#that's certainly a hook Bri just laid down
fluffghostrp · 2 years
‘  tell  me  of  the  beast,  and  i  will  hunt  it  for  you.  ’ (from akari?)
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    “Hm? Of the loup-garou? T'is more of a danger for you, than me.”
The witch clicks her tongue in thought, as if debating to humor the girl.
    “A human who wears a pokemon's skin, stalking the wilds in it's guise. Or perhaps a pokemon who can take the guise of a human? Hard to say.”
Is she absolutely choosing her words carefully? Yes. Yes she is.
    “I am sure you have heard of similar tales - many different entities can shift their shape as described. The problem is not the trickery... to appear human and pokemon does not make a loup-garou. What makes a loup-garou is whether or not they start seeking humans as prey. While i appreciate your bravery, what makes you certain you are up to the task?”
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
A Little Piece of Art
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The art gallery had always been one of Shawn's favourite places, he loved the colours, the textures, even the smell of the freshly painted canvases.
During his residency year of Emergency Medicine this love, had become something more, something sacred. His weekly visits to the local art galleries were the only chance he got to 'just be'. He found something so comforting in the way the colours melded together forming any number of unique patterns, the colours quietly, but boldly expressing the many emotions with fuelled the artist's work.
Maybe it was this that he connected with the most? Life as a medical resident was hectic, always ruled, by other people's, needs, wants, emotions, there never seemed to be time to address your own wants and needs. But time, at the art gallery, Shawn found, gave him an escape, a way to wonder off into a world of bright unchecked colour and vibrancy, away from the harsh unrelenting realities of people's all too often life-threatening and life-changing injuries, away from everything an everyone. Well everyone except one person that was.
He'd first met Auburn three years ago, it was a chance encounter, he wasn't meant to walk into that particular little gallery , and she wasn't meant to working that day, but as fate had it she was and he did.
They'd striked up a friendship fairly quickly, a mutual interest and respect for the works of art and the artist's behind them fuelled many hours of conversation. There had always been an unspoken, but undeniable chemistry between the two of them, but Shawn was busy with work and didn't want to drag someone else into that mess, and Auburn was just too shy to ask
When Shawn found out that Auburn was single, he was shocked. She was gorgeous, with long platinum blonde straight hair and the perfect figure, yet up close she had just the right amount of freckles scattered over the bridge of her nose, breaking the facade of perfection.
Auburn had been equally as confused when Shawn admitted that he too was single. She could understand the reasoning behind it, with a busy job and other commitments including a family that lived out of state, she couldn't however get over, but Shawn was gorgeous like some Greek God doctor-model who had just made his way from the runway and into her gallery. He was tall and lean, but muscular with tattoos scattering his hands and arms, deep brown eyes which seemed to reach your soul with the barest glace and a mop of perfectly kept brown curls- always tamed by hair product which Auburn longed to run her fingers through.
Two years and much flirting later and Shawn had finally gotten up the courage to ask her out l, to which she immediately agreed. He'd taken her to one of his favourite restaurants for dinner and they're talked for hours as if they'd known one another for a lifetime. Shawn told her about his hobbies, medicine was number one for which Auburn admired him for following his passions, closely followed by the guitar and ice hockey, not to mention family, he loved his family, Auburn found this to be an immediate turn-on as she too was close to her family although she couldn't get to see them as often as she liked l, they were across country and an art gallerist's wages certainly did not cover the cost of the ticket.
She found herself telling him all her most embarrassing stories from grade school when she's tripped and fallen into a muddy puddle bigger than she was in front of her entire class, and all about the time she'd been left to sit outside the movie theatre in 8th grade for two hours waiting for a date that would never show.
Shawn was furious at this, exclaiming that he would never do that to a girl, and anyone who would, was a coward, before downing the rest of his Tequila.
Admittedly by then they were both a little drunk and high on life and the presence of each other
When the evening ended Shawn walked Auburn home like the gentleman he was,turning to leave her and she made it to the doorstep, but something in him made him turn around causing him to crash into her body with the force of a truck as she too made her way to him. The two sharing a heated kiss before Auburn turned head down to hide the raging blush and wide smile that lit up her face and made her way inside.
From that moment the two had been inseperable, with Auburn moving into Shawn's condo- a far cry from the crusty old place she'd rented when she first got the city.
They'd done the whole meeting each other's families, both feeling completely at home and welcome, before a year later getting the happy news that they were expecting.
Auburn had been feeling off for over a week when Shawn finally convinced her to go to the doctors and get a blood drawn, a million things flying through his head as to what it might be.
The pregnancy news had completely shocked them both, but as they had sat there together staring down at the piece of paper stating the cause of all her sickness, irritability and hunger there was no denying that it was right.
They were over the moon, elated at the idea of being parents with Shawn referring to the baby as he laid his hands on her stomach as "Their happy little ancient!"
To say that Shawn was protective was an understatement a helicopter parent (to be) might be more apt Auburn thought as Shawn handed her what fleet like her tens of pills as she ate her breakfast before rushing from the room only half dressed to finish getting ready for work which now that he was finished residency (and at the top of his class, which Auburn loved to brag to her friends about) was a local hospital where he was working.
The day started normally, Auburn went off to the gallery to start her day l, daydreaming of seeing Shawn who'd been away on training for the last little bit.
Somewhere in this perfect daydream, everything came crashing down. The last thing Auburn was aware of was the screech of tyres and the immense, unstoppable feeling of pain.
"Dr Craigen,we need you in triage one." Brian's nurse Amy spoke as she came skidding into the room.
"Can it wait?"  He asked looking up briefly from the hand of a young girl he was suturing after she was bitten by a dog.
"No, it can't." He could hear the tension in her voice,  so he stood removing his gloves,  and paging another doctor to take care of the girl before following her out.
"What is it? Who?"  He asked as Amy all but ran through the corridor. His question was cut short as they reached the bay in question.
"Just stay still! For God sake, you don't have a choice." He couldn't see the patient's face from outside the door,  but he could see that two nurses and an intern were currently trying to restrain her,  against her will.
"What on earth do you think youre doing Doctor Tanaran?"  Brian asked as he grabbed a pair of gloves and stepped into the room. The intern stepped back from the patient, turning to look at him.
"We need to get an I.V. in her,  but she's not cooperating," he responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Brian?" The person on the bed asked. He recognised the voice immediately and sure enough as he stepped around to the other side of the bed,  there lay Auburn  a close personal friend, someone who he considered to be like a sister, and the girlfriend of one of his best friends, Dr. Shawn Mendes.
She was almost unrecognisable, bloodied,  and bruised,  tears flooding her face and falling into the linen of the bed staining it a muddy brown as they mixed with the blood flowing from a nasty looking gash on her head,  an oxygen mask laying forgotten beside her.
"Auburn?" he asked finally making eye contact, before looking up to find that she had not even been attached to any monitors yet.
"Everyone get your hands off the patient, now."  he stared poignantly at the intern that who still had his hands on her.
"She just wouldn't cooperate." he grumbled as he stepped back.
Brian saw red at that, turning to glare before speaking.
"Have you thought about why the patient might be uncooperative?  Have you even bothered to ask?"  I questioned folding my arms across my chest.
He looked down at the floor,  but didn't answer. "Didn't think so.  So not only have you terrified an already distressed patient,  but you've assaulted the girlfriend of Dr. Shawn Mendes,  head of this ER."
His head snapped up at this,  a look of shear panic on his face.
"Dr. Craigen I didn't think-"
"That's right,"  he interrupted.  "The same way you haven't thought the three other times I've had to speak to you over the duration of your time here so far.
Get out of this room,  and go and tell your resident that I don't want you on my service anymore.  Oh and Tanaran," Brian called as the man made his way for the exit.  "If I ever see or hear you do something like that ever again,  I will personally make sure you're pulled from this program."
He sighed and turned around to see Auburn smiling softly.
"Thanks Bri"  she spoke softly, very dazed,reaching her hand out for him to take. Somewhat restricted by the board and collar she had been placed on for spinal management.
"No problem hon. He's got an attitude that one.
So I'm just going to start slowly okay.  I'm just going to hook you up to some monitors so that we can check you're heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen. Can I see the chart please? " he asked one of the nurses that was stood meekly in the corner.
"Yes Doctor," she responded before leaving and returning a minute later with the relevant information.
"Okay so it says here,  that apart from that gash on your forehead and a fracture to your arm you have  some fractured ribs, a suspected bruised spleen and a dislocated ankle as well as possible spinal injuries," he listed off as he took in the notes from the Emergency Services.
"They only got half way through checking her." the other nurse  responded. Brian nodded, before placing the chart in the holder at the end of the bed,  and returning to Auburn's side. He picked up her hand gently to check her pulse,  watching as her eyes fluttered,  drooping slightly.
"Auburn, I need you to try and stay awake for me," he spoke, tapping her check softly, moving to check her focal response with his pen light and finding that she had a fairly moderate concussion.
She let out a small groan,  but managed to open her eyes, watching me tiredly.
"That's it," he praised. " smiling before grabbing his stethoscope from around his neck and resting it to her chest.
"Deep breathes," he asked quietly. She did as asked, but it was obvious from the way she was wincing every time she inhaled that she was in pain.
"It hurts and I want Shawn." she cried.
"I know you do hon. We'll get him here soon," he promised, paging one of his nurses to go and find him.
"How bad is your pain one to ten?' he asked,  watching her closely.
"Eight " she answered.
"Okay I'm going to help ease some of that okay. " he spoke resting the I.V.tray that the previous doctor had set up next to the bed.
"Tell me what you remember? " he asked, trying to keep her talking.
"I was just crossing the street,  and a car came out of nowhere. I don't know what happend. I was coming to see Shawn." she added.
"I'm sorry Auburn. " He really did feel sorry for her,  not only as a doctor, but as a friend.  She and Shawn had barely gotten to see one another the last few weeks, and now this. 
"They didn't even stop to help me! " She cried, more tears trailing down her face. He felt so sorry for her, and sick at the thought of how Shawn might react. He just hoped Shawn was able to stay calm,  for both of their sakes.
"Small scratch." he warned, inserting the line, and getting her started on some much needed fluids and pain relief. She flinched a little,  but didn't pull away. "Okay, so I'm going to get Dave to come and  help me with a spinal exam,  and he should also be able to determine if we need x-rays for these breaks okay" he explained gently,trying not to scare her.
She looked worried at the mention of x-rays,  but he just assumed it was due to her being clastrophobic,  as she didn't say anymore on the subject.
He walked out of the room, quietly closing the door after me, and made my way to the nurses station where I found Dave helping a nurse. As an Orthopedic doctor he was often called down for consults, so it was common to find him here.
"Dave, do you mind helping me for a second mate?" he asked, before coming to stand next to him waiting as he finished his conversation.
"Yeah what is it?" he asked as Brian handed him Auburn's chart.
"Auburn?" He asked disbelief clear in his tone,  eyebrows raised in confusion. "Auburn as in Shawn's Auburn.What happend?
"Hit and run." he answered. Causing Dave to wince in sympathy. "They didn't even stop!"
"Has anyone gotten a hold of Shawn?" He asked, shaking his head as they made their way to the door of Auburn's room.
"Yeah, but she's quite distressed obviously,  so I'm just taking it really slowly. At least until Shawn gets here, unless something is absolutely vital," he told him. Dave nodded before opening the door, and greeting Auburn with a bright smile.
"Hi Auburn, Bri told me you got in a fight with a car?" He asked, causing her to smile faintly.
"What have we got so far?" he asked.
"Large laceration on the forehead and a fracture to the left  arm, some fractured ribs, a suspected bruised spleen and a dislocated right ankle as well as possible spinal injuries, she is also complaining of chest pain." Brian added as he hummed at the growing list of ailments.
"Auburn are you having any trouble breathing? " he asked, she nodded letting him listen to her breathing as Brian had. The room was quiet for a few moments except for the beeping of the machines as he moved the stethoscope around her chest, before stepping back with a sigh.
"Slightly muffled left side," he agreed, glancing to the monitors,  a look of concern on his face.
"It'll need to get an x-ray,  and maybe an ultrasound." Brian nodded, adding,
"I'd also like to get some CTs of the head just to be sure there is no underlying bleeding. Is it okay if we give you some oxygen?" he asked wanting to up her saturation, especially given her breathing troubles.
She made a small jerk of the head in the affirmative,  allowing him to place the mask that had lay beside her back on her face.
"Any other pain?" Dave asked lifting the blanket to assess the damage to her lower extremities, she took a few shaky breaths.
