#that's soooo not a conversation you're ready to have
grlpartdoll · 13 hours
Oki part two of this HERE WE GO
I originally wrote you meeting all four in this part but it added up to like 4k words so I'm splitting it up LOL
this is just reader meeting johnny soap mactavish for the first time. Yah yah he's soooo cute. 18+ mdni pls
The first one to see you is Johnny. You look like you've come from the woods surrounding the place, messy and rattled and cold. So fucking cold. Matter of a fact, you're trembling, teeth chattering.
You're wrapped in nothing but a trench coat and you're wearing those little heeled boots, like you're fresh from the city.
You stumble into his pub empty-eyed and with only the bag slung over your shoulder. You settle slowly and quite heavily into a seat at the bar — a place where you can observe the whole room and keep an eye on the door.
Johnny approaches you while buffing out one of those stubborn cups that just refuse to shine properly, that cocky little smirk on his face because he's got fresh new prey among the town, finally.
"Aye, aye, lassie." He watches as your body tenses at the attention, your eyes flicking to his, your mouth stretching to accommodate a grimace of some sort. "Whit can I get ye?"
"I don't.." you clear your throat, cupping the edges of your neck gently with a shaky hand. Johnny doesn't quite believe his own eyes when you peel your hands away and he peeps at a few bruises there, scattered around like someone had grabbed you by the throat and squeezed just a bit too hard for it to be the source of any pleasure.
Johnny half wonders if you're about to have a mental breakdown right here, right now, in his pub, seeing your eyes flicker through about a dozen different emotions — panic and shame and anger and something else he can't quite name.
"I don't have any cash on me."
"Pssh, dun't ye worry aboot that, hen. First drink an' meal's oan da hoose." That's not technically true — but for a pretty frightened little bird like you, he's ready to make an exception.
You clutch the straps of your bag against yourself, and stare around the place for a moment, your eyes searching and searching and searching. Johnny eventually joins your search, but only finds Marty there, the old man that practically lives here since his wife, the local bookstore owner, divorced him — poor guy. Two local kids also sit in a nearby booth, warming up by the fire, having come in for breakfast before school. It's quiet in here, safe only for the kids' low conversation and the old jukebox repeating the same Prince song for the tenth time this morning.
"Do you.. I'd like something.. warm?" You finally ask, quiet as a mouse. It makes his lips twitch into a slight frown. If you notice, you don't say anything.
"Coffee an' breakfast?"
You lick your lips, as though the simple mention of it is making you want to drool, and Johny, like a savage, goes hungry, watching those wet lips plump on your face again. They're a bit bloody — picked raw by those shaking hands on your lap. Johnny wonders how they would taste, just like this. Cold and bloody.
You nod at him, ripping out of his outlandish imagination, and then, like it physically pains you, you choke out a little "please."
Johny gives you his signature puppy-like grin, and turns away to the kitchens, trying to not make it too obvious that he's found his newest obsession.
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laufire · 6 months
also while we're at this jason is far less of an "unreliable" narrator than you always act like he is, you just can't accept the other bats ever fuck up.
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creativewritersposts · 3 months
delirious state - Luke Hughes
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summary; Luke Hughes x reader
Luke gets injured and the painkillers kick him into a delirious state, which is quite funny.
warning(s); mention of injury, it's more fluff and funny, real head injuries are no fun! , maybe grammar errors
author's note; old but good! 4/4 fics done! Good night everyone ✨
"Luke Hughes left the game and is on the way to get medical help".
This is how the disaster began. You stand in the emergency department waiting for Luke, completely worried and walking circles. "Mrs. Hughes? Mr. Hughes asked for you", an older nurse speaks with papers under her arm. You didnt know you're his wife but you're completely fine with that. Together with his nurse you arrive on a station where you can smell the typical disinfection scent.
"I'll leave you alone with your husband. Our doctor had to sew a wound on his head, two broken rips and a swollen nose. Because of the medical drugs and painkillers he can speak confused. He needs to rest. Are there any questions?", the nurse looks up from her pinning map with all informations, you don't care right now. You want to know if he's okay. "No i just want to see my husband, thank you". The nurse nods and walks back where they came from.
Quietly you open the door, afraid to wake Luke. Your poor Lukey. But damn you're wrong. Your poor Lukey smiles high and looks at you absolutely awake. He has a black eye, a neck support and plaster on his head where the doctors had to shave his head. He looks not good, hockey is a dangerous sport.
"Hey babbbyyy! Nice to see you", he waves with his hand and his voice sounds higher than usual.
"Hey, are you okay? My poor Lukey. Your family will be here in one hour. Traffic", you pet his curly hair and sit on his bed. "Oh yeah. Do you want to go to the cinema with me?", Luke smiles again not knowing what he tells. "You're not in the condition so I don't think", you giggle. It feels like you talk to a child. "You are soooo pretty", Luke does a gesture to show how much and curls your hair with his finger.
"You are pretty, too. Even with your destroyed face", you smirk. Luke is never that cheesy but as long he won't get angry you tolerate it.
"I really wanna have sex with you", he says without warning. It's atypical for him, he's very shy.
"Baby I dont think that works out right now",
"but whyyy?", Luke gets tearful.
"You have an head injury!".
"You think I'm a sucker in bed!", he replies in a stubborn tone.
"No don't get me wrong!", you never imagined you both have this conversation in the hospital one day.
"Yes you do. I'm lucky I married you before you could leave me because of that", his monitor signals louder because his heartbeat gets faster.
"You really need to rest and chill baby", you hope the topic is closed now.
"Just if you tell me you want to have Sex with me too!", you roll your eyes. "I won't say this!", you place your hands on your hip. A nurse comes in and controls his vital values until he speaks out, "Marriage is hard", he huffs. The nurse laughs off.
"We're not married. Before we reach this step you have to ask me!", your poor nerves. Honestly you need a drink to get through this. And chocolate cake.
Luke wants to stand up out of his bed, "babyyy lets go! I'm ready to get some actionnn with youu", he tipsy says. Luke's cheeks are rosy and and he looks like he gets fever. You lovely push him back to bed. "Lukey I love having sex with you but god damn lay down or I'll cain you on this bed!".
"Uhh I love when you take control", he smirks.
"Man you knocked out on ice and all you can think is about this?! and y'all say I'm the cheeky one!", you turn around behind you, hearing a familiar voice. It was his older brother.
Ellen, Jim and Jack watched this amused scenario. "Mooom", Luke groans. Ellen goes straight to his bed, hugs him and strokes his curly hair. "Can I help you with something? It looked really bad!", his mother says. "Why have you to interrupt me and my wife? Its getting hot in there", Luke is outraged.
"Lukey its fever and no sexual attraction, I'm sorry guys, he's dazed from the drugs", you try the best to get out of his embarrassing moment. "Mooom?", he calls her name again in a wailing way. "Yes?", she holds his other hand and focused. "Can I borrow your ring? I need to do a proposal". Ellen don't know what to say. Jim stays quite in the cornor as opposed to Jack. He grins the whole time and records some videos. "I have to send this to Quinn! Made my day!".
"Don't be so mean", Jim replies. "Daaaadddd?", comes from the big boy in bed. Jim steps next to Ellen, looking down to his son. "Why I'm the third one and not the first child? Didn't you make any effort to get me?", he whines. "Can't believe my smartest son asks such a stupid question", Jim shakes his head and hugs Luke, too. They don't care about this delirious state, the ony thing that matters is, he's okay. (Of course Jack will show their whole family these videos later).
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zebuie · 4 months
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[𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒]; dealer!ellie x fem!reader
𓆩♡𓆪 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒:; your friend insists you join her in a party, and you go along not expecting much but little do u know….
[𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒]; thank u SMM for 100 <3, not proofread, 3k words woops, reader is sick 🤧 (I relate.), swearing, pet names, degrading, strap sucking (e receiving), strap sex (r receiving), eating out (e & r receiving), fingering (e receiving), cum eating (e & r receiving), Ellie calls the strap her dick/cock, aftercare.
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Dina was standing over you as you lay in bed, covered in used tissues. "Come onnnnn—You need to go to the party tonight. It's going to be so much fun, and you love parties! Plus, it's been days since you've gotten out of bed, and like I'm kinda worried about you y'know."
you looked at her, nose running and eyes watery. "But I'm so sick," u groaned.
Dina persisted, "Pleeeaaase? It's going to be a blast, nd you never know what could happen. You might even meet someone new or just have a great time! n' don't worry, I'll make sure you have the best time ever. Just say yes."
You sighed and thought for a moment. Despite your illness, you secretly wanted to go to the party. "Fine fuck, okay. I'll go," you mumbled weakly.
Dina's face lit up with excitement. "Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! " she squealed happily. "I know you won't regret it. Let's get you all dolled up now cmon,"
You groaned inwardly, knowing that getting ready would be a challenge in your current condition. However, deep down, you couldn't help but feel a flicker of anticipation. Maybe, just maybe, this party could be the distraction you needed to lift your spirits.
Dina started gathering your clothes and makeup, while you reluctantly dragged yourself out of bed and wobbled to the bathroom to get ready. Despite feeling like death, you made an effort to look somewhat presentable.
As you stood in front of the mirror, applying makeup half-heartedly, Dina came in with your  party attire - a shimmering dress and sleek heels. And She helped you put them on.
Once you were finally ready to go, Dina practically dragged you out the door. The party was just a short walk away, and the sound of music and chatter grew louder with each step. The night air felt cool against your flushed skin, making you shiver slightly.
As you stepped inside the party venue, the vibrant energy hit you like a wave. Colorful lights flickered and danced, and people milled about, chatting and laughing. The music pulsed through the air, the bass making your heart thrum in your chest.
Dina suddenly leaned over to you and whispered, "hey, I'm gonna go get some weed, wanna come with?" You shrugged and nodded, secretly relieved for a chance to get away from the overwhelming party energy. 
As you both made your way to her dealer—Ellie, Dina introduced you. "Ellie heyyy, this is my friend-" and before she could even finish her sentence: "No no I know who she is." She responded quickly. "Hi." You said awkwardly. Ellie smiled at you and then turned back to Dina. "Soooo what's up.." Ellie asked Dina.
 "We need some weed. Hook us up, please?" Ellie gave you a friendly smile and when you smiled back at her she choked on her spit."uh yeah yeah sure—Let's get you sorted." She said avoiding eye contact with you.
Dina and you followed her to a secluded corner near a makeshift bar, where Ellie discreetly pulled out a small bag of weed from her pocket. "Here you go," she said, handing it to Dina with a casual wave. You noticed her stealing glances at you as she spoke, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter of attraction.
As Dina paid for the weed and left to get some drinks, you mustered up the courage to strike a conversation with Ellie. "So, you're the infamous weed dealer around here, hm?" you said playfully. Ellie chuckled and looked at you, a hint of shyness in her eyes.
"Guilty as charged." She replied, a small smile tugging at her lips.
Dina returned with the drinks and the three of you find solace on a cozy patio behind the bustling party. Ellie takes out a joint and lights it up with expert ease. The smoke swirls around you, filling the air with a musky yet sweet fragrance. As if by unspoken agreement, Ellie offers the joint to you first. You accept it gracefully, taking in the rich scent before taking a small drag and passing it to Dina.
As you pass around the joint, each of you taking turns to inhale and exhale, the tension between you and Ellie seems to ease. The weed adds a hazy yet enjoyable layer to the conversation, making even the simplest topics feel profound.
Ellie takes a hit and turns to you in between coughs, a cheeky grin playing on her lips. "So, what brings you to a party when you're sick, anyway?"
You chuckle, the weed making the memory of your illness feel distant and forgettable. "Dina dragged me here, actually. Said I should get out of my self-imposed exile." You glance at Dina, who nods enthusiastically, a grin plastered on her face.
Ellie takes another puff, her eyes gleaming with laughter. "Well, I for one am glad she did. I mean, look at us enjoying ourselves, weed and all."
The conversation flows effortlessly as you and Ellie exchange stories, each topic leading to another in a chain of stoner introspection.
As the joint makes its way round again, you and Ellie start to lose track of time. The weed has its full effects on you now, turning everything into a fuzzy, comfortable haze. Laughing and sharing stories, the conversation flows like a never-ending river. You notice Dina nodding off beside you, her eyes heavy with intoxication.
Suddenly, Ellie's fingers brushed against yours, sending tingles through your whole body. You look at her and share a smile. Maybe this party wasn't such a bad idea afterall.
"Hey, you alright?" Ellie asks as she notices your glazed eyes and slow speech. "You look absolutely baked."
You manage a lazy smile and a nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling really damn relaxed. This weed is strong."
Ellie chuckles. "Well, it's not called weed because it makes you feel uptight."
You giggle, feeling a sudden wave of affection for her. It's as if the weed has lowered all your inhibitions, leaving only the raw, genuine emotions.
Dina stands up and stumbles a little, the mix of drinks and weed making her dizzy. "I think I'm gonna head home," she says, her words slightly slurred. "This weed has me feeling a bit too high."
You nod, understanding. "Be careful on your way home, alright?"
Dina waves a weak goodbye as she leaves to get an Uber. Now it's just you and Ellie, alone in the hazy aftermath of the joint.
You watch as Dina disappears into the night, then turn your attention back to Ellie. As if reading your mind, she suggests, "Wanna head back inside?"
You agree, and the two of you make your way back inside the party. The music is loud and throbbing, and the lights have turned into a dizzying, colorful display. You find a cozy couch and settle down, the weed still clinging to your senses.
You lean back into the cushions, enjoying the soft feel of the fabric against your skin. The buzz of the party fades into the background as you focus your attention on Ellie next to you. The world seems to slow down, and for a moment, it feels like it's just the two of you there, trapped in a private bubble.
"So," Ellie says, breaking the silence, "how long did it take Dina to convince you to actually come out tonight?"
You laugh softly, the memory floating to the forefront of your mind. "Oh, she started pleading about a week ago. She's been on my case for days, saying I've been living like a hermit."
Ellie grins, chuckling softly. "Yeah, sounds like Dina. She really doesn't want you to become a recluse." She pauses, seeming to choose her words carefully. "You know, I'm glad she did manage to drag you out tonight. Otherwise, I might not have gotten the chance to meet you."
For a brief moment, silence blankets the air between you. The world outside of the couch fades into insignificance. All you can focus on is Ellie, her eyes locked with yours. 
You can feel the weight of unspoken words hanging between you.
And then, without a word, you lean in, your lips meeting hers in a gentle, yet passionate kiss.
You pull away from Ellie, your heart racing as you gaze into her oh so beautiful eyes. 
A soft smile lingers on her lips as she breaks the silence. "We should probably head somewhere more private." She gestures towards a dimly lit corridor that leads to various rooms beyond the party hubbub.
Without a second thought, you nod enthusiastically, taking her hand and leading her towards the door closest to them. Inside, shadows envelope every corner with only moonlight seeping through the barely-there curtains casting eerie patterns on the walls. The cool air in here contrasts nicely with the warmth of Ellie's body pressed against yours; making everything feel intensely personal and intimate. 
Her scent fills your senses while you deepen their kisses; tangled hands carding softly through each other's hair. 
As you continue to kiss passionately, your hands start to wander; undoing each other's buttons and zips with eager fingers. Soon enough, clothes are discarded in a messy pile on the floor as you stand there—your bodies exposed and vulnerable before one another. 
Your eyes never leave each other's as Ellie reaches behind her back, unfastening the clasp of her belt. A soft chuckle escapes her lips when she sees the surprise etched across your face at what she reveals next: a strap on harness tucked under her pants all along.
Ellie grins, stepping closer and running her fingertips along the curves of your hips. "Wanted to catch you off guard." She teases gently. 
With a sudden movement, she slips out of her harness; revealing a thick dildo nestled between her legs. Her eyes sparkle with mischief as she beckons you forward with an inviting finger. 
Ellie runs her fingers through your hair, pressing down on your head just enough to guide you closer until your lips brush against the silky surface of her dick. "Get down," she murmurs huskily, her breath hot against your cheek. You obey without hesitation, leaning forward eagerly; closing your eyes as you take the dildo into your mouth. She moans softly at the sight and feeling of it; running her hands through your hair while slowly rocking her hips—pushing herself deeper into your waiting throat.
Your tongue swirls around the head of her dildo, teasing and flicking it with a tantalizing rhythm. Ellie's moans grow louder, becoming more urgent as you take pleasure in exploring every inch of her toy; making it glisten with your saliva. 
She begins to move faster, thrusting harder against your mouth—her hands tightening their grip on your hair. You can feel the tension building within her, each deep push bringing them closer to release.
As Ellie begins to move in time with your movements, the strap of her harness rubs against her sensitive clit with each thrust. 
The sensation sends a wave of pleasure coursing through her body; pushing her closer and closer towards climax. 
Her breath hitches in your ear as she whispers, "Suck harder." You comply without hesitation, increasing the suction and using your tongue to tease every inch of the silky shaft before you. 
Your actions have an immediate effect on Ellie; moans growing louder and more urgent as she nears release. With one final surge forward, she shudders violently—her orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave while you continue to suck eagerly; savoring every drop of her sweet essence that seeps from between your lips.
