#the 100 kinkmeme
singsweetmelodies · 2 years
me: this fic will be short and filthy. but most importantly - SHORT.
also me:
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marmett · 6 months
i wish i knew of good dark fantasy novels out there that were like dragon age origins, but arent the dragon age novels bc those are god awful.
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sybaritick · 9 months
cal "sybaritick" BG3 fanfic compilation post (updated Jan 2024!) ✨
a new pinned post because i've written 4 more fics since the last one!
nor heaven peep through the blanket of dark (2.4k, E): the one where Astarion convinces Gale that if a sussur flower is nearby, he can drink Gale's blood, and this is totally safe and fine and not at all an excuse to get Gale in a vulnerable state
Appetites (1.2k, E): the one where Astarion is a little too into Gale being chubby and feeds him pastries and dreams of keeping him like a cute little overfed pet
Ensnared (0.8k, M): the one where Gale gets sexily caught up in an Ensnaring Strike and Astarion's predator instinct is very much awakened
At Knifepoint (2.4k, E): the "mark me down as scared AND horny" one that goes with this amazingly hot artwork of some bloodweave knifeplay from the art/fic swap! :3
oh, rotten little thing (1.9k, M): the one where Gale realizes the Netherese orb has grown powerful enough that it wants to absorb magic from people, not just items...
Alternatives (1.5k, E): the one where they got their nice domestic ending but maybe they'd like to imagine just for a moment what would have happened if Astarion made a worse choice. and as a bonus, they're both transmasc in this one! (both described as if they're on T but pre-any-surgeries.)
On Concentration (1.8k, E): the post-game established-relationship one where Astarion walks in on Gale using Mage Hand for certain purposes late at night in his library
Certain Talents (3.3k, E): i just think gale would be really into femdom and know way too much about drow culture (and astarion is extremely aware of this and willing to share just this once)
Suggestion (1.9k, M): the one that takes place post-canon where Gale is horny about the concept of being charmed by his somewhat-ethically-questionable enchantment wizard friend
just Gale
catalyst (2.3k, M): gale decides to spend his time stuck in his tower alone by Eating A Lot. a gift for excellent writer gaspingforcontact that takes place a few months before her gale feeding kink fic. 100% stuffing/weight gain/fat fetishism you were warned
Gortash/Dark Urge
Grim Trigger (3.0k, E, graphic violence/gore cw): the one where Gortash and the Dark Urge have a normal, friendly conversation early in their alliance that is definitely not some weird psychosexual dominance game slash foreplay
Incentives for Compliance (3.7k, E, noncon cw): a prompt fill for the bg3 kinkmeme where gortash kidnaps gale to secure help from the rest of the tadpole gang and then uses the fact that he's no longer nearby the astral prism to mind control him; 100% an excuse for blatant mind control fetishism
enjoy! :3
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
I've sent a prompt and want to fill one but I don't have writing experience and haven't written nsfw ever so I'm not sure what I'd do would be any good.
The important thing is not to write something good, anon. The important thing is to write something. This blog is to partake in the divine act of creation together. Quality is secondary. The time and effort you put in your writing is as meaningful as the writing itself. I'm sure anyone who sends a prompt here will appreciate that someone out there made a gift specifically for them, even if it's not exactly what they wanted. If nothing else, know that I will appreciate the gesture, as seeing people filling prompts and trying their hands at new things is one of the greatest joys of running this blog.
That being said, if you struggle with anything in particular in writing, feel free to send an ask about it. I will help however I can, and if any of the kinkmeme's followers have any useful advice to add, I'm sure they will make it known.
For now, have a couple tricks on how to write nsfw:
Action. The most obvious bit. Your sex scene is, presumably, going to feature characters doing things together. What do they do? Do they touch, caress, pull, lick? Do they do it strongly, softly, fast, slow? Are these purposeful gestures? Are they being impatient and carried away in the heat of the moment? Where do they touch? For how long?
Physical sensations. So your blorbo touched a peen. Great. How does it feel? Is it warm, cold, soft, hard, wet, dry? Bring your metaphor game. Things related to fire or electricity are classics.
Emotions. How are your blorbos feeling right now? Do they feel loved through this intimate act? Do they feel anxious in the face of vulnerability? It doesn't have to be positive feelings either. You can emphasize anger if it's hatesex, or fear if it's noncon.
