#that's very important to me shhh just let me have this
alsojnpie · 11 months
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today's repostober comes with a lot of words. because if i remember correctly i restrained myself from writing an essay at the time i made these. because look. all of the ut cast but especially papyrus belong in the harvest moon 64 world. i don't care if crossovers are cringe (are they? no don't answer because i really don't care). these are my two favorite video games and they go together like pb and j.
anyway first we have papyrus drinking water after water after water at the bar. this is an incredibly time consuming but free way to get unlimited energy to upgrade all your tools to the max on the first night. hypothetically. if you feel like spending. idk......20 hours or so of your life doing it......(he does) (sans does not). because not only is it free as in, costs no in game currency, time stands still inside the bar and in this game time IS MONEY. also "aren't you the healthy one?" is what the bartender says when you order the glass of water and I've only read it about one hundred million times in my life
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a weird exploit exists at the horse races in which you can prepare to place an extravagant bet but withdraw it at the last moment. you pay nothing but the game considers the bet placed all the same. so you bet he will figure that out and take advantage of it!! seriously though, i just love the idea of the situation being a bit switched from the way it was in undertale. sans has a bit of a hard time finding his place in this weird surface world. (and yes i think he would stress about bills. what of it.) papyrus somehow finds his way into the hearts of every single person in the village. he is at the top of his game and everyone loves him!!!!!!!
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sharkieboi · 2 years
finally finished watching Strange World and im in love, everyone should see this movie
#shhh sharkie#i had to do it in parts cause Brain but i did finish it today and i fucking loved it#it’s so gorgeously animated and the story is incredible!!#omg the moment when Ethan is running off from Searcher and he pulls Ethan back into the skiff#and the mist just kinda coalesces around them#because the environment isn’t important it’s the conversation that’s happening#UGH YES SO MANY VERY CINEMATIC MOMENTS I LOVE IT#also there was a part of me that clocked the reveal in a good way#it was very good foreshadowing especially if you’re already familiar with the shape forms#i was like that looks like x cell or y body process#(but i also have degrees in biology so i had a leg up with that prior knowledge)#ANYWAY I LOVED IT#also the metaphor with the card game#that there is no good or bad side it’s just making a successful civilization.#the mountains don’t need to be conquered the energy plant isn’t an altruistic miracle#neither of them are maliciously bad dads they both just let their own goals overshadow their family members#UGH OKAY ANYWAY COULD TALK FOR A WHILE AND ITS DEFINITELY A MOVIE I NEED TO FORCE MY FAMILY TO WATCH#like when we had an argument with my parents (mom specifically)#and then the next family movie night we had we watched Onward#which is about family and how important family is because you never know how long you have with them#and petty bs isn’t worth it and you should appreciate the time you have together#or at least be mindful of that time and try not to let things go unsaid#etc etc etc anyway mom cried but she still didn’t apologize cause when would she ever it’s fine
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How to manifest your desired body:
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So i noticed that this topic which everyone struggle with, so i'm gonna talk about it here in this post.
!! Note !!: Okay first of all, please After this post don't send me Asks or questions, get it together and apply the Law and you'll thank me later.
Okay let's start!
Firstly let's simplify the Law of assumption :
Deciding and assuming that you have your desires + knowing it yours and that creation is finished + not Caring about the 3d and persisting in your assumption + Moving on with your life with the knowing feeling that you have your desires.
Done, that it, it is easy right?
And just let the work to your subconscious.
Let clear some limiting beliefs you have, shall we?
Is it possible to change my bone structure? YES.
Is it possible to go from fat to skinny overnight? YES.
Is it possible to have the exact same body of my visual board from Pinterest? YES.
Is it possible to have those anime/manhwa body? YES.
Is it possible to have a thigh gap and a hourglass body? YES.
Is it possibl-? SHHH, you Heard me, yes, the answer would Always be yes, why? As long you Can see it in your mind then it is possible.
Now to the important part.
How to deal with the 3d?
Hold up- first of all, why do you need to check the 3d when you already affirmed a minute Ago that you already have your desired Body? Seriously? Pull yourself together 🗣️👏🏻
YOU ALREADY HAVE YOUR DREAM BODY! done, that it, no question, no when or how, no but, no anything.
When i tell you that creation is finished, i really mean it.
I mean Come on! Manifestation is instant, the moment you affirm you have your desired body which mean it is NOW, not in the future or in the past, you have it in your imagination NOW, and that what matters, you just need to keep persisting and let the work to your subconscious, just don't freak out or start checking the Time and yada yada.
Just know that the 3d will change and will adapt to your 4d.
Seeing yourself in the mirror and nothing changed? Nope i already have it.
Your family or your mutuals pointing out at your appearance? Nope, i already have my desired body, i'm beautiful.
Time is running out? I have my desired body NOW.
Always flip your thought when seeing the opposite in the 3d, well that because the subconscious mind doesn't know what happening around you, it only hear your thought, so when for example your mother saying to you that you look fat or skinny well in your mind just flip your thought saying "oh yeah, i already have my desired body, i mean i'm very sexy", you know where i'm going with this?
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That all you need to do.
Accept that it is done, and move on with your life, you know you already have your desired body like you know you have the phone in your hand, you are not going to Wonder where it is when it is obviously in your imagination, you see it in your mind? Then you have it now! Congratulations! You have such an incredible body!
You Can Do whatever you want in the 3d, you Can eat whatever you want and with the knowing that you're skinny or lean.
Stop complaining, stop asking, stop Being in the state of lack, stop Being Desperate, stop dreaming, stop wishing, stop making excuses, just STOP AND START APPLYING THE LAW!
It is very easy, you're just making it more complicated.
Remember: Everything Comes from you.
Now get your ass up and start manifesting.
If you want to loss weight read my post if you want ➜ (click here!).
Also if you have any struggle with your manifestation or the 3d i advice you to visit the page of @shradsmanifestt
Xoxo, Eli
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saetoru · 1 year
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。GOODBYE KISS — GOJO SATORU. (rich boy! au)
contents. college! au, rich boy! gojo, established relationships, morning cuddles wif toru <3, morning tantrums with toru too lol, ft. our fav: momjo !!
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satoru’s head is on your chest as he snores softly—normally, you adore the feeling of him so close to you, but right now, it’s five minutes until your wake-up-for-real-this-time-or-you’re-late alarm will go off. you’ve already hit snooze on the other six—how satoru’s slept through them all is a mystery to you.
you peer down at him, watching the way his lips are parted as soft breaths escape him in gentle sighs. his hair is messy over his forehead, and the sun makes his skin glow in that way only satoru could glow. you sigh, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, and as if he feels the affection in his sleep, he hums a little while still unconscious.
too bad you’ll have to break this peace in just a moment.
and this is going to work out poorly—you already know that. if you move from under satoru, he’ll wake up. if he wakes up, he’ll realize you’re trying to leave. if he realizes you’re trying to leave, he’ll have a meltdown. if he has a meltdown, he’ll surely win and convince you to stay. if you stay, you’ll miss class and fall behind on the notes. if you fall behind on the notes, you’ll procrastinate on catching up. if you procrastinate on catching up, you’ll know absolutely nothing by the time the next exam rolls around. if you know nothing by the time the next exam rolls around, you’ll have multiple mental breakdowns and lose yourself to stress the night before as you cram all in one sitting.
simply put, your entire grade resides on the fact that satoru is currently sleeping on your chest, and he definitely won’t let you leave.
you try anyway—and just as you suspect, you fail.
“huh? wha—where are you going?” he groans, rubbing his eyes as he blinks them open. “wait a sec—baby no,” he whines.
“shh, toru, you’re dreaming,” you kiss his forehead, “i’m not actually leaving.”
“i’m not stupid!”
“shhh, your dream is tricking you,” you insist, “i’m still right under you.”
“you can’t gaslight me! i’m not falling for your tricks,” he huffs, “how gullible do you think i am?”
very, you want to say—but that would be a bad idea.
“you’re not stupid at all, toru,” you say sweetly, “you’re the smartest man i’ve ever met.”
“this is definitely not a dream because you’re even meaner to me in my dreams,” he raises a brow, “dream you would never be this nice.”
“what do you mean i’m mean in your dreams?” you gasp. you’re not mean to satoru—you wouldn’t have to yell at him if he just behaved half the time.
“they’re more like nightmares,” he huffs, “last one, you made me sleep outside. that was rude.”
“how could you dream me being a jerk?” you ask, offended—and before he can answer, your wake-up-for-real-this-time-or-you’re-late alarm blares.
satoru glances down at your phone and stares for a moment—and then he flops back against his pillow as he whines miserably.
“don’t leave,” he begs, “please, just skip this one class for me? i get so cold in the mornings,” he pouts.
“then put a shirt on,” you sigh.
“i’ll be lonely!”
“not if i’m bullying you in your dreams, apparently.”
“baby, i can’t sleep without something to cuddle,” he tries again—that one almost makes you cave. you have to admit that cuddling isn’t something you enjoy passing on either, but class is important. more important than class is your sanity that you would like to keep intact instead of lose while cramming six chapters in one night.
“cuddle my pillow,” you sigh, “satoru, please. i’m already late.”
“just this once, okay? i won’t ask again,” he says innocently, his eyes wide and pleading as they peer up at you.
“you said that last time.”