Once Ellie's climax subsides, she gently pulls you away from her cock; guiding you to your feet. Her eyes glow with desire as she moves towards the headboard of the bed, sitting down and positioning herself for what comes next. "Get on top," she commands in a sultry voice that sets your pulse racing. You obey eagerly, straddling her lap; feeling the cool air against your wet folds before slowly lowering yourself onto her waiting dick. The sensation is intense but pleasurable—your body adjusting to accommodate its thickness and length within you.
Ellie's hands grip your hips, guiding you as you adjust to the size of her strap-on. Her voice is low and rough with desire when she speaks, "you love this u dirty slut..being filled by my dick hm? don't you?" She pumps gently into you—each thrust sending waves of pleasure through your body. You moan softly in response; lost in a haze of lustful submission. "Say it," she commands again, her tone more insistent now. 
"Tell me how much you want this cock."You gasp for breath as words tumble from your lips, fueled by the intense sensations coursing through every inch of your body. 
"I need this... I want your dick so-so bad.." Your voice is barely above a whisper; full of longing and degradation that only heightens their passion even further.
Ellie growls deep in her throat; loving the sound of your surrender. 
She begins to pick up speed, pounding into you harder with every thrust. Her hand snakes between your legs—playing with your clit while she ravages you.  "such a whore," she breathes out, her eyes locked on yours as he drives deeper into you.
 "A dirty cum-slut who needs my cock hm isn't that right?.. " The taboo words fuel the fire within both of you; making it impossible to hold back any longer.
Your body shudders as pleasure rushes through you; waves of bliss crashing over you like a tsunami. Ellie feels your muscles clamping down tightly around her dick, knowing that it's only a matter of seconds before she pushes you over the edge. She groans loudly—her own release close at hand as she continues to pound into your wet core.
"Cum for me," Ellie demands, her voice thick with desire. "Let me see you come on my cock." The words are like a match to gasoline—your body exploding in ecstasy as you shatter into pieces; waves of pleasure washing over you in an unstoppable tide. 
You scream out her name, your muscles clenching tightly around her strap-on as she pushes you further and further towards the brink of blissful oblivion.In the aftermath of your orgasm, Ellie slowly pulls out of you; leaving a trail of slickness behind as she stands up from the bed. 
She reaches down to help steady yourself before drawing you close into a tender embrace.
As you catch your breath in Ellie's arms, she gently pushes you away; guiding you down between her thighs. You eagerly bury your face against her wet folds, savoring the sweet taste of her arousal as you settle in for what comes next. 
Your fingers slip inside her while your tongue begins to dance around her clit—your actions making Ellie moan loudly and clutch at the sheets. "More," she whispers hoarsely—her body begging for relief from the intense sensations that are building deep within.
You lose yourself in the sensation of Ellie's heat and sweetness around your fingers, her flavors intensifying with each passing moment. Her breath hitches as she edges closer to release—your tongue tracing circles around her swollen clit while you pump your fingers inside her. It's not long before she lets out a loud moan, her body shaking with pleasure as she comes undone on your face.
You lose yourself in Ellie's warmth and flavor as you feast on her sweet pussy. One hand gripping her ass for better leverage, the other buried deep inside her wet folds. Her body trembles beneath you, nearing a climax that's been simmering just beneath the surface. She whimpers loudly, her legs wrapping around your head; holding you tight against her core.
You keep going at it, licking and fingering her like a woman possessed. Her moans get louder, and she's grinding against your face pretty hard now. You can feel her getting close, and you don't want to stop until she screams your name in pleasure. Your fingers move faster inside her while your tongue does its dance on her clit; making sure she feels every inch of attention you're giving her sweet pussy.
It doesn't take much longer now. Ellie's breathing turns erratic, and her body stiffens as waves of pleasure crash over her. You feel her pussy clamping down around your fingers, and she screams your name; flooding your mouth with her cum while you lap it up hungrily.
As Ellie comes down from her orgasm, she pulls you away gently; your mouth filled with her essence. She kisses you deeply—her fingers entwined with yours as she tastes herself on your lips. "God, that was amazing," she murmurs against your skin before running a tender caress down your cheek.
Ellie slowly sinks down between your thighs—her fingers running lightly along your swollen lips before dipping inside to clean you up. You shiver at her touch; lost in the pleasure of her soft tongue tracing every curve, gathering remnants of your cum and spreading them around for her to suck on. It doesn't take long before you're completely clean and she pulls away from you, a satisfied smile gracing her lips.
You cling to the sheets as she continues her tender torment, moaning loudly with each flick of her tongue against your sensitive bud. Her fingers intertwine with yours; pulling you closer until it's impossible to hold back any longer.
Ellie finally draws back; her lips swollen and wet from your taste. She kisses you softly, one hand trailing up to stroke your hair lovingly before she reaches over for a damp cloth. She gently cleans the remaining traces of cum from between your legs—her touch tender yet thorough.
Once you're clean, she presses a kiss to your inner thigh—her hands running soothingly over your body as she gazes up at you adoringly. "So beautiful," she murmurs softly before pulling you close for another embrace. Her soft lips brush against yours in a gentle caress that leaves you breathless; savoring the sweetness of her smile as happiness fills the air around you.
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im so bad at endings ahahsjsj buttttt i hope u guys enjoy thissss 😁😁😆😆
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ellievickstar · 7 months
Pretty Lies
A/N: THIS THOUGHT STRUCK ME AS I THOUGHT OF THE MEME SO LIKE BEAR WITH ME FOR A MOMENT OKAY??? also i gave up valentine week, i want to write a lot does not mean i want to stick to a schedule.
Summary: Cassian has some questions about you and Azzy's relationship, and because you are both very private people you choose not to answer Cassian truthfully, but what will happen when he decides to test your answer out?
Request: Nope.
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Warnings: Fluff. I'm in my soft era okay??? shush. This is set before even Amarantha so somewhere between the first war and the curse.
Cassian glanced between you and Azriel, both of you had been speaking through the mating bond, thus it was mostly silent. Truth to be told, your bond was quite new and Cassian had not really heard you both interact with each other since you both confessed your love.
"Hey...I have a question," Cassian spoke up, raising his hand slightly. You cocked your head curiously, waving a hand to encourage him to continue.
"Do you guys use pet names?" Glancing at Azriel, he shrugged.
"No," You said simply.
Narrowing his eyes, Cassian internally scoffed. He did not buy it, not for one moment. Azriel may have been the most quiet among the three of them but he knew for a fact that Azriel was probably the most affectionate behind close doors. Azriel cared in a way that was quiet, a way that did not draw attention. The smallest details that hinted to the fact that the shadow singer cared more than he let on.
Cassian nodded to himself, he would reveal your lies and expose them for what they are, this was his true purpose in life.
His plan commenced during dinner.
Waiting for the proper moment to strike, he suddenly piped up when you and Rhys were deep in conversation, Azriel was listening to Amren closely as she complained about how boring her life was now.
"Hey, Y/N, what do bees make?" Cassian asked slyly. Hesitating for a second, you gazed at him before answering, "Honey?" It was then that Azriel suddenly said, "Yes, Sweetheart?" Mor exploded into laughter, Amren hummed her amusement and Rhys grinned like a wild cat.
Blushing a deep red, you turned your head to hide your face in Azriel's arm, his hand coming up to stroke your hair while your body shook from trying not to laugh, his lips curling up into a smirk.
"I KNEW IT," Cassian screamed, "YOU LIARS TOLD ME YOU DIDN'T USE PET NAMES, HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME," Wincing at how loud he was, Azriel shot Cassian a pointed glare in which Cassian quieted down, sulking slightly as he dramatically collapsed back in his chair, clutching his chest from 'heartbreak'.
"I'm sorry Cass, but you're not the most...subtle person," You tried. You were trying to not snicker and be kind about it but he gasped louder. "I can be subtle. I am soooo subtle," He rolled his eyes.
"So if I told you I found my mate would you be calm?" Rhys joked. However, Cass's eyes widened at Rhys, his eye balls seemingly almost popping out. "I'M THE LAST ONE LEFT WITHOUT A MATE????"
"Never lie to my face every again," Cass whined, chuckling you nodded, Azriel's wing tucking you closer to his side, ready to scoop you up once you were done talking to Cass so you could retire home for the night.
"I promise I will tell you every detail, even how Az-"
A/N: hope this was fun to read heheheh see y'all next time <3
Azriel taglist: @chessebookgirl (if you guys want to be tagged in any character fics please tell me and I will happily add you <3)
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onlyhaos · 5 months
thinking abt being cheols passenger princess rn :p controlling the music and just being cute 😌
I’ve been learning and learning, so sorry that I was literally dead. (due to so much learning I literally have a writing block) this is literally so cute 🥹 let‘s get to it !!
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bf!Cheol who picks you up from work every day. Even if he has work again after, he‘ll always try to come and pick you up. Dropping you off at home, kissing you, and then leaving for work again.
“Hey baby” Seungcheol waved, so you’d see him, standing at the car in that classy outfit that you always loved. “Hey, love” You smiled, feeling your man’s lips press onto your forehead, the second you get close to him, as a greeting. Getting in, you’re ready to tell your lover all about your work day, waiting for him to also talk about his, which sadly wasn’t over yet. So when you feel yourself getting fully caught up in the wholesome conversation, you were already in your driveway. Seeing you sulk, Seungcheol began talking with his signature pout. “Baby don’t look at me like that, y’know I have to leave for work again, but I'll be back soon. And I'll also come with a small surprise.” He kissed you, stroking your cheek, which made you smile at him brightly. “Okaaay, I love you, come back home safe later” You smiled, watching your lover getting into the car again. “I love you, too, baby. And will do” Cheol said, waving you goodbye as he drove off again. And in the evening, when your handsome man rings at the doorbell, you're so happy to finally see him. But the first thing you see isn't him, it's the pretty bouquet of flowers that stand in front of his pretty face. It's the kind of bouquet you talked about to Seungcheol. With a sweet smile and a small kiss, you tell your lover to come inside, praising him for being so attentive.
— ౨ৎ
bf!Cheol who always has comfy socks or/and shoes in the backseat. So when you come out of the building, fully exhausted and feet hurting from your heels, he‘s quick to hand you everything you need for even just a bit of comfort.
Sighing loudly, you finally rested in the pre-heated seat of your boyfriend’s car. A whine escaping you, as you, softly, 'complained' “My feet hurt soooo bad” , only waiting for Cheol to get your comfortable sneakers out the backseat. “Are your feet cold too?” Seungcheol asked, looking at you as he bent back to grab the shoes. Seeing you nodding with a humming, quietly, he made sure to also grab your fluffy socks. Handing them to you, he paid attention to you putting on your socks. “Need help, dear?” Your lover asked as he still held your shoes, patiently waiting for you to finish putting on your socks. “Mhm, I don't think I'll be able to get my shoe on, it’s too tight in the passenger seat, and I can barely put on my socks already.” You said, laughing. But before your laugh stopped, Cheol already lifted your legs gently over the console and put on your shoes for you.
— ౨ৎ
bf!Cheol who always lets you control the music. Handing you his phone so you don‘t have to fish yours out and opening the shared playlist that you both always listen to. Every and anywhere.
''You know, when I was at work today, listening to our playlist and this 'songs you might like' thingy, I found a new song. It's really pretty!'' You spoke, happily. Making the man next to you smile. ''Oh, really?'' He said with a small chuckle. ''Do you want to listen to it?'' Cheol asked, ready to get his phone out already. So before you could answer, your boyfriend already handed you his phone. With a quick look at his camera, the phone immediately unlocked. Because, who would've thought, your face was also registered as his face ID. Opening the music app, you searched for the new song you heard today, and began playing it. Listening to it, Seungcheol began speaking, ''It's a really pretty song, my baby, but you do know that you can just connect the phone to the car, then you can enjoy it a bit louder, hm?'' He said, gently as he smiled.
— ౨ৎ
bf!Cheol who always asks you if you want to go and eat out or if you just want some quick takeaway, in case you’re too exhausted to cook for yourself and him.
''Any ideas on what we could make for dinner today?'' Seungcheol asked as you both were driving home from your exhausting work day. ''Not yet, but I'm also not feeling like cooking today, and I don't want you to cook alone.'' You said, feeling a bit guilty for showing your exhaustive self in front of your also hardworking boyfriend. ''That's totally fine, baby. But if we won't cook today, any ideas on where we could eat out? It's friday, we could go out and have a nice dinner together. We deserve it.'' He chuckled, as his hand found it's way to your thigh. ''I saw a new restaurant that I wanted to try with you, they have a nice wine and also very tasty beer. Would you like to go and check it out today, or will it be our standard restaurant?'' You spoke, your hand sneaking up to rest on his. ''Sure, why don't we try something new today. We can go home first, make the reservation, freshen up a bit and then have a nice dinner together.'' He spoke, happily. Not being able to say no to such a nice plan, you agree to it, already feeling excited. As if it was the first time that you and Seungcheol went out for a date.
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pearlfeline · 3 months
the world's best tour guide
peter parker x fem!reader/stark!reader
word count: 2.6k
tw: none
a/n: made this longer to make up for the last one but then i went so far i didn't know how to end it lol hope its still readable because i don't think so :') enjoy ALSO HOCO PETER CALLBACK BC I MISS WATCHING THAT MOVIE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MIDDLE SCHOOL OH GOOOOOOOOD
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“There needs to be somebody else with me!” Your father exclaimed.
“Oh, well maybe you should’ve thought of that before making this fraudulent internship?”
“It’s… real. It’s real to me.” Your father gazes at you longingly.
“Soooo people are supposed to believe I have to work my way up through this internship despite the fact that we share a last name and address?” You look up from your laptop for the first time during this conversation.
“There’s celebrities out there that don’t give their children even a penny, you’re lucky.” Tony shrugs, popping a grape in his mouth.
"Plus, it makes perfect sense! You're a little builder like me aren't you?" He says in between chews.
“Those are mine,” You snag the bowl back to your side of the kitchen island. “and I’m adopted!” You shove two grapes in your mouth to one-up him. “Do you know how effed up you would be to cut off my only source of income when I’m adopted?!” You were muffled by the grapes in your mouth.
“Don’t curse.”
“I said eff I didn’t say fuck.”
“DON’T CURSE.” Tony warned.
“Ugh, where’s mom? I wanna complain about you.” You groaned, taking yourself and your laptop upstairs.
“Leaving at 11:30!” Tony shouted through the stairs.
You waved him off, rushing to your room. You continued working on your computational model simulated lab that Bruce designed for you to play around with.
“Bam.” You say to yourself as you let the 3D models crash into eachother.
“Knock knock.” Your mom says quietly.
“Mom, don't say knock knock. Just knock on the door.”
“Honey, let’s get off the computer for a second.”
Pepper closes your laptop gently. “Just go with your father hon. He’s just using this as an excuse. He wants you to work with him more he loves you.” She crouches down at your eye level, taking your hand.
“Everybody knows how smart you are, they want to work with you. Okay? Okay. Great, get dressed.”
“It's not that I don't want to go, it's the fact that I'm probably not allowed to touch anything fun or follow dad anywhere cool. Also your pep talks are getting shorter and shorter.” You huffed.
“I’m hungry. I want lunch. Maybe your dad should’ve waited for me to make my toast before asking me to come up here.” Pepper takes one last look before leaving the room. “Be ready in 5 minutes.”
You begrudgingly come downstairs.
“You look great honey.” Tony clasps his hands together.
“I didn’t even change.” You said flatly.
“…Okay. In the car.”
Pepper gives you a look with many meanings behind it. If you had to guess, her expression meant “Be nice”, “He’s trying his best”, and “Shut up don’t complain”.
You give your mom a half-hearted thumbs up before leaving.
After a little while of driving, Happy comes to an abrupt stop.
“Dude what the-” Your phone dropped to the bottom of Happy’s seat in the process.
“Here’s the kid.” Tony says, trying to hide his smile. It was evident even from the backseat.
A boy with a linty hoodie and a beaten down bag waved to the car, a matching grin plastered on his face after he realized who was inside.
“Mr. Stark!” He exclaimed.
Your dad gets out of the car, exchanging words with the boy.
Tony opens his door. “Yeah go sit back there. Now, I trust you know not to bother my daughter.”
As if on cue, Peter opens the door to see you with intimidation in his eyes.
“H-Hi.” Peter sits in his seat stiffly. He extends a hand and reels it back realizing what your dad had just said.
“He’s just kidding.” You shake your head, chuckling. “…I’m allowed to greet people.”
Peter swallows a lump in his throat. “Right. Of course. I’m just not sure if I can greet people.” He wipes his sweaty hand on his sleeve before extending it out again.
“Peter.” He looks up with a shy smile.
“Y/N.” You nod, shaking his hand.
“I saw you on youtube. The robot you built? The one that could project a hologram five times its size? So cool.” He gushes.
You smile shyly, having to look away from embarrassment.
“I’ve seen you on youtube too.” You grin subtly.
"...Oh god. I was only ten, my solar system was supposed to orbit around slowly. I used paperweights instead of styrofoam balls and the battery I used was high powered, they weren't supposed to fly out like that. I even paid for the school's camera with my Christmas money-"
"Uh- no.. I meant like the spider thing?"
Dumbfounded, Peter looks over to Tony through the rear view mirror. Tony meets his eyes and gives him a wink.
