#that's fucking GENUIS
julesdraws · 6 months
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This part of @keelywolfe 's series has completely destroyed me, so now.... yk..... i've got to share my suffering with the world :>>>>
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wisdommage · 3 months
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Yes its bc of tiktok, but honestly? I slayed with this piece, and i find the pairing delightful
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gg-neptune · 2 months
So uh this is kinda rushed at the end but it was just hard for me to write honestly. And yes this is based off my AP tests score and how I reacted. And yes I am still upset. Yes I know I should be grateful but like. :( I hope you like it. <33
Warnings: academic over achiever, crying, age gap? (possibly I mean he's like a year older than them but he's also her teacher and no I do not care that this is not canons shut up leave me alone)
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Waiting eagerly, you refreshed the page once more and it appeared. You could only see the top of it, your hands shook in fear at what you might see. This dumb test meant everything to you and now months after taking it you could finally see your score. It was finally time. You had studied for hours every night for 2 months leading up to it. You had an A in the class the entire year as well and had made a 4 on the mock exam. Countless tears and hours had gone into this and now you could finally see your score.
Some might say you were a bit of an academic overachiever. You had gone from making straight failing grades to A's in the matter of a year. You took your grades rather seriously, always being terrified they would drop back down to failing. Your hard work had landed yourself in an Advanced Placement class at Hogwarts. Now you were finally getting your score and you were terrified. 
With trembling hands you scrolled down a bit, looking at your score with great fear. What if you had failed? All your work for absolutely no profit. You wanted a 5. Now you knew this was asking a lot. However you thought you deserved it in a way. This year had been awful and you had gotten a high A in the class so why could you not at least get a 4? You were confident in your answers as well so why not stretch for a 5 as well?
You stare blankly at the screen for a moment. Your score is sinking in. A 3. You passed at least. At least there was that. However you were still thoroughly disappointed. You expected more of yourself.
How would you tell everyone? You knew everyone expected you to get at least a 4 or a 5. To get a 3 was almost humiliating. How would you face Severus? 
You and Severus had been dating for a few years. You were still in school as a seventh year while this was his first year as a professor. He had only graduated the year prior being only one year older than you. You two got some strange looks from the younger years but majority of the older kids knew him and you from when he was at Hogwarts as a student so it was not a big issue. 
He expected a lot from you. He taught you privately on his own time along with his lectures in class. He had also been expecting you to pass with a higher grade and you had only gotten a 3. Most of the universities you had been looking at did not even accept 3’s for credit. Most of them honestly only accepted 5’s. And you had pulled off a 3.
A knock sounded at your door. Somehow you knew automatically who it was. A sense of dread built up inside of you immediately. It seemed like a brick had been placed in your throat burning you from the inside out.
“Hey, can I come in,” his deep voice rang out from outside. You felt frozen in place feeling a panic overtake you. The thought of him knowing your score sends you further into your state of distress. It felt like your chest was collapsing in on you. Like your own body was capsizing and you were trapped inside.
The door opened anyway despite you not giving permission quickly after him looking around for a moment his eyes landed on you.
“What’s wrong?” His voice seemed blunt as he just stared at you confused. Not being very good at comforting others he simply stood there staring at you for a moment before thinking that might not be a good idea and taking a seat on your bed.
You attempt to choke out an answer but your throat does not allow you. The feeling of the brick being there still haunts you as you attempt to communicate with the man in front of you. You hadn’t realized before but tears had begun to roll down your cheeks as you stare at him scared out of your mind of what he will say to you.
“It’s… it’s alright whatever it is. Nothing is unfixable I mean like we can even bring dead people back it can’t be that bad just tell me what’s wrong. I can fix it.” Severus tried his best at comforting you he really does but this does nothing to soothe your distress. You can tell by the worried expression and tone of his voice he is concerned but you can not manage to spit out any words. This in fact can not be fixed. Your score is already set in stone. There is nothing you can do about it at all.
A sob suddenly breaks from your mouth as you break. Loud wailing breaks from you as you crumple in front of him. Your body slouched forward onto your knees, sobs wracking your body taking you down. Quickly Severus is leaning forward and gathering you into his arms. Cradling you like a little baby. Pressing your face into his chest allowing you to sob into him he attempts to soothe you again, “Shhh, I mean really it can’t be worth crying over hun what is it? Hmmm?” Putting on his comforting voice instead of his cold monotonous one. 
