hazinhoodies · 5 years
ugh tom or haz trying to make you blush as much as possible? i’m so shy and I blush so easily goddamnit —tomslovey
i could either go dirty or fluffy with this. also sorry this is so late.
tom realized that you blushed a lot on your very first date
it was just one of those “huh they do that a lot. cute” things. and then he forgot about ut
but it only reoccurred to him about a month later
since then he’s loved making your cheeks bright
“good morning sweets”
said in a gruff morning voice as he wraps his arms around your waist
hands drifting under your shirt and dragging across the soft skin
sending shivers down your spine and heat to your cheeks
he’d definitely mostly use nicknames to make you blush
peaches, sweets, lovebug
definitely saving darling for that final push of making your cheeks red
faint touches all day long
gentle fingers along your skin
a hand on the small of your back to reach around you
fingers in your hair lulling you to sleep while the two of you cuddle
anyways tom loves you and your bright cheeks no matter how much you may or may not like them
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eightmakar · 5 years
Hi! Do you write for mob!tom?? If so can you write something about him meeting a male!reader on holiday in London?? At first Tom doesn't like him for his cocky behaviour and wants to kill him but in the end after a brief fight they understand that they can't kill each other. Soooo they start talking and they become friends!!
i’ve never written for a male reader so i hope this is good lovey!!!
3.5k Blurb Night! | Send them here!
from the moment tom holland saw you across the room, he hated you. he hated the suit you wore, he hated the way you sat at the small table in the corner of the room, and he hated the way held yourself.
he didn’t trust you one bit, but you didn’t care.
you’d gone out of your way to take a vacation in tom holland’s area of london. you wanted to show him you weren’t scared of him, though perhaps you should’ve been. this entire trip was a big “fuck you” to him.
you received a note from the kind waiter you had. 
mr. holland wants you dead. run.
you chuckled, paid for your meal, and sauntered out of the cafe. 
holland’s men were right on your tail. one of the hit the back of your knee cap, and you fell to the ground, but not before you swiped his legs from beneath him. you popped back up and set your feet, ready to fight.
tom holland waltzed out of the restaurant, too. he straightened his tie, then motioned to his men to grab you. they did, clutching your arms behind your back. 
“ah, yes,” tom purred as you struggled against his men. “mr. (y/l/n).”
“the one and only,” you said sarcastically. 
holland decked you in the mouth. you tasted blood and spat it out, grinning wickedly at him. “i will be respected in my territory, sir, do you understand that?”
you pretended to think. “yeah, i guess.”
“you’ve got some gaul, don’t you?” tom growled. “i like that. can i buy you a beer?”
you were shocked, but didn’t let it show. “are these two fine gentlemen going to join us?” you asked, referring to the goons holding your arms.
“let him go, lads, let him go,” tom said. they did as he asked, then he turned to you again. “let’s talk, sir. i think we can benefit each other.”
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eightmakar · 5 years
my life is going extremely downhill at the moment so can you do one where readers life is just tearing her apart and then her and one of the boys (tom haz or harry) you pick get into a small argument and u just burst into tears and they're confused bc it wasn't that deep but you just explain that things have been feeling really hard im sorry this is so specific:(
hi honey!! if you need to talk to someone, you can always PM me anytime!! i have anxiety and life gets to be A Lot sometimes so i totally understand and am happy to listen if you need someone! i’m gonna write this so you can substitute any boy into it!
3.5k Blurb Night | Send them here
you sat on the couch scrolling through your phone. it had been a rough series of events over several days. you felt like you had no control. 
he came into the kitchen from the shower. he was dressed comfortably and his hair was still wet. 
“hi love,” he said sweetly. he opened the fridge, then said, “hey, love? did you get more milk at the store yesterday?”
“oh, fuck,” you whispered. “i forgot, i’m sorry.”
“‘s alright,” he said. “i just won’t make mac and cheese for lunch is all.”
“oh god, i’m sorry!” you burst, tears streaming down your face that you didn’t know were so close to spilling over.
“oh no,” he said, hurrying over to you. “honey, it’s okay! i didn’t mean that passive aggressively, it’s okay baby!” he knelt down in front of you and took your hands, which were shaking.
“i–” you cut yourself off, sobs wracking through your body. he got up on the couch with you, holding you tightly while you cried. he stroked your hair, whispering calming words to you until you calmed down enough.
“what’s wrong, honey?” he whispered softly.
“everything,” you whispered back. “everything’s been so hard lately, and it’s why i forgot the milk and why i haven’t been doing much lately. i’m sorry, i–”
“don’t apologize, honey,” he said softly. “don’t apologize, honey, i’m right here, i’m here with you. i’ve got you and everything will be okay. i know it’s hard but you’re not alone, i’m right here with you, sweetheart. i’ve got you.”
