#that'd be rad they should do that
trying to find good subs for shows is just deciding what your tolerance level is for:
untranslated words like language-specific honorifics, words with "too much culture-specific context" that are "impossible" to find a 1-to-1 correspondence, my nakama, or any term you saw floating around on the internet in the early 2010's and prior MAXIMUM PROFANITY where any word that could maybe be considered vulgar is taken to its FULL FUCKING POTENTIAL
the op and ed never being translated :'( waiting months for updates and not being sure if a sub group killed this project or not
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kittievampire · 1 year
hi hi ! so can i request OM brothers reacting MC self harming/attempting suicide (whichever one you think fits the brothers most) ? if that’s okay with you of course ? thanks lovie <3 !!
I'll only be doing cutting and other such unhealthy habits that fit the brothers here, if that's okay!
Lemme see what I have in my bag, my dear~
Click here if you wanna request!
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Warnings: Angst, Self-Harm, Depression, Insomnia, Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Stress Eating, Anger Management Issues, Physical Insecurities, Workaholic Tendancies, Hurt/Comfort, GN! MC
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You'd struggled with depression long before you were sent to the Devildom. While the brothers had managed to keep you busy, to the point where your mind didn't have the time nor the energy to think about the things that made you feel so down, there were still plenty of times when you found yourself breaking down or even resorting back to the bad habits you'd thought you'd "grown out of." Life isn't easy, you know this. But you hated to make it someone else's problem. Whenever you'd tell someone about your issues, you always felt like a burden, so you kept it to yourself. When the brothers entered your life, you didn't want them finding out about it at all. That's when you tried to better yourself, get rid of those habits that kept you down in that place. But, unfortunately, life isn't easy, old habits are hard to kill, and secrets won't always be kept hidden.
You struggled with accepting the reality of life's cruelty.
You wanted to keep your mind busy so that you could have some form of escape, even if that meant pulling all-nighters just so you didn't have to fear the things that'd appear in your head once the area around you gets quiet and your mind is free to wander. This meant that you'd be doing a majority of your RAD schoolwork at night, weeks before the due date just so you could distract yourself.
You could still see the scars that littered over your arms, mainly those from your more recent assaults upon yourself, though you were always careful to hide them.
When you were in your room one night, however, you were wearing a tank top and shorts, ready to call it a night until your anxiety spiked and you were suddenly sitting at your desk, scribbling notes of random, possibly useless, information that you recalled from your lessons.
You managed to fall asleep like this.
Lucifer had only walked into your room to check on you, as he could see the faintest light seeping from beneath your door. He was just about ready to scold you for staying up so late, but when he entered the room and walked toward you, he noticed two things.
One being that you were very much asleep, your cheek pressed against an open textbook, and small scribble lines not going unnoticed as signs of your drowsiness before you passed out.
Two being that your arms were almost covered in scars.
His eyes widened, reaching a gloved hand out gently to twist your arm toward him, getting a better look.
There were scabs and old wounds that littered your arms, all the way up to your upper forearm.
His true surprise though, was when he saw one that was different from the others. It was still red, not bleeding, but it was more recent than the ones that had healed over.
Were you unhappy here? Why did you feel the need to do such a thing?
Lucifer couldn't begin to comprehend the complexity of human emotion, it wasn't his best suit in general. But this? He had no idea what he should do. Wake you up? Pretend like he didn't see anything?
He carefully carried you to your bed and tucked you in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead, and softly wishing you sweet dreams.
After that, Lucifer would definitely check up on you more often. "How was your day, MC?", "Not too overworked, I hope?", "Perhaps your efforts should be rewarded. How about dinner? On me."
He never spoke to you directly about it. Even if he did, there wasn't much he knew to do. Despite this, he wants to be your rock, your shoulder to cry on. Every opportunity he gets, he holds his hand out to you, allowing you to rant about the shitty day you've had or how much you hate something/someone.
And every time, when he'd comfort you with a warm and tight embrace and soft strokes to your hair, he'd press a kiss to the top of your head, and whisper to you,
"I'm always here for you, whenever you need me."
You struggled with talking about your emotions to other people.
Whenever you did, you just felt like a burden, so you often would bottle up everything you felt and let it all out at once when you're in the privacy of your own room, crying, and cutting.
Mammon walked in on you in the act, actually. His shades fell to the ground at the same time your small blade did.
"O-Oi! Whaddya think yer doin', huh?!" He asked, closing the door and rushing to your side. "Bandages," He muttered, dashing out of the room for a mere moment before running back in, unraveling the roll of bandages, and dropping the rest of the First-Aid kit. "Shit!" He fumbled with some of the supplies but quickly got to work on wrapping up your arms.
