#that's the g00d stuff right there
pesterloglog · 5 months
Aradia Megido, Rose Lalonde
Act 5, page 2808
-- apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] --
AA: what d0 y0u think y0ure d0ing!
AA: just st0p
AA: st0p st0p st0p st0p st0p st0p
AA: maybe if i say st0p en0ugh s0mething else will happen instead 0f the thing that d0es
TT: Hi.
AA: y0u arent g0ing t0 st0p are y0u
TT: Do you want me to stop using magic too?
AA: n0 i d0nt care ab0ut that
AA: its y0ur quest t0 tear y0ur sessi0n apart
AA: i kn0w its exciting
AA: breaking stuff
AA: and n0t w0rrying ab0ut it
AA: but there are c0nsequences t0 hum0ring y0ur destructive impulses
AA: and c0nsequences t0 f0ll0wing
TT: ?
AA: what they say
TT: Who?
AA: y0u kn0w wh0
TT: You sound frustrated.
TT: Like you know you can't change my mind.
TT: I presume your future footage of me has already verified this?
AA: i d0nt even need t0 watch y0ur future acti0ns t0 kn0w this
AA: the kn0wing is the same as this elusive feeling 0f sickness thats been with me f0r years
a: pr0bably since bef0re i died c0me t0 think 0f it
AA: it was always a big setup
TT: You died?
TT: Revived via dream self, I take it?
AA: n0
AA: i never had 0ne
AA: s0rt 0f a special case here
TT: Hmm.
AA: i just wish
AA: back when i was behaving recklessly
AA: i had s0me0ne t0 tell me t0 st0p listening
AA: even if i ended up ign0ring their advice
AA: it w0uld have been nice
TT: What did they tell you?
AA: i was assured i w0uld be saving my race
AA: which is maybe still true i d0nt kn0w
AA: but if it is then it will be the punchline t0 the vast j0ke
TT: Is that anything like the ultimate riddle?
AA: y0u really d0nt understand anything yet d0 y0u
AA: and yet y0u bug and fuss and meddle
AA: with things m0re danger0us than y0u can imagine
AA: what d0 y0u want with the s0urce 0f the first guardians
AA: what g00d d0 y0u really think c0uld c0me 0f it
TT: Do you know about it?
TT: The sun?
AA: y0u cant p0ssibly wield its energy 0r put it t0 c0nstructive use
TT: That isn't exactly my plan.
AA: y0u w0nt find it either
AA: its imp0ssible
TT: How do you know that?
TT: Could you please share your information with me?
AA: n0!
AA: y0u still havent gathered that y0ure the pr0blem
AA: im thr0ugh with c0nsci0usly c0ntributing t0 inevitable 0utc0mes
TT: Well,
TT: Aren't you doing that regardless? Right now?
AA: 0bvi0usly
AA: but im just talking
AA: maybe the things i say will indirectly trigger y0ur critical acti0ns
AA: maybe n0t wh0 kn0ws
AA: maybe!!!
AA: maybe if i behave in a manner s0 rand0m
AA: parad0x space w0nt kn0w h0w t0 handle it!
AA: blah BL00P blee BLUH!@#$%^&*()_+
AA: didnt see that 0ne c0ming did y0u pspace??? + ?*rand(413^612)
AA: oh look and now i suddenly refuse to type zeroes in my sentences
AA: isnt that crazy! who thought that was even a possibility
AA: bslick never would have imagined THAT little vestibule of probability was tucked somewhere in his huge glistening blow sack
AA: ribbit ribbit ribbit
AA: hahaha!
AA: 0h w0w im sure y0u were just being faceti0us with that but y0u have n0 idea h0w funny that is right n0w
AA: y0u had n0 way 0f kn0wing thats a thing i d0 all the time but with zer0es
AA: this is great
AA: i think im 0n t0 s0mething here
AA: maybe if i dig deep en0ugh int0 my circuitry and rer0ute all 0f my reserve p0wer thr0ugh my quantum based rand0m number generat0r i can pr0duce behavi0r s0 c0mpletely 0ff the wall that parad0x space will have n0 ch0ice but t0 change everything!
TT: You have circuitry?
AA: maybe i will also rig my p0wer s0urce t0 the 0utc0me 0f the functi0n and rand0mly bl0w myself up!
AA: that w0uld be just
AA: really
AA: really
AA: really*rand(rand(rand(rand(rand(0M)*0M)*0M)*0M)*0M) where 0M = s0me number drawn quite at rand0m fr0m 0ne 0f y0ur absurd human hats
AA: !~M~0~D~N~A~R
AA: g00dbye r0se
AA: enj0y y0ur rampant indiscreti0ns
AA: talk t0 y0u later assuming i havent rand0mly bl0wn myself up!
TT: Wait, don't go!
TT: You were actually interesting.
--- apocalypseArisen [AA] ceased trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] --
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barb-l · 1 year
Ohh! You might be right about Wednesday wearing dark blue in Fam Values but I swear I can only recall her bathing suit, one Morticia dress and Debbie's fits at the moment haha. I'm gonna probably rewatch both movies before Halloween though. Wbu? Are u planning any spooky movie marathon maybe? Also oof I'm so sorry abt your experience with the school for g00d and and evil. I haven't seen it.. yet(?).. but I read the book ages ago and um yeah. 😐😑😒
GOSH THANK U SO MUCH for posting your draft, you made my night!! Like I'm sitting here with a huge, dumb smile on my face cause it's so sweet and wholesome! Enid knew she was gonna miss Wednesday even before parting for the summer so she gave her her number but didn't have much hope she would even keep it. But Wednesday did keep it and bought a phone so just she could text her because she missed her too! OH BE STILL MY HEART 😳 That's also what Enid must have told herself after receiving that msg and realizing that ''Wednesday Addams actually missed me'' 😳
That bit about Enid thinking of Wesnesday and her smile? I SWOONED
And how Wednesday keeps making HER smile effortlessly with just being her weird as shit gothic ass self? The one Enid grew to LO- LIKE so much? OH MY HEART
This is such a fantastic draft you have here and I'm so grateful and honored you shared it with us. 💛 I'm no way asking or bugging you to finish it before the show drops cause I understand you prefer to post canon compliant content. All I'm gonna say is if inspiration strikes and you find your head full of ideas for this fic don't let anything stop you from writing it. You're genuinely amazing in expressing yourself in both writing and drawing so sometimes you can have a little non-canon stuff too as a treat 😄 I for one am gonna love love love it either way among many others. Of course it's up to you and only you, like I said I understood your reasoning perfectly. It's just.. this is waaaay to good to be scrapped. Really. Alright I will shut up now. Thanks again 💛
Ah not really. Whatever time i have when im not working, id rather spend drawing either for fun or my commissions. Although i do love creepy and macabre stuff, im not a big fan of horror movies. A lot of them are more about either shocking viewers and being as gorey and torture porn-y as possible, which isn't really my thing. Tho there are some horror movies out there i quite liked, I prefer to watch compilation videos of ghosts caught on camera and stuff if im in the mood for something spooky.
