s heard it all before.
“i’ll do anything you want if you let me go, please! ask me to do anything and i’ll do it, i promise!” you whined, a pout forming on your lips. now that grabbed jean’s attention.
“you’ll do whatever i say, huh?“ the wheels began turning in his head. he thought of all the things he could have you do for him. all because you couldn’t bare a few more hours in the cell.
“yes,” you sniffled, “anything.”
“well i suppose i could let you out… maybe let you have another quick phone call.”
“really? oh my god, thank you so much.”
“but my kindness ain’t free, sweetheart. you gotta pay up,” jean grinned.
“but i don’t have any money to give you.” you dropped your shoulders in defeat.
“you’re adorable. i’m not talking about money. c’mere, let me cuff you then i’ll let you out.” you slotted your hands through the opening in the bars, thinking nothing of his generosity, glee peering behind your bright eyes. jean gently cuffed your hands, then unlocked the cell after you stepped back.
“thank you so much!” you squealed, getting ready to walk out, hoping that jean would follow behind you so you could grab your things.
“aht, we’re not finished.” jean tsked, grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer to him. his breath hitched at the sudden throb of his cock as your doe eyes met his. your eyes glossed over with hope and confusion. his gaze traveled down your body, focusing on how your tits spilled out of your slutty nurse costume, your ass hanging out from the mini dress.
“you said you’d do anything... right?” jean brought his hand up to caress your cheek, closing the space between the two of you. you meekly nodded, eyes darting around the room nervously. your hands felt clammy, the tension circulating in the room stealing any words forming on your tongue.
“hm,” he tilted his head, eyes darkening, “get on your knees.”
“huh? why?” you cocked your head to the side. he chuckled at your naivety.
“don’t you wanna go home? i know you don’t wanna spend the rest of the night in that cell.” he cooed, faux pouting. you chewed on your bottom lip as you weighed your options. you nodded your head, slowly sinking down to your knees, cuffed hands sitting on your lap as you stared down at his boots.
“atta girl. now don’t be shy, take my cock out.” you winced at his bluntness, furrowing your eyebrows as you shook your head.
“i can’t do that!” you exclaimed, taken aback by his lewd request. you were drunk, but not drunk enough to comply.
“oh? and why is that?” he cocked his eyebrow, folding his arms over his chest, making you feel small under his fiery gaze.
“because i have a boyfriend! and you can’t make me! i’d rather stay here all night.” you protested.
“oh, i can’t make you?” he challenged. your blood ran cold at his change in demeanor. you knew he absolutely could make you do anything he wanted, but you shook your head anyway, refusing to let him get one over on you.
“are you disobeying an officer, sweetheart? you know that’s illegal.”
“that’s not-“ you started, but he cut you off before you could defend yourself.
“you have direct orders from an officer. you wanna spend another night in jail for failure to comply?”
“you can’t-“
“two nights.”
“no i-“
you fell silent, shaky hands reaching up to unzip his pants. you made the mistake of looking up at him as your fingers went to pull the waistband of his boxers. heat pooled in your core from the way he looked down at you, the corner of his mouth upturned, his eyes clouded with lust and dominance. he knew how to play his cards right. how to abuse his power.
after slight hesitation, jean grew impatient and cupped your hands in his to help you pull his boxers down. your eyes widened and you scooted back an inch from how intimidating his cock was. you almost passed out at the thought of it cutting off your airway and being pummeled down your throat. his length alone was enough to ruin you, but his sheer girth would definitely split you in half. you shook your head
“i can’t take all of that.” you gulped.
“aw, don’t worry, baby. you can take every last inch.” jean smirked before grabbing a fistful of your hair and easing his cock down your throat before pulling out. you coughed as he did so, the head touching the back of your throat and causing you to silently gag. he had caught you completely off guard as you blinked up at him. he didn’t give you anymore time to prepare yourself before he thrusted his hips forward, filling your mouth with his cock.
you gagged around his length, his cock bruising your throat as he lodged himself down your throat. he used your hair as leverage to fuck your face, hissing as your tongue slid up the underside of his cock. you batted your eyelashes as you looked up at him, tears stinging your waterline as he continued bullying his cock into your mouth.
he was only halfway inside, snickering as he watched you struggle to take the rest, coughing when he pulled out. you took the short supply of oxygen for granted as he rammed his cock back in your mouth, setting a pace you couldn’t keep up with. his cockhead was prodding the back of your throat, bruising it in the process.
drool seeped out of the side of your mouth, dribbling down your chin and onto your breasts. his length was now coated in saliva, spilling onto his heavy balls as he fucked your throat. you hollowed out your cheeks, finding yourself struggling to breathe, missing the sweet air that was now inaccessible.
“fucckk.” jean groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as you let him use you for his own pleasure. he abruptly yanked your head up, admiring how pretty you looked with tears brimming your face and snot decorating your upper lip, chin wet with spit. you gasped for air, coughing and panting as you blinked away the rest of your tears, looking up at him with doe eyes.
“open up.” he purred. you opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out as he spit on your tongue. you moaned quietly at the action, making brief eye contact with him before he slapped his cock on your tongue a few times. your lips closed around the tip, lightly sucking on it as you kissed it. jean cursed under his breath before roughly stuffing his cock inside of your mouth.
“i know you can take the rest, c’mon. breathe through your nose, baby.” his words shot straight to your leaking core. you squeezed your thighs together, whining as he shoved your head all the way down, your nose brushing against his abdomen. he held you there, ignoring your fingers tapping on his thigh. you coughed around him, trying to remember to inhale through your nose as your airflow was cut off entirely.
your hands snaked down to the heat radiating between your thighs, gently dipping underneath your panties and gliding up and down your folds. jean looked down at you, noticing your cuffed hands stuffed in your cunt. he grunted as he pulled you off, his cock ready for release.
“you gettin’ off on me fucking that pretty face?” jean panted, stroking his cock in front of your face. you nodded eagerly as your dainty fingers slipped in between your wet folds, a soft moan leaving your lips. he studied your face for moment, wheels in his head turning before he grabbed hold of your arm, yanking you up from your spot on the floor. “c’mon, up.”
he led you over to his desk chair, taking a seat and spreading his legs wide. “first thing’s first…” he trailed off, tongue gliding across his lips as he sized you up. the sheer thigh high stockings you wore held up by a lace garter belt caused his breath to hitch, your thick thighs threatening to spill out of them. “we gotta get rid of these. don’t you agree, baby?” his hands wandered up your plush thighs, sensually squeezing the flesh before unclipping the garter from your stockings.
your heart threatened to burst out of your chest as his rough hands handled you with such care, as if you were made of glass. his hungry eyes never left yours as he gathered the hem of your dress, pulling it over your ass and letting it gather around your waist. he sucked in his breath, the matching lace panties you had on were beyond soaked.
