#that's gonna be my only response to “tell me about yourself” now tho
friendlyneighbornerd · 8 months
do you ever realize months after something happened that it'd make a lovely answer for "tell me about yourself"
anyway if I had a nickel for every time a random old lady with a cane almost died right next to me and my sister during an outdoor event while we were eating and we just stood there like O-O in the summer of 2023 I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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beesfairlyland · 10 months
ᵀᴿʸᴵᴺᴳ ᶠᴼᴿ ʸᴱᴬᴿˢ ᴮᵁᵀ ˢᵀᴵᴸᴸ ᴰᴵᴰᴺ'ᵀ ᴴᴬⱽᴱ ʸᴼᵁᴿ ᴹᴬᴺᴵᶠᴱˢᵀᴬᵀᴵᴼᴺˢ!!?
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So today I wanted to talk about manifestation taking so long. You must have gotten tired of trying again and again and still not seeing any movement in the 3d. Soo, today let's fix this problem!!
Firstly let's talk about what is manifesting...ik ik you all know what it is but let's go back to basics coz y'all need to put an end to your overconsumption and the habit of overcomplicating the law!!
Lesss gooo!!
What is manifesting?(Imo tho)
Manifesting refers to the process of bringing your desired reality into existence through the power of your thoughts and beliefs. It suggests that our assumptions about the world shape our reality. By assuming or believing that something is already true or already exists, we can attract it into our lives. The key is to focus on what you want, rather than what you don't want, and to believe that it is already a part of your reality.
Okay let's take my example:
Few weeks ago me and my best friend got into a fight and he said some really harsh and rude things to me. Obviously i cried at that moment but after few mins when i took all my emotions out. I said to myself No I don't choose this it's my Reality and i wiped my tears and said with authority he's gonna call me and apologize to me for everything he said and i didn't doubt it didn't give any second thought. I swearr within few mins he called me back and apologized to me i wasn't shocked coz i knew it's gonna happen.
See it's this simple! You just have to decide what you want and have full faith in it. Let's talk about how to do that!
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How to manifest?
There's no hard and fast rule to manifest. It's your reality you choose what you want and how you want. But let's just talk about the basics you modify them accordingly.
Clarify your desires:- Take some time to reflect on what you truly want in life. Be specific and clear about your desires. You can't Manifest if you yourself don't know what you want.
Believe it's already true:- Once you have clarified your desires, assume that they are already true. Believe that they are a part of your reality, even if they don't appear to be yet and boom you've Manifested your desires. Ik for some of you it sounds to good to be true. But I'll try my best to make you believe it.
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Okayy you see this ice berg right? What if i tell you that the exposed part is the only thing you know about i.e. the 3d that concious mind shows you and the rest hidden part is where the surprise lies! i.e. the 4d Reality which our subconscious mind creates.
Soo now you tell me whom you want to believe huh? The 10% of the concious mind or the 90% that our subconscious baby creates. Ohhh you still in lil bit of doubt😕 don't worry i got yaa!
This stoopid concious mind who thinks it knows everything relies heavily on the senses but our senses are not always correct! Have you ever seen something that appeared to be one thing, triggering a response and then you realise that you were wrong?
Such as seeing a snake and realising it was just a rope? Or thought someone was standing behind you only to Realise that it was just a jacket hanging? There are soo many examples of this!
"Okayy soo Bee what's the conclusion?"
The conclusion is these senses trick you, they try to fool you and want you to believe only them even when you know that 4d, your imagination is the only TRUE REALITY you still get tricked by them. Soo now whenever your senses disapprove something that you see in your imagination, deny them. Remind them you have seen it, you have it!
Now you might see yourself in mirror and say "but I don't see my desired appearance."
But i would say "noo baby you already have that beautiful appearance and look soo gorgeous idk what you taking about huh?😒"
Now ig I've made you understand how to believe that it's already yours ....and still you don't completely believe it all.
Whenever you have any doubt just say to it for what you've came huh? I already have it all don't try to fool me again! Ik this journey is not all sweet and smooth but trust me it makes you learn soo many interesting and new things. Don't be discouraged if you don't see it yet....may be have a look inside yourself and ask are you being completely honest with yourself? If you get the ans as a Yes then congratulations you are on the right path! But if you get your ans as No then sit down take a deep breath and comfort yourself and have some self talk... DON'T BE HARSH WITH YOURSELF AFTERALL IT'S ONLY YOU WHO'S GONNA WITH WITH YOU TILL THE END OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL JOURNEY!!
Hope I could explain y'all lil bit!🫶🏻
-Love, Bee💗✨
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astarionancuntnin · 3 months
Die For You (Chapter 6)
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summary: the morning after your night with astarion, you discuss a plan to take down the man who attacked you.
rating: E
word count: 5.2k
pairing: astarion x you (fem!reader, reader is tav)
cw: 18+. bit of fluff, lots of angst, more smut. dom!astarion, oral (f!receiving), very dirty talk, possessive sex, p in v, breeding kink (no pregnancy tho), mating press, blood/vampire bites, overstimulation, creampie. full list on ao3
a/n: so i knoooow that classic vampires dont have telepathic abilities but were talking about a vampire ascendant baby girl which is very homebrew so im giving myself the right to rizzle dazzle his powers for the means of this fic, thank you for coming to my ted talk
previous chapter
read on ao3
next chapter
or keep reading down below~
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He says, "Ooh, baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends
I'm the king, and you're the queen, and we will stumble through heaven
If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
I know you wanna go to heaven, but you're human tonight"
You’re taken out of your deep slumber by the sun’s brightness shining upon your face. You turn away, hiding your eyes from the blinding light to enjoy a few more minutes of rest, when a warm, honeyed voice greets you.
“Good morning, little love. Had a good night of sleep?”
You hum, your voice dozy from sleep, while he strokes your hair, and you find yourself snuggling closer to him as you press your forehead gently against his thigh. His warmth was always surprising, but not unwelcome.
“Would you care for breakfast?” he continues.
You grumble, pulling the bed sheets over your head. “Do I have to? I’d rather stay in bed if I have a say in the matter.”
He smiles, “That can be arranged.”
You raise your head when you realise he hasn't moved, unsure if he's waiting for your response and instead, you find him with his eyes closed and brows furrowed. He opens them again after a moment and meets your gaze once more.
“There. Shouldn’t be long now.”
You sit up, puzzled by what just happened, but he’s quick to reply to your unspoken interrogation. 
“A master holds a telepathic connection with his creations, and this bond can hold between great distances.” You suddenly remember the encounter you had with Astarion’s siblings back then; how the spawn twisted in pain when it received Cazador’s orders and Astarion notices your worry. “It doesn’t hurt them, if that’s your concern.”
“It didn’t look that way the last time I witnessed it,” You bring your knees to your chest as you sit up, before covering yourself with the light silk bed sheet.
“That’s because Cazador enjoyed to torture us, and unlike him, I’m no monster. I would expect you to know me better than that by now.”
It’s true, he never mistreated his spawns, not in your presence anyway, and Amedee even mentioned how well she was treated since she had become his servant. You had no reason to believe otherwise, aside from your own lingering preconceptions.
As you think of her, Amedee enters your room with a prompt salutation, carrying along a golden platter of food that she leaves at the end of your bed. You could tell she was embarrassed despite the lack of pink in her cheeks, as she struggled to look at you and quickly left after Astarion dismissed her. If she had only looked up to you, she would’ve seen the grin that appeared on your face from this brief interaction. Once she leaves, Astarion brings the plate up to you.
“Ask and you shall receive.”
The plate is generously filled with a variety of fruits, cheeses, and meats, along with freshly baked bread slices to pair with them. By the amount displayed, you would assume that the plate is meant to be shared, but Astarion doesn’t indulge. Instead, he waits for you to serve yourself. You’re overwhelmed by the vast selection and hesitate before reaching out to make a pick or your first bite; you settle on a bit of dried meat and cheese, their aromas complementing each other perfectly. You close your eyes as you savour the rich flavours on your tongue; although you still had no intention of getting up anytime soon, you were thankful for the breakfast. Astarion smiles, happy to see you eat to your heart’s desire, and he leans back on the stack of pillows, admiring you.
In truth, you’re extremely grateful for everything he’s done for you, especially with what happened the day prior, and you want to express it, but somehow you struggle to get the words out. You can’t find the right words, and you don’t want to risk breaking the comfort you have just managed to create with him, after so many days of hatred and tension. You open your mouth once, and twice, without a single sound coming out, and you think, maybe I should let it go, maybe if I say nothing it’ll be better than saying anything at all. Maybe if we don’t talk about it, then I can pretend this dreaded ball never happened.
“What troubles you my dear?”
Well, now you can’t.
You sigh heavily, getting ready to finally pour your heart out to him. “I’ve been meaning to thank you. For yesterday, after the ball. After what happened, I was… I’m not even sure. It’s always something you hear happen to others, I never would have imagined it happening… to me.” You feel yourself spacing out again into the events and you snap out of focus to find Astarion staring back at you earnestly. “I’m just glad that you were there to stop him, is what I’m trying to say.”
“Had I known the bastard would’ve followed you out, I would’ve gone with you into the gardens. All I can do now is assure that he will never get close to you again.”
“Wait so– You know him?”
“That was Sir Virric Othros. He’s a merchant noble, he deals directly with the economy in Baldur’s Gate. The two other men from the ball, the ones you confronted?” You nod, awaiting more information. “Those were his business partners. Pretentious little shits if you ask me. I know they don't particularly appreciate me, arseholes will bad mouth me at any chance they get. Usually I would let it slide, I don’t have time to deal with petty comments, but attacking you draws the line,” he says, now frowning.
“That checks out, they were doing exactly that when I spoke up in the ballroom, but then I don’t know how his business relates to yours and why he would want to take you down.”
His gaze snaps back at you, “What?”
“That’s… the reason he attacked me. He meant to use me against you.”
He looks away, his eyes flicking left and right, searching his mind for a solution to a problem he couldn’t solve and when his eyes fall back on you, they are filled with a darkness that sends a shiver down your spine. “You can’t leave this palace, do you hear me?”
“What?! Why?”
“Don’t you realise what this implies?” He gets up and picks up his clothing from the previous night to dress himself back up in a rush. “If these people have it in their mind to take me down, they won’t stop until they get what they want. We don’t know who they hired, if they already have something else planned–” 
“I can defend myself!”
“Like you did so wonderfully at the ball?” He catches your frown as you avert your eyes, resigned from answering back and he sighs remorsefully. He leans closer as he settles back on the bed, drawing your gaze back to him. 
“You might be the strongest woman I know, but they’re vile, they won't fight fair, and they won't hesitate to use underhanded means to get what they want. I cannot risk having you out with a target on your back, the only place I can assure you will be safe is here, in the palace.”
You blink a few times and your eyes light up as a sudden thought crosses your mind, “Then let’s take them down first.”
He scoffs, “Darling, I’m not against the idea, but I can hardly see how. We are talking about nobles amongst the most influential of Baldur’s Gate, their disappearance won’t go unnoticed.”
“We could say that they got abducted? Disappeared without a trace, somehow, I don’t know, but we’ll find something, we need to get rid of them. If they’re that dangerous and influential, prison won’t cut it.” You glare into his eyes trying to convey your devotion. “We need to take them out ourselves. And I will kill this Virric myself.”
Astarion can see the anger burning in your eyes as he stares back at you with the same intensity; for the first time since his ascension, you’re both thinking of the same thing. He gets back up, grabbing the remaining discarded clothes from the previous night before heading for the door. “Get dressed and meet me in my office. I might have an idea.”
By the time you get to Astarion’s office, he’s already completely immersed in a world of his own, shifting between multiple pieces of papers that populated his desk. You had never taken the time to visit his personal rooms, you’re surprised to see his office filled with books on various topics, but you notice a recurring theme around necromancy, vampires and their powers, and nobility in Baldur’s Gate. Astarion only notices you minutes after you’ve entered, lifting his head to see you approach him.
“For this to work, we would need to attack them somewhere we have control over – the crimson palace, obviously – so I will be hosting a soiree, this way they are within reach and we can deal with them however we see fit. We can work out the details as we go, but it should cover the essentials: lure them here without suspicion, and allow us to proceed under cover.”
Ever the planner. Some things never change, you think to yourself. “Luring them here won’t be enough, we also need to lure them away from the party, where we can deal with them personally.”
“That should be easy enough; if they notice you before you walk away from the rest of the guests, they should take the bait and follow you. They wouldn’t be smart enough to catch on to the trap we lay out, and I could follow them to you, make sure you’re safe.”
You raise your eyebrow at him, “Having the host disappear into the darkness with a few guests and come back out alone? That’s one way to raise suspicions instantly.”
“Well then little soldier, you were always the most intricate strategist, what would you suggest?”
“We need you to be visible at all times, no one can suspect you to be in on this, otherwise we’ll have much bigger problems to worry about. As for me, no one has seen my face yet, but everyone has seen me dance with you at the last ball. I can’t be seen at all during the soiree. You’ll tell the guests I’m sick and cannot attend, and meanwhile I’ll hide in the shadows until the time is right to lure them away.”
He hums, reflecting upon your idea. “Not bad… But then once alone with them, what will you do?”
“If I hide a weapon beneath my dress, I should be able to take care of two of them easily, but three might be tricky. Plus, they’ll probably be armed, as they were last time.”
“I could send you reinforcements. I would just need your signal to have my children come to help.”
You shake your head; something is missing. “We would need to be able to communicate through the party.” You sigh. “I never thought I’d say this, but the tadpoles would’ve been really useful in this scenario.”
“Well…” He pauses. “There is a way to do this without involving those parasites.”
“Which is?” He tilts his head to show the bite marks on his neck and the realisation dawns on you, “You would need to turn me…”
He moves away from his desk, slowly approaching you, “We would be able to talk to each other no matter the distance and without raising suspicions. You would be stronger, swifter, sharper, and any injury you would receive – should you get hurt – would be healed in a matter of seconds.” He reaches you and tilts your chin up to meet your eyes, almost whispering, “You would become untouchable.”
You gulp, as a knot in your throat builds up. There had to be another way, something else that could provide you a way to communicate somehow. You curse yourself for lacking any magical abilities; maybe then you wouldn’t have to resort to such extremes.
“I want to share this gift with you.” He continues as he grabs a hold of your hand. “I’ve only been wanting the best for you, my love. With this strength, no one will dare to take advantage of you. You’ll never have to fear anyone, ever again. Neither of us will. We will be unstoppable, as we should’ve always been.”
When he offered to make you his consort six months ago, you turned him down immediately, almost disgusted by the offer. How ironic for you to consider it now. You can only imagine what your life would’ve looked like had you accepted back then: if it had been anything like these past weeks, you would've had nothing less of a lavish life. Endless parties, custom clothes, all the perfume and jewels you could imagine, and all the attention from the man you loved. As a vampire, you would’ve had the strength to defeat anyone foolish enough to even try to come close to you. You would be able to assist Astarion in helping to rebuild Baldur’s Gate and take down corrupted nobles, as Gods only know how rotten those roots seem to be. Chances are, with your added influence as the saviour of the city, the rebuilding efforts might’ve been further done by now, maybe more nobles would have joined your side and funded the repairs. You wouldn’t have had to travel from one city to another in search of a bed or even company for the night, living comfortably within the walls of the palace besides Astarion.
