It’s A Rich Man’s World
Author:  thatgleekychick
Rating:  T
Status:  Completed in January 2014
Word Count:  48,379
Summary:  What happens when you have everything to gain and even more to lose? When Kurt Hummel, a waiter with dreams of Broadway, meets Blaine Anderson, a NYC stockbroker on his way to the top, the attraction is instant. But they come from two seemingly different worlds. Through each other they learn that there is more than one way to be wealthy, and not all of them involve money.
Tropes/Genre:  Stockbroker!Blaine, wealthy!Blaine, NYC!Klaine, romance, waiter!Kurt, Santana Lopez
Lynne’s review:  I really enjoyed this story. They had a complicated relationship to navigate, but love and trust wins out. Santana is fantastic in this story!
Read at:  AO3
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heartsmadeofbooks · 3 years
I saw you mention thatgleekychick at the begginig of SG. Do you know if she is ok?
Hi! Yes, she's okay. Work and adulting keeps her away from fandom stuff, which is a shame because I miss her fanfic. But we still fangirl together on a regular basis (last time was on Tuesday when Darren did that Bridgerton musical stuff and we both almost died).
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klaineencyclopedia · 9 years
Happenstance by thatgleekychick
When Kurt’s ex-boyfriend shows up at a party to show off the person he left him for, Kurt is certain the universe is out to get him. But then he sees a cute guy standing across the room by himself, munching on a plate of pretzels, and gets an idea.
About 3,000 words, one-shot, low rating. On FFN.
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ofthedirewolves · 10 years
Did Dalton really update after two years?
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Wine After Whiskey
Author:  thatgleekychick 
Rating:  T
Status:  Completed in December 2014
Word Count:  55,813
Summary:  When Blaine’s life begins to crumble, it’s time for a fresh start. With his life in boxes, he moves to Lima to live with his brother. Nothing about Lima is particularly interesting until Blaine forgets his wallet and meets Kurt, who immediately captures his attention. Hummel’s doesn’t run without Kurt, and he’s always the last to leave. That’s why he’s sweeping the floor when Blaine walks into his bar, looking for his wallet, and restarting the heart Kurt thought was broken forever. 
Tropes/Genre:  future!fic, alternate meeting, teacher!Blaine, romance, angst, blangst, daddy!Kurt, bar owner!Kurt
Lynne’s review:  I really enjoyed this sweet, yet heartbreaking tale. Santana is fun and fierce as always, and Cooper is a great brother.
Read at:  AO3      
Read the two follow up one shots HERE
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Author:  thatgleekychick
Rating:  T
Status:  Completed in December 2020
Word Count:  3,217
Summary:  When Kurt's ex-boyfriend shows up at a party to show off the person he left him for, Kurt is certain the universe is out to get him. But then he sees a cute guy standing across the room by himself, munching on a plate of pretzels, and gets an idea.
Tropes/Genre:  one shot, alternate meeting, fluff, fake relationship
Lynne’s review:  This is all sorts of adorable.
Read at:  AO3
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itsactuallycorrine · 13 years
thatgleekychick started following you
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fics where Blaine is a slave and bought/gifted etc. to Kurt?
Some Other Us by thatgleekychick
Slave!AU. In a world where orphaned minors are forced into slavery, Kurt and Blaine have been best friends, and completely inseparable, since the age of 9. But one day when they’re both fifteen, their worlds are shattered—and now they may never see each other again. Warning: Minor character death
You Belong to Me by MotherGoddamn
Everyone knows that bond-servants get what they get. When Blaine enters the picture, it’s harder to remember that. [Slave AU.]
Worthless/Priceless by captain pihkal and @anxioussquirrel
Kurt buys a beaten and abused Blaine at a slave market and helps him get better. 
Threadbare by @merikg
Slave!Blaine AU.  Blaine is a service-slave owned by a hotel.  He is available for rent as a courtesy to guests to entertain them during their stay.  His life is irrevocably changed one night when he is called to to serve by fashion designer Kurt Hummel.  Very Klaine. 
Note: Part 1 of the Threadbare series
Hold My Heart by universalromance
GKM Fill: Blaine is a carrier who is sold by his parents when they are in need of money. He is gifted to Kurt by his buyer in order to gain favour with newly elected Congressman Hummel. He is expecting to be mistreated the way he was always told but soon discovers that there is still good in some people. MPREG.
Note: This is the first part of the Treasure My Heart series
With No Moonlight by @wastenotimewrites
AU. In a world where legal slavery exists in all continents except Europe, Kurt Hummel moves back to Lima after years spent in France. The idea of owning a person disgusts him but soon he meets a boy that changes his mind. Kurt wants nothing more than to own him. slave!Blaine
Happy Reading!
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Would you please recommend me some fics where Kurt is in an abusive relationship and Blaine helps him out? Preferably if Blaine meets Kurt whilst the latter is in the abusive relationship.