Rhythm. Short, choppy sentences = fast, successive actions. Long, drawn-out sentences = an action that lasts quite a while. So if you're trying to convey that they made out for a while, try to describe it in a long sentence. If you're trying to convey that that dude's fucking super fast because they're close to climaxing, try multiple shorter sentences.
Kinks. If you're writing about a specific kink, try to emphasize what people find appealing in it. Waxplay? Talk about the temperature of the wax, the vulnerability of letting someone pour wax on you. Bdsm? The high of domming someone, of getting them to squirm under you. Obviously this is easier if it's a kink you have, but if it's not you can always look around for stories that feature that kink to try to figure out what is usually emphasized.
Characters. Remember, you are writing about blorbos fucking, not about mass of flesh with no personality. One should be able to tell it's the blorbos while reading your fic. Does your blorbo have a specific style of internal narration? A distinctive way of speaking? A bit of backstory that would be relevant in what you're writing? Include that. Your blorbo has very specific symbolism associated with them? Bring that to your metaphor game (ie: fire metaphors would be doubly appropriate for Nobu.) Are you writing multiple blorbos having sex? How do they feel about each other? Are they lovers, friends with benefits, coworkers who answered a booty call, fierce rivals? Include that.
Sillyness. Very much optional, but remember that you don't need your sex scene to be 100% serious all the time. Your blorbos can banter and joke around. Maybe one of them finds the lube too cold to the touch at first. A bit of dicking around is not harmful to a sex scene.
None of these are absolute rules, but hopefully they should help you get started.
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illwynd · 1 year
fic stats meme
tagged by @seamayweed. TY bb!!!! :D
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
most hits: Sleeping Beauty (thorki, smut, 6.2k words). One of my relatively early thorki fics from back in the kinkmeme days, full of somnophilia and various other kinks and delicious bottom!Thor with a side of Loki angst. (I bet I know why this one has a disproportionate number of hits to kudos. seems like it has a lot of. ah. reread value *waggles eyebrows*)
second-most kudos: Thunder and Other Things (thorki, 22.7k words). My take on the standard thorki arranged marriage with Jotun Loki trope... but because it's me writing it, he quickly gets Thor pregnant.
third-most comments: LMD (thorki+ (it's complicated), IW/EG AU-ish, 67k words). I guess it makes sense for one of my longer and serially posted fics to have lots of comments, even though it was written after the fandom had gotten so much quieter in recent years.
fourth-most bookmarks: Fimbulwinter (thorki, Wintersmith AU, 28.7k words). I still have a huge soft spot for this one. I love the way the story just seemed to be waiting to be uncovered, the way the roles just slipped over them, perfectly fitted. I love it when I get to play around with mythic references and resonances.
fifth-most words: What You Are in the Dark (thorki, horror, 37k words). One of my spookyfics, but one that started out from a single scene/concept of Thor getting consentacled by tentacle-monster Loki who was horrified by what his transformed body was doing, and it grew to a pretty sizeable story to explain that scene. Figuring out how to make that work was fun XD
least words: Two Thefts (Brothers Karamazov, Mitya/Alyosha, 100 words). It's a true drabble, what can I say? I come from old fandom where the art of drabbling was an important skill. Of course it's exactly 100 words long.
(Alternatively, if we stick with Thor fandom fics, it would be Jotun Thor Is Thor's Fursona, which is 377 words. I still recall hastily writing and posting it in response to a mutual's shitpost while getting ready to run out the door to head down to Comic-con and then not realizing how it had landed until I was able to actually sit down and scroll tumblr hours later XD good times, good times.)
Tagging anybody who wants to do it! Seriously, just say I tagged you. It's all good.
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silmkinkmeme · 1 year
Celebrating 100 Fics on Ao3
It happened. As of now, the kinkmeme collection on Ao3 has exactly one hundred fics!
The 100th fic added to the collection is a Beren/Luthien story, which I find fitting.
Thank you anonymous author, for filling the prompt. Thank you all the authors - anonymous and named - for keeping the kinkmeme alive with your wonderful fics.
Thank you prompters for so many different, inspiring prompts.
Thank you commenters for encouraging the authors.