"Oh... I didn't know you knew about that." Peter sinks into his seat.
"Don't be embarrassed. I think it's cool." You smiled.
Peter unconsciously smiles back at you. "Thanks.. I…try." Peter cringes at his attempt to reply to you normally.
You lessen the distance between you and him and look at him fascinated.
"How do you swing around? Lab-made fibers? It looks.. almost organic."
Peter tries not to flinch and holds his breath. He should've brought his breath mints. What if his breath stinks? He ate a string cheese before he left the apartment.
"I-I uh- I make them myself. It's web fluid. When it flys out of my web shooters, it solidifies into that flexible, strong stuff." He pulls up his sleeve to show you.
"Woah, how many cartridges do you need?" You run your fingers along the band around his wrist, staring curiously.
"They last a while, but I switch them out like every few weeks-"
"We're here." Happy yawns, taking the opportunity to stretch his arms.
"Thanks Hogan." You pat his shoulder from the backseat and get out of the car.
Peter blinked and all of the sudden, everyone filed out of the car. He frantically steps out, his eyes having a hard time adjusting to the sun.
"Here." You push him three inches to the side, bringing a shadow to shield the sun from his eyes. A really big shadow.
Peter can't help but let his mouth hang open.
"Just as flashy as I remember it dad." You said before stealing his sunglasses from his face and running to the doors.
"Hey, GENTLE! They're Dita! VINTAGE!" He shouts.
You giggled as you tried to frantically slide your keycard into the scanner that unlocked the doors.
"I'm gonna tell the receptionist they're a gift!" You yelled back before rushing inside.
This makes your dad quicken his pace, rummaging his pocket for his keycard.
Peter had never seen Tony like this before. There was someone who was alive, very real, and actually had authority over him. His child. Peter slowly catches up to Tony who's waving his credit card around the sensor.
"Sir.. I don't think that's the right card." He mumbled.
Tony looked down at his gold card, his brain short-circuiting for a moment.
After composing himself and taking out the correct card, Tony almost flung the door open, his eyes locked to you leaning over the front desk.
You turned around, the sunglasses nowhere to be found.
"Yeah?" You tilted your head innocently.
The receptionist takes this opportunity to go back to her typing after you finally stopped talking her ear off. She wasn't wearing them either.
Peter stood awkwardly behind Tony. He stared at the high ceiling and the enormous fish tank that stretched across the wall with fish he had a hard time telling if they were real.
"Gotcha." You reveal the sunglasses behind your back, handing them back to your father.
"Not my style.. Also probably not her's either. Right, Erin?"
The receptionist only shoots you a glance, her fingers never stop clacking on the keyboard.
"Kid, this way." Tony sighed, gesturing Peter and following you to an elevator.
Peter shyly makes his way to the corner of the elevator and staring at the array of buttons. He's never been in a building with over five floors, let alone a hundred.
"So... What are we doing exactly?" You asked your father.
"I thought I'd give the kid a tour." Tony says while he scrolls through his phone.
Peter fiddles with his hoodie's strings, unable to make eye contact as he's being mentioned.
"Oh." Tony stops.
"What?" You asked warily.
"I need to approve something. Something either dumb and obvious or an array of important decisions." Tony looks through his missed calls and rings a number.
"Tour my ass." You mumbled.
If superheroes do anything, they double book. Constantly.
The elevator dings and you and Peter file out. You turn around and Tony doesn't step off.
"You've been promoted to tour guide. Okay bye." Tony closes the elevator doors and you watch him descend to a lower floor.
"I went from being a child of nepotism to a tour guide? I don't consider that a promotion."
Peter was visibly dumbfounded. He was intimidated by Tony by some degree yes, but he already knew him. He's never been to the tower, and now he's alone with his child that could make or break his reputation here.
"...Dude?" You wave your hand over his face. From your perspective, ever since your dad went downstairs, Peter had been blankly staring at the floor.
"Hm?" Peter's eyes didn't leave the floor.
"Wanna meet Dr. Banner?" You smiled. It reminded Peter of a cat that knew it was doing the wrong thing.
Something about your expression told Peter you wanted to bother Bruce more than you wanted to introduce Peter to him.
After a string of trailing after you in hallways that looked like they were from the future, you slid open the keypad, and rapidly drew a complex pattern into it.
"Hey Dr. B."
"Woah." Peter's eyes wander throughout Bruce's lab. Holograms fill a lot of empty space.
"Hey mini Stark, hand me that slide rack will you?"
You were all smiles. Peter could see you were finally in your element.
"What are you doing now?" You peer over Bruce's shoulder.
"Not too close, unless you wanna put on a coat and some goggles." He says, eyes locked on the microscope.
You immediately run back to the doors, a nervous Peter Parker blocking the coat hanger.
"C'mon Peter." You enthusiastically put on a lab coat and fasten the glasses over your face. Without hesitation, you put another pair on Peter's face and throw him a coat.
You grab him by the sleeve just as he put on the coat and run back to Bruce.
"Dr. Banner, this is Peter." You smiled.
Bruce looks up from his microscope and gives a small wave.
"From what I've seen, I think he might be one of us." You chuckled.
"...And maybe one of you guys." You give Peter a teasing smile.
Peter let out a small and odd noise before clearing his throat.
"Dr. Banner, I'm a huge fan." Peter gushes.
"Hey, show him your webs." You pull his sleeve back.
Bruce’s eyes studied the webshooters.
"He's the spider guy." You say proudly.
Peter tries not to shake uncontrollably from a mix of embarrassment and excitement.
"Oh.. You made these?" Bruce blinks curiously.
Peter nods and tries to conceal his growing smile.
“He’s one of you guys. I told you.” You wink at Peter, only for him to see.
“That’s… how? How did you make these?” Bruce chuckled in disbelief.
“Can I borrow your whiteboard?” Peter asks.
After writing down the entire formula for the polymer he used for his webs, Peter finally slouches over. His work takes up a majority of the board.
Bruce stares in awe of Peter’s creation.
“Basically this is it.” Peter scratches the back of his neck.
“Visit any time kid.” Bruce chuckled, speechless. He gives Peter a pat on the shoulder.
“How about a snack?” You asked Peter.
“If you’re gonna pass this little audition with my dad, you should probably know where the kitchen is.” You sighed, pulling the goggles off your face.
“Are you sure you’re not just hungry?” Peter asks.
“Oh, I finally got the boy to let his guard down? Telling jokes now huh?” You laughed.
Peter shakes his head, smiling to the floor.
“I just met Bruce Banner.”
“Mhm.” You trail down a long hallway, to a shiny pair of doors that stretched from the floor to the ceiling. The kind of doors Peter would visualize any person having a hard time opening.
Behind the doors was a kitchen area bigger than the living room of his apartment. The marble top island was like his dining table.
“Take anything.” You said casually, fetching two spoons from a drawer.
Peter walks in like he’s just attended his own surprise party. When he opened the pantry he didn’t expect a wall of snacks.
“I like these.” Peter points to the bag of mini reese’s cups.
“Then bring the bag dummy.” You snorted and opened the freezer.
“How about some ice cream?”
Peter and you somehow moved all your snacks to the balcony and you started tearing away at them almost immediately.
“You brought a lot.” Peter unwraps a peanut butter cup while you sink your spoon into your coffee ice cream.
“What are you hinting at man?” You give him a glare.
“NO! God, no I meant I don’t want to eat all this food, it’s- it’s not mine I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that.” By the end of Peter’s sentence he pops the candy in his mouth, defeated.
“I’m messing with you. Dig in. Seriously though Cap is on a new diet he found on this dumb blog. I never should’ve gave him an iPad for Christmas.” You rolled you eyes.
“It’s mostly my snacks now. Sometimes Natasha eats with me when I bother her enough.”
“Cap? Cap as in?” Peter knew the answer but needed a confirmation. There was no way he could be convinced he’s in the very building where all these heroes roam around.
“Captain America.”
“And Nat?”
“Oh, Black Widow.” You say in a sultry voice.
“That’s my lady. We watch dumb movies when I come around here.” You added.
“That’s.. wow. You see them often?” Peter takes a spoon and digs into the ice cream too.
“I guess.” You shrugged.
“Just so you know, they’re all lame like me. Not as cool as you think.” You grinned at the memories you had of them hanging around.
Peter shook his head.
“You’re not lame. You’re cool. I don’t think anyone else can mess with Tony Stark like you can.” Peter chuckled.
You look down and take another scoop of ice cream.
“…Not that he’s the only reason why you’re cool. You’re so smart and really funny.” And really pretty. But he wasn’t going to say that.
“Thanks. You’re pretty cool too.”
Peter let out a dry laugh.
“No. I’m not. You should see me at school seriously. It varies from being invisible to being a-”
“Don’t call yourself a loser or a nerd before I do a flip off this balcony.” You groaned.
“Besides, what’s a nerd if not a person in the wrong environment?” You give him a nudge.
“This is an environment where nerds thrive… And the occasional superhuman.” You added.
“Then why aren’t you getting recruited possibly, like I am?” Peter asked.
“My parents won’t ever let that happen.” You sighed, opening a bag of spicy chips.
“Maybe in the future, I’ll be one of these guys, we’ll be older, and we can convince your parents.” He said.
“You’re so innocent.” You laughed. “But yeah. If you somehow land a spot here, you have to help me get in too.”
Peter held out his pinky.
“..What are you doing?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I…pinky promise.” Peter held a stern expression. For the world’s best tour guide, he was willing to keep his word.
“Okay, swear?” You held out your pinky.
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
gojo goes to watch a cabaret show with his friends and ends up being so awestruck by you. you catch his eye immediately, shining so brightly in the center of the stage – how could satoru miss you? a big, big cocky smile and a wink into the crowd and he's already ready to fall to his knees before you. shoko has to punch his shoulder bc he's literally starting to levitate towards the stage????
he's already in love with your saccharine voice and the way you move, the way you carry yourself. he's not the only one that's abdolutely captivated, the whole room is looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky during your solo performance.
but now we all know how angelic satoru looks... it's impossible to not notice him in the shadowy crowd. when you lock eyes with him and sing a line to him – he's ready to explode. he feels giddy like a child, so honored and excited from the slightest piece of attention from you.
and he just keeps coming back. he's seen every single one of the shows you're in because he's just so obsessed. after one of the shows he happens to find you outside as you're just taking a fresh breath of air. he contemplates whether he's gonna say "hi" or not because he understands that a fan meeting after the long and tiring show could be a bit much. but then your eyes meet and his breath is hitching. you give him a warm smile and give him a soft "hi" yourself. you motion for him to come closer and you ask him what he thought of the show. he ofc ends up kind of rambling about all of the ones he has seen and you can't help but think that he's just soooo cute.
the conversation flows so well that you kind of forget how tired your body is and you decide to give him your number. the tips of his ears are so red bc omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're giving him your number and he didn't even have to ask for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!!!! suguru will never believe him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but nevertheless he pulls himself together and promises to take you on a cute little coffee date with a dopey smile on his face<333333333333
+ ofc u can imagine whatever kind of performances for this buttttttttt i have two very specific ones in my mind that i think satoru would love so much hehehe
sweet transvestite - like c'mon you know he'd eat this shit up. he has the biggest fucking grin on his face bc it's so funny and so entertaining (and hot) and it's just the kind he likes.
big spender - aaaaaaaaaaaa this one is sooo cool i love it and i think he would love it too. he'd love the outfits and the seductive tone. and i think he'd love it for the fact that you're literally singing abt a rich guy and........................ he is literally the big spender in question lmao i think this one would make his ego grow a little i won't lie.
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rhadamanthes · 6 months
Private lesson. Hiromi x reader
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word count : 1,6k
warnings: established relationship, piano sex, soft sex, fingering, humping, fluff, pregnancy kink, lot of pet names, breeding kink, doggy style, slight oral sex, this is soooo soft omg i can't believe it, fluff fluff fluff.
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"Mimi, look there's even a piano!" you squeal, dragging him toward it by his hand.
"Yes, it's nice baby" he chuckles following behind.
Hiromi, your boyfriend rented a hotel room for the night. For the past few weeks he's been working on a big case for his law firm and he finally finished it yesterday. You threw him a little surprise party with a few of his friends when he came home. He was happy but also told you that he wanted you to relax as you supported him through it: hence the hotel room. The sun is setting, giving the luxurious room a nice orange hue. 
"Before we order food and champagne let's give the room an inspection" you chirp excitedly, intertwining his arms with yours. Going through every room you praise the decoration claiming you want the same back home. In the bathroom you are ecstatic over the golden claw foot tub and all the products laying there. 
"Oh my god mimi can I take these back home? they're so cute" You say grabbing the miniature soaps and shampoo. 
"Let me check their policy first, yeah?" he laughs, rubbing your back softly.
"Avoiding me jail time? you're the perfect boyfriend!" you purr pressing a kiss over his cheek, he leans into the kiss pressing his nose on top of your head inhaling your scent. 
Going back to the living area you still can't believe there is a  grand piano in the room. Taking a seat on the large bench you pat the spot next to you inviting him to join. 
"Play me something" you ask with a dopey smile. Hiromi sits close to you nudging your thigh with his own.
"As you wish" he grins, focusing on the tiles. He extends his fingers and lets them move graciously on the white ivory. The sound coming from them is nothing offbeat like you thought, it's actually harmonious and  you recognize  "Sea of love" . You open your mouth in awe, not aware of this hidden talent. 
"Whaaaaat, Hiromi ! I didn't know you played piano, why didn't you tell me!" you gasp, hitting his shoulder lightly. 
"Well it never came up in the conversation and it would have felt like bragging" he answers with honesty.
"Who cares, this is so cool ! Teach me a few tricks" you say excitedly clapping your hands. 
"Ok" he laughs. His hands cross your shoulder to hover each of your hands, then place a warm kiss on your shoulder "You're ready?" he asks in a deep voice. 
The proximity makes you shiver as he's almost talking in your ear. Pursing your lips you nod your head.His fingers guide Yours over the tiles. You really try your best but you're not used to stretching your fingers like that, Hiromi guides you as best as he can with his own fingers being above yours but it ends up sounding messy. You both laugh at the broken melody. 
Taking a moment to really look at him you get lost in his dark eyes, his hair is combed backward but some stray strands graze his forehead, his nose, god, his nose. You like to trace it with your fingertips when he's asleep, when he's busy but still allow you in his lap, it's one of his most beautiful features, really. Beyond his good looks, he's a selfless person, he makes you feel safe, heard and more loved than you ever felt. Feeling your eyes on him, Hiromi feels the heat cripping up his cheek in a pinkish tone. You kiss him before he can say anything. A passionate kiss to show how much you care for him and how proud of him you are. 
His fingers that were hovering yours are now intertwined with each other he squeezes them as he moans into the kiss.Biting on his lips you let your tongue enter his mouth twirling it against his. Out of breath he breaks the kiss.
"I love you" you whispers looking in his eyes
"I love you too darling" he wastes no time answering.You feel butterflies in your stomach, smiling like a fool.
"Where were we ?" you giggle refocusing back on the piano.Lifting you from your spot, Hiromi helps you up on his lap. 
"It will be easier like that, don't you think, doll?" he asks, kissing the back of your shoulder. You nod your head and place your finger once more on the tiles. 
With a few tries you manage to make it sound less catastrophic but there's definitely room for improvement. Hiromi takes off his right hand from yours.
"You got this one right, let's focus on the other hm?" he asks, resting his free hand on your belly, tracing circles on it. His hands progressively go lower until it's tucked against your pussy. You're only wearing a skirt with stockings, you can feel the heat his skin radiates. You adjust yourself on his lap in an attempt to get some friction against your clit.
"Teacher, what are you doing ?" you tease.
"Giving you an encouragement, get the left hand right and you'll have a reward." 
You hum, grinding a few times against his crotch feeling a slight bulge. The pressure he applies on your cunt makes it hard for you to focus, you start to moan incoherently, vision blurring with the need to feel him all over you growing by the second. 
"What's wrong my dear ? you don't want to play anymore" he whispers in your ear biting at your skin. You just groan, grinding on him harder. "Hands on the frame." 
You oblige, grabbing your ankle he positions your knees on the bench. Understanding where he's idea is going, you arch your back to stick your ass out. glancing back at him with a sultry look. Never taking his eyes off you, Hiromi lifts your skirt, and slides down your panties. He chuckles a bit at how the piece of cloth sticks to your wet pussy. You groan as the cold air hits your private part. Hiromi smiles, petting your rump before spreading your folds with two of his slender fingers. 
"My pretty little pussy"he coos, kissing your entrance softly. you moan resting your head on the cold varnished wood. He licks at your clit a few times dipping his major and ring finger inside of you. 
"Mimi please fuck me" you beg feeling your palms sweating on the frame of the piano.
"Sure thing" he says curling his fingers one last time, making you shiver.
He spreads your legs wider on the bench and you feel his tip teasing your entrance. You back your ass on him to feel him inside, both of you moaning in the process. Gripping on your sides, Hiromi thrusts into your gummy walls, squeezing him in. His cock makes you feel full and he reaches deeper and deeper as he keeps fucking into you but it's not enough. Grabbing his tie you yank it toward you, needing him as close as possible. Surprised by your sudden move, Hiromi let one of his hands fly to the keys so he doesn't crush you under his weight. The disoriented sound steals a laugh from you, locking his lips with his in a heated kiss. His nail digs in your side, you know that I'll leave the mark you like. 
