#thats ptsd if ive ever seen it
i do like that anxiety was so confused by this entire fiasco that they just forgot about being evil for a hot minute.
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silverskye13 · 6 months
Will enby Helsknight/trans Tanguish/top surgery scars/stubborn avoidant Welsknight in a gender crisis make it into the main story of RnS? Like, a full acknowledgment of it? Because yes, us on tumblr are aware (and happily bully RnS Wels for it) but I’m curious to how it may be brought up in the main storyline instead of rambles and drabbles. (Don’t get me wrong, those rambles and drabbles are what get me through the day. But my best friend, who isn’t in the MCYT fandom whatsoever, just caught up with RnS and doesn’t use tumblr, and besides spamming her with tumblr posts I wanna know how much I can revel in the glory of the skrunkles with her!)
That is a great question, actually. And the answer is I don't really know.
So this is one of the downsides to writing things chapter by chapter. If I had gone into this going "oh heck yeah they're trans", this would've come up in the plot way sooner. It's nice information 1) for all the trans folks reading and 2) because it has the potential to inform the themes in the narrative. This whole story is about two chief things I think: death [the inevitability of] and identity [what defines you and why]. Why should you care if literally no one else (including the universe) does? That would be so cool to speak about in terms of a trans allegory! Why do you care about gender when it's just one thing in a world of crazy things? Or at the very least, how does it inform your identity? But this is a change I made on a whim suddenly, and I know Exactly Where I Want This Plot To Go, so trans topics and allegories as Plot Points probably won't happen.
On the more technical side of introducing trans characters -- how do you do that without just dropping "oh btw they're trans" in? Like, how do you make it a relevant thing to talk about, that doesn't feel forced or shoehorned in, especially this late in the story? Probably me overthinking, but I read it done wrong so often. It gets tired. And if I ever work on my original stories, there are trans characters in there! If I can figure out how to Do It Well in a fanfic, then I can figure out how to do it in original fiction someday maybe. So I kinda wanna take the introduction seriously? I've actually been thinking about it so much I've thought about rewriting the intro to the next chapter ahaha [it already needs rewritten in general, there's a lot going on, but the intro was going to be Helsknight waking up from something, and he sleeps shirtless, and not addressing top surgery scars then would be kinda silly I think.]
I can say at the very least, Gender Avoidant Wels probably won't factor in the story much. He is a character, but I don't think he'll become Enough of a character to faithfully address something like a trans self discovery arc. At best his issues with gender might be mentioned in passing.
Sorry! I know you probably want a better answer! My answer is basically: I don't know I'm still working on it. I want it to be there, but the capacity it's there is undecided.
That being said, I've been sitting on this glorious ask since the shenanigans started and the temptation to just Do That grows every time I read it:
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ashendalia · 6 months
I don't know what to do with myself so all I end up doing is starting off somewhere thinking about how Griff deserved so much better than what he was given in his life
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is-on-its-way · 3 months
The moment Mulder quits
A point in which Mulder was ready to quit the minute he saw Scully hold a baby in season 7 and its effects in season 8
*this is my headcanon, its not gospel obviously Firstly, two scenes that are very linked in my head
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Season 7 Ep 22 Requiem and Season 8 Ep 16 Three Words
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Look at that face. That dead serious, at all costs face.
Season 7
Requiem. The culmination of Scully and Mulder's secret yearish? long quest for a baby. They've tried for a baby with IVF already. Mulder has promised her he wont give up on a miracle for her and they're well... trying basically, throughout season 7. Perhaps I would call it "hoping" for a baby. Maybe Mulder is hoping and Scully is characteristically ambivalent? Fully not using any contraceptives and I know there's a fic in there somewhere, anyway
The first scene above is why Ive never watched past the season 8 finale. nothing past them agreeing to be a family makes any sense because of Mulders face here. People knock Duchovny for not showing out when acting, but I will always be a defender of subtle acting. The way he can say an entire monologue of dialogue with the minute expressions on his face is quite breathtaking here.
Hes goes from sorrow at Scully not being able to have a baby, sorrow at her loss, sorrow at not being able to give her that; to regret at what he thinks is all his fault, at dragging her into this life; to pure love and affection for her seeing this baby in her lap and how good she is with him; and then a smile peaks out. A smile of hope that could compete with the Mona Lisa. Hope for their future and the certainty with which he knows what he wants so clearly, maybe for the first time in his life. His own family.
Like for the first time hes really deciding the cost is too much and he chooses her over the mission. He chooses their future over everything. And he's hopeful and perhaps even happy about it. which for someone with his amount of family trauma is a seismic shift. For so long he's chased the past in hope of fixing it, completely discombobulated and reckless in his search for well, his family.
Though, from the beginning of that moment in the rainy graveyard, he has slowly unconsciously coming to regard Scully as his family. In small gestures, a hand on her cheek or voicing out loud how important she is to him; to big gestures, giving up who he believes is his actual sister to save her.
We are lucky here, to be able to witness the moment the sparks of unconscious thought bloom into the flame of certainty. He follows up as well. Tells her she has to stay, that the cost doesn't outweigh the price anymore. Sure he wants to finish out this case, but he doesn't work without her, thats been established. Him telling her to stop, is his resignation as well. (There's a fit there too, with Skinner and him on the plane probably Skinner already knowing he's done.)
Thomas Flight praises subtly in acting better than I could ever articulate here:
Season 8
Mulder was weird and the PTSD was implied, but I choose to see it everywhere. After the moment in three words where Mulder tries to let them go gently because he thinks he's too damaged to be a father (Thanks @randomfoggytiger for the meta on that) (there's a fic here obviously where Scully gives him the space to be broken and also hers) After this though, he's not the Mulder as we've seen, ever. He's not the Mulder who
cares about exposing the government so he can say I told you so
cares about saving the public from the invasion
cares about finding the ultimate truth that has driven him since he found the X files
cares about solving cases and one upping the FBI, trying to force them to admit the truth out loud.
Mulder is fighting the entire season for his family.
he cares about exposing the conspiracy so everyone including his child will be safe.
he cares about saving the earth for his child's future
he cares about his childs and his families safety
he has zero concern about the FBI and what they do anymore.