There are still 207 prompts in the collection that can be filled. Check out also Prompt Post 1 on dreamwidth for fics and prompts not posted on Ao3.
Everyone is welcome to join the fun! Share your prompt ideas, get inspired by the ideas of other people and give your love to the authors.
The Silmarillion Kinkmeme will be waiting for you!
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staceymcgillicuddy · 1 year
Magical fucking Friday. I have two (2) dates tonight which I'm honestly kind of jazzed about because I hate dating so much and this way I only have to do my makeup and hair once, then meet Person 1 for coffee at 6 and Person 2 at a club at 8:30 and sure, I'm changing outfits between, but that's minimal effort for maximal reward.
(100% sent my location on Life360 to a friend though because I'm not trying to get abducted.)
Annnnnyway, instead of stressing I've been working feverishly. Got Chapter 27 SPAGed and sent to the beta who sent me "!!!!!!!!!!!" as a text when she finished it.
Then I edited about 2k of Kinkmeme 2, also a win.
THEN, thanks to a little nudge from @aiea3414, I worked on the college/townie AU that's an expansion of this prompt from @pipergirl17. And somehow? It morphed into a whole thing? Where Eddie never went to live with Wayne, and his dad never went to prison, and OH BOY we get to explore Eddie's growth as a man and a boyfriend from a whole new perspective because he hasn't had much of a role model on that front yet!
Otherwise known as, oh no, Chrissy's falling for a fuckboy with a heart of gold!
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alpinelogy · 9 months
10 & 19!
Lourdes do you have the slightest idea what have you just asked me? Thank you so much for asking :DD
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
maybe we got lost (in translation) a thousand times over. Beyond the fact that it is my second fic that has broken the 100 kudos barrier which is already insane to me cause I did not expect anyone to read it since its a niche ship imo, the way people see the fic is so different from the way I saw it as I wrote it. For me it is a fic mainly about language and communication and how it changes based on who we talk with. Also specifically Esteban's relationship with English is very much based on my own experience with it, from being thrown into an English-speaking group and told to swim to English slipping in even when he is speaking in a different language ('the language spoken is a mess of French and English') Meanwhile at least from comments people see the relationship between Esteban and Lance way more strongly than I do. Which fair, it was partially written as a love letter to my bilingual friends who try to understand me even when my brain does not comprehend language and in hindsight I sometimes ignored the language part in favor of developing their friendship so I can see where they are coming from. And the fic is tagged as estelance so... lol Essentially what I am trying to say here is that people focused on way more on a part I considered secondary than I did while writing it, but I can see why. Also I've gotten so many nice comments on it and even tho I forgot to respond to them I do reread them on the regular because they spark so much joy (also first time someone whose writing I enjoy commented on my fic and it sent me for a loop lol)
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
I actually dont have that many wips rn, I know, shocking, its mostly just scribbled ideas and disconnected scenes. And kinkmeme claims cause I currently have uh... 50 of those
Anyway i do have this. A race engineer!Oscar AU Loscar in which Logan has never been normal about anything related to Oscar. Ever. Starring Logan as a pining mess, Oscar as the calm and collected love interest and Fred, Alex, and Liam as the victims of Logan's pining
“Good morning Logan.” Oscar says as a first thing on the first day of testing over the radio and Logan returns back to his thoughts of screaming, almost vibrating out of his seat in excitement. Goes back to his year old promise of not doing anything stupid ten seconds into the season. Hopes that when the cameras catch his inevitable joy after he gets back to the garage it will be brushed off to just being glad to be back in the car, rather than anything else. As a worst case scenario, he will just put up the Alex Albon patented peace signs because those always somehow make pictures so much more grounded and Alex is really onto something there, Logan needs to study it. He will need it for this year. Probably. Maybe. Most likely. It's fine. It's, whatever. It's definitely not that Logan also spends so much time looking at Oscar in meetings that Fred has noticed. It's definitely not that Fred, with all the subtlety he has, cornered Logan in his drivers room and unceremoniously asked what gives two days into the season. Logan deserved that one probably. When Logan tries to brush him off, it seemingly works because Fred lets himself be brushed off, does not mind Logan redirecting the conversation onto another topic instead. Logan does not know what actually awaits him days later. It's Liam this time, who corners him a few days later, after testing, after the first race weekend of the year properly starts, right after the last free practice before qualifying. Being Formula Two teammates must have done something to their understanding of personal space between each other because Liam waltzes into his driver's room like he owns the place without even knocking. Logan has a half mind to kick him out just for that, force him to knock before entering.
