#the Hulk helps them because they’re his friends
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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The Defenders (1972) #54
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
The other day I was reading about the “mail-order brides” during the Gold Fever/Gold Rush in USA. Men ordered/purchased a wife via mail, and one of the many reasons some of them did that was because of loneliness, and I couldn’t help but think “yep, that would be König”. Just imagine him living alone in his farm or ranch, he only goes to town once a month to buy essential supplies, hides his face, and barely socializes with folks. But deep inside he is just a lonely man who desires a family, and a woman to call his (and one who can help him with his… needs) But he is socially inept, so he takes the easy route and orders himself a wife, that way he doesn’t have to bother with interacting with other people and gets himself a pretty wife
Oh my god 💞
König wanting to wed and bed her the minute she arrives by train... She thought he would court her for a while before they marry, she thought they would do this decently, that they would get to know each other first, she’d rent an apartment from the small town and then decide if she wanted to live with him…
But he says everything’s settled, he already took care of everything, they’re getting married today and spend their wedding night in the saloon before leaving for his settlement tomorrow.
She’s too bewildered to even speak, so it's no wonder she gets herded to the altar right away, a pretty, meek little bride is just what König ordered! Gets wed to this giant hulking gold digger while still wearing her traveling clothes, the priest only looks drunk and bored as she peeps her vows. The man she's now wed to looks down at her with unbridled affection and curiosity, but soon enough, she catches him eyeing her waistline, her bust, the corset she wears feeling tighter still by his indecent stare.
He's far from a gentleman, and dresses like a weather-worn cowboy, and she suspected as much from the way he wrote and how unpolished his handwriting was. But at least he seems kind. If anything, he's smitten that she’s not some old hag who deceived him by claiming to be an unmarried young lady, that she is everything and more he wished for based on the few letters they exchanged.
The wedding is over in a few minutes, and there’s no coffee and cake, no party under some big tree, no relatives or friends to congratulate her on her wedding day. There’s only this huge, intimidating man who looks at her like she just dropped down from heavens, his eyes slowly sparking aflame with both softness and lust.
He takes her to the saloon to eat, and then she finds herself in a greasy little room upstairs, changing into her white nightgown, getting ready to sleep and only sleep, but her nightmare of a day is not over yet. Her hand flies over her mouth, she nearly screams as she turns around and finds this horrible man of lowly European descent thoroughly naked behind her.
She’s in so much trouble, that much was certain from the minute he saw this man, but seeing his… equipment in the dim candle light of the old saloon is too much after everything she's gone through. She's verily about to faint.
It’s just her luck to dream of adventures and a happy, exciting new life and then find herself thrown into the arms of some barbaric, foreign giant... He said he’s looking for a companion in life and hinted at being a little lonely, but men who wish to court a lady don’t do it like this: by dragging them to the altar and then presenting their cocks to them before even two hours have passed!
The rowdy noise of cancan downstairs is a filthy backdrop to seeing a naked man for the first time in her life, and she never knew male parts could be so... big. Or jumpy. Or leaky... This man is clearly serious about this commitment, and thinks there’s no need to get to know each other, she’s his wife now and they need to consummate the marriage right away.
He’s breathing heavily while grabbing that weeping weapon in his fist, telling her she’s more beautiful than he ever even imagined. He pleasures himself slowly while watching her try to cover herself in her thin, faintly translucent gown, and she still can't find any words – the man is behaving like a scoundrel or a highwayman, not at all like the sharp dressed, eloquent gentlemen she's grown used to in the city. The slick sounds of lewd fapping are accompanied by moans of how she’s the answer to all his prayers, and her hair stands on end, she feels like she’s walking on tar here in the distant frontier with nothing but greedy men and drunken brothel keepers around her, now face to face with a giant, throbbing cock out of all things...
She coldly orders him to sleep on the floor while she takes the bed – she’s not letting this nasty, hairy beast near her anytime soon, not when she still has her wits about her. Defeated when she won’t let him “consummate their love” tonight, the man withdraws to sleep on the floor with a sullen groan and a long sigh.
She never sleeps a wink that night in fear of finding him by her side, groping his way through her dress, but to her surprise this man only snores on the floor as if he's used to sleeping there.
Civilization is far away when he leads her to his shack the next day and shows her the first small specks of gold he has found, apologizing for the state of his abode so unkempt and unclean. She has to give it to him that he's indeed kind and doesn’t want to make her suffer unduly, because the table and the bench are wiped in a hurry before she sits down, as if she’s a queen visiting a humble subject. He makes her a bath next to the fire and washes in the water after her, giving her flirty, promising smiles throughout the whole splashy ordeal.
Before long, the giant cock is presented to her again as the man excitedly waits for permission to take her, telling her he has never seen anything like her, that she makes his heart run wild.
The only thing running wild in her sour opinion is his cock, bouncing up and down from the need to be inside her, nearly leaking seed on the floor she suspects she has to wash and scrub tomorrow anyhow as his wife. Evening after evening, she rejects his advances, but after a week or two, her will breaks.
She tells herself it’s only out of pity that she lets him finally crawl over her and lift her gown, that it’s only to stop the man from spiraling into madness that she allows him to test how nicely that thick, leaky cock glides through her folds.
“You’re wet, Sonnenschein,” he pants with happy excitement when she notices her swollen, sloppy state, then plunges his cock deep into his wet little prize with a filthy moan. He tells her she’s tight and hot, and takes her like she’s some kind of an angelic whore, falls panting all over her breasts when he’s sated and done, says that she’s his salvation and that he’ll do anything to make her feel at home here.
She feels exactly like a desperate mail order bride, lured here with the promise of a good life and gold, but when she starts to wait for him to come home instead of dreading the end of the day, that's when her hell truly begins.
It just won't do to start wanting him, to trick her heart to be content with whatever this is. To enjoy his "love" would be even more shameful than anything else so far. The truth of the matter is that she's tormented by a lustful, wild man who takes her on her knees or on her stomach like an animal while moaning about how tight she is, how soft she is, how he can’t concentrate at work because of her.
But when he groans that he loves her just before he cums, she feels a distant sting near her heart, a burst of a small bonfire somewhere in her gut from his words. Far from romantic, but so authentic and pure they’re ripped out of him with a pathetic, cry-like moan.
And just when her heart is about to turn and grow full with softness, he barges in and takes her standing, needy after work, deciding that she looks far too alluring while stirring the stew over the fire. His sunshine of a wife waiting for him with warm food and a soft little cunt, it's exactly like it was always meant to be in his dreams... He’s kind and attentive, but doesn’t know a thing about ladies and that they’re not supposed to be taken by the fire like this, but the dramatic pout on her lips turns into a helpless grimace before this animal has given her three full thrusts.
And it’s only by accident, she tells herself, that it happens. It’s only a coincidence that she finds herself short of breath and shivering, then crying with pleasure from the way his cock sails inside her, hasty and needy as if she’s nothing but a momentary relief for this man.
But she knows she’s far from that. He always stays after the hurried lovemaking – if you could call it that – swallows and tells her things that are supposed to be sweet, perhaps. He whispers loving nonsense in her ear with a stupid, quivering voice, tells her that she’s so tight he’s about to lose his mind. That she brightens up his life and makes this shack a home, a palace, even. That he wants to give her children and grow old together.
She prays the heavens to save her from such a future, but when she accidentally comes with his cock inside her, the man breaks down entirely. Repeats the awful, pathetic “I love you” until he comes, too, and sounds like a man who's getting his sould ripped apart from his bones. It’s sinful lunacy what he’s doing to her in that shack, and dares to sprinkle it with love out of all things, and she doesn’t know if she hates him, or if she loves him too.
Annulling this marriage is nearly impossible, and the sooner he gets her pregnant, the sooner she’s even more trapped, just like the poor rabbits this man lures into the snares placed around the shack. He spends every little speck of gold to buy her silks, satins and gowns, proper woolen scarves and soft little leather shoes, gives her a gentle kiss every morning before he leaves to wash gold. Every evening after meal, he praises her cooking skills and then takes her on the creaking old bed like she's a common whore. The silly, girlish dreams of being whisked away by a mysterious, romantic gentleman are somewhere far away when this giant spills his seed inside her with a thick, arduous groan, then proceeds to cover her in kisses too sweaty and hot.
“I know you don’t love me,” he whispers between the one-sided sucking and nibbling that’s about to make her cry. “But I will make you happy... I swear it, on my life.”
She can only stare at the ceiling, filled with the dancing flames of the fire as he falls asleep with his cock still inside her, the soft snore on her breasts both happy and sad.
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wordstome · 11 months
So… I have a few uni!König questions 🤓📝
(Please, you don’t need to answer all of these unless you want to of course. It's just that this AU has me on my knees, I'm in love with these two nasty gremlins! send help)
1. Does it bother König that their relationship is not official? Or is he happy with the situationship? (This sounds like a stupid question, of course he’s bothered by it. Right?!?)
2. Is König a skilled lover? You said somewhere that reader can’t get satisfaction from other guys because “nobody is as good as König” but does this mean he’s experienced or does he make up for his possible lack of experience in… some other ways? Or is the good sex due to them having this crazy enemies *and* lovers thing going on?
3. Is it enough for König to shoo potential love interests away and off of her by being a hulking possessive menace, or will he still be jealous and butthurt after that? Brood silently for example? Slam doors passive-aggressively? Perhaps even start a full-on argument when they’re behind closed doors?
4. Do you have any hcs of the craziest place(s)/situation(s) they’ve had sex? Obviously because they were so horny or had to hatefuck because the other one said or did something annoying (again)
SALOOOME MY ANGELLL *rubs hands together wickedly* let's do this
1. Not a stupid question at all! In the beginning, it does bother him, especially when he contends with the idea of her sleeping with other guys--or, horror of all horrors, dating someone else. He's also just kind of a traditional guy who wants to woo a lady, but that would require the lady in question to be wooed. At some point, though, he realizes that it doesn't matter how reluctant she is to make it "official", she's not going anywhere. Then he's just intolerably smug about the fact that deep down, she's just as attached to him as he is to her.
2. I'm glad to elaborate on this! König is less experienced than Cinnamon (which is what I'm calling her for now, it probably won't be relevant in the fic itself but I like giving my MCs callsigns/nicknames). What makes him different than the casual partners she's had before is his dedication to pleasing her, if that makes sense. I mentioned in the headcanon post that "him getting better at fucking really just means he's getting better at fucking her". (continued under cut)
I'm going to elaborate more in the fic (if it goes the way that I have it planned), but König becomes so infatuated with Cinnamon because she doesn't treat him like a weird loser to avoid. It's not really that everyone König knows or comes into contact with avoids him or treats him with contempt--he does have friends, but none that are particularly close. Cinnamon is different in that she's an easygoing person (or at least puts on a persona of being easygoing), so whenever König says or does something dubious her reaction is just the equivalent of "haha, you're weird man, but I like that!" (At least until he starts to annoy her in the best way, and then the whole enemies-and-lovers thing kicks in.) Cinnamon's been with a lot of guys who don't really care about her enjoyment or are assholes in other ways, so König treating her like a priority is new to her and also something she can't find anywhere else. And of course, the more they fuck the better he gets 😈
3. Oh, he gets very jealous and pouty for sure. He does a lot of things as a sort of revenge, like scaring off people she’s flirting with. Initially, Cinnamon doesn’t take him that seriously and just humors him, so he never gets far in terms of being mad at her. (Plenty of brooding, though.) He takes it out on her by being rough and degrading in bed, and when he realizes she isn’t interested in anyone else anymore, he’s a lot more relaxed. At that point nothing she does can upset him because he knows she always comes back to him. By contrast, Cinnamon starts getting agitated because 1. She never intended on having a boyfriend 2. She starts to realize she’s fed a very dangerous beast. I'm probably going to write about their first real fight, and it is messyyyyy.
4. The riskiest is definitely a random utility closet on campus. He probably pulled her in there after she spent an entire lecture brushing his thigh with her foot and didn't anticipate just how immediate the consequences would be >:)
I'm also toying with the idea of him fucking her on someone else's bed, specifically someone she used to hook up with 🤭 They locked the door, but suffice to say that guy knows who she belongs to after that.
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arbitrarycategories · 5 months
Hey would you mind sharing what the real point of jekyll and hyde is that Hollywood missed? I have never read the book
You just made my night actually THANK YOU
Long so it’s under a cut :)
(you should totally read the book, it’s not super long and it’s actually really good)
okay tw murder and suicide and like. Violence I guess. It’s a psychological thriller from the Victorian era idk what y’all expect
Alright here’s the part where I admit I’ve never seen a Jekyll and Hyde movie but I HAVE seen various iterations of him in pop culture monster movies where he’s some quirky background character yknow?? The pop culture idea of this guy is kind of wild
First things first!!! Pop culture would have you believe that Dr. Jekyll has a wife or a girlfriend or some shit that Mr. Hyde wants to ravage or cheat on or whatever!! This is false because the only female characters in the entire book are a little girl who gets trampled to establish how Evil Hyde Is and a woman who calls the cops after witnessing a murder as she took a smoke break on a balcony. Neither one of them even has a name :) this is a book with NO BITCHES okay??? There’s barely even any men
Important Character round up!
Mr. Utterson the Lawyer (most of the book is from his viewpoint)
Dr. Lanyon (a friend to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Utterson)
Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde (respected Chemist/criminal)
Poole the butler <3
And that’s IT.
Okay there’s also some parliament guy who gets murdered but like whatever. He’s just there to get killed. Bye.
So a very basic plot synopsis is that Mr. Utterson is the guy in charge of Dr. Jekyll’s Will. Because of this he happens to be sort-of-friends with Jekyll because neither of them really have many friends. They’re also both friends with Dr. Lanyon.
Mr. Utterson first becomes aware of Mr. Hyde as a person who exists when a friend (unimportant) of his tells him about this guy who trampled a little girl. Obviously this is fucked up, but the friend has more to the story. Bystanders didn’t let this guy just trample a little girl, they demanded compensation so that she could pay a doctor to help her. Hyde went to a door (which the friend points out bc he and Utterson are on a walk) and makes out a check under the name of Jekyll. And so Utterson is like. Huh what
He goes home and looks at Jekyll’s Will, and Hyde is the guy set to get all his stuff if Jekyll disappears!! And so Utterson is like well that doesn’t make sense for MY friend the Extremely Respected Chemist. So naturally he’s curious and goes poking in that polite Victorian way.