I know you guys have an abused!Kurt tag but, believe it or not, I've already read the majority of them (When doves cry, when a heart breaks, behind closed doors, lessons in being a man, etc.) So I was hoping to get more suggestions. Thanks for everything:)
I went through our abused!Kurt tag, and it has all of our fic recommendations. I promise we aren’t holding out on you! I did some looking around the fic sites and found a few additional ones that seem to have good reviews. Full disclosure: I haven’t read them. Please come back to let us know what you thought of them. - HKVoyage
Empty Nest Verse by @coffeegleek
Kurt is a runaway, homeless hybrid (fully sentient race.) Burt and Carole are empty nesters who see him sleeping under their porch.
Empty Nest started out as the simple description you see above. It was supposed to be a little ficlette and nothing more. Instead, it turned into my catharsis piece of the stressful life as a parent with a gay, POC young adult son and the dystopia that the U.S. has become for families like mine and the living nightmare for those that are far, far off worse. I do realize that it's not everyone's cup of coffee or tea, but I hope you give it a try.
My Body Betrays Me by EmilianaDarling
Kurt’s been in a secret relationship with his roommate at Dalton for months. That would be fine… if he wanted any of it. If he could say no, and if Dave would listen. If he were with Blaine, his wonderful friend from the school’s glee club, instead.
OSU!Verse by  JudeAraya
Kurt wouldn’t realize until much later, how lucky he’d been. How much he had needed, how empty and how much more alone he’d made himself by virtue of that need. With every anonymous boy, every nameless moment in a bathroom, in an alleyway, stumbling into his dorm room, Kurt had thought he’d feel more.
Hiding in Reflections by Zizichan96
Kurt is a high school student who is bullied every day because of who he is, but that is nothing compared to what happens at home, where nobody sees. Only now there's someone who isn't going to let him hide anymore. abused!Kurt BUT NOT BY BURT. Angst.
Porcelain by thatgleekychick
Blaine's not thrilled about starting a new school his junior year. But in a matter of eight hours, he manages to meet two people who will change his mind, and his future. Kurt has a secret. And the more he pushes people away, the easier it will be in the end. Come graduation, whether in a body bag or an airplaine, Kurt Hummel is leaving Ohio for good. AU. Warning: Physical Abuse.
Iridescent by LaurenEP18
It had been two years, and still Kurt had not gotten over the tragic event that had left him with abusive foster parents and no hopeful outlook on life. He'd come to accept his existence for what it was, until one day he met Blaine. Will he be the one to see though all of the lies and save Kurt? Skank/Badboy!Kurt, Klaine. Warnings: abuse/violence.
Perfume and Promises by JeffnaBoots
When your husband abuses you, and your ex-boyfriend comes back into town, what the hell are you supposed to do?
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I would love some slave!blaine fics like worthless/priceless that have a very broken, traumatised blaine being 'healed' by kurt who doesn't want to use him
This is pretty much the plot line for most slave!Blaine AUs. You should definitely go through our slave!Blaine tag. Here are a few to get you started. I start with Worthless/Priceless for other other followers. - HKVoyage
Worthless/Priceless by captain pihkal and @anxioussquirrel
Kurt buys a beaten and abused Blaine at a slave market and helps him get better
Hold My Heart by universalromance
GKM Fill: Blaine is a carrier who is sold by his parents when they are in need of money. He is gifted to Kurt by his buyer in order to gain favour with newly elected Congressman Hummel. He is expecting to be mistreated the way he was always told but soon discovers that there is still good in some people.
Note: Part 1 of the Treasure My Heart series
Threadbare by @merikg
Slave!Blaine AU.  Blaine is a service-slave owned by a hotel.  He is available for rent as a courtesy to guests to entertain them during their stay.  His life is irrevocably changed one night when he is called to to serve by fashion designer Kurt Hummel.  Very Klaine. 
Note: Part 1 of the Threadbare series
Some Other Us by thatgleekychick
Slave!AU. In a world where orphaned minors are forced into slavery, Kurt and Blaine have been best friends, and completely inseparable, since the age of 9. But one day when they’re both fifteen, their worlds are shattered—and now they may never see each other again. Warning: Minor character death. 
With No Moonlight by @wastenotimewrites
AU. In a world where legal slavery exists in all continents except Europe, Kurt Hummel moves back to Lima after years spent in France. The idea of owning a person disgusts him but soon he meets a boy that changes his mind. Kurt wants nothing more than to own him. slave!Blaine
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ofthedirewolves · 10 years
So according to the 2 people on my dash who still watch glee
I should really watch this episode??
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heartsmadeofbooks · 11 years
thatgleekychick replied to your post: Remember when a couple of weeks ago I started a...
Well Im not sure how much support I can give seeing is that Im making grabby hands at all your AUs. :)
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen *whines*
Don't encourage me even more. lol.