“god, you’re so beautiful.” he grabbed handfuls of your ass, groping it as he peered up at you. you gulped, butterflies fluttering in your stomach at the unraveling tension.
“don’t be rude, baby. say thank you when daddy compliments you.” you yelped, a stinging slap landing on your ass that was sure to leave a mark. jean shushed you, softly rubbing the now sore skin.
“thank you.” you sniffled.
“thank you, what?”
“thank you, daddy.”
“that’s a good girl.” he spoke softly, raising your leg up to leave chaste kisses on the inside of your thigh. “such a good, good girl.”
“jean, i-“
“tell me what you want, and i’ll give it to you.” he knew exactly what you wanted, but he wouldn’t give it to you until you used your big girl words. his lips were mere centimeters away from your cunt. you were certain he could feel the warmth radiating from your core.
“i-i don’t know, i just—“
“you do know. do i need to make up your mind for you?” his thumb traced small circles on your thigh, his lips grazing your clothed sex. you let out a quiet gasp, shaking your head. his other hand traveled down your waist, his index finger pressing against your clit and drawing slow and agonizing circles through the thin fabric. your hands went to grip his hair as you bucked your hips towards his face, but you only earned a slap to your thigh. “you got 5 seconds to decide what you want, or i’ll decide for you.”
“time’s up.” before you got a chance to respond, he had you bent over his lap, perching your ass up in the air.
“wait! that wasn’t fair—nnghh oh, fuck.” two thick digits dove into your heat, pushing past your slick folds and aiming for that sweet spot. your upper body tensed before relaxing, slumping over his thigh as he pumped his fingers in your cunt. jean let out a breathy moan at how pretty your pussy looked. so wet, and all for him.
“oh… look how wet she is.” jean began jackhammering is fingers in and out of your squelching cunt, constantly hitting that sweet spot that he found in no time. you couldn’t form words because of how fast his fingers were moving. the same room that was filled with your mewls was now silent other than the sound of jean’s fingers fucking your cunt. your moans turned into silent screams, your orgasm threatening to unravel just minutes after his fingers found your sweet spot.
he wrapped his hand around your throat, forcing you to arch your back uncomfortably in his lap. you gasped, breathlessly moaning his name. your eyebrows knitted together, feeling the pressure in your tummy increase with each passing second.
“tell me what you want. i can feel how hard your squeezing in my fingers. baby. use those words.”
“p-please. let me cum.”
“oh i know you can ask better than that. beg for it.” jean’s languid movements almost came to a halt, slowing down to a snail’s pace with agonizingly long and slow movements of his fingers. you writhed in his hold, whining at his cruel games.
“jean.. please. need to cum. wanna cum on your fingers.” you sobbed, but jean still wasn’t satisfied. he pulled his fingers completely out of you, delivering a harsh slap to your cunt. you yelped, pursing your lips as more tears threatened to spill. he slowly massaged your folds to ease the pain, purposefully grazing your clit as he waited for your response.
“fuck, i c— god, please let me cum. i’ll be so good for you. i can be a good little slut for you, daddy. wanna cum all over your fingers ‘n cock.” you pleaded, unaware of just how much your little pet name affected jean. though you couldn’t see it, jean’s eyes became heavy with a primal hunger. his cock was painfully hard beneath you, twitching uncontrollably once more.
you whimpered at the way his hard cock was pressing against your stomach, the small beads of pre cum leaking from his tip wetting your skin. you arched your back, perching your ass up in the air as his hands glided across your backside.
“please, daddy. need you inside.” you cooed, breathing heavily in anticipation. you didn’t have much time to reel back in before jean was peeling you off of his lap and turning you around, pressing your back against his chest as you sat back down.
his hands seemed as if they didn’t belong to him. the way they explored your curves and ripped your costume off of your body could only be done by hands belonging to monster. with very little care and in such a frenzy. you felt so vulnerable, bare and naked for his gratification while he was fully clothed, only pulling his pants down to free his cock.
you felt the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance, causing you to look down and see it slowly disappearing inside of your warmth as he filled you to the brim. your mouth gaped open at the burning stretch of his cock, enveloping his length with your gummy walls.
“oh god… too big!” you whined, moving to close your legs. jean grunted as he gripped the back of your thighs, holding up both your legs and spreading you open wider. he ignored your pathetic cries and bottomed out inside of your tight hole with a hiss.
your knees were almost directly next to your ear as he slowly pulled out his entire length, his angry tip just barely inside of you before he slammed your hips back down on his cock. you wailed out, head falling back on his shoulder as you felt the sudden intrusion of his cock stretching you out beyond belief.
“fuck, baby. ‘s like this pussy was made for me. so fuckin’ tight.” he rasped in your ear, nibbling on your ear lobe as he thrusted up into your cunt, heavy balls slapping against the flesh of your ass. you could only moan in response, his cock creating a cloud of haze in your mind.
your heart was pumping, blood rushing to your head with each movement of his hips. you couldn’t find the energy to meet his thrusts because of how intoxicating his strokes were. each time you fluttered your heavy eyes open, the room spun from the immense pleasure he was giving you.
“so— so fucking good.” you breathed out, tears running down your face. your cheeks were streaked with black mascara, the glitter eyeshadow that once sat on your eyelids now scattered under your eye. it was almost embarrassing how a sleazy officer had you looking this fucked out.
jean’s lips latched on to the side of your neck, muffling his groans as your cunt clenched down on his cock mercilessly. his cock was snug against your cervix with each thrust, your body jolting as he repeatedly hit that sweet spot that had you mewling his name over and over.
his cock throbbed inside of you, resisting the imminent urge to paint your insides white. he placed his chin on your shoulder, watching your swollen cunt suck his cock in,
“f-fuck m’gonna cum.” you cried, the pleasure becoming too overwhelming. with your hands still restrained in cuffs in front of you, you arched your back, fingers finding the swollen bundle of nerves vying for attention.
“c’mon cum all on this dick, princess,” he whispered, “but i’m not done with you.” his words alone were enough to have you coming undone. you jerked as your cunt spasmed and legs shook, eyes rolling to the back of your head. your mouth formed an “o” shape, but no sound came out. your breath was caught in your lungs, almost as if you forgot how to breathe. incoherent babbles left your mouth as jean fucked you through your high, cursing at your fluttering cunt hugging his length. you finally came down as his pace slowed, pulling out of your dripping hole completely, his cock still fully erect and red.
jean exhaled, slowly putting your legs back down as he squeezed your thighs gently, contrasting the way he abused your cunt. your legs were still trembling as he set them down, admiring the way you left a damp patch on his pants.
“c’mon, princess. bend over this desk for me.” he purred, his palm flat against your lower back as you lazily complied, stretching out your cuffed wrists across the desk, head still muddled from your orgasm. he stood from his seat, massaging the sides of your hips to bring you back. “good, good girl.”
