#that's just asking for your kid to develop scrupulosity like omg
billowyy · 7 months
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds - s01e02 Compulsion - review.
Episode 02 – Compulsion
Here we go again.
So last episode ended with a cliffhanger of a closeup of Mandy’s expressive eyes just as he was about to be shot by a creepy stutterer. Let’s see how this develops.
Ha, they just reviewed everything that was relevant last episode just like I did in my head. Love this.
Mandy look behind you!!!!
Wow, I’m sorry, I know it’s awful of me, but I’m honestly impatient and can’t wait to hear this guy talk … ugh. I mean, I feel bad for him, it’s probably beyond frustrating to try and get out a sentence and for people to understand what you meant to say. Poor thing. But why resort to killing?
How the fuck can Gideon know why the guy stuttered?
Wow, Gideon, you little bitch! Why the fuck won’t you just tell Elle why the footpath killer stuttered?
Check. Check in three moves. What? So let me get this straight, Gideon is smarter than Reid in chess? Impossible!
Think outside the box. Hmm.
Hello, JJ. You’re cute. I’m gonna keep my eye on you, sweetie. I love her.
Fires. Oh god. This is gonna be hard on me. I hate burns.
Wait, why are those morons documenting the fire? Did they even have camera phones in 2005? Wow. I was out of it.
Ok, sweetie, if it smells like gas you have to get out of there. Ok? Just, get out!
Ooh, extensive intro clip this time. Yay!!!! I love my superhero team so much.
Einstein: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world.” Wow, that’s deep.
And oh my goodness Shemar’s fingers working that keyboard should not turn me on that much.
We’re going to Arizona, we’re going back college … oh boy. Should be interesting.
“Try not to look official.” Elle, Morgan and Hotch are in suits, how the fuck is that not official enough? Com eon, the most undercover kid there is Reid. I just laughed myself silly over here.
“Try to look less official.” Oh I love this writing team.
Black woman in charge of a college in Arizona. So much respect here, love it.
Pyromania. New word. I get it, I just never encountered it before.
Comparing people to chess pieces. Nice.
Aww Morgan is walking through the unsub’s paces again. I love it so much. He’s so expressive and relatable. I’m in love, honestly. I don’t care he’s well above 40 now.
OK Elle just described Reid as a potential arsonist, hahaha so not funny…. You can’t say for sure arsonists are psychos.
Aww Gideon is my hero for evacuating everyone. I love him so much.
They just set a professor on fire. What? Why would they do that? (my dad is in the profession, kind of personal here)
Run, Shemar, run!
Yay, time for FBI-style paparazzi
What? He knows how the guy did it? Why the hell would he come up to her like that?
Get off from fire? Ugh.
Yay, time for exploring the green screen that’s supposed to be the scene!!!! Like I said, I love this part.
Ok, lighting a lighter shouldn’t be hot, but when Shemar does it, it is, and it’s not fair.
Lighting fire, bed wetting and cruelty to animals is a triad of a profile of an arsonist? Ugh.
Haha Gideon showing his FBI ID to the campus patrol. Funny. Also, it creeps me out whenever they describe the guy’s situation and they’re not expecting it.
Wait, they expect Reid to talk in front of people? Wow. It’s not a good idea, honey.
What the hell are those chemists huffing? They’re all weird as hell.
Lol. Reid is nodding about everything the nerd is saying.
Karon? The devil is doing this for Karon? What the fuck is Karon?
“You know how in Star Trek when Captain Kirk asks McCoy to do something impossible and McCoy is all like, I’m a doctor not a miracle-worker?” “What are you telling me? Not to expect a miracle?” “No, I’m saying I’m not a doctor.”
Ok, please stop flirting and fuck already so I can stop being frustrated, I’m talking to you – Penelope and Derek! Stop it!
“How about we just change the first question to have you been recently dating a homicidal pyromaniac?” ha, I don’t think that’s the best course of action, babe.
“You sound like Reid.” Like that’s a bad thing?
Three Body Problem. Again with that. Hmmm.
HA! “You broke up with her. No necklace.” “Yeah, wanted to date someone else.” “What’s her  name?” “Bryan.” “Oh.”
Whoops. So it’s a God thing now? Just cuz the guy’s ex told him that homosexuality is wrong? Wow. That was fast. But good thinking, there, Jason.
“If I figure it out, does that earn me a night of passionate lovemaking?” “Most definitely, sweetness. With Reid.” What the fuck did the poor guy do to him? LOL I’m dying here.
Oh, so now they got their Hebrew right? Weird. Guess they got hell for it last time. Hahaha haron, wrath, most commonly referred to as the wrath of God in the Bible.
Morgan giving Reid a football and he’s like ‘I don’t want this’. God, I want to die with his cuteness.
Ooh. Reid going all beautiful mind on the case. Love it.
Three!!!! Important numerology!!!! Yay!!!!
Scrupulosity. Wow, I’m learning a whole new slew of crap from this show. Lovely.
Wow, this chick’s apartment is all kinds of crazy crap. ‘OCD? I’m thinking more like OMG.’ Hahaha love it
“Step on a crack, break your mother’s back.” What the fuck kind of superstition is that?
And Morgan’s voice just went full on gangster, that was hot.
Wow. That girl is straight up cuckoo.
Please someone stop her. Trapping three friends in an elevator and going to burn them is seriously messed up and it’s not going to end well. Someone do something.
Bam. Gideon and Hotchner save the day motherfuckers!
Ooh! Elle figured out the stutter. Nice. Oh come on, seriously? She thinks Gideon didn’t really know why the guy stuttered? Wait, she was right? Hold up. This doesn’t make sense at all.
Hey! Don’t cock that gun at Gideon! Oh, he’s toying with him. That’s seriously messed up. Oh damn. Fudge. That’s some messed up reverse-psychology right there.
Faulkner: “Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or your predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.”
And we’re back to Reid playing chess with Gideon. Let’s see how this unfolds. Lol, and he still loses. Let’s hope he gets better cuz this is just getting embarrassing, man.
Overall, love it, but the fires are a bit much for me, personally. Let’s hope the next episode is better.
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