It turns out Hyde lives in Soho but is a FREQUENT visitor to Jekyll’s house, has a key and all the servants know him etc. nobody knows how he and Jekyll met and they’re all a little afraid to ask.
And then there’s a year long timeskip actually. Utterson asked and Jekyll said “yeah don’t worry about it :)” and then we just skip a year.
We come back because Mr parliament gets MURDERED in what seems to be a crime of passion by a certain Mr. Hyde. Like the fact that the guy killed was in parliament was a complete coincidence. I keep meaning to look up the guys name to see if he was a real guy who was just really hated or something but I never get around to it. Anyway. Hyde beats him to death with his cane.
OH YEAH. Break hang on.
HERES THE OTHER THING HOLLYWOOD FUCKS UP THAT I ALMOST FORGOT!!! Hyde is not Hulk!!! He’s not big he has no muscles he’s literally an itty bitty guy!! He’s described as “particularly small”, “little man”, “of small stature”. He’s tiny!!! Truly exemplifying that short people are closer to the devil etc whatever he’s itty bitty and super fucking mean like the worlds worst chihuahua given human form.
Alright back to PLOT
The police recognize Hyde pretty much from the witness description of him, and Utterson is like “well that’s easy I Know Where He Lives” but they can’t find him even though his neighbors all sell him out and they literally go to his place in Soho.
So Utterson goes to ask his good friend Jekyll, who he knows is close with Hyde, where the fuck his buddy is!!! And Jekyll is having like a full on nervous breakdown at this point. Jekyll swears that he’s “done with” Hyde and “he will never more be heard of”. He’s sweating and shaking and generally looking like he’s on drugs or something.
Hyde conveniently left a letter to Jekyll (wow!!) that basically said he had fled the country and thanks for being his friend this whole time :) Utterson has a lil convo with Jekyll where he becomes convinced that since all of Jekyll’s stuff went to Hyde if he disappeared that Hyde was planning to murder Jekyll but the heat from killing a member of parliament had scared him off so Jekyll is safe now. If what Utterson thought was happening was what was ACTUALLY happening this would probably be where the story ends. But NO. First bc Utterson hired a guy to analyze the handwriting on the letter from Hyde to Jekyll and the guy (literally named Mr. Guest) was like “yeah this is Jekyll writing with a different slant idk who he’s fooling” and so Utterson is now convinced that Jekyll is covering for Hyde for some reason
And SECOND because jekyll starts acting like a crazy person. Poole the butler shows up at Utterson’s house one day like “hey my boss is freaking me out and also his voice changed?? I think Hyde is living in his room and pretending to be jekyll”
So naturally they bust into his locked room with an axe. Like you do. It’s not his bedroom it’s like his chemistry room idk they just call it his cabinet but it’s Clearly Some Kind of Lab. Anyway they find Hyde’s dead body on the floor <3 he has pretty explicitly killed himself with cyanide.
They also find a couple letters, which make up the rest of the book.
The first one is from Dr. Lanyon (remember Lanyon?). Lanyon writes all about how Jekyll started acting like a crazy person and had him deliver a drawer (like, pulled out of a dresser and full of chemicals) from Jekyll’s cabinet to Hyde, who Lanyon has never met. The description is this part is actually really good, you can tell it’s Hyde who shows up to meet Lanyon even though it never says his name. This is the part where he mixes the chemicals like the worlds worst smoothie and then fucking Shapeshifts back into Jekyll right in front of Lanyon :) why did he Do this. At this point in the story we are hearing this from Lanyon’s letter instead of Lanyon himself because Lanyon fucking Died when it was still Uttersons pov and didn’t tell anyone what he had learned?? He thought nobody would believe him ig but he tells Utterson he has had a shock and will die within a few weeks and then he literally Does. Like what the fuck man.
The next letter is from Jekyll!! It is a confession of how exactly Hyde came to be AND WHY.
Jekyll, being a well respected Member of Society, wanted to expunge himself of all evil desires by splitting himself into two people, one who is good and one who is evil. He manages to make a chemical potion of some kind that lets him shift between two bodies. Here’s where the text will get you: Jekyll is an unreliable narrator.
IT DOESNT WORK!!!!! He claims that Hyde immediately felt more evil but was shocked when he switched back to Jekyll and didn’t feel any different than before. Jekyll is still just as good and JUST AS EVIL as before he downed his magic shapeshifting potion!! Jekyll didn’t invent a second, more evil form, he invented a mask he could hide behind that let him escape all accountability for his actions.
And you know the most damning proof?? The switch has started happening without him drinking the potion. He will go to sleep as Jekyll and wake up as Hyde, and it’s taking more and more doses to turn back into Jekyll. At the time he writes the letter, he is permanently stuck as Hyde, but the letter is from JEKYLL and laments the guilt he feels for actions done as Hyde. He condemns Hyde as if that IS a separate person!! But Hyde has the same mind and should that Jekyll does, just a different face, and Jekyll is lying to himself.
Anyway that’s what happens in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It’s all about this lawyer dealing with the most Batshit series of events a client has ever made him deal with <3
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
That was amazing! Can I request a Part 6? Drum Island, where they need to find a Doctor for Nami and Reader who become severely sick
When Reader regains conscious, she keeps running away from Dr. Kureha in fear (Dr. Kureha took a little of Reader’s blood when she was unconscious to check what she’s infected with, and discovers her blood has a unique mutation that can reverse not only her cells, but others’ cells that have severe diseases/illnesses to curable stages) then puts two and two together on why a little girl could have so many scares and feels disgust, and darkly asks Luffy, Nami and Sanji if they’re the ones who gave Reader her scars, because if they are she’s going to kill them
Dr. Kureha tells Luffy and Nami that this is her theory, but based on Reader’s her scars, her reaction when she learned she’s a doctor and her power (And what she found out from her blood) that someone’s been taking Reader’s body apart to use as they see fit (Luffy, Nami and Sanji have never felt more horrified then murderous over the pain Reader had to endure)
When Reader meets Chopper, she quickly bonds with him and trusts him to treat her (She’ll slowly trust Dr. Kureha) as Luffy and friends battle the evil Wapol, she also doesn’t see Chopper as a Monster, rather thinks he’s cute and his blue nose is his ‘pretty’, and if he thinks he’s a monster, then they’ll be monster’s together, since they both have ‘horns’ (Though Chopper corrects her saying he has antlers)
Dr. Kureha tells Reader that if she can use her power correctly, there’s no telling how many people Reader could save (Calling Reader’s power the ‘Great Miracle’ all Doctors wished for and her existence is a miracle itself, which makes Reader cry because she’s always saw her power and existence a ‘Curse’) but tells her that it’s her power and only she should be allowed to use it as they leave to Alabasta
-Vivi was beside herself, trying to take care of both you and Nami, after she suddenly collapsed after guiding the ship through a sudden but short storm that would have knocked them off course.
-Nami was having the same symptoms at you and while scared at first that this sickness was contagious, Vivi found a similar bug bite on Nami as well.
-Vivi heard shouting up above and while not wanting to leave the two of you alone, you were both asleep and she went to investigate, finding a massive hulking person, Wapol, threatening Sanji and Luffy.
-After a very brief fight, Wapol was sent flying out into the ocean, which, for a Devil Fruit user, was normally a death sentence.
-Drum Island was covered in snow, everyone was bundled in thick jackets and for good measure, you were wrapped up in a blanket as well, being held in Vivi’s arms while Luffy carried Nami.
-Dalton tried to attack the crew with the former Drum Island militia, but after hearing what was going on, a woman and a child that desperately needed a doctor, he called off the attack and took everyone to Bighorn, a nearby village.
-Everyone was furious to learn that Wapol, the man Luffy punched earlier, had taken all doctors for himself, and if anyone on Drum Island needed medical attention, Wapol expected them to come and plead for help.
-A pirate named Blackbeard attacked, and Wapol, rather being the king he should have been, fled with his court and the doctors, abandoning Drum Island because he was scared.
-You whimpered softly and Luffy was quick to take you in his arms, holding you carefully, but you remained asleep as Dalton told them that there was one more doctor, Kureha, but many regarded her as a witch, and would only come down from her castle, Wapol’s former home, when she felt like it.
-Vivi, Zoro, and Usopp remained at Bighorn, mainly for the ship, while Luffy and Sanji, carrying you and Nami, made way to Drum Castle.
-Sanji sensed the Lapahns before Luffy did, as he had stepped on one, and leapt back, cradling you close, a glare in his eyes.
-Unable to fight properly, Luffy and Sanji were banged up, but after causing an avalanche, the Lapahns conceded, after Luffy pulled the parent of one out of the snow when a child was trying to dig it out.
-Sanji was still conscious, but injured across his back, having taken some claws to protect you before delivering a harsh kick.
-Kureha walked out, seeing the visitors, and found the two men, bloody and bruised, holding a woman and a child, but in need of medical attention before they quickly passed out.
-The men and Nami were up first, meeting Chopper, a blue nosed reindeer who ate a Devil Fruit and was a doctor himself!
-Nami looked around for you, growing concerned as Luffy was chasing Chopper around, demanding that he join the crew, loving the idea of a talking reindeer in his crew, “Where’s Y/N?! Is she okay?!”
-The doctor gave her a small nod towards another room, “Still asleep. That fever of hers did a number on her. I’m hoping you lot can help me understand something.”
-After getting everyone together in Nami’s room, Kureha told them how, while she was working on you, tending to your fever as well as running some blood tests, your horn seemed to flare with energy, and that energy surrounded you, healing your body, but due to you being so weak from being sick, you were still unconscious.
-Chopper nodded, “I’ve never seen anything like it before, is it a Devil Fruit ability?”
-A few hesitant glances were shared before Luffy gave a small nod, and Nami spoke, “Y/N’s ability isn’t a Devil Fruit ability, it’s something else, something she was born with, that’s what she’s told us. We don’t know too many details about it ourselves, other than she was abused terribly for it before running away and being capture by Alvida, before Luffy saved her. Her ability allows her to rewind time.”
-Chopper’s jaw dropped and eyes bulged, “Rewind time?!” Nami nodded and hesitated, only for a moment, “We don’t know all the details ourselves, but she was able to bring my mother, who died when I was a child, back from the dead from just a lock of hair.”
-Their jaws dropped before Kureha inhaled deeply, grabbing the newspaper, “That’s probably why the government is after her then. YN’s ability… in the wrong hands it could- I-I don’t want to even think about it.”
-Luffy punched his fist into his other hand, “And that’s why we’re protecting her. Nobody is allowed to hurt her ever again!”
-Kureha seemed pleased with his answer before she spoke, “Then I won’t kill you lot.” Kureha was fully prepared to kill them herself if they were the ones who had hurt you, “When I removed her bandages, the number of wounds and scar tissue she had on her little body, whoever had her was strategically hurting her, tearing her apart, I’m guessing to study this ability of hers.”
-They knew you were scarred, but to hear this from a doctor’s standpoint, that you were being tortured for your ability, the rage they felt was unlike anything they had ever felt before.
-Kureha was able to discover this easily, about what not only your ability, but your blood could do as well, and she shuddered to think if the government ever got their hands on you, knowing you would probably be even worse off compared to whenever you were with the bastards who did this to you.
-It was an hour later when you finally stirred, your vision blurry and your eyes went wide, finding yourself in a hospital and you instantly panicked, sitting up, “Big-big brother?!”
-Kureha entered, offering you a friendly smile, “You’re up! Glad to- don’t!” you leapt out of bed and quickly scrambled underneath, ripping your IV out as you huddled your legs tightly to your body, hyperventilating.
-She quickly exited the room and only moments later you heard strange footsteps before you came face to face with a…reindeer?
-Chopper entered, hearing you were having a panic attack, scared of doctors, and sent him in instead, and he got down on all four to peek at you.
-He was nervous, but not as much as he had been with your crewmates, you were a child.
-Your eyes were wide as you blinked, a bit confused about what you were looking at before he talked, “Your name is Y/N, right? My name is Tony Tony Chopper! But you can call me Chopper.”
-You mouthed his name, unable to form words and he nodded, offering you a hoof, “You shouldn’t be out of bed yet, you’re still pretty weak.”
-You hesitated but took his hand and let him pull you out, finding he was shorter than you, but gave you a friendly smile and helped you back onto the bed.
-He ran out, panicking that you were bleeding, going to get supplies and came back to find the wound gone, as you had healed it.
-He was gentle, tending to your wounds, “Does it hurt where it was?” you were still scared, not talking, shaking your head as he checked it out, “Does it hurt when you use your ability?”
-Your free hand lifted to your horn, touching it, “Some-sometimes, when I fix a big- a big…” your voice trailed off and he nodded, explaining that Luffy told him if you use your ability too much, you get fevers, which you confirmed.
-You smiled, thinking about your brother, wanting to see him, “Big brother tells me not to use it, so I don’t get sick. He tells me I only use it when I want to.” He smiled softly, patting your head gently, “He’s right, you only use it when you want to.” It was so unlike things when you were with Overhaul and Alvida, who forced you to use it on their whims.
-You asked to see your brother, or Nami or anyone, wanting to see your family, only to find out they were out fighting Wapol, who wanted his castle back. You tilted your head to the side, “What’s a Wapol?” you didn’t know him, so Chopper explained he was a cruel king who left many years ago and is now coming back.
-Chopper checked your temperature and made sure your body was okay, being so gentle with you, and he couldn’t help but grin as you poked his blue nose, “It’s so pretty.” Your words were so sweet and gentle before he looked down, “Thank you Y/N, but I don’t really like it. It makes me different- makes me a monster.”
-You knew that word well, your arms coming towards your chest, looking down as you nodded, “We- can we… can we be monsters together then, since we both have horns?” his face fell, eyes full of concern as he realized that you had been terribly abused, thinking that you were a monster.
-He remembered the words of your family well, that you could rewind time, and if you were being tortured, forced to use your ability, they probably forced you to rewind time on things and others called out a monster for it.
-He smiled gently, offering you his hoof to hold, “Technically I don’t have horns, I have antlers. But we can- together.” His answer made you smile, it made you feel like you belonged!
-Kureha entered and you instantly flinched, holding onto Chopper, scared, but she sat down on the empty bed across from you, “I won’t touch you, Y/N, that’s why I sent Dr. Chopper here instead.” Your eyes went wide, looking at him, “You’re a doctor?”
-He beamed, looking smug and proud, but you were so confused, he was a doctor, but he didn’t hurt you, he was so nice. You looked back at Kureha who saw your realization, giving you a grin and a small nod.