“no more.” you whimpered, the chill of his wooden desk cooling down your heated cheek as you pressed the side of your face to it, your cunt contracting around nothing as your arousal dripped onto the floor. jean smirked, fingers digging into your ass and spreading your cheeks apart, examining the lewd sight before him. he watched in a trance as your poor cunt clenched around the air, cum spilling out of your fucked out hole and gliding down your glistening folds.
he couldn’t resist his urges. he pressed his tongue flat against your cunt, causing you to flinch and try to wriggle away from him. you whined as he licked a stripe up your cunt, collecting your sweet nectar on his tongue before pulling away from your cunt.
from the side of your eye, you watched him hover over you, heart beginning to race once again. you winced as jean grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking your head up at an uncomfortable angle. you steadied yourself as best as you could on your bound hands, blinking up at the man above you. with his other hand, he squeezed your cheeks together, spitting a mix of your cum and his saliva into your mouth.
a moan mixed with pleasure and pain slipped past your swollen lips as he rammed his cock in you from behind. he released your hair and let your face fall down on his desk as he gave your ass a stinging smack, starting off with a toe curling pace that had you on the verge of cumming already.
any hints of mercy and kindness disappeared as he drilled into you, basking in the sounds of your slopping cunt and feverish moans.
“tooo much! please, daddy!” you keened, voice cracking as you endured his unruly assault, nails digging into your palm hard enough to draw blood. jean only chuckled in between groans, too focused on the way your walls tried so hard to push him out, but he was determined to fuck you deeper.
though, you thought he couldn’t bully his cock any deeper inside of you, he did. he propped your leg up on his desk, gripping the globes of your ass as drove his cock impossibly deeper. your eyes shot open as he reached spots you didn’t know existed, letting out a blaring mewl that did nothing but coax him on.
there was no way his cock wasn’t in your stomach. you felt every inch and vein on him as he split you open, gripping him like a vice.
“shit, this pussy’s fuckin’ perfect.” jean sighed, your puckered hole suddenly peaking his interest. the way it subtly winked as if it were begging for his attention. you were too blissed out to notice the glob of spit trickling down your ass hole and leaking down your cunt.
jean brought his thumb to his lips, coating it in more of his spit before slowly circling the unused hole. your eyes widened as your your head snapped to the side, struggling to see what he was up to.
“wh- what are you—no, fuck, not there. nnghh, daddy!” you squeezed your eyes shut as his thumb pushed past the tight rim, the foreign feeling causing your hips to buck uncontrollably. you couldn’t describe the new sensation, only that it all became too much for you to handle.
“i ca— i can’t. p-please, no more!” you choked out, your foot almost hovering off of the ground as you stood on your tip toes, trying to put space between your bodies. jean tsked, pulling your hips back to his and quickening his pace.
“yes. you. can.” he punctuated each word with a cruel thrust, sending you into a downward spiral, hurdling closer and closer to a second round of pure bliss, slowly pumping his thumb in your ass. “you want me to stop, baby?” he asked, slowing down his hips and taking his time with each long stroke. you sobbed at the change of speed, feeling your creeping orgasm wither away.
“don’t stop, daddyyyy. i’ll be a good girl ‘n take it.” you hiccuped as you shook your head, jutting your hips back to meet his to dull the growing ache in your core.
“i thought it was too much?” his voice laced with greed and lust as he mocked you. he wrapped his hand around your throat and pulled you up, squeezing the sides and pressing your back flush to his chest. your hands shot up to his wrist, the lack of oxygen adding fuel to your evergrowing fire.
“fuck me, please. need daddy to fill me up with his cum.” desperation oozed from your hoarse voice, bottom lip quivering as you looked up at him through wet lashes. jean almost folded right then and there, returning to his frenzied assault on your cunt, pounding into your g spot over and over.
you couldn’t peel your eyes away from the heavenly sight above you. jean with his eyebrows furrowed and mouth slightly agape, sweat beading at his hairline and glimmering on the bridge of his nose. stray strands of hair fell down, framing his face in the most perfect way.
his cock twitched inside of you as he felt your cunt contract around him. you were close and so was he. you alternated between moaning his name and chanting the word “yes” as you creeped closer and closer to your orgasm, the pressure in your lower abdomen growing with each snap of his hips.
“fuck, fuck, fuck. c’mere, baby.” jean crashed his lips onto yours, ravishing the taste of your smeared cherry lipgloss. he swallowed your fervent moans, your fingers still grasping at his hand covering your neck. your tongue swirled around his, mouths moving in sync as his hand snaked its way down your neck and stomach, fingers finding your neglected clit and drawing circles. you pressed your body impossibly closer to his, sweat sticking to the both of you.
“yes, f-fuck right there, daddy. m’gonna cum.” you cried against his lips, looking him in his eyes as your eyebrows knitted together. the overwhelming pleasure from his fingers caressing your clit, his cock kissing your g-spot, and his thick digit still pressed into your asshole was enough to have you teetering on the brink of unconsciousness. it was all too much at once, being stimulated in almost every way possible.
“is daddy’s pretty little slut gonna cum, yeah? want daddy to fill this pretty pussy up with his cum?” he growled. you nodded, jaw going slack. “want daddy to knock you up, huh? want me to make you a pretty mommy? have your tummy all round with my kids?”
“god, yes! wanna be a mommy.” you moaned, your eyes crossing, almost completely unaware of the words that were slipping past your lips. the coil in your core finally snapped, a sob escaping your chest. your eyes darted around in the room, attempting to ground yourself in lieu of your blossoming orgasm.
“look at me. look at me when you cum, nowhere else.” your wandering eyes snapped back to his ice cold ones, his pupils dilated as your grip on his wrist tightened, cunt clenching at his words as you fell over the edge. your hands frantically moved back and forth between gripping his wrist and gripping the edge of the desk, unable to stay still. you convulsed around his cock as his thrusts became less strategic and uniform. your eyes never left his as you gushed around his length and his desk, body shaking and knees buckling as jean held you up. you arched your back off of his chest and tried to pry his hand away from your overstimulated clit. his own release was near, and the way you sucked him in made it impossible to hold out.
he watched in amazement as you squirted every time he thrusted forward. your cunt was almost numb and so was your mind, head falling back on his shoulder as you let him experiment with you. you couldn’t do anything but moan out every time he hit that spot that had you squirting repeatedly.
with one final push, jean’s hips stilled, spilling his cum inside of you and filling you to the brim with a loud moan as you milked his cock. a shiver went down your spine as he pulled his thumb out of your ass, sighing in content at him fucking his cum back into you.
he winced as he pulled out of your warmth, smacking your ass and watching you collapse onto his desk.
“daddy.” you called out for him, fighting sleep as you laid out on his desk, face flat on the wood.