It was sloppy work, but at least he managed to tie it and stop the blood from seeping out of the cuts you'd made. The whole time, you just sat there, frozen in place, tears seemingly not stopping anytime soon.
When he was done bandaging you, he sat down at your side, and there was silence for the first time between the two of you. You didn't want to start bawling your eyes out, but you couldn't stop the small whimpers that escaped your throat, nor could you stop the tears that stained your face.
You rested your head on his shoulder and started sobbing, gripping his jacket, seeking his comfort.
Mammon flinched at the sudden contact but quickly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.
Twenty minutes passed before he spoke amidst the silence after you'd finished crying.
"M'not gonna ask why... Just... Please don't do it again... I'll try to make ya happy, okay? Just promise me ya won't do it again."
You struggled with socializing.
Ever since you were a child, you never really fit in with society, so you just decided to hole yourself up in your room.
However, when you did try to make friends, you'd always get turned down rather harshly.
You were considered a weirdo.
So, you started cutting. It became a habit that stuck with you into your adulthood, and it was difficult to get rid of.
Even at the House of Lamentation, you found it too tempting. Especially when Asmodeus or Mammon would give you weird looks when you'd try to include yourself in conversation with the two of them.
The only person who could understand this was Leviathan, which is why he didn't ask any questions when he saw your scars. He didn't ask why you did it, didn't tell you off for doing it, he understood more than you thought. The thing is, his scars healed way faster because of his immortality.
"Don't hurt yourself, MC. Those dumb normies don't deserve people like you," He'd say, a determined smile on his face. "Why don't we do a marathon of your favorite anime? What was it? Devil Killer? (Cookie for whoever gets this reference) We can watch that and play video games all night if it means taking your mind off of things. So, um... L-Let's try to be each other's company, if that's okay with you..."
You were very emotional.
You'd be chided and teased for your short temper, your "crybaby" nature, but you just didn't know how to handle your own emotions sometimes.
Well, all the time.
So, you started cutting. Though, you didn't want to be conspicuous. You knew better than to let people know your weakness just from rolling up your sleeves. Your area of choice was your thighs.
You became fond of the cutting as a release of your feelings. This bleeded into your adulthood, and it was the only way you could cope without being so emotional.
However, nothing can get past the Avatar of Wrath when it comes to his own sin.
He could tell you were angry, angry enough to do something drastic, so he didn't bother knocking when he came into your room.
Satan saw you sitting on your bed, towel beneath you, thighs bleeding, a blade in your hand, and tears in your eyes.
He was quick to come in with the first-aid kit, neatly bandaging your wounds.
"Satan—" "Not right now, MC," He cut you off. He was upset that you were hurting yourself, and he couldn't trust himself to talk to you without scolding you. Scolding wasn't what you needed right now.
Once he was finished, he looked down at you, a distraught expression on his face. "Why would you do this to yourself, MC?" He asked softly, resting his forehead against your shoulder. He held your hips with his hands, trying to maintain a hold on you. "Why hurt yourself? Is it because of what others think of you? What you think of yourself?"
Satan tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ear, emerald eyes peering deep into yours. "No matter. You don't have to answer my questions now, MC... I just want you to be okay."
You struggled with loving yourself.
You were always pressured to live up to society's beauty standards. When you tried, you failed more often than you didn't, and you'd be chided for your failure. That's why you started cutting in the first place.
Cutting gave you this kind of inexplicable relief. Since you hated yourself so much, there was a small voice in the back of your head telling you that something so ugly deserves this kind of treatment.
When Asmo saw your arms for the first time, he was frozen in place. The Avatar of Lust was speechless for the first time in years.
It was an accident, you'd never meant to expose your cut-up arms to him for fear of being judged. He was just really pushy about you trying out a new perfume, one that had a roll-on applicator.
"Darling," He spoke softly, keeping a sweet tone as he gently grasped your hands. "Did you do this?"
You bit your lip, casting your gaze down to your lap. Almost immediately, he grasped your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head upward to look at him. The saddened expression in his eyes almost made you run out of the room.
He let out a small sigh, opening a drawer that was attached to his vanity mirror.
"You really shouldn't," He murmured softly as he squirted ointment onto your arm, rubbing it into your skin. "Your skin is too pretty, you're too pretty to be harming yourself like this."
You hadn't been called pretty before, not from what you can remember.
"Don't do this anymore, yes? Promise me you won't harm your beautiful body like this anymore."
You struggled with your body image and stress eating.
You found it difficult to live up to the standards set by society, at least, that's what you felt. You always felt very insecure about your body, and your eating habits didn't help either.
The Avatar of Gluttony found out about your stress eating when he was raiding the fridge one night. You had woken up feeling especially stressed out about an exam you had the next day, so you had gone down to the kitchen to grab a snack.
