#that's about as much shade ramble as you'll have to put up with today have a great evening everyone ��
nikkippy · 2 years
Kalim x reader | Love Letter -ラブレター (YOASOBI)
Author's note: after chapter 4, i dont know what im doing, anyway your honor kalim is in love with the prefect exibit a is his valentine's letter (who starts it off with 'hey love' ?!! from his first valentine card) exibit b is that he trusts us in chap 5 and tells us his insecurities (? idk i read that a long time ago might just be making it up)
GN pronouns (they/them), reader is the prefect yuu, also! if possible, do read it while listening to love letter by YOASOBI, it's inspired by that song. reader doesn't really show up (might make a part 2 tho where they actually show up and react to the letter or smth)
Summary: Kalim ends up talking with Silver about his crush so Silver tries to help him out (with his old man's courting techniques)
Decorations everywhere, pillows all around, enough to make a mess out of the room. Some of the animals who'd freed themselves amidst the chaos roamed the dorm
"Ahaha! Look Jamil, the elephants are playing around the fountain!"
Kalim says, an enthusiastic smile on his face, as Jamil huffs out "Kalim! Not now!" while trying to take care of all the animals
On the corner of his eye, Kalim sees a parrot flying outside and going through the mirror. Thinking that going after the bird could lessen his friend's burden, he went for it, warning Jamil with a simple "I'll be back soon" (to which Jamil replied "wait, Kalim!") he runs out the dorm, following the bird
Outside, he sees it flying to a more calm and shaded place, seemingly dazed, he lands atop of a sleeping man with silver hair and a calm aura
Looking closer, he noticed the male was a friend of his, namely Silver, like his hair and eyes. He tries to wake him gently to not scare the parrot and after much struggle, the male finally opens his eyes, letting a soft 'huh' out as he looks in Kalim's direction
"Ah! You finally woke up Silver!"
"Hm? Ah yeah, thank you Kalim, I must've fallen asleep again" he answers, still waking up by the looks of it "Hey Silver, if you don't mind, would you like to come to my party?"
"Party? When is it?"
"Well" Kalim replies "It's today! Around 6 pm! Think you can come?"
"Hmm" Silver thinks "Maybe another day, but I can help in the meantime" helping the male get up, Kalim says "Thanks! I have a feeling you're good with animals so I'm sure you'll help a lot"
Making small talk on the way back, they end up talking about what happened so far, and mostly, about the prefect
"The prefect is really nice! They helped me so many times and are a precious friend of mine" Kalim keeps going on and on about the prefect of ramshackle "I see, they seem like a lovely person, you talk very foundly of them, Kalim" Silver slightly intervenes, putting a stop to Kalim's excited ramble. Still, Kalim continues "Yeah! They saved me and helped me when I was at my lowest, I really treasure them, they're more precious than any of my jewels!"
"Hmm, hey Kalim, do you like the prefect?" Silver asks to a beaming Kalim "Huh? Ah of course, I already said it but they're a really good friend"
"No, like" Silver continues "Are you perhaps in love with them?" He asls straigh away to a now slightly blushing Kalim "Eh?! Umm, I haven't thought in that way"
After some time, Kalim exclaims "Yeah! I like them!"
"That's nice to hear, do you have any plans to court them? I remember the ol- I mean, father teaching me about it"
"Courting? I mean, as a son of the Asim family, they do teach some things but I never paid attention, I was always daydreaming" Kalim replies with a smile. "Then" Silver proposes "Would like me to help? Although I may not have the best advice, I do think I can help with the matter"
"I'll be counting on you then, Silver! Maan, I feel I'm using you at this point, sorry" He apologizes, but Silver denies "It's fine, I'm the one offering help, besides, I don't mind it"
When they reached the Scarabia Dorm, both men went inside and organized everything to the best of their abilites, with mostly Jamil taking care of everything. After managing everythin out, Jamil brought some drinks and snacks for the others, excusing himself to finish the last preparations for the party
Now alone, Silver starts out "Maybe you should sing them something"
"Like a love song?" Kalim inquires "But I'm not sure I can do it right away, if possible I'd like to do it as soon as possible, and the party will starin a few hours"
"Well then, how about a love letter instead? You can still show them your love with your words, just in a different way"
"Oh! Nice idea, Silver!" And so, Kalim started writing
Hey love
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netherworldpost · 2 years
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This is not a request for aid, this is a screenshot of a blog draft in progress.
I'm drafting a blog post about physical newsletters to augment social media for creators and small shops. NOT as in "social media sucks, we're dying, the new ways are trash"
PURELY in "social media is rapidly changing, we need to look at the old ways and see what would be useful."
Anyway. Moving away from sense-making and returning to the point of this post. Which is an emotional ramble.
I can remember the exact moment I wanted to make things and sell them. Or at least an extremely early moment, maybe not the actual first, but one of the first.
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I'm dating myself here, but America Online wouldn't take the country by storm for years. I'm a kid -- 8? 10? 12, maybe? at the time.
I'm at a Renaissance Fair, it's blazing hot, I've just watched the bards put on a play, they are playing a small hand drum while a hat is passed around and the adults around me are dropping in a few coins, some a few bills. We are in the shade, this park has been chosen because it has a huge variety of trees, and the stage has been set up in a choice spot.
Towards the front of the "castle" gates, to the left. I remember it so clearly, you walk up to the gates, you buy a ticket, you turn right and there are mead, soda pop, turkey leg, fairy floss (cotton candy) stalls. In front of you are pewter jewelry carts.
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To the left is the troubadour stage.
This isn't the first year I've been to the fair, or it is, but it's not my first day. I remember saving a few dollars specifically to drop in the hat, it wasn't the first time I'd seen the show, but it was the first time I'd have cash to tip them.
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I'm sitting there on a stool made from a cut log. Watching these adults cavort on stage, tell bawdy jokes I barely understand, wearing OUTRAGEOUS costumes.
I didn't know life could be this fun. This is an entirely new experience for me, at the time, and it completely changed my life. It was one of the early nudges that lead me to where I am today.
I'm getting. Ridiculously emotional. And I've got way too much work to do tonight to get this distracted.
I have been making things and putting them online for many, many years. The enchantment never fades. It never ebbs. It never decreases.
The blog post in question will go up in April 2023. I'm losing track of the point of this post, if I go back and review it, I'll be Remembering Things all night and not Editing Blog Posts, please forgive me for repeating myself and getting lost.
You'll have to do your own research, make your own decisions, but maybe I can help get you started.
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I have a thick career in advertising and marketing for small business. One of the ways I want to give back is to pepper the world with "this is how all of this works. If you want to pursue it as a primary job, as a second job, as an experiment, and/or as a hobby, here are some top level notes to start your idea."
You'll have to do your own research, make your own decisions based on your own goals + resources, but maybe I can help get you started with some general ramblings.
When I first started, a million years ago, I felt like I was pulling off a caper. The world's greatest crime. I feel like I am operating underground and The Boring Life Police are searching for me but I'm too fast, too slick, to get caught.
In the years all of this was a hobby, I felt that way.
In the years all of this has been a job, it has felt that way.
Okay. Enough words. Time for coffee and editing.
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casspurrjoybell-30 · 8 months
Howling Love - Chapter 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Amille Laurent.
Starting something new is haunting.
It's as if you're so afraid of going wrong that you're actually tempted to have something go wrong so you'll have some semblance of peace.
I was such a person, first tries to anything made me jittery and nervous, I can never truly understand why but it just happens.
I'd woken up early, set up the extra bedroom on the ground floor next to the game room as my gallery, it wasn't going to have use anyway, why not give it some.
My inspiration on the painting had come from my very fear of first things, it was a painting of the school I was to be attending, one gate was mangled as if someone with really strong arms had tried to crush it, the other was pristine and perfect a contrast to how we all feel about school, great and really horrible at times.