“yes, princess?” jean replied, stuffing his cock back in his boxers and pulling his pants up. he didn’t hear a response from you, so he turned around, chuckling as you held out your cuffed wrists. he fished the key out of his pocket, taking the cuffs off and tossing them to the side. he brought your wrists to his lips, kissing them both to soothe the marks they had left.
“i can’t fucking believe you. you’re so damn lucky i responded to that call and no one else did.” jean scoffed as he wrapped you up in his jacket, cradling your spent body in his lap.
“‘m sorry, jean.” you mumbled, drifting off to sleep.
“hey.” jean tapped your cheek twice before gripping your jaw. you looked up at him through half lidded and blood shot eyes, raising your eyebrows ever so slightly as a response. “do that shit again and i won’t always be there to save you, understand?” you nodded, getting ready to rest your head on his shoulder again, but he gripped your jaw a little tighter to grab your attention. “words.”
“i understand.” you yawned, tears prickling your eyes from how exhausted you were. it was almost 4am and you were spent from the sex, and the alcohol was finally catching up to you. jean pressed a kiss to your temple, removing his hand from your jaw and letting your head fall on his shoulder.
“and when you wake up, don’t think i’ll have forgotten about this shit. i got something else for you when we get home.”
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prager-lover · 1 year
Recom Prager x F!Recom!Reader
I got so damn bored also this is my first time writing for a Recom, i've been obsessed with them since I saw the second movie. Feel free to send me hc or fic ideas for the recoms cuz I love them so much.
When you cant find the fanfics you want, write em yourself
Content overview: Swearing, reader is straight/bisexual(says they like men, doesnt specify if they are straight or bi), cringe fluff, Prager being dumb (i love him), Prager being a little nerd that can't talk to women, awful writing get over it this is self indulgent
Word count? Dont know. A lot. Ignore how bad my writing is
Pandora, twenty years later.
Being woken up in this new big blue body kind of threw you for a loop. Years ago, we were fighting these giants and now you were them. What the fuck. The first face you saw was Lopez and Christ Almighty he was the wrong person to see. All up in your face, the blue Latino was yelling, probably running off an adrenaline high.
Prompting you to shove him away and jump off the gurney, backing into a corner. Other large blue bodies closed in on you, yelling to calm down. You took the time to realize they were Marines. Your friends. You calmed down when one of the Na'vi that looked alot like your old friend Ja started talking. He started explaining that you guys were recoms, you'd died and now you're back.
Well Shit.
Y/N's Pov
It's been a few months since I woke up as a Recom. Thankfully, everyone seems to have adjusted. Lyle is still an idiot, flirting with every breathing thing at Hellsgate (Im pretty sure hes even tried making passes at the Colonel). Being in this new body is actually pretty cool once you get used to it. The stripes and shit look awesome. Besides, the improved strength is nothing to sneeze at. When we're not out trying to find Sully, I spend almost every free minute in the gym, or at least outside trying to do something active, any chance to be around my friends. I'm glad Ja is here, back when we were humans, he was my damn rock. Always there with a joke and a smile, it's nice to be so comfortable with someone, considering theres only a few of us recoms. Everyone else on base is either a scientist trying to probe me, or some puny human that jumps a mile high when I go in a room. Tiresome.
There is a new guy though, Prager. He was in the room when I woke up, wide eyed and ready to hold me back if it was needed. Not so good for first impressions. Ja gave us a formal introduction afterwards. Apparently him, Brown, and Ja were pretty good friends. His facial features did look kind of familiar, I probably saw him around base a few times. I can't lie, he was kind of striking. In a weird way. He looked so tired all the time. We got to talking, and eventually became friends as well. He was reallyyy into working out. It was kind of obvious, Jesus his muscles were big. Kind of muscles that you just wanna smack. It started with us running into each other at the gym, polite "Heys" and "How're you?" but after a while we started working out together. He'd spot me on the bench, making it kind of hard to concentrate when he's standing right on top of me. Almost dropped the weight a few times. We'd hang out together for a little bit, going outside on the basketball courts and watch animals flying around, and sometimes when it would be near eclipse, we'd stay and watch. We'd both be hungry, and sometimes he'd forget a snack so I'd bring extra protein bars I snuck from the mess hall. Sometimes when he'd turn away I'd look at him. He was pretty, especially in this lighting. Very soft and relaxed, unlike when we were on missions. When it was just us, no Ja or Lopez coming around the corner to tackle him, he'd let his face fall or just close his eyes. Call me delusional, but I swear he did the same to me. I'd turn my head around and catch him quickly turning, light purple blush spreading across his cheeks. Cute.
3rd person Pov
"Hey, Y/n, wait up!"
Y/n turned around, smiling when she saw Prager jogging towards her, green headband ties swaying behind him.
"Damn girly, what happened to waiting for eachother?" He said, feigning hurt while slightly out of breath.
"Sorry man, maybe you're just too slow. Pick up the pace." She joked, lightly punching his bicep, being met with pure muscle. God Damn. He wont admit it, but that touch sent butterflies right to his stomach. He'd been harbouring this crush on Y/n for months now, and everyday it seemed like it went deeper. Ja would groan loudly when Prager brought up y/n for what seemed the thousandth time that day.
"Just stop being a pussy and ask. her. OUT." He'd say, enunciating the last 3 words with smacks on Prager's head.
"I know but what if she says no, I'd rather get trampled by a direhorse." He lamented, throwing himself onto a bunk like a melodramatic Disney princess. Ja just decides to give up.
Y/n and Prager started their typical workout routine, stretching, muscle building, then cardio if they could bear to look at a treadmill or bike. They didnt talk much during their workouts, mostly shared smiles or raised eyebrows. It was late now, the workout was probably 3, 3.5 hours. Too long. They left the facility, heading out to the basketball courts to cool down.
Y/n's Pov
Fuck. Too long. Way too fuckin long for a workout. I should be used to it at this point, i'm a damn marine but it was too much weight for too many reps. I think Prager feels the same way. Everything feels too light in my hands, the dumb bells ghost weight still pulling my arms down. One upside, Prager still somehow looked good. I'm not sure how its possible but the man just looks handsome without trying. Pisses me off to a point, he probably doesnt realize how good he looks to me right now. Asshole.
We stopped in our tracks and flopped to the ground.
"Fuck almighty." He groans out, sprawled out on the concrete, tail flicking lazily next to him.
"Yeah, you're telling me." I say, sitting down next to him. "It's gonna be a pain in the ass to get up tomorrow."
We sit in silence for a while, just soaking in the fresh and cool air. Thats the beauty of Pandora, all this beautiful scenery, nature preserved and fresh air not polluted by billions of people over-populating the planet. Sometimes I don't like what we're doing here. General Ardmore, all the other humans. We're going to fuck up this planet, just like we did our original one. Prager must have noticed my shift in mood, my tail flicking around, agitated. He sat up on his elbows looking at me.