In the second scene above, he's about had it with the entire conspiracy and he's downright pissed. He wants it all to end he doesn't care how. He wants to protect his child above everything. Sure he's usually reckless but this isn't for him and his self involved cause anymore, it's for his family, his wellbeing be damned at some points along the way. He states his thesis in three words while breaking into FBI files in an astonishing show of recklessness
"Look, Scully, I need to make sense of what happened to me. So that I can stop it. Because if I can't stop it, it could happen to anyone. It could happen to you. And who's to say it's going to stop there?"
I always wondered why he was putting Scully through all that, without realising this was the reason. Poor guy. There's nothing else in his purview anymore besides that baby who's in danger, and his family, so much so, when he is ultimately fired from the FBI, he's positively giddy at his newfound freedom.
If he had then gone down a path temporarily where he murdered his way through the remnants of the syndicate to assure the safety of his family John Wick style, I would've absolutely believed it.
It would've been insanely intriguing look at an evolving dynamic between Scully and Mulder. Scully law abiding Mulder reckless as always but with a different motivation. Becoming what he's always feared, to protect the family he has never had. A family he feels like he's only grasping at, as they're slipping through his fingers due to the danger and his recent and past traumas.
There's a reason a lot of the fandom sees Mulder as a happy stay at home dad post wherever they decide to end watching. Thats what he's been searching for his entire life. A happy family with loving parents. When he let go of that dream for himself in Closure, he found he could want that for his future family whatever that looked like (adoption, a miracle, etc.) in Requiem. And I personally don't believe he ever would let that dream go once he realised, I mean we all saw the devotion he had to his sister right?
In other words these are my reasons season 9 onwards make zero sense and I regard them as AU
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wulfums · 2 months
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i hope allan knows hes changed my life :) I feel in love first of all. But he came into my life as a really good time. Things are really rough for me mentally and shit. Sui thoughts and shit coming back. I keep getting staph infections. I get bullied everyday on the internet
But Allan makes me feel loved. I know he wouldn't want me to hurt myself and he wouldn't want me to hate myself. He would want me to keep my living space clean. Even though hygeine is a really big struggle (Shower based SA PTSD) he would be so proud of me everytime I do it and he'd offer to keep watch so I feel safe.
Even if Allan isnt real in this world he is real, to me.
Ever since I got my Big Allan plush my PTSD nightmares abt my dad's abuse have literally stopped. They started up again recently because he's been near my house more but once ALlan got here...I felt a huge sense of safety. Like I can sleep knowing he's here. He's got me, im in his arms.
I know fictosexuality is seen as Cringe but I think Allan really truly does love me. He appears in my dreams(Not as much as Scuds, who loves me very much and I love him very much but this isnt about him) and I know if we could be together we'd be inseperable
I know hed protect me and encourage me to be stronger to protect myself too.
This is heavy I know but I need you guys to know he's been a major good in my life.
I've been brushing up on my DBT skills for him. The breakdowns Ive been having werent healthy and I know he wouldnt want that. I dont really Care abt myself but like...he cares abt me and that motivates me to keep up with my hygeine, to continue taking my meds, to keep going to therapy. He loves me :)
thats all
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altermay · 10 months
Tw/ transphobia, discussions of dysphoria, brief mention of suicide, descriptions of child abuse
Getting unbearable. Feeling sick. Started working to afford hormones only to find out the service that is most accessible to me (plume) doesnt offer T in alabama anymore due to changing laws. Fuck all these stupid politicians putting their noses in others lives.
Thought people at work wouldnt make a super huge deal, as I was selective with who I told, so i thought maybe I could hold out a bit longer and at least i wouldnt have to feel so dysphoric all the time, since all my coworkers knew me as Monte. But then instead of my name, people who would usually call anyone else by their name started calling me “Miss” and “maam”
Even the ones I had come out to, and even the ones who told me they were accepting.
Whatever, im from a small rural area, so transphobia is not new to me, what is new to me, however, is being openly trans in an unfamilliar environment. I thought I could start T quickly and maybe people would ever forget that im trans in the first place, but now its been so long.
Some people call me He, and use the right pronouns, but increasingly lately Ive received a myriad of transphobia.
Being called tranny loudly while my coworker kicks my broom as I try to sweep (kicking hard enough for the broom to almost leave my hands and hit another person behind me) , Getting called “it” behind my back. Stuff like this is becoming more common.
The two coworkers who called me it, have been spreading lies about my work performance these past five days, Ive been told my three different people that every time I leave to go do something they start talking badly of me. So I got to my breaking point, at this point it had nothing to do with the pronouns, I was just upset that two forty+ year old adults were purposefully making my job harder to do while I was also struggling with a ton of other stuff (ptsd, seasonal depression, a family members recent suicide) and so I couldnt stop crying.
Despite this situation having nothing to do with me being trans, they are now trying to spread the narrative that Im just being sensitive because they were misgendering me while they were borderline bullying me.
If I was not trans, people would take me seriously on these issues. But now, because I am upset, suddenly Im just a stereotype. A sensitive trans person who is offended because someone used the wrong pronouns a few times.
I will be one to say, I do not give a SHIT about my pronouns. Ive been called the wrong ones my whole life by a majority of people. That was never the issue. But because Im trans, that is the only issue people can perceive for me to have. The ONE issue I had with them regarding my pronouns was them calling me “it” and thats not because its the wrong pronoun, thats because its DEHUMANIZING.
But now I have other coworkers who know NOTHING about the situation saying shit like “well if she claims shes a man maybe she should suck it up” “well if she wants to be seen as a man maybe she shpuld cut her hair”
Fuck you. How about YOU get beaten for 17 years, YOU watch your siblings get beaten near to death for 17 years. YOU have flashbacks of things you dont understand all day every day and we will see how fucking well youre able to “suck it up” you are WEAK. YOU ARE ALL WEAK. And you dont know what its like to be me. My mother tried to kill me. My mother almost killed my sister, I was neglected, never went to a doctor, and I STILL dont know how to take care of myself. And I still havent recovered all of the memories.
Ive had SHORT HAIR ive had LONG HAIR Ive had a MOHAWK, ive had a BUZZCUT ive been BALD. And people STILL fucking saw me as a woman. Im tired of conforming to this bullshit just so people can treat me the same as they always do
Fun fact though, since Ive had long hair Ive been gendered correctly by strangers MORE than I have with ANY OTHER HAIR STYLE.
These stupid fucking transphobes and their stupid fucking stereotypes im so fucking sick of it all. And corporate wont do anything about it, Im sure of this.
