#that's why i tend to use the same one over and over
spinji · 1 day
It's weird to me seeing so many people surprised over Billdip shippers that liked/made young twink Bill art are now the same ones shipping Billford and liking and making art of Bill as an old man. Literally the definition of "growing up with your tastes".
Billford is everything i wanted from Billdip but more canonized (and old), basically. I still have a lot of fondness from that time.
I do agree with the people that consider shipping Billdip in the early days as self indulgent and self insertive. I was also one of those people that was first exposed to the series around Dipper's age and I would be lying if my affinity for the pairing didn't have some element of self shipping with Bill. This is why a lot of people made this jump to a pairing that better reflects their maturity level while maintaining that enjoyment of Bill. I think that's part of the secret sauce that makes the new Billford content to compelling to long-term fans; on top of it being chillingly well written.
Where I chafe against this discussion is how dismissive the tone tends to be when bringing this up. People say they used to ship Billdip as if they're talking to a pastor about their sins in order to cover their ass and sound more desirable to the greater internet.
To me Billdip and Billford have very similar but distinct energies, one holding a lot more weight and tragedy while the other is chaotic and tense. There might be a lot in common with your new best worst thing and your old toxic ex but they're still different experiences and they're facinating dynamics in both cases.
My whole point in comparing the two is that you don't have to be scared of what you did in fandom a decade ago. If your tastes have changed, that's fine, and very normal, but a quick turn that anyone still drawn to Billdip is a disgusting predator is just cowardice. As if the crazy people will care if it's older because it's still an unhealthy and unbalanced dynamic with an immortal, immoral monster.
Do I prefer Billford to Billdip now? Yes! But I shipped them both back then and I ship them both now.
Do I prefer the Billford fandom to the Billdip fandom? Hell no. Because some of you really can't pull the stick out of your ass and realize that you are living proof that fiction doesn't directly mirror your personality. You shipped Billdip and you're fine, so quit lying and saying everyone else is a monster for doing the same.
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lotuseye · 3 days
and you look even more handsome...
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satoru  gojo  and  his  special  grade  sorcerer  ex-wife  are  assigned  to  a  mission  together. part iii , trash magic.
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word   count:   2779.
genre:   multi-chapter.
characters:   satoru gojo & special grade sorcerer ex wife.
trigger   warning:   none. kinda angst? as adele says: ' divorce babes, divorce! ' also kinda suggestive but lord help y'all with the next and the final chapter. a lot of yearning.
the car ride is uncomfortably silent.
it’s all familiar and all so different at the same time. the last time they had shared a car was three years ago, right after their last christmas together, before the court, before everything. she remembers him with his large hand on her thigh, soft knuckles kneading the plush flesh idly as he sang alongside to whatever that was going on the radio. his hair was shorter, and instead of the black blindfold that kept his six eyes at bay he wore the sunglasses she had stolen from time to time to try on, marvel every single time at how it was impossible to see anything at all. they were twenty-four, back then. it seemed like a lifetime ago, the memories feeling more of glimpses of a beautiful dream she once had, still craving the bittersweet taste that cursed her mouth eternally.
“ so… ” satoru, as restless as ever, taps his fingers on the steering wheel. he doesn’t drive often, rarely ever did - it was not stimulating enough for him, having grown tired of having to be glued to a seat and watch the same roads over and over again, he usually left that part to ijichi when the car was necessary. she knows why he jumped on the opportunity now, knows why he is driving at a speed that would put turtles to shame, using the slowest lane. frustrated, she sighs, keeping her gaze on the window, watching the orange rays & the setting sun. it is not the slowness that irritates her, it is how satoru simply never fucking learns, no better than a child who wants to roll on the greener side of the grass without the responsibility of tending to it whatsoever. “ what’s up? ”
the arch of her brow and the squint of her left eye is just as telling as any answer. “ what’s up? ” she repeats. “ dunno’, sweetheart. you tell me. you’re the one going on a 50 on an empty freeway. ”
“ is that a crime? ” satoru’s expression remains undecipherable, using the advantages of blindfold that covers near the good half of his face, but the subtle twitch of the corner of his mouth gives him away - he had never been good at concealment anyway, his heart on his sleeve, an outpour that would not be outdone by anything as humane as shame or embarrassment. he had not been shy a day in his life, and she often wishes that untrue, often wishes satoru would do her the grace of sparing her heart - his openness tore her open inside out, and she hated the sensation of being so naked. so bare. stripped to the core of her existence, something beyond the rare talents at the tips of her fingers. “ maybe i just missed you. ” he confesses, and it sounds like a death sentence. he glances over, and she feels the weight of the six eyes on her, suffocating. “ would that be so bad? ”
yes, yes it would be that bad. “ eyes on the road. ” she grunts, arms folded in her chest, so reserved it is difficult to remember that they had been sharing laughters like little children at tengen’s chambers an hour ago. thus was life with him, a whirlwind of emotions, a duality that dazzled her & made her nauseous with the rhythm at the same time. satoru sighs, obediently turning toward the empty freeway, two fingers pinching the bridge of his nose as one hand sat idle on the steering wheel. “ i just don’t understand why you’re being so dramatic, ” he confesses, more like complains, so seemingly oblivious to the reasoning of the woman that sits on his passenger seat. “ we got married, didn’t work out, we got divorced, fine, ” a mocking gesture is made, and he finds that sweet nerve in her artery. “ you don’t gotta be like that. aren’t you the one that said we could handle this like adults? ”
her left eye twitches. oh yes, now, now this whole thing feels familiar -
fighting in the car.
how nostalgic.
“ oh, you think you’re being an adult? ” here comes the poison, her voice laced with the regret of ever agreeing to get in the car and shame of thinking perhaps they could manage to be civil, perhaps even friendly - but she is proven wrong. “ is that what you’re thinking? because all i’m seeing is a child that only wants what he can’t fucking have. you don’t miss me, satoru - you miss chasing me. ” and he did, he did chase her, the way that sunflowers chased the sun, the way that the moon chased the sun, spinning in circles around her… until he had her. until the game was over. the lump in the back of her throat is truly just embarrassing at that point. it was truly sickening how the simple sight of him was enough to undo her, how he still pulled the strings of her like a puppet and its master. a twisted belonging she would never be rid of. “ you would be bored of me in a week. ”
satoru remains uncharacteristically silent. then, a sudden signal, and the four way flashers. the car is pulled into the side of the road, and she truly believes he could yank the handbreak clean off its box with the strength he pulled on it. “ wanna’ elaborate on that, baby? ” he asks, and the undercurrent of needles is simply agonizing, condescending out of rage. it’s unlike him to speak with such vigor, too contrasting to his aloof character that could not bring himself to care for anything for the love of god. at least when it came to her. “ if my memory isn’t failing me, i was the one that got served with the papers. ”
yes, yes, the poor satoru who was dumped so suddenly out of nowhere - out of nowhere except the fact that every single conversation she had ever attempted to make was brushed aside and disregarded, the nights she has slept alone, the loneliness of a household she thought she would never shed a single tear in. “ maybe if you’d get your head out of your ass, you’d understand why. ” she responds, and it is so funny that this conversation is happening nearly three years after - spilling their guts out in a car that didn’t belong to them, no longer bound by a ring or a vow. “ but you can’t. you’re incapable of thinking about anyone but yourself. and i’m only mad at myself for how it took me a near decade to see that. an entire decide i could have been loved in. happy in. all fucking gone. because i was an idiot. ”
anguish contorts his beautiful features, and she gets the terrible feeling that she has said something she should not have, but the cat was out of the bag - it was easy to forget how destructive grief could be, how nasty mourning could turn out to be. chewing on the inside of her cheek, she remains silent, trying to come up with something to dissolve the tension and make them get back on the road. all that needed to be said and done were already through, they were already done. “ you don’t mean that, ” it comes out as a hoarse pleading, searching for some truth in each crevice of her face. “ you’re just pissed off. tell me you don’t mean that. ”
satoru never really wants to look, but he has to look. reaching beyond them with the familiarity of a touch that was once a privilege she had been blessed with, she finds the knot of his blindfold, and tugs it free until the silk material bunches in her palms, satoru remaining as pliant as a loyal dog, with pure disbelief in the azure gaze. her knuckles white around the fabric she bunches in her palms. “ look at me. ” she tells him, drawing a deep breath that resonates in each bone in her body. “ i have never felt as lonely as the time i was married to you in my life, do you understand that? it was unbearable. when suguru left, when you came home one day with megumi - i was there for you and you just liked that, satoru. you just liked having a shoulder to cry on. you just liked being not alone. have you ever considered how i felt? ” one hand pressing over her bosom, her palm right on top of the heart that drums against her ribs, voice unstable like the rest of her. she’s never thought she’d be saying any of this to him. “ if i needed you? if i was upset, if i was happy? i have spent the last year of that marriage thinking you would have never married me if suguru hadn’t left. ” the big bad confession. the big bad revelation. “ and you’re sitting here like i was the one that failed. ” a shaky breath, and the way she withdraws from him, from everything, shows that she had said everything she could bring herself to say in that moment. “ i’m done being scolded for an end i did not bring. you doomed us the day you kissed me. start the car. ”
she pulls herself out of the clutches of agony, having too much time to think it over and over again, in sleepless & cold nights. it’s not that easy for satoru.