Lady Ancunín did have a nice ring to it, too...
“If I’m to do this… what will change? Aside from the red eyes and fangs.” It was your biggest fear, to become something you were not.
“You’ll still be you, only better. You’re already perfect, it’s hard to improve.” He senses your incertitude and brings back your eyes to him. “You don’t need to make a decision tonight, no invitations have been sent out yet. You can take all the time you need to think this through. I’ll be by your side no matter what.” He softly strokes your cheek with the back of his hand. “I only care about what’s best for you”
It’s a truth you’ve been denying yourself for too long now, and the signs have only piled up since you’ve been back in his world, but you kept ignoring them, too proud to accept that you had been wrong to leave him. You sigh heavily, letting go of any lingering anxiety about your decision.
“If we’re doing this, I have demands,” your voice is stern, asserting the gravity of your words.
“Anything you wish,” he smiles playfully.
“I know you can have control over your spawn. I don’t give you the right to force me to do anything, ever. I mean it.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
His tone suggests otherwise, but you carry on, “I want to be properly fed. No starving tactics to manipulate me in any way.” He nods and you continue, “And finally,” you take a deep breath, as the angst builds up in your chest, “I don’t want to become a ruthless monster. Please stay by my side, help me, guide me.”
“Of course my love, that goes without asking,” his gaze softens, “I’ll guide you through every step of the way.”
You sigh heavily, relived by his promise, “Then it’s settled. I don’t want to waste more time discussing the matter, my mind is made up.” Your eyes wear a new shade of confidence, “I trust you.”
“Thank you, my love,” he smiles softly. “I want this experience to be most pleasurable for you. It’ll be nothing like what I experienced, I'll make sure of that.”
His words reassure you for the time being, but the uncertainty of what to expect creates a lingering anxiety in your chest. To prevent yourself from spending more time chasing those thoughts away, you make a proposition.
“We should do it tonight.”
“Eager, aren’t we?” He teases you.
“The faster it’s done, the faster we can carry on with our plan.”
“And I won’t be the one opposing you, my dear.” He walks back behind his desk where he gets started on arranging the papers he had previously scattered around. “I’ll call for the servants to prepare dinner. Do you have any requests for your last meal?”
A memory suddenly flashes before your eyes and you know exactly what you want. 
“Yes actually. Balduran Mash.”
After experiencing the most bittersweet dinner of your life, you sought solace in the gardens, enjoying the last hours of sunlight, the feeling of the sun's warmth over your skin, before going back to your room to change into your nightgown for the evening, pondering about how tonight was going to go. You never thought this day would come, and yet, here you were, sitting at your vanity, looking back at your reflection for the last time. By the time you wake up tomorrow, you will be a vampire. Undead. 
One of Astarion’s spawns.
The thought still sits uneasy with you, even though you know it’s necessary to see this plan unfold. You will do anything to make it happen; you would rather die than let this Sir Virric get away with what he had done to you. It’ll all be worth it, you think, and Astarion promised it would bring me protection. It truly is for the greater good.
As you think about his words, Astarion knocks at your door before entering your room. For the first time, you see him wear his casual clothes, similar to those he used to wear when you camped together. He approaches you at your vanity, stopping right behind where you sat.
“Having second thoughts, little love?’ He lays his hands upon your shoulders and you look back at his reflection in your mirror.
You sigh heavily. Even if you did have doubts, you couldn’t let fear cloud your judgement. “No. I need to do this.” You look back to your own reflection, your resolve coming back to you. “There’s no other choice.”
“Good.” He lowers his head next to your ear, murmuring. “Are you ready to experience your final night alive?”
A shiver runs down your spine as you feel his hot breath against your skin. “Yes.”
“Then follow me,” you spy the wicked smile appearing on his lips as he whispers, before he straightens up. He extends his hand out to you as an invitation for you to follow him, and you rise from your seat as you take him up on his offer. 
You would lie to yourself if you said you weren’t terrified. It’s as if your heart was stuck in your throat, and your mind was racing from one thought to another. You stop in your tracks as you near the bed and Astarion turns back to you when he notices your hesitation, “Is something the matter, my dear?”
So many things, and yet you struggle to find which one to mention first. “Will it hurt?” When you speak, your voice is barely audible, as if voicing those words with a quiet voice made them less real as you considered them.
“I promise, the pleasure will be far greater than the pain,” he purrs, caressing your cheek, and you close your eyes at the contact, breathing in deeply. “You trust me, don't you?” You open your eyes back up to find him staring lovingly at you and you nod, “Then you have nothing to fear.”
His hand gets lost in your hair as he pulls you into a deep kiss, and it's as if all the air gets pulled out of your lungs. He grasps your waist roughly, his nails digging through your silk nightgown, and a soft moan escapes you. As you break the kiss gasping for air, his lips trail down to your neck, leaving a path of kisses in its wake. When you breathe in, you’re hit with the intoxicating smell of bergamot, rosemary, and brandy, and you find yourself leaning into him, dizzy from his essence. His hands make their way to your shoulders, lightly grazing your skin there as he pushes away the straps of your nightgown. Your nightclothes are quickly discarded, as the silk easily slides off from your body to your feet, leaving you bare before him. Your chest rises with anticipation at each breath you take, longing for his touch, and yet you remain still – awaiting his next move. As he lifts your chin, your eyes lock with his, and your lips part in anticipation of tasting him once more. He hovers close, murmuring softly, his breath just a whisper away from your mouth.
“You are a vision, my love.”
He leans next to your ear, his hot breath creating a warmth pooling at the bottom of your belly.
“Absolute perfection, ethereal beauty.”
The back of his hand slides along your arm, down to your hand that he brings to his cheek, kissing your skin ever softly.
“And you will be, forever.”
When he faces you again, your eyes are filled with lust and you can’t contain the hunger growing at your core. You close the gap between the two of you in an instant, devouring him, and your hands fall to his trousers, fumble to remove them. Astarion growls into the kiss as you rip open his shirt, not caring for the buttons breaking apart in the process. With his clothes out of the way, he lifts you up to bring you to bed, laying you underneath him all the while continuing to give you the attention you deserve.
“Gods, I wanna devour you.”
Astarion wastes no time to lavish every inch of your skin, starting with your navel, licking and kissing his way down to your thighs, worshipping you as he leaves love bites on his trail. He props your legs up on his shoulder as his mouth bites the soft skin of your thighs, only drawing out the slightest drop of blood, and you grab the bedsheets trying to get a hold of yourself through his teasing. He laps at the fresh wounds to clean it and lets his tongue find its way to your entrance, giving it one long lick while his eyes look for yours.
He tastes your juices on his lips, smirking at you. “Still just as delicious as the first time I tasted you.”
He keeps playfully licking you, barely grazing over your neglected clit, and you squirm under him, until he grabs your thighs strongly, keeping you grounded against his face. You try to move from his grasp, but it's useless; you are nowhere near as strong as him, you would have to take whatever he would have the mercy to give you. He bites down deeper into your other thigh, savouring the richness of your blood, and you gasp. You didn't expect it, but the pain quickly turned into pleasure and you were delighted by the sensation. He pulls away soon after and you whine, pleading for more.
“Yes, my treasure?” The words roll deliciously on his tongue, only teasing you further and you groan, frustrated.
“If you want something, you’ll have to use your words,” he purrs seductively. “Please what?”
“Please…” you take a few breaths, trying to compose yourself. You can hide your desperation for his attention anymore, not after all those days you’ve been craving him. That time in the hallway when you wanted nothing more than to kiss him, when you danced together and the proximity was stifling you, how his words disarmed you, made you want him in the most depraved ways, how you made him yours last night… You want him. “Please, I need you, Astarion.”
He grins with your blood tainting his lips, “Anything for my precious pet.”
He dives into your cunt, devouring you as if you were his first meal in days and you can’t control the loud moan that escapes you. He laps at your entrance, drinking your juices as he did your blood, without wasting a single drop of your precious nectar. When he judges that your pussy had enough, he moves to your clit, giving it the attention it so badly craved. His lips cover it, allowing him to suck gently over your sweet spot, and that’s when you start to feel it, the build up within you nearing its peak. You chant his name like a prayer, each time speaking it louder, until you feel yourself reaching your edge. You try your best to muffle the sounds coming out of you, but Astarion would not allow it. He stops, for just a moment, just long enough for you to look back at him and wonder why he would torture you so and stop when you were so close. 
“Don’t be shy, my sweet. I love the way you scream my name.”
As his nails dig painfully into your thighs, and his tongue dives back to abuse your sensitive bud, you feel the waves of your climax hit you all at once. The scream that leaves your lips is otherworldly, and you get lost in the feeling as your back arches into the mattress. The world around you vanishes and you see stars as your body still rides the aftershake of your orgasm, your breathing barely able to keep up. As you’re coming down from your high, Astarion kisses his way back up, making sure to leave additional bites on his way; noticeably one nicely placed over the curve of your breast. You finally look down to find him looking back at you, with his mouth covered in a mix of your come and blood.
He speaks with a husky voice, his half-lidded eyes lost in yours. “You have no idea how much I want you.”
You manage to mumble a few words through your exhaustion, “Then show me.”
Without breaking eye contact, he moves down just enough to slide his hard length down your navel and between your folds, moving to get himself wet from you. At this angle, his shaft created a delicious friction against your clit that made you cry out louder from the overstimulation. He doesn’t torture you for much longer, as he whispers in your ear, before giving you exactly what you need.
“Sing for me, my treasure.”
He slides inside you with one powerful thrust, making you scream again and your hands fly to his back, searching to ground yourself. When he picks up a languid rhythm, your nails dig into his skin, scratching near his scars and he lets out a feral growl before grabbing your wrist and pinning you roughly against the bed.
“All these months, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about you; your voice, your skin, your delicious cunt. I'll never make the mistake of letting you leave. Ever. Again.” He pounds into you harder, pausing as he speaks these last words, and something clicks inside of you as you hear the possessiveness in his hoarse voice. If it had been anyone else you would’ve wanted to speak up, but when said by him, right now, you wanted nothing but to comply. 
“Do you have any idea of the things I’ve been wanting to do to you these last few days? Fuck, the thoughts that crossed my mind… How I’ve wanted to bend you over that dining table and overfill you with my come, having you dripping from me for days to remind you who you belong to, my dearest consort, mmh–” He picks up the pace, ramming into your cunt deeper, hitting that spot that made you see stars, “If it was only up to me, I would keep you chained to this bed and breed you, over and over again.” He laps at the spot he used to feed on you, the warmth it left on your skin, along with his depraved speech, only pushed you closer and closer to your second collapse. “How beautiful you would look, marked as mine with my bites and my come, mine to please, mine to own. Isn't this what you want?” His lips graze the shell of your ear and he whispers, “To be mine?”
Your mind is clouded by lust and all you can think about is how good he makes you feel, how great he’s been taking care of you, and hells, you really do, you want nothing more than to be his, and his only. Let him own you, use you. As much as you loathed him previously, you can’t help but admit to yourself that you’ve longed for him and his attention, his touch, his kiss, everything he had to offer and everything he’s been wanting to share with you. You always loved him, the only thing those several months spent apart did for you was affirming this truth, and now that you were finally back together, you couldn’t deny it any longer. Yes, I’ll stay with you, I’ll be yours, I’ll be everything you want me to be, I’ll love you until the world ends, you want to say, but only three words leave your lips in a whisper: 
“Make me yours.”
A smile creeps up on his lips at your words, and he bites down on your exposed neck through the markings he had previously left, drinking you in like a starved man as he resumes his thrusts into you. Gods, you missed this, missed him, missed how he made you feel, missed how good you two were together. His drinking on you always acted like an aphrodisiac; it made you see the brightest of stars, made you feel like your entire body was frozen only to be burning with desire moments after, as pure fire was coursing through your veins. You knew that following his bite, you were only moments away to feel the waves of pleasure over you. The vibration from Astarion’s growls against your neck as he drank only contributed more to your end. All it took was another sip from him and you were hit with the strongest of thunders, screaming once again as your body trembled with the aftershock, almost completely taking you out. The waves of your release rippled through your body, your heart pounding in your chest as if it was gonna burst out. If it wasn’t for Astarion savagely fucking you, you think you would have passed out by the strength of your orgasm.
You were feeling more drained than usual, dizzy, even. That’s when you notice your lover still latching onto you. Instinctively, you try to stop him but his grip on your wrist pins you down with no way to move out, and that’s when it all comes back to you. He was going to kill you, turn you into a vampire, make you his dark consort. 
You feel yourself getting colder and colder, his grip on your wrists tightening, leaving you with your last bruises. Your world grows dark and a tear streams from your eye as they get shut tightly. Nothing hurts anymore: not the fangs in your neck, not his hands holding your wrists down, not his weight upon you. 
This was for the greater good, to make you better, make you stronger, keep you safe. You trusted him, and you would welcome this new life he offers you. You wouldn’t be afraid of anyone ever again. In your last seconds of consciousness, you use what you have left of your remaining lifeforce to try and whisper his name, as a thank you for caring, thank you for everything, please help me through this, please never leave my side, A–…
I love you.
And you did, until your very last breath.
He says, "Ooh, baby girl, don't get cut on my edges
I'm the king of everything and oh, my tongue is a weapon
There's a light in the crack that's separating your thighs
And if you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight
Thank you for reading! Comments, reblogs, and likes are very much appreciated <3
tag list (comment or message me if you want to be added!): @grimistheangerinmystares @silverfangmarks @roguishcat @nyx-knox @anacdoce @jwera @annnagennnie @angeldarkness95 @marlowethebard
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curlyangelsblog · 9 months
✿ Yandere!Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader ✿
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
( Hello ! I wanna start a new Yandere series and here is a little sneak preview of it ;) please if you want tell me what you think so far and tell me what you wanna see in it and please leave request for more series and shorts I’d appreciate. I wanna be more Active on here and find mutuals. Hope you all have nice holidays. <3)
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
„Aww come on ten ten don’t be such a sore loser“ you giggled into his headphones.
„yeah whatever“ was all he mumbled back with a blush on his cheeks which you couldn’t see. You and Tomura, or Tenko as he introduced himself to you, have been gaming together for 2-3 months now. You guys met in some sort of chat room and have been hitting it off ever since. You not only game together but also talk on the phone for hours on end about Friends and Family , personal stuff and obviously gaming. Well you more then him. He love listening to you ramble. Your cute voice and addicting laugh.
„It’s getting kind of late ten ten (you’re the only person that gets to call him that) I have work early in the morning but it was nice talking to you“ you giggled. It really was you always felt like he was the only person that understood you. And he felt the same maybe even more but he wasn’t ready to admit that.
„Sleep well ten ten !“
„You too“
Was all he said and that was enough for you. You always knew what he was intending on saying and what he meant.
—————— next day—————————————————
From [y/n] : Hey Tenko you ready to play r/g (random Game) again ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა♡ ?
To [y/n] : sure
You were actually really good also a reason why he liked playing with you besides your cute voice. It was getting kind of frustrating that you were so good. Not to mention you were enjoying yourself quit a bit and making little remarks about how bad he was.