You and Beel had a conversation about your habit, and how insecure you felt about yourself.
"Your body looks fine, MC," He said mid-chew, taking another bite of whatever food was left over from tonight's dinner. "I know the feeling. I eat a whole lot more when I'm feeling overwhelmed, that's why a lot of people think that I've got a black hole for a stomach. But there's nothing wrong with you. You're not weird or anything, I think you're perfect!"
The way he said all of this to you with that sweet smile of his almost made you cry.
You suffered from night terrors and insomnia.
Your anxiety made it difficult to sleep, so most nights you just wouldn't. You didn't even want to at this point, a direct result of your horrific nightmares. Your lack of sleep was evident due to the dark circles under your eyes the next morning and your struggle to stay awake at RAD.
Lucifer had gotten on to you for this, and Belphegor wanted to help.
That's why he was in your room. He was planning to help put you to sleep, but you couldn't stop squirming in your bed.
Belphie had taken the floor out of respect for your privacy, but he couldn't sleep hearing you toss and turn in your bed.
"Alright, move over," He said abruptly, standing over your bed and kneeling on it. You felt a dip in the mattress and shifted, moving over to give him room on your bed. He slid under the covers and wrapped his arms around you, clinging to you like you were a body pillow.
Belphegor buried his face into the back of your neck, breathing in your scent as he closed his eyes. "Sleep, MC... I'll be here when you wake up."
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Hope you liked it, anon!
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kappatater · 4 months
How about: Wyrmaw and Ferriclaw from Cassette Beasts
Roclas from Nexomon Extinction
Orotchy from Coromon
Shambler Rescuer from Siralim Ultimate (check the unofficial codex, it doesnt have a proper wiki)
I prolly should've specified like one per person but it's all good. Heads up, this one's big, kinda clueless, and full of palette talk.
Wyrmaw (Cassette Beasts)
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I love this thing, the jester-snake. Interesting earth-y palette of pale brown and gold, much like its element, and the ever-so-slightly bluish grey and white are good contrasts. I wonder if its head is harder than its body? Seems like it. This and it's previous stage are very medieval seeming. I'm not too familiar with Cassette Beasts (yet; I've seen gameplay, very Persona), but I can imagine this thing hanging around abandoned castles.
Anyways, it's very cute, I think.
Ferriclaw (Cassette Beasts)
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Oh, this is a neat way to invoke the image of Arachne or some analogous spider-person. The mask's structure also makes the whole thing a super-ficial pelican spider in a way too. Again, blue and brown are a tight combination, but the blue is bolder than the brown. Adding brown to the hind legs is good balance too.
Roclas (Nexomon)
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So I know even less about Nexomon than Cassette Beasts and the wiki gives me nothing much to go off of. That being said, this fella's palette is more and more intriguing the more I look at it. An optical illusion of slowly turning green. I like its eyes, giving it the false appearance of it struggling. Looking at the headshape though, I see it was MADE for lifting big orbs. I mean it's partially named after Atlas, after all.
I think that ball could use some moss! That'd spice up the design a bit! Do Nexomon have variants of sorts? I should look into this at some point.
Orotchy (Coromon)
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Interesting; I really like the hands holding masks aspect, and while I like all the different horns on the masks, not too sure about them being there in conjunction with the creature's five eyes. I think it's the purple one's horn I'm distracted with? Or maybe it's the two topmost eyes? I feel bad saying this thing needs less eyes though... Are there palm eyes behind the masks? I think that'd be interesting... Though hard to show at this thing's resolution.
Shambler Rescuer (Siralim Ultimate)
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Looks like an FF spawn... and yet it is a mon. LOVE a good snout-hoodie combo, and that hood being hauntingly tattered bear/otter flesh is so rad, and the way the flesh swirls into the tail and gets gradually greener (is that rot or algae?) is a very neat touch to what is an effectively simple design. Apparently they just come outta nowhere and help people outta shipwrecks, so that's sweet of them.
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soulsisterif · 3 months
Games of the Show
In the last post I was telling you I had written the part of the story where Dawn explains the show's mechanics. The relevant thing for this post is the games and their rewards. You'll have to win games to get rewarded in the show (getting dates, choosing group activities and so on) and I also wanted those games to help you learn about the ROs lives, interests and preferences. About themselves, in short.
That means conversational games are my main focus, even if they're silly, particularly if they can be used to discover what is it that they look for in a relationship: Orange Flag, Weird Words, Hot Takes, They're a 10 but...
Oh, I really want to involve the audience in some games, too. That'd be rad. And it would be a good way to put the How the Audience Views You stat to use, too.