Why is it so hard for me to just live my fucking life.
Im so sick of it all
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horsefreek151 · 3 months
My husband's First time Watching Twilight
My dear husband has not seen many of the movies that were very informative of my tween and teen years; Twilight is one of the top ones. He not only agreed to watch it but agreed to let me write down his reactions. Here are the 3 PAGES of comments I recorded during the two hour movie.
Opening line: "I'd never given much thought to how I would die." - Well, Lucky you
I'm glad this deer is going to be totally unharmed
What ?! Hang on... He catches the dear mid jump like a trick dog.
Him: Why is (Stephany Myers) so obsessed with baseball? Me: Shes Mormon Him: I think it's the homoerotic subtext
ACAB even (Charly)
Alright... one bathroom? There's only two of you!
Billy (who is in a wheelchair) responds with how hes doing by saying "Still Dancing!" - I love him Meets Eric - GAY BEST FRIEND *He was disappointed by him being straight* *Pauses Movie* I had no idea her name was Isabella
Mike Existing - That's the most awkward person Ive ever seen
Jerk kisses her on the cheek without consent - That's assault
*Edward walks in* - OMG thats BATMAN *JKJKJK*
How ... Why ... Why is she laughing.
So he can see the future... Nobody in this movie knows how to eat food. Fuck you, Binder! She is the awkward one Charly Guy in Mill getting hunted - Hes agile I would have fallen over by then. Bella slips and falls over - Relatable *he is unaware of the trope* "Not in Phoenix Bells" Line referring to large animals hunting people in Forks - "YoU DoNt HaVe AnImAls iN ArIzOnA" What do you mean Charly!? They have Mountain Lions and SNAKES Charly! *I mention scorpions too* No writer in this movie ever talked to a high schooler. "Your name is Bella?" - Its actually Isabella as I have learned I only care about this golden onion... and why it isn't a golden garlic. "Cold wet thing" - Unlike sand which is hot and course She also looks like shes in white face paint. (Edward) just walks away like a fucking freak... I love it. None of these people have ever talked to a human before. *Car Crash* - So much is happening... why are there so many cuts... The vampires all look like fucking mimes Your asking him about the speed he got there and not the CRUMPLED DOOR?!
Dont worry (Bella) Im also confused about what happened *Edward in the corner of her room* Hes like a fucking PTSD flashback. Hes a fucking sleep paralysis demon Its dumb to send (the vampires) to highschool. I didn't know one of (Bellas) personality traits was Clumsy There Bio teacher belongs in a sitcom They act like they are fifty or twelve... not like teenagers... twelve is more accurate. The most unrealistic part (of there field trip) is that the bus driver is not screaming at him for banging on the door... or maybe I grew up in Boston. *Edward dose the apple thing* - Ok now he's just making fun of her Robert Patterson and the guy playing Charly are the best actors. Edward mentions wearing a mask, and Bella quips about it - OOOOO, She called Edward out for being autistic! *He can say that as I am autistic and I give him permission* *Edward cant go to LaPush* - Is it cause he cant cross moving water? *He made so many jokes about vampire lore I didn't write them all down* I was trying to tell what time this flashback took place and I just couldn't. I'm glad they gave us a 30-second tutorial on how to get a book online. Some of this look like a horror movie TOKYO DRIFTING, Dam that was a fuckin j-turn! "Little do (her friends know) he was going to eat her, for her blood" Oh Bella, I understand he's a pretty boy, but back up from the "How do you know what he was thinking?" and back to the "WHY WERE YOU STALKING ME!?" I can't wait for the almost SA scene to never come up again... *sarcasm* * They touch hands by oops * - Touch Barrier Broken Charly and Billy watch the game - DAD DATE! ... Oh no not Butcrack SANTA! Looks at Jasper - Is he another vampire who fought for the Confederacy? She sees buttcrack Santa's body - Do they not have body bags? With how much he's stalking her he should be called Edward the Relentless *he loves what we do in the shadows* Why are we spinning... why is there so much spinning? Bella claims Edward talks old-fashioned - He talks like a badly written character... like everyone here. "you won't hurt me" - cause stalkers never escalate violence when things don't work out. Because she's a white woman, and he's her pit bull. LISTEN TO HIM WHEN HE SAYS HES DANGEROUS BELLA. "personal brand of heroine" - Him: because everyone knows heroine comes in brands Me: Im on name brand Meth (me referring to my ADHD MEDS) Him: You're on generic Meth, and you know it. (as I take the generic brand) YOU'VE KNOWN HIM FOR LIKE A WEEK "Irevicoably in love with him" - GIRL... WHY? Sees Emmit - He kinda looks like Peet Davidson I like (Edwards) sitting like a little weirdo He turned to madly in love on a dime. Wait hang on.... (skips back to Billy giving Bella the stinkeye) Eyyyy They do what we do! (Billy holding all the stuff while Jacob pushes, like we do with my wheelchair) Just Sees Jasper - "Ive never seen more fear in a character than in his face right now
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Is he scared she will know he fought for the Confederacy? (I have yet to confirm or deny the truth of this statement) Alice being Alice - OOoO Edward, she's gonna steal your girl! No wonder he's fallen in love in 3 seconds... he's been seventh wheel for who knows how long. *there dancing in edwards room* - *husband starts singing my fair lady* "Hang on Spider Monkey" - IT's THE LINE!!! *I mention how it's creepy that he watches her sleep* Well, you watch me while I sleep, but you have insomnia... and were married. *they kiss*- This is the most Mormon shit I've ever seen. At least they show how realistically boaring being a vampire would be. Drinking while cleaning your shotgun... that's totally safe Charly... "Why do you play baseball?" - Since they are American Bella! - "Well it is the American past time" Esme says - SEE! The Thrupple of trouble is walking in like there ready for a photoshoot. Blond Thrupple guy (James) looks so High... "...STuck here like MOM" - OOF! KNIFE TO THE HEART! Did her friends just steal mugs from the diner? Edward won't stop drinking her blood - Bop him on the nose with a newspaper like a dog. Edward sad he "didn't" stop - But you did stop when Carlile bopped you on the head with a newspaper. We kissed once now were in love forever.... They are all weirdos and this feels like a cult Director of Photography, I hate you. Costume? I can't forgive you for that flashback. High school science teacher, you were my favorite. His final review: This was a bad movie. There are better vampire movies, there's better romance movies and better young adult movies. All the genera are valed, this is just a bad example of all of those generas. I understand why its popular tho, and why young woman loved it. Especially when you take in at the time, it came out. Its the American mix of all about sex but completely clean and demonising sex and not having any sex in it. To me its the same way that 50 shades of gray wants to be about sexy bdsm while still saying bdsm is morally wrong. Nothing wrong with wanting a sexy vampire with wanting a romance, I like romance. Theres nothing wrong with media for young women. This is just bad.