The SGE movie's pretty good for someone like me who hasn't read the books. My brother and I actually had tons of fun until all the confusing qb(and the whole thing with Rafal and Sophie. Barf). Like, if the filmmakers knew Agatha and Sophie were sisters then why have them kiss on the lips?? Unless they plan on retconning that since i hear that was only revealed at a later book...
Omg thank you! Ive mentioned it before but I'm not as confident with my writing as i am with my art, so compliments regarding my fics are always super appreciated. I'll consider continuing to write it, if there's still more i can squeeze out of me.
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ramhorned-culinist · 2 years
you seem real interested in ahsoka >:)
listen, the little whines she makes when i stuff her t0 bursting?
that's s0me g00d shit right there.
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porcupine-girl · 4 years
Do you have Good Omens designs on Etsy, Society6, TeePublic, or other similar sites?
If so, you should know that Terry Pratchett’s estate (or maybe the BBC, but the takedowns list Terry Pratchett as the rights-holder) is currently going through Redbubble and removing EVERYTHING tagged “Good Omens”!
If you search for “Good Omens,” two days ago you got thousands of results. Now you get 148, and I’m guessing in the next day or two most of those will be gone.
Once they started issuing the takedowns, it was too late - I removed the tag from one work they hadn’t gotten to yet, but it got taken down the next day. Another artist mentioned on Twitter that they probably got a snapshot of everything with the tag on a particular day and were working through that list instead of doing a new search every day.
I have no idea if they plan to do this on other sites, but in case they do, remove all your Good Omens tags now!! Yes, it might make your listings harder to find, but hopefully it will keep them from getting taken down entirely.
I’ve taken off all tags involving the phrase “good omens” (like “good omens sticker” etc) and changed it to “G00d 0mens” (with zeroes) in my product descriptions on Etsy. I left tags mentioning aziraphale, crowley, and ineffable husbands or ineffable boyfriends and changed the product titles to something involving one of those words/phrases instead of Good Omens.
I have no idea if this will be enough, or if they’ll also search tags like aziraphale and crowley?? Crowley would be hard since that’s also a Supernatural character, but when you search for Aziraphale it’s basically just GO stuff, so Crowley might be the safer tag. I have no idea if they would be aware enough to look for ineffable husbands or ineffable boyfriends - probably not, but you never know.
In a few weeks, if they don’t seem to have hit the site your stuff is on, it might be safe to change it all back. My guess is that they’re finally planning to roll out their own GO merch and want to clear the market of competition first, so with any luck once the official merch has been out there for a while, they’ll stop caring about fan artists.
Good luck!
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shanek0 · 5 years
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(rip my missing right hand in the drawing)
yeag this is pretty much the amino m3m3 i was talking about earlier. Good ol' times when FC wasn't split into two different communities (? Gosh how I miss those times ;w;
Unimportant and irrelevant facts about this thing
it's rushed lol
my right hand doesn't exist
there's at least three references to random stuff that only we know and understand (? spot them and you'll be granted a wonderful sense of achievement as a player and- *random ea noises*
this is my official persona's debut and gosh does she look... weird
my right hand doesn't exist
i also kinda ran out of time once more and didn't add shadows at all lol but i did what i could with the coloring and that srudd
the legs freak me out
if you -the one reading this, excluding myself and gtoh lol- are ACTUALLY a r34 artist... uh... pleas don't lewd us for f*ck sake that would count as cp and that ain't legal lol so yea
k that's all i hafta say. I hope ya had an awesome birthday today mate cuz you surely deserve it. I actually don't really tend to finish things on time but we could say that i made an exception this time oof but dont worry ill eventually quit procrastinating 24/7 for once and for all, i promise.
*shko in...- or out, idk*
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beatconductor-blog · 5 years
😎 : hey ara 😎 : you there 😎 : how are you 😎 : especially after the whole yanno 😎 : fog stuff 😎 : sry that i didnt come asking earlier stuffs been a bit hectic
AA: im 0kay i rec0vered fr0m my death nicely AA: h0w are y0u th0ugh AA: i see theres hmmm...tr0uble 0n the strider fr0nt
😎 : oh man you had dead shit in yours too 😎 : oh that  😎 : yeah
AA: i was the dead shit AA: but n0w im n0t anym0re! s0 its 0kay AA: i imagine y0u didnt have a great time with the f0g either
😎 : oh shit really 😎 : is it really okay 😎 : well uh 😎 : yeah
AA: as 0kay as it can be AA: the experience did leave me shaken AA: and i cant quite AA: get it 0ut 0f ny head just yet AA: but thats 0kay t00
😎 : doesnt sound okay but i know what you mean
AA: yeah
😎 : man 😎 : everything is a major fuck 😎 : hey how do i stop feeling guilty about everything again
AA: by reminding y0urself n0t everything is y0ur fault?
😎 : i mean 😎 : i know that bc this is all just a little to big 😎 : just 😎 : fuck
AA: this is ab0ut y0ur br0ther isnt it
😎 : pmuch yeah
AA: and his relati0nship t0 my br0ther
😎 : well yeah 😎 : and the fact that i dont know where either is rn 😎 : and im kinda really scared about sock
AA: y0u d0nt kn0w at all? AA: i th0ught dad is with him
😎 : he was 😎 : fuck sorry i dont want t oscare you too
AA: im n0t AA: if hes n0t with him anym0re dad is g0ing t0 find him
😎 : im sure he will 😎 : but i dont think sock will be so fine after this 😎 : all because he found that photo fuck
AA: im n0t sure what y0u mean AA: but s0ck will be 0kay t00 even if it takes time
😎 : i mean youre probably right like you always are but 😎 : fuck 😎 : this wait is the worst 😎 : but i dont know what to do
AA: l00k AA: y0u are giving me very little inf0rmati0n t0 w0rk with here
😎 : well shit sorry tbh i lost track of what you do and dont know because i know i talk a lot of bs at all times 😎 : we had the topic of sock being a dave just like me before right
AA: yes AA: his br0ther ad0pted y0u yes?
😎 : and yanno the bro that just popped up 😎 : yea that
AA: and n0w hes back
😎 : yep
AA: thats as far as i g0t it
😎 : and well hes a whole bigger mess than me thats gotta tell you a lot already 😎 : but without getting into the nasty details 😎 : hes been hella nasty to sock way back 😎 : which increasingly complicates things 😎 : to put very absolutely mildly
AA: d0 y0u think he w0uld lay his hands 0n him
😎 : honestly idk 😎 : i know that he doesnt actually want to hurt sock 😎 : and he thinks itll all be just fine and all that shit 😎 : but the result is a totally nother question
AA: hm AA: he s0unds very selfish
😎: that 😎 : is a pretty good judgement
AA: i hear i can be quite g00d at that
😎 : so what do i do
AA: n0t much y0u can d0 AA: check in 0n s0ck as s00n as y0u can?
😎 : i guess
AA: are y0u still g0ing t0 stay with y0ur br0?
