#that’s the nicest thing I could think of
eisforeidolon · 2 days
You know, I was trying to remember yesterday just how many times it's been now where Misha has surpassed himself in being a bitter, gross, ungrateful and jealous little troll to the point it astonished me. Like, did he really say that?!? Wow.
Like, it started out with the occasional sly imprecation and it seems like the more irrelevant he becomes and the more he's gotten away with? The more emboldened he's gotten to just tell more and more blatantly ridiculous and even potentially harmful lies. I kind of feel like at this point, until he openly says something so absolutely, undeniably putrid that J2 find out and cut him off, it really is going to keep escalating indefinitely.
I mean, I honestly find the fans letting him get away with it less baffling than him doing it in the first place. Because we've already seen that in their desperation to pretend getting canon D/C is the most important cause ever in LGBT+ history, they will believe anyone who tells them what they want to hear and try to throw anyone who they see as "in the way" under the bus. So, yeah, Misha could bitchslap their grandma and run over their dog and they'd still live up his ass. Talking any level of shit about Jared is a-okay with them, because they already want to believe he's evil for Sam existing at the center of SPN instead of their shitty ship. Not only that? But at the end of the day, they really have nothing to lose. Their wackadoodle online behavior isn't likely to have any impact on their IRL lives, and even in terms of online lives? For the most part, they could slink away from their batshit heller identities tomorrow and have a clean slate.
Misha though? Like, what the actual fuck are you doing, dude, you're not just burning real life personal and professional bridges, you're trying to nuke them from orbit. Sure, he's not getting any new roles because anyone in the business of hiring can see the caliber of his "acting talent" in the last several seasons of SPN. But is he really that confident he thinks no level of backstabbing is going to get his ass booted from conventions and any potential revival? Can he actually be stupid enough to have bought so far into the smoke his stans are blowing up his ass to think that he's actually as indispensable as J2? One line about how Cass is busy in heaven and boom, he's acceptably accounted for to the majority of the GA.
Even the nicest, most forgiving person in the universe is going to eventually say enough is enough. Basically accusing Jared of endangering his life to try and make his own actions of flushing Jared's phone look less shitty by comparison is ... I don't have words. How much lower can he even go? Unfortunately, I suspect we'll continue to find out.
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doveywovy · 3 months
thinking about the uchiha and the senju *not* being on equal footing for once. Indra, when chasing power, became the Daimyo of Fire instead of squabbling with his Father and Brother. His relation to the Emperor (his grandfather) ensuring the line. So hundreds of years later, the Uchiha are the ruling family of fire- over civilians and shinobi alike. They rarely, if ever, actually *serve* as shinobi, but they maintain their abilities to the highest degree possible because it's part of how they keep an iron grip on all the shinobi clans who serve under them. (The sharingan is as respected as ever, but now with the 'divine right to rule' implications tied into it's manifestation.)
Tajima is the current head, but he's coming close to retiring and having Madara take over. Izuna's been raised as Madara's advisor; assassinations are still a concern but heirs dying is much less common. They'd never put the main family into danger, so all of their siblings are still alive, but they all got married off at young ages to secure alliances. (Even before they got married off, they were raised with the mindset that they'd be bargaining tools, and so Izuna and Madara were raised separately to keep them from getting attached).
The Senju aren't a noble clan, and aren't even aware of their connection to the historical line of power. But the Uchiha are aware of it, and thus start to pay extra attention when Hashirama marries Mito. Uniting clans...it could be nothing, but it could also be a sign he intends to usurp. They're careful about that sort of thing.
Izuna presses the advantage this gives them. The Senju will have to give in to any demands they make that aren't *too* outrageous, and there's been whispering about Hashirama's brother being a genius inventor. Madara asks for Tobirama's service to their family, separating the Senju from a very useful tool if they are planning a coup and gaining the Uchiha a very major boon if there's no coup in place.
Tobirama arrives, blandly polite, covered in dirt from the road, and the presumption is that he'll get swirled away into court life. He'll either prove foolish and end up dead sooner than later, or prove clever and thus useful. In which case Izuna will keep him in mind if he ever needs something invented, or investigated, or otherwise prodded with a stick. One day the Senju's power will fade- they'll make a political misstep, lose an heir, Hashirama will turn into a tree. Then Tobirama will get returned, with the expectation to politely acquis to any requests the Uchiha make for the rest of his life.