"You alright there?" He asked, big ol eyes looking up at me. I was knocked out of my trance.
"Yeah i'm good, just thinkin'."
He was about to reply when a loud laugh erupted from the side. There was Lyle, hands on his knees while Z-dog was wiping tears from her eyes. Of course. Those guys were inseparable. And insufferable. Lyle would always be giggling about some stupid shit. I love that bald bastard but when you're trying to unwind it can get on your nerves. Prager and I shared a look. Yeah, he knew. We both started laughing, somehow our two voices still overpowered by Lyle's hacking guffaw across the courtyard. We watched them walk off, Z-dog clapping his back.
"Do you think they have something going on?" Prager asks me. I was taken aback. He said it so nonchalantly, but I never would have thought he was one for gossip.
I chuckled as I answered. " I really doubt it, I think Z-dog's gay. Never seen a girl that looks like that without an ounce of fruit in her. Never knew you were a gossip queen Prag, didn't know you had it in you." I raised my eyebrow suspiciously at him. He threw his head back laughing softly, his Adam's apple withing perfect striking distance. Why did I think about that. We were quiet for a few seconds. when suddenly;
"Are you gay?" He was looking at me again. The question was so quiet I thought I misheard him for a second. Again, taken aback.
"Uh, no. No, I like guys."
He let out a breath of relief. "Oh thank god."
What the fuck. I started laughing. Loud, violent laughs as he quickly gets from his comfortable position, obviously panicking from what he just said.
"Wait wait wait no I- no no I didn't mean it- well I didn't mean it like that no no you got it all wrong." He was shaking his hands at me, cheeks blushing a deep purple. I was rolling on the fucking ground. my sides hurt from how hard I was laughing. I tried gaining composure, but his stupid handsome face was looking at me with a panicked face and I came undone again.
"did-didn't know you didn't agree with-" I hiccupped. "-that sort of lifestyle Prag." I was still giggling when he got louder.
"Wait wait NO I didn't mean it like- like that no no it's- no I have gay friends and stuff-" Again I lost it. His ears were pinned back against his skull, tail swishing adamantly behind him, pupils big.
"No no no no no no no I just meant it like I like you so I hoped you didn't like girls cuz that would suck cuz I like you and I don't want you to not like me..." He covered his face with his hands, mumbling after that sentence. What he said, I don't know but I think it was along the same lines. All that was replaying in my mind was " I like you"
Prager liked me? ME? I turn so I'm Infront of him, he's still babbling on and on, incoherent.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I asked that-"
"I know I know I'm sorry I can just go I'm sorry I don't know I just got nervous I'm sorry."
Fucking Christ he was cute. I grabbed his wrists, yanking his hands away from his still blushing face.
He looks up to me so mopey, poor kitty cat with his ears drooping. I couldn't stop myself. I kissed his nose. That shut him up.
"Prager, I like you too."
He's looking at me with his mouth half open. Idiot. His hand reached for mine, holding me tightly.
"You do?" He sounded so small and helpless, like a kitten.
"Yes, you fucking dipshit" I said with a toothy grin.
His shoulders slumped over and he leaned into me, crushing me in a hug.
"Thank god oh my god you had no idea how long I've wanted to hear that thank GOD-"
I kissed his nose again. I'm finding this to be a very effective way of shutting him up.
"Maybe ask me out now instead of rambling."
He grinned at me. We left the courts a few minutes later, I reached to hold his hand and he took mine gladly. He dropped me off at my room.
"Night y/n, see you tomorrow." He beamed down at me, his ears perked up and tail moving quickly.
"Goodnight hotshot."
Prager scampered off. He felt like singing but he knew no one around would appreciate it, so he settled with whistling. The man wanted to fucking skip. It was obvious to Ja, who was playing cards with Brown and Lopez when Prager came in, that something good had happened.
"Prager? You alright man?" they all turned to look at him, his usually tired looking eyes bright and wide open.
"This guy on meth or something?" Lopez muttered.
"No no nothing like that I'm just a happy camper fellas."
Ja figured it out.
"ohhh yes."
Loud noises, Brown whooping and Lopez hitting Prager's back filled the room. Ja tousled up Prager's hair, laughing at his scaredy-cat friend's (Long overdue) courage. They made him stay up and tell them all the details.
Is this my best work? probably not. But I am both sleep deprived and Prager content deprived so let me live my life. I'm living for the recoms right now. tell me what y'all think bye have a nice day
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fridamoss · 1 year
Is This Love (That I'm Feeling?) Bob Floyd X Loot (PART 6)
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Summary: Bob & Loot get it on.
Warnings: Smut, curses 18+ only.
Word count: 4,658
Archive of Our Own // Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
You pulled up outside the Hard Deck in an Uber. Bob said he would meet you at the front door and sure enough, you could see him standing there alone, shifting on his feet looking anxious. He was fixing his hair into place when he saw you walking toward him. His jaw almost hit the ground, you were wearing the slinkiest, shortest dress with heels and he since he knew exactly what you were wearing underneath, he couldn’t help his mind going to the first filthy thought that popped up.
‘Hey Robbie,’ you cooed, heels clicking as you took the last few steps to where he was standing stock-still.
‘Hey,’ he began before you cut him off with a kiss. Your lipstick had smudged on to his mouth and you wiped it off with your thumb. 
It took a moment for him to come back down to earth. ‘You look real nice,’ Bob swallowed, ‘you look beautiful,’ he finished, clearing his throat.
Giving him a once over, you noticed his boots had been shined recently, his turn up jeans paired with a tucked in shirt just gave him the sweetest 50’s boyfriend vibes.
‘Damn, you look good, can we just take it back to mine already?’ Your hands roamed his chest, you didn’t even notice you were biting your lip until you caught Bob staring at your mouth. 
‘Kidding, I really want that drink.’
‘Did you wanna eat?’ Bob pointed toward a burger van parked on the lot next to the bar. 
‘New rule, Robbie, never assume I don’t wanna eat.’ 
You ate slow, savouring every bite of this burger van meal that Bob had insisted on buying for you. He’d even specified no onions for his order, so he wouldn’t gross you out later, even though he loved all the additions to his burger.
Bob sat facing you, straddling the picnic bench as you ate, pushing your hair behind your ear each time it escaped in the warm breeze. He smiled while you talked to him, you had a wealth of knowledge for someone who was only out in the world for a decade, he thought. 
There wouldn’t be a time when he didn’t want to listen to you, he’d be a good partner, he’d care for you, enjoy your company and the best thing was you were way more outgoing than him, so he could sit back and let you do the talking. He’d like that. So he leaned in and kissed you while you were talking about redecorating your little apartment. ‘I wanna help,’ he said, making your heart flutter in your chest. 