I'm open to suggestions, as always. The only thing I refuse to change about this game is how the relationships among characters deepen through interaction. You can sleep around if you're shallow, but if you want to romance them, or even just have a genuine friendship with them, you have to actually get to know them. Now, in a normal, day-to-day dating environment that would mean deep chats and coffee dates, which you can get in the game, anyway. But this is a dating TV show, so there should be something else to it, and I have my take on how I'd like to do that.
I was a little against games involving kissing because I'm the kind of player that chooses one RO and sticks with them as faithful as a puppy for the whole playthrough (unless they screw me over. Looking at you Threxia from Soulless). Then I realised that I have to allow people to play the field, too, so they can be good for that.
The thing that I'm worried about is what I call the "Love Island ick". For reasons...
I'm not adding games like "kiss the hotest cotestant", "imitate a sex position with whoever", "give a lap dance to—". Nope. That's just... Nope. I might add some spicy games to play privately with your chosen RO later on, but as a group it just makes me cringe. A game of good ol' truth or dare, or two truths and a lie can be a fantastic way to get to know someone in a fun way, but if you write it in a super crass or childish way it's just painful to read. (watch me fail misserably for trash talking, hahaha)
Still, I did want to include those but turning them into a competition. For instance, imagine a game of Truth or Dare with scores. Like, if one dares MC to do something, the other contestants can bet on whether or not MC will do the dare or pass. If they're right they get a point. MC would only earn a point if she takes the dare and the person who issued the challenge can only earn a point if MC passes on it.
Contestants would pick easier and more relevant questions and dares if they are interested in someone, but go harder on those they don't fancy as much and try to win some points instead.
There's also follow-up scenarios with this game. Let's say someone flirty (*cough* Joanna *cough*) was into MC. Then they may be interested in asking something like"what is your favourite type of kiss?". That would be an opening for the RO give MC that kind of kiss. Or even have several ROs try out, to see who she likes better, maybe in exchange of one of your points?
There are a lot of ways to play it, but you get what I mean. You could always pass and refuse to answer the question or take the dare, of course.
This way you could both state your MCs romantic/physical predilections and also learn about the ROs'.
Damn, it's late, this got way too long and I just want to go to bed. So, to sum it up, I want conversational games, the audience involved sometimes, and you'd be rewarded for winning them.
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splashink-games · 7 months
A Note On... Ending the Count-Duke's Conspiracy
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En Garde! is an action game by Fireplace Games. Take up your sword and become the hero of the people!
When I first saw the trailer for this game, I knew it was going to be a pretty rad experience. I mean, who doesn't love fencing swordplay with a little bit of flair?
The gameplay is definitely a selling point. I love games where a little bit of skill is necessary. The parrying mechanic is fantastic, with very obvious indicators between knowing when to dodge (orange) and parry (blue). I didn't find too much use for the panache system because I was always in the action and I forget that I can use it aside from it being rather necessary to finish the final boss battle. To me, that's a pretty major loss since flair is a big positive for the game and its experience.
Which leads to my biggest issue of the game: the enemies. Every enemy has three attacks (ones to parry, ones to dodge, and one for either). Some do only parry-able or dodge-able attacks or some do both. It was all very samey once you get to episode 4, but due to how short the game is, it plays just fine.
My real issue with the enemies is the number of them and what happens when you combine the types. The bosses for episodes 2 and 4 (and some arena battles with reinforcements) were very annoying for this reason.
Often you'd have two enemies attacking at the same time, but one would be a parry and the other would be a dodge. The best answer should be to dodge, but, when it comes to episodes 3 and 4, you can't because enemies can recover their guard. Now when you have a horde of enemies attacking you in this way (3 or more enemies at once), it feels like the difficulty is a little silly, especially since fencing is mostly for duelling and not for fending off crowds of people. I'd think that crowds wouldn't be as big an issue if the enemy types were grouped better, but that's just my take.
With that said, the duels themselves are awesome. It's a great feeling being able to overtake your opponent in a duel and I wish there was more of that, honestly.
Ending on a mostly positive note, what surprised me the most is the absolutely fantastic voice acting and music. I did not expect the level of polish that the game provides, mostly because it is astoundingly short. The dialogue really comes alive thanks to their performances.
Honestly though, I wish this game had a little more to it. A bit longer. A bit more variety in battle. If the acts had more narrative flesh to them, that'd be nice, but it works well as is. I haven't experienced the arena mode, but I can't imagine it adding more to my personal experience of the game.
Overall, En Garde! is a well-polished fencing game that you should give a try if you're into the flair!
As always,
Enjoy gaming!