Hiromi gets lost in the feeling of you as always. It's your scent, the way your skin feels under his, the way you desire him and don't hide, your voice. Fuck it's you. From the day he first saw you he knew it was always going to be you. Pulling his tie incredibly closer, you thrust your ass back on his dick needing always more. A familiar knot forms in your belly, you want to cum in sync with him so badly. 
"Hiromi I love you" you say out of breath, tears menacing to rise at any moment. His brows furrowed his cheeks a light shade of pink, a few beads of sweat forming on his forehead.His pace accelerates and you can feel your legs give up under his powerful thrusts.
"Shit, I love you too baby" he says, calling your name between hushered breaths. "My angel, i'm going to put a ring on your finger" he groans "a-and make you a mom" His dick twitches at his own word. You're not better than him, clamping hard on his cock.
"Hiromi please yes!" you beg "Fuck, can't wait to see you with a swollen belly and tits full of milk" he pant keeping up his pace. 
A few more thrust and you cum undone reaching your climax. Hiromi follows you soon after, shooting all of his cum inside of you. Your body slumps on the piano producing hitting various keys and you can't help but laugh again. Hiromi's back shakes behind you laughing silently. Catching his breath Hiromi sits both your bodies on the bench and makes you face him. He caresses your hair, kissing your temple in a comfortable silence. 
"Were you serious about what you said ?" you ask in a weak voice, scared that he said these things in the heat of the moment.  Encasing your face with his hands, he makes you look at him.
"A hundred percent serious, the rest of my life is with you" he says pressing the back of your hands to his lips. The tears well up in your eyes. 
"We're getting married?" you ask cheerfully. 
"Yes my love" he smiles, kissing your hand once more. 
Overjoyed you lock your arms behind his neck and squeeze him in a deep kiss. This is the beginning of a long night after all. 
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kazz-brekker · 3 months
hotd episode 3 thoughts:
big fan of that smash cut from the blackwood vs. bracken blustering to the battlefield covered in corpses, just the kind of escalation i was hoping to see this season
rhaenys i love you but you have GOT to acknowledge that a peaceful path is not going to work as this point and you're making rhaenyra look bad by persuading her there might not be war
criston cole is so bad at being hand compared to otto tower, my god, the energy in that small council room was like a group project when the sole person holding it together isn't there anymore
i'm continuing to really like the dynamic between rhaenyra and mysaria, it just adds a lot of interesting depth to both of their characters
don't worry seasmoke your time is coming just be patient buddy
harrenhal is so goth! and desolate! and ruined! and damp! just as i hoped!!!
ser simon strong you're the only man i respect at harrenhal. really love his deadpan sense of humor and unwillingness to put up with daemon's dramatics, this is going to be a fun dynamic
why do i get the feeling that every hightower who sees alicent and criston standing next to each other immediately knows they're fucking lol
never thought i would feel bad for criston again but i would not want gwayne as my coworker on a military campaign, he does NOT seem cut out for this
criston is terrible but he had really nice hair so i can't believe he got a haircut :(
rhaenyra. girl. you have to made a decision about this war. i'm begging you know. a dragon ate your son! do something about it!!
rhaena having dialogue! rhaena having a character and something to do! rhaena and baela having a scene together where they both talk! i have dreamed of these days and now they're finally here!
i like how this season has carefully allotted 1 scene per episode of larys sneaking around and being like "sooooo i heard this thing you might want to know…" evil adviser representation!
ulf. my guy. if it's genuinely dangerous to be a dragonseed in king's landing you should maybe not be bragging about it to every random guy in a tavern you meet.
having a really hard time imagining aegon and aemond being united and killing people on their dragons together like the greens want them to after that last scene with them, i'm pretty sure i could see aemond trying to kill his brother via telepathy during it
baela chasing criston and gwayne on dragonback was soooo good honey i am so proud of you keep up the good work
begrudgingly awarding criston one "actually good at his job" point for noticing moondancer in the sky
audibly yelped "MILLY ALCOCK?!?!" when she turned up in daemon's dream sequence, i was NOT expecting to see her this season
alys rivers standing around creepily and saying ominous things to daemon…again, i have dreamed of this day for several years
i also REALLY was not expecting rhaenyra and alicent to share a scene together this season
by the end of the episode i was definitely getting sick of rhaenyra's waffling about her decisions but i'm glad that her conversation seems to have hardened her and she's about to commit to the war for real, it's about time
it could have been interesting if rhaenyra and alicent never communicated about the "aegon's dream" prophecy mishap but emma d'arcy's acting when rhaenyra thought viserys had truly discarded her in favor of aegon really got to me and i was on the edge of my seat hoping she would realize the truth
at this point i am really ready for some proper dragon carnage so i'm very happy that next week seems to be delivering on that :)
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plantoyoon · 3 months
Can I have a taste?
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Synopsis: Unexpected romance develops between co-workers, going on dates, drinking some coffee and alcohol.
Genre: co-workers, slow development, fluff, smut
Warnings: 18+, social anxiety, one shot
Wordcount: 9.9k
second warning: might not make perfect sense, not really proofread, I've just started writing recently... soooo thank you for reading, and if you have suggestions, I am here.
You know that moment when life seems to make so much sense, like everything is perfectly aligned, but actually if you look further and deeper you wonder how the pieces came together?
Well, working on international projects was something indeed interesting. From your coworkers perspective, the best part was meeting new people and making new friends. You being introverted, that seem like the worst part of it. Most of the people you met were nice or at least interesting, and finding differences and similarities between cultures was also entertaining.
It wasn't the best always working at your company, but it had it's perks. Like in this moment, being at a full table with laughing people, good food and great atmosphere after the end of a successful project. Everyone was making cute promises of new meetings and new ideas to put into practice. The overall effervescence of some wine and excitement was intoxicating.
You were sitting next to the only other girl from the big team and one of your coworker, being guarded and trying to interact as least as possible. It wasn't that you didn't like them, but it was a giving you a lot of anxiety being in a group, trying to throw in some ideas in the discussion. Being around some many passionate people about their field was a bit overwhelming. You were quite good at what you were doing, and you enjoyed it but it seemed like never enough to get on into this talks. Following all the ideas of all the people at the table was getting exhausting.
At the right moment you get a message from your boss asking you for some documents as urgent as possible. You're getting so caught up into finding what he asks that you don't even hear that someone asked you a question. But you heard silence, some laughter and raised your head from the phone to look around. Of course half of the people are looking at you, your coworker Hoseok comes at your rescue, making a small joke about the fault in being a workaholic and repeating the question for you.
"How it is to work in a project just with men?" You're looking to your left for the other girl and she is nowhere to be seen.
"Where is Sara?" you ask.
"I think she went for a smoke" another guy at the table answers.
"Hmm. Fine, I guess. We delivered what we had to deliver, so great." you answer and want to go back to your business. The idea for a distraction for them appears "You could ask my coworkers how was for them, because they mostly work in teams mostly formed by women, being more old in the company, I'm sure they have better insights on that. Guys?! you inquire and as soon as the conversation gets lively again you get to your phone, sipping on the water with lemon you had on the table.
As it gets noisier you get up to find a place a bit less agitated for you to focus. You know this place quite well so you identify quickly your spot, next to a staircase with a comfy chair and take a sit. But it doesn't take long until you get interrupted again. This time by one of the members from another country.
"Hei! What you doing down there?"
"I just need to solve some things urgently and I can't find this thing." you answer as politely as possible, because this was Yoongi. He was one of the first people you worked with outside your company. He was really nice, always helpful and seemed like a good person. And you wanted to be nice to him.
"How are you?" you ask seeing him still there, not quite ready to leave.
"Good. I really like this city, and the food is great."
"Yeah, it has his qualities." you didn't like your city, but you tried your best not to show that.
As you started getting more pings from your boss, you feel the need to hurry and ask Yoongi if he needs anything.
"I was looking for the toilet actually."
"Aah. I see. Well, it's right ahead, then you do a left next to the bar and then right and then you'll see the doors." you answer looking at Yoongi, seeing him now better, red in the cheeks, glassy eyes and leaning against the wall. He was a bit too drunk, and you chuckle to yourself at this tall, dizzy guy, looking for the bathroom.
You get up and start walking towards the restrooms. "Come after me." you say with your eyes still glued to your phone. He follows and enters the room after saying a shy thank you. With your eyes still looking for the files, you walk slowly towards your comfy hidden chair. But after a few minutes, Yoongi's back and seems a bit more fresh, with some droplets hanging at the ends of his hair, probably splashed some water on his face.
"Thank you, you're really good at giving direction. You could be a great guide." says he and then slowly goes back to the other people.
You wonder what is it with these people and their weird statements, but get over this thought quickly as you found the files you were looking for. You send them and dread the moment because now you have to get back to the table with the others.
As you get closer, you notice Yoongi took the seat next to your now empty one and you think to yourself that this should definitely get into some conversation, you have no escape at this point. Somehow, you don't despise the thought. You appreciated him, even though you have never seen each other until this week. You always talked through the phone, e-mails or online calls. Now you could also appreciate how handsome he looked, but you needed to stay as professional as you could and as you should.
You take your sit, trying to get into some small talk with the girl next to you, starting with complimenting her hair. You don't really know Sara, and try to ask some question to keep the conversation going. How did she start working with her team, what did she study, how the week felt like for her. The conversation runs smooth and you praise yourself for that.
After some time you feel a poke on your shoulder, and turn around not realising until now that you've almost turned with your back towards the people on your right. And you see Yoongi asking for the bottle of sparkling wine next to you.
"You're sure you want this? Maybe this?" pushing some water towards him.
He takes the water, pours some in his glass and some in your glass. Then asking again for the wine. You comply giving him the wine, and he firstly pours in your wine glass that still had some on the bottom, then going for his glass, followed by Hoseok glass. He asks the girl next to you if she wants some and pours the rest of the bottle into her glass.
At this point you expect some kind of toast, it seems like he has something on his mind to say. He raises his glass, demanding the others to follow in his movement and says: "This city is amazing, I like it so much and I am impressed by all the good work you people have put in." then he looks at you briefly "I want to see more of it. Towards more interesting projects and new friends. Cheers!" finishing the short toast with the clinks of the glasses.
You don't know why, but you felt some goosebumps when Yoongi looked at you. But this means nothing, he will go back to his country, his life and you should get your mind out of the scenarios that start forming in your head.
As time passes, you start getting more immersed in the conversation you had with the people at the table, especially with Yoongi, realising you have so many interests in common. You feel more comfortable now and the wine definitely made it a bit easier to get through the night. Hoseok turns his head towards you asking if you're going to stay any longer, because he wants to get home. You shake your head, looking at the time and seeing it was past 11 pm. You turn your head to Yoongi with inquiring eyes. He looks at you a bit lost, but answers after sighing, that he is ready to leave.
The three of you got up, said your see you tomorrows and goodbyes, and headed towards the exit. You feel the dizziness from the alcohol getting stronger, but the cold autumn air makes it a bit easier.
"I think I'll walk for a bit before calling for a taxi."
Hoseok already called his taxi and tries to convince you to call quickly for one because it's late, you have work tomorrow and so on. He is a good friend, but sometimes he is too much of a control freak. So you say "I'll just walk Yoongi to his hotel and then get it from there." knowing it will be a ten minute walk, enough for you the feel better. Hoseok seems pleased with your solution, and Yoongi is looking stoic without saying anything.
"Only if that's alright with you, Yoongi!"
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Of course it is!" says him as fast as possible.
Both of you walk in silence. You enjoy the cold breeze of the night and the rustling of leaves from the nearby trees and it feels quite peaceful. You hear a chuckle and look up towards Yoongi.
"What's funny?"
"How are you walking so fast? I was told I walk fast, but I feel I am putting some effort to keep up with you." Yoongi answers with another chuckle at the end.
"Ah, sorry! I think it's the wine for my speed and probably for you being a little more slow than the usual."
"Haha, maybe." followed by a long hmmm from him. You wonder what that sound was supposed to mean. "What was that?"
"What was what?"
"That hmmmm?!"
"Aaaah. I think I make this sound involuntarily when I'm thinking."
"Hmmm, I see. Hmmmmmm." You slightly mock the sound he made.
"Want to know what I am thinking about?"
You feel a trap, but you answer with "sure" anyways.
"I'm thinking…" he takes a moment before continuing "we definitely need to drink more water."
You agree, and as you see the hotel getting closer you get your phone and type in your address, ready to call for an uber. As you reach the hotel, you panic a little bit as no uber accepts your order. Yoongi stops next to you and asks if everything is alright.
"Yeah, but I think it takes a bit longer to get an uber at this hour."
"Hmm. I'll wait with you then."
"Don't worry, Yoongi. We have a long day tomorrow, I'll be fine. I'm sure someone will accept eventually."
"Don't say nonsense, I can't leave you by yourself. I would actually suggest to get into to lobby, drink something until your ride arrives."
You don't argue with that and feel a bit softer on the inside hearing that from him. You wonder why did you expect him to be less friendly. So you get inside, ask for some water at the still open bar and sit with Yoongi, talking about some of the countries he visited, and checking from time to time your phone.
15 minutes later a driver finally accepts your order, he is 3 minutes away. You let Yoongi know, and stand up, grabbing your bag. He follows you towards the exit and as you sit next to each other, he puts a hand on your shoulder, leaving it there for a bit too long, but you think about all the alcohol that was in his organism and try to not pay it attention. But the next thing surprises you, as the car stops in front of you, Yoongi closes the distance between you two with a small kiss on your cheek. "See you tomorrow! Yeah?"
"Mhm. See you tomorrow!" and you rush to the car. Was that something? It couldn't be. Your heart beats fast as you make comfortable in your sit. Maybe that's how he is with other people, friendly, french people always kiss each other on both cheeks when meeting. You try your best for the next 20 minutes to bring some sense to yourself and stop building expectations. As you get into your apartment, you check your phone one more time, and you have 3 new messages. One from Hoseok, one from your sister and one from Yoongi. All of them asking the same thing: "Have you arrived home?" you quickly send a Yes to all of them, and place your phone down trying to stop thinking about Yoongi.
"Shower and water, now." you say to yourself focusing on the moment.
The next morning brings a new sense of relief as it would have been the last day of work activities. Most important it will be just half of day, the rest being for the other people to visit your city on their own before leaving.
You get ready, read some e-mails on your way towards your first stop of the day, the coffee shop. This day required your favourite beverage, Iced Americano, before meeting with the others. After sipping the cold drink, you feel more ready to tackle this day, more prepared to block any Yoongi related thoughts.
At the office, everyone seemed to have the same need for coffee as you, as you found almost all of them around the coffee machine. Good thinking in getting your drink from another place. You greet everyone and try to wiggle your way to your place in the meeting room through the crowd. Not even placing your stuff on the table, you hear Hoseok asking you:
"It's october, I can't believe you bought an Iced Americano again. How could you drink that even now?"
"Hoseok, I already told you. This Iced Americano is the only coffee that I enjoy, so leave me alone and drink your bitter double espresso." You say in a jokingly manner, not realising Yoongi was behind you.
"Where did you get that?" he asks.
Startled, you give your answer, telling him about the coffee shop 10 minutes away from there. He looks at his watch and groans as you were supposed to start in just a few minutes the meeting. Yoongi takes the sit next to you and turns to face you: "Could you give me just one sip, I really don't like this coffee." whispers he pointing to the small cup in front of him.
You take your place and confused at his request you push your cold cup towards him. As he takes it from your hand, his fingers brush slightly over yours which brings some goosebumps up your arms. As fast as possible you start pulling out your stuff from your bag, looking down on your notebooks, sure that your cheeks were more rosy than the usual.
Yoongi groans a little after tasting the coffee "This is so good! You need to show me this place, Y/N?"
"I know, they have the best coffee. I'll give you the address later if you want to get one in our break."
He answers just with a mumble that you don't understand, getting another sip before giving your drink back.
For the next two hours of the workshop, Yoongi keeps on brushing in unintentional ways his arm against yours. You try to move yourself to give him more space to move when he explains his ideas, but somehow, each time he requires more space. By the end of the meeting you realise that you closed the distance between your chair and the empty one on your left. You sigh and think that these touchy people will drive you nuts one day. You don't enjoy being touched, you could even say you despised it. Not really, you like hugs from your favourite people and even cuddling. But with people close to you, not everyone. And this thing with Yoongi, it just fuels something that shouldn't be fueled.
The coffee break starts, you grab what is left of your iced drink and go to grab a mini croissant looking at the other people talking, forming small groups. You see Hoseok, Yoongi and other two people talking, and notice how Yoongi kind of retreats each time one of the other guys tries to touch him on his arm. You chuckle to yourself and wonder if he realises that he did the same to you. Your thoughts are interrupted by Hoseok who makes a gesture to join them. As you reach them he grabs your hand, telling the others how you don't like being touched by people, only if you know them for some time.
Once again you wonder what is with all these strange conversations these people have. You care a lot about Hoseok, but sometimes you want to punch him because making people aware of your quirks it's not on his employee responsibilities. But you knew him for such a long time, him actually being the one who recommended you for an interview at your actual company, so… you had enough time to get used to him.