Izuna gets attached instead. Tobirama's extremely compelling to him for all their similarities and differences. The man is a younger brother devoted to his elder; Izuna cares for his brother by handling the tricky court manipulations that elude soft-hearted Madara. Tobirama seems serve his brother by being the harsh one, the firm one, the threatening one. He's ill-suited for court. He lacks any skill at manipulation but is very adapt at biting insults, which is a terrible combination and also very funny for Izuna to watch. Izuna was raised from a young age to be careful about assassinations; Tobirama was raised from a young age to commit them.
Tobirama doesn't know how easily their positions could be reversed, if their ancestors had made different decisions, but Izuna does. He takes a very mean delight in that- especially because he fully believes the Uchiha deserve their place. They *were* the better bloodline, the divine right to rule was indeed always meant to be theirs, and it really only could be fate that a Senju would end up serving the Uchiha. It's a joke that Tobirama can never know, and his ignorance makes it funnier.
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iscariotapologist · 3 months
hi, sorry if this is too personal but if you dont mind, will you let us know why did you leave SDA?
sorry i took so long to answer this, i've been trying to come up with a better answer but i think i will just be blunt: i value science and facts that are true in real life and not pulled completely out of someone's ass or their awful fundamentalist interpretation of the bible, and i don't appreciate religion being used as a tool to subjugate and instill fear. it was extremely fucked up to grow up wanting to die asap because i was taught the sunday law was imminent and i would be tortured and killed for going to church on saturday if i wasn't "lucky enough" to be dead first. i was barely educated as a child and when i went through the sda education system in high school and college it left gaping holes in my knowledge and cost exorbitant amounts of money to do so. "the health message" destroyed my relationships with food and (aided by lethal levels of misogyny) my body. they barely let women preach much less be ordained. i couldn't act normal about saturdays until recently. also i'm gay. also the constant pushing of missionary bullshit is evil. dude you get the side eye for wanting to drink coffee or use black pepper or eat pickles. they will go to the ends of the earth to "prove" the world is 6000 years old. why would you stay
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mushroommortem · 2 years
I think as an aro-spec person, what I've been enjoying the most so far about Buddy Daddies is that it's so casual when it comes to Rei and Kazuki's dynamic.
The times I think they would lean more into romantic coded reactions, because of certain scenarios that would normally be seen as such- they didnt.
Like when Kazuki refers to Mirir as their kid or when she starts calling Rei her papa as well, the amount of times they tease each other or make remarks, seemingly knowing each other's little habits, stuff like that would normally be shown for romantic hijinks especially in the childcare genre. And they didnt do that.
It just blatantly shows two roommates/coworkers trying to raise a kid together despite neither being prepared for it. But they try their best nonetheless even with the circumstances they face and grow from it.
Like- their relationship is so inherently queer yet not explicit, but it seems like they're aware of how unconventional it is themselves, and therefore not mind or care about how it gets perceived, especially as the story progresses. If that makes sense? I'm not sure how else to describe but it just makes me so incredibly happy with how it's portrayed currently.
Cause I'll look at them and think 'oh! that's like what I have with me and my Starfriend!" And it's great. I dont know how the rest of the series will go but I'm enjoying it so far and think it's neat regardless :)
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why does everything have to be a hecking issue with my sister
#she keeps getting on my case about the Theatre Boy thing which I would just like to hecking leave in the past#she keeps getting on my case bc I wear short shorts and spaghetti strap tank tops AROUND THE HOUSE AS LOUNGE CLOTHES#she's like DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT MODESTY and I'm like YOU WALK AROUND IN SHORTS AND A SPORTS BRA ALL THE TIME#(possibly bc I thought I could get away with wearing lounge clothes with a long shawl thing overtop the other day to worship practice#but I did in fact change my trousers after my mama pointed out that it wasn't super modest)#she keeps making comments about how I do inappropriate stuff on my phone bc I... watch one(1) sitcom?????#shows like that are IRREVERENT AS HECK like come on of course I'm not going to be totally open with my kid sister about them#I am an ADULT I can make my own choices about what content I will put up with in media#I can make my own choices about clothing if I think my mom's idea of ''anything more than an inch above the knee#is immodest'' is silly and restrictive for my body shape and comfort level personally#like... why does she have to act so high and mighty around me? she's in MIDDLE SCHOOL and I know I haven't always been the nicest to her#but I'm making the effort. I'm trying to get along with her and what I get is disdain on the daily in return :/#our mom said it's probably bc she was hoping I wouldn't move back in so she'd have our room to herself and now she's mad#that I'm back bc she has to share a space again and like I KNOW middle school ages SUCK I've BEEN THERE#but still I just. want to get along. but she picks on me and then I get frustrated and then I snap at her and it just doesn't end well#it's a nasty cycle tbh. I'm praying about it.#Lu rambles#personal#delete later
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
honestly one of my favorite characters ever kills a bunch of cops and blows up the station with random people inside in the very first episode and i still will root for him to either kill even more people or become a better person, whichever he wants.
