#that's my fun story for today thank u for coming to my free comedy show
I think if you were the moon I'd be the sun. That's probably why we're too far away.
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I haven't listened to this song but it showed up on pinterest and I thought of you!
Also how was your day 🤍🤍🤍
mais!! hello!! these lyrics are so lovely, thank u for sharing 🥺 the sun and moon dynamic really is one of those things that i can never get tired of <33
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itsbebachan · 4 years
Unfortunate Soul Chapter 4
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Hello again my lovelies, I’m truly sorry for the wait. Covid has really made a mess out of the airline industry which has really affected my job. I haven’t been able to get as much time has I would have liked to write seeing as I had to get a second job to make up for not being able to fly as much. But like I have promised in the past I will finish this story. Thank you for all of those that have left comments, liked and have even subscribed to my story. You truly have no idea how happy you all have made me, it truly gives me inspiration knowing people out there like my work. So Thank You So Much, I will see you next time.
I woke to the chatter of voices. I looked around my small white wall room and realized that I was in the hospital. I could see my parents talking in soft voices about what had happened the day prior. I stayed very still, giving the illusion that I was still asleep. I need to hear their conversation; I wanted to know what it was all about. I looked around the room and saw a few files on my bedside table; I know that those must be my potential mates.
"This can't be happening, Toshi. Izuku had so many dreams that he wanted to accomplish. Katsuki took that away from him! I can't believe that Katsuki would do something like this. I should have tried harder when I spoke to Mitsuki, and maybe we could have come up with a better solution than Izuku having to go through this arranged marriage."
"Shota, having Katsuki marry Izuku would have been the ideal plan, but do you want our son to be with someone that clearly doesn't want him. He may go along with it if we force him. But in the long run, it would be very detrimental to Izku's mental and emotional health, and God only knows if that kid turns out to be a complete asshole and causes physical harm to our boy."
"But an arranged marriage, Toshi. Don't you think that's a little bit extreme? Shouldn't we at least let him find someone that would be right for him instead of choosing for him?"
"Sho, Honey. It's the best solution. We can't wait any longer. The doctor already told us that he is already at the end of this first trimester; he will start showing soon. We are running out of time; our society will not accept him otherwise."
"Dad, mom. I really don't mind seeing what will become of this arranged marriage."
At my words, they both stopped and stared at me. Confusion mirrored their faces. I continued and hoped that they wouldn't stop me in the middle of my sentence. "Look, I understand what has to happen. I truly am disappointed that I can't marry my child's father, but if he doesn't want us, then fuck him. I'm not going to raise my child with a man that hates us both. Yes, Katsuki is the love of my life, but I have to do what is best for my baby."
Following my words, my mom came to sit on the edge of my bed. "I'm so sorry, baby. I wish this were not happening to you. And if I could change it, you better believe that I would. I wish you would have come to us sooner, then maybe things could have been different."
I reached out my hand to hold his with a small smile on my face. "I know, mom, this is all my fault. You and dad are the most important people in my life, but I was so scared that you would hate me and abandon me. Can you ever forgive me for not coming to you first?"
"Zuku, my boy. You have nothing to be scared of, your mother and I will always love you. No matter what happens. We will figure things out." Dad said as he also made his way to my bed.
"Now, don't misunderstand. This situation is not what we dreamed for you and damn Katsuki. He will not get away without being made responsible. You can be sure about that; your mother already informed his parents that he would have to pay you child support, but we believe it is best if you find another mate. I'll be DAMNED if I let that son of a bitch hurt you again."
I smiled at my parents, knowing that everything they have done has been for my well-being, and I know deep down in my heart that they would always be there for me when I needed them. I sat a little bit straighter on my bed and looked at the stack of files on my nightside table, the thought of meeting a complete stranger made me nervous, but I know that there was no other way. Kacchan would never change his mind about us, and I was too scared to raise my kid alone. Reaching over, I pulled the files to my lap and grassed my fingers over the covers. In these files were the names and photos of my future husband. Having the flies so close truly made my situation feel extremely real. There was no turning back now.
"You don't have to go throw them right now, baby. Just rest for today. Will let you sleep, and we will be back later to take you home." With a kiss on my forehead, my mom started heading to the door. "Sleep, my boy. You still have plenty of time tomorrow to go through those. It's best to go into this with a clear head." My dad ruffled my hair and followed my mom out the door.
Sighing, I looked at the folders again; this was it. The moment my life would change. I wonder what my future husband would be like if he would be understanding of my situation. The thought of him not accepting my child was heartbreaking. But I knew I would do anything to protect my baby, even if it meant marrying a man that I did not love. Picking the top file and placing the other two on the nightstand, I open it to the first page. The guy in the photo was around my age, with lovely corn color hair and a babyface. His tiny blue eyes had a scene of adventure and fun. They grabbed my attention instantly, which made his smile appear like a ray of light. He looked very handsome in his white shirt and green pants uniform. He was handsome, indeed.
Name: Togata Mirio
Birthday July 15, 2516
Age: 19
Birthplace: Chiba Prefecture
Quirk: Permeation/Formally
Occupation: College Student at Tokyo U
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Ramen
Hobbies: Comedy
He enjoys making people laugh and sees life as a beautiful adventure. He works part-time at an orphanage where he is well-loved.
With a small smile, I placed his file to the side and reached for the next one. Once I opened it, it blessed me with the most captivating face I have ever seen. He had a small smile on his face, but his beautiful blue and grey had so much sadness in them. It tugged at my heartstrings and made me want to know more about him. His beautiful white and red hair was unique in its beauty; it suited him well. The red mark around his left blue eye makes him intriguing and mysterious.
Name: Todoroki Shoto
Birthday: January 11, 2513
Age: 22
Birthplace: Musutafu
Quirk: Half Cold - Half Hot
Occupation: CEO Todoroki Industry
Favorite Color: Grey
Favorite Food: Cold Soba
Hobbies: Going to the gym and visiting his mother
He loves visiting his sick mother in a lovely home that was bought by him. He is a very loving and caring child and makes sure that his mother has everything he needs.
Knowing that he took such great care of his mother frankly spoke to my soul. I would do anything in my power for my mom, and it showed me that he had a kind soul. I reached for the last file, wondering what kind of man he would be. So far, I had two beautiful candidates, the anxiety that had been building over the past few days had started to lessen. Opening the last file, I see a man that was in desperate need of sleep. He reminded me of my mom with these heavy bags under his eyes. His dark purple eyes are so intense that it brought a shiver up my spine. He looks intimidating, giving off the impression that he has lived a hard life. His long tufts of indigo hair were messy and flaring out everywhere.
Name: Hitoshi Shinso
Birthday: July 1, 2512
Age: 22
Birthplace: Santana Prefecture
Quirk: Brainwashing
Occupation: Accountant for Angelic Hormonal Watch Monitor
Favorite Cool: Burgundy
Favorite food: Gyudon
Hobbies: Going for bicycle rides and playing with his cat named Mimi
He works very long hours as an accountant, which doesn't give him much free time. He enjoys going walking his cat Mimi in the park and going camping.