"I am the same." answers Yoongi and it surprises you and start thinking if you should deconspire him or not. You decide not, but comment "Well, some people are more used to this and others are not. I think it's related a bit if you are in a relationship or not. If you've been in a relationship for a long time, it's probably more comfortable to be so touchy." You look at Hoseok, him being the first example for your statement. He nods and continues the talk, giving it a new twist. You've been always impressed with his way of making the conversation go into the whatever direction he wanted.
In your mind though, the thing Yoongi said about not liking being touched took a sit. The internal debate starting. He was so touchy, but he doesn't like being touched. Probably just lied, you think to yourself.
The rest of the programme passes smoothly, and at the end of it Hoseok asks how long everyone is going to be in the city. Most of them answer that they'll be leaving in a few hours or tonight.
"What about you, Yoongi?" Hoseok asks seeing he was the only one not answering.
"Actually, I'll be staying for a few more days to visit. If you have recommendation or want to plan anything, let me know."
"Oh, cool. For sure we'll plan something, I promised to show you to that Korean bbq place."
You follow the exchange in silence, until you hear your name called by Hoseok once again. "Y/N, let's organise with our team to see who would want to get together these days."
Nodding, you sigh at another event you need to be in charge of. It might be something informal, but you're so tired of so much socialisation. You just want a cozy night, some music and silence.
Maybe Yoongi felt your resentment that he announces that it could be the smaller team, no need in putting any effort into it. You look at him, smiling, grateful for his suggestion.
After all the other details have been discussed and all being done, almost all the guests left. You gather your notebook and laptop, getting ready to leave to your desk. By the door there is a small group of people still talking, as you pass by them you feel your elbow softly grabbed by someone, expecting to be Hoseok, you put your bored face: "What is it?"
Before you get to turn to look at him, you realise by the sound that is Yoongi, but the feeling stays the same.
"I was wondering if you could show me that coffee shop, maybe eat something there if they have any food?" asks him. You were hungry and the rumble in your stomach definitely approves his idea at the thought of those tasty sandwiches.
Your other coworkers get behind him: "What a great idea, Yoongi! We need to get some food, we're so hungry."
You follow the group who comes with new ideas for where to get lunch, finally deciding on another place.
"Hmmmm. Still, I think I want to get to that coffee shop. What about you Y/N?" "Yeah. I was kind of set on a sandwich from there and another coffee is more than welcome." you answer.
"Alright, then we'll meet back at the office. Yoongi, you're free to come also, if you don't have any other plans yet." says one in the group.
"Thanks, I'll think about it."
Now, with just the two of you, the conversation flows smoothly, with Yoongi asking about what he should visit next, where should he eat and what other activities you recommend until you reach the coffee shop.
He orders first "Two iced americano and two sandwiches!"
"Hei, I can order on my own." you pout.
"Well, I drank at least half of your morning coffee, so at least let me get that for you."
You try to convince him that isn't necessary, but he does not listen. Eventually, you give up, getting your food and drink and placing them on the small table next to the window. Yoongi follows you, sitting next to you.
"Why don't you sit in front of me? It's more space…" you ask, at which he just shrugs not bothering to answer and taking a bite.
"You were right Y/N, this place has great sandwiches and the best iced americano I've drank in this city.
You wonder "Have you been here before, in our city, I mean?" 
"Yeah, a few times."
"Then why ask for places to visit. There not that much to see here."
"Hmmm." again that hmm, which you need to recognise, you were getting quite addicted to it.
"I wanted to hear about the places you like, so… yeah." follows Yoongi looking into your eyes. Your heart skips a beat and your cheeks are definitely red. Not knowing what to answer, you mumble a yeah and sip from your coffee.
Almost done with your meal you ask: "So Yoongi, you're coming to the office after we finish here?"
"You want me to come?" you almost choke at his come at his question, wondering if you're insane or if he is indeed in a flirty mood. You feel the need to step back a bit and tell him that is his choice, not yours.
"Alright, but I'll see you this evening. We are meeting at that restaurant Hoseok was telling us about. Yeah?"
"I'll think about it, I still need to catch up with some work."
"Hmmm. Y/N…. " mumbles he disapproving.
"Alright, alright. Let's get going now and I'll think about it."
He pulls a large smile, and slightly nudges you with his shoulder. "Good."
The day passes fast, still wondering if you should meet with the other for dinner. Noticing your excitement to meet Yoongi, you wonder if that's a good thing or not. He is just a friendly person, and the attention he's giving you makes you overthink this situation. But by the end of the work day, Hoseok and the others just assume you're coming, taking you with them and it's too late to back off now.
Arriving at the restaurant, Yoongi was already waiting for all of you sited at a table of six. Why does he look even more handsome and at the same time cute in this dimmed light. You place yourself strategically on the diagonal side of him so you could focus more on your discussion started with your friends from the office. This dinner not being a project meeting, your favourite coworkers could join. You are feeling more comfortable in this environment, with people you knew for a long time, so you laugh, and you drink, bottling up the small crush that was unfolding in the afternoon. But from time to time you throw a glance at Yoongi, and all you could think is how adorable he looks laughing and enjoying himself.
Around 9 pm you decide it's time to wrap up and go home, this was wholesome and fun, but tomorrow is Friday, another work day. You announce the others and grab your bag to leave, taking a last look at Yoongi, knowing you might not see him in person for a while.
"I'm really glad you came after all, Y/N!" said Yoongi as he gets up to give you a hug.
"Me too, Yoongi! Enjoy your stay here and have a safe trip." he squeezes you once more before letting you leave.
Why do even his hugs feel great, you think to yourself while getting into the uber.
Your phone pings noticing you got a message, it's Hoseok. The text is stupid, just a line of question marks and you think he might had a drink or two too much and ignore him for now. But five pings later you check the chat again to see what does he want.
Hoseokeeee: ????????? It's something going on? You and Yoongi? What is going on? Y/N? ????????
You: ???????????? What are you even saying????
Hoseokeeee: The hug????
You: What about it? He was just saying goodbye?!
Hoseokeeee: Y/N????? I know him for more than 3 years. He never hugs anyone, he barely shakes hands with us
You: ????? whaaaat??? Maybe he just felt friendly tonight, will probably hug you too
Hoseokeeee: We left! NOOO HUUUG he did gave us a handshake, but yet I am really suspicious! (detective emoji)
You: Ok. Maybe if you didn't leave all at the same time, he would have hugged you
Hoseokeeee: I don't want him to hug me
You: Yeah, sure (heart emoji) But honestly, don't overthink it. Nothing it's going on
Now you are the one who overthinks it. Is something really going on?
Barely getting any sleep, the morning arrives and you're tired and groggy and in desperate need of coffee. A large Iced Americano for you today.
At the office you are glad everyone seems to be on occupied with their own business, not even Hoseok tries to open the last night discussion, not even at lunch. At least there's that, and you think to yourself that everything is fine and nothing is going on actually. But the universe has a funny way of blowing up your life conclusion, as a message from Yoongi appears on your screen.
Min Yoongi: Hi! Tonight there's a opening of this gallery, and has some paintings by O'Keeffe exposed. Would you like to go?
First you wonder how did he recall about O'Keeffe, you don't even remember mentioning this artists name ever. Second you panic and your mind runs at full speed. Thirdly you wonder if he invited other people and you glance at Hoseok's desks.
You breath in, get up and go to your friend, your always and forever adviser in this matters. You don't say anything, but show him the message. He looks confused at you, then checks his phone, refreshing the chat app.
He gets up and you take his place. "Hoseok, what is going on?!"
"You tell me Y/N?!"
"Does it seem I know. You two are friends, I am just the new confused girl. Did he ever told you anything? Please, think carefully."
"Well, it was this time… but no, I don't think it's related. Or that time…" he keeps mumbling things like that until it annoys you.
"Hoseok!!!!" It gets him out of the memory digging. "I don't even know what to answer."
"If you ask me, it's just a gallery visit. It's not anything to worry about, maybe he just thought you would be the only interested and that's why you're the only one that he asked."
"Okay, that makes me feel a little bit better." you answer going back to your desk. "I'll think about it then."
Hoseok leans back in his chair, studying you carefully. "You like him, don't you?"
You blink, caught off guard by his directness. "I… I don't know. I mean, he's nice and we get along, but…"
"But?" Hoseok presses gently.
"But he's from another country, and it's complicated," you finish, feeling a bit flustered.
Hoseok chuckles. "Complicated is your middle name, Y/N. Look, if you want my advice, just go. Enjoy the evening. If nothing else, you get to see some great art. And if something more happens, well, you can deal with it then."
You nod, feeling a bit more settled. "Okay, I'll go."
"You do that, Y/N." said Hoseok with a grin, but try to not pry into that. Hoseok was always a step ahead of you, having the overview of every situation. So if he thinks it's not a big deal, then probably isn't.
You: Hi! Sure, sounds nice. Meet you there at 8?
Min Yoongi: Awesome!
Your focus for the day was gone, your mind going at full speed about your outfit, hair and make up, how to get to the gallery and counting the minutes until the end of the work day. You felt excited, the only thing that kept you relatively grounded were Hoseok's words: "Don't overthink it." You opt for a black simple yet elegant outfit, something that strikes the right balance between professional and casual.
Arriving at the gallery, you spot Yoongi waiting near the entrance, looking effortlessly stylish. As you approach, he greets you with a warm smile.
"Hi, Y/N. You look great."
"Thanks, Yoongi. You too," you reply, feeling a slight blush rise to your cheeks.
The gallery is buzzing with people, all eager to see the new exhibit. Yoongi leads you through the crowd, guiding you to the section featuring Marino's paintings.
As you stand side by side, admiring the artwork, you find yourself relaxing and enjoying the moment. Yoongi's presence is comforting, and the conversation flows easily as you discuss the various pieces and their interpretations.
"Thank you for inviting me," you say after a while. "I really enjoyed this and the wine is good."
Yoongi turns to you, his eyes softening. "I'm glad you came. I knew you'd like it."
Baffled by his assured statement you ask: "How could you know?"
He doesn't answer, but comes closer to you, slowly placing his hand on your waist to turn you around to face a blue and green painting. You get a bit closer to read the name, with Yoongi's hand still on your waist.
"It's called Blue and green music, it reminded me of you."
You scrunch your nose, you like the painting, you like everything done by O'Keefe, but this is dark, complicated and being called that felt a bit weird. "How so?"
"Well, it shows passion, strength, vibrant vulnerability, all in harmony. I feel that's you." said Yoongi, looking ahead at the painting.
Feeling the warmth of Yoongi's hand on your waist, you take a deep breath, absorbing his words. The painting indeed captures a depth that resonates with you. "Passion and strength", you murmur, with your gaze fixated on the painting. "I never thought of myself that way."
Yoongi's eyes finally meet yours, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Well, you are. Y/N. More than you know."
"Thank you" you whisper, your voice barely audible above the hum of the gallery crowd. "That means a lot."
His smile widens, eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's just the truth." He takes a step back, his hand slipping from your waist but leaving behind a trail of warmth. "Come on, there's more I want to show you."
As you walk side by side, the conversation flows naturally, each painting sparking new topics and reflections. His knowledge of art and every other subject that comes up, fascinates you. You even forgot about your thoughts about this not being a date, you really hope it is now.
Yoongi leads you to a quieter corner a small table is set up with some desserts and more wine. Grabs two glasses, giving one to you with a soft smile on his face. "Have you ever been on this building rooftop?"
"Yeah, a long time ago. Have you?" and he shakes his head. He takes your hand, leading you through the crowd and corridors until you reach a staircase that leads up to the roof.
The night air is cool and refreshing as you step out onto the rooftop. The city sprawls out before you, lights looking mesmerizing. You walk to the edge, letting this moment bring a sense of peace to you.
"It's beautiful." he says softly, his hand brushing against yours.
"It is, and the company makes it even better." you turn to look at him and notice a tenderness in his eyes that makes your heart beat fast.
He places a hand on your shoulder, bringing you closer to him. You raise a bit on your heels, but you stumble as someone yells in the distance that you're not allowed on the rooftop. You laugh and place a hand on Yoongi's chest. "You heard him, we need to leave."
As you step back into the gallery, both of you laugh about the interruption. The energy from earlier dissipated. You and Yoongi share a comfortable silence as you make your way through the nearly empty space. "Looks like we're some of the last ones here."
"Hmmm. It's been so nice. Thank you for joining me." mentions Yoongi as both of you step out of the building.
"Thank you for inviting me. I had a great time." You smile, feeling warmth engulfing you once again this night.
Yoongi hesitates for a moment "I don't want this night to end, but it's late and I don't want to ruin your sleep more as it's already 2 pm. But can I see you tomorrow too?"
Your heart skips a beat at his words and a big smile crosses your face. "I'd like that."
He waits with you until your ride home arrives. When he sees the car pulling in front of you, he leans in and gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek. He closes the door of the car behind you, waving as he watches it departing. You watch him until he's out of sight, your heart still racing.
The next morning you wake up with a sense of anticipation and excitement. It doesn't take long as a sense of reality crashes over you, realising what are you actually doing. He is someone you work with, he leaves in a few days. The best you could figure it out is seeing each other a few times a year. Everything feels kind of hopeless. As you go on with your morning, this feeling doesn't disappear whatever spin you try on the matter. You even try to think about what would Hoseok would say. Probably "Don't complicate it and don't overthink it." It was a bit too late for that.
Last night was so amazing, it felt so good, you felt so connected to him, so interesting and appreciated. But now, the practicalities loom large, casting a shadow over the happiness.
Your phones pings and the screen lights up. Min Yoongi: Good morning. Want to grab lunch together later?
You: Yeah
Min Yoongi: Awesome!
You: There's a nice place in the city center. I'm sending you the address.
Min Yoongi: Great! See you there.
You don't text back, still with some remnants of anxiety. You decide to let it happen, not think about the future and to enjoy as much as you can this moment the universe placed in front of you.
Another ping on the phone follows.
Min Yoongi: Can't wait to see you again. (star emoji)
Why is he so cute, you sigh and smile, sending back the same text.
You hide your doubts, and cover them with a cute outfit in light colours. "You can do this, Y/N, you can do it!" you say encouraging yourself before leaving for the restaurant.
Yoongi was already there, waiting inside. His smile brightens as he sees you, welcoming you with a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey" you reply, feeling again that flutter in your chest, now more sure than ever that you are able to enjoy this.
The restaurant is charming, with a warm and inviting atmosphere. As you look over the menu together, Yoongi leans in and says: "You look amazing. Last night a black cat and now a white cat."
You laugh at his statement, you always thought he resembled a cat with his sharp eyes. "You look great too. And I think you're actually the cat here."
He chuckles at your response.
As you order your food, the conversation flows easily. You talk about everything and nothing, just enjoying each other's company. Yoongi shares stories from his travels, and you tell him about your latest project at work. The doubts you had earlier seem to fade away, replaced by the warmth of the moment.
After lunch you suggest, "How about we go for walk in the park, I think there is some immersive art installation in the nearby one." He agrees, seeming excited about the idea. The walk through the park is pleasant and as you reach the art installation you both start to fool around, feeling like children.
The first one you try is this huge piano that you can walk on. You jump first on it trying to play Twinkle Twinkle Little star, being the only song you know the key notes too. Yoongi follows you trying to help you with your song, but ends up crashing into you. You try to gain your balance, but he has other plans wrapping his arms around you before he falls.
"Yoongi, what are you doing?"
"What were you trying to play?"
"Twinkle Twinkle"
"That was definitely not it" he laughs brushing your hair of your face as you try to get up. You extend an arm to help him up too, he grabs it and doesn't let go, having you follow him in his steps trying to play the correct version of the song.
"Is this what were you trying to play, Y/N?" you nod, following his steps carefully.
"Now I know how to properly play this" you laugh as Yoongi pulls you into a side hug, leading you to check the other installations.
You find an installation that is called Dark Matter, and described as dark room, with meticulously composed soundtracks, fusing with gleaming shapes and colours. "This might take a while, but would you like to try it?" you ask Yoongi.
Both of you find seats in the dimly lit first room. It's pitch dark, and you can't see anyone else, but the rustling of clothes and whispers around you assure you that you're not alone. The anticipation builds as the music starts, and the play of lights begins to dance around the room. You're immediately drawn into the immersive experience, completely forgetting everything else around you.
Amidst the sensory overload of sound and light, you suddenly feel a gentle movement on your pinky finger. It's Yoongi's finger, lightly playing with yours in a tender gesture. He then wraps his finger around yours, intertwining them gently. Your heart starts beating fast at the small gesture and you stay like this until the end of the show.
Stepping outside the building you notice that the night was closing in, typical for mid autumn when the sun sets earlier. You take a look at Yoongi and hear his thinking sound "Hmmmm. I think I know how to solve our problem from yesterday."
"What problem?"
"The rooftop problem. There's a bar nearby on a rooftop, great atmosphere. Want to go there?"
"Sure, lead the way. You're quite the local. You know that?"