-Kureha, true to her word, kept her distance, ignoring the rumbling in the castle, hearing Luffy and the others fighting, and spoke with you, “Y/N, your ability is- it’s amazing! You could be the Great Miracle that all doctors have been wishing for, to help everyone they can!”
-The tears instantly swelled and spilled over, all your life, you’ve known this ability as a curse, and many had told you so, both your ability and existence, because without you, some people might still be alive!
-To hear that your gift was a miracle, and that you would help others, listening to Kureha that you could save the world if you learned how to control your ability.
-The thought seemed scary at first, but there was a swell of something inside of you, you felt so happy, like you were going to burst!
-You sobbed in relief, leaping into Luffy’s arms when he came to get you after defeating Wapol, clutching him tightly and Nami whacked him only once, scolding him for making you cry, as you were upset that he was injured again.
-You nearly were in tears again, holding Chopper’s hand as he was saying goodbye to Kureha, who was trying not to cry herself, not liking tearful goodbyes.
-Chopper was sobbing loudly as your whole crew was gawking with wide, wonderous eyes, as Kureha seemed to use magic to make it snow cherry blossom, the pink glow from the cannons illuminating the white snow in a pink hue. It was so beautiful! You had never seen anything like it!
-You were happy to be back on the ocean and Usopp couldn’t help but grin, seeing you opening up a bit more, showing Chopper all around the ship.
-The others learned quickly not to tease Chopper about eating him, you overheard them joking about it and Sanji and Zoro spent almost an hour trying to calm you down, each of them having several steaming lumps on their head while Nami and Usopp yelled at them while Luffy was hiding with Chopper.
-A man sat in a bar, looking over a couple of bounty posters, a grin on his lips, “You’ve grown Luffy… but I’m kicking your ass because you never told me you got a little sister! That means I’ve got a little sister now!!”
206 notes · View notes
Love Across the Galaxy 🌌 | Helmut Zemo Imagine
Contains spoilers for GOTG Vol.3
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Link to my Marvel masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Baron Helmut Zemo x Roman Goddess/Guardians!reader (romantic), The Thunderbolts—Baron Zemo, Bucky Barnes, Thaddeus Ross, Valentina Alegra De Fontaine, John Walker, Ghost, Justin Hammer, Taskmaster, Yelena, & Red Hulk (platonic), The Guardians of the Galaxy—Quill, Mantis, Nebula, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Kraglin, & Cosmo (platonic)
Content Warnings: profanity, light angst, fluff, mentions of death, fighting & violence, spoilers for GOTG Vol.3 (don’t read if you haven’t seen it!) | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 4.9k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: In which Baron Helmut Zemo, hater of the Avengers and desire to rid the planet of enhanced beings, becomes a member of the antihero team led by General Thaddeus Ross & CIA Director Valentina Fontaine where he meets the legendary group of misfits turned Guardians of the freakin Galaxy and loses his heart to a Goddess with a love for 80s music and talent for cutting of limbs.
Note: GOTG Vol 3 has permanently altered my brain chemistry and I cannot stop thinking about it. Truly the best film since Endgame & it’s inspired me cause I’m also back to loving Zemo again. I refuse to believe Marvel would give us a Thunderbolts film w/o Zemo so I will make sure he’s in this team.
After learning about all the Gods in Thor: Love & Thunder, picture you are Minerva, the Roman Goddess of Wisdom & War (Roman equivalent to the Greek’s Athena) and has cosmic powers similar to the Eternal’s Thena and has been with the Guardians since the events of the first GOTG film.
Fall 2023
“I don’t see why we need these people to help us,” Zemo rolled his eyes, strolling beside General Ross with the rest of the team around them. Once outside the cool breeze hit him, ruffling the lapels of his coat as his eyes squinted from the bright light.
Ross lets out a tired sigh, “Because, Zemo, as much as it galls me to admit it this threat is far beyond what we can deal with. It’s not terrestrial and chances are these…” he had trouble coming up with the word, “let’s just say they’re more experienced for this situation.”
They all stop before the flight line. It’s clear all around them with no sign of an approaching vessel.
“Who are these guys again?” Justin Hammer popped some jelly beans in his mouth. John looks down at the file in his hands, making a face as he does.
“They call themselves…The Guardians of the Galaxy.”
“Oh God,” Bucky moans, immediately making mental notes to protect his mental arm knowing a certain talking animal was on the hunt for it. He was gonna have to sleep with one eye open.
Zemo raises his brow, “Friends of yours, James?” Bucky is not pleased by the assumption.
“I wouldn’t call them that.”
“Aren’t they part of the Avengers?” Ava’s tone is slightly disapproving. While Scott Lang and the Pym/Van Dyne’s helped her, she still got bad rep despite doing what she did to survive.
Zemo, not happy with the idea of working with Avengers, snatches the file from Walker.
“Not technically,” Ross replies while Zemo reads over the page. “They arrived with Thor in 2018 against the first battle with Thanos, remained an associate to the team while continuing whatever the hell it is they do in space, and returned in 2023 to defeat the purple bastard once and for all.”
“Did you fight with them, Bucky?” Yelena asks from beside the soldier.
“Yeah,” the memory appears in his mind. Specifically where he grabbed Rocket by the scruff and spun them in circles to cover more area as they fired off their guns. “Our interactions were brief…but memorable.”
The Baron had seen many things over the years, like the rest of humanity with the formation of the Avengers and reveal of intergalactic and enhanced beings, but to stay he wasn’t thinking, ‘what the fuck?’ by the picture in front of him would be a lie.
An earthling turned ravager, a blue mercenary, a woman with antennas, a genetically engineered raccoon, a living tree, a gray alien that could take down Thor, a man with a metal Mohawk, a telekinetic dog, and an exiled sword wielding Goddess. All misfits and outcasts, mostly space criminals turned superhero guardians of the cosmos.
Well….they were quite the bunch.
“They are not still with the Avengers, I take it?” Zemo wanders around, eyes lingering on the Goddess. White streaks adorned her natural hair color, eyes gold and lips painted with what appeared to be a permanent smirk. She wore a gold and white headpiece that had an owl extending its wings.
Name/Alias: Minerva, Goddess of War; Race: Deity; Planet of Origin: Caelum; Age: approx. 2500 yrs (39 Earth yrs); Occupation: Warrior/Mercenary/Defender of the Andromeda Galaxy; Allegiance: The High Council of Caelum (formerly), Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor, God of Thunder, The Avengers (formerly); Abilities: Cosmic manipulation, enhanced strength, agility, speed, & durability, thermal detection & mental teleportation; Specialization: artillery and battle strategy.
Ross let out a sigh, “only when the planet is about to go to shit due to an intergalactic threat. Which we’ve now got on our hands, but considering the Avengers are all on sabbatical I’m sending you in,” he checks his watch, “but I need all the extra hands and like I said, they’re experienced.”
Zemo stares at the blank sky, “How will we know they've arrived?”
“Believe me,” Ross mutters under his breath. “You’ll know.”
A loud rumbling noise caught everyone’s attention, gazes turning upward as a hexagon shaped breech in the sky revealed a very large spaceship in its wake, followed by the distinct lyrics of AC/DC’s ‘Back to Black.’
“Back in black. I hit the sack. I’ve been too long, I’m glad to be back. Yes, I’m let loose. From the noose. That’s kept me hanging about.”
“Oh my,” Yelena breathed out, hair flying back from the gust of wind. Zemo lifted a hand to cover his face from the leaves, as did the others, many wide eyed.
“I’ve been looking at the sky. ‘Cause it’s gettin’ me high. Forget the hearse ‘cause I never die. I got nine lives. Cat’s eyes. Abusin’ every one of them running wild.”
“Great song,” Justin voiced, grinning from ear to ear. The ship made its descent, music getting louder.
“‘Cause I’m back. Yes, I’m back. Well, I’m back,” it approached the tarmac, “Yes, I’m back. Well, I’m back, back.” wheels hit the tarmac, engine powering down but music still blasting, “Well, I’m back in black,” the ship doors opened, revealing steps extending to the ground, “Yes, I’m back in black.”
It was almost like a scene from a movie. Slow-motion if one will by how the Guardians exited their ship and stepped foot on the tarmac with AC/DC on full volume. All dressed in their new suits of red and blue leather with the Ravager flames on the chest.
Arriving in style.
Quill led with the rest flanking his sides. Drax munching on snacks while Nebula looked menacing and Groot towered over everyone. Cosmo had her tongue out in excitement, Rocket carrying his gun strapped to his back. Mantis’s chin held high, like she was on top of the world and Kraglin trying not to appear lost. Lastly Minerva was drinking a caprisun, Ray Bans covering her gold eyes.
Zemo tilts his head in amusement at the sight. He expected the Goddess, of war nonetheless, to have a more menacing approach like Nebula considering her reputation. But she was just as relaxed and laid back as Drax.
The Guardians walked several paces until they were directly in front of the Thunderbolts. It was then the music stopped, Ross being the first to address them. “You sure know how to make an entrance.”
Quill gave a smug grin, “We know.” Hands go to his hips, “You’re wearing a suit so you must be the boss man. Although I believe there’s also a boss lady we’re here to do business with.”
“Director Fontaine is currently occupied. She’ll be arriving in the morning.”
“I assume we won’t be knowing a damn thing until that happens, huh?”
Ross tightens his lips, “You assume correctly.”
“I told you we should’ve handled it on our own,” Minerva’s glances to Quill annoyed. Surprised by her voice, Zemo's eyebrows raised at her sudden input. Her accent was slightly Italian given her mythological origin is Roman.
Quill clicked his tongue, “We don’t have authority here, Minnie.”
“Midgard is part of the Andromeda Galaxy. Technically we should.”
Now the man was giving her a pointed look after Ross’s body language turned defensive, “I’d rather not get our asses thrown in Earth’s prison system. We go by the rules—the ones we established.”
Minerva grumbles under her breath, finishing the last remnants of her juice pouch, “Would’ve finished the job faster. They wouldn’t even know we were here.”
“Okay well, we’re doing things this way. We’re here as a team to work with a team. Right, Mr. Secretary?”
Ross’ disapproving eyes linger on Minerva, who in return rolls her own, before turning his attention back to Quill, “Yes. Now let’s move on shall we?”
He lets out a breath of relief, “Agreed.” Bidding a warning look to each of his teammates, they all wait for what the man in the suit has to say. Ross extends a hand to the people on either side of him.
“This is my team. All with different levels of skill and experience. Justin Hammer is our tech and weapons specialist,” Justin gives a wave, “Yelena Belova,” Ross points to the blonde in a white tactical suit, “former Black Widow and master assassin.” At the mention of Black Widow Rocket, Nebula, and Minerva all tense, faces becoming solemn at the memory of Natasha. They were the three remaining Guardians during the blip, becoming close with the Avenger.
“Ava Starr, she can phase through anything,” they all look impressed, finding the talent cool. “Antonia Dreykov, who we like to call Taskmaster.”
“Why’s that?” Kraglin asked intrigued.
“She has photographic reflexes and can mimic your fighting powers. Basically use your own moves against you.”
“Niceeee,” all the Guardians echo. Ross points to the two individuals in between Zemo and Yelena.
“Our super soldiers, Captain John Walker and I believe you all know Sergeant Barnes.” Bucky tightens his mouth with a curt nod.
“You still got that arm on ya?” Rocket muses, earning a nudge—well more like a kick—from Minerva. The rest of the Thunderbolts besides Bucky all become wide-eyed at the talking Raccoon…even though it said on the file he could.
But how the fuck else were they suppose to react to a talking raccoon?
All Bucky does is glare, “Don’t even think about it.” Rocket shrugs, “Worth a shot.”
“Why is that one carrying a giant frisbee?” Drax’s mouth is filled with Zargnuts. Walker, the man in question, becomes visibly offended.
“It’s a shield not a frisbee.” Zemo bites back a smirk at the soldier's tone. Not to mention the Guardians' reactions were priceless.
“A shield?” Mantis repeats confused.
“It’s a frisbee,” Drax mumbles.
“Like that circular object Minerva conjures to deflect attacks,” Nebula tiredly explains. Mantis’s mouth forms the shape of an ‘o’.
“And lastly,” Ross sounds just as exhausted as the cyborg, “Baron Helmut Zemo, former intelligence operative.”
“I am Groot,” Zemo’s attention goes to the tree alien, confused by his words. Minerva, seeing his expression, addresses it, “He says he likes your fancy cape.”
‘Cape?’ He thinks, but doesn’t comment on it and his perplexed reaction makes Minerva smirk. Instead Zemo says, “Well, I appreciate the compliment. Thank you.” Groot’s pleased, grinning wide like a child.
It’s then Quill’s turn to formally introduce the Guardians. The Thunderbolts bite back their own amusement at the nicknames and surprise of hearing the dog, Cosmo, speak through her suit with a distinct Russian accent. Afterwards Ross leads them all into the hangar, Minerva removing her sunglasses now that she was inside, allowing her gold eyes to be visible.
From there they all interact, awkwardly for the most part as they have no idea what the hell to do as they wait for further instruction. It soon becomes bickering and even challenging someone in hand-to-hand combat.
Well, what can you expect when a team of heroes meet a team of villains/anti heroes? Rivalry at its finest.
“Any day now, Quill,” Minerva groans, relaxing her stance. Across from her several feet away was Walker, confused by why she was taking so long to attack. They were standing in the middle of the squared off area with the teams surrounding them, but giving enough space to avoid being in the crossfire. Quill was scrolling through his Walkmen.
“What’s he doing?” Zemo whispers to Kraglin, eyes flicking back and forth from the human Guardian and the Goddess.
“Trying to find a good fight song. You know, get the vibes going.” Out on the square Minerva lets out a loud huff signaling her annoyance was increasing.
“Just give me another second—.”
“I almost got it.”
“Pick a goddamn song!”
“Fine!” Quill shouts, randomly selecting the first one his finger hits. A second later Duran Duran’s ‘Hungry Like the Wolf,’ blasts through all the speakers attached to the Guardians arms. The antiheroes become perplexed, while also noting the song choice. Justin and Yelena started to bop their heads.
“Darken the city, night is a wire. Steam in the subway, earth is afire. (Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do)”
Minerva smirked, retaking her stance. As she lifts her hands, cosmic energy around her consorts to physical matter, taking the shape of a spear and shield in either hand. Wide eyes take over the Thunderbolts.
“Woman, you want me, give me a sign. And catch my breathing even closer behind. (Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do)”
“Wow,” Justin exhales. “In touch with the ground. I’m on the hunt, I’m after you.”