"Just my ankle."
" Okay,we just need to turn you and have a feel of your spine. Before we do, anything else, as we don't want to aggregate anything." Dave explained coming back to stand at the head of the bed. "All you need to tell me is if you feel anything sore."
She hummed in resonse,  unable to nod due to the collar.
"On three, one,two,three. " Brian spoke before rolling her and holding her steady.
"Any tenderness?" Dave asked as he made his way down her spine, gently feeling for abnormalities.
"No." she answered innnediately.
"Wiggled your toes for me?" he asked as he went to stand by the end of the bed again. She did so,  causing them both to breathe a sigh of relief.
Five minutes later and Dave l had decided that x- rays were necessary, due to the precarious nature of the fractures in her arm and ankle and that the fractured ribs did need further investigation, however that no spinal damage had been done,  meaning she could be removed from the collar and brace.
"Where's Shawn?"  She asked, again as they went about removing the neck brace. Brian was starting to wonder what was taking the nurse so long himself.
I hadn't been able to focus all day, it was my first day back after being away at a two week trauma conference,and also the first time I would be able to see Auburn and the baby since she was meeting me at work. I sighed as I tried yet again to focus on the swirling numbers of the department's budget on the screen in front of me.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock.  "Dr. Mendes you're needed down in triage. Urgently." A nurse spoke,making me stand and follow her immediately.
-Third Person-
"He's on his way now hon, but we really should get you up to x-rays okay." Dave spoke, going to start moving the bed.
"Not not until Shawn is here," she begged, catching his hand and stopping him. Seconds later, and Shawn ran through the door, eyes wide as he took in the site of me.
"Auburn, baby,what happend?" he asked, leaning down and gently stroking her head, careful of the cut.
"They didn't stop!A car!" She cried a fresh batch of tears starting.
Shawn was pretty calm considering the situation, Auburn however was not, Brian could see from the monitor that her heart rate was spiking and he tipped his head to Shawn, indicating for him to do something.
"Try and slow your breathing honey," he encouraged softly as it spiked to about 130 when it had previously been sitting about 110. She managed to slow it a little, Shawn not saying anything,  merely cupping her face gently and kissing her head.
"Shawn, " Daves spoke,  "we really need to get her to x-ray. She has broken ribs, we need to determine how bad."
"No, no x-ray," she interrupted again.
"Sweetheart, you'll be fine,  I promise. " he spoke,  stroking her hand softly.
"It's not that." She answered, looking away.
"Then what?" Dave asked looking to Shawn.
"I'm pregnant," she whispered. "We found out two weeks ago. We wanted to keep it a surprise."
"Someone get Connor down here," Shawn ordered almost too calmly.
Dave and Brian shared a worried look, if she was pregnant,  there was a possibility that something may have effected the baby.
"Page Connor." Dave mumbled to Brian.
"I've already done it ,he's on his way." Briam tried to reassure him, hoping that he would calm a little at the fact that the best ObGyn was going to be consulting.
"No what if something's wrong? " Auburnpanicked,  catching on.
"Auburn you need the ultrasound," Shawn spoke firmly.
Her lip wobbled a little causing Shawn to soften his tone a little.  "I'm sorry babe,  I'm just worried about you. And you need the x-rays," he added.
"Auburn, you need to understand that while normally we wouldn't use x-ray, in this instance it's important,  we won't have a healthy baby,  unless it's mummy is healthy too yeah? " Dave explained gently.
  "O-okay," she agreed reluctantly.
"I think we can however forgo the CT, given that you've been alert the whole time. " Brian spoke earning a smile from her.
"But you won't be allowed to sleep for the next few hours and even once you can we'll need to wake you every hour, on the hour," Dave warned.
Just as we were about to start moving up to radiology having unhooked the bed Connor arrived.
"Sorry I came down as fast as I could," he apologised "Hi Auburn," he smiled as he came over to the side of the bed.
"So you found out you were pregnant two weeks ago?" he asked. She nodded.  "And everything has been normal so far? No bleeding?
"No." She answered, nervously, causing Shawn to squeeze her hand a little.
"Okay then, I'm just going to pull your gown up."  he did so before reaching for the gel. That was housed next to the portable ultrasound machine that we always kept in the triage bays. They were smaller, and less powerful, but still useful in situations like this. "This will be a little cold," he spoke before placing the gel on her stomach. The room was silent, everyone waiting with baited breath, Auburn with her eyes shut. Connor hit a button on the machine and the room was filled with a rhythmic thumping.
"What's that?" her eyes snapping open to met his.
"Congratulations Auburn, that is your baby's heart beat. Junior seems very happy,  very strong heart rate at 150 beats per minute." Connor smiled. 
" Oh my God!" she cried reaching up to hug Shawn, before sharing a kiss.
"Judging by the size, bubby's just gone 12 weeks," Connor added, pointing out the measurements on the screen.
Everyone's faces were the same- all smiling from ear to ear.
"Do you want a copy of the scan?" Connor asked.
"Hell yeah!" Shawn agreed making Leah laugh. "This is going on the fridge."
Twenty minutes later, and we had all gone down to radiology, Shawn not having left her side. A permanent smile etched on his face.
"Just stay still for me Auburn." Dave asked,adjusting her leg to get the right image.
Once that was done, and it was determined that nothing needed surgery she was taken back up to a more private room, and Dave set about casting her.
"This will feel a little funny, but it won't hurt now." He reassured her as she became a little fidgety,  giving her some laughing gas and upping her pain meds slightly.
It was then Brian's turn to stitch up the wounds on her head, something which should have been very straight forward, but she was terrified,  having all but jumped (or gotten as far,which wasn't very) into Shawn's arms.
"It won't hurt Princess, Brian will numb you up good okay?" he spoke, sitting next to her, while Brian sat on a rolly chair by her head, Dave next to Shawn.
She nodded.
"You're being so brave Princess," Shawn encouraged as she clung to his hand.
"Have you thought of any names for the baby?" Connor asked from where he sat in the corner working, having left briefly while they were at radiology and then returned, wanting to be here for support. Something which Shawn was grateful for.
An hour later and they were officially off shift, but  had all taken up residency in Auburn's room,  wanting to keep an eye on her, as she was a part of the family. They all sat quietly doing paper work,  as she rested, fast asleep now that we have deemed it safe.
"How are you feeling Shawn?" Brian asked, looking up to find Shawn watching her.
"I don't know, I have never felt so many emotions in one day!" he laughed, before Auburn broke the silence with a small moan.
" I'm cold," she mumbled,  "And sore," she added, visibly shivering.
"Here,  budge up." Shane spoke, helping her to move over,  before getting into the small bed again.
Connor got up to adjust the pain meds and check her vitals. However she didn't settle.  "What's wrong Poppet?" Shawn asked. Sometimes the meds could make patients a little agitated.
"I want to have a bath,  I feel gross,  and you smell different. " she grumbled,  her nose wrinkling. Shawn looked up at Connor and Brian,all laughing.
"How much of the stuff did you give her?
"I'm serious." she pouted, swotting Shawn's shoulder. "I don't like the smell of the scrubs. It doesn't smell like you."
"How 'bout this?" he asked bending down to reach for his bag, and grabbing a hoodie.
"Much better," she spoke,  nuzzling her head into him.
"Now I'll help give you a pat down with a cloth if you want?" he offered. You can't really have a proper bath yet cause of all the wiring and your cast."
She nodded
"Just sit up slowly okay. You might feel a little dizzy." Brian warned, standing up to help too.
  Connor went ahead to start the water for her while Dave came to help move the wiring as they supported her to hop to the bathroom. Eventually Shawn just picked her up,being extra careful of her ribs, holding her under her shoulders instead,and cradling her somewhat like an infant.
Half hour later, and Shawn had successful sponge bathed her, the rest of the group having gone back to their work while they waited.
"Get some rest Princess,you've got a little piece of art growing in there, you and Jellybean need it, he whispered as he placed her back in bed, rubbing her stomach softly.
"Love you," she whispered, already half asleep.
"Love you more," he replied kissing her head, they all shared a smile, because at that moment, all was right with the world.
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theholycovenantrpg · 4 years
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In the beginning was RAUM, a DEMON loyal to the cause of the DEMONS. She is said to be IMMORTAL and uses SHE/HER pronouns. In this New Testament she serves as a MEMBER of the VICES. Blessed be her name.
Her existence and power both teeter atop the same fulcrum -- the capture of what was never meant to be hers. As the Vice of Envy, Raum possesses ravenous focus which, when trained on the object of her desire, devours it through greedy, irrevocable theft. It can only be one thing across each individual; and it can be a physical matter, such as an item or a body organ, or it can be a visceral notion, such as one’s life or voice. She must truly covet what she seeks, otherwise her powers will not latch onto it, and what is stolen can never be returned, as it becomes branded with Raum’s name in the ancient demonic tongue; an unseen mark of everlasting ownership. The degree of her capability varies according to the nature of the object; stealing someone’s eye, for example, would be less strenuous than taking their life, and if one were to resist her hold strongly enough, it would require greater focus and force for them to be stripped of what Raum has claimed for herself. Having been granted the gift alongside her title, Raum is relatively inexperienced and has yet to fully grow into her powers or develop them further. However, that certainly doesn’t stop her from harnessing them to stoke her envious appetite, insatiable as it ultimately is.
Hers was a story with neither beginning nor birth; a tale relayed through torn pages and faded ink, where the only things separating the factual from the imaginary were one’s own musings and a barren, blistering-red introduction. It seemed as though Raum had blinked and then found herself in Hell, coming into existence through the flutter of wayward wishes as they nestled into her lids rather than the trickle of God’s breath or the lashing of Lucifer’s tail. She simply came to be, and then with her wandering eyes and charred wings, she became; branded as a demon and cast astray across the pits and trenches of Hell to wreak havoc in Lucifer’s name before she could even grasp the worthless worship that was demanded of her. She provided it, because what other purpose could her vacant existence possibly have? Surely not one that the dreaded Morningstar would be keen to reveal; gleeful as he appeared to be upon being met with the aimless trek of her gaze and the unadjusted twitch in her wings. Contempt was the first emotion to thread its string through Raum’s newly-molded heart, and she hoped it sent pin-pricks stabbing into the dead flesh beneath Lucifer’s skin as she met his mirthful gaze with an imperious glare. Nonetheless, she turned around and set off to do his wicked bidding; for all she knew, she had been born into it.
Had she, though? Where had the stars spilled into the unruly alignment of her creation? Across the infinite mortal skies? Over Heaven’s towering peaks? Along Hell’s howling vacuums? One must venture down a road before they could lose their way, and Raum longed to find hers; desperate to unearth it from the shapeless ruins of her past and wrap her hands around it in ardent discovery. The wonderment was a speck of stark, pure white whirling through the overbrimming crimson of her boundless days in furious, ceaseless burning. All were blind to it; Lucifer and his demons scraped their barren gazes along without a single glimpse of what was eating its way through the veil of her solemn obedience, and all the while, Raum could see nothing else, vision consumed by all that lay beyond her limited, covetous sight. It was only when she was given the duty of guarding the borders of Hell that she finally blinked, willing her fixation to fade just enough for her to see the turn her path was about to take. Glancing over the corner, she expected to be met with many things, and Heaven certainly wasn’t among them. Yet such was where Raum found herself as soon as she had taken flight beyond Hell’s gleaming gates; on the cloud-misted outskirts of the unreachable.
At first, she was driven by sheer curiosity and nothing more; after all, some would give anything for a look into the hallowed void. She imagined that even Lucifer, for all his primordial pride, would give up his empire for an entryway into Heaven, and so how could she possibly resist stealing it for herself? As time passed, however, it became a lot less simple than that. Raum spied on the angels with fervent diligence, chasing the shadows of their opalescent wings and following the loop of their steadfast worship until another crucial sentiment began to take root in her heart -- only this one did not trickle in with a slim, worming thread. Instead, it ensnared the humming ember in a thicket of gnashing tendrils; long as roots of ivy and thorned as the stems of roses. It was envy, and it was vicious; choking out her heart all while mercilessly lurching it towards the realization that the angels possessed all that she yearned for and coveted from afar. They knew who they were and what they were meant to be; knew where they came from and where they were destined to go -- and they seemed utterly unaware of the value of such rarified knowledge, traipsing around in aimless adherence, eyes bleary and shoulders stiff as though they couldn’t bear the weight of the divinity sprouting proudly from their spines. Yet it was that exact thought which eased what had begun to fester, quelling the blaze of her heart into a simmer so quiet and gentle that it almost seemed to warp her envy into something akin to love.