😎 : idk
AA: i d0nt kn0w if i like the th0ught 0f y0u staying with a man like that AA: but even m0re imp0rtantly... d0 y0u like that idea?
😎 : honestly cant blame you 😎 : idk i mean i can handle him 😎 : hes still family and also my boss 😎 : just wish hed listen to me
AA: can y0u really th0ugh c0nsidering y0ur relati0nship with s0ck
😎 : thats the tough one 😎 : but when im here i could keep an eye on him
AA: d0 y0u really want t0?
😎 : why u gotta make me think so much about this stuff 😎 : yeah
AA: yeah y0u want t0 stay?
😎 : i know it sounds stupid
AA: depends 0n y0ur reas0ns
😎 : well for starters i grew up with him 😎 : he took me in and took care of me and i guess i kinda for some reason care about him 😎 : and I didnt get to talk much with him yet but its different 😎 : i think hes trying to be better 😎 : of course hearing about sock threw him off big time i mean imagine hearing your lil brother is alive after like fifteen years 😎 : and losing his second brother would kinda suck big time 😎 : i mean dont get me wrong i wish he didnt just run off thats still a mega shitty and stupid thing to do 😎 : aw man what am i even talking 😎 : i just wish i knew where they are right now
AA: i mean if he treated y0u better it makes perfect sense f0r y0u t0 feel that way
😎 : does it 😎 : i mean 😎 : i know how sock thinks about him 😎 : and shit thats not a good feeling 😎 : but i cant just drop everything here
AA: it d0es AA: its 0kay if y0u d0nt want t0 AA: just kn0w that its an 0pti0n if y0u ever want t0 take it y0u kn0w? AA: y0u d0nt have t0 stay with him  AA: and y0u d0nt have t0 leave either AA: its y0ur decisi0n
😎 : fuck 😎 : im feeling like the fucking worst either way
AA: d0nt feel bad bef0re y0u even talked t0 s0ck ab0ut it AA: thats y0ur main c0ncern right?
😎 : yeah
AA: let him decide if he hurts 0ver that 0kay?
😎 : i guess
AA: als0 let me hug y0u s0metime s00n maybe
😎 : yeah honestly that would be really nice
AA: im s0rry t0 hear things have been r0ugh f0r y0u again AA: always in tr0uble arent y0u?  AA: catch a break with me f0r 0nce
😎 : i think thats just the strider genes
AA: that seems highly p0ssible yes
😎 : yanno what 😎 : anyone trying to sell you that striders are cool is a liar 😎 : being a strider kinda sucks and i want my money back
AA: y0u are the 0ne trying t0 sell me that AA: wheres MY m0ney dave AA: my children they are starving
😎 : okay but you knew the truth right from the start so who tricked who here
AA: why id never ever trick y0u dave
😎 : doubt
AA: y0u hurt my feelings
😎 : shit 😎 : sorry
AA: 0n0
😎 : no you know what 😎 : i actually absolutely trust you
AA: i think y0u are c00l dave
😎 : i think i dont trust you anymore
AA: y0u are very c00lici0us dave!
😎 : now youre just trying to sweettalk me im seeing through your plans
AA: maybe s0
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inviciousx · 6 years
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs there i said it
How long will they last? - until the end of time (apocalypse pun)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - really fuckin’ quick like holy shit, and i wouldn’t change it at aaaaaalllllll
How was their first kiss? -it was sorta like. . . okay, imagine when the sun was first created in god’s hands and its light touched the sky for the first time  rlly g00d
Who is on top? - Copia i hear you smirking you smug bastard get outta here XD
Who is the one to instigate things? - Copia initially, but certainly not ultimately
How healthy is their sex life? - “healthy” can have a lot of definitions, but i think it’s pretty pure in many ways and can express a lot of things, i imagine it’s frequent enough to be “healthy” if that’s your definition, and certainly “healthy” in that they both seem hyper aware of making sure the other is taken care of physically and, especially, mentally. By the scale below, I’d say they’re like uhhhh, 7/8? Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - sorta early to really know Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - they stay for the encore, and maybe to catch a few guitar picks, but not until the venue’s cleared out to see all the beer cans left behind, ya feel?
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - duh
How rough are they in bed? - why are these scales so extreme tf; basically the same as the kinky question tho, so i’m answering for the experience we’ve written so far Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - tf outta here!!!! ALL OF IT! i really get the feeling that the silent snuggles are like a spiritually healing event for them No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
Children: slight ouch on this one but i venture ahead as if they’d hypothetically do this
How many children will they have naturally? - 0
How many children will they adopt? - 2
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - psh that’s shared
Who is the stricter parent? - Copia
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Caroline
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Copia
Who is the more loved parent? - both
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? there’s no PTA after an apocalypse wtf 
Who cried the most at graduation? - Caroline
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Copia
Who does the most cooking? - Copia
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Copia
Who does the grocery shopping? - Caroline
How often do they bake desserts? - i’m feeling like there’s a ceramic or glass desert container in the kitchen which is nearly always filled 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - MEAT
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Copia
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Caroline ???
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Caroline
Who cleans the room? - Caroline
Who is really against chores? - Caroline (her theory is ‘just do it, we don’t have to assign it’)
Who cleans up after the pets? - Caroline
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Copia??
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Copia no doubt
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Caroline
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Caroline just for the hair
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - both, cause aw couple dog walking
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - probably just for autumn and winter
What are their goals for the relationship? - live life side by side and find some quiet peace
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Caroline
Who plays the most pranks? - BOTHHHH
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allcatsaregreyt · 6 years
#relatable#its difficult to steal from arch though#i got a small collection a cros stuff at this point#you look happy as a clam though
i’m pretty happy, yeah. i feel like i did s0mething right, this time. it’s a g00d feeling.
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starryseo · 6 years
time for the best sunshine boiii
han jisung
Chan | Woojin | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | JISUNG | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
he’s such an all-rounder at such a young age??
god blessed this boi straight up
he also does parkour with changbin & felix 
so sometimes he’s in their vids
but when they’re not filming themselves skateboarding
he’s the camera dude
doesn’t like using the skateboard as much as he likes trying the flips and shit normally
he’s deffo their one-man-hype squad and personal cheerleader
literally made a cheer for them
here are my boys, you can call them changlix
they’re gonna rock this place with their bombass flips
it’s really!!! cringey!!!!! but that’s why he uses it
gotta embarrass his homebois ok
lemme talk about his instagram before his youtube real quick
it’s  a e s t h e t i c  af
like he’ll use the best filters and get the best angles
but he doesn’t do it on purpose???