After reading his file, I understand why he looks so tired. I couldn't imagine being stuck in an office all day. Closing his file, I laid my head on my pillow and closed my eyes. Reading about these men had brought a little bit of hope into my heart. Being without Kacchan was killing me, the pain of his loss still too fresh, too new. But with time, I know that I could learn to like or even love one of my new suitors. Only time would tell.
That afternoon my parents came to pick me from the hospital. The weather outside was cloudy and cold in the autumn afternoon. The drive home was silent, which gave me plenty of time to let my mind wander. My mind was still reeling from the information I had read. They all seemed like good candidates. They all have something in common with me, Togata sharing my birthday or the fact that Hitoshi's love for cats just like me. The matchmaker listened to my mother's advice when it came to finding the right mate for me. The excitement of meeting them was overwhelming. My mom could see my excitement too. He turned around in his seat and asked if I was feeling well.
"Yeah, mom. I was just thinking about my suitors." At my words, his eyes widened, a small smile appeared on his face.
"So you read over their files. Is it worth getting to know them?" He asked me with pure curiosity. My dad was listening very intently for my answer.
"Of course, it is. Did you know that one of the guys shares my birthday? His name is Togata Mirio. He is 19, only a year older than me. He's a college student, but he works part-time at an orphanage. Then there is Todoroki Shoto, his 22 and is the CEO of the Todoroki Industry if I'm not mistaken, that's one of the largest computer companies in the world. The last guy reminds me of you, mom."
"How so, baby? He asked with a smile on his face, the look of confusion evident in his eyes.
"Well, he works as an accountant for dad's company, so he doesn't get much free time. His bags under his eyes can rival yours." I say, giddy. I was covering my mouth so I wouldn't laugh.
"I do not have bags under my eyes, young man." My comment on his beauty affronted him.
"Honey, it would help your health if you would take it easy once and a while. Zuku is just looking out for you." Dad tried to help but only got a nasty look from my mom.
"Nevermind all that, tell me more about this guy. What's his name?"
"His name is Hitoshi Shinso; he is 23. He loves going outdoors and has a cat named Mimi. If I were to be stuck in an office all day, I would love the outdoors too." I finished with a smile.
"That sounds fantastic, honey. The matchmaker sure picked out some quality candidates. I'm just a little concerned that two of them are a bit older than you."
"Sho, I'm three years older than you. What's the big deal?" He looks at my mom with a smile on his face. "It's not that different from us, and one of them is a CEO. You can't get a better mate than that." He turns his gaze back to the road; my mom gives up the argument. "All right, you win. I don't know why I even bother." Turning back around on his seat.
I start laughing at their antics. After all these years, the love they felt for each other was in every word they spoke. I wish that I could feel that way too. I look outside my window and see the city passing by; my thoughts on the man I love and the hurt I fell, knowing that he will never be mine. But there was hope, hope that one of these incredible men would fill my life with happiness, and after everything I have been through these past few weeks. I was looking forward to a new beginning.
@alovelie @girl2257 @strawberry-panic @0-ddball @monkeyzz-r-ur-bff @dragon-lover-idk @iyemicomic1920 @leynly @otaku-chan-world @jawazia @im-the-villin-in-this-story @itsatomichyena @rainytears2 @nevergrowingup101 @littlelovebug98 @koyukiy @justthememes1
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jimlingss · 5 years
And when he showed up to the hospital in such a panic? I mean. Shiiiiiiii-. What more do you want from me?! I gave you my heart! I ripped it out and left it bleeding on a silver platter for you! Lol. I have nothing more to give! Lmbo. I feel like it's all coming to a close, and I don't know if I can deal. I've become so invested. Lol. Anyway, I can't wait for the next chapter and to see where they go from there. Uhhh! My heart!
looool i can still have your soul. and yeahhh tbh when I finished writing the very last chapter of Jungle Park, I may or may not have cried. To be fair that happens with ALL my slice of life’s haha it’s just such a long journey and to leave them off is bittersweet....but well, we’ll talk about it when it actually ends lol for now there’s a little more to go through!
Anonymous said: i stayed up until 4am to read the entirety of jungle park even when i know i have to wake up early bc i just couldn't stop reading it and then i saw you posted the new one and i ! almost ! screamed ! at 4am in the morning. I love the story so much, it's so interesting, it makes u wonder what's gonna happen next or what had happened before and damnit i just really love it!! it's like watching a movie!! So fun!!
I’m glad you’re enjoying it!! I know Jungle Park can be pretty slow and drawn out but it’s supposed to be like comfort food, a nice and easy read to wind down with rather than being super exciting and crazy. Thanks for enjoying it so much :D
wlwmin said:can i just say that i love jungle park so so much 😩 the characters, the relationships, the drama, the fluff, the Comedy™ it's all so !! wonderful !!! i can't wait to see how it all ends but i also don't want it to end 😩 i feel like im at a crossroad aksbdndn oh and totally Not Relevant but deli diaries was ,,,, so good ,,, I have yet to recover from that 😔💓 take care kina ! hope you're doing well 😊💓
asdfghjkl I love deli diaries too!! and yeah I’ve been well, dw. I’ve highkey given up on giving a job so now I’m just waiting for my europe trip in three weeks hahaha today I made donuts so that’s fun. Getting back into baking sort of. I’m gonna paint on the weekend. More writing in between. I might start up a new game, not sure yet. lol tapping back into a lot of hobbies with all this free time so it’s allll goooood.
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theday · 7 years
HIII!!! ITS YOUR MBB SECRET SANTA I HOPE YOURE HAVING A GREAT DAY FULL OF HAPPINESS!!!! I love monsta x and i bet you do too also I LOVE WONHO HES SO SQUISHY RIGHT NOW AND THE HAIR cries ok so i have a question of the day: what got you into mx? Mine was a long ride but it was w o r t h i t!!!
HELLO!!! MY DAY JUST STARTED ACTUALLY BUT I SAW A BUNCH OF MX ON MY DASH SO.. its already filled with happiness and love :-O btw this is rly long
how did u guess…. me …. a blog with the url cuddlychae… liking monsta x????? how didu make that connection… im just kidding i love you? already sjjsjsjd PLEASE JDSJJ I KNOW MY TAG FOR HIM IS LITERALLY SQUISHY KING I LOVE HIM SO MCUHCJS id write a whole ass essay but thats for another time 3 how do you like his hair??? he dyed it like . 3 times this cb rip wonhos scalp but god the purple really grew on me after awhile and then he went fiery red and i was like ? >:0 but the purple…. the red is grpwing on me too alsjjdjs i could never hate wonho(’s hair) i jsut wish theyd let his scalp breathe a bit or he’ll go bald soon
are we going straight into the questiosnsjjsjs tell me about yourself first!!! you can call me egg or megan if calling me a round food object is too strange jsjj i use she/her pronouns and !!! im turning 16 this december 26th which is literally nvm i wanted fto say smth like twice of today since its the 13th and 13 x 2 = 26 but never mind…. 