There was no other way for Raum to explain the pale, tender hue that fogged up her vision of the angels from that moment on; no other way for her to identify the frail, stuttering ache that soon bloomed in the wake of each illicit venture and every stolen glance. With the history of Heaven unfolding before her, she witnessed as Adam and Eve claimed their place at God’s side as though they belonged nowhere else, and it was then that Raum couldn’t find it in herself to deny her sentiment any longer; eyes welling with tears and wings curling into her back as she watched the angels bow before the very same beings that had snatched God’s love from them. In the end, there was no hope of holding her fuming vengeance at bay. The legends often spoke of a serpent, wrapped around Eve’s ankle in a coiling climb as her teeth slowly sank into the forbidden fruit, yet it was in fact a crow which lured her towards her fated sin, black and beckoning as the bistre of Raum’s eyes. At the tail of Adam and Eve’s fall, Raum dragged in the retribution of the angels then eased back with heaving relish -- only to realize once the haze had cleared that she was utterly untouched by the change she had incited. She remained on the outskirts, same as always. Yet upon returning to Hell, her disillusionment was soon replaced by an unexpected sense of belonging, crafted at the hands of none other than the revered Anti-Christ. He brought her into the fold of his Vices and in turn, ushered her into a newfound era in her existence; one of looming confidence, brimming aspiration, and boundless, yawning hunger. Rising alongside Hell, Raum set out to leave the mark that she had always been denied, and she vowed to make sure that not a speck of the world would be bare of her brand. All shall see it, and all shall bow before it.
DAMIEN WARD: Liege. It was from his obliging hand that Raum had seized everything that had once lingered far beyond her reach; he had given her a title to be defined by, a power to grow into, and most crucial of all, a place to belong in. In the wake of losing all hope of retrieving her past, the last thing she had expected was to be given a future, and yet there Damien had been, welcoming her return with all of her dreams and desires laid at his feet -- and they hadn’t been stolen, but crafted specifically for her. It had sealed Raum’s loyalty to the name of the Anti-Christ, and she had vowed to march under it until the end of her days. She couldn’t help the sliver of trepidation that wormed its way in every now and then; after all, the Vices had sealed their purpose, and it was unclear what goals Damien could dedicate them to now, or if there were even any at all. Yet in spite of that, Raum could never doubt him. He was her guiding light, and she would walk along the glorious shadow he cast forevermore.
SAMAEL: Tether. When she had seen Samael for the first time, the despondent sight of him had tugged on her heart. He had lain there, arranged for Lucifer’s perusal like any valuable thing that shone through Heaven’s waste; plucked from the peak of glory and discarded in a pit of decrepitude. Having already spent centuries taking in the pride and prosperity of the angels, Raum had had an intrinsic understanding of all that he had lost in the wake of his fall. Even though she had spent ages of uncertainty before finally taking the step, she had eventually come forth and reached out to him -- and they had been inseparable ever since, sharing a visceral understanding and an invaluable trust that cemented them in each other’s lives well beyond their fickle hungers and dastardly desires. Samael was her anchor, her fulcrum, her balancing point. Greedy as she was, she would give away everything for him.
EVANGELINE TRAME: Remembrance. She often caught a trace of Evangeline in her mist-ridden memories of Heaven, particularly when recalling the countless glimpses she had stolen of Eve’s resplendent visage. Upon first glance, something about Evangeline had pierced through Raum’s eye and hooked itself to a groove in her mind, tugging on memory and rousing remembrance in a way that had become a steady fixture in their encounters from that moment on. The resemblance was vague and untraceable for the most part, yet it was always Evangeline’s eyes which kept Raum from dismissing it. They never failed to bring her back to that crucial moment when she had settled upon Eve’s shoulder and nudged her gaze towards the forbidden fruit. It eluded Raum time and time again, yet never seemed to abate her ravenous intrigue. There was certainly more to Evangeline Trame than meets the eye, and the mystery was Raum’s to unravel.
CAPHRIEL: Fascination. It was impossible to overlook the depth to which Caphriel let herself fall into the embrace of the mortals, especially when the longing-drenched sight so closely resembled the way Raum would lose herself in the hazy borders that had once kept her and the angels apart. Yet even though they seemed to share the same burning brand of yearning, it was laced with too many shards of differences for the two of them to be truly kindred. For one, Caphriel’s love for the mortals was returned tenfold, whereas Raum had only ever been able to cling to the angels from afar. For another, Caphriel dedicated herself to the mortals with no doubts or limitations, whereas Raum was reluctant to let her lingering sentiment for the angels take root; not when she was far more eager to grow into her newfound individuality and focus on nothing other than herself and her aspirations. Yet Caphriel had already caused her to falter in her drive, stirring a fascination that Raum found herself unwilling to relinquish. It could prove to be ruinous, yet it could also prove to be grandly fulfilling.
Raum is portrayed by Tati Gabrielle and was written by JEN. She is currently TAKEN by LIA.
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A Little Piece of Art
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The art gallery had always been one of Shawn's favourite places, he loved the colours, the textures, even the smell of the freshly painted canvases.
During his residency year of Emergency Medicine this love, had become something more, something sacred. His weekly visits to the local art galleries were the only chance he got to 'just be'. He found something so comforting in the way the colours melded together forming any number of unique patterns, the colours quietly, but boldly expressing the many emotions with fuelled the artist's work.
Maybe it was this that he connected with the most? Life as a medical resident was hectic, always ruled, by other people's, needs, wants, emotions, there never seemed to be time to address your own wants and needs. But time, at the art gallery, Shawn found, gave him an escape, a way to wonder off into a world of bright unchecked colour and vibrancy, away from the harsh unrelenting realities of people's all too often life-threatening and life-changing injuries, away from everything an everyone. Well everyone except one person that was.
He'd first met Auburn three years ago, it was a chance encounter, he wasn't meant to walk into that particular little gallery , and she wasn't meant to working that day, but as fate had it she was and he did.
They'd striked up a friendship fairly quickly, a mutual interest and respect for the works of art and the artist's behind them fuelled many hours of conversation. There had always been an unspoken, but undeniable chemistry between the two of them, but Shawn was busy with work and didn't want to drag someone else into that mess, and Auburn was just too shy to ask
When Shawn found out that Auburn was single, he was shocked. She was gorgeous, with long platinum blonde straight hair and the perfect figure, yet up close she had just the right amount of freckles scattered over the bridge of her nose, breaking the facade of perfection.
Auburn had been equally as confused when Shawn admitted that he too was single. She could understand the reasoning behind it, with a busy job and other commitments including a family that lived out of state, she couldn't however get over, but Shawn was gorgeous like some Greek God doctor-model who had just made his way from the runway and into her gallery. He was tall and lean, but muscular with tattoos scattering his hands and arms, deep brown eyes which seemed to reach your soul with the barest glace and a mop of perfectly kept brown curls- always tamed by hair product which Auburn longed to run her fingers through.
Two years and much flirting later and Shawn had finally gotten up the courage to ask her out l, to which she immediately agreed. He'd taken her to one of his favourite restaurants for dinner and they're talked for hours as if they'd known one another for a lifetime. Shawn told her about his hobbies, medicine was number one for which Auburn admired him for following his passions, closely followed by the guitar and ice hockey, not to mention family, he loved his family, Auburn found this to be an immediate turn-on as she too was close to her family although she couldn't get to see them as often as she liked l, they were across country and an art gallerist's wages certainly did not cover the cost of the ticket.
She found herself telling him all her most embarrassing stories from grade school when she's tripped and fallen into a muddy puddle bigger than she was in front of her entire class, and all about the time she'd been left to sit outside the movie theatre in 8th grade for two hours waiting for a date that would never show.
Shawn was furious at this, exclaiming that he would never do that to a girl, and anyone who would, was a coward, before downing the rest of his Tequila.
Admittedly by then they were both a little drunk and high on life and the presence of each other
When the evening ended Shawn walked Auburn home like the gentleman he was,turning to leave her and she made it to the doorstep, but something in him made him turn around causing him to crash into her body with the force of a truck as she too made her way to him. The two sharing a heated kiss before Auburn turned head down to hide the raging blush and wide smile that lit up her face and made her way inside.
From that moment the two had been inseperable, with Auburn moving into Shawn's condo- a far cry from the crusty old place she'd rented when she first got the city.
They'd done the whole meeting each other's families, both feeling completely at home and welcome, before a year later getting the happy news that they were expecting.
Auburn had been feeling off for over a week when Shawn finally convinced her to go to the doctors and get a blood drawn, a million things flying through his head as to what it might be.
The pregnancy news had completely shocked them both, but as they had sat there together staring down at the piece of paper stating the cause of all her sickness, irritability and hunger there was no denying that it was right.
They were over the moon, elated at the idea of being parents with Shawn referring to the baby as he laid his hands on her stomach as "Their happy little ancient!"
To say that Shawn was protective was an understatement a helicopter parent (to be) might be more apt Auburn thought as Shawn handed her what fleet like her tens of pills as she ate her breakfast before rushing from the room only half dressed to finish getting ready for work which now that he was finished residency (and at the top of his class, which Auburn loved to brag to her friends about) was a local hospital where he was working.
The day started normally, Auburn went off to the gallery to start her day l, daydreaming of seeing Shawn who'd been away on training for the last little bit.
Somewhere in this perfect daydream, everything came crashing down. The last thing Auburn was aware of was the screech of tyres and the immense, unstoppable feeling of pain.
"Dr Craigen,we need you in triage one." Brian's nurse Amy spoke as she came skidding into the room.
"Can it wait?"  He asked looking up briefly from the hand of a young girl he was suturing after she was bitten by a dog.
"No, it can't." He could hear the tension in her voice,  so he stood removing his gloves,  and paging another doctor to take care of the girl before following her out.
"What is it? Who?"  He asked as Amy all but ran through the corridor. His question was cut short as they reached the bay in question.
"Just stay still! For God sake, you don't have a choice." He couldn't see the patient's face from outside the door,  but he could see that two nurses and an intern were currently trying to restrain her,  against her will.
"What on earth do you think youre doing Doctor Tanaran?"  Brian asked as he grabbed a pair of gloves and stepped into the room. The intern stepped back from the patient, turning to look at him.
"We need to get an I.V. in her,  but she's not cooperating," he responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Brian?" The person on the bed asked. He recognised the voice immediately and sure enough as he stepped around to the other side of the bed,  there lay Auburn  a close personal friend, someone who he considered to be like a sister, and the girlfriend of one of his best friends, Dr. Shawn Mendes.
She was almost unrecognisable, bloodied,  and bruised,  tears flooding her face and falling into the linen of the bed staining it a muddy brown as they mixed with the blood flowing from a nasty looking gash on her head,  an oxygen mask laying forgotten beside her.
"Auburn?" he asked finally making eye contact, before looking up to find that she had not even been attached to any monitors yet.
"Everyone get your hands off the patient, now."  he stared poignantly at the intern that who still had his hands on her.
"She just wouldn't cooperate." he grumbled as he stepped back.
Brian saw red at that, turning to glare before speaking.
"Have you thought about why the patient might be uncooperative?  Have you even bothered to ask?"  I questioned folding my arms across my chest.
He looked down at the floor,  but didn't answer. "Didn't think so.  So not only have you terrified an already distressed patient,  but you've assaulted the girlfriend of Dr. Shawn Mendes,  head of this ER."
His head snapped up at this,  a look of shear panic on his face.
"Dr. Craigen I didn't think-"
"That's right,"  he interrupted.  "The same way you haven't thought the three other times I've had to speak to you over the duration of your time here so far.
Get out of this room,  and go and tell your resident that I don't want you on my service anymore.  Oh and Tanaran," Brian called as the man made his way for the exit.  "If I ever see or hear you do something like that ever again,  I will personally make sure you're pulled from this program."
He sighed and turned around to see Auburn smiling softly.
"Thanks Bri"  she spoke softly, very dazed,reaching her hand out for him to take. Somewhat restricted by the board and collar she had been placed on for spinal management.
"No problem hon. He's got an attitude that one.
So I'm just going to start slowly okay.  I'm just going to hook you up to some monitors so that we can check you're heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen. Can I see the chart please? " he asked one of the nurses that was stood meekly in the corner.
"Yes Doctor," she responded before leaving and returning a minute later with the relevant information.