"This is really good," dad says behind me startling me, of course I didn't scream, that was impossible but I did jump holding my precious heart.
[Dad, that was not cool.] I whined as he chuckled and came over to hug me.
"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to but you shouldn't be up so early in the morning, setting up all this by yourself, where did you even get the paint?" he questions as he lets me go from our embrace.
[I always have paint, plus I'm turning eighteen soon dad, I can do most things by myself and yes, I got inspiration. It's why I woke up early to paint.] I signed my response and has scoffed.
"You got first day jitters, couldn't sleep so you came down here to put your mind to some sort of ease," he retorted and I sighed.
[That too.] I admitted and he chuckled walking to the door.
"I know you lady bug, the painting is great, if the paint dries early enough you could actually give it to your headmaster today, now go get ready, you look like a hot mess."
I didn't know how to interpret that statement, was he complimenting me or was he throwing in some shade with that compliment but none the less I did as told, I was nervous but I'd try.
Getting ready for the day wasn't much of a hassle for me, styling my hair on the other hand was.
I had really curly black hair and it knotted most of the time if I didn't keep it short or use enough moisturizer or relaxer.
The rest of getting ready, needed minimum effort and I was out the door.
"Come on eat up, your bones need a little more meat," he asserted and I narrowed my eyes on him.
[Dad, I'm not thin, I'm petite, bordering on the edge of starting to get fat.] I retorted and he just chuckled as we ate breakfast, him going through his schedule.
"Mister Delano sent your payment for the portrait by the way and he sends his regards along with notice that he'll send a picture of his daughter next to be painted," dad informed me as we got into his car after he helped me put my bag in, for some reason I was fragile or short, I can't keep up anymore, I just let him.
[I hope he paid our agreed fee or I'm not painting anything else.] I signed and my father just chuckled.
"Look at you being cute and grumbling, yes he paid your fee," he replied patting my head and soon we were off, headed toward my new school.
[Good because I'm starting to lose it with that man's incessant need to have paintings of his family.] I added and dad just chuckled.
"It'll be over soon and you'll enjoy the money," he shot back and I just smiled with a blush, I would really enjoy the money.
"That's Selous Academy, it's different, a lot more buildings," dad remarked as he parked by the sidewalk and I got out to get to the backseat where my bag was.
"Do you have your tablet?" he asked and I showed it to him.
"The other one?" he asserted and I showed him.
"Your phone, your book bag, your glasses and your credit card and your lunch bag, I put another jacket in there just in case," he kept on rambling and I just groaned face palming.
[Dad I'm seventeen. I can handle this.] I typed on my phone and text to speech as a hero came through.
"I know but this is a new school and I won't be close by, I'm worried," he whined hugging me and I rolled my eyes hugging him back.
[You have work dad, so off you go. Shoo.] I signed and he held his heart in horror.
"You'd actually dare to shoo away your own father?" he dramatically put across and the both of us laughed.
[Love you too dad, now go before you're late.] I finally stated as he kissed my forehead.
"Have a great first day honey, your uncle will pick you up," he informed and I nodded as I waved him off.
So the daunting journey began as I turned to the gates I drew this morning, the painting hadn't dried so I left it at home, most of the students were preoccupied with their friends and paid no attention to the new kid.
I was glad, however there were a few groups who actually noticed me, some waved some just nodded my way as I made it through the crowds until I got to the double doors of the main building that opened dramatically when I got through, since they made a bang everyone turned to look at me and I cringed, so much for going unnoticed.
The stares, the waves and the nods increased, Goddess I felt awkward.
[Morning, I'm...] I stated but the receptionist looked at me and paused.
"Oh my goodness you look just like him," she shrieked and I cringed.
"You're Amille Laurent right, I'm miss Parker, I'm a friend of your dad's... well I don't know if we're still friends but we used to be friends, I didn't believe the rumor that he was back until I saw the student transfer scripts with his name and you're his son, oh my goodness, the guys are gonna flip," she rambled on and I was still dazed by her outburst, for someone supposedly as old as my dad she acted like a teen.
"Parker breathe," the man I assumed was the headmaster stated as he walked out of his office, he was obviously a wolf, no human man had that much of an animalistic feel to them.
"You must be Amille, our new student," he stated I nodded.
"I'm going to need a more verbal answer," he asserted and I typed on my phone to which he frowned then turned to miss Parker who was now frowning at the man.
[I have mutism, I can't verbally speak but I can hear, feel, see, touch the whole enchilada just can't speak.] I typed on my phone and a regretful stare overcame the man.
"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, I must've seemed really ignorant, I'm sorry, If I had gone through your whole file I'd have known, I'm truly sorry, I'm Darwin Seras... you can address me by my last name, headmaster or Sir, it's alright," he expressed and I nodded, at least he had sense enough to admit his mistake.
[It's alright, no harm done.] I replied and he nodded.
Goddess I could already see that overprotective look in his eyes, most wolves had that look the moment they learned of my condition, oh well, I'm at a loss might as well roll with it.
"Let me show you your locker and first class," he offered taking what was my schedule, school map and locker number and code from miss Parker.
"Bye Amille, have a great day."
She waved me off and I nodded walking behind the headmaster.
"The school is inclusive to both wolves and humans, we have several after school programs, I see you have a long list of talents here, maybe you could breathe life into our art program," he joked and I smiled to that too.
"Your locker."
He showed me and I opened it putting most of my stuff in.
"Need help?" he asked and I signed no then realized he probably didn't know the language.
"Alright then, let's get to your first class, AP biology," he asserted and led the way as I familiarized myself with the school, it seems they were big on sports and not just academics.
"We've won the Bridgeton interschool football, lacrosse, gymnastics, cheerleading and tennis competitions for a consecutive six years," he pointed out and my jaw dropped.
[I just thought you're big on sports but that's wow.] I pointed out and he chuckled as he opened a door to an already filled class on the second floor.
"I know," he whispered back as we walked in and some students gasped.
"Good morning Richards, everyone this is Amille Laurent, he'll be joining us for the school year, don't cause him any trouble," he announced to the class as I stood awkwardly in the background.
"He uses his cell-phone and other gadgets to communicate, I'm sure Parker might've informed you so you'll have to make an exception, he can sign too," the headmaster added toward who I presumed was my teacher mister Richards.
"Of course, Amille take a seat next to Maxine," he responded and I nodded walking over to the waving girl with wavy hair and earthy green eyes, she was a wolf, I could just tell.
"Alright, Amille your schedule, find me if you need anything," the headmaster exclaimed giving me my papers, his behavior seemed to have really shocked the class, oh boy.
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
Today on really stupid things to be happy about:
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The fact that when I stopped being able to read or write four months ago my Works and Bookmarks just happened to be perfectly even
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tobesolonely · 2 years
omg can you do a mix of 1 and 2 in nature hehe 🙈😋
Harry loved Sundays.
Sunday was the one day of the week where he and Y/N both had a bit more free time than usual, so it went without saying that Sundays were reserved for them. These days were usually quite lazy, too. They never consisted of big, elaborate plans–just them, usually take-out because neither one of them could be bothered to cook, and lots and lots of sex. They did have a week’s worth of catching up to get to, after all.
This Sunday was a particularly nice one, because the weather had finally cooled down to a temperature that Harry could tolerate, and he just wanted to spend the day outside with Y/N. He looks down at her, head in his lap as she stares intently ahead at The Great British Baking Show. It was still quite early in the morning, no later than 9, and she looked so sleepy and cute–his sweet, tired girl.
The sound of his stomach rumbling snaps Harry out of his Y/N-induced haze. She looks up at him, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Why didn't you tell me you were so hungry? Would've gotten up and made us something ages ago if you just asked, H.”
Harry knows he's not really being chastised right now. Y/N simply just cares so much about his well-being so much that his stomach grumbling is as good a reason as any to fuss over him.
