#the Other thing with her and healing is the unintended consequences
🖊️ for Est?
est :D
she needs to figure out that she's mostly just dps, and That's Fine, Actually. she can do a little healing (story wise anyway lol. when i go raiding she mostly heals), but she's not really good at it. she doesn't take naturally to it and she never really studied it either, and she tries to make up for that with stubbornness and nothing else, which doesn't always work out. she'll jump into healing when she's panicking sometimes- and sometimes it is admittedly necessary to go about things that way- and she'll go around offering it after a fight or something bc she feels like she's obligated to bc she can (and sometimes also bc it's pretty much the only thing she can do at all), but it's still very much not her Thing; a far cry from her storm affinity
some of her trying to like. fill every role at once was an offshoot of how much time she's spent just on her own, traveling and adventuring and, most recently, Being The PC lol. even when she works with other people for a bit, it hasn't often been long-term nor in groups where she can safely just let someone else handle it entirely
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real-british-empire · 1 month
Just general lore I think
Ok, so there was a race of species in ancient times called the old ones, they were a race of spacefaring creatures. The old ones went around helping races reach spacefaring potential and were overall chill guys.
Then there’s a race called the necrontyr. They are a very short lived race who desire to live longer and asked for the help of the old ones, who for some reason declined.
This angered the necrontyr, who used a very powerful material known as living metal found on their planet to wage war on the old ones.
The old ones enlisted the help of two races, the aeldari (space aelves) and the krorks (genetically engineered super orks whose beliefs affect reality and are like 14ft tall).
They did this because there was like 50 of them total.
The races warred and it wasn’t going well for the necrontyr, until one day, they found a race of godlike beings called the C’tan who literally eat stars for energy (not in an instant but rather drain them). They enlisted their help and with it defeated the old ones and their allies, but not without a cost.
The C’tan known now as the deceiver tricked the necrontyr into shedding their flesh and becoming living metal robots known as the necron so that the C’tan could feast on their life force.
This pissed off the necron so they killed the C’tan, shattering them and using the fragments like Pokémon to win wars.
With noting left to conquer, they entered a deep slumber in their tomb worlds to one day return and conquer the stars.
Before their extinction, the old ones bestowed access to the webway to the aeldari, a network outside of real space allowing for safe travel across the cosmos where the city of commoragh sits.
The aeldari used their powerful psychic might to dominate in the absence of the necron, and with nothing left to do, they indulged themselves in every pleasure possible. Due to their immensely powerful souls however, the sheer amount of emotion the aeldari were experiencing had an unintended consequence, the birth of a god.
With this, the god Slaanesh was formed, tearing a hole in real space (reality) and went on to kill all but 3 of the aeldari gods, leaving Khaine, god of war, cegorragh, the laughing god, and a goddess who was saved by Slaanesh’s sibling, nurgle (I’ll get onto him later) due to her regeneration (goddess of healing). Some aeldari called farseers foresaw this and fled on ships, to pristine worlds and are called exodites and now ride dinosaurs and stuff.
Others fled on large ships which can sustain communities called craftworlds while the residents of commoragh were unaffected.
All but the residents of commoragh changed their ways and so the residents of commoragh are now known as the drukhari.
A small band also decided to worship ceggroagh and now protect the biggest store of information in existence, the black library. They’re also murderous clowns and they’re called the harlequins.
You may be wondering what happened to the Krorks in this time, well, they devolved into the beloved race of the orks we see in current 40K , and are now far dumber and weaker but still affect reality with their beliefs.
Now we got onto humanities history.
One day during humanities existence, a very special person was born. Only known as the god emperor, they possessed a psychic might on par with creatures such as Slaanesh and pushed humanity into a new age with the great crusade. They also befriended the adeptus mechanicum, who were humans who moved to mars and became cyborgs and work as the engineers of the imperium. Many things happened in this time but I’ll cover important bits. There was a period of time called the dark age of technology where ai became sentient and attacked humanity (I will refer to it as the imperium from now on) and the war was won, but no new technology would be invented from then onwards. There was also the creation of the thunder warriors (think that’s their name) who were the most powerful soldiers, sculpted by the emperor himself to be incredibly powerful. After that came the custodians who the emperor made who are the bodyguard of terra (earth) and ultra-elite warriors of humanity. The grey knights were also made afterwards, who were designed to fight daemons (will cover this with nurgle and the other chaos gods (will also explain that)).
This is where stuff gets a bit complicated.