"Okay so it says here,  that apart from that gash on your forehead and a fracture to your arm you have  some fractured ribs, a suspected bruised spleen and a dislocated ankle as well as possible spinal injuries," he listed off as he took in the notes from the Emergency Services.
"They only got half way through checking her." the other nurse  responded. Brian nodded, before placing the chart in the holder at the end of the bed,  and returning to Auburn's side. He picked up her hand gently to check her pulse,  watching as her eyes fluttered,  drooping slightly.
"Auburn, I need you to try and stay awake for me," he spoke, tapping her check softly, moving to check her focal response with his pen light and finding that she had a fairly moderate concussion.
She let out a small groan,  but managed to open her eyes, watching me tiredly.
"That's it," he praised. " smiling before grabbing his stethoscope from around his neck and resting it to her chest.
"Deep breathes," he asked quietly. She did as asked, but it was obvious from the way she was wincing every time she inhaled that she was in pain.
"It hurts and I want Shawn." she cried.
"I know you do hon. We'll get him here soon," he promised, paging one of his nurses to go and find him.
"How bad is your pain one to ten?' he asked,  watching her closely.
"Eight " she answered.
"Okay I'm going to help ease some of that okay. " he spoke resting the I.V.tray that the previous doctor had set up next to the bed.
"Tell me what you remember? " he asked, trying to keep her talking.
"I was just crossing the street,  and a car came out of nowhere. I don't know what happend. I was coming to see Shawn." she added.
"I'm sorry Auburn. " He really did feel sorry for her,  not only as a doctor, but as a friend.  She and Shawn had barely gotten to see one another the last few weeks, and now this. 
"They didn't even stop to help me! " She cried, more tears trailing down her face. He felt so sorry for her, and sick at the thought of how Shawn might react. He just hoped Shawn was able to stay calm,  for both of their sakes.
"Small scratch." he warned, inserting the line, and getting her started on some much needed fluids and pain relief. She flinched a little,  but didn't pull away. "Okay, so I'm going to get Dave to come and  help me with a spinal exam,  and he should also be able to determine if we need x-rays for these breaks okay" he explained gently,trying not to scare her.
She looked worried at the mention of x-rays,  but he just assumed it was due to her being clastrophobic,  as she didn't say anymore on the subject.
He walked out of the room, quietly closing the door after me, and made my way to the nurses station where I found Dave helping a nurse. As an Orthopedic doctor he was often called down for consults, so it was common to find him here.
"Dave, do you mind helping me for a second mate?" he asked, before coming to stand next to him waiting as he finished his conversation.
"Yeah what is it?" he asked as Brian handed him Auburn's chart.
"Auburn?" He asked disbelief clear in his tone,  eyebrows raised in confusion. "Auburn as in Shawn's Auburn.What happend?
"Hit and run." he answered. Causing Dave to wince in sympathy. "They didn't even stop!"
"Has anyone gotten a hold of Shawn?" He asked, shaking his head as they made their way to the door of Auburn's room.
"Yeah, but she's quite distressed obviously,  so I'm just taking it really slowly. At least until Shawn gets here, unless something is absolutely vital," he told him. Dave nodded before opening the door, and greeting Auburn with a bright smile.
"Hi Auburn, Bri told me you got in a fight with a car?" He asked, causing her to smile faintly.
"What have we got so far?" he asked.
"Large laceration on the forehead and a fracture to the left  arm, some fractured ribs, a suspected bruised spleen and a dislocated right ankle as well as possible spinal injuries, she is also complaining of chest pain." Brian added as he hummed at the growing list of ailments.
"Auburn are you having any trouble breathing? " he asked, she nodded letting him listen to her breathing as Brian had. The room was quiet for a few moments except for the beeping of the machines as he moved the stethoscope around her chest, before stepping back with a sigh.
"Slightly muffled left side," he agreed, glancing to the monitors,  a look of concern on his face.
"It'll need to get an x-ray,  and maybe an ultrasound." Brian nodded, adding,
"I'd also like to get some CTs of the head just to be sure there is no underlying bleeding. Is it okay if we give you some oxygen?" he asked wanting to up her saturation, especially given her breathing troubles.
She made a small jerk of the head in the affirmative,  allowing him to place the mask that had lay beside her back on her face.
"Any other pain?" Dave asked lifting the blanket to assess the damage to her lower extremities, she took a few shaky breaths.
"Just my ankle."
" Okay,we just need to turn you and have a feel of your spine. Before we do, anything else, as we don't want to aggregate anything." Dave explained coming back to stand at the head of the bed. "All you need to tell me is if you feel anything sore."
She hummed in resonse,  unable to nod due to the collar.
"On three, one,two,three. " Brian spoke before rolling her and holding her steady.
"Any tenderness?" Dave asked as he made his way down her spine, gently feeling for abnormalities.
"No." she answered innnediately.
"Wiggled your toes for me?" he asked as he went to stand by the end of the bed again. She did so,  causing them both to breathe a sigh of relief.
Five minutes later and Dave l had decided that x- rays were necessary, due to the precarious nature of the fractures in her arm and ankle and that the fractured ribs did need further investigation, however that no spinal damage had been done,  meaning she could be removed from the collar and brace.
"Where's Shawn?"  She asked, again as they went about removing the neck brace. Brian was starting to wonder what was taking the nurse so long himself.
I hadn't been able to focus all day, it was my first day back after being away at a two week trauma conference,and also the first time I would be able to see Auburn and the baby since she was meeting me at work. I sighed as I tried yet again to focus on the swirling numbers of the department's budget on the screen in front of me.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock.  "Dr. Mendes you're needed down in triage. Urgently." A nurse spoke,making me stand and follow her immediately.
-Third Person-
"He's on his way now hon, but we really should get you up to x-rays okay." Dave spoke, going to start moving the bed.
"Not not until Shawn is here," she begged, catching his hand and stopping him. Seconds later, and Shawn ran through the door, eyes wide as he took in the site of me.
"Auburn, baby,what happend?" he asked, leaning down and gently stroking her head, careful of the cut.
"They didn't stop!A car!" She cried a fresh batch of tears starting.
Shawn was pretty calm considering the situation, Auburn however was not, Brian could see from the monitor that her heart rate was spiking and he tipped his head to Shawn, indicating for him to do something.
"Try and slow your breathing honey," he encouraged softly as it spiked to about 130 when it had previously been sitting about 110. She managed to slow it a little, Shawn not saying anything,  merely cupping her face gently and kissing her head.
"Shawn, " Daves spoke,  "we really need to get her to x-ray. She has broken ribs, we need to determine how bad."
"No, no x-ray," she interrupted again.
"Sweetheart, you'll be fine,  I promise. " he spoke,  stroking her hand softly.
"It's not that." She answered, looking away.
"Then what?" Dave asked looking to Shawn.
"I'm pregnant," she whispered. "We found out two weeks ago. We wanted to keep it a surprise."
"Someone get Connor down here," Shawn ordered almost too calmly.
Dave and Brian shared a worried look, if she was pregnant,  there was a possibility that something may have effected the baby.
"Page Connor." Dave mumbled to Brian.
"I've already done it ,he's on his way." Briam tried to reassure him, hoping that he would calm a little at the fact that the best ObGyn was going to be consulting.
"No what if something's wrong? " Auburnpanicked,  catching on.
"Auburn you need the ultrasound," Shawn spoke firmly.
Her lip wobbled a little causing Shawn to soften his tone a little.  "I'm sorry babe,  I'm just worried about you. And you need the x-rays," he added.
"Auburn, you need to understand that while normally we wouldn't use x-ray, in this instance it's important,  we won't have a healthy baby,  unless it's mummy is healthy too yeah? " Dave explained gently.
  "O-okay," she agreed reluctantly.
"I think we can however forgo the CT, given that you've been alert the whole time. " Brian spoke earning a smile from her.
"But you won't be allowed to sleep for the next few hours and even once you can we'll need to wake you every hour, on the hour," Dave warned.
Just as we were about to start moving up to radiology having unhooked the bed Connor arrived.
"Sorry I came down as fast as I could," he apologised "Hi Auburn," he smiled as he came over to the side of the bed.
"So you found out you were pregnant two weeks ago?" he asked. She nodded.  "And everything has been normal so far? No bleeding?
"No." She answered, nervously, causing Shawn to squeeze her hand a little.
"Okay then, I'm just going to pull your gown up."  he did so before reaching for the gel. That was housed next to the portable ultrasound machine that we always kept in the triage bays. They were smaller, and less powerful, but still useful in situations like this. "This will be a little cold," he spoke before placing the gel on her stomach. The room was silent, everyone waiting with baited breath, Auburn with her eyes shut. Connor hit a button on the machine and the room was filled with a rhythmic thumping.
"What's that?" her eyes snapping open to met his.
"Congratulations Auburn, that is your baby's heart beat. Junior seems very happy,  very strong heart rate at 150 beats per minute." Connor smiled. 
" Oh my God!" she cried reaching up to hug Shawn,  before sharing a kiss.
"Judging by the size, bubby's just gone 12 weeks," Connor added, pointing out the measurements on the screen.
Everyone's faces were the same- all smiling from ear to ear.
"Do you want a copy of the scan?" Connor asked.
"Hell yeah!" Shawn agreed making Leah laugh. "This is going on the fridge."
Twenty minutes later, and we had all gone down to radiology, Shawn not having left her side. A permanent smile etched on his face.
"Just stay still for me Auburn." Dave asked,adjusting her leg to get the right image.
Once that was done, and it was determined that nothing needed surgery she was taken back up to a more private room, and Dave set about casting her.
"This will feel a little funny, but it won't hurt now." He reassured her as she became a little fidgety,  giving her some laughing gas and upping her pain meds slightly.
It was then Brian's turn to stitch up the wounds on her head, something which should have been very straight forward, but she was terrified,  having all but jumped (or gotten as far,which wasn't very) into Shawn's arms.
"It won't hurt Princess, Brian will numb you up good okay?" he spoke, sitting next to her, while Brian sat on a rolly chair by her head, Dave next to Shawn.
She nodded.
"You're being so brave Princess," Shawn encouraged as she clung to his hand.
"Have you thought of any names for the baby?" Connor asked from where he sat in the corner working, having left briefly while they were at radiology and then returned, wanting to be here for support. Something which Shawn was grateful for.
An hour later and they were officially off shift, but  had all taken up residency in Auburn's room,  wanting to keep an eye on her, as she was a part of the family. They all sat quietly doing paper work,  as she rested, fast asleep now that we have deemed it safe.
"How are you feeling Shawn?" Brian asked, looking up to find Shawn watching her.
"I don't know, I have never felt so many emotions in one day!" he laughed, before Auburn broke the silence with a small moan.
" I'm cold," she mumbled,  "And sore," she added, visibly shivering.
"Here,  budge up." Shane spoke, helping her to move over,  before getting into the small bed again.
Connor got up to adjust the pain meds and check her vitals. However she didn't settle.  "What's wrong Poppet?" Shawn asked. Sometimes the meds could make patients a little agitated.
"I want to have a bath,  I feel gross,  and you smell different. " she grumbled,  her nose wrinkling. Shawn looked up at Connor and Brian,all laughing.
"How much of the stuff did you give her?
"I'm serious." she pouted, swotting Shawn's shoulder. "I don't like the smell of the scrubs. It doesn't smell like you."
"How 'bout this?" he asked bending down to reach for his bag, and grabbing a hoodie.
"Much better," she spoke,  nuzzling her head into him.
"Now I'll help give you a pat down with a cloth if you want?" he offered. You can't really have a proper bath yet cause of all the wiring and your cast."
She nodded
"Just sit up slowly okay. You might feel a little dizzy." Brian warned, standing up to help too.
  Connor went ahead to start the water for her while Dave came to help move the wiring as they supported her to hop to the bathroom. Eventually Shawn just picked her up,being extra careful of her ribs, holding her under her shoulders instead,and cradling her somewhat like an infant.
Half hour later, and Shawn had successful sponge bathed her, the rest of the group having gone back to their work while they waited.
"Get some rest Princess, you've got a little piece of art growing in there, you and Jellybean need it," he whispered as he placed her back in bed, rubbing her stomach softly.
"Love you," she whispered, already half asleep.
"Love you more," he replied kissing her head, they all shared a smile, because at that moment, all was right with the world.
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @otpsfloat!
Hello dear @otpsfloat! I really hope you’re going to like this story, and I also hope I didn’t add too much fluff ;)
Summary: Derek is forced to go to a mini gold speed dating, but when he meets Stiles there, he isn’t really sure if he should rather thank his sisters for this amazing idea.