“Why don't we pack breakfast up and take it outside today? Know this nice lil spot we can have a picnic at, don't think very many people know about it either,” Harry absentmindedly rubs his hands along Y/N’s shoulder blades as he speaks. “I can make something for us while you go get dressed?” 
So, Y/N pops upstairs to quickly change out of her pajamas while Harry heads to the kitchen to pack a quick breakfast for them. He decides they'll have coffee, croissants, granola, yogurt, and a fruit salad (all Y/N’s favorite breakfast foods) and is nearly done packing it up when she re-emerges. Harry doesn't miss the way her eyes light up when she sees what he's stuffing in his insulated bag for them to enjoy.
He's opening the front door and ushering Y/N to his car five minutes later, stopping to open her door before tucking their food away into the back and getting into the driver's seat. It doesn't take any more than 15 minutes before Harry's turning and parking onto some road that Y/N’s sure didn't exist yesterday. She decides not to even question how her boyfriend knows it exists, but leave it to Harry to find the beauty of hanging out in a random, secluded field.
“Told you it'd be empty.” 
“I can see why.” 
“It's a nice field, love. I do some of my best songwriting and thinking here,” Harry gets out of the car and retrieves the food from the backseat before opening Y/N's door. “Found this place when I was a kid and have been coming ever since. Actually, I’ve never bought anyone else here before now that I'm thinkin’ about it…”
Now it's Y/N’s turn to get mushy. “I guess I must be pretty special then, yeah?” 
Harry laughs. “You have no idea, darling.” 
They set up their picnic against a big shade tree; Y/N’s grateful Harry always has a blanket in the trunk of his car, because it completely slipped her mind to bring one and grass makes her itchy. 
Harry fills Y/N in on his week and Y/N fills him in on hers. Nothing out of the ordinary for either of them–work, exercise, social obligations, things of that nature. Their conversation is actually entirely innocent until Y/N casually mentions one thing. 
“Oh, yeah! I just remembered,” she eats a big spoonful of yogurt and swallows before speaking. “I got a new lingerie set that I wanna wear for you later–I wanted to just put it on and surprise you with it, but I'm too excited and wanna tell you now.  I think you'll really like it.” Y/N always rambles a little when she's a bit nervous, which Harry finds endearing.
Harry's cock twitches in interest at this. “Oh yeah? What color is it?” 
“Your favorite, of course.” 
“My favorite, yeah? You're sweet, love.” Harry starts inching toward her until her back softly hits the tree they're under, letting out a quiet ‘oof’ after she does. 
“Your favorite.” 
Harry's hand reaches up to loosely wrap around Y/N’s neck while he sucks hickies under her jaw and on her shoulder. 
“I know we're missing the lingerie, but why don't you give me a little preview of what I'm gonna get for my ‘surprise’ later, love?”
location based smut prompts
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mhaclownery · 3 years
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𝕾𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖈𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖊
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: swearing
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta, Bakugou Katsuki
𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: Kaminari Denki x gn! Reader, background: Ashido Mina x Sero Hanta
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: You and the Bakusquad go out on an outing, and Kaminari Denki uses this as the perfect opportunity to express his feelings.
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 1.5K Words <3
𝖆 𝖙𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖗 𝖊𝖝𝖈𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖛𝖊 ^^
You step out of the car, stretching slightly. You hadn't expected the roller rink that Kaminari suggested to be so far from UA but you still went with the idea anyway. Some Kaminari was driving and you as were in the passenger seat, Sero, Ashido, Kirishima and Bakugou had to cram themselves in the back seat. Bakugou was the first to clamber out of the SUV. "Fuck, if I had been in there any longer I just about would've murdered you, shitty hair." Kirishima laughs with a hint of nervousness to it. "This place seems cool, Kami.” Ashido says, inspecting the outside. “Yeah bro, you did a good job picking the spot this time.” Sero and Kaminari engage in their kinda confusing handshake, and Bakugou groaned. ”So, are we going or not?”
You guys enter the facility to see that it’s actually a mixture of things. There was a movie theatre, a roller rink, and an arcade. “Woah, this is wicked!” You say with a wide grin, as you playfully punch Denki’s arm. You turn around before you can see Denki blush. It’s was rather obvious to just about everyone, but you, that Denki has a huge crush on you. So, anytime you complimented him, it made him feel extra cool.
”So, what’s everyone wanna do?” You ask. “Well, Bakubro and I have been meaning to see that new movie.“ Kirishima explains, motioning in between himself and the blonde in question. “I’d person like to kick Hanta’s ass at some video games.” She smirks in Sero’s direction, causing Sero to playfully scoff. “Oh you’re on.” You’d been thinking about it the whole time that your friend’s were talking. You hadn’t been in the mood for a movie, nor were you any good at video games. “I think I wanna go skating. I actually used to learn tricks.” You turn to Denki. “What about you, Denks?” He gives a toothy grin at the use of his name. “Rollerskating is rad. I’m going with y/n.” You nod, smiling back. “Okay so, meet back at what, 8?” Ashido offers. “Sounds like a plan.”
After breaking, you and Denki head over to the roller skate check out center. "So, you used to skate, huh?" Kaminari elbows you playfully, with a joking tone. “My parents wanted me to do something with my spare time in grade school, so I chose roller skating.” Denki attempts to stand, after tying his skates, but his starts to falter as the skates begin to move. After regaining his composure, Denki offers his hand out to you to help you stand. You took it, lifting yourself up with him. You hadn’t realized how close you too really were until you were looking directly into his eyes. They were a vibrant yellow, that was a tad shade lighter than his hair. The color was oddly comforting to you, it felt familiar and safe. Denki’s face heats up slightly, a light pink blush dusted across his face. “Y-you might have to show me some those moves. I wanna see want Pro Skater Y/n has in store.” As he says this, he moves away creating a distance between you two as not to show you that he was flustered. He was confident from afar, really, but when it came to in person, it was a lot harder. Especially when it came to you, he was down bad for you. The amount of times that he’s ranted to Jirou or Sero about how much he liked you was astronomical. Once you got out on the rink, which was rather empty considering the rather large amount of people in the facility. Denki was shakily making his way, he wasn’t moving fast in any way, but he was ahead of you. “C’mon y/n! I thought you were the skating champ.” Denki calls over his shoulder, causing you to roll your eyes at the boy. You quickly begin to skate like a pro. In seconds you pass Denki, whilst skating backwards. Just to show off a little, you jump and spin 3 times in the air before landing swiftly. You look back to see Denki with his jaw dropped. You skate back over to him with a smirk. "How was that for Pro Skater Y/n?" You used your fingers to make air quotes around the pro skater comment. Denki smiles at you with a small laugh. "Alright, alright. You got me. I revoke any and all teasing. You're skating circles around me."
After watching fall just about 20 times, you finally decide to help him. "Here. Grab on to my arm." He grabs your arm, with a slight questioning look on his face. "We're just gonna skate together." You smirk, as you had other plans. Once you deem that he's secure, you start moving, switching his grip on your arms to your hands. As you move down the rink, you get progressively faster. Denki laughs nervously. "Whatcha doin' there, Y/n?" You don't answer as you put your plan in action. You were skating backwards and Denki was basically being pull forward in front of you. as you reach the speed you need to be going, you pull Denki forward and under your legs. Denki lets out a surprised yelp but goes along with it. You pull him back up and dip him. You're too busy laughing at him to notice, but he's starstruck. 'They are so beautiful.' He thinks, observing your features. You pull him up, still laughing slightly. You felt your stomach growl and decide you're going to get snacks. "Hey Denks, I'm gonna get snacks, you want anything?" He shakes his head, seemingly lost in his train of thought. You shrug and make your way over to the snack bar.