„Ok now your not THAT good“ he said
„I only won four times in a row didn’t I“ you said cheekily.
„Yeah yeah whatever“
„Well maybe you can learn a couple of things from me if you would watch me play“
What did you mean watch you play. Did you stream ? You guys have been talking about all lot of stuff but jobs and other hobbies have never really been topic. You did send him pictures before so he kinda knew what you looked like. You were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. But all he said that he didn’t need to watch you.
„Here is the link to my channel if you ever change your mind“
Tomura could feel how his heart sped up and a blush was creeping on his skin. He had to suppress the urge to click on the link and watch you stream. He had recordings of your voice which he listens to every night and the pictures you send him which he looked at when he felt down or when he did other things… But it wasn’t his fault that he got hard looking at you. You were just so beautiful to him.
„Buuut let’s finish this round I’m getting kind of tired ten ten“
„This time I’m gonna beat ya“ he said chuckling. The excitement and the images of you streaming shot right to his member. He wondered if you were one of those who wore slutty clothes and took money from old men. He was gritting his teeth trying not to make a sound. It excited him being able to see you more often it wasn’t enough to just see your pictures anymore he needed more. He won the round and he let out an excited “yes!” Which made him blush a little bit he was still a little awkward about showing so much emotions. You like it tho it was cute the way he got excited. You grumbled in response to loosing against.
“Well I can’t lie that was pretty good ten ten”
You guys logged off for the night. And as soon as the call ended Tomura clicked on the link as fast as possible. The link led him to your stream account it was as he imagined all pastel and pinky it was so you . The brightness stung in his eyes but he was too eager to look away. You were at almost 350k follows how has he never seen you. Well looking through you content you did play games you two liked to play but the majority of you content was games he wasn’t too familiar with. He clicked on one of your videos. The latest one of your streams. You greeted you viewers with a little wave and that cute smile of yours. He couldn’t look away. He had to have you…
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dejilovesmochi · 6 months
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Here for you.
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
╰┈➤ Summary: Jungwon comes to help you as you are going through a rough time.
✩ ◛ ° genre: angst to fluff/comfort
!! Warnings !! - depression, thoughts of sh and suicide, reader is going through a depressive episode, reader has bad anger, probably cringe cause it’s my first time writing, not proof read.
Pairing: Jungwon x gn! reader
You laid there. Feeling nothing. Thinking nothing. You had been laying in bed for who knows how long, only getting up to use the bathroom. Everything just felt so hopeless.
Knock knock
The sound of someone knocking on your door took you out of your thoughts and back to reality. Thinking it was just one of your friends who have been trying to get a hold of you due to you ghosting everyone, you didn’t bother answering the door and continued to stare at the wall. It wasn’t until you heard the door unlocked which means it could only be one person. Jungwon, who you had given your spare key to while ago.
Shit. You looked like a mess and so did everything around you. How can you even let him see you like this.
As you were busy stressing on what to do next, the door to your bedroom opened.
You quickly turned towards the wall and acted like you were asleep, hoping that he would just go away, but to your disappointment you felt the bed dip next to you. instead of feeling happy that he was here you just felt anger. Why is everyone always bothering you? Why can you just have some peace and quiet for once?
“Jagiya…” Your boyfriend said from behind you. “What’s wrong….” His eyes scanned your body, heart breaking in the process.
You didn’t answer. You didn’t feel like talking. Hell, you didn’t even feel like living.
“Talk to me baby…” he tried again, still getting no response.
After about 5 minutes of him just sitting there with his hand on your shoulder you spoke up. “Go away…”
“Why….” He says with obvious worry in his voice.
“I don’t want to see you or anyone..” you replied a lot harsher than you intended.
“I want to know what’s going on… did something happen? Did I do something?…” he says, pleading with you to tell him.
“Nothing is wrong!” You snap as you can feel your emotions getting the best of you.
Jungwon just sighs and rubs your shoulder. “Don’t push me away y/n… I know something is wrong…. I want to help you… but you have to talk to me…”
How much times did you have to tell him. Nothing is wrong… or at least that’s what you try to convince yourself.
“Please just go I- I can’t…” You say as you sit up, trying your best to avoid eye contact with him because you know you’ll start crying.
“I’m not leaving till I know you’re alright…” he replied as his hand moved a piece of hair from your face.
You quickly turned your head the other direction. You felt the tears come up to your eyes and a burning feeling in your throat.
Jungwon seemed to notice and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into him.
You notice the tears fall from your eyes as Jungwon hugs you and you try so hard to get out of his grip, not wanting to break down infront of him. You use your arms to push him away, it doesn’t work. He was just so much stronger than you.
You feel yourself crying even more now and as a result of not wanting him to hug you, you start hitting him, trying to get away. (not very hard of course but you get the idea)
“Stop…” he says as he still holds onto you even tho you are hitting him.
You keep going at it until you feel his hands around your wrists, gently stopping you.
“Stop jagiya….” He says looking down at you in concern before hugging you even tighter.
Beginning to give up you just cry. You lean on him and cry your heart out not even caring if you look like a mess. Not even caring about anything.
All you could think of was “I messed up” “how can things go back to normal after this” “he’s gonna look at me differently now”
You continue to sob in his arms as you overthink about the outcome of your actions.
His hand begins to let go of your wrist and rests on your upper arm instead.
The thoughts slowly fade away as you focus on the boy who is currently hugging you like his life depended on it.
His head rests on top of yours, his arms are securely wrapped around you, he’s just so comforting.
After a while of just sitting like this and you calming down, Jungwon speaks up “are you ready to tell me what’s been going on?…”
“I don’t even know…. I- I can’t explain it…” you start feeling yourself getting worked up again.
“Hey…. It’s ok….. try your best…” he says calmly.
“I just…. I have no energy… I have no motivation…. I can’t see myself having a future… I don’t know what to do anymore… And I messed everything up… I can’t just go back to my normal life after this I- I pushed everyone away… they all hate me now probably…. I have nobody… all because I felt sad for no fucking reason…” you start to tear up again “god I just hate myself…. I hate my life… I should’ve just killed mys-“
“Woah woah…” Jungwon said cutting you off “ok… breathe baby…”
“You asked what was wrong so I’m telling you…” you reply.
“Yes I did but… don’t talk like that… I understand you might be feeling that way but don’t say that…” He takes a deep breath before speaking again “I don’t want you to be in that type of head space again… I-“
“Well it’s to fucking late…” you snap back at him, cutting him off in the process.
Jungwon is just at a loss for words, he hasn’t seen you this depressed since your friend died… if anything, this was worse.
“Don’t say that…. Do you understand how many people would be sad if you died? Your friends, your family, the members, me? I would be devastated. I can’t live without you Jagiya…” he says as he starts to tear up “I want you to listen to me… there is no situation worth dying for… no matter how bad it is I promise it will get better…”
“You just have to wait sweetie… I know it’s hard… but if you don’t want to live for yourself then do it for me… I love you so much… I would do anything for you…” tears slip down his cheeks “we still have so much to do together… please don’t give up… I still need to marry you… I still need to spoil you, I still need to cuddle with you.. I just.. need you….”
You find yourself starting to sob again as you listen to him, Actually feeling like you’re needed for once.
“I love you so so so so so so so much….. do you understand that” he says looking at your crying figure.
You just nod, not being able to speak.
He pulls you into him once again, beginning to cry even more.
It takes awhile for you both to calm down but when you do, you guys just lay there. Silence takes over the room as you hold each other. Eventually falling asleep.
4:26 AM
Jungwon wakes up to the feeling of you sitting up. He rubs his eyes sleepily before speaking. “Are you ok Jagiya?”
“I’m really sorry wonnie…” you say with guilt in your voice.
“Huh…” he sits up “why…”
“I’m sorry for the way I acted… you were just trying to help me and I-….. I was being such a bitch…” you pout
“Hey… no hard feelings… I get it… you didn’t do anything wrong…” he says as he pulls you into him.
You sigh “oh my gosh I’m actually disgusting…”
He can’t help but laugh a bit “what?”
“Do you realize I haven’t showered in two days” you say with a joking attitude.
“Doesn’t even matter baby…” he happily continues to cuddle you.
“I feel so gross tho…” you say as the feeling of your unclean clothes was grossing you out more and more by the minute.
“You don’t I run you a bath then hm?” He says as he presses his lips together, his dimples showing.
“That sounds nice…” you reply before poking his dimples.
He giggles before kissing your cheek and getting up to run you a bath.
After a bit you get in the bath and he helps you wash up, being very gentle with you as if you’re made of glass.
You get all cleaned up and Jungwon gets you new pjs before making you eat something even tho you aren’t really in the mood for it.
“I’m not hungry :(“ you pout.
“I’m not asking, eat” he says as he pokes the fork to your mouth.
As you taste the food your hunger immediately catches up to you. Not eating for almost three days really messed you up.
Jungwon giggles as he watches you absolutely devour the food and water he gave you.
“Why are you laughing” you ask, shooting him a glare,
“No reason… you’re just so pretty” he says, mesmerized by your beauty.
“Stopppppp” you blush and look the other way.
“Stopppppp” he mocks you.
“Whateverrrr” you say back in a jokingly annoyed voice.
After you finish your meal you get sleepy again.
“Can we go back to bed….” You say drowsily.
“Of course jagiya…” he says softly before picking you up and laying you down in bed before getting in next to you.
You and Jungwon both look over to the night stand that his phone is laying on.
It was a text from Jay.
Jay: hey are you coming to practice?
Jungwon sighs as he forgot he even had it. But he didn’t care anyways, you’re more important.
Jungwon: no im not feeling the best.
He texts Jay back with a casual lie.
Jay: alright feel better.
Jungwon puts his phone back down on the nightstand before looking at you.
“Who was that?” You ask curiously.
“Just Jay… I forgot we have practice today… I wouldn’t have gone even if I remembered… you’re more important…” he says hugging you to his chest.
“Thanks for dealing with me” you say nuzzling him.
“Don’t mention it…. I would do anything for you… remember that…” he says resting his head on yours. “I love you Jagiya…”
“I love you too..” you say as you shut your eyes.
He kisses your head before you both drift off to sleep, feeling comfortable, no distractions, no worries.
Just each other.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
A/N: this took me forever, I kinda projected on this a little so my bad. If you’re ever feeling like this remember, it’s ok to ask for help. I’m always here if anyone needs to talk. Love ya <3
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staybabblingbaby · 24 days
Soulmate Garden AU Ch.1 (Dahlia) a2 d5
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Growing up, you knew Soulmates weren't all that they cracked up to be. So when, on your 18th birthday, your skin is painted with a garden of flower buds, you resolve to hide it from everyone. Who had ever heard of someone with 8 soulmates, anyway?
Or; Reader has 8 soulmates and no issue avoiding all of them. It's up to SKZ to show her that while every soulbond might not be made of fairy tales, theirs certainly could be.
Word Count: 5,368
Notes: My friend Tiny said this was very Wattpad era of me, so I'm so sorry that I'm cringe, guys. She also said she loved it and I am also p satisfied w it, so. Celebrations! It's also fucking long for me, like damn. Chill. I do have some disclaimers abt this tho. 1) I have never been to a k-pop concert, I am doing my best working off of what videos, vlogs, blogs, and Quora and Reddit answers for this. I'm very sorry if it's horribly inaccurate. Also it's idealized so it'd gonna be inaccurate 2) Covid never happened in this universe! Send-offs for everyone!
Dividers by @saradika
Warnings: She/Her Reader, sort of dissociating? ish?
Leave me comments or questions or anything! Love hearing from folks <3
Masterlist <3 | Prev Part | Next Part
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“Yes, Ma, I promise I’m doing just fine,” You grunt into your phone, tucking the device between your cheek and shoulder as you juggle your groceries and try to dig out your keys, “No one has tried to mug me, I’m eating well, and the job is the same as the last time you called.”
You manage to both open your door and kick it shut as your mother replies, “I just worry about you dear. You’re so far away from us now, what if you need help?”
You waddle to your kitchen counter to offload your burdens, stretching your cramping fingers out as you go to properly hold your phone again.
“I know, Ma, but I’m sure I’ll make some friends with time and then they can help me out.” you finally reply with a sigh. You begin the arduous task of actually putting your groceries away, resigned to the fate of a functional adult.
You hear your sister bark out a laugh in the background. It’s possibly about hearing ‘you’ and ‘friends’ in the same sentence (Which, ouch. True, but ouch). You magnanimously ignore her.
“Honey, I love you, but it’s been almost a year. You have yet to tell me about a single friend.” Your Mom retorts. Again, ouch.
“I have Taylor!” You defend, slamming your fridge shut with a pout.
“Your roommate doesn’t count!” Your little sister taunts from the background. You hear your mother shush her but her agreement is implied when she doesn’t correct the little gremlin.
“He so does!” You argue, “We hang out in contexts that are not work or school, we eat meals together, and we’re even going to a concert this weekend! That’s friends! That’s best friends, even.” You sound a bit pathetic even to yourself, but the day your sister wins over you is the day you die.
“That’s a friendly roommate,” Is your sister’s amused response, “I bet you don’t even know what his favorite color is.” Your silence is answer enough, and she cracks up, laughing so hard that you hear a muted thump as she falls off of whatever furniture she’d been occupying.
Guess you’re dying today.
Your mother changes the subject to the goings-on of your hometown while your sister asphyxiates in the background. You’ve only been away for a little under a year now, but as you listen to her talk about which of your littlest cousins are starting school and which of your relatives are causing drama, you realize that it’s already been a little under a year.
You flop onto your couch as your mom babbles away, holding back an existential crisis.
Your fingers begin tracing the long-since memorized lines of your soulmark over your clothes as you ponder the passing of time, fully zoned out of your mother’s gossip. Your sister seems to catch on to your long silence, interrupting you mother to pester you into giving her more material to taunt you over.
“What concert are you going to, anyway?” She questions.
“Oh, it’s a K-Pop group called Stray Kids,” You tell her. You can practically feel her interest shrivel up and die as soon as you say K-Pop, bless her elitist, snobby, little heart. “Taylor likes them a lot, and his boyfriend dumped him last month, so I got some good tickets to cheer him up.”
Your mother coos at you briefly before your sister overtakes the conversation again, “Are they even good?” You can hear the sneer in her voice as she falls into Music Snob (tm) mode, so you roll your eyes when you reply.
“They’re fun to dance to when I’m doing chores, so that’s good enough for me.”
“You can’t even understand them.” She complains.
“I can, actually.” You inform her primly, “My language elective was Korean. I took the whole course.”
“You’re a weirdo.”
“Tell that to my sweet, sweet, degree, kiddo.” It’s finally your turn to taunt.
“Whatever, you’re not even going with a friend, just your roommate. How fun could it be?” She pouts back.
“I told you, we are friends! Best friends, even!”
“You still don’t know his favorite color.” She retorts smugly.
“I know his favorite flower, that’s gotta count for something!” Your mother hums in agreement, and you picture her watching your bickering like a tennis match, assigning points in her head.
“It doesn’t, because you know everyone’s favorite flower! You know the mail guy’s favorite flower! It’s like an obsession.” You picture your sister rolling her eyes at you, exasperation pouring off of her. The image makes you grin as you reply.