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ofthedirewolves · 12 years
I was tagged by Aims RULES: Rule 1: Always post the rules. Rule 2: Answer the questions the person that tagged you has written and write 11 new ones. Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post. Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1. Favorite fanfic? Or a fanfic you recently read and enjoyed?
Okay I have 2 off the top of my head one I read on the car ride back and it's an AU Morwaine/Morgwaine (Merlin) called Concerto for Two Violins it's completed and sooo good..then there's one of my fave CS AUs which is Heartbeat Slowing Down by amycc7 and it's fucking amazing!
2. If you could be any fictional character (TV, book, or film), who would you be and why? Oh shit that's a tough one hmm... I think I'd be Lily Evans..
I have always admired her, she was strong, fearless, loyal, smart etc..She's always been one of my favorite HP Characters and honestly she ends up with James Potter..Yes she gets killed but she manages to protect her son in her dying moment which is all she wanted. She was happy which is what I want. 
3. Which do you prefer: Going our or staying in? Staying In
4. Choose: Cakes or pies? Cakes
5. If you could re-write ONE scene from any TV show/for any ship (doesn’t have to be OTP), what scene would it be?
oohhhh shit! this is tough.. 
Okay I'm going old school on this one. Buffy the Vampire Slayer...Xander-Anya
I'd have them getting back together in the final episode and then Anya NOT dying..They would leave Sunnydale behind with the rest of the gang and then wherever Xander went Anya would go there as well..
6. If you can only have one kind of food your whole life (Italian, American, etc), what would it be?
Ohhh fuck..Hard question I don't know if this is a viable choice but I'd eat just pork related foods (BBQ Ribs, Cochinita Pibil, etc) but if It isn't than I choose Mexican food
7. Superpowers. If you had them, tell me one superpower that would be a gift~ to you and one that would be a curse~.
One that would be a curse would be like Rogue's power..I'm a person that's very touchy feely..I don't think I could handle not being able to hug someone or at least touch them, one that would be a gift would be the ability to move things with my mind.
8. If the zombie apocalypse were to occur, what would be your weapon of choice?
hmmm good question I think i'd go with a reliable crossbow it does the trick and it looks badass.. (unless i've got bad aim..in that case i'd just choose a gun)
9. If you weren’t on Tumblr right now, what would you be doing? Writing probably
10. Which do you prefer: Singing or dancing? I think singing
11. Give me one head canon for your OTP.
My otp of Otps is Brian/Justin so I'm going with them.It's post finale obvs
Brian doesn't sell Britin after Justin goes to New York, he just focuses on work and rebuilding Babylon (As a way to show the homophobes that they still alive and they are still dancing) as a way to ignore the fact that he misses Justin so much. Justin is in New York working hard on his art but he misses Brian a lot and his inspiration is lacking.They talk at least once a week and everything is going great except they aren't together. Justin decides to go back home to surprise Brian at the same time Brian goes to New York to surprise Justin. Brian gets to Justin's loft to find it empty and calls Justin who was about to call him when he realized he wasn't there..They talk one the phone about how the separation thing isn't working and how it's stupid Justin tells Brian that he can paint anywhere but there's only one Brian Kinney. They elope without telling anyone (well they tell Cynthia, Ted and Daphne) and they move into Britin.  
1. If you could rewrite the ending of any tv show which would you choose and what would you do with it?
2. What Hogwarts House do you belong to? I don't mean Pottermore, I mean 100% truthfully what house do you think you belong to?
3. Are you a fan of musicals? If so, what's your favorite and what's your favorite song?
4. Beer, Rum or Wine?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
6. What is your dream?
7.  If you could choose any place to leave in regardless of money what place would you choose?
8. Favorite all time character? (Can be Film,TV, Book) 
9. If you could choose ANY pairing to be canon (can be from an old show or a new one) who would you choose?
10. What is the one thing you cannot live without (people don't count)?
11. Football or Soccer?
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ofthedirewolves · 12 years
PSA: Won't be here till Jan 1/2
Going on a trip with the family and I have no clue whether or not i'll have internet so I most likely won't be on tumblr.. I have my queue all set up =) 
If you need me just send me and ask and I'll respond as soon as I can..
I'll miss you guys so much!! Love you!! <3
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ofthedirewolves · 12 years
I just watched Struck by Lightning...
Chris Colfer you are truly amazing and this movie is just incredible..I can't stop crying, there is no way this movie doesn't pull at your heartstrings
Chris Colfer did an amazing job
Allison Janney was phenomenal
Rebel Wilson's character made me laugh and cry
all in all it was perfect..even if you're not a fan of Chris Colfer you need to see this movie because it's worth watching..
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ofthedirewolves · 12 years
Crisis Averted
My best friend wanted to see my tumblr and I was like bitch no I love you but no... Plus you just said gay smut was disgusting and you want to see my blog? You'll find a lot of gay smut there lolz Luckily she didn't know to look for my URL so she didn't see it That would have been bad..
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