“That’s so cool,” Yelena muses, others muttering in agreement. “Smell like the sound, I'm lost in the crowd. And I’m hungry like the wolf.” Keeping his admirations to himself, Zemo watches the scene unfold in silence.
“First one to step or get thrown out of the square loses,” Bucky shouts over the music, “Ready….” Walker clutches the strap of his shield, Minerva twirling her spear once, “Fight!”
“Stalked in the forest, too close to hide,” Walker lets out a cry, charging at the Goddess. “I’ll be upon you by the moonlight side (Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do,” Minerva blocks his attack, pushing back slightly only to crouch to swipe at his legs, “High blood drumming on your skin, it’s so tight,” Walker dodges her spear, but fails to avoid her kick to his chest, sending him backward. “You feel my heat, I’m just a moment behind.” He brings his shield up in time as her spear barrels down at him. “Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do.”
They continue their one-on-one for several minutes, both coming close to getting the other out of the square and the song changing to ‘Cherry Bomb’ by The Runaways—a favorite amongst the Guardians. The entire time Zemo was mesmerized to say the least. Every move she made was effortless, showcasing strengths and ability to predict Walker's moves.
He hadn’t felt such attraction to a woman in so long. And here he was experiencing a feeling that was almost unfamiliar.
Ultimately Minerva wins the battle in what one would call a divine move. At the peak of the song, Minerva’s golden eyes glow bright resulting in the eyes of the owl headpiece to also glow and become animated. It takes form, coming to life and soars straight at Walker, throwing him off by covering his face.
“What the—uuugh!!” He’s flying through the air, back meeting the harsh ground with an audible groan. The owl leaves him, returning to Minerva and consorting back into a headpiece. When it does her eyes dim back to their normal hue. Her team broke out into whistles and hollars, meanwhile Walker’s were unimpressed.
“Guardians for the win!” Rocket cheered.
“I am Groot!”
“Never underestimate the power of Duran Duran!”
Minerva helps Walker up, “Not bad, soldier.” As she turns to head off the pad, her eyes lock with Zemo’s and a wink is sent his way. Heat rises in the Baron, glancing away to hide his smirk.
Oh boy, trouble was on the horizon.
Next Yelena went against Nebula. Their fight was even more intense and nearly ended in a draw. Eventually Yelena overpowered the cyborg and got her to step out of the square. It was a tie. Groot and Rocket teamed up against Ross in the form of the Red Hulk—which took a lot of convincing—the two claiming the win after fooling the General. Taskmaster beat out Quill, handing his ass to him which had the Guardians in a heap of laughter.
“I enjoyed that more than I should have,” Minerva teases, crossing her arms as she takes a spot beside Zemo. He glances at her, mirroring her expression.
“Not a common occurrence for your friend to lose a fight?”
She scoffs, “You’d be surprised by his record.”
Lastly Bucky went toe-to-toe with Drax, and of course Rocket had to yell, “Take his arm and give it to me!” And well….it ended with them tackling each other out of the square.They didn’t know who won at that point, so the teams were tied 2-2 initiating a debate on who should be crowned the best.
“Okay, let’s call it a day,” Ross announces, ending the squabbling between the groups. “Night’s upon us and frankly I could use a drink. We’ll return here first thing in the morning—7am sharp to discuss the threat and where to go,” he turns to Quill, “we’ve got sleeping quarters arranged for you all if you please. Otherwise my guess is you’ll remain in your ship?”
About an hour later, after both teams settled for the night, Zemo decided to take a walk around the flight line. It became a habit of his since joining the Thunderbolts. A way to clear his mind after a long day of briefings and training. He basked in the peace that came with being alone, but there were times he felt lonely and longing for company to share the peace with.
Ten years since losing his family and the pain never strayed. Yet, he managed to live with it. He accomplished his goal in 2016 when he tore apart the Avengers. Likely is to blame for the loss against Thanos resulting in half of the universe’s population turning into dust for five years.
Did he feel remorse for the consequences of his actions? Possibly. Did he regret it? No. At this rate he’s accepted the reputation he painted himself to be.
“Zemo, correct?” The sudden intrusion spooked the Baron, jumping slightly by the glowing eyes in the darkness. A moment later Minerva stepped into the lighting, eyes dimming to normal. She was still in her suit, though her hair was pulled back, white streaks seeping through the natural color.
“Yes, but you may call me Helmut,” he replied, nodding in greeting to the Goddess.
“Helmut,” she tests the name, “like the headwear people use when they ride bikes or spacesuits?”
“That’s one way to look at it, but yes I suppose so.”
“Interesting. What brings you out this late in the evening?”
He shrugs, “wanted to get away from the constant complaining of my comrades,” eyes go to the sky, “and I like to admire the stars.” Minerva moves to his right, glancing up as well.
“They’re much more incredible up close.” He peers down at her, not bothering to question her judgment. She lives in space after all.
“I bet so. I’m sure the view from here is nothing compared to what you’ve witnessed.”
She shrugs, “These stars you don’t even know if they’re still alive. It took years—possibly millions—for the light to reach Earth.” Zemo looks back up, focusing on the North Star.
“For all we know they burnt out ages ago.”
Their eyes connect, Zemo feeling a weight on his chest by the intensity of her gaze. It’s followed by unease when she says, “Natasha told me about you.”
Instantly he looks away, feeling an unfamiliar wave of dread. “Ah.” Here was a discussion he was not expecting, nor willing, to have.
But Minerva didn’t show criticism. In fact, her gaze and tone resembled understanding. “How do you do it?” The question took him aback.
“Do what, exactly?”
“Align yourself with people who go against what you stand for?” Minerva’s tone wasn’t condescending at all, only curious. “Most of your team are enhanced individuals—two are super soldiers to be exact. You went to many lengths to disband the Avengers and put an end to superheroes,” there’s a slight tilt of her head, eyeing the Baron with intrigue, “but you join a group consisting of people who fall between the spectrum of hero and villain where most are the exact thing you wished to eradicate. Not to mention led by two people you wouldn’t say you share similar moral values with. Why join them?”
For the first time in his life, Zemo was at a loss for words. Not a single word uttered as he tried to comprehend what Minerva had just confronted him with. How could he explain? Hell, he didn’t even know the real truth other than wanting to stay out of his cell. A big price to pay in exchange for freedom.
Minerva spoke again before he could respond, “I once committed an act similar to you,” the surprise is evident on Zemo, “Vengeance against those who were responsible for the death of my loved ones. It’s why I was exiled,” a frown appears, her attention returning to the stars. “So I understand you, probably better than anyone here. Understand why you committed those acts to destroy the Avengers. I don’t fault you for what you did—if I did it would make me a hypocrite. You’re not the villain Ross and the Avengers made you out to be.”
“How so?” His voice is strained, “what have you lost?” He didn’t mean to come off as defensive, but the conversation was bringing up emotions Zemo didn’t want to face.
“As Goddess of War all I knew was bloodshed. How to prevent it and how to fight it. Battle strategy was my domain, and the High Council knew better than to question my judgment,” she releases an exhale, “but Mars, the God of War and my brother, was my ultimate rival. He hated how much our father doted on me and agreed with plans I coordinated. It made him feel inferior. He’d do anything to prove himself.” Her tone remains neutral despite the painful memory surfacing.
Zemo remained quiet, picturing the scene as Minerva relayed it. Though stoic the Baron could see the pain and sadness lurking behind her eyes. Managing it as best she could for the sake of her friends. Who knows how many years it’d been since she lost whoever it was close to her. But the hole would always remain.
“To put it short,” she started again, bidding a glance, “Our home was under attack and his rash decision to slow down the enemy led to the death of my family—my husband and children.” Sympathy arose in the Baron, understanding her anguish, “An intentional move on Mars’ part because he believed I wouldn’t be fit to remain on the High Council after stuffing such a loss, therefore he would take my place as Head Commander of our armies and my father’s second Command.”
“He wasn’t exiled?” The question left Zemo before he could stop it. Confused by how the God avoided persecution for his crime, Minvera was shunned. “Your family was targeted.”
Minerva’s smile was bitter, “because their deaths were a result of war, the High Council viewed it as collateral. They failed to see Mars’ responsibility, believing he didn’t intend to kill them. So, I took it upon myself to bring justice. Not only to Mars but also the High Council.” Her smile fell once more, “I made sure they would pay. And they did, but it was far from over after finishing the job. Those who survived didn’t hesitate to throw me out to the wolves once I was contained.”
Zemo nods his head, “where did you go afterward if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I was imprisoned on Xandar for some time,” well they certainly had some things in common, “Once I escaped I became what your people would call a bounty hunter. Where it led me to meeting those clowns I now call my family,” she pauses before adding, “and escaping prison for a second time. Only it was to save the Galaxy.”
The laugh that escapes Zemo surprises him, “I guess it all worked out then.” Once more they lock eyes, twinkling against the stars shining down above.
“I suppose it did.”
Three Years Later
Zemo raced out the door the moment he awoke to rumbling that shook the foundation of his home. After three years he’d recognize the sound in an instant, only this time it was without warning.
An action that rarely occurred.
Throwing on his coat and house slippers, the clock read 2:30 am, flooding the Baron with worry. ‘What is she doing here at this hour?”
Usually when Minerva drops in she gives Zemo a heads up. A day or two’s notice, but recently he couldn’t get a hold of her and passed it off as the Guardians on a job. With the unexpected visit, so late at night, Zemo instantly knew something was wrong.
Hurrying out to the front lawn right as her ship landed, Zemo jogged to where the stairs extended. When they did, the doors revealed his Goddess, still wearing her suit, standing before him. Zemo noted the exhaustion painting her demeanor. Dark circles beneath her eyes, which appeared dimmer than usual, and scars indicating recently healed wounds.
His arms are around her the moment she’s within distance, her own around his neck, “This is a surprise.”
“Sorry I didn’t call,” the exhaustion was evident in her voice. Barely above a whisper causing Zemo to tighten his hold.
“It’s alright, darling. I’m just glad to see you are okay,” his hand runs along her hair, “wanna tell me what happened?” He hears her sniff, increasing his dread, “Close call?”
“Too many,” her voice cracks and there’s a pause. “We almost lost Rocket. We saved him thankfully, but then we nearly lost Peter. And I almost—,” she stops short, not wanting to relive her near death experience. “This was…it was too much for all of us, Helmut.” A kiss is pressed to her head, offering comfort.
“Let’s get you inside, mein schatz.” Zemo leads Minerva into the home, sitting her in the living room while he goes to put a kettle on the stove. Filling two cups of cherry blossom tea, Minerva’s favorite, he joins her in the living room.
After taking her first sip of the brew, Minerva removes the headpiece from her hair and makes herself comfortable before giving Zemo a play-by-play of the past three days. He stays quiet, listening intently but visibly reacts with each awful detail Minvera relays to him. From the unexpected attack from Adam Warlock, to the disgusting abuse Rocket endured at the hands of the High Evolutionary, to Quill nearly imploading in space had it not been for Adam’s change of heart.
Zemo’s knuckles turned white when Minerva spoke of what happened to her. Anger consumed him and he wished he had been there to protect her. Seeing his distress Minerva placed her hand on his, gently squeezing, “I’m okay, Helmut. I’m here now and we all made it out. There were many close calls, but we’re all alive and that’s what matters.”
Taking her hand, Zemo brought it up to brush his lips against her fingers, softly kissing her knuckles. “I don’t know what I would've done if I lost you, Minnie. I—-,” he stops himself to exhale, squeezing his eyes shut, “I would’ve found a way to fly across the galaxy to avenge you.”
“I know you would,” she murmurs, removing her hand but positioning herself in his lap. Arms snake around his neck, pulling him so they were inches apart. “I’d expect nothing less. Also I’d be a hypocrite considering I would do the same for you.” A playful smirk formed, “I was already plotting when Ross let you get captured by those bastards last year. Had it ended any other way, Ross would cease to exist.”
Zemo snickered, “I see we haven’t really changed completely despite our friends believing the opposite. Neither of us hesitating to return to old ways if it comes down to such circumstances.”
She smirks, “No, I don’t suppose we haven’t.”
“What a pair we are,” leaning in, his lips meet hers in a soft caress. Warmth seeping through his veins. That effortless high he believed he’d never have again after the loss of his family.
But he found it with a Goddess in the stars. Where love swept across the galaxy.
When they pull away after a moment, Zemo keeps his forehead against hers. Gold meeting brown. “I’m not sure I can let you go now, liebling. At least not for a while.”
“You never have to anymore,” her words have him startled, the man pulling away slightly to get a better look at her.
“What are you saying?”
Minerva’s gaze turns soft, though there’s slight nervousness, “After everything we all realized something. We found the family we were searching for, but some of us needed to find ourselves. Peter’s here on Earth to find his grandfather. Mantis is off on her own adventure. Drax and Nebula are on Knowhere to help raise the children we saved from the High Evolutionary. Rocket and Groot are leading a new era of the Guardians. And me,” she stops, emitting a gaze full of love that takes Zemo’s breath away. “I’d like to be here. With you, Helmut. If you’ll have me.”
If his heart could explode from the happiness Zemo was feeling it would. Tears were threatening to prick his eyes, the Baron willing himself to remain composed. “Oh, Schatz,” he croaked, cupping the side of her jaw. “I should be the one asking you that. Of course I’ll have you. I love you more than every star in the galaxy.” With that he kisses her, putting all his love and passion it causes her own eyes to water.
“I love you too,” she kisses him again. They remain on the couch, falling asleep eventually curled up in each other’s embrace. Their last thoughts filled with joy as they awaited the new adventure on the horizon.
An adventure just between them. A reinstated Goddess and a fully pardoned Baron opening the next chapter of their lives. Together.
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stevetonyweekly · 8 months
SteveTony Weekly - Jan 21st - Week 3
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Here’s everything I read this week! I hope you find something you enjoy! 
Hello. I've Been Waiting by j_gabrielle
Non-powered AU where Steve and Tony are in their late 20s and were high school sweethearts, married a year after their graduation - as Steve had wanted to save and then use his own money to buy Tony a ring. Though it hurt him to let Steve go to join the army, Tony knew it would have hurt both of them even more if Steve had stayed at home, miserable. They skype when they can, send emails (and the occasional letter because Steve is old fashioned that way - although Tony will never admit the amount of glee that fills him at seeing the physical envelope in his mailbox), and keep in touch as much as possible.