The music wasn’t too loud in the Hard Deck, but it was a little abrasive compared with the sound of the ocean Bob was enjoying just moments ago. 
You’d been waving and hollering over at people you recognised; which was everyone, Bob noted. He managed to get Penny’s attention and ordered two beers before sidling up to you and putting a hand on your waist. You were chatting to someone, looking only mildly interested in the conversation, Bob thought he knew their face but wouldn’t be able to tell you their name. 
You turned, taking the beer from his hand, giving him a soft smile and a look that said ‘give me just a minute and I’ll be all yours.’ 
Bob stood, not awkwardly, but happily by your side, with his thumb rubbing along your silky dress, feeling the lacy band of your pretty panties.
‘It’s you guys!’ A drunken Fanboy made his way through the crowd, elbowing people to get up close, beer in hand. He leaned against Bob, ‘Oh man, I’m so happy you’re together. HERE together,’ his eyes were wild in his head, he’d had way too much to drink.
Bob hoped he wouldn’t hear his room mate puking tomorrow morning, he gave his friend a tight lipped smile.
‘I saw you got the condoms from my dresser!’ Fanboy thought he was whispering. ‘It’s cool, man.’ Garcia clapped a hand on Bob’s back, leaning in to his ear. ‘I hope you have a nice time.’
Bob could see you eyeing Fanboy, feeling terribly sympathetic to what you knew was an embarrassing moment for Bob.
When Fanboy had hugged you both and moved off in the direction of the pool table, you turned to Bob. ‘You ok? You’re quiet.’
Luckily, the embarrassment had faded a little by the time you’d finished your conversation with your acquaintance. 
‘I’m good, I’m happy.’ 
‘You’re too sweet, that guy is way enthusiastic, I can never get rid of him. Next time, be a bit obnoxious and he’ll fuck right off.’ 
Bob laughed, your eyes narrowing, hoping you’d get a reaction from him.
‘Gotta let him know you’re my girl, huh?’ Leaning in to give you a kiss, you were interrupted by Phoenix. 
‘You’re here!’ Her face nearly split in half when she smiled. 
‘Are you all really drunk or somethin’? Bob muttered, shrugging his jacket off and laying it across his forearm. He made a mental note to offer it to you when you left later tonight.
‘I’m just happy you guys are kinda making it official. Bob has been agonising over every text he was sending to you,’ Phoenix rolled her eyes, she loved Bob, he was the most chill guy to be around but it had been painful for her to see how excited and apprehensive her friend had been.
You and Bob looked at each other, seeing the small smile rising on his face, you figured you’d answer for both of you, ‘yeah, it is official. Can’t let this one get away.’ You laughed with Phoenix, she told you a story about how Bob had helped an old lady with her groceries while he kept his hand on you, stepping in closer when someone passed him. 
Everyone managed to come by and say hello, like it was your party and everyone was doing their duty in thanking you for inviting them. Eventually, Bob whispered ‘let’s get out of here,’ brushing his lips against your earlobe. You shivered, turning your head a little toward him, ‘kiss my neck.’ You had no idea why you said it, right here, in front of all of these people you knew from work but you didn’t regret it when you felt Bob lean in and kiss your neck softly, he had been running his fingers along your spine for the last few minutes. The sensation had you closing your eyes, hoping you wouldn’t lose it completely. His nose grazed the back of your neck as he kept kissing, small pecks turning to longer sucking kisses. 
Anything on the back of your neck drove you wild, nothing would get you wet faster. The idea of Bob finding out these little kinks of yours made you giggle. He lifted his head to look at you on hearing the sound. 
Biting his lip, he grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the crowd. 
‘You don’t wanna say goodbye?’ Knowing he didn’t, but you asked anyway. 
Bob walked backwards, pulling you with him, positively eye fucking you. 
The quicker you got back to a bedroom the better, yours or his, you didn’t care. 
The fresh air hit you, setting your skin off with goosebumps. Bob draped his jacket across your shoulders before tapping his phone open to order an Uber home, ‘your place?’ he asked, there was no way in hell he wanted Fanboy to ruin his night when he barged into their apartment, the way he always did after a night out and a belly full of alcohol. Making all of the noise and mess as a herd of cattle.
The journey took only a few minutes, but Bob had sat so close to you in the back of the car that you were sure the driver sped up just to get you both out as quickly as possible. You were grossing people out with your PDA already. Bob’s nose was behind your ear, whispering sweet things that sounded so incredibly dirty while his fingers move up your thigh, your legs parting just an inch for him. 
Bob helped you step out of the car, holding your hand until you reached your door. While you fumbled in your bag for your key you noticed the door was already unlocked, you distinctly remember locking it before you left.
‘Robbie,’ the panic in your voice stopped him from hooking his finger under the strap of your dress. His eyes following to where your hand was shakily pushing the door open. 
The light in the living room was on. Bob instinctively stepped over the threshold before you, putting a hand back against you protectively.
Both of you tip toeing, eyes darting into corners. Someone had broken into your apartment. The realisation hit you just before the panic on seeing movement from down the short hallway, a figure appeared at your bedroom door.
You felt Bob stiffen and stand up to his full height before you grabbed his arm, holding him back.
‘David!’ Fucking relief. ‘What the fuck?’ 
Bob furrowed his brow. Why the hell was Loot’s husband here? 
‘You don’t answer your phone now?’ David stomped towards you, his shirt open almost to his navel, tanned skin on show. 
You made an ‘oh’ sound and pulled your phone from your bag, realising you hadn’t checked it for hours. There were several missed calls and texts from David.
‘I was worried about you. You hung up on me saying he was at your door,’ David nodded toward Bob, who was standing with his arm still shielding you.
‘I’m David by the way,’ your husband held out his hand for Bob. 
‘Bob,’ was all he could say, shaking the hand that was offered. 
‘You’re way cuter than she described,’ David stated, mater of fact. ‘Jealous,’ he look at you pointedly.
‘Well, since you’re fine I’m leaving. Goodnight.’ And just like that, your friend was gone, closing the door behind him.
‘Uhm…’ Bob’s face displayed all of the emotions running through his head.
‘Sorry,’ you whispered, locking the door. 
‘At least he cares,’ Bob shoved his hands into his pockets, wondering what he could say.
‘He’ll call me tomorrow to talk about how hot you are, I just know it.’ 
Bob looked you for a beat before kissing you hungrily, surprising even himself.
He’d met your husband and felt no jealousy. All the feelings he’d had about how an unusual situation this was disappeared as he breathed softly against your mouth. 
‘You’re still cool to stay?’ 
You reached for his hands, placing them on your hips. He nodded while dipping down for another kiss. 
‘He didn’t beat the shit out of me so I suppose he’s allowing me to fuck his wife.’
‘Robert Floyd!’ 