“Only if it’s still Jim. I haven’t been around to ask anyone new.” You point out. Reasonably, you think, but for some reason your sister lets out a loud groan of annoyance and you hear her exaggerated stomps ass she removes herself from your presence. Your mother lets out an amused little huff and you imagine you’ve won the tennis match in her head.
No death for you today. Score!
Your mom yaps with you for a little longer, before finally bidding you farewell, telling you that you should call more often (like you don’t chat literally every Friday afternoon like clockwork), tell your dad to come home soon if you happen to call him (you won’t. He won’t either), and tell her all about how the concert goes next week. You promise to do that one easily.
When she hangs up, you’re left with the ringing silence of an empty apartment. Moving to LA has been a quieter experience than you’re used to in general, for many reasons. Sure, the city itself is louder than your little suburb by miles, but life has been... More peaceful, since. Quieter.
It still makes you uneasy, even 10 months later.
You get up from the couch and drift off to your room like a ghost, opening Spotify on your way. The opening notes of Ruth B’s Lost Boy and a something nauseous swirling in your gut is all that follows you.
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On concert morning, you’re woken up bright and early by your air-horn of a roommate slamming your door open.
“Concert daaaaaaaaay~” He trills at you from the doorway. You don’t even open your eyes when you roll over and throw a pillow at him in protest. A soft ‘oof’ tells you that you hit your mark for once. Nice.
“Nice shot!” Taylor cheers, “But now I have your ammo, so it’s up time.”
You roll over again, taking the edge of your blanket with you and tossing it over your head. You pull a stuffed animal under with you, and curl tightly around it.
“Nmf gmf.” You grumble at him through a mouthful of fluff.
“Nuh-uh!” Taylor tuts, already fluent in Morning Grumble, “We gotta get up. There’s food to be eaten, outfits to put on, and lines to beat!”
You let out a long, agonized, groan, but obligingly roll over and starfish out with childish protest. Taylor waits until you open your eyes to glare at his annoyingly cheerful blond bedhead before he leaves your doorway with a sunny smile. Smug bastard.
He leaves your door open too, the shit, allowing the sweet smell of french toast and eggs to drift into your room. You sit up with a whiney groan, scrubbing harshly at your face.
You’d forgive him this time. Just for the french toast.
You lean over to grab your phone from your bedside table, just waking the screen to check the time. When the numbers register you lay right the way back down with another long wail of protest.
Four in the morning. That french toast had better be fucking good.
You eventually stumble into the kitchen and are promptly handed a very large and very welcomed cup of coffee. Taylor hands you a plate piled high with french toast and eggs, fruits and toppings already out, before you can even try to start bitching at him.
You take in the spread with a furrowed brow, before slowly lifting your head to pin Taylor with a suspicious stare.
“My dude, it is four in the morning. How?”
Taylor just shrugs at you. “Couldn’t sleep. Too excited.”
You nod slowly at him. “I’ll drive. You’re napping in the car.”
This triggers a round of outraged whining from your sleep-deprived roommate, which you cull by pointing out that headaches and concerts are an awful combo. He subsides but insists he’ll be even more excited in the car, since it’s closer to concert time. You tell him to do it anyway.
“Why are we up so early in the first place?” You complain as you drain the last dregs of your drink. “The concert isn’t for, like, fifteen hours.”
“The concert is only fifteen hours away! Countdowns have already started, mark my words!” Taylor counters, “You got us Soundcheck tickets! VIP! We have to take advantage! I want the entire experience. Freebies, insane merch lines, sponsor booths, everything.” He gets more and more incensed as he goes on, leaning farther over the table, his shirt almost dragging in the puddles of syrup on his plate.
You raise your hands in surrender to his wild-eyed look. “Whatever,” You concede, “You’re the boss, this is your day.”
Taylor nods in satisfaction, leaning back. You notice that he actually does take some syrup with him as he re-seats himself. “As it should be.” Is his prim reply.
You sort of just laugh at him, and your routine of friendly bickering continues as the two of you make quick work of fixing up the kitchen.
You two split off to get ready, Taylor demanding a leave time of 6am sharp. You do your best to appease him, dressing up enough to say you put effort in, but paying mind to comfort over style. You’re putting the last touches on your eye liner when Taylor barges in.
You give him a stink eye for not knocking, which he blissfully ignores as he looks over you top to bottom. He summarily declares you “Good, but not good enough” and stampedes over to raid your closet.
At this point in your cohabitation you’ve learned to just let him do his thing when he gets like this. He doesn’t let you dress yourself when you go clubbing with his friends either, the jerk. Your fashion sense is perfectly acceptable, thank-you-very-much.
He tells you you’re being assigned a bias for today based on your wardrobe as he tosses you a white and navy stripped polo shirt and some navy sweatpants with racer strips on the side. He pulls up a reference photo on your phone and tells you to accessorize while he goes to find an appropriate tie from his stash for you.
Looking at the picture of Han Jisung on your screen, you admit that the outfit is pretty close already. You decide to leave the polo’s buttons undone, grabbing a white camisole to put on under. Your accessories take a bit longer, and you can’t see the shoes to match those, but Taylor seems satisfied enough when he comes back.
He hands you a tie and a handful of pins to complete your look and begins pushing you out the door before you can even put them on properly. When you protest this he insists that the two of you are running late, despite the concert still being more than 13 hours away.
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You do, in fact, make him sleep in the car. He does not appreciate this, but early morning traffic can lull even the most dutiful of soldiers to sleep. He’s somehow even more chipper than usual when he wakes up, despite being groggy and bleary-eyed.
The crowd, when the two of you arrive, isn’t as big as you were expecting it to be. With all of Taylor’s rushing, you’d expected to barely be able to see the doors. The merch booth he was so excited about isn’t even open yet, and he settles the two of you into the line to enter the venue instead of camping there.
It’s immediately obvious who the extrovert between the two of you is, Taylor’s bouncy blond head beginning to duck and weave among the small crowd as soon as you claim your spot, laughs and excited exchanges popping up wherever he stopped. You, on the other hand, stay exactly where you’d been left and fiddle around on your phone, Taylor’s clear backpack abandoned in your arms.
You’re pretty sure this is purposeful on his part. You know each other well enough by now that he’s well aware of your tendency to stay planted once you’re settled. You’re definitely being used to stake out your spot. You steal one of his granola bars as payment for your services.
An hour or so drags through, and Taylor has thoroughly befriended most of the people around you. Once he’s decided that it’s about time to line up for some of the merch booths, Taylor leaves you in the tender care of the other fans as he goes to stake out a spot. He gracefully accepts both your wallet and your request of “a t-shirt and something they can sign”
The group of four people behind you, in particular, take his (only semi-joking) request of “take care of my introvert for me��� seriously.
“So are you a Han bias?” One asks you as Taylor prances off. Her outfit is majority blue, little Bbokari (You can admit that the little characters charm you. You probably know their names better than the Stray Kids themselves) hair clips and keychains decorating her person.
You look down at yourself and then back up at her, almost having forgotten that you were dressed up as him. “Ah, no. Taylor, my friend, dressed me this morning. We’re here for him today. Though, he did say Han was my assigned bias today.” You laugh nervously, hoping they don’t judge your lack of knowledge.
Thankfully none of them seem discouraged by your response, giggling along with your little joke. In fact one of them, dressed head to toe in merch, seems almost excited by the prospect.
“Are you a baby Stay then?” She asks you with sparkling eyes. You wave your hands in front of yourself a bit defensively.
“Ah, no. I wouldn’t go that far. I like their music when Taylor plays it around the apartment, but I wouldn’t consider myself part of the fandom. This is actually my first k-pop experience in general.” You explain, “When I say we’re here for him, I mean I am here in total ignorance.”
Another girl, dressed in a loud assortment of colors you vaguely recognize from the music video Taylor had on loop in your living room for a week and a half when it dropped, lets out a low whistle. “Throwing you right into the deep end, huh? Hardcore.”
The group of you laugh a bit, the only guy in their group agreeing with, “Well if you’re not a fan now, you will be when you leave. Their performances are amazing, honestly.”
You absorb the gushing with an open heart, truly hoping for that to be the case. You take this opportunity to take the spotlight off of yourself.
“Oh, have you guys been to a Stray Kids concert before? It’s Taylor’s first.”
That question is the key to the floodgates, and you end up spending the next 3 and a half hours waiting for Taylor’s return (with text updates from the man himself, assuring you that he is still where he’s supposed to be) being regaled with tales of concerts, events, and comebacks past. You feel a bit like you’re getting a crash course in all things Stray Kids, phones often popping out to show you clips, fancams, and photos.
It makes you smile, feeling very included and welcomed as you occasionally pepper in a question or two to keep them going. It’s just like dinners at the apartment with Taylor, him unloading his stress through fandom, and you unloading yours through listening to his ramblings.
This is exactly why you came with him today.
Taylor makes his return loaded down with goodies both purchased and gifted by other fans, to which you welcome him by cheering loudly. This triggers your new group to do the same. Somehow, the five of you cheering leads to a large portion of the early crowd, which had grown by the hour, cheering with you.
You feel a bit shy at the power you apparently hold, and laugh about it with your new friends.
Eventually Taylor and Merch Girl (you hadn’t managed to catch any of their names, you realize belatedly. It’d be too awkward to ask now. You resolve to simply Not Address Them) split off to do more rounds among other fans, distributing their own freebies.
You hadn’t even realized Taylor had made freebies. You’re also not sure how he found the time. Love finds a way, you suppose.
The other group’s Token Guy Friend (who will always been Token Guy to you, so sorry Token Guy) passes the conversation back to you. Not appreciated, Token Guy.
You can’t be all that mad though, as he shuffles through his bag to produce a piece of paper and a chisel-tipped sharpie. He passes the items to you with a grin.
“If you’re close to the stage you should have a sign! You might get an interaction that way!” He enthuses. The remaining girls cheer at the idea, sighing over the possibility of you getting an interaction at your very first concert.
You hold back correcting them that it’s just your first k-pop concert. You’re sure that’s what they mean anyways, as the experience so far has been quite different from your usual.
You look at the items in your hand, and then back at him. He offers to let you use his back to write on. You once again stare between his meticulous outfit and the sharpie in your hand. You are so not going to ruin someone’s day with what was supposed to be a kind gesture.
You motion for him to wait a moment and dig around in your own bag for a moment, the seat cushion Taylor had insisted you bring slapping you incessantly from where it hangs as you shuffle both your shoulder bag and Taylor’s backpack around. Eventually you manage to pull out your travel first aid kit, pulling a gauze pad from it.
You unclip the seat cushion from your bag and place it on the ground, motioning for Token Guy to kneel. He does so bemusedly.
“I’m gonna make it fancy,” You inform him, “those random calligraphy classes from high-school aren’t going to fail me today.” He makes a noise of assent and you’re crowding over his bent back, unfurling the gauze pad to make a barrier between the paper and his shirt.
He and the girls make their conversation around you as you sink into concentration. It’s very difficult to make nice, even, lines on an uneven surface like a back, and you have to keep gently slapping Token Guy’s shoulder when he laughs to remind him not to move.
Taylor and Merch Girl have returned by the time you finish your sign, Taylor laughingly cautioning any of them from breaking your concentration for anything less than Token Guy’s health. Unless they wanted to face your Wrath(tm), of course.
His advice seems to have been heeded, because by the time you tune back into the outside world you have a sign with very pretty (and most importantly - legible) calligraphy that reads:
[HAN! You’ve been assigned as my bias today! Make me fall for you?]
You even took the time to add Korean translations in smaller script beneath each line. You also take the time to admire your own foresight for laying out the gauze pad, small black marks littering it’s surface. Token Guy seems equally impressed when he looks at it, before taking the initiative to trash both it and the wrapper for you.
Merch Girl reads your sign when you proudly hold it in front of yourself and cackles.
“So that’s why he really brought you along, huh?” She teases, elbowing Taylor like they’re old friends. He has that effect on people. “She can talk to them for you if the Aussie line isn’t around.” Taylor gives a sheepish laugh and a faux-guilty shrug.
“That, and she bought the tickets. I couldn’t leave her behind if I tried.” He pokes at you as he speaks, mirth dancing in his eyes. Laughter erupts around the group as you shout your offence, making to start roughhousing with him like you do your sister.
The time passes joyously this way until the doors finally open to begin letting people in for sound check.
You’re not gonna lie, you’re already super tired and peopled out. Luckily, Taylor had clocked you flagging before even you had, and sent you to sit in “introvert time out” on your cushion in a shaded spot away from the crowd. So you could make it through sound check and the actual concert. Probably.
You and Taylor pass through security unscathed, having already eaten or trashed any snacks or drinks you’d brought with you, and having not bothered bringing much else. Both of your bags were just full of merch and freebies at this point.
Once you actually enter the venue you take the lead, dragging Taylor by the wrist to your seats. You’re actually super excited to show him the seats you’d gotten, having kept anything beyond ‘soundcheck’ a secret.
Taylor is already vibrating with excitement as you lead him to the floor seats. He’s nearly trembling as you lead him right up the center, past rows and rows of little white chairs erected for the reserved seating tickets. When you finally sit him down right in front of the thrust stage, plopping into the seat beside him with satisfaction, he turns to you with saucer-wide eyes.
“Noo...” He whispers.
“Oh, yes.” You return, blessing him with a grin and little eyebrow wiggle.
Taylor basically tackles you in a hug, almost knocking you into the person next to you, and squeals his thanks so loudly that you’re sure the entire stadium hears. When he’s done thanking you he pulls back, hands on your shoulders, with the most deadly serious eyes you had ever seen on him.
“I would die for you.” He intones lowly. You crack first, the two of you breaking into a giggle fit that was almost concerning with it’s intensity. When the two of you calm down and turn to settle and sit properly, he nudges your shoulder with his.
“Seriously,” He says, eyes soft, “You’re the best ever. You need anything from today on? I’m your guy.”
You chuckle at him, nudging him back, “Do my dishes for the next month, then.” You tease.
He rears back, hands up in joking surrender, “Woah, woah! Let’s not go that far! I meant if you needed to escape from the mob or something, not chores.” He gives an exaggerated shudder before breaking into his usual silly grin.
The two of you spend the next however long indulging in familiar banter, waving at the group of fans you’d made friends with outside when you spotted them not terribly far away, and generally recharging your batteries for the concert. Taylor eventually moves on to talking to the people around you, and you rest your head on his shoulder.
You close your eyes for just a moment, trying to turn the lights off in your brain for a bit. You really needed the music to start soon, you were going to fall asleep.
Almost as if in answer to your prayers, the group begins trickling on stage for sound check.
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To be honest, both soundcheck and the concert pass in a blur for you.
Once things kick off, you’re swept away in a wave of cheers, music, and lights. You hadn’t expected front row seats to be quite as intense as they were, but you made a note to yourself to not book such tickets for yourself in the future.
You couldn’t really handle it.
Still, Taylor seems to have the time of his life, and you manage to immerse yourself in the concert enough to shake your sign at Han when he passes by, earning yourself a wink and a cheek heart. Taylor was nearly euphoric at having caught the interaction with his phone camera.
By the time it’s over, you’re fairly sure you had a good time, but also 100% sure that you were completely overwhelmed. Taylor manages to drag you to the send off that you paid for spots at anyway. Curse his charming, sunny demeanor.