“ no, ” he says, and the whisper sounds like an afterthought, a horrid dawning and an enlightenment instead of something he intends her to hear. gaze unfocused, like he is revising every single second they had together to see if it made sense, somehow. “ no, no - that’s not true, none of this is true. ” all caution and the new rules of their new game abandoned as he reaches, her pointy jaw caught in his palm to tilt her head back towards him, eyes widened with something she had never seen in them before. “ wrong, all of this - i have spent my entire life loving you, ” he chokes on it, chokes in the weight of his own emotions. “ i get it, i was a shitty husband, i failed you, i get all of that - but i can’t let you think you were a second choice or a warm body in the sheets. i won’t. i loved you, i breathed you, i lived for you. you have to know that. ”
i loved you, i breathed you, i lived for you.
she’s never really hated anyone as much as she hated him, the three years that took to mend her heart all undone with the palm that cups her jaw and the pleading love me eyes of a man that had not loved her properly a day in his life. like he was supposed to, like she wanted. she wanted his bones, his sinews, his entire bloodline to start and end with her - it only felt fair, with how much of herself she was willing to lay at his feet with the mere promise of nothing. it takes her a few blinks to realize her gaze is blurry, lips drawn into a thin line. “ why are you doing this to me? ” she asks, teetering on the edge of something she doesn’t want satoru to witness, a whole new chamber in her heart that hadn’t been opened since she left him. a closed door she had no idea what resided beyond. “ what difference does it make, when we're over? ”
he stares at her endlessly, taking in the red-rimmed eyes & the chewed out lips & the flushed red cheeks. unable to gather her courage to withstand the vulnerability of it all and the desire to win the whose dick is bigger contest, she tries to pry his hold away from herself, her bony fingers wrapped around the sinewy wrist it yank it off her jaw in futile efforts. the infinity is gone, and with the new-found silence the only thing she can hear is the heavy breathing of the man next to her. “ let me go, ” she asks him, but despite the grunting it is a plea, a near damn begging. “ let me go, satoru. you have to let me go. ” she doesn’t know if she’s still talking about his palm on her chin.
“ you think there is scenario where i ever get to be over you? ” he asks and he sounds like a dying animal more than a person, the entire conversation taking a kind of effort they could have moved mountains within’. it’s what a decade old love did to people. his hold a one of steel, bringing her closer despite her pleas. satoru was not the only one that avoided things they did not want to look at. “ you think i wake to a day where i don’t think of you, where i don’t miss you, ache for you? ” it almost comes through gritted teeth, rattling like he is holding onto the restraints. “ you can tell yourself whatever makes you feel better about leaving me, but you don’t get to look me in the eye and tell me i didn’t love you - i will love you till my dying day and i have to live with knowing you’ll never see that because you’re too goddamn stubborn. is it better this way, honey? is it better to keep lying to yourself because the truth is too heavy? ”
he’s suffocating her and there is no escape, squirming in his hold with wet cheeks & beads of tears clinging to her lashes. “ i hate you, ” she gasps out, guttural and full of resignation, no longer attempting to pry his hand away from her, instead grasping his wrist, eyes squeezed shut just to spare herself some dignity and save herself the humiliation of looking him in the face when he still pulled the strings she tried so, so hard to break.
“ i hate you, ” she repeats, and he whispers with hushing her with a soft coo, thumb collecting the droplets before they ever get to travel down her soft cheeks. “ you wish, baby. ” he murmurs, wiping her tears away and the scent of his cologne burns the back of her throat with longing. “ it’d be so much easier, wouldn’t it? ” his forehead falls against hers, and the other hand of his comes to help, tucking an unruly strand behind her ear, trailing to cup the nape of her frail neck in his fingers, holding her close, and she melts on the spot, boneless as she lets him carry the weight of her head, too tired from the tension that had been pounding in her ears like a migraine.
“ i was a stupid, stupid man. ” he mumbles, nose indenting her cheek with an exhaustive sigh, warm breath mingling with hers. thumb brushes over the lip she kept biting at to tug it free from her cruel teeth, her heart skipping eight beats at once in her chest. “ to have ever sign those fucking papers, to have ever let you walk away. a moron for not treating you the way you deserved to be treated. ” and the brush of his mouth against her cheek is too subtle to be by mistake. neither is the sound that leaves her throat, half relieved and half agonized. her nails dig into his biceps through the fabric of his jacket, dizzy. “ but we all learn from our mistakes, ain’t that right, baby? ” this time, it is a blatant, outrageous kiss that he plants on her jugular. his voice is half muffled by her skin, half lost in the translation, her face easing into a dangerous kind of comfort, shedding every ounce of tension from her sharp features. “ ‘toru, ” she breathes, not being able to find the strength it would take to walk away from this, again. “ we know how this ends. ”
“ tell me you don’t want this, ” he whispers, close enough to devour her whole if he would wish so but still in the right mind enough to keep himself from indulging, to keep her begging & pleading, at the edge of something he is intentionally keeping from her. dangling the leash of her need, cruel & demanding in the same breath. “ tell me you’d walk away from me if i let you go, right now. ” he watches her, gaze heavy lidded, all his cards out on the table, a dangerous gamble. she thinks of walking out this second, pushing him away like she intended, teary eyed and hollow in the hallway.
but that’s not even an option, is it?
there is no options, there is only the proximity that unravels her and the mouth she has been forgetting the taste of. there is no decision to make: she leans forward, and kisses him the same way she hates him - with a vigor that would put animals to shame, and with devotion that could only be found in a religion.
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shxxxbi · 2 days
Episode 4 (Chapters: 12 - 14)
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Breaking a promise
Rak felt like shit here. He had called Mook to extend his stay but his secretary had refused sternly; so after Mut spent two nights pleading for him to stay, Rak tried to find an excuse to keep his promise. He considered telling his secretary that the manuscript wasn't finished, that he needed more time, even considered telling her all the boats had sunk and it was impossible for him to go back to the mainland. But in the end, he had no choice but to admit defeat. He felt terrible for breaking his promise to Mut, meanwhile the younger boy appeared almost unfazed. His face was "just the usual, totally normal one, with the usual smile and the same look. Not a hint of regret."
"If he didn't care, then why would I?"
So Rak picked up his phone and transfered Mut the money for "his services". Now more than ever, Tongrak was convinced that all that had happened between them was just sex. Mut sold his service and Rak had bought it. Nothing he hadn't already done before with other people...