this got so long already my friend (what shall i call you?) this is how i am normally whenever i start i dont stop riidjjsjsjk we’re in for a long ride buddy :-D
ok so monsta x … the monsta men……. so firsts of all . my good friend buddy pal karissa (who is barely on tumblr) is a big mbb but i didnt get into them bc of her though she shld get mentioned bc of her i have someone to yell about monsta x.. irl… bless her . now shes kind of relevant to this story actually in june and i was at her place with another friend and that was the day mx had their coomeback shine forever so we agreed to watch it with her :-o back then i had no interest in kpop at all so i was like hm . the whole time but their music was great in my young opinion back then since she let me listen to beautiful right after that (also jooheon in the beautiful mv caught my eye in shine forever it was minhyuk and jooheon i didnt take notice of anyone else whoops) 
that was my only mx experience until .. after i got into day6 (after being more open to kpop) my friend (a different one, boxy) she started talking about mx bc she got sucked into their wormhole .. and she would talk about mister yoo kihyun for ages which was cute (ok honestly when i first looked up pics of ki i was like whys . he her bias bssjjsjsjsks now i understand) she’d link me videos such as the daeng daeng daeng cover and kihyuns hyeya to show us how good kihyuns vocals were (which i completely ignored for awhile bc of mister minhyukku…. kihyun im so sorry i did u dirty for the longest time) and then she linked us to the funny videos i had to bold that bc . monsta x are the best comedians alive… kings of comedy . she gave us this video to watch and i lost my mind watching it beyhjsjs
this is long and dramatic only bc i love to talk but basically i got into mx bc they were fucking funny that sounds so dumb but i watched all their reality/variety shows in less than 2 weeks without knowing who each member was (i could only recognize jooheon) every episode/series has made me laugh so hard and i think because i fell for their personalities more it was easier for me to??? for them to??? become one of my favorite groups??? after that i watched all their music videos (hey all in ruined my life and burnt my crops wtf…. i love all in so much,,,,) and then proceeded to watch most of the subbed vlives/monchannel videos it was a wild time honestly and it wasnt only after a while that i started following more mx blogs and just interacting with fellow mbbs??? the click idk if u know them but theyve helped me open up to other people on here too so im really grateful to them!! in the end i just??? i mean i got into them late august and it hasnt even been 6 months but i would really give my heart and soul to monsta x theyre so kind and just really fucking sweet + talented and im so happy they got their first win!!!!!!! 
this is really long so if you read this thank you!! something i want to establish is that (breaking some rules here) you dont have to send me 3 asks a day because.. thats ridiculous i mean i understand where the organizer is coming from but please dont ever feel pressured to send me asks - just do it when youre free/when you feel like it!! i want to make this a stress free and fun experience so dont worry about it okay!!! another thing, im completely fine if you send me more than 3 asks in one go (since theres that character limit stories will be hard to tell) i love reading people’s rambles so if you ever feel like writing a whole wonho love essay please go ahead!! 
my questions for you are the ones i mentioned previously at the start and how did you get into monsta x?? you said it was a long ride so im rly curious!! just tell me whenever!!! i might take some time to reply bc i only reply on desktop and ill be out the whole day but dont let that stop you from sending stuff if u want!!!
thank you so much for reading if you did, i hope you have a wonderful day and that if youre sleeping soon, youll have a good rest!! do let me know what youd like me to tag your asks with by the way! i love youuUU
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Best Movies On HBO Right Now (September 2019) | Screen Rant
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What are the best movies to watch on HBO? Subscription streaming services are the fastest growing sector of the entertainment landscape, but before Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu came to dominate that arena, premium cable companies like HBO were offering consumers a way to watch movies and TV shows without commercials for a set monthly fee. Not content to let streaming run away with their market share, HBO also now allows people to subscribe to an entirely online version of their service called HBO Now, after fans begged for such an option for years.
Nowadays, cutting the cable cord is the preferred way to go for many, especially younger pop culture devotees. Cable packages are bloated, full of content very few people want, and contain multiple additional fees. Still, whether one subscribes to HBO through cable or via streaming, the service offers a great selection of movies with which to pass the time, even if the line-up isn't quite as robust as those of the subscription streaming big three.
Related: Ranked: Most Anticipated HBO Shows In 2019
Before the list of the best movies on HBO begins proper, there are some important notes to be made. First, the movies below are available to watch on HBO and stream on HBO Now at the time of this writing. As movies expire, the list will be updated, and new great options will be added. Also, the 15 films below, while numbered for convenience, are not ranked.
Last updated: September 6, 2019
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In 1978, director John Carpenter created one of the most iconic horror villains of all time with Halloween's Michael Myers. Unfortunately, the franchise that followed wasn't exactly great, with few of the sequels doing any type of justice to the original. Thankfully, that trend changed with 2018's Halloween, directed by David Gordon Green, and now available on HBO. A direct sequel to only Carpenter's original - and with Carpenter himself onboard as producer and composer - Halloween (2018) does its best to recapture Michael's glory days, even bringing back Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode. The result isn't as good as the original, but it's pretty easily the best follow-up.
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Director Paul Verhoeven has always been known for peppering his films with subversive messages, and making films that were uniquely his. That very much extended to his more commercially successful fare, such as 1987's Robocop, which proved popular enough to spawn a franchise that's still ongoing (and almost entirely available on HBO), but also overflowed with satirical attacks on consumerism and capitalism as a whole. For Omni Consumer Products, nothing comes before profit, and not even murder is too far to go to make another buck. Thankfully, Robocop ends up disagreeing with his makers.
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Few monsters even approach the level of movies made about the vampire. It's not hard to see why, as vampires' ageless nature and wide-ranging powers often lead to them being seen as both cool and seductive. One of the best depictions of the sheer potential coolness involved with being a member of the undead is 1987's cult classic The Lost Boys, directed by Joel Schumacher. The film's tagline says it all: "Sleep all day. Party all night. It's fun to be a vampire." A cast full of 1980s favorites doesn't hurt things, including Jason Patric, Corey Haim, Corey Feldman, Jami Gertz, Keifer Sutherland, and Alex Winter. The Lost Boys is definitely worth biting into on HBO.
Related: 20 Crazy Details Behind The Making Of The Lost Boys
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One of the most acclaimed films of 2018, BlacKkKlansman earned six Oscar nominations, including the first ever Best Director nomination for Spike Lee. While Lee didn't win, he did share in the film's Best Adapted Screenplay victory. Based on a true story, BlacKkKlansman stars John David Washington as Ron Stallworth, the first black cop in the history of Colorado Springs. Stallworth struggles to fit in at first, but quickly finds his niche investigating infamous hate group the Ku Klux Klan. Stallworth gains their trust by pretending to be white over the phone, with fellow officer Flip Zimmerman (Adam Driver) posing as Stallworth for in person meetings. For those who missed it in theaters last year, BlacKkKlansman is a must-watch HBO selection.