Read on AO3
The Official Beacon Hills Rainbow Mini Golf Date Night.
Not for the first time, and certainly not for the last, Derek Hale hated living with his sisters. He had been sulking for a while, unhappy with college, with life, with everything.
Of course, Laura and Cora, the banes of his very existence - together with their mother Talia, of all people! - had attributed it to him not getting laid enough. (Or, in the case of his parents: of him not having someone to love, to cherish and to bond closely with!)
Thus Laura pulled some strings, added a lot of pressuring, and a near-blackmail in the form of “if you do this, you’re off the hook for an entire year!”, and here he was: At the Official Beacon Hills Rainbow Mini golf Date Night.
He already hated the colourful design of the rooms, the glaringly offensive brightness of everything assaulting his eyes. There were several courses of eighteen holes each, and a group of male and female visitors, all milling about and having a drink.
Derek cringed internally as he headed towards the cash register. He’d looked it up, before; Everyone would take a coloured golf ball out of a huge tub with their eyes closed, and would complete an entire course with whoever had the equivalent of their colour. The only thing they could choose in advance was the gender of their ‘dating partner’.
Derek hadn’t hesitated in signing himself up for men only.
There were a lot of people standing around. Some seemed shy, others were already trying to pair up. There were others, similar to him, who looked like they wanted to be anywhere else but here.
Derek was the last to grab for the ball, and the organisers were already beginning to pair the people up, smiling like this was the best thing of the entire world. And for some it seemingly was, judging from their happy expressions, but for him it was only something he had agreed to to get his family off his back for a year. He really didn’t get their complaints anyway, what was so bad with being single?
Derek toyed with the plastic ball, looking around idly. He wondered about getting a drink to loosen up, but knowing that it wouldn’t work (and assuming that they didn’t have anything stronger for werewolf customers) he decided not to. An attendee headed towards him, and he displayed the abysmal pink ball in his hands. She smiled, leading him on.
And then he saw his partner for the speed dating. He held his own pink ball, wearing a shirt with a cute fox on it, grinning sarcastically, Jeans, pretty worn converse and a checked shirt wrapped around his waist. He had moles everywhere, brown eyes and hair that stood up and didn’t look like it had been combed in a while.
“Great! Now that everyone is paired up, let me explain the rules again! We have three courses here, and you complete one with your current partner. If you want to get to know them better, you can take some extra 15 minutes at the Bar. If you want to continue, you wait here until all are done, and pick another ball. But let’s hope your current partner got the balls to sweep you off your feet, right?”, she announced with a loud laugh.
Derek blinked, slowly, and then made his way over to his partner for the night. He had to admit it - the boy was pretty cute. A somewhat upturned nose, awake, honey-coloured eyes, and a grin that matched the relaxed posture he had. But for some reason he looked awfully familiar to the werewolf - and not quite legal. “Hey,” he said, approaching the young man directly. “How’s it going?”
“Hey!”, he let out in an almost squeak, as his eyes ranked over Derek’s body. He smelled excited, hopeful and somewhat happy. “I am Stiles! You probably remember me from the one running in to you and throwing all his books down the staircase in college!”
Derek’s eyes widened at that. Christ, he remembered. “Damn, that was you,” he blurted out. “You nearly broke my neck. And your own, too, when you almost flung yourself down the stairs to save the books,” he added with a somewhat devious grin. “Out to meet new people?”
“Oh yeah!” He chuckled at that, wiggling his eyebrows. “Kinda. Actually… to be really honest…” he whispered and leaned in. “I lost a bet.”
Derek’s brows shot up. “Be glad you don’t have obnoxious sisters you think you need to get laid,” he replied, voice nothing but a quiet growl in Stiles’ ears. He didn’t miss the shiver that ran through the boy.
“Hah… so we both aren’t here on our own volition?” he asked, tilting his head. “But hey! It’s mini golf! Let’s make the best of it and have the game of our lifes!”
“You’d love mini golf,” Derek replied with a grumble. They both took their (ridiculously small!) clubs, heading to one of the courses. Being intimidating by nature meant people let Derek go first, and he smirked at that, walking past the people with Stiles at his side.
Stiles, who didn’t mind this at all. He smelled so ridiculously happy that it was almost overpowering everything else in the room. “Soooo… what should I call you?“
Oh, right. He’d never introduced himself.
"I’m Derek. Derek Hale,” he added, knowing that most people were at least remotely aware of his… unconventional family at the edge of town. And his werewolf blood, too.
“Derek…” Stiles repeated, almost purring. “Then show me how you treat these balls!”
“Oh, you’re an expert for balls, then?” Derek drawled. He dropped his own ball to the ground, putting it in position with his foot and eyeing the hole. Jesus, he sucked at mini golf. No werewolf senses would fix that. He flicked the golf club, shooting the ball towards its aim.
Stiles let out a laugh. Derek’s ball was way off. “Good shot, Der!” he said, placing his own ball down. He licked his lips, glanced towards the hole, and then hit it.
“Come on,” Derek growled, watching Stiles hit a hole in one. “You’re actually good at mini golf? What kind of nerd are you?”
“Wohooooo!” He let out a cheer and jumped up, grinning at the werewolf. “I am kinda good? Not greatly good, but… yeah! But I promise I didn’t use any magic…” he added as he wiggled his fingers. “And I am a nerd by association! And… yeah. But really, you’re giving up that easily?”
“Oh, I haven’t even started,” Derek said with a low rumble, and his the hole with the next shot as well. He didn’t comment on the magic statement, after all he wasn’t the only supernatural creature here. The one in the corner looked like he could be a Kanima, and he was sure that one of the organisers was a werewolf as well. And magic per se wasn’t that rare, it all depended on what kind of magic… and that was something he could find out later, once he decided that he was interested in getting to know this one further. If he would do it. “Keep going. You start this time, Mister Nerd by association.”
“Uuuuh! Call me Stiles, Sourwolf!” he shot back, a wide grin on his face. He hopped further, placed his ball in front of him again, and this time wiggled with his back. Was he trying to wiggle every single part of his body this evening?
Sourwolf? Derek chuckled against his better judgement, reaching out with the club and patting Stiles’ backside with it. “Wiggling for the audience?”
“Maybe I’m wiggling for you?”, he offered with a wink and then played the ball. But this time it went into the hole, jumped out of it and rolled down. “Maaaan!”
"Not quite as lucky all the time?” Derek whispered into his ear, walking past him. This time he was more effective than Stiles - he just needed two hits, the other three.
“So! As this is a date or something… we should talk, right?” he began, heading to the next area. “Okay. We know our names. Then… what else does one talk about during dates?”
“I’d ask what you’re doing, but I know that already,” Derek said smugly. “College, Criminal Science. Right?”
“Yes. And you?” He looked at him. “I only saw your abs to be honest… oh, and Cora, but she’s rude and kinda scary.”
“She is. Don’t tell her I said that, she’d eat my eyeballs.” He shrugged. “Architecture and art,” Derek said, putting another ball. “One because it was sensible, one because I wanted to.”
“Nice!” He nodded, watching him playing. “And you’re a werewolf. My best friend is one, bitten.”
“And you’re not scared?” This was a surprise; most people were. Derek motioned for him to shoot. “That’s rare.”
“Well… when he tried to kill me, yeah… back then I was. Scared shitless actually…” he murmured, a frown on his face. “…but I did my best. I tried to teach him as much as I could, without an Alpha for him around. He was bitten by a rogue Alpha, which I think… your family took out a bit later, if I remember correctly? You maybe know him? Scott McCall? He works at Deaton’s. He’s also helping me with my magic a bit, not as much as I’d like to, but that’s Deaton…”
“Yeah, actually. Heard his name before. Deaton’s my mother’s Emissary.” Derek said with a nod. “And well, in Scott’s defense, you look like a snack,” he added deadpan.
Stiles looked at him, as if to ask if he was serious, but then his lips spread into a grin. “If I’m a snack, then you’re the full meal.”
“Smooth,” the werewolf said with a quiet laugh. He nodded, motioning for him to go ahead. They kept talking, an easy back and forth between them.
It was really nice and also felt natural. Stiles’ happiness didn’t let up even one second, and he was a good challenge when it came to mini golf. He laughed when they just finished half the course with both of them needing three shots for it. “So, how do you like this date so far?”
“It’s pretty good,” Derek said with a low rumble in his voice. It was true; he enjoyed himself. “Much better than any of the others I went on, for sure…”
“That’s great!” Stiles blurted out, the tips of his ears turning red as he brightly smiled at him. “I am… actually quite excited. I mean… yeah, I just lost a bet, but… you are amazing….”
Amazing? Derek ducked his head a little at the surprising praise, then smiled over at Stiles. “So you don’t mind being set up like this, for once?”
“Wow… your smile is breatha-”, he began, then cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. “I totally don’t mind. I didn’t expect much apart from a nice mini gold match, but… I get to know you and that’s wow.”
“Hmm. I agree,” Derek said, pitching the next ball. At this point neither of them was really focused on the game, and Derek felt comfortably… warm. Maybe this was a decent idea. The boy seemed to be fun… and he really didn’t mind hanging out with him.
Stiles walked to the next area, placing the ball down before he stretched and glanced at the werewolf. “So. May I ask why someone like you is single?”
“I’m a horrible people person, in case you hadn’t noticed,” Derek said drily, watching Stiles hit another hole. “Besides, I had some… bad experiences in the past.”
“I think you’re very compatible with me, though!” he shot back with a big grin. “And hey. No time like the present, right?”
Derek was suddenly directly behind Stiles as he got ready to hit his next ball. He whispered. “Hmm. Do you want to say you see us both as highly compatible in a … mating sense?” The werewolf watched with great pleasure as the ball went awry.
He could scent Stiles’ nervousness and at the same time there was something else, making it clear that he liked this very much. “Well… if this big ass werewolf likes a scrawny human…?” he whispered back. Stiles definitely tried to hide how nervous he was, but he couldn’t mask his scent, at least not to Derek’s nose. He picked up all the subtle changes, how he was interested, how much he liked it. But he also realised that he really liked Stiles’ overall scent. It was nice, calming, grounding in a way…
“Oh, I wouldn’t call you scrawny. Maybe wiry. Definitely… flexible,” Derek added with a smirk. Then he stepped away, dropping his own golf ball, and continued playing.
“Oh that’s mean! You totally did this on purpose to be better than I am! Oooooh, you just wait!” He grinned and then put the next ball into the hole in one. “Uuuuh yeah! You just watch me!”
“I am watching,” Derek said - and it was true. He was watching Stiles, and the boy was pretty damn good looking. Which didn’t mean he’d let him win.
“Well, I gotta say, Derek Hale… I am interested in getting to know you more…” he murmured as he waited for the werewolf to play.
“Is that the only thing you’re interested in?” Derek asked, feigning innocence. But he kept playing expertly.
“You? Heck no!” he answered with a chuckle, watching him miss the hole. “I play Lacrosse. I help my Dad with solving crimes. I help Scott with everything werewolf related. I read a lot. I play video games. I also learn how to manipulate mountain ash, and some spells and how to feel the land around you. And… well, I live with my Dad, who’s the Sheriff, to give you some more information about me.”
“Hmm,” Derek said with a nod. That wasn’t what he had wanted to imply, but it was just as well. Information for information. “I’m a werewolf in college. I live with my family and am a beta to my mother’s leadership. I don’t plan on starting my own pack in the next few years. I have obnoxious sisters, I probably read even more than you, I suck at operating a computer. Sometimes I volunteer in the city centre. And I drive a Camaro.”
“A Camaro?” At that Stiles looked up, almost whistling. “Nice one. I got a Jeep and its name is Roscoe. Eh… Scott’s my best friend. Lydia, the woman I had a crush on for a long time is a Banshee and is together with Jackson, a Kanima. I also know Isaac who really wants to be a werewolf. I never had a relationship ever before, never dated…. so… I’m a virgin in every sense!”
“I see,” Derek nodded. “I’m… not. I tried dating women, but truth be told, it sucked. So I ended up here, and met you, and… I don’t think that’s so bad,” he added with a small smirk.
“Oh man, I’m sorry…” he said with a frown as he walked to the next area. “Soooo… do you want to spend a bit more time after this ball kicking?”
“Absolutely,” Derek agreed quietly. He smiled, and Stiles felt his knees wobble a little at that. “Maybe have a drink after I beat you, huh??”
“Beat me?” He laughed as he had a look at the score chard. “Actually, dear Mister Hale… this is the last area and I am in the lead right now.”