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eightmakar · 5 years
"stop squeezing my hand so tight!" With tom ??
3.5k Blurb Night! | Send them in here!
“hey! stop squeezing my hand so tight!” tom hissed.
“i’m sorry!” you hissed back. “there’s so many photographers! won’t they figure it out?”
he gazed at you and smiled. “we’re best friends, it’ll be okay.” 
tom had asked you to be his “girlfriend” at his latest premiere.  his publicist said he needed one, and he turned to you, his best friend on the planet. he knew it would be safe with you, he would be safe with you.
“tom! (y/n)! over here!” the photographers called. flashes were everywhere, and it was a little overwhelming. you kept squeezing him, taking your nervous energy out on his hand.
“hey,” he said. “hand?”
you buried your face in your free hand. “i’m sorry!” you said again.
he laughed. “you’re fine, just relax, okay? we’ve got this.”
you smiled. with tom, your platonic soulmate, you felt like you could do anything.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
YOOO can I get a soft Tom taking care of girlfriend reader with a cold? Idk I think that'd be super cute and I'd die of fluff. Ok thanks I love you
i sneezed as i read this request. just thought you all should know that
Tommy💗: uh y/n are you sure you’re okay?
The text came merely seconds after your sent a message preemptively, complete with a kgufn at the end of whatever word you had been typing from you dropping your phone on your face after a sneeze.
you: yes i’m fine don’t worry
Tommy💗: darling i’m coming over to take care of you
you: no don’t. besides the doors locked, you can’t make me open it
Tommy💗: i have a key
With a groan, you tossed your phone on to the other side of the bed. Damn Tom and him being a stupidly good boyfriend with his stupidly cute face and his stupid key to your apartment. You hated when he took care of you. Actually no, you loved that he took care of you but hated feeling like you were taking time out of his day that he could be spending doing something else. But instead, he was with you because you couldn’t milk out some stupid cold. 
Maybe you fell asleep, you weren’t sure, but you woke up to Tom closing your bedroom door, only really realizing it when your bed dipped on his side. A small groan came from your throat as your blanket-wrapped body rolled involuntarily towards him.
“Did I wake you? I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry” Tom turned so he could see your face, although he hardly could from the blanket wrapped around it.  He pushed the blanket out of his way so he could place his pal, against your cheek. Upon feeling the heat from your cheeks, he flipped his hand and pressed the back of his hand to your cheek and then to your forehead. You leaned into his touch, appreciating how cool and smooth his skin felt against yours. “You’re burning up” You only nodded.
Tom pushed some of your hair back underneath the blanket. The look he gave you made you melt. Nothing but pure love and adoration. A slight tilt of his head and a small smile on his lips. You wondered how he could still love you even while you were nothing but a sneezing burrito on your bed that maybe groaned if provoked. 
“How about i make you some soup, you can take a nap, and then we can cuddle and watch the new season of Lucifer, okay?” 
You nodded again, you hoped he got the smile that you tried to give him. Judging by the way his smile widened, spreading across his lips and combined with a small laugh, you assume he got it. 
“I love you” You mumbled, your voice was gross. Tired and raspy and sickly. You were hardly even sure that the words came out as words and not just noises. But Tom got it. He always did.
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead, you were sure that your skin could have scalded his, but if it did, he ignored it.
“I love you too”
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
Hello! I just found your blog and I find your writing d e l I g h t f u l! I wanted to make a request with Tom: actress!reader works with Z in a movie and then she works with Haz or Harry, and they all want to introduce her to Tom (bc they would be amazing together) and he doesn’t want to meet her or couldn’t care less about that until he met her and he is all like 😍 PLEASE
“Mate, I really don’t get why you want me to meet her. What’s so special about her?” Harry couldn’t tell if Tom was groaning or whining. Probably both. Harry was fully prepared to take whatever bullshit Tom had come up with this time to avoid meeting you. Truthfully when he could avoid interacting with new people, he would. And since he had only been home for a couple of days, he didn’t want to interact with anyone that wasn’t Harrison, Tessa, or his family.
“Trust me. You’ll love them.” It was all Harry could say. Even though he’d already told Tom those exact words thousands of times, usually paired with a reason why, but this time he didn’t bother. Harry was already dragging Tom to meet Zendaya and you. He’d only told Tom you were going to be there while they were in the car. Tom groaned in response and then began to scroll through instagram.
Tom first saw you and you looked nervous, despite the laugh that Z had caused. One of your arms was crossed over your chest, holding the tricep of your other arm while your free hand fiddled with the fabric of your shirt.
