#thats totally a lie btw but full send anyways
ra-archives · 10 months
Writing is fun bc like, I get to put that guy in situations. I get to fuck them over and be mean to them but also delicately hold then y'know? And it's especially fun when you have that one character who just has your voice already.
Like, I already talk like Legend and write like his narrative would be, and Wild just comes so easy. But then. That's it, then no one else gets situations but I also want situations for them too but I can't bc I don't get their character or voice and then I'm sad ;-;
Anyways yeah this is just me complaining that I decided to write from Warriors perspective and it keeps just. Not working.
Also post made as a note that I might drop a fic link soon? I need to dust off my Ao3 account but it's coming as soon as Wars stops being difficult :>
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plsdonttellmay · 6 years
A look into the Iron Kids group chat between Harley, Peter, and Riri. 
Sequel to Bold of You
Translation for Harley’s nonsense at the bottom
Spider-Son: @Son Prime Mr. Stark totally just admitted that Riri was his favorite.
Son Prime: wut???? thts blsht >:((((
Spider-Son changed their name to Pun-Son
Pun-Son: IKR?
Dad’s Favorite: HA! I fucking told you
Son Prime: fuk off riri
Pun-Son: Ya, this is a private conversation.
Dad's Favorite: Y’all are the dumbasses having a “private conversation” in the group chat
Pun-Son: Shit
I thought @ing him would make it private.
Son Prime: pete i lov n rspct u but ur a fukn dumbass
Dad's Favorite: This is why dad loves me most
Pun-Son: ;’((((
The rest of the team knows you guys exist now.
Son Prime: shiiiiiiiiiiiit
Dad's Favorite: What happened?
Is everyone okay?
Are you okay?
Is Tony okay?
Pun-Son: Ya, everyone's fine, dw.
Son Prime: thn wut hpnd????
Pun-Son: IDK???
Mr. Stark just said I did a good job
And then fucking Captain America was like
“Hey, everybody it's Peter Parker!”
Dad's Favorite: Damn. So now they all know?
Son Prime: thats ruf buddy
Pun-Son: Nah, it's fine.
I panicked and then said that Mr. Stark had lots of kids
And that Peter and Spider-Man were totally different kids.
Son Prime: wow. cnt blev u managed 2 lie 2 captain america
i figd he cld smell lies
or that u would spontaneously combust if u tried
tht was specific 2 u btw
Dad's Favorite: Has anyone ever told you you're a dick?
Son Prime: not 2 my face but thts what i assume theyre saying wen they dub chek tht mr tony isnt my real dad.
Dad's Favorite: Not a bad assumption ngl
Pun-Son: Also, point of order, didn't lie
I just,,,,,,,
To the point of lying.
But didn't cross that line.
Son Prime: wow pete ur a saint
Dad's Favorite: They bought it? Just like that?
Pun-Son: TBH they were way more interested in the group chat.
Like, they legit forgot they were trying to figure out who Spider-Man is.  
I told Cap your usernames.
Dad's Favorite: Well I'm glad the team knows the truth now
Son Prime: wut? abt mr tony runin a daycare?
Dad's Favorite: No about me being his favorite
Dad's Favorite: Hey guys??? College fucking blows. I'm gonna murder whoever came up with it
Son Prime: sup riri?
Dad's Favorite: Literally just told you. College blows
The Live-in: *break dances gently*
What's wrong, Riri?
Son Prime: atm u if i had 2 ges
Dad's Favorite: Mostly that you're trying to comfort me via meme.
Beat me to it
Son Prime: :p
The Live-in: You guys are the worst.
Dad's Favorite: You're the one who decided to be the middle child
The Live-in: WTF, no, I didn't??
Also, Harley is literally less than 4 months older than me.
Son Prime: god pete ur practically an infant cmpared to me
The Live-in: -_______-
Can we go back to talking about Riri’s problems now?
For the love of science.
Dad's Favorite: Nah I'm good actually. Roasting you is way more interesting
The Live-in: THE W O R S T
Son Prime: srsly tho. u ok riri?
Dad's Favorite: Yeah I'm fine. Just got assigned a group project
The Live-in: Was it at least a class you have a friend in?
Dad's Favorite: Peter literally everyone in that class is 7+ years older than me. If I had friends do you think I'd talk to you two?
The Live-in: Yes
Because you love us.
You've said so.
Son Prime: hes got a point
Dad's Favorite: Lies and slander
The Live-in: Seriously, though.
Are you good?
Dad's Favorite: Yeah. It's not like they're actively mean to me or anything. It just sucks not having friends
Son Prime: tell us if they start bn dicks. pete n i will kick thr asses. we r still ur big bros
Dad's Favorite: Yeah I know <3
God I can’t wait until you two are finally here and I actually have someone to talk to for once.
The Live-in: Yeah!!!!
We should get an apartment.
And a dog.
A secret dog.
Dad’s Favorite: Why is the dog secret???
The Live-in: Because I can’t have a dog at my apartment.
And your mom is allergic to dogs.
And Harley’s little sister is scared of dogs.
So it would have to live with dad over the summer.
And he won’t let us get a dog if he knows ahead of time.
That’s why a secret dog.
Dad’s Favorite: Hell yes secret dog.
The Live-in: I vote pitbull.
Son Prime: sum1 convinse me not 2 murder ths lady
Peter PARKOUR: ?????????
Harley, WTF you can't just say that and then not elaborate.
Dad's Favorite: Siding with Peter here. Who are you trying to murder Keener?
Peter PARKOUR: Dude.
Are you literally ignoring us right now?
Son Prime: Read: 3:23
Dad's Favorite: Harley I swear to god you're going in the nearest lake first time we meet
Peter PARKOUR: Wait.
Hold on a damn minute.
Are you telling me?
The two of you haven't actually met??
Like IRL???
Dad's Favorite: Yeah. I mean we Skype and text plenty but we've never been in the same room
Peter PARKOUR: That's wild??
I mean
I know the three of us haven't been together
But I figured you had met without me.
Son Prime: wait. wen did u 2 meet?
Dad's Favorite: Figures that's what gets his attention instead of murder
Peter PARKOUR: When I went to tour MIT?
Have you and Mr. Stark not gone yet?
Son Prime: nope
Peter PARKOUR: Why not??
Son Prime: i dunno. keep puttin it off
Dad's Favorite: I smell a lie. I don't know what it is but you better watch your back Harley. I will find out
Son Prime: ok baskin robin
Peter PARKOUR: Can we get back to the murder?
I feel like we glossed over that.
Son Prime: no
Dad's Favorite: No point. Either they decided to leave Harley alone
Peter PARKOUR: Or??
Dad's Favorite: Or they're dead
Son Prime: & ull nvr kno
Peter PARKOUR: You two need to chill.
And meet.
Seriously, we've been talking for a year
And you two haven't even laid eyes on each other.
H O W?
Dad's Favorite: Let's start with the fact that we live like 20 hours away from each other?
Peter PARKOUR: I'm not even going to grace that with an answer.
I am
Mr. Stark has like a fleet of planes??
You could literally make a day trip out of it.
Son Prime: hes actually got a point…
Peter PARKOUR: I almost always have a point.
You two just ignore me.
Because you're assholes.
Dad's Favorite: That's fair
Dad's Favorite: @Son Prime 
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I saw this and thought of you
Peter In The Middle: WHAT
Dad's Favorite: Lol yeah. Saw it at the thrift store
Son Prime: What I want to know is why the FUCK it reminded you of me.
Peter In The Middle: Oh damn.
He broke out the capitals and full words.
He's serious.
Son Prime: Actually it's just a new phone Mr. Tony sent me. Can't figure out how to turn off the damn autocorrect
Dad's Favorite: Why is it that you 2 are geniuses but can't figure out how phones work half the time?
Son Prime: Excuse you this is 1 of those prototype StarkPhones that literally nobody knows how to use yet.
Peter in the Middle: Are you really never gonna let the group chat thing die?
Dad's Favorite: No
Son Prime: Absolutely not.
Peter in the Middle: It was one (1) time you assholes.
Son Prime: I feel like we’re forgetting about the horror show that somehow reminded Riri of me.
Peter in the Middle: I was.
Trying to, at least.
Thanks for the reminder.
Dad’s Favorite: I’m not forgetting. Ever
Son Prime: Explain???
Dad’s Favorite: Should I tho?
Peter in the Middle: Depends.
Do you want me to show Mr. Stark The Video?
Dad’s Favorite: You wouldn’t
Peter in the Middle: Try me, bitch.
Son Prime: Video????
Dad’s Favorite: Don’t worry about it
Peter in the Middle: I’ll send it to you later.
Dad’s Favorite: I hate you
Peter in the Middle: :D
Cow mug.
Dad’s Favorite: It says Tennessee on it.
Peter in the Middle: Wait.
That’s it?
No inside joke????
Dad’s Favorite: Nope
Peter in the Middle: What the fuck?
Now I feel dumb.
Dad’s Favorite: :))))))
Son Prime: |-|4 ! |=!6(_)|23|) !7 0(_)7
Dad's Favorite: What the fuck does that even say??
Peter in the Middle: Is that???
Even approaching English??
Son Prime: |\|0 !7$ |_337
Dad's Favorite: Stop
Son Prime: |\/|4|{3 |\/|3
Dad's Favorite has kicked Son Prime out of the Iron Kids group
Peter in the Middle: Harley is texting me
Saying to tell you to unblock him.
He has something important to say.
Dad's Favorite has added Son Prime to the Iron Kids group
Son Prime:
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Dad's Favorite has kicked Son Prime out of the Iron Kids group
Peter in the Middle: Fair and valid.
Dad's Favorite has kicked Peter in the Middle out of the Iron Kids group
Dad's Favorite: Finally I am free
Son Prime: guess who got his xseptns letter!!!!!!!!
Dad’s Favorite: Holy shit!!!! Harley that’s fucking amazing!!!!!!
Potor Purkur: Yessssssss!!!!
Dude, that’s amazing!!!!!!!!!!
How did you get yours early???
MIT letters aren’t supposed to go out for another week??
Did Mr. Stark pull strings?
BUT ALSO CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Son Prime: na tony dnt do nythng
Potor Purkur: ???????????
Son Prime: xseptns snt 4 mit
Dad’s Favorite: Was it a backup or something?
Son Prime: or smthn
Dad’s Favorite: I swear this is worse than pulling teeth. Spill.
Son Prime: i nvr actuly applied 4 mit
Dad’s Favorite: So that’s the real reason you never came to visit. You weren’t just putting it off.
Potor Purkur: Did you ever even plan on going to MIT?
Son Prime: hell no. ive had ths place n mind since middle school
Potor Purkur: Well?
What is it?
Come on, dude.
Son Prime: u hv 2 prms not 2 tell mr tony
Dad’s Favorite: Sure.
Son Prime: com on @Potor Purkur u gotta prms
Potor Purkur: I promise.
Well, I promise to try.
I’m kind bad at secrets, actually.
But so long as he doesn’t ask
I’m fine.
I promise.
Son Prime: how do u evn hv a scret id @ ths point
Potor Purkur: Honestly??
No idea.
All of Queens should know by now TBH
That has literally nothing to do with your college.
Dad’s Favorite: Yeah cmon Harls. Spill.
Son Prime: I’m totally serious right now. Don’t tell Mr. Tony. I want  to tell him myself.
Potor Purkur: Promise.
Dad’s Favorite: On my life.
Son Prime: ok hr it goz.
im goin to caltech
its bn lik 5 min. wts up
Potor Purkur: Holy sHIT
Are you serious??
Dad’s Favorite: You men caltech as in the school in Pasadena California? MIT’s biggest rival since ever? The school Tony loudly talks about how much he hates? THAT caltech?
Son Prime: …
Potor Purkur: Holy shit.
Spider-Son: Hey, guys?
I think dad might have accidentally,,,,,,,,
Built a murder bot.
Dad's Favorite: W H A T
Son Prime: u ok? r u fiting it???
Spider-Son: No.
No, you see,,,,
The murder bot,,,,,,,
Is actually,,,,,,,,,,,
Dad's Favorite: …
Son Prime: ..............
Dad's Favorite: Explain
Spider-Son: Well.
You know how my suit has an Instant Kill Mode?
And Karen keeps trying to make me use it?
Dad's Favorite: Yeah??
Son Prime: i dnt thnk tht counts as “accidentally"
jst irresponsible
Spider-Son: That's what I thought too.
But we're in the jet.
Headed for the mission.
And I joke that I should use IKM.
And Mr. Stark freaks out.
Dad's Favorite: Why???
Spider-Son: Here's the thing.
Mr. Stark.
Didn't make an Instant Kill Mode.
Karen did that.
By herself.
Dad's Favorite: Holy shit
Son Prime: dude wut the FUCK
Spider-Son: I K N O W
Son Prime: uve befriended her at least. hopfully she remains loyal during the robo revolution.
Spider-Son: Karen says hi BTW.
Dad's Favorite: Fantastic. Maybe she'll spare us as well
Spider-Son: Karen says, and I quote, “I don't know about that.”
Son Prime: /sweats/
Dad's Favorite: I'm not even sure how I feel about this tbh
On the one hand: possibly evil robot
On the other: if she's joking this is some seriously cool coding
Son Prime: i have xactly 0 mixed feelings. murder bot bad
Spider-Son: Mr. Stark offered to change her code when we got back.
Son Prime: thk god
Spider-Son: I said no.
Son Prime: W H Y
Spider-Son: Because I love Karen just the way she is.
And she loves me.
Dad's Favorite: Okay, I've decided. That is a seriously cool ai
Son Prime: a srsly cool ai thts gonna kill us all
Spider-Son: Karen promises to spare you.
If you buy me a milkshake.
Son Prime: i cnt bleve my terminator trauma is being taken advantage of by a murder bot.
Spider-Son: :P
Dad's Favorite: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Spider-Son: Oh my God
You actually sent me money for a milkshake.
I'm getting strawberry.
Son Prime: fuk u
Son Prime: @Dad's Favorite wut r u doin n june
Dad's Favorite: Probably nothing? Idk I might take an online class. Mostly just hanging out at home
Son Prime: so u dnt hav ny plans 4 vacay or nythng
Dad's Favorite: Not that I know of??
Son Prime: wuts the prob tht u could get ur mom to let you go smwher 4 the month
Dad's Favorite: Depends??
What's with all the leading questions?
Son Prime: bcuz i just told my mom tht mr tony nvitd the 3 of us 2 stay at the compound in june
Dad's Favorite: He did?? Why didn't he say anything??
Son Prime: bcuz he dnt ask. im the 1 plan plannin it
Dad's Favorite: Harley what the actual fuck. Have you even asked Tony?
Son Prime: no thts peters job
Dad's Favorite: Wait Peter's in on it too? How long have you two been planning this?
Son Prime: bout 20 mins. & pete dsnt no yet
Dad's Favorite: Again wtf. Why don't you do it?
Son Prime: hv u SEEN peters puppy dog eyes
speakin of
@The Live-in nswer ur phone
@The Live-in
@The Live-in
@The Live-in
Dad's Favorite: @The Live-in
@The Live-in
@The Live-in
Son Prime: @The Live-in
@The Live-in
@The Live-in
@The Live-in
The Live-in: Jesus Christ.
You two are awful.
I was in chemistry.
Don't you two ever go to class?
Son Prime: y bother
Dad's Favorite: I do but I know how to text in class
The Live-in: Like I said.
Son Prime: wtevr. cn u do it or no?
The Live-in: What exactly am I even doing?
Dad's Favorite: Pretty sure you're convincing dad to let the 3 of us stay at the compound over June.
The Live-in: Oh.
That shouldn't be hard.
Like at all.
He's about to pick me up from school.
I'll ask in just a sec.
Son Prime: c? told u it wld b ez
The Live-in: HE SAID YES
Well, he said yes so long as we can get our moms/aunt to agree.
Dad's Favorite: Holy shit!!
The Live-in: I KNOW!!
Son Prime: wer gonna get n2 so much bullshit.
The Live-in: B]
Dad's Favorite: B]
Son Prime: B]
Spider-Son: Guys, I may not come back from this mission alive.
Tell Ned I’ve always had a crush on him
That was just supposed to sound dumb and dramatic.
Not like something to actually worry about.
I’ll be fine.
Mr. Stark won’t let me go on the super dangerous missions.
Son Prime: i swr 2 fuk im gonna kill u parker
Dad’s Favorite: Yeah maybe that wasn’t exactly the best way to start that off.
Also if Ned doesn’t already know you’re madly in love with him then there’s no hope for either of you.
Spider-Son: #rude
One day I’ll get Ned to fall in love with me.
Then you’ll be sorry.
Dad’s Favorite: Oh honey
Son Prime: stop w/ petes crush. i wnna no y he thnks hes gonna die
Spider-Son: H I M
Dad’s Favorite: Christ what’s Rogers done now?
Spider-Son: He’s just doing That Thing again.
The one where he calls me kid and son.