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While not quite the exalted classic its 1962 inspiration is, director Jonathan Demme's 2004 remake of political thriller The Manchurian Candidate is still an enjoyable piece of work. Denzel Washington stars as a war veteran named Ben Marco, who begins to suspect his experiences overseas might not have been what they seemed. Before long, his investigation leads to the revelation that vice presidential candidate Raymond Shaw (Liev Schreiber) might be an unwitting puppet of a dark conspiracy. Meryl Streep, Vera Farmiga, and Jon Voight also star in this prime HBO pick.
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The directorial debut of acclaimed filmmaker Jason Reitman, 2005's Thank You for Smoking is a pitch black satire of just how unethical the world of high-powered corporate lobbying can really be. Aaron Eckhart as Nick Naylor, a good-looking, fast-talking, alpha male-type lobbyist for the tobacco industry. Cigarettes are of course a product that slowly kills its users, making lobbying it for a job best done without moral hangups. Katie Holmes, Maria Bello, David Koechner, William H. Macy, and more fill out the star-studded cast of this top HBO pick.
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Based on a novel by best-selling author John Grisham, 1996's A Time to Kill takes a harsh look at the often racially-biased justice system in the American south, and also asks the question of whether murder can ever be justified. Set in Mississippi, A Time to Kill's plot is put in motion by the brutal rape of a young black girl. Afraid the rapists will go free, the girl's father, powerfully played by Samuel L. Jackson, gets revenge by shooting and killing them on their way to trial. This earns him a murder trial of his own, and it's up to white lawyer Jake Brigance (Matthew McConaughey) and his defense team to try and avoid the death penalty. Sandra Bullock, Ashley Judd, Kevin Spacey, and Donald and Keifer Sutherland also star in this prime HBO pick.
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One of the most beloved documentaries in recent memory, many moviegoers were outraged when director Morgan Neville's Won't You Be My Neighbor? was snubbed in the Oscars best documentary category. Despite that sad turn, the film's exploration of the life and career of Fred Rogers - host of legendary kids show Mister Rogers Neighborhood, and lifelong advocate for children - remains utterly compelling, and enough to pierce just about anyone's cynical exterior. HBO subscribers should get acquainted with it as soon as possible.
Page 2 of 2: More Great Movies On HBO Now
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While Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson might be one of the biggest stars in the world today, his early acting career wasn't without its growing pains. One of Johnson's first starring roles following his departure as an active wrestler for WWE was in 2003's The Rundown, a jungle-set action film that tends to get unfairly overlooked as an early sign of just how charismatic an action lead he would become. The Rock plays a bounty hunter named Beck, tasked with retrieving Travis Walker (Seann William Scott) from Brazil. Complicating things is evil mining boss Cornelius Hatcher, played with gusto by Christopher Walken. Arnold Schwarzenegger even pops up in this thrilling action/adventure, now on HBO.
Related: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
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While not quite as overwhelmingly appreciated as its 2016 predecessor, 2018's Deadpool 2 is a very fun sequel in its own right, and features great supporting turns from Josh Brolin as Cable and Zazie Beetz as Domino.  Of course, the true star of the show continues to be Deadpool himself, as played by Ryan Reynolds. While the decision to kill off Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) was definitely questionable, it still led to some great gags, exciting action, and even a Juggernaut appearance. Fans now wait impatiently for news on exactly what Disney plans to do with Wade Wilson, but for the time being, they could do worse than stream Deadpool 2 on HBO.
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While 1994's The Ref is far from a feel-good tale, those looking for a Christmas-themed film with a satirical edge would be wise to give it a look, as it's become a bit forgotten over the years. Denis Leary stars as Gus, a jewel thief who ends up taking a suburban couple (Kevin Spacey and Judy Davis) hostage after being left behind by his getaway driver. Gus makes his captives take him back home, and soon enough, their highly dysfunctional family begins to show up to celebrate the holidays. Also known as Hostile Hostages, The Ref is a great choice to stream on HBO.
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Asian actors still really don't get that many leading roles in Hollywood films, but with director Jon M. Chu's 2018 hit Crazy Rich Asians, an entire cast of them got a chance to prove how outdated that practice is. Constance Wu stars as Rachel Chu, a Chinese-American professor who heads to Singapore in order to meet her boyfriend Nick Young's (Henry Golding) family. As the title suggests though, Nick neglected to inform Rachel that said family is shockingly rich and powerful. Unfortunately for Rachel, Nick's controlling mom (Michelle Yeoh) isn't a fan of their union. It's a fairly standard romantic comedy setup, but brought to life by a talented cast, and told from a relatively unseen point of view. A massive financial success, Crazy Rich Asians is a terrific addition to the HBO line-up.
Related: Crazy Rich Asians 2: Everything We Know About The Sequel's Story
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A critically acclaimed adaptation of the popular novel by Angie Thomas, 2018's The Hate U Give makes no bones about the fact that it's politically motivated, with a story that could be easily ripped from far too many headlines. Starr (Amandla Stenberg) does her best to balance her daily life at a mostly white private school with her home and weekend existence in a predominantly black neighborhood. Starr does her best not to rock the boat, that is until her close friend Khalil (Algee Smith) is gunned down by a white cop while unarmed. This leaves Starr with the choice to maintain her anonymity, or stand up for her fallen friend. The Hate U Give is an essential HBO watch.
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An award season darling, Bradley Cooper's 2018 remake of A Star is Born may have ended up mostly shut out at the Oscars - winning only for Best Original Song - but that doesn't make it any less of a terrific addition to the HBO line-up. Cooper directs and stars as Jackson Maine, a successful singer-songwriter who struggles with alcoholism and the prospect that he's losing his hearing. Lady Gaga plays Ally, an unknown singer that gets discovered by Jackson one night at a club, beginning both a whirlwind romance and Ally's rise to musical stardom. Cooper and Gaga's lead song, "Shallow" deservedly won the Oscar, and the chemistry between the two is electric.
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Every generation latches on to its own favorite teen movies, and for those coming of age in the 2000s, few are as beloved as 2004's Mean Girls, now on HBO. Directed by Mark Waters, Mean Girls takes a look at the clique-heavy high school ecosystem, all while being hilarious and quotable. Lindsay Lohan stars as Cady Heron, freshly placed in a new school after spending over a decade in Africa. Cady has a hard time adjusting, that is until she's taken in by The Plastics, a group of the school's most popular girls. Leading the group is the often cruel Regina George (Rachel McAdams). Before long, Cady and Regina butt heads, and the battle for teenage supremacy is on. Lacey Chabert, Amanda Seyfried, and Tina Fey also star, with Fey herself having written the script.
More: The 25 Best Films on Netflix Right Now
source https://screenrant.com/best-hbo-movies/
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comicteaparty · 6 years
November 26th-December 2nd, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from November 26th, 2018 to December 2nd, 2018.  The chat focused on Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R by snuffysam.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R by snuffysam~! (http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until December 2nd to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Since the comic utilizes a wide variety of comedy, what have been some of your favorite jokes to appear in the comic so far? What about the joke worked for you? Name as many as you would like for this question.
QUESTION 4. Do you believe that Mizuki will eventually discover her own magical talent, or will she be stuck stealing others’ abilities forever? What might her magical talent be? Also, regardless of your answer, how might this issue change Mizuki?
DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio)
Okay, so I haven't actually gotten to reading this comic yet-- just started like... right now. But OMG. XDDDDDD I'm loving how they're breaking the fourth wall and poking fun at stuff. My favorite scene so far is this one:
And of course the follow up:
I really like the guard so far, though I have absolutely no idea if he'll ever appear again seeing as I'm still in the first chapter. ;v;
The fact that he makes fourth wall breaking remarks is what sort of sold me. If he doesn't appear again, hopefully someone else along with the main character will make better jokes that will sell me good.
BUT OMG!!! This one really caught me off guard:
The comedy here is really up my alley man. ;W;
O v O
Just found my new favorite character.
Mr Holy Tree:
AH! Btw, I love how the siblings who are governers of the Sikode plain's clothes sort of match up with the work hours they took. <333
Just finished Chapter 3. 8^U!!!! If I have more time tonight, Imma try to read a few more chapters yo! But this comic is really snatching me with dem scripts.
glad you like it so far!
DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio)
Of course! >W< Thank you for creating this silly hidden gem!!! <33333
I love that it’s not perfect, and this is not an insult. My favourite character so far is the guy who sliced that squid in half he seems like a boss
It’s also amazing to see how far the author has come in their art, I looked at the original pages a bit.
Cahe Is A Good Boy
Cahe is good, but I do wonder about the magic of how quickly they had their baby... Maybe it's one of their magic love powers.
also yeah, I've changed a lot over these past three-ish years lol
there's been exactly one hint as to why that happened, and it's in probably the most obscure place imaginable
the game where you can play as everyone's favorite archery ace
I obviously didn’t get to any baby yet whups
oh no that's not for a while
Snuffy is pretty good at lighting and shading too. I still have plenty to learn about that
the baby doesn't happen for another like 350 pages from where you are
Oh hi snuffy!
My bad lol
hi lol
i'm in blue this week
Hey how do you know where I am?
oh i just assumed given your comments
Yeah I know
Oh okay
I’m in the middle of chapter 2 I think
yup so i was right lol
Daaaaaang. That's some good accuracy. I'm lucky if I can remember my own name some days
i did have to look up the page numbers lol. it was just a matter of guessing that sharose hadn't started chapter 3 yet
anyway yeah i wrote a shader script for blender to do the lighting properly. took me a couple years to figure it out but i got there eventually lol
Oh my word I can barely use blender yet
So it IS CGI! I couldn’t tell for sure I thought maybe it was supposed to mimic CG
a lot of stuff is drawn in with photoshop. and i think i just recently passed the point where more than half the comic is CG as opposed to being drawn.
but ye
Wow. I don’t think I’ll be doing my comics with CG but I do wanna be an animator one day. Good for you!
No prob. I just got to more doodley pages
yeah haven't updated chapters 3 onward yet
Oh okay. I can relate lol. I’m glad to see this up here, you’re a brave artist
thanks ha ha
They are so innocent ohmiword
“I thought for sure 1+1=2!”
mizuki may not have gotten an A in all her math classes, but she at least knows that much
QUESTION 5. Who exactly are/were the Galaxy Knights? How did they come to be, and what goals did they have? Do you think we’ll see more former or current members? Also, what are your theories about their involvement in the story given they’re in the title?
1) it's still the end fight of book 1. which i wont go into too much detail cause i dont want to spoil for those just starting up. but i still love the entire choreography of that fight. seeing mizuki solve everything in the most unconvenentional ways possible is so immensely fulfilling. 2) cahe's mustache. i cant wait till it gets fed up with cahe, rips itself off his face, and joins mizuki to fight the good fight. (but also probably electric zebra because he believes in the power of love) 3) there's too many jokes to name. theres a lot of great ones. although one of my favorite more recent ones has actually been a callback to the fact that cahe never names his village. and lo and behold his village is revealed to be unnamed village. i was slain by the joke. 4) i think eventually mizuki will discover her own thing. but at the same time i dont think thatll stop her from using others' abilities cause i think she turns what others view as a weakness into a strength. so basically mizuki will just have more ammo for her mind magic arsenal. 5) i mean the obvious answer is that they were protectors of ppl and that mizuki is gonna join them. but idk. i def think were gonna see more former and current members though given the title. and mizuki will thrash them all with the power of stealing their abilities and stubbornness. in the end, there is only one super galaxy knight deluxe and that person is mizuki. lets not ask what the r stands for.
I haven’t even finished chapter one yet but I love this guard guy.
lodu is best boy. i'm actually planning on having him show up again for real in the next chapter. and by book 3 he may even have enough screentime to jump up to major character status.
also rebel you really have a knack for asking questions that will be straight-up answered within a month or two.
like in the weekly chat back in may one of the questions was "what is the plot of book 2"
not saying which of the questions you asked will be answered in a month but just overall, it's an impressive skill lol
and yeah chapter 8 is my favorite arc in hindsight. i'm not sure i'll actually manage to out-do the 1v1 fight choreography there for a while.
I have to admit, I'm really enjoying the current fight scene. The banter's top notch. >:3 Dramatic text meets no-nonsense. Now give Mizuki that damn generator so she can win the talent show!
talent show > crimebusting
he can get it back after the crimes are solved... But the bigger crime really is that the King--- wait the King gets to make the laws doesn't he
....wait, what I just said doesn't make sense. Oh well. He can get it back after the talent show is done -- it's a crime Mizuki can't win it!
the two of them should bring criminals to the talent show and bust them on-stage
mizuki should get back to the talent show if only because i bet the old man is still on stage trying to tell horrible jokes
get that man a google assistant... or sub him to r/dadjokes
https://www.blog.google/products/assistant/ok-google-tell-me-a-joke/ I'm sorry, I can't get over how bad some of these jokes are.
it's been well over 12 hours, and it's the middle of the night now. do you really think he's still on stage?!
(the answer is yes)
Of course! He's waiting for Mizuki
of course he is, he is an angel. and everyone is too polite to tell him to get off the stage and go home
well they're waiting for mizuki too
interested to hear what the caught-up folks' reactions to today's page will be...
don't say that, now I want to throw all my homework out the window and catch up all the way
as much as i want to tell you to go for it... put your homework first lol
I am definitely planning to catch up once I have homework and finals out of the way. Unfortunately…that will also be after this week's bookclub will be over and we'll be discussing someone else's comic by then.
aww oh well
I hope to read more before, then, though, so I can discuss some things. I just won't be fully caught up, hehe.
and of course, no reason you can't keep reading after your finals are done and just comment in the comic itself
(though this is a much better place for people to get theories out there)
-procrastinates from homework-
Okay this restaurant owner
"Everyone does horrible things sometimes. So really, I was completely justified."
I love this so much
Protection from indecency!