You can’t really process how it happened at this point, but you end up practically pinned to the railing of the barricade at the send-off location, separated from Taylor, and clinging to your façade of an excited fan with a white knuckled grip. You have three things on you to get signed, and a mission from Taylor to get all three scribbled on.
Your sign for Han, a ballcap Taylor had customized, and a Lee Know photocard Taylor had entrusted to you with a gravity you weren’t sure it warranted. He had, like, three of the same one.
You try to drum up the determination to see your mission through, but find it difficult to dredge up any will at all.
Time waits for no man, however, and soon enough the members begin making their way through, delivering high-fives, autographs, and aegyo as they pass through. You end up squished almost violently to the railing, ducking a bit and making yourself as small as possible as hands, phones, and items all get waved around and over you.
You’re not sure you like send-off.
There’s so many noises and sights and smells that you have a really hard time keeping track of which member is where. Plus, you’re still a lot overwhelmed from lining up before dawn and the concert itself. You’re tired, you’re cranky, and you want to go home.
At some point Lee Know must pass by you, and you must have presented the photocard properly, because you have a signed one now. That’s cool. The faster you get the requested autographs, the faster you can leave.
Bangchan spawns in front of you from the aether, from your point of view. You may be a bit more out of it than you’d like to admit. Still, you dutifully hold out your ballcap for him to sign, exchanging post-concert niceties on pure autopilot.
Because you’re not all that present at the moment, or maybe because all you’d had was your breakfast and some granola bars in the last 13 hours, you don’t hold your balance the way you should when someone shoves at you from behind. You catch yourself on the railing, but you dropped the freshly signed cap.
Bangchan kindly stoops to pick it up for you, and you thank him. A couple of things happen very quickly at that point.
1) Unlike the first two exchanges of the cap, because of the awkward and quick nature of Bangchan’s action, it is no longer being handed to you with lots of space between your hand and his.
2) You’re still being jostled around. No matter how much you brace for the impact of the bodies surrounding you, you couldn’t possibly keep totally still.
3) These two things have a consequence. Your hand brushes Chan’s as he hands you the cap.
The world stops for you for a moment, as pins and needles stab into dozens of familiar spots all across your lower abdomen. You freeze, dumb, awkward, overwhelmed smile plastered to your face as Bangchan turns away from you.
The pain isn’t that bad, really, more like a bad period cramp mixed with a sleeping limb waking up. Still, you curl your arm around your stomach, and your body bows with the motion. As if you could protect your reality from shattering and reshaping itself in front of you.
Static fills your ears and your poor, overloaded, brain throbs with the beginnings of a migraine.
Bangchan is your soulmate.
International k-pop sensation Bangchan is one of your eight soulmates.
Bangchan is part of a group with eight members.
Your soulmate is already moving away from you, your minor interaction just a footnote of his day, the tingling pain of your soulmate bond awakening probably blending in with a thousand other minor aches and pains from a very physically intense day for him.
You come back to clarity with the resolve that you’d like it to stay that way.
With a sense of urgency, you look around the crowd you’re part of, noting distinct faces and colors for the first time. You’re not really sure what you’re looking for until you spot it, and suddenly your escape plan is fully formed.
There, just a couple shoves and elbow throws away, is Blue Bbokari Girl from this morning.
You struggle your way over, people falling into the space you’d left at the railing like a pack of hyenas on fresh meat. When you reach her you the gently at her sleeve to get her attention.
She turns to you with confusion first, a bright greeting next, and finally a concerned scrunch of her brow as she takes in your hunched form.
“Hey, I’m feeling kind of sick, can you help me get out of the crowd?” You’re sure you look convincingly pathetic and weak as you plead with her. If only because you really did feel pathetic and weak at the moment.
“Oh, of course, hun! Just a moment.” She begins to crane her neck around to scan the crowd like you’d done moments prior. You feel a bit bad for interrupting her night like this, but as she calls out to someone behind her, you’re more thankful than anything.
Blue Bbokari Girl successfully gets the attention of someone you don’t recognize, and a quick summary of, “She’s sick, help her leave!” shouted over the crowd has you being passed through the crowd unmolested.
You find yourself enveloped in a chain of fans, one passing you to another, pausing, and calling on someone else to pass you to until you’ve finally stumbled free of the send-off mob.
Feeling a bit like you’d just been spat out of the maw of a great creature, you look back at the rustling crowd, now looking like it had never been disturbed at all.
The last lady who had finally freed you, an older woman with a Jiniret picket, eyes you with concern as you put you back to the nearest wall and slide down it.
“Will you be okay, sweetie?” She questions you worriedly, “Do you have anyone to pick you up?”
You smile weakly at her and assure her that you just have to get ahold of your roommate and he’d get you home safe and sound. She tries to insist on waiting with you, but you persuade her to return to the crowd with promises that you’d make your way to a bathroom or security guard once the worst of your vertigo had passed.
You watch her return with morbid fascination, amazed when she just sort of gets absorbed back into the mass of people. Almost like it ate her. You once again marvel at making it out of such a thing unscathed.
Truth be told, your stomach was only sore and tender this point, the sharp, needle-point pains long gone. Still, you take a moment to bring your knees to your chest, just breathing as you press your forehead to them. If anyone were to look at you then, you wonder what they’d think of you curled up on the floor and trembling like your dog had just died.
You hope they’d view you with kindness.
After giving yourself a moment to just feel, though you couldn’t tell anyone what you had felt, you gather yourself enough to totter to your feet and drag yourself to the nearest bathroom. You text Taylor as you go.
[Hey. Felt sick, in bathroom rn. lmk when we can leave pls?]
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Perma Tag List: @mbioooo0000
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bimbodoggie · 2 years
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cybersex • (simon “ghost” riley x camgirl!reader)
contents/warnings: fem reader, consensual filming, toys, mean!dom simon, impregnating mention, face sitting, yourself on the shelf position, reader is plus sized, size kink, hair pulling, also simon is an asshole, oh also simon has a jacob’s ladder teehee :3
a/n: i started school and this semester has been beating my ass, MINORS/AGELESS BLOGS DNI!, all art is by @ave661
your job was way easier than simon’s, you’d play dress up and take pretty pictures and videos for thousands of people on the internet….but simon he didn’t mind it because he knew that you were untouchable.
sometimes it did bother him tho, the fact others got to see what was his on the daily, but you could quit anytime you wanted, but this particular day it was different. the way simon was acting was kind of….strange, but then again he’s a 6’2 1/2 man who parades in a skull eggshell mask and the occasional balaclava with gunpowder or charcoal to match
all day your mind was filled by your thoughts of how he’s probably on the verge of breaking up with you right now, but then again this is the same man who spent his free time on base using your photos and videos as jerk bait….the front door creaked open and the sound of his boots and duffle bag hit the floor, its like this man had no trace of sound because next thing you know you two were eye to eye staring at each other.
it was embarrassing to say the least because well, you were naked and vulnerable…the only noise that came from his mouth was a satisfied grunt followed by a quick kiss on the mouth, you decided breaking the silence first was the best thing to do considering…
“are you leaving me?” was the question of the day, he froze, like a deer in headlights…if only you knew that was the complete opposite of what needed to be said from his mouth…once again silence filled the room as he walked over and shut off your camera which made you wonder even more about what his next move was
“you know, i’ve been thinking…that maybe instead of being being the director i get my role of the old pervert, something we can both remember yeah?”
what the fuck…is this the big secret he was storing away in his file cabinet? a fantasy, your mouth opened and closed, simon’s reaction was pretty expected, a hearty laugh a booming one at that…
“cmon use your words i know somewhere in that empty brain of yours you can conjure up a couple words yeah?”
instead of a verbal response which he wanted you just shook your head and ignored him which you would have to pay the price later but who cares at least him leaving you isn’t in the equation.
without warning simon picked you up and put you on the bed, looking you in your eyes to indicate that you either was going to break or he was going to break you.
he lifted his mask and started kissing from your neck all the way down to your malleolus bone, this man knew your body like the back of his hand, all the sensitive spots, where to lick, bite and touch he knew it all. he paused to turn on the camera.
“the first thing you’re gonna do is get on your knees and tell the audience what you’re doing today, then depending on how good you are i’ll let you be in charge for a little how does that sound lovey”
your brain circuited and was now functioning off of the commands from simon you scrambled from the bed to the floor…your big eyes met his lifeless ones.
“hi- hi everyone today i will be letting my boyfriend ghost be in my- my vids”
this was humiliating but you enjoyed every single moment, your mouth met his tip which was glistening with pre and begging to be touched, his cock was decorated with piercing jewelry which was a stimulant for your cunt, with his free hand he grabbed a fistful of hair and guided you to what he wanted to do, after that nothing but grunts and degrading phrases bounced around the walls
before he was remotely close to finishing he then picked you up and fucked into you, it was too much to bare, thousands of people watching you and how your boyfriend abuses your cunt on the daily basis, simon’s hand came into contact with your ass groping it, and leaving marks which will show in the morning
there was a heart shaped, light pink butt plug jewel which sparkled in the reflection of the light, the sounds of skin filled the room as you cried out for him to be gentle, he ignored your plea but instead moved a little closer to the camera putting your holes on display for thousands to see
user239329849: he’s such a lucky man
anon3453905: i would do anything to get my hands on her
simon laughed at the desperation comments that entailed of men and their sick fantasies, but simon was the only one who could act on them…he then put you down and signaled you to sit on his face, as much as you wanted to tell him your cunt was saying too much, you wanted him and needed him…the way his warm tongue consoled your weeping cunt had you in tears, the whining and crying for him to slow down was non existent to him.
he then positioned you to where your face was in the camera while he spread open the globes of your brown ass, “gonna give you a baby, i always know when you’re ovulating, i always track it on my calendar in my phone to make sure i get you pregnant” he rasped as he increased his pace….so much was going on which made you wonder if you could take him or not
he wanted a view of how your skin turned red at the sight of him battering your insides like it was some sick recipe…. “si baby, please im just please” your replied to him as he looked you in the eyes, a light slap from his hand was to question if you were still there or if you was just brainless, you started babbling incoherent sentences which was an indication to simon you were close, he took his hand pressed it again your lower abdomen…you tried you really did but he knew your body like a map
“you really are braindead, just a hole f’me and nothin else yea?”
that sent you overboard, it was enough with the jewelry that decorated his cock, you felt the band in your stomach pop making you to make a mess, it felt as if he planned this, he was sick but you liked it….he then turn your ass and cunt to the camera to show the cum leaking out of your throbbing hole….a sloppy kiss from simon was all you needed, you felt like he was breaking you
“touch her and i will find you personally and kill you”
he then ended the live stream to give you aftercare but deep down you knew he was serious
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makeyoumine69 · 1 year
Congratulations to 1k!!! You deserve it and even more:D
Well,after i read your smut,where Reader was top,i thought almost all night like:
If Patrick Bateman was sub and Reader was..how i can tell it without shy...sexual sadist,dominant,charasmatic bitch,which will say all sorts of her dirty thoughts while they are fucking. Prefer fem,but only if you want tho. I just cant stop thinking about Pat has S/O,who can compete with him in dominance and horny as hell-
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— A/N: Hello! Thank you so much for your request, I hope you like it!💗
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"Yes! Ah...fuck y-yes!" your loud, shameless moan made Patrick's thick cock throb in your womb as you rode him hard, pressing him down with your succulent hips. "Mmhhm...your dick feels so good, SO FUCKING GOOD!"
"(Y/N), baby..." Bateman whimpered as he tried to grab your waist and take the lead, but you brushed his hands away. "I'm so c-close! Please..."
"Aww, that's so sweet of you to beg me," you cooed with him, pushing two digits into his heated mouth. "Open it!"
Patrick hesitated for a moment, but then submitted and began to suck on your graceful fingers.
"You should see yourself, Bateman," you glanced down at his flushed face, then raised your eyes to look around his fancy bedroom. "God...you were so pathetically needy that we didn't even make it to your bed," you slowed down the pace, rolling your hips against his solid ones and leaning on his perfect abs. "So I had to fuck you right on the floor!"
Patrick only moaned in response, especially when you added one more finger, shoving them deeper into his mouth, almost harshly.
"Mmm... I'm mm-gonna cum!" The way he was trying his best to pronounce something clearly made you laugh, and you couldn't help but rock back and forth on his dick — the friction was too intense, but you kept yourself in balance as you wanted him to cum first.
"Do you think you were a good boy enough to let you cum?" You asked him, pulling your fingers out of his mouth and wrapping your hand around his shaky throat.
"Are you sure?" You drew closer to his burning lips and stopped moving, causing a pitiful whimper to erupt from his massive chest.
"What do you w-want me to do?" His hot breath was almost scorching, but you stayed still, squeezing his cheeks and leaving a wet trail of small hickeys along his neck.
A devilish smile flashed across your face as you came up with the idea of what exactly you wanted him to do.
"Oh boy, since you're so obedient, I'll tell you what I want," you murmured, getting up only to change your position, so now you were facing his blushing cock and giving him an astonishing view of your dripping slit. "I want you to use your mouth properly," wiggling your ass slightly, you turned around to give him a cheesy smile. "You want that pussy, baby boy?"
"Yes," he didn't wait for your permission, and you gasped once you felt his puffy lips encircle your pulsating little bud. "Mmm, cum all over my face," Patrick was so fucking thirsty, lapping at your cunt like a hungry kitten. "I want to drink you dry so fucking bad...mhhm!"
Bateman couldn't hold back a low growl as you pressed your hips closer to his face, silencing him and forcing his beefy shaft to twitch in your hands as you pumped it vigorously before taking it inside. Skillfully, you sucked him off and rubbed his heavy sac. This little whiny bitch didn't last long, so you let him explode into your mouth, because you were in a good mood. Although Bateman was so fucking dazed from the huge orgasm, he didn't stop licking, sucking and devouring your luscious pussy, and soon you joined him in the ocean of ecstasy, pinning his head to the floor with all your might.
God, Patrick was such a perfect fucktoy, and maybe he was even more than that, but right now it didn't matter.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Can i ask for a lady lesso x reader fic thats just really fluffy soft smut, but heavy on the breeding kink, magic cock, and praise kink please? Maybe some cuminflation if youre comfy with writing that, but if not just ignore that part!! <333
Be my Good Girl 18+
*Authors note~I love these and I had to combine them which I’m so glad I did I hope you don’t mind*
Trigger warnings~ breeding kink magic cock praise kink thigh riding overstimulation slight cum inflation? Mommy kink
Prompt~ see ask ^^^^
Tumblr anon~ Hi so would you be able to right something for lesso with thigh riding and overstimulation please x
Tumblr anon~ Hhheeey Think you can do a ladylesso x FM reader from me ...just smut, can we have lesso stretch reader out a bit. Have reader unable to move or talk Super soft fluffy lesso ending plz tho
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Teasing the dean of evil wasn't exactly your best idea. Thats exactly why you ended up straddling her toned thigh while she completely ignored your existence, hips rutting against her thigh as you desperately tried to find some relief, something, anything just more.
