#the Gavle goat is eaten
Wikipedia has called the fate of Gävlebocken 2023
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And given the state of the goat I very much agree.
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Because of this I am going to call the daily watch here, if gävlebocken (or what’s left of them) is burned before the end of the year I will obviously update and we can have another joyous celebration.
Until then, happy new years to you all! And may gävlebocken’s destruction bring you all good luck in the new year!
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nonagalleryart · 9 months
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No matter what you do or do not celebrate this time of year, always remember, when it comes to giant straw goats we are united together in always choosing arson.
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sososososososomething · 10 months
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As to whether the Gavle Goat's consumption should be seen as a good omen or a bad omen, I'd say good. Traditionally the Yule goat is made of straw from the final harvest and as a talisman against hard times, and there are unproven theories that its shape is inspired by Thor's goats, who are constantly killed, eaten, and reborn to provide endless meat for Thor and whatever guests he entertains. Therefore, its use by birds as a food store and safe harbor is an affirmation of its original purpose and truly in the Christmas spirit of generosity in lean times. What's more, the birds eating it seems to be have been the one outcome to unite both goat burners and goat keepers, as they have decided not to scare the birds away from their safe harbor and not to harm the goat, a decision that has been universally lauded.
As omens go, this one's all positive: safety, plenty, and unity between previous ideological opponents through a creative third solution built on shared values (birds being fed and sheltered is a good thing). May more birds find their way to the Gavle Goat next year.
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req'd by @firapolemos05
and now i am reminding yall of the gavle goat in june lol
text: Eaten by birds? He's supposed to be on fire!
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spiribia · 9 months
glados would form an empathetic bond with this years gavle goat not because she fundamentally believes in its 'feelings' let alone would care about them but because she is projecting her own outrage over being eaten by birds
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eating-the-inedible · 10 months
Did you hear the gavle goat is being eaten by birds??
i... i did not
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trojan goat
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hymnism · 9 months
the gavle goat being eaten was a sign for dungeon meshi anime release
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desdasiwrites · 10 months
Update about the Gavle Goat. It's being eaten.
Yes, you read that right. Birds have found the goat and damaged it so much that there are holes in it and the horns may fall off. The goat's spokesperson says they may have to remove the goat before Christmas.
Picture from before the birbs found the goat
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goatsandgangsters · 9 months
I had to explain the gavle goat to my family over christmas bc we were sitting around having a little nosh and my dad goes, "the poor goat is being ignored"
to which I cheerfully replied, "no it's not! it's being eaten by birds!"
he was in fact talking about the goat cheese on the table, so this was a strange and confusing thing for me to say
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millenianthemums · 10 months
i know it’s all in good fun but tbh the gavle goat thing makes me kind of sad. hyperempathy toward cute inanimate objects is a huge issue for me, it really messes with my head when i see literally any animal-shaped thing in “”””pain””””. i used to refuse to eat animal-shaped snacks and candy because of this when i was little. i would hide animal crackers and gummy bears in my bedside table drawer to “protect them” from being eaten. so i see this cute straw goat decorated with ribbons being lit on fire and can’t help but get bummed out.
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One of my favorite things is when the birds will sometimes fly through the chest cavity in The Goat. I can't explain why but seeing them fly through there gives me <birds in the rafters> vibes and I really like it for some reason
Glorious, I also hope the birds enjoyed flying through the Goat’s chest cavity
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Can't wait for this year's gavle goat method of destruction to be
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2023 Year in Review
1. 28,490 notes - Jun 16 2023
You know, it’s kinda funny how much of high fantasy centers around kings and nobility and courtly intrigue considering that the archetypal high fantasy, Lord of the Rings, had the rather explicit moral of “saving the world is up to this backwater hick and his gardener because no politician, least of all inherited nobility, would have the ability to see past their own ambition and throw away a weapon”. Oh sure, Aragorn is a great king and all, but there’s a reason he’s over there running a distraction ring while the hobbits do the real work. Sauron loses because he gets distracted by kings and armies and great battles (i.e. typical high fantasy stuff) letting Frodo and Sam sneak through his back door and blow it all to hell.  
Just saying, maybe old Jirt knew what he was saying when he said that the small folk doing their best and holding to each other was more powerful than a dozen alliances and superweapons and we should respect him for it.
2. 22,425 notes - Jul 6 2023
“LOL. You think your vote matters? ROFL and LOL.” Yes, I am aware my vote carries less and less relative power the more people I’m voting with, but unlike your glorious violent revolution, it actually exists.