The emperor created 21 “sons” who were super powerful soldiers designed to lead human kind or something, so he scattered them across the universe so that they could experience life or something idk.
We are missing information on 2 primarchs as they have been completely expunged from all records.
I won’t go into detail on the primarchs because there’s so much lore.
Before I continue with humanity though, I have to cover the chaos gods and the warp.
So the warp is a separate dimension adjacent to realspace (reality) which is shaped by the thoughts and feelings of living beings. These manifest as daemons and warp creatures. Within the warp there are 4 gods, known as the chaos gods who embody common aspects of life.
There is khorne, god of blood, skulls and most importantly, war.
Then there’s Tzeench, god of change, magic and trickery.
There is then also Slaanesh, goddess of hedonism and excess.
Last there is nurgle, god of plagues and disease.
They command legions of daemons who are small fragments of their power manifested but also separate entities from the god with personalities.
There are also unaligned daemons which do their own thing.
Daemons can also be trapped in objects, which is important.
So there’s this mf called Erebus.
Erebus secretly worships the chaos gods (religion is banned because the emperor is aware of the chaos gods). And influences horrus into becoming corrupted.
Horrus amassed a rebellion, comprised of his army of space marines, as well as the primarchs Aangron, Mortarion, Fulgrim (corrupted by a daemon within a sword), Peurterabo, Conrad Kurze, Alpharius, Lorgar, and, eventually, Magnus (there’s too much to explain).
This was called the horrus heresy.
In the aftermath, many primarchs died, these are:
Horrus (erased from existence by the emperor)
Alpharion (complicated but mostly)
Conrad Kurze
It is important to note that each primarchs has a group of genetically engineered super-soldiers made with their generic template that they lead.
Some of these generic templates have downsides, such as the blood angels of Sanguinius having genetically installed ptsd after he died to horrus and the space wolves sometimes become werewolf dudes called wulfen and have to be locked away.
After the heresy, the emperor was fatally wounded by horrus due to being suped on the power of all the chaos gods and is now on life support and cannot enforce the no religion rule, and is now worshipped as a god much to his dismay.
I suppose I should explain the other small factions that arose post heresy.
The tau empire are the most ethical factions if 40K and do things “for the greater good” and actually practice diplomacy with most factions and even have humans and other races working with them. They are such a small race, they have no warp presence.
Leagues of Votaan are an offshoot of humanity that ditched them to be better. They have these massive machines that help them make high quality tech which is far beyond humanity. Can also call upon their ancestors and hold grudges literally forever due to the ancestral ties.
Tyranids are a hive mind that eats planets. The members of the hivemind have no technology and all of there weapons are living creatures, even the bullets. Whatever the fuck they’re running from, we don’t want to know because true tyranids are so powerful.
In the current day, the primarchs Guilleman has established good relations with the rising aeldari faction the Ynnari who are trying to kill Slaanesh through magical swords, but struggling to get the last one because it’s INSIDE Slaanesh’s palace.
The primarch know as the Lion has returned.
Tyranids are being annoying.
Necrons are waking up too.
That’s a somewhat basic lore overview to get you up to date on current events, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
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dayseternal-blog · 3 months
Bouncing off that anon ask from a year ago: what rensioe incomplete/abandonned fics that you wished vould have an ending?
In Memory, Katarinahime. Part 13.
This grief is Ongoing, so I’ll never call your work Incomplete.
Two years.
“Serenity Prayer” by katarinahime - Rated M for depictions of domestic violence, substance abuse, and smut, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. When their fairytale endings smash to ugly pieces, Hinata and Naruto help put each other back together.
“(common side effects)” (Naruto’s POV) by katarinahime & “Medicated” (Hinata’s POV) by szajnie - Rated E for smut, substance abuse, mental illness, and depictions of violence, self-harm, and attempted suicide, Crime/Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Naruto and Hinata, in a struggling relationship, must confront the pain inside before they can love each other.
Tragedy like this doesn’t heal. It’s a gaping wound that hardens up as is. It’ll always be there, like an impact crater.
I avoided answering for about 9 months. Wondering how to respond without reopening the scars on my hands. How frustrating and painful that a few of the first stories I think of are--
I made excuses: What is "rensioe?" Did they mean "recent?" Maybe I don't feel like answering. What a silly, unending question. There are a ton of unfinished work, including my own, I'd like to see finished. What if I just listed all my own incomplete work? As like a funny joke? What if someone sees their fic here and feels pressured in a bad way or feels called out? Well, I could word it in a way that won't sound bad. What if I just don't want to answer this? I'll work on another rec list instead.