(this got long but look, this is 300 words out of 7.8k that i am fighting to stay under 10k it's small okay?)
fic writer ask game
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puzzlebean · 9 months
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I've written and posted quite a few fics recently, though plenty of them were posted on anon (sometimes that's what you need to actually make yourself post something!) Some of those fics are collected in this series for the f1 kinkmeme. You do need an AO3 account to access those and most of my F1 fics, though.
I also wrote a few stories for the Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo:
A Barnes Hanukkah [Marvel, 1,589 words, General]
Three Hanukkahs in Bucky Barnes' life.
Changed [The Boston Girl, 100 words, General]
They didn't have presents when Addie was growing up.
New Routines, Ugly Sweaters [Margo Zimmerman Gets The Girl, 499 words, General]
Abbie convinces Margo to wear ugly sweaters for Hanukkah.
Besides that I posted two more (non anon) fics:
Arthur's New Boyfriend [F1 RPF, 1,030 words, General]
Charles has to work hard to be happy for Arthur once he realizes Arthur's new boyfriend is Max. Then he sees them together and sees that he can't get in the way of love.
(Not) Jealous [F1 RPF, 1,121 words, Teen and Up]
Arthur and Max are spending a lot of time together and Charles assumes they are dating. He hurts quietly until he can't keep it in anymore. But maybe not everything is what it seems?
I'll likely only post a couple more things before the end of the year. So let me thank everyone who reads my stories. I really really appreciate you <3
As of posting this I have posted a total of 149,517 words on AO3. I likely won't write as much next year due to other commitments, but I hope to continue to share stories in different fandoms!
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sionisjaune · 2 years
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sionisjaune's fic masterlist
ao3 | writing tag | fic rec tag
★ on ao3
a better love deserving of - Lewis/Toto, Dubious Consent, Rough Sex, 3k, rated E
historia abscondita - Mick/Nico, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Enemies to Lovers, 30k, rated E
says he’s gonna teach me just what fast is - Mick/Lewis/Nico, 15k, rated E
days of oblivion - Lewis/Nico, Alternate Universe - Doctor Who Fusion, 6k, rated T
a whole lot for me to settle - Seb/Christian, girl!Seb, Non-Linear Narrative, 2k, rated E
the slimy moonlit riverbed canopied with devastated clouds - Lewis/Nico, Spanish GP 2023, 6k, rated E
the movie called planet of love - Lewis/Nico, Hungarian GP 2023, 7k, rated E
the stairs in lamplight - Lewis/Nico, British GP 2024, 5k, rated E
on golden sands (part 1 of heist AU) - Seb/Lewis/Nico, Ocean's 11 AU, 6k, rated T
the ships that go sailing (part 2 of heist AU) - Seb/Lewis/Nico, Ocean's 11 AU, 12k, rated E
those who miss each other - Seb/Charles, travel influencer Charles, 8k, rated E
soul as sweet as blood-red jam - Lando/Carlos, mafia AU, 2k, rated E
feedback on low latency - Max/Daniel, internalized homophobia, 12k incomplete, tentatively rated E
soft rock star - Nico/Lewis, infidelity, 1.5k, rated E
★ for the f1 kinkmeme
want you to be my girl - Lewis/Nico, genderswap, fisting, 3k, rated E
your other one evaporate - Seb/Nico, genderswap, Nico is the princess of Monaco, 4k, rated E
for freedom and for pleasure - Lewis/Bono, d/s dynamics, Ferrari angst, 4k, rated E
send vibrations - Lewis/Bono and Lewis/Nico, 3k, rated E you take it, i dish it - Seb/Lewis/Nico, girl!Seb, 5k, rated E i think you like it, laughed when you came down - Nico/Jenson, girl!Nico, 3k, rated E got a mood about me but no one to love me - Seb/Christian, girl!Seb, 2k, rated E
★ tumblr fic
George/Alex sex shop meet cute
A Charles/Damiano scrap
Mick/Nico fantasy AU
fucked up brocedes hunger games au
Post-Met Gala 2016 Nico/Lewis with background Lewis/Miles
STEMcedes (Nico/Lewis)
Part 2 (a prequel)
Problematic sebcedes polyamory
Part 2 (aftermath of the failed threesome)