he literally snaps a pic and it comes out looking so fineee
once you actually click on a pic though
his captions are crazy
usually just gibberish
and he hashtags the most random parts of his day
they usually dont even make sense
but whatever
he’s also always on the hunt for flowercrowns 
his profile pic just alternates between the different ones he has
he’s 1/2 of the flower boy line what can i say
ok onto the yt stuff:
he has so !!! many !!!! prank videos
and they’re hilarious
they’re not like the cliche ones that lots of people post
he tries being creative,,,,
by creative i mean extreme
chan still gets flashbacks man,,,
he’ll actually plan these pranks out for weeks on end
like, he is that devoted to the pranks, it’s admirable but also insane
his first prank he thinks was quite basic compared to his current pranks, but it was this:
he created this video montage of him going to changbin’s house while he was away
and stealing one of his caps (like taking one every week or so)
he did this over 2 months the boy’s got a lot of caps and changbin kept asking all the guys if he had left his cap at their place bc ?? it’s gone ??
the poor boy was so confused rip
for safe-keeping,,, jisung didn’t tell any of the guys about his prank,,,, 
the only people that knew were woojin and changbin’s mums
bc they always let jisung into the houses
evil mums i know but their acting was A* whenever their kids asked them
he hid the caps at the bottom of woojin’s cupboard
knowing woojin would probably never look there/ get smth from there considering jisung could barely bend down to hide the caps there
at one point jisung thought changbin had figured out it was him
so then jisung was like “ay come over to my house to chill” to throw him off his track
like?? why would jisung invite him over if he has the caps??
to make it more believable jisung was like “bro imma go to the store real quick, you can carry on playing, no one else is home”
that would give changbin time to look around and find nothing if he was still suspicious
to test if changbin would actually check, he pulled a Light Yagami
just after he grabbed his wallet from his room
he stuck a lil’ bit of paper in between the door and the door jamb
and he shut the door
so if the door was opened, the paper would fall out
he went to the shops, bought some sweets and drinks for them,,,, y’know took his sweet  [pUNS] time outside to let changbin look around more
he came back, put the snacks on the table and went back in to his room to put his wallet away aaaaaand,,,
lo and behold,,,,,
the paper had fallen onto the floor
the room looked just as he had left it
but he kneeeeeeeew
he left changbin with one final cap lmao
and then he was like okkkk prank over
he took all the caps back and, when changbin wasn’t at home, put them all in really bad hiding places
and then he waited until the next day to upload the whole video onto his youtube channel
he almost got caught one time
but it wasn’t in changbin’s house it was at woojin’s
he had hidden the cap (thankfully) and just as he was leaving woojin came in
and he’s like ??? i didn’t know you were coming over
and he was like oshitwhatdoido
but he quickly lied like “oh i lost one of my earrings so i was looking around the guys’ houses”
woojin was like 🤔🤔 but you haven’t been to my house in a few weeks
and jisung was like oshitoshitHEKNOWS
“oh i know, but i can’t remember when i lost it so i was just making sure”
“ahhh ok” woojinn looked like he believed him so he just got the heck outta there asap
and just as a precaution he went to a few of the other guys’ houses too and pretended to look around
just in case woojin spoke to one of the other guys
he then coincidentally ‘found’ his earring at home lmao
as i said, he’s devoted to making the prank work as best as possible
anywayssss, changbin watched jisung’s prank video as soon as it came out because ??? jisung never said anything about a prank?? how did he, of all people, manage to stay quiet about a prank?
and then,,,,, he realised,,,,,
and boIIIIII was changbin mad
he washed all of his caps bc god knows wHAT jisung might’ve done with them
and then r a n - my homeboi literally sprinted - to jisung’s house and tackled him as soon as he saw him
and jisung was literally choking on his laughter
like changbin is strangling him but he’s still laughing
he also set up cameras in the room, knowing changbin would come sometime soon
added that as a lil’ reaction clip in his next video lmfao
he’s also obviously part of the ‘00 line gamers
and he’s usually the one that starts all the twitch streams and that
he’ll screen record as well and send changbin or chan the stuff to put on their channel
he’s that one guy that literally fucks about during a match but will still get a beautiful k/d ratio & be at least top 3
he’s basically cyanide from zf but instead of a girlfriend he has minho
he also gives a lot of shoutouts on his channel and during his videos
like it can be the most random person like “shoutout to that kid in the park that joined my parkour cheer, you got a lot to learn from me but i like your moves”
has also done small giveaways
stole one of chan’s hoodies & was like thiiiiis close to selling it off to someone but chan managed to get it back just in time
he also does reaction videos to the other guys’ videos just to annoy them ;^)
like he’ll switch between going “oh yeahhh that was an amazing kill binnie(!)” to “WHOA YES DAMN!!! HYUNJIN YOU GOT SKILLZ MA BOIIIIII”
he’s literally everyone’s hype man and he’s always so positive
except when he tried doing a diss track against changbin
started it off all serious and halfway through he just ended up laughing and mocking everyone in the group before giving up
he’s also so !!!! g00d !!!!!! at singing
so sometimes he’ll just be gaming and then he’ll start singing
and it’s going all nice and his voice is being beautiful
and then it comes to a long note and he just goes AAAAAAAAH and starts screaming
1) he just killed such a beautiful song wtf
2) he didn’t mute the mic so everyone’s ears are dead wtf
so now whenever he starts singing everyone just mutes him until at least 5 mins pass
including jeongin lmao this boi aint having none of ur shit jisung
they all come back to hearing “dudes?? felix you there?? hyunjin help meeee!!! WHY ARE NONE OF YOU REPLYING TO ME?!?!?!?1!!?1!?”
and jeongin deadass said “we muted you duh”
and jisung was just like “bruh <\3 even you?”
jeongin: “i muted you as soon as the game began” #SavageMaknaeFTW
jisung’s like “well, at least minho didn’t mute me this whole time right??”
everyone diED and a couple of minutes later you just hear minho go “oh he’s finally stopped singing? that was quick”
jisung rage quite that day lmfao
although he makes everyone’s lives quite hectic and crazy
he’s always positive
and he’s always there for the guys
he knows when to be serious and when to have fun
and he always lets the guys know that despite the jokes and pranks, he’s got their backs and loves them very much
he’s the most open about saying he loves them the cutie <3333
this series is almost ending it’s like watching a child grow up istg im sad :(((
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GUYS. Guys. I need. to brag to you. About how amazing Castlevania is. If you like Vampire stuff as much as I do and don't mind a some blood and gore. It's amazing. It's a Netflix original. Highly recommend. Great characters with cool, funny, sassy attitudes. G00d shit right there. G00000d shit 💯👀👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 Only 4 episodes so far though. And by the way it's an Anime and the Art is awesome too!
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boilingheart · 7 years
hey Mimi! i come to you asking about the general rundown of the current state of WoW! i quit playing sometime around the time Cataclysm came out, and with Legion popping up everywhere, i'm giving it a try again! is there anything extremely important i should be aware of that changed/got added? thanks in advance, and sorry if the question seems a bit too big to answer!
Hi @demicorpse ! I’m not sure if I’m the best person to ask about this since I haven’t necessarily played since August last year but I’ll do my best!
So if it’s been since Cata that you played, there’s a few things to catch up with which I’ll put under a cut cause even though I paraphrased it’s a little long.