What if I answer this seriously? (In the end, I must look; it's not nostalgia; the past is not a thing to shy from; it's grief and anger and love.)
Just know that I'll never call her work incomplete.
This grief is ongoing.
It's been two years.
I’m trying to tie them neatly beside the shared memories of mourners. A bouquet of love yous, miss yous, lunch on an afternoon, letters and letters lost, so how do I gather the consumed bits of her melded within me of four years, how do I add them to the vibrant, tragic whole?
For every post and prayer, I pushed out a mouth full of love, blooms pulled out from the roots that I traced along the words I consumed, hoping a story I could tell myself would finally make sense of my grief and love me back.
I walk around the impact, leaving notes notes notes notes
For every note, that's one who will remember, just like how I won't forget the memories others compassionately shared with me.
This is a circular staircase, a dark void at the end of the tunnel that used to echo the pieces we once traded, the Pacific Ocean carrying the waves of her earthquake to my shore, wounds-turned-scars that once stung in salt water, an impact crater,
I'll revisit and take care like it's a grave.
Tell me if it hurts. Tell me if you remember. Is she there if I keep writing, if I keep creating, will you see her, too?
I'm sorry anon, you meant nothing in sending this ask, other than well-meaning curiosity. I’ve asked questions with unintended consequences, unwanted at the start and yet here I am dwelling.
This is what I want, what a place of privilege and opportunity I have to share.
So keep me busy.
Especially for angst.
Especially for Modern AU.
Especially for my favorite writers.
If I keep recommending her fics, if I keep recommending her fics, (repeat), (repeat) eventually will everyone read them?
Eventually will everyone know her? If you read her fics, you knew her in a swallowing, you entered the door, flew off, and I hope you never came back, I hope you read her fics.
I hope you share my lists, I hope you read my fics.
I hope you know me in a swallowing and recognize how I consumed her and called our merging an unbearable addiction, I hope you trace the veins of her in my words, I hope the waves spill over you.
I hope you see that I had known her since we started writing.
“Her death hit in waves. Not a flood, but water lapping steadily at her ankles. You could drown in two inches of water. Maybe grief was the same” - Brit Bennett, from The Vanishing Half
Summarizing months of loss, it's a mess. For 5 stages of grief, let's add a sixth.
I see its undercurrent swelling up my words -
What's the point of all of this if no one's paying attention? Remember her!
You haven't heard of her? Look! Fanfiction can be more, it can be the color of the water.
What's the point if people won't read the ones who inspired me, taught me the value of my words, taught me how to be understood.
"Don't forget."
(A note to drive her character forward, the reason to not give up.)
A prayer for your peace. A prayer that all the lives you touched and all the lives you will continue to reach through your writing returns to you in love. A prayer that everything we couldn’t say and everything we wish we did say returns to you in love. A prayer that everything I’ve written and continue to write returns to you in love.
If I could keep your story going, I would. I'm trying to. At least a couple of people might see my posts or visit my page, and decide to read your fics. Feel moved by your writing and love you, too.
This is ongoing.
Two years without you.
I miss you.
I wish you were alive. I wish you would update. I wish you would come back, I wish you hadn't found your own ending, and I wish I didn't feel selfish for thinking so.
I love you.
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Under the golden hues of the late afternoon sun, laughter danced through the air as Tiffany and y/n shared yet another moment of uncontrollable giggles. Their friendship was a testament to the unexpected blessings life sometimes offers. Amidst the laughter, Tiffany leaned in closer, her voice a blend of eagerness and a hint of nervousness. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you," she began, her words weaving the beginning of a fate-entwined narrative, "would you be up for meeting someone really special to me? I think you'd like him a lot."
Little did y/n know, the universe had its own plans, orchestrating a reunion with a familiar soul she thought she had regretfully left in the chapters of my past.
In the soft glow of the evening, the stage was set for a reunion that was as unexpected as it was inevitable. Tiffany, ever the social butterfly, had been buzzing with excitement over the small gathering she had organized, completely oblivious to the intricate web of past affections that was about to be untangled.
Y/n, with a heart cautiously mending from past hurts, had agreed to join, unaware that the evening would steer her straight into the orbit of Jonah, the embodiment of every dream she had reluctantly awakened from. The moment Jonah's eyes found her through the doorway, time seemed to fold into itself.