Part 3 (hospital room visit)
Girl!Nico/Jenson ballet AU (background Nico/Lewis)
Mick/Nico corporate AU
Mick/Lewis getting together (implied Seb/Mick/Lewis)
Space opera princess cake
Part 2 (Jenson arrives for the wedding)
Part 3 (the pre-wedding party)
The brocedes movie screenplay
Seb/Nico but they're girls on a high school soccer team
Nico is a street racer (and does a lot of cocaine) and Lewis is an F1 driver (the street racing cokehead nico tag contains related thoughts)
Part 2 (now with 100% more sex)
Part 3 (feat. Jenson Button)
Part 4 (Nico crashes)
Part 5 (more crash aftermath)
Part 6 (a quiet moment)
Part 7 (carseat makeouts)
Part 8 (a conversation)
Part 9 (platonic princess cake)
Part 10 (a reunion)
Nico/Lewis phone call after Interlagos 2022
Part 2: Spain 2023
Lewis is a journalist and Seb is an F1 driver
The original Carlos/Lando mafia drabble
Nico/Lewis high school AU (featuring Jenson)
Nico/Lewis subtle psychic powers AU
Max/Daniel Captive Prince AU
★ prompt fic
Smut dialogue prompts
PWP prompts
Trope mash up prompts
Breakup prompts
Kiss prompts
Finish the sentence prompts
Setting prompts
Holiday gift ficlets
Dialogue prompts
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auncyen · 11 months
tagged by @cateringisalie - tagging @darrelodin, @bad0mens (but don't feel obligated obviously!)
How many works do you have on ao3? 138
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 434,082
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Persona 5, Octopath Traveler 2 are the active ones; previously wrote quite a bit for Bravely Default and some for Final Fantasy VII.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, these are all P5 fics. Also the top two really ARE the two fics I started on the p5 kinkmeme lol! (They had non-kink prompts as well)
When the Cat Dragged In the Trickster (2172) - AU where Ann is the PT leader; when Morgana runs away, he recruits the delinquent who sits behind her in class. Hiatus'd for way too long, I do want to resume it I just kind of. psyched myself out hard lol
Our Partner is Who? (1471) - no metaverse AU. Plays fast and loose with how Japanese school works to force Ryuji and Ann to work with "the scary delinquent" for a project. They realize he's not as bad as the rumors say.
Infringe (1039) - not all Joker Palace fics do this (or have a fairly ironclad reason for doing it), but a number have the thieves break the rule of a unanimous vote to investigate Joker's Palace behind his back. This is about how that could go wrong.
Stall and Crash (997) - Things go very wrong during a battle in Shido's Palace when a status effect sends Joker's mind back to the interrogation room.
Overload (623) - Minutes after summoning Satanael, Ren collapses in Shibuya square. Spurred by a prompt about giving p5 a p3-esque end (though, notably, Ren doesn't actually die...but at the point it leaves off, he's not in a good state, either)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. I don't always. I have a bad tendency to overthink and so I can get myself with "am I saying this right/did I respond to everything/AUGH IT'S BEEN TOO LONG".
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh gosh if you wanna go way back in time to fanfiction.net I feel like some of the Shadow Hearts fic might count lol BUT actually. In recent ao3 memory. Killing Hope is a fic that explores a timeline where Ren sold out his friends in the interrogation room, and now that he's dead and most of the Phantom Thieves are captured, Akechi is setting out to tie up one last loose end. It is 100% a bad time.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Heaven Never Could Describe reunites Maruki and Rumi. Like it could have been even sappier. But it's already pretty sappy.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Not really. I've occasionally gotten overbearing crit or a backhanded bookmark ("not as good as [different fic with somewhat similar premise]") but in terms of getting outright hate I've been lucky.