Both of you giggled, hands beginning to grab at each other. 
‘If I don’t get you into my bedroom this second, I think I’ll lose my mind.’ Bob had his hands on your back, pulled impossibly close to him. 
‘Agreed,’ without much effort, he dropped his hands to your thighs and hoisted you onto his hips and carried you towards your bedroom, dropping you unceremoniously onto the bed. You bounced, giggling, watching him toe off his boots. ‘I’ll be right back.’ 
Grumbling, you grabbed out for him, almost catching hold of his shirt.
He giggled down at you, ‘I just gotta go to the bathroom real quick.’
Two minutes without him was too much. As soon as he closed the door behind him, you sat up onto your knees and pulled him towards you. He leaned down and dissolved into your kisses. 
‘I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since the first week of January,’ he admitted, eyes closed.
‘That was the week I transferred,’ you ran a finger across his lips, a slight patch of stubble on his chin rubbing along your palm.
Nodding, he allowed his hands to roam across your shoulders and down your arms. ‘I saw you on the tarmac, my first flight after I got back from my folks place back home. My head got so messed up, I forgot what I was doing, Nat yelled at me,’ he remembered, smiling. 
‘Do you think you’ll remember what you’re doing if I take this off?’ Sitting back on your haunches, you slipped the straps of your dress off your shoulders, squeezing your tits together to give him a full view of your cleavage. 
‘Yes ma’am,’ he hummed, planting his face between your tits and groaning. 
His voice was muffled while he buried himself further, making you giggle. Your hands were stroking the back of his neck, gripping his wide shoulders when you felt his teeth scrape against the soft flesh of your breast, his nose was nudging at your bra, pushing it aside. Immediately his lips found your nipple and pressed a delicate kiss there, waiting for your reaction. 
Whimpering as he teased until your bud hardened. ‘Fuck, keep doing that.’ You purred.
‘What about the other one?’ Bob’s hands were running up your sides to squeeze at your breasts, both of you moaned in unison, his lips kissed over the fabric of your dress, searching for the peak of your other nipple, you could feel him smile when he found it, suddenly pulling the material down to expose you to him. Helping him get full access, you shimmied the straps all the way down your arms and leaned back, allowing him to push your tits together and place feverish kisses across your hot skin. 
‘Jesus, Robbie, you’ll make me cum.’ The admission made him start, that’d be a first. He looked up at you, his glasses askew.
‘Can I take these off?’ Gently lifting the glasses free, you found his clear, pretty eyes looking at you, pupils blown wide with lust, a soft grin on his lips. He was already drunk on you and he’d only had a mouthful of your tits. He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on the rest of you.
Images flashed in his mind of the last few evenings in the shower, jerking himself off at the thoughts of sucking love bites into your flesh all the way from your chest to your hips, along your ribs. Bob’s grunt was feral, making you bite your lip, a flood of arousal hitting you.
‘Robbie, baby.’ Was all you could say, Bob pulled you close to him and devoured your mouth in a heated kiss, his tongue was on yours as his knees hit the bed, gently pushing you on to your back. Reaching behind, you unclasped your bra and threw it across the room. His eyes lit up as he watched you wriggle, leaning one knee onto the mattress, he climbed slowly toward you, leaning down to kiss a trail from your breastbone to your neck, finding the faded love bite he’d given you in the supply closet. He let his fingertip brush across it briefly before taking a handful of your breast, again leaning toward it to suck the nipple into his mouth. 
Your back arched off the bed, for a few moments Bob got lost in you. ‘You smell so good,’ he whispered, hips beginning to grind against the bed. 
‘May I?’ Warm hands moved up your thighs to hook into the waistband of your pretty panties.
‘I love these, by the way,’ Bob hummed in appreciation as you lifted your butt off the bed to let him roll the green silk off of your legs, joining the discarded bra.
Bob pushed your dress up to your waist, bunching the fabric in his hands. 
‘You’re pretty everywhere,’ he mused, eyes now fixed on your wet pussy. Your moan was a siren’s call for him, he moved in closer, pressing kisses across your thighs, letting his lips rest against your folds for just a second before moving off again.
You squirmed in anticipation.
‘Oh, you liked that?’ 
‘Bob I never thought you were a tease!’ Your chest was heaving with want. ‘Please, please, please get your mouth on me.’ 
A rush of blood to his cock made him rut into the mattress involuntarily. 
‘Yes ma’am,’ he grinned, kissing you right where you needed it. His tongue flicking out at your clit, rubbing his face gently up and down your slit, noticing how sweet you tasted to him. 
‘I knew you’d taste good,’ he whined, grinding himself against the mattress. 
Your fingers found their way into his hair, the strands coming loose while you began moving your hips to meet his face. 
He was sucking at your clit softly, moving his face from side to side when he heard you gasp, moving faster as your groans got louder. 
Bob ran his hand along your stomach, up towards your mouth, pressing two fingers onto your tongue, silently asking you to suck on them. 
Once they were as wet as he wanted, he placed one at your entrance, peeking at you to make sure you were comfortable, pushing in gently, warming you up the way he knew he should. 
A broken cry of his name disappeared into the air, you were grabbing your nipples between your fingers while Bob kissed and licked and sucked at your delicate parts. 
He started making that ‘mmm’ sound that drove you wild.
‘Bob get up here!’ Finding your voice, not wanting him to stop but you needed more than just his fingers. 
When he pulled free, you felt your arousal leak out of you. Bob breathed in your scent and looked up at you, almost as if he had forgotten you were there.
God, this man got titty drunk and pussy drunk, he liked being down there, you realised. 
There was no warning before you starting pulling at his shirt, sliding it up over his arms. Bob hopped off of the bed and began unbuckling his belt, his hands shaking a little. 
There was a tattoo on his chest, just a small thing you could see in the lamplight, right under his collarbone. This was the first time you’d seen Bob without a shirt and boy he looked good.
‘How did you hide this for so long?’ It wasn’t really a question he needed to answer, Bob wasn’t a show off. You knew he’d be well put together. He was muscular but not overly so, just in perfect proportion. He had those beautiful muscles that shaped themselves into a ‘v’ across his hips, leading down to the waistband of his boxers, which you unceremoniously pulled down as soon as he undid the button on his jeans.
For the second time that day, you licked your lips when you saw him spring free. His erection hitting his stomach and settling into your palm as you reached out for him. 
With one lick you tasted everything that was him, your mouth opened and took him in, he jerked a little at the sensation. wrapping his fingers around your hair and pulled a little, eliciting a moan from you.
‘You like hair pulling?’
‘Mmhmm’ was all you could say, your mouth was stuffed full of him. Peeking up at the man standing over you, running his fingers through your hair, he had a look in his eye like he was about to eat you alive. 