You reach over to your computer keeping your face still pressed into him, you drag it over to the both of you showing him your score wailing out, “I’m such a failure,” brokenly.
You can’t see his face as he looks but you can only imagine the rage and anger crossing it right now. All of the hard work he had out into you and passing you had failed him.
“I don’t get it? You did great, what's wrong?”
“I got a 3! How is that great,” your voice breaks multiple times as you cry this out. Still sobbing into his shirt you feel both of his arms wrap around you after he closes your computer putting it aside. One hand runs up and down your back soothingly while the other simply stays firmly wrapped around you keeping you close to him.
“Love, a 3 is passing that’s still good don’t be upset,” he whispers out rocking you back and forth trying to calm.
You don’t respond, instead just opting to cry into his shirt as your misery overtakes you. Now logically you knew that a 3 was not in fact terrible but it was not what you wanted. Or what you felt like was expected. However you weren’t quite thinking logically right now, so instead you let Severus just hold you. Letting him take your tears and soak them up.
Eventually your tears subside, having worn yourself out from sobbing so much. Severus slowly shifts you both into a lying position against your pillows, haphazardly pulling a blanket over you both. He keeps you close to him, not letting you get even an inch away from him as he continues his rubbing on your back.
“I am incredibly proud of you,” he whispered into your ear, “I want nothing more than for you to see yourself the same way I see you.”
He continues to wipe stray tears away as they fall. Neither of you say a word to another, you being too scared to speak and him not being sure what would be right to say.
Instead of breaking the silence you snuggle yourself closer to him seeking his comfort. Sniffling every now and again you use his arm as a pillow to try and make it easier to breathe. He presses gentle kisses to your face still whispering his sweet nothings of how proud he is of you and how good you did as you slip off into sleep.
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firelise · 5 months
black sails is revolutionary because it begs to ask the question what if weird internalized homophobia externalized as brutal heightened violence but make it lesbian? what if we add a lil attack dog beside stoic goddess trope to that lesbian? And wrap it up in some of the best most poetic writing you've ever heard
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1864th · 5 months
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cubffections · 15 days
ummm 2.5 what the heck ど⁰̷̴͈꒨⁰̷̴͈う
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theosjunkdrawer · 3 months
Anyone else sick in the head about EPIC: The Musical today. Anyone else on the floor about the thunder saga. Anyone else losing it because there's too much to hold in my arms, theres so much im feeling about every piece of this
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Yo I’m fuckin sorry but I just saw the tomgreg Coke Sniff ™️ again and is Greg fucking kissing Tom’s hand??
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That is not how you do coke sir!!
( I got this .gif from @castlesbyrs fyi thank you <3 )
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stardustprompts · 1 year
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stick season  ( we’ll all be here forever )  -   noah kahan change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw ;  mental heath ,  alcoholism ,  death ,  suicidal references ,  language
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‘if I get too close and I’m not how you hoped, forgive my northern attitude.’
‘oh, I was raised out in the cold.’ 
‘as you promised me that I was more than all the miles combined, you must have had yourself a change of heart like halfway through the drive.’ 
‘now i’m stuck between my anger and the blame that I can’t face.’ 
‘I am terrified of weather ‘cause I see you when it rains.’ 
‘I saw your mom she forgot that I existed.’ 
‘it’s half my fault, but I just like to play the victim.’
‘i’ll dream each night of some version of you that I might not have, but I did not lose.’ 
‘now you’re tire tracks and one pair of shoes and I’m split in half, but that’ll have to do.’
‘so I thought that if I piled something good on all my bad that I could cancel out the darkness I inherited from dad.’
‘I am no longer funny ‘cause I miss the way you laugh.’ 
‘you once called me ‘forever’ now you still can’t call me back.’ 
‘I hope this pain’s just passing through, but I doubt it.’ 
‘I’m saying too much, but you know how it gets out here.’ 
‘no winter coat could keep out all the cold of your atmosphere.’ 
‘now I know your name but not who you are.’ 
‘it’s all okay, there ain’t a drop of bad blood.’
‘you got all my love.’
‘if you need me, dear, I’m the same as I was.’ 
‘write me a list of how it is, of how it was, of how it has to be.’ 