Horde - During Cata, Thrall passed over the mantle of Warchief to Garrosh Hellscream. Orgrimmar was under reconstruction because of the cataclysm. Orgrimmar’s reconstruction is complete now, so there’s no more engineers and such on the walls.
Garrosh became corrupt and led a lot of genocidal acts against both Horde and Alliance, and launched a mana bomb (basically the magical equivalent of a nuke) on Theramore. Rhonin (the “Citizens of Dalaran!” mage) died in that explosion, sacrificing himself (i think) to contain the explosion so it didn’t spread past Theramore. Jaina was also saved by him, and her demeanor has changed drastically, as she’s no longer the sweet peacelover, but instead filled with rage and despair. Her hair is also white for the most part now.
During MoP, Garrosh sent an assassin to take out Vol’jin, but it failed and he lived. Garrosh also almost killed Anduin by dropping a bell on him, crushing every bone in his body.
Garrosh took the heart of Y’Shaarj, an old god, and absorbed its power, and desecrated a lot of land and people too. Pandaria, the ancient home of the pandaren. We defeated him in the end raid for MoP, and Thrall made Vol’jin warchief instead.
Garrosh went on trial in Pandaria for his crimes, but with the help of a bronze dragon named Kairozdormu and a purified black dragon whelp Wrathion, he broke free and went back in time 35 years and prevented the orcs from drinking the demon blood, which then ignited the shittiest expansion Warlords of Draenor. Nothing of real importance happens there except Khadgar looks like a silver fox, and alternate Gul’dan is now in our timeline and brought the Legion over to us
Alliance - Bear with me I main Horde so everything I know about Alliance is just what I’ve read.
Okay so during Cata, Stormwind was partially destroyed. For many years until Legion, the park was just gone. Now it’s been rebuilt, anmed “Lion’s Rest” because as of Legion, Varian Wrynn is deceased.
After Jaina lost Theramore, she has been enraged, wanting the Horde to pay for what had been done to her. Even after Garrosh had been defeated in MoP, she tried to urge Varian to take out the Horde before they can try to plot more evil, but Varian just threatens them instead when he Vol’jin said he speaks for the Horde now
Anduin became friends with the black dragon Wrathion I mentioned earlier. They’re popular in the fandom so I’m not sure if you know them but I feel like it’s worth mentioning that during Garrosh’s trials, Wrathion betrayed Anduin there in favor of sending Garrosh back in time. Wrathion has pretty much been MIA since, despite spending a majority of MoP talking about how the Legion was coming and they needed to do something to defend Azeroth before it is too late.
As of Legion, Varian Wrynn, Vol’jin and Tirion Fordring are dead, having lost their lives during the Assault on the Broken Shore (new zone) where the Legion was arriving through a portal (Tomb of Sargeras i think).
Sylvanas Windrunner is Warchief of the Horde. Her and Greymane have a lot of friction this expansion. Lots and lots of Forsaken vs. Worgen.
Anduin Wrynn is now king of the Alliance. He now has recovered half of Varian’s sword, and it looks like he might become a paladin later? We don’t know. He has not been very active this expansion, but he is grieving.
Illidan is back. His body had been stored in a vault because even though he was dead, Maeiv still felt he needed to be imprisoned. I think alt-Gul’dan stole his body and tried to use it as a host for Sargeras to possess him and wreak havoc on Azeroth, but that attempt has been thwarted at the Nighthold raid. Since demon hunters can’t necessarily die, their souls just go out to the Twisting Nether, they can just come back to their bodies. We put Illidan’s soul back in his body and now Gul’dan is dead and Illidan is ready to kick some ass
The Illidari were also imprisoned by Maeiv, but she freed them when the Legion arrived because she felt we need them to fight the demons (g00d move).
Pandaren are a playable race as of MoP. Monks are a new class that came in the same expac, and they can heal, tank and dps. Available to all races.
Demon Hunters are a new class as of Legion, exclusive to belfs and noofs. You start at level 98 for that one. You can only have one per realm, and you must have a character at least level 70 before you can make one.
Gnomes can be hunters now btw.
Right now we’re at the Broken Shore trying to help people and trying to push back Legion forces that are spilling through our world. I think those are just the very important points to know, you can always do more reading on details cause there are a few other things that have happened in between too. I hope this helped some!! Check out the WoW cinematics if you can, and if you need specific lore stuff, I highly recommend Nobbel87 on YouTube! He specializes in video essays on WoW Lore history stuff. Super cool!
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dhizzlerbae · 7 years
92 Truths
Rules: Tag 20 people Tagged by the amazing writer @seoulscript, thank you for tagging me~ Didn’t expect you to tag me but here we come..
• THE LAST… 1. Drink: milk 2. Phone call: mom 💓 3. Text message: chairmate, my one and only girl ‘friend’ back then 😪 4. Song you listened to: taeyeon’s 11:11 5. Time you cried: a few hours ago
• HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: yeah 7. Been cheated on: nope 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: haven’t kissed someone yet, so.. 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: err no? 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: NO
• LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: black pastel pink lilac
• IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: yes? 16. Fallen out of love: no? 17. Laughed until you cried: yeah? 18. Found out someone was talking about you: err no? 19. Met someone who changed you: no 20. Found out who your true friends are: YES 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no. not sure cause i’ve forgotten most of them
• GENERAL… 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: 100%. i only accept who i know 23. Do you have any pets: no. i’m not into animal thing but i found they’re so cute and maybe i’m going to pet them in the future? yea maybe 24. Do you want to change your name: yes 25. What did you do for your last birthday: doing stuff like usual 26. What time did you wake up: dunno, it depends on the situation 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing game bcs i’m so into this game lately 28. Name something you cannot wait for : to finally try my new ‘life’ 29. When was the last time you saw your mother: a few minutes ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: fear of heights, insecure bout myself and stuff 31. What are you listening to right now: the sound of plastic being opened 😂 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my ex 34. Most visited website: tumblr, instagram, webtoon 35. Elementary: yes! 36. High School: soon to be 37. College/university: no 38. Hair color: black but its kinda brownish? 39. Long or short hair: i prefer long but things make me choose short, so why not? 40. Do you have a crush on someone: currently, no. 41. What do you like about yourself: i’m a fast learner? 42. Piercings: ears 43. Blood type: the rare AB 44. Nickname: Dhiv 45. Relationship status: single 46. Zodiac sign: Taurus 47. Pronouns: she 48. Favorite tv show: at the moment i like Produce 101! i know it’s sadly over but it’s g00d 49. Tattoos: none. but i wish i have one 😛 50. Right or left hand: right
• FIRST… 51. Surgery: haven’t got one yet 52. Piercing: ears 54. Sport: basketball maybe? 55. Vacation: nope atm 57. Eating: nothing atm 58. Drinking: nothing atm (2) 59. I’m about to: pray 60. Listening to: round and round 61. Waiting for: my battery’s phone 100% 62. Want: my life to be better 63. Get married: Jungkook / Suho / Baekhyun 😂 64. Career: nope
• WHICH IS BETTER… 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs! 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: bit taller 68. Older or younger: older. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: armsss 71. Sensitive or loud: both 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker!
• HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: hell no 75. Drank hard liquor?: no 76. Lost glasses contact/lenses?: don’t use, so nah 77. Turned someone down?: yes 78. Sex on first date?: lol no 79. Broken someone’s heart?: yea :( 80. Had your heart broken?: bet everyone’s had their heart broken 81. Been arrested?: no. 82. Cried when someone died?: no 83. Fallen for a friend?: nah
• DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself?: sometimes 85. Miracles?: kinda.. 86. Love at first sight?: no 87. Santa Claus?: no 88. Kiss on the first date?: why not? 89. Angels?: yea~
• OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: let’s just call 'em the squad 😏 91. Eye color: idk my friend said i have a dark brown one 92. Favorite movie: The Maze Runner series! <3
20 people to tag; @avveh @ethereal-baek @exomoodboards @imsarabum @kittae @lawlliets @sefuns @soobadnoonecanstopher @universitykpop @war-of-hormoan
AHHH i don’t really know people.. so i’ll just tag 10 out of 20 😂
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bewarethewolfarmy · 7 years
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ // what a caring and loving mun and dynamic, well written characters. wow. g00d shit. quality stuff right there. 10/10
Don’t listen, @needbrakes is trying to distract you all from how much koala tea he is!)
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devicefulflightrisk · 7 years
-- cusoryTechnomancer [CT] began pestering devicefulFlightrisk [DF] at 23:47 --
CT: ... 1 h0pe 1 am n0t 1ntrud1ng up0n anyth1ng. N0netheless 1 ap0l0g1ze f0r my sudden appearance.
CT: Ah.
CT: Th1s 1s K0ugah.
CT: Just t0 1nf0rm y0u as t0 why 1 sh0uld be ap0l0g1z1ng. Hell0.
DF: Oh!! Hi Kougah.
DF: Whats up? :)
CT: N0th1ng 0f 1mp0rt. 1 0nly w1shed t0 1nf0rm y0u that 1 have bu1lt s0meth1ng that may warrent further test1ng but c0uld pr0ve useful.
CT: Pr0v1d1ng Ska1a w1th s0me 0f my research has g1ven me access t0...
CT: N0t better, but m0re. M0re techn0l0gy.
CT: A w1der range 0f mater1als t0 w0rk w1th.
DF: Oh, yeah. Weve got all sorts of cool gadgets at Skaianet.
DF: I guess we ought to... Being the biggest research facility in the universe and stuff.
DF: What did you make??
CT: 1 have deemed 1t an Aur1c Man1pulat10n T0wer.
CT: Regretfully clunky but 1t sh0uld take s0me 0f my backl0gged em0t10n essense 1've c0llected 0ver the sweeps and apply 1t t0 a rad1us surr0und1ng 1t.
CT: H0wever 1 have yet t0 test 1t.
DF: Ohh... Sounds neat.
DF: Are you going to use it to keep the spirits settled?
CT: Yes 1 plan t0. L1kely wh1le y0u and 0thers are n0t 1n the w00d as 1t c0uld always acc1dently earn the1r 1re.
CT: S0. Yes. 1 w1shed t0 let y0u kn0w 0f th1s p00s1b1l1ty. T0 better plan.
CT: T1mes.
CT: T0 d0 th1s.
CT: S0 1 messaged y0u unrp0v0ked.
DF: That makes sense...
DF: Umm well, I can stay away for now if you need to. I probably wont be on Avalon tomorrow anyway.
DF: No post on Sunday! :O
CT: Yes.... h0w f00l1sh 0f me t0 f0rget th1s fact.
CT: 1t seems 1 have run a f00l's errand. But th1s 1s t0 be expected, s0 1 am at peace w1th 1t.
CT: 1n 0rder t0 turn the c0nversat10n t0 a pr0duct1ve place h0w are y0u been fa1r1ng?
DF: Ive been alright I guess...
CT: That. 1s g00d. Alth0ugh 1 h0pe 1 d0n't pr0d t00 much 1n say1ng the el1pses d0n't make 1t seem very c0nv1nc1ng.
DF: No... I guess I was kind of leading you with that...
DF: Ive been a little melancholy. Um... But its alright. Im just lonely I think.
DF: And Im worried about my brothers... Theyve both been sick. :(
CT: 1 understand, 1t's 0nly natural but 1f 1t's any c0ns0lat10n f0r y0ur w0rr1es they are sure t0 surv1ve what 1s a1l1ng them.
CT: H0wever they are g01ng t0 be d1fferent f0r the rest 0f the1r days.
DF: Ummm...
CT: Th1s energy has ch0sen... Hm. "Ch0sen" t0 t0uch them. 1t 1s a c0mpl1ment 1 th1nk.
DF: You really think so? That its a good thing?
CT: Yes. 1t has 1mb1bed them w1th p0wer.
CT: As the m0unta1n has d0ne w1th the surr0und1ng fauna.
CT: H0wever n0t all th1ngs are d1rectly affect, they are certa1n th1ngs.
DF: Well... I hope they adjust okay...
CT: They m0st l1kely w1ll, n0t t0 w0rry... as f0r y0ur l0nel1ness 1s the rest 0f y0ur tr1be 1ncapac1tated as well?
CT: There are a great many 0f them 1 understand.
DF: Haha yeah! Ive got a big family.
DF: Umm. I guess it might sound silly to complain about loneliness when I do have so many people around but I also get a little... anxious around people???
DF: You might have noticed.
DF: Id like a certain kind of company... But I know its not something I can have right now...
CT: Hm. 1 d0n't bel1eve 1t t0 be s1lly.
CT: Whatever 1t 1s y0u crave y0u sh0uld be able t0 0bta1n.
CT: 1nclud1ng y0ur want f0r c0mpany as well as y0ur space when y0u need 1t.
DF: Aw... Thanks for saying so.
DF: But I dont know...
DF: I think Im bad at picking the kind of company I wanna keep... Not that theyre bad people! Its just um...
DF: Its complicated I guess.
CT: Hm. 1f 1 may, then 1 w0uld enc0urage y0u t0 delve further 1nt0 the t0p1c.
CT: 1 am n0t very talented at 1nterpers0nal relat10nsh1ps but a new perspect1ve may make 1tself v1s1ble t0 y0u.
DF: Oh, gosh..... Its a little embarrassing...
DF: Ive been uh... interested?? In this guy for... quite a long time.
DF: But hes not interested in me like that. Even if he was, it wouldnt be a very smart match. I dont think people would approve.
DF: Sometimes I feel like Im cursed like that... Or I just have bad judgement for whats good for me. Do you know what I mean?
CT: Ah... 1 see.... hm. 1 th1nk 1 may.
CT: 1 can sympath1ze w1th the feel1ng 0f s0meth1ng y0u may w1sh n0t be1ng s0.
CT: Kn0w1ng where l1nes are drawn 1s 1mp0rtant but 1t 1s n0t always easy.
