#the ONLY band I’d do that for is mcr
psychoticwillgraham · 11 months
starset come the fuck back to st louis challenge
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preciadosbass · 1 month
21/8/24 [1X DIY <collage> — technically a draft from yesterday as it was posted on a schedule, key + significant photos at end]
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wow, i’ve been doing this for a while now. i woke up at just before eight and listened to frank iero’s ‘new’ single and oh my fucking god its so good. i love frank sm. i scrolled through my tumblr feed until 8:40 when i finally got dressed. today i’m going to adventure island [a theme park] with this person i know. i wish i could call her a friend, but she makes fun of me too much for me to count and i overall just don’t feel comfortable with her. however she’s alright to me occasionally, like today she seemed happy to be around me. i only see her as my mum is bestfriends with her mum, but my mum dosent believe the way she usually acts towards me.
today i got dressed into my silent hill shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, knee high converse, two spiked cuffs [one with longer spikes and without a third row], mcr bracelet, panic! at the disco bracelet, sleeping with sirens bracelet, diy can tab bracelet, and a diy beaded bracelet. along with my kellin quinn necklace, a taxidermy scorpion necklace, a taxidermy raccoon tail and a silver studded belt across the right side of my hip/thigh.] [because i was anticipating cold weather as the park is directly behind the beach, and it’s the warmest outfit i have. and yes, i copied this from mondays journal, shh]
i listened to my main playlist instead of a cd while putting everything on as i added three more full albums to it after listening to ‘this song is a curse…’ [illuminaudio - chiodos, discovering the waterfront - silverstein [[im surprised this wasn’t in it already]], and wires…and the concept of breathing - a skylight drive.] and then went outside to see boris at 9:30 after straightening my hair + putting on eyeliner. like always, i’d already stood in the doorway and said goodmorning upon waking up, but i wanted to sit by him/talk/and cuddle. i didn’t manage to be out with him for long as R [that person im going out with] and her mum/stepdad pulled up on the drive. so i greeted them and started packing my bag on the kitchen table.
while i was doing that, R handed me a monster original and started speaking about how she dosent know what one i like, but i’ve never had any other flavour as i dont generally go out and buy food/drink. it was really sweet of her and it proves that i guess she’s getting more friendly with me. just a few months ago she wouldn’t let me speak about much/would make fun of me constantly/etc. i’m glad that someone thinks of me and that anyone would do such a thing. i hope we do end up being friendly in a friend way, if that makes sense. like i personally consider a friend someone you can trust and open up to, and i hope we get to that point. i think what’s been preventing it is the distance between where we live.
anyway, in my bag i had: my camera [i bring it everywhere], two battery packs [one’s always in there & out of battery], a lead for the battery pack[s], a coke zero, my monster energy, my wallet with my disability access card, my skullcandy headphones, my phone, a tiny bag because i’ve been losing/having my earrings break a lot recently, my safe food, a few band pins that have fallen of my backpack, hand sanitiser, a safety pin [i don’t even know why], and a bat plushie. its not even a comfort plushie, he’s just permanently in my bag since i got him at another theme park, chessington, at the vampire ride. once i’d got everything ready to leave, i said goodbye to boris and me and R’s family set off.
while we were in the car, R suggested making a blend [again, she was acting more friendly which is super nice] but it didn’t work. then i had the idea of adding each others playlists to one another and putting it on shuffle, but that didn’t work either as her spotify was only playing songs off her playlist. either way, it was nice she thought of it. we ended up listening to our own playlists on the way to the theme park. i listened to: shoot the girl first, the used, signal the escape, fall out boy, falling in reverse, patrick stump, and my chemical romance. also on the way there, we saw an older woman with cat face paint on and hair ties that made her look like she had cat ears. i wonder what the occasion was, or if there was an occasion. just something i randomally remembered about the drive.
we arrived at 10 and got in not even five minutes later. we walked over to the stall where they sort out your tickets/passes and R’s mum activated my disability access card. it was super embarrassing because they had to take a picture of me, and it took ages, but everything eventually went through and worked. the first actual thing we did was find a table and put all of our stuff down. i met J and A. J is R’s family friend, and J’s mums bestfriend. i’m not too sure who A is to the both of them, but he went around with us. he’s 19, so i thought it’d be a little awkward, but when we started walking around to the other side of the park to this ride called green scream, i realised it wasn’t going to be.
its a kids ride, but for some reason its enjoyable. unfortunately the photo thingy wasn’t open so i didn’t get to see what we all looked like, but oh well. the next ride we went on was rage, one out of two of the bigger and ‘scarier’ roller coasters. i used to not mind rage, but over the years it’s become incredibly rough and your head hurts for at least half an hour upon getting off. its a shame because it completely prevents it from being an enjoyable ride, but it looks really smooth. we got on and set off up the vertical lift hill, which is honestly the best part, because your head can’t start hurting yet. then you go down this drop which is quite similar to thorpe park’s saw the ride, just less steep. the entire time the ride was running, my scorpion necklace was tied around my eyes. i was scared itd come off because i’ve already had one break without me knowing and they’re really cool/expensive to buy as you need to make sure their ethical taxidermy.
but, it did make the photo look silly. when i first saw it, i thought i somehow forgot to take my glasses of and didn’t notice. i did take a picture of the ride photo but got told off which was really embarrassing lmaoo, there was someone else taking a photo though and nobody said anything so i don’t know what was going on with that. [photo at end] i’m not too sure in what order i went on the rides beyond this point of the day, but i’ll carry on speaking about it anyways. afterwards, we went back to the table to have some snacks and talk a little to J + R’s mum. once we’d done, we went back round to where rage is and went on the blue [outside] water slide as it was boiling and it didn’t matter whether we got wet or not. there isn’t an access queue for this ‘ride’ so we queued up with everyone else and got round to having a turn at around 12:35.
A wanted to go on the green [inside] water slide so we split up once we got to the actual queues for each slide. it went long before me and R got on our raft. i went on the front and she placed herself at the back. we got absolutely soaking wet and the photo of us was so cool because our facial expressions were questionable and you could see the full length of my converse in it. i didn’t take a photo though, as the person behind the stand looked intimidating. afterwards we went back to the table and then went on the indoor ‘scary’ ride. which isn’t scary at all - mind you, it’s another kids ride - but the props and things are cool. it’s one of those rides where you go around in little carts and as you look around there’s holograms/animatronics/figures except it’s mostly monster/clown themed.
while waiting to be loaded onto the carts, my necklace started glowing [photo at end cuz why not] its kinda embarrassing to actually get on the ride. when you have an access pass, you get on first via the exit. but because of how the ride is designed, you have to get on - then they run it around a small bit of track while everyone looks at you. and then the others queuing get on. its so awkward knowing everyone’s staring at you slowly going by 😭. it was too dark to take any proper photos but i took a blurry photo of one of the larger figures because it glows and i think it’s cool. [photo at end] the last time i went to adventure island and on this ride with my mum + prevision, the ride faulted at a small hill and punctured a literal hole in my mums arm, and bruised both of mine, but today it went down it smoothly. thank god.
after getting off, we went on a sky drop. there was another one that had just been made which we planned to go on after. there was a problem with R and how small the seat was so she had to switch to one two seats away from me. the ride itself is pretty tame, but i have a weak stomach so it didn’t feel great lmaoo // from what i remember, afterwards we went round to the rage exit to get a time to come back and get on. it’s hard to explain but that’s how the ride access works. you go up to rides, ask for a time to come back, they add on how long they think people have been queuing in the general queue, and then you come back after X amount of time. so quite a lot of the time me, R and A were waiting at the table/going on smaller rides to pass time.
so, we went back to the table [J & A left] and came back to rage after around 40 minutes + the walk to the ride. i didn’t really fancy going on again, and A didn’t come altogether, but R wanted to do it did for her, although my head was still hurting from the last time we went on. this time, i was smart enough to put my necklace in my pocket. even going up the lift hill gave me more of a headache. and because my neck was still weak i couldn’t really keep my head back to the headrests, so my head was banging on the shoulder restraints. my vision also kept on going completely white. we both felt really shaken up afterwards so we went back to the table and everyone had something to eat. me and R decided to go on some tame rides to calm our sickness. it’s weird that i felt so bad afterwards, im completely used to going on big rollercoasters like the smiler, saw, etc, it’s just so rough.
we went on this mini ferris wheel and it was freezing. it took ages for everyone to be loaded on and while the people at the bottom are getting on, your stuck at the top above the sea, where you get all the wind. behind us was a guy wearing an exodus shirt which was cool, R didn’t think so though. she was making fun of him. carrying on, the ride eventually started and it was actually really calming. [photo at end] you could see the sea and the rest of the park nicely from up there. at this point i was getting more and more exhausted because i forgot i had a monster and i don’t ever wake up as early as what i did and then be full on all day. it finished at 3:10, and then we got the time for the ride beside it. R had been on before, but i hadn’t. i say that, but i definitely have - i just dont remember. the worker said ten minutes so we sat at the table [i rested my head in my hands and nearly fell asleep], and came back at 3:22. it was once again a kids ride, but i genuinely think it was faster than rage. and that has a loop. it accelerated so quickly i genuinely thought the controls had gone haywire.
but, this made it fun. it was the best ride i went on. while we were at the table beforehand, we decided on that being our last ride, so once it finished we packed everything up. we left the official premises at 4 and then got the adventure island fish and chips outside at 4:10. i didn’t have much because i couldn’t check the calories and i could already imagine how bad they were. i didn’t want to seem rude though, as R’s mum had paid half 70% of the price. while we ate, R’s stepdad walked to the car to drive back round to the seaside where we were sitting and pick us up. i noticed a lot of seagulls sitting on the rocks around the kid area of the sea so i took a picture of them with my camera. [photo at end]
i couldn’t zoom in as much as i wanted to because my lens was switched over from the normal setting. i just took it for the fun of it so it’s in no way how i usually take photos, the lighting on the rocks isn’t bad though. he got there at 4:30 and me and R listened to our playlists on the way back again. what came on shuffle on the way home was: patrick stump, panic! at the disco, silverstein, mccafferty, and get scared. we arrived back at my house at 5:40 and i cuddled boris for however long hopefully wouldn’t be considered disrespectful to guests. i also realised that he’d finally had his itch treatment yay!!