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crossover-enthusiast · 5 months
one more one more
Rick telling Kevin that he did a good job that night, like Kevin calls himself an idiot and hes like "No no no, kev, you saved that child tonight... don't you realize that? You saved his life and put an end to a dangerous individual*.... You're not an idiot," n then they hug *kevin did not in fact put an end to that dangerous individual
its probably too late in the night to think about Rads revenge here, but im very much picturing Kevin going "Pft, ive kicked Radfords ass once, i can do it- AUGHH-!!" and gets stabbed in the gut immediately
also picturing rad hanging out with the gang... like they're tasked with making sure he heals okay + doesn't go try and kill Kevin
rad throws morts knives at photos of kevin and morts just like "can i have my knives back..."
Awwww!!! Yes they should hug <- sucker for the comfort in hurt/comfort
HAH- yeah that sounds like something that would happen. Poor Kevin
Ooooo yeah yeah yeah!!!! That'd be interesting, really. I can see Rad and Jack butting heads a lot
Radford will not give back the knives
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tsunflowers · 7 months
I mean, Takatora is dumb but I do think you need to at least try to lie to him. Like Ryoma did at least say that there was no other way to save anyone, so Takatora should go with Ryoma's Sadly Nessecary And Totally Not Evil Plan. Woz doesn't lie, he just constantly talks about how Rad Sougo Turning Evil Is Gonna Be and I don't think that'd actually work on Takatora. The man is just too desperate to be a hero.
no you're right I just like making fun of him too much. he's very sincere and noble as well as gullible. I think if woz was able to tailor a scheme to trick takatora it would work but if his opener was just "you gotta become the most evil guy of all time" like with sougo takatora absolutely wouldn't go for it
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
Hi yes can I learn more about Ciaran please if that's ok? I read some stuff about them and I'm very interested [have a great day/night<3]
Oh ho interested in my little chaos child are you? Honestly I'm always so surprised when anybody asks about Ciaran lol.
But I'm always happy to talk about them, so of course it's okay! I have a post about them here that has their basic information and backstory. I've also talked about them a bit here and there in posts which are always tagged with "#misc mc ciaran" should you wish to see those.
Also feel I should state here that due to being he/they, I tend to switch between those pronouns when I write about them, so I apologize for any confusion in advance.
Generally speaking, I wanted an MC who was just as much of a problem as the brothers always are. Someone who was more likely to contribute to the chaos rather than calm it. I think Ciaran is a bit of both, though. They are prone to trouble and will go along with any scheme that sounds fun. But they're also stubborn and if they think something's a bad idea, they will stop it in its tracks. They don't mind taking risks, but they also don't like to see people they care about get hurt. It takes them a long time to come around to some of the characters. Others they're like instant best friends with.
Ciaran is also extremely creative. I like to think they took the time to customize their RAD uniform to suit them better. They're also the kind of person who would paint a mural on any random wall they encounter, so I see that happening in their HoL room if there's enough space for it. If not, they'll do the ceiling. They'd get Beel to hold them up while they do it lol.
Ciaran is also good at building things and being handy. Like they could easily fix broken doors or table legs or whatever. They could build bookshelves and other basic furniture if they wanted to. And they'd probably paint them elaborately, too. Since Ciaran loves plants, he's learned to build things like plant boxes and most of the shelves they built were for holding plant pots.
However, Ciaran is terrible at cooking. I don't know what that'd be like in the HoL when everybody kind of rotates cooking duties. They'd probably be like well you can just order food from elsewhere. Because yo Ciaran is useless in the kitchen. He's not like Solomon where it's all experimentation, but more like they just don't even try. He's not gonna try to get the bros to eat his cooking because he knows it's terrible.
Anyway, that's just a little bit about Ciaran that I don't think I've talked about elsewhere! I could write about them all day, so I'm always happy to get asks about them! Even if it surprises me lol. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask!
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freakoutgirl · 1 year
What would you do if the girl you're attracted to who is married but getting separated but also moving to Mexico was like "you should come with me when I move and just get a plane ticket when you want to go back home" because I personally felt like throwing up and was like "haha that'd be rad. Too bad school y'know"
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the-corset-witch · 1 year
I really need to find the energy to do more than what I am doing, like... I am so gross y'all, I need to shower, and yet the depression funk keep me dirty. I cannot explain it, I hate it, and it is not a good time.
I did wake up with a boost today, so I did my laundry, so if I could just shower, that'd be rad. Maybe after the laundry is done, I'll have clean clothes and it'll be easier.
A while back I did that reading I said I was going to, the Is This Relationship Worth It, and I can tell I'm a bit far gone because everything in it was positive, everything was basically very reassuring, it was what I needed- and yet, my stupid brain was like "what if the cards lie"... like, Madalynn, the cards are card stock, they're paper, paper is not human, ergo, it cannot lie, it just is what it is, stop being so damn irrational.
Anyway, thinking of making a spread to face myself, not that I am the problem, per se, but............... I'm the problem.