...yet, Rak had "never felt this hollow"
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How much would it cost for you to go to Bangkok with me?
That hollow feeling in Rak's chest kept expanding. Memories of the time spent together with Mut flashed through his mind until a sudden warmth urged him to move. Tongrak was confident in his decision, in asking Mut to go with him. However, he still insisted that what he was feeling was not love. That it was just personal pleasure. And if he could afford it, what was the problem?
"The guy sold his service anyway. Right?"
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She didn't like this man at all. That's what Mook kept telling herself when she saw the man her boss had brought back with him. He made her feel "as tiny as an ant". Mook had screamed so loud upon hearing what Rak had done, that the airport staff almost came over to ask what was wrong.
"Brought back, as in purchasing?! Are people buying and selling men now?!"
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I don't trust you
Mook wanted to back down the moment she met eyes with Mut. She wasn't familiar with men at all, the only men she was close with were her family members and Rak. Mut intimidated her, with his big body and his dark and scary face, so much so it made her want to cry. But no one could be trusted this days, what if this man assaulted Rak? What if he stabbed her boss with a knife in his sleep?
"She had to protect Rak!"
Mut, on the other hand, found her amusing. She was so small, he could "probably blow her away with a puff". But he was never one to bully someone weaker, so he turned to Rak.
"What should i do? If I show respect, she won't back down. But if you tell me to handle her, this little lady won't stand a chance."
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Little Trivia: Rak's house
Contrary to the show, Rak's house is on the 27th floor of a very luxurious condo complex in the heart of Bangkok. It has 3 bedrooms, with the main one featuring a large wall window that offered a wonderful view of the bustling streets below. As for the other two bedrooms, one is a guest bedroom and the other one a study crammed with books. As for the kitchen, it is entirely made of Italian marble and has, basically, never been used.
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Bro, are you crazy?!
This phone call actually happens after Rak and Mook have already set off to work. Mook had been waiting outside the door to Rak's house as soon as the sun was up, too terrified to enter on her own and find the two men fucking in the living room, so she waited for Mut to let her in. After the secretary and her boss had left, Mut gets a call from Palm. The younger boy kept shouting and calling him crazy, but Mut knew very well what he was doing. Many people would describe him as very mature for his age, but Mut knew he still tended to act childish at times. Just like he had done now. Following a man to the mainland with no plan whatsoever, simply because he was unwilling to let him go. Mahasamut knew that their paths would most likely never cross again, this was the only opportunity he had to keep Tongrak close. And he would not let it go.
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Little Trivia pt.2: Mahasamut's age
Mut's age is never explicitly confirmed in the novel, however thanks to Khom we can figure it out. In "Love Sand", the story of Khom and Connor meeting and falling in love takes place when Khom is 19 years old. Many characters of Love Sea appear as side characters, including Palm and Mut. Palm is described as a boy around 17 years old, while Mut is "a few years older than him and around Khom's age". Fast forward to Love Sea (that chronologically takes place a while after the events of Love Sand), Mut describes Khom as his "younger close friend and brother". Also, in the prologue of Love Sea, Tongrak tells us that Khom is a decade younger than him. Since Rak is about to turn 31 and the two boys are around the same age, with Mut being apparently slightly older, Mahasamut should be around 21-22 years old, making the age gap between Mutrak around 9 or 10 years!
DISCLAIMER🚨: I have not read Love Sand, all the infos I have written come from people I know that have read it. Therefore, I apologize if something is incorrect🙇🏽‍♀️
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Can you read the report and understand it?
Fortunately for Mook, Mahasamut had decided to go to the hospital alone and not drag her along. Said report was currently being examined by Tongrak and poor Mook couldn't help but wonder why her boss was smiling like that. How could a report make him so happy? She didn't understand anything of what was written, she didn't know a thing about STDs. How could she, she had never even had sex with anyone. Her confusion faded when Mahasamut explained he was clean, only to be quickly replaced by embarrassment at his next words.
"Maybe next time we can skip the rubber. I promise I'll pull out"
Yet, nothing could prepare her for Rak's answer
"Who said you have to?"
Mut kept teasing Mook for a while after that, while Rak observed them in the distance
"They get along very well. This is nice. The room isn't quiet anymore."
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What if I say I won't agree to it?
Mut read the contents of the contract: Tongrak would provide him sixty thousand bahts monthly as compensation and cover all of his living expenses, including housing, food and even education, if he wished to pursue it. However, Mut had obligations as well: not disturbing Rak during working hours, not doing anything Tongrak disliked and, most of all, their relationship would end immediately at the writer's discretion. There was no love, nor commitment included. Mahasamut had to supress a growl in his throat. He disliked what Rak was doing, disliked how he was treating their relationship as if there was nothing but sex between them, nothing but money. But he knew this was the only opportunity he had to get close to Tongrak and he couldn't let it slip away, even if he wouldn't have much time. So, all he could do was clench his fists and hide his thoughts with a perfectly fine smile.
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So, you're saying you can love me, Khun Tongrak?
Being very fair-skinned, when all his blood rushed to his face, Rak easily turned a bright red that let everyone know he was blushing. And Mut's words had him blushing hard. Tongrak had experienced every kind of flirtation imaginable from both men and women, but just a few words from Mut were enough to leave him speechless. Had the younger boy not read the contract? Had he not realized there was no emotional attachment between them, only money? How could he be so brazen in asking for love? But, most of all, why the hell did Rak's heart skip a beat?!
Vivi was very impressed by the island boy. She knew there must have been something special between them if Rak had brought him home; just as she knew how much her friend deeply craved for someone's love, even if he refused to admit it.
"You can just call me Vi, no prefix needed. And if Rak ever dumps you, just come to Big Sis. I like you."
"That might be difficult," Mut declined, "I won't let myself get dumped so easily"
And Mahasamut had never been more serious. He wouldn't let Tongrak drift away from him.
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"I didn't say you could come in" "But you didn't say I couldn't come in either"
Here Mut actually enters Rak's room and sits on his bed, while the older man is busy playing on his phone. Unable to ignore Mut's gaze any longer, Rak put his phone down and looked up at him.
"That's better. Didn't anyone tell you that when you talk, you should make eye contact with the person you're talking to?"
Finally they talk about the contract, about their conversation downstairs and about how Rak doesn't believe in love, and this all but puts a sad smile on Mut's face. So, the younger boy reaches out to hold Rak's hand and intertwine their fingers.
"I know you don't believe in love, but I never said that I don't [...], you can't stop me from loving you."
Tongrak was at a loss for words. Confusion was written all over his face. He had never dealt with a situation like this before. He had never met anyone who said they'd love him.
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In the novel, this does NOT happen. Or, better said, it is not a kiss on the lips. It's a kiss on Rak's temple. Now, why am i putting so much emphasis on this, you might be asking. I think this is another masterpiece of improv by our ship captain Khun Thitipong. In the novel, there is A LOT of emphasis on the fact that Mut desperately wanted to kiss Rak's lips but, since he had just made a very important speech about pursuing Rak and making him change his mind about love, Mahasamut decided that he couldn't give in to his desire. He wanted the words he had just said to embed themselves in Rak's heart. To make Rak think about him, about them, as more than just what happens in bed, and that is something that would take time. So kissing his lips had to wait. Now, after making this such a big thing, I don't think Mame would just suddenly change her mind for the show. Therefore, if 1+1 is 2 and the shit-eating grin on Fort's face and Peat's eyes are anything to go by, I assume Thitiwhipped decided to take matters into his own hands. Also, it seems Peat hinted at this himself in the reaction video for episode 4: after watching the kiss scene, Peat himself asks Fort if the kiss was scripted or just his improvisation.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🫳🏽🎤
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yanderes-galore · 18 hours
Yandere romantic hcs for Legoshi and Juno both fighting over a wolf darling please ^^
Sure! I haven't rewatched Beastars so I hope they're both accurate. I ran out of ideas for this near the end so I'm sorry it wasn't very intense or anticlimactic....