i asked my parents how he got along with it and according to my parents, he was vocal, but not agressive out of stress like he usually is. i’m so proud of him. then i went upstairs to my sisters room because that’s where R was. she was just on her phone so i sat on the floor and organised the photos taken today into picture collages. i stayed up there until they all left at 7:40. R was getting mad at me for sitting next to her anyways. once they’d started heading home, i went out to boris, showed my dad some band stuff, and then wrote a lot of this journal. i did this until 9:30 where i went outside properly with boris. i did go and see him every now and again while journaling but not for extended periods as my phone literally wont charge. i came back in at 2:10. while i was out there i noticed there are baby ones of those generously sized spiders that hang out on the driveway at night.
once i was back in the warm, i asked my parents if they had any receipts for my collage as i only had my coraline 3D receipts + a small cutout from the card that came with my insect stickers. it just shows each individual one so you know which ones you’ve got. my dad had an asda/primark/petrol receipts and my mum gave me the leftover paperwork/receipts from adventure island. i finished at 10:45 because it took me ages to work out how i wanted the collage to be set out and whatnot. either way i like the colour combo. [photo at end] after finishing, i went out to the kitchen to sit with boris and came back into my room at 11:20 because my phone ran out again.
i wrote even more of this journal and went upstairs to ask my parents questions about boris at 11:35. around this time, my head started hurting a concerning amount so i took some meds. im aware i sound so dramatic right now but you don’t understand how torturous that ride is until you’ve experienced it and the feeling afterwards. my eyes kept on going cross eyed and parts of my vision were cutting out. i do know i’m not the only one who feels like this after rage, though, because while we were waiting to go on for the first time a woman came off and she could barely walk afterwards. however don’t know whether my eating or sleep contributed/s to how bad my head is feeling. i finished my questions at 1, wrote a few paragraphs of this, and then said goodnight to boris.
i didn’t tell him about my day as my parents told me to tell him tomorrow so my head wouldn’t get worse so i gave him a little spoiler and cleaned the dog food can tabs in the sink. im going to somehow make a flower looking chain charm out of them. i did this while speaking to boris/apologising for going out, things like that. id shown him my collage earlier so i took some different shaped can tabs, the big dog can ones, my collage book, and a j20 bottlecap into my room to put into their assigned places for when i make stuff out of them. [photo at end]
then i went back out to boris and finished saying goodnight to him. because i cant stroke around where his ointment was applied [his neck] its quite a struggle to cuddle him the way i usually would, but i eventually finished at 2:24. i was supposed to be super quick as i wasn’t telling him about today, even though i always wish i could be longer. i then gave him his last meal of the day and he went in my room 3x times while i was awake. my head was still in excruciating pain despite the paracetamol so i went to sleep at 2:50 after finishing this journal. i kept on falling asleep and letting go of my phone/almost deleting paragraphs at a time. so i hope all of this still makes sense.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, prevision/keyworker i have to see instead of being taken back into mainstream education, questions about boris/i ask my parents questions about my cat to verify he's okay + will be okay in the morning. its a compulsive thing and i'm hopefully going to be tested for OCD in the future.
have a good day/night O_o
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scp230kinnie · 2 months
HIII!!I just saw the goth reader head cannons I was wondering if you go to more (or a fic thing up to you😭) with hunter sylvester?‼️ -anon🕷️
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Hunter Sylvester x goth! Reader hcs PART 2!!!!
Once again guys I am not goth though I am alternative, so if I get any information wrong or that should be removed, please comment or dm me and I will correct myself as soon as I can
Also sorry if some of these are the same as the other one I’m not rereading it
He honestly doesn’t care how you dress, but I mean the fact that you’re wearing all black is a major bonus
It honestly depends. Sometimes he'd love it, and other times, it'd give him anxiety. Like, on one hand, it's super cute, and he loves how it looks, but it also makes him *noticeably* nervous, since he's worried that people are staring at "his" person. And yeah, there *is* obviously the chance that they're just wearing it to look cool, but he'd still be a tad paranoid, lol.
He absolutely adores you. He loves seeing you in those long flowy black dresses
I’m pretty sure I wrote this in the last one, but he loves to watch you do your makeup
He does complain about how long you take to get ready though
And if he’s feeling REALLY REALLY NICE (rare) he might (KEYWORD MIGHT) let you do goth makeup on him. Makeup here being used loosely. Trad goth.
Only if you let him do corpse paint on you
Sharing makeup with ur boyfriend LMFAO
The movie is set in Oregon, idk if you’re changing that based on ur head or if ur shifting or something, but that place is full of “normal” people I’d say
So before you started dating, if you were in the same school at least, you were one of the only “alternative” people in school, and he noticed that
This guy doesn’t usually get crushes okay.
He’s married to metal
But he liked your look
You can decide how you guys meet/start dating cause there’s infinite ways
He appreciates your individualism, and that’s a part of why he likes you
He’s definitely called you emo a few times (I’m so sorry)
Teach him somethings about goth culture.
He won’t sit down and let you lecture him, but occasionally if you say some comment about the culture he’ll probably retain that information
He doesn’t really care, but he wants you to be happy, so maybe he’ll do a bit of his own research
He loves concerts, so he will accompany you to goth concerts even if he doesn’t listen to the music
He uses his dads card to buy you clothes and accessories
He will come to thrift stores with you.
He’ll say he thinks it’s stupid
Something about how he wouldn’t wear someone else’s clothes
Just force him to go through t shirts and maybe he’ll find some good band tees (neither metal nor goth but I have found sws and mcr shirts at thrift stores)
Even if he does buy some thrift store band tees, he’ll probably complain about how he could get them new from concerts or online or something
But he’ll buy you whatever you want
Imagine doing that one tiktok trend that’s like “guess whos outfit is whos 😁” and forcing him into some black dress LMFAO
speaking of tiktok, social media, whatever, he doesn’t like posting. He’ll scroll through and look and metal memes or something, but he doesn’t like posting himself and is hesitant to let you post him
But if you do post videos/pictures of him and compliment him and do couples trends, he’ll say it’s embarrassing but he secretly likes it
I imagine him telling someone about you and the other person is like “goth girl *lip bite*” or something thinking you’re like an e girl
First off, he’s a little possessive of you
Second off, (assuming you’ve taught him some stuff about being goth) he yells at them and tells them off and something about how e girls are weird
If you teach him how to take good pictures, he’ll be your personal photographer, especially if he really likes your outfit
If you actually go and ASK him to take pictures of you he’ll complain and tell you to do it yourself but he’ll do it for you anyway because he loves you
If you wear those long boots, (same goes for emos who wear knee high converse) sometimes he’ll untie them, just pull the laces or whatever just to fuck with you
He’ll go to record/cd stores and see one of the bands you like and he’ll buy it for you
He loves you no matter what you look like. I mean maybe not if ur a country person but… for the sake of fiction he loves you
Leave sweet home requests if you’re reading this
Also what piercings do you guys think I should get (I already have septum, navel, industrial, and ears)
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datclassicrockfan42 · 11 months
Who are the monkees?
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(Sorry I don’t get this question very often)
Anyways, allow me to introduce you to The Monkees
They were a 60s rock band with a TV show(like the Aquabats). Originally created to make money and sell records but after a rebellion from their music producer, they truly(at least in my eyes) became a true band. Unfortunately a lot of factors caused the bands decline in popularity and their dissolvement. They did get back together in the 80’s and 90’s with a little surge in popularity, and thoughout the 2000s and 2010s they continued to tour. Currently the last remaining Monkee(Micky) is doing shows to honor the band these years.(this is definitely a cliff notes version bc(well I kinda lost my Monkee Autism for MCR autism and there’s no way I can fit the entire story into a single post, we can keep talking about this through dm through)
Now for the members. This group consists of four members. Davy, Micky, Peter, and Mike
Here’s a photo
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The first member is Davy Jones.(Bottom Right)Short, British, and babyfaced. He’s basically the “Paul McCartney” of the group, the one that all the girls love(at least when the show first aired). In the band lineup, he does vocals, tambourine, and maracas(usually has like fifty maracas) In the show, he’s the group’s hopeless romantic. Always going after a girl and falling in love. However that whole “Davy falls in love and now it’s our problem” is much more of a season one plot line than season two(not to say doesn’t happen there too.)
Next is Micky Dolenz.(Top left). The bands…(for really lack of a better term here) wild card. He’s very energetic and comedic. In the band he’s the drummer but also does vocals most of the time. In the show, he’s wild, chaotic, and the jokester of the group.
Next is Peter Tork( bottom right). Sweet, sensitive Peter. Look at him isn’t he cute? In the band, he’s the bassist, but also plays a multitude of instruments. In the show he was the dummy. The butt of the joke all the time. His shy, awkward(auto fill suggested knees here, and I’m questioning everything), personality and lack of social skills was a constant joke during the series. Actual Peter is pretty intellectual.
Last but certainly not least(especially on this blog) is Mike(top right, in the green wool hat) the second Michael in my life(Mikey was the first). Ah Michael Nesmith. Where to start? Stoic, quiet,aloof, but a total goof sometimes.(starting to sound familiar here)He has what this website calls…autism swag. Usually wearing a little hat(okay now that I type this here I’m starting to realize the similarities between the two Michaels in my life), this Texan is the “serious one.” The dad of group basically. In the band he plays guitar and actually wrote a few songs(oh we’re gonna talk about this). In the show, he was basically the voice of reason. Not really focused on that much,but he had his moments. I should mention that he got rid of the hat around season two, but you can still identify him by his massive sideburns.