“last time i crossed my fingers,” he winks, “so it didn’t count. so now you have to—”
“goodbye, satoru,” you mumble.
he slumps in defeat, grumbling under his breath before rolling over to turn his back to you petulantly. you sigh, rolling your eyes—though fondly, before you head to the bathroom, getting ready for the day.
by the time you’re out, satoru has fallen asleep again—you know it’s because he’s stayed up late again to play video games with suguru. because you don’t want to disturb him from his much needed sleep (and because you don’t want to risk waking up him and dealing with another tantrum), you decide to gently pull the blankets over his bare chest and skip the goodbye kiss.
it won’t be a big deal if he doesn’t get a kiss goodbye while he’s asleep, right? he won’t even be awake to notice.
evidently, you realize in the middle of class that you’re wrong. very wrong.
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤToday, 8:32 AM
baby boy 💋:
you left without a goodbye kiss???????????
are you ignoring me????????????
i know you’re reading this.
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤToday, 8:41 AM
mrs. gojo ❤️:
please answer satoru. i really don’t want a headache today
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this is very short and silly sorry. anyway rip momjo she deal with too much that boy is a handful
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izurou · 2 years
“say ‘i’m the man!’”
eren’s voice carries down the hall, boisterous and loud as it easily reaches every corner of your small one bedroom apartment.
you furrow your brows and glance in the general direction of the sound, but decide to ignore it and continue on with breakfast—gathering a dollop of strawberry jam on your knife before spreading it onto a piece of toast.
you’d rather not know what the two of them are up to, eren and your two year old son that is. he’s supposed to be getting the kid ready for the day, but whether or not that’s actually happening is a different story.
“i’m da man!” his little voice repeats the sentence—not quite as powerful as his dad, but still loud enough to find your ears.
“louder!” eren shouts, and you immediately drop what you’re doing to head towards them.
your slippers scuff against the floor as you shuffle down the hall, following the source of sound until it leads you just outside the bathroom door. you nudge it with your foot, causing it to creep open and reveal the duo—your son, who’s standing on the counter, and eren, who—at the very least, is holding onto him.
“hi,” eren grins, prompting his mini me to do the same. you note the atrocious man bun, well, little man bun your son is sporting—hair haphazardly pulled together at the back of his head.
eren gestures to him, pride flooding his features as he mumbles, “he’s the man.”
“oh yeah?” a smile tugs at your own lips—every ounce of authority you waltzed over here with threatening to vanish into thin air as you look at your little family. nevertheless, someone has to enforce the rules around here. “well, tell the man that if he doesn’t keep it down, he’s not getting any chocolate milk with his breakfast.”
the two of them exchange a glance, an identical look of concern—real and genuine from your son, dramatic and over the top from your fiancé.
“should we go eat?” eren whispers to him, naively expecting him to follow in his footsteps again.
“yeah!” your son yells, excitement filling his eyes at the mention of his all time favourite beverage. he sets a new record every time he chugs a glass, and always gets a kick out of the little moustache he gets afterwards—loving that he looks like dad.
“buddy,” eren laughs as he lightly cups a hand over the toddler’s mouth. “shhh, quiet okay? you heard the boss, no chocolate milk if you yell.”
your son puts his hand over his own mouth and nods his head, prompting eren to lift him onto the floor and send him scurrying off into the kitchen—little feet padding against the hardwood.
“what the hell?” you say, keeping your voice low to ensure your baby doesn’t hear. “it’s 8 o’clock in the morning, why are you shouting?”
“hey, i’m instilling confidence in him,” he pouts, having heard you mention something along those lines once or twice—about how important it is for him to be proud of who he is.
“eren,” you sigh, because you know he means well—he wants nothing but the absolute best for your son too, which is why he more or less lets him do as he pleases.
he encourages him to jump around and dance to his favourite songs, and doesn’t care that he gets marker all over his face when he colours. he’ll give him bear paws before dinner, and hold his hand as the two of them run and giggle down the halls of your apartment building, because they’re just so happy to come home and see you after a trip to the grocery store.
eren lets your kid be a kid, and while that might put a scowl on the face of those around you, all that matters is that your son is always smiling.
“i know, just,” you pause, searching for the right words—the ones that won’t paint you as the bad cop you feel you’re being. though, you look into eren’s eyes, and see nothing but the purest love and adoration overflowing from his pupils, and you know—he thinks you’re doing perfect. “just, wait until after ten at least, okay? that old couple next door already has us on their shit list.”
“course, ‘m sorry baby,” he hums—cupping your cheek with a grin that’s a little too smug and out of place to be there right now. “but you know, you got us on that list, not him.”
“me?” you tilt your head, racking your brain for a time in which you might’ve pissed them off. did you forget to hold the door open? shit.
“mhmm,” he hums, moving his hand to the back of your head to hold you flush against him, and you look adorable—in the reflection of the mirror, with your little thinking face on and your cheek squished against him. he almost feels guilty.
“what did i—”
“nghhh eren, that feels soooo good,” he moans, quiet and sultry—changing the pitch of his voice slightly in an attempt to mimic your own.
“eren!” you gasp, planting your palms flat on his chest to push him away. “shut up, you’re the only reason i sound like that.”
“damn right,” he grins, pulling you right back in for a messy kiss—hands sneaking underneath your shirt and travelling up your—
“oh no,” you mumble, peeling yourself away from him once more. your son—who’s been alone and suspiciously quiet for the last five minutes, is now doing god knows what in the kitchen. “go check on your satan spawn, would you?”
“hey,” he frowns, swiftly backing out of the room and towards the noise, but not without putting on a quick smile to clarify, “our satan spawn.”
you roll your eyes, but still feel the corners of your lips tug upwards. eren is far from perfect, but he’s pretty good at keeping a smile on your face too.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
(eddie munson x reader)
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Summary: . . . In which you show Eddie's forehead some much deserved love.
𝐚/𝐧: 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬. 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝, 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨. 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫.
  “Baby, I—“
  “What a way─”
  Eddie broke off again, soft airy laughter escaping him as your kisses rained over his face in a frenzy.
  You had him trapped (he was a willing participant) underneath you, thighs spread on either side of his waist as you bent over at yours, to deliver smooch after smooch to every inch of his skin from his cheeks, raised from how hard he was cheesing, to his jaw—soft save for the barest hints of stubble, his nose and the sides of it, his cupid’s bow, and his mouth (but that’s a given).
  It wasn’t often you attacked him with affection and confined him to his bed, normally that was reserved for wednesdays and weekends, but when you’d walked back into his room after using the bathroom and saw him flipping through a Heavy Metal magazine, sporting a black tank top and some sweats, you’d decided plastering that beautiful face of his in kisses was more important than whatever mind boggling scene was being depicted on those glossy pages.
  The approach had been a little aggressive, magazine pulled from his hands and tossed across the room as you settled in place. From the sparkle in his eyes, you could tell he had no qualms with it.
  You pulled back, sitting up as you admired the flush in Eddie’s cheeks, skin slightly shiny due to his body’s sudden rise in temperature.
  His breathing was a little labored despite the innocence of the occurrence, and he spoke after heaving a sigh, “Cover all of your bases?”
  Your eyes scanned over his face, and while you weren’t wearing lipstick—meaning there was no obvious trail—you knew exactly what spots your lips had touched. Just about everywhere. Almost.
  “Not yet.”
  You reached a palm down to cover his eyes and Eddie squawked in surprise.
  “Uhm, okay… we playing a game now or─”
  “I’m just—“
  “SHHH. Just let me do what I need to do.”
  Eddie held his palms up in defeat, knuckles stroking over his bedsheets.
  Your hand slowly trailed up, moving away from his eyes and lifting the brown curtain of bangs to reveal more skin.
  And more skin.
  And more, until you reached his hairline.
  “Eddie, do you know what having a big forehead means?” You asked, thumb stroking over the skin you rarely saw exposed.
  His brows below furrowed, more so in amusement than offense, “That the moment is over because you killed it?”
  “No.” You laughed with a shake of your head.
  “That you’re insulting me by saying I have a big head?” Eddie tried again, the corners of his lips twitching as he tried to fight a smirk.
  “Big foreheads don’t always equal a big head. Try again.”
  “Mmm,” he hummed, one eye squeezing shut as he pretended to mull it over, “I’ve got a big brain.”
  “No,” you started, laughing again when he let out an overtly affronted gasp before you continued, “It means I have more space to work with.”
  You dove down once more, pressing a multitude of kisses along his forehead. There was no planned pattern, you just pecked and smooched wherever you could, over and over again, heart filling with love for him as his boisterous laughter boomed through the trailer.
  His hands moved from their place on the bed to rest on your hips, basking and glowing under your attention. 
  Eddie still couldn’t believe you were real, that you cared for him enough to spend the majority of your free time with him, let alone be so clear and apparent with your feelings for him. 
  He was so very content with life. It had fucked him over for more than half of his times around the sun, but Eddie would go through it all over again if it meant he’d find himself in this exact position every time.
  Eddie Munson was lovesick. 
  It was all over his face, swirling in those warm brown eyes as you pulled away to admire your work. You moved your palm away, though his bangs didn’t resettle over his forehead, they remained sticking up and in disarray. 
  You leaned down once more, this time bracketing his head in with your forearms, nose nudging against his, breath ghosting over his lips. Then you were brushing yours against his—just barely, only enough to have his neck working to chase the taste of you before you whispered into the charged sliver of space, “You do have a big head, though.”
  “Oh, that’s it—you’re done.”
  Eddie flipped you over, your back hitting the mattress as you let out a shriek mingled with surprised laughter.
  He hovered over you, chuckling along as he waited for you to calm yourself. Once you did, you sank back into the mattress and reached a hand up to stroke up his jaw, towards his forehead so you could move his bangs out of the way, adoration clouding your eyes.
  “It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
  When you looked at Eddie like that? He believed it.