There she stood, a vision that had haunted the corners of his mind, never truly leaving. His mind raced with a mix of emotions, memories flooding back as he locked eyes with her. It was as if time stood still in that moment.
His heart, a faithful compass, skipped a beat, instantly navigating the tumultuous seas of love he never really sailed away from. The air thickened with a mixture of anticipation and nostalgia as Tiffany, blissfully ignorant of the depth of the connection she had just reignited, introduced them to each other with a cheerfulness that bordered on irony. The charade of first introductions hung awkwardly between Y/N and Jonah, a thin veil over the profound familiarity that pulsed silently in the space between them.
As the evening unfolded, laughter and light conversation filled the room, yet an undercurrent of words and glances charged with history flowed quietly.
Jonah, with a gentleness that has always defined him, found ways to be near Y/N, his actions speaking the volumes that his lips dared not utter. It was not until the twilight had deepened, and the room had emptied of all but lingering goodbyes, that they found themselves alone, ensconced in the quietude that finally allowed for walls to come down.
They spoke of mundane things at first, the kind of talk that bridges gaps and fills silences, but soon ventured into the tender territories of family, of his mother who still held Y/N in high regard, of the time lost and the healing it had brought.
In the vulnerability of their exchange, the love that had never truly left found its way back silently, whispering unspoken promises of new beginnings and understanding hearts.
The situation between Jonah, Y/N, and Tiffany is a complex tapestry of secrets, emotions, and unintended consequences. Jonah and Y/N's decision to keep their past hidden from Tiffany was rooted in a desire to protect their current relationships and preserve the peace within their circle. They believed that by burying their history, they could move forward without causing harm or distrust. However, the truth about human connections is that they are often more transparent than we think. The way people interact, the unspoken bonds, and the familiarity that comes with a shared history are difficult to conceal, especially from those who are observant and emotionally invested.
Tiffany, being a keen observer and deeply connected to both Jonah and Y/N, began to sense the undercurrents of something more profound than what was being presented to her.
The family gatherings, which were meant to be joyous occasions, became a tableau for Tiffany's growing suspicions. The dog's affection, the warmth of Jonah's family towards Y/N, the way his friends acted like Y/N's own, and the unmistakable chemistry between the two could not be rationalized away by mere friendship or coincidental familiarity. These were the breadcrumbs leading Tiffany to the truth, stirring a whirlpool of emotions and questions within her.
The culmination of these tensions and the inevitable revelation of Jonah and Y/N's past connection came at a moment of undeniable beauty and vulnerability.
The beach, with its vast horizon and the setting sun casting golden hues, served as the backdrop for Jonah and Y/N to finally give in to their feelings. It was hesitant at first, a dance of emotions and memories, but as the sun dipped below the horizon, they found solace and truth in each other's arms. This moment, although beautiful, marked the beginning of a new chapter, one where they would have to face the consequences of their choices, navigate Tiffany's feelings, and redefine the boundaries of their relationships. The path forward would require honesty, courage, and the willingness to face the complexities of the heart head-on.
After enduring a heart-wrenching separation from Jonah, Y/N found herself navigating a tumultuous sea of emotions. Their breakup wasn't a result of lost love or fading affection; instead, it was a sacrifice Y/N felt compelled to make to protect Jonah from an ominous threat. An external menace, a man whose intentions were far from benign, had insidiously woven himself into the fabric of their lives, casting shadows of doubt and danger. He had threatened not only to harm Jonah but also to tarnish Y/N's reputation with false accusations of infidelity. In a desperate bid to shield Jonah from potential harm and to spare him the pain of scandal, Y/N made the excruciating decision to distance herself from him, believing it was the only way to keep him safe.
The path leading Y/N back to Jonah was fraught with uncertainty and fear. However, the bond they shared, built on a foundation of deep love and mutual respect, was unbreakable. Upon reunifying, Jonah's reaction was nothing short of exemplary. He embraced Y/N with an understanding and compassion that transcended the pain of their separation. There was no room for blame or resentment in his heart; instead, he enveloped Y/N in a cocoon of warmth and security, signaling an unwavering support system. Jonah's actions spoke volumes of his character; he was not merely a partner but a sanctuary.
Eventually, Tiffany's unintentional journey of emotional turmoil and heartache finds a resolution, a peaceful closure that many stories strive to reach but seldom do. The crux of her journey centers around coming to terms with the intertwined past of Jonah and Y/N, a past that, for the longest time, cast a shadow over her present. It's a narrative familiar to many, where the remnants of old relationships linger like ghosts, haunting the corridors of one’s heart. Yet, Tiffany’s story takes a hopeful turn, illustrating a profound truth about human resilience and the capacity to heal.