Look at these
Look at the size of them
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The show: The show aired from 1966-1968 with two seasons. They also had two tv specials and one hella trippy movie. Currently a lot of the episodes have been taken off YT(damn copyright) but we have archive.com and many drive folders containing these episodes. Episode plots can go from “guys Davy’s in love again and now it’s our problem” to “Crap we can’t pay the rent” to “crap we gotta save America from spies”. And season two only gets weirder. Each episode usually contains two “romps” which are basically music videos that showcase songs(like I said made to sell records)
(I do gotta warn you tho. This show was made in the 60s…so some of the content is not actually…politically correct according to today’s standards. So yea just be prepared for that)
Episodes I’d personally recommend for beginners are
Season 1 Ep 8: don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. A simple episode. Displays each of the characters personally traits pretty well. Has good songs.
Season 1 ep 23: Captain Crocodilez a pretty funny episode. Got a lot of that typical Monkee rapid fire random humor(which is kinda Aquabatsish). Some good romps and I find this ep quite enjoyable
Season one ep 12: I’ve got a little song here. This is a Mike focused episode and is a little bit sadder than the majority of eps, but is overall good. It’s got the bands superhero personas, the Monkeemen. Good songs too.
Season two episode 16: fairytale. An iconic episode.(so sometimes the guys would dress up in drag to make their schemes work and there’s lots of that in this episode) it’s a bit more off the walls(which is normal in season two) but still overall a good episode.
Here’s the link for the archive(kinda bad quality but pretty accessible)
Edit: so i checked and something is wrong with the link….so yea
Ummm if yall want I can dm you a link to one of the drives
(Buckle up)
So the group(in the tv show years) released(holy shit) 9 albums.
The Monkees(a classic album of songs from the show) notable tracks include Last train to Clarksville, Saturday’s child, Sweet Young Thing, and Papa Gene’s blues
More of the Monkees(another classic, once again full of songs from the show) notable tracks include Mary,Mary , I’m not your stepping stone, the kind of girl I could love, and(you probably know this one) I’m a believer(yep the song from shrek was a Monkees song)
However, these albums were made with little to no creative control. Opting for studio musicans and writers than the actual guys themselves(who were all pretty good musicans) but after some rebellion, the producer getting fired, and a hole in a hotel wall(before the producer got fired,(guess who did this one lol). The band was able to play their own instruments.
Which brings us to an era which I personally consider the bands finest:
Headquarters: a masterpiece with the group playing almost of all their own instruments. Notable tracks include: Sunny Girlfriend, for Pete’s sake, and Randy Scouse Git
Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones(thats actually all the members zodiac signs, expect Davy’s bc him and Mike are both Capricorns and they actually share a birthday(Dec 30): this is their psychedelic album(hey it’s 1967 everyone’s doing it) Notable tracks here include: Pleasant Valley Sunday, Love is only sleeping, Star Collector and the door into summer.
The Birds, The Bees, and The Monkees: another classic👌. Notable tracks here include: Daydream Believer, Tapioca Tundra, and Dream World.
We then have the HEAD(that trippy movie i was talking about(that’s a little advanced tho, stick to the show for now) soundtrack: notable tracks here include: Porpoise Song, As we go along, circle sky, and daddy’s song.
Now for some mythbustijg bc oh boy
They didn’t play their own instruments: actually a lot of the guys were originally musicians before the show(Mike and Peter were folk singers, and Davy worked in broadway(not an instrument but still cool to know). We kinda already debunked this one though so let’s move on to the next:
They didn’t write their own songs: kinda true. The studio did bring in some studio writers to write songs, but the guys actually wrote some songs themselves(mainly Mike, but the others did too)
Ok well I’ve been typing for quite a while now and my hands tried soo ima leave this here. DM me if you want any more info(I have a master degree in the history of Micheal Nesmith with a minor in the band and show history)
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bo0zey · 2 years
Did I miss "back from the war" recreation or is that not happening
OK so i've been meaning to address this for a while because it’s actually something i've been genuinely annoyed/sad/upset about; my original plan to recreate the post was to go to riot fest & have someone take pics of me during MCR live in person (caption wouldve been something like ‘when will mcr--omg they;re Back from the Warfdskns’ lol idk). i ended up 2nd row from the barrier & i was like OMG bc i didn’t expect to get so close & i was like ‘WOW these r gonna b such GR8 PICTURES!!i;m so lucky!!this is gENIUS!’ & so my plan was literally going according to/even better than planned right?? i mean the fact that i was ~a few feet away from the stage n was ~1.5hrs away from seeing mcr LIVE??? my plan was going along SUSPICIOUSLY well..everything was falling into place TOO perfectly...it was almost to good to be true right??? IT WAS. everything went to shit & my plan fell thru during the last band before MCR when my body suddenly fell victim to the effects of being crowd crushed for >7 hours straight; i experienced syncope & was pulled over the barrier & out of the pit by security.
sooooo, you didn’t ‘miss’ anything; the post was supposed to be recreated at the concert, but the universe pulled an uno-reverse on me when it remembered i’m on the universal ‘Do Not Ever Allow to Be Truly Happy’ list lol. i meant to post an update abt my failed plan afterwards, but tbh the actual event in itself made me wanna fr kms, and i felt even guiltier/worse for being unable to fulfill my promise to u all bc i fr planned on recreating it at the concert. 'ok but u were still at the concert after u got pulled out’ ok physically yes but mentally N-Ooo. due to the hypoxia (lack of blood blow/oxygen to the brain) i’d obtained secondary to being crowd crushed PLUS the psychological trauma of being removed against my living breathing dying will from the pit (btw the psychological trauma has nothing to do with being crowd-crushed but im not gonna get into that turmoil rn lol), i was stuck in an altered mental state for the remainder of the concert. i was dissociated for mcr’s entire set until i woke up the next morning & it took ~3-4 days for my body to fully recover from the physical trauma of being crowd crushed.
i still plan on recreating the post eventually, but tbh it’s not rlly my top priority atm bc 1) i still can’t come to terms w/ the fact i lost my 1 n only chance to experience MCR live & 2) imo seeing MCR live was the perfect opportunity to recreate the post & that clearly didn’t work out for me sooo now i have no idea how else i can top that idea :( .
#i have an idea but i’m not sure if it’ll work...imma need mcr 2 pull thru n meet me halfway on this 1 lol#anywyas i h8 talking abt riot fest i feel like every1 h8s me whining abt it too lol#i was so angry and upset with the world and myself. i really tried so hard to stay conscious;#ppl were asking if i was ok & i kept nodding yes because i didn’t want to be pulled out of the pit bc#then i’d lose my spot + my ONLY chance to see MCR live & so up close.#next thing i know i’m being pulled over the barrier by security and WHOOSH into dissociationville i go.#they were too much for my brain to handle so i’d just fall back even more into that weird dissociated state#i honestly would have preferred to not have even attended the concert. like HONESTLY 100% deadass i wish i didnt even go.#like imagine urself in my shoes lol i went from being 2nd row from the stage to like 70000 rows away.#yall dont understand how awful it is to have such a golden opportuntiy to be 1 hr n a few feet away from the band who saved u#to having it all ripped away from u in literally a matter of seconds#if i’d just stayed home my 12y/o little wouldn’t have had to experience the psychological trauma of having everything to having nothing.#my 15/16 year old teen wouldnt have had to re-live the experience of realizing there’s nothing left#in this world to comfort/protect/save her OR her childself#22 year old me realizing i failed them and all the other parts of me. i cant be happy i cant have shit in this world#i couldnt have my mom but at least i had mcr right??? nope lol that got ripped out of my fingertips too#i cant even begin to describe the emotional damage/psychological blow the situation had on me bc like#i cant even put it into words and i know nobody will truly understand/believe me when i say how heartbreaking & detrimental this#situation was for my already fucked up psyche. or they’ll think im exaggerating but its like u dont get it#ive lost so many things and people i spent my entire childhood/adolescence maladaptive daydreaming.#at age 12 mcr became my escapism for ~4yrs straight bc they were the only thing that made me happy#while all the other ppl in the real world in my day to day life were making me wanna kms everyday#like ik it sounds extreme/dramatic but ??? i mean i dont even fully understand my reaction tbh.#i think its just mcr used to be my happy place n then i get to see them live and its just an absolute nightmare#and the fact that i was dissociated from their concert when they used to be the only thing to keep me grounded to this earth???#truly i wish i didnt even go like i cant even listen to their music anymore without wanting to crawl out of my skin#when the only thing that made u feel alive made u feel deader than ever inside....yeahhhhh not fun!!#its a heartsinking feeling i hate it so much i wish i had a doever#mcr#when will mcr return from the war
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undinegeist · 1 year
This is a made-up MCR tour story in which Y/N is the guitarist for G Way's (fictional) wife's band.
- 1 - 2 -
a small but important disclaimer: I get why this storyline might suggest a connection to Lindsay but this is purely something that came out of my brain; I'm not here to comment on their relationship, and anything here that resonates with something in their real life is unintentional, even if this did start loosely based on Gerard Way's life as it's somewhat known publicly.
-xx- G -xx-
I don’t know what kind of coincidence this is, but I’m coming down the hallway when I see her…with a security guard and a backpack, Lana’s tour manager in tow.
I can’t tell if she’s moving in or out, they’re just standing in the hall; talking, clearly not a pleasant conversation, but I really don’t care.
“Hey.” Why do I always start like that?
“Oh, hey, Gee. I was just…Lana called, said she…uh, I shouldn’t…”
“I know what she told you. What’s going on?”
“I thought Y/N should switch floors until we find someone to take her place…just in case.”
“Right. Thank you.” Why am I dripping cynicism? This isn’t his fault.