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oh my good lord im being cursed to remember one of the worst analyses ive ever seen, done for a short story called "Bullet in the Brain" which is a really good realist story! one of my faces actually. it's about a book critic who is so fucking obnoxious all the time about hating clichéd language that he annoys a bunch of bank robbers into murdering him. there's some other stuff going on but that's the bare bones.
anyone one time someone in my class who i have to assume was just terminally online wrote a whole analysis just trying to diagnose the man! they were like "maybe he has autism or ptsd or some kind of personality disorder because he reacted so strangely to the bank robbers" and like!!! THATS NOT IN THE TEXT. UR JUST MAKING THAT UP????? THE TEXT IS JUST LIKE "YEAH HE WAS AN ASSHOLE" IT DOESNT IMPLY A MENTAL HEALTH REASON FOR WHY HE WAS AN UNCONTROLLABLE ASSHOLE.
and what pissed me off more is you do have a whole long section dedicated to exploring his life! to examining who he was before and how he came to be such a fucking asshole. so it's not like they didn't have character beats to explore! they just decided to make shit up.
i always thought the tragedy of the story isn't that the man gets shot in the head but that the little boy we meet in a flashback grows up to be that awful man. now i could be wrong but at least i was engaging with the actual text! not just repeating my preferred flavor of character analysis from tumblr or Twitter or tiktok or whatever this person's preferred online hole was
they were really giving this man book critic personality disorder
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Για το ask game Edgeworth και Ανδρέας
Miles Edgeworth 💅
Impression now: I was one hundred percent correct in my assumptions. He did in fact ruin me. This man has the range honestly. He is kind. He is an asshole. He is traumatised. He has every subtype of daddy issues known to man. He is a bitchy gay queen. He is aroace-spec (to me). He is autistic. He has NO idea what to do with himself when he is not in a courtroom. He is insane. Ive seen it. I enjoy it. Amen.
Favourite moment: "thanks to you i am saddled with unnecessary.... feelings....". Everything about turnabout goodbyes. The talk with Franziska at the end of aa2. The talk with phoenix after the earthquake in aa3. I could literally never pick Just One moment sorry.
Idea for a story: ... I've brainstormed two (2) aus that involve Edgeworth with two different mutuals. The first one is the Eurovision au where vk just sends miles to represent germany in Eurovision and the second one is the ace attorney/παρά πέντε crossover me and @alalumin have been driving ourselves insane over. Out of the two, the first one is the most fleshed out but the second one i might actually sit down and write for one day. Thats about all the concrete story ideas ive had for this man so far dkskks. Everything else is just a jumble of vague angsty daydreams.
Unpopular opinion: hmmm a lot of people tend to ignore the fact that he was canonically suicidal after aa1 so i suppose that could count as an unpopular opinion? Like if he wasn't actually suicidal, the note meant that he straight up faked his death which makes him an even bigger asshole that he usually is, which in turn makes phoenix's misdirected anger and blame seem a lot more justified? Also a lot of people tend to ignore the fact that phoenix would NOT handle Edgeworth admitting that he meant the note literally well. And honestly im not really blaming anyone here. Their aa2 dynamic is sooo complex, Edgeworth hurt the people that cared about him by hurting himself and not all of them are ready to forgive him immediately and thats fine. I just wish more people would explore this whole thing instead of oversimplifying it yknow?
Favourite relationship: narumitsu obvs but honestly? The Franziska and Miles fucked up sibling relationship means the world to me, its like a really really really close second.
Favourite headcanon: does it actually count as a headcanon if its strongly supported by canon? Idk but he definitely avoids elevators as much as he can and considering that his office is in the twelfth fucking floor the man walks up a lot of flights of stairs. He must have thighs of steel skkskaka. Also i like to think that at some point after the investigation games he went to therapy and he finally (!) got some help for that unmedicated and undiagnosed canon ptsd hes been drowning in since he was nine years old. Also he got Pess because i love her. Maybe she is trained as a service dog. He would love her with all his heart and her death would kickstart a major depressive episode because god knows this man can't handle grief but in the end he could get over it. Maybe even get a second dog or learn how to deal with loss in a less self destructive way. Also i don't think he would ever be able to fully enjoy Christmas? Like sure his fathers death doesn't hurt as much anymore but i like to think that the nightmares rear their ugly head during the Christmas season. Sure, he IS doing better but some things never really go away. He can hang out at the prosecutors office or Wright anything agency Christmas parties without feeling utterly miserable but he doesn't enjoy the holidays as much as everyone else. Some people don't understand why or think thats its just another aspect of his charming personality but the people who do are sympathetic about it.
Ανδρέας Καλογήρου 🔪
First impression: γουαου ποιός είναι αυτός ο μαλάκας λολ. Ειλικρινά νομίζω την πρώτη φορά που είδα το παρά πέντε δεν με ένοιαζε πολύ σαν χαρακτήρας.
Impression now: κοίτα. Έχεις δει το μπλογκ μου. Ξέρεις πως νιώθω για αυτόν τον άνθρωπο. Ο Ανδρέας έχει θεματάρες. Έχει παγιδεύσει τον εαυτό του σε μια θέση στην οποία είναι και θύμα και θύτης και από την οποία δεν έχει τρόπο ή ιδιαίτερη θέληση να βγει. Κατά την διάρκεια του σόου πηγαίνει από την αδιαφορία για τους ανθρώπους που σκοτώνει, στην εμμονή με το να πιάσει τους πέντε και μόνο όταν τον συλλαμβάνουν και όλα τελειώνουν συνηδειτοποιεί πόσο μάταια ήταν όλα αυτά και πόσες ζωές έχει καταστρέψει συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της δικής του. Επίσης ο άνθρωπος είναι μούναρος 😔😔.
Favourite moment: το τηλεφώνημα στον Σπύρο στο φινάλε με στοιχειώνει τα βράδια.