9. Do you write smut?
No. Like I have, if you really dig through ao3 and ff.net profiles you can find it, but I barely read it and the stars gotta align for me to want to write it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. Occasionally I like to pitch an idea off the cuff but it's rare for one to compel me into writing. Do think p5 x aa fics are fun but I haven't had any particularly strong ideas for one myself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven't had the best luck with partner projects so I always feel like that might just drive me and/or the partner nuts lol
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Tiznes is still pretty nice lol although I feel like OF ALL TIME it'd probably have to be Clerith.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
Overload would be nice to finish but is probably dead in the water. To be fair to myself, it was spontaneously spurred on by an ask and never did have a firm plot to begin with, just headcanon about what couldcause Ren to have a near-death experience at the end of p5. There were some vague thoughts about how to have him recover/how MUCH he'd recover (one idea was that while he recovers enough to do basic self-care like eating/dressing and can hold conversations and do some simple tasks, it's dicey, at least in the fic's time frame, if he'll ever recover enough to be fully self-sufficient in the future and the team recognizes that and tries to help him have a safety net)/even a thought about pulling in p5r elements (it was started before royal came out but has no contradictions iirc) but at this point. it's easier to say "that was interesting but I don't know how to finish it" and move on.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm fairly good at digging into characters and getting their motivations right?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting stuck on projects in ways where I feel like I can't even write like I can string one word to another but I've completely lost any perspective of how anything connects in an interesting way
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Don't lol
I have done it, in a very old Shadow Hearts fic, but honestly unless the POV character has decent proficiency in the target language they'd have trouble parsing it anyway, and if they're fluent they can just understand and "hear" it as...what it means in the language you're writing in. There are occasions it may make sense but I think most time it's more trouble than it's worth.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Shadow Hearts according to my ff.net profile but that's because I deleted my very first ff7 fic off there lololol
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
for all the headache it's caused me I do like When the Cat Dragged in the Trickster
for an oldie tho. I like What Crossdressing Says About Character (ff7 fic about Cloud & Aerith in the sector six segment).
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fourthage · 1 year
fic stat game
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
I saw all of the posts about the same time, so I'll consider myself tagged by @loquaciousquark , @servantofclio, and @thievinghippo
Following their lead, consider yourself tagged if you read this!
Most hits - Ugly Like a Turian It's (very light) hurt/comfort smut. Of course it's fandom's favorite.
Second most kudos - The Perks of Working Late My first explicit Mass Effect story! I'm so grateful for the original response it got on the kinkmeme. It encouraged me to no end and got me writing more in this fandom.
Third most comments - When I fall asleep it is your eyes that close My one and only soulbond fic! I've started writing the third chapter so many times. I know the part of the problem is that it's a bridge chapter and I really want to be writing what comes next instead. I'm gonna figure it out someday!
Fourth most bookmarks - Krogan Sympathy Has my favorite fade to black and my attempt at realistically addressing the issues of Shepard & Garrus starting a family and the fandom joke that they'll just adopt one of the new baby krogan. I was pleasantly surprised at how this resonated with readers.
Fifth most words - Saudade Written for a Dragon Age reverse mini-bang. I love the Hawke siblings, and indulge myself whenever I can. In this one, it's Carver's time to shine.
fic with the least words - Sign Language I've got three Naruto exactly-100-word drabbles that tie for this. I still love the Temari one the best, so I'll link that one.
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liesmyth · 4 months
4, 5 & 17
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
MAYHAPS I think it's beautiful.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
I write best when I don't overthink it... that's just a fact.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP
Just did this one about a WIP I'm def going to finish (RJ big bang). I will also say. I've been fucking around with some @/formulaonekinkmeme fills for sports yaoi brainrot purposes. I'm not sure it will actually go anywhere but I've been thinking soso much about various prompts that genderbend m/m ships to m/f because I have many big feelings about gender roles in pro sports in various shapes and forms. I feel very pretentious saying all of this for what amounts to *check notes* rpf kinkmeme fills. which may not even get written. but HEY this IS the weird writers ask meme. so anyway if I ever end up actually posting one of these fills, know that there are about 5 hours of overthinking gendered dynamics behind it.
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silmkinkmeme · 11 months
Silmkinkmeme Sunday Reminder
October was a very productive month for the kinkmeme! A lot of credit for this goes to @silmsmutweek. We had many fics written for both the kinkmeme and Silm Smut Week.