‘Ok, stop,’ he stuttered, moving his hips back. ‘I’ll cum,’ he admitted, seeing your questioning look.
‘I like it too much and you’re really good with your mouth.’ Bob took your chin between his thumb and index finger and kissed you hard. 
Tongues met with increasing need. 
‘Bob get the condom.’ You panted. He nodded, sitting onto the bed and pulling his legs free of his jeans. 
He rooted around in his wallet before pulling out a string of condoms that had been stuffed in there hastily earlier that evening.
‘How many did you bring?’ 
Bob’s ears flushed pink as he scrambled to rip one free. ‘I just…I took whatever I could.’
‘Poor Fanboy’s not getting any tonight,’ you laughed, kissing his cheek moving over to straddle his lap. You squeezed your knees against his hips and ran your tongue along the shell of his ear. A soft groan escaped from his lips, lips that were wandering across your neck.
You took his hand and brought the condom packet to your mouth. He watched you with half lidded eyes as you tore the pack open with your teeth.
Not safe, but pretty fuckin hot. 
Bob ran his hands along your thighs, stopping to squeeze your ass while you gently took his cock in your hands and ran the condom along his length. 
Just as he had done that afternoon, he put his hand under your chin and asked you to spit.
Bob let it drip onto the head of his cock and wipe it down to the base. 
‘I don’t think I need any lube,’ you hitched your dress up to your waist and lined yourself up to take him.
Nodding in agreement, he kissed you tenderly, feeling the head of his cock notch at the warm entrance of your cunt. Breathing out when he felt you sink down just a little. Moving your hips in a small circle, you eased onto him, letting yourself adjust to his size. 
He was definitely the biggest you’d had. ‘That…feels…amazing,’ you let your head fall back, Bob took advantage of the skin in front of him and started kissing and suckling at your neck, your shoulders, anywhere he could put his mouth. 
He grunted as you sank all the way down onto him, your breath hitched at the feeling, you were so full of him. 
Bob whispered your name, pressing his forehead to yours, guiding you up and gently back down. ‘I’ve been dreaming about riding you like this, Robbie.’ 
He nodded, not trusting himself to speak, lest he begin talking nonsense. He wanted in that moment to say he was falling in love with you. But he knew the rule, never tell a woman you love her while you’re fucking her. 
Instead, he pulled your body closer to his. You loved the feel of his chest hairs tickling your breasts, your nipples rubbing against him in the most delicious way.
Every part of his skin felt as if it were on fire, he felt alive, wanted, loved in that moment.
Your hands pulled at his hair, nails scratching along his back, kisses exchanged and tongues meeting in desperate need for each other. 
You thought Bob was beautiful in the soft lamplight of your bedroom, sitting on the edge of your bed as you made love to him. Kissing his brow and holding his face in your hands. 
His hand rested on yours, pressing your palm to his cheek muttering how much he loved being with you. 
Another hand rested your hip, keeping your dress out of the way so he could glance down and watch himself disappear inside of you. Little gasps of pleasure had him responding with thrusts of his own. ‘Oh Robbie, I’m gonna cum.’
Bob took your hand from his face and pressed your fingers onto your clit. ‘Show me how you do it,’ it was a demand that had no bite to it, he yearned to see you fall apart on him. 
Pinching at your clit you started grinding against him without lifting yourself off his cock, he moaned at the change, grabbing your ass harder and pushing you against him, matching your thrusts. 
Your head fell back as your climax peaked, Bob sealed his mouth around your nipple and sucked hard, your legs squeezed at his hips, grinding faster now that he was panting, he was close too, crying out and burying his face in your neck. Hot breath fanning across your chest as both of you came down. Holding him close, you stroked his hair and he responded with much the same, stroking your back with his large, warm hands, feeling as if he were the safest right here with you. Neither of you moved for a few minutes. Moving would have made the act final. Done. It was over. 
Both of you knowing it wouldn’t be the last time, just the first of many. 
‘Ok my legs are starting to cramp.’ Lips on his forehead, his brow and finally his mouth. His softening cock slipped out of you, slapping against his leg with the weight of his spend. Your arousal dripping out of your pussy onto his thigh.
‘Sorry, Robbie.’
‘Don’t be.’ He sighed, the look he gave you would have made you melt into a puddle, but while he held you tight, you just answered in a mewling sound, unwilling to let go of him.
‘We didn’t even get to take off your dress.’ 
Bob stood, holding you against him as he walked toward your bathroom, only stopping to set you on your feet, on the bath mat, rather than the cold tile. And you loved him for that. 
Bob was a considerate man and now you found he was a considerate lover. 
He waited his turn to clean up, deciding to forego any clothing and walk around your apartment naked. 
There were several seconds of you checking out his ass before he turned at the kitchen sink and caught you. 
‘Where is shy Bob gone?’ You turned your head to the side questioningly as he gently moved your hair across your shoulder so he could plant a kiss on your neck.
‘I think you fucked him out of me,’ was his response. You scoffed. Bob liked it when he could feel your tits jiggle against him. He noted that he needed to make you laugh more often.
‘Get into my bed, before I turn you out of my home for being crude,’ it was an empty threat and he knew it. 
You loved these little moments of Bob that no one else got to see. He had filled up two glasses of water and followed you back into your bedroom, setting a glass on your bedside locker before climbing in next to you, pulling you down onto his chest. 
You ran your fingers along his tattoo and looked up at him, your chin resting against his pec. ‘What’s this?’
Bob had his eyes closed, a happy grin on his face. ‘My one and only tattoo.’
‘I’ve never seen one before.’ 
‘You haven’t?’ Bob queried, a tone of surprise.
‘Well not in the flesh. People in the navy generally keep them covered up.’
Bob was curious, had you only slept with people from the navy? He bit his tongue, though he wanted to know all about you, it really wasn’t any of his business who you had in your bed before him.
‘It’s the plane I first learned to fly in.’ His voice was husky with exhaustion.
‘Do you wanna sleep, or talk?’ 
Bob wrapped his arms around you, breathing in the scent of your shampoo., nestling his nose in your hair.
‘It’s been a long day, but I’d like to listen to you. Tell me about what you wanna do the next time I see you.’
You were tracing circles around his tattoo, excitement bubbling inside you. ‘Well, the next time I see you will be tomorrow morning, when I wake up and you’ll be next to me.’
Bob squeezed you and did that sweet ‘mmm’ sound again.
‘Sounds perfect.’
‘You are perfect.’ You whispered, waiting for him to scoff. Instead he took a deep breath and said ‘no, you are.’
‘My perfect girlfriend. With her pretty hair and her pretty eyes and great ass.’ 
Both of you giggled as you pinched his side. 
‘Go asleep then and I’ll see you first thing in the morning,’ he mumbled into your ear as you turned around to turn off the light.
His breathing soft and slow as he drifted off to sleep holding you against him.
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