"Come now pet, I thought you were going to be good for mommy?" She purred not even sparring you a second glance, "don't tell me your so sensitive already? Thought you said you were in control of it love?" Leonora knew that although this was pleasurable for you it would not be enough to get you off and that's what she wanted. She wanted you to be on the edge, desperately begging for her to soothe the ache. "Mommy please" you whined hoping to finally distract her from her work. "Alright sweet girl, go and knell on the centre of the bed for mommy" was all she offered before chuckling about how you scampered off, so eager to please the older woman.
You completely stripped yourself down and adorned your instructed position. Leonora was a tease for sure, loved making you wait. The suspense and anticipation would drive you wild. The sound of the cane was the dead five away, "now now pet, I won't be going easy on you puppy" she murmured looking you up and down. "Mm I be good mommy please" you whimpered trying to rub your thighs together in a hope to ease the ache there. "That's what we like to hear pet, your training begins tonight puppy."
Leonora immediately settled on flittering around the room to find certain items. Even going as far as to enchant the strap on cocks and found a verity of sizes. Starting with the first size she stripped her clothing down, the confidence in her stride never faltering as she approached you. "Flat on your back puppy, head on those pillows" she demanded as you did so instantly, eyes drawn to the new appendage. "You like it pet?" She teased before showering your body with kisses and nips to her bare skin. "So fucking beautiful Puppy" she mumbled against your skin. Leo held your gaze as she teased your dripping cunt with the faux dick. "Such a pretty pussy darling, mommy wants to play with you, are you gonna take it like a good girl?"
"Yes mommy please" you whimpered before tears fell as the dick began to stretch your walls apart. "Mommy! Fuck god" you mewled. "Oh fuck pup you feel so good around me" Leo murmured happily, "so fucking tight, can't wait to stretch out this pretty fuck hole and filling it with my cum." You couldn't help but whimper and keep as she began to thrust into your soaking core. "Oh look at you taking me so well puppy, almost ready to size up" she murmured before kissing your neck. "Oh fuck want you to cum" you whimpered. "Who" was the only response she purred out. "Mommy want mommy to feel good pleaseeeeee" you begged desperately. "Fuck I will. Gonna fill you up puppy, gonna look so beautiful with my babies in side you" she panted as her thrusts began to slow.
The sting of her slipping from your slightly stretched hole was quickly replaced but her mouth latching onto your right breast. "Size two pup" she murmured before enchanting this strap on as well. "Mommy? I can't?" You whispered fear soaking your voice, "can't? Well then mommy will make you take her cock." The buck of your hips indicating just how much how you loved the idea. "Oh my dirty little puppy likes mommy making her thick cock fit? Into that pretty pussy" she purred, teasing your dripping folds with her cock. " oh fuck mommy more wanna be good Pup" you mewled. "Prove it then pup by shutting up and taking my dick in that slutty cunt of yours."
"Too big" you whimpered as she forced her way into your cunt. "Pretty puppy, mommy loves those beautiful tears" she murmured and latched onto your neck sucking at the pulse point there. "Oh fuck" you whimpered as it began to feel more pleasurable. "Mommy, please god I feel so full" you whimpered. "Pretty pup full already of my load" she panted before thrusting into you. Slowly gaining pace and force as you withered below her. "Good girl, good puppy" she praised and you continued to thrash and whine as you came time and time again around her. "So fucking warm and wet and so so tight, the want you to fill me up" you mumbled mindlessly. "Take it pup, take my seed, wanna make you pregnant puppy" she panted as she released her cum into your fluttering walls. "Fuck your walls are milking my cock for all it's got" she moaned happy as her thrusts began to fuck the cum deeper into your awaiting core.
As soon as she was satisfied with her job she slipped from your cunt, your hole gaping as your cum mixed with hers dripped from you. "Too full, too much mommy" you whined. You could feel the cum sloshing around your stomach. "Mmm no pup one more for mommy please" she begged which was a first time for you, hence why you gave in despite the full feeling. "No bigger mommy please" you whined and she gracefully complied, re enchanting the strap.
Leo said one more, but you'd lost count how many times you'd came around her and how many orgasms she'd forced from you. "Oh fuck no more, too much mommy hurts so good" you mewled as another spurt of white hot cum filled you up. Your belly appearing round with the amount of cum Leo had stuffed you with. "Good puppy, good girl for mommy" she praised slipping from your aching core.   Magic was certainly wonderful and you couldn't help but be grateful that it existed so that Leo could clean you up and immediately come and hold you. "You did so so well baby, so good for mommy, so pretty sweet girl get some sleep love" she murmured kissing your head sweetly.
Word count~ 1164
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scekrex · 4 months
Hi! I’ve been feeling pretty bad about being Queer a lot recently, (No idea why, probs just seasonal depression) not necessarily in a internalized Homophobia typa way (tho I guess I do have some of that and I have to thank being raised in the south for that ig) but more in a “Oh yeah… a large part of the world wants me to be dead” typa way. Especially this year as there’s going to be/have been a lot of milestones that have reminded me that my life is going to change a lot soon.
I honestly just want Adam to tell me everything’s gonna be fine, in his own Adam way, which definitely involves cursing, probably a lot of cursing, can’t be an Adam fic without it. Maybe some smooches, tho that could 100% just be my simping coming in LMAO.
Your fics honestly make my day whenever I read them and they’ve become my go-to source of serotonin for the day when I’m low. I also made this request mostly to say thank you for putting in so much effort towards your request. I love your work a lot and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 💜💜💜
I'm so sorry you feel that way and I really really hope this fic helps ya through it - even if it's just a little. I tried to let Adam act as much in character as possible while also making it fluff <3
And I know the weight of the world can't crush my chest
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, implied depressed!reader
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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Adam banged the door to your shared bedroom open which caused you to flinch and hold the blanket you had pulled over your head even tighter. “Rise and fucking shine, bitchboy,” his voice was loud, he wasn’t yelling, he was just speaking loudly to make sure you would hear him no matter if you were asleep or awake. “Leave,” you quietly responded, your voice was shaking and you sounded like you had been crying for a long time - which you hadn’t. But you were not doing well mentally and the least thing you needed in that moment was Adam telling you to simply suck it up and push through. You had been sucking shit up and you had been pushing through for so long and it only caused you to end up worse.
You felt how the mattress lowered as he sat down next to you. His hand came down to rest where he suspected your head to be, gently pulling the blanket away. The strength to fight against that, to yell at him to simply fuck off and leave you be was not within you anymore so you simply let it happen with a sigh. Why couldn’t he just listen to your words, why was he always doing the opposite of what you said? Was he trying to push your buttons? Well, that time it didn’t seem like it, because when you looked up at him concern reflected in his usually confident eyes. A thing that made you wonder if it was about to turn out differently from what you had thought. “Okay what the fuck crawled up your fucking ass and how the hell do I pull it out without fucking destroying you?” he asked dead serious and despite his weird way of wording it, he actually seemed worried - not only that, he had also offered you help. You had the chance to tell him how to help you.
There was just one tiny problem with that: you had no idea how he could help you - you didn’t even know how you were supposed to help yourself because you weren’t aware what the problem was to begin with. You knew that you felt down, that your body felt like there was no energy left inside of it to keep you going. You felt like sleeping all day and all night for the rest of forever, but that simply would not do. So you remained silent - why speak when you had nothing to say and the energy of your body was almost non existent? Adam sighed at the response he didn’t get and gently ran his hand through your hair - where all those gentle touches came from you didn’t know but you did know that you needed them more than anything. And that was why you leaned into his touch without hesitation. Your eyes fell shut and your body focused on Adam’s touch.
“There ain’t shit I can do, huh?” His voice was quieter now and you appreciate him lowering his voice a little very dearly. That was when the brunette pushed the blanket away entirely and just as you were about to complain about it he replaced it with his wings, pulled you close against his chest and kissed your head. “You fucking know that I have no freaking idea how to properly comfort your sad ass,” and while the way he phrased it would’ve caused others to think that he didn’t care at all, you knew better. It was simply how he talked, even during serious situations. It was his coping mechanism that you had learned throughout the years with him.
You wrapped your arms around the taller angel as you pressed your face against his chest, giving in to the urge to hide away from God’s eyes - from Heaven’s eyes. “Just stay,” you mumbled into the fabric of his shirt as you inhaled his scent deeply. He gave you comfort. The world could turn against you and yet Adam would stay, that was something you knew and that knowledge gave you the comfort you needed. And so did his body warmth, his scent, his presence, the touch of his feathered wings against your bare skin.
Adam sighed again, then he spoke up again, “Whatever the fuck you’re going through, you’re not alone, got that? I won’t fucking leave you to yourself to rot.” You smiled against his chest, placing a soft kiss onto the fabric that covered up his skin as a little thank you. A thank you you were unable to voice, afraid you’d fully fall apart. You didn’t want to cry, not when Adam was doing his best to make you feel better and though you knew you were allowed to cry, you swallowed the tears and simply embraced the comfort Adam was providing.
And for a single moment the world seemed to stop for the both of you and the weight on your shoulders felt less heavy.
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candiid-caniine · 4 months
I don't know how to be mean in a kink setting even though my partner wants me to be. help
hey buddy omg this was forever ago but i hope i can help in some way!!!
first of all, i'm sure you know yourself. if you're asking this, i hope it's because you've done some reflection and you know you *want* to do this, you just don't know *how*. if that's not the case--if you genuinely feel uncomfortable, not in a "I'm new and don't know where to start" way but rather in a "this doesn't feel right/like me/like something i'd enjoy" way, then i'd advise having an honest conversation with your partner about your limits. this will show you're genuinely wanting to communicate, that you've thought about it deeply, etc.
but if you're in the first camp, and you just don't know where to start, here's my advice.
my partner was sort of like this in the beginning and they still are, to a degree. they never know how much is too much; they've always been willing, but wary. so i do actually have some experience teaching my partner to be mean to me--that's the keyword tho: to *me.*
the absolute first step is establishing limits. the same word can mean something different to different people. to set this up, here are some different types of degradation or "meanness" in a kink setting:
Body: this one is very complex. tread carefully. some people enjoy having physical characteristics degraded. for others, it's a hard limit. the body exists even outside of sex, so things you say about it during sex may linger.
Behavior: this one tends to be safer. think "you're acting like such a slut right now," "I can tell you're pathetic because you whimper like a sad little puppy," etc. behavior degradation is best kept to things a person does during a scene, rather than calling on things they've done outside of it.
Intelligence: depends on the context. calling someone a "dumb mutt" is kind of where i tend to fall, but like behavior, this is best kept in reference to the scene itself, not calling someone a dumb slut because they forgot to put the milk away overnight yesterday.
Restriction: disallowing the other person to do something because you're in charge, because they misbehaved, or just because you want them to.
Direction: giving commands that are mean, like "don't look at me, dogs don't get to look at me."
Physical: acting in a mean way, touching in a mean way. edging, impact play, rough sex, etc.
so now we've defined some ways to be mean. here are some questions i'd recommend asking your partner to gauge their limits:
"When you fantasize about me being mean, are you imagining it verbally or physically?"
If verbally: "What attributes are off-limits to insults?" and "What degrading names are you okay with being called?" and "What degrading names are off-limits for you?"
If physically: "What do you imagine me doing to you?"
"Do you want me to be mean in general, or only in response to misbehavior?"
"Can you give me examples of things you would want me to say or do?"
"Can you give me examples of things you would NOT want me to say or do?"
once you've defined your limits, the only real way to figure this out is practice. i recommend that before starting a scene, you have a conversation about what you would like to try out for today. it can feel awkward or unnatural to talk it out so frankly, but it's really important, especially in the beginning. oh, and have a safeword; always have a safeword. sometimes you think you're okay with something, but then it happens in a scene, and either you or your partner feel it in a way that isn't fun or feels unsafe.
tips for first-time tryouts in a scene:
embrace awkwardness. you're probably gonna feel dumb when you say "now kneel for me like a good little slut." be ready to laugh, and try to laugh together.
if the awkwardness persists, try to imagine what it's like for your partner to have their dreams fulfilled. you're doing that! YOU! that should rightly make you feel so fucking sexy and powerful, right? when they're on their knees looking up at you, and you say the phrase that gets their face flushed and their body singing, they are living their fucking dream. you are SO hot to them. so hype yourself up. you are, or can be, a big sexy dom in their eyes, and realizing that will help you feel more comfortable in the persona.
weird one, but: ask your partner to reassure you. knowing what to say and *feeling* like you can be commanding and mean are two different things.
talk through it afterwards. so, so important. talk about what you liked and didn't like. set a goal for next time, or decide together not to repeat something you tried.
be honest about your feelings. being mean can make you feel really guilty, no matter how much your partner is enjoying it. apologize if you need to, and then try to internalize it when they remind you it's what they want and they're okay. post-scene drop isn't something that only subs experience: doms can experience it too, dealing with feelings of guilt, shame, or dissociation after scenes, so it's really important that you set a goal of strong communication as you take this step.
most vitally: have fun. if it's not fun, don't do it again. if it doesn't work for you, it's better to be upfront about it than to try and play along for the sake of your partner. there may be other ways you can be mean, or explore dominance in your relationship; saying no to one thing doesn't mean saying no to everything.
I hope this helped, or at least gave you some starting points! have fun!!!
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HELLO!! hi uh can I request something? I see you have it open so..... Could do some Genshin impact x reader, how they would react if s/o prank them by saying she was pregnant?? Of Scaramouche, Childe, Venti, Xiao, Aether Diluc, Albedo, .....plz
you also don't have to do all of them! But i would really want Scaramouche if possible?
hope you have a wonderful day/night <3
Hello!! YES!! of course, i'll do them all don't worry! like said, i'll literally write anything..... Okay so....uhh...yea some may be longer then others.
I see that you have DMed me that you wanted some drama on some....i'll try and if you don't like it tell me so that i can make it better!! it will not hurt my feelings.
T/w: Cursing, some sexual themed stuff...not too bad actually.
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Okay....so first off is how the hell did you even get in a relationship with this narcissistic ass-
you planned this prank with Childe cuz you both epic 😎 sorry I meant only you are epic. You slowly walked over to Scaramouche as he was getting ready to leave (cuz he had some important stuff to take care of🫠) "Scara!"
You called out to your partner as he only gave a side glare before responding with an irritated tone "What now?" you smiled and looked down trying not to laugh as you pretended to be shy.....wait you actually were but still you continued. "i....I'm....uhh.....remember two weeks ago we had.......uhh-" He interrupted you with a eyebrow raised
"Sex? yeah, I remember. Now hurry up, what about it?I have to go soon." 'OMG He's blunt!!' you thought to yourself, meanwhile Childe in the background being ignored. "Y-Yeah..."
"Yeah?" he repeated but he looked away this time because he was losing interest in the conversation. "I'm pregnant...and your the father"....silence was in the air, he even stooped moving well until he turned his head to the side to look you in the eye.
"Well no shit i'll be the father unless you're cheating on me? but I highly doubt that...because if you did you'll only have a chance with Childe..bwahaha your kid would be dumber then a rock let alone-" You cut him off before he went on a complete different subject.
"So i'm keeping it" his glare got even more angrier not only did you interrupt him....but you are now pregnant and he doesn't want it "Then you can leave, I don't want anything to do with that baby of yours, goodbye-"
With that he started to walk away, surprised but not really because you kinda expected him to respond like that. "It's a prank you dumbass!!"