All it took was a small hello from both you and Tom, a glare from Harry which caused Tom to ask about your film with Z, and Harry didn’t see the two of you apart for hours.
Tom wouldn’t shut up about you on the way home. Oh how the tables have turned.
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eightmakar · 5 years
Hey 👋🏽 can you do the fake dating trope with prompts 1, 5, and 14 for college!tom? Thanks in advance
1. “stop squeezing my hand so tight!”
5. “you can’t be that oblivious.”
14. “say it again.”
3.5k Blurb Night! | Send them in here!
“tom, stop squeezing my hand so tight!” you whispered. your family had come to visit you at school and insisted you “bring your boyfriend” that you had lied to them about. so instead, you brought tom and told him to “be cool.” big mistake.
“im sorry!” he squeaked. “i don’t know how to do this!”
you parents came into the restaurant, smiling. they hugged you tightly.
“is this him?” your mom asked hopefully.
“yeah,” you said, plastering on a smile. “this is my boyfriend, tom! he’s a theater major.”
“hi tom!” you mom sang. “it’s so nice to finally meet you!”
“you too!” he said, hugging her. she let him go and he turned to you. “you should say it again,” he whispered.
“what?” you whispered back.
“the ‘b’ word.”
you rolled your eyes and sat back down. “why?”
“well, i’ve been trying to get you to go out with me for years, thanks for noticing,” he whispered.
you gaped at him. “tom, stop playing around, c’mon!”
“you can’t be that oblivious,” he said softly. “i don’t want this to be fake.”
you gaped. “tom, i–”
“don’t worry about it right now,” he said, kissing your cheek. “we’ll talk about it later, kay?”
you nodded, turning back to your parents, who were staring like they were watching a soap opera.
you rolled your eyes. “good grief, was i the only one who didn’t know?”
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eightmakar · 5 years
Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing w Tom H. please 💕
3.5k Blurb Night! | Send them here!
you had an early meeting for work, which means you had to get up early and shower. you didn’t want to wake up tom, so you slid out of bed as quietly as possible.
however, he was awake when you got out of the shower. tom’s face was scrunched in concentration, reading something on his phone. you knew sometimes he had a little trouble reading things, especially early in the morning. his dyslexia tended to act up the most in the morning and super late at night. 
“morning, tommy boy,” you said, walking over to his side of the bed. you kissed his cheek, but he didn’t look up from his phone.
“morning, baby girl,” he said. “just got an email from marvel, had to read it before i got up.”
“no problem, sweetheart,” you replied, walking into the closet to get dressed. you emerged in his favorite of your work outfits, the one with the flowers that complimented your skin tone. “i’ve got a meeting today, so i’m heading out early.”
“hope it goes well, honey!” tom said. he lifted his head and looked at you. “you look beautiful.”
you walked back over to peck him on the lips. “right back at you, stud.”
he smiled. “have a great day and i’ll see you later! i love you!” he kissed you again.
“love you more!” you smiled, then walked out of the room to head to work.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
u and tom are like,,,,costars and everyone ships u and like kind of u two getting together/realsiing y'all have feelings????
ok okok so (this is longer than intended)
it’d started as fan speculation
cause y’all went out for lunch ONCE and got spotted
ofc you were laughing in the pap photos
tom was talking about the first time he broke his nose
he’s a dumbass lbr
so then it became a joke among the cast
jacob was the worst of it tho
you would look at each other and jacob would go off
“awe look at the lovebirds”
“get a room”
“jacob all i did was turn my head”
“yep. too much. go back to your trailers before you fuck”
both of you rolled your eyes
the joke carried on into the press tour
the interviewer would ask you about the rumours
“oh yeah they’re 100% true we’re in love”
“no really we’re just good friends and we’re both okay with that”
they were always disappointed
it wasn’t until researching them after the tour was done that you noticed
tom was blushing
almost every time the topic was brought up
you debated asking him for a while until you were watching one while facetiming him
he noticed your eyes narrowed towards him
“you’re blushing”
“what oh yeah it’s kinda hot in this room-“
“no tom in the interview, is there something you want to tell me?”
really you were bluffing, just curious what would happen
“uh. um. I. It’s just that- i uh”
he was running his hand through his hair a concerning amount of times
like many more than a sane person would need to
“i like you”
you’d hardly heard it cause he mumbled it
“and i wanna take you out. like. on a date. to dinner”
you were silent for a bit
tom avoided looking at the camera
“okay. what’s stopping you?”
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eightmakar · 6 years
Prompt 61 and 64 with Tom?