Free Readings
I have gotten an ask that is on standby for when I re-open readings. Usually, I'd just delete these because they do kind of stress my little autistic brain out. I'm not going to, instead, I think maybe I should lean into this, and let y'all pop a couple questions in my ask but on the caveat that y'all know you will have to be patient with me. I'm still going to say that they're officially closed, like I rambled above, I really gotta get me together, but I do think this is a good stepping stone for me to re-find the routine that I love.
So, if you are okay with waiting, okay with being patient, feel free to pop a question in the ask box for a free reading, please remember that it is 1 question per ask, and 1 card per question. Just remember, this won't be same day, it might not even be same week. ♥
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
You guys should give me ideas for writing while I take a break from Cocooned, that'd be so rad (with rizz)
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only taking like 3 or 4 though, so first come first serve <33 only do a few cause I might draw for them too lmao
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flipzmclego · 5 months
Got tagged by @raineydaywrites like two weeks ago (oops!), so have a belated response to 15 questions!
Are you named after someone?
Legally, I am a Jr. Speaking from experience, this should be illegal (and I'm not even including my transness in that assessment, there are *so* many practical problems that come with sharing a name with a parent). Spirituality, I named myself for convenience but then came across a super rad unusual spelling in an obscure RWBY fanfic and yoinked it for myself, so if that counts...?
When was the last time you cried?
Earlier last month, right after my mother died; grief is complicated, even when the relationship was poor.
Do you have kids?
No. I've thought about it, but ultimately I refuse to put children through the same bullshit parenting I had to deal with growing up, and by the time I've finished the process of un-fucking myself I'll be far too old to raise any.
What sports do you play/have played?
I had a brief stint with soccer for like a month, but I generally don't vibe with sports.
Do you use sarcasm?
Gee, I dunno, that'd be awfully insincere of me, I don't think I'd ever do that! /s
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their username color. Oh, wait, you mean outside Discord? Their avatar/profile pic. No? You meant IRL? I'm supposed to notice people IRL? I thought I was supposed to awkwardly avoid perceiving and being perceived as much as humanly possible, eternally regretting both the existence of and the necessity of supporting a physical form! Doesn't everyone feel like that? No, just me? Well, shoot. Uh, what was the question again?
What’s your eye colour?
Brown, regrettably.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I can't stand scary movies.
Any talents?
Writing, video editing, stage management, game coding
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
writing/reading fanfic, video games
Do you have any pet?
Two cats.
How tall are you?
Favourite subject in school?
I kinda liked school and learning in general? I guess if we extend this to college, probably either stage management or theatrical movement class.
Dream job?
Unsure; ideally something I can do from home, and something creative that helps other, more creative people reach their full artistic potential.
I'm a bit too anxious to directly tag anyone, but if any of my followers want to answer this, consider yourself tagged!
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crmsnmth · 6 months
September Sky Chapter Four, Part 5
CHAD: Well, did it work?
CHRIS: No. It did not.
CHAD: You nervous?
CHRIS: That's the biggest understatement I've ever heard.
CHAD: You already know she likes you, so what's to be nervous about?
CHRIS: You know me. I'll say something, coming off more mean then I am, or I I'll be too weird or awkward.
CHAD: You'll be fine. You've already hung out with her a couple times. And for the love of god, be yourself.
CHRIS: What's that supposed to mean?
CHAD: Don't hide under that fake ass shell you put on for people.
CHRIS: I didn't know I did that.
CHAD: You do. A lot. But I've got to get going. Josh and Wade are waiting for me and Amy.
CHRIS: D and D?
CHAD: You know it.
CHRIS: Right on. One of these times I should virtually join.
CHAD: That'd be pretty rad.
CHRIS: Next time. Tell everyone I said hi.
CHAD: Later
And that killed fifteen minutes of distraction. Fifteen minutes to go.
I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I had to make sure I looked somewhat ok. I wasn't one to really pay much attention to my looks. Sure, I dyed my hair, and wore eyeliner and eye shadow, and don't wash it off for a few days. My eyes always looked sunk in. I was fashionably night. But it wasn't for attention. It was just how I felt comfortable.
I stared into the mirror, fixing my hair yet again. I had it spiked all over, giving myself a very pointy look. It was better than the rat nest it would be if I just let it go. I brushed my teeth again, but no matter what I felt there was something missing. I couldn't place it, though.
Getting dressed was a fucking nightmare. I swear, I tried on every fucking shirt I owned. My entire closet lay in piles around my room. I ended up choosing a button up black shirt with short sleeves. And a pair of my ever present black pants. If I had added a red skinny tie into the mix, I would've looked almost the same as I did in high school.
I stood in my room, picking up my shirts. Killing time. Or at least trying to.