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wandaslamb · 7 months
One of those days
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Parings: Step-mom!Wanda x fem!reader
warnings: none just fluff and wholesomeness :))
a/n: I felt sad and wanted to write something to take my mind off things, so I decided to write something short. I did not proofread this nor felt like editing it so if there are mistakes I'm so sorry, i wanted to post this for the people who also have bad days maybe this can help, I dunno lol. anyways back to girl rotting and what not, enjoy!! :D
Word count: 1.1k
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“Malysh, I’m home!..” Wanda sat her bags down on the couch frowning, usually once she comes home you're running to her with open arms. Since your dad was on a business trip it left you with her. It’s been a couple of days and university had been kicking your ass. 
mentally you weren't feeling the best, and it had been eating you away until today after class it broke you. 
“Baby.. where are you?” She walked upstairs to your bedroom, only to find you curled up in the bed with the covers over your head. 
“oh!! hi darling!!” her usual smile appeared on her face before uncovering your head, finding you teary-eyed and sniffling. “Angel…angel what’s wrong?” your cries started to get louder as she sat you up pulling you in her lap. 
“hey.. hey look at me.” She turned your head to face hers wiping away the tears from your face. “talk to me Lyubov..tell Mommy what’s wrong.” 
you started to speak but you just broke down in her arms, she let out a sigh and put her chin on your head rubbing your back to help you with your breathing.
“oh, it’s one of those days isn’t it?” you nodded into her chest.
“aww baby…don’t worry, mommy’s here and I have all the time in the world to be with you..” 
She shifted on the bed to make you both comfortable rocking you both as you started to calm down a little bit.
“i-i’m sorry... I just-“ you started but she shushed you, running her hands through your hair. “You have nothing to be sorry about printsessa, let mommy take care of you.”
She pulled you into a tight hug, “I know you don’t wanna talk when you’re in this state, But I don’t need you to say anything I just need you to listen to me, honey?” You nodded playing with her fingers. 
“It’s all right, baby, It's ok to have these days...Even the people who seem to be the happiest, strongest, perfect individuals on Earth, go through tough days… It happens to me too, baby. Remember?” she started to smile again.
“Remember that even Mommy sometimes is in a bad mood and doesn’t feel good.” 
“yea..” you sniffed 
“Yeah? And what do you do to help me when I’m in a bad mood?” 
“I try to make you feel better..” she nodded before pulling you back into her chest. 
“That’s right! but right now, it’s time to make my baby feel better and I know exactly what to do about it,” she spoke in a matter-of-fact tone that made you giggle a little. 
“you do?” 
“Yes, Of course, I do silly! first off I think my baby deserves some mommy kisses..” She started to kiss you all over your face before she landed on your lips.
your giggles filled the room, as she kissed all over your face and neck, before stopping and moving your hair out your face moving your so that you would face her. 
“There’s that beautiful face I know and love, now mommy needs to tell you something important..” your smile quickly turned back into a frown. your anxieties started to show its face again as you removed your hand from hers but she quickly held it again rubbing the back of it to reassure you you were fine.
“Are you ready to hear it?”
you slowly nodded as she took a deep breath and smiled, “I love you.”
she took a hold of your face and looked into your eyes wiping your forming tears.
“I love you very very much angel.” your tears started to fall again your hands pressed up to your face as she pulled you right back into her. 
“Aww, malysh,” she rubbed your back. 
“shhh it’s ok, mommy’s got you... I didn’t mean to make you cry again but you needed to hear it. I love you so much, you mean the world to me..” she sighed. 
“I know you have many responsibilities, and with everything that is going on sometimes you feel overwhelmed but I’m here for you, printsessa. I’m here to help you recharge, on the days you feel drained like today, and I’m here for you on the days you have everything under control and your energy matches the one of a little bunny because you're always my little energetic bunny..” she giggled.
“But still, I’m here for you, sweetheart always and I’m so grateful to be able to do that, cause you know I wouldn't stand to see my bunny like this and not do something about it, right?” you lifted your head and nodded at her before putting your head back on her chest. 
“Yes, that’s because you’re important to me, honey. You’re my good girl, My precious baby girl, I will always be here when you need me I promise you.” 
“I love you mama..” you mumbled into her chest and she laughed before kissing the top of your head. 
She froze for a moment letting the word ‘mama’ ring through her head, out of all the years she’s been with your dad you’d never call her that. It stuck something in her something so… soft and endearing which filled her with so much love.
“I love you too, honey.” she pulled you up to face her again. “Are you feeling a little bit better now darling?” 
“yeah, a little bit..”
“Good. But I’m not done cuddling and spoiling you tonight, I think my baby deserves to have a nice dinner.” 
“I don’t need-“
“No no, honey you need to eat. How about I make your favorite food and you're going to be a good girl for me and eat it. I’m thinking my famous Chicken paprikash how does that sound?” you excitedly nodded Wanda made this dish a lot when she first moved in with you and your dad, and it soon became a meal you loved for her to make. 
“I’ll also let you choose what movies we can watch tonight.. but for right now, we can just cuddle a little bit more.” She held out her arms, you melting right back into them listening to her heart beating and the breaths she took as she started to hum softly as she slowly rocked you. 
“Don’t worry, baby…everything will be all right. You'll be fine, Mommy’s here, and I’ve got you. You’re safe with me, sweetheart, There’s nothing that can hurt you, I will not allow anything to hurt you, not while you’re safe and secure in Mommy’s arms. I will take care of you, always my sweet, precious, beautiful baby girl.”
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enthyya · 20 days
Signalling to you that theyre horny
Ent has already lost their mind because of school work
Character:Arlecchino, Yelan, Ningguang
(Suggestive undercut)
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You were washing the dishes when suddenly a pair of arms hugged you and a head burried onto your shoulder.
"la mia bellissima ragazza 'my beautiful girl'" You heard the voice and instantly melted into her arms. "Yes love? " You smiled at her meeting her x eyes.
Her eyes scanned from your face to your stomach lifting your shirt caressing it, making your breath hitch slightly. "'rle~" You called out her name blushing. She suddenly stopped and placed her palm to your stomach.
"La tua pancia è così sottile che mi chiedo come sarebbe se ci mettessi un bambino.(Your belly is so thin I wonder what it would be like if I put a baby in there.)" She said, you knew that she was signalling to you that she is not joking about putting a baby inside you, causing you blush and stop washing the dishes.
"It's already late no one can hear us la mia bellissima ragazza" She said quietly unbuttoning your blouse, you took a deep breath preparing yourself for a long night
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You and yelan worked in the same department, it was late and you were already feeling very tired and this was your fourth caramel latte.
'Knock knock'
Your head perked up and you steadied yourself getting ready to see who's up this late.
"Come in" You said commandingly, as the door opened it was your boss/lover 'yelan'. "Ah yelan, what brings you here? " You smiled looking at the hot spy.
"Just wanted to see how my sugar is doing" She said, her voice sounded raspy which was tad familiar but you pay no mind to it. When she walked up to you "so watcha doing? " Her eyes lingered from your laptop to your eyes.
"Oh just work, nothing important"you said smiling. Her aura seemed a bit... Off, she crouched down to your lower stomach. Spreading your legs, your eyes widen at her boldness.
"Y-yelan!? What are you doing!? " You blushed when she started untying the ribbon on your skirt. "你不怕痒吧?'you're not ticklish are you?' " She said already throwing your skirt on the couch.
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As the wife of the Tianquan of course you have work even if you are the wife and not considered loyal by many, you were throwing yourself into a pile of works, groaning while whinning because of the work. It was late at night anyways so you felt really dizzy.
You decided to rest a bit, comforting yourself with both of your gloved hands for warmth because work ain't done and you can't go to bed yet.
With you sleeping, Ningguang walked in seeing you asleep while also being gorgeous turned her on. She just chuckled to herself and walked over to you carefully carrying you in the most romantic style "the bridal style".
While carrying you she tries hard not to make a lot of movements, she failed.
She placed you to the fancy bed, slowly untying your dress causing you to wake up. "Shhh it's alright let me take care of you sugar. " She said kissing your stomach near your core. Placing both hands on your thigh making you flinch a bit.
"我想知道如果我张开你的双腿并将它们放在我的肩膀上方会发生什么? (I wonder what would happen if I spread your legs while placing them above my shoulders?) "
You instantly knew what she wasn't gonna spare your ability to walk the minute she opened your legs wide.
©Enthyya Do not copy
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dark-konohagakure2 · 29 days
Obitos daughter being a good little wife for him ?
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tw: incest, father/daughter, dubcon, grooming, housewife kink, misogyny, praise, manipulation, isolation
All characters depicted are 18+
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Ever since Obito's wife left him, leaving him to take care of their daughter all on his lonesome, the scarred Uchiha has been nothing but stressed and resentful, especially since he now needs to care for his eighteen year old daughter without any help. Feeling bad for her father, she is more than happy to start helping around the house to take some weight off his shoulders.
Obito will almost immediately notice that she's now cooking and cleaning for him, even wearing her mother's adorable frilly apron as she does so. At first he assumes that she's only being overly helpful because she wants something from him, but when he realizes that her intentions are only pure and born out of a desire to help her father, Obito feels turned on in a way he hasn't felt since before she was born.
Obito has to restrain himself from pouncing on her the very moment he catches a glimpse of her in that cute short skirt and her mother's apron, he holds back, not wanting to take advantage of her dear daughter just yet, not when she's being such a good wife for Daddy.
But he's only a man, and he can't hold back for very long when he catches a glimpse of her panties from underneath her temptingly short skirt, he practically cums just from the slight of the shape of her slit pressed against the thin fabric of her underwear, and he finally decides to take what he's wanted for so very long.