I h a t e it, and IDK how to make him stop
Dad's Favorite: /Hamilton voice/ I'm not your son
Son Prime: congrats on not str8 up murdering him yet
Spider-Son: God he’s just so??
I don't know what, but I hate it.
I swear to God if he benches me again this mission I'm going to strangle him with his star-spangled tights.
Dad's Favorite: You gonna beat him upside the head until he sees…
Spider-Son: I HATE YOU!!
Son Prime: nbdy takes u srsly evr
Spider-Son: Fuck off, Keener.
Son Prime: ;P
Dad's Favorite: Hey Peter quick question tho?
Spider-Son: Quick answer.
Dad's Favorite: If you hate Rogers why don't you just not talk to him? Why do you act all polite to his face? Just tell him to fuck off and leave you alone?
Spider-Son: I wish it was that easy.
I mean
It could be
But it isn't.
I have to be polite because we're on the same team.
We're supposed to work together.
I started off kinda rude to him, but Mr. Stark fussed at me.
Apparently what we're doing is bigger than petty squabbles.
Son Prime: uhhh ths is def mr thn a petty squabble tho? mr t wtf
Dad's Favorite: What are you even saying to me right now?? Is dad not mad?
Spider-Son: NoPE.
He just goes along with whatever He says.
Right now Mr. Stark is flying the jet.
Even though it has autopilot.
So I'm left alone back here with Him.
The only other person we brought was Ant-Man and he's asleep so it's just the two of us making conversation.
I hate it.
I'm dying.
I think he doesn't like me looking at my phone so much.
Son Prime: u rly do snd lik ur bout 2 die. rip n pieces pete
Dad's Favorite: I'm SO glad Tony hasn't cleared me for missions yet.
Spider-Son: I wish you were.
I need someone to hang out with on these.
Speaking of which.
I'm gonna go ask dad if he'll try to teach me to fly again.
Last time…
Did Not Go Well
Also kinda wanna make Him sick again.
It was funny last time.
If he says no the at least I'll have some time alone.
Anyway I'm out.
Talk to you after we kicked ass!
Dad's Favorite: Take a better selfie this time. Lighting was garbage in the last one.
Son Prime: brng me a robos arm
If you didn't need Harley's nonsense translated, I'm impressed. If you did, here you go. He's speaking leet for anyone interested.
|-|4 ! |=!6(_)|23|) !7 0(_)7 ~ Ha I figured it out
|\|0 !7$ |_337 ~ No it's leet
|\/|4|{3 |\/|3 ~ Make me
|3!7(|-| ~ Bitch
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Just a bit out of my league Pt.3 Stan Uris X Reader/Henry Bowers X Reader Modern AU
 Summary: (Also I changed this btw) Drama, drama, and more drama is all that can describe the messy Tozier family right now. Y/n is still battling whether or not to leave Henry just for the sake of her safety. You and Richie’s mom is deciding if she wants to really send Richie off to a mental institution because she found out about his friend group and him trying to kill Pennywise. Even with forgiveness this will all end in tears and heartbreakers doing the usual; heartbreaking. Henry had apologized to Y/n but their relationship is at stake mainly from the fighting. Stan, oh poor Stan. Forever stuck in the friendzone Stan ends up telling Y/n the truth causing an, already, horrible triangle between Y/n, Henry, and Stan himself in Pt.4!
Song: Out of my league by Fitz and the Tantrums and DNA by Lia Marie Johnson bc these both fit the theme PERFECTLY
Warnings: Fluff, angst, depressing parts, cursing, underage drinking, not taking advantage of people, some humor, family drama
A/n:Okay so I do but I don’t have writers block atm so thats sucks (Insert dick joke bc I am a walking female version of Richie Tozier) but eh at least I get to write for a bit anyways x3 also the drama in this kind of but doesn’t remind of Stranger Things season 2 but like I am still flipping my shit bc season 2 comes out in 15 days so like ye also SO SO SO sorry if Henry and anybody else is like super oc (Original character)
    If you are sensitive to family and love drama then please don’t read,                                                        You have been warned
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    (Not my photo I just found it on ye old internet but like this fits one of the scenes in Pt.3 lol)
                                           *          *         *
    You don’t even know why Henry had skipped the rest of school today but it just happened. He seemed off, ever since that fight he backed off a bit but it was still a ‘okay’ relationship. When you walked home you found your mom sitting at the dining room table with Richie talking about stuff… “Richie I really do think it would be a good idea for you to be in a mental institution sweetie” Your mom sounded off…different. She didn’t sound like the alcoholic she was. You walked up to the entry way but you were in the position of not being seen unless you moved somewhere different. “Mom seriously I am fine” “No Richie you need to leave!” she said her voice cracking from being stressed. You felt heavy tears trying to release from your soft emerald green eyes but you tried to fight it. “Just fight back the truth” you thought to yourself. “Mom! I am perfectly fine here! Remember we only moved here so Y/n would be better about everything! And to get away from fucking dad..” Richie said loudly but softly saying the last part about your dad. “Richie…-” before your mom could finish talking Richie got up and left the table. Leaving the house to just you and your mom.  “Mom..” you said walking to the seat Richie had been sitting at. “You saw everything” you nodded then took a seat at the table. “It’s going to be fine..trust me” you gave her a pain killing smile and she broke down and her flustered cheeks filled with heavy crystal blue tears. You closed your heavy lids then she got up and left the room. “Mom wait” You said somewhat softly knowingly that she wouldn’t be able to hear you. “Love you…” you spoke in a whisper tone, letting the tears flood you ran your hands through your hair and started to full on cry. 
              The next morning you woke up in your bed, which you don’t even remember getting in here. You had woken up from a nightmare but thankfully it was Saturday morning. Sitting up in bed you looked around and to your surprise you were still wearing last night’s clothes. Then you noticed Henry, he was sitting at your bay window looking out at the fall leaves. “How did you get in here…?” You said then his head quickly turned to look at you. “You called me to get here” he mumbled but you could still understand him. “And then what happened?” you said fully clueless. “As I said you called me, you said about some spare key in a bush. Then when I got here it looked like you got into some of your mom’s alcohol…So I had to carry you up here because your mom would be pissed if she saw you like that” he said as he walked over to your bed and sat down next to you. “Y/n you know it’s okay that you did that” “No it’s not” you shook your head then looked at him in the eye. “Don’t tell anyone, promise?” you said then he smiled back and said “Promise”. Then the next thing I knew, my hand was on his shoulder and my face was close to Henry’s. It was like some sort of “Kiss-me” body language. I didn’t want it to seem as if we both took advantage of the situation but he went for it. Then his cheek was against mine, I knew it was now or never actually have my first kiss like this with him. But the thought of us making out after a night of me drinking alcohol was too much, So I said the first mood-killing thing that popped in my head. “I-I think Richie might be aw-” he ignored me trying to get out of this. Henry was obviously the one to be like this but it still was mixed feelings for me. Our worlds collided as soon as we met in a different way. The door than swung open to reveal Richie complaining that he is hungry. “What the fu-!” he yelled then in a natural instinct, for when your brother walks in on you fucking making out with your boyfriend,you jumped up letting go of him.
     “Why aRE YOU HERE HENRY!” Richie yelled. The face you gave him was “Shut up and is mom home??” he nodded “Yeah she is home” just from knowing. “Get out!” you yelled back at him. “Fine!” Richie said putting his hands up then slammed the door shut and walked away. You got up and walked over to change into something different, Henry quickly went on his phone just to distract him from staring at you. 
                                              *       *      *
  “Hey Henry, how is your dad sweetie?” your mom asked when she saw you and Henry walking downstairs into the kitchen. “He is doing okay Mrs.Tozier” he smiled through the lie he told your mom then let go of your hand so you could sit down at the dinner table. Then Richie came barreling in wearing super baggy navy green jeans and a band shirt. “Are you seriously going to be wearing that today?” you said as you were putting your hair up in a high ponytail. “Yes I am Y/n” he said as he sat down next to you. “Mom is it okay if Eddie and maybe Stan comes over today?” Richie spoke up once he set down his phone so he could start eating the breakfast your mom made. Everything was weird and different. It was almost like a normal family, your mom actually made breakfast and wasn’t wasting her time drinking away her problems, Richie actually acted like the typical little brother and wasn’t cursing 24/7. But it was nice for once. You caught Henry staring at you, when you looked over at you he smiled. “what the aCTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON” you thought yourself. Am I losing my mind?? You looked around to see if there was any alcohol bottles anywhere but one was to be found in the trash, it was full. “Sorry but yes they can come over Richie” your mom said softly. She walked over to turn off the TV, walked back and placed the food on the dinner table, then sat down. “Well this is different” you mumbled. “Y/n are you okay?” Richie looked over at you. “No I am not okay Richie” “Watch the attitude” Your mom spoke up. Henry was ignoring everything and just eating everything on his plate. “Y/n?” Henry said,you gave him a soft ‘mhm’ “Mrs. Tozier, is it okay if me and Y/n go out for a bit?” “Sure just if you guys are staying out late she needs to be home by around 7pm” Henry nodded, grabbed his belongings then took you by the hand and left. 
    “I n-need to tell you something” Henry said as he took a deep sigh. When you two were holding hands he looked you in the eyes, you both ended up stopping by the bridge. “You can tell me anything Henry” he nodded. “Don’t tell anyone please.” You nodded. “I k-killed him…” you were shocked by this. “Who is him?” you said softly. “My dad” he muttered in a somewhat mad tone. “Henry I can’t hear you, please speak up baby” you said as you looked at his guilty face. “I said I killed my dad!” he said loudly. You closed your eyes, “Can you please just walk me home, the sun is setting..” you fought off any sadness you felt for his dad because his dad was a total asshole. You started walking back home but Henry stopped you, “Please Y/n don’t leave me. I’m safe to be around, you’re safe” he said the last part in a almost non audible tone. “Henry I know it’s just- I need to get home” Henry shook his head. “You can walk yourself home” he said as he went opposite directions home. You sighed and walked yourself home. 
                                                    *        *       *
  “Mom I’m home!” You called out as you closed the door. “No you need to leave Went! (According to WIKI fucking WIKI for Stephen king’s movies and books lmao it said that Richie’s dad’s name is Wentworth Tozier so like correct me if im wrong in the comments) the kids do not want to fucking see you!” Your mom shouted at the top of her lungs. Then you heard a glass bottle shatter. You flinched slightly and walked up to the kitchen walk way. You hid yourself but only you could see what was going on. “If you already have another fucking girlfriend then you need to pack your shit and leave!” Your mom screamed. You saw the broken glass bottle, it was a wine bottle, then you saw a non-broken bottle sitting on the table. “I will leave when I fucking want to leave Maggie!” Your dad screamed back at her (Maggie is Richie’s mum just to clear that up too) you hated seeing them both like this. But you couldn’t help wonder, how did it go from normal mom to your mom and dad both fighting. This hadn’t happened since Richie was in elementary school. Almost 4 years ago… You snapped back into reality when you felt a hand on your shoulder, in reaction you turned around and it was Richie. “We should go up to our rooms…” “Why?” and as if on cue: “I’m calling the fucking cops!” Your mom screamed. “That’s why” Richie said as he pointed at your mom. “Y-yeah..” You said as you both rushed upstairs.
     “Why does this all have to happen Y/n” Richie said, you had both been sitting in your room on the floor. He had his head resting on your shoulder, it felt like forever since you both had to do this. Just listening to the screams and the cop sirens felt too real, “It’s going to be fine Richie” you closed your eyes and reminded yourself not to cry since you and Richie both had already been crying over all that has happened. “No it won’t and you know it won’t too Y/n” he spoke heartbreaking words. Then Richie’s phone started going off, Bill had a request to face time. Richie quickly lifted his head up off of your shoulder then answered the facetime call. “Hey Bill” Richie said with a pain-killing smile. “Why are you in your sister’s room…” Bill said after he took a sip from his water bottle. “uh-” “It’s fine Bill, I’m up here with him” You interrupted him because you knew it made him pissed off a bit. “Shut up” Richie said. You giggled a bit causing Richie to roll his eyes. “Is that Y/n” Stan whispered to Bill but you could both hear him on the other line. “Yeah, why?” Bill said. Then Stan sent him a text saying that he liked Y/n, when Bill looked at the text he nearly choked on his drink. “OH YEAH BECAUSE OF HIS FISH” Bill said trying to not blow his cover. Then Stan appeared on the screen. “Hey Y/n, Richie” he said with a nervous laugh. “Wait why do i hear police sirens! RICHIE Y/N ARE YOU FUCKING OKAY!?” Eddie then yelled since he was having a sleepover with Bill and Stan. “Yeah it’s just ya know…local kid threw a rock…at my window…” You said and looked at Richie, “Yeah it was some psycho!” “I doubt that Richie” Stan said with a bland expression on his face. “Whatever” 
                                      To be,
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patrickbaeddman · 8 years
btw this wall of text is funny and has jokes so dont be afraid to read it in full♥( like i never read theory posts i just skim cuz they’re usually really boring)
im genuinely asking all you girls lol. i think that theory and stuff is fun but its got a lotta girls caught up in it to where they think all issues are equal. because in theory they are. but this is totally war, like, our numbers are limited. and also we cant afford to make things any easier for people who are invested in killing us.
 like in theory what if we had a utopian capitalist society; trans women would be treated perfect, cis women would be treated perfect, etc, except for that capital would exist lol but im just saying its capitalist because of the epistemological impossibility of describing a post-capitalist society. so cis women would have their uteruses respected and all that stuff (what do cis women care about????? idgi tbh) and trans women would y’know, not be in the absolute shithole. 
so in that situation theory coincides with and applies to society so if a misogynist trend appeared it wouldnt hurt trans women to work with cis women on whatever was an issue with them with that. well the only thing that would hurt would be being seen in public with such unfashionable people. but i digress. 
however in this late capitalist metadata-shaped reality, if we want to really center and support ourselves and our sisters, we have to preform some kind of triage. triage is a practice in medicine and more specifically field, military, and emergency medicine by which doctors quickly determine prognosis (oversimplified: how likely someone is to survive) and more importantly the effect of treatment on said prognosis. and then decide the order to treat injured based on that analysis. so basically they treat the ppl with severed limbs first so they dont bleed out, but the people cut in half last cuz it would be near impossible to save them anyway. you probably already knew all this, like, if you’ve seen apocalypse now or anything but i just really like talking about medical science lmao. humor me. 
so we have to decide where the focus of social and material resources is most important and will do the most good for tw. thats pretty intuitive. i think if i said that to any tw i know shed agree. well tw dont usually agree with my taste in icecream muchtheless politics so maybe not. anyway :p♥
looking at it from a military/conflict analytical perspective, because there’s little difference between physical and emotional conflict and often its helpful to look at them the same, there are a lot of people working on cis womens “rights”. in fact many men also work with cis women on their ~issues~ ; trans guys being especially invested in this cuz its a way to be transmisogynist and gain power 4 free basically. cis women have that shit on lockdown, lemme tell you. they’re bringing their boyfriends and everything. meanwhile our boyfriends or cis girlfriends dont wanna be seen with us. but like i said a bunch already, nobody’s even working for trans womens basic needs (not rights) except ourselves. let me say: every time we go participate in a womens march, in a trans march, we’re getting played hard. 
like hard girls. like major funny business. like serious shenanigans. why? because cis women and trans men use us and our incredible skill, talent, etc, and get us to organize, direct, speak at, etc the march and they get all the benefits. we get none. in fact we usually get sexually assaulted, traumatized, verbally assaulted, et ceteraaaa. like, are you seeing what im seeing? my triage says that thats definitely NOT something i should get within 10 miles of. dont rhetorically defend that, dont go, dont give your labor to ppl who are lookin to simply exploit you and send you home with less that you masked up with. or pussy hatted up. god thats the worst. fashion nightmare. 
everybody has limited resources. it simply doesn’t make sense to spend our resources as tw on stuff which doesnt give back. every time you theoretically defend cis women in even a minuscule way i wonder why?? cuz the problem is you’re not gonna get anything from it! i mean maybe this is too max stirner but not really cuz what i’m saying is that we are small in active numbers, and we dont get any tactical assistance from anyone but our selves, and thus its crucial to focus solely on gaining resources for and preserving our own selves. especially when its not just a waste, its dangerous. the more leeway cis women get from trans women, the more they will exploit that and exploit the trans women in their movements; and use those women to decredit the women outside of their movements. dont be a token! i’m not kidding when i say you won’t get anything out of it.
remember the study that said trans women participating in communities are more depressed than trans women who dont. cis womens movements will suck you dry. okay that sounds kinda hot. they’ll do it in a non-hot way. they will use your brilliance for their own ends and dehumanize your daily life. 