"Well then you can stay." He said not looking back but a tiny part of him kinda did want you to be pregnant....seeing you all plumped up with the baby he put in you knowing he did a damn good job at it too, just made him a little 😏 he may have a breeding kink and also a get the fuck out and don't pay child support kink too 😭
----------- next----------------------------------------------------------<3-
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He was out in about saving the traveler from Zhongli spending all their mora but as he was once again done with him randomly appearing and disappearing from the traveler he sat near the edge of a rock looking down at Liyue, you slowly came behind him and took a seat next to him. He glanced over before looking back down at Liyue. "Um..I have something to tell you" you stared, he gave a hmm sound as a response which you took the opportunity to go on with your prank. "I'm...I'm pregnant..." he froze as if he had seen a ghost, slowly he turned his head to you "You're telling the truth right?" You smiled and responded with a yes wanting to see what he'll say.
He lips curved into a big smile before he got up and pulled you with him, spinning you in the air not to harsh tho (gently) before softly placing you down and giving a BIG hug (then a small kiss, lol) "I'm so happy to hear that!! I wonder what we are gonna name them??!! Is it a girl?? a boy?? Will they look like me?? or you?? Oh I hope if they are a girl they look like you!! and if they are a bo-" You had to stop him from continuing (cuz it was too far now lol) and blurted the first words that came out of your mouth "It's not yours....." he stopped almost immediately.
You just then realized what you have said and tried to talk before he so rudely left you 🤓 later that day you found him trying to pick a fight with Scaramouche saying why he got u pregnant, Scaramouche was super annoyed and didn't really give a flying damn what he was saying but remember kids...he's an ass so he played along
"So what? you got so worked up for a girl who wasn't even faithful to you and now you're mad at me all cuz s/o liked me better...you had all the chances to make that child yours or is my seed better then yours too?" LMAO anywho Childe, he saw you and glared as he left once again. Scaramouche glared at you and also left (uhh yeah he likes you now....but you got a traumatized Childe 🩷) You ended up finding Childe sitting in a dark ally (LOL) "Get over it! It was a damn prank!!"
"How can I know that for sure" You looked at him and sighed. "You can wait 9 mouth and see that no baby and no baby bump?" He looked at you and said "nah...I'm gonna prove my seed is better!!" You backed away as he started to get up and run to you (YUP have fun!!)
...........----------.............------------.........----0-0.......(0_0)/ ----------------
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He was up at dragonspine doing some weird shit you were just sitting there watching him and also planning something....yes planning something but not alone!
Klee was there right next to you! (LOL) anywho you got the courage to go up and do it with Klee as your support. "We have important news!" Klee says before you take over seeing as Albedo looked at both of you before looking back at his projects "Well it's good news for us all.....i'm pregnant!"
you said with a big smile and Klee was jumping saying she was so happy that she was gonna be a big sister (Cute) he stooped his movement exactly what you wanted but what happened next you did not expect.
"Oh so you do know? huh strange...I was able to find out easily but still...how? I was sure I couldn't impregnate you but I did...(he looked your way and smiled) I'm extremely happy" Shock....that was all.....you...were actually...pregnant?!
on cue both you and Klee screamed "WHAT!?" he laughed.
"What did you think I was working on? I did take some blood samples and stuff because I was shock that you were pregnant, at first I thought you may have cheated on me but I know you wouldn't....i'll run more tests once the baby is born"
Still in shock you nodded but you were somewhat happy to hear that...finally your guys family will have another member! He ended up asking you a lot of questions but not too much so you don't stress out, but once the baby was born (It was a boy 🫶lol)
you named him (son's name) he had Albedo's eyes and your hair and a fair mix between yours and his skin, the baby had his nose and your lips (CUTE) Albedo ran one more test but on the baby, you and him and there it was....his DNA was flowing in (son's name) Some tears fell down his face(Happy btw) he was so happy yet surprised but he still doesn't know how it happened....maybe you guys are just destined to be (FR)
(does he have DNA...yes..)
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Aether just came back from one of his missions and he planned to cook something for Paimon and you (and of course himself) You and Paimon where sitting together under a tree and talking as Aether was cooking and a thought popped in your head as you gasped (So did Paimon)
"Did you just think what I thought?" you said looking at Paimon she smiled and responded "To prank Aether!-" She yelled you covered her mouth as Aether turned around seeing as he heard his name be called out "Yeah?" "Oh nothing, go on keep cooking! it smells delicious😅"
he smiled awkwardly and went back to cooking. You turned back to Paimon, "Keep it down or i'll turn you into emergency food right now!!" You whisper yelled as you remove your hand from her mouth. "You're so mean🤧" she pouted, You laughed a little as you continued. "Okay, I was thinking on pranking him by saying I'm pregnant? what do you think about it?" she didn't look satisfied with that.
"Hmm it doesn't sound like a good prank...it sounds lame" She said crossing her arms, but you knew she'd react like this so you smirked and said. "Well look at it this way, If he believes me we would get more delicious food, and you like food right?? so..." she looked up to think then looked back at you. "Okay but I wanna chose the food!" "Okay"
You said as you laughed. Getting up from the floor you headed to your boyfriend and tapped his shoulder, he looked at you with a confused face.
"I have something to tell you" You said as you tried to look more serious, he saw that and stood up straight as he faced you completely seeing as you had something important to say "..I'm...pregnant...and you're the father.." Shock took over, he was frozen with his mouth a gap and staring at you as if you had just vanished. "Aether?....You there-?"
"You're pregnant??!!" he randomly shouted still pretty shocked, you wanting to continue this so you responded. "Yes" He closes his eyes for a bit as he put his head down a bit and put his hand on his chin in a thinking position.
Aether took his sweet time thinking about something when out of nowhere he says
"Then who's the father?" You were token aback but answered nonetheless. "You, who else would be the father?...I already told you" He looked at you straight in the eyes.
"But we hadn't had...intercourse for a while now....and I mean like a couple of mouths.....you couldn't have just found out now without it already being visible....and you don't look pregnant....yet" Shit you should have thought this threw!!!!!
"I...uh.....umm...we did...you were just....drunk! yeah you were drunk" "Hmmm I don't recall being drunk or even having any...?.....are...you..cheating on me?" Welp guess you had to tell him now.....or he would think you were unfaithful to him🤦 should have thought this plan threw.
"Okay looks like you caught me, this was suppose to be a joke that I trick you that i'm pregnant but I didn't think it threw. Plus I would never cheat!" He laughs awkwardly "Well uhh that good to hear that you didn't cheat.....but I think it would be nice to have a mini us😁...Would you like to tr-"
"Oh no look!!! the FOOD!!!" Paimon says as the pot of food overflows and burns into the fire below. "Noooo My food!!!😭" You cried out with Paimon as Aether tried to fix it, a little part of him might wanna spend more time with you in a different way 😏 so that next time you tell him it won't have to be a prank nor will he think you cheated (He wouldn't truly believe that you would cheat on him tho)
------------> \(C_C)/ <----------------> <----> <-------> <----------> <------>
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You where walking Venti home after his drinking party when you suddenly came up with an idea. The Idea was that you were going to tell him that you have became pregnant and that you would like if he could spend more time with you as well with try and not spend all your mora on wine!! like sure he could still drink it but not literally get you in debt!!!.
You got inside your home as Venti kept hiccuping talking random stuff, you laid him down on the couch and went to get a glass of water and went back to set it on the coffee table that was next to the couch that he was laid on. "Venti...I have to tell you something important and that is that I am....Pregnant.."
right as you said that the whole room fell silent, even his hiccups stopped as if he got scared (LOL) "Is that true, love..." that was what broke the silence you nodded as you looked down at the glass of water on the table. "I'M SO HAPPY!!!! COME HERE!!" He said as he ran to you and wrapped his arms around you tight but gentle.
you kinda felt bad that this was a prank but you went along with it......little did you know that you were gonna actually be pregnant (LOL) I mean once you found out as your tummy (Yes I used tummy...It's cute, lol) was getting bigger and you where feeling sick as well kicks from inside.
Venti was over the moon and would not stop talking to them and would always want to have his hand on your stomach because it makes him feel happy .. but before you knew you were pregnant you ended up telling Venti right after he was done hugging you that it was a prank.
His smile left so fast but he managed to smile again as an idea popped in his head.....yeah that's why you later found out you were pregnant.....he def did that nasty with ya (LOL😅)
-------------(^o^)--r ' ' ' <-----------------------------------> <------------->
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Diluc was about finished with drying some of the wine glasses and you were getting bored, well that was until Kaeya came up with a stupid prank (🤡) The prank was that you tell Diluc that you were pregnant but he wasn't the father but instead it was Kaeya.
(Stupid right) Well you decided to do it and the fact that you guys have been doing the nasty a bit more often (Idk why..make a reason why) which made it much more likely for you to be pregnant ...right? Well anyway you called Diluc over and started the prank as Kaeya watched from a bit away.
"I have something important to tell you...." Diluc looked your way as he placed a wine glass down and made eye contact giving you his full attention to you.
"Well, to put it out bluntly...i'm pregnant..." you said taking a quick look at Kaeya to which he moved his hand in a swaying way gesturing for you to continue on with the prank, you looked back at Diluc who was wide eyed and frozen like a statue. "When did...you find out?..." Diluc's voice was soft and quite.
"Not to long ago.....but there something else that you need to know....." Kaeya smirking in the background waiting patently for the surprise, Diluc raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms looking at you and completely forgetting his brothers presence. He was a bit shocked but he had to have seen it coming from all the intimacy you guys have been doing but you had something else to say...did you not want the unborn child?
Did you want to leave him and keep the child?....Or.......was the child.....not his.
That was something he did not want, nor did he want to lose you, of course he'd respect your decisions about the child but....."You are not the father.."
Those words seem to replay over a thousand times in his head before anger took over then sadness. "th-then who is" He forced himself to ask a question he might have not wanted to know..but still he feels like he has some rights to know..right?
You looked over at Kaeya once more not really wanting to continue, all he did was smile and wave you to continue. "....it's someone you know....." You wanted to just get it over with but you couldn't say his name. Diluc was now anxious, it was someone he knew...but who would do something like that- "Someone I know...who?" He asked again this time wanting the answer clear and hoping that it was just a prank...tho he would scold you about this one if it was a prank(which it is) "It's.....Kaeya..."
Diluc was angry but did not show it, he didn't want to do anything in front of you but.....it was a bad time for Kaeya to be right behind him. He turned and was met with a smirking Kaeya (Btw background, they both liked you and ended up competing for your love and you ended up choosing Diluc) Diluc stared at him for a while before he said. "Step outside....we need to talk..."
was all he said before he started to head to the doors but before he got outside you grabbed his arm and told him the truth. "HAHA you fell for it!! I'm not pregnant and I wouldn't cheat on you with some one eye'd flirt boy!! how rude of you to think i'll go out with him!😅" You said trying to sound happy funny tone, you saw that Diluc let out a sigh of relief.
He was happy to know that it was just a prank but he ended up telling you how that wasn't very funny and whoever came up with it must have been as dumb as Kaeya (Oh wait..it was Kaeya...no hate to him, lol)
Oh yeah Kaeya def got offended by the nickname you gave him.
<----------> <--------->(~_~;)/no good <-------> <--------> <----------> <-->
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You were cooking one of your boyfriends favorite foods and you were also thinking on how to prank him, something that would make him shocked and hopefully not angry. As you grabbed a plate to put the food in an idea popped in your head as you said "Perfect".
How about you prank him by faking that you're pregnant, smirking at your prank you quickly made a plate of the food and sat it down on the table. After setting the plate of food down you walked over to the balcony that overlooked Liyue, breathing in the fresh air you softly smiled before you spoke his name.
"Xiao you little bitc-" (JK u just called his name🙏) after you said that only moments later he arrived right in front of you, he just stared at you for a bit before he smelled the food, you noticed that and said. "Oh yeah I cooked some of your favorite....it's on the table"
He nodded and started to head in you fallowed behind him. His eyes lit up once he saw what you had made for him, he sat down and thanked you before he started eating.
"I have something to tell you......i'm pregnant.."
He stopped eating and almost chocked, his eyes wide and his mouth full of food. He slightly looked over at you before he chewed the food in his mouth and swallowed it. "what do you mean?..."
you smiled seeing as your plan is working out, you went over to him and grabbed one of his hands and placed it on you stomach and placing yours on top of his, a slight shade of red covered his face...."I...I...I have to go.."
he said before he vanished....surprised and kinda disappointed that you didn't even get to say sike and that it was all a prank.....You sighed walking back to the balcony.
"It was a prank....i'm not pregna-" he reappeared but this time he just picked you up and took you to your shared bedroom........UM!!!....yes he was kinda disappointed that you were lying but he was also kinda token aback and didn't know if he was ready or not, he didn't want anything bad to happen to you and the baby if you were pregnant......but now he made his mind up 😏..(yes and quick)
----------------------------------------(UvU)// yay--------------------------
YESIR PLZ you were the first person to ask!!😭 THANK YOU!!! SO MUCH!! I'll literally write anything 😎
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asimpforthe80s · 10 months
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"I Really Miss You, Baby"
Starring: Eddie Munson and Y/N
Warnings: slight begging, mutual masturbation, slight angst? Tell me if I missed anything!
A/N: Mariah, I dunno if this meets your expectations but I tried, okay? Have a good day, angel!
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The two of you had unfortunately been separated because of the Chrissy incident. Since Eddie couldn't risk being seen, you talked together on your walkie-talkies. But Eddie had a little.. problem.. so now, you were touching yourself to him stroking himself in the boathouse, where he hid. "Eddie.." you panted as you teased your clit. You wanted to see him so badly. To suck that magnificent cock of his. But you couldn't. The risk was too high.
"Yeah, baby?" He groaned into the walkie-talkie as he stroked his cock at a rapid pace.
You were both in a hazy state of mind at the moment.
The only thing that could be heard was your mutual panting, moaning, and whimpering, which made it easier for both of you to get off.
"I love you.. so- so fucking m-much.." the tone in your whiney voice made it clear to him that you were close, and so was he.
He groaned a small 'yeah, me too' as he started stroking himself even faster. You could hear the slick sounds coming from the other line, and it made you even wetter as you pumped your fingers in and out of yourself.
"S-so close, eds..!" You warned and kept fucking yourself, he just groaned in response.
Soon, you were both cumming and moaning each other's names.
Soon, Eddie whispered a small 'fuck' into the walkie-talkie and turned it off, it scared you a little as you thought the cops had found him.
"Eddie?" You whispered back. No response was to be heard, unfortunately. After about twenty minutes of silence, Eddie was in the clear, so he turned his walkie back on.
"I'm back, sweetheart.. don't worry, I'm okay.. are you okay?"
Eddie sounded concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine.. are you sure you're okay?.." You were really concerned about him. You had to know that he was okay. "Yeah.. yeah, I'm okay.. are you still there? Did you.. have a good time?"
Eddie was blushing hard. "Pft.. yeah.. even tho we are apart, we can still fuck.. and that's weird, but I like it." You answered with a small break. "But I'd rather have the real thing instead of my small fingers.." you complained. "Yeah.. me too.. but, you know we can't risk it.. yet.. I wanna wait until I know it's safe.."