He takes this as the dismissal it is, though, and then it’s just me and her; I’m scared to look at her, but I do it anyway.
“What did they really tell you?
“That Lana wants me off the band…as if I didn’t know that already.”
“Do you have a plan?”
“Going back to LA, I guess.”
“You could stay.”
“And do what?”
“How good are you at backstage stuff?”
“Then that’s it.”
“Why does this even matter to you?”
“I like you, I guess.”
I just want that look in her eyes to go away; we barely know each other, maybe this is weird, but she’s holding so still, so far away…it makes me nervous.
“Lana’s not in there, is she?” There’s a teasing note to her voice, something darker underneath.
“No, I always get a spare room, just in case things get weird.”
She nods, like she’s had that too…must have had, they’ve been together for weeks, and no one can be around Lana without at least one kind of tension for longer than four days.
“Smart of you. Does it suck that I wish she knew so she’d be pissed?”
I unlock the door, hold it open for her. “Maybe, but I think you’d be exempt from that, given the situation.”
-xx- Y/N -xx-
His room is already lived-in; there are books everywhere, sketches all over the bed, a bag thrown down on the floor, clothes spilling out of it…red, black, leather, rockstar stuff.
But he’s wearing a plain black shirt with a checkered open button-down on top…not the usual rockstar stuff.
“I’m sorry it’s such a mess…I can’t seem to keep from exploding.”
He shoves papers to the side, pulls the bag up to the bed, starts looking through it.
“I don’t mind…mine wasn’t much better.”
He sighs as he stands, but then he smirks. “How long did it take you?”
“Two seconds…couldn’t find my favorite pair of shorts so I threw everything off my backpack all over the floor, got pissed ‘cause it wasn’t there then just went the way I was…never put anything back, just shoved everything in the closet until tonight and had to find a way to shove everything back in sans folding.”
He laughs. “Put it down somewhere til you go…I hear you about the shorts, though. Can’t find chocolate…maybe I can get some from room service.”
He’s going for the phone, I’m leaving my backpack over the desk, the only place that doesn’t have paper, ironic as all hell, when there’s a knock on the door; I can tell he thinks it’s Lana by the way he starts, scaring me too, though I try not to show it.
He opens it anyway, though, and I relax when I see him sigh, pulling it open the rest of the way, to reveal a skinny blond kid whose hair could use some fucking up…he’s pretty enough that I’d do it, too, if I got the chance.
“Fuck, Mikey, you scared the crap out of me…”
“Thought I was Lana?” The voice holds a smirk, just like his lips.
“Yeah…she doesn’t know, does she?”
“Nah, I just know your fake hotel names too well, Gee. Heard about the stuff downstairs…thought I’d check on you.”
“I’m fine…this is Y/N, by the way.”
“Oh…hi. Are you the same Y/N Lana wants to kill?”
“Cool…she wants to kill me too.” I like him already.
“Mikey…” Gee sighs, but I can tell he’s not all that upset, by the flick up one side of his lips.
“You know she does…but whatever. What are we doing?”
“I think mom slipped cocoa powder off my stuff again. Why doesn’t she ever do that to you?”
“‘Cause she still thinks we’re kids, gets upset that Lana keeps you from seeing her as often as she’d like, overcompensates by trying to baby you. Why don’t we get out of here?”
“Isn’t it too late for that?”
“It’s never too late. Do you want to come with us?” This he says to me, all challenge, still smirking.
“Where are we going?”
“Some diner…I want waffles. Or pancakes. Gee…get something over your hair. Do you need to hide too?”
“No…not that famous, thank fuck.”
“Lucky…you’re the attention-getter, then. Did you pack your fingerless gloves?” He’s messing around Gee’s stuff, too, without even asking.
“I don’t really wear them anymore…”
“Maybe not, but they’re here. Mom knows better…want to wear them? They’ll go well with you.”
I take them when I realize he’s talking to me. “Wish I could fuck up your hair.”
“Me too, but it’s gotta stay hidden…trademark from hell. Let’s go?”
Gee’s wearing a similar kind of beanie, most of his hair tucked in. “Yeah, lead the way.”
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fvckyouimaprophet · 1 year
green day's "american idiot" for the album thing? and/or "21st century breakdown"
I have to admit that I listened to Green Day a lot in middle school and high school (particularly American Idiot and Dookie), and there are select songs I continue to listen to, but in terms of albums, I haven’t listened through in a while!! I’m also much more familiar with American Idiot than 21st Century Breakdown.
American Idiot:
The best song on the album: Holiday. Could there be a more perfect lead-in to Boulevard of Broken Dreams? A great anti-war protest song. The guitar!
My favorite song on the album: Boulevard of Broken Dream. Is it a generic answer? Maybe. But I have such nostalgia around this song!
My least favorite song on the album: She’s a Rebel. Nothing against it. It’s just a little repetitive.
The most overrated song on the album: American Idiot. Maybe it’s a cop out because it’s the title of the album. Realistically, it might be Boulevard, but ✨the nostalgia✨prevents me from putting it there.
Most underrated: Extraordinary Girl. Look, is this the best? No. But people act like it’s the worst on the album, and I just don’t think that’s remotely true! It’s a great song.
The banger of all bangers: St. Jimmy. It goes hard, and I just find it fun!
Rate from 0-10: 7/10. I think @sirdorkalot said this recently, but it embodies the Bush era. It’s one of the biggest concept albums, and it’s a pop punk classic. It doesn’t really do filler either, which I appreciate. It took me back to middle school listening to it all the way through again!
21st Century Breakdown:
The best song on the album: East Jesus Nowhere. It’s catchy, great lyrics, excellent outro, just a blast overall.
My favorite song on the album: Peacemaker. Hands down. (See below.)
My least favorite song on the album: Christian’s Inferno. Great inclusion of the laugh in the song, but doesn’t otherwise hit as hard. Also, Last Night on Earth. It’s pretty, but it’s too long and gets a bit boring.
The most overrated song on the album: 21 Guns. Like with American Idiot, it’s not a case of me not liking the song. It’s just the one I’ve heard the most off this album, so that’s why it’s getting put here.
Most underrated: I don’t have a good enough sense of the whole album to say that. That said, ¡Viva La Gloria! isn’t one I see talked about a lot, and it has a great intro and then picks up in a way that reminds me of MCR and other bands of the era.
The banger of all bangers: Peacemaker! This is the only name I’ve heard for the genre, so apologies, but I love this g****y punk vibe of the chorus so much. It just makes you want to shake your head along to it!
Rate from 0-10: Don’t come at me, but, as an album, maybe 5.5-6/10? It’s solid and cohesive and has its standouts (Restless Heart Syndrome is another one I didn’t get to mention), but other songs blur together for me. Not necessarily an album I’d go back and listen to a lot in one chunk, but songs from it will continue to be a part of my playlists!
Send me an album, and I’ll tell you what I think.
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judeiscariot · 2 years
Jude do you go to big concerts a lot. Or do you know anyone who does. Because I've only ever been in small venues (and uh one behind barricade for #mcrboston2) and I just don't know if it's worth paying for the cheap seats for FOB. I can't afford any sort of decent seats. I'm big smad.
i go to mostly small venues because i’ve learned that i much prefer them but i have been to a good few stadium shows in my time. id say it heavily depends on how much you like the band / how important it is to you to see them live. i’ve only ever been able to afford cheap tickets to stadium shows so granted i can’t speak from a pit perspective on that but nowadays i would only go to a stadium show if it was a band / artist that was very very dear to me or i had been waiting to see for a long time, like i’d see mcr in a stadium in a heartbeat. it’s definitely a personal preference thing but for me personally nothing beats the intimacy of a small venue, i just find it a lot more rewarding. stadium shows are still fun and everything but especially with the cheap seats i find the energy is usually a lot lower and it doesn’t have the same like. vitality to it as a small show
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miikaji · 1 year
fun fact! 😌✨
my pfp is me from the loona concert last year! i was looking at my recent concert selfies and thought “damn... i do be looking cute sometimes” lol
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^ LOONA + KCON 2K22 ^
i wanted to be as colorful as possible when i went to see them! this was actually my day 2 look (see day 1 below). currently, loona is honestly probs one of my ult girl groups of the 4th gen. idk how but i ended up falling in love with a LOT of their discography a little after their official debut. when i heard about their tour (and that chuu wasn’t going to be participating...) i KNEW i had to go. i didn’t want to chance not seeing my girls on their first, and possibly only, tour. i bought VIP and everything for BOTH nights i went....
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^ Day 1!!! I’m actually pretty happy I took photos of the few freebies I got (because usually they get destroyed at some point in transit back home... which happened lol)
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ALSO!!! I met a Once before going to the venue and she gave me some freebies from when she went to Twice’s most recent concert. She only had a few but let me pick out a Momo, Jihyo and Chaeyoung pc 🥺💕
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THEE ENTIRE DAY 2 LOOK!!! lol this was the only full lewk snap I got of it. YES, I did wear crocs. The crocs were on my feet when I went into the venue. I made a mistake wearing playform sneakers the day before and I learned the error of my ways. I was SOOOO much more comofrtable night 2 bc tbh I sweated a lot in line day 1 and didn’t have things to freshen up from what the sun had caused. Peep the bags of shit by my feet lol I was READY with extra deo, deo spray, body sprays, wipes, hydration items... ALLTHAT
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You see that? That’s me in pure bliss. I was closer night 2 as well?? My feet were still hurting??? My body was in pain??? But Loona cured all that??