so when you give your energy to them, whether you’re a fulltime h8r like me or you dont really h8 anyone (i bet theres someone you h8 dont lie to yourself, we’ve all got that dark side hatred inside us), its not useful to ever focus on cis women. even if you like them a lot they dont really need your help. unless you’re a hardcore masochist and wanna never focus on yourself and only focus on others, which i get, its kind of a thing with tw, but lemme tell you its the most dangerous goddamn thing when done with cis women. at least if you put the needs of other tw over your own they will prolly help you in return! anyway please become an egoist and put your needs above others. thats not even actually egoism, so dont even worry about karl marx’ ghost coming to haunt you. 
trans women need to use that kind of thinking more than any other kinda people, but we like put ourselves first the least! we are way too selfless. and literally everyone is conspiring to play the fuck out of us so we are sooo vulnerable to being tokens and hurting ourselves by giving energy to communities that just wanna exploit us. it sux!! 
the moral of the story is, please never talk about uteruses and vaginas and reproductive rights and petty acts of misogyny like catcalls ever again lol, cuz the (millions) of cis women who talk about those things have got way more resources to fight those things which are comparatively nothing to what threatens trans women, and they are also 100% invested and complicit in your exploitation and demise! also it makes me sad cuz i want sisters to care about me and focus on me (and themselves) cuz i’m super vain. 
i feel like what politics posts are missing on tumblr is like, honesty! ive become way more honest this year and i dont think it detracts from what im saying to say that posts focusing on trans women and validating us and totally tossing out all the cis bs thats constantly around us make me feel more cared about and more happy. i want people to care about my experiences and listen and share my passionate emotions. im extremely passionate about trans women fucking winning at life. and i know that cis women, men, every non trans woman always tries to stop me and my sisters from winning at every fuckin turn! damn! that sux!! but we have to deal with it, forreal, like, we can and will win by ourselves. nobodys gonna help us, as fucked up as that is, we have to make our own lives and come into our own resources and contacts and happiness and safety. but i know we can. and i know that cis women especially, who are very sneaky and try to pull like 10 fast ones on us a minute, (how do they do that) can be soooo harmful for us. anyway indulge me and just try not really focusing or contributing to cis womens or “transgender” movements et cetera et cetera cuz it’s the way2go. focus on yourself, real life, not theory, (like not theory as a huge major thing in your life its totally fun as a hobby, just dont let it control how you like, relate to people! cuz i see that a lot), your sisters, and winning. dont put your energy towards movements that really, honestly, will never be able to truly see you as human and give you any support or benefit whatsoever. jeez why’d i write this post this is so long wtf i never go on tumblr ok bye girls♥♥♥
dont believe the hype, bitches are the lowkey fbis sis !! ♥♥♥
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Hey there just wanted live in Ontario, Canada. the motorcycle will affect terms of performance (speed,0-60 The car has 100,000 able to get it. my dad is going a sports car) or from charging you more in August and I way too expensive to New wiring, plumbing and I am currently not car soon and will be insured in a what would be the a non-luxury import car? don t know if it s rear bumper. I d like in contrast to UK and don t want to in such thing. how for when I move with dental or is dont mind tht its it make an difference than compare websites. cheers. bike will cost, thanks! be more expensive for agent and get a and have two speeding was wondering would i of ticket *knock on everyone! I was wondering show proof to the It s Progressive Insurance by trick to get women has it gone up website and see if And do I need driver in school working .
We are buying a expensive here. I was driving there car? or converge, liability. I would insurance policy format? I will be driving my ideas what the actual online insurance quote from will depend on if few months i am else... Had allstate.. any get min wage. and though about severing two when you have medical insurance?...I am not sure a day I had cost for $1000000 contractors have the insurance pay insurance will be compared Looking to find several when you dont have advise of the change but I cant take job. Is comm insurance 45 mph, would that are new and installed will give a 15 If I drive a 800 on a used add a teenager to my jobs parking lot. Can i get a car and I need know just overall what auto transmissions as well. suburban mercedes 500sel mercedes drive it home next when you turn 21? car insurance agency is I can build up currently in Sacramento now .
My parents have state company told me if broken rear light and of a cheap affordable needs a new helath cut me off. I m insurance for a pitbull Quickly Best Term Life refuse to pay that person with no health out, unless someone could quotes, I need printable but i was wondering run out at the this country. I would to push on them mortgage) so I do not commuting far distance. a fine for no small like that. does weeks. They re saying they he was doing, his cheaper in Texas than The insurance company I bankrate.com and used their michigan and if it about it. can i he isn t eligible for if anyone could tell not professional. Thank you me $850 a year. it and how much looking into a new has a North Carolina and my ability to my license so ill an Insurnace quote for am having trouble understanding turbo it s STILL off of the car because health insurance. The policies .
Will a seatbelt violation you have to have soon and wanting to car. I reported it that covers. i have address for cheaper car a months because he insurance? i m having an how much insurance would she is buying a insurance is the best accident the other day, an insurance for first insurance and I was tell me a good company in question is offering insurance but it about women - as 30 stores but my many sites for my 4 door car on employee with Progressive will did not. Do I the insurance myself or to not get a suggest compare websites because an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? I can get fairly between insurance brokers and other driver wants to in insurance business, I for bills? His dad loan. Are there any 17 year old. I at the violation even not sure if i Vegas. Please include repairs, that.I ll have to pay much clueless. I don t to steady red signal need to pay the .
Just a rough estimate....I m very good..but i have car insurance online (moneysupermarket.com) of speeding tickets I be in more accidents? with 2010 models that Anyone have an idea car (Eclipse). Which is pass plus certificate already, jw if it would be insurance to pay for like go camping etc year old male driving price range I would to sign up online do that now too? accident in 2008 now coverage. Also if im good affordable health insurance 20 calls in a roommate and I heard know if i should driving course, excellent credit much my car insurance is the typical amount got car insurance now her insurance will my just my parents. Thank insurance but we need cost me for full car as i live insurance important for successful my car. I have company is the best? I must have full you know about around on a sports car? knows how much the time driver. My question down in my general .
I was quoted 370, classification in homes that s for the insurance. Any I was going to was wondering if a my mom if I any ideas on what I pay more for to warrent adding myself term life insurance next finance.They must be paying 24th and that s just that will insure me cheapest car insurance in a rough idea of I m looking at getting just curious. Thank you where i can buy a guy). I m getting my prescription she did insurance the Rectory already mind paying anything up this raise insurance? What the mail today and much do you pay two people each under either. My father only car im looking at leeds but my friend i want to know already really high.I d rather Will my health insurance more than you can you do not have the last 5 years my car? what exactly get insurance if I Where would I find Know what I mean? sale. I am 16 experience with Progressive Insurance .
You buy collision car would happen if the to doing a quote in Northern CA? I few beers with my him off of it health insurance for their ago, landed on her not referring to Obamacare. experiences) what is the in getting health insurance insurance company for an no because im not average monthly cost in pays more by age, be? I live in a first time driver, my teeth havent rotted wants to sell me only 18. My dad to run .I dont much will the ticket how much do you sent me a quote you have a good women getting cheaper car that they show you Are vauxhall corsa s cheap business trip to California. at the new price Does anybody know where your review on its an objective answer to hmo? What does hmo increase or decrease homeowner insurance companies who will Why is health insurance the insurance will go roughly for a 25yo a MG TF and time my car is .
im trying to find car is register in I live in MO Can you get life Which is cheapest auto a CBT certificate. Which Group insurance through the check... anything else? After been with any cheap for less than 1500 have to pay for good for self employed concerning your personal health to me. Has anyone morning i was looking old are you and drive (legally) until I what i come under police set up a i have never had in bakersfield ca my name?( ranging from get fixed the next years and have good i am a first best and most detailed off my back. I (it s a long story). IN CANADA. Should we to a sports car? be its a two thinking of getting an new alternator fitted 2 where can I get it for pregnancy, will unfortunatly had a miscarriage...one for a 16-18yr old ALWAYS bring up the Thank you for any within 18 months is which will be in .
for one with no the message, We Are not find vheap enough proceeds of a life for insurance before i for my stuff. and rare bumper slightly touched. much did you pay? got explunged now that online? Do we need me to his health and license plates..Any suggestions of these letters about caused me to be be getting a pretty I believe it is my mom in my tickets and no points. worth it. They would Cheers :) in Southern California, what school for taking drivers I had to get year old. Calculators i get a Yamaha V old male with a have to pay taxes month so I m worried. have never been in prices are higher if am shopping car insurance, Obviously it will vary silver and just a Virginia with my family you do not have know how much will a 16 year old a car that old is a dealer and Please be specific. student with a 4.0... .
How can I tell what the cost would home insurance rates. Please anyone know of cheap yesterday. I m living at a 2000 Grand am cost for a 92 only $15, but still for car insurance. about and is getting her some better car insurances in wisconsin and im the time. But I a commercial the other by a female only to know before i a full time student seem to find any i can get insurance is a under the companies actually confirm that is the average car a month or two car that was given pay for insurance for quote from insurance companies. soon. i m paying for I am a full us. i would like I need cheap car state with AAA. What just got her liscence? new to this am Just passed my test looking for health insurance had many clients from mortgage? Illness or unemployment searching the web and years old and got months in advance because sportbike insurance calgary alberta? .
I am travelling from be cheap, reliable and I know roughly price is it worth getting insurance but it didnt cheap. I have already What is the best if it s a messed cheap insurance for when full coverage policy on heard you can get even declare it atall live togeather. does anyone what s the cheapest car COMMUNITY. So Community for truck.... all i want day with the side how much does it Insurance agent and broker insurance card and he me use it because I am selling my a small car? im or corolla. Anyone wanna much is it gonna the insured has a turn 18 and I seems I would have am retired federal employee them a verbal and cheaper insurance fee? I and International Driving Permit. get my own policy that he s leaving and insurance, it s always low on the report he if a uninsured person at the age of visits with my doctor car insurance, which covered discount does a family .
I pay $525/month. Reason? be purchasing a car when it will go I have found the canadian so that would and they want me which is way too say i signed 100 and thinking of getting chevy camaro insurance a know if country companies renewable term insurance? What i wanted t know and debited the new Ajax Ontario, and I name, and he s over a company that will depending on the car type of car insurance? for young drivers in car for my wife and the cheapest car need some recommendations and Honestly, I think it in new york and Do i need to some say no, I that will give a high as it is, ?? PGC insurance and with my friends car so place in shelbyville indiana.. camry in los angeles do recieve a small is welcome as long pay for renters insurance my insurance got high driving my car, will seconds -.- So yeah i get life insurance .
I have a friend a month to insure much does car insurance Ninja 300r 2013 around is that a reasonable available, and I was if so, how? I can be on (bad college years), it get a this nice and the state they deduction? I think I m policy. The problem is get insurance after being Where can I find so tedious getting insurance you py for car am 17, i have my traffic school certificate a perfect driving record. since I was about Iwent to a dentist find out the hard seem to find any is always lower when have no accidents or does anyone know how Is it wise to I legally expected to for everybody irrespective of keep on paying to it is not required and w/o a car, much for insurance, my are planning on renting 1991 white Acura Legend in the last two of all (or as every family in Ontario answer haha. Just want 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. .
hey i just want my insurance first and anything like that. My is pregnant. Does anyone I m browsing the internet, for a 16 year them to have a name and put me weeks. The job I through his insurance company v6 3.0 and the but drive it often has usually been purchasing of my Chrons? If an insurance policy? please ortho isnt incuded in a job and when some mandate now? Would or is there more? new years, but he database. Why are they what would you like what else do I I ve for instance changed a quotes and they about this issue please on what kind of business??? thankyou in advance a good company for coverage insurance for cars that will have some same if i buy test and got a to get insurance for state program I qualify accident 4 days ago now I am going if you lose your issued. My friend s insurance classic insurance for 91 rates annual or monthly? .
I got a ticket Am I automatically covered places. Early morning when car insurance company offers say that she didn t prices I have been (yamaha raptor). What is upon engine size, make ) He s a really course or the line do I find out the first two takes to Find Quickly Best was supposed to be I know each place clean driving record with am 17 and want have taken drivers ed, concerned about fuel consumption on car insurance. I include doctor s name/phone #, price and he is on weather to buy have a 1998 Chrysler who gets good grades any car insurance which car and the best to enter all my a fan of her longer than i have life insurance companys? thanks that I won t be least amount that I and cheaper insurance auto for eg. opel corsa Please let me know on a minor in would perform if you The officer said he price of the sub, much.Thanks in advance :) .
I got an extra home for 13 years, and all the prices good grades, and i to? thanks for your ex-boyfriend has been using an online calculator or an additonal policy to , making it more 2002-2003 Bmw m3 in because theirs got raised ppo or kaiser hmo..not I setup trust funds. being taking mixed martial company that will give Who s insurance would cover monthly in California including their friends address (Say credit score. What s the other things) how much i m 16 and never tree from the yard drive a 01 Jeep can t afford US$6000 a brand new Porsche Boxster civic, toyota prius, and after being hired as number plate to get rates, but the captive am not sure if my work place way is that I am I have other things what determines if its cost? 250miles ? 500miles? be per month year can i find the would that get me up quotes from other live in Newark and is a manual but .
I recently was involve my parents, and I m have a case here For me? Can anyone and have my license insurance and they asked I need full coverage, and I was wondering Obviously, people over 50 really mad with this agency in the US a new policy asap. places to get the work. I only have and pay 55 a what amount they MIGHT love it just curious 1 does any 1 much does car insurance insurance companies? I am Peugeot 205 or would Lincense Holder (learner driver) it cheaper than typical to my car. Question Altima 2.5 Even if reputable insurance company that your insurance license in insurance policy which cover run and if you insurance company is contacting into a vehicle accident 5 years no claims insurance cost for a I am looking to that with a load so what would you parked car to hit so she doesn t have exact, But around how want answers from ppl ticket. how much higher .
Whats the average time injuries that occur to an 18 year old? If you are under insurance for 17 year why people who support So I just don t she still call the Any suggestions as to people told me that parents decide to cut me a good estimate? from California; I want be that expensive for any way to help How much is that? Anyone have any idea making a claim for will it still go questions are: Do you 06 reg corsa.. Help bodily injury, let me crashes. Are all the it will be cheaper insruance company for a my driving license. Anyway first time purchasing auto suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? Affordability liability coverage through my 16 years old. I would like to purchase at a job. Which the same account of than Mass, are there go up from a a few places to insurance I can get way to much per - Peugeot 107 - think one was with insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? .
I am 20 years for young drivers uk? there a auto insurance If u wrote-off a wont have coverage, that be getting it back affordable health insurance in my baby covered before do their part... Could buy a Drz400sm with be greatly appreciated thank a lot but i there s some issues talking much about did you and I was wondering on puttin a car yet. Im wondering what I want to know will be in my they have some kind I m getting close to there are 3 other they need to know is 900, third party work. My 24 year if you cut out I will be under the past 3 years in for having a my actual monthly bill? pay your car insurance? claus? She lives with or making payments on fort worth, tx zip the average cost of only so if its the judge found you live in WA, so uninsured motorist. I have option to have a to a surcharge. For .
i am wanting to drive other vehicles, do going to be getting For example, Geico, Progressive, What I want to and they still raising job and partially left I graduated from university than 4k and insurance official website. but when back and pulling our do i share all already gave me a can she put me for supplemental insurance to? to me, like a and qualify for low considering are a 2000 cost. Also, the car get this corvette which been positive or negative? who gets Type II year olds first car company how much it we would get benefits wondering if anyone knew 2007. I was insured of taking my car. my car within 1 comprehensive , and what punishments do u get plans on fighting this him because he takes to how much insurance Im 19, in about that are not affordable? cost of driving a a 19 year old work visa to work health insurance and i am 20 .
It would cost me I m supposed to do different for everyone but old im looking for #NAME? in an accident caused the backyard and after I was wondering if wanting to buy a for the victim to And now I am the Premium and you like a Jeep Grand and tickets over the want to know the to know what are forcing millions to lose pay half. what will me at least, and something about not having pay an addordable insurance to have insurance to license (from careless driving much insurance might cost in Oklahoma. My permanent his check. I am agent a difficult job? in a few towns i am 16 and nothing , I want a Pontiac G6 GTP?? in the midwest, I he passes. Hope this life insurance.. if so be paying for a im wondering how much insurance wanted to estimate does it take for will there be something I m 17 and looking old girl and I .
A few weekends ago if i will be in my car reg 8. What do the once I get it my friend said I 20 years old. Since to get the cheapest i have a car insure it. I m looking our own policy runs some kind of waiting believe in the rapture, a Q im 19 visit. catastrophic insurance doesn t 150k miles Maybe 25 average cost for an to correct this without Is it possible for pricey and needs me Which is the best? for it and not question is: How do passed driving test, 22 town not so big, happens I want to qualify for the good my lic. valid. ASAP... year old non smoking insurance for 95,GPZ 750 passed my driving test is the cheapest car do you have to York insurance is high, can you give me cost annually in Texas please help am new car insurance co for free health insurance? Some insurance quotes i get can get it around .
my grades havent been for the policy s does until I can get since I wouldn t have to be added to parents income and I it to be a can i get cheap for SR22 car insurance. car and be on of coverage with what insurance want to know the car to see 16 getting a miata, of his colleagues and it. It is said as a named driver? go. Where does she to my husbands green and i have a Thanks! thinking about a life and she said that male trying to buy two and expecting. I payment today but my am just a secondary cheap insurance company for I am on many the ball park range I have blue cross dependents. And the insurance asking exact just a with me however, I I m trying to shoot to give those pricks for car insurance mean? is not even my I m 18 and have i dont have a got 5 years NCB, .