‘you burrowed in, under my skin, what I’d give to have you out from me.’ 
‘but I still recall how the leather in your car feels.’ 
‘at the end of it all, I just hope that your scars heal.’ 
‘I swear I was scared to death.’ 
‘I’ll never let you go.’ 
‘everything’s alright when she calls me back.’ 
‘for bullshit, I do not have time.’ 
‘I don’t get much sleep most nights.’ 
‘I’ll love you when the oceans dry. I’ll love you when the rivers freeze.’ 
‘do you lie awake restless?’ 
‘oh, there was heaven in your eyes.’ 
‘I was too afraid of living life in your footsteps.’ 
‘i’m in the business of losing your interest and I turn a profit each time that we speak.’ 
‘come over.’ 
‘I was taking the wrong meds, feels good to be sad.’ 
‘my mouth was designed for my foot to fit in it.’ 
‘the dow jones keeps falling, but I promise you, with the view in the morning, you won’t ever go back.’ 
‘someday I’m gonna be somebody people want.’ 
‘you gave me your word, and now I can’t pronounce it.’ 
‘would we survive in a horror movie? I doubt it, we’re too slow moving. we trust everyone one we meet.’
‘we didn’t know that the sun was collapsing.’
‘I wanna love you ‘til we’re food for the worms to eat.’ 
‘til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours.’
‘it’s been a long year.’
‘come over, the party’s gone slower. and no one will tempt you, we know you got sober.’ 
‘there’s orange juice in the kitchen. it’s yours if you want it.’ 
‘feels like i’ve been ready for you to come home for so long that I didn’t think to ask you where you’d gone.’ 
‘why’d you go?’ 
‘I haven’t drank in six months on the dot.’ 
‘it made you a stranger and it filled you with anger.’
‘don’t you find it strange that you just went ahead and carried on?’
‘are we all just pulling you down?’ 
‘remember telling me that you thought you were cursed?’ 
‘I’m in love with every song you’ve ever heard.’ 
‘if I could lose you, I would.’ 
‘those things I miss, but know are never coming back.’ 
‘no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft and sentimental like a stranger in the park.’ 
‘if I was empty space, and you were a formless shape, we’d fit.’ 
‘I’m still angry at my parents, for what their parents did to them.’ 
‘I ignore things, and I move sideways ‘til I forget what I felt in the first place.’
‘at the end of the day, I know there are worse ways to stay alive.’
‘I’m terrified that I might never have met me.’ 
‘if my engine works perfect on empty, I guess I’ll drive.’ 
‘why is pain so damn impatient? ain’t like it’s got a place to be, keeps rushing me.’ 
‘if all my life was wasted, I don’t mind, I’ll watch it go.’ 
‘it’s better to die numb than to feel it all.’ 
‘I drink ‘til I drown, and I smoke ‘til I’m burning.’ 
‘I worry for you, you worry for me. and it’s fine if we know we won’t change.’ 
‘the wreckage of you, I no longer reside in. the bridges have long since been burnt.’ 
‘it’s not halloween but the ghost you dressed up as sure knows how to haunt.’ 
‘I know that you fear that I’m wicked and weary.’ 
‘I know that you’re fearing the end.’
‘I only tell truth when I’m sure that I’m lying.’
‘the weather ain’t been bad if you’re into masochistic bullshit.’ 
‘time moves so damn slow, I swear I feel my organs failing.’ 
‘I stopped caring ‘bout a month ago, since then it’s been smooth sailing.’
‘I would leave if only I could find a reason.’  
‘I got dreams, but I can’t make myself believe them.’
‘spend the rest of my life with what could’ve been.’ 
‘I will die in the house that I grew up in.’ 
‘I don’t wanna say goodbye.’
‘it only falls into place when you’re falling to pieces.’
‘it’s like i’m still here with you.’ 
‘the past is coming back with the light in the morning.’ 
‘can I fix what is broken?’ 
‘for a minute, the world seems so simple.’
‘I am not scared of death, I’ve got dreams again.’
‘it’s all washing over me, I’m angry again.’ 
‘who was I to watch you wilt?’ 
‘you’ll always be a flower on my skin.’ 
‘I promise to be there this time, alright?’ 
‘I’m naming the stars in the sky after you.’ 
‘I spiral out, try and float.’ 
‘i’m remembering I promised to forget you now.’