Yandere! Legoshi vs Juno with Wolf! Darling
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, SFW Scent kink, Manipulation, Coercion, Stalking, Blood, Violence, Implied kidnapping, Forced relationship(s).
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This is unnerving because, while you are a carnivore and the same species as them, the two can still take advantage of you.
For example, as a fellow wolf you'd think you can trust the two....
Legoshi may be socially awkward, but he's reliable.
Plus Juno is so sociable and nice!
Unfortunately, despite that, it doesn't seem like you can trust them in this....
Juno herself has been described as ambitious, manipulative, and jealous/possessive in canon.
This is shown in how she competes to be Beastar and her behavior towards Legoshi and Haru.
Legoshi is, surprisingly, more tame than Juno.
He's humble and polite, struggles socially, and tries to be gentle/patient.
Although, since he is still a wolf, he is capable of being imposing and assertive.
He doesn't like scaring people... yet his stature as a male wolf is naturally intimidating.
Out of the two, I feel Juno would be the one more forceful.
Legoshi spends a lot of his time trying to rationalize his feelings and comprehend them.
While Juno immediately thinks it's love at first sight and you must date.
There's a lot of manipulation in this rivalry.
The good thing is, you're not an herbivore.
Which should, in theory, put you on near equal footing with them as a wolf.
You see the two wolves during classes, in the hallways, during Biology Days...
You may even have drama club with them.
As a wolf you interact a lot and don't activate any sort of hunting instinct in them.
What you do ignite within them?
A need for companionship.
Juno used to feel such a way for Legoshi until she met you.
She loves your fur, your scent, your voice...
She loves it all!
It's funny, because the moment she finds a new crush?
Her old crush also shows signs of liking them.
Wolves tend to be possessive of chosen mates.
So while Juno shows this a lot more, Legoshi's capable of it too.
You're close with them as friends and fellow wolves.
You even remember their scent and are capable of sensing them through that.
Which is why it unnerves you when you start sensing them more often than you should.
Juno is much more clingy, sociable, and touchy with you.
She's assertive and it seems like she's showing every animal around her that you two belong together.
It's like she's showing claim over you.
You notice and may try to distance yourself, but the other wolf follows you closely.
Why are you trying to avoid her?
Do you not like it when she holds you? Nuzzles you?
Don't you see her tail wagging when around you?
Legoshi is less into PDA....
He's shy around you and allows you your space and independence.
He's protective more than possessive, yet those desires still linger within his actions.
He blushes at close contact, stutters when speaking to you, and overall just likes to admire you from a distance.
He's the opposite of Juno... yet he feels jealous when he sees how Juno acts around you.
Legoshi can tell you aren't a big fan of Juno's clingy behavior.
Which he uses as an excuse to pull you away and distract you a bit.
Much to Juno's frustration.
Although, while Legoshi is protective and willing to help you away from Juno...
He can end up being suffocating too.
Legoshi is less manipulative and possessive than Juno at first.
Although, with how strong the other wolf is coming on, he may feel like he has to show claim over you.
It's no doubt in his instincts if he really does view you in a romantic way.
You probably don't even see either wolf in that kind of way.
Which is why it can be overwhelming when two wolves are suddenly not only trying to win you over... but compete.
They both act caring and attentive to you when it's just you and them alone.
Yet the moment the two are in a room with one another?
There's tension and glares.
Maybe a frustrated growl here or there.
Juno is the one who acts the most moody out of the two.
She's often arguing with Legoshi, blaming him for trying to sabotage her or how she just wants him to leave you and her alone.
Her heart is still recovering from their "break-up" (They were never together).
Now he's trying to take yours from her!?
Meanwhile Legoshi just wants to make sure you're okay and Juno isn't being too... much.
Legoshi's crush is gradual, so he starts just genuinely looking out for a fellow "pack member".
Although... Over time he wonders if he should pay attention to how his tail wags and how he blushes around you....
Would the two be violent with one another...?
No... I can't really see it.
Legoshi would want to physically hurt Juno.
Juno may threaten him, standing her ground and barking about how you're hers.
But she won't actually do anything... hopefully.
Legoshi is no doubt stronger than her as a male wolf, so she's cautious.
Even other wolves can sense the tension between these two.
Biology Day feels more stressful than it should be due to Juno and Legoshi avoiding one another.
Juno would try to spend more time with you by inviting you to gatherings or trips.
You don't seriously plan on spending all of your time in the dorms, right?
You'd rather do that than deal with their tension.
She'd drag you out to hang out with her, always having an arm around you as she walks.
Her tail would be wagging fast, while yours sways with insecurity.
Legoshi would be less forceful, merely offering for you to hang out with him... doing anything really.
Since he isn't as intense, you may actually go to him more often.
Right up until he admits he has feelings for you, another wolf, and asks if you'll be his?
He may be more considerate... but he's going to want this rivalry between him and Juno to end at some point.
One of them will have to claim you as theirs soon....
You don't seem at ease around Juno... but you're at ease around him, right?
It's worse when you're walking around the halls, only to catch sight or smell of them.
You know at least one wolf is watching you at all times.
As though they're waiting for the perfect move.
Kidnapping seems OOC for both of them... but hey...
Maybe one of them will trap you in their dorm so you have to make a decision?
This rivalry could go on for months.
It really pushes you and the two wolves to the brink.
You're aware the two stalk you.
You're aware they're pushy to date you because you're such a good looking and kind wolf...
Yet you wish they'd stop.
Even when you tell them you want nothing to do with either of them...
They only seem to press more.
Juno gets more possessive, Legoshi gets more protective...
You can't trust either of them anymore.
Plus, you may even grow more concerned when you start seeing blood on their fur.
With months of tension, the two may even fight more.
Wolves are territorial and violent when it comes to mates....
You can only hope the issue resolves soon.
Those wounds are beginning to concern you.
They can't hide the smell of blood from you.
Juno may be the one most likely to lock you in her dorm until you choose her.
Although, Legoshi may lure you to his dorm in an attempt to soothe you and protect you.
Both wolves are intense and only seem to have one goal in mind...
How long will it be before one of them snaps?
You may be a wolf, a carnivore just like them...
But between them you just feel like prey.
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angel-calypso · 2 days
Mistaken part two
Okay i'm sorry for taking so long!! I tried my best to quickly write something but I'd rather put something decent out rather than a quick ending. I did my best i hope everyone likes it as much as the first part.
Erik lehnsherr x mutant!reader part two !! just a little angsty. mention of depression. Reader is just a little sad
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For the next couple weeks, you reverted to keeping to yourself. Only coming out of your room to eat or tend to the garden. You had fallen into a small depression. You sincerely believed that you were simply a placeholder for Raven. That no one truly liked your company, but just missed hers. You couldn't have been more wrong. Every day, when you would creep out of your room, Erik would watch from a distance. He missed you deeply and couldn't understand what had happened. Every time he tried to talk to you, you would apologize and say you had to go somewhere. On the days where you didn't come out of your room at all, he would tend to the garden for you. Raking the leaves, trimming bushes around the property. He and Charles would always have a glass ready for you during their nightly routine.
Charles knew what had happened. But he wanted to let things unfurl for a while longer before he intervened. He hopes that Erik would finally tell you of his feelings. You two would just play around the fact, it almost made Charles annoyed sometimes. He loves you both and wants you and him to be happy but you both can be incredibly naive. Charles would check up on you during the day, knocking and cracking the door open. You felt like you were in a hospital with Charles performing checks on you. Charles would bring you food sometimes, with Erik waiting in the hallway. You never say the intense worrying Erik was doing for you. The pacing and the sleepless nights. His appetite almost gone as well.