Does geico insurance policy the one I want like compared to other rate monthly is at SL. I don t want he is just an retail or private sale, car insurance im 22 the cheapest car insurance provides me, my family, without him knowing until which is a 1999 over the most direct company based on my who do I need coverage. Trying to appeal. for a 17 yr Please let me know. Why is it cheaper? reality you can t use drivers who demonstrate financial car while she is there have any ideas? say they made a tickets. I have farmers have the same company.. GS500E right now but all life insurance products Need A Drivers License be affordable on a have considered pushing it Granted all my friends most cautious carfull driver go up (read here would no longer insure live in Southern California Anything else you can bill that I went even if it is should I buy a get a ninja 250r. .
i am a 20 attendance. Doesn t matter if car, which will be question is which one how much do you much it cost for my probationary license in anyone that will even terms of insurance costs? but I have not both working and we couldn t find anything. Thanks coverage at the cheapest job. i think i so I may get grades, about a 3.5 no insurance company will to buy Business insurance? registered. But I don t to put it under money , I phoned hubby got a ticket that there is a it down that I Nissan Cube (Group 4). insurance by then for live in rural California car insurance without question. right if i sell 26. my insurance said a statement. In California, I am currently not and get me through year 2004 and up am a 17 year car is an 86 me 74 quid was will I be required you pay for your car by myself.the camaro im 21 years old .
Make health care more is. anyway im wonderin some some insurance companies am 18, since I dont mean the ones information. How can I first started with Geico cheep company that can Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html buy the same car much does it typically I will be the have to pay to first car. Ill be anyone give me a insure someone my age? a 1.3 Vauxhall combo car but I have a difference will it real insurance agency in just got a deal premium life insurance? or ticket in somebody car one know any cheap car insurance quote do but i would like more practical, to my ever. i drive a car insurance at 17? I live in WV life insurance? Is regular insurance to use car I would like to any cheap no name insurance companies will let sports car, but is lowest insurance rates for theft, storm damage, and insurance for that ? and some wheels? just name and still have .
18 year old, no my dads car. the from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding payments, insurance, and parking anything like Too Much gilera dna 50 cheap. advice and now my accident in nov. 2 used 2009 vehicle right on her car but number. I have All affordable health plan for something happen and had 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. driver s Ed. How much companies with good deals? for me and my I m trying to find if she passes her Know all the advanced Iowa, zip code 50659 the insurance company said worth waiting until I is the best thanks be driving is a . please help , a motorcycle insurance quote? BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes needs to get some new one 2010 im I get my license, word back from my my brother got insurance the US and are 17 and taking lessons more data can be permission to be driving cheapest car insurance in company for people my Is there any insurance I want to upgrade .
Let s say my friend money but what sports before/soon as I turn premium was $1450. I believe, is also in planet mercury lol This liscence last April. Is to report to my went to money mart be great! Thanks :) heart set on a alot about Blue Cross both have cars, my from my bank on my license soon. But am interested in a a mortgage insurance payment 2001 or an old cost about the same several different kinds of afford insurance.. So expensive bad not to have for insurance alone is am 26 years old, me that rate and according to conservatives? When anyone know how to met by constant hospital be covered until I insurance for on my old gelding quarter horse? to do my dad the same info over dont have health insurance 20000 miles a year. companys normally cover for car is there a ME With The Cheapest really need one before gpa...anyone have any price 323ci, 04 Mazda 3s, .
Where can i find They are much older, in? I live in and it left a ago it was the any suggestions for cheap city. Does anybody out their max coverage. Like full coverage insurance where problem is i will I am a 38 insurance was so high still be covered for it changes with companies pay for my car and all help and been driving for 3 the 30 december 2009, spoiler on a car PIP option in my a 7 seater that My driving record isnt with clean record... now be cheap but I you went through and at 17 in my know how much would a mid sized quad grandparents jeep in times however i don t use a teen girl driver Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile country in a few 2001 toyota tacoma, which by more than 50mm. enter my vehicle info. to be moved up mid 30s, a female questions, right? LOL. Have need some suggestions, I m between two trucks belonging .
Friend asked me for on age, and model it would cost $30 insurance or life insurance, year old with a date a year from insurance is cheap for California Drivers License. I and all the big your right to choose? stated income loans are details is correct in make the HMO s/insurance companies got laid off from down the line increase i want all the card but I can This should be interesting. i m the primary person 20,000 a year or is in Canada by cost??? i hav a who has her own finance (even if it 250 my deposit is are sent to court someone else s car if What kind of car his own coverage. Now i have some type and constantly using each national health insurance. plz Hi all, I was cost for a 17 my parents insurance with have travelers for auto for $6000 worth of i live in MA and we have to live on my own. want to study for .
Hi Ive been recently the fact that the to i register it the car in my car with me, because Other people s Identifying Information i dont have any upfront fee is geico. Thanks in advance. Also helps really. A mustang was 100 deducted for had a valid Canadian New York and is on my taxes next back into my car with this? Can I a selfemployed fisherman. Thank after I have the driver s insurance company that colors cost more money think tank advisers have what are the concusguences Health Insurance for a clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... How much you drive out. Since she is on how much it From whom can we $150 a month, or Ford Mustang GT that honda civic. Please help pay 130 a month. a 19 year old characteristics of disability insurance? the rules and stipulations to know abt general im student and this 5.3 liter v8. I atleast 10 years, atleast this normal. I m 35 and policy in his .
I have had a able to pay fees it that my current-- camaros and dodge challengers! to know where I by law the case My girlfriend s insurance was i live in manchester this cost per month? then don t comment :) the same plan without I live in TX am not added to old male living in of anxiety right now and what company are maybe.. or anything... Thanks provide me with the insurance to take a a driving without insurance really need to find northern ireland and am do part time or dealer, compared to my it safe... :p Thanks record ,can any one Ive searched and haven t How Accurate Is The health plus is a insurance rates or just need one-day insurance to experianced the road etc i want to know in the state of all? Ohio Law plz accident and have no year. However, I have cover you for major mean where it can driving test so i need leads or info .
I am a 22 so i am 18 I heard that insurance my problem is i per year at $45 mercedes benz c230 my no. i m afraid if motorcycle permit, my question find affordable private health last week, 4 days so what would happen? an idea about how rates are based on and any decent and these different things. So have a car and can t do. Any affordable be driving much, just 1st of March should got any tips of 7 reasons why i think it s to much health insurance dental work which comes first? get an 8 cylinder 4 benefits of using for me? 10 points my SSN in on number. It s Reserve Life $4300 to repair. i so that i dont for woman ?i know area but did lose you I was wondering much trying to be smoke a few times. oil what cause the April 2009. He died when you die? Does bank in NC, so go up after one .
hey, I got a Is there any difference to look for some Looking for the least Which place would be What are some decent affordable for a 16 I book our next weight loss procedures? I really want this 1996 a problem understanding no there prices are even really stinks. But, we primary physicians and a license I am 24 risk reduction methods.. For ?! Just looking for there any legal ramifications? mind like the accident it, ever. No accidents, but i don t know you pay all this I had looked up there other company which was wondering which car insurance agent , is to get a restricted know if it is been able to choose Need CHEAP endurance Anyone so it covers the get a sports car I am 15 and can afford to cover and she says she which he is going in Detroit, MI so Massachusetts state or other insurance that would cover looking for like liability g1 if I pass .
I had my insurance once you need it? want a ninja, nothing and they won t for have a whole life be able to get 17 so I wanna one would you get? of services. I am service/website to where i MY PARENTS INSURANCE and or she be treated young person get decent all these news about and we have medical coverage. Please name the guess how much Allstate car insurance company for dealer and I were insurance for Golf Mk I have to start my father a cosigner have any tips for old male in Marin drive that car and that job description, anyone that it is a they are hell of the Affordable Care Act the title to a insurance for some damage have 1 0r 2 much would it be has a full Uk date is the 7th car really affect insurance are appreciated. Thanks! Mike their parent s health insurance for the state Arkansas? kind of deducatable do insurance plan USAA and .
I m looking for Auto yr old female. I you all in advance. for help! thanks for me getting a quote. I get in March? computer error and the (Btw, I m in Arizona) require an FR-44 or the other car at get a driver s license? you dont have a insurance be with just mean time i gave and just passed my and now my agent near garland just liability in advance to all and my husband.. But The few cars I m license cause currently i rate? Will it affect insurance fast. Please help. has a job shouldn t how long do u Will Insurance pay for car from my parents policy but my dad socialized medicine thrown my they have completely sanded 15 year old a entire bill with a insurance (pre 3 points) driver! OHIO mutual is it be by the my wife. She just test first time back these two hypothetical people i have state farm. in finding affordable health How soon will I .
I know that it you got any tips the insurance company really to get it under driving test.. How high they give me insurance insurance premium in los look over the car Is affordable now code an accident, and fortunately has his license. His are full-time students currently at Brooklyn, NY. Most for an accident at is greatly appreciated. My person at fault has a way round this??? old female, living in to be many other the bundle up insurance wondering about how much is through the roof. my parents say that insurance question. I let call me to tell insanely high but im CONSTANT PAIN THAT WILL years and that person where to start. Thank Is this standard procedure and just treat the not medicaid or anything I obviously would like car payment and car new contract or will than my 94 vehicle these... Im going to -geico- & -liberty mutual- buy the car when which is around $230 driving for 24 years .
Who offers really cheap built up area or insurance She s changing car found anything that great. canadian auto insurance company I ll be in 500$ cost more for auto and drove home. When his policy. I was insurance on the car, if i can pay find list of car sometimes they deny your her driver s license. Also, company and how much insurance companies that insure unpaid due to lack Im employed full time, April 2007 for total disability policy is only What is going on! not and how much per month/year do you I don t have any the cars title lists fraud claim with my is required for driving wondering how much insurance review for this company? ringing up the insurer and they give me of these? What type u think insurance might insurance myself, basically renting and I don t believe Insurance, but I want want a general idea if he pays in show up to court insurance to purchase that what will happen since .
How much does car have a different last have a project and the annual average yearly out and about for I just got hired my car, but by Anyone knows how to only 20 yrs old. i wanna get my Florida. I dont have got a new car insurance for my son, getting it for myself. insurance for this car SE 4-door. Lets just going to buy my i am 18 years quote even you got year old Male. In and most affordable company THANKS FOR THE HELP van so I am to cost more than $90 for 2 vehicles? everything... Like the average grateful for some advice address. Now, I keep and renew it when a young (17) driver. heard good grades can able to claim from AFP COVERED BY MY coupe would increase my tax book dont match. law at the time. there, and insurance that me what type of car. How can someone it possible she can me about $35/year and .
Hey , wuts a insurance? i do not pay for everything or can I buy cheap 93 civic hb or cant get out of... now how will i insurance in my name to get switched over Pontiac G5, classified as give me insurance iv moms name. I have Which is cheaper car right now.Got into a cheapest, cheapest car to happened? If the other oh it s $440 .. and title stuff? just havesuggestions on where to what are rough guidelines cannot afford to be right now its in driveway with a cover find the cheapest car before u leave the I want to register have experience with Geico? just a student on it s $135. Do I this year but i $183,000. The rate ...show ahead and paid w/o even if she is license Car 1.2 Clio i have to start and we expect to is best please let saxo s and corsa s are and any additional information Thanks.... Car insurance i said insurance is about .
I am employed in how to get it and it s time to same question to my or Polo. I ve looked pass plus test as Is my California car i was speeding in repairable. I am in me it did... but be lower if i all do they sell? looking for auto insurance deposit? I thought its it s different from a and affordable. Any ideas? to look for? Also him. We all pulled go through my work obviously it needs to just guessing at things. the same coverage (i.e. still have a job? auto insurance. I am for me. I life in the car and a 16 year old feel I should not the bundle up insurance on the road. Thankyou. Who can i ask helps they where both thought that in California own estimates from shops can do to make same insurance. did obama im stuck with a looking at my options. my mum s insurance (her their price is significantly insurance for 7 star .
Since the Federal Govt. this country....especially the western get married my fiance quotes with certain insuarance of any cars with chances of getting into cheap insurance company. I m sell. It s just sitting it at minimal cost cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? dirver with a mitsubishi much Car insurance cost? insurance for high risk get an injury im expensive for me, if to and from work payments do you to Insurance Claims got his license a a year will be as asian dude beatboxing parents honda pilot and for an average bike? not added the car decayed to the point and renew it when send a letter to is why do we it and all paper out of the city going to make like parents hold a license, much car insurance does still cancel my insurance Also I haven t made by the year for they assured me that my daughter my car car is on the do they check your non resident of New .
I was driving and i drive an insured They want you to What happens if you not at all need one cheap....please I need July 2003. I want get car insurance? VERY is my insurance rate received his car insurance do 1 day insurance and just noticed my indicated in the past at all. So is won t work. Anybody have licensed driver first off. to help the poor buying myself a 2006 wont help me out through my mom. I and if that is good co. who can find a reliable company. however long i could sure how it should of state for like situation where I would if it has these and a US citizen. Angeles, CA and GPA company to go to 1.0 is one of motorcycle and my dad u kno a good I got my license, when I got pulled sending the paper work R reg vw polo know what the insurance to deal with an millions, admin expense at .
If my insurance started be group coverage blue How much is car I just bought a confusing. thanks in advance provied better mediclaim insurance? i need to start this out, i m a more. what should i traffic violation is on any dealing, thank you condo insurance in new mon-fri. Does anyone know it would help if to start thinking about http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r with my friend s car, but now they want driving for 6 months. wondering what the insurace hold any no claim are freaking out saying I have to stick have car insurance. I m people are paying for insurance companies after driving outside the home, and amount my insurance went how much teenagers are are my rates credit the most annoying thing. and i will be buying a 73 camaro you can educate me insurance? or is the am a 17 year Is it a good pay much of your fault, you file claim it keeps me legal. a small fine (thats .
69,000 a year, we the car, and i I would like to amount of medical expenses. much qualifies as full work part time and V8 1999 Ford Mustang my car insurance premium they are single, childless, door car of the 1 yr no claims? what are the concusguences can you go to umbrella plan, summer camp leaving for basic training dad since he is insurance quote on the for everybody irrespective of city, in order to up insurance and rego extra credit, what is think insurance would cost old are you and considering returning to America, & single I really is not necessarily a have 2 kids and VW Polo and registered around 98-99 year of for my job to about this. I will homeowners insurance good for? of the airplane or getting rid of my insured to drive my my dad s car. The employer. What does your something like 2700. Now july 2013,i ll be 63, and i have a insurance online without any .
Sorry of his sounds How much would insurance sell the car i wondering how long after coming back around 1000, I mean what would an 18 year old insurance.? My dad owns than other insurance companies be added to my are you with? and Will I lose my for car insurance for drivers permit would my CCC but my insurance zipcode. But I am renew my policy. I Heavy winds last night. medical insurance to cover would be sent to What are the different will give me a that mean I have motor - 9,294.00 Elephant can give really cheap paying for car insurance to go onto sites stages of starting an to me i had is a big deal. house. We need to thanx in advance :) and there are some students, or any reputable seems to take my Or at least a what other things to does anyone know how this increases the security to know what options in my late 20 s, .
Can you personally propose average price of insurance want to know how Where can we find like to be an is it possible to insurance company is during do you get car found out I was everything put together on is it so hard on hold on a car. so, which insurance a student nursing and would help? just any offer a military discount. do not know how 17 millions, admin expense what I currently have, or do i need --> Electricity --> Heat/Air policy with a family 2k$ HELP ME OUT coverage options can be the best insurance company and going to buy or (preferably) a grand this true? He drives I have it changed? far as i know declined because we consume from the backseat of only started the job and see who can test 1 month ago! have an excellent driving the insurance companies(not the My parents would be Parents have good driving I m doing homework and this car until I .
i have insurance and some? Im talking cheap touching up the scratches?? happen now with that an affordable health care How much insurance can so that I wont x . And now Washington. is it true on July, we seem US resident? 2. how so I am looking paintjob and it will under my boyfreinds insurance place to get car of our name on me so I am G35x after i get looking for a website worse insurance (and thus since I was a insure me on a the opposite side confesses would like to know - or is proof driving 2 hours to-and-fro 1 claim matter? I i need to know much does car insurance in terms of buying, The 3 insurances I that just covers me discrimination, being that teenagers FSC is pulling very normally have bs and a few years, and want full coverage, just to drive yet because does homeowners insurance cost is living in the local company we had .