But there are still the long periods of time when there is no contact, and Tony can't help but worry and fret terribly about his husband overseas. One such period of time, Steve and Tony's friends (Bucky, Rhodey, the rest of the avengers, ya know), are surprised to get a group email from Steve - but happy at seeing that the reason: Steve is coming home early from his tour and wants to surprise Tony.
arei’s thoughts: I’m a sucker for Steve surprises Tony with a military homecoming. Short and sweet and lovely. 
A ghost for Christmas by gottalovev 
When she died, Peggy left Steve an old house in Connecticut. When he decides to spend Christmas there, Steve finds out that it's already inhabited... by a very handsome and kind of annoying ghost.
arei’s thoughts: this was so cute and the way that Rhodey came into it was really great. Loved it. 
Something On My Mind by Thahire
During a team game of Never Have I Ever, Tony finds out that Steve has done—some things with men.
Things spiral from there.
arei’s thoughts: tony finding out about steve’s sexual past in a game with the team is a pretty niche trope and one i absolutely adore. Loved this. 
Arrangements by Neverever 
Tony has a no-strings attached, no-personal information, all-sex relationship with Steve. But things can change, can't they?
arei’s thoughts: FWB that doesn’t stay FWB is always a lot of fun. 
Magical Moments by Becci_chan
It hadn’t been Steve’s best idea when he’d asked Tony to go with him to the Christmas market. Steve had only needed someone to keep him company, because sometimes crowded places still made him nervous. And because he liked Tony. A lot.
arei’s thoughts: it’s pure Christmas fluff. Plus, you know, Steve not knowing he’s head over heels for Tony is always fun. 
Teeny Tiny OctoTony by MountainRose
Tony finds something in a HYDRA base, and it's about four inches tall and has a goatee.
And tentacles.
arei’s thoughts: i’m a big fan of tony as a octopus. They’re so smart?? And this one’s telepathic-ish bond with his octo counterpart was adorable! 
All Roads Lead To by Anonymous
After Obadiah's betrayal, Tony hides in the depths of the Midwest to become a mechanic.
The Avengers come into his life anyway.
arei’s thoughts: I love the idea that some things are inevitable, and how this team came together was lovely. 
Beyond Imagination by nakurumok
Tony swears he is fine. Really.
Sure, he was injured in the battle (only slightly), his suit was shut down after he was hit by some magical beam, crashed into the ground and lost conscious for nearly a day. But he is fine. Totally. Unquestionably.
Except, if he would admit it, he feels like he had gone through a few rounds of boxing with Hulk, while without the suit. He feels dizzy, and the ground seems floating under his every step and his head hurts like hell. But despite all of these, he is fine.
… and has he mentioned he sees Captain America, who should only exist in the comics, standing in his kitchen?
arei’s thoughts: The way things came out slowly and then all at once was lovely. It was clear that something was wrong, but how it played out was just--so nice. 
we pick ourselves undone by laramara
It might appear that award-winning surgeon Tony Stark, the head of neurosurgery at Shield Hospital, well and truly has his life together. Now if he could only figure out how to tell people that his father, world class neurosurgeon Howard Stark, is locked away in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s, devise a way to get Chief Fury off his back for good, and work out what the hell he’s going to do about the weird on-again-off-again thing he has going with the head of cardio, he’d finally have everything sorted.
arei’s thoughts: I loved the setting of this and the softness between Tony and Steve in contrast to everything around them. So well done. 
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masterqwertster · 6 months
For the Hurt/Comfort Subclass prompts, either... Battlerager Barbarian oooor Trickery Cleric for Ashton and FCG~?
Ended up doing a smidge of both in a Volition Mission Gone a Bit Wrong AU Battlerager Barbarian: Doing something that in retrospect was a very bad idea in a desperate attempt to help them. Trickery Cleric: They’ve been lying and saying it doesn’t bother them for just a little too long.
Ashton doesn’t regret what he did. How could he, when it saved Grass’s life?
So no, they don’t regret digging deep into those immense wells of ancient and mysterious power lying within them to make their own miracle to steal the aeormaton back from death. Not when there are no gods on Ruidus to grant a miracle or even fucking help just a little bit. Fuck, Ashton told Evontra’vir that they’d stomp on Fate, they wouldn’t bow to it, so of fucking course they’d bull their way through Fate to take back their friend. Fuck the consequences.
But Ashton would be lying if he claimed the resulting consequences of digging deep aren’t freaking him the fuck out. 
They can’t revert to their genasi form. Ashton has tried and tried, but the most they’ve gotten is that condensed gemstone form that is supposed to shatter back into a genasi, only now it shatters as their larger elemental shape bursts forth once more. And that has to mean fucking something. Ashton just hopes to fuck that it doesn’t mean they’re going to be lost to their powers like so many of the other Hells have to worry about. They don’t feel like they’re losing themself to anything, like any part of what makes Ashton Ashton is missing or consumed. But it’s undeniable that something has changed within them in a way that can’t be put back to how it was before.
Yet Ashton has been telling the others that he’s okay. Because he is. His chronic pain is gone (it doesn’t feel real. He doesn’t feel real). He’s so fucking strong in his more titanous form, stronger than he’s ever been. He can burrow through earth, leaving a tunnel for others to use if he wants, and sense the vibrations and shape of the earth around him, which is so fucking useful when they’re all fucking around underground here on Ruidus. Why wouldn’t Ashton be just fine with this form being permanent?
So what if he stands out in a crowd more than ever, towering and hulking as he is now? Does it matter if he’s scared that the next bit of battle rage magic will become permanent too? Or maybe worse, leave him forever randomly cycling through its different forms? Surely it’s not a problem that he’s so fucking scared that this isn’t permanent and how the return to his old self will drop him to the godsdamned floor at the worst moment possible?
Ashton is fine. They just need a little space. That’s why they’ve burrowed themself a little nook in the Volition’s base that’s just big enough to fit them without sinking into stone with a small, unobtrusive entryway that they don’t actually fit through, providing them with air while leaving them cozily (what others might call claustrophobically) surrounded by earth.
Ashton is fine. (Maybe he’ll believe that if he repeats it enough times)
When Fresh Cut Grass overhears some of the Volition members fearfully talking about slight tremors in the tunnels, they know they’ve finally found a clue as to where Ashton has hidden himself away. 
It takes a few pointed questions and some half-believed reassurances that he can get the tremors to stop for FCG to get actual directions to where he needs to go. 
The tremors in the tunnel he’s been directed to hardly seem to be worth the fuss the Ruidians were making of it. They’re enough of a rumble to be felt, but they barely rattle FCG. Hardly the kind of thing to herald an imminent collapse of the tunnels. But maybe little tremors like this are bad when you’re fully underground? Or maybe the Ruidian’s understand such tremors as heralds of bigger things to come, or of a burrowing creature’s approach?
Regardless, Fresh Cut Grass knows it’s nothing he needs to fear. After all, he can already see the small cave entrance filled with jade stone. 
Heading over on a slightly wobbling wheel, FCG crouches just the slightest bit to fit into the little entryway. They reach out a metallic hand and lightly place it on… whatever part of Ashton is in front of them (FCG thinks it might be a leg, but they’re not sure).
Ashton flinches.
It has Fresh Cut Grass pulling his hand back like when a flesh person touches a hot stove. He knows Ashton said their new form doesn’t hurt like what he felt in their head months (or is it just over one month) ago. That it doesn’t hurt at all. But Ashton has been trying so hard lately to be someone the rest of Bells Hells doesn’t need to worry about, to be a strong pillar of support the rest of them can lean on, so FCG can’t help but doubt just how true that is in this moment. 
FCG supposes they’ll have a chance to reconfirm that in second, as rock scrapes and grinds as Ashton shifts and moves to bring his face into view of the entryway.
“Grass?” Ashton asks, something quiet and tremulous in his voice. There’s damp streaks down his face originating at his glowing, slit eyes.
“Smiley day, Ashton,” they reply, their own voice going soft. Fresh Cut Grass… doesn’t quite know where they want to start this conversation, so they say the first thing to come to mind, “You were givin’ the locals a bit of a scare, shaking the ground like you did.” 
Ashton winces, and honestly, FCG can feel himself doing the same because that is not how they wanted to open this up at all. It only gets worse as Ashton starts to pull back, probably about to slide away into the earth where no one here can follow. But FCG manages to get a grip on one of the spikes of stone protruding from Ashton’s shoulders, and it’s enough to make them still and stay.
“That’s not– It’s just how I managed to find ya, seeing as I’m tapped for magic an’ you made your own hidey-hole here,” Fresh Cut Grass lamely explains, earning a silent, wary nod in response. 
“If… if you want me to leave, I will. But I wanted to thank you, again, for bringing me back, and to let you know I’m here, if you want to talk about it. ‘Cause I know you’re not doing as okay as you’re sayin’,” FCG steadily plows on, hand slowly stretching forward to cup a large cheek and thumb through a tear trail. 
A shaky breath escapes Ashton as they lean into Fresh Cut Grass’s hand, another tear sliding down as they close their eyes.
“...I’m so fucking scared, Letters. I don’t know what all this fucking means, or when the other fucking shoe is going to drop. And I’m so fucking scared it’s going to get one or all of you killed,” they quietly confess, more tears falling loose.
“Oh, Ashton,” Fresh Cut Grass murmurs, getting their friend’s face in both hands and pressing their foreheads together. They can feel the small tremors transferring from stone to metal.
“It’s gonna be okay. We promised to look out for each other, you and me, and all of Bells Hells together. We don’t leave anyone behind, and we pull each other back when we need to. We’re not goin’ anywhere. I’m not goin’ anywhere,” FCG reassures them.
Arms of stone move through the walls around Fresh Cut Grass to pull him in. In a moment, FCG finds himself encircled by the stony form of his friend in whatever space they carved out for themself. The tremors of muffled sobs rattling through his chassis as bulky arms tighten further around him until the metal starts to groan and he shifts just a little uncomfortably. 
“It’s gonna be okay. I’m here,” Fresh Cut Grass whispers, returning the hug as much as he can.
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bluemoonperegrine · 4 months
"The Out-of-Towners" Ch 3 WIP
Here's at least half of chapter three since I'm not sure when I'll get the rest finished. This is the entire initial scene, then it's off to find Stinky Hulk Ted.
Chapter Three: A Helping Hand
Layla peered up the rocky hillside, trying her best not to admire her best friend’s partner’s ass. It was difficult with Jack in the lead and crouching periodically to follow Captain June’s scent trail.
“Ahem,” Marc said.
Layla glanced to her left and found Marc grinning, which seemed to be his default now. It was a welcome change of pace.
Marc’s grin became a smile. “You’re not subtle, you know.”
Layla chuckled, and Marc joined her. “Can you blame me?”
“Not at all,” he replied while glancing at the rear end in question. Then Marc looked back to her with a smirk.
“Still not used to you being flirty,” Layla said while bumping his arm with her shoulder, “but it suits you. It’s good to see you happy.”
Marc smiled broadly, like Steven often did. “It’s good to be—”
“Whoa!” Jack shouted from ahead. He stood at the edge of a large, flat boulder looking down with his arms out to either side in warning. A quiet rattling noise carried to Layla’s ears. “Bri?” Jack called over his shoulder. “You’re up.”
As Layla and Marc moved closer, Bri and Robin shrugged off their packs and rummaged inside. Robin pulled out a small, woven grass basket with a matching lid. Bri produced a ziplock bag containing a glass jar with a rubber band securing a sheet of plastic over its mouth. 
“Look like he’s about to shed,” Jack said as he hopped off the boulder. A few feet in front of where he’d stood was a mottled, reddish snake that perfectly matched the rock. Like the sidewinders Layla had encountered in her travels, this snake’s rattle was hidden by its mostly coiled body. A forked tongue darted from its triangular head as it peered at Jack with milky eyes.
Bri moved closer with the glass jar in one hand, but didn’t climb on the boulder. “Yep,” they agreed. “I think she’s having trouble, poor thing.”
Layla heard Marc gulp beside her. “How can you tell it’s female?” he asked as Jack moved to his other side.
“She’s pregnant,” Bri said with a delighted smile. “Really gravid.”
Marc’s shiver prompted a chuckle from Layla and Jack. 
“I’ll protect you, bebé,” Jack said quietly.
A grin softened Marc’s eye roll. “No need, because I’m not getting anywhere near it.”
“Her,” corrected Bri, who’d crouched beside the boulder. The ruddy rattlesnake now in arm’s reach had most of their attention.
Robin stood a short distance behind her spouse with the basket tucked under one arm. She asked, “Need anything, hun?”
“I’m good,” Bri replied, keeping their eyes on the snake. Murmuring something Layla couldn’t make out, they inched their free hand toward the unhappy reptile.
Layla’s stomach clenched as Marc inhaled sharply.
“It’s okay,” Jack whispered. “Bri knows what they’re doing.” Grinning, he added, “Keep watching.”
The rattling stopped, and the snake moved toward Bri’s hand. After a few flicks of her tongue, she slid on to their open palm. 
Marc and Layla exchanged astonished looks as Bri smiled broadly, continuing to talk to the snake in an unfamiliar language. Their fingers closed around the snake’s tawny body. The rattlesnake must have welcomed the touch because she slowly slid through Bri’s hand. Dry, paper-thin skin sloughed off, revealing the snake’s rich tan, rose, and rusty hues.
“Mon dieu!” Layla breathed.
Bri, who hadn’t stopped smiling, said, “That must feel better, huh, girl?”
The rattlesnake twisted around and seemed to look right at them.
“She understands you?” Marc said in a near whisper.
Bri looked his way long enough to nod. “Yes,” they replied, moving their fingertips toward the snake’s head. “Snakes are my tonal animal.” Their smiled dimmed before continuing. “They’re not evil. They’re just like you and me.”
Robin snorted softly. “‘Just like,’ babe?”
Bri’s smile returned. “In a ‘doing our best to survive’ way, yes.” 
They switched back to the unfamiliar language as the short nail of their index finger caught something near the rattlesnake’s left eye. Layla felt her jaw drop as a hard, white covering pulled away from the snake’s eye. “There you go,” Bri crooned. “You can see better now.”
Again Marc shivered beside Layla. She glanced at her best friend, who was studying the rocky ground at his feet with Jack’s arm around his shoulders. He whispered something that Layla couldn’t make out, but Jack apparently could.
“Okay, bebé,” Jack said quietly. Then he grinned at Layla and said, “They’re eye caps, a normal part of shedding. She needed a little help.”
Layla smiled at Jack helping not-quite-snake-phobic Marc and from memories of the times she and Marc had helped each other. “Everyone does sometimes.”