Less than a month ago, the kinkmeme celebrated the 100th fic added to the Ao3 collection. As of now we have 112 works and 221 prompts on Ao3 - a significant growth compared to last month's 100 works and 207 prompts.
Come and read the works by our brilliant writers! See the various imaginative prompts and request another one or fill one yourself!
Don't forget about our dreamwidth page. Check out our Prompt Post 1 for fics and prompts that can't be found on Ao3. Dreamwidth has the advantage of anonymity (as opposed to semi-anonymity on Ao3) and gives the prompter and potential authors a chance to discuss the details of the prompt in the comments.
Happy NaNoWriMo to all the writers! Have fun with your projects and don't forget about the kinkmeme.
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xazz · 6 months
Ok so you reblogged this:
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So you have no one to blame but yourself for all the dumb questions I'm about to ask you.
1) They Were Giants
• Are you planning to continue this fic?
• What inspired you to write it? How did your original idea differ from what you ended up going with in the first chapter (if it differed at all in the first place)?
• Were there any bits that you really liked but had to cut due to pacing/them not fitting the plot?
• Is there anything you can tell us about where you could see the characters going in the future without spoiling the story (if you plan to keep on writing it, that is)?
2) The "Flocking Movement" series
• What inspired you to write this story, and how much planning did you do before writing it?
• Were you at any point surprised by the direction your story took?
• How would Lucy Prime react to Lucy 2.0 (idk what else to call them lol)? Had Lucy Prime been put in the position of Lucy 2.0, would her actions have differed in any significant way? (+ would she have been an Angel as well or is that just a Lucy 2.0 thing?)
• What does the world created by Desmond look like 100+ years in the future? Are any of the immortals still hanging around? Have more of them popped out? (big question, I know, but I am legit curious about what your answer will be)
• Had Daniel lived (while also being cured of whatever Vidic did to him) what would he have done?
• Some fun facts about Cain, Tiamat, Baldur or any of your other OCs?
• Could you see yourself ever returning to this timeline?
3) General writing questions
• Are there any new WIPs (Ac related or not) that you're really excited about right now? Can you tell us anything about them?
• Do you have any advice/words of encouragement for your fellow writers?
There's a bunch of 'would you write X again?' questions in here and. I do have prompts and requests open on @ahungeringknife. If you want more AU stuff you're more than welcome to ask so long as it's not 'more of this Au!' without any idea of what you want lol
1) They Were Giants
• Are you planning to continue this fic?
Eventually? Maybe? I have the ideas just not the desire to write it rn. Hyperfixation ran out. TWG has also mostly been written on commission.
• What inspired you to write it? How did your original idea differ from what you ended up going with in the first chapter (if it differed at all in the first place)?
I got a request for God!Altair with AltMal and I just went from there. I wrote the first chapter based on it and then I think someone paid for a second chapter so I wrote more. The first chapter is real different from the others because it was supposed to be a one shot. I had to make up Eagle to give Malik something to do lol. Again the second chapter was supposed to Be It and then someone paid for a third and I had to write more. So I tried to wrap up chapters as I go so there aren't dangling ends. Except for recently bc the last chapter or so I wrote for myself.
• Were there any bits that you really liked but had to cut due to pacing/them not fitting the plot?
No really? The parts I'd change would be drawing out the Tarazed thing a bit more. Having him and his priests all die in one chapter was very fast. I'd probably do some sort of red herring Malik thinks he's killed the priests and then building up to killing Tarazed.
• Is there anything you can tell us about where you could see the characters going in the future without spoiling the story (if you plan to keep on writing it, that is)?
Malik leaves Eagle to find out what's 'wrong' with Altair. He meets a bunch more stars and learns that they aren't the only gods. Desmond gets to come with and maybe Lucy? I hadn't planned her and then she popped up.
2) The "Flocking Movement" series
• What inspired you to write this story, and how much planning did you do before writing it?
Kinkmeme on LJ prompt was something like 'Desmond meets Ezio in Montergioni'. Or maybe it was 'Desmond meets ancestors for real'? And then I just went insane. Very little planning happened in the first story but I very meticulously planned 17th, Triad, and TT.
• Were you at any point surprised by the direction your story took?
Jacob was a surprise. So was Tommy. Fan fave Baldur and Cain were also surprises.