“Y/n.” You were outside, just breathing in the air, growing flowers around your bare feet. They were sad, nothing compared to what you used to grow. They almost shriveled up when he said your name. That didn't go unnoticed to him
“Oh! I'm sorry Erik, I got to go, I can't talk, i'll catch up with you another time. sorry” You say your rehearsed and reused apology. He's heard it over and over. Every time stinging more than the last. You slipped your shoes back on. He didn't even say anything, he held himself back, he wanted to rip the metal from the fence and wrap a cage around you. He cursed himself for thinking that. He just wants you to look at him. Say something other than that damn same sentence. He watched you leave then looked at the darkened dead flowers where you stood. He wanted to scream at you, ask what he did wrong to deserve this treatment. Why you avoid him at every turn, he thought you had felt the same towards him.
That night you went to the kitchen to make some tea. You knew they were sitting in the office, you could hear them talking. You tried to imagine yourself there, you knew you would be happy with your best friend and the man you were deeply in love with. The laughing, the drinks, even the chess. Everything you missed just in another room. The kettle whistling brought you out of your mind, you went to take it off the stove, when it slowly lifted itself. You kept your back to him, knowing Erik was standing behind you. You thanked him and finished making tea. You grabbed the tray full of the milk sugar and tea. You finally turned to see Erik, for the first time actually looking at him. His eyes were pleading with you to say something else. His brows furrowed. You realized you couldn't move, frozen, you missed him so much. Just as quickly as you were frozen, you snapped out of it. Erik was standing in the doorframe. Blocking your way out, you walked up to him. You were the closest you two have been for a month now. You looked up to him and excused yourself. Hoping you could get out of there before the tears came.
“No.” He was looking at you, watching your every move. He needed to know why. He felt the metal in the tray, used it to move the tray out of your hands onto the counter.
“Erik. i'm tired, i need to go, i'm”
“No.” He cut you off before you could apologize. He was done with it. But it only made you mad. How could he sit here and torment you? Why couldn't he just leave you alone?
“No what, Erik? Just let me go to my room. I don't want to see you right now.” You avoided his gaze and tried pushing him out of the way. Erik stood his ground. He wasn't going to let you get away tonight. He needed answers.
“Please just talk to me, tell me what i did, why you won't even look at me anymore. What? what is it please I can't keep doing this.” He begged you desperately. His hands had found their way on your shoulders, holding you in place. You were shocked, you didn't expect him to care this much about you. You kind of just stared at him for a little bit. Trying to understand what's going on. You were embarrassed. You didn't want to tell him your feelings, why you locked yourself away.
“I'm sorry Erik.” Suddenly he wrapped his arms around you. You stood there for a while with your arms at your sides. You returned the hug, but with that came your tears. First slowly prickling your eyes then streams. “Erik. I just don't want to see you and her all over each other okay? I can't do it, it just hurts. I walked in that night on you two in the office when she came home. My whole heart sank. I can't do it, i'm so sorry. it's not your fault at all Erik. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just selfish.” Once you started talking you couldn't stop crying, you told him everything, how you thought he felt the same. How you had fallen in love with him. everything. He had grown stiff and you had felt it, it made you cry even more. You had made a mistake telling him, you just knew it. He slowly let go of you, he chuckled to himself which only made you hurt more. He was laughing at your pain? Is it all a joke?
“Oh, mein armes mädchen, I don't know why you didn't just talk to me or Charles about this. I feel so foolish, I didn't even think about Raven inadvertently causing all this.” It almost seemed like he was talking to himself. He took your face in his hands sweetly. “There is nothing going on between me and Raven. She is like a sister to me. She's a bit touchy, but if you stuck around us, you would realize she's like that with everyone. I thought you knew her and Hank were together, Meine Liebe?” You were confused, how could you have missed that detail? Your face was growing hot with embarrassment again. You apologized for the tears. He wiped them away softly. You two stood there for what seemed like forever. Your bodies were close, you could feel the warmth radiating off his body. He closed the distance between you. His lips meeting yours felt like the most right thing ever to happen to you. You returned the kiss, deepening it. His hands moved to your hips, pulling you closer. After a few minutes, he pulled back. He looked into your eyes, you swore there was a tear in his.
“I love you, Y/n. I truly love you.”
Mein armes mädchen - My poor girl
Meine liebe - My love
taglist; @mostlymarvelgirl @mirrorball-6
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cupidspup · 3 days
I caved guys-
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Flip! N Headcanons Pt. 1☆
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A/N: Okay so for the past two days I’ve been having a very mild brain rot about murder drones (I binged watched it within the span of a day and a half) and I just CANNOT get the idea of a flip N out of my head so that’s what we’re doing today! These are mainly going to be Regressor! N headcanons and then I’ll have CG! N headcanons in another part! (I apologize beforehand for my rambling 💀)
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🐶 Okay so first things first, yes I do think N would be a flip and I think he would do an AMAZING job at it! He’s definitely a mix between a puppy pet regressor and a boy regressor
⤷ 💛 I feel like he would regress for a lot of reasons and sometime struggle with why he does it in the first place (being that he’s a robot and doesn’t experience childhood normally) my headcanon is that he found out about regression somehow while learning about humans or during his time with Tessa and it’s just been a private thing ever since! His age range is 0-10 and it varies between days! He’s kinda just all over the place and goes with what he feels!
🐾 N definitely loves to play all the time and will have many amounts of chew toys (could be real ones that he found or just yknow- metal he finds) He has a problem for sure with not chewing too much on his toys either! (Golden retrievers have gentle mouths but this golden puppy doesn’t know his own strength :”])
🐶 He will absolutely MELT for some pets and will always wag his tail when he gets some! (This does result in him getting lightly scolded if he’s not careful with his tail :”]) If he’s particularly pet regressed a little puppy nose will pop up between his eyes too! (Yes he makes perfect puppy noises too teehee)
💛 When he’s regularly regressed he will ALWAYS babble if he’s young enough, he just loves to talk and will always want to engage in some form of talk with you!
⤷🐾 Same goes for when he’s pet regressed he will bark, whine and howl to his hearts content!
🐶 N absolutely LOVES to get praised for absolutely anything ever he just loves to be a good boy! He wants to be all the good things! Smart, cute, good, playful just a perfect little puppy!
💛 N will pretty much freely regress whenever! (No one notices in the first place because it’s not much more different than how he usually acts x]) But! He only lets people who he really trusts care for and babysit him! Much less let them know he’s regressing in the first place
🐾 Speaking more about N loving praise this leads to how he acts when he’s little and all there is to say really is that he’s just a little angel! He’s never bratty and never a troublemaker because all he wants to do is be a good boy! He’ll even go as far to ask whoever is taking care of him if they need any help with anything and do chores with them!
🐶 Another thing about little N is that he loves to cuddle all the time. If anything he gets a tiny little bit anxious when he’s NOT touching someone. It can be as small as some hand holding to as smothering as a long cuddle or just being held 💛 he’s a sweet boy and always needs his snuggle fix :3
💛 It’s not often for him but if he ever does go nonverbal while regressing he’ll just write what he wants to say on his screen for people to read :> sometimes it’ll be little emoticons too just for cuteness :3
🐾 Yes N loves to dress up all cutesie when he’s little when he can! Especially if it’s something extra cute! Yellows and blues are particularly his favorites!
🐶 When he’s regressed (not as a puppy) and wants to play his favorite thing is to play pretend! Pretend has so many possibilities to do and he wants to do every single one!
💛 N will draw cards and letters for all his loved ones and it’s really a ritual for him he loves to express himself and even if no one keeps them it makes him feel good to have done it in the first place! :3
🐾 N does have various little gear things but he always has to be very careful when he uses them just because his fangs tend to get in the way :”]
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Okay these are all the ones I could think of off the top of my head but I am totally going to make more in the future so please check in! :3 (if you go to my account and check the “puppy posts!!” Hashtag you can find this and the rest of my works there :D!! I hope you guys liked this and I can’t wait to give you CG! N later!