“…” Derek looked up. Shit, when had that happened? There was no way he could win. Derek growled, pitching the last ball in. “Alright. Drink on me then, I guess.”
“Yeah!” Stiles thrust up an arm, noted down Derek’s points and then followed him over to where the organisers were waiting. “We hope you had fun? Have you decided?” the woman from before asked with a smile.
“Decided?” Derek said. He found himself reaching out, curling his arm around Stiles shoulders. Drawing him close against his chest. “We’d like that drink now.”
This totally made Stiles blush, but he agreed with a very firm nod. “Very well. Then please proceed and pick a seat. You get 15 more minutes.”
“Thank you,” Derek said, politely, and led Stiles away with him. Only then did he turn his head. “Is this okay?”
“Totally okay!” he answered, chuckling. “I mean I heard werewolves are kinda territorial, but you’re starting it really early.”
“Tell me if it bothers you,” Derek hummed, leading him to a table. Then they sat down together. “Drinks on me, then. In exchange for your number, if you are game…”
“And you are straight forward!” Stiles added with a laugh. But he nodded and showed Derek his number, then saved the other’s number under 'Sourwolf’. “And… don’t worry. I am really honest and will not hold back just to be nice.”
“That’s good,” Derek said, and left it at that. He wanted to say so much more; how he hated it if people lied to him or kept their opinions. But maybe that was too much for a first date, so he remained quiet. They both looked at the menu, and Derek raised a brow. “Those cocktail names are borderline pornographic.”
“Yeah, right?” He chuckled and then lowered the menu. “Come on, we just got 15 minutes. Let’s focus on each other!” he murmured and leaned forward.
“So….. Han Solo or Luke Skywalker?”
“Han Solo. Rebels or Empire?” Derek shot back, leaning back a little. This was promising.
Stiles’ eyes lit up and his mouth fell open. “Oh my god! You are perfect! Star Wars! You watched Star Wars?!”
“Of course I did. But I prefer the old trilogy,” Derek added with a smirk. “Answer my question.”
“Ah, ah yeah! Rebels of course! I mean, they got the X-Wing and they’re fighting for the freedom of the universe!”
“Very good choice,” Derek purred. Yeah, he liked this boy. “Favourite Horror movie?”
“Oh, that’s… difficult…!” He leaned back, and began to nibble on his lower lip. “So… I guess… I haven’t watched a lot of full horror movies. But IT is good… and Freeze.”
“Oh, Freeze. Nice choice. Okay, your turn.” They both ordered a drink, barely paying attention to the waitress.
“Okay… now, let’s be more creative now. Favourite song when you’re angry?”
“How angry are we talking?” Derek replied with a raised brow. “Casual level of 'I hate my sisters’? Probably Destroya, by My Chemical Romance. Really angry? Something like Sentenced, if you ever heard of them.” He shrugged. “Favourite band when you were a kid?”
“Hmmm….” His eyes were on Derek and the smile from his lips never disappeared. “I guess Linkin Park and … Blink 182? Soooo, Der. What’s your guilty pleasure?”
“Chocolate chip cookie dough. No, don’t look at me like that. I love that stuff.” He made a face. “Doesn’t really match my habit of doing a shitload of workouts, though, so it remains a very guilty pleasure.” Derek considered for a moment. Then he leaned forward. “How about… the dirtiest fantasy you had today.”
“To…day?” He huffed, then rubbed his nose carefully. “….well…. actually quite tame. Just about kissing.”
Derek smiled. He didn’t hear a lie, so he nodded gently, motioning for Stiles to go on.
“Honestly! That was all! But now that you mentioned it… what about you and your fantasies?”
“Well, I probably thought about a certain person’s backside when they were bending down to retrieve a golf ball,” Derek said, looking at Stiles pointedly. He saw no reason in lying.
He laughed at that, and then winked at him. “Okay… You can thank your sisters for forcing you to get here! Because I want to meet you again for sure!”
“Oh yeah, I second that notion.” Derek nodded with a smile, and they finished their drinks. The fifteen minutes were almost over already.
“Good. Then we can text and… agree on another time and place for some more Stiles-Derek time? And I meant that in a totally innocent way, like getting to know each other more…”, he asked, standing up with a smile just as the woman approached them.
Derek nodded. They took a step aside, and then, before they parted ways near the door… Derek wrapped him up in a tight, long hug. And damn, did that feel good. His inner wolf was pleased.
“Hey, cuddlewolf…” he smiled and hugged back. “You smell really nice.”
They stood like this for a long moment, and it felt wonderful. Derek rubbed his head at the side of Stiles’ cheek, grumbling softly. Marking him.
And he didn’t mind it at all. “Scott will ask all the questions later, dude.”
“I don’t care,” Derek muttered. They finally let go of one another, and headed for the door. “I’m glad I went here tonight.”
“I’m damn happy I lost this bet!” Stiles let out with a laugh, walking alongside Derek, slowly heading back to the carpark. “I’ll text you once I’m back?”
“Definitely,” Derek said. His voice sounded almost breathy. They got into their respective cars after another brief, but warming embrace. They didn’t kiss; after all it was just a first date. But Derek felt…. good.
The drive home was uneventful for him. Derek parked the Camaro, took his phone, and then entered the house as silent as possible… knowing full well that his family would be waiting for him inside. They’d never go to sleep without needling him first.
And this time it was even worse. As soon as he closed the door behind him, he spotted Laura’s face, looking at her with expectant eyes. “Sooooooo?”
“God, you don’t even let me get inside?” Derek groaned. He could see Cora perching on a table, grinning widely. “At least get me a drink and say hi,” the werewolf demanded with a playful growl.
“Sure, sure. Get a drink. We’re in the living room. Waiting.” She winked at him and then disappeared into the room next door.
Derek bit back a groan, knowing that they’d all hear it. He padded into the kitchen, got himself a coke, and then strode into the living room, to the waiting faces of his sisters. “It went well,” he finally said, looking at both of them. “I met a nice guy. Got his number. Might see him again. And no, I am not giving you his name.”
“OH my god?! YES?” Laura’s face exploded in a smile and she leaned forward. “Tell us more!”
“There’s…. not much more. He’s nice, so far. Doesn’t mind me being a werewolf. I’ve seen him before.” Derek shrugged. His fingers were toying with his phone. “I like him.”
“You do?” Her smile grew as his mobile vibrated. And indeed it was a message from Stiles, stating 'Hey, Sourwolf. Just wanted to tell you that I reached home safe and sound’
“Tell us about him, come on!”
“Just a moment,” Derek said, sounding - to his own surprise - a little defensive. He typed a quick answer. “Am home too. My sisters are already planning a wedding I guess. Sorry bout that.” Then he turned back to them. “He’s… cute. A little younger than me. Goes to college, too.”
'Haha, I’m not wearing a dress!’ Stiles answered back in record time and with lots of smileys.
Laura’s smile grew even wider. “So… this was a good idea.”
“Better than your other ideas,” Derek replied smugly. Cora chuckled. “So, when are you going to bring him home, huh?”
“Not…. yet. But I guess I wanna see him again.”
“You guess?” Laura leaned back, looking at Cora with a grin. “You exchanged numbers obviously. And you seem to like him.”
“Urgh, fine. I do want to see him again. Preferably soon. And now I am going to bed. Good night you two!” He took the drink and his phone along, ignoring the protests of his sisters and their announcement to call their parents to tell them all about this. Derek headed towards his bedroom, already typing a reply. ‘Might look good on you tho. ;) I got off the hook, going to bed now. And you?’
'I’m already in bed. Going to sleep real soon and dream of how I beat you’ Derek could almost hear Stiles’ voice through the text. It was casual, and actually really easy…
'Aw, relish in your victory, until I get my revenge. How about something more physical? Basketball?’ He took off his shirt, tossing it aside on the bed together with his pants, before climbing inside.
'I told you I’m playing Lacrosse, right?’ Stiles answered with a grinning smiley. 'But we could also try something else. As you seem to like small balls. Pool?’
I probably like your balls, Derek thought idly to himself. He read the message again. 'Sounds good to me. Know a nice place?’
'Hmmm…. not really, but I know friends who do. Or we could go bowling if you like it bigger?’
Bowling? That usually included more people. 'What if I prefer to have you to myself?’ he sent back, reclining on his bed.
'Then I would suggest driving out into the preserve in my Jeep and choose a spot where we can see the city and have a picnic there?’
Now that? That sounded nice. Derek wasn’t really one for big crowds, although he could understand the security of them - especially for humans. 'You don’t think the big bad wolf is going to eat you up?’
'Then I will just have to wear my red hoodie…. ’, Stiles texted back with a wink. 'But hey, if you are okay with Lacrosse - we have a game next week.’
'You playing?’ He hadn’t watched Lacrosse games before, always considered them somewhat boring. But with Stiles playing that could certainly change. “When?’
'Friday evening.’ Stiles then texted the time back.
'I’ll be there. You have some celebration with the team after? Or do you want to grab a drink?’
'That very much depends on if we win. But if we do, I should probably celebrate with them! ’
'Definitely,’ Derek agreed. He got under the covers, realizing how nice it was to lie here and just… text. He’d never done it before, not like this. 'What’s your position?”
'Come and see, curious wolf…’ Stiles texted back. 'But at least I’m a regular now. In High School I was on the bench so often.’
'Alright, alright, enough questions for one night. Looking forward to seeing you play on the field’, Derek wrote. And he meant it. He wanted to see Stiles out there.
'Then come! But first we should have another… date?’
'Absolutely. And I love the idea with the woods. But maybe safe that for a later date where you feel more comfortable being alone with me. Awoo,’ he added, with a winking smiley. 'Back to ball games, I’d say. You and me.’
'Oooooh yeah! Let’s talk more tomorrow, I should really sleep.’
'Me too.’ Derek looked at his phone. No, actually smiled. He felt warm. 'I had a really good day. Sleep well, Stiles.’
‘Nighty Night! This was the best day ever and I’m so looking forward to seeing you again.’
‘Trust me. I for once could kiss my family for this idea.’
‘Better keep your kisses for me, big guy!’
‘Should I kiss you next time we meet?’
‘If you won’t, then I will!’
Derek laughed softly. ‘I will. I will kiss you. I want to kiss you.’
‘Tomorrow? Dinner?’
‘Sounds good.’ In fact, it sounded amazing.
‘I’ll text ya where and when tomorrow! Gotta sleep now, Dad’s complaining! NIGHT!’
‘Good Night, Stiles’
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radiosteve · 5 years
Need Your Loving Tonight Ch.2
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Summary: About a year after you first met your best friend Brian, he tells you that he wants to fulfill his lifelong dream and form a band. After recruiting his friend Tim to join, you help them hold auditions to find the perfect drummer. Much to Brian’s surprise, you and Tim seem to be getting along a lot better than expected. 
Note: Here is part 2!! Now that we’ve got a little introduction we can start to get into the juicy stuff. I’m trying to follow along with a semi-accurate timeline so that’s why there might be a few weird time jumps. Freddie will be in the next chapter, I’m so excited! The italicized words are the readers thoughts, just like last time. I’m going to be as consistent with updates as I can, so I’ll try to have a new chapter out every few days. Also, if you want to be added to the taglist just send me a message or an ask and I’ll add you! I found the photo on google, I do not own it.
Warnings: Some language and slight smut
Pairing: (will be) Roger Taylor x Reader x John Deacon 
Words: 2.2k+
September 29, 1968
It had been a little over a year since you packed up your life and shipped yourself overseas to attend Imperial College. Your friendship with Brian only grew as the year went on. By the end of your freshman year you felt so well adjusted and comfortable with your foreign surrounds that you dreaded going back home. But, with no place to stay in London for the summer, you filled your suitcases once more and headed back to your hometown. Your mom greeted you at the airport with the biggest smile you had ever seen. 
It was difficult to tell if she actually was happy to see you or if she was just glad to have someone to fill the space between her and your father. You spent your summer like most others, working on the boardwalk and going to the beach after your shift ended. It was a lonely summer, but you knew how to adapt. All of your high school friends seemed to move on without you and all of your college friends lived in a different country, but hey that’s life. Occasionally you would go out with your friends from work when you all had time off, but you longed for the end of the summer. 
Being at home made you realize just how different New Jersey was from London. You cursed yourself from those first couple weeks of the fall semester for wishing to escape back home. Because now that you were here, it sure as hell didn’t feel like something you would call a home.The only thing that kept you sane during the warm, sunny months was the beach that was just a ten minute bike ride away. Night or day, rain or shine, it was your favorite place to hide from the lonely reality that you grew to know. It was the only thing that London lacked.