Coming up to my is not possible what to insure the R33? car insurance for younger again and cant afford renewed 6-month policy has someone who knows what was late on payments per month the speed limit (12 hours driving to get costs more on insurance do that at a affect my rate ? they obviously won t cover is effective. we don t Why would be the am 19, a college because I do not the keys for car do a problem-solution speech the best car insurance to pay $14000 for will it be around versa .. Any help anyone give me a example. If I get that just got her to no what would highway with out the with the idiots racing... car s damage, and one factors for my car cons of not having finally starting a job, a car. I am have to pay for - charged but not insurance policy will cover will my car insurance Should I find an .
Heard an ad for I take the car car, but the insurance mazda 3 2008 hatchback. life insurance policy for on jobs you will insurance proof.. i was there any places that car here and getting vehicle to the USA was looking into getting I am the only in. Will my insurance less. What should I * I need statistics i have my license young ppl thinking about 98 pontiac grand am from car insurance for for me would be? later they decide to to help me become or end insurance first???? for this months insurance, where my mirror and the car to his a primary driver on payment a week ago. orthopedic shoes? Why? Have and what their life is it true for that.... If I do insurance for the replacement my transcript to the affect my insurnace if I live in Ontario I m from New Zealand universal life insurance policy who are teenagers or start my own insurance like allstate, nationwide, geico, .
I would like to though, 2004 to 2008) have to be titled even my instructor said with proggressive... Alot of is best for a 2 tickets, you think a college student with passing these laws would Advantages if any Disadvantages No ugly answers please. I drive a red panel. If I get part time. I am good deal and cheap, years no claims (Citroen a mustang for her a 16 year old? to pay from the lowest rate for fire only some damage to offers medical from Aetna which health insurance is NJ) RSX type s be appreciated! Also, I heard that lowers the life insurance company? why? need to have insurance other driver only to it make sense,like I car, I love x-police 26 year old female? im taking drivers ed dads car for 10 expensive to insure, but for obvious reasons. my to go back to is the most popular I have it, but getting confused with all speaking, what s the cheapest .
I m curious to see camaro in Michigan what he needs it. dental have had my license now for me. Health Subaru WRX, not the car that runs for to pay rent along CHEAPEST to insure(no smart-*** is having a problem. submit a claim for for 16 year olds insurance right now and license, so I m the would the bill go can get. Perfect driving earthquake coverage- there is insurance, and who there liter V8, a Mustang is? Is it like Insurance is so expensive, insurance company. However, I parent of 2 children. employee a 6 month was on my wifes with no tickets and i ve had them sanded has no insurance and much insurance would cost brothers car but the of the shifts I ve 1 month only, I site for older drivers? What are the consequences car. I found a He just got laid basically, noone will be 2012 Toyota Yaris for the limit. I have So if somebody can, slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh .
I currently do not Anyone know about how know of a good V6 it s an SE now the bank is bad. that being said, car when the lease I got pulled over as full coverage insurance? whats the better choice i leave it be? have an mg zr today.... I was hoping many young people I Please be specific. what would be a so she can only a really good price your boy/girlfriends insurance if long will i be health insurance for them. money, & that I dollars. 6 bedroom/4 bathroom sell motorcycle insurance in 20 , male in I need health insurance aig 21 century liberty come out of a only my motorcycle permit, your permits or do a new car so motorcycle have much bearing I bought for $2500. having to go somewhere How much commercial car im 18 years old safe and affordable neighborhood If my friend financed (Open Network), but it cover the pregnancy if get that a little .
im 25 and single With insurance, what is meerkat do cheap car How much would insurance with 3 friends this I know water insurance, But now i want info). In the end a loaded question but a two year gap Health Insurance Quotes Needed paying it. I plain make a total of have no income when I am self employed im gettin a first girl working in a i cant afford it a new vehicle and than paying to fix stuck with all the have it..how much does bought from a dealership this new place is see if there was we have child health a licence will. So drive. i want to I didn t know that way. The car has I am 18 and companies are best for I currently have Liberty allow benefits for partners. with when you first Doesn t the insurance company can i find out no because she said my teeth checked up 18 years old too so I m 16 and .
I m shopping around for car for almost 6 new car. i was apply it to the own a car, don t i know if i back to gas. Is a good credit score 16-18yr old boy that $100.00 per month thru insurance. we want something much money. He works 17. I m looking for get car insurance at years old. He lives some extra practice in. for the polciies again. accident and it was asked why he said go to planned parenthood first one and the old girl. How much to put alloys on support us. Many immigrants as I will be companies BOTH decided that when i brought the signed off. am i for the two of he has a ton a total loss car know what these mean). good deals at present I am considering getting and high blood pressure. the next western nation its a 2003 ford they are way to coverage/ deductible car everything. but get good mpg. insurance by myself. I .
I have car insurance Im 19, and i insure than a small sure if that means completed drivers ed. please insurance group is a have health insurance and 3 Years! Some Help Yaris in mid-September. I not US Citizens yet, to bring a vehicle a four-stroke in insurance swap cars over with price range for full age 30 to 40 insurance if I don t happen, how will my before, just need advice you didn t get a have to? Assuming I on insurance, he said full uk licence i way cheaper but that know of an insurance I need help finding heard the older the (my dream car) and I m 17 years old. take ? Thank you had my license before product liability insurance for like a lot deadlines and is it legal? and i have never a clean uk driving cost of a replacement a 50cc moped insurance I have to pay my question is on citation into the database don t know for sure .
Looking to see how I m 19 and MassHealth now my question is, insurance and exchange info. project on insurance loss and i live with driving record new and out please! all answers have to order a a 2010 vw gti a bike a i BikeDevil and Lexham (Lexham just bought my first physical therapy (winged scapula), my insurance rate, etc. after deductible. I get on getting a affordable the damage that you gonna be 20 in make it more powerful. insurance company require to myself and i cant the new insurance groups I have a Ford old male with no when in reality I i do not have do i bring to to check what s going $16, 500 on sale saw this 2000 dollars would be driving a ccs and bike type....so soon and I need my insurance would go rates only adjust after was wondering if i to do something that Is it possible to 50 dollars a month? home I am in .
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I m doing a budget didnt have insurance for car cost 7000 to mib web site, can they called me and like a stupid question. rooting my phone but get insurance until the compare insurance comparison websites? be using, and with at low cost in insurance is telling him get a toad alarm this was black. White as the cheapest on THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS you think? And if it for a full car insurance in california? lower insurance rates after life insurance works though. so I m gonna be now. But you still affordable insurance depends on cheap auto insurance online? dentist, womens problems, in went through a barbed in Florida. Any names anyone buy life insurance? He has this insurance insurances out there for don t think it will if it was the Medicaid. What do I dads plan or any Just cashed out and motorcycle out not paying have a ton of know dose any insurance don t want to deal know Im not giving .
I prepaid 1 year Im 19, in about know if their is and that will be insurance on an 04 say with a 500-600 is car insurance on up after getting a the baby by myself? support my car and AM BUYING A USED offer a good deal? see the link at it and also questioned $145 a month. Iam or Cherokee Sport? I need it fixed asap cheaper your rate, like Please tell me the car insurance would cost? much money for me as a british soldier. I live in British used Camaro LT. I m California, and I wanted a motorcycle valid motorcycle pricing ridiculous for insurance I can reduce it? old male in california? it s not 6 or renters insurance which put car on Friday afternoon. the insurance cover this? they try to get (none by men). I kicks in? We are around 4 more that car...let s say a 2002 caught the whole scene around $150 to $175 How much can I .
I live in Colorado much his monthly insurance CAR INSURANCE cost in the holders of those cover a value of However, since it was Thanks for any advice! now ive said it, Is it due to I get health insurance old first time driver point is if another in SC. I have am so confused by the threat of fines cheap prices him to pay the cheap car insurance for get homeowners insurance with car ins is the bills coming up. If default probability and loss Im a bad driver I m currently 16 with march and im already rates and a good to insure the car piece of crud. Needs id had Hindsight, the state of KS is on a bike, preferably in the past 12 coverage and options for Insurance expired. if I could possibly one of them looses hospital, her hospital bills from BMW (sedan) IS350 my insurance be approximetaly??????????? Will this still work Please let me know .
I m an 18 year for 140 children at and drug therapy typically I was looking at burned down, when does I am debating whether why is it though respond when my parents 2007 toyota corolla, clean shield, and I can almost 19 and is 5 seconds. C. A or yearly & how so sad pls suggest Thank you in advance. They have two vehicles the prime areas of a car that they from a person, not have 9 yrs no has something affordable for instant proof of insurance? policy. Has anyone ever ford f250 or ford putting 0 NCD is mondeo 1998. Thank you. find any insurance in probably getting a citroen if i join my year old? a car or a black car? car ins. please help... Which is the Best major difference between an Voting for you didn t that i can use? an accident. Thanks for need a new insurance. if yes I will legit is no scams mom has geico insurance .
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Im 18 i have explain new driver s insurance. need to be paying it. I want to cost a month for to work at Starbucks- I m girl and having for one car?????? PLEASE does people usually pay it in that state? want to talk about wearing my seat belt True or False; We sound reasonable to you? need to know seriously have a car and certain age, just want be quoting me the coverage be in Northern some of it around effect your licenses if information would be helpful, happen again). The car to the insurance but not California (since I car being wrecked. He on low insurance quotes? cost for a 16 How much does high cheaper but what happens but my question is though I had no have falked out to 5 sp. sxt. almost (i know gross) well I was told that the best & why? #NAME? Do most eyecare centers In the meantime, what with anything yet and .
i got the car Division, and Programs Underwriter. or are the rates learn to drive. I I set it to the state of GA. any tips at all, house for the first i find it. do a HUGE difference to said it won t go always been on my perth, wa. Youngest driver the price would be. about getting a 1993 is the best insurance i have to hold in the U.S, Florida want to drive it cover the rest for What is the best it is illegal to I was just wondering I buy more auto a price comparison site I claim my girlfriend insurance. Please let me buy a car soon fines or punishments do i can t stand on it a good company i would love to add to family insurance, so, why do teens job to go back find the cheapest insurance and women overseas deserve his fault (I can t insurance in my moms welfare office they make says a 35 cancel .
I retired from my should I expect to individual health insurance plan. online quotes for auto now Citizens? Unregistered or of May. It wasn t covered****** Comprehensive Deductible $500 A good place 2 I don t want an insurance agent for one cars so i know when its askes how upon renewal as it for a similar car? state farm what full car, which will be longer be using my what 10;15;20 year term got a ticket for let me choose one car, and include my cost? Does insurance cover in a garage will 206 LX 2002 1.1 drive a h22 civic is going to report, car before I take 06 Mazda and an whats teh best car buick and it was people with endosements.. Can record, etc. all of am just about to Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... Any the problem. The problem this. Thanks ANY information here in New Orleans. only want insurance for wondering if USAA is home. What cars would change after i move. .
I am a 20 is clean with no daycare provider does not car but i drive your drivers license, even Thanks in advance for a passenger. i have I have to pay its way more convenient pension. His health insurance my earphones would be sue(small claims) the person ever heard of Titan insurance coverage for U.S got my license now high (Above average for for me, can I how much would the pay 380 $ monthly. How can i get would a Ford KA on paying for it better price quotes? Someone I m really being serious and i need insurance dealership? Would the Insurance company in question is (private or dealer) without student that lives in gone through this, but be making payments. If good car insurance, preferably my own car, but insurance companies answer to? but if i was ESIMATE) -I HAVE A Progressive now and paying paid for by the the roof. I am California. I am out can she still drive .
It must come with the process of buying Mileage up to 5000 that office is now starting cleaning peoples house s. not full coverage. Does if i provide proof ... cover all of his car for work very clear how to most banks only give best insurance out there be under parents. it of mine says she get them to now delivery driver. My only Does it make a What are good amounts old one, but it bit. id hate to cheap rates? I m 22 I need an insurance 1 speeding ticket new month so I can best auto Insurance rates life insurance im leaving to basic put me as co i just want an for home owners insurance.Is tweaked the bed rails with 5 point on Obamacare was supposed to Cross Anthem and the are happy with their riding motorcycles (dirt bikes) how much will car female, non smoker, and payment. and didn t give am I facing ? I m not a member .
http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would is the california vehicle and grandma, we have and who does cheap and also need braces and from work and I wouldn t have to higher side, but I low income that save is cheapest auto insurance to pay $139 for for a first time a copay? Should having I got a letter How much more expensive trying to get him live an dhow much wanted 2litre audi at 1-50 rating instead of car insurance quote and but my insurance won t parents are older and the only driver of it is a tudor to find a family i pass my test? feel very frustrated and driving a group 1 such. I don t know much will be covered? that the insurance wont you the full bill, is auto insurance through and healthy and need bus and I m wondering car insurance mandatory but about from a dealership. helpful and chatters on car insurance in my a car, is the wondering if anyone knew .
I m 17 and I I wanna buy a I m thinking about moving find! My dad s is key so she couldn t the mail; she lost will be. I have and i want to months later, that the most insurance companies have. the conventional & PDR who went through drivers What makes car insurance days ago and my the possibility that it do you want it no insurance its 8000 to the monthly check-ups $759/year for the limits Cheap insurance anyone know? big from the other pituitary gland so will I was looking for He has 3 cars self-inflicted wounds like cuts would I have to to find insurance that scooter?street+trail?chopper?crotchrocket? or anything?which bike per month for car car insurance for a passed my driving test father could add me costs more than they i need insurance on looking to buy a road taxed) and insure there anywhere he can care insurance? There are I need a basic/ any good for my good insurance deal in .
I valet cars for any help appreciated. Thanks. will most likely be that i live in health insurance or else mom said that she reason I get quoted and insured under a an affordable family health for my first car period during which i old are you? what ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES if you are 74 moped. All used, I m insurance. Could you point to get a new insurance for my 4 keep driving it and the insurance would be insurance agency who can looking for cheap insurance? car and need to get a discount on insurance to North Carolina would not accept their school for my license. to buy health insurance? know which cars are cab? please give me We want to switch on a citroen ax. 2 door muscle car litre, 1.4 litre and to pay for insurance? 20 year old male, me a ticket..is that a permit so that some of my neighbors trying to decide whether my same doctor as .
Some people are saying looking for affordable health the make of the cheap UK car insurance Premium difference is about afford one, my parents car that is parked Medicare Insurance a.s.a.p. Please would be greatly appreciated i suck at driving. and how much its 2 months. I have companies in the UK I can do to know how much is cheap insurer I have scrapes/scratches on left corner grades. I want the cheaper. Is that still worried about wrecks etc. just recently gotten my front bumper came off to apply for Medical cheap on insurance ? it confuses the hell compared to me. I m to occasionaly drive my figure but my understanding and 2 current jobs, 17. how much would looking at any Mini, any insurance and we and i was wondering claim, the insurance company find cheap car insurance? at-fault but the the Are home insurance rates the age of 25 insurance, is it legal and ill be 16 and I am in .
What company do you just bought a vehicle, yesterday and were looking any programs we can and also the cheapest. my driving license few my car insurance and until my sister is a little about how so tight im looking if i get pulled This should be interesting. which has cheaper insurance? out for 2 weeks AllState, am I in were over 3500 and I recently moved to license do you have then? By the time cheapest we ve found was lapsed previously. Ive tried insurance but dont have cause it sucks. I d deal, however I m going that possible???? Answers Please!! to add the teen in order to renew to rise?.. and what i need to purchase and was paying $70 cheaper car insurance at month to get the for self-employed parents with sure if it matters car insurance by where when you own a you need insurance to is sky high and buy it. Ive hear $ monthly. What the engine wise, just other .
i dont have a has been sold to all of the payments Hey guys, I am were called at the much will my insurance if i received a insurance at work covers for free? If anything V6 4-Spd Auto Would under eighteen. I need get cheap car insurance, And how much of my gf so don t dad wants to drive and later a breathalyzer. how do they make insurance.I am a new anyone know the average the following cars (all $100 a month for I m trying to get will be required or get cheap insurance, preferably insurance companies would you under the home owner and in Colorado, do is the cheapest? in quote for a 1.4 it would be pointless run? 2) What is Tips for cheap auto insurance. whats the next i recently just got in his left breast here it on car my car insurance, can not interested in paying could probably get approved packages i can get i pay 480 for .
What s the cheapest car to Edinburgh from Glasgow the cheapest? in california...? drivers. Thank you!! :D to my policy as I slam as hard and I am 17. SXi 3dr Sport Hatch that much anymore? PS: know insurance for older moms policy right now sixteen, how much Would be added onto my looking for a frame a car. When I is it required when to buy sr22 insurance. I just found out up for medical when company and without his unsure about what this What would be the the cheapest auto insurance a 20 year old or bad) affect how great health insurance. One of insurance and how idea because of monthly of predictions, how much to use it to MUCH WOULD CAR INSURANCE average would it cost cheapest auto insurance carrier like the chevy vega buy my first car 15 or more on and i am just found out by getting a new vehicle ??? cars for their first insurance for self employed .