My pone began ringing, an annoying midi version of The Ramones's 'I Wanna Be Sedated.' I didn't need to look at the caller ID. There was only one person I expected to call. And I knew it was her with only one ring. It's the call I had spent all day waiting for.
"Hello?" I answered as if I didn't know who was on the other side. As if it was some random friend calling to say hello. As if it were a spam call trying to get money out of me. As if it wasn't the person who made nervous and excited.
"Hey, so guess what?" That squeak of a voice came through, as if she had just whispered into my ear. I couldn't help but smile the very instant I heard it.
"Go outside. It's a surprise." She hung up right away. I turned off all my stuff, double checking my pockets to make sure I had everything I needed. I stepped out of my room, almost barreling into Tom. I seem to run people over a lot, now that I think about it.
"Hey, dude," he said with the absolute worst timing ever, "what's up?"
"Not much. Just heading out. You?" Every selfish bone in my body was screaming to just leave. But every awkward and polite thought made me stay, wasting precious seconds.
"Nothing at all. Where you off too?" He asked, just being friendly.
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DUDE YEAH WE SHOULD TOTALLY MAKE A SYSCORD I'D BE DOWN FOR THAT!! that would literally be awesome omg. like, i can dm u everythin, we can set it up?? that'd be rad asf let's go 🙏
Omg yesyesyes we doing this bro we making this happen
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xxpobloxx · 1 year
Chapter 7 - Vox and Jet Go On A Mission
Psycho Beauty and Fresh Salters had just finished setting up the stage, Psycho Beauty said that they had plans to do a concert, they were mostly using the stage however to help teach Pete, Joe, and Andy how to play instruments, which they could not do as they were in the early stages of deprogramming from the years of indoctrination.
But Psycho Beauty had one problem, they, Party Poison, and Jim Dickman wanted others, including those in Battery City, to know about this, Dickman and Poison saying that Psycho clearly needs as many people at the concert as possible, they made a setlist, and entrusted Voxel Purple and Jet Star to make a promotional recording, hopefully to get it to everywhere possible in the zones AND to Battery City.
Jet and Voxel went to see Dr Death Defying, who had radio stuff, but not sure if he had any cameras.
"Hey, Dr D." Voxel said,
"Do you need yourself an escape from the static?" He asked.
"No, we just need a camera and a satellite that can get to as many people as possible!"
"You sure? A signal as far as possible can be found by Bat City and they'll dust you faster than you can think."
"We need them to come." Jet Star added.
"You two got a deathwish?" Dr D asked,
"No, Psycho Beauty just says they need as many people to be at their concert."
"Ahhh, in that case, here's the gear, stay safe, kids."
Now, with the gear they needed, Jet Star and Voxel Purple set up the recording, Jim Dickman and his friends were rehearsing their songs, Voxel had written a setlist in his mediocre handwriting. Jet started the camera as Voxel adjusted it, once he had it fixed, he spoke of the news.
"So, to whoever the hell this gets out to, I am Voxel Purple, and we've got GREAT NEWS! In zone 1 a couple-a guys will be performing a concert, if you wanna see, you should," he said to the camera, raising up the sheet of paper with the setlist, "here's the setlist! See? Look at all this stuff, it's neat, it's going to be rad!"
Right before Voxel could finish his sentence, the signal was cut off by Better Living Industries, explicitly informing their removal. Voxel and Jet both groaned, they couldn't get their signal out now, that'd take too long.
They turned to see Psycho Beauty, who was gleefully hugging his lost loves.
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marzaid · 4 years
Ok but AU where Madam Yu kills Wen Zhuliu and Wang LingJiao before they could signal for the rest of the Wen troops. This gives the Jiang more time to prepare for the oncoming war that must be waged. Madam Yu becomes the general and steps out in front of her army to lead them and Jiang FengMian comes back only after everyone has already begun preparing for battle. Of course, he aids his wife but Madam Yu is the one largely in control of it. Jiang FengMian dies in battle as they take down the Wen. Wei Wuxian still uses Demonic Cultivation but not because it’s his only option but because he’s been dabbling for a while and so he uses a combo of regular and demonic cultivation. Jin GuangYao still kills Wen Ruohan and the Wen are taken down. 
Jiang Cheng rises as sect leader in the aftermath with his mom at his side guiding him and fighting alongside him. She is even harsher on Wei Wuxian now with Jiang FengMian dead but Wei Wuxian for once in his life keeps his mouth shut and bears it. When the Jin try to round up those Wen who took no part in the war, Wei Wuxian requests from Jiang Cheng and Madam Yu that they do something about it. Madam Yu is strict, cold, and terrifying but she does not believe in hurting or killing innocent people. With the Jiang sect backing him, Wei Wuxian is able to take the remainder of the Wen to Yiling and them up there. He still adopts A Yuan and still uses demonic cultivation but with the Jiang sect standing behind him, there’s not much the rest of the cultivation world can do. Madam Yu might despise that brand of cultivation but she knows that it is what helped them win and is their secret weapon, so if it saves her children and her people she is willing to turn a blind eye for the moment. That is just as long as he keeps it away from her children and doesn’t use it on them which Wei Wuxian quickly agrees to. 