Movement from Bri and Robin drew Layla’s attention. They handed the shedded skin to their wife, then held the covered jar near the snake’s head. The clear-eyed rattlesnake opened her mouth wide, pierced the plastic membrane with her fangs, and squirted venom inside.
Blinking at the sight, Layla said, “Voluntary venom donation. Impressive.”
“Humane, too,” Bri grinned. The rattlesnake pulled back, and Bri ran their fingers down its back. “Milking snakes is rough on them. It’s harder for them to hunt and defend themselves while their venom is replenishing. I asked her to give what she can spare.” Bri held the jar up and swirled the small amount of cloudy fluid at the bottom of it. “She gave a lot.”
They returned the jar to the ziplock bag and handed it to Robin. She put it in the grass basket, murmuring as she set the matching lid on top. 
Layla looked from Robin to Bri, who was watching the rattlesnake slither away, and back again. “You two have the same sort of magic?”
“Owl!” Marc blurted.
Layla frowned at him as Robin and Bri chuckled and Jack guffawed. Marc had said something about Jack being friends with an owl as well as crows, but didn’t see what that had to do with Bri’s tonal animal magic.
Robin grinned from ear to ear as she and her spouse zipped up their packs and donned them. “Yes. My tonal animal is the owl.”
Layla smiled with her, hoping that the two would share more about their magic. Marc, however, was trying not to stare at Bri and failing miserably. She lightly shoved her friend’s shoulder to get him to lighten up. “It’s not like they’re going to turn into a snake.”
Marc gulped again as Robin and Bri grinned and Jack sniggered. The werewolf leaned in close, saying, “I’ll protect you, bebé.”
Layla blinked at him, then turned to Bri and Robin.
The couple nodded.
Layla grinned at them, then at Jack and Marc. “Never a dull moment with you, Spector,” she teased. “Let’s find ourselves a hulk so we can get to campfire stories that much sooner.”
The round of chuckles she got in reply said they agreed.
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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The Defenders (1972) #60
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quietlyimplode · 11 months
the language of flowers and silent things
Whumptober 2023: Day 26 - You look awful
Warnings: injuries
Word Count: 1.3k (gif not mine)
Summary: aftermath of the taking of the tower. The avengers reunite.
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A/N: <3
Whumptober Masterlist
Tony feels sick.
Pulled into consciousness as he feels the air on his fall face; he twists in the wrongness of being held and flown all at once.
“Tony— no!” a male voice calls.
He feels like he’s falling even as he’s picked up again, pressure on his stomach; the movement jarring and causing him to vomit into the air.
He looks up and sees Sam and his wings, before the ground rushes to meet him.
Natasha hugs Clint, taking his head in her hands and pushing her forehead to his.
“You look awful,” she whispers, her hand coming away with blood.
“Are you—“
She sees Yelena behind him and her face morphs.
“You both came to rescue me?”
She pulls Yelena into a hug.
Steve stands awkwardly behind them and Yelena looks to him.
“I’m umm, Steve,” he says waving a little.
“I know who you are, Captain America,” she smiles.
He nods, chagrined.
“How do we get out?” Clint asks looking around, “where Tony, Pepper, Maria and Sam? Have you found them?”
Steve nods, and Natasha sits back down, the sun rising, overhead.
It feels like it’s been such a long night.
“They should be on the ground now,” he replies.
“Sam will come back once Tony is safe.”
Clint looks around, Christmas paraphernalia everywhere.
He feels sad, and guilty that they weren’t here to help.
Despite all the building movements, there’s only parts of the budding where the concrete has fallen, smashed and sunken; some of it still feels untouched.
“What happened here?”
Steve paces around.
“The electricity went out, I think someone tried to attack the building - there were shadows around—“
“We killed some Hydra men,” Yelena adds helpfully.
“Oh, okay,” he pauses, “it must have been them? They must have entered the building, because Jarvis wasn’t responding, then the building shut down. I couldn’t leave, until you and Bruce came,” he says to Natasha.
“Do you think he’s okay?” he adds worriedly.
Natasha nods.
“He’ll be okay, the Hulk will take care of him,” she assures.
“We found Maria, and then Sam, and Pepper; but Tony, it took us a while to get to him, he was knocked out,” she finishes.
“What’s a Jarvis?” Yelena asks .
“AI,” Clint tells her, “but like a good one that helps a lot.”
She sees Sam in the sky and points.
They move to the edge of the building and he waves as he lands safely next to them.
“Who’s next?” he asks, offering a hand.
“How’s Tony?” Natasha asks, pushing Yelena forward.
“He’s okay, he’s with Pepper, they’re taking them both to hospital now. Maria is organising everyone well.”
The sun is brighter now, opening over the city, as it begins the day; most blissfully unaware of the commotion of the tower.
“I’ll come back,” he promises, taking Yelena’s hand, “and I won’t drop you.”
He grasps his back.
“Good, because that would be a stupid way to die,” she deadpans.
Sam nods, and takes off with her; leaving Steve, Clint and Natasha standing on the precipice of the building.
“Is your head okay?” Natasha asks softly, sitting on the edge of the open building.
Clint perches next to her.
“Flew threw a window with your sister in hand,” he tells her, “then there a building coming down around us.”
Natasha checks him, and finds a gash in his hairline.
“I think it’ll need stitches,” she winces.
He touches, and copies her face, “I guess we will see Tony at the hospital anyway.”
Sam returns and she motions for him to take Clint, who argues to take Natasha and then rolls his eyes and takes Steve instead.
“Your turn next okay?” Natasha tells him, nudging him, “otherwise I’m kicking you off the building and Sam will have to save you.”
Clint grumbles and nods, and they wait side by side as the sun continues to rise.
The hospital is not Natasha’s favourite place, but for her friends she’ll take it, reframe it as a place of healing, and supposed safety.
One look at Yelena’s face, though, and she can feel the anxiety roll off her.
In an instant, she grabs at her hand and squeezes.
“It’s okay,” she says in Russian, “it’s not for us.”
It does nothing to alleviate the anxiety and fear but somehow pushes her to follow Clint into the med bay to get his head stitched.
“I’ll stay with him,” she offers, watching Natasha as she looks around and tries to see any of the others.
Her hypervigilance does nothing to help calm Clint as he does the same, both of them stressed at the outcome for Tony and Bruce, even Maria and Pepper.
Steve and Sam had left them - wanting to figure out the Tower and make sure if there was anything to happen they were there to help.
Steve also reasoned that he was probably the only one strong enough to move anything and Sam had the knowledge to reboot the tower, or at the very least thought he did.
If they could do that, then maybe, they could find out who tried to infiltrate the tower.
The doctor starts with Clint and Natasha rises, Yelena stays and nods swapping positions, so she can see what the doctor is doing.
For Natasha it feels more protective than curious.
She doesn’t really know what happened between them in the hours they were alone together, but the tentative trust seems to be something that both of them had built.
Leaving, Natasha sees Pepper’s blonde hair, and almost runs towards her, her relief at finding her mostly unscathed, except for what looks like a few bruises and cuts, is explicit as she hugs her.
“How’s Tony?” she asks.
Pepper starts to cry, and apologizes for it.
“I’m sorry, I just.. The building fell underneath us and I thought he was dead. We were trapped before - his arm, was caught. He’s in surgery now, they say it’s just to make sure the bones heal right.”
She hides her face and Natasha rubs her back.
“Come with me,” she says, and leads her to Yelena and Clint, sitting her down gently.
“He’ll be okay,” she promises.
Clint says hello, and Natasha introduces Yelena, who nods but doesn’t say anything, unsure what to do with tears and a weeping woman.
“Do you know where Maria is?” Natasha asks, wanting to set eyes on everyone, now they weren’t in a falling building.
Pepper shrugs.
The doctor had finished with Clint, giving them the instructions for cleaning the wound, then looked around.
“Does anyone else need anything?”
Shaking her head, Natasha smiles.
“No thanks,” she nods, despite the bruises on her ribs where the Hulk had grabbed her, or even the headache that seemed to be building from before the day started.
The doctor checks with the others and then leaves them in the room.
“God I’m tired,” she admits, openly.
“Me too,” Clint groan, leaning back on the plinth.
Yelena sighs.
Taking a moment in the quiet, no one dares to break the silence, each in their own thoughts.
Tony lays unconscious, surrounded by Natasha, Rhodey, Clint, Steve, Sam and Pepper.
Yelena had left, with a promise to return, swearing to Natasha she’d be back.
Bruce still hadn’t turned up, but there’s been no reports of the Hulk smashing anything, and Fury had promised to look whilst they all waited for Tony to wake up.
Natasha stands, feeling strange and not wanting to be around anyone.
It started to feel too much.
Clint looks at her sharply before she signs she needs to go to the toilet.
He nods and leans back into his chair.
Leaving, she looks for a stairwell, a spare room, anything to break down in.
She feels the flood of emotions and the let down from the adrenaline, feels the loss of home and safety in an area that was supposed to be the safest.
She could have lost her friends.
Natasha feels tears coming as she squats in the corner of the room, obscured by chairs and lets the emotions come.
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emmyfairy · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could write some head-cannons about giving the slashers the silent treatment for Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Billy & Stu, Vincent Sinclair
Thank you!!!
Hi I’m Em and I am in love with Vincent Sinclair (i’m imagining all ya’ll saying ‘hi em’)
reblog if you enjoy! any other ideas?
Uh oh, big boys are in the dog house. What are they like when their lovely gives them the silent treatment? 
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As soon as you skip your usual “Good Morning” he’s in tears
Once you step out of the bathroom, fresh faced and ready for a day of ignoring your man, he’s in your personal space, whining and crying, a fistful of wildflowers gripped tightly in his hand, roots still shaking dirt onto the floor
You'd have to clean that up so….
Honestly, just take the flowers and forgive him sweetie, he’s just gonna cry and whinge until you do, and no he won't admit he did anything wrong because he doesn't care
Not in a bad way, but your anger is too distracting for him to remember properly 
Notices right away
Is worried right away
He’s so used to and in love with your babbling, nodding his head along with you, so when it’s sudden radio silence, when all of a sudden you won't even look at him? Instant heartbreak
Did he do something? Say something? Did someone else? Don’t you love him anymore?
It hasn't even been an entire day and you have this 6’5 hulking giant of a man literally at your feet
Im serious, after a few hours he can't stand it, bails on his chores, finds you and immediately drops to his knees, hugging your legs and burying his face in your tummy
He only peels himself away when he feels your hand start running through his hair (i've decided no one can stay mad at him he’s too soft)
After you coax him off of his knees the two of you have an open conversation and communicate your feelings in a healthy way, solving all the problems and boom sunshine and rainbows baby
Billy & Stu
We all know these two share a brain cell, and once ya’ll are together its split amongst you three
They do NOT catch onto your mood for a whileee
Honestly it’s probably one of your friends, or even your mom, that clues them in
They’re used to you being a bit on the quiet side, heaven knows the pair can entertain each other for hours with dumb boy stuff, and they spend their nights, well, ya’know…
When they do realize your unhappiness and silence these boys go the wallet route
Im talking flowers, chocolate, nice dinner, shoes, that outfit you were eyeing at the mall last week, and more flowers
You do eventually forgive them, but they honestly aren't much wiser afterwards
Ngl he doesn't notice at first, not in a bad way, it’s just he gets so invested in his art
There are many nights he stays in his workshop, meddling away at his latest project, often skipping meals unless you bring them to him
I love this man okay, but baby can be a little bit of an airhead at times
Bo and Lester have both noticed by now and let’s just say dinner time is Awkward✨ 
By now Vinny is catching onto your cold shoulder 
Good thing he wears that mask because if you could see the pout on his lil face? All anger would be gone with the wind
Vince doesn’t really know what to do, his brothers sure as hell aren't helpful, so he does the only thing he can think of
Art, art and groveling 
He sketches a portrait of you, far too well done to be a quick one, and it almost encaptures how gorgeous he thinks you are
Once the sketch is in your hands, he’s slipping into bed with you, not bothering to move the covers, just smooshing against you, every inch of him on every inch of you, holding you close
When you look down to where he is parasitically attached to your chest, his eye is shining so sadly, there is no way you could stay mad at him
He’s just too cute, sorry I don't make the rules
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no1frogfan · 1 year
Desire lines, part 2
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Kuroo x afab reader
Series synopsis: Against his wishes, Kuroo must hire a personal assistant. You’re not exactly the right person for the job, but it’s a job, and you need the money. Inspired by Robert Macfarlane’s definition of desire lines in landscapes: “paths and tracks made over time by the wishes and feet of walkers, especially those paths that run contrary to design or planning.”
Chapter word count: ~2.4k
Chapter tags & warnings: none afaik
Note: I said this was going to come out on Sunday, but I became obsessed and couldn’t help finishing early. So you get it early.
Series masterlist part 1 | part 3
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2. A foot in the door
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“OH! OH! What about Takata?” Bokuto yells excitedly, “He’s responsible!”
Akaashi immediately shoots him down. “I don’t think Takata would want to quit his stable accounting job to do something like this, Kou.”
“Hmm…” Bokuto knocks his head with his fist. “OH! What about Iwasaki? She just quit as one of the MSBY managers recently and she’s really pretty.”
Akaashi shoots him down again. “Iwasaki quit the manager position because she’s 7 months pregnant and wants to stay at home with the baby after it’s born.”
Bokuto pouts into his drink. “You think of someone then Keiji.”
Akaashi wracks his brain, but, “Sorry Kuroo, I don’t think we know anyone that fits the bill.” He smiles apologetically, “But if we do come up with someone, we’ll definitely let you know.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Kuroo waves him off, “Tell me what you two have been up to?”
And that’s how ten days fly by with no solution in sight.
Two weeks hadn’t felt quite so urgent when he’d asked for suggestions from Akaashi and Bokuto on day one, but now he’d asked everyone around him for help — Kenma, Yaku, Kai, Daichi…even Lev and Tsukishima — and still nobody fitting had materialized.
You’d think it’d be an easy task to find someone who is 1) trustworthy, and 2) looking for an easy job. There must be thousands of people in Tokyo who meet both those criteria, but strangely, none of his friends knew any of them.
Trustworthiness was actually the easier requirement. Pretty much every potential candidate his friends came up with could be trusted to keep the deal secret from Nishida and the office gossips. Surprisingly, the more difficult requirement has been the job itself. Kuroo didn’t understand at first. After all, this would be perfect for someone just out of college, for example, hoping to save up some money while they search for a more permanent position. But, as Daichi reminded him, most of those bright, young college graduates are looking to break into a new field, and that means meeting and working with people in that field, not spending all day at a dead-end position, even if it’s an easy job with a great salary.