"Shhh, baby... You've been being such a good girl for daddy lately, haven't you? Let daddy show you just how much he appreciates all you do for him..."
It's pathetic how needy he's getting for his own daughter, but he can't help it, he hasn't gotten his dick wet since before she was even born, and she's just too cute for him to take his hands off of, groping all over her perfectly shaped body as he clumsily pushes his fat and leaking cock into her tight virgin cunt.
He's gentle as he pounds into her, holding her smaller body firmly against his own larger one while he moans and pants hotly into her ear, telling her how good a wife she is for her dear old dad and how she's a more obedient and beautiful woman than her horrible mommy could ever hope to be.
Obito is going to cum directly inside of her, because every wife's most import duty is to make lots of babies for her husband, even if the husband in this case is actually her own father, but that won't deter Obito in the slightest, in fact the mere thought of creating more Uchihas with his dear daughter is incredibly arousing for him.
Once he's done Obito will hold her close, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and praising her for being oh so very good for him, although the scarred Uchiha can't help but slip in a bit of manipulation and cruelty into the words he says to her.
"You're such a perfect little wife for me, baby... even better than that bitch mother of yours who abandoned us... But don't worry, honey, you never have to see her ever again..."
Obito didn't expect to 'remarry' so soon, albeit without any ring or ceremony, but he's more than happy to keep his cute little daughterwife all to himself, especially since she's proven to be a much better wife than her own mother.
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daydreams-after-dark · 3 months
Hi love >_<!! How are you???
Because it's almost my birthday. (just 15 days !) Could you maybe write something for my birthday? :> I am requesting it very early because I'm so busy with my own life, including my mental health, so I won't be online often ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜)  ( 1 am totally okay, tho!! So don't worry about me!) You can post it before or after my birthday. I don't really mind when!
Something about birthday sex mixed with slight angst if you don't mind?? (Pure smut is totally okay!) Make it filthy and add whatever you want, as I already said once; I'm open for everything!! (I'm a slut ngl..)
P.s. I'm into piss lately..shhh
- lots of love 🎪
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pairing: male escort!lino x fem birthday girl reader (I hope it's okay that I have chosen Lino for this?)
Your friends pay for a sex worker for your birthday, but what happens when arrives and you already know each other?
A/n: Hey Happy Birthday 🎪 my love. I hope you are well and taking care of yourself 😘 Tending to real life and mental health is extremely important.
I hope that my little scenario is okay, I am struggling with writing lately. The ideas are there, but the execution is not as good as I want it to be.
warnings below the cut
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CW: Piss Kink (f on m), breeding kink, unprotected p in v (pls be safe), restraints, paid sex, birthday sex, oral sex, vaginal fingering.
You’re not really sure why you decided to dial the number on the gift card your best friends gave you. Really? Why of all the presents they could have chosen, did they think it appropriate to gift you a male escort/gigalo? One who does home visits at that?
Yep! They knew you hadn’t had sex in almost a year, and they knew you really needed to get laid.
You’d never paid for sex before. Technically, you’re not paying for sex in this instance either, your friends have. But still. What are you thinking? Letting a stranger come in and do things to you.
The doorbell chimes and you let out a shaky breath. “Happy Birthday, Bitch!” You wink at yourself in the mirror and take one last look over your body. You’d shaved your legs, popped on a little thong, and slipped a short satin dress on. No bra. Fuck! You sigh. It’s basically a short satin camisole nightie. Will this be okay?
The doorbell chimes again and you hurry to open the door to your apartment.
“Lino?” You gasp in surprise when you see your brother’s best friend standing in your doorway and not the escort. You squint your eyes. It is him isn’t it? You haven’t seen him in five years. But it has to be him.
“Y/n? Noona?” He smiles and takes a good look at your face. “Um… I…ah…must have the wrong address.” He begins nervously. “Let me just check where I’m supposed to be.” He whips out his phone. “Unit 4, 70…”
“Yep. That’s this address.” You say awkwardly.
You stare at each other for a moment as realisation hits.
“You booked an escort?”
“You’re the escort?”
Lino laughs while you hide your face in your hands “Fuck! This is so embarrassing.” You wail.
“So you did hire an escort. Well then... Do you want me to come in? Leave? You’re the client. It’s your call.”
“My friends organized it. They think…” you trail off.
So many questions run through your mind. Why is Lino an escort? And dear god, what if he tells your brother about this? Is Lino actually going to fuck you? No! That’s probably very unlikely. But he is extremely attractive… and he is paid for… You bite your lip.
“So? What’s it going to be?”
“Hmm?” Your thought are broken.
“Shall I stay, or leave?” He repeats.
You couldn’t turn him away, that would have been rude right? So you brought him in, offered him a drink and snack and invited him to sit on the couch with you.
Now you’re half an hour into a conversation about what you had both been doing for the past few years. You learned that being a gigalo… sorry, escort, is Lino’s side hustle while he brings to life his big dream of opening a restaurant-slash-dance entertainment establishment.
“Like a strip club?” You raise an eyebrow.
He rolls his eyes. “No, not a strip club. It’s going to be for all ages.”
He learned about you too. What you do for a living, your bad breakup a year ago, how it’s your birthday and your friends organized this as a gift.
He unzips his black backpack that you hadn’t even realized he had with him, and retrieves a tablet.
“Alright, let’s see what you have booked.” He opens an app and smirks as he skims over the details.
“Wait! What are you reading?” You try to catch a glimpse of the screen but he pulls it away.
“I don’t know what my friends told you…” you tug your hair wishing you were invisible.
"it says here: vanilla sex." He turns the tablet to show you.
Your mouth hangs open in shock. "Those fucking bitches think I want vanilla sex?" You shriek. "Or was that the cheapest option?" you pout.
Lino laughs haughtily. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger. Or orgasm giver. What is it I've read on Instagram - 'don't bite the hand that fingers you?'"
"Give it here." You snatch the device from him. "Am I suppose to sign something? Tick some boxes? Consent to some shit?" You scroll the screen.
"The next tab over." Lino leans over your shoulder. "Yep. Right there." He pokes his tongue out of his mouth slightly as his eyes catch some of the "inclusions" that can be selected.
In your desire to prove your friends wrong, and that you don’t want just vanilla sex, you hastily tick every single box on the form and sign the bottom. "There! Surprise me! It is my birthday afterall." you huffed.
Lino raises an eyebrow. Then suddenly he pulls you by an arm and a leg forcing you to straddle him. You yelp in surprise, but it’s quickly replaced with a sigh, and you really hope he didn’t notice.
His face is awfully close to yours and you can already feel yourself growing wet with anticipation. Are you really about to be fucked by your little brother’s best friend? The one that used to have sleepovers at your house. The one that used to wear cat print pyjamas?
“Do you even know what you signed up for?” He whispers eyeing you up and down and swallowing hard.
“I said surprise me.” You gulp.
His hands run up your thighs. “Is this thing expensive?” He asks gently tugging at the hem of your black satin dress.
You shake your head.
“Good.” He growls as he tears the garment from your body. Your hands fly up to cover your exposed breasts, but he tugs them away roughly. “I used to wonder what your tits looked like. Fuck! They’re perfect.” He sighs and takes a nipple into his mouth. You gasp and throw your head back. You grind against his crotch, and you notice he has hardened in his jeans.
“Wanna know a secret?” He says as he pops off your nipple and licks it. “I used to get hard when you’d walk around your house braless.” He bites down your nipple making you cry out. “Sometimes,” he begins to pepper kisses across your chest towards your other nipple. “You’d show me your nipples through your shirt. They’d get so hard, poking against the fabric. I’d have to go jack off. That’s how hot I thought you were.”
“Were?” You raise an eyebrow.
"Were. Are. Always will be." He locks eyes on you and you feel the tension in the air thicken.
"Are you really going to fuck me, Lino?" you whisper quietly.
"I'm going to make this a night you're never going to forget." He replies huskily.
"You didn't answer my question." You smirk, threading your fingers through his dark locks.
He holds onto your ass as he slips off the couch to lay you down onto your soft fluffy rug in the middle of your living room.
Leaning over you, propped up on one arm and cupping your cheek with the other, he leans down and captures your mouth in a kiss. The gentleness is unexpected, but it isn't long until he is kissing you more purposefully. His tongue glides over yours making you hum into his mouth. He moans at that, deepening the kiss even further, like he wants to possess you.
You hold on for dear life as he presses his strong thigh between your legs, nudging them open so he can press hard against your core. Your back bows off the floor and you whimper. Fuck, you must sound so desperate. But it has been so long since you had anyone, besides yourself, has touched you.
He presses his thigh against you again and chuckles when you respond with another moan. "Such pretty noises, Noona." He smiles against your cheek. "If I were to touch your pussy, I bet it would be soaking." He leans up and looks at you. "I'm dying to know."
He looks around the living room, seemingly making some kind of assessment, and then he's back into his backpack. You lean up on your arms to see him with a velvet-like rope in his hands. Your cunt clenches and an excitement swirls around your stomach.
"Lay back down." He instructs, and then he's tying your wrists together with the soft rope. He positions your arms above your head and secures the ropes to the leg of your chunky timber coffee table.
But that's not all. Lino is back with more ropes, this time tying one around each of your legs. He manages to position you in such a way that he can secure the other end of the ropes to the little wooden legs of your couch, forcing you to be spread open for him.
You feel so exposed and so utterly vulnerable, even with your tiny thong on. But even that doesn't stay on for long, as Lino cuts it off with scissors.