Also!! I think I managed to figure out the transparent borders and stuff?? So it would be cool if you could tell me if they look alright to you or not ssksksksk
Anyway bye for realsies now! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა💛
@crumbsnailz tagging you because you said it’d be cute ^^
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kisu-doodles · 12 hours
Big tw: for child abuse and manipulation
Idk about u Babez but I really would like to see jack winters featured in Scott’s story in mainstream x men adaptations. Like idk I just feel like it’s a really integral part of his character (which is why all the beauteous fic writers include him) that just gets ignored in the shows and movies!
Like scoots has a ton of trauma already but there is something so upsetting about jack winters and the also how he parallels other people in Scott’s life (specifically Xavier and sinister).
I think it was demonstrated best in the children of the atom comic, especially that scene where scott comes home and jack just starts raging out of nowhere. But also in other comics you see how he can be ‘nice’ to Scott like getting him his glasses but this further tightens his control over him making Scott think that his only option is staying with him. Jack knows Scott is way more powerful than him so he abuses him to make him feel helpless then does basic things like let him go to school (which I thought was odd that he was registered as Scott’s foster father in CoA since he’s a wanted criminal but then I was like oh he’s using a fake identity and having Scott at school means he can get money from the government which somehow makes it even more gross)
Like just from Scott’s pov, he’s on the run after accidentally destroying the orphanage, effectively blind for fear of opening his eyes and living with a traumatic brain injury and the after effects of sinister’s experiments, thinking he’s some sort of monster because of his mutation. He was probably homeless for a long long time which would be even harder due to his blindness and then suddenly he is approached by a man who he inexplicably trusts (since Jack is a low level telepath) who gives him food and shelter and what’s more he’s a mutant just like Scott. Scott probably thinks this is the only person in the world who understands him but then little by little he gets coerced into doing things he doesn’t want to do just little crimes at first and when he refuses jack becomes a terrifying monster that beats him and yells before calming down and reminding Scott that if he wasn’t such a dumb ass he wouldn’t get angry but hey Scott can’t help it being an idiot because his head is fucked up.
Then after raging he gives Scott the greatest gift, his sight back and what’s more he lets him go to school because he finds scott irritating so it would be nice for him to be out of his hair for awhile, maybe learn how to look people in the eye and stop mumbling like an idiot. Also he better do well in class and also no he’s not going to be allowed to take gym class not because of the signs of abuse, but because what if his glasses get knocked off and well it’d suck if they find out what a freak scott really is right? They’d probably send him to die in prison but Scott shouldn’t worry because Jack always looks out for him even if he’s an irritating pissant.
So Scott does everything jack says but it doesn’t stop the raging and Scott becomes convinced that he’s just a rotten to his core and that’s why Jack gets so mad at him. But it’s hard to keep up appearances at school when he’s so terribly underweight, wears the same dirty clothes everyday and can’t help zoning out during class because he was up all night helping Jack commit crimes, so Scott avoids getting to know anyone and it’s pretty easy because people tend to avoid the greasy haired weirdo with stupid glasses.
Then the heist at the nuclear plant happens and suddenly Scott is being coerced by another telepath to kill Jack and he just can’t do that, jack is the only one who could tolerate him, he gave him back his sight, he took him in when the world wanted nothing to do with him.
Then this telepath says he’s taking Scott to his home and he’s going to be a weapon for him but unlike Jack it’s for the greater good but Jack also said that, well what other choice does he have? Scott’s always been a useful object even if he is an brain damaged idiot so he goes, maybe it won’t be easy for Xavier to beat him like Jack but he’s also an infinitely more powerful mutant compared to jack but maybe if Scott does everything he says he won’t hurt him or at least not more than he deserves.
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yardsards · 5 months
i needed to express a sentiment in the creative stylings of @dunmeshiminimumwage
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#eliot posts#dunme#delicious in dungeon#dungeon meshi#sorry to put toshiro in the roll of shitty job interviewer lmao#but he was the best fit for ''guy that wants me to read their mind''#laios being my internal monologue here#i was on my THIRD interview of the day i was Dying#tho since the prev two interviews i had were for similar positions and told me their salaries outright at least i could use that number#(though tbh my work persona is more of a kabru. my customer service voice is unparalleled)#(at my first job even my coworkers thought i was sooo cheerful til i got too comfy and casually made a joke abt wanting to asphyxiate on a#plastic shopping bag like a sea turtle. in front of my sweet elderly coworker. oops!)#(also this job was during quarantine and after weeks of working together i took my mask off in front of one coworker for the first time#and she called like half the department over from their registers to look at how pretty i was??? prettyboy powers unmatched ig)#(also my first interview today went SO well i charmed that interviewer so good despite my lack of qualifications)#(she even complimented my social skills and said i seemed like the type who could get along well and make good conversation with anyone!)#(which is important bc i was interviewing for an elder care position. also old people especially tend to think i am a Delightful Young Lad)#(unless i accidentally make a morbid joke around them ig lmaooo. or. well. some of them like those too. but not that one coworker lol)#(if only that skill transferred over to actually making friends irl. my autistic ass has so few close irl connections)#(i hope my exceedingly short list of character references does not prevent me from getting hired)#AND ALSO my first job asked the same wage question and i said twelve dollars#and they were like all our new employees start at 7.75#the union insists that we pay all new employees a whopping 50 cents above min wage. (we'd pay less if we could)#like dawg why did you ask that then??? if my answer did not matter at all???
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samarecharm · 6 months
i love makoto so much but fanon does her so much better (the good parts of the fandom) because in the game her character is so lack luster. they butchered her confidant it is so borning and not even about her. they made her a cop. A COP. they pushed this "canon waifu" role onto her (before sumire came along and did it Even Worse). and it SUCKS because SHE IS SO MUCH MORE!!! SHE IS SO MUCH BETTER!!!! SHE COULD'VE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER!!! the way i feel about canon makoto is the same way i feel about the canon ryuji events post komoshida where he's horribly mistreated and used purely as comic relief: i ignore them <3 my game now <3 never happened <3 my ocs <3
You are so right. I generally apply this to all characters in p5 bc the game does such a shit job of staying consistent with character arcs and personalities. Theres a desperate need to throw in perverse jokes at the expense of female characters and a need to show that the police (as a whole) are reliable people who are not influenced by things like money and power; only the BAD cops do that. Not to mention this obvious fatphobia and homophobia but i feel likes thats a given.
But back to Makoto. Shes a victim of bad writing just like everyone else. Ryuji during the kamoshida arc was fighting with self loathing and genuine anxiety, and aside from the like. One comment on Panthers outfit in the metaverse, hes more than well behaved. All of that is shelved as soon as Kamoshida is gone and replaced with him being weird comic relief (and the focus of alot of sexual jokes that were nonexistent in the beginning of the game). Anns arc about self love and empowerment is completely dropped as soon as the nasty bad guy is put away (so that its good to be weird about her w the Good Guys). Makoto loses her a chunk of her personality to be the mature waifu which is INSANE to me bc shes like. Not okay or normal at all 😭😭😭 she THINKS shes responsible and so does everyone else on her team, but its an act! She doesnt know shit! And she doesnt know that she doesnt know shit bc shes respectful and adults dont care about anything as long as u respect them!