CT: 1 am s0rry that y0u are exper1enc1ng these feel1ngs, they aren't very pleasant t0 manage.
DF: Thank you... I guess its just something Ill have to deal with.
DF: But... its nice knowing that someone understands.
CT: 1'm glad 1 can pr0v1de s0me f0rm 0f c0mf0rt t0 y0u.
CT: 1f 1 can be helpful 1n any 0ther manner d0n't hes1tate t0 let me kn0w.
CT: 1t w0uld be an h0n0r t0 be 0f use t0 y0u.
DF: Thats
DF: Yes...
DF: Thats yes? What?
DF: Thank you. I might take you up on that! If I could ever possibly think of something??? But I cant really!!
DF: I mean Im happy just having your company!
CT: 0h. Then that 1s m0re than 1 c0uld have asked f0r, t0 make y0u happy. 1 w1ll, attempt t0 d0 th1s m0re 0ften.
CT: T0 help 1mpr0ve y0ur m00d, 0f c0urse.
DF: Yeah!! Of course... Um... But I hope you just like to have me around too?
DF: That its mutually beneficial.
CT: 0h. Yes. 1 d0... enj0y y0ur c0mpany. Alth0ugh 1t may be 1mpr0per 1 enj0y the t1me 1 spend by y0ur s1de. S0 1 apprec1ate y0u all0w1ng 1t.
DF: I really dont understand what you mean when you say stuff like that... Im nothing special.
CT: 1 have t0 d1sagree w1th y0u.
CT: Str0ngly.
DF: Hehe... Well, um... I guess I wont argue with you about it.
CT: G00d, 1 have c0me prepared 1f y0u sh0uld feel the urged.
CT: A l1st can eas1ly be f0rmulated.
DF: Oh, wow. Thats... an overwhelming thing to consider.
DF: I wont make you list things off!
DF: Actually, I should get going to bed anyway.
CT: Yes, please get s0me rest. 1 h0pe 1 d1d n0t keep y0u.
CT: Sleep well, Jace.
DF: Thanks, Kougah... Goodnight. :)
-- devicefulFlightrisk [DF] ceased pestering cusoryTechnomancer [CT] at 02:45 --
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tagged by @03i8 RULES: tag 10 of your followers you wanna know better. Nicknames: faithy, and faffyf (btw pronounced fafeef by my little brother) Height: 5'5 Time right now: 11:29 pm I just worked 12 hours today Last thing I googled: either the location to this car place or U OF A hockey schedule Fave music artist: Umm Ed Sheeran ftw otherwise.... maybe Marina and the diamonds Song stuck in my head: I woke up with 'you belong with me' stuck in my head all morning. I always wake up at like 3am with a random sock stick in my head and today it was that one even though I haven't listened to it?? Last movie I watched: The Rings movie that just came out (it wasn't bad) Last TV show I watched: I'm watching friends rn What I’m wearing now: I just got out of the shower sooooo When I created this blog: sophomore/junior year of high school?? I'm 20 now so it's been maybe three years The kind of stuff I post: memes,Ed, and feminist posts Do I have other blogs? Sooo I made one for aesthetic™ posts and used it maybe twice I tried to think of s super generic name that could be just anything and it was like blazingheartthrob or something it was kinda to make fun of aesthetic blogs while being one?? But now I shove everything on here. Untagged and nothing in the tags or replies at all Do I get asks regularly?: no Why did I choose my URL?: I had one specific username in mind and kept altering it until it turned into my brothers nickname for me Gender: Cis female. Hogwarts House: Who has two thumbs and is a hufflepuff? I'm a hufflepuff Pokemon team: I've only played once tbh Fave colors: blue, purple,black, burgundy Average hours of sleep: 8-11 hours I sleep a lot Lucky number: 9 Favorite characters: Frodo, Sam, Aragon, Legolas, etc..... also joey from friends and Serana from skyrim she's the best companion even though I can't marry her Dream job: being paid to do nothing but currently a bartender Number of blankets I sleep with: one under me and two over me Following: 431 @chickenlump @g00d-fell0w @lord-nicho @bethumms @edsheeranisthebae @animaluvr4lyfe @cats-tats-recovery
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LAVELA: =She's excited to see Jareth, it's been years and they used to be so close. Hearing from him like this was so sudden though. Also he's changed which is to be expected she's changed too.-
LAVELA: =Still it made her feel a little on edge. Her goggles in her jacket pocket along with the knife strapped to the small of her back beneathe a simple blouse. Just looking around, peering with bad eyes through corrective lenses=
JARETH: - She's not the only one on edge. It's the first time he's truly been out in public in a while, and it's hard not to think that passerbies are noticing him, looking at him funny, although he knows logically he's just another citizen in the shuffle of the city every so often he can't help but freeze, his heart racing with fear of being pointed out or recognized. Eventually he makes his way to the park, and he feels better there among the foilage and less hustle and bustle. He waits for her on a park bench. And she might be a little bit shocked at his appearance, the dark circles under his eyes, the way his clothes hang off his body....but he's here.-
LAVELA: =Walking through while glancing around she finally sees him and... honestly? It doesn't make her feel that much better. She's glad to see him of course but he's not in the best shape. Lavela frowns and approaches him looking rather impecable.=
LAVELA: What the heckerd00dle happened t0 y0u? >8(
JARETH: -He smiles briefly upon seeing her, although it's immediately accompanied by a flinch, and the smile quickly turn an into an uncomfortable grimace...and then disappears. His hands go self conciously to his arms, worrying at the skin there for a moment before replying.- It's a bit of a shock, I know.
JARETH: I think. We have a lot to talk about? -Hesitates for a second and then pats the bench.-
LAVELA: =She's blunt... she can't turn that off.... but just.. frowns at him and goes to sit down= Yeah we d0. =But... she'll let him talk=
JARETH: I don't really. Know where to start.
JARETH: Honestly.
LAVELA: THE BEGINNING MAYBE.... but. I mean... =Alright just... understanding, slow... patient... all things she isn't=
LAVELA: The first few years m8ybe?
JARETH: -Big ears angle. He's relieved that they're taking it slow. He's fragile....but he knows how she is too. He wishes he could tell her she doesn't have to handle him with kid gloves but he's too preccupied by the information dump he's trying to process.-
JARETH: Ok. That's. Tactical.
JARETH: -Nervous laugh.-
JARETH: School. Just. Lots of school. I suppose that is. Truly when I fell out of touch. With all of you. I just...
JARETH: I never felt like. I fit in here. And I was excited for a chance. To start over?  I was ambitious. I wanted to finish everything. As soon as possible. Make the best grades. Get an internship.
JARETH:... I hear. You're an actress?
LAVELA: Yeah. It's what I wanted... m0re 0r less.
LAVELA: =furrows eyebrows= Th0ugh h0w was sch001? Is sch001? If y0u're still d0ing the educ8ti0n thing??
JARETH: -He makes another attempt at a smile.- We could have. Run into eachother. I went into. Costume design. And set design.