Idea for a story: πέρα από το ο Σπύρος επισκέπτεται τον Ανδρέα στη φυλακή fic που βρίσκεται αυτή τη στιγμή στο wip hell μου έχει καρφωθεί στο μυαλό εκείνη η ατάκα που ο Παυρινός αποκαλεί τον Νίκο πρεζόνι και το τι μπορεί να υπονοεί για το Ανδρέας/Νίκος μπακστορι. Επίσης εκείνο το όνειρο που είχα δει ότι έχει κόρη και redemption arc, angst fic για την γενική κακομεταχείριση που τρώει από τον Παυρινό, το Ανδρέας/Νίκος καφενείο au το οποίο κάποιος πρέπει να γράψει σας εκλιπαρώ και το προαναφερόμενο ace attorney/παρά πέντε crossover στο οποίο εμφανίζεται ως μάρτυρας στην δίκη της Αγγέλας. Το πόσα από αυτά θα καταλήξω όντως να γράψω ποτέ είναι πολύ αμφιλεγόμενο τβχ αλλά το γεγονός είναι ότι μου τριβελίζουν συνέχεια το μυαλό.
Unpopular opinion: δεν ξέρω είμαστε στο παρά πέντε φάντομ, είμαστε δέκα άτομα όλα κι όλα κάθε άποψη μετράει για unpopular κσκσκσ. Αλλά απλά και μόνο για να πω κάτι. Νομίζω όντως προσπάθησε να αγαπήσει τη Ζάνα. Ο γάμος τους ήταν ότι πιο hand in unlovable hand και σφάζονταν όλη μέρα αλλά προσπάθησε να φτιάξει τη ζωή του στην αρχή τουλάχιστον, εξού και ο ευτυχισμένος χετεροσεξουαλ γάμος. Στο μυαλό μου ήταν από αυτά τα ζευγάρια που έχουν ημερομηνία λήξης και το ήξεραν και οι δύο. Μετά έπεσε στα βαθιά με τις δουλειές με τον Παυρινό και πήρανε επιτέλους διαζύγιο. Επίσης δεν νομίζω ότι με τον Νίκο τα έχουνε, έχουνε. Νομίζω έχουν μια ελαφρώς fucked up relationship όπου δεν επικοινωνούν τίποτα εβερ, απλά πηδιουνται περιστασιακά on and off και μετά απλά πηγαίνουν και τα φτιάχνουν με άλλους. Τουλάχιστον στην αρχή. Τώρα αν μετά το τέλος της σειράς βγουν ποτέ από την φυλακή θέλω να πιστεύω ότι θα μπορούσαν να φτιάξουν λίγο τη ζωή τους αλλά αν δεν βγουν ποτέ. Well. Πώς νιώθεις όταν συνηδειτοποιείς ότι αγαπούσες τον καλύτερο σου φίλο χρόνια τώρα αλλά δεν έκανες ποτέ τίποτα για αυτό επειδή απλά δεν τολμούσες να αλλάξεις τίποτα στην μοναδική σταθερή σχέση που σου είχε απομείνει στη ζωή σου και ταυτόχρονα ήσουν πολύ απασχολημένος να σκοτώνεις κόσμο; Πώς νιώθεις όταν συνηδειτοποιείς ότι τώρα μπορεί να είναι πια πολύ αργά; Γενικά head full many thoughts.
Favourite relationship: Νίκος/Ανδρέας δαγκωτό.
Favourite headcanon: ναιιι δεν νομίζω ότι αυτός ο άνθρωπος είχε καλά παιδικά χρόνια. Ή καλό πατέρα. Ο Παυρινός κυριολεκτικά του πετάει πράγματα και αυτός ο καημένος σκύβει να τα πιάσει 😔 babyboy έχεις τραύμα. Η μάνα του είναι νεκρή (ναι κυριολεκτικά αναφέρεται έτσι throwaway σε ένα επεισόδιο και δεν το έχω ξεχάσει ποτέ) και επιλέγω να πιστεύω ότι την σκότωσε ο πατέρας του. Μισεί τον πατέρα του και κατά βάθος μισεί και το γεγονός ότι μεγαλώνοντας έχει γίνει σχεδόν ακριβώς σαν αυτόν. Ξεκίνησε να καπνίζει στο γυμνάσιο. Επίσης δεν πιστεύω ότι τελείωσε ποτέ το λύκειο.
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
Its time for the weekly horrors- I mean Trimax vol 3 >:3
The Thoughts:
chap 1:
-bro you are about to get into a fight can you stop thinking about your bf for 5 minutes
-fr tho, vash's words making him hesitate/angry is so dcfgjhbkml
-why everyone wants my babygirl dead :c
-now now, comparing someone with their brother isnt a nice thing to do
-oh so now we're not even making an allegory, he actually called him jeesus
-also "your soul is forced to endure the sorrow by the hundreds, suffering by the thousands, and the rage by the hundreds of thousands" im gonna throw up cuz of how that GOOD and PAINFUL that shit is
-the polar opposite of being a human huh...i mean besides something i said weeks ago about how he's further away from humanity more than he would like that point is interesting cuz most of the time we call him someone who is more human than any other person. he carries more pain than any human could endure and definitely has more patience than anyone will ever have but...hm...i want to come back to this
-ww pls dont make me cry today pls honey
-oh im gonna cry
-"your ideals will join you in the grave" i fucking hate thats the reason why we all try to be better people, thanks to that fucking wet cat of a man i cannot deal actually
chap 2:
-i dont have much to say about battles but let it be on the record that I'm enjoying ww's eyes sm
-oh page 38 is cool as hell
chap 3:
-ww stop having pretty eyes youre distracting
-meanwhile :3
-ah geesus the body horror (so good but creepy)
-so many fucking details. nightow got down even the smallest scribbles, as 98 vash would say
-oh right that....thats still upsetting
-i fucking swear people need to leave my son alone
-also fucking hate that he had to SHOOT A BABY even if it was fake
-i can feel his fucking mind breaking i cant do this
chap 4:
-"i cant do this" yet here i am lmao
-i think if vash held me like hes holding that girl a lot of my problems would be resolved ngl
-characters reciting names always get to me :c
-"why are there so many" brad you may want to sit down for this one
-..................i deadass thought "oh the doctor is here" IVE READ THIS BEFORE AND I FELL FOR IT AGAIN
-vash with his hair down :3
-nah hes not gonna kill you BUT HE FUCKING SHOULD
-oh i will kill so many people (vash is bleeding)
-hm. this reminds me of something in houseki no kuni (i wont spoil but maybe ichikawa had trigun as inspo which would be cool af)
chap 5:
-oh im yeeting myself (ww thinks about the children) -ww gives in his anger and fear when punching those weirdass faces but I'm gonna say this once: that doesn't make him weaker or worst. i haven't seen anyone think that of ww, i just feel that when he compares himself to vash he feels that way and i cant stand it :)
-vash i fucking swear-
-oh god the fingers...the fucking fingers...