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night two was the only night i had the photo, but i will literally never regret spending the money i did to have this experience... got to do hi-touch both nights! i didn’t intend on this post getting so long lol but since i’m remembering it all now i remember how lip went “your hair!” when she saw me lol. vivi and yves were like so enthusiastic too when it was my turn... it was so fast though, even though i did it 2 nights in a row, its still like a blur of how crazy pretty they are in person 😭 i thought that was gonna be the last and only time i’d see loona.... then kcon happened 👁👄👁 LOL!! Sadly, for a friend of mine, my homie who was at the con got sick with Covid and didn’t want to waste the night 2 concert ticket... SO SHE GIVES IT TO ME FOR FREE?????
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^ my ass RUNNING to the floor bc WTF???
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^ me turning my lightstick green for NCT since I don’t own NCT merch
SPEAKING OF THAT LIGHTSTICK. I ALMOST FORGOT. Shoutout to that random attendee who just gave me batteries for my lightstick once I got to the floor? Kcon was literally at the end of the month (Loona’s concerts were on the 1st and 2nd of the month) so my batteries were def dead lol. BUT BLESS THEM!!! 😭 It was so fun. i screamed a lot.
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(also also i can’t believe i was attendance for the iconic “RUN TO YEW” from stacy bskfjkfn)
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^ MCR 2K22 ^
First off, this was my first trip to Vegas?? I might make a whole entire separate post for the Vegas pictures and tings (because I wanna document for myself). All I’ll say for this is even with my fro fro out and lazy make up, I still felt very cute seeing MCR for like the 10th time uwu
. . .
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^ MM@TA 2K23 ^
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Literally life changing experience omg hsnfknsjf
Currently, Meet Me @ The Altar is like THEE band for me. Their music is so good?? I knew I HAD to see them!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I’d write more but my brain is shutting down LOL!! I will say, I was kinda sad I couldn’t get my hair done before the show. Them braids was my b-day braids and the way my part looked like moses parted the seas once it was this concert date (mid March, bday was in Jan). So I included a pic below of this actual lewk in all its glory lol.
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Bday was lit lol. Edith and I had a moment. I was UP front. TOUCHING the stage. She may or may not be my hair inspo lol
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So lemme just say this... bc there was a lot going on for this hbfkdjs
I had to get rid of the green and get my hair braided again. My mom mentions “oh hey children I’m getting this life changing award from my sorority and its SUPER IMPORTANT that you show up. this means SO MUCH TO ME.” so me being the OG i am i decided to get my hair done in the colors of her sorority (blue and white, I wanted to get silver but didn’t have enough for the other hair shfnksf). She goes “oh you don’t have to do the blue” and I’m just HUH???
lol but it was cool i actually ended up liking the blue.
I was also very excited for this show BECAUSE of the fact that its been FOREVEEEEER since Rico went on her own solo tour!!!!!! Like I love you Rico but I can’t justify paying music festival money just to see YOU do a set for a set amount of time like no. I wanna spend hours with you. So much so... I went to TWO Rico Nasty shows 🧍🏾‍♀️
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low quality pic of my messy make uwu
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i WISH i was smart enough to check monster energy’s ig. this tour was sponsored by them and when i was in line, they were snapping pics of fans who would accept a free monster (i didn’t want to die so i said yes to the monster lol). rico’s folks also took pics but i have noooo idea where those are... my fit was so cute too 😭  even tho... i’m noticing i keep wearing that same damn pink crop cardigan 💀
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^ rico’s reaction when we all started screaming every word to iphone 🥺💕
man.. i was out of BREATH this whole show the way I was jumping and yelling all the lyrics hsnbfksdjnf. my feet were fucking SCREAMING in pain. i felt so bad to the people who were trying to talk to me bc the way i was mentally checked out whenever there wasn’t music going hgbnksnjfd night 2 was WORSE for my feel and social battery but omfg i’d still do it all over again lol my crocs sadly could not save me either show
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^ TWICE 2K23 ^
My first time finally seeing Twice and you wanna know what I SEE the second I enter the venue?!??!?
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(also thank you for sticking with me if you got this far i by no means meant for this post to be so long hsfkjnf i wish i could have added this videos but i guess the gifs will do)
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i didn’t document a lot of the freebies but i did get a LOT!! and the once i met at the loona concert was also here and gave me a LOT of pcs!! 😭💕 (ty kelsey ur like the sweetest hfbksdnf)
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my view
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the views of me
sadly no full fit pics but a lot of people complimented my outfit 🥺💕 next concert i’m hoping to attend is aespa bc they will be here in a few weeks and the nosebleed seats are like so cheap??? i’m going.
i’m seeing beyonce?? with my mom? on beyonce’s birthday for my mom’s birthday gift??? btw my hair is gonna be pink next so i can’t WAIT to see what i do for lewks for these shows uwu
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preciadosbass · 1 month
17/8/24 [2X DIYS!! draft from yesterday — key + significant photos at end]
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woke up at 4 because i got mixed up last night regarding the bootsale and thought it was today. i soon realised that my dad agreed to take me tomorrow, so i went back to sleep. i slept on and off, and actually woke up at 8:40. when i woke up, i scrolled on emo/sceneblr and saw that ronnie radke streamed and i missed it :’[ - i attatched pictures of my DIY’s and stuff to the upcoming weekly recap and went through a few more drafts. i spent quite a lot of time just on socials and looking through pinterest so i finally got round to doing something at 10:50. i saved a spiderweb made out of wire in my DIY pinterest board yesterday and wanted to try. i then put on the ronnie radke stream for something to listen to in the backround. i tried for ages to make it look cool, but it’s safe to say, i failed miserably. so i decided to make a bracelet instead. i used plain black elastic and these rainbow-black beads that smell of metal [i don’t know how to explain the colour, you’ll see in the photo at the end]
once i was done [11:20] i painted a few more rocks. i attempted to make one with multiple sharks on, then a single great white, a fish skeleton, and just a spiral patterned rock. the multiple shark one was an utter disaster and i messed up the spiral rock with black paint but it sort of looks textured now so i’m not devastated about it. i just don’t think anyone else will be able to look at it and not think it’s the ugliest thing they’ve ever seen in their life because i can’t see through its ugliness either. they’re all incredibly imperfect but i honestly prefer things when they’re messy. i still am a perfectionist though, if that makes sense. i only like certain things to be scruffy, like my patch stitching, or painting, or sometimes physical writing. anyway, i think i’ll keep the great white and fish skeleton one, i’ll probably paint over the spiral it’s literally atrocious. while doing this, the ronnie [radke] stream ended so i started listening to sky eats aeroplane and get scared. i finished doing the rocks at 12:12, counting the time i waited for the paint to dry. [photo at end]
afterwards i went outside with boris from 12:20 to 1:50 when i got dressed. while i was out there a few horses came by and the people riding them were shouting about something or another. today i wore this low cut black + checkered shirt that used to be my mums, black ripped skinny jeans, knee high converse, a studded belt, a taxidermy scorpion necklace, a taxidermy silver fox tail [with a barn owl keychain attatched], gray + black striped arm warmers sleeping with sirens bracelet, long spiked cuff bracelet, the new bracelet id made, mcr bracelet, can tab bracelet, and a panic! at the disco bracelet. [photos at end]
today me, my parents and my sister were going to a party. i dont know or anyone remembers or if anyone reads my journals to know, but quite a while ago my neighbour that id never met before invited me and my family to his wife’s birthday party. upon getting there, two random women started speaking about how much i’d grown up but i swear i’ve never been around them before haha. i noticed a girl playing with the younger children in the huge garden and thought she looked epic. she had dark purple roots and her neck was decorated in gothic jewellery. she also had a couple of piercings but i couldn’t see what type because of the distance i was from her. i got frustrated because i knew that i wouldn’t have the confidence to even compliment her and both of my parents seemed to think she was at least in her 20s. while i was speaking to my dad about approaching her, she walked away from the kids and came up to me.
she said she loved my outfit and that i reminded her of her younger self. she also asked what bands im into but i’m terrible at listening things off the top of my head so i scrolled through a bit of my playlist and showed her. she mentioned loving mcr. while doing so, her friend walked over. she hyped up my playlist and the alt girl asked how old i am. i told her mine, and she said her age back. [shes currently 19, i’m going to assume the other friend is around the same age/the same age] i also asked if she’d seen any live bands, she said yes but didn’t name anything in particular. however she did mention that she’s also going to see slipknot in december!! not at the same venue as me, though.
afterwards she asked if i wanted to come up to the bar and get a drink with them both. i said i already had a drink over at my chair and they encouraged me to follow them anyways. once they’d gotten their drinks, we all sat on a beanbag next to a fountain in the garden. they took out cigarettes and J [the alt girl, the other one i think is still alt but dosent dress in a way that’d give it off] started asking about school and if i have any alt friends. i told her and N [the other girl] that i’m not in school or technically being homeschooled, and told them a little bit about my social life. we all just talked about how hard it is to be alt/have any kind of alt mindset in school [or in general] and how ruthless people can be. J also showed me some pictures of her in secondary.