JARETH: No. That's been over. For a while. Like I said. I wanted to finish as fast. As I could. And break into the industry.
JARETH: And. Well. I did.
JARETH: At first it was just. Grunt work. But I kept submitting my designs. Again and again. And eventually. They got picked up.
LAVELA: Well.....!!!!! That's g00d!
LAVELA: =But she also knows how vicious the entertainment industry can be and how soft Jareth is...= Picked up by wh0?
JARETH: I can't say. The name. Or I might end up. In a black van. With a bag over my head. -He's joking but also kind of not.-
JARETH: But it was. A young adult. Fantasy film franchise.
JARETH: Obviously. I was through the roof.
JARETH: -He's starting to withdraw a little bit now, because they're getting closer to the stuff that's difficlt to talk about.-
LAVELA: =Focused cat eyes= N0t if we bag them first.
LAVELA: =But she prods more= WELL? THEN WHAT?
JARETH: I met someone. They were also in. Costume and set design. More...more experienced. And they helped me get the position.
JARETH: They helped me. A lot. Taught me things. Helped me. Push my talent. Because. My portfolio was a mess.
JARETH: Well. Eventually. We became involved. -He's def. not looking at her now.-
LAVELA: ...... =She feels like there's a BUT coming but just nods.= 0kay.....
JARETH: -Ears pulled way way back.-
JARETH: Sorry. I. Don't mean to. Um.
JARETH: Dick you around.
JARETH: I just haven't. Talked about this with.
JARETH: Anyone. Actually.
LAVELA: =Furrows eyebrows= I WANT y0u to talk t0 me ab0ut it because it seems hecking imp0rtant!
LAVELA: I want y0u t0 talk t0 ANY0NE ab0ut it but especially me. What, happened?
JARETH: -Looks at her, feeling like he's going to turn inside out with all the squirming his insides are doing. But...he has to do this. She's the oldest friend he has. If he can't do it with her then he really can't do it at all. -
JARETH: Like I said. They helped me a lot. I couldn't have... Probably done anything without them. My designs were good. But they never would have been. Looked at? Because. I sucked at. Communicating. Being confident.
JARETH: They helped me with that. But they also had.
JARETH: These expectations.
JARETH: A lot of expectations. And... rules. And suggestions. And critiques.
JARETH: -He’s talking faster now, nearly babbling.-
JARETH: And at the same time. The project was a franchise. My first real gig. It was. Too much.
JARETH: -He starts to tear up a little bit.- I couldn't handle it. I was fooling myself. And. They were upset with me. And that made it worse.
JARETH: I couldn't sleep. Or eat.
LAVELA: =She's trying to keep level.... it hurts to know that Jareth was going through this all on his own. That he was suffering like this and being taken advantage of it seemed? Still he's tearing up and that just.. hurts her chest. Lavela takes a moment then just. Scoots closer and touches shoulders with him. Putting one hand over his like how they used to but in those times sitting in the woods their conversations were dreamier=
LAVELA: Y0u're safe n0w.
LAVELA: I'm n0t g0ing t0 let anything happen t0 y0u.... I'm. S0rry Jareth...
JARETH: -His face just crumples as soon as she touches him. And he starts crying in earnest, his free hand coming up reflextvley to rub at his eyes.-
JARETH: I just. Got sadder. And weaker. And they tried. To help. Convince me. To start eating again. To go see a doctor. But the more the more they wanted me to. The less I wanted to. And. We started having bad fights.
JARETH: After...A big confrontation...I just ran away. Left my contract. Left my room mate. Left them. Without saying anything. And I'm.
JARETH: -He just wheezes and lets the thread of the tangent go.-
LAVELA: Y0u're d0ing what's best f0r Y0U  and I'm glad that y0u are but n0w that y0u're here y0u're g0ing t0 get help and y0u sh001d really n8me dr0p that piece 0f d00kie please because that can als0 be t8ken care 0f but Y0U'RE PRI0RITY! =LEANS ON... she will hug if need be=
JARETH: - He didn't realize how much he'd been craving physical affection. At least this non threatening kind of physical affection, with no caveats. He's just pushing her face into her shoulder now and shivering, she can feel his antlers bumping up against her. He's dimly aware that it's broad daylight and he might be making a scene, but now he's worked himself into hysterics and he can't stop himself.-
JARETH: I'm. So. Sorry. I left you all. Behind. For nothing.
JARETH: Like it wasn't. Worth anything.
JARETH: But I'm really. The one. Who's not.
LAVELA: =She'll shoot anyone that stares, goes to hold his face= F8LSE. Y0u're w0rth s0 much d0n't let s0me Stankbutt McFartnugget tell y0u 0therwise!
JARETH: -Can't help but snort at Stankbutt McFartnugget through his tears. O Lavela...-
JARETH: -He's gross don't look at him.-
JARETH: -He can't handle the eye contact, so he's closing his eyes, but at least there's a smile squirming up at the ridiculousness of the situation and her face. And eventually he laughs. It still sounds hysterical and weepy, but it's something.-
LAVELA: =He smiles and laughs but it's broken by tears.... still. She smiles a little bit then hugs him tighter= (D0rk.)
LAVELA: (I missed y0u.)
JARETH: -Now that he's calming down a little bit, he hugs her  tighter- I. Missed you. Too.
LAVELA: =She holds him tight for a little longer then pulls back some and wipes at his face with her hand= W8y t0 be gr0ss. =But she's teasing=
LAVELA: C0me 0n. Let's g0 let y0u buy me s0me f00d. 8P
JARETH: Generous. Of you :>... -He nods.- But. Hold your hoofbeasts. -He uncaptchas a bag and starts reapplying the make up that got smeared-.
LAVELA: =SNRKS= Pretty b0y.
JARETH: -Gives a little shrug- Some things. Don't change.
LAVELA: 0f c0urse they d0n't, I'm glad y0u're still cute! We w00ld've had t0 put a p8per bag 0n y0ur head if n0t! 8P
JARETH: Actually. That sound. Appealing. Do you have one. On you?
JARETH: A brown one specifically.
JARETH: Mm. Muffins...
JARETH: How does all day breakfast sound?
LAVELA: It m8kes me w0nder why we're still at a l8me park!
LAVELA: =Stands up and offers him a hand gonna haul, obviously... or at least loop arms. She's loud and pushy but an affectionate cat=
JARETH: -claps compact mirror closed right as he finishes, he lets himself be hauled. He's made of twigs that are haphazdly glued together and put in loose flowing  pastel clothing.-
JARETH: -Noodles a bit-.
JARETH: Your patience. Has drastically improved. From the last time I saw you. ;> -It's only HALF sarcasm because tbh 3 years ago Lavela would have not waited for him to finish his make up.-
JARETH: Let's go.
LAVELA: =She honestly wouldn't have... if anything she would've run them while he tried to apply it=
LAVELA: Even perfect creatures can m8ke small min0r, teeny tiny impr0vements! ~ 8P =Sing-songs and shimmers, gotta haul them all the way to this sweet breakfast joint=
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