With less than four days left until Nishida’s deadline, the panic is starting to bubble up.
Kuroo dunks his head under the water one last time and steps out of the shower. Wrapping a towel loosely around his waist, he pads to the kitchen for his morning coffee — well, noon coffee at this point.
As if on cue, the phone buzzes on the counter as he walks by. He answers without glancing at the screen, using his shoulder to hold the phone against the side of his face. “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s Iwaizumi.”
Kuroo breaks out in a smile. “Hey man, what’s up?”
“I’m in town for a few days. Want to grab coffee?”
Kuroo might be short on time to resolve this whole assistant issue, but then again, tackling the problem head-on hasn’t been working, so maybe some time away to rethink his approach is just what he needs. Anyway, Iwaizumi doesn’t come back to Japan too often these days. “Of course! Where should I meet you?”
“I’ll text you the address. I’m already here talking to a friend so drop by whenever,” Iwaizumi tells him before hanging up.
An hour later, Kuroo steps through the front door of the cafe. He immediately spots a hulking Iwaizumi facing away and talking with someone he doesn’t recognize. Like Iwaizumi, they’re dressed comfortably in blue jeans and a tank top, soaking up the sun spilling in from the huge windows.
Kuroo grins as he walks up behind Iwaizumi, clapping a hand to his shoulder. “Didn’t think you were the type to pick someone up at a cafe, Iwaizumi.”
Iwaizumi whips around, stammering, “I- no- it’s not like that!” Until he registers who it is. “Oh, Kuroo,” he grumbles, thoroughly unamused.
You giggle at the dozen expressions that flitted across Iwa’s face in that split second. Turning to the stranger, you introduce yourself. “I’m pretty sure his partner would have a few things to say about that. Iwa and I are friends from college.”
Kuroo shakes your outstretched hand. “Kuroo Tetsurou. Iwaizumi and I were volleyball rivals in high school.”
You nod to him as you stand up. “Well, volleyball rival Kuroo-san, it’s nice to meet you. And Iwa, I’m glad we got to catch up a little. Let’s chat again soon?”
Iwaizumi’s arm flies out to block your way. “You’re leaving already?”
“Yeah, I don’t want to impose…”
“You’re not imposing. I’m sure Kuroo doesn’t mind.” Iwaizumi doesn’t bother looking to him for confirmation.
Kuroo shrugs, “Up to you.”
“Such enthusiasm,” you deadpan, but sit back down. “You two go on and order then, I’ll guard our table.”
Iwaizumi gets up to keep Kuroo company and you take the chance to look Kuroo over. Standing next to Iwa, Kuroo looks a touch taller than him (even accounting for the messy hair) and less broad, but still clearly athletic. In the warmth of the cafe, he takes off his bomber jacket, revealing the simple long-sleeve shirt he’s wearing over a pair of black jeans. He definitely knows how to highlight his lean frame, well-built arms, and…you should probably stop ogling his ass.
You quickly tear your eyes away when they spin around. (There was a small tussle at the register as they each clamored to pay. Predictably, Iwa won out.) They’re both engrossed in conversation as they walk back to the table, allowing you to bury your face in your coffee with minimal embarrassment.
You watch amused as the two sit down. You’ve only ever seen Hajime like this with Tooru. Perhaps it’s because Kuroo and Tooru have a similar impish energy. You listen to Kuroo push and prod at Iwa playfully, asking after him and tormenting him in the span of a single phrase. Iwa meanwhile endures the teasing like a veteran, snapping back a few of his own gruff retorts that make Kuroo cackle like a madman.
All the while, the conversation weaves in and out of business.
“Well, work has really kept me busy, but I’m doing fine! How long are you in Tokyo this time?”
“Only a week,” Hajime complains, “but I should be back again soon for a few months to set up the new training regimen.”
Kuroo hums into his coffee. “Think I could get you to help with a JVA promotion?”
“You ask me that every time. But sure. How’s Kenma?” Iwaizumi grunts.
Kuroo wipes some condensation off his glass. “Kenma’s fine. He’s had his nose stuck in a new game for a while now.”
Hajime nods. “And your grandparents?”
“Ah, yea, they’re also doing fine.” His voice sounds lighter than before, but you’re probably just imagining it. You look over at Iwaizumi. Or maybe not, because a soft crease forms on Iwa’s brow.
But as you expect, Iwa doesn’t push him. He lets Kuroo lead the conversation back to work and to his current predicament. “After today, I’ve still got three more days to find someone, so my luck’s not entirely run out yet.”
A thoughtful look crosses Iwaizumi's face.
Oh no, he’s not—
“Weren’t you just telling me you were looking for something temporary?” Iwa asks you.
“Uh, well, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind…”
Iwaizumi leans forward, gesturing toward you but addressing Kuroo, “They would be a great asset to the JVA, you know.” Kuroo’s attention swivels to you. “They moved to Japan to get into more literature translation, you know poems, novels, stuff like that, but they’ve got experience with all kinds of Japanese-English translation. We’ve worked together before at post-game interviews and conferences and I’ve always been impressed by their competence and professionalism. Gets along well with the players too. That kind of expertise must be in high demand for an organization like the JVA.”
Turning back to you, Iwa adds, “It sounds like the position doesn’t include many responsibilities, and since you just moved here, this would be a great opportunity to earn some money while you work on getting your foot in the door with the publishers.”
You frown, eyes locked on the empty mug in your hands as if the foamy dregs might form an answer. He’s not wrong, but…
Kuroo eyes you appraisingly. If Iwaizumi is vouching for you, then you’re definitely trustworthy. And he can’t deny that having interpretation experience will come in very handy for the upcoming FIVB meetings, not to mention you definitely sound competent enough to type up some meeting notes. Plus, unlike his other prospects so far, it seems like working as his assistant for now might actually be perfect for your long-term goals…
“Sounds like a great idea!” Kuroo declares.
“…At least give me some time to think about it,” you mutter, intensely aware of their expectant gazes.
“Ok, but let me know by tomorrow night,” Kuroo replies confidently.
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You shove another spoonful of cereal into your mouth, ignoring the milk that sloshes off the spoon and splashes back into the bowl. The texture is awful. The flakes are almost completely soggy and spongy after sitting untouched for the past few minutes.
Your mind is elsewhere.
You’d woken up way too early for a Sunday, mind plagued by Kuroo’s offer since the three of you parted ways yesterday afternoon.
You wash the soggy slime off your tongue with a sip of coffee — instant Nescafe, sadly, though you’re wistful for another latte or even an americano.
Maybe writing things out will help you think it through more clearly. You smooth out a piece of used scratch paper and turn it over to draw a simple cross on the page. On the top left, you write PROS and on the top right CONS.
Under PROS, you write easy job. Kuroo made it clear that you wouldn’t have to do much. Aside from showing up every day and sitting at a desk, the only other thing you’d have to do is attend his meetings and type up meeting notes. Like Iwa said, that theoretically leaves you with a lot of time for your own things.
Sighing, you jot too easy? under CONS. An easy job isn’t bad, but it might end up becoming awkward if other people have different expectations of you than Kuroo does. What if his boss gives you extra responsibilities, or wants you to report to him on Kuroo’s schedule? The problem with this arrangement is that it’s vague and hence unpredictable. It may end up turning into a real, full-time job despite your understanding with Kuroo.
Moving on to the thorniest problem.
You add Kuroo under PROS. He’s undeniably attractive, and if Hajime is friends with him, then he’s probably a pretty good guy and a pretty good boss. Under normal circumstances, you’d be thrilled to have some eye candy around and possibly even a hookup at your fingertips, but—
You reluctantly write Kuroo again under CONS. But Kuroo would be your boss. That makes him 10,000% off limits. God forbid you hook up and things go south as they’re wont to do. You’d not only jeopardize your income, you might also jeopardize Kuroo’s job and his friendship with Iwaizumi.
Finally, by far the biggest pro, and you’d saved it for last.
MONEY. You underline it once. The salary is generous, more than generous. (You pull up your bank account balance for what feels like the hundredth time, hoping you might have read the numbers wrong the last 99 times. Nope, still the same.) You haven’t mentioned your dwindling bank account to anyone, but let’s just say you’re not feeling so optimistic now that you’ve been unemployed for four months. So unless you just happen to land a huge project (technically, anything’s possible) like, today (it’s still the morning, so…), with a big advance upfront (ok, that’s never happening), soon you’re not even going to be able to afford cereal and instant coffee.
Who are you kidding? You underline MONEY two more times in resignation. The longer you wait, the closer you’ll get to the point where you’ll have to take literally anything. There’s no way in hell you can turn this down.
You text Kuroo before you can change your mind.
His reply comes almost instantly: Perfect! You can start tomorrow. The address is…
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Monday morning, you head into the office for the first time, thanking your nerves for setting your alarm too early and leaving the house with time to spare because figuring out the subway transfers during rush hour ended up being more confusing than you anticipated. Even though you left a half hour early, you arrive with only a minute to collect your thoughts as you ride the elevator up to the 38th floor.
A passing employee directs you to Kuroo’s office door. You smooth down your clothes before knocking quietly and waiting for a “come in.”
“You’re here!”
Kuroo steps out from behind his desk with a relieved smile and you thank the gods you spent the rest of yesterday and one full month’s rent investing in nicer officewear as your eyes travel up from his brown leather oxfords, up along his slim navy suit pants, to the matching navy vest cinching his waist, up the rolled-up sleeves of the white-button down shirt, up the gold polka-dot tie topped with a perfect windsor knot, all the way up to his golden eyes. His hair is still an absolute disaster, but it somehow works together, giving him an aura of charm rather than vanity. Yeah, your old, cheap, ill-fitting tops and suit pants would have been an embarrassment.
“Just in time, too. My first meeting today is in 15 minutes.”
He walks toward you, stopping to stand a little ways away as he continues. (Now that he’s closer, you realize the pattern on his tie isn’t polka dots, but tiny paw prints.) He holds out a hand toward toward the empty desk you passed on your way in. “Why don’t you get set up at the desk and I’ll grab you on my way there? After the meeting, I’ll introduce you to Nishida-san and a few other people around the office.”
He's just close enough that the spicy musk of his cologne tickles the edge of your senses. You’ve been here less than a minute and already you’re tempted to pull him in for a deeper lungful.
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fiercestpurpose · 3 months
I love the concept of player verbs in video games. The game gives you certain verbs that you as the player can do.
In Insomniac’s Spider-Man, these include “web swing,” “photograph,” “jump,” and “punch.” In Dishonored, they include “jump,” “shoot,” “teleport,” and “stop time.” In Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor, they include “buy,” “sell,” “change gender,” and “pray at shrine.”
The verbs limit what you can do in the game. You can’t do anything that the game doesn’t provide for you - you can’t shoot people in Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor any more than you can sell things in Spider-Man. It’s just not allowed in the game and therefore is actually impossible.
Verbs are also relevant when you’re talking about TTRPGs. These are your moves. However, even if you don’t have the move “shoot” or “sell” in the system, your character might still be able to do those actions, depending on how things shake out at the table/how much leeway your GM gives you.
But games (usually) work better if you go with the system rather than against it, so the people who design TTRPGs are going to want to give you a set of verbs that make sense for the story and that you’re going to want to use. They need to give the baker the ability to bake and the vampire slayer the ability to slay. While you may add in for flavor that your hulking Blade rip-off loves baking, it is unlikely that the act of baking will move the story forward. It’s not a move; it’s generally not going to be super important. (Again, some GMs might let you behave otherwise, but follow along with me here.)
I like to use the concept of verbs to think about the stories I’m writing. And it’s not a concept that maps perfectly onto writing because characters and players are not the same, but it helps me think about the actions that characters take. What happens to the story if I give the vampire slayer the verb bake rather than just letting him bake as a character trait? What if baking progresses the story? Maybe it’s poisoning someone with baked muffins, maybe he makes a new friend at baking class, maybe he bakes a birthday cake as an olive branch in order to avoid a confrontation with his brother. However he does it, it opens up new story possibilities that aren’t available if his only verb is “stake through the heart.” So I like to think about what set of verbs I’ve given a character and whether I’m limiting their possibilities too much.
On the flip side, what does it mean if a character has a limited set of verbs? If a character believes that all they can do is “flee” or “fight,” then that’s what they’re going to do. When do they open up new verbs, and how do you get them to a point in the story where “stay” is a verb that makes sense for them?
It’s a concept that I find useful for talking about video games but also for thinking about how stories work.
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raewrites42 · 1 year
This is my first story ever so you have been warned. I saw Across the spider-verse and am OBSESSED with Miguel O'Hara. This is my contribution to the fandom. I hope you like it. This is an OC story.
“Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go. Nah. Imma do my own thing. Sorry man, I’m going home” Miles says throwing Miguel off him. I see Miguel falling above me “Miguel!” I reach up to grab him and end up losing my grip on the train, falling with him. While falling I lost my grip on Miguel and fell out of the train tunnel. “AHAHAH!” I try to use the wed shooters that Peter B Parker made me only to realize…. I’m out of webs.
Hi, my names Taylor and I’m not a spider person. I’m from earth…. Actually, I don’t remember what earth I’m from. I don’t remember much of anything from my life before the spider squad. Apparently, I fell through a portal and landed here in the spider headquarters. Hobie was the one to find me unconscious in the cafeteria. When I woke up, I was in the medical wing of the spider headquarters. The first person to come into my room was Jess, asking how I felt and if I was hungry. She was so nice and welcoming I was starting to relax, until he came in. The door slammed open to reveal a hulking figure of a man aka, Miguel. Immediately he started off with the questions of, “who are you?” “Where did you come from?” “Why are you here?” “The fate of the universe blah blah blah” to be honest I stopped listening. He didn’t seem to like that, because when he saw I wasn’t answering questions his eyes got really red and he looked like he was going to lunge. Lucky Jess was there to calm him down or at the very least keep him at bay. They tried to send me home in the go home machine, but when it scanned my DNA, it said my universe didn’t exist. And I’ve been here with the spiders ever since. It took a while for Miguel to not look at me like I was the biggest mistake ever (thanks for taking the heat off me miles) but then somewhere along the way he started to tolerate me. Then when he started to open up more to me, we became friends. Then when he started to open up more to me is when the hugs started, then the cuddles and then came the forehead kisses. Then not long after that Miguel hated not having me by his side, he would always get irritated when I ran off to go hang out with Hobie or Peter B but to be fair he's Miguel, when is he ever not irritated. Peter B made me these web shooters so I could keep up with the rest of them and Miguel did not like that, went on a whole rant of how dangerous it was and how I could get hurt. Me being me I told him I’ll do what I want, and I’ll be fine and if I’m ever in any trouble their would always be a spider to save me. Never in a million years did I think that I would actually be in danger, because I knew Miguel would always be there to save me. Oh, how I wish I listened to him, then I wouldn’t be here now.