Its very telling that for literally every single thief (and goro), you can see the exact moment the writers gave up on adding anything of worth to their characters outside of the social links. Its like they didnt know what to even do w the characters at their disposal after their main arcs were complete. No mention of friends hanging out without you, no mention of having group hangouts. Everyone is treated as a core, important member of the friend group DURING their arc, but outside of it, they are acquaintances at best. Theres nothing in the game that convinces you that these guys are legitimately friends who care for each other and do Friend Things. And i describe it like that bc there IS a game that treats them all as friends, and its strikers! Strikers/Scramble genuinely feels like the game p5 wanted to be; a road trip w your team where they stay up at night talking to each other and hanging out and doing things together that dont necessarily include you, the player. Its refreshing and lovely but it sucks that u get that kind of attention to detail in a ‘spinoff’ title
#chattin#i hesitate to use spinoff bc its a pretty big game#and theres an amazing plot with wonderful characterization#and their handling of jails and jail owners is LEAGUES better than the bs they tried to make up w palace users#and all the thieves feel like family. and not in the annoying fandom way; like#were family in the same way a family is forged and tended to. i love you. no one is left behind. no one is made to feel inferior another#its really good and honestly if u want more interactions between everyone i really recommend a playthrough#but yeah#p5 sucks#i love it but i love the version of it i made in my head LMAO#maybe p5r did a better job w the dialogue and some questionable scenes#(i wouldnt know. i didnt play it lol)#so maybe thats what people need to be using as a point of reference#but i only plyed p5 so this is what i have; a group of people who show up for meetings and then go about their life#and that kinda sucks. why make this wholly unique experience in which these teens can only relate to each other#make them bonded over their shared experience w this unbelievable world#and then not only make them NOT interact; but have the end be ‘okay by akira.’ and leave it at that#they just. didnt know what to do w anyone#they needed their girls to be waifubait and the boys to be an afterthought#they needed a buffet of older woman for pathetic men to fuck through their self insert#and they needed a story convoluted enough to keep people stuck trying to figure it out themselves#its bad. its so bad. its so fucking bad. but i have to be here. WE have to be here.#bc who else is going to take these characters out of hell and treat them right ??!!!
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toytulini · 25 days
it is baffling to me that ppl keep insisting "if its not sprite then what IS it tho?" and seemingly do not...retain the recipes that are being shared. like you dont have to memorize them its just repeatedly "is lemonade not sprite though? how is it not sprite?"
"its lemon juice, water, and sugar"
"is it not the same as sprite?" no we just told u. does that sound like sprite to you. does sprite give you the vibe of juicing some lemons on a hot summer day? the lemonade version closest to Sprite over here, in terms of Being Lemonade, is still Notably Different from sprite, or any other soda, is probably Minute Maid, a highly processed branded lemonade that you can occasionally get from soda fountains (DESPITE! NOT BEING CARBONATED! similar to how they somehow dispense iced or sweet tea from soda fountains) it sometimes comes in a can or 2L bottle similar to soda, in the soda isle. and its Not Soda. its not Carbonated. its Trying To Pretend So Hard To Be Real Lemonade. it tastes like lemonade thats a bit sad. it is far more lemonade than SPRITE will ever be. if yall were simply insisting that lemonade is carbonated, that it was like, fizzy minute maid, that would be less offensive than calling sprite lemonade. which is Insane. good god.
#toy txt post#it is a beverage simple enough that *I* could make it#you could Find Out#you dont Have To. but its right there#see Here its easy even if you dont want to Juice Lemons cos they sell powdered lemonade that is so so decent#countrytime my beloved. im sure Real Lemonade drinkers might shit on me even for that#and YES god Victorians did get crazy with the fizzy lemonade they had those like glass bauble things to add bubbles that sometimes just#exploded. but the fact that you got so removed from it that you're calling sprite lemonade 😭. youre calling FANTA lemonade? surely not the#orange soda??? at least call it orangeade or some shit. it would still be wrong but like. christ alive these are different fruits#the idea of calling VIOLENTLY orange most artifical shit ive ever tasted in my life soda lemonade is just. sending me#like i Like An Orange Soda. thats Extremely Not Lemonade#idk like we have Processed ass lemonades. i tend to have those cos im lazy. but i Could Make Real Lemonade#my Favorite processed lemonade rn is the calypso brand. its so flavorful. im also susceptible to the cute glass bottle unfortunately.#i really like the strawberry lemonade and the blue one#sigh#this is probably akin to saying that apple juice is the same as cider. or smth. except no its still worse#also our ciders are different bc alcoholic or Hard Cider is not considered the Default here but i understand its the default elsewhere#anyway. sorry to all my non american friends about bringing up Lemonade Discourse Yet Again#if we ever visit. in either direction. i will have to try to make you some proper lemonade so you can understand how egregious it is#to hear it called 'sprite'#and also so u can have some yummy lemonade#it hits so much better on a hot summer day than sprite fr#sneaking premixed strawberry lemonade over in those little alcohol bottles they allow on airplanes. i am arrested at customs for trying to#impose Big Lemonade into what is clearly the territory of Big Sprite#anyway i think if travelling americans recieved Actual Cloudy Lemonade that Happened To Be Fizzy they might be like oh shit! why is it#fizzy! did you mix sprite in it or something? it would still be DISTINCT from sprite. the fact that yall think theyre the same.....#thats some real. mint chocolate chip ice cream tastes like toothpaste shit. No The Fuck It Doesnt what are you on#for one toothpaste is sharper and stronger usually. unless youre using the mild mint ones i guess. i Dont. for 2 it leaves you mouth#feeling fresh and clean. mint ice cream is yummy for sure#but it does not leave my mouth feeling clean or fresh or even give me minty breath or anything. smh
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Got some new makeup yesterday which means doing my makeup, sitting in the living room with it on for a while, then removing it 😂
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giftedpoison · 1 year
No I ranted about this in the tags of some random post I reblogged a little bit ago but I need to talk about this person and the absolute boldest that I experienced from them in the same hang out (I only hang out with them in group settings)
So first we got this Jennifer's Body bs.
(rant under cut)
I was talking about how I had seen the movie Ginger Snaps recently for the first time and I really enjoyed it and that it is very much similar to Jennifer's Body because of the themes of around girlhood and coming of age to then be objectified and taken advantage of by other boys and wanting that control back.
(Granted all I said was it's similar to Jennifer's Body before they jumped in and went: I don't like Jennifer's Body.)
And like I'm usually pretty open minded and also I was just so stunned I asked why.
And they say to me "Yeah the comphet storyline is just done poorly in my opinion and was really misogynistic"
And then when I tried to disagree with him he cut me off and told me it's fine we can disagree. We all have our opinions. MEN. I swear to God. (I should clarify they are 19 so that means that they are still learning but I just don't like the way he approaches it at all and its like he doesn't care about learning about the stuff he says that may be offensive or wrong) And then LATER
I'm talking about how I'm sad I have to wait for the second book in the series to become available at the library when I'm almost finished with the first book.
he goes "the way you won't just pirate the book" (which is actually incredibly difficult to do but they don't even read, they only read manga, so they wouldn't know that but that's beside the point.) BUT imagine telling someone who you know is a writer and wants to be an author one day that they should just pirate the book and then get confused why there are moral reasons I don't??? Like that's my community.
And then he didn't get how borrowing from a library is different than pirating. Which fair not a lot of people get but when I said the library forms a contract with the publishing company to have access to the ebook of a book for a set period of time (which they pay for) and if no one checks out the book they will just not renew the contract or a lot of people check out the book they'll renew and potentially buy more copies of the book
they still didn't get it. and just went I don't understand. And then I tried explaining it again and they eventually said ah I just pirate all my manga.
as if theres not an entirely different culture surrounding that type of media and it's also harder to find manga in libraries in america in the first place. (so while I wouldn't promote just reading free copies online of manga if you can help it - i also wouldn't tell you you are absolutely horrid person for it.)