QUESTION 6. Why do you think Mizuki drifted apart from Cahe and Pejiba so much between Books 1 & 2? Why did the couple not invite Mizuki to their own wedding? Will Cahe and Pejiba make a comeback, or are they settled down into domesticity forever?
im gonna be optimistic and say her letter just got lost in the mail
because cahe asked someone terrible to deliver it
maybe the anecestral tree
and cahe walked away before the ancestral tree could remind him that hes rooted to the ground
or the ancestral tree was pissed he wasnt invited
I think Cahe and Pejiba were just so in love they forgot! Or ultimately, they just didn't like Mizuki so much. Granted, it's been ... a very short duration
maybe its gonna be an it was all a dream thing somehow
mizuki has been having trouble sleeping
there is a misunderstanding involved, but it’s less about “why didn’t they invite mizuki” and more “why would they invite zebra over mizuki”
thats easy: zebra is the best
Zebra also is much better at music, so
I don’t mean to be rude but I wish Mizuki would wear more clothes
Actually, me too…
And IMO the boobs are too exaggerated. But I like how she eats the food lol
y'all are on chapters 3-4?
Yeah I'm on 3
I guess she actually doesn’t know what a shirt is? Whoa there are cool animations!! And the lady’s power is cool. @snuffysam I’m not sure hang on I’ll check
No wait I'm on 4, oops.
I’m on chapter 4
she buttons the jacket in chapter 5, and her proportions get fixed when i switch to 3d
Yeah she’s less exaggerated in 3D for sure, and I’m glad she buttons up the shirt
the outfit in chapter 4 is a reference to how in the original short film i made that this comic is based off, her actor decided to wear the jacket with no shirt (which is not something i, like, wanted or expected)
Huh okay
but i changed it because i didn't think it made sense to draw her like that
How did you get gifs in the comic?
(though the in-universe explanation is that it just got windier)
i use photoshop to animate, if that's what you're asking
Oh awesome, I didn’t know photoshop could animate
Oh cool! I've dabbled with PS animations before.
most things are frame by frame, with motion & opacity (like the lights fading in and out, cahe flying around the room) being done with photoshop's tweening
Ow hot sword.
You are a better animator than me so far lol
Or you have more experience
I love how they’re like “Oh no prob!” After the whole fight
I think that whole fight was a test to see if the two main characters were fit to be the new Galaxy knights or something
And that’s a nice sunset drawing in chapter 4. I love sunsets
"What, are you going to throw your sword at people now?" HAHA!
So so,done just got shot in the face
Yikes that!s a mean lady
and a magic mean lady at that
Yeah I can’t believe he’s not dead
captains are very resilient
QUESTION 7. Do you think we’ll see Gynu and Suzigu in Book 2? If so, do you think they have one of the power gems Mizuki needs? Will they give it to her? Alternatively, what other places or characters might reappear do you think, and how will things have changed?
"Maybe we DO want them to get the wrong idea."
Using this as an excuse to finally get caught up with SGK. Should have a remark or two by weekend.
looking forward to it!
(the archive for last week's chat on The Angel with Black Wings is now up! @Mharz https://comicteaparty.com/post/180645388940/november-19th-25th-2018-ctp-archive)
QUESTION 8. Why do you think King Zebugu closed the magic portal? Is he up to something evil, or did he actually turn over a new leaf and is trying to do something helpful that he just won’t explain? Will he succeed or will Mizuki defeat him do you think?
king zebugu turns over new leaves all the time
birch, pine, oak
it's the highlight of the month
what about old leaves?
-is still in chapter five and has no idea who this king is-
if my leaf of the month club sent me an old leaf, i'd probably cancel my membership tbh
unless it was like... historical in some way
this is too plausible not to be true
7) I think we'll see Gynu and Suzigu probably. Although I feel Mizuki might be at a disadvantage since they already lost to her. so now they know what he game is or something like that. and i dont think theyre gonna just give her the gem given the whole food fiasco and i kind of get this sense they want to test her? as for other characters, i hope we get to see our favorite immortal captain again. and electric zebra. electric zebra needs to come and sing about the power of love and all that. or at least be on tour and give mizuki a signed cd. 8) i feel hes not doing the evil, but i feel whatever the king is up to probably is dumb at least. maybe this is an elaborate prank from the wizard guy who is mad about having to put all the food back. he gave the king the wrong prophecy and now the king is trying to undoom the world. at the end mizuki will win, but winning might not matter. i think shell lose the talent competition tho. shell make it back in time but get disqualified over something trivial. like misspelling something on the contest form.
something worth pointing out about both those answers - in book 1, nobody knew what zebugu was up to except for the people in the castle (and the ancestral tree, cause of the omniscience). people like gynu and suzigu wouldn't have agreed with zebugu if they had known what he was doing. in book 2, zebugu has roped other people into his plan by giving them a gem to protect. zaxaty knew what her brother did, and so did the ancestral tree (being specifically instructed by the king to guard the gem and not tell mizuki the reason why). even taci ramino knew that the portal had been turned off, and zebugu didn't even give him a gem! so if gynu and suzigu do have a gem, what did king zebugu say to them to get them on board? and was he truthful to them, or is this all an elaborate ruse?
the fact hes roped other ppl into it makes me believe that it is for the greater good. but on the otherhand blackmail and bribery are also options. maybe zebugu has an embarrassing photo of gynu from their last xmas party.
*life day
QUESTION 9. Do you think Mizuki will be able to win against Sword Warrior? Do you think Sword Warrior could be a potential ally, or is he just a one-off villain? What are Sword Warriors actual goals?
keeping in mind that sword warrior now has twice as many swords as before
i feel like thats a hint
he must want the worlds largest sword collection
that was a hint as to whether or not mizuki can win
but sure
also, interesting how you seemed to describe "ally" and "one-off villain" as the only two choices...
mostly cause i dont want the questions to be immensely long
that's fair
i believe in mizuki to be able to win. shes just gotta punch the swords hard enough to shatter them. and then sword warrior will have to change his name to just warrior
she already shattered a sword though. was sword warrior just "warrior" for that two-page period? are names all but an illusion giving us some sense of identity? is that identity earned?
yes to all that, with a semi yes on the third one. you cant call yourself sword warrior without a sword. thats false advertising otherwise
Okay, so, obviously the baby isn't theirs, unless gestational periods are really short or there was time travel hijinks. My money is on them looking after Zebra's kid, in exchange for him performing at the wedding. That's why they got him on short notice, for free. Though adoption's also possible.
I mean y’all can’t just skip over short gestational periods and time travel hijinks in a world where trees talk and sailors just forget that they’re mortal
But that’s a solid possibility
I mean, there's magic, and then there's magic!
Clever plot twist in the most recent pages. I did not see that coming. I actually thought Taci had lied about getting one of the gems because he was embarrassed that the Swordsman had already stolen it.
Also, magic can be used to change dialogue into cursive, or something.
I'll get to the questions later.
-Scene-wise is tough, I don't even recall what I said last time. ^_^; The fight against the king was pretty epic though. Character-wise, I like Pejiba. Just something about her I guess, helpful, first major magic user, that kind of thing.
