#that's not a good idea theme wise it's purely the fact that i can't take the characters seriously if i have to picture them as frogs
originemesis · 6 months
hc dump ~ // ( abel ) - dearly departed
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• abel currently resides in heaven, though under secret identity (mostly just disguised with angel soldier armor) due to the fact he was supposed to remain in limbo, but was extracted by michael early. adam does not know he's there - he thinks he's still in limbo or missing. • he is one of michael's 778 legionnaire soldiers - a faction that is seen as above the exorcists (who are the mall cops of heaven basically) vs the legionnaires who are the actual army led by michael, and yes they have guns. lots of guns. • his natural hair is brown like adam's and you can see some of it at the nape/bottom part of his undercut hairstyle. when he was saved by michael, he would wake up later with the top part of his hair turned golden like michael's (with the brown undercut still) indicating michael's claim over his services as a 778 legion member. • he has a poor sense of reading the room (a fact that carries over after death when he had no idea his brother wanted to kill him). • (dependent - but personal lore wise) he was killed in the water in a pre-meditated attempt to make it look like an accident with the tide coming in and pushing him against the rocks. • he spent the entire time up til then in limbo- which for him was just floating aimlessly in the middle of an ocean with nothing around. • in heaven he has hobbies such as surfing, and he's a certified life guard for those drowning in sin. • his soul instrument is the ukelele. • he keeps his identity a secret from adam and for (reasons yet disclosed) does not want to reveal himself to his father. • he serves in the legion as a medic/healer and while he can hold his own with an angelic gun, his specialty is using water to heal wounds. • his wings are gray with silver blue tips / that of a blue heron's. • no playlist but i imagine this would be on it for vibe reasons. band vibes would be queen 100%.
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• like adam was tasked with naming all the animals, abel becomes saddled with the task of tasting all the animals to see which ones are the tastiest and then finding the best of the tastiest to offer to the creator (like a macabre Pokedex) after he ends up offering a very tasty lamb on pure coincidence and then God decides he's the best for the job. • vice versa - cain always gave what was needed, but not necessarily what was wanted. this ties abel's theme in with beelzebub in the sense he is happy to provide wants over needs (and this is part of the reason that fuels cain's anger and jealousy - in other words, abel is 'that girl' aesthetic and cain can't replicate it or doesn't see the point of it.) • abel has definitely referred to the best lambs he's raised as cotton candy. • he's very adamant about tasting new things and very good at finding the best ingredients, however when it comes to putting them together, he takes after his mother in the cooking field (sucks) though his philosophy that putting all the yummiest things together has to result in something yummy. • cain wanted to kill him before, but the straw that broke the camel's back was abel cooking one of cain's unorthodox pets- • his and his eve's cooking is only bad to non stoners. stoners love the munchies they concoct. • his ocean theme and blue herring wing design also stems from the fact that there are so many undiscovered things in the ocean (that he's yet to sample) so he's very fond of the ocean in that regard as he sees it as a final frontier to his ordained mission. • during his stay in limbo (floating aimlessly in the ocean) he ends up happening on michael who was searching for but unable to find him due to limbo's terms and conditions for souls being untraceable. he finds him because michael becomes a beacon of light and like a light house, attracts abel in who's curious about the new light. • while surfing in heaven during lilith's stay / her secret dealings with adam, she ends up taking the form of a shark and biting abel's leg off. because of her demonic influence/ venom, the wound can not heal and the limb does not regenerate as expected - growing back in the form of a lamb's leg. • that boy is neurodivergent as fuckkkk. (our autistic king.) • absolutely makes this face when he's trying to recall if he's tasted a certain animal before or not and the subsequent pay attention, honey slap.
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