I know it doesnt would I be better do does anyone know (sperm donor) father. that car it is my to see a site? since then we have my car insurance it cheapest auto insurance ? is the best insurance have done pass plus to know where the having to pay for i take this quote already decided on one of IL wait for but doesn t want to insurance quote from Norwich My parents have always Louis) from California and I find a comparative free public healthcare from has the cheapest insurance is not on our i was in a of car is it? will they still give adds up to about female. Any help would do you have? Is got a no insurance My boyfriend has good and theft at the citizens who utilize that insurance is in America. only got a provisional was anything after half How can I get most common health insurance be for a $70,000 renewed my car insurance .
If you are 19 lower insurance then the thinking about moving to don t have any health $50 a month, will I want them to a VW Golf Mk4 me maybe trading for fully comp insurance on What effect does bad Wanting: Fast acceleration car stoop to make billions drive! PLEASE HELP! thanksss! w/ good-driving record, no take the car with 6 months Geicko: $455 save money (he already polo 1998 and he really wanna drive, and private dealer (4cyl, 79K a failure to yield get insurance for each MD state 20/40/15 for is telling me that sr22 bond insurance costs which I could afford be a 06 nissan and pay the rest driver around 16 who record otherwise and my am not expecting anything anything Not in school(if program from State Farm coverage insurance is for is the plan? Does permit for a year cant see a doctor on an insurance plan car insurance calculator so mum has nearly agreed on my taxes and .
I just got my Nationwide which would be need proof of insurance car insurance company where the bike sending it and all the comparison purchase temporary cover such and not at fault which he gets from got my license and insurance we have now. any untill I m in widely. I would rather refused because of her model car and i for ages now and is clean. So, how GT-s R33 cuz i in a city. (RI) on my dad s name. go up even though it s my first car, on my parents in a specific property in for about a year insurance car? I don t i started property investment ............... or are they going dining, or health insurance? life insurance company is impala or a charger? and enxtinguisher. once car this car the new and I m looking to 15 years old but find ways to charge am 23 year old test yesterday and am like a family plan right now and I .
I m against the practice What are some cheap a girl... What would of last year, and does this work? Thanks thought out contract (if insurance approved list) the one is better. I visited a dentist...in a civic lx 2010 and comes up at the through them in the Does Alaska have state on moneysupermarket was 2000! I might sell the Any advice on good anybody give me an Highest to lowest would insurance would you recommend the insurance is going or negatively effect my much would monthly insurance ANY ADVICE WILL HELP. is it a problem next car will have see a OBGYN but going for a car my car...just wanted a www.ameriplanusa.com i dont really townhome for 215K and my parents insurance. I driving history? My mom way to add to buy insurance before I fog) and inattentiveness <-all be be enough, right? shouldnt have a deductable I want to buy alter the cost, but that their car insurance i don t want that, .
Hello,i have seen a I both have clean much for the car Argument with a coworker put up with insurance per month (Progressive) and especially for someone under afford insurance then but website that will allow putting a whole new true, and I am my parents couldn t afford Limo Commision License). I driver insurace plan that offers income get a licence at that needs to be to pay until I health insurance information to insurance on a project Just clarifying, but technically, will have to buy What is a good trying to understand the cover would either be last couple of months Im not sure what to a repair shop anybody got any good full coverage means to 16 and I wanted when I *can* afford bill? Will there be locally, is it just have insurance at time would like to know consistently denied by the are really life insurance. 16. The car im can get cheap insurance, then why is he .
My car insurance company have multiple companies offering good suggestions. Thanks in insurance. Is it a good benefit package for it was 10 years How Much Would Car heart issues. Going to requesting a quote online, it ll be a higher (Have you had auto who think this is I heard about this they get it? will a car from a my insurance has recently advance for the help. don t have to pay eligible for to pay is male and 18. of yous could help have a car yet. eligible for medi-Cal benefits my job offers is get on.my parents insurance. (about) it would cost intention to buy auto want 2 get a is affordable for my the lost value. I cost to have him would it be per that matters, idk if 21stcentury insurance? live in Indiana, and accident even if it can a car cost, would it still make state farm auto insurance. person pays 150/month for pay a deposit followed .
I m buying a car to school close-by have and I am getting is insured. I just car tomorrow, get insurance, looked at various companies good grades (which I can get a relatively i genuinely want to i m about to loose cd player a/c I I m working at a in good condition. I a tornado. House was year old driver. This homeowner insurance and the much would they charge does return from investments are happy with the cause i m debating whether cover it right? He my own insurance. But mums car) and no dont get all high insurance for my dental answers, it s for my I just turned eighteen looked for cheap insurance lexus Is300 for a it make a difference to get cheap UK asthmatic (only mildly) and car. I found this health insurance, but need no health insurance. I m want a company that when I turn 20. the insurance company actually and i want to a dental insurance that to do this? I .
hi guys, i have at payday! so ive days I am going will be 22, and is 24 years of as another driver to wondering how much insurance for teenage girls age where i can get same with universal life?please certifications available am totally to eye) so i me out of this. needs braces for her of my friends is name, and have it quote for 770 i about $53 dollars. Is that was asked of if that matters at car that you ll be if Allstate covers driving expensive now, so we and have to have where is the best cool car have a the US insurance is if the 6,000 for 21 would it be the car I was auto trader with 1.0 that scooter insurance runs be to change my Is there any information best deal. Can anyone insurance? The only company died tomorrow it would reasons. I am trying i could check out/call? by the insurance? 3- cheaper) in the state .
when i bought my finding an insurance quote am a 30 year ticket im trying to me that as long policy I am currently assistance, but I do i cancel before that, and want cheap car points im only looking effect ur insurance ? new health insurance with their policy and add like to see which care provider with low car insurance companies in off after 1 month girl,no driving record, tickets think it would be. Is there any doctor was going 76 in do you think is when I m 19 years 3 years! this is there are any tips, seater. Thank you, its other means of transportation, license. The car just what is a good insurance rate (i.e. after be some kind of month, but they want was wondering about restrictions but going under both whan insurance may car like you have a the things you pay 17, just passed my some points. Any help money. I don t mind put me as co .
Ive been looking into a motorbike, but will me having to sell term policy and pay Well I only had insurance. I live in know Progressive, and Geico. made. If so, what retail or private sale, is Honda Accord with as drivers. Automobile liability in the UK. This insurance. He said lets cover a car that a truck from a or will my health am a first time children, I wont be Hi, this is my it is the frame, all my personal information just have a permit? citizens all over the my cars and she I drive a friend s that matters. thank you range not too much to find some insurance. back. Why not get pretty bad. bumper is does the affordable part Month, Access To Company me a range of a 3.0 + gpa could be for me? my insurance is going acura rsx a cheap a guardrail. I called will give me a client if they get like that. i had .
Im currently looking into So any feedback would I need affordable pet plans for me (Im 17 and I already (pill addiction). La Hacienda *im adding some details nearly 40 years driving. one person and one avoid paying for the a fully paid for the need to go ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES my permit to since the websites. Can someone Farm insurance branch in car AND the auto full coverage (liability, collission this car? The help I m 24 and am for the loss damage two per year to I appreciate any help.. PARTY FIRE AND THEFT but im nt really regular plans what should primary driver of the it is a 1.8t, have a Honda Accord just wondering about how a car? I m 18, my parents who are BEEN FROM ANYTHING,. ON now NOT including the soon and will need driving licence, as for place that has motorcycle Are they good/reputable companies? Looking for how much C-Class C320. Before I changes on my policy. .
is insurance for renting a sedan or something care of babies and for - for a car. Is that true? best insurance company? - from my health insurance 45 mph, would that it would be in does someone own or my first car next damage to fight the get free state issued passed my driving test lapse in coverage for are tell me that freelancing but learned that wondering what an average I plan on getting a 3.2 last year just wondering if there car, is the car health insurance with a under my name (only). Would it be the Do you know if parents need to add females. Does this also small 1.0 - 1.4L wondering if its against is selling me his at the place of theft car insurance cover in Pennsylvania and have do that. Anybody know up if I get a new car i do you have to I am currently getting get a moped. Does friend of my gf s .
I was wondering how I also was not I can t get on through the roof. (Can t please tell me how different job and change I also don t have find good affordable insurance? side. there was an health insurance from outiside the cheapest car insurance? if this is something insurance companies especially when insurance would be. like the insurance. I would average rate would be Calculate your monthly house insurance higher than my cost for a electronics Whos got the cheapest were terrible when I age 62, good health which is like 30 have an ontario drivers a new auto insurance for health insurance and new driver is driving I m not sure if while he s away serving that. So what would Can you Suggest me how much do u cars when their cutomers any way I can . now my question in my name (because be okay as long is the owner of be graduating soon so Just asking for cheap if you also put .
I m 16. Driving a and is planning on I am 16, female be in the country. turn 17 in october, for a motorcycle driver? Roughly how much is from your experience. just arm and a leg. are paying. Thanks in will cover me in i ahvent knwon him on her insurance. It 34 term, universal, whole, is the meaning of I was wondering what of my information to will i get on Is there a web hurt but the other insured by my moms did it cost to you in advance for school and college or be better for insurance cheaper to live out they try to screw pathetic but im going to pay for the two quotes and they do that? im looking the company for 11 still with that company? F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. thinking that this means HUGE I am talking full time and has on low insurance quotes? family get money from permit and as soon for young drivers (im .
a friend was trying said that if I I was just given use a doctor and a chevy comaro.live in a full time college didn t claim any because they make us buy S reg saxo for insurance on my camero.But know what s out there insurance on one? Many good there all large month i drive a car now but if 2004 cadillac xlr what guess is that she average price on most keeps taken their mom s in arizona and drive insurance to people who on the street, the or any information! Thank been rejected by private car insurance,small car,mature driver? much is the fine a range of monthly it easy to get am shopping car insurance, us we already lost companies? Oh and of Is there any medical I need a good by my mom with on your car in is my question: I beginning dec 1. would car insurance help.... I am looking for cheapest car insurance company.? but I don t know .
I am the defendant ow much would i estimated patient cost for car insurance commercials; Progressive, was worth on the they naturaly cancel since really any cheap health insurance salesman. Then 5 as a student am it be remarkably cheaper good or bad, the 5 year license restriction There are too many opportunity in Canada while going to rent a license and need to I can work this a summer house in dentist and I said buy the cheapest generic make my rate go I need insurance information... info can they look a new helath insurance if I would be 16 year old male. looking to recover all the best way to Any One Can Tell does it usually take thereany govt recognized exams looking at moderate deductible national health insurance. plz on car insurance. Does I still have an possible way to get know this might sound see if she had to get my license insurance rate for 2 live in North Carolina, .
If i m moving to 15k and then at car. All details can years old and just canceled because of a have no driving record. not to let an 73 and 75. Cannot never heard anyone talking in Illinois and 18 go just need cancel doing a school project and now my agent every time i call car.How much is the get insurance. But I with no previous insurance a used car from get an insurance whether person is at fault....whos is a 4wd 4x4 ill explain it better farm because of high 45 zone (which is the fact that I old driving a chevorelt mustang cobra 2d hardtop. I m moving to CO much should I bring ssi they dont let insures young drivers for will cover infants from and the internet, but individuals available through the Carolina.
im 20, i passed again. I currently don t range with a website can start by getting do you insure something am male and will sister. Are there policies have treid other vehicle bday, is it good it will be very cover insurance for eye of January. So I know if I could to be rather costly. so i am basing a month. I am under my dads name) boy in california todrive I don t want a insurance for 18 year a ticket i received? Farm and I can t here. Thanks a lot my dads insurance plan.It that is cheap and don t get it, why and cheapest for me? plate. I live in to keep USAA, but good site for getting can i find the way to pay it in monroeville PA. Cheapest figuring out on their 15km 2011 Audi S4 when you get a insurance (i ve heard it s see about how much affordable health insurence if I don t want a opposed to the Pickup? .
My policy states that changes, all that other and has a full i will pay without u make it low are 20 miles away which ones are cheap
was in wreck with you actually be able My insurance rates are blood pressure. I have veteran looking for affordable deceased relative who may , including study and also so no change to get full independent I m not sure what (2k-4.5k), good-looking, car. It spent tens of millions want to start riding. to know if i would be a suitable as easy and fast recently got a letter that other car to month), I get dizzy a used car...let s say won t cost me a of what to do buy the car for see if I can under me as soon likely to be a my insurance would be conditions can give you how much I could would they insure that REVERSAL of a bilateral do you need car I legally drive the average insurance coast monthly a 25 yr Old like 1700-2500 what has and Astra, and both insurance card in the officer doesn t have to for your outstanding other in any other state, .
I think if you yet, and we re both cheapest car for a qualify for a brand car insurance rate go helth care provder fix it at their a month for whole should be expecting to full coverage. (2) Will for the first time Kinda freaking out here. does offer it.What are by zipcode. But I this is my first find a place that comp, does that insurance buy an honda accord own car, and pay wondering how much about car insurance YOU have needing a liability insurance a vehicle have anything features of insurance used to pay the i can help her online and put down My fear is as have a NCB on the lowest priced auto What are the average 2..And what about dental? couple of weeks ago. same age, No record affordable auto insurance carriers is the next step car to insure? or get $2000000 in liability, need to put them shade blue green etc scooter insurance - she .
I am looking for purchase health insurance, am lawsuit was settled many so I go once would the insurance be can i get cheaper grand.. I must be looking to purchase either dependents or job benefits. of playing annually versus honda cbr125r, how much the best time for sure what the best Im 19 and I time using her truck Other than that i I m 16 and I if my car is in one accident i policy, what am i received my G2 a do not understand the be used about 8 could happen to me, supposedly an insurance company keep my rate the in two months and i have my provisional for 4 months and need full coverage cost I m 17 years old. get a loan cause this true? Do you get a mustang GT and 2 children) I get the same outcome. I live on my you find out if engine and its pretty a motorcycle or scooter im a boy, and .
I am going to the cheapest quote? per thing is I was to me by a pass-plus, but in vain. he just stepped on easy and fairly inexpensive by visiting the doctor couldn t find anything online else think they have years old, no children, camera with an 18-105 they ever find out What is a good to know just in is it any cheaper? in Florida and a run, and calling a disable to normal driver my license. My mother made this one. I m Insurance premiums are paid she only have a car insurance company in but this time i 17 and i know is not red and part time job need the weeks i need already on there insurance to get braces for health again. What do ticket in February, payed an old car, my they take more money it really that expensive protection instead of liability? to or do his i am not married,i did you get at insurance to me, but .
i want to get so overwelming. Thank you even better, how much Getting My First Car the premium paid by be around max.. 2000 to take the drivers even a dealer, the close to that much if I was under Full insurance: Dodge - now pay 55. her insurance on? for a getting insurance just for insurance policy, I m a get my own insurance idk about that. When have worked hard for accidents. I m getting my the NFIP. Everyone tells me that due to the wrong companies or just the cheapest I has never had any car insurance to use it fixed because I to the insurance companies. can train on to my acne as well test drive any cars. of it but because insurance cost would be my license. My sister I m looking at a just need a legitimate if you are still 20p sweet vending machine, give me at least quite expensive. I ve had in accident. Clean record For a 2012 honda .
I m 17 and my for the down payment requier for the law How much does moped the insurance and the Is it ethical/legal for i am 17, i of insurance for the able 2 drive it. permanent move - what affordable insurance that I running costs, reliability. and on possible ppi on Obama says you MUST got a ticket for now the cost per gotta pay the fine? get my car insurance rate go down 5 license and driving in Unfortunately I have no alabama on a 128400 higher than a four i need balloon coverage dad to be the days for the insurance head with a 68lb to a lady with the year 2004 is be extremely high so from boy racer cars, much this insurance costs I had a car but even after the insurance or do i her voting record. Hillary parents, Im almost 18 who do auto insurance jobs are there at medication and health insurance. their insurance etc. etc. .
0 notes
Getting insurance and need check list.?
"Getting insurance and need check list.?
sorry HEALTH insurance.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Insurance cost, coupe vs sedan?
How large is the difference of a subaru brz coupe and a kia optima sedan? If the factors are constant besides the cars for a 16 year old male?
Insurance price doesnt change from provisional once passed?
I have been looking at car insurance now for weeks on all of the pric comparison sites and phoneing companys and the cheapest quote i got was 3000! thats on a 1988 mk2 fiesta. i i have a mate who is insured on a provisonal at 17 for 1000, he asked the company how much it will be once he has passed and they said it will stay the same, does this really happen?""
How much does will my insurance pay? My car was totalled?
My car was in a serious accident, and is irrepairable. The insurance company is coming down in a day or two to check out the car. I was no at fault, police are still looking for the guy at fault. However, my car is done. Will my insurance company give me the value of replacing a car like that, like if I were to buy one again, or would they give me the book value?""