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medicinemane · 1 month
Never think that I've stopped talking about Ukraine or that I've forgotten
I follow things every day, every day hoping for some kind of miracle that means the fighting is over, russia will leave every inch of Ukrainian soil, no more bombings... but... I know it's probably some time off... I'm not stupid, I just hope people can stop dying
I follow it every day, hear all the horrible news, keep up to date with things like the Kursk counteroffensive where Ukraine has taken a great deal of russian territory (which shows russia has no red lines)
I just don't share most of what I see on here because I don't want people to get fatigued... there's so many horrible things going on in the world, I don't want to burn people out
I'd rather someone be active and able to do a little than having to just turn off and disengage with everything to avoid losing it
All I ask is that you support Ukraine, they're just trying to exist. Just trying to live normal lives. I just hope you can support the "no civilians deserve to be bombed" platform, and say they don't deserve to be bombed by russia
If you've ever got any questions, it's not like I'm an expert, it's not like I'm living it, but I do follow things every day and it often seems like I know stuff other westerners haven't hear about... so ask away
Anyway, just never think that just cause it's been a bit since I mentioned Ukraine that they're not still on my mind
You hear less for your sake, but I keep coming back every day, and even I don't remotely see the true scale and horror of it, only snippets of... photos, videos, stories people share online
#again; there's someone here on tumblr who it's not like I was close with; but I'd occasionally say this or that thing trying to give support#and they're dead at this point; combat medic; a volunteer#and it's not really my grief; it's their friends and their husband who were torn to pieces by it#...but... I just think about how nothing is ever gonna bring them back#...and nothing's ever gonna bring all the other people killed here back... killed all over the world; but this is where I'm focusing#(in part; cause this is what I know and can kinda speak on; I actually have things worth saying on Ukraine; at least for a westerner)#(where as other stuff going on in the world... it's not like I don't know or have opinions)#(but frankly I think I know enough to know I don't know enough and it's better for my stupid mouth to stay shut)#(let people with actual things to say do the talking; I don't know the people they refer to as experts... what can I add?)#but... you have all these people who we can never bring back... let's at least stop adding more people to the list#if you don't support Ukraine I'm just telling you you're wrong; there's something you've been lied to about#can't tell you what cause I don't know; but I can tell you I'll know it when I hear it#I do mean it; you got good faith questions; I got good faith answers; and I'll back myself up with sources if you want#you give me time to track em down; I can find someone else reputable saying pretty much anything I want to say#russia out of Ukraine; russia stops bombing Ukraine; that's how to end this war; full stop#...Zelenskyy seems to have said more or less the same thing to Modi about peace plans just the other day#though he put it better in part cause he wasn't trying to fit it in tumblr tags#you know; roughly 'give us an actually workable peace and we'd love peace'#what can you do... I don't know? you got jake sullivan's ear to tell him to stop hamstringing Ukraine? let em hit airfields in russia?#given that you don't; I suppose I'm really just asking you to support Ukraine#probably not much more you can do... hell; post on tumblr are about all I can manage; saying stuff to family sometimes#you don't support Ukraine; come talk; I can give you a lot of reason why you should#pragmatic reasons why it benefits you personally; not just cause they shouldn't be bombed#Ukraine is a damn good ally and really needs to be brought into NATO; though I know they won't till after this is over#...anyway... point is I may get quiet but I never stop with this; it ain't going away#...as always there's really nothing I can say; just a big attack that happened and... I feel like saying something#feel like reminding you people Ukraine exists#I don't tend to talk current events unless I see no one talking about it#and I only ever see eastern Europeans talking about Ukraine#so that means I gotta talk about it sometimes
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lepicoidae · 1 month
god I've been getting periodic reply updates on one of the rare YouTube comments I made on some horror breakdown video abt how I'm a big chicken but enjoy such videos and I finally got an "erm akshually this is really tame 🤓☝️"
like. fuck off + didn't ask + don't care + no bitches + did you even read the thing you replied to?
I am the biggest baby in the world bc I am mentally ill and spiral on intrusive thoughts very easily.
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shadowkira · 8 months
This client was so friendly and it kind of threw me for a second, then I realized he sells Ferraris.
Still super nice to interact with someone so genuinely interested in asking how your day is but up until he came up for check out I was like... You definitely work in customer service or sales. Lmao.
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hanahaki270 · 6 months
♡ Sharing a Dorm ♡
Synopsis ┊Your dorm is going under renovation and you need to find a place to crash in for a while. Luckily a certain someone offers you to stay in theirs for the time being.
Characters ┊Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya.
A/N ┊beginner Writer here, these were harder to think of than I thought ngl. If you have any requests please send them to me, I'm open to do different characters and also different anime's!
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Katsuki Bakugou
❥ By no means whatsoever does he offer his dorm out of the kindness of his heart. He just got pissed off of seeing you sleeping on the couch in the commons area every morning, and accidentally stepping on your blanket or pillows. After stepping on your blanket once more he grabs your shit and puts it in his dorm and acts like he's bothered by this but really he doesn't mind at all.
❥ Makes you sleep on the floor for the first two nights until you convince him to share the bed. He's reluctant at first but then allows it as long as you stay on your side of the bed. Do you really though?
❥ Expect to sleep earlier and get your sleep schedule in check because his dorm, his rules, lights are off at ten pm sharp with no exceptions.
❥ Also expect your grades to go up. While he's your roommate he's going to make you don't slack off on your studies.
❥ When he wakes up in the morning and notices your head resting on his chest he gets somewhat annoyed but secretly likes it. he's willing to get behind on his strict schedule and let you rest on him a little longer. but just a little.
❥ Demands you now be his training partner but is careful to not get carried away. You're strong, but he still doesn't want to run the risk of hurting you. therefore, he always keeps Aid kits in the bathroom just in case you do get any scratches, even if they're minor.
❥ Constantly threatening to kick you out over every little thing but actually has no intention of doing so. He won't admit it but he enjoys your company. "I swear if I see one more sock lying around I'm grabbing your shit and throwing it out."
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Shoto Todoroki
❥ "Why don't you sleep with me." he said boldly unaware of how his sentence had more than one connotation to it. I mean you need help and as your friend he's more than willing to help you out. plus he has the biggest dorm compared to everyone else, if anything he's the most suitable to offer his help he thought.
❥ Asks you what temperature you prefer to sleep in so he can use his quirk to either make the room colder or warmer depending on your preference. and ALWAYS makes sure to make both sides of your pillows cold.
❥ When he's out visiting his mother you make sure the place is clean (though it usually is since he tends to be on the neater side) and prepare some soba for him as a token of your appreciation. After a couple of times he starts to look forward for it and got saddened the one day you forgot.
❥ In return he made sure not turn on the lights when getting ready in the morning as to not wake you up. Part of it was for a selfish reason though, he thought it was cute how you slept soundly on his bed.
❥ Speaking about sleep; During the night he would find himself cozying up next to you, not on purpose though. He just felt comfort in your presence and he realized you felt the same way when you also moved closer to him during the night.
❥ Leaves out coffee for you in the mornings since you tend to stay up late on nights and wake up always running late to your classes.
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Izuku Midoriya
❥ Overheard you talking to Tsuyu and Uraraka about how you need a place to sleep in and walked over to offer his help without a second thought. You already spend most of your time in his dorm room during the day to share notes anyways. The only difference would just be you spending the night.
❥ Offers for you to sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the floor. After you refuse to let him sleep on the floor he shyly agrees to share the bed with you constantly asking you if you're okay with it.
❥ Midoriya stays up late at night writing in his notebook and murmuring thoughts to himself. You persuade him to go to bed and leave his worries for the following day. he deeply apologizes for the burden kind of embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry! was I keeping you up? I'll go to bed in a few minutes don't worry."
❥ Always invites you to go out with him whenever he leaves the dorm, even if it's something as simple as going to the gas station to get some snacks.
❥ he loves to talk your ear off geeking out about the knowledge he knows about the top heroes and their quirks. When he notices he got carried away he gets all types of flustered but even then he doesn't get the sense of being judged.
❥ Since he's constantly getting injured and going to see Recovery girl he always comes back exhausted. regardless, his stubborn ass still tries to go out on missions and push himself to the limits. he get's frustrated when you don't let him do so and force him to rest and leave his chores to you. But he loves you for it.
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