‘it’s raining and I’m calling drunk.’ 
‘am I honest still?’ 
‘am I half the man I used to be? I doubt it, forget about it.’ 
‘I ain’t proud of all the punches that I’ve thrown, in the name of someone I no longer know.’ 
‘I’ll die for you.’ 
‘I’m untethering from the part of me you’d recognize.’
‘I’ll let the pain metastasize.’
‘I gave your name as my emergency phone call. it rang and rang, even the cops thought you were wrong for hanging up.’ 
‘it just ain’t that simple, it never was.’ 
‘I’m not from around here.’
‘i’ll turn up the music and I’ll forget until it ends, that I’m not ready to let go yet.’
‘it’s typical, I fear. folks just disappear.’ 
‘if I could leave, I would’ve already left.’ 
‘I pull no punches, then I feel bad for months.’ 
‘I finally got sewed up, set a time, then I showed up. now the weight of the world ain’t so bad.’ 
‘I saw the end, it looks just like the middle.’ 
‘I filled the hole in my head with prescription medications and I forgot how to cry.’ 
‘who am I to complain?’ 
‘now the pain’s different, it still exists, it just escapes different.’ 
‘I can finally eat and I can fall asleep, it’s fine.’
‘oh, you’re spiraling again.’ 
‘don’t let this darkness fool you. all lights turned off can be turned on.’ 
‘I’ll drive all night. I’ll call your mom.’ 
‘don’t be discouraged. I’ve been exactly where you are.’ 
‘if you could see yourself like this, you’d have never tried it.’ 
‘don’t want to drive another mile wondering if you’re breathing.’ 
‘won’t you stay with me?’ 
‘this is good land, or at least it was.’ 
‘it makes me smile to know when things get hard, you’ll be far from here.’ 
‘you’re the greatest thing I’ve lost.’ 
‘we ain’t angry at you, we’ll be waiting for you.’ 
we’ll all be here forever.’ 
‘we’re overdue for a revival. we spent so long just getting by.’ 
‘that’s the thing about survival. who the hell likes living just to die?’ 
‘you’re gonna go far.’ 
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blazeismyname · 10 months
Silly, question, do you think Jonny D'Ville is Jonathan Sims (not TMA Jon, just Jon) emo sona? the masses must know ur imput
Omff. Yesyesyes. That is the truth. You genius, I'm shaking you around
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whump-queen · 1 year
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Goretober Day 2 ~ Sliced
for @the-wind-anon (tags below)
Not me combining @coyotehusk’s Goretober with @emmettnet’s wiptober to post this wip from nearly a year ago
General taglist:
@whumpshaped @whumpsday @emmettnet  @a-whump-sideblog  @whump-it-like-its-hot  @wolfeyedwitch  @whumper-soot  @unorganisedalienrubbish  @hidden-dreamland @whumpedydump @lonesome--hunter @ashh-ed @whump-in-the-closet @oriantthegiant @banditosong @anonymustyou @feralwhump @jieunie-23 @whumpasaurus101 @morning-star-whump @whmp @captain-bo-bob-bobby @the-beasts-have-arrived @spooky-scary-vampires @burningkittypoet @veyroswin @painsandconfusion @skittles-the-whumpee @demondamage
Art tag: @burntcoffeewhump @suspicious-whumping-egg
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communicore · 6 months
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averyhollow · 1 year
That Man’s Amazing Journey: How That Man Can Win While Still Being The Worst
Y’all notice how Stede Bonnet (*mimes spitting on the ground in disgust at the very mention of his name*) and Pennywise have never been seen in the same place at the same time? Something to think about.
Be Forewarned
This deals with a line reportedly in the OFMD S2 trailer.
If you don’t do criticism/disdain/negative opinions towards or about characters, please let the above (totally accurate, I’m just saying) observation, the fact I refer to Stede as That Man, and my blog being sponsored by Humanity Against Stede Bonnet, set the tone for what’s to follow.
I haven’t actually seen the trailer
and have no intention of watching it, but by no means does my general disinterest mean I’m over my specific hatred of That Man and Gentlebeard. Finding out That Man refers to Ed (could be someone else I guess, but I choose to believe it’s Ed) as “shipmate” instead of “co-captain” means I can dream That Man is not calling himself a captain anymore or being indulged by his put-upon crew.