N was already pretty drunk [i assume, or she might’ve had bad memory] and kept on forgetting about me not going to school. they were both the loveliest people i’ve ever come across and i was literally ecstatic. i think they were both glad i came across them as well considering they related to not having any alt freinds at some point and how lonely it can feel. J kept on making sure i was okay with them drinking/smoking and asked if she was being a bad influence. i honestly don’t mind what people do around me, so. THEY WERE SO NICE AA I CANT BELIEVE I MET THEM!!!!
it started getting colder outside as the sky got darker and the music was super loud so J invited me to come up to her room with N. turns out that J is the grandchild of my neighbours. she lives in scotland, but comes down quite often to meet up with family. as for N, she lives in the same town as the grandad i last saw, where i got my evanescence and avril cd. before going upstairs, they both got another drink and once again, asked if i wanted anything. i haven’t really had alcohol in large amounts before so i said it would be cool to try vodka/coca cola. they asked if i was sure and we went up to get our drinks. after we made our way up to J’s room and all sat on her bed. we just spoke about random stuff while i tried getting used to my drink [i haven’t had vodka before i’m a loser i know]. J started playing some screamo/metal music but i didn’t get the opportunity to ask what band it was. [8:45pm]
we spoke about random stuff, more about what it’s like to have alt friends, cool alt clubs i could go to when i’m 18, that i can text/game with either of them if i’d like, and we exchanged instagrams. i didn’t get N’s but she said for me to ask J’s for it when i text her at home. this whole night i smiled more than i have in at least a year, not even overreacting. the last time i can remember being so full of just every positive emotion was when i got boris/my late cat, riley. and we got boris 4 years ago. N started getting the munchies and J suggested i should get something to eat because of me drinking. we went downstairs to the kitchen and J got be some crisps. she opened up about past eating issues while we were upstairs so she already knew that i’m nervy about eating too.
while we were there, this younger boy, one of the children that J and N were playing with earlier started filling a toy truck with popcorn and delivering it to people. meanwhile, J and N spoke to these other two girls. i’m pretty sure J mentioned that they’re her cousins, and that N is also really close with her family. i let them speak and we sat in the kitchen eating for a while. what we did after this is kind of a blur as this was when i was starting to get drowsy, but i’m almost certain we went back outside after eating. the music was somewhat louder and they were playing more singalong tracks. J and N got up on the dance floor bit [which is actually a really cool pateo, the floor is originally from a cobble road in london and my neighbour got it taken out and put in his garden.]
they were playing pitbull, oasis, kings of leon, the killers, etc. J could sense that i didn’t know what to do and didn’t want to watch them because that’d be weird, so she consensually pulled me up onto the dance floor. she put my hand in hers and we danced together. for oasis and the killers [possibly more, i cant remember] all of us, me, J and N danced together and interlocked arms/hands. i don’t think i’d ever felt that free or comfy in myself. like, i danced.. in front of tons of total strangers. i danced for what felt like forever [in a good way, i was loving it. i also don’t know if this is odd to say concidering our age difference, even though i only mean it in a platonic way, but it was nice to be held hands with and included with activities. i haven’t willingly engaged in any kind of physical touch in years [literally] as i really struggle with it and a few other things. but yeah, it felt really nice to be comforted by the holding of hands + dancing.]
all of us were leaning into eachother and swaying our hair and shaking our heads whenever any kind of beat dropped. we’d all come closer to eachother and sing at one another. after definitely over an hour of dancing and singing our hearts out, we were understandingly exhausted so J and N sat down on the outside chairs and smoked some more. we sat mostly in silence, while talking about how nice tonight had been/how fun dancing was [etc] every now and then. the music finishes and people started to pack up, so my parents signalled for us to head off. at this point, my sister had gone home absolutely ages ago to game with her friends. which is good in a way because otherwise she would’ve followed me around/found out about me drinking/and possibly told someone. shes reliable with secrets until she’s not, kind of thing.
we said our goodbyes, hugged and then walked across the side of the road home. we got back at approximately 12:20 and i attempted to process how much fun id had and the fact that i literally made FRIENDS. TWO FRIENDS. i’m quite literally overjoyed. and super excited to see them again. J’s mum seemed to like me and she [J] said that we’ll be able to meet up again, hopefully decently soon. i watched a patrick stump X pete wentz interview, had a 15 minute nap, and asked my questions about boris at 1 after my sister had gone to sleep. me and my mum got into an argument again [we usually do, it’s not really ever me and my dad that have a full on argument.] she got mad at me because she slipped up and said something implying that boris won’t be the slightest bit okay tomorrow so i freaked and started sobbing.
i finically finished at about 3 and cried over how loud and angry my mum was at me up until roughly 3:20. i shouldn’t really have been overwhelmed/sad concidering how much of a success the party ended up being, but i was just so terrified that boris wouldn’t be okay/awake in the morning and my mum wasn’t making it any better. i appreciate how annoying all of this is for the both of them, but she refused to try and understand/address my concern even after me explaining and my dad going through it aswell. she knows how paranoid i am over boris and she just ultimately told me she didn’t care [not exact words] and that i was trying to make myself scared/feel bad.
once coming downstairs, i tried to calm myself down, got undressed into my onesie, did my teeth, and then said goodnight to boris. i did this quite ‘late’ as i had to wait until id completely stopped crying because boris sometimes gets scared over the sound of crying/sniffling. i finished saying goodnight to him at nearly 4am. before i was about to go to sleep, boris welcomed himself into my room and crawled inside my clothing drawers. i started to get worried as i heard scratching and he wasn’t coming out, but he did soon enough and let me fuss him for a bit while he ate, before i got into bed. i went to sleep at 4:10 and eliminated the thought of even trying to write a bit of my journal as i was so tired. [that’s why this is draft, sorry lol]
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, questions [about boris]/i ask my parents questions about my cat to verify he’s okay + will be okay in the morning. its a compulsive thing and i’m hopefully going to be tested for OCD in the future.
have a good day/night O_o
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devilofthepit · 2 years
eleven and seventeen?
11. favorite mcr album art?
revenge no question. i cant quite explain why but something about it has always spoken to me, i saw it at age 12 and was forever changed i think. this doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that it’s my favorite album, in fact i think part of why it’s my favorite album is because of the art. first of all, it reminds me a lot of vampires. i’ve always been drawn to vampires, an obsession that i think grew with my discovery of this album, even if it’s not actually about vampires, because aesthetically there are definitely a lot of nods to the vampire aesthetic which i really love. i feel like a lot of my aesthetic choices have been based off of that album cover, it just feels very me. i love thé black and red color scheme, again probably because of how i associate it with vampires and there’s something so gender about it. i definitely prefer some of gerard’s art to others but i think the style looks really cool here. someone pointed out how the girl looks kinda like gerard and i haven’t gotten that out of my head since. there’s also something in their expressions that’s so tragic even if theres not a lot of detail to them. i like the blood on its own, but i also like how it’s this watercolor style, i think that’s really cool. and then the way blood is spattered all over the rest of it. i’m not really putting it into words right because it’s more of a feeling of connection ive always had with the album and it’s art rather than specific qualities i can pinpoint, but i think love and art aren’t really things that need to be quantified and dissected like that.
17. favorite mcr lyric of all time?
ooh this is so hard. honestly i’m kind of bad with lyrics bc i process music as just Sounds rather than words, but mcr are such great lyricists that there are definitely some that stick out for me. at the moment i’m thinking about “and did you come to stare or wash away the blood?” from desert song, since i’ve been listening to it on repeat for unknown reasons, tho im not sure that’s my all time favorite. i have a ton written down in a notes app note for lyrics i like just bc i enjoy the way they sound, though i don’t really have any personal reason for them being my favorites. one that i’ve always thought about though is “i’m not dead i only dress that way” from boy division, because my chemical romance has always inspired the way i dress including looking weird and kind of dead and just overall very strange looking, it’s very gender to me. i started listening to mcr when i used amazon music in middle school and conventional weapons wasn’t on there but as soon as i’d heard of that lyric i went to youtube to listen to it and it’s been a favorite ever since, and it was amazing to hear live.
thinking about hearing it live also made me think of hearing burn bright live and being able to scream out “cause it makes me who i am / and you made me who i am / be afraid of what i am,” because even if i didnt listen to conventional weapons a lot when i first became a fan, those lyrics really exemplify my feelings about the band and how they’ve shaped the person i am today, they’re the only band from my middle school emo phase that ever really stuck with me and i’ve listened to them for a third of my life. for me, these lyrics are a combination of reverence/homage for how the band helped me get through middle school when i struggled a lot with mental health for the first time and began to truly think about my identity for the first time, as well as how they’ve been with me well on after that time and have been there through every major change in my life and can always make me really happy just thinking about them. it’s more than a middle-school nostalgia for me bc my love for the band is just a part of me now. i also like how these lyrics tie in with the “not ashamed of what i am” and the general queer undertones of the song, because i associate my chemical romance a lot with my own queerness, having discovered them when i began to realize i was gay and taking a lot of inspiration from them for my gender presentation. and also i’m someone who feels a lot of shame and general self-doubt even outside of my queerness that i like these lyrics’ message of just like, being who you are, as corny as that sounds. i think that’s kinda the core message of mcr as well :)
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theswarmanthology · 2 years
Laura, 30, Toronto
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"I was casually a part of fan communities as a very young teen, but dove in headfirst after my show and have never looked back. this is the most welcoming, genuinely lovely fandom I’ve ever been a part of and the friends I’ve made online and in real life are a huge part of my heart"
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 9+ years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: No, this tour was my first time seeing MCR How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 2-4 Favorite album: I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: I'm still crying right now
Which date of the tour did you attend? 09/05/22, Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Night 2
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? a friend texted me the morning of the first night and asked if I wanted to go. I didn’t have the money at the time when tickets went on sale so when she asked I jumped at the opportunity. For the show I’m writing about, I got the tickets the morning of. I had a complete mental breakdown about how much night one impacted me in a positive way, and within about 30 seconds of thought I went online and bought pit tickets for night two. the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.
Did you attend with anyone else? met up with a person I worked with on a movie set once because they were the only person I knew who was attending!
What did you wear? vintage swing dress with bloody tears heavily inspired by mcr montreal. hair done in a vintage style with a found dead rose pinned into my curls
Where were your seats? on barricade! close to centre, but slightly stage left (ray ❤️)
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? bury me in black and VAMPIRES
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? demo lovers, and no haha. but I did hear it via stream the first time they DID play it and I cried like a baby. it was so cathartic.
What was your favorite moment from the show? seeing that gerard was dressed as a cat. fully gasped out loud at the realization
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? being on the barricade. it felt so surreal. like I’d been waiting for it my whole life
Did you snag any merch? What pieces? no, which I deeply regret
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? it felt exactly like that. I was basically in shock the entire time and didn’t realize exactly how my brain was being actively rewritten. it felt like the safest place in the world in that moment.