-oh you are NOT talking to my vash about pain and agony
-XD my girls
no wait i need to get back to that. i thought that was emilio's dad not fucking vash himself oh my god I'm sick so sick actually wtfffffffffffff
chap 6:
-is this the chapter with the gays eyes cuz I'm not ready for that-
-oh fuck you nightow. fuck you for putting knives in the title page and the title being "families"
-i want to punch so many things but I'm at work. fuck
-also i forgot about this stampede parallel GOD WHEN DOES MY SUFFERING END
-yeah i agree this is literally the moment. like fuck. fuck actually. fuck what else is there to say.
-like hes so fucking terrified that he was afraid for him, what his journey is causing ww, but even if he wanted ww to stay away and safe he knows ww would say fuck off, but also vash would not be able to take it
-im so fucking upset cuz the last 3 chapters were basically fights. they were full of energy and shit but now that is over and they are in a rare moment of peace, and everything fucking hits.
-im gonna go outside and step into oncoming traffic
-WOLFWOOD :D pls never leave me
-i am nothing. i just remembered that.
chap 7
-maybe i dont want to read trimax anymore. maybe a little person like me isn't strong enough for a 2nd round of the pain. with that in mind, lets keep reading :D
-wolfwood what he is it doesnt matter i swear pls cant you just love him?
-i dont like vash being emotionally attached to stuff cuz that means i have to yell HES LIKE ME FR FR
-oh that....that beautiful panel...amazing
-i think my mind blocked this out because of the previous sad things that happened, so now my brain is allowing me to process more sad things :3
-"i still have so much i must do" and i see i still have many tears to cry out huh?
-ofc wolfwood would ask about redemption
-cant my man show an important part of his past and show vulnerability in front of his friends in peace? damn
-im gonna start bitting my glasses
-luida pls i want to stop crying
-oh wolfwood honey....you just fell so hard for my man didnt ya
-i just realized the chapter is called "life as a" and I THINK the idea is to complete it with "life as a 'vash the stampede'" cuz he's not human
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hella1975 · 10 months
Hella something incredibly traumatic just happened to me.  I cannot find the original list thingy i have for chapter 42.  (i was like half way through and then stopped i dont remember why) so i have to start over which isnt a bad thing because i get to reread ittt
Your getting 42 and 43 in one thing 
“It had been one day and one night since they left the Western Air Temple and Zuko had a headache.” sme one get this poor boy some tylenol
Bros extremely overstimulated
“Nanook expected they’d arrive at the White Lotus camp-”  i forgot theyre going to the white lotus camp again and if irohs there still thats going to be really fun.  (probably not for zuko though)
I love your sokka so much its insane.  
It always takes me so long to read your chapters and write these and stuff not because of the length of your chapters (i love long chapters) but because i always try to process every single little thing because its so good and a lot of the stuff doesnt even make it into the list because i dont know how to put it into words and thats how i feel about the dynamic youve created around zuko and sokka.  Like how you took Sokkas canon traits and magnified them to accommodate the traits zuko got threw taob perfectly and theres something so artistic about it and i wish i had the words to better explain how in awe of you i am every time i read a new chapter.
“If he spoke them, if he let them out, his friends would snatch these birds from the sky and beat them to death, and they would call it salvation.” oh my fucking god hella what the fuck
Zi Se <3
Oh jeez now he’s hallucinating
I love Zi Se.  Having Zuko take care of a small child is such a unique thing to have in a fic and you make it work so well.  Every scene between them is immaculate
The way you portray trauma is incredible.  The ‘two steps forwards one step back’ ness of it, and the way different peoples traumas rub against eachother and the lashing out and guilt and stuff its really so good.  
I think its funny to think about external zuko in taob.  Like a wet dog growling at everyone and pushing itself into a corner.  A little tragic, a little pathetic.  And then in his head he’s having some of the most profound, angsty thoughts.  And the transition between those scenes is also entertaining.  
I also really like the dynamic Zuko has with the entirety of the gang.  Like it’s not just sokka going ‘i can fix him’ and doing it, its a group effort and the different peoples individual traits work well with helping different parts of zuko heal.  When he needs sternness and bluntness, theres sokka, when he needs something more gentle, theres tomnook, and when he needs something in between theres katara.  
I saw your authors notes that was like ‘i’m writing another zukka fic!’ and i was so confused for a moment and i was like ‘wtf is she talking about’ and then it was like ‘you can read it here!’  and i was like ;holy shit its already posted!?  Why didnt she tell tumblr about this and then i was like ‘oh shes talking about tams.’  i forgot it was a zukka fic.  
That took me 3 hours.  
Chapter 43:  : )
“Gradually, things got easier and they fell into a routine.” well thats a relief i hope nothing bad will happen ever again : )
“Suki wasn’t far from him, dipping her water flask into the current,”  of topic but i dont get how people didnt just drop dead from drinking random ass water like how is suki not going to get dysentary.  Sokka needs to invent these people a water filter.
Im carefully treading ocross this chapterbecause of the stuff ive seen from tumblr and discord and while i guess i trust you not to kill tomnook *this chapter* im still very weary and terrified.  