He sits back on his heels between your legs and takes you in. "That's better. You won't be able to squirm away. Now I can get a good look at your pussy." He bites his lip and runs his hands up the inside of your thighs. You shiver at his touch, not sure how you're going to last. You're on the verge of an orgasm as it is.
"So fucking wet, Noona." He states as he spreads your folds gently and runs his thumb through your arousal. He slides a finger into your tightness, then a second. "Tight too. It's been a while, hmm?" He teases.
"Unfortunately, yes." You cry.
"Let's take care of you then." He promises and without warning begins to finger fuck you hard, fast, and angled directly into your g-spot.
"No! Lino! Not yet...can't come yet!" You beg.
"Oh Kitten, you are gonna come when I say, and as many times as I say."
He's relentless with his fingers. You can't squirm away, forced to take what he is giving you. You're cunt is already producing the most lewd sounds you've ever heard. How can you possibly be this wet? How can Lino be so good at this? Your eyes roll back as you give in, accepting the pleasure. The tightness inside of you ready to burst. "Oh god... fuck..." you pant. Your chest feels flush and you know your face is turning a slight shade of pink as you edge closer to release.
"That's it... come all over my fingers." He coaxes.
You come hard, your back lifting off the floor, your thighs trembling, and tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
You collapse, panting. "Lino," you say as your try to catch your breath. "So good...so fucking good. How are you this good?" You sob.
"Shhh. It's okay. Here. Suck these." he lays beside you and pushes his glistening fingers into your mouth. You've never really had anyone shove their fingers into your mouth before, but it feels so erotic. You moan as you taste yourself on him, urging him to push his fingers deeper into your mouth. You make a pathetic sound when he goes to pull them away, so he lets you suck and lightly choke on them a little longer.
"If that's how you suck my fingers, my cock's not going to stand a chance." he says with a half smile. Your eyes snap open and you stare at him with pleading eyes.
"Oh you wanna suck it do you?" he pulls his fingers out of your mouth.
You nod. "Please! Let me..."
He sucks in a breath. "Well, I can't say no to the birthday girl. Or client. Especially when they selected everything under the sun on their terms of agreement. Including, golden showers."
"Wait! What?" You lift your head, horrified. Minho looks at you incredulously, as he strips his clothes off. You are stunned. Partially because you didn't even know that was on the list, and also because Lino naked is the most beautiful thing you have ever laid eyes on.
"It's okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want." He says as pumps his delicious looking cock a few times. He seems to be hard as stone and leaking. He's leaking for you? Fuck.
You don't have time to even think more about the piss option, as Lino positions himself so you are in 69 position. You open your mouth wide, allowing him to sink his cock into your eager mouth, while at the same time he buries his face in your pussy. You moan around his thickness as he demonstrates just how skilled he is with his mouth.
He eats you out like a starved man. Lapping at you eagerly. You try to grind against his face, but he holds you firm so you can't move. He groans against you, making you whimper around his cock. It's a delicious cycle, each of your sounds and vibrations from your mouths, making the other respond in the same way. Lino starts to thrust into your mouth, his balls hitting you in the face each time. You want him to suffocate you, and you wish your hands were free so you could pull him in deeper.
All you can do is try to meet his thrusts by lifting your head as much as you can and hope he gets the message. He does get the message, and fucks your face as he slides several fingers into your cunt. He slurps on your clit and hits that sweet spot inside you, all while you're struggling for air.
It's too much and you come again. This time harder than before. He works you through it, slowing both his cock and fingers down to a slow pace. He eventually peels himself off you and sits beside you panting.
"Lino?" You whimper looking at his disheveled hair, and drenched chin. "Didn't you want to come down my throat?" you panted.
"I wasn't sure if you wanted me to?" he says shyly. He unties you from your restraints and you sit up and give him a devious look.
"What?" he looks back at you suspiciously.
"When you used to jack off because of me, what did you think about?"
"Oh, right. That?" he lays down on the rug beside you. "Well." he pauses to think. "I often imagined you riding me. Like... You couldn't contain your urges, so you'd find me in your brother's room and push me down and force me to breed you." He admits.
"In my brother's room?"
"Yah! He wouldn't be there in the fantasies." He growled. But you were already moving into position.
"So... you mean I'd climb over you like this?" You throw a leg over him hovering over his needy cock.
He nods and swallows hard.
"Then what? I sink down onto your thick, hard cock, because I need it so badly?'
"Y-yes. Wait!" His eyes flick open in horror. "Condom."
You lean down over him and kiss him on the mouth. You really don't know where this confidence is coming from. Maybe learning that Minho had it bad for you when he was younger makes you feel powerful.
"Oh, but Lino. How are you gonna breed me if we use a condom?" you whisper.
"Fuck!" He moans and pulls you down hard over his length until he is completely inside of you.
"What are you doing to me, Noona?" He whimpers as you start to roll your hips. He's so deep, and fills you so perfectly, and you can already feel your third orgasm building.
Lino's hands are all over you, caressing, squeezing, digging his fingers in. Eventually his hands find purchase on your hips, digging his fingers in hard enough to bruise as he rocks you hard on his cock. Your clit grinds perfectly against his body. It's rough, fast, slippery from your slick. He slaps your ass a few times and growls when your flesh jiggles.
"I'm close." You squeak.
"Fuck! Me too. Me too. Piss on me." He pants.
"What?" You cry, but you don't slow down. You need to come so bad that nothing is going to slow you down.
"Do it." he cries. "Hurry!"
Fuck! Really? He really wants you to? Can you even do it? You aren't sure that you're body will even let you, even if you wanted to.
"Do it now, Noona. I'll give you all my cum if you do." He sounds so desperate underneath you, that you close your eyes and let go.
You feel a warmth pool on his pelvis between your legs. You dare yourself to open your eyes. You peek through your lashes to see Lino with the most aroused expression you have ever seen in your life. Then he starts fucking into you. Painfully hard. The breath knocked from your lungs with each thrust. You feel him grow even hard inside you as he is on the verge from exploding, and it sets r you orgasm.
You clamp down hard around him like a vice. He cries out, filling you to the brim with his cum, just like he promised he would.
Your orgasms are intense, long, satisfying.
You flop down on top of him, allowing your heart to calm and your breath to return to normal.
"Lino. I hope there was an inclusion where you clean up and replace damaged items in your terms of service. Cos this rug is well and truly fucked."
"I'll take care of it." He hums.
"Hmm?" he wraps his arms around you.
"This was the best birthday present ever."
"You're very welcome." He smiles to himself, but you don't see it because your face is on his chest.
“Happy birthday, Noona.”
A/n: I feel like Lino breached several rules as an escort… unsafe sex, knowing the client, having had a crush on the client in the past… but this is how the story turned out… so…. 🥴
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @weareapackofstrays @3rachasdomesticbanana @palindrome969 @xxkissesforchanniexx @chuuchuu1224 @fun-fanfics @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @strayywayy @armystay89 @igetcarriedawaywithyou @mylittleponeypinkrosieposie @kyunchoni @justforreaders @melochacco @scenuniverse @oddracha @ismokeeweed @galaxycatdrawz @jiminssluttyminx @teddy-stay @lunearta
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urfavhecate · 3 months
I’ll always be your shield | Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
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Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: You cared about Wanda and you decided to protect her forever.
Warnings: fight scene, oneshot, really short one, fluff, kinda comfort.
Note: English is not my first language so i’m sorry for all mistakes. I hope you’ll like it tho.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
You and Wanda have been friends since she joined the Avengers. From the beginning, you defended the shy girl from Tony or Steve's rude comments. Wanda began to open up and talk about herself only when she was with you. It wasn’t a secret that you cared about her, but you never said how you really felt. You didn't tell her that you saw her as more than just a friend.
When the Avengers were sent on another mission which sounded like easy in and out, it turned out to be a trap. In the abandoned part of the city, you all were attacked by HYDRA agents. Snipers hidden in nearby buildings were trying to shoot you down, while agents around were throwing grenades and using lighter weapons as regular guns. The rest of the team moved forward and hid in one of buildings to avoid getting hurt while you and Wanda stayed behind. You ran as fast as you could, but the agents had a significant advantage in members and weapons.
“Y/N!” Wanda screamed as she stumbled after one of the snipers almost shoot her.
You stopped abruptly to help her, you grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. You kept running, but after the grenade exploded, fragments of the building's walls started falling on you. You pulled Wanda close to you so that she fell on her knees next to you. You covered her with your body so that none of the fragments of the wall would hit her.
You held her hand as she squeezed her eyes shut. Her body was shaking with fear. She moved closer to you hiding in your chest.
“Shhh- it’s okey Wanda, we’ll be okey.” you whispered in pain, your back was already bleeding and covered with purple marks.
When you realized that the pieces of the walls were no longer falling on your back, you grabbed Wanda's wrist and started running further. Tony then appeared, shielding you as you ran to the quinjet. Everyone managed to escape and went to the Avengers tower. As soon as you sat down and leaned your back against the backrest, you felt terrible pain. Holding back tears, you waited until you got there to tend to your wounds.
When you were clumsily trying to look at your wounds in the bathroom, Wanda entered your room. As soon as she saw you standing there without a shirt, she blushed.
“Sorry, I knocked but didn't open the door” she said shyly “I wanted to thank you for covering me with your body and I wanted to see your back.”
“I’ll be okey” you said still trying to take care of your wounds.
“Can I?” She asked, coming over, hoping that she would be able to repay you by helping you bandage the bleeding places.