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? just wish I had a better recollection of it.
Has your perspective or opinion about the band changed since seeing them on this tour? If so, in what way? I’ve always loved them but I think if possible, they’ve worked their way into my heart in a much deeper way. in the days following my show I had so many intense revelations about gender, the physical process of my own aging body, devoted passion and love and the real all consuming, life altering bond of friendship
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? hold on right to whoever or whatever is around you. you’re in for a trip.
Anything we didn't ask that you feel obliged to share or talk about? I feel so much more connected with my self in a way I didn’t think possible at this point in my life. I mentioned my complicated feelings around aging, but there was something so magical about watching 4 best friends in their middle age so clearly full of love and passion, and pure unbridled joy that made me realize I was going to be okay. that getting older is a beautiful part of life that so many of us don’t get to experience and if we have the privilege to do so, it can be so beautiful and special. it’s worth holding on to see your childhood connect to your adulthood in a way that reminds you that you’re still that fucked up 16 year old, but look how far you’ve come! it’s just so fucking special and I don’t think my journey with this is even close to being over. I’m so grateful.
Thanks, Laura! She can be found on Tumblr at @killaura. Laura was also kind enough to share some extra photos, posted below!
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gerardpilled · 1 year
“nobody cares if u like fob or not” except… clearly anon cared LOO
LMFAOOO. I just don’t get it! I do not give a shit if I see anyone hate on mcr for music reasons. You can call them dog shit shoveled by hot topic into the mouths of emotionally susceptible teenagers and I’d be like okay sure! That’s your music opinion. If you call Gerard annoying or a hack I’d be like well I don’t agree but who cares. Only time I’d react to negativity in this context would be if they were basing their opinions on misinfo and even then I’d just correct it 😭 WHO GIVES A SHIT!!! ITS JUST A BAND!!!
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rockbandsrockfans · 2 years
The Story of My MCR Concert
First of all, I was SO HYPE FOR THIS SHOW, obviously. Years of delays, and then Gerard’s costumes started to hit the Internet, and it just so happened that my anxiety was under control for the first time in a long time. This was going to be LIFE-CHANGING.
Interestingly, the tickets were actually a birthday present from me to my sister, who was the first one of us to discover MCR, but she doesn’t get into bands like I do (meaning she doesn’t learn EVERY SONG and learn the whole background and lore of the band), so I think the songs she knew consisted of like Cancer, Black Parade, and I’m Not Okay. No shade at all, we just like things in different ways!
But here’s some shade, my sister is always late. So she took forever getting ready AS ALWAYS, and while she did that, I started to scheme. I happened to have a… specially infused beverage hidden away in the fridge, and I remembered a mini disposable plastic water bottle rolling around on the floor of my car. I snuck outside, got the water bottle, snuck back in, washed it, and transferred enough beverage into the bottle to deliver what I estimated to be about 15 mg of Substance. I marked that on the bottle, then added the same amount again. Two equal doses.
I was driving and generally in charge of making sure the night went well, which I’m tempted to say was a mistake but really, it wasn’t. You’ll see. I finally dragged my sister’s ass to my car, made sure we had our vaccine cards and everything else we could possibly need in my transparent plastic bag, and hit the road.
And hit the traffic. Yeah, as it turns out, the Tacoma Dome area gets kind of busy when fucking My Chemical Romance is playing. In my defense, I’d only ever been to the Dome as a younger teenager, and my mom took care of everything and did the driving that time. Luckily, neither my sister or I had any need to see the opening bands, and thank god honestly because that would’ve stressed me the hell out.
Against my sister’s advice to drive more into the city sector to find somewhere to park on the street, I turned into the longest goddamn line of cars to get into a Dome parking lot. I told my sister hey, I brought us some beverage if you’d like to take yours now so it can start working. It’s 15 mg. We’ll be here for a while. She drank her half of the beverage and we continued chatting, complaining about the line, and listening to MCR.
The line moved up. Sloooooowly. I figured we were close enough that it was a good time to drink my half of the special beverage.
And then my sister started saying she was feeling it, and it had *only* been half an hour. I gave her a Nutrigrain bar. And I thought oh SHIT. I am driving the car. I estimated an hour for this substance to kick in. If it’s kicking in that fast, it will hit me while I am driving the car. And that is not safe.
So long story short, my sister is a lightweight.
Luckily, I remained sober while driving the car. It was JUST starting to hit as I was finally parking, and I thought the drama was over.
WRONG. The lady at the door (after ANOTHER line) wouldn’t take the tickets I had downloaded into my Apple Wallet, she needed the Ticketmaster barcode. What the fuck??? It didn’t say that anywhere! She forced us out of line with the other poor saps having this issue. And my phone wouldn’t load the Ticketmaster website! Thank fuck, my sister’s phone loaded it after a very tense few minutes and I was able to put in my account details to get to the barcode. We were in!
We were in, but my sister was starting to freak out, because again, apparently a lightweight. It’s worth mentioning that she started doing Substance WAY before I did and is overall much cooler than me. But it was very loud and the sensory shit was getting to her, and we’d been walking in circles around the Tacoma Dome’s interior looking for our seats. It’s hard as hell to find your section in there! She also wanted earplugs because I had my special chambered ones, but she’d forgotten to bring any. There was a help desk that gave her some for free, though, so that was one problem solved. But she was in sensory overload and overall way too high, and we really needed to find our seats.
We had shit seats. That was always the plan; they were cheap. But they were also way up in the air, so we climbed stairs and stairs and stairs and finally sat down after scooching past a bunch of people already sitting. I got a quick moment of rest and then had to start solving the problem of my tripping balls (exaggeration, not even accurate) sister. I decided she needed a pretzel and a water, and fast, so off I went, back past the people, down the stairs, and to a food vendor (no line this time!). Two pretzels with nacho cheese, one bag of kettle corn, two bottles of water, exorbitant prices, but I was just happy to be there. The substance didn’t hit me nearly as hard as my sis, for whatever reason, and I was feeling pretty awesome, if a little hungry.
Back up to our seats and my sister devoured her pretzel, which helped a lot with chilling her out. From there, everything was basically perfect! The show was obviously amazing, and I screamed myself hoarse. We were totally exhausted but so happy afterwards.
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undinegeist · 1 year
idk what this is, to be honest. I’ve had it written for a minute, got around to rereading and fixing today at random, thought it was decent enough to post. I suppose we can say it could be a series.
And now, a bit of background? This is (I guess) a made-up MCR tour in which Y/N is the guitarist for G Way’s (fictional) wife’s band.
- 1 - 2 -
a small but important disclaimer: I get why this storyline might suggest a connection to Lindsay but this is purely something that came out of my brain; I’m not here to comment on their relationship, and anything here that resonates with something in their real life is unintentional, even if this did start loosely based on Gerard Way’s life as it’s known publicly.
-xx- G -xx-
It starts with Lana and her band; I’m catching up to them in New Orleans.
They’re opening for us on the new tour; we left everything, our house, our kid, the relative sanity of staying in one place…I’m still not okay about it, but when she insisted we needed the money, I really couldn’t argue.
Lana wanted a new guitarist; after the mess with the last one, I’d hoped it’d be a girl. And it was.
They’d started the tour on their own; I’d had to stay home, looking for someone to babysit, eventually convincing my parents to come down and stay with Hayley, though Lana yelled at me for it, said it shouldn’t have been them, that we should have found someone else…I couldn’t tell her we couldn’t afford to.
The first time I saw Y/N was late one night when I slipped in to watch their show.
I’d been away so long, I hadn’t heard anything, hadn’t heard of the mess that had already been made, hadn’t realized anything was wrong.
She comes down from the stage sometime around the middle of the set, seething, hair all over her face, hiding her eyes, the only giveaway to her anger the way she flies off, down, almost tripping on the stairs.
I steady her, instinctively. “Are you okay?”
She’s still, for what feels like forever and no time at all, but then she’s gone without a sound, like she was never there, and I spend the rest of the set worrying about it.
“Lan, what happened up there?” I know I shouldn’t ask her this the moment she’s coming off the stage, but I can’t stop thinking of that kid.
She sighs, rolls her eyes. “Nothing. Y/N’s just an annoying little bitch, can’t be normal to save her fucking life…”
“She’s just a kid. Don’t you remember what it was like?”
I’d wanted to run from the stage so many times; when I felt overwhelmed, when things went wrong, when the high took me down, made me feel like I was about to die, the lights so bright I could barely see, barely breathe…it was never easy.
“She’s not that deep, Gerard. She’s just trying to fuck with me because we had a fight last week. I should just fucking fire her…”
“Would you have liked me to fire you?” The words are out before I can think them through, sharper than I should be, inviting a fight; we’re still at the venue, why the fuck don’t I ever think?
Sometimes, I wish I’d fired her then; I try not to, hate that I still think that way, that everything is so hard even now, that I’m not better, even after all this time…that I’m probably never going to be better.
I do something I shouldn’t; turn and leave, realizing I don’t want to do this now, don’t have to do this now…knowing she can’t follow me, because she has to greet fans.
I’ve already got my own room, separate from Lana’s, and that’s where I’m headed; blow off some steam before she gets back, to either torment me for the little scene back at the venue or drag me out to dinner…most likely, though? It’ll be both, and I’ll wish I hadn’t come…the rest of the guys are only joining us right before our first concert.
I see that girl then, still wearing the clothes from the show, lying on her back on a loveseat in the lobby, guitar on the floor, reading.
I know it’s a bad idea, but I turn and go her way, thinking I need to check on her, but also that I have no idea what happened tonight, and I should probably find out; Lana will never tell me now.
She starts, sits up in a flash, dropping the book, but then recovers. “Hey.”
“Would you mind if I talked to you for a minute?”
She shakes her head, slides sideways to give me room; I pick up her book, look it over…a rockstar book.