"That'll be 109 yen." You nod, pulling out to owed amount and handing it to the man. "Thank you-" You begin to say before you're cut off by the sound of the loud speaker chiming for an announcement. You think nothing of it as you walk away from the snack bar but are immediately stopped in your tracks as you hear no one but Denki fucking Kaminari's voice over the loud speaker. You narrowed your eyes and lo and behold, your best friend and crush was standing behind the adjacent counter. "Hey, everyone. You guys obviously don't know me. Well maybe you do, I don't know. But, I just wanted to say.." As soon as you think he can't make whatever he's about to do worse, this man stands on the counter. You're frozen in shock, as your friend is about to do whatever it is he's planning. Just your luck, the movie Kirishima and Bakugou went to see had let out, and Ashido and Sero had made their way to the lobby as well. So, this meant that the whole squad got to witness what was about to go down. "I'm hanging out with my best friends here today, and especially my best friend of all." He makes eye contact with you through the crowd. "But, I have something I need to say to them. Y/n L/n." He takes a deep breath and you felt your stomach twist in anticipation. "I want to be more than friends. I want to be your boyfriend. That is, if you'll have me?" You hear several 'aws' and all the eyes in the room turn to look at you, seeming yo have followed Denki's gaze. You weren't going to say no, obviously. This is Denki Kaminari we're talking about. Your longtime crush, who to be honest, you only dream of him asking you out. "Yes, you dumbass. I'll have you. Just get down." You attempted a menacing tone but the giant smile on your face kinda overrode it. The crowd claps as they would in any cliche rom-com. As you got closer to Denki, you weren't able to even exchange any words as the establishment manager came running over. "Hey! Get off that counter right now!" You and Denki share a look that said 'Oh shit." And took off running at the same time. The rest of the squad followed suit, as to not get reprimanded by the manager.
Once you all got to the car, for some reason, Bakugou took it upon himself to be the first to speak. "Good going, dumbass. You got us banned." Ashido smacks Bakugou's arm. "Oh shut it. It was cute as fuck. You're just jealous that Y/n's the first to get a boyfriend in the group." Bakugou mutters something under his breath but remains silent after that. "So, uh. Yeah. I really like you, Y/n. And-" You pull him in for a kiss, cutting him off from whatever ramble he was about to g on. "I like you too, Denks. Now let's go, I see the manager coming." You all scramble in the car, and getting out of there before he could say anything.
And so what if Aizawa got a call from the manager complaining about the incident, and just chose to forget about it? That's nobody's business but his own.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
aw, sweet loceit in the evening sun. logan is actually super good at explaining healthy relationships and boundaries and stuff actually, i betcha he could recognize abuse no problem
…aye remy! REMY!! HAve you thought about going to that gay bar more often? who knows, maybe you'll encounter someone nice, make friends with like-minded people, hear some disco, the full nine yards. janus might be there, remus might be there. (just look around for the guy with the blue tie, he's a great guy, if he's not wearing it he'll look like he has that blue tie kinda energy! you could totally just get drunk and unload your grievances on him and i bet he won't even mind!)
(Mentions of U!Virgil but I say beforehand when that happens so those who don’t like U!Virgil can enjoy the rest of the fic up until then)
(Words: 4100)
Remy wiped away a tear while looking at your message. The cold light from their phone was the only thing brightening up the room. Virgil was sleeping beside them, his arm was laid around their waist.
"You just like tots gave me the greatest idea! I'm gonna invite Rem out to the bar! It's gonna the funnest thing like ever! Thanks girl!!"
2 days later Remus was dangerously close to eating the moss straight from the gay bar's wall. He had been left without supervision for over 15 minutes while he sat outside waiting for his friend to show up, what else was he supposed to do?!
Remy came towards him as fast as they could. They had on a short leather skirt, a neon mesh crop top and a leather jacket over it.
They did a little turn "I just like felt a bit glamorous today!" 
Remus choked on his own spit "The world must be a dark place when you aren't feeling glamorous"
"Awwww babbbe"
He sent them a big grin. He'd just put on his usual oversized dysphoria hoodie and matching oversized (:O) sweatpants.
Remus' smile disappeared in an instant as he noticed dark bruises all around Remy's neck. Shades of purple and green collided against each other.
"Ehm did a vampire come and attack you last night? Seriously are you alri-"
"JUst a reminder that it will be loud in there" Remy interrupted.
"Oh. Right!"
He fumbled around in his bag after his headphones. After putting it and a chew necklace on he did a thumbs up. Remy took off their sunglasses and leaned down so they were face to face.
Their face was so close he could feel their breathe against his lips. They put the sunglasses onto him and sent him a soft smile.
“There’s like lots of bright lights too” They explained.
Remus’ heart fluttered. He didn’t understand why “T-thanks”
They moved their arm around his shoulders as they went into the bar. It was past 12 am so some of the daytime furniture had been moved to make place for a dancefloor. There was indeed lots of neon lights flickering all around the bar and fast pop music was blasting through the speakers.
It was hard to see any details of anyone around him so Remus quickly forgot about the bruise. In this lighting it just looked like a weird choker anyway.
A guy with a see through shirt bumped into Remus. He had top surgery scars. For a moment they looked at each other in the most knowing way. The stranger looked away and continued talking with whoever he was with.
Remus whole body seemed to vibrate. There were so many butterflies in his stomach it felt like he was going to puke, in a good way.
Remy sat him down on one of the tall barstools and slumped down right next to him “So whatcha gonna drink?”
“The squashed down organs of my enemies!!!” He shrugged “Soda?”
They burst out into laughter “What? You catholic or something? Not allowed to drink alcohol?”
He slumped in on himself and started fiddling with his necklace “I-I dunno-”
“No. No babe I was just like joking. Like a stupid bitch. It’s okay” They waved at the waiter “Your most alcoholic fruit mix and your finest coca cola please!”
Remus leaned in to whisper “With salt”
“With salt? Please!”
He kept vibrating like an overexcited weasel. After getting their drinks he kept tapping the glass to stim some of the happiness out.
“Honestly I’ve never been to a gay bar before. I’m digging it. Just like how I’m digging graves”
They playfully hit his shoulder “Then I’m tots gonna try my best to make this the  ultimate first gay bar experience! I can’t think of any other lil fucked up gremlin buddy I would wanna have by my side!”
"Muhahah!! I am officially assigned ultimate gremlin buddy-”
“Greetings” A voice suddenly came from behind them.
Both of them flinched away. Remy let out a short yell and Remus was close to throwing his drink in the person’s face when he saw it was just Logan.
He had on jeans and a black button up with the top button unbottoned. He had with him iced coffee from starbucks because he had to drive home later.
“LOGIE!!!” Remy threw their arms around his neck to pull him closer “Babe this is the Log-legend. Once he was like sooo drunk so when he like tried to kiss me puked on my shoes instead!”
Logan grimaced “I am still very sorry about that”
“Oh I already know him through Janus” Remus replied. 
“Oh my gawd babe” Remy looked between them all “So like we all know Janny?! Wig! Sad he isn’t here then”
Remus held up his cola “Cheers to J-anus!” The other two held up their glasses in agreement.
“He is very pretty and charming and cute” Logan dreamily sighed. He stopped himself from continuing to say compliments.
“Yeah” The other two sighed back in unison.
Logan sat down on a chair next to them. Remy looked around the bar before squinting at him “No Patty?”
He instantly started looking like a Very sad seal “Sadly my wife is away on a convention with her magical girl anime fanclub this whole week. I estimated that going to the bar would make me feel less lonely”
“You have a WIFe??? Like a real one???” Remus exclaimed, his eyeballs were close to popping out from surprise.
“Yes. This may be a controversial opinion but when I marry someone I prefer them to be physically real” He replied druly.
He got a smug grin on his lips “Does she peg you?”
“She does far more than just peg me”
“Nice!” His eyes went even wider “IS That a stim toy??!”
He pointed at the tangle Logan kept between his fingers “Correct. If I do not have something to relieve my focus onto I can easily go into senso- OH a chewie?”