You just nodded, leaning on the sink. Her nimble fingers applied the gauze and taped it quickly and almost painlessly. She was very focused on not hurting you anymore and instinctively, after finishing, she gently stroked your back and shoulders. Staring at you without a shirt on, her hands on your skin, she quietly muttered something under her breath, quiet question "why?".
“Why did you do that?” she asked louder.
“Because i care about you” you answered as you put on your shirt. “and i’ll always protect you.”
Wanda was looking in your eyes, she was clearly thinking about something, she wanted to say something important.
“What’s on your mind?”
“I like you” she whispered “i like you but more then just like a friend”
You were standing there in complete shock. In that moment you wanted to kiss her and never let go.
“I like you too” you smiled and softly kiss her lips “so much”
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celestialcrowley · 1 year
This took 6,000 years to put together.
I need to talk about some things — things that are afoot — before I pop. On my (pick a card, any card, shhh) rewatch, I've picked up on lots of potential Clues and Foreshadowing. Shouts like David Tennant, "I want to be heard!" and waves hands like Detective Azirapalalala.
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It starts, as it will end, with a garden. Season 1 indeed began with a Garden. The Garden of Eden. I'm going to leave this here for now, but I'm going to come back to it. Neil never does anything by accident. Everything we saw in Good Omens season 1 and season 2 had a purpose. Have you got your turtlenecks on? Right. Let's go. While season 2 had a heartbreaking ending, their story is not over because —
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It starts, as it will end, with a garden. Foreshadowing. There was a lot of it. I'll start with two important lines that were said by Crowley and Maggie. Maggie mirrors Crowley. "I'm coming back. I won't leave you on your own." Crowley had to leave Aziraphale in order to save the humans, but then we got, "I'm not leaving him to face them on his own." Parallels. Similar lines, and, in that moment, Maggie took Crowley's place as Aziraphale's protector. “Would I lie to you?”
Crowley does lie, but he promised Aziraphale that he’d come back to him, and he did. I’ll come to you is something Crowley will never lie about. More on that specific detail later. WAIT AND SEE! Season 1, Episode 5: The Doomsday Option "Look, wherever you are, I'll come to you. Where are you?" Season 2, Episode 5: The Ball "I'm coming back. I won't leave you on your own." There are parallels here too. Both lines are similar, both were spoken by Crowley and both were in the fifth episodes. It might not mean anything, but it could be a Clue, and I've still got my eye on Neil ... and his ominous lighter. Season 2, Episode 6: Every Day "Angels are like bees. Fiercely protective of their hive." This line shouted at me. Anthony "Ji'mNotNice" Crowley, while no longer an angel, has the protective tendencies of a Guardian Angel. He is the bee. Aziraphale is the hive.
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In the fifth episode of season one, Crowley had been stuck in a traffic jam and then decided he was going to go 100% feral and drive his Bentley through fire. Nothing was going to stop him from getting to Aziraphale.
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In episode 1 of season 2, The Arrival, Crowley losing his temper, I believe, foreshadows his threat to Jimmm “ShortForJammmes” Gabriel —
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— which took place in the fifth episode of the second season.
“But I was there, and I do remember very clearly the look on your face, Archangel Gabriel, when you told my only friend to shut his stupid mouth and die.”
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Right — ready? I threw these in as well because I have a hunch that they could also count as potential foreshadowing. Let's look at three very specific lines. Season 2, Episode 2: The Clue
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I need to talk about that line because it appears to heavily foreshadow the end of season 2 episode 6. Aziraphale went with the Metatron to Heaven despite his bookshop. His love for food. Coffee. The kiss. Crowley. Despite everything he holds dear.
He is going along with Heaven as far as he can. I'm going to talk about the Coffee Shop Theory first, which is going to lead right into the Body Swap Theory, and why I don't stand by them. The Coffee Shop Theory We don't know a lot about the Metatron because we've hardly seen him as anything other than a floating head and his claim to be the Voice of God — at least right up until the end of season 2. There were a lot of red flags floating around just like his head. This conversation to start with... The Metatron: Do people ever ask for death? Nina: What? The Metatron: Well, the name of your establishment. Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death. I assume they always ask for coffee. Nina: They don't ever ask for death, no. The Metatron: No, I don't suppose they do. So predicatable. So predictable.
There was a sinister edge to it, and I didn’t like it. Crowley has asked about the name of the coffee shop, too, but it’s Crowley. He’s harmless. Something about the Metatron doesn’t sit right with me.
1) None of the angels in the bookshop seemed to recognize the Metatron, but at least several of them should have. They did see him as a floating head, so why didn’t they know him while Crowley did?
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2) Where exactly has God been?
3) There was definitely something evil about that look the Metatron gave to Crowley in the bookshop. Why didn’t he seem to react to it?
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The Metatron appeared to use manipulation tactics and mimicked Aziraphale’s speech patterns as a way of convincing him to accept his proposal. He brought him a coffee — it’s no secret that Aziraphale enjoys coffee and nice meals — complimented him — an angel of your talents — used the phrase jolly good — something Aziraphale has said before — and threw this in.
“As Supreme Archangel, you would get to decide who to work with.”
He’s using Crowley as another manipulative tactic because he knows how deeply Aziraphale cares for him, but —
1) He knows Crowley will not agree to return to Heaven.
2) He wants them separated because they are too powerful together. And nothing will be able to stand in their way if they are not separated.
Performs a wibbly wobbly timey wimey miracle
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The Body Swap Theory
Aziraphale is a master of his face. He’s bubbly almost all the time, but when he’s not, it shows. I can’t bring myself to stand by the body swap theory because of two things.
Aziraphale made this face when he had Hell convinced that he was Crowley. This smile —
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— closely resembles this smile.
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This is Aziraphale, but he’s not the Aziraphale we know. This is an angel who has already put his armor on and is ready for battle. This is an angel who is going to fight for everything he holds dear.
The Metatron may have successfully separated them, but he clearly hasn’t been paying close attention to Crowley or Muriel. He apparently didn’t notice how feral Crowley became when Aziraphale was threatened in any way.
You don’t separate the bee from the hive.
Muriel willingly took our favorite murder hornet bee into Heaven. It’s clear they like Crowley, and he likes them as well. There were no signs that Muriel lost their angelic powers, and that could result in them getting Crowley into Heaven again. I believe they are going to play a key role in season 3.
Performs another wibbly wobbly timey wimey miracle…
“You’re just an angel who goes along with Heaven as far as he can.”
“Oh, I am, but rescuing me makes him so happy.”
“You came back.”
My point is … m’point is …
Aziraphale will always go along with Heaven as far as he can … until he doesn’t, and I believe we will get to see that in season three. As soon as he was told of the Second Coming, it was clear that he was not pleased.
“You’re so clever. How can somebody as clever as you be so stupid?”
Aziraphale is clever, and dangerously so.
And that set Armageddon his plan into motion.
To wrap things up, here’s the thing regarding more on that specific detail later — Crowley will always be the bee, and he will always be fiercely protective of his hive Aziraphale, and he will either always be waiting for him or always come back to him.
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It starts, as it will end, with a garden.
Their Nightingale will sing once more.
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jealousmartini · 5 months
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List of things I am excited to experience in my K-pop idol dr(s) !
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Doing crowd work with my fans while performing is SUCH A DREAM FOR ME OMG. That's like one my main reasons I'm excited to have a concert because I want to interact with my audience; exchanging glances, throwing stuff for one of them to have and of course performing at my best.
Okay okay, I know I have yapped in the past about being excited to meet BTS, but first, let me name a list of groups/idols I am so hyped to be in a 2-foot radius of because sometimes a girl cant help but shriek at the thought of them🙈:
I FUCKING LOVE THESE GIRLS SO MUCH NO ONE GETS IT. Just a little fun fact, MKB(my own gg) is considered to be like an older sister gg to NEWJEANS because they are both famous 5 member girl groups. Some people even say that NEWJEANS' aesthetic is like a younger sister to MKB's; even though MKB isn't all that "mature" it does give off an older sister feel in contrast to NEWJEANS' AND ITS SOOO CUTEEE😭😭
In my dr, Me and Wony are really good friends, and we have each others contacts. I've gone to battle for her in my tiktoks and tweets against antis (I am very much popular for this too since it's considered controversial to speak out in defence for another idol and she isn't the only idol I've fought for😭😭) cus she's literally the sweetest idol ever?? I actually love her to death.
In my opinion all of TWICE is so cute and I freaking love them all, but I am closest to these five. They're some of my closest girl friends because they were the first friends i made (other than my members lmao) and I love them all so much please I can't wait to meet them (especially since MKB and TWICE both exist under JYP so we're basically always hanging out)
BTS ||
No, because you guys. the dating, fighting and relationship rumours that are gonna be floating around me are gonna be CRAZYY cus of how many frequent interactions I have with the group/ the members individually and how much i talk about them because I am SO down bad for them PLEASE (but we can't let them and army know you guys shhh🤫) and I also just be having the LOUDEST MOUTH EVER🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️
But aside from how badly I want each and every one of them, Me and MKB are super cool friends with BTS; usually, 1 or 2 of us will visit them for whatever reason needed and whatever occasion like watching them behind the scenes, sometimes, we will appear on their lives in person or on phone (cus we have each others contacts😝🤞🏾), we always wish them happy birthday (as they do back to us), and few times some of us will make special appearances on their game challenges on RUN BTS too.