like, c!dream is the world's smallest potatoes compared to half the characters i've been like 'but what if they could be better' about
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carpthecarp · 1 month
Who else up thinking about the fact that Dick Grayson gave up Robin only for Bruce to hand the name down to a new boy. The name that his mother had given him, and the colors that he was raised in were given to someone else. And while it was upsetting at first, he came to love this boy, his brother, and he was proud of the new Robin. And then Robin died and Dick had to go to his little brothers grave knowing that he had died with Dicks name and Dicks colors.
And Dick Grayson, one of the kindest character in DC, was so angry that he broke the number one rule and killed someone with no remorse. And then Bruce brought his brothers killer back to life, to prevent Dick from going down a dark path. Again, he couldnt protect his little brother.
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boyswanna-be-her · 1 year
"I love your haircut, it really suits you" is always always a really nice compliment
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derangedfujoshi · 3 months
ur literally the first person in this fandom ive seen to be extremely against multishipping arthur, thats not a negative thing /gen it's just curious cause we dont have any kind of ship discourse here. following that logic pls dont tag jarthur as proship simply because the dichotomy of proship and anti don't exist in the malev fandom and there's almost no ship discourse. plus it's kind of impossible for stuff to fall under the label of proship i think? cause everyone's an adult and no one is related and jarthur are a bit toxic but they're not really abusive so 🤷‍♂️
I don't intend on bringing any ship discourse, I would just like for people to tag their ship posts because that's 1) extremely useful for those seeking ship posts and 2) extremely useful for those seeking to avoid ship posts. That aside, I don't tag my posts as proship because I believe Jarthur to be "problematic", I tag them so to avoid antis. You claiming there is no "such dichotomy" in this fandom is preposterous, I've seen plenty of antis in the Malevolent fandom. Just because they're not active in said fandom specifically doesn't make them any less of an anti and I would like to avoid them. Usually they'll have the tag proship blocked or they will see it in my posts and hopefully block me themselves. THAT'S why I use the tag, to protect myself and don't bring unwanted visitors to my doorsteps, and ALSO to signal to other proshippers in the fandom that I'm a safe place for them.
Honestly, you being here anonymously complaining about a tag I use is more telling than me trying to curate my own internet experience. My educated guess is that you're probably not an anti but the "secret third thing" and honestly, never interact with me again and just block me if you don't understand or vibe with me. The button is on the left right corner, have a good day.
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My sister and I saw Oppenheimer on Friday night, and we both came out of the cinema with the most gut-wrenching and overwhelming sense of dread. We could not be more different as people, but we both looked at each other after the film and agreed, "the human race is fUCKED" because of the creation of nuclear weapons, neither of us slept easy that night and we're still on edge. I understand why people are complaining and thinking that the film might glorify Robert Oppenheimer, but overall my takeaway was not "this man was a genius" or "this man was amazing", it was "this man fucking doomed us all", and I like to think that's what Nolan's intention was.
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farmersliga · 8 months
it’s really great to have a teacher who believes in you like i make fun of this guy so much but he’s honestly so dear to me and he saw the potential in me so early and idk i’m just. kinda emotional abt it.