Finally the sun started to set earlier and the days quickly faded to night, bringing along the end of August and the start of a new school year. The taxi ride from Heathrow airport to campus seemed to be the longest thirty minutes of your life. But after you dragged your luggage from the taxi trunk you were nearly tackled by a hug from your best friend. After a long session of catching up and unpacking, you felt happier than you had in months. You felt as if you were laid out on the beach without a cloud in the sky. Classes went on as normal and your social life excelled along with your grades. Bringing you to where you are now. 
You and Brian had taken over your dorm for the day because your roommate Sally had gone home for the weekend. Both you and Brian were nursing pretty wicked hangovers after a very intense party the night before. You sat at your desk staring at the textbook in front of you, blinking to try and see straight. Brian sat on your bed with his guitar on his lap as he strummed softly to some tune he had made up.  
“I think I’m finally going to do it,” he spoke, pulling you from your textbook induced trance. You spun around in your chair, happy to have a distraction, but confused by the statement.
“What are you finally going to do?” You questioned, your head throbbed a little from twisting around so quickly. Brian looked up at you and slowly set his guitar down, leaning his back against the wall that your bed was pushed against. 
“I’m going to start a band, Y/n! Well, I’m actually going to put flyers up around campus and hopefully people will respond so then I can start a band,” he seemed utterly ecstatic while telling you his plans for the future. You nodded along as he talked, taking in his words and the excitement that was etched across his face. A smile overtook your expression as a thought popped into your head. This could be something big.
October 5, 1968
You stood with Brian throughout his desperate search for decent band mates. Luckily, Tim Staffell, who he had met at a concert, was all in favor of joining Brian’s new band. Now with a guitarist and a singing bassist, the duo needed a drummer. The desperate search frustrated the three of you after seeing the same mediocre drum skills over and over again. You three decided to take a break, blow some steam, and have a few drinks at Tim’s apartment. One drink turned into two and two turned into five and five became eight until you felt drunk off your ass. 
Brian had discovered early on in your friendship that you had a passion for music but you never seemed to elaborate on it whenever he brought it up. He also knew that if he got you drunk enough you would get giggly and start revealing things about yourself that you hardly ever talked about. That wasn’t his intention when he suggested to drink a few beers, but that didn’t stop him from listening when you started to giggle before you spoke.
“Guess what,” you giggled out, taking another drink from your beer bottle as the boys both turned their gaze towards you. “You guys are going to be so pissed. I can actually play the piano and the drums,” you said between giggles. Brian and Tim both sat up quickly from the couch that they rested on. 
“You’re saying that this whole time we have been searching for a drummer when we’ve had one with us the whole time?” Tim interrogated you, but his voice spoke without a hint a malice. 
“Uh-huh, I didn’t want to tell you guys though because I have no desire to be in a band. Plus I’d hate to be in a band with my best friend, break up, and then have it ruin our friendship. That would be soul crushing,” the words tumbled from your mouth before you even knew what you were saying. “Oh shit, you guys are friends, my bad,” you mumbled before draping yourself across the chair you sat on as you laughed. Brian and Tim looked at each other with raised eyebrows before looking back at you in your alcohol induced giggle-fit. Brian chuckled and took a swig from his beer bottle. Your infectious laughter and charming smile brought a grin to his lips. Tim eventually joined in on your and Brian’s giddey feeling, leaving the three of you laughing like maniacs. 
October 14, 1968
By four o’clock in the afternoon, you, Brian, and Tim felt as if you had completely lost a majority of your collective brain cells. The three of you had been stuck in a lecture theatre on campus that Brian rented out so the band could hold auditions for drummers all day. After seeing about six different people play you felt like your brain had turned to mush. Hearing the same few songs over and over was starting to give you a massive headache. You sat on a couch that Tim had managed to smuggle into the audition space as some lanky red haired boy tried, and failed, to maintain a steady tempo on the drums. 
The boy was clearly nervous, but nerves and music do not work well together. After  the three audition songs, Brian stood up and began to speak in the nicest tone he could muster.
“That was great, thank you. I think we are going to need some time to think over our decision. We’ll give you a call soon,” he said as the boy shakily stood up and grabbed his things. He responded to with only a nod and quickly fled from the room. Brian plopped back down on the right side of the couch while you sat in the middle with Tim on your left. Tim shifted his arm so that it rested across the top of the couch as he turned to look at you. 
“What do you think Y/n? In your own professional drumming opinion,” Tim asked  with a cheeky smile on his face as you turned to nudge his shoulder. 
“I’m certainly not a professional drummer, but even I can tell that whatever-his-name-is can’t drum for shit,” you signed, sinking further into the couch.
“Well, we only have one more hour and then we can leave and get some decent food. In the meantime, do you guys need anything? I’m going to run down the hall to the vending machine and get something to drink,” Brian offered, picking himself up from the couch once more. 
“Some aspirin would be great Bri,” you joked as he waved you off while walking out of the room, heading to the other side of the building. 
“Alone at last,” Tim whispered in your ear making goosebumps flourish all over your skin. “We’ve got at least five minutes,” he grabbed your cheeks and pressed his lips against yours in a rush of passion and hunger. You and Tim had secretly started hooking up ever since you woke up at his apartment the day after you got drunk and spilled the news of your secret music skills. Brian had to leave early that morning to run some errands, leaving you and Tim alone for the first time. You started of with just talking and teasing, but it soon became flirting and kissing and next thing you knew you were naked in Tim’s bed. 
You’d both promised to not tell Brian in hopes that it would prevent him from getting angry at you both. Honestly, you felt kind of bad for lying to your best friend but it seemed like the right thing to do. Plus its not like you and Tim were dating. What was going on between you two was more of a casual hookup than anything. As great as relationships may seem, you were never much of a fan of dating. 
Tim had you pinned against the couch as he brought his knee between your thighs, rubbing against your clothed core as a moan escaped your lips. He swallowed your pretty sounds as your hands traveled down his body, reached for his growing bulge. His lips traveled down your neck and towards your breasts. He stuck his face inside your shirt earning a giggle from you that soon became a moan as he sucked on the top of your left breast and gripped your hips. 
“Fuck Timmy, that feels so-”
“Hey guys-oH MY GOD,” Brian exclaimed turning around so he didn’t have to face you and shielding his eyes as you and Tim quickly pulled yourself apart. A shorter, but attractive blonde-brunette boy stood behind Brian with wide eyes and his mouth turned up in a smirk. You and Tim stood up from the couch and adjusted your clothing as Brian slowly began to turn around. “When did you guys start-” Brian began quietly but quickly cut himself off. “Nevermind, not the time. Uh this is Roger he’s here to audition.” Brian turned and gestured to Roger who waved his hand that held two drum sticks. “Roger, this is our bassist and lead singer Tim, and my best friend Y/n. Who is apparently much closer with Tim than I first thought,” He mumbled the last part more to himself, but everyone still heard it. Roger let out a small chuckle as your cheeks began to turn red. 
“You can, um, warm up or whatever you need before you start,” Tim instructed Roger, trying to cut the awkward tension in the air. You looked over at Brian who sat in the middle of the couch in order to separate you and Tim. You took a seat on Brian’s right as Roger moved towards the drumset and began to tune it.
“What are you doing,” Brian said after looking up at Roger with the drums.
“I’m tuning them,” he replied as if it was obvious. Brian turned his head towards you, with raised eyebrows and his mouth slightly agape. 
“I didn’t know that was a thing,” he muttered and you smiled at his exasperated expression. Roger finished what he had been doing and began to play the first audition song. It was by far the best rendition that you had heard all day. It sounded extremely similar to the original song but with an added dash of flair that you assumed Roger used to show off a little. When he had finished playing the three audition songs you started to clap, bringing a large smile to the blonde’s face. While Brian and Tim didn’t join in on your clapping, you could still tell that they were just as impressed as you were. 
Roger stood up, sweeping his long strands of hair behind his ears as his made his way towards where you three were seated on the couch. Brian shot up from the couch to shake Rogers hand as he approached them. Tim slowly followed and you stood soon after. A smile spread across Brian’s face after he shook Roger’s hand, earning a suspicious look from you. He’s going to say something stupid, isn’t he? Brian looked straight into Roger’s eyes and said the words you knew were coming. “You’re in.” 
Taglist: @retromusicsalad      
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natasha-cole · 7 years
Hey Bartender Chapter 3: Mixed Drinks About Feelings
Pairing: Bartender!Reader x Rock God!Rob
Chapter Summary: Reader has never considered fooling around with a customer. Well, not until recently
Word Count: 3544
Warnings: drinking as usual, swearing, suggestive language, gratuitous flirting
Catch Up: Chapter 1  Chapter 2
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The guys from the band, along with some of their friends, continued to make themselves regulars at the bar. They showed up almost every weekend, immediately gravitating to you and Briana. You and Bri were actually happy to see them each time. If nothing else, they were fun to have conversations with and always tipped well. You had come to know their favorite drinks and even remembered their names. You found out this was a big plus with them and often resulted in more cash in your pocket when you acknowledged them by name each time they walked in.
Rob had backed off slightly with his advances, and tonight, he seemed mostly interested in talking to some of the female patrons of the bar.
It wasn’t jealousy, but you couldn’t help but watch him throughout the night; eavesdropping in when he attempted to carry a conversation with some unsuspecting woman close by. It seemed as if the other men either didn’t have an interest in hitting on anyone, or they simply had better luck at it.
“You kept shooting him down,” Briana said suddenly as she leaned in next to you. You were restocking the beer cooler, still staring off in Rob’s direction. “I think he’s moved on.”
“Good,” you replied, “I wasn’t interested anyway.”
“Really? Because you keep staring at him, I’m beginning to think you’re a little jealous.”
“Of what?” You laughed. “Of the way all these women seem to be shooting him down too?”
“Yeah, he doesn’t seem to be having much luck tonight.”
“I’m just genuinely curious as to why he’s failing,” you added, “he’s always such a sweet talker, he almost had me there a few times.”
“Oh?” Briana asked, raising a brow at you in curiosity. “So there is a chance?”
“Shut up,” you mumbled.
It wasn’t until much later when most of the crowd had cleared out that the guys gravitated toward the bar. They each sat down, looking rather drunk but continuing to order drinks.
“Not having a good night?” You asked as you stopped in front of Rob, placing his drink down in front of him.
“I never have a good night,” he replied. He grabbed his beer, taking a long drink. “The other guys make it look so easy.”
“Yeah, I can tell. I was watching the way you kept getting shot down.”
“You were watching me?”
“Well, maybe you can tell me what I’m doing wrong.”
“I have a feeling you couldn’t handle the truth very well.”
“You and I don’t have a great history with telling the truth, do we?”
“Fair enough. But I’m willing to drop some truth if it means we are only discussing you.”
“Fine, lay it on me. Only if you think your advice means something.”
You placed another beer in front of him, knowing that he’d need it after hearing the advice you were about to offer.
“I’m the friendly neighborhood bartender… I think it’s in my job description to offer advice to paying customers.”
“You’re funny,” Rob grinned. He took a drink of his beer before speaking again. “Let me hear it. What am I doing wrong?”
“Well, your first mistake is trying to pick up women in a bar.”
“Isn’t that how adults meet other adults?”
“Well, yeah. If you’re looking for a hook up.”
“Maybe that’s all I’m looking for,” he said softly.
“If you were only looking for a hookup, you would’ve found one by now.”
“Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do.”
“Maybe…” you trailed off.
“Besides, these guys,” he said, pointing to his fellow bandmates and friends, “are all mostly married, have kids, are in relationships… yet women just throw themselves at them.”
“I think women have the tendency to want the things that are already taken.”
“Even when I was in a relationship, it never worked like that for me.’
“Truth bomb,” you said, “you’re making yourself too available.”
“What? How can I be too available?” He leaned back slightly, placing his hands on the counter as he gave you an incredulous look. Already, he wasn’t taking your advice well. It might have been a better idea to stop there because you didn’t want to hurt the man’s feelings; but you kept talking anyway.
“Women like the thrill of the chase. It’s not just men who go after the hard to get. You, you’re putting yourself out there like you’re desperate. It’s a turn off.”
“Wow, thanks. What else am I doing wrong?” He asked sarcastically.
“Where do I begin?” You smiled at him.
“Okay, seriously though… one, don’t actively look for chicks at a bar, I guess unless you’re really just looking to get laid. But you don’t seem like the type.”