Remus nodded while showing of his chew necklace. The two of them started rambling about their favorite stim toy. Until they went off into special interests (star trek/astronomy and art/animal biology respectively).
Soon enough Remus was showing pictures of the animal bones he’d found. Logan ooeh and ahhed at all of them before asking the most nerdy of questions (where he’d found them, their bone density, if any damage had been done to them) which only made Rem infodump which made Lo infodump which made them both happy stim.
Meanwhile Remy sat beside them completely zoned out. They got time to drink 2 more of those fruit mixes and a few shots. The room was starting to spin.
The loud music wasn’t keeping out the yelling. They dunked their forehead against the bar table and covered their ears to try and get it out. The music was supposed to keep it out! Why was nothing working! The bruise ached. Their throat closed in on itself until they couldn’t breathe. 
“Remus” They gasped out. They looked over to their friend with a desperate look in their eyes. They just needed a distraction.
“So my theory for why you keep finding bones in specifically that part of the woods is because of the kind of dirt making it take longer for them to deco-” Logan was explaining while Remus nodded along.
“Rem! L-let’s like go up and dance or something. Please” 
This time it caught Remus’ attention. He looked over to them “Sure- are you feeling alright? Did you drink too much? You’re looking like a mummy”
“Yes. No. I just like- Like- They’re playing Charli xcx of course we gotta like dance!!”
“I will protect your belongings then” Logan added.
Remy stumbled up on shaky legs. Remus sent them a warm smile that made them want to cry before taking their hand. He let them lead him out to the dancefloor. Honestly he was pretty nervous about it, but being with them always made some of the anxiety melt away.
They stumbled on their own feet and fell forward. Their friend took ahold of their wrists and pulled them close to his chest. Their faces were so close to each other. So so close.
He didn’t let go. They couldn't remember him ever letting them hold him this close. Their chests pressed against each other. Their arms around his shoulders. His hands on their back. 
"You’re right. It is a good song. Good to crash a car too" Remus said absentmindedly.
Remy let up into shaky giggles from how sudden he’d said it “Yeah. Yeah I guess” 
They kept giggling. He chuckled back. He started spinning around on the dancefloor. They moved with him. His arms wrapped closer around their waist. Their cheek leaned against the slope of his neck (even though they had to lean down to get on his height level).
Remy quietly sang along to the music which made Remus start yelling along to it. The enby threw their head back from laughter. They took his hand and intertwined their fingers.
Remus moved his hand out and spun them around before pulling them close again. Their cheeks were flushed red, his was as well. He playfully dipped them down when the song ended.
It continued on into a song neither of them knew but they kept dancing anyway. They didn’t stay as pressed close to each other but they always had some contact. Holding hands. An arm around a waist. A head leaning against a chest.
When they finally got back to the bar table they were both panting. Remy was completely leaning on Remus since their body had started to hurt, but even through the pain they were both bubbling over with so much happiness they kept breaking out into bouts of giggling.
To their surprise Logan wasn’t sitting alone. A tall person with long dark hair sat on the chair beside him. Xir hand was on his thigh. The nerd had a soft smile on his face as they leant close to talk.
“Uh Lo?” Remus had to wave his arms around to get his attention.
His head shot around to look at them “Hello” He glanced to the person “These are the ones I was protecting belongings for” He stood up and held out his hand “Shall we?” Xir took it. Logan waved at his friends before going off to the dancefloor with the stranger.
“Huh. Good for him” 
“I guess”
Remy ordered another high alcohol fruit mix. Remus happily chewed on his necklace while humming along to the music. Between their chairs their hands hang with their fingers intertwined. Holding their hand had started to make Remus feel all funny in the head for some reason.
The enby watched on as Logan and the stranger danced for a bit before moving to a corner to make out. When the stranger started to lead him towards the bar’s bathrooms Remy turned to their friend.
“Yeah okay he’s not coming back for like a while. Smoke break?”
“Of course!”
They finished their drink before leaving the bar. The pair stopped right outside. Remus sat down on the side of the pavement. Remy tried to sit down but they stumbled over themself and fell flat on the ground.
Remus got up to help “Are you okay? Are you sure you haven’t drank too much?”
“I’m fine. I’m fine” They laughed out.
He sat them down on the pavement while dusting off their clothes. He patted them on the head while pouting “You should get some water”
“Naaaah babe. I’m good”
In the moonlight the bruise was visible again. That horrible dark purple bruise around their neck. It looked like it hurt.
Remus put his hand on their shoulder “Beanie are you alright? I do know it wasn’t some halloween monster that got you that bruise”
For a moment their whole body tensed, they forced a smile “It’s fine. me and my boyf just tried like some new kinky shit in the bedroom y’know. Nothing more” They lied.
They took out a cigarette pack and a lighter from their bag. They traced their thumb over Remus’ lower lip and opened his mouth just slightly. Remy leaned closer while putting a cigerette between his lips. They lit it.
Remus took a deep breathe. It’d been a while since he’d last smoked. He leaned so close the cigarette nearly touched Remy’s skin. They parced their lips as he breathed out the smoke right into their mouth.
A smile spread on their lips. He held the cigarette over to them but they shook their head. They looked around in their bag again and took out a small poppers bottle.
“Should you really take that. Won’t your brain melt out of your ears?” Remus asked “I really don’t wanna have to slorp up your brain juice...yet”
“Relax babe. It’s like not dangerous as long as I don’t like take too much and I only take when partying” It took a moment before they quietly added “And I only party when I need to get out of the apartement”
They forced on a bigger smile “What?”
Remy moved the popper up to their nose and inhaled as much of it as they could. It took a few seconds before they let up into a giggle. It was in a higher tone than their usual bubbly laugh, it almost sounded like cackling. They could see stars.
(U!Virgil mentions from here on out)
“Y’know my boyfriend gave me like a flashback or whatever last night” They giggled while swaying from side to side.
Remus gently grabbed their shoulders and moved them to lean against him so they wouldn’t fall over “Uhu. Did you stab him?”
“No silly. He just. He’d been soooo sweet all weeek and I just I just ruined it ‘cause i like overeacted to some joke he made while like we were washing the dishes” They were barely even aware they were speaking “And like it just kept going until we were like screaming at each other”
Remy was still smiling and giggling between every word but tears started to form in their eyes. Their fingers felt numb. Bile was rising in their throat.
“And he just like threw the plate he was holding down on the ground. And it like didn’t hit me. He wasn’t even aiming at me. He was just throwing it at the ground. But it shattered and it was so stupid and overemotional and stupid and pathetic but I just I just curled up on the floor and like had a panic attack like a stupid baby”
They smeared their hand across their face to try and get the tears away. They felt sick. Remus quickly put out his cigarette, it didn’t feel like the right time to smoke.
“And I just like- Is that normal? Is that fine? Like throwing stutff like that? I-I- he’s never done it before. Or I mean like not plates” They looked up at Remus “Is it fine?”
He gulped while fiddling with his hoodie sleeve “Well uh did he apologize?”
“Mhmm. He like- like for some minutes he like kept yelling ‘cause he thought I was just like faking a panic attack to like I dunno manipulate him but then he like comforted me and like calmed me down and like held me and cuddled all night until I fell asleep and- and he said sorry a bunch of times and like he said it would never happen again. He uh usually doesn’t lie”
“Well ehm then it should be fine right? Right?” They both shrugged at each other “I mean everyone can make mistakes! And it was during an argument! Everyone does drastic things during an arguments! So it’s fine. I think”
A shaking breathe of relief left Remy’s lips. They stretched themself over his lap and he moved his arms around them. “Thanks babe. I was like tots worried for a bit but y’know i was thinking like that too. So it’s fine”
“Yeah” He combed his fingers through their hair “You do know you can vent to me whenever right? I promise I won’t gross you out with details about how to pull out rabbit teeth ever again so if I can hold that back then I can also listen to stuff! I can super listen!!”