Also, I'd say I'm closest to being with Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, and Taehyung- BUT I get along very well with Yoongi, Jin, and Hoeseok too. I just hangout with those 4 the most out of all of them. [EDIT// Actually I do hang out with Jin too what am I talking about]
More hot men. Idk what to say more about this LMAO😭😭
MKB is most infamous (other than our music of course) for our ridiculous lives. But my favourite kind of live is the birthday one. The moment of appreciation and love sent from fans and the celebration from my family members and staff is so precious and important to me. The thought into the gifts and the messages mean so much more to me than what anyone could imagine and it gives so much meaning to birthdays because they are so important to me.
I have always been a big music nerd and my urge to produce music for a loving and interested fanbase makes me feel so warm. it's just what my silly little heart was made to do.
I have also been super interested in being involved with the work behind the scenes , not just being in the scenes of our music videos. I really want to have a say in what the concept of the video to match the music will look like, the outfit ideas, the hidden lore in the videos. It's just such a dream come true for me, and I'm even excited for whatever travelling needs to be done, too.
Being nosey and attention seeking is a deadly combo. Always gotta know something, always gotta be talked about somehow (and I usually prefer the fake dating allegations cus they're just so funny and sometimes cute depending on who I'm being shipped with lol)
🍊 — FOOD
I am THE BIGGEST foodie there is I swear. I have always craved and cried to eat real Korean (and East asian) food without thinking about my money or my skin as well as usual meals too and as much as I want (because I scripted my manager let's me eat anything I want since I don't gain weight (I scripted this for all idols tbh cus I just want to see wony eat SOMETHING😭🙏🏾))
When I say VIP stuff, I mainly mean 1st class vacations and trips. I freaking LOVE exploring and travelling.. ON LAND. When I shift though, this will be my first time flying on a plane and I'm kinda excited, kinda frightened. I have a slight fear of heights so I'm gonna have to brave through it and try not to throw up or something.
🍊 — FANMADE GIFTS (fanimations, fanfictions, fan art, real life gifts, fan edits, etc.)
I am so freaking hyped for this stuff you guys stop. One of my main love languages is gift giving and receiving, and I already get so hyped when I get a gift on a random day from a family memeber😭😭.
The fan edits and fanfiction are gonna be crazy tho omg the ships..😭😭😭 (I WILL be looking out for the ship fanfics best believe.)
Okay, so before I explode for excitement, I had this idea to make take the Googlebox celebrities and make a K-pop idols edition, and it couldn't be more perfect. Of course, you might be worried about how little privacy and time to myself off camera I may have now that I've added this into my dr, but never worry!
I scripted MKB to get 2 weeks to a month long breaks depending on stuff like exhaustion, injuries, meeting families, or just having a well-deserved vacation. I also scripted that our fanbase is very respectful of our space and don't bombard us if we're spotted in public.
Edit: O.m.g applies to all the things I said about MKB too guys I just cba editing everything add o.m.g in rn
@4ellieluv @cocozydiaries @samara444 @theshifterbear @livingmydreamlife5555
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prozacwhorehouse · 1 month
pacify her (soft brat!tamer cooper x fem!reader)
this is a longer one shot of a headcannon from my cooper headcannons! i am a strong believer in brat!tamer cooper, and the tied up time out just makes sense because…yes.
cooper punishing his baby girl is very important to me nuff said
DNI if you’re a minor or just aren’t into it…nsfw 18+ no smut but mature themes, dword used, restraints, gagging, brat taming, age gap, reader is in early 20s cooper is in 40s
they’re arguing because she’s bored. In the house she stays, locked away all day. she can’t leave - then people would know where she went - she’s been missing for months, and she’s okay with it. she prefers her safe life with cooper to her dark past. but she’s staring to drive herself insane - pacing the same rooms. staring at the same walls. she just wants to go out. then she threatens to leave. you and cooper both know that can’t happen.
“in the bedroom.” he glares, clenching his fist together on the table. shit. she knows she’s in trouble.
she gulps and slowly turns on her heel to make her way over to their room. he watches her leave, letting out a sigh and running his hands through his hair. he comes to terms with the fact that it’s finally time she’s punished. she’s never acted up, never been yelled at. tears prick at her eyes thinking that because she was a bad girl just this once, he’d always see her as one.
she opens her mouth to say something, quickly cut off by cooper. “quiet” he commands. she shuts her mouth instantly. her eyes follow him as he walks over to the dresser, pulling out the top drawer. his back is to her, so she can’t see what he’s getting. her mouth falls open when he turns and reveals two long pieces of rope he begins to unwind.
“please cooper, im so-so sorry,” she sniffles and moves back on the bed towards the headboard as he stalks towards her, tears spilling from the corners of her eyes. he’s never done this before.
“shh. you’ve always been such a good girl. but this is an important lesson for you to learn. im sure after this, you’ll be my good girl again.” She whimpers when he’s hovering over her on the bed, wrapping the rope around her wrists in front of her, finishing it with a nice tight bow. she tries to pull her ankles in to protest a second set of restraints, but he quickly grabs and pulls her ankles towards him, wrapping the rope around and finishing with another bow. it settles in that he’s not going to show her mercy, but she can at least try to get him to change his mind. she thinks maybe her sobbing will she doesn’t even have to try, she’s crying anyway, she can’t believe she let him down like this. she’s always so good. why’d she have to misbehave?
“honey, you have to be quiet. i don’t want to have to make you,” he says. as messed up as it is, she’s kind of interested. so, she ignores, and continues sobbing.
“please daddy please, ill be a good girl i promise!” she pleads to no avail, causing him to sigh and tsk.
“I tried to warn you, babygirl.” her eyes widen when he reaches in the bedside table and pulls out a ball gag, one she’s never seen before. it’s new, he bought it for this purpose. he knew deep down that someday, living locked away, she’d break, and he’d need to calm her down.
“nonono” she tries to squirm away, bound wrists and ankles making it more difficult. he catches her quickly, and her pleas are suddenly muffled and her eyes squeeze shut as the gag is forced into her mouth, securely buckled behind her head.
“there we go. shhh, baby.” her sobs are muffled now, but her tears continue to flow non stop, which he attempts to wipe away with his thumb as he caresses her cheek. he scans her body, and he can’t help his pants tightening about his crotch when looking at his girl, all tied up and gagged for him. he feels in control, he’s never felt like he’s owned her more.
he’s only used to seeing his victims like this - completely at his mercy. except this time it’s different. his other victims have resentment in their eyes, hers have regret. she lives to please him.
“you just need some quiet time, alone with yourself and your thoughts. ill be back when i think you’ve learned your lesson.” he presses a kiss to her forehead, and she cries one more time, begging him not to go, but it’s inaudible. the lights switch off, and the door closes. she’s alone - she can’t move, see, or speak. she can only choke on her own cries, and wriggle against her bonds. time out is worse than she ever thought it’d be.
after an hour, she stops crying. it’s no bother. he can’t hear her anyway. even if he could, she didn’t want to upset him even further by not keeping quiet like he’d asked.
she’s tired herself out anyway. struggling in her restraints, heavy breathing through her nose in panic, and bawling.
cooper stops by the door and puts an ear to the wood, listening for cries. he doesn’t hear anything, now that she’s calmed down he can go in and talk to her.
when he enters the room, the light coming through the crack in the door spreads onto her frame. she’s facing away from the door now, a sign that she struggled, tried to move off the bed, but no success.
he doesn’t realize she’s fallen asleep. time outs are hard work!
“baby?” he whispers, brushing the hair that’s managed to slip out from under the leather straps out of her face. she rolls over, her eyes flutter open, and she pinches her eyes shut at the sudden bright light. she lost track of how long she was in the dark.
“do you understand why i put you in here? why you had such a long time out?” he says softly, with a hand on her shoulder.
she nods her head softly, looking up at him with doe eyes through her lashes. she looks so perfect like this- part of cooper wants to keep her like this. she’d be his forever.
he unbuckles the straps from around her head, she gags when the ball is pulled from her mouth. “there we go baby. it’s okay.” he rubs circles on her lower back before moving to untie her.
“do you still love me?” She finally speaks up, looking at him like a lost puppy, eyes glassy. his face softens, and he pulls her into his lap so she’s straddling him, her arms around his neck.
“oh, sweet girl. of course i still love you. i did it because i love you. you just need to be a good girl for me, okay? for this to work, i need you to do as i say. okay?” he asks her. she nods, “yes.”
“yes what?” he raises his eyebrows, expecting her to continue her sentence.
“yes daddy,” she says, and he smiles and cups her face to kiss her. “good girl.”
this is so filthy I’m sorry
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laniluvsuu · 1 year
1st Position
Boxer Mikasa! X Blackfemreader!
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As you walked out of the stadium, back towards Mikasa’s room you smiled as you saw her face on every wall. You’re so proud of your best friend, you’ve been by her side since the idea of even being a boxer began, and she’s grown so much in this career since then. Today she has a very important match, and she had asked you to come over beforehand. You assumed it was because she was nervous and just needed a little bit of reassurance.
“M!! I’m here open up!” You yelled out to her waiting for her to open the door. You smiled once you heard movement from the other side of the door.
“Hey ma. Come in” she said as she smiled at you, she moved her body slightly to the side to let you in.
“So what’s wrong?” You asked her as you walked in and sat on the black couch in her room. You waited for her response as you watched her close and lock the door, walk over to you and sit next to you on the couch.
“Nothing? I have a couple of hours to spare and I wanted to see you.” Mikasa said shrugging her shoulders. Her dark brown eyes scanning your figure. And you couldn’t lie she looked good right now. From head to toe, her black very short wavy hair, the white sports bra and basketball shorts that revealed her ink covered skin.
“What you thinking about mama?” Mikasa said as she sighed and tried to relax her body into the couch and pushed her pelvis up while pushed her legs outward. She was a little nervous, but knew she couldn’t smoke to relax herself since she was going to fight soon, so she invited you over hoping she could find another way to relax.