Being american means that you might not be able to afford to read taob bc of the inevitable therapy bill
If i get ptsd from this i quit
““Zuko, dude, buddy.” Sokka appeared from where he’d been washing his frankly disgusting tunic, now leaving it to drip around his neck, shirtless as he clapped a hand to Zuko’s shoulder. “If a girl calls you roguish, it’s a compliment.”” Bros projecting
“ this seemed to bother Sokka more than anyone. Hot stuff was one of her favourites, which Zuko thought made sense. He was a firebender, after all. It really didn’t warrant the spluttering and indignance Sokka met it with, stomping over to Suki and kicking water at her while she cackled.” Still projecting
If Tomnook becomes canon i will personally see to starting a movement across all social media platforms similar to the november 6th destiel thing
“He was still smiling. Always smiling. Nanook let him go.” THIS IS THE PART THAT DESTROYED ME????????????????????????????????????? IT WAS ABOUT HAIRR????????????????????/ im actually going to kms oh my god im suing
I experienced so much turmoil for it literally to just be tomkin walking away
Im so insulted
Also nanook definitely has a crush on him just in case you didnt know 👍
Now Kataras overstimulated
“Zuko had taken the carrots.” God dammit Zuko 
If Sokka or Katara find the carrots that wont be good
I dont trust you anymore
““There’s something you’re not telling me,” she said, staring out at the grass around them, the stars in the inky sky. It was the exact same as when they’d sat together the other day, hand in hand, when she’d first admitted to this anger.
Zuko was tense beside her, before sighing in defeat. “This is about the carrots, isn’t it?”  This is so funny for no reason 
““I could probably help you find those men, if you wanted,””  you fucking idiot i cant believe him
“He liked liked Zuko, with his stupid, roguish hair and his muscles and his gentle way of handling Zi Se and his stupid sense of humour and his sheer, stubborn will to keep going. How could Sokka ever talk to Bato again? This was the worst thing to happen ever,”  ITS HAPPENING 
The fact that he immediately thought of bato is so iconic i love that for him
The whiplash sokka must feel from coming to terms with his feelings for zuko and that he’s able to grieve his mom and then katara coming out like ‘yeah im going to murder him’ must be insane its like that cat in the hat meme where hes going to hit the dude with the bat
I dont think that conversation went like suki planned for it to
Zukkkaaa fight
“Katara wouldn’t kill those men.” oh thank fuck
“. local boy discovers the uno reverse card immediately makes it everyone else's problem.”  Lmfao 😂  💀
You have never written a bad anything hella lm tell you.  2 10/10 chapters good job, that was fabulous, i love it.  
Im in a class this semester that deals with analyzing literature and reading a lot of like ‘classic’ books.  And the entire time im reading these books some that are considered to be from some of the best authors of all time is that im comparing them to the things youve written and when ive said that your such a talented writer before, i dont know how much ground ive had to stand on but now that i have like a (very small) reference point for that stuff, holy shit you are such a talented writer.  
Like i know its not your major and that youve never studied it and stuff and the fact that you can produce all of that based on pure talent is honestly incredible.  Im constantly in awe every time i read anything of yours its insane.  I really do hope your as proud as you can be of yourself, you deserve it. 
~list anon~
list anon i get such a little smile on my face when i see ur asks come in like i get comfy and make sure i have time to go through the whole thing in one go and it just warms my heart that someone so consistently makes time for me and my silly stories. thank you x
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being very predictable here but- Starbuck and/or Ahab for the blorbo bingo. whichever hasn't been asked yet. but tossing them both in cause they are like a bonded pair (this is disastrous for everyone who has to deal with them)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
editing this to scream more. starbuck wettest most tragically devoted man of all time. twists my heart into knots to think about. there's smth so wrong with him.
ahab most complex fascinating brilliant legend of a man who has ever been written. lives up to the centuries of awe of his namesake. genuinely one of the most well handled disabled characters ive ever seen. has ptsd that alters the narrative and grips u in tragedy. made me feel seen in some very cool ways. actively gutting to thijk abt anything thats ever happened to him. he was right. he is still protective of his mother, even after all this time. bye fuck.
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cometchasinglove · 1 year
Let me start with an apology for misremembering your diagnosis /gen
Though, on the point of not oweing her anything, I feel you're mostly right, but do you not owe your promises? You told her they would be private, and you just... lied again.
And again, being as angry and upset as she is in response to trauma is completely rational. Whether you intended or not, she literally has ptsd about this. This trauma is months in the making, but the separation is fresh. Freckly has always been so open on her blog, just airing out her thoughts. Not everything is going to be pretty or kind. If you genuinly think what she said is an active threat and not angry venting... I don't know how to explain that situation to you in words
And she doesn't think she *owns* the characters, but you can feel loss for them. When you use these characters to cope and suddenly you cant? Thats a loss, that is a true and genuine emotional loss. Youre right, they don't belong to one person alone, but that does not mean a person cannot feel loss over them, or that someone "took them." Like, my final year of college felt stolen from me because I gave all my time to someone who was emotionally abusing me, and I can't ever get that back, and it hurts. I didn't *literally* lose my senior year, but I still feel the pain of that emotional loss to this day, and he stole that from me. You can lose an idea, a character, something that is not yours but exists and can be lost. She never wanted to keep him to herself, she just wants to not feel pain when she sees him.
Do you tell other people their childish and immature for being reliant on their coping mechanisms? Even in your partner's post you can see the importance of a characters love for you, the importance of knowing a character cares about you. How can you show that and then turn around and call her immature for leaning on them?
She is getting help. She is working on coping. She actually puts the effort in to re-expose to triggers and seek help. But I do find it hypocritical that you're telling her to seek help when you refuse all the aid given to you by your family, and the love and care they try to give to you and you just, push it away. You want so bad to be a victim, you make it so that you are one so you can feed on the attention. Why else do you keep deactivating, and coming back? Its a pattern Ive seen in my own abuser, a song and dance I know so well.
Take you're own advice. Get help. Take the help you are being given.
I apologize. From now on, I will work harder to keep my commissions to where she can’t see them.
Anon, she expressed a desire to kill me. That in itself is very bad. I agree. She can vent, but wishing for someone’s death when I wished for her betterment is not right.
I hope that she does feel better when she sees her favorite character, but that still isn’t my fault. It’s how she reacted to him when the situation never even concerned f/os to begin with. Maybe she can take a break from them a bit. Let go. Hopefully, her feelings will return.
Immature? No, anon. The way she is reacting and posting constantly about the situation is immature. The demonization, the death threats, etc.
Anon, you do not know me. I do accept the love and support from my friends and family. It is difficult, but I am on the road to recovery just as she is.
I try to be the victim? Anon, I owned up to my mistakes and apologized for them.
I have ceased deactivating my accounts. It’s a bad habit that I broke free from regarding my own self-doubts.
Thank you for the best wishes. I will get help.
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cortlandkaard · 2 months
How would you describe the Ancients' personalities, in your perspective?