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tweeks · 1 year
butters has cute moments occasionally he’s interesting occasionally he says things that i like occasionally but something about so many people in this fandom hailing his blue eyed blonde haired naïveté as “purity” when butters is a racist misogynistic asshole in part due to this naïveté feels dark sided like i feel like an insane person for thinking somehow some way the fandom portrayal of butters being so (and i mean this) delusional perpetuates some form of bigotry like i dont know how but it does
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labyrynth · 9 months
i don’t feel like bothering some random person abt a comment from several months ago so can someone tell me what i’m missing here
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unless everything is in relatable units, a cup is always different
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a cup is always a cup tho;;;?? like based on the context it’s very obviously Cup (culinary unit of measurement). the cup IS the unit. what am i not getting here.
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radiotorn · 1 year
i need to draw o/ff characters again and post hcs abt them to my blog. oogoog
#i dont particularly like the popular hc that en/och eats his els/en. it feels weird to me for multiple reasons#KEEP IN MIND THIS IS ALL PERSONAL THINKINGS OK ok here i go#ik i said id post em on the blog but im abt to go to sleep so imma say it here#but like. mahybe im just crazy or looking too deep into things. but i dont see any reason for en/och = eats his els/en besides the fact#that hes fat. and like thats it from what i can rememebr.#like id ont. remember him saying any dialogue that would insinuate it??#OK hold on clarifying = eats them alive/eats their bodies and NOT just eating burnt ashes/sugar#OR it could also be something that like was thought of bc of the horror element of the game +#the zone is a zone that is like Heeyyyy everyone eats everyone here :) so obvs it could just be like a horror hc to go with the theme#or environment of the zone#so like obvs im not gonna like. be upset over ppl liking the hc like to most people it seems just canon to them#but i do not like it....not one bit. he WOULD gaslight and manipulate his workers. absoltuely. but he would NOT eat them alive.#i feel like en/och is too much of like...he has high standards for his foods (chef it up. he can make the fanciest of meals and the nicest#of cakes). so i feel like he'd be like. insulted like ummmmmm no lol that is NOT very presentable. and gross. put their ashes in it and#dress it up and maybe ill eats it then :] yk????#IDK. maybe im just thinking waayyyy too much into this. but i kinda dont care i love this game and i love en/och.#i dont need to fix him hes perfect as he is (manipulative and a cannibal but not like that way. ok?)#cant you let her win for once ?????#ok ok im done for now but for this game? my dear friends. i am ALWAYS open to talking about my thoughts#ow.file
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mxdotpng · 1 year
though i don't think it's right to say the party didn't like luke before he changed. there are a lot of times where its obvious they do have some sort of attachment to him even if its obscured by how annoyed and/or frustrated he makes them. like when luke went back to baticul for the first time and everyone was trying to cheer him up and go sightseeing together, or when they were worried about him during their trip to choral castle. they were rightfully biased, as they saw the forefront of his behavior, but if they hadn't liked him at all they wouldn't have agreed to travel with him again, nor would their feelings after akzeriuth be so personal.
#.text#tales of the abyss#its fun bc their relation to him in like every scenario is Personal.#jade and guy is obvious. jade being the one to create replica's at all and feeling responsible and even guilty for many things#regarding luke. and guy being someone who raised luke. he had a lot of responsibility there too but i also believe he just#loved luke enough to the point that no matter what happened he would always be there to help. and wish for luke's safety.#tear feels partially responsible for them having been taken to malkuth and in turn for a lot of things that happened after#even if it wasnt entirely her fault. and seeing how luke was manipulated by van was probably personal to her too.#ion is self explanatory too i think. theyre both replicas and their feelings on the matter are very similar. ion was#also the first to actually See luke for what he was. and though i think anise was sticking around luke specifically for selfish reasons#at first i think his situation - the guilt. the betrayal. and the responsibility - all felt personal to her too.#natalia is similar i think. she feels partially responsible for how luke turned out as well as how she treated him#even if he wasnt the nicest back.#i also think their feelings on akzeriuth changed a lot over time - starting at their deep anger where they probably thought#we were there. we could have stopped it and we could have stopped HIM.#to something else. the anger is still there and it probably always will be but its kind of easy to notice how they became#a lot less completely brutal about it as time went on. they probably realized on their own why everything really happened#the anger will always be justified but its clear they all feel a little guilty about it. some more than others#though the 'more' in that sense is a lot Less justified but thats more because nobody in this cast#is mentally okay. so thats neither here nor there.
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vonlipvig · 2 years
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