• How would Lucy Prime react to Lucy 2.0 (idk what else to call them lol)? Had Lucy Prime been put in the position of Lucy 2.0, would her actions have differed in any significant way? (+ would she have been an Angel as well or is that just a Lucy 2.0 thing?)
Prime would have been disgusted by L2. Not because L2 is disgusting but because of what the Proeathans did. Like the disgust is not at L2, it's what they did to her. But also big 'I've only had synth me for 2 days and if anything happened to her I'd kill all of your and then myself'. L2 was 'programmed' to want Desmond. Prime I think just liked him because they were stuck together and in a terrible situation but once out of it wouldn't have stayed with him. So stuff L2 does that revolve around her feelings for Desmond Prime wouldn't have. Idk what Prime would do if put in the situation *thinky face* She'd probably work with the Assassins properly though. They'd probably meet her when they run into... Andrew. Right Desmond's dad is Andrew in that fic XD I almost wrote William. Prime would have been an angel but not in the same way. Tommy is a watered down version of Desmond. Prime would be a watered down version of L2. L2's biggest plus is proeathan stuff doesn't register as 'human' which is why she can get past their security, Prime is a person/human so does.
• What does the world created by Desmond look like 100+ years in the future? Are any of the immortals still hanging around? Have more of them popped out? (big question, I know, but I am legit curious about what your answer will be)
I have a half finished fic for Legacy that covers that. I just didn't think it turned out very good lol. Altair and Micheal stick around the most. Micheal is very invested in being a grandpa to all of Desmond's kids. Desmond's life gives Altair some purpose and structure. Also Jacob stays in Atlantis. Once Tommy dies Jake and Altair get back together. Cain and Ezio are bother wanderers. Cain 100% starts a fucking cult about himself.
• Had Daniel lived (while also being cured of whatever Vidic did to him) what would he have done?
idk. He doesn't live. I never thought about it lol. There is no timeline where Daniel lives. Ubisoft tortured him enough in canon he gets to fucking rest.
• Some fun facts about Cain, Tiamat, Baldur or any of your other OCs?
Cain's human half is from Turkmenistan. Or that's what Cain says and I'm not about to argue with him. Baldur is trans 👏👏Just in case there was any confusion. She's mtf. She and Thor end up adopting a kid. Tiamat becomes the AI that oversees Atlantis and the Embrace when she eventually dies. She allows Desmond to do that to her so long as she maintains complete control. You never meet her but Desmond and Lucy have a daughter named Saturn and she IS A MENACE. Tiamat loves her. Kaley would have been a stronger pyromancer than John or Desmond.
• Could you see yourself ever returning to this timeline?
I think about it from time to time. But like with TWG just... hyperfixation isn't there. If people prompted for it maybe? I just have written most of what I want for the AU.
3) General writing questions
• Are there any new WIPs (Ac related or not) that you're really excited about right now? Can you tell us anything about them?
There's 2 Destiny AU ideas I have that I'm just *vibrates* about. But there's no 'story' only vibes and setting atm. As for new WIPs? Not really? And always my constant original fantasy WIP.
• Do you have any advice/words of encouragement for your fellow writers?
The mind editor is the thief of joy. Do not let the editor in your head ruin your fucking art.
If you don't feel like your writer's block is going away and you've rested and gone fallow here's the trick they don't tell you; sit down and write through it. It will probably be painful. You probably won't like it. But if your fields are fallow and you feel like they've rested long enough sometimes you have to till the dirt yourself by hand.
In a positive way; no one cares. No one really cares if you make a continuity error, or if you don't have the exact facts right on something, if your headcanon changes mid story. In the 14ish years I've been writing fanfic no one has ever said to me 'um actually you're not right about minor X fact'. I've had people who can't read or understand hyperbole but no one is standing around fact checking you on what you're writing. It's fine. No one cares. If you can't find the exact stat you want fuck it make it up. No one cares enough to check. I say that as a writer and a reader. I'm not out here fact checking someone. Even if I know the information is wrong. Who cares? It's a fanfic.
m/f f/f is just as good and valid as m/m and you should write more of it
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princessneleam · 6 months
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Wow! 2 weeks in and already over 100 prompt submissions and 24 fills. There is still plenty of time to join in.
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