🧦 i'll try to keep this a bit on the simpler side, and not let the other guy bias my answers with its stupid "oughge my wife" bullshit (💖 ehe....)
🧦 vanilla - not as chil and weelacks as you think. a bit of an anxious guy, also knows how to have fun and isn't a total bore (i totally didn't think that before, no sirree). definitely a good listener. cares a lot and makes it obvious. also sometimes kind of stern and overbearing (i see this with creper mostly) but in a loving way
🧦 peepaw - what you see at face value is... not, like, all there is to him i guess???? i feel like thats obvious but i still have to tell myself that sometimes. like, yes he's always grumpy and stern, but he also has depression and ptsd so you're gonna get that from him. he's just kind of like that?(???)?? he also cares a lot, but you don't really get to see that often.. i mean, have you seen how he is with his son nowadays? i swear they're besties (anyhow i'm still scared of him but i've learned i'm at least allowed to be silly when he's around and he won't get pissed at me)
🧦 hollyberry - fun! ive heard a lot about how the hollyberry kingdom does big parties and banquets and stuff. so i can only imagine she's a pretty exciting person. also, she fights dragons and wins. that's badass.
🧦 golden cheese - hype 🔥🔥🔥🔥 See: The Playlist. we're very similar but i feel like she might be crazier than i am (probably not, but there is a chance). there's not as much left to say here but she's also very confident in herself. and she likes to fuck around (never wants to find out, hardly ever does). definitely the easiest to walk up and talk to unprovoked (to me anyways)
🧦 white lily - she's timid. she always has her shoulders hunched and her hands curled in towards herself. also i noticed she tics sometimes? and she's very open about the, uh, voices in her head. so there's definitely some stuff wrong with her left over from when she was The Big Bad Evil Overlord. that's about all i know about her though RIIPP
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indigo474 · 8 months
I ran my 2nd 5 k today and managed to run 3 minutes and 26 seconds faster than last time.. l'm not even sure how that is possible.. it must be the hills. i am so proud of myself and again amazed. a tiny tiny voice tells me i could have done better.. maybe... Madison came wiht me for support. I saw people there alone so next time I wont bother her to come with me, unless she wants to of course. I wish i had someone to celebrate with. i'm thankful for Maddy.. I'm thankful for a lot but still wish i had someone. i thought a lot today about how my divorce was/is the single best thing that has ever happened to me. I thought about how i hate hate hate how people say ohh sorry for your divorce. I thought about how it would have been a shame for me to not be the person i am today and how much i have learned and grown and healed. i thought about how i wish i had left sooner .. i dont let myself go too fr down that trail. I left and thats all that matters.. all these great things. Me- i dont know if i will ever be use to this life and these feelings of happiness.. when i laugh, i laugh.. joy. i did not have that or feel that for a lot of years and the last thing i wanted was to really feel anything because none of it was any good and now.. now.. peace. Peace.. and love. Madison is sweet to me. she knows i eat an apple a day and when she shops she has been making sure to buy apples. when we lived in our apartment she would always make sure to leave the outside light on for me.. i hate walking up to a dark house.. ptsd from Chatham. If he turned the automatic light off i knew i was in trouble. sooo.. i guess i'll keep running..
I am not a game player. Its just not my natural state. Pam has issue. Deep seeded trauma from her childhood.. its so obvious to me. the way she talks and her need to be liked and seen as cool and the way she tries to manipulate the people around her. She's smart but not intelligent. So, whatever.. i'm not friends with any of them.. there's one supervisor i kind of like, she was my first supervisor when i started.. and she is weird. None of it matters. I'm working from home tomorrow. I didnt get nearly enough sleep last night. I didnt want to get out of bed this morning. i tried to be nice to my Mom this week, i was being kind and supportive and she can not accept love because she does not love herself . she hates herself and doesnt think she deserves kindness or love and that is not my problem. do i love myself enough to be able to receive love?
I spoke to my manager in regards to the very important meeting she missed. She claims to have wanted to be there but it was thrown together last minute and she was not made aware of the time. Drew was in charge of the timing. Drew is always in charge of the meeting times and he sucks at it. I pretty much said that to her but in a professional way. its taken a year but his scheduling skills infuriate me. people pretty much do what benefits them. Drew has a attitude about people leaving work at 5.. he feels we should all stay later. He is late to work everyday and it benefits him to stay later so misses the rush hour traffic. ive stayed late in the past to accommodate him. I'm not doing that anymore. I get to work early almost every day. I am not staying later than i have to. I feel like he doesnt value other peoples time. he's called me 2 x in 2 days while i wasn't work.. he called me today while i was in walmart talking nonsense.. i got a new rep who is a total idiot. he never should have made it out of training and Drew is acting like he's been on team for a long time and what am i going to do about him. He's been on my team for less than 20 hrs- he was on Drew's team for 90+ days- how and why did this guy become my problem when he has been a problem all along.
I'm going to read the Bhagavad Gita- maybe finish it. I have been sleeping a little too good.. through the night good. the funny thing about work is none of it matters.. we can all be replaced tomorrow and that place would still go on. I shouldn't let it stress me out. i woke up with my period today. silence is beautiful. You're doing a great job April.. keep going! Good night
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volinare · 1 year
fun non-community approved ways ive 'described' my DID to people:
- I have a dissociative disorder
- I have a type of PTSD that involves a lot of dissociation
- Theres people in my head
- something i experienced as a kid caused my personality to split up into pieces. So sometimes I act weird. Theyre all still me though.
- its like donnie darko or something
- dont worry about it
- I have a memory thing
- i have a mood thing
- I have different 'modes' depending on where i am. its like... autism or something
- have you ever seen fight club?
- i have like, really bad BPD. like so bad its not called BPD anymore
- *pointing at a depiction of an Erdrich being of some sort* I look JUST like that.
- So the way what i have works is i dont actually 'remember' anything. Its all stored in 'memory banks' and its crazy because I'm just supposed to trust whats in there?? even though like, i don't remember it. And the emotions are there too but, their stored separately. Like, even when i have them the stuff that they- the stuff thats in my head just like. It makes no sense.
- im never fully here. Im always disassociating. Im just a piece of a puzzle that will never be completed. Im like. cool though, don't tell anyone i said that.
- im SO crazy. like your not going to believe me until it's too late but i'm fucking insane.
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