The Jin under Jin GuangShan turn on the Jiang because of this and they try to frame Wei Wuxian for a bunch of crimes and murders. Jiang Cheng stands by his brother and surprisingly so does the Lan Sect. It’s unexpected but welcomed especially because the Twin Jades of Lan are equal in power and strength and ability to the Twin Heroes of Jiang. Jiang Yanli doesn’t fight wars but uses her budding romance with Jin Zixuan to go undercover in the Jin Sect. People think that she’s just pretty and docile but they don’t realize that she’s her mother’s daughter. She is a proud Jiang and will do whatever she can for her family and her sect. Using a secret code, she sends messages to Madam Yu. To anyone else it would just look like she was telling her mother about her romance with Jin Zixuan or the gardens or daily events. But the reality was that those letters held many secrets that give the Jiang and Lan the upper hand in the fight. 
Jin GuangShan dies in battle and Jin Zixuan rises as Sect Leader. Immediately, he surrenders and backs down from the fight which angers some but many more are just relieved to finally have a breath from fighting. After the many months of really getting to know Jiang YanLi, he realized he loved her and understood her cause and that the war between sects really was doing more harm than good for their people. Jin Zixun and Jin GuangYao are still furious about this development. The former because he hates Wei Wuxian with a passion but the latter because that foils his original plan to frame Wei Wuxian and rise to power.  
Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan get married and the Yunmeng bros learn to shut their mouths because their sister is happy. It turns out that Jin Zixuan is actually not that bad when he isn’t trying to prove that he’s the best thing in the world. He loves his new wife and treats her well. Even going as far as to make a lotus pond for him with his own hands. Their romance is not a tragic one this time. They have a son, Jin Ling about a year into their marriage and Wei Wuxian this time around does not kill his brother-in-law on the way to the one-month party. When he goes, he brings the gift that he made that would keep Jin Ling safe from curses and such. He also brings A Yuan, who has dubbed himself Wei Yuan, after being adopted by the man. Ever the sweet boy, he is excited to have a little cousin and tells his family that the two of them are going to be like the Twin Heroes of Jiang. Madam Yu even has a soft spot for him. They do in fact grow up close and have a similar relationship to Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian. A few years later, Jin Ling will have a little sister who he adores above all else and she will become a cultivator too.
They grow into the big happy family that they all deserve. 
Through all of this Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian have sidestepped their budding romance to the point that it’s eventually Madam Yu who steps in. She sits down with Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen, and Jiang Cheng and the five of them discuss WangXian. Since the two clans had such a good alliance in their fight first against the Wen and then again with the Jin, it’s decided that someone from each clan should marry. Jiang YanLi married Jin Zixuan and smoothed over that sect relation due to her love, they don’t really have any options. It’s unorthodox but it’s decided that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji will be married. The two are happy that they’ll have the other but also sad because they think that the other doesn’t really love them. But they feel that they must do the duty for their sects. 
WangXian get married and A Yuan even takes part in the wedding. Part of the agreement for them getting married is that they split their time between Yiling and The Cloud Recesses. This works out well for a while. Yiling and the remainder of the Wen begin to prosper. People like Jin Zixun are furious about this and he leads a raid on the new town. Wei Wuxian rushes there to try to protect them since none of them except Wen Ning and Wen Qing have experience fighting and Wei Yuan is still a child. He ends up getting severely hurt and Wen Ning and Wen Qing take care of him the best that they can. Lan Wangji eventually gets there after dropping A Yuan with Lan Xichen for protection. When he gets to Wei Wuxian, he sees him beaten and in a coma from exhausting his spiritual power. Night and day he does not leave his side. He plays his guqin for hours on end. 
Wei Wuxian wakes up to A Yuan curled in his arms and a beautiful song being played by Lan Wangji in the background. He also in the background hears Jiang Cheng fighting with Wen Qing about the care his brother deserves. Jiang YanLi comes in with her famous soup husband and kids in tow. He aches and is exhausted but it’s in this moment that he realized he is truly blessed and he can’t help the stray tears that fall. Even Madam Yu glaring at him from the side of the room makes him happy. He lost his parents so early and fought so hard to prove himself but now everything’s come together. It’s after this that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji finally talk about how much they love each other. Wei Wuxian in halting, stumbling words and Lan Wangji in rushed, flowing prose. 
Evil rises and falls but the extended Wei-Lan-Jiang-Jin family is ready.
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