-Like Rebel, I'm not sure about grabbing any particular comedic moments. The stuff with the tree is pretty good though. Even more recently with the 'I am a jerk but that's not the reason' sort of thing. Also, used firewood...? O.o
-I dunno, stealing the powers of others can be a power itself, see Rogue from X-Men. Plus I think Mizuki'd be worried that once she finds her own, she'll lose the ability to copy everyone else.
-The Galaxy Knights are actually a bunch of mathematicians, that's why the King's advisor is one (if memory serves). Seriously though, I like how they were just randomly brought up recently. It's kind of like they're their own story running in parallel somewhere else. (Which isn't too far off, Gynu and them were in a guest comic series elsewhere, I think.)
Actually, it's impressive the number of guest comics and literary tie-ins that exist.
-Since only, like, a week passed between Books, idk. Maybe Cahe was given bad information, or their messages were cut off. Though the whole wedding seems like a rush job because honeymoon in an all female hotel what now? I feel like they'll still have cameos.
-Hoping we'll see Zaxaty again. That blush had to mean something. (Also, back to comedy, "Get out of my house", hah.)
-The King's probably doing this as some sort of test, like to see if Mizuki can be a new governor or something. After all, he seemed okay with how she spared him. Alternatively, the Galaxy Knights wanted him to do this, so that they could test for new recruits.
-Related to that answer is the possible answer to snuffy asking about what Gynu might have been told if he has a gem. All in a day's work. (Though a photo would be amusing.)
-Sword Warrior will be useful in terms of giving Mizuki many more magic ideas to steal. (Also, since he can make his own swords, I don't think Mizuki will win that way. Maybe she can get him to zip off the edge of a building.) I think Taci just has a thing for vigilantes.
math, are you completely caught up now? including wednesday and friday's pages?
I'm trying not to be too spoilery though. (I may be failing at that.)
na it's all good lol
also i don't remember gynu being in a guest comic series somewhere else? so if someone did that without letting me know
actually i guess there were the crossover things on comicfury. but that was ages ago
if that's what you're referring to
Yeah, the crossover things. I'd read those for the original Discord chat.
I haven't kept up on the latest literary stuff from StArt Faire though.
to respond to some of your things specifically - - the advisor is a statistician, which... i guess is a mathematician? usually when i think "mathematician" i think of people who write proofs for really difficult problems and not, like, nate silver. also, the wizard is a magic researcher, so he does a lot of math for his work. i guess the active galaxy knights are pretty math-y, except for that third as-of-yet-unnamed active galaxy knight that's shown up. -yeah the wedding was very much a rush job. zuzu was already a member of the family by the time cahe and pejiba were on their honeymoon. -we'll see zaxaty again sooner than you expect. and yeah, there's something there. blushes don't lie. (fun fact: the fight against zaxaty was originally going to be the first time in the comic it's implied that mizuki is into women. when drawing book 1 chapter 6, i changed my mind and worked a love triangle plot into the story. that's the main reason why mizuki never says anything to pejiba about being interested - because it's not in the script. that's also part of the reason why zaxaty's island is "lesbos 2: sappho harder". the timeline for making the comic gay got moved way up, so zaxaty had to be a bit over the top) -won't say much else here, but i like that people's impressions seem to be that zebugu's plot might be morally dubious, but maybe not exactly evil. we'll see how that pans out. -if he had the chance, taci would absolutely start dating sword warrior. he's totally into the tall, slender, vigilante crime-fighter type. (which may lead to some butting of heads down the line...)(edited)
That's very cool... both about having Zaxaty in mind so early on, and for managing to foreshadow Mizuki's interests. Also, I don't know that Zaxaty was necessarily over the top (I didn't see a harem), though she does seem to like putting her interests (frustrations?) into her artwork.
As to Zebugu's plot not being evil, it allows for a scene where Mizuki goes off on him and him having some sort of retort. Even if it is to defer to the wizard or something. (Hey, maybe the wizard wanted all magic off so that no one would know that he was on sabbatical.)
you don't see a harem NOW because zaxaty went into seclusion.
it would be nice if zebugu gave his wizard a vacation, considering that he was kind of a jerk to the guy in the first book
Ahh, right, I vaguely recall that. Missed the free love vibes what with all the tripping out.
To be fair, he was kind of a jerk to everyone.
true. maybe this is part of his new leaf that he's turning over?
I wonder who convinced him to collect new leaves. His other sister, Pokemon? ^.^
he's a big animal crossing fan
he thinks he's stealing people's furniture
I guess his wizard better tell him he's moving to another town soon, so Zebugu can try to give him leaves and present boxes to get him to stay.
wizards love to scam people out of presents like that
... T_T Same with half of my animal crossing townies
ahhhh animal crossing
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
one thing i'm really looking forward to as the author is creating book 3. i think it'll answer a lot of your questions about the series, and there will be a bunch of character interactions that I know people will want to see
DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio)
What I'm looking forward to is seeing the creator update all the pages into the 3d model style! <333 Although, I gotta say I really do enjoy seeing the hand drawn pages too. ;V; I'm still behind in reading, but hopefully when I have time, Imma try to get through more pages. But what I've seen, I've liked and enjoyed immensely!
But can I just say, I love how crazy and silly everything has been so far? XDDD Thanks to this discussion, I found this gem and ended up sharing it with a friend of mine. And they loved the golden comedy too! (Not to mention they're favorite scene was the tree saying they were a jerk as well. O v Obbb)
And I'd also like to commend the fact that the creator has been able to power through and draw so much content (not to mention reworking those pages into new ones. OMG!) OAO!!! As an artist myself, I know how much work it is to get to the number of pages I am now. Thank you so much for signing up for the discussion (because if you hadn't-- I probably would have never discovered yer work) and hope you continue to update the awesome sauce of a story Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe is! <333333(edited)
More hints of Galaxy Knights is always fun. Wonder if they're all human, given there's a tree as a character.
@DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio) glad you and your friend liked the comic! I hope you both continue reading after the week ends! and yeah, getting this far has taken a bit of time. I've spent over 1000 hours total on the art aspect alone!
@mathtans i originally planned on one of the galaxy knights being a giant cyclops (in a future book), but i ended up writing him out.
I could see lack of depth perception being a problem.
The big twist is probably that Cahe's kid is a Galaxy Knight. Explains everything.
...i'm trying to remember if zuzu actually does grow up to be a galaxy knight or not...