61: Hands On The Other Person’s Back, Fingertips Pressing Under Their Top, Drawing Gentle Circles Against That Small Strip Of Bare Skin That Make Them Break The Kiss With A Gasp
64: Being Unable To Open Their Eyes For A Few Moments Afterward 
Snow Day Blurbs!!!! | Original Post
“mornin’ love,” tom mumbled, walking sleepily over to you. you stood at the refrigerator, looking in it for the milk.
 you stood up and closed the fridge door, turning to look at tom. his hair was a mess, and you reached out to touch it with a small giggle.
“good morning, sweetheart,” you smiled. he leaned into you, pressing his lips sleepily into yours. you reached up to run your fingers through his hair, causing your pajama top to ride up a little bit.  he dragged his hands down your body to the revealed strip of skin. he softly traced over the skin, drawing circles as he pressed the tips of his fingers into your back and tugged you closer.
you gasped, breaking the kiss, but keeping your eyes closed. you bit your lip, eyes closed, reveling in the feel of tom’s lips and body against yours. you didn’t want to open your eyes and ruin the moment.
“baby,” tom whispered. you opened your eyes to see tom’s beautiful chocolate ones inches away. “i love you.”
“i love you, too,” you whispered back.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
Maybe 91 and 94 with Tom!!!
i changed the prompt a bit whoops
100 ways to crush your soul prompts (still accepting even tho it’s been a while)
“One second” You shout following the three knocks heard on your apartment door. You do one final swipe of mascara on your eyelashes before closing the tube and setting it backs in its designated spot on your vanity. Not bothering to check through the peep hole, you pull the door open thinking that it was just your friend coming to pick you up only to be met with a face that you haven’t seen in a good few weeks; “Tom”
“Uh hi” It’s all he says before stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans and his gaze falls to the floor. Tom opens his mouth as if to say something but when no sound comes out he closes it.
“Is there something you needed?” You ask politely, yet you move yourself into the doorway so the door rests on your arm and hip, preventing Tom from entering. A force of habit really.
“Yeah actually. I um. I left my stuff here. Just a sweater and a pair of jeans i think but maybe other stuff? I’m not really sure” He stumbles over his words but gets the point out eventually. “It’s my swi-“
“Your grey swish store one? I know I found it. Give me one sec” You disappear inside the apartment, letting the door close behind you. Toms tempted to walk in and follow you but he knows it’s wrong. Not now. You’ve been broken up for a couple weeks and it wouldn’t be okay to now.
“Here you go” You day once you emerge from the door, a neatly folded pile of clothing in your hands with a spider-man tooth brush sitting on top of it. He’d got it as a joke when he started staying at your place more often.
“Thanks” You nod but Tom doesn’t walk away, neither do you. “You’re all dressed up. Where are you headed?”
“Just some drinks with coworkers. Nothing too big” You shrug and Tom nods.
“Nice, nice. Your hair looks good”
“Thanks” There’s another awkward pause.
“Maybe we should get drinks soon? I know it’s really recent but I still care about you and I’m home for a while now” Tom asks. And you feel so bad for what you’re about to say. He made himself vulnerable and you know how hard it is to do. You want to say yes, you really do, but that’s not what comes out.
“Maybe another time, Tom” A nod from both of you and the door shuts.
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eightmakar · 5 years
Hey!! Congratulations! What about royal!tom spoiling his 20 y/o son for his birthday?? Mine is in 3 days and I thought "wow being tom holland'son would be good"
Thank you!!
3.5k Blurb Night! | Send them in here!
“happy birthday, kiddo!” tom sang, coming into your room.
“dad,” you groaned. “i’m 20, c’mon, and it’s too early for this!”
“okay, fine, then don’t enjoy the gifts we’ve gotten you,” tom sassed, walking out of the door. 
you rolled your eyes, groaned, then swung yourself so you were sitting with your legs hanging off the edge of the bed. “alright, i’m up.”
“knew that’d get you up,” tom smirked.
you made a face and your stomach grumbled. “yeah, that and the promise of food.”
he laughed. “alright, smartass. get up and meet your mom and me out in our room.”
you chuckled, threw on a shirt, and padded into the hall towards your parents’ room. you saw your mom standing next to her bed, smiling. 
“happy birthday, sweetheart,” she said. 
you opened your mouth to answer, but tom came in, his arms full of stuff for you. you couldn’t even describe what was there; it was everything you could have ever hoped they would get you for your birthday.
“happy birthday,” tom said with a grin.