Yoongi laughs. "Not really, but I know some good places around." He gently takes your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, making you blush at his newfound assertiveness over the past few hours. As you walk through the busy streets, Yoongi's hand in yours feels warm and reassuring. You contemplate how in his presence, everything seems to slow down and becomes more manageable. You steal glances at him from time to time, admiring his calm demeanor contrasting with the urban chaos around. Finally, you arrive at the bar. The entrance is tucked away in a quieter corner, yet the rooftop promises a good view. Yoongi lets you first climb the stairs, following closely behind. As you reach the top, you take a sit at a table next to the edge, giving you the best view. Mesmerized by the view, you affirm it "The view is amazing."
"I thought you'd enjoy it" Yoongi replies, a soft smile playing on his lips as he pulls out a chair for you. "What would you like to drink?"
"I think I might need something different than wine" you ponder. The waiter comes before you could decide so you let Yoongi order first, he gets some red wine.
"I see you have Hibiki, could I get some with a large ice cube?" this drink always made you feel a more confident in yourself and sweeps away a big part of your insecurities.
Yoongi looks at you with big eyes and a huge grin on his face, which makes you feel self-conscious about your drink choice. You recall how people often comment or poke fun at your preference, and now you feel the need fort that drink more than ever. You look at the city unraveling before your eyes to clear your head, letting some silence sit between you and Yoongi.
As the drinks arrive, you feel a surge of enthusiasm as you take your first sip. The fiery warmth of the liquied plays with the coolness of the ice, creating a unique sensation that you like. For you it's not so much about the taste as it is about that intriguing combination. Feeling satisfied with your drink and the courage it brought, you glance at Yoongi. He still gazes at you with those dark wide eyes, prompting you to say "Go ahead, you can judge me all you want, but I enjoy what I enjoy."
"I'm not judging you, I liked your choice." takes a sip of his wine, licking his lips. "Can I have a taste?"
"Sure" you push your glass towards him. He moves his chair closer to yours and settles down, placing his hand over yours, which is still wrapped around the cold glass. "Can I have a taste" he asks again, now a bit more clear, looking into your eyes and then down to your lips.
You feel flustered, goosebumps rising all over your body. Raising the glass to your lips, you try to mantain eye contact as you take another sip, letting the liquid slide down your throat. Everything seems to move in slow motion.
Setting your glass down, you feel Yoongi closing the distance between you. He hovers with his lips just above yours for a moment before pressing them gently against yours. The kiss is slow and tender, sending a wave of warmth through your body. His hand reaches your neck as he deepens the kiss. Your hand goes up to caress his face as you give access to his tongue to explore the inside of your mouth. It gets more passionate by the second, with the other hand of Yoongi going to your hip, making you slip a moan into his mouth. Getting a low groan out of him. You slowly start to feel out of air and as much as you don't want to, you interrupt the kiss.
Refiling your lungs with air, you look at Yoongi who appears still focused on your lips. Bringing his hand up your neck, you let his thumb gently play with your bottom lip. "Tasty"
You chuckle at his assessment, giving him another taste. This time, the kiss is more eager, both of you, trying to get as much as you can out of each other.
"I've wanted to do that, since I first saw you on Monday, you know?!"
Completely shocked by his words, you pull back slightly. "Don't look at me like that." he continues "I've been flirting with you for months, but you've been so dismissive that I thought it was a lost cause. Until I saw you in person. After talking with Hoseok about you, giving me some insights, I knew I had to keep trying. I am convinced now it was a good decision…"
"Wait, wait. What do you mean months? What about Hoseok? What are you even saying now?" you stop him from his rambling to bring you some clarity.
Yoongi takes a deep breath, rubbing his thumb over your hand gently. "We've been working together online for a while, and I've always admired you from a distance. I tried to drop hints, little comments here and there, but you never seemed to notice."
"What about Hoseok?"
"He and I talked about it, and he encouraged me to be more direct. He mentioned that you tend to not notice when someone likes you. He thought we'd be a good match."
You blink in surprise, processing his words. "Hoseok said that?"
"Yeah," Yoongi nods. "He said you were amazing and worth the effort. So, when this trip came up, I saw it as my chance."
In your mind all the mixed messages that Hoseok gave you regarding Yoongi started to make sense. He wanted to push you to try this thing, but not be too direct because he knew you'd get scared and run from it.
A mix of emotions swirls within you "I had no idea."
Yoongi smiles, and his eyes do too. "Well, now you do." He cups your face with both his hands placing a loud kiss on your lips.
The evening goes on, filled with laughter and tender moments. You both share stories of Yoongi's past attempts at flirting. He recalls a particular video call where he complimented your hairstyle, only for you to brush it off.
"Not going to lie, I was so frustrated," he admits, laughing. " I thought I was so obvious."
"Well, I guess I'm just oblivious," you reply. "I'm glad you didn't give up."
As the night goes on, the atmosphere becomes more intimate. You find yourselves sitting closer, holding hands, and stealing kisses between sips of your drinks. Yoongi leans in to whisper something in your ear, and his breath sends shivers down your spine.
"Do you remember the first project we worked on together?" he asks.
"Yeah, you were so serious and focused." you reply.
"And you were so passionate and creative," he says, his voice soft. "I knew then that I wanted to get to know you better."
After finishing your drinks, Yoongi suggests taking a walk. The night is cool, and the streets are quiet now, creating a nice atmosphere. As you reach his hotel, he says between kisses, "I want to see where this can go."
You look up at him, your heart racing, "Agree."
He smiles, leaning down to kiss you one more time before calling an uber for you. This kiss is slow and sweet. As a driver accepts your ride, being a few minutes away, Yoongi places a soft kiss on your forehead, whispering "Goodnight"
"Goodnight" you answer walking towards the spot where the car should arrive, with your eyes still on Yoongi. He starts walking towards the hotel entrance. In that moment something clicks inside you and press cancel on the ride, striding behind Yoongi.
"Wait", you call out, your voice trembling with nervousness.
He turns around, surprise and hope flickering in his eyes. "Y/N?"
You catch up to him, "I don't want to say goodnight just yet. Can I come up with you?"
Yoongi's smile broadens, and he takes your hand, intertwining your fingers. "I'd like that very much."
Together, you enter the hotel and make your way to his room. The elevator ride is filled with charged silence, both of you stealing glances at each other. When you reach his floor, Yoongi leads you down the hallway to his room. Once inside, you explore his room, passing through straight to the window. His room was situated on the topmost floor of the hotel, you knew it had to be a good view from up there. And you were right, the view was breathtaking presenting the city skyline twinkling under the night sky.
You notice the strategically placed couch in front of the large window, casting a gentle glow from the city lights. "Almost everywhere you took me this week, had a great view of this city that you might not know, I don't quite like. Was this planned?" you ask playfully, turning to Yoongi.
"No plan. I just enjoy a good view and I had a hunch you would do too." he replies casually, moving towards a small bar and pouring some sparkling wine "Feeling festive?"
You laugh, feeling at ease as you take a seat on the couch and wait for Yoongi to join you. The room is dimly lit as he settles next to you, handing you the glass. "From this spot you can see the Orion constellation, it's a bit cloudy, but you can identify the stars and connect them."
You smile, watching Yoongi's eyes fixated on the nightsky, makes you feel warm inside. Leaning in, you place a small kiss on the corner of his lips, catching him by surprise. He gaze shifts from the stars to you. Without hesitation, he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Both of you place your glasses on the small table in front of you. He gently caresses your chin, raising it just slightly towards his. You feel you could get lost into his dark eyes. Yoongi's lips brush against yours in a gentle, exploratory kiss, sending small electric waves in your body.
Wrapped in each other's embrace, you deepen the kiss. Drunk on his touches, you get more courageous, exploring with your hands as much as you could. And he does the same, caressing your waist, while he peppers small kisses on your jaw, going down your neck. You let out a small moan when he bites into your collarbone. Seems like he enjoyed the sound you made, biting the spot again harder this time. 
"Ah, Yoongi." The sound snaps something in Yoongi, making him grab and move you to sit on top of him. "I love when you moan my name like that." not leaving time for you to answer kissing your lips eagerly. His hands slowly pull your shirt to sneak beneath it, to touch your skin. A shiver runs down your back feeling his big hand holding you so close to him. His hand guides you to sit more comfortably in his lap and too properly feel how hard he is through your clothes. Another moan gets out of you at the sensation. Hearing him chuckle, you pull at his hair, putting some distance between you two. Allowing yourself for a moment to gain control of the situation, to kiss his jaw and lick at his neck, but it doesn't take long. His fingers start unbuttoning your shirt, getting quickly rid of it. His lips tracing lines along your chest and above your lacy bra.
Feeling on clouds with all the sensations Yoongi brings, you roll your hips onto his to get more out of him. You adore how his voice vibrates on your skin at his small moans and groans.
With a swift movement, he turns both of you around so he could be on top of you. You wonder how can he be so gentle and strong at the same time in his touches.
Before he can go back at licking and sucking on your skin, you try to pull his shirt over. He takes it off fast, allowing you to finally see him. His skins looks so pretty in the dimmed lights, and you can't stop to run your fingers on it, mesmerized by the view.
His attention goes back to your lips, kissing you with such fervor, leaving you breathless. His hand travels down, starting to unbutton your pants. Gaining access, his fingers starts rubbing over your clothed pussy. "You're so wet." he whispers against your lips. "I want to taste you, will you allow me?"
Nodding in approval, too afraid your voice will crack, you wonder how this soft person could be so assertive in this moment. But you can't ponder too much as his lips starts licking at your chest, then going lower. He pulls your pants and panties down in one movement, looking lustfully in your eyes. Without any hesitation he bites onto your thigh, licking and kissing the spot immediately after. Choosing several points to do the same thing, transforming you into jelly under his touches. Finally reaching your pussy, it slowly licks at first, but as your moans get more frequent and louder, he becomes more fast in his treatment.
Once again you find yourself moved by him, bringing your ass the edge of the couch, your back against the backrest. He kneels before you, rubbing your entrance with his fingers then bringing them to your lips to suck on them. " I want the have the best view when I look up from this beautiful pussy."
The sudden confession brings heat to your cheeks, bringing your hands to cover them. Yoongi groans in annoyance, as he pushes his first finger inside you, making you throw your head back at the sensation, forgetting everything about shame.
As he pushes another finger, you moan his name "Yoongi, fuck", and in your desperate need to ground yourself you run your fingers through his dark locks, holding onto them. Yoongi seems pleased, moaning into your cont, sending the vibrations through your whole core.
He spends the following minutes sucking your clit, alternating with biting it softly and with his fingers wrecking your hole. Your hips lift higher and higher to give him the best access, your moans getting louder until you finally come in his mouth, closing your thighs around his head. But it seems Yoongi doesn't mind it as he says "You're such a good girl, coming all over my face."
You're such a mess and you can't believe how those words turned you on so bad. Slowly Yoongi gets up, sitting next to you placing soft kisses on your face as you gather your breath. "You feeling good?"
"Fuck, yeah." you answer in between loud breaths.
He laughs at your response, pulling you into a deep kiss. "I'm feeling good too."
After finally recovering your breath, you slowly get up, wanting to return the favor, going for his pants, unzipping them. But Yoongi allows you just to undress him, before grabbing you into his arms and lifting you up. He places you gently over the soft covers of the bed, then disappears for a second, coming back with a condom in his hand.
"But I want to taste you, Yoongi" you pout, getting another laugh from him. "Not now, you don't want to upset me. Don't you?"
His demeanor in this situation makes you feel so hot on the inside, that you can't contradict anything he says. "Of course not."
"Then be a good girl and spread it for me"
You follow his instruction ready to feel his length inside you.
He pulls you closer to him, pressing his fingers hard into the skin of your ass, making your back arch at the sensation. Bringing your chest back into his attention he places soft kisses on them, before getting one of your buds into his mouth, sucking it.
You feel him pressing the tip inside, not realising until now how big he was. You wince a bit at the discomfort. He pushes in slowly. "Fuck, you're so tight"
"You're so big" you barely breath out the words.
He places soft kisses on your neck until you feel him completely inside you. Letting you get accustomed for a minute. You feel yourself pulsating around him, and wrap your arms around his neck. He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, before starting to move. It feels so good, despite the slight discomfort. But the pain dissipates, replaced by the pleasure. As he starts moving a little faster, you find his lips to signal you're feeling good.
That is all he needs before he thrusts deep, shaking you to your core. Your loud moan is followed by another deep thrust into you, and another, and another, and another until it becomes a rhythm of fucking you relentlessly. This feels so much better than everything you have experienced until now. Your mind goes blank, being able to focus just on his movement and his hands on your waist. A stupid smile crosses your face at the overwhelming sensation.
Once again you're being moved by him, turning both of you around so you're sitting on him. You thought he was deep inside you until now, but you were so wrong. The need to get accustomed to his size appears again, placing a hand on his abdomen to stop him from moving. "You're so fucking big, give me a second".
He plays with your ass, pressing his fingers into your skin and running them along your thighs, until you feel ready to move. You go up and down his cock, feeling your boobs bounce at the movement. Yoongi is looking completely hypnotized. "Touch yourself for me, baby."
Following his instruction, your left hand travels down from your boob to your clit, rubbing it slowly. And your right hand goes to his mouth, asking for some saliva from him. He sucks on your fingers, wrapping his tongue around them.
You pull them out just to touch your tits with them, pinching hard one of the nipples. Yoongi's hands guide your hips in your movements, pushing his cock deep inside you, establishing an insane rhythm.
Sounds from both of you fill the air, moans, groans and whispered obscenities.
"Yoongi, I'm so close."
"Yeah? Then be a good girl and come for me."
Yoongi grips your hips even tighter, thrusting hard, feeling him whole. You fall onto him, unable to keep your balance anymore, giving him access to suck on your nipples. Already lost in all the pleasure waves, you shiver hard when his hand finds your clit and plays with it.
"You're doing so good, baby" whispers into your ear and that was all you needed to come.
"Yeah" you cry out at how good all he says to you makes you feel. You start pulsating hard on his cock, feeling him coming inside with loud moans into your ear.
You take a moment to catch your breath before sliding next to him. He takes you into his arms, placing sweet kisses to your cheeks. You laugh softly, "It felt good"
He doesn't answer but catches your lips into a kiss so deep, and possessive, hinting at how good it felt for him also.
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aclowntiny · 1 year
How Seventeen Act Around Their Crush (Gender Neutral)
& my first work for Seventeen too 💎 hope you enjoy this Carats 🥰
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♡ You may not figure out that he likes you immediately, but let me just start by saying Mr. Choi Seungcheol would be THE SWEETEST suitor to you!!!
♡ He looks at you with the fondest smile whenever you guys talk, nodding attentively & making tons of mental notes of what you tell him.
♡ Will absolutely use that in conversations later, like you mention your pet so he asks if they would like this thing he saw or he was at that café near where they live & hey, didn't you say that was your favorite spot?
♡ Anyone who makes you sad WILL FEEL HIS WRATH. Even if you don’t see it, he’ll give them a look that signifies their impending doom 🥰
♡ You’re the only person that can make him laugh as hard as you do- cherish his happiness as he does yours 🥺
♡ Also, you’ll pretty much be able to get away with murder. Behavior that the other members could never get away with slides by from you like it’s nothing. Teasing him & addressing him more casually/softly is a special privilege that is yours & yours alone.
♡ If you do anything potentially risky/dangerous, expect to have Seungcheol hovering around you at the ready to swoop in & help you!
♡ He’s more energetic around you, wanting to show you his bright side & how well he plays with the members, not just the tough leader side people may think of. He wants you to know there’s a softer side to him. Also, expect lots of heart eyes if you take care of him & the other members too, like it’ll just make his day if you show your doting side so pls indulge him lots you might get to see smiley affectionate Seungcheol if you do ☺️
♡ Once you get close he’ll greet you with the warmest hug everrrr 🥺
♡ Your support means the world to him, so he’s always expressing how grateful he is when you’re in his company.
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♡ You're going to have moments where you question it, where he leaves your head positively spinning because he's Yoon Jeonghan, but yeah, you'll be able to figure it out.
♡ The way he looks at you alternates between a soft, joyous smile & a mischievous smirk, it all depends on the interaction you're having.
♡ Subconsciously plays with his hair a lot around you because he wants to look good but it also has the side effect of looking soooo flirty not that he would complain if he really thought about it
♡ Playfully nudges you a lot & teases you, little things like asking 'say/do that again' whenever you say something funny or do something that you're a little flustered/shy over.
♡ Elaborate hoops jumped through to learn things about you, like he'll casually bring up a show he knows you'll have seen so he can talk about the popular ships within so he can ask what you think about romance or what relationship dynamics you enjoy.
♡ Incredibly caring though, like if you mention using something a lot he'll buy some & throw it in his bag to whip out for you or offer you his jacket when it's cold!!!
♡ Claps for anything you do, especially if it's out of your comfort zone past teasing, like an actual effort for you. His smile is so genuine in that moment, you really feel his empathy.
♡ Alwaysss generous & sharing with you, totally the type to surprise you with something that made him think of you & anything on his plate is yours to swipe & only yours.
♡ Tries to convince you to join his side in every game because he needs you to win even though he totally doesn't, he just wants you to rule at his side 😏
♡ Jeonghan is the guy who purposely steals someone else’s seat when they get up so he can sit next to you & gradually scoots closer during the whole movie 🩵
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♡ Joshua may accidentally have you gaslighting yourself because does he like you or is it just a very unfortunate or fortunate ;) coincidence that he acts like a total romance lead every time you see him? (Spoiler alert: it is not.)