"marries a killer cyborg" is definitely in there for one of the zuzus, but i'm not sure about being a galaxy knight
im looking forward to finding out if that old man really will just continue on with the talent show until mizuki comes back. and then ironically winning because ppl decided they liked his talent of talking for billions of hours
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R this week! Please also give a special thank you to snuffysam for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/
The Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R Twitter: https://twitter.com/Galaxy_Knights
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crijoh · 7 years
 YESTERDAY'S POST CAN BE FOUND HERE - 18/01/18 1 Month Anniversary Special Stat Spectacular!  Game Releases: Baseball Riot - EU/NA Release - €4.99 | $4.99 | £4.49 - eShop Link - Website - TrailerHelp Gabe Carpaccio take vengeance on the unholy alliance of his former team and a corrupt energy drink manufacturer Explodz Inc.! Baseball Riot is a fun physics based puzzle game packed with slapstick comedy and mayhem! Take control of retired star batter Gabe Carpaccio as he goes on a crusade to free his former team from the grasp of Explodz Inc. Smash baseballs at various Explodz fueled goons such as obnoxious fans, biased umpires, leery catchers and more. Bounce the ball of walls and platforms to knock out many targets with one hit. Detonate Explodz crates to launch the baddies sky high! See the enemies tumble as hapless ragdolls and try to master each level by collecting three stars. Conquer more than 100 levels and save the day! Vesta - EU/NA Release - €12.74 | $14.99 | £11.46 - eShop Link - Website - TrailerVesta is a witty 6-year-old girl who lives in a desolate underground maze – the ruins of a once-bright city inhabited by humans and perfect machines. Although this world can be lonely, she is kept company by her friend BOT. It advises her and encourages her to do the tasks she is assigned, although it knows much more than it lets on. In order to survive in this passive yet hostile environment, BOT will give Vesta a real helper – DROID. He may be a bit rough around the edges, but he'll handle physical tasks that would be impossible for a fully grown adult, let alone a little girl. Besides, he is the perfect weapon to defend against the dangers lurking in the remains of this abandoned complex. Join Vesta as she explores various environments over 36 levels full of obstacles and enemy robots. She'll need her brains and DROID's power to traverse this varied landscape, properly manage the little energy left in the complex, solve the numerous puzzles she finds in her path, and even fight to survive. But most of all she will need to discover the truth of this story. Nuclien - EU/NA Release - €3.49 | $3.99 | £2.99 - eShop Link - Website - VideoCount as fast as you can in this mind splitting game that forces you to locate numbers as fast as possible, and flip your perspective backwards and forwards at an almost impossible rate! The new universe is about to begin. In this empty void, there is nothing. All that remains is for the DNA architect to successfully sequence the DNA that will become the origin of everything that exists… Nuclien takes a simple concept and turns it into an addictive and challenging experience. Race against the clock to find the numbers in their correct order by counting up, down or even doing both at the same time! Brawl - EU Release - €9.99 | $9.99 | £8.99 - eShop Link - Website - TrailerStep into the darkness of The Emporium with 8 unique characters, each with a rich back story and a surprising plot-twist. Fight your way to the end using different play styles, from pure brutality as a Wrestler to hiding in shadows as an elusive Thief. Play with up to 4 players on Multiplayer Mode with 20+ interactive maps. Fight against your opponents and environmental hazards in 5 game modes, featuring Sumo, Color Domination and Classic Brawl. Team up with a friend and take a challenge on 3 different Challenge Modes. Use powerups to upgrade your bombs and be even more deadly than usual.  Today's News: Super Meat Boy and Forever physical editions probable...and they may release a collection at some point - LinkThe much beloved series dating all the way back 2010 finally arrived on the Switch the other day. The game wasn't just ported as it was either, they added a brand new "Race" mode to the game where you are timed against a friend and have to race through different levels. The game on the Switch also supported split joy-cons, which is always a positive, and the actual performance and patch job seem to be absolutely stellar. Anyway, when a Twitter user asked Team Meat whether their game would be coming to the physical market, the developers very kindly replied, ">99%"...now, I know maths may be quite difficult for some of you so to put that into other words, a physical release is definitely coming to the Switch. That isn't all the news though, as later on down the thread, another user asked whether it would be coming in the form of a Super Meat Collection and to that they replied, "A collection probably in the future, but not for a long time.". Although that means it isn't confirmed, it still shows that they are thinking about it. Can't wait, I just hope that the box art is there and we actually get some form of fancy looking manual!  Game Announcements/Updates: Korg Gadget - Announcement - Spring 2018Now this is an incredibly fascinating announcement. Korg Gadget, currently only a PC and Mac software, has just been announced to be coming to the Switch! Most of you are probably unaware of what this software/program is, so I would like to leave it to the website to give you a better explanation that I could probably muster up at 11:00PM GMT..."Plentiful instrumental gadgets combined with a simple and intuitive graphical interface enable speedy music creation. With this new music creation studio, one can create and perform music by actively twisting and turning the Joy-Con™. There is also a multi-player mode in which up to four people can collaborate in making music. Connect via an HDMI cable to enjoy playing on the TV in your living room, or use it with a projector for big live performances. Everyone can enjoy this new game-like DAW experience.". Holy crap, a music creation software for the Switch that incorporates the joy-cons and even allows for multiplayer! I guess the announcement for that other software arriving for the Switch has been pretty popular, and now I just want even more software companies to port there programs to the Switch. Super Beat Sports: All Star Pack - Announcement - TrailerIn a surprising, but definitely welcome announcement, a new song pack is now available for free for Super Beat Sports. Super Beat Sports is "a collection of five sports-themed mini games with a twist - everything is musical. That means that you’ll need swing, volley, and score to the music in order to come out on top.". This music based game is actually pretty fun and the fact that the developers are providing free song packs is pretty great of them. The song pack titles, "All Star Pack", will come will 6 new songs which are going to be featured in the Net Ball and Gobble Golf mini-games. You can read the full announcement in the link above. Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Update 1.2.0 - Patch NotesThis was very kindly discovered by a reader yesterday, so instead of updating the post 10 hours after it went live, I decided to wait till today's post so you all could be made aware of this update. If it isn't obvious by the title, yesterday saw the release of the brand new 1.2.0 patch for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. This game was the third and final major 1st party release for Nintendo last year and performed incredibly well, however not to the heights of Mario and Zelda but that was expected. Anyway, in this latest patch, several bugs were squashed and other fixes were put into place. They also added several user requested features to make their game even better for their playerbase. Some of these fixes include, "Added functionality to allow players to receive the first round of quests and the second round of items associated with the Expansion Pass.", "Voiced segments in menus can now be skipped with the A or B button.", and "Adjusted the Gormott regular quest “The Riddle on the Wall” to make it completable regardless of player progression in the main story.". This extensive patch is available to download now and the relevant patch notes can be found in the link above!  Top Reddit Posts: Games with tiny fonts have to stop. - Link - u/kravitzzYou think Switches success will bring back "Game Cube" era of all games released on Xbox, PlayStation and Switch? - Link - u/YarrrImAPirateWhat the Switch Really needs is a solid City Builder - Link - u/TheRealShubshubI’ve got a very talented friend. The tips glow in the dark! - Link - u/Fankuan19  If there are any errors or missed information, just let me know and I'll add it promptly.  Well today has been quite a busy day! I've released 3 articles today and have officially launched my website (moved it out of a "soft launch" state! I know I say it regularly, but I would like to thank you all for the continued support, without you I would never have continued this series for more than a week, I would never have hit a month of activity. Today was a little quiet in terms of news, but with the next Direct being rumoured to be a thing next month, I'm sure I'll be kept busy. Thank you to all of the wonderful people who allowed me to use their reddit posts from earlier today, you are part of what make this community amazing. Enjoy your day/night and I'm going to get some much needed sleep now, night night! Sam :) via /r/NintendoSwitch
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