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eightmakar · 6 years
Hi :) do you think you could do a blurb with Tom holland where he’s with a redhead? Maybe like she’s insecure about it bc she’s always been teased/made fun of for having pale skin, freckles, and being a ‘ginger’?
i have pale skin and freckles so i do feel 2/3 of these!! some of my friends say i have red hair its brown but sometimes looks red
writing some blurbs tonight
you peered at yourself in the mirror, frowning. you felt like your pale skin shown like a beacon, always alerting people to where you were. freckles were “in” right now, which made you even more conscious of the sun-kisses that decorated your face, your arms, and your shoulders. you rustled your red hair, imagining it was any other color except red. 
“morning, love,” tom said, padding into the bathroom in his Calvin’s. he leaned in and kissed your cheek, but paused when he saw you frowning. “what’s wrong, baby?” 
“it’s nothing,” you said, brushing it off. 
tom leaned back against the sink and cabinet. he crossed his arms and gazed at you. “please talk to me, honey, i’m here for you.”
you sighed. “i wish i didn’t look like this. you know, so pale and pasty, with these stupid freckles all over the place and my hair that goes with literally nothing.”
“hey hey hey,” he said. “where did this come from?”
“its always been here,” you said, looking at your feet. “growing up, i always got made fun of for being a ‘ginger.’ i remember asking my mom why she didn’t give me blonde hair like the other girls.”
“oh, honey,” tom said, lovingly taking your hand. “i know it’s hard, but you’re so beautiful, okay? i wouldn’t change a single thing about the way you look.”
“but i would,” you protested.
“but i wouldn’t, because i think you’re gorgeous exactly this way. kids make fun of people who are different. where are those people now, love? hmm?”
you smiled. “i know for a fact one of them is working at McDonald’s.”
tom laughed. “and you’re dating Spider-Man.”
“And I’m dating Spider-Man,” you repeated.
“You know, Mary Jane Watson had red hair in the comics, so I guess that makes you my MJ, baby.”
you gazed at tom. “i love you so much, you dork,” you muttered.
“i love you more,” he muttered back, pulling you into a hug.
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eightmakar · 6 years
*popping on your asks like a drive thru* Hi let me get a uh...fluffy one where Tom kisses the reader on the neck when they are frustrated because of studying, please. That’d be all. Thank you :)
Snow Day Blurbs!!!  |  Original Post 
“Baby, c’mon, take a break,” Tom pouted, curling up next to you on the couch.  
“Tom, I have so much shit to do today, okay? I love you so much, but I’m so stressed out.”
Tom kissed your cheek. “You’ve been working on this for hours,” he whined. “You have to eat.”
“I’m not hungry, I’m stressed.” You continued to type out your essay on your computer.  
Tom was persistent, knowing how stressed out you were.  He knew you hadn’t eaten all day.
He kissed your cheek, then your ear, then your jaw, then finally your neck. He placed slowed, open mouthed kisses on it.  He gently sucked over your sweet spot, and you pressed your head onto his head and sighed.
“Tom …”
“Dinner?” he purred into your skin.  
“Fine,” you sighed. You licked your lips as you felt Tom smile into your neck, placing one last kiss on it before hopping up. “But only for an hour, okay?”
“Just for an hour,” Tom agreed, smiling sweetly.
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eightmakar · 6 years
First off, I fucking love your how YOU doin’ for asks. Secondly: how do you feel about a fluffy Tom teaching you how to surf imagine with 51?? -hollandarling
@hollandarling thank you love!!!
51: Public kiss
Finishing the blurbs in my ask!
“cmon, darling, you’ve got it!” tom encouraged. he sat on his surfboard next to you on yours, in the water.
“Tom, i’m scared to stand up! there’s so many people out there watching us. what if i fall?” you said.
“If you fall, i’ll fall even more dramatically so they pay attention to me and not you,” he said, paddling closer to you.
you squinted at him. “deal.”
tom leaned over his board and kissed you sweetly. you thought you could hear cheers from the beach, and your face felt hot. 
“feel that in the water?” tom asked. you felt the current softly begin to pull.
“okay, get ready then, because the wave’s about to come now.” he paddled out towards the ocean depths, and you followed him. you turned to face the beach like tom did, waiting for the wave to come.
“alright, get ready!” tom called. “feel it? go go go now!”
you paddled furiously, feeling yourself get picked up by the wave. you saw tom stand up and you slowly tried to stand up, too, but stayed close to your board.
“you’re doing it!” tom called. 
you looked at him and waved. he hit an awkward wave and went flying into the water. it looked absolutely ridiculous, and you literally fell off you board laughing.
you swam over to tom still laughing. “nice going, tommy,” you teased.
tom grinned at you, then kissed you again. “told you i’d draw the attention to myself and not you.”
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