They closed their eyes. They felt so tired. So tired and sick and horrible. “Mhm. I know babe. I know”
Remy sent him a soft smile before suddenly puking. Some of it came on his pants but mostly on the ground. Remus stood up and carefully moved them down to a sitting position.
He rubbed up and down their back with one hand and held their hair back with his other. Their shoulders were shaking and they were taking in shallow breathes between every sudden throw up.
“It’s okay beanie-boo. Breathe. Breathe. You got all the time in the world. Until the sun blows up at least”
“I-I took- too much- too much” They slurred out before lurching forward again. It seemed to stop for now.
“I’m aware” He carefully wiped away some of the puke left around their mouth with his hoodie sleeve.
They leaned back against his chest. They closed their eyes and focused on breathing. He held them so so gently. As if they would break like glass otherwise. He pressed a kiss to the top of their head.
“There you are!” Logan said as came through the bar entrance “What a relief. I assumed you had left without me because you thought my actions were unacceptable” He noticed how pale and shaky Remy looked and got a worried look on his face “Is everything alright?”
“They feel like someone has slammed a fish into their stomach. Not good” Remus replied.
“I see. I suppose it woud be best to get them home”
Logan picked Remy up with ease to carry them to his car. He was quite sure he’d carried dogs that weighted more than them. Remus anxiously followed along.
He sat them in the passenger seat. He shook their shoulders until they opened their eyes. They let out a quiet whine.
He held up 4 fingers “Remy how many fingers am I holding up?”
“Fuck yourself”
They moved to the side and seemed to pass out again. Logan closed the door before turning to Remus.
“Did they take anything?” He whispered.
“Only a popper”
“Good. Do you need a ri-”
“Okay” Logan was about to go but stopped midstep and lowered his voice even more “Oh and Rem...Could you please not ask Janus to hang out next weekend? I am planning a surprise...I hope it will make him happy”
“Good luck comrade....Please text me once Remy is home safe. Please?”
“Of course”
He did a little nod before leaving. Logan got into the car. He couldn’t stop looking at the bruise around their neck. Remy continued to sleep for most of the ride until they they were 5 minutes or so away from their apartment. They suddenly flinched awake.
“Stop the car!” They gasped out. 
“Are you still feeling the same?”
“Logan stop the fucking car!” There was fear in their eyes. 
Logan stopped by the side of the road. The road was barren and dark. It had to be past 3 am at least. Remy crawled back into the backseats while their whole body shook.
“Don’t. Look. At. Me”
“Sure” He stared down into the steering wheel to not accidentally see their reflection in the glass.
“I just. I just have to change clothes. I just. I don’t want Virigl to call me a whore again. I mean. He won’t. But what if. What if he gets mad. I just. I just have to change” They slurred out.
They stumbled out of the car after changing into a pair of long pants and closing their leather jacket. A cold chill went up Logan’s spine. He quickly stepped out of the car as well.
“Okay bye bye Logie!!”
They tried to move but Logan grabbed onto their shoulders. He forced back a choking feeling in his throat “What do you mean by your boyfriend getting mad?”
“Pff! It’s nothing! I’m drunk!! Byyyeeeeee”
They started to stumble away but Logan easily followed along “It did not sound like he called you a whor-...you know what...with your consent. I am simply going to remind you that calling a partner things like that is not okay. Not in any circumstance”
Remy’s expression turned cold. They walked faster “I don’t like what you’re implying”
“I’m not implying anything”
“Yes you Fucking are!”
“Exscuse me for being worried about your wellbeing. What you just said sounded like a very bad sign”
“Yeah exactly it only SOUnded bad! My boyfriend isn’t bad!” Remy snarled out.
“I am not saying he is. He doesn’t have to be bad to say awful things, as long as he changes”
They shoved their hands into their pockets. Their hands moved into fists “You don’t know a fucking thing about me. You tried to kiss me once when you were drunk and that’s all. We don’t know each other”
Logan took a deep breathe “I don’t need to know you to see red flags. Remy-” He searched for words “Remy you’re bruised. How- you can’t expect me to not get worried”
Remy suddenly stopped and turned around to meet his eyes. “MY BOYFRIEND ISN’T ABUSIVE! I-”
“I’m not necessarily saying he is. I just wan’t to talk-” His voice started to sound desperate.
They looked like a cornered animal. Tears were brimming at the edges of their eyes “YOU DON’T KNOW A THING!”
He tried to sound soothing “Remy please take a deep breathe-”
They stormed away. For a moment Logan was frozen in place before he forced himself to run after them to try and make sure they would be okay.
“I am not-”
Remy looked at him for one last time. The look in their eyes made him feel cold. It was pure hatred.
“Logan get the fuck away from me! I am drunk and high and alone on a street with no one but you who is sure as hell fucking stronger than me and all you’re doing is spouting bullshit! So please get why I want you to leave. And why I don’t ever want you to talk to me again!”
He stopped dead in his tracks “...Right....Yes....I am so sorry”
Remy didn’t even respond. They simply turned and walked away. Logan stayed and watched to make sure they got home to the apartment safe before going back to his car.
He slumped down in the seat. His heart was racing and his thoughts were for once an illogical flurry. He sat motionless for several minutes before finally getting some semblence of an idea.
He took out his phone and dialed one of his usual numbers. It took several signals before Emile Picani picked up.
“Mhm? Logie bear? I can’t today I have clients in the morning” He yawned out.
“This is about one of your patients. I am fearing that they are in danger”
In an instant all of the sleepyness in Emile’s voice disappeared “In danger? Physical? Is it urgent? Do I need to call someone? Which patient are you even referring to?”
Logan hesitated. If Remy had reacted that strongly to him just attempting to ask about his boyfriend it was very likely that they would stop going to therapy if Emile brought it up. His throat tightened, he didn’t want to put them in any more danger.
“I....Nevermind Emile....This was just a far too gone joke...Someone dared me to call you. I am sorry. Have a good night”
He ended the call. He leaned his forehead against the steering wheel and let out a long sigh. His hands held onto the wheel so hard his knuckles whitened.
Logan had no idea what to do. No idea at all. All he knew was fear. Fear for Remy’s safety. Fear for their well being. Fear that anything he did would only make their situation worse.
14 notes · View notes
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Part 4
Pairing: Zuko x Fem!Reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: depression
Words: 2.2k
Summary: to everyone she knew, [y/n] was a peasant, destined to be a servant just like her parents. To Zuko, however, she was his best friend. After losing his agni kai and being exiled, [y/n] was devastated. She thought she would never see him again. Three years later, she almost wished he never came back.
A/N: here it is! I finally got it out after a busy few weeks :)
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Part 3 <- Part 4 -> Part 5
Series | Masterlist
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[Y/n] clutched at her chest. Her breathing suddenly became short and shallow. Her heart pounded relentlessly in her chest.
“W-what?” [Y/n] croaked. Her face contorted in confusion and shock.
“I know. It’s just horrible, isn’t it?” Azula lamented.
[Y/n] was speechless, but her mind rambled rampantly. What happened to him? How did he go missing? Was he taken? By who? Where would he be? She had so many questions, but it wasn’t her place ask any of them.
“But it’s strange,” Azula continued, putting a long, sharp fingernail to her chin, “the day Zuko disappeared, he wrote Mai a break up letter. It’s almost like he left on his own accord, like it was planned...”
But...why would he leave? [Y/n] was puzzled, and Azula, as perceptive as she always was, knew exactly what she was thinking.
“We called you here because we hoped you knew something that we didn’t. You are his best friend, of course. But, according to what you said, he didn’t give you any notice that he was leaving. What a pathetic way to treat his best friend,” she remarked.
“I’m so sorry, Princess Azula and Firelord Ozai. I really wish I could help.”
Azula turned her back to [y/n]. “Father, is there anything you’d like to say?”