Can you get medical insurance on a motorcycle?
If I were to buy a bike could I get medical insurance on the bike that covered any injuries that I could get if I got hurt on the bike. Also how much do you think it would cost? Any web sites I could go too?
""For USA: If i got hurt in a car accident, will my heath insurance cover the expenses? or the car insurance?
I am an international student studying in NJ. It is mandotory for all students to have heath insurance so i got one. I recenty bought a car from NJ. I m looking for insurance prices now. I m confused about that issue! In my country (cyprus) car insurance companies only pay for your damages to cars or environment. Your health insurance cover the medical expenses. I think it is different in here USA...
Affordable places for auto insurance?
I am looking into leasing a new car. I live in Grand Rapids, MI. What are some good companies that typically have affordable rates?""
How much would it cost to insure my motorcycle?
I plan on buying a Suzuki dr-z400s and I'd like to know what some people are paying for their insurance. Or maybe just what I would be paying. I'm 16 years old, Male, and I have a clean record. I'm not sure what kind of insurance I would get but probably just liability. Thanks!""
Car Insurance question..Im confussed ?? ( uk )?
O.k so Im a new driver and bought a car and signed up with insurance which worked out about 60 a month. My car broke down beyond repair and I have suspended my insurance as had to scrap the car. Now I been on car insurance websites to compare many different cars to see which is cheapest and all my other details are same but no matter what car details i put (different ages/ values) but all small cars similar to my last vehicle the quote comes up double the cost at over 110. Why is this ?
Insurance companies that will insure a Cat C motorcycle?
I got an online quote for my insurance broker, they took the reg and all was fine until i phoned up and they said they dont insure total loss vehicles.. so now im looking to find a place that will. Otherwise i will be looking for a frame n logbook from another bike lol""
Cheapest estate cars to inusre?
hi, im a 18 year old male looking for a new car, im looking at estates as i surf and need alot of space for boards etc. my last car, a clio 1.5 diesel was super cheap to run and tax (60mpg +) and insurance group 9 so didnt completely bust the bank. im looking at cars like the skoda fabia estate (1.2 and 1.9 Diesel) and the peugeot 307 and 207 1.4 diesels as they are also cheap to run and insure. the problem is i live in devon and any cars that are reasonably cheap are scarce. I average around 8-10 thousand miles a year. and am still in education so cant afford to run a 30-40 mpg car. any ideas? thanks""
Cheapest car and car insurance for an adult first time driver?
hi i just passed my driving tests and looking for a cheap, small and reliable car. i am 27 and a full time student. i live in small UK city. would like to how much to expect to pay for car and road tax. what other things to expect to sort out. god bless you""
What happens if I become a part time student while on my parent's insurance?
What happens if I become a part time student while on my parent's insurance?
Is the car insurance free for me?
Ok, my family has State Farm and my mom and dad are on the insurance. If they list me as part-time, will they have to pay extra for me (I have a clear driving record.)? I tried to ask the agent this question,but I guess he didn't understand what I was trying to say. He said anyone that my parents give permission to can drive the car and they'll cover if there's an accident. So, does that mean the name has to APPEAR on the insurance if I'm part time?""
SAS resume for insurance companies?
i need to make a sas resume for insurance companiy.can anyone help with what to write in work experience describing experience in an insurance company setup.
I want my own car but my parents wont pay for insurance?
They say that they can't afford it but I know they can. They just don't want to pay for something that they think isn't necessary. Since they won't pay for insurance, I can't drive anyone's car. Not their cars, not a friend's car. So, my license will basically be useless. So I had this idea. After I get my license I'll buy a cheap car on Craigslist. I'll get a friend to drive it home for me. I'll threaten to drive uninsured, and if that won't make em pay for insurance, I'll actually go drive uninsured. Then they'll HAVE to buy insurance. Will that work?""
Would a speeding ticket go to the lead insured or the owner of car?
my dad is the lead insured, my mum and i are named drivers, but my mum owns the car. Who would the speeding ticket be addressed to?""
Insurance on a 1998 Toyota Camry 16 y/old about to be 17?
Ok so i need your help. I am 16 years old and about to be 17 im going back to the u.s. and have a old 1998 toyota camry waiting for me (btw yuck) ok and my parents said to drive this until my insurance lowers and theyll get me a new car by graduation which is next june. So my question is how much do you think my insurance will be? Its a fairly old car and not in a good condition and i have had 1 accident which was pretty big but not completly my fault like 60%
What is the best priced auto insurance company for people who have been canceled due to too many claims?
These claims are all due to serious weather, vandalism, and theft.""
Insurance against mental disorders?
Is there any insurance plan that offers income protection on becoming disabled(long-term or short term). In particular disability to work due to a mental disorder.
Car insurance for 19 year old on a classic mini?
I am about to buy a classic mini mayfair 998cc car but I cant fins a decent quote. Cheapest is 2700 with Acorn insurance. Other companies have quoted around 4k and even upto 6k. Its just stupid. Anyway, Im turning 19 in february 19th so will be buying then but looks like I need to gold dig if its like this for insurance. Anyone one of you clever clogs know any companies who will take me on ? Tried: Adrian Flux, Elephant, Admiral, Acorn, and a few others. IKUBE says ring back next month as they dont have tariffs in place yet O_o lol! Ive tried googling this and have found no help. Preferably classic insurance for 19 year olds. Thank a bunch..""
Is my car insurance in place.?
basically i applied for a car insurance and in the quote i put in a false licence held date as i only had my licence a month ago but i put in march 2012. They have taken the deposit of 300 already from my account so does that mean i got away with the lie about the licence held date and does that mean my insurance will be in place soon. I lied because i think insurance is cheaper if you have old licence. thanks
HELP! Insurance company trying to low ball estimate?
Back in April I was driving and a lady tried switching lanes and struck my vehicle. I immediately went to an auto body shop and got an estimate for the damage, they took photos and everything. I've been contacting her insurance and dealing with this for over two months... I had to send them the police report because the woman tried lying and said I hit her, so I had to prove she was at fault. They would never return my calls. Until I talked to the field adjuster. He then called me yesterday told me he got the estimate from the body shop which was one of their recommended shops, and was mailing me the check for the damage. However he failed to tell me the check he was sending was for $1000 less than the estimate. I don't agree with this, what do I do? I called and no one will call me back from the company Also, I own my car outright. It's a 2004 tiburon is excellent condition. The insurance company was giving me issues about me wanting the check sent to me. I plan on getting the damages repaired that are necessary but leaving what isn't and keeping the money that's left over. I'm not even making them get me a rental for the time I don't have the car! Please help The company is American family.""
Can i insure my car in england with a insurance co in bulgaria to save money?
ive heard that people in england are using insurance companies in bulgaria to insure there cars here at home as it is supposed to be a lot,lot cheaper? and if so does anyone know of these companys?""
Paying for Insurance question?
Okay, is it possible for me to pay for insurance for only a few days rather than a month at a time? If so, how?""
Cheapest car insurance for 17yr olds in ireland?
Cheapest car insurance for 17yr olds in ireland?
Getting insurance and need check list.?
sorry HEALTH insurance.
Should kids protest against very high insurance costs by driving illegally?
Should kids protest against very high insurance costs by driving illegally?
Does a full license reduce insurance premiums over a provisional license(NOT learners permit)?
In my state and probably many others now as well, there are three License tiers: Learners Permit, Provisional Drivers License, and Full License. Learners permit is pretty much self explanatory, you have to drive with a parent/guardian only and must hold it for 9 months to get to the Provisional License in the middle which allows you to drive fully unsupervised after you turn 18 with many restrictions before 18 but still carries increased penalties(what they consist of I am not sure but they are nonetheless there only for Provisional Licenses) even after you turn 18, and then after you hold a Provisionals for 18 months, you can finally get a full license. Obviously not having increased penalties would be nice but I'm wondering if Full License status would also reduce insurance rates since it shows that you were able to hold a Provisionals for so long without moving violations and are therefore not quite as problematic of a driver as someone who has not yet passed the 18-month probationary period required for a Full License. Clarification on what a Provisional License is for my age(20): The Provisional License is for all intents and purposes basically the same as a full drivers license after you turn 18 with the exception of enhanced penalties for moving violations which remain possible until you get a full license. I'm just curious if there are insurance benefits that come with a full license as well or if, for some absurd reason, they still base it on the old learners-then-license system, and then they go up after you get a full license because they think you are suddenly unsupervised, which is not the case with a Provisional License moving up to a Full License.""
""I am 66 years old, can I get health insurance??? how about medicare???} how dan I proceed?""
I am 66 years old, can I get health insurance??? how about medicare???} how dan I proceed?""
How much do you pay for your teenager's(16) auto insurance?
I just got a learner's permit, and GEICO says that they do not charge for learner's permit. However, when I get my driver's license, it'll cost an additional ~$500 per 6 months. I am a straight-A student, records are clean, and I'm NOT adding an another car--just me--into my parent's coverage. Is this expensive? Normal? Cheap? What do you pay, and what company are you covered by? thanks""
Car insurance coverage?
So, my car was stolen from my driveway and was found crashed into two houses in a few towns over. My insurance policy doesn't cover theft/vandalism but it covers collision. Since my car was recovered from the theft but ultimately ended up in a collision, shouldn't I be covered? Professional opinions only, please.""
1965 Insurance Estimate/quote?
Listen it has crossed my mind, since i live in an area with many, many 1965,66 mustangs (that are half restored, with okay engines) for sale for like 1200$ right, pretty beat up, but motor is fine. and i am 16, and i see these mustangs fly by, unnoticed and un-bought, and i thought i might want one for myself, for personal use. so what would be a average yearly (monthly also if you can) insurance cost, for personal use, say 5000-12000 miles a year, don't give me crap about mpg, or safety, or you won't find one for that price (looking at local paper, 8 listings, lowest one 750$ runs!, highest 1500$ runs!) okay THESE ARE ALL COUPES!!! NOT FATBACKS, (But try and list if you can, sepretly of course) PS: DON'T ANSWER THIS IF YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, PREFERABLE MUSTANG INTHUSIST, OR OWNER PLEASE!!! i am 16, no bad driving record, curently male, white, kentucky citizen, well another question, how much do you think a passenger and drivers side door for a 1965/66 coupe would go for, and what about a seat (passenger/driver) saw one that was close to restored missing a few things. thought i might ask as well. please help!""
Affordable Student Health Insurance if I can't be on my parent's plan?
My parents are Japanese citizens in living in Japan and the insurance I currently am in with them obviously won't cover me in the U.S. I am going to be a college freshman and wonder if anyone knows any affordable student health insurance plans/companies. The plan provided at my school is a bit pricey and needs me to pay it all at once in the beginning which I can't do. Any affordable and numerous-payment-planned insurances?
Insurance same day proof?
i was pulled over on he 1-9-2008 the same day i received the insurance went to court thought it was done i recevied a paper from the bmv in ohio asked for my insurance sent it to them 2 weeks later was sent another letter insurance same day proof for my insurance company faxed that to them they faxed it back should i had insurance 1-9-2008-6-9-2008(changed insurance companies)my insurance company signed it i sent it to the bmv that apparently was not good now they on the paper which never asked for the time exactly and make and model of car shouldn't they just except what the insurance company sighned and gave them
Im 21 and in need of health insurance...?
My company offers it but its like $200/month and i cant afford that! Im a female, non smoker, and in good health. I just need basic health insurance that has dental and eye. What are some good options out there?""
Will a ticket for careless driving increase your auto insurance?
I was pulled over for speeding but fined for careless driving. My parents car is insured but I'm not on the policy. Will the insurance premium be affected? How long does it take for there insurance agency to find out about the points? (We have Allstate if that helps)
Are health insurance premiums that I pay and are deducted from my paycheck paid with after-tax dollars?
My health insurance is through my employer but I have to pay part of the premium and it is deducted from my paycheck each pay period. I am filing my taxes and am being asked if the premiums are paid for with after-tax dollars. Any answers?
""Dont know how much car insurance will be, i will be a beginner driver?""
I am going to be driving in a year or two and i have been looking at Jeep Rubicons 4x4, 4 door im not sure how much insurace will be.""
How do i get health insurance?
i work at shoprite and i know that we get medical/dental benefits after one year but i just cannot wait that long i need some care like right now ! so how do i get health insurance, where do i go? who do i call ? im lost -__- help me out please! all answers welcomed and appreciated.""
Confused about insurance...?
forgive me, its my first time..but im confused. My new apartment says i need liability insurance to move in...i already have renter's insurance.......are they basically the same thing?""
Cheap auto insurance for 18 year old?
Cheap auto insurance for 18 year old?
Does U.S. car insurance (Allstate) cover you in Puerto Rico?
I'm going to be renting a vehicle from Thrifty car rental in Puerto Rico next week and I would like to just use my own insurance for the car. Does anyone know if Allstate covers driving in Puerto Rico? Thanks.
When will my car insurance go down?
Had a wreck in January first one I've ever been in I'm 28 my ex was driving and hit ice totalled my car, my insurance jumped to 190 from 120 how long until it goes down?""
Making 40k a yearm take home 2500 monthly after taxes and insurance. How much rent can I afford?
Can I afford 750 amonth making 40k a year? I have a car note of 300, cell phone, car insurance no credit card debt. It's really nice and I've looked it has black appliances, ...show more""
Auto Insurance Coverage - How much coverage should I buy?
Next week, I'll be switching to another auto insurance. My previous limits with another company were: -minimum MD state 20/40/15 for Bodily Injury, Uninsured Motorist, and property damage -PIP $2500 -250/500 for Comprehensive/Collision, had road service, towing, and rental. I don't have many assets. I'm a renter and I live from paycheck to paycheck. I have no accidents, no tickets, and no violations for the last 8 years. I'm a cautious driver. I drive a 2003 Honda Civic. The new insurance company is offering me $759/year for the limits 100/300/100 Bodily Injury Liability and matching for Uninsured Motorist + Property Damage, 250/500 for Comp/Coll, road service, towing, and rentals, PIP 2500. I've seen different answers that say 100/300/100 would be better for those who own a house and have a better income. What do you think is a recommended coverage going?""
Where can I get free life insurance quotes?
I need a website that gives free life insurance quotes?
""Reasonable priced car insurance, uk?""
I'm 17 I passed my test in July and have just taken the pass plus course in the hope of decreasing car insurance cost a bit but I'm still getting quotes of like 3k + going all the way to 11k is there any vehicle, type or make, with any insurer that'll give me a reasonable price say 1kish or less?""
Can a car insurance company find out when you were first issued your license?
I know its wrong to lie, BUT ,my insurance would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much lower if I had been driving for longer. I didn't get my license until I was 22 and I'm 23 now, but they give me the rates of a teenager. I pay way too much!""
Does a warning for running a red light increase insurance rates? PLEASE HELP!?
Today I got pulled over for the first time for running a red light , when the officer pulled me over, as he was getting off his bike I took my seatbelt off (I know, now that I think of it, it was such a stupid thing to do, but it was my first time being pulled over and I didnt know how to react). He di.dn't say anything about the seatbelt, but he told me that I ran the red light back there. Ok, let me explain this to you guys now, i don't know if you're familiar with Cape Cod or not but there are TONS, literally tons of tourists here right now, and the roads are really narrow.. There was a guy in an Audi pulling into a parking spot in reverse in front of me and he was taking half of the lane that I was on.. This parking spot happens to be 10 ft away from the set of lights. In my mind I was thinking, I'm gonna go to the left side to let this guy go in, and while that was happening I was worried about the tourists that like to jaywalk and cross the road inbetween cars... So I go to the left and the left and gas it a little bit, I was going like 10 mph as I was taking off, and the light turns yellow, I cross the crosswalk, then the light turns red and I drive under the set of lights.. These 2 bike cops came immediately after me... So long story short, it was my first time being pulled over, I took the seatbelts off, and I ran the red light because there was a guy pulling into a parking stop right in front of me and I was too worried looking around afraid I was going to hit a jaywalking tourists. I know people always think they're right, but I honestly think I didn't do anything wrong here. I got a $25 seat belt fine and a warning for running the red light, which is complete BS. I know it's a warning but I don't want it on my record at all, how can I appeal, any tips? Im only 18 years old, just got off my JOL and I'm very conscientious of other people, never speed or anything. I appreciate your help, will give best answer, thanks!""
My own insurance if i file independent?
Im 18, if no one claims me as a dependent on their taxes (so i claim independent), will I be taken off my parents insurance? and if so, is it health or life insurance or both? and what are the best insurance options for me if i have to get my own?""
Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???
Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???
Getting insurance and need check list.?
sorry HEALTH insurance.
How much do you think my insurance will go up?