I bite my lip on a smirk, thinking I get where her look comes from; I had that phase, where I wasn’t entirely sure what I was up to, so I borrowed and borrowed until it fit…to eventually become me.
“So…is this your favorite?”
She’s wary, but after a moment, she relaxes slightly. “One of. Why?”
“No reason, it’s just interesting. What else do you like?”
“The more you know, the better.”
She straightens slightly, less on guard. “I’m sorry I didn’t…I’m sorry I ran away like that, earlier…I’m not all that good at being human.”
“I don’t think anyone really is. What happened, though?”
She sighs. “It’s kind of a long story.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Last week somewhere, Lana did something and I went off, we had a fight, and then tonight, it just…I felt like I shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t have left in the middle of the set either, but sometimes I just can’t control myself…”
I bite my tongue on the admission that Lana can’t do that, either. “It happens.”
She laughs, too bitter for someone so young. “Yeah, but so what? I’m not supposed to let my feelings get in the way.”
“Feelings are always in the way.”
This makes her look back at me, silent now, and I’m thinking I hope she doesn’t go, when all hell breaks lose…Lana, coming at the two of us, still dressed as she’d been at the venue, no discretion, despite my always telling her to not draw attention to herself between shows…about to do even more of that.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!”
“Lan, calm down.” I hold her back, though we’re too close already, people are staring, why doesn’t she ever think of what this looks like?
“Don’t fucking tell me to calm down! This little bitch ruined my set, yet still has the gall to sit here talking to you…”
“I was sitting here talking to her…Lana, please, don’t do this.”
The last thing we need is a scandal a week before the tour.
“Don’t get in my way, Gerard! This isn’t any of your fucking business…”
I’m so distracted, she slips off me when Y/N goes for the elevators.
“Aren’t you going to apologize to me?”
They’re in each others’ faces, I might as well be invisible.
“For not playing along with your bullshit?”
“You’re a stupid little slut…you’re nothing.”
“At least that makes me not you.”
Lana doesn’t follow; everyone’s staring, some people with their phones out, filming every second…then Lana’s moving back to me, and I know she wants me on her side, but I can’t, won’t…not again.
I’ve done that too often, to my detriment, to hers too, because I give her too much.
“I don’t want her here, Gee. We need to…”
“We don’t need to anything. You said this wasn’t my problem, so it isn’t…deal with it yourself.”
“Where are you going?!”
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eriellesudario · 6 years
Why I like Hatrið mun sigra by Hatari
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I’m currently in conflict with a few people in the Eurovision community (mostly on Facebook) due to one reason – I like and enjoy Hatrið mun sigra by Hatari.
I understand that everyone has different taste in music but if there is a common argument to why people don’t like this song, it’s because of either of the following:
Constant screaming – it will put people off
The message of the song – too much hate + they’re bad rolemodel
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It also have been revealed recently that the scores they’ve received during the national selection were somewhat near to double compared to what others have got.
There is a reason why I like the song – and no, it’s not only because it’s very different, but it’s the meaning behind the lyrics and the way it’s performed, as well as looking at the current political climate in various countries.
Who is Hatari?
Before we go to the nitty gritty, we need to know who the band members are. Hatari consists of 3 band members: Klemens Hannigan, Matthías Tryggvi Haraldson, and Einar Stéfansson. They’ve released 1 EP (Neysluvara) – which contains 4 songs, and one single (Spillingardans)
According to twitter user @leanderkills, the lead singer- Matthias, was a journalist for RÙV.
I don’t know if the journalism aspect of his career played a role in his songwriting and performance but for me, it makes sense to why the song was written the way it was.
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So I guess one dumb reason why I like Hatari – they’re the Icelandic version of MCR! Except rather than writing songs that help deal with mental health, they write songs that describes our corrupt society.
What is the song about?
Hatrið mun sigra is very open to interpretation. A lot of people who are against Hatari just view the song as “giant screaming fest” that promotes hate and it shouldn’t be performed on the Eurovision stage.
But I’d like to differ – I see this song as a realistic commentary on our society. A song that’s unapologetic and just says it how it is. But also saying that the incoming ‘hate and war’ is a good thing as it will unite us all – in a sense.
One of my favourite lines goes as follows:
Hatrið mun sigra (Hate will prevail) Evrópa hrynja. (Europe will crumble) Vefur lyga. (Caught in its web of lies) Rísið úr öskunni. (Rise from the ashes) Sameinuð sem eitt. (United we shall be)
I’d see this line as way of saying that the world we live in is filled with hate and corruption – HOWEVER… we will arise from the warfare that all this hate as brought and become a newer society – more united than before.
Now compare that to our current society. USA elections where it caused more division (based on my observation), Russia vs Ukraine, Palestine vs Israel…
Even in past events like the World Wars, People Power Revolution in the Philippines, and probably so many other events of rebellion/revolutions…
Our entire society is filled with hate and people uniting to put an end to it, and in doing so – creating a newer society (until the cycle repeats itself).
Hatari expresses this message in a more… extreme way – more in a way of a power balance. The ‘screaming’ represents a dictator/leader who is rallying people to join his cause. The falsetto part that’s done by Klemens represents some weird sense of ‘hope’.
Every translation I’ve found of the chorus pretty much says the same thing –
Allt sem ég sá. (All that I saw) Runnu niður tár. (Tear begin to fall) Allt sem ég gaf. (All that I gave) Eitt sinn gaf. (Once gave) Ég gaf þér allt. (I gave it all for you)
“I gave everything to you” – like they’re doing this for us. Like it’s for our own good or something around those lines. My views on that line is how after seeing the world we live in, they want to do something about it. All this conflict was all for us.
Yes, this song is not as ‘pacifist’ and may have some political undertones in them, BUT AT LEAST IT’S SUBTLE!!! But you know what song ALSO has some political undertones (and it’s very very obvious) – Ukraine 2016.
Past Icelandic Entries
Past entries in Iceland has been a rollercoaster. Some songs made it to the finals like “Coming Home”, “Is it true?”, and “No prejudice”. Some fan faves like “Hear Them Calling” were robbed to be in the final. And there were songs that… we’re not that good (IMO).
Iceland hasn’t made it to the finals since 2014 and a lot of their songs have either been constant low-key power ballads. They’re good but not enough to make it to the finals.
If Iceland wants to stand out in the contest, they need to take a risk. One of the appeals of Hatari is that they provide the ‘risk’ Iceland needs to qualify to the grand finals. They have sex-appeal, the genre post-industrial/electronic and the message of the song is contrasts to what the majority is being sent.
The reason Hatari became the fan favourite is that, out of all 10 songs that competed in Songvakeppnin – Hatari stood out from the rest. Their music reminded fans of ‘Lordi’ and ‘AWS’ but in a more twisted way.
To me, this song is ‘Occidentali’s Karma’ but darker and sinister.
“But Hatari are bad people/role models”
Please watch this video underneath and tell me again if they’re bad people.
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One of my Icelandic online friends have told me that Hatari is an “art group” and this whole thing is an “instalment”. They’re giant hypocrites btw! They claim to be ‘anti-capitalist’ yet they do ‘capitalistic things’.
Here’s the thing – there aren’t that many bands and artists out there that talk about the issues of society or the individual. Only a handful like My Chemical Romance and Muse were able to use their talents to appeal towards those who needed it the most or tell their views of the current situation using music.
Most songs that are shown on mainstream radio are either about love, loss, or sex. Yes, it’s a good escape but there are times I’d like to hear something different, something that’s more realistic and appealing to how I view my life. I have friends who enjoy MCR for the same reason as well – that their music reflects our current life.
Hatari does this by composing songs with darker undertones on what society has become and whether you agree to it or not, you have to admit – it does hold some sort of truth.
Hatari is the opposite of a Eurovision entry
Hatrið mun sigra is a song that not only reflects our current society but defies what Eurovision likes to promote. Yes, the idea of Eurovision was to calm the masses after World War 2 and most of the songs are either about Love and Peace (and in some cases, loss), but we can’t keep sugarcoating what our world has become.
One of the common things I’ve heard whilst I was a journalism student was the term “the media feeds the masses” – which means whatever the media gives, we the people just accept it as fact as it’s the ‘journalists’ job to tell us what’s happening in our society’. However, we are all aware of fake news and how it affects elections. According to Vox – there is this thing called the ‘October surprise’ and it’s a way to sway people on how they vote during elections
Hatari’s intension as a band is to bring to light the dark sides of our current society. That not everything is all ‘rainbows and butterflies’. Yes, it’s not the ‘ideal song’ that we want to hear in a song contest and some may see it as a ‘political entry that should be disqualified’ but it really isn’t. It’s just a reflection on what our world has become.
I love Hatari’s song because it aligns to how I’m seeing the world and the society we live in. I love my dark and edgy music (like MCR, Far Away Stables, and Muse). And the message and music style attracts my demographic – the “Woke” Generation – those who are self aware on the issues and want to fight for change.
Music is subjective. People will have their own taste.
According to the r/eurovision sub reddit, some fans have noticed that it’s a divide between the older and younger demographic in regards to their thoughts of this song. I just think that for once, Iceland is taking a risk and we finally have an entry that’s unique. And the fact that it got double the points in Songvakeppnin and the amount of love it’s been given through YouTube comments, Reddit, and Twitter – I just know that it has a chance it could make it to the finals.
Will Hatrið mun sigra win Eurovision – maybe?
But will it reach Top 10 – I sure damn hope so.
So love or hate the song – in the end… Hate will prevail. Their song holds some truth into what kind of world we live in. You can say it’s a ‘political protests’ but I believe it’s a reflection on the world we live in and that we have the power to change things.
I am glad Iceland is taking a risk and I do hope this song does very well in Tel Aviv. Love or hate the song – in the end, hate will prevail…
Before the hate wins – remember to loveMatthías Tryggvi Haraldson
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