Firelord Ozai silently shook his head. He never spoke a word, yet [y/n] felt terrified by the man, and the silent gesture sent shivers down her spine. Azula turned back around to face [y/n]. “You’re dismissed.”
On her way home, [y/n] did her best to hold herself together and remain calm. Some tears managed to escape. But once she got home, she collapsed. Streams of tears coated her face and neck. She choked on her sobs. She felt so many emotions, but, most of all, she was in utter disbelief.
Zuko was gone. Again.
This time he left on his own. But why? Was he really that unhappy? He had so many wonderful things: royalty, honor, prestige, riches and wealth, his lavish home--a royal palace--and a beautiful girlfriend among so many other things. Was it not enough?
Regardless of the reason, [y/n] felt just as devastated as she did three years ago. Only this time she blamed herself for being so upset. Not only did she push him away over something completely stupid, she also took their friendship for granted.
Zuko was [y/n]'s only real friend, and, despite being royalty, he was always so kind to her. She wanted to kick herself for not spending time with him that one day. She should've accepted the offer. She should've gotten over her dumb feelings.
Now, once again, [y/n] didn't know if she would ever see him again.
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Days passed. Then, days turned to weeks. And weeks to months.
Like three years ago, it was hard to get out of bed, it was hard to eat anything, it was hard to focus on simple tasks. Some days, she felt sadness. Other days, it was anger. On rare occasions, she felt content, until grief would knock her down like a tidal wave.
[Y/n] kept the letter Zuko wrote to her under her pillow. It was the only thing she had left of him...a relic of a recent past, a brief reunion, that felt so long ago. At night, she would gingerly trace the paint brushed characters with her finger. And when she cried, she made sure her tears never touched the ink so that she could trace them again the next day.
Like three years ago, [y/n] faced reality and came to terms with what happened. Maybe her and Zuko were never meant to be. Or maybe the universe gave her what she wanted all those months ago: distance from the prince to kill her love for him.
Another evacuation of the city was ordered. This time, [y/n] had no idea why. She didn’t speak to her parents as often as she used too, and, with what happened recently, her mother was extra cautious about gossiping around her. [Y/n] didn’t expect anything crazy to happen anyway. They would leave, they would come back, and that would be it.
But when [y/n] and her parents marched through the streets back to their apartment, they saw something incredibly unusual. Messenger hawks were cawing and soaring all across the skies, and people in different colored clothing were bustling about all over the city. It was like they stumbled into a whole different world.
Groups of people wearing shades of green were earthbending to repair burned buildings. A few people in shades of blue were gently waterbending on people who appeared to be injured.
[Y/n] was amazed. She had only heard about other forms of bending; this was her first time seeing them with her own eyes. She had also never seen such beautiful garbs either. All of her life had been spent living in the Fire Nation, which was like living in a bubble. She genuinely had no idea what the rest of the world was like aside from what her parents had told her, which was not a lot.
[Y/n] was also confused. What’s going on? Why are they here? What happened? She wasn’t the only one who was puzzled. Her parents and all the other Fire Nation citizens looked just as confused as her. Particularly, the nobles seemed frustrated. Perhaps it was best not to question it.
As [y/n] and her parents quietly made their way to the apartment, they overheard lots of chatter...
“...Ozai imprisoned...” “...Sozin’s comet...” “...burn down Ba Sing Se...” “...Avatar Aang...” “...Azula should be next...” “...the last airbender...” “...just a group of kids...” “...this is treachery...”
And when they reached their home, they were met with a messenger hawk perched on their window. Her father removed the letter from the hawk’s leg. After a quick glance, he smiled widely and handed the letter to [y/n].
“It’s for you,” he told her cheerfully. [Y/n] raised an eyebrow and took it. She unrolled the parchment and, immediately, her eyes widened. She recognized the handwriting.
Dear [y/n], I hope you’re well. I’m so sorry for disappearing without saying anything. I can explain, in fact, I have so much I want to tell you! Before I do, I want to invite you to my coronation ceremony. Yes, you read that right! I’m going to be the next Firelord! If anyone should be at the ceremony, it should be you. I hope to see you there! Your friend, Zuko
[Y/n] stared at the letter, jaw slacked.
“[Y/n], sweetie, are you okay?” [Y/n]’s mother delicately placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I can’t believe it...” she shook her head at the letter. “Zuko is back, and he’s going to be Firelord!”
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A long, scarlet red tunic draped over [y/n]’s body. The ends of the fabric trailed behind her through the air. Her shoes clacked on the marble flooring, sending echoes down the hallways of the palace. Her [h/c] hair was coiled into a bun and held together with a single, long, gold colored pin.
For the first time in a long time, [y/n] held her head high and stood straight when she walked. She did a complete 180. Her best friend had returned and she was more than excited to see him again. Today was Zuko's coronation ceremony, as well as a second chance to tell him how she really felt.
Sure, Mai and Zuko had a brief relationship when he first returned, and maybe that break up letter was just a way out. But what if it wasn't? And besides, [y/n] was tired of being sad and pathetic. She wanted to tell him. No, she needed to tell him, she had to get it off her chest, and she was not going to waste this opportunity.
The reception was held in the palace ballroom. It was a grand room, perfect for the size of the large crowd that appeared at the ceremony. Paper lanterns and drapes of all colors hung from the walls and ceiling, giving it a festive atmosphere. A small band played soft, up-beat music in the background. Some people danced, some mingled and others ate food that [y/n] could smell from the moment she walked in.
[Y/n] searched the sea of green and blue for red. It wouldn't be hard considering how few of her own people attended the coronation (so few, they stuck out like sore thumbs). Then, she spotted him, the new, young Firelord, speaking to a group of people that appeared to close in their age.
“[Y/n]!" Zuko called, waving his hand. "I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Of course, I made it. I would never miss your coronation,” [y/n] said, hugging Zuko before continuing more quietly, “especially after you disappeared again.”
“I know. I’m sorry, [y/n], I had to do it. But I should’ve told you. You of all people deserved to know,” he quietly responded in her ear.
Zuko tightened his embrace before pulling away and looking at [y/n] apologetically. She gave him a nod and small smile. [Y/n] didn't have the full context of what happened, but she knew her friend was sincere in his apology (though, that didn't diminish the pain she had felt).
“There are some people I want you to meet. These are my friends.”
Zuko gestured to the group of teens and kids he was just talking to. A Water Tribe boy and girl who were siblings, two Earth Kingdom girls—one with lots of makeup on and one who was blind—and, of course, the Avatar himself.
“It’s so nice to meet you all, especially you, Avatar Aang. It’s an absolute honor,” [y/n] said, bowing respectfully. Aang beamed and bowed in return.
“Soooo, Zuko, is this the girl you were talking about?” The Water Tribe boy, Sokka barely whispered, nudging Zuko with his elbow.
Zuko chuckled, “yeah, this is [y/n]. We've known each other for years. Now, if you'll excuse us,” Zuko spoke to his friends before turning to [y/n], “I believe we have some catching up to do.”
“Oh, yes we do!” [Y/n] said with glee.
Together they departed the group and walked out onto the balcony.
Outside, the sun was setting, radiating gold and orange hues, which merged into the deep blue sky up above. Only a few of the brightest stars in the sky sparkled. Down below, Caldera City glittered with lanterns, outlining the streets and houses of their people.
[Y/n] admired the view. It certainly wasn't often that she got to see the city like this. Then, Zuko began talking.
Three years was a long time, and this conversation proved it. It was long overdue. Neither of them realized how much time had passed, but, to them, it felt like they talked for hours outside.
Zuko explained everything as promised: the hundred year war, what banishment was like, what the outside world was like, how he really felt when he came home, when he realized that his father was an abusive, cruel leader and that his destiny was to help the Avatar, how he escaped, and all of the incredible adventures he had with his new friends, including the historic defeat of Azula and Ozai during Sozin’s comet.