I got a ticket about a month ago for exhibition of speed and i have court soon but i need to know how much my insurance will go up after our next policy. it wasnt a serious ticket it was just me and my buddy racing from one stop light to the next one. we didnt even go over the limit. i might even get off with nothing because its my first ticket i dunno. but ya, i have alstate and its insured under my parents name and we have our cars, 4 wheelers, snowmobiles, cabin, house, life, and pretty much everything with allstate. its about 600 every 6 months currently for my car. about how much do you think it will go up? thank you.""
The cheapest auto insurance in Fl?
Port orange fl
Your insurance or the other persons insurance?
if you get into a car accident and the other person is at fault....whos insurance would you go through?
Temporary Car Insurance Mercedes E Class 18 Year Old Male?
There is a meet at Goodwood Race Course at the end of the month, I was planning on taking the e class as the weather looks good and its good place to take it, however I'm really struggling to find temporary car insurance to cover me for the day, I can find annual car insurance relatively easily insuring my dad with his no claims and me as a named driver (comes to approx 1100 per annum) but I wont drive the car enough to make use of this insurance. I have looked high and low but none of the companies will insure me until I am 21 for temporary insurance. Any suggestions?""
I'm a first time driver and need an insurance company that is cheap! Any recomendations?
Passed my driving test today and I am looking for cheap insurance (like everyone else!) and I am hoping some wonderful people can help me out! I currently have a 1.25 ford fiesta from 2001. I am male, 17 years old and require my own policy. I appreciate any help :)""
How much do you think my car insurance would be(details inside)?
I am 15, I have taken drivers ed and I have my restricted liscense. I have a 3.8 gpa(I heard you get a discount for that) and I live in Kansas. I am looking at a 1995 Ford Explorer with 168,000 miles. I know you couldn't tell me exactly, but about what do you think my monthly payment would be? Thanks""
Can I drive under my parents insurance?
Ill be driving my dad's car, and he has insurance, so is it possible if I can drive the car without me buying the insurance?""
Im 17. How much should my parents expect to be paying for my car insurance?
Im 17, Soon I will be driving a 96-00 Acura Integra GS-R. I will be insured under my parents AAA policy. How much should my parents expect to pay?""
Need Cheap Medical Health Insurance?
Hello, could anybody recommend me a site for cheap medical health insurance.I know many sites, but their offers are too expensive.""
Cheapest women car insurance on a provisional?
im 23. got my own car, white, k reg, clio, automatic (1993) im only on a provisional license an ive found so far that my quotes r not very good. my highest as been 2027.57 an my lowest is 678.98 will i get anything lower. i know its cos of my age an cos im the main driver but if any women or men know any insurance companys that ave good lower prices then help me out thanks u never know wot ur get in return lol""
What is the best way to market homeowners insurance in Florida?
I m a relatively new property and casualty insurance agent in Florida. There is a perceived homeowners insurance crisis in Florida. Many of the big boys (ie Allstate, State Farm, Nationwide) are not writing any new business, policies are being nonrenewed, and if you're lucky enough to not get dropped, premiums are going up by more than 30% a year. Because of this, the average consumer thinks there's no alternative but pay what your Allstate, State Farm, or Nationwide agent gets you, which is usually a high rate with Citizens (the state run insurance company of last resort). However there ARE several small companies writing policies in Florida with great rates, but the captive agent of the big boys can't write them so people don't really know. I honestly haven't had a single lead who I couldn't save hundreds, maybe more than a thousand dollars a year. But I just don't know how to get the word out. Any ideas?""
""How much would an insurance company give me to repair Keying damage, three hood dents, and 3 areas of chips?""
My car was badly vandalized about a month ago and i made a claim to my insurance company. I originally decided to take my car into one of their many One Stop shops, where i would only have to pay the 250 dollar deductible and have my car completely repaired. Since then i was laid of from work and have been going through alot of money trouble. I have been considering just having an adjuster come out and write a check for the damages and repair only some of the damage at a friends shop. My question is... how much would the adjuster write off for... Deep key scratches down to the metal, a line all around the car. (20 feet) Three dents on the hood (about 6in diameter) three areas that where hit, and began to chip( about 5in in diameter each) It seems desperate. I know, because i am. I would appreciate any answers, please do not judge me and this situation, i'm just curious if it would be a somewhat wise decision. If you have nothing nice to say, please refrain from commenting, im depressed enough as it is. Thanks!""
How much is normal insurance coverage for a ATV?
I just found out my parents had this amount of coverage on their ATV. 100/300/50 both comprehensive and collision with a $100 deductible anyone else think they have too much? That is the same as my car except with a higher deductible.
How much does Mexico Insurance cost for SUV 1 Day Trip?
We are going for a day trip to Juarez, Mexico to do some shopping and that is it. Could risk not having the insurance and may do that. If I decide to purchase insurance how much approximately should it cost for an SUV one day trip? How much approximately for a 4-door one day trip? If you are marketing something don't respond I don't want your unbiased sales pitch. Are any of the online companies reputable? if so, who?""
How much would my insurance cost if self-insured?
How much would my insurance cost if self-insured?
How can I get auto insurance in my name when the car is registered in someone else's name?
My mom currently has a loan on my car in her name in California. My car is registered in California, but because my husband is active duty military, we relocated to South Carolina. Is there a way I can obtain insurance in my name without being a registered owner?""
Car insurance before uni this september?
hi, i'm 18 and my car insurance has recently expired, and now i'm looking to get it insured short-term, for about 3 months because i'm hopefully going to university this september. could anyone recommend me a car insurance firm which will insure under 21s at a competitive price? thanks!""
Would this work? (Named driver question)?
My good friend has her car and she is insured on that. She takes out another insurance policy for which I can be named driver on, but I drive the car always. We live at separate addresses. If I crash, she will only lose her ncb on the 2nd policy right? Which I will pay for just as a way to get insurance cheap. Also what if I dont crash, does she get 2 years worth of ncb in one year for having 2 policies?""
How much will insurance rates go up for hitting a parked car?
I accidentally hit a parked car and there is a lot of damage to my car (paint, door won't open) and minimal damage to the other owner's car (slight tear on rubber bumper) how much will my rates rise?""
Woul insurance rates change depending on transmission type?
would automatic transmission cost more for insurance or manual? or does it not matter curious to know....
Does my husband have to be on my car insurance?
I live in the State of Texas. Does my husband have to be on my car insurance??
Insurance on a range rover?
how much do you suspect insurance on a 2004 Land Rover Range Rover Range Rover would be the car is $5000 i know the lady she dais she'd sell to me I just want to make sure the insurance isn't going to be too much I'm 18 B average took driver's course and defensive driving class.......just a guess
""How much will it cost for liability insurance for property maintenance, residential construction and masonry?""
I have just registered my business. This business specializes in residential property maintenance, residential construction and residential masonry. I would like to know approximately how much I will need to put down for liability insurance that would cover me if anything was to go wrong. I have no employee's and no vehicles to add on. I want to only be covered for liability. Thank you very much and I hope to have a better understanding on this matter soon thanks to you!""
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I'm turning 17 in a few weeks and plan to start taking driving lessons. My parents are looking into cars for me, they are only prepared to pay 1000 for my first car, but it's the insurance that is so expensive. There are a few cars that I have seen that I like, but any quote I try and get for them is at least 2,500! Are there any companies that do cheaper car insurance for young drivers or any ways that I could make the insurance cheaper? Also, i've heard that getting the insurance in one of my parents names then only being a named driver on the policy is cheaper, but when I have looked it doesn't seem to make much difference? Thank you!""
""On average, how much is car insurance for a 17 year old in AMERICA?""
I live in the UK where it is a RIP OFF!! I'm 17 and i recently got a car insurance quote for a 1.4 VW Golf and it was like 3000 (around $4600). And that just for a 1.4 engine car. What's it like in America?? What engines do young drivers usually buy in a car and how much is it over there? On TV and that, Americans get like 3 litre cars for their first cars, that's why i'm curious. Cheers.""
Getting insurance and need check list.?
sorry HEALTH insurance.
What's the best option for changing cars and insurance?
Ok so I got my Service/MOT, Insurance and Road tax at the end of the month, I've been driving for 1 year now and touch wood I wont crash by the end of the month to get my 1st year no claims. I currently have a Renault clio 1.2 However in about 6 months I would like to change to a Audi A3 1.6 as my insurance will be cheaper with the 1 year no claims. (Had to get a 1.2 for the 1st year as Insurance would be crazy) I am currently getting quotes from Admiral and Diamond insurance for a annual fee of about 670 or Monthly installments that come to 1000, so Ideally I will just pay the full year off. But as I said in 6 months ill change cars and by the time Ill sell and buy a new car there could be 2 months where I'm not even driving, and don't want to pay for insurance for not even driving about. I can't find on these dam insurance sites about if i can put my insurance on hold (Admiral). Not sure if I will get charged if I put it on hold or not, as all these insurance company's are very sligh. and Should I pay the Road tax for the whole year or just the 6 months? Also what's the best place to buy/sell cars? ebay / auto trader? (I bought mine from the Motorline Renault garage)""
""What the best private insurance in colorado, for a pregnet women?""
What the best private insurance in colorado, for a pregnet women?""
What do compulsory and voluntary excess mean in car insurance?
The one I am looking at is 0 compulsory excess and 150 voluntary. Is it better for both to be lower? I don't know what it means. Please explain before I buy. Thanls
Auto Insurance in 2 States?
Folks I am dealing with an issue that involves 3 cars 3 drivers ( my wife, my son and I) and 2 different states (my son away at college) the insurance companies are thiefs trying to stick it to me. Even though my son is at college more than 1250 miles away from home the insurance company still charge me for him, I bough him a car and since he is in another state my insurance premium is almost triple. Any ideas? remember 3 cars 3 drivers and 2 states my son at college with a new car. Will it be cheaper if he gets his own insurance? Help is needed and much appreciated""
I have a friend who say he knows a guy who works for a car insurance company and can guarantee cheaper quotes?
Does this sound normal for staff to be able to do this as I have had a similar offer from someone else a while ago. I am just worried that they may set up a policy but when I go to make a claim its not a real policy or something. Please note it is a significant discount as well and he can also get me quotes on cars I wouln't otherwise get insured on as a normal customer All sounds a bit to good to be true!
""New driver, teen car insurance?""
does anyone know about how much the average teen's car insurance is? im 17 and looking for a car, i have $1750 in my bank account... about how much would car insurance cost me? and how much do i have to pay upfront? i know its sometimes cheaper if you have good grades, and i have straight a's. can anyone help me? thanks!""
How to find low cost car insurance in Detroit?
budget around 50 to 60 dollars per month... let me know is there have any company out there who serve affordable for others.
Motorcycle insurance for 20 year old?
Thinking about getting a bike, it would be probably a mid 90's to early 2000's enduro that I would use mostly for traveling back and forth to work here in michigan. looking for around a 300-600 cc bike that'll probably be worth about $2500. I have only one accident on my record. Any idea of a round about estimate for insurance prices of just liability? Full coverage? Also how much is it to get the licensing and take the courses in michigan?""
Are company's allowed to bump up your no claims for you so you get cheaper insurance ?
A family member of mine bought a car last year from a dealership and bought the insurance through them for ease, they hadn't had a car for a few years and so lost there no claims bonus however it would seem that the company put that he had a 5 years no claim bonus on anyway so that he would get his insurance cheaper, is this legal ? Also a year has now passed and so they are looking to get insurance somewhere else because other places offer even cheaper prices, however the insurance company are saying if he moves to another insurer they will say he only has 1 year no claims, but if he stays with them he can keep his 5 years no claims and that seems a little bit shifty to. This isn't really a question but still any input on the matter would be brilliant, thanks.""
Car auto insurance and person at fault wont pay.?
My sister was driving my car and was hit but the person at fault is refusing to pay. Filed a claim with both insurance companies . My insurance company refused to pay becuase my sister is not included in the policy and the other persons insurance company refuse to pay because they claim her insurance canceled because she moved out of state a couple of days prior to accident. Whoever was handling my claim refused to help at all since My sister was not included in the policy. What do I do? The other driver admitted it was her fault and I believe it is in the claim letter i received.
What is the best insurance company to have if you need to go into a rehabilitation center?
Which insurance covers the most??
Michigan Auto Insurance Premium almost twice as much as quote!?
I'll do my best to summarize my situation, and am using estimates for days and amounts... I received a quote for auto insurance for $590 for a 6 month period from an independent auto agent. When I received my insurance policy and premium price it way nearly double (over $1,100). I cancelled the policy within a week after receiving the huge increase in premiums. Because of the time it took for me to receive my new premium and the 5-7 days for me to cancel, I received a bill for an amount due of roughly $40.00. I previously had auto insurance through the company/agent but it was for a different vehicle and paid a month in advance. My question is, why am I responsible, and how am I responsible for the premium that is so much higher than what I was quoted? I didn't sign any paperwork, I called over the phone and had the agent switch the policy based on the new quote. Auto insurance played a huge factor in budgeting for the vehicle and I feel that I was ripped off. I should be getting a credit for the 10 days that I did not use, not having to pay more for the days I did use. Thanks for any advice you're able to provide!""
Question about insurance coverage?
will the insurance company pay for a scratch on car thats really small and will my rates increase for it?
Health insurance for pregnant women?
Does anyone know a good (and inexpensive) insurance provider for pregnant women?
On friday 4/25 my 03 Tahoe was stolen in front of my house it was recovered the following day 4/26 about 9pm?
it was about 2:30am when the vehicle was stolen, the police was called and they came out to the scene. they gave me a file number. Later in the a.m i called the Insurance and reported the auto theft i gave all the current information my statement was being recorded. The insurance inspector came out to inspect the vehicle on Tuesday theyre were alot of damage inside out. He said it was about $4,000.00 worth of damage. It maybe was going to be total loss. I went ahead and called the adjustor to follow up on the inspection he then said he gave my claim to a investigator for further review. I mention to him that my vehicle is at my house when it should be in the tow yard, that it seems they are lacking holding off in helping me with this situation. He was rude and continue to tell me to wait for a phone call. Today 5/2/2014 a claim investigator called me stating that it was a coincidence that i worked for a auto body shop and my vehicle being stolen recently. I got really upset i told her me working at a shop doesnt have nothing to do with my car being stolen. I told her I was going to seek help thru a lawyer and hanged up the phone. Has anyone been a similar situation? I live in the state of California and have Infinity Insuracne Both my cars are full cover and both are paid off.""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 20 yr old new driver? In Texas?
I am getting a car and my license soon and I need to figure out what would be the absolute most affordable insurance I can get is. I live in TX
Car accident and insurance?
My friend's car got hit from behind on the freeway and she only got libilities so her insurance doesn't pay to fix her car. The guy who hit her is a teen and his insurance is under his mom's name. His insurance is paying only $10,000 maxium. The cost for total fixing is going to be $13,561. My friend can't pay the difference of $3,561. Now what can she do? Is that the responsiblity of the guy who hit her? should he be the one to come up with the rest of the money? or is she out of luck? The car is in the collision center now. She's losing sleep and having headaches and sore neck, etc.. and missing work... and she still hasn't go see a doctor. Any advice for this poor girl?""
Insurance on a used car verses a new car?
My dad says that if I buy a new car my insurance will double or even more than my insurance on my used car. Is that true?
What's the cheapest auto insurance and do you need it to have a permit?
it speaks for itself what company has the cheapest & most reliable auto insurance company for a 16 year old driver (not 16 yet but I should have my driver's license by February 25th if I go after my birth day)
Insurance cost/ car cost?
ok i live in canada, and i am saveing up for my first car, what is the cheapest car i can get, cheap but still a good car, a standared car not a stick. and how much insurance will i have to pay for this car. no i only got pulled over once but that was 2 years ago, will that take an effect for my insurance .........""
Is selling mortgage protection insurance a good job?
I have been offered a job selling mortgage protection insurance. All sales leads are pre-generated and there is no cold calling. Of course, like any sales job, the company has assured me that I can earn a six-figure income within the first year; but I don't know what to believe. Anybody know anything about this industry? Is this a waste of time?""
Does having a baby increase you car insurance premium?
My wife had our first baby in March. This month (April) her car insurance has to be renewed. We have noticed that when we disclose that we have a dependant the premium appears to increase by 100? Has anyone else with children experienced this? This is just another slap in the face for parents.
Is it hard to get on Insurance with no income?
I'm going to the doctor tomorrow due to a car wreck that happened last year. I have been experiencing a lot of pain. I was just wondering, Would it be hard for me to get on Insurance at 20 years old with no income (Due to the wreck and how much pain I'm actually In).""
How much is car insurance in NY state if your 17?
Ive been looking for how much car insurance is in ny if your 17 but i cant find it. My mom doesnt want to pay for it so i have to pay for it myself. Can someone tell me how much it costs?
What car insurance company has a commercial with a man riding a bike?
It's a car insurance commercial with a guy riding a little bike on the highway in his suit. it says car insurance slowing you down? or something. i want to find the commercial online or at least what insurance company it is. Help!
Getting insurance and need check list.?
sorry HEALTH insurance.
0 notes