Eddie sighed. He was really craving you. "Yeah.. we can't risk you getting in jail.. I can't lose you completely.." You agreed with a slightly sad tone in your voice. You missed each other, no doubt in that. ".. I really miss you, baby.. more than you think.."
Eddie groaned. "I know, eds.. me too.." you sighed. ".. I wish you were here right now.. so I could hold you.. kiss and caress you all over.. and make love to you all night.."
Eddie moaned. "Mh.. You still horny, huh?" You teased. "Extremely.." he chuckled.
"Are you?" You whined slightly. "Very.. we gotta clear your name soon so we can fuck, I swear to god.."
"Yeah, we do.. I'm so desperate to be with you again.. it's driving me crazy!"
Eddie sounded desperate now. "That's mutual, to say the least.."
"This may sound corny.. but I need you.. I need you.." You moaned a little at his words. You needed him just as badly. "Fuck, Eddie.. need you too.. can't take this.."
"I just.. I need you with me.." Eddie groaned. You nodded and quickly came to realize he couldn't see that. "Need to be in your arms.. promise me that you'll make me scream your damn name the whole night when we can see each other again.. please?" You begged him. "Yeah, I promise.. I'll make you scream all night. We're gonna make up for lost time, my little pumpkin.."
Eddie chuckled. "Promise..?" You whimpered, your need for him growing insanely bigger. "... Yeah, I promise.. I promise I'm gonna make you scream all night, like you asked for."
Eddie's tone shifted slightly. "It's getting late.. I love you, okay?.." you whispered and covered yourself with your blankets. "Love you too.. sleep tight, my pumpkin. I'll talk to you tomorrow.. okay?"
Eddie was clearly very tired. "Mhm.." You hugged the stuffed animal he had won for you tightly. Eddie ended the call and turned his walkie off. Eddie lay in the boat house, trying to fall asleep. He stared up at the ceilings and thought about his love, his little pumpkin..
"I just need her in my arms.. I need her to hold me.."
He sighed. And thoughts of you filled his mind as he fell asleep in the old boat, tears slowly flowing his brown eyes.
Tag list: @reidsbtch
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cato616 · 1 year
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notee: am i exaggerating for doing so many parts? cuz they're not that long lol i just want to post them as fast as I can my badd 😣
summary: you're trying to figure out how to fix things with roman, one thing for sure, you don't want to become big red hulk at him again, although, it does feel you got swallowed by sadness, and not because of roman specifically.
content/warning: a combination of angst and fluff, emotional crisis, coping with the moral, every day struggles?
Full sunshine once again. You feel it hitting your face; you slowly begin to open your eyes although is hard knowing that the sun is blocking your sight. You lift yourself up and stayed sitting on top of your bed.
You didn't wake up the whole night, you slept through the pain you felt from yesterday. You looked around you; it looked a bit messy. You felt quite numb, the sunshine tho, the sunshine was good for you, really sunny day fortunately.
You decided to get out of bed, you couldn't stay there any longer. Every step you made from your morning routine, decided to do them very slowly. Put on some nice music to lift your spirit up, while brushing your teeth, have breakfast and then finally changing clothes.
You leave your place, at last, and bravely now going to work. You take the subway, full of people today; sadly though, you start to think again.
i hurt him
it wasn't that bad, or was it
hope he's okay
am i allowed to care about him? why wouldn't I?
i feel like they can hear my thoughts- 'You have arrived to the next stop, please mind the gap'
You walk out of the subway station and head to the coffee shop.
"Hey!" You see someone making signals from a distance, and it's Liza trying to waive you from a far, from the café. You finally get closer to her right outside the shop. "Hey, shit y/n what happened? you're never late, thank god you give spares keys, if not, i couldn't have open up the café." Liza seemed like agitated, kinda worried. "yeah sorry Liza i didn't give a heads up" You were so sad that you kept on looking down like a sad puppy. "hey, so tell me, what happened..." Liza asked a bit distressed. "Something... weird, and hard to explain i-" you paused for a second, wasn't sure if you should tell the whole thing or not, didn't want an opinion, just wanted someone to tell you that you were not crazy and it was all gonna be okay; still, you didn't know if Liza was going to give you the answer you wanted or not so, "never mind, but yes, something came up that made me feel very down today, can't think completely straight." you decided to not tell the whole truth. "hey hun, I'm sure it will pass, it will go away, if you want me to promise, I'll promise you." Liza gives a warm hearted response. "long story short, i hate... society? I hate the world, i can't escape my mind." However you do speak part of your truth about it out loud to her. "amen to that" she chuckles a bit, and now you with here, by finally smiling to each other out of comfort. "but seriously, I'm here for you" You shrug then smile at her while nodding. "i know liza, thanks. Now let's get back to work." You added by then smirking.
Working at your café is the only thing that it could keep your mind distracted for a while. But i guess, it didn't last that long. "yeah sure we have that cake would you like that with-" While you were taking the order, you hear your little doorbell making the sound that someone came in, so you turn your head to take a glimpse. "hey... um, i don't know." Roman showed up to your café, and you were taken by surprise, you didn't know how to react, if either happy or angry; on the other hand, roman seemed really tensed. You looked over him, words can't come out of your mouth, you slightly turn to your costumers, "of course, your order will come up now." You smile at them and then shifting your eyes back to roman, you try to avoid him, and honestly you had work to do, so you kept on doing your job; deep down, you wanted to talk to him. "i know you don't want to see me right now but-" i did, i did want to see you, you think, but your face was still neutral, keep on taking orders and such, like if he's not there. "-but i was wondering if we could, talk." After he said that, you turned your whole body to him, didn't know what face to put, what was he going to interpret based on it. "We can" You speak to him finally, still very serious. "after my shift" you clarify. He doesn't says anything, he just nods.
Your shift has ended now, and roman has been waiting all this long. You both sit at a table there on a corner, to get a bit of more privacy. You didn't start to talk, he took the initiative.
"So... um" you sensed his voice was breaking for a split second, and couldn't help but to frown a little bit. oh roman. He then clears his voice and stars to talk again, couldn't look at you that long tho. "So, i know that last night, was not, right... i made a mistake, and honestly, that kind of situation happened to me, before um... yeah basically there's something wrong with me" He chuckles. "Dad said I'm disgusting, frankly, everyone thinks I'm disgusting, and now you do as well, and i get it...." he takes a big breath, while looking down at the coffee he ordered. "if I'm being honest, i don't know why I'm like that, it's not like i do it purposely, or maybe i do, i don't know" He didn't say anything more after that; you were completely unsettled by his speech, in shock almost, you felt really bad, your eyes were practically wide open, as well as your mouth, trying to found the right words, but he suddenly cuts off and fired up again.
"And i think you were probably wondering why am I telling you this... The people that i know that as far as I know care about me, is my family, but other than that, ugh, bad reputation i guess... but you, you said once that you didn't hate me, and maybe i got, too excited by that i believe" Still can't make any eye contact. "And it's been a while since I heard someone saying that they didn't want me to be burned alive" he chuckles once again. "And possibly, while you, not being part of anything corporate as i know it, made me feel at ease, so i think that's why I get carried away with you... like now, taking about fucking... feelings" he smirks. "yeah, i do strangely like you, and not!... not like last night, nothing like that." He looks at your eyes. "i like like you..." he grins at the situation and laugh trying not to making awkward. "Jesus i feel like im in middle fucking school" he smiles, but anxious to hear your response.
You're now realizing how pretty his eyes get when the some sunshine would get on his face, you were mesmerized. However, no words were coming out of your mouth, you didn't believe this kind of confessionary; it was too much for you, you didn't know why, you hate the fact you were like this. You could see he was getting a bit heartbroken, you didn't want to hurt him.
Something like this happened before.
Your friend, best friend, the one you had your same dreams, like the café; the one you shared everything with... everything, everything, everything... everything was too much at times, it didn't do well with her.
So now you're stuck on a trauma, can't tell everything
You were moveless. blank mind, although there was some words that wanted to get out, i like you too. But it didn't. He didn't look that happy, hidden with a fake smile, he tried tho, but it looked like he would tear up again.
"Okay, fair, but you know, i don't give up easily, that's... daddy trauma, trying to make him proud and blah blah blah, but i am ironically not joking" he laughs, by then smacking his lips to make his proposal. "i want to... invite you, to a party my brother Connor's doing to celebrate, i don't know something s-stupid about politics but, I'm hoping i will see you there."
You stared at him, in complete silence. At of nowhere he stretched out his hand to you, remembering that time you awkwardly tried to stretched out his, and there he was, waiting for your response. "... please" he whispered. And so you you stretched your hand; your fingers touched each other skins, and you wanted this moment to last forever. He takes his hands back while standing up and makes you zone back in to reality.
"i will be waiting for you, at the party" He always pauses to wait for a response but you don't give what he wants still. He nods understanding your position; you were feeling strained. He didn't leave just yet, he was still standing next to you, and you were feeling shameful looking down at the table, then you see, his hand, his fingers slightly touching the wood, near you; it's like a non-verbal and non-physical way to say goodbye if he doesn't see you later that day at the party.
He wanted to hug you at most, and so did you. He takes his hand back again, he exhales through his noise quite loudly. "uuh, bye... yeah." He finally leaves; you inhale a big chunk of air and then exhale through your mouth, slowly. What a rollercoaster. But now, you know what to do, you're definitely going to that party.
I don't hate you roman, I'll be there, i promise.
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happy new year kat! ✨ I'm here to ask you some fun questions from the writer goal ask list ☺️
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
hello!! happy new year!! :3 i hope you're having a good holiday 🥰
send me some writer asks!
💖 what is your primary writing goal for this year?
probably to write and publish this mafia fic! i have some key scenes plotted/written out so hopefully i can actually churn out this fic at some point in time i do have a few other WIPs but i'm hesitant to set a goal for those until i get this mafia fic done uwu
🥸 does anyone in irl know you write fanfic or original fiction? if not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
yea i'm pretty open about it LMAO i used to not be, and then i kinda realized that if they're gonna be judgey about it, i dont really want them in my life, and just got sick of keeping up a facade for irls. not everyone knows that i write smut tho lololol
💥is there a chapter, scene, or wip you're most excited to write? share a snippet or tell us about it!
*digs thru mafia fic to find something that doesn't give away spoilers* here's a lil scene that made me 💦 while writing it
“Care to explain yourself?” Levi finally broke the silence as he frowned at you. In truth, he knew why you were there and who you worked for, but he wanted to hear it from you. Although he knew that the information that Eld had dug up on you was undoubtedly true, there was a small part of him that hoped for a simpler explanation. “Explain what?” you scolded, looking directly into his silvery eyes. “I think you’re the one that needs to do the explaining. Why the hell are you chasing me around?” “Why the hell did you feel the need to run?” he retorted. You fell silent, knowing that Levi had a point. You didn’t have a good way to explain why you had to run without revealing the truth. You were trying to leave the vicinity after sneaking the toxin into Dimo’s drink. You could have simply told Levi that you had to leave, but the fact that you broke out into a sprint to get away from him meant that you were purposefully trying to get away. Levi was clouding your judgment. On any other day, you’d talk your way out of the situation, only resorting to running in life or death situations.  He scoffed upon seeing that you couldn’t come up with a good response, taking a step back before leaning forward towards you again. You shivered as you felt his lips brush up against your ear. “I know you poisoned Dimo Reeves’ drink,” he whispered into your ear and you felt your blood run cold upon realizing that he knew what you were there for all along. “Needless to say, your little assassination attempt didn’t go as planned.” You opened your mouth with your mind going at a million miles an hour to try to come up with a way to deny his accusations, although they were undoubtedly true. “You’re from [reader's organization that I don't have a name for yet], aren’t you?” he asked without giving you a chance to respond.  You were frozen in shock as you listened to Levi list off your first and last name and your position as an assassin for [reader's organization]. “Don’t ask me how I know,” he mumbled before stepping back so that he could look into your eyes directly again, “but I do.” You were much too aware of how he felt against you right now. That, plus the anxiety creeping into your body from realizing that he knew who you were all along, made it next to impossible for you to think.
spoiler alert, the next chapter opens up with him interrogating you by eating you out and not letting you finish until you confess (✿◡‿◡)
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tw- family problems, parental issues,fighting, relationship problems (i think)
seeking- advice, vent
(sorry for any typos) also, can this be tagged as flower anon tyy:)
my whole life my dad has treated my mom terribly i didn’t realize it wasnt normal when i was little, as i’ve gotten older i’ve been realizing how terrible he treats everyone around him especially my mom. my eyes have recently been opening to his true character and i wont go into detail but i feel so guilty that im resenting him cause he can be so nice sometimes but even that is following by something negative. but i dont wanna make this about that cause its about how he treats my mom.
when i was younger they would fight all the time and even still hes always the one to start it. all he does is complain about everything yet does nothing about whatever it is he’s complaining about. he has my mom do his laundry, make his dinner, fold his clothes, make his bed, all of it. by the way my mom has her own job which shes in a lot of pain at the end of the day cause of it and she has to come home to his bs. if she doesnt have his dinner done he freaks out and guilt trips by saying how hes gonna go to bed without eating, when they eat out almost every night so he can easily order food himself or go pick it up. even if he wants her to make home-cooked food for dinner if shes at work, literally doing her job he’ll complain about it and make her feel bad.
he makes her pay rent even tho her hours have got cut so she doesnt make as much any more and he can absolutely afford the whole rent himself. he has literally gone to her job and yelled at her before and now she doesnt want to get another job cause she knows hes gonna go to the boss there and tell him what time she can and cant work.
he polices everything she does if she gets a package he pesters her about whats in it, she leaves the house he pesters her about that. just today she was literally at his parents house (something he never does) and got mad at her for being gone??? its unbelievable. this is all only the icing on the cake. i remember one time me and my mom were going to get something to eat and he yelled at her before we left and when we were in the car she said to me “when you marry, marry someone who will let you be yourself” and it just broke my heart:( she deserves so much better and i just dont know how to help. i want to get a job to help her with money but i have severe social anxiety and also no school or work credits to do so but hopefully once i get my GED ill be able to do something with that. but im no sure what to do. i want to help her so bad but i have no idea how. theres so much more to all of this but im not sure how to tw it 100% correctly so i dont want to say too much, but if there’s any advice you have for this situation it would be really appreciated 🥲 thank you so much for your time!
Hi anon,
It's understandable why you feel guilty for resenting your dad even though sometimes he can be sweet or well-mannered. But it's important to honor why you feel resentment and not necessarily let your dad's good behavior make you feel like you can't be upset about how he has behaved in the past. Sometimes people intentionally behave well to minimize the impact of their bad behavior and make others feel like they have no right to complain. But it's also possible that good behavior is a sign of learning from past mistakes, but even still, it's natural and okay to feel complex emotions about that shift.
It sounds like your dad puts full responsibility on your mom, both productive and reproductive labor, to the point that he acts as if he is completely dependent on your mom fulfilling unreasonable expectations. It makes sense why your mom seems to be constantly driven to a breaking point - because she is carrying the entire weight of the relationship, and more.
It sounds like the best thing for your mom is to get away from your dad, but of course it's not simple or easy. I don't know where she is located but she could potentially consider looking into nearby domestic violence shelters as they can offer a safe place to stay while she comes up with a plan to live independently.
If anyone has any other comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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