3. 20,183 notes - Mar 7 2023
The 4 approaches to “orphaned etymology” problems in fiction
1. Obviously we can’t call it French toast if there’s no France so we’re just gonna replace it with something else.
2. The word abattoir sounds too French so it wouldn’t make sense for it to be here without a France. Even though we use English without there being an England.
3. This is called a Ming vase because when you tap it it makes a “Ming!” sound.
4. I am JRR Tolkien and every single word I write has a fictional etymology attached to it that I am translating into English for your convenience.
4. 17,918 notes - Dec 26 2023
As to whether the Gavle Goat’s consumption should be seen as a good omen or a bad omen, I’d say good. Traditionally the Yule goat is made of straw from the final harvest and as a talisman against hard times, and there are unproven theories that its shape is inspired by Thor’s goats, who are constantly killed, eaten, and reborn to provide endless meat for Thor and whatever guests he entertains.  Therefore, its use by birds as a food store and safe harbor is an affirmation of its original purpose and truly in the Christmas spirit of generosity in lean times. What’s more, the birds eating it seems to be have been the one outcome to unite both goat burners and goat keepers, as they have decided not to scare the birds away from their safe harbor and not to harm the goat, a decision that has been universally lauded. 
As omens go, this one’s all positive: safety, plenty, and unity between previous ideological opponents through a creative third solution built on shared values (birds being fed and sheltered is a good thing). May more birds find their way to the Gavle Goat next year. 
5. 11,031 notes - Apr 24 2023
Okay hearing that people actually do this has made me morbidly curious so... My house was split into Parents and Kids bathrooms...
6. 9,188 notes - Mar 16 2023
The best decision The Mandalorian ever made was centering their show around an archetypal masked, taciturn gunslinger who wanders from town to town never putting down roots, and then revealing that he acts that way because he’s a massively awkward introvert who uses that archetype to avoid having to socialize with people beyond the three interaction scripts he already knows.  10/10, top tier characterization, I love seeing this man outshoot a bar full of people and then get scammed by a random mechanic because he’s too polite to confront her about it. Truly a hero of our times.
7. 5,183 notes - Mar 21 2023
Okay but for a corporately mandated love triangle (Gale was meant to be Katniss’ cousin, publisher asked to make him the childhood friend with a crush), Hunger Games absolutely nails it. It can’t just be solved by polyamory because it represents her choosing between two aspects of herself. Yes Gale sometimes acts like a dumb teenager because he is, but not to an obnoxious level. The one and only time Peeta and Gale get a conversation about it, both of them fully acknowledge that it’s Katniss’ choice so fighting over her is pointless. It’s not a marketing gimmick to generate unnecessary tension, it’s a complicated relationship that informs all three of their characters and is deeply intertwined with the series’ themes of war and trauma.
8. 4,122 notes - Jul 1 2023
I mean I’m not even trans and I can still tell Nimona the movie is basically ND Stevenson going back and saying “okay, let’s do it on purpose this time”.
9. 3,850 notes - Jan 4 2023
What I really like about the dinner mystery is that they could have made it super easy or had Blanc go on about how obvious it is since he needed to solve it quickly, but instead he’s thrilled by it. He points out every subtle clue, all the foreshadowing, the style of it, and he even tells Miles that it was satisfying and the perfect bite-sized mystery. “A dramatic, passionate, and colorful crime for a fashionista!”. He might have solved it easily, because this is his job, but he can still appreciate the artistry in it and enjoy solving it.
It provides a nice counterpoint to the later reveal, where he is genuinely disappointed by how dumb the murders where but still prioritizes the victims. He might love solving the mysteries, but he knows what’s really important. So what could be better than a mystery with no victims?
10. 3,467 notes - Apr 6 2023
Honestly when you hear that someone once held bigoted views in the past but no longer does that shouldn’t be a disappointment, but a victory. Yes! We got ‘em! One less person on the wrong side of history and one more for us! This is exactly what we want, for people to leave their prejudices behind, and we succeeded!
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gotinterest · 10 months
the gavle goat is being eaten by birds this year instead of being burned there are literally chunks missing from it lmaooo
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helenarlett-rex · 9 months
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So the Gavle Goat hasn't burned down yet this year, but it is however being eaten by birds.
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Thank you, birds. Keep up the good work and destroy that thing. I can't handle another year of bad luck.
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