♡ He introduces himself so politely, saying how he hasn't met you before but is really happy to meet you, & wowza does this man know how to make eye contact. That & his sweet smile are already swoon-worthy & he hasn't even started trying yet GDVSCS
♡ Any time there's a split decision, Joshua asks the others 'hey, why not let (y/n) decide?', taking advantage of any bickering or confusion to subtly give you some power. He hopes you see that way that he values your decision & wants to learn about you.
♡ Joshua is always making sure you’re comfortable, telling you no pressure whenever he asks something of you or if you seem anxious. The first one to remind you that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to especially if it’s just for a silly game or something!
♡ That’s probably how he breaks the touch barrier, reaching over & drawing a soothing circle on your back with his hand while comforting you or giving you a hug 🥲
♡ Also, moves you when you’re walking, pulling you a bit closer to him, as a bike goes by & tells you to be more careful so you don’t get hit ok?
♡ After you tell him your favorite song, he learns it in secret & just starts playing it on his guitar at the next gathering so he can see your surprised smile!
♡ Guaranteed he will text you to make sure you got home safe if he wasn’t there dropping you off 😭
♡ So nice if you ever apologize to him, he’ll repeatedly tell you you’re cool & probably say something like ‘you could never make me mad!!!’
♡ He’ll go between reenacting your favorite meme with you to dropping sweet words like ‘that’s why you’re my favorite, you get me 😌’ as if it was NOTHING
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♡ Your first time meeting Jun, you'll just think he's super duper outgoing because he comes right up to you with a big smile on his face & introduces himself so wow, total social butterfly amiright? You may clue in on his interest if you manage to see that all that perking up is a direct result of your presence 👀
♡ Like, he could be sitting totally quiet & checked out, then in you walk & he practically bolts up, deadpan expression melting into a wide smile as he comes up to say hi.
♡ The first person to ask what you want to do whenever you visit the guys. Jun wants you to feel welcome not only with him but with the people he loves most!
♡ To break the ice, he shows you funny pictures of the other members & shares some laughs with you over them :3
♡ When he gets elected to go on the next snack run, he asks if you want to come for a breather from the crowd, then when you tag along he points out a bunch of city sights, helping you see a regular street like it's new again. All Jun can think about is how many other places he'd like to walk with you.
♡ Absolutely the type to pick a random little road flower & hand it to you 🥺
♡ He isn't super-duper-over-the-top-touchy-feely, but will definitely lean/fall on you when you guys are laughing super hard. May also pull the ol grab your hand to look at your nails/ring trick.
♡ If you don’t already speak Chinese, he’ll teach you the funniest sayings & maybe even things to say about the other guys too 👀 only you & Minghao get to know hehe
♡ Every time pictures get taken, Jun ends up next to you because he wants to see what you guys look like together please protect him!
♡ When you impress him, you’ll know because he looks at you with such awe & the cutest little wooow 🥹
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♡ You're going to figure it out eventually whether it's his demeanor shift or the massive heart eyes he's always giving you.
♡ At first he's shy, hanging back a little, smiling & glancing at the ground with cute little nods at what you say that are just enough to encourage you- after all, he's not awkward, just comes across a little introverted.
♡ He quickly becomes comfortable as you chat & play with the guys more, & once you blend into the group he opens up like a wild sunflower, suddenly trying to impress you at any chance.
♡ Insists you be on his side/team for any of said icebreaker games under the pretense of wanting the new person or not wanting xyz other member but it's really just him wanting to sit by you 🥺
♡ Will do literally anything you ask. Go get you a water bottle because you don't want to get up? Done. Dare him to eat something weird before you do? Sure. You want him to teach you that ridiculous move you just saw on screen? Well, he'll sure as heck try!
♡ Honestly, he probably likes doing choreography bits hoping you'll think he looks cool, glancing over at you with a toothy smile as he does them. 100 percent will invite you to dance with him.
♡ From being so shy when you first met, comfortable Soonyoung will tentatively break touch barriers, starting with playful nudges & gradually working up to grabbing your hand to lead you places.
♡ Highkey this man wants to fall in love with his best friend, so you better believe you’re getting pulled into some ANTICS 😤 you’re going to become his ride or die!
♡ Even when he’s tired he seeks you out, telling you that time with you still feels like me time to him ☺️
♡ This man is all smiles when you’re around, trust me, you’re his sunshine ☀️
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♡ He's pretty good at hiding it from you if he wants to, but oh boy do the guys get a laugh because Wonwoo is never like this with anyone but you.
♡ He's an introverted guy, right? Quiet. Not unfriendly by any means, but not exactly outgoing either. Doesn't like the spotlight. So tell the guys why he is approaching you right away trying to get to know you 🤡
♡ What a menace, this guy probably immediately apologizes for the other guys, throwing them under the bus just to get to see you laugh.
♡ Wonwoo pretty much takes you under his wing from there, leading you through the chaos, introducing you to anyone else you don't know, & all the while subtly laying a claim to you bold.
♡ He'll make jokes about you, too, but only things he's seen you laugh at. Like if you tell him your family's had a running joke about you being clumsy for a long time with mirth in your eyes, then ok, he's going to teasingly tell you don't drop that & the like.
♡ Recommends things he thinks you’ll like, whether it’s books, songs, or a movie he saw recently. It helps him figure you out & gives you common ground to bond over later!
♡ All the supposed cool confident behavior kinda goes out the window if you’re a physically affectionate person though, like if you get touchy feely with Wonwoo that’s when he’ll get a bit more shy, just quietly smiling to himself.
♡ He wants to spend more time with you, so he’ll try to include or invite you into more one on one things, even if it’s just a quick errand.
♡ Does the most adorable attentive head tilt when you’re talking to him!!!!
♡ Probably also puts his glasses on you because he thinks it would look so cute bye 🥺
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♡ This is an interesting case, because it seems like you wouldn’t know with him, but there’s actually a pretty good chance you will. He tries to hide it, but he also doesn't know how to act when he has feelings lol
♡ The first time you meet him, he just straight-up looks a bit surprised you exist because holy crap you're really pretty what does he do with that??? Then the more you come around he just is shy 🥺
♡ It's so cute, every time you visit he always asks how you are. It comes out slightly awkward to him, but it makes you feel like he cares, too.
♡ Gets so embarrassed the first time you catch him practicing on his guitar not realizing how !!! that is. He shyly asks if you have any songs you'd like him to play once you acknowledge this new skill you've learned he has.
♡ He'll sing for you, but he just can't look you in the eye while he does it because his heart will explode ok? 🥺
♡ Makes absolutely hilarious comments off to the side, usually at a volume only you can hear so you guys can share a private laugh.
♡ Does goofy stuff, but only for you. The encouragement & grin you give him are worth the embarrassment of the action for sure!
♡ Would love to learn from you, so open up about your skills & Jihoon will have a bunch of questions for you. He's so smart too he'll ask really good ones, really trying to think deeply about your passions.
♡ Smiles so big once you break the touch barrier omg it'll be some of the happiest you see him I promise just do it!!!
♡ Purposely walks next to you on a chilly evening so he can 'spur of the moment' offer you his jacket 'you know, if you needed it since you looked sort of cold & I'm not really...' then once again looks so happy & proud at the sight of you in his jacket, goes from 🥺 to 😏 real quick!
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♡ Yeah, you're going to know.
♡ He literally trips & falls the moment he sees you, prompting a reverse kdrama moment where you catch him, but he's such a good sport about it he just bursts out laughing & you do too so hey it wasn't all bad right???
♡ Pretty much follows you around after that, sticking by you & chatting a whole bunch but you can't complain because he makes you feel really comfortable & is super down-to-earth about it, listening as well as he talks.
♡ Gets so goofy around you, but it's cute so he gets a pass FDGSVCHSD 'Oh (y/n), I think you dropped this! *reaches into pocket, pulling out a finger heart & grinning*'
♡ Any hobby you have, he wants to try it too, preferably with you teaching him. Especially if it's something hands-on where you'll have to guide him 👀 but mostly because the things you love are a piece of you & he wants to experience that!!!
♡ Uses your name a lot because it shows how much he likes you & that your name is special to him!
♡ Seokmin adores doing funny skits with you, please play along & do the little voices with him it’ll make him so happy 😊
♡ Accidentally grabs your hand once while laughing really hard & it lives rent free in his mind because you don’t pull away so the gears are always turning in his head now how he’s going to recreate that 🥲
♡ Has a mental tally going with evidence of if you like him or not, but he second guesses himself & starts to try to find ways to test it like watching if you do the same things to the other guys
♡ He is just forever excited to see you, will always be bouncing on his heels to greet you & invite you to sit by him!!!
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♡ You'll know pretty soon because he wants you to know. Uh, duh, how else is he going to date you???
♡ Glances at you a lot & also tries to catch you looking/staring if you are. If you guys meet eyes by chance, he'll wink & if you burst out laughing or get giggly his heart will melt.
♡ Suddenly goes macho mode, insisting electing to become the one who moves things out into the room & opens things up, probably also stretching the truth a bit by saying oh yeah, the guys always come to him for stuff like this.
♡ Conversations he is in become conversations you are involved in, as Mingyu will find any possible way to bring you into them even in the most mundane cases ever like people could be talking about the weather & he can still find a tie-in.
♡ Puts on an act of some retro bit just so he can take you by the hand & lead you somewhere gingerly but smoothly gliding with you, fingers tightening just so over yours.
♡ Will dramatically run a hand through his hair 'when you're not looking, the whole time internally trying not to be like 👀 straight at you
♡ Total flirt, like the type to say 'is that a challenge?' at any possible opportunity & playfight with you!
♡ Loves making things for you! Absolutely expect Mingyu to try his hand at whipping up a snack you like by hand because it's that much more personal that way 😌
♡ Playfully steals things from you & runs away, but not very fast because he wants you to catch him ❤️
♡ Despite all the flirting, he actually prefers non-appearance compliments because those are more genuine in his mind. Instead of telling you you look pretty, he'll more often compliment how much fun you are to be around or how intelligent you were when you figured something out!
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♡ DGFGDCSCVSGHCSVS you ain't gonna know shit at least not at first. Don't worry, he's super nice, you just won't be able to discern special treatment immediately like you could with some of the other guys!!!
♡ The type to want to get to know you before really considering having legit feelings for you, so he'll watch how you interact with others, making sure you're kind & respectful, then will ask you some questions too.
♡ One thing he'll probably want to know about you is what your goals are & your livelihood. He'll try his best to slip in a compliment to what you do & relate to it if he can find a connection.
♡ Definitely not the 'let you win games' kind of crush, he's gonna make you work for it 💀 but it'll be a laugh even if it's a little at your expense shhh
♡ Conversely if he feels like anyone is teasing you too hard he'll tell them to stop right away & probably check on you afterward too 🥺
♡ You become a muse for him, so he probably asks if he can take your picture if you wear something cool, strike an interesting pose, pick a flower, anything photogenic. That picture becomes an important memento to him, too, though, not just a symbol of the world's beauty.
♡ Wants you to know you can come to him with advice, opening up to you & showing your opinion a lot of respect to encourage that dynamic with you.
♡ Has tea ready for you every time you visit 🥺 learns exactly how you like it so he just pours it & makes it like your personal barista every time!!!
♡ Not afraid to very bluntly ask deep questions like if you believe in an afterlife, what's the most important character trait to you, what legacy would you most like to leave behind in the world, because those are important & any partner of his would be involved in plenty of late discussions like that.
♡ Minghao wants to experience nature with you, so he'll probably invite you outside or to share a beautiful view with him because he loves the way your face lights up & the wonderful sight reflects in your eyes 😌
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♡ It is Seungkwan's mission for you to NOT!!! KNOW!!! He likes you! Because that's embarrassing!!! But also he really really wants you to like him so 🤷🏻‍♀️
♡ Man is so incredibly smiley around you please 😭 he lights up whenever you walk into the room & will gradually head over to you because again, he is not obvious not at all.
♡ Cracks so many jokes around you because hey, funny people are cool, right? & also he's just a natural comedian anyway. Feels his chest grow four sizes when it works & you're laughing lots around him.
♡ You will never want a single thing while Seungkwan is around. He'll fetch you a drink, grab anything you want to try for you, go get a chair for you, totally bring the whole party to your sector if you look like you're feeling isolated.
♡ Very very shyly works on breaking the touch barrier starting with a simple 'oh hey, you have a little something...here, let me get it' & working up to putting a hand on your arm in mock condolence or when addressing you in conversation.
♡ Hypes you THE HECK UP!!! You're so good at what you do, you did so good at that song/dance, you're really nice he's having a great time talking to you fyi. If you take the spotlight, he'll be like your personal Vanna White.
♡ If you start hyping him up or getting touchy-feely though, Seungkwan will become a blushy, flustered mess so fast & mess up his next three attempts at a sentence 🥺
♡ LOVES to have little running jokes with you, anything that feels like it's special to you two just makes Seungkwan's heart go 💗 & makes him feel connected to you so he'll never let those jokes die.
♡ Will try to compliment your appearance, but will have to recover from his jaw dropping & will be super shy about it!!!
♡ No matter what, he'll take time to talk to you & you alone, paying full attention to what you're saying so hopefully you feel special, worth his time, & like you're truly connecting.
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♡ Discreet king. You won't be able to figure out his feelings until you want him to, but that's also because he's lowkey hard as shit to read lol
♡ Vernon is a little awkward with you, but in the endearing way where he's just really kind in a guy-next-door way so that's how you assume he is, like his swag attempts just fall flat which he realizes is a good thing anyway because pretense is gross.
♡ Once that hits he realizes he just got in his own head, calming down & just asking you some good old-fashioned questions like what you do for a living & what you enjoy doing because that's a better way of seeing if you guys actually connect & Vernon personally needs more of a foundation than 'hey look someone pretty'.
♡ One of his first questions is probably what kind of music you listen to because A. it's good icebreaker stuff, not weird B. everyone likes to talk about their favorite music C. it'll give Vernon a lot of insight into you & give you a great diving board for common ground.
♡ He's so easygoing with compliments, he doesn't realize how smooth he is sometimes. It's just so casual, like 'hey, I like that shirt. looks good on you :)'.
♡ Subtly tries to flex how well he knows you by answering questions in your stead, like asking for your favorite drink in front of you when another member starts offering drinks.
♡ Wants to know your thoughts on anyyyyyything before it gets done. Practically lets you make decisions for him because he doesn't really care...except suddenly he cares what you think 🤔
♡ One hundred percent the type to send you memes he found. You basically become his meme reviewer & he acts like you're the only one who gets them please feel special it's an honor ok?
♡ Not a toucher, but will lend you his headphones & put them on your head himself & make it feel strangely intimate & heart-fluttering as he slides them gently in place.
♡ Vernon is the only one allowed to sit next to you on movie nights, he doesn't make the rules except oh wait, he does oopsie 😘
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♡ Dino would be such an interesting mix of forward & not obvious when it comes to showing his feelings 🤔
♡ Mr. Passion over here makes it HIS LIFE MISSION to talk to you & seem really cool & make you laugh & make you his.
♡ Walks so confidently up to you & introduces himself, completely nailing the first impression. Turns around so happy from your first successful conversation he walks into a table.
♡ Makes a point to bring up in conversation how he's been really working on vocal training in hopes you'll ask him to sing you something 👀
♡ Very encouraging, tries to get you to share in his spotlight half as a way to make you feel confident too & half to connect you & him in everyone's minds. Like if they ask him to perform something, you become his assistant/partner/congrats, you're getting dragged up to do it too.
♡ Probably takes up juggling or some shit so he has another cool party trick to bust out in front of you lmao
♡ The type to come up to you at a gathering if you look bored or lonely & pull you onto the dance floor because that will not do at all!
♡ As energetic as he can be, he holds your hands SO. GENTLY!!! The first time you guys dance, it's like you're made of the most precious substance known to man & he wouldn't dare cause a single bit of harm to it.
♡ Laughs at all of your jokes, even if he doesn't think they were that funny 🤫 & tries to learn your humor style so he can joke with you accordingly!
♡ When you walk together, offers to link arms like a gentleman, though in truth his heart is beating out of his chest when he does 💗 it's worth it when you agree & he gets to pull you close, looking at you like you're the most special thing he's seen & his resolve to complete his mission solidifies that much more.
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t3ag3rs · 5 months
g e n s o - 1 3.
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you groan feeling a sudden pressure hit your head as you wake up slowly in the infirmary.
fluttering your eyes you look around to see bakugou asleep in the chair by your side.
"what..?" you groan feeling disoriented, looking down you see your leg in a cast. "oh cmon...." you whine, waking up bakugou.
"goddamn your loud..." he mutters as he stretches, "took you long enough to wake up.."
"what happened? why am i here?" you ask signaling to your body and around you.
"okay so... you made it to the finals in the 1v1's... fought against me and thats why you're here.." he pauses, "but- you did get third out of everyone"
"really bakugou." you reply with a deadpan expression, "you really had to put me back in a cast after i had just gotten out of one?"