“Maybe I do just want to get laid,” he added.
“Okay, fine,” you chuckled, “in that case, you’re too goddamn nice.”
“I’m too nice?” Now, he rolled his eyes at you.
“Yeah, I mean, don’t get me wrong, women love a nice guy… but there’s got to be a bit of danger. I’ve watched you hit on countless women here, you’re too… needy, too clingy, too… attentive.”
“What the hell? So women want a guy who’s a jerk to her?”
“No, I don’t mean turn into an asshole. Just, you gotta at least appear to be less interested. Like, it’s cool to buy a girl a drink, dance with her or whatever. But you… you always jump at any woman who accepts a drink or a dance. You turn into this panicked little guy who seems immediately attached when a woman shows you any interest.”
“Ouch,” he grimaced at your harsh words. You would have thought you really hurt his feelings until he beamed at you with that amazing smile afterwards.
“Truth hurts. I’m just saying, tone down the niceness. Let them come to you once in awhile.”
“I can do that,” he replied.
“Third…” you began as you continued to think of your list of ways Rob could improve his game.
“There’s more?”
You shot him a look as if to say, ‘don’t get me started.’
“Third, relax a little.”
“I am relaxed.”
“No, you’re not. I’ve never seen someone so anxious about everything. Prime example, you’re so worried about picking up chicks at a bar that you’re asking the bartender for advice.”
“I’m afraid that anxious is my default setting.”
“Hmm, just comes naturally then?”
“Yeah, I don’t know if I can shut it off.”
“Interesting…” you trailed off.
“What’s interesting?”
“You’re just… you’re a very different person when you talk to me. I’ve never seen the nervousness and clinginess until I watch you talk to other women.”
“Maybe I’m just comfortable around my favorite bartender,” he replied with a smile.
“Really though, my advice is to just to not try so hard. Maybe sit back and let things happen. I mean, you’re good-looking. You’re in a band, which is a plus. And you’re actually a decent guy from what I’ve seen. And, if you’re looking for something more serious that a one-night stand, you’re looking in the wrong place.”
“Did you just call me good-looking?”
“That’s what you heard out of that whole thing?” You smirked at him. You felt your heart begin to race when you realized you had let it slip that you found him attractive. You were already letting your guard down with the man, and it wasn’t something you were ready for.
“That’s all that matters.”
“You’re impossible.” You turned from him, moving to the counter behind you in an attempt to regain your composure after your flirtation. Sure, you always flirted with men at the bar, it’s just what you did. The only problem now was that you thought you might be flirting; not in an effort to encourage the man to tip you more; but because you might be interested in him.
“What do you mean by I’m looking in the wrong place?” He asked, breaking you from your thoughts. You turned back to face him again.
“I just mean, you’re not going to find a serious woman in a bar. Not this bar anyway. All these girls are out looking for the same thing that most men are.”
“I mean, there are always exceptions, but, honestly you’d be better off meeting ‘the one’ at a grocery store. Especially at our ages. Girlfriend material does not spend every weekend at a bar.”
“Duly noted. Did you meet your boyfriend at a bar?”
“We’re not talking about me, and we’re certainly not discussing whether or not I have a boyfriend,” you answered, easily dodging his question.
“I’m just curious. I’m tired of talking about me because apparently, I’m pretty bad at being me.”
“I didn’t say that. I basically said you seem like a great guy who is just looking for something in the wrong place.”
“You’re still not going to answer me? After all this time?” He looked at you with those blue eyes, almost pleading for you to let him in on one of your secrets.
“Some things are better left to the imagination,” you replied. You watched him as he bit his lip at you. For some reason, the simple action that you often caught him doing when he watched you still made you think about those lips. You wondered what they might feel like on your skin. When you caught yourself fantasizing about him again, you shook the thoughts away, trying to go back to the conversation.
“So, do you count in the generalization of women in bars who are just looking to get laid?” He asked.
“First of all, I work here. Secondly, that’s none of your business.”
“Well, you know all about my shitty attempts at trying to get laid.”
“Only because you bring it up.”
“Yeah, why is that?” He asked, genuinely curious as to why he was an open book and you were not. “We’ve been talking for a couple of months now and you only listen to me ramble. I know nothing about you.”
“I like to keep it that way. Besides, it seems to just be a part of my job really… listen to the drunk customers tell you all about their lives, offer up words of wisdom… hopefully get a decent tip.”
“So, you talk to me because I tip you?” He asked, and over exaggerated look of hurt crossing his face.
“Hey, customer service jobs… you gotta know how to work the client.”
“Wow, I’ll remember that,” he warned, “I feel so used.”
“Seriously though, why do you worry about my opinion?”
“I dunno, it just seems like stuff you would have insight on. “
“I see a lot working here. I think I have a basic understanding of the ins and outs of meeting people in a bar. Trust me, it’s not always the best idea.”
“You ever consider having a one-night stand with a customer before?” His question caught you off guard. You stared at him, mouth agape as you thought about what to say to that. You weren’t sure if he was honestly asking you the question, or if he might be hinting at something in his own weird way.
“No,” you said simply, recovering from the shock over the unwarranted question.
“Come on, not even once?” A corner of his mouth lifted as he watched for your reaction. You wanted to slap the smirk right off of him; not because you were offended, you had your fair share of inappropriate questions in all the years you had been in this job. You mostly wanted to slap him because you felt that he might have caught you in a lie. You hadn’t ever considered sleeping with a customer, until now at least.
“I know better than to mix work and play. It doesn’t end well,” you said, mostly trying to convince yourself.
“What if the customer kinda works here too?” He asked.
“I mean, what if he is… I don’t know, in a band that plays here? Is that really considered a customer? Or maybe it’s a co-worker type of thing.”
You sucked in a breath, suddenly thrilled that he had gone back to hitting on you. You didn’t know why, but watching him hit on other women tonight had made you a little jealous. He was very suddenly back to turning his attention to you, and you really liked it.
“I don’t mess around with co-workers either,” you said softly.
“What do I have to do to break you out of your shell?” He asked. He leaned against the bar with his elbows, still watching you intently.
“It’s unbreakable.”
“Well, I guess I’m obviously not getting anywhere with you either,” he chuckled, “But, are you ever going to tell me your name?”
You held your hand out to him playfully and he eagerly took it in his, his grip tight around your hand. “I’m Lola, nice to meet you Rob.”
“I can’t stand you,” he said, not letting go of your hand.
“You love me. I’m your favorite.”
“You’re right,” he replied as he finally loosened his grip on you, allowing you to slip your hand away from his. For a moment, you thought you felt yourself blushing over the contact.
“Hey, I’ve got something for you.” Rob began to rifle through the pile of jackets that he and his friends had discarded on one of the bar-stools, searching for something. When he finally found what he was looking for, he tossed it across the bar to you. You caught the shirt and curiously unfolded it to see that he had given you one of his bands t-shirts.
“Wow, you really know the way to a woman’s heart.” you joked.
“Shut up, it’s for you to wear when we play here. Briana has one too.”
“Well, we are your biggest supporters I guess.” You folded the shirt up and set it aside, looking back to Rob who was studying you pretty hard now.
“We’re doing a show at a bar across town next weekend. You should come see us play.”
“I’ve seen you play twice.”
“Doesn’t count if you’re working during our set.”
“Trust me, I’ve heard you.”
“Come on, I think you’d have fun.”
“I already told you, I don’t fraternize with my customers. Especially when they’re usuals now.”
“Guess I better find a new bar,” he grinned, “don’t think of it as fraternizing. Think of it as going to watch some live music; a night off.”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you replied. In all honesty, it sounded like fun. You had only heard them play when you had free moments during their sets, and from what you had heard, they were pretty great. You never really got to watch them though. A night out, watching them play, not having to worry about work for once… it all sounded nice. You really didn’t want to give Rob the wrong impression though. While you were certain you were very attracted to him, you didn’t want him to know it. There was no way in hell you’d ever act on it; not only because he was a customer, but also because you had a boyfriend.
“Well, Briana is coming and she’s probably going to talk you into going anyway,” Rob warned.
“Of course she is.”
Rob’s friend and band-mates were now calling to Rob as they headed for the door. Rob downed the rest of his drink and stood up from his stool as he found his wallet. He fumbled for cash, leaving a wad of it on the counter.
“Well, I guess I’ve got to go,” he mumbled, “thanks for the advice and the conversation.”
“Of course, that’s why I’m here,” you laughed.
“Yeah, but I have to pay you to talk to me.”
“You ask a bartender for advice, you gotta pay for her time,” you shrugged as you collected his money.
“I’m hurt.”
“You’ll live. And, I’ll see you next time.”
“Yeah, see you next weekend at our show,” he said with a wink as he put on his coat.
“Don’t assume I’ll be there.”
“Oh, you’ll be there,” he replied, “I look forward to seeing my bartender outside of work.”
“Where’s this attitude when you hit on random chicks here?”
“I don’t know…” he said as he screwed up his face, almost as if he were wondering the same thing, “like I said, I think I’m just comfortable around you.”
“Goodnight, Rob,” you called out to him as he headed for the exit. He waved to you as he left, leaving you grinning from ear to ear.
“That was interesting.” You were broken from your thoughts again, this time by Briana who was now standing next to you as you watched Rob leave.
“What?” You asked, still unable to wipe the smile off your face.
“It’s a good thing I was here to do all the work, because you acted as if he was the only person in this bar.”
“Shit,” you muttered as you glanced around to see that there were still in fact other patrons, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Briana said, “after all that flirting, I think we’re one step closer to you getting laid finally.”
“I have a boyfriend,” you reminded her.
“Yeah, a lame one that even you don’t like.”
You rolled your eyes at her, not ready to listen to her go on about Tyler right now. It was bad enough that you weren’t exactly happy with him all the time; it was even worse when Bri went on her rants about him.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I do enjoy flirting with that man. He’s really cute.”
“That does make me feel better,” she beamed.
“I think I need a drink,” you said. You thought about Rob again; how funny he was and how easy it was to carry a conversation with him, even if you only ever told him lies. The last conversation you had had with Tyler was over the phone when you had to call him at four in the morning just to see where he was.
“Really? I’m always trying to get you to drink on the job, what has changed tonight?”
“I’m having feelings,” you laughed.
“You’re into the guy?” Briana moved around you, already grabbing bottles so she could mix you up a drink.
“I shouldn’t be, and I won’t act on it. But, I like the attention.”
She smiled as she made your drink, “I wish you would act on it. Get rid of that asshole of a boyfriend and just let hot lead singer guy fuck you.”
“Briana!” You shouted. You were definitely blushing now as she handed the drink to you.
“You’re so innocent,” she said as she held your face in her hands, “drink up.”
“Did you just make me a Sex on the Beach?” You asked as you examined the liquid in the glass.
“A girl can dream,” she replied wistfully as you took a drink.
“Why are you so concerned about my sex life anyway?”
“I’m in a serious relationship, I have to live vicariously through you.”
You got home well after 3 am, thinking that Tyler would be home, maybe fast asleep. You didn’t usually get home this late, but you and Briana had more drinks to deal with your feelings after closing the bar for the night. You weren’t completely surprised to find that he was in fact, not home.
You sighed heavily upon finding out that the apartment was empty. You tossed your coat and bag down on a chair, considering calling him, just to see where he was and what he was doing. Pulling out your phone, you let your thumb hover over his name for a moment before deciding against it. You weren’t sure if you really wanted to know where he was at this hour, and you could only imagine what he was doing.
You headed for your bedroom, quickly changing into pajamas and crawling into bed. You were sort of grateful that he wasn’t home, it was nice to have the bed to yourself. Even more, it was nice to not walk directly into an argument, that you admit, would most likely be your fault.
Instead of letting yourself dwell on Tyler, you thought back to your conversation with Rob. You liked that he was attentive, even if he didn’t even know your name. Whatever air of mystery you put out there, it seemed to keep him coming back for more. You had to admit, you liked the idea of having that effect on him.
You grabbed your phone, quickly shooting Bri a text now that you were thinking about it.
Y/N: We going to see the band next weekend?
You half expected her to be passed out by now, but she text you back quicker than expected.
Bri: I thought you’d never ask. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you get a piece of that. Leave me alone. I’m tired.
You smiled to yourself as you put your phone back on the nightstand. While you knew you weren’t going to pursue the man, it was nice to have a friend willing to go with you so you could at least look at him.
Tag List: @lamthetwickster @riversong-sam @nekodresden85
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