It is my belief That Man must be removed from captaincy - never again to ascend to said position - for his own good (which I don’t care about), the good of all around him, and the sake of basic piratical decency. That man saying he and Ed are shipmates instead of claiming to be co-captains is a sign of growth and self-reflection on his part, as it signifies he’s accepted that he’s no longer the captain, never should have been, and that he needs to apply some elbow grease and see himself as a pirate and not a patriarch.
His Own Good
Dude’s captaincy was bought and even if OFMD portrays (so far) the pirates in the show’s universe as less than egalitarian, democratic, and inclined towards talking things through as a crew; it still has created a world where captaincy is earned. He can’t truly claim to respect Ed, Ed’s world, and Ed’s accomplishments, if he continues running around calling himself a pirate captain.
That Man expecting to be welcomed back as captain, let alone actually being allowed to resume captaincy, would be a continuation of him having bought his captaincy in the first place. He should be happy to accept that the position was taken from him and apologize for having ever held it by use of economic coercion. That Man is accustomed to living by exploitation of others. Time for him to put some sweat on his brow and give working to meet his base material needs a go.
He embarked on a life of piracy where he intended to menace the poor and downtrodden for fun because exploiting them in the conventional way wasn’t enough for him, and then left every cent of his unearned wealth to his equally vampiric family. The least he can do is acknowledge that he was an utter fool and proper ass to appoint himself captain, and that he can never be with Ed if he’s holding onto any of the trappings of privilege and power he left behind.
The Good Of All Around Him
The crew doesn’t need him or to cater to his whims. That Man was only running the ship because he was running them checks, and he not only can’t do that but didn’t take enough money to give them one last bonus. They’ve selected a captain in the proper way of pirates - something That Man doesn’t know a damn thing about - and they selected him for damn good reasons.
That Man rolled in knowing nothing about piracy and decided he was going to set about “fixing” the culture based on his own assumptions of its problems. The crew deserves better and have chosen better.
And the fishers. What of the fishers? Do they not deserve to fish in peace? Do they not deserve to have one of the few pieces of ornamentation they have safe from a man who would steal it from them at gunpoint, even though that man could afford a thousand such plants and pots should he want? They were probably fishing to supplement their meager diet because they barely make ends meet due to the exploitation of That Man. They’re probably literally on the verge of starvation now because they’re too traumatized to go back out fishing.
Let the fishers fish and let That Man have several fucking seats, but only after he’s done with a day’s work. Matter of fact, make him make his own damn seat. He can use the wood from the broken sitz bath he had the crew sharing while he had a whole ass porcelain monstrosity for his own use.
The Sake Of Piratical Decency
There’s no universe (I’ve checked), where That Man can change for the better (and his better will still be The Worst) and end the show as a pirate captain. With the exception of perhaps a 20 year time jump where he leads a crew of pirates new to both piracy and sailing in general.
But That Man earning captaincy over any of the crew as it stands? Nope. That Man earning a captaincy of another crew without work and experience? Nope. And should That Man do the bare minimum of learning about piracy and sailing, he should then realize the true extent of his ignorance and hubris, and never again dare to put himself forward as a captain. At least not anytime soon.
The Show Must Go On
I accept that the show is a romcom and therefore certain things must happen and that it has no real world-building or sense beyond what happens to get Ed and That Man together, and what happens to get Ed and That Man to a place where they can be whole enough in themselves to be wholly together.
As such, certain inherently fucked up things about That Man (that the show didn’t have to do, but chose to and chose to quite flippantly and clumsily imo, but that’s neither here nor there) must be handwaved and ignored, but I don’t think the ridiculousness of him buying a captaincy is one of those things.
Co-captains might be fun to say (for some people) as a cute ship name and reminder of when Ed and That Man first acknowledged their affinity for each other and desire to share a life and future in any form; but the version of That Man who first proposed co-captaincy is not the version that I think can ever truly be family with the crew, or a partner to Ed.
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normal-cactus1221 · 3 months
thought about pearl and rose/pinks who Thing and relationship (not necessarily romantic relationship just. how they Were together) and holy mother Fuck never gonna be the same (does this once a month)
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Hey guys I am in fact not dead
A friend of mine convinced me to play Omori a few days ago. Long story short its 1:20am and i'm sitting in my room crying my eyes out after I just finished it
10/10 would recommend
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