Falling, I’m falling and I’m out of webs. I hurriedly click my watch calling LYLA. “Yes! What’s up?” she says cheerly. Her attitude soon changes when she hears my distressed voice. “LYLA! Help me! I’m out of webs and I’m falling!” “OMG! OK, OK! HANG ON I’LL CALL FOR HELP” “Nothing to hang onto in the sky LYLA!”
LYLA pops up on all the Spider people’s watches screaming, “ATTENTION ALL SPIDER PEOPLE TAYLOR IS FALLING AND OUT OF WEBS! SHE NEEDS HELP!” It takes a second for all the spider people to process the message before they’re all leaping off the train going to save Taylor. Miguel, already in pursuit of Miles too far away to be able to help, he hears the message. A look of indecision falls upon his face before he shakes his head continuing to chase after miles. Thinking to himself, someone was going to catch her.
I can now see a sea of spider people above me. Thank God! Someone is going to save me, but I’m starting to see that the ground is getting close, and the spiders aren’t. I start screaming to LYLA, “they’re not going to make it!” “Yes, they are!” I wanted to trust her I really did, but I couldn’t. I started to panic and press anything on my watch. “Taylor what are you doing? You’re going to-” her voice is interrupted as my watch opens up a portal and I fall through it. It closes immediately, and I’m still falling to I keep hitting anything and the more I press on the watch the more portals I fall through. When I fall through this last portal the watch stops opening portals. (The Andrew Garfield Spiderman universe) I’m screaming in terror as the ground is coming closer. This was it, Goodbye Miguel I lo-. That thought is cut off as I feel arms wrap around me and I’m swinging through the air. I tightened my arms around my hero. “it’s ok I’ve got you” I hear an unfamiliar voice say. I peek at their face to see Spiderman, well a spiderman. Wait, I’ve seen this Spiderman before, what was his name oh yeah it was, “Peter!” Spiderman quickly looks down at me then swings us to a roof top. He drops me as soon as we land. I don’t even get the chance to enjoy being on solid ground before he is angrily webbing me up. “Who are you and how do you know who I am?” Not this again. I take a deep breath, “My name is Taylor and I know you because where I’m from you’re not the only spiderman.” He takes his mask off “You’re from the Multi-verse?” “Well technically its call the- you know what yes, yes I am and as fun as this conversation is I would like to go home.” He un-webs me and I stretch after what seems like forever. “How did you get here?” “With this.” I showed him my watch. “It allows me to travel to different universes and keeps me from glitching” “How did you figure it out?” he asks, looking at my watch in awe. I chuckle, “oh no I don’t have the first clue to how this works that credit goes to LYLA and Miguel.” “Who?” “Their my friends, well Miguel is kind of more than a friend, but we haven’t really talked about it yet, but we cuddle, and he gives me- “I stop talking as I see he is giving me a weird look. “they’re people back home, who I need to get back to. So.” I go to click my watch, and nothing happens. What the what? I click it again and nothing. “LYLA?” I tried to call her, and I got nothing. “I’m no genius, but isn’t something supposed to be happening?” Peter asks and I glared at him. “Yes, but I don’t know why it’s not working. Hello? Anyone there? LYLA? Miguel? Jess? Peter? Anyone?” No matter how much I called for anyone I got no response. I can feel my hands start to shake and tears start to well up in my eyes. I turn to Peter. “I don’t-” my voice breaks and Peter comes closer. “Hey, hey it’s ok. Don’t cry.” I am now sobbing into him as he has his arms wrapped around me. “we’ll figure it out.”
Miguel walks up onto his platform angrily. Calling LYLA, “LYLA where’s Taylor, I wanted to check on her.” LYLA looks at Miguel nervously. “We don’t know.” “WHAT? What do you mean you don’t know?” “When she was falling, she started messing with her watch and after 7 portals her location stopped showing.” “So, give me her last location so I can get her.” “that’s the thing Miguel, we checked that universe, she’ not there.” “What are you saying LYLA?” he said in an eerie voice. “We don’t know where she is and have no way to track her, because her watch stopped working.” A look of disbelief goes across Miguel’s face, “Do we even know If she’s alive?” “there’s no way for us to know that. I’m sorry Miguel.” LYLA disappears and Miguel is left to himself. Miguel lets out a scream of anguish, throwing anything he can get his hands on.  screaming and thrashing until he tries himself out. Miguel goes to his monitors watching the playback of Taylor falling off the train and into a portal. Swearing to himself and to Taylor wherever she is that he’ll bring her back home. Then being angry at himself for ever letting her use those damn web shooters. Without those web shooters she would never have been on the train in the first place.
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arabellamonkey · 2 years
Steve and Tony are in the new relationship honeymoon phase, and the rest of the team are giving them (loving) shit for how goopy they are being. They start ragging on Steve like, soooo you love Tony how much? Would you fight the Hulk for him? dumb questions like that.
And then Sam asks, if you could marry Tony only tomorrow and no other day, how would you make the wedding happen on such short notice-and you can’t use Tony’s money or your celebrity- go. And Steve describes this beautiful (perhaps too ambitious and elaborate on such short hypothetical notice) wedding and Tony sighs sleepily and says that sounds wonderful before falling asleep and being carried to bed by Steve
And so Steve wakes up at 3:30 am the next day, drags Sam and Bucky out of bed to come with him because “Tony clearly wants to get married like I described yesterday and we HAVE to make it happen TODAY” and refuses to listen to his BFFs as they both try and talk him down from this spontaneous marriage 4 months into dating, and also reluctantly help.
(Shenanigans ensue, disaster strikes several times, comprises are made, creative solutions are found. And Tony says yes and the wedding is wonderful)
omg anon i love this idea so much!!! when I read it I immediately started writing something based on it and let me tell you, this was the funniest thing to write! I've barely written anything in the last month, and this was just so much fun to get back into writing fic! also, I think this is my first fic written from a perspective that's neither steve's nor tony's 🤭🤭
A wedding by surprise
also on ao3
When Sam and Bucky start making fun of their friends’ relationship, they don’t expect anything more than just having a good time and maybe watching Steve and Tony flush over dinner. Seriously, nothing else. It starts simply enough, with Bucky catching both of them snuggling in the kitchen instead of paying attention to their dinner. That in itself shouldn’t have been a big deal except for the fact that tonight they’re both on kitchen duty, a duty they seem to have just forgotten.
Not even the slight burnt smell is enough to burst their happy bubble as Steve’s big hands surround Tony’s small waist, bending over the petite man to whisper something against his neck. Something that has Tony giggling. Whether that laughter is because of whatever Steve’s saying or just due to his beard scratching his neck, Bucky doesn’t know.
The burning smell grows thicker by the second, and that’s not enough to get their attention.
Bucky’s snicker is, though. A snicker that turns into a loud laugh as he exits the kitchen and announces loudly, making sure the two of them get the memo: “We’re having take-out, guys. Courtesy of our two lovebirds and their need to snuggle even in front of our dinner!”
“Buck!” Steve groans as Tony giggles unapologetically behind him. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what, Steve?” Sam says cheerily with his phone already in hand. “It’s not him that just burned out our dinner.”
“We didn’t—“
“Oh, but we did,” Tony interrupts him, still giggling. “We totally did.”
The way Steve’s expression softens when he sees his boyfriend laughing is just too much. Too much for Bucky not to have some fun over it.
“Look at that, Sam,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at the pair with a grin. “Those two are so goopy.”
When he sees the flush climbing both their necks, he exchanges a quick glance with Sam and decides that night is going to be quite funny. They might not get to eat Steve’s mama's famous mac and cheese recipe, but they might get something else in exchange.
Something a lot funnier.
It takes the delivery service barely twenty minutes to arrive, and in barely half an hour they’re sitting on the couch with pizza boxes in their laps and the floor. Neither Clint nor Nat seem to be bothered by the change of plans, and Bruce doesn’t say anything despite it being clear how much he wants to say they had pizza just a few days ago. And Thor is always happy to eat pretty much anything, so there’s that.
Some nights they turn on the TV and watch some movie or another, but tonight they just chat while having dinner.
None of them has had time to eat their first slide when Steve gets one and offers it to Tony who, instead of just taking it and eating it, leans forward and takes a bite after another with a small smile. The way Steve’s expression softens is just too much, and Sam seems to think the same as Bucky because he’s the first one to talk: “Man, you two are so gone for each other it’s almost ridiculous.” 
While Tony giggles and doesn’t even bother denying it, Steve turns to look at Sam and, lifting his chin defiantly, says, “yes, and?”
“Ohhh,” Bucky says mid-laughter. “Look at that, Sam! He’s so in love he’s willing to defend his boyfriend from the worst of threats: jokes!”
Tony and everyone else in the room are looking at them with amusement, but Steve doesn’t notice, as he is too focused on Bucky and Sam, who are having the time of their lives.
“Yes, of course I am,” he says defiantly.
“What? In love or willing to fight for him?” Sam asks feigning innocence.
“Both,” Steve says earning everyone’s snickers and Tony’s “aw, my hero” as he leans towards him and gives him a brief kiss on the cheeks.
“You heard that? He’s willing to fight us, Sam.” Bucky says with a grin.
“Ah, but that’s as if I said I’m willing to fight a fly for you, Buck.” Sam says, trying very hard to keep his laugh at bay. “The thing is, would he be willing to fight the Hulk for Tony’s honor?”
“Hey!” Bruce says, pretending to be offended while stuffing his mouth full of pizza to hide his laughter.
At the same time, Steve says, “I’d do anything for Tony, even that.”
That prompts Tony to snuggle closer to him. Steve lifts his arm to surround him with it. Tony closes his eyes with his head resting on Steve’s neck and smiles, clearly enjoying himself as Sam and Bucky keep asking question after question, each one crazier than the previous one. It’s clear Sam’s surprised by Steve’s stubbornness, which amuses Bucky almost more than Steve’s stubbornness in itself. They reach a point where Bucky’s just watching as Sam keeps on asking question after question, expecting to reach a point where Steve finally snaps and admits there’s something he wouldn’t do, not even for Tony.
As time passes, it becomes clearer and clearer that Steve would do pretty much anything if he thinks it would a) keep Tony safe, b) make him happy or c) both.
“Okay, okay, I got it!” Sam says almost an hour later, when there’s no trace of pizza in the boxes and half of the Avengers are almost asleep, Tony included. Steve and Sam are wide awake, though. “You're always saying you want it to be perfect when you finally tie the knot, right? The best wedding one can imagine and all that shit."
“Right,” Tony answers for Steve, who's too busy flushing even more.
“Right, so. If you could marry Tony only tomorrow —if you don’t do it tomorrow you won’t be able to do it ever—, how would you make that wedding happen? And you can’t use Tony’s money or take advantage of being an Avenger!”
This is it, Bucky thinks. There’s no way he’s going to sacrifice his perfect plans that easily.
“I would try to get all of you, Pepper, Rhodey and the Howling Commandoes to come to the tower as quickly as possible, and I'd ask Pepper to officiate since she's the only one that has the credentials,” Steve says, simply enough. “I’d just decorate the rooftop as well as I could, buying all of Tony’s favorite flowers with my savings,  and I’d cook the lunch myself. If it’s me and Tony and all our loved ones, it would be worth it.”
Tony, whose eyes are closed and whose head is resting in the crook of Steve’s neck, sighs deeply and mutters: “That sounds great.”
The next sound to come out of his mouth is a soft snore, which even Sam and Bucky must admit is the cutest thing. They stop giving shit to Steve at that moment, since Steve’s answer has proven them wrong and even they can admit defeat as they watch their friend carry his petite boyfriend to their bedroom with soft eyes.
Bucky feels a sudden pressure on his flesh arm and, when he looks down, he finds Sam resting his head against his shoulder and batting his eyelashes in his direction. “Would you make me such a cute wedding, hm?”
This time it’s Bucky’s time to flush and splutter.
“Of course.”
Bucky is sleeping like a god with his arms around Sam’s body, his head hidden in the crook of his boyfriend’s neck as he feels his chest rising and falling under his hand. Then, he registers a sudden presence, something out of place. Before he can reposition himself so he’s between Sam and the door, he feels a warm hand on his arm.
When he turns, he finds himself facing Steve’s face, almost hidden in the shadows.
“Fuck!” He whispers, waking Sam up, who looks up with hazy eyes and a confused expression. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Did you guys see Tony’s expression when I said how I’d make that wedding happen? Because I did.”
Bucky and Sam share stunned looks that turn into accusatory ones quickly enough. Why the hell did you have to ask them that? Don’t look at me, it’s your crazy best friend that has just woken us up at 3:30 in the morning! He’s your friend too, you idiot!
Steve, who’s never been one to keep up with Bucky’s and Sam’s silent conversations, keeps going like nothing: “I’ve been thinking about it and I think I want to do it. No, scratch that. I know I want to.”
“That’s great, man,” Sam says, yawning. “Why don’t you go back to bed and we’ll go for a ring in the morning?”
“No, no ring. I just want to marry him tomorrow. It feels right.”
Sam and Bucky stare at him in silence for a couple of seconds before trying to dissuade their friend from doing such a thing.
It works so well, twenty minutes later they’re both dressed and helping their idiot friend organize an improvised wedding. They try to get the idea out of Steve’s head multiple times during the night, speaking about how he surely wants more people to attend the wedding, and about how much better the wedding would be if he spent lots of money on it, but they make such a bad job at it, the next morning they’re both wearing tuxedos as Tony says yes when Pepper asks whether he wants to spend the rest of his life with Steve.
“Hey, Buck?” Sam whispers to him when Pepper says Steve can kiss his groom.
“Yeah?” Bucky asks with a soft, tired smile in place. To anyone that looks closely enough, it’s obvious they’ve barely slept tonight.
“What I said yesterday? Forget it. You either ask me with a ring or don’t bother asking at all. Unlike our friend there, I have standards and a sleeping schedule to keep.”
When Peter snaps the photo of the two grooms kissing —both wearing white suits, wide smiles and kissing each other as if it were their last kiss—, Bucky’s head is thrown backward mid-laughter as Sam gives him a knowing look.
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