"its not like i was trying to genso!" he shouts, "would you rather me go easy on you and show everyone that you still cant beat me, or fight you like i would with everyone else to show that you are strong?" he asks with a scowl.
you widen your eyes as you realize his reason, "oh..." you look down, "thanks then.. i guess.." you mutter before looking up at him, "okay but seriously though howd i end up in here?? every time i get injured i somehow end up in here but i have no idea how..."
he clears his throat, "thats not important... but now since your up ill be heading out.. damn shitty hair forced me to stay here until you woke up.." he mutters standing up.
"oh.." you sigh slightly looking down. why do i feel kind of disappointed that hes leaving...?
he stops right before he exits, "for what its worth.. i think a lot of pros were impressed by our fight. you did well genso." he states before opening the door.
"thanks.." you mumble with a slight blush covering your cheeks.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you limp into class slowly the next day.
as soon as you open the door, your crushed by mina, "oh my gosh! are you okay?? are you feeling better?? i was so worried y/n!" she rambles pulling away and checking over your body.
"chill out mina... at this rate shes gonna get hurt from you.." chuckles kirishima walking up to you with a soft smile, "how you feeling?"
"way better.." you chuckle, "okay but seriously though.. who took me to the infirmary?? because whenever i get hurt i always end up there, but i dont know how..."
"okay babe.. get ready cause its quite shocking..." giggles mina, "its yours truly... mr. bakugou katsuki over there..." she whispers while jabbing her thumb in his direction.
you let out a laugh, "hah! thats a good one..! but no really.. who is it..?" you sigh as your laughter dies down.
"we're being serious.." repeats kirishima with a slight grin.
you widen your eyes, "no fucking way..." you look at mina, "but he hates me..!"
"well he must hate you soooo much that whenever you get injured during class he just has to pick you up and rush you to the infirmary..!" she says sarcastically.
"yeah.. he did that during entrace exams too! i honestly thought you two were a thing.. kinda like an old couple yknow?" kirishima quips in with a grin.
"yeah exactly!" mina agrees, bouncing on her heels. "im sure everyone in class thinks it too from the way you two act around each other..! theres just- so much tension!" she squeals.
you clasp your hand over her mouth, "shush..!" you blush, pulling her away from bakugous hearing range. "you two are so loud..!"
"is someone getting flusteredddd...?" teases kirishima with a dopey grin.
"kiri!" you gasp, "youre supposed to be on my side here..!" you grunt slapping his arm lightly.
"no way..! do you like him..?" she asks with a slight whisper. "cmon tell ussss..!" she repeats, poking your shoulder.
you blush heavily, "n-no..! i mean- i dont think so..! ughhh.. i dont know- im not sure..!" you respond frustrated.
"yknow what i just heard?" says mina with a grin, "i like him i just dont wanna accept it!!" she answers with enthusiasm.
right as you start to open your mouth mr. aizawa walks in. "this conversation isnt over..!" you whisper before sitting down in your seat.
"listen up everyone" sighs aizawa, "the hero offers for each one of you have came in..." he says before turning on the projector and presenting the results.
you widen your eyes as you find your name with 3632 offers, "geez... thats a lot.."
"now since you all have made a name for yourselves today you all will be figuring out your hero names." states aizawa, "to help with that midnight will be monitoring over you all" he says welcoming midnight to the front before walking out.
you look at the slate on your table. cmon... whats a hero name i can use..? you think groaning slightly.
"can you stop whining genso?! i cant concentrate!" barks bakugou as he hits you in the head with his slate.
huh. maybe genso isnt a bad hero name... you let out a small smile before quickly scribbling it on your board and raising your hand, "im ready..!"
midnight smiles beckoning you to the front, "okay.. im gonna be known as the elemental hero: genso" you state with a small smile.
"traditional japanese! i love it!" claps midnight with a happy smile on her face.
"well then... i guess i can thank you for your brilliant nicknames" you grin playfully, sitting down.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you stare at the paper of offers with your eyebrows furrowed. which offer do i choose...? theres so many..!
soon the bell rings causing you to stand up and place the papers in your backpack. slinging it over your shoulder you head your way out.
"genso..!" calls a voice from behind you, "wait up."
you turn and see bakugou glaring at you, "what is it?" you ask slightly intrigued.
"where are you gonna go for your offer..?" he asks gruffly looking to the side.
"uhh.. im not sure yet. why..?" you ask slightly confused to why he wanted to know.
"you should go for endeavor... one of your weakest elements is fire no..?" he says walking beside you.
you nod a bit, "huh.. your right, maybe i might go for him then. what about you?"
"im going for best jeanist. he is the no. 4 hero for a reason so i might as well see what hes all about.." he mutters.
"really?" you ask incredulously, "i would never see you going for him to be honest... hes so reserved and well.. your so- not reserved..?" you say trying to sound as nice as possible about your true opinion.
"you calling me a mess genso?" he snarls, glaring at you.
"no..! not at all..!" you chuckle sheepishly. "okay well maybe i was..." you admit scratching your neck. he chortles slightly, causing you to widen your eyes in shock. "no way you just laughed..."
he suddenly snaps back to his original self, "the fuck you say..?" he says setting off mini sparks in his palm.
"well.. it was nice seeing you bakugou but ill be off- bye....!" you exclaim, quickly running away.
bakugou stared at you running off, chuckling to himself lightly.
what is this feeling...?
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 next part: pt. 14 / pt. 15
☆taglist! @katszumi @coolgirl458 @niktwazny303 @crumbycrumb3
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juleswrites223 · 6 months
The Good, The Bad, and the Undead
Season 1: Episode 3
Context: The truth is out. You have to leave your humble abode behind. You run into a figure of your past, who was thought to be long dead.
F1 apocalypse masterlist
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"FERNANDO" You call out as you walk towards the man who has just arrived on his motorcycle, "We need to talk."
He all but grunts, he knows this conversation is inevitable, it must happen. After all, Fernando knows that you deserve to know the truth, he knows that even though you're young, you are smart and capable.
"Alright, can't keep you in the dark forever. Vayamos adentro (Let's go inside)." Fernando says.
Carlos and Charles are also called inside, as their sparring lesson comes to an end. You are all seated on the dining table, a thick air of tension is in the atmosphere, just waiting to be cut by someone. Fernando takes that step and begins,
"I have been telling you all the half truth." He pauses then continues, "Every time I go out, there have been more and more of these monsters, around our perimeter. We may need to leave soon or we'll be overrun."
You did have a rising suspicion that this may be the case but hearing it, you felt your stomach drop and disappointment seep in. You finally thought you wouldn't have to move anymore, finally a place you could call home. Should've known that in this world, home is nothing but a distant dream, you thought to yourself.
"Carlos, llévalos y sal a hacer compras, yo empacaré todas las municiones y cosas necesarias para el camino y será mejor que nos pongamos en marcha pronto (Carlos, take them and go out for a grocery run, i'll pack all ammo and stuff needed for the road and we better get moving soon)." Fernando instructs Carlos as you sit still thinking, mentally preparing yourself for the exhaustion that is to come in these days of travelling, reminiscing the horrifying memories of when you were on your own, fighting to survive and barely making it, if the two spanish men hadn't found you.
A tap on your arm gets you back to reality, it's Charles. He seems to notice your mood and the anxious look on your face. While Carlos goes to prepare the car and Fernando gone to pack all essentials for the road, you two are the only ones left at the table.
"You okay?" Charles asks you tentatively.
"I..." You are at a loss for words. You honestly don't know if you are okay. "I am just so tired Charles. I was by myself for quite some time moving from place to place in some hope of finding someone alive. I would have died if they had not found me."
"Listening to you, I can't help think of what my little brother is going through. Hell I don't even know if he's alive, I just want to find him." Charles says wearily, putting his head in his hands.
You put your hand on his back soothingly and envelope him in a hug, in hopes of comforting him. Before you can say something, you're interrupted by Carlos, "Get ready. We have to leave so-" He pauses a moment analysing the position you and Charles are in,"Am I interrupting something?" He says through gritted teeth in hopes of hiding his burning jealousy.
You guys part and get up from your chairs. "I'll get my sword." You say as you leave the two men alone, with tension brewing in the air to which you are oblivious to. As you take your katana and come downstairs to see the two men still waiting.
The car is so silent and you can definitely sense the tension between the two men now.
"Soooo..." You begin but you're not sure of what to say.
"So?" They both say at the same time.
"Do you reckon we'll run into someone alive on the road?" You ask.
Carlos speaks up first, "It would be unlikely, if people are alive they would likely be hiding. I mean no one would be stupid enough to be roaming around."
You and Charles silently agree to his words. They're likely dead or zombies, you both think dejectedly to yourselves.
As you arrive to the desolate gas station, while Carlos is keeping watch and filling up gas in the car, you and Charles go inside to scavenge for food items.
When you're done, you suddenly hear a some commotion outside. You guys carefully go outside to find Carlos with a gun pointed towards him, the man, with shoulder length blond hair who is pointing the gun, has his back faced to you. You indicate to Charles to pull out his gun but stay hidden as you quickly pull out your katana, tread lightly towards the man and place the sharp blade right in front of neck, lightly nicking the man's throat.
"If you even attempt to move, I will slice your throat." You threaten the man.
He seems to be muttering something in german and you get a strong sense of familiarity from this man.
You feel as though you know him but how?
"Schatz is that you?" The man says.
Your eyes widen, there's only one man who calls you that, a man you thought was long dead.
"Seb?" That's all you can say as you drop your sword on the ground.
The man, Seb, turns around and you quickly envelop him in a hug. He reciprocates the action. You start to break down and soak his blue shirt with your tears. While Charles comes out of his hiding place, he and Carlos both are staring at you and this Seb.
Who is this man and what is his relation with you?
Taglist: @thefuckwasmyname @sam-f1 @authentiqsunsets @fefa-la-printcessa @ameliashideout @neilakk
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laguezze · 1 year
PAC: What you should be confident about
Theme: Focus by Ariana Grande
I am kinda back guys! Feeling better and ready to step into a new, confident energy! So here are some reasons why you should be confident!
Warning ⚠️: it's honest, also there is a +18 pile soooo. Minors DNI.
Let's see the piles!
Pile I
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Pile II
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Pile III
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Pile IV
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Pile I
(+18 only bc i don't wanna be calling a minor sexy and alluring)
You are sexy. Period. Like you have something so alluring and attractive about you. There's something so seductive in your aura. You're charming and talk well. I'm hearing your voice may be very attractive and siren-like. You might get tons of compliments on your voice.
Your calmness also makes you incredibly mesmerizing. You seem mysterious, but also playful. You're like a femme fatale fr (no matter the gender, it's the energy they bring to the table)
You just know, subconsciously at least, how to pull people in.
You speak well and are educated. You understand social customs and the way conversations work, so you make people very comfortable.
You should be more confident of your energy, like you're so charming and hot like genuinely charming and irresistible.
Look around at the room, see all those eyes? Yeah, they're looking at you bc you rock. That's why.
Pile II
The way you walkkkkk like we got a strutter here. I'm hearing the way you walk accentuates your curves very well and makes your body look very good. People notice the way you carry yourself. I'm seeing someone walking around the city with a handbag and a good fit. Fashion may be your strong suit too.
People might see you as someone fashionable and confident, whether you are or not. You definitely carry a strong energy with you. People love it.
You make heads turn a lot more than you realize. Like omg feel free to ignore this but I'm hearing you may have a good dump truck if you know what I mean. Like you're just built different in that department what can I say? People admire that. People wanna be you and be with you.
You also have such a positive energy to you, like your confidence shines through and people want to be around you a lot bc of it. They want to be like you.
Pile III
I knew I was gonna get this pile. You guys are my brains pile. The smart ones, very intelligent people. That's one of your strongest suits and I think you know that. You definitely do, yeah. Well, I'm here to tell you what you already probably saw coming. You should be confident about it. Own that IQ babes. But ALSO I'm hearing some of you are not satisfied with this answer. Maybe you read some of the previous piles while scrolling and you're like "bro why is everyone being called hot and I'm out here being called smart??? Am I not hot or what?" Calm down. You are hot. Your intelligence makes you extremely hot. Sapiosexuals would kill for a day with you fr.
BUT since you wanna hear something physical maybe, I will mention, there's something about your cleavage area and eyes. Maybe some of you wear glasses and people love that look. Your look compliment your personality. Very neat and clean, it's effective and attractive. People love that.
You might not be physically strong, a lot of people like how dainty and fragile you look because of your strong personality and brains. They love the contrast and so should you.
Pile IV
Hmm... You're probably expecting me to say your body. A lot of you guys might party a lot and get told that your body is hot and this and that. And although you take pride in that, deep down you are tires of hearing it. You want to be called "beautiful" while someone stares at your face. Not looking down.
You are beautiful, I'm seeing your soul is wounded a little bit. You may have had a rough time and got over it but the scar still hurts sometimes.
Your soul is beautiful. It really is. You want the real thing, you're passionate about life and love. You came out of a Renaissance painting literally like you're just so idealistic and it's hard to be that way in such a dull world full of hookup culture (note! I'm not judging anyone for hooking up. I respect decisions and personally don't see anything wrong with it. I'm just saying for some people that are more hopeless romantics looking for their one true love it might be hard to navigate a world in which hookup culture is very prevalent)
Your soul and your inner life makes you stunning. Your body is, of course, hot and beautiful. But the main thing you should be more confident about is your inner self. Your kindness and deep thoughts.
You will be loved the way you love one day 💕
The End
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doumachi · 10 months
beautiful stranger
ᰔᩚ beomgyu x reader coworkers to potential lovers
ᰔᩚ sfw / just silly fluff / mentions of a cafeteria? not proofread / pictures not mine
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the first time you saw him was in the cafeteria, you’ve never seen him before, but he’s with a group of other guys chatting away. you can’t stop looking at him except for when he catches you staring and returns the favor with a cheeky grin.
you can see from your peripheral vision that he's walking straight towards you and your friends.
you freak out and quickly tell your friends that you have to go to the bathroom not giving them any time to reply before you're gone. you decide to end your break early and go back to your cubical.
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the second time is when you’re making copies of paperwork but, this time it was him who saw you first. he came to print a document but got distracted when he saw you through the glass door. you looked so pretty and he accidentally bumped into the door.
as a result, you jumped and turned to the side. there he was, leaned against the wall holding his face in his hands. he lifted his head and saw you trying not to laugh, a grin on your face as you propped the door open and went back to your copies.
“you okay there” you ask, trying to calm your face, grabbing your papers ready to leave. “hehe, yeah im fine,” he replies with an airy chuckle.
desperate to keep the conversation going, he quickly changes the topic, unfortunately for you, he chooses to talk about how you were staring at him earlier :)
“soooo,” he begins, “do you always stare at handsome men in the cafeteria?” he asks playfully. you freeze trying to come up with an excuse.
“handsome men? i didn’t see any. did you?” you respond back causing him to chuckle softly.
“oooh okay, i see how it is,” he laughs and turn to look at you, “then that’s a shame, cause i saw a beautiful girl in there and wanted to ask her what her name was,” he says, making you blush and look away.
“it’s-“ ”hey!” you here your friends voice calling you while banging on the glass door, signaling you over to her immediately.
you ran to her without saying goodbye to the man with you and started whining to her, complaining to her how she chose the wrong time to call you over:( she smiled and informed you that your boss was losing her patience and needed the paperwork now, causing you to bolt into your boss's office.
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the third time, you’re on your way back home after an exhausting day at work. you’re on your last life it feels like until right before the doors close someone else gets on. the same pretty coworker that you saw just a few hours ago. he sees you and sits down right infront of you with a small laugh.
you can’t help but stare at him from time to time, and whenever you do, you find that he’s already doing the same to you, but you never find the courage to start a conversation.
though the ride is long, it doesn’t feel as long with him making silly faces at you whenever you lift your head to look at him. he sticks his tongue out and puffs up his cheeks to make you laugh.
your stop unfortunately arrives and you overthink, deciding that you would talk to him. as you’re about to step out though, you feel timid tap on your shoulder and turn to see him.
he’s much more beautiful up close with his chocolate brown eyes that shine, his hair framing his face perfectly, and features that most could only dream of. he pauses for a couple seconds, seemingly forgetting why he was doing this. it’s like his body moved without his mind thinking.
he finally says, “see you tomorrow, at work i mean of course, my name is choi beomgyu,” he spits out extremely quick, voice a little shaky. and before you know it he’s walking back to his seat.
now it’s your turn to get possessed because, you catch his wrist in your hand. the man, you now know is beomgyu, turns his body towards you with a hint of joy and hope in his eyes waiting for you to speak.
you breath in and speak, “ im yn. i’ll see you tomorrow then,” you respond while still holding onto his wrist.
he moves his hand up to meet yours and grasps it slightly in his before letting go.
“promise you’ll get home safely, yn,” the way he said your name sent heat straight to your cheeks and a smile to your lips.
with that you both let go, you exiting the train trying to hold back , and failing, the smile that was so wide it hurt your cheeks.
beomgyu sitting back down and looking at the ground with a lovesick smile on his lips and a dreamy sigh thinking about how pretty you were.
both of you couldn’t wait for what tomorrow held.
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a/n: caught myself writing my own name a few times...
also i wrote this while listening to beautiful stranger by laufey :)
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