[Y/n] was flabbergasted. “Wow...that’s...just...I-I don’t know what to say.”
“I know. It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it?” Zuko asked, leaning his forearms on the balcony railing.
“Yeah. I had no idea we were such a horrible country. We've been lied to and sheltered this whole time. It all makes sense now.” Zuko hummed in agreement.
“You’re so brave for leaving and going against your family. It must’ve been hard and really dangerous.”
“You have no idea.” Zuko looked into the distance and slowly shook his head. “But it all worked out, and I’m back—for good this time!”
"Well, you have no idea how glad I am about that!"
Zuko smiled and placed his hand on [y/n]'s shoulder, giving it a gentle rub.
"So, there's something I want to talk to you about," Zuko continued in a more serious tone. [Y/n]'s head perked up.
"Okay. I actually have something I want to tell you too, but you go first," [y/n] said. Her heart already began to race in anticipation.
"Well, I was thinking. You've been my best friend for a really long time…"
Suddenly, [y/n]'s palms sweated and her heart picked up the pace. She gulped.
"So, I was wondering if you'd like to—"
“Zuko! There you are.”
[Y/n] turned toward the doorway. She felt Zuko immediately retract his hand from her shoulder at the sight of a woman. A tall woman wearing a beautiful, wine colored, silk robe, whose dark hair was bunched up into two buns.
“I’ve been looking all over for you.” Mai walked up to Zuko’s side and wrapped her arms around his bicep.
“Sorry, Mai. I was just catching up with [y/n],” Zuko replied.
“I see.” Mai turned to [y/n]. “It’s nice to see you again.”
“Yeah, um, it’s good to see you too.” [Y/n] couldn’t tell if Mai was being genuine or not. Likely, she wasn’t.
“Well, I hope you don’t mine me stealing Zuko from you. He promised to dance with me tonight,” Mai said, cupping his cheek. The two smiled at each other.
“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten," Zuko said. "[Y/n], we’ll talk later, okay?”
And she watched the two walk away, arms linked.
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kodzumie-archived · 4 years
I want to submit this anonymously but I can’t rn so oh well,
I had an idea last night for Shuichi with an Ultimate Lawyer S/O so this is sort of a oneshot (yes I used the argument from Ace Attorney Im not creative with law shit)
I wanted to write this genderneutral but I’m insecure about my writing style and I’m used to writing female Mc’s so apologise for that
Also also forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes I’m super dyslexic
Anyway anyway I’m rambling enjoy my brain rot- 👑! Anon
If you ever asked Shuichi Saihara what his thoughts were on trials he'd tell you he hated them. He hated everything about them. Fully believing in the person he was defending only for them to turn around and reveal some truth they hid making him look an idiot.
Trials truely brought out the worst in people in Shuichi's opinion.
Speaking of the detective right at the moment he was enjoying one of his rare quiet moments, sitting outside the courtroom he sighed deeply, this was his least favourite part of solving a case; for some reason part of being the ultimate detective meant he had to appear in court with his client. He wasn't exactly their lawyer but he did play a big part in defending them, But that wasn't the big reason he hated trails, His wallowing in self pity was interrupted when the very reason he was thinking about walked past him and made her way towards the vending machine nearby.
(Y/N) (L/N) The Ultimate Lawyer, anyone that manages to get her to defend them is 100% guaranteed to get cleared of all their charges or at least a very light sentence. And for some reason almost everyone she agreed to defend involved his clients in some way and therefore him.
And he could never win.
No matter how many arguments he and his client had she could take them all down easily, He hated having all the attention on him, everyone at school knew it too, But whenever the two of them were in the courtroom everyone there knew they were in for a show.
He stayed hunched on the seat for a few seconds, waiting wondering if she didn't notice him he could stay outside a little longer. Keeping his stare on her she realised Instead of her usual suit he couldn't help but notice she was wearing a pencil skirt today ending below her knees, everything about her screamed professionalism. He didn't even realise he was staring until she was suddenly standing right in front of him. nothing was said and instead they both just maintained eye contact. Before she turned around and made her way back inside.
He would never understand her.
He wondered if this process could speed up a bit. He hated the courtroom, the smells, the people, the noises, that's why he always watched her he told himself. He kept his eyes on her because she was the only interesting thing there. They way she moved, the passion in her voice when she talked, how she always kept her cool no matter what was thrown at her.
"And that's why your honour my client is innocent"
"Objection!" Shuichi found himself standing up, he'd been listening to every word that had left her mouth, and thanks to that he'd heard something that didn't add up
"(L/N), your client said he found the body 9:30, correct?"
She looked at him, instead of anger or annoyance her eyes held an excitement he'd never seen her have in the courtroom before.
"That is correct Mr Saihara,"
Standing up straight, in a complete reversal of their position before she sat in a seat while he stood tall.
"But there was a blackout, and since we know your client didn't have their phone on them since they ran downtown to call the police correct? So how did they know the time?"
The client decided to speak up
"I- I heard the time on the tv"
"But there was a blackout, so how would the tv be on?"
They opened their mouth
"A-Actually it wasnt the tv, it was the clock!"
Shuichi objected again;
"the murder weapon that had been accepted into evidence earlier was a statue, not a clock"
You were the one who revealed that The Thinker statue did indeed double as a clock; by tilting it, it spoke the time after.
However, Shuichi refused to back down now, and with the look in your eyes as your stared at him made him want to continue.
"there was no way your client could have known about the clock function without having held it in his own hand. The reason that you knew the time was because he was the real killer. As he killed Stone, the clock announced the time, leaving a strong impression on him."
Shuichi spoke, every word held a confidence to it he'd never felt in the courtroom before, and as he stared at (Y/N), her expression for a split second looked shocked, and he thought for once he'd finally put her down a peg, before her face twisted into a smug grin.
"Mr Saihara you seem different today" leaning on her hand her gaze was focused on him, like she didn't even care that she was losing the case at all. Shuichi didn't understand this side of (Y/N). From every argument he'd ever seen in this courtroom she knew every detail and every loophole, she always had a fire inside her and a determination to help her clients, so why was she staring at him like that? The in her gaze that usually appeared when she argued was now fully directed at him.
Her client, infuriated at Shuichi's ruining of his testimony, began to breakdown on the stand, discarding his sycophantic demeanor and angrily throwing his toupee at Wright's face.
This was once of the rare times her client was guilty, but she didn't seem to be affected at all. Outside the courtroom and crouching in front of the vending machine grabbing your snack she didn't seem phased at all when the Ultimate Detective appeared behind her.
"Hey there Saihara"
"What the hell was that?" He spoke, standing up and leaning against the machine she tried to look innocently at him but the wide smirk on her face betrayed her.
"That was not like you at all (L/N), I know damn well you saw the same discrepancy in your clients testimony I did"
Placing your finger up to your lip you feigned innocence
"Did I? Maybe I didn't notice"
"There's no way, your the Ultimate Lawyer, that case should've been child's play" Shuichi frowned, his tone getting louder as he got more annoyed
She laughed, "truth be told Saihara I knew he was guilty since the start"
Shuichi recoiled the tiniest bit at that news, his eyes widening slightly before he regained his composure,
"Then why did you take the case?"
Walking toward she stopped till she was a few steps from pressing her body against the detective who was at that point hide How activity flustered he was. Her hand slipped into his pocket and she left something light in there before leaning to his ear
"Why do you think I take all the cases I know you'll be at shu-i-chi" she whispered, dragging out his first name before walking away, a flounce to her step. Only when she was out of his view he remembered she had slipped something into his pocket, grabbing it and pulling it out to inspect it his face bursted into fifty different shades of red.
'This must've been why you'd worn a skirt today' he thought as he hurried to find a seat on the train so he could get home, trying to inconspicuously place his hat in a specific way on his lap.
He really wanted to get home now. He had something he needed to do.
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