“It doesn’t matter. But you nervous? Like at all?” You said trying to take the attention off of you.
Mikasa didn’t answer your question instead she grabbed your arm pulling you towards her. Once your waist was in arms reach she used her hands to pull you on top of her lap. Once you were situated on her lap she smirked at you before saying.
“I’m fine baby, just need you to help me relax a little. Can you do that f’me?” She said as she slightly turned her head sideways waiting for your response.
“What do you need me to do M?” You whispered as you reached your hand up into her hair. Looking down into her dark brown eyes waiting for her response.
“I need you to lay on your back f’me mama.”Mikasa said as she watched you follow her directions. Once you laid on your back like she asked, she got on her knees, she leaned over your body, and before she did anything she said “And stop me if you’re at all uncomfortable okay?”
Instead of responding you nodded your head at her words. Mikasa leaned her head down into your neck placing soft kisses before she said “words baby.” You let your hand find comfort in her short hair once again, before saying “Yes Mikasa..I understand.”
She smiled at your words and started attacking your neck harder than before, placing several hickeys on your soft skin before lifting up her head, and smashing her lips into yours. You let out a moan in surprise but nonetheless kissed her back just as hard. Once you gave her tongue unspoken permission to explore yours she didn’t waste a second. You felt her inked hand reach into your sweatpants, her slim fingers hovering over your drenched cunt. Instead of playing with your pussy, she stopped kissing you and pulled your sweatpants down. Once your sweatpants were fully off she just stared at your drenched cunt through your pink panties, moving her fingers up and down your pussy.
“Mika…stop teasing already.” You whined out to her as you felt your drenched hole clench in anticipation. You felt your wetness drip each time her fingers slid up and down. You watched as her face turned up into a smirk at your words.
“Shhh pretty baby, I gotchu.” She said as she started removing your underwear and leaned down so now she was face to face with your drenched cunt.
Once you felt her cold tongue move up your wet lips you let out a soft moan, which was shortly replaced with a loud one once she pushed her face into your pussy. She started attacking your pussy fast even though she wanted to start out slow she couldn’t wait especially not with your eyes on her like that. She moved her fingers in and out of your hole slowly while she sucked harshly on your throbbing clit. She let out moans which vibrated against your clit adding to the pleasure.
“Mmhp! Oh shit M—Mika!” You cried out in pleasure as you threw your head back into the couches soft arm rest. She slapped your pussy as soon as you looked away from her which caused you to cry out once again.
“Don’t do that. Look at me.” She said before she went back down this time instead of her fingers moving it was her tongue moving in and out of you. Her pointed nose nudged your clit everytime she moved her head. Your hands laid on her head again pulling on her short hair as you could almost feel your release running through your body.
She knew it too, once she felt your hole clenching down tighter each time she moved her tongue, she reached her hand up to your clit moving it faster and faster. She slightly brought her head up from your pussy to spit on it, pushing her head back into your pussy, now moving her tongue around in yours and her liquids.
“Mmhpf ohhh f—fuck baby. M’gonna cum. Please let me cum baby please.” You begged and cried out to her while looking down into her dark eyes which never left your face this entire time, hoping she wouldn’t deny your release while tears from so much pleasure fell down from your face and down your neck, the coil in your stomach tightened and got hotter with every movement she made.
“Yea Baby, be a good girl and make a mess on mommy’s face.” Mikasa moaned out to you as she watched your lips form into an “O”, and how your body twitched, the way your hand tightened it’s grip on her hair as you released on her tongue. You cumming didn’t stop her though. She kept going until your body stopped twitching on her face.
“Good girl baby. Im proud of you.” She praised you as she lifted her head up to yours and kissed your lips, smiling as she allowed you to taste yourself on her brownish pink lips.
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somehow-a-human · 5 months
Moonlight Serenade & Good Omens &... the TV show Lost...?
The music of Good Omens is something I have been ACTIVELY avoiding turning my focus on. The risks of hyperfixating and spiraling into it are HIGH. There are so many elements to get lost in, repeating motifs like Dies Irae, tolling bells, character themes... but I digress.
Could I hold out forever? no. and something finally pushed me over the edge. Wait for it..... Lost. Yep. The TV show Lost. WAIT WAIT, don't leave! STAY WITH ME! I promise I don't *think* I'm crazy and I have a point here!
Why Lost? And what does it have to do with Moonlight Serenade and WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH GOOD OMENS?! Well my lovelies continue under the cut with me and keep an open mind...
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Okay so... Lost. Yes, the insane 2004 mystery plane crash island adventure drama. It's a wild ride, and a masterpiece and a little bit crazy, but overall pretty damn good. I've been on a rewatch spree and wouldn't you know it... parallels between lost and Good Omens popped up in my brain! I mean they are both intricate mysteries so it makes a tad bit of sense but there was one little detail that *might* be a *clue*, or just an easter egg if anything. I promise you don't need to know anything about Lost to follow this :)
First off, what are some of the recurring themes that Lost the TV show and Good Omens have in common you might ask?
Life & Death
Alternate timelines & Time Travel
Literary Allusions (Catch-22, The Bible, A Tale of Two Cities)
Prophecies & Premonitions
Symbolism of Black & White/ Light & Dark
Yeah okay that tracks, but look there are 121 episodes of Lost and 12 episodes (so far) of Good Omens so there's bound to be some overlap for these two.
You'll be thinking about now, "BUT WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH MOONLIGHT SERENADE?!" I'm getting there, shhh, lemme pet your hair gently and keep giving you background information to build it up shhhh...
If you've never seen Lost there is a very good chance you're mighty confused at this moment, so let me reassure you, you don't need to know anything about it to understand the connections I'm going to make. A brief synopsis is: Oceanic flight 815 crashes on an island. The plane crash survivors quickly discover the island is more than it seems to be and holds many secrets and mysteries. A lot of people die, most of them are murdered, it's giving Lord of the Flies if it was in the horror genre. That's honestly all you need to know.
Time Travel & Alternate Timelines
Time travel is cannon in Lost. It's super confusing and I'm not even going to try to explain any of it here. It's honestly just not worth it. If you'd like to try and read about it, the abridged version is here, but I don't think the details are important. Just know it's real and confirmed and exists.
Okay so, *SPOILERS FOR LOST WILL FOLLOW* In Lost season 2, episode 13 "The Long Con" two of the plane crash survivors are trying to find a signal on a radio they've found. While scrubbing they come across a signal playing Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller. One character mentions it must be from somewhere nearby, but the other counters that this type of radio can pick up signals from anywhere in the world. There is a beat and then another character jokingly adds "Or any time. Just kidding, dude."
It's later confirmed that the Lost characters in 2004 are indeed picking up a radio signal from 1940 that is playing Moonlight Serenade, a product of time travel.
Congratulations, you've made it to the point where I'm going to bring Good Omens into the mix. In season 2, episode 4 "The Hitchhiker" we open seeing Aziraphale driving back from Edinburgh late at night/early morning. Uncomfortable with the darkness and silence he asks the Bentley to "play something that's got a bit of swing? I'm in the mood for something modern."
The Bentley obliges the angel, as she always will, and we are shown a shot of the radio specifically lighting up, so we know she's tapped into the radio to play this for Azi, but there is no channel selected.
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Compared to Season 2, Episode 3 "I Know Where I'm Going" when we see the radio is playing and does display the channel.
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But hold on. Okay maybe it just isn't showing the channel, that's fine, but Aziraphale asked for "modern"? Moonlight Serenade is most certainly not modern. It was recorded in 1939! I'd say in 2023 it's anything but modern, maybe not in Aziraphale's long lived opinion, but certainly in the Bentley's opinion, given she's only a 97 year old car.
I think you can see now what I'm saying here. I think the Bentley picked up a radio signal from 1940, maybe 1941? Episode 4 is of course our 1941 blitz magic show bullet catch flashback extravaganza, so... it makes sense. I know we like to headcanon Crowley and Aziraphale listened to A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square in the bookshop in 1941 after the bullet catch, but what if they listened to Moonlight Serenade on the radio instead?
What does it mean?
A reference to this small moment from Lost could be a nod to the first hint of the canonization of time travel in that series. We know Crowley can control time to some extent and we can see some evidence of time discontinuities and possibly time weirdness in season 2 so is it a hint that timeline funkiness IS happening? Do I want to get into the fact that the main character in The Hitchhiker, the Twilight Zone episode this episode is named after, is actually dead? No I don't, not now anyway.
Or it's just an absolutely lovely little Lost easter egg.
SO! There it is... weird little connection that I couldn't get out of my brain. It just seemed a bit too... ineffable.
As always this is all for fun and all for fans! Don't ask Neil about these things, they're for us to have fun with. And something else that I don't think some people on here understand about meta-analysis; the goal of it is not necessarily to be correct. It can be, if that's your thing. Refuting peoples posts, theories, analysis, and headcanons because you personally don't agree with them and telling them they're wrong and stupid doesn't achieve anything. Meta-analysis is an exercise in critical thinking and creative writing. You could write meta about how Spongebob is a critique of the loss of christian values in modern society and you wouldn't be right or wrong, you'd just certainly be a person who wrote that for sure though. Just, be kind to each other, share ideas, you're allowed to disagree with someone's ideas or have different ones of your own but don't be cruel in saying so, don't call someone stupid, that's just silly.
Love you all, do something kind for yourself today <3
ps. The moment I see Michael Sheen with blonde hair come January I'm gonna bark like a dog, that's all. Thanks.
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