As Tiffany navigates through the complexities of her feelings and the intricacies of her relationships, she discovers something transformative within herself. It's akin to the first rays of dawn after a long, dark night—the realization that within Y/N’s eyes, there lies not just the reflection of a shared history, but also the glimmer of understanding, forgiveness, and perhaps, a shared closure. This moment of epiphany is pivotal, for it marks not just the end of a chapter, but the beginning of something new, something promising.
In the wake of this newfound peace, Tiffany’s path crosses with someone unexpected, someone who resonates with her on every conceivable level. This serendipitous meeting isn't just about finding someone new; it's about finding someone who is just right for her—a person who mirrors her aspirations, complements her strengths, and understands her flaws. This relationship stands in stark contrast to her past, not because it’s devoid of challenges, but because it’s built on a foundation of mutual respect, shared values, and an unwavering support for each other. Tiffany’s story, thus, beautifully encapsulates the journey of self-discovery, of moving beyond the past, and of finding love that elevates and inspires.
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Chapter 27- Part 5
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Two Crunches kill here, and it's even better because Kirin resists Psychic! Which I completely forgot about!
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Now then, let's see what's in this room that was so important that a butterfly woman had to guard it.
Like…the other panel! Hah, here we go!
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Now, let's go use that Healing Shard in the other room just to have everyone topped up, and see if there's anything I missed.
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Oooh, I will gladly take that. Anything else?
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Huh…well, I can't foresee any unintended consequences for this action!
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Oh, wow, there really weren't any unintended consequences for this. Nice! Factory candy!
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So back down here, the gates are open…I'm positive that's where the PULSE is, there are literally no other places to go. 
So, back to that Muk…I'm still a bit unsure of what to do. Like, I know special moves won't do much while physical moves will, and it'll change its type throughout the battle with Protean, that's easy enough. But without knowing its moveset, I don't know what to prepare for. Looking back on the movesets of the Tangrowth PULSEs, they had some moves Tangrowth can't typically learn, so I can't rely on Muk’s movepool for any hints. I expect it to have a Poison-type move, sure, but what about its other three slots?
It could have a Dark-type move to deal with Psychic-types, and a Water- or Grass-type move to deal with Ground-types (more likely the former though, it's got fewer weaknesses). Maybe an Electric-type move too, to take advantage of Factory Field. But I could try to use Factory Field myself, so it might have its own Ground-type attack to shut that down. So that's four other options of moves, five in total, which doesn't fit with Muk’s four move slots.
I could pivot around my party to get it to use all of its moves, but I might lose too much HP on everyone that way. There's also the question of who I send out on the Muk. Do I start with Glare, to paralyze it and use Screech to make its already bad Defense and Speed even worse (and to provide the chance for it to be immobilized for a turn)? Or do I start with Kirin, to deal big damage with Zen Headbutt immediately while it's still a Poison-type? And what about Kirin's item? The Odd Incense gives her an immediate boost to Psychic damage, sure, but the Amplified Rock would let Kirin use Psychic Terrain and have it last longer, cutting off any possible Electric boost Muk could get from Factory Field, if it even knows any Electric-type moves at all. So which is more important? Interference, raw damage, or changing the Field? 
Not to mention half my team are special attackers (Bloom, Prong, Crater), which won't do much against Muk’s massive Sp. Defense. But I don't know if I want to swap anyone out for another physical attacker because…I'm probably not just gonna be battling Muk! I'm battling Muk as a part of a Meteor Admin’s team, I'm gonna have other Pokémon to defeat before Muk comes out! And I don't know which Admin it's gonna be! Is Ace gonna show back up? Will ZEL make a return? Maybe it'll even be Taka, who the heck knows!
So, thinking on it a bit more…here's what I'll do for Muk. I'll lead with Glare, paralyze it, and if she lives, Screech it down. And from there, I'll send in whichever Pokémon would be best based on what type it is at that moment. Hopefully, it'll be one of my physical attackers- Riptide, Glare herself, or Kirin. 
We're good on items, good on HP and PP…so, let's get this started.
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Oh, hey ZEL, hey Mr. Meteor. I wasn't expecting to see both of them here, especially Mr. Meteor himself. Gosh, I hope this isn't gonna be some kinda Double Battle thing…
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You think you're the one being disrespected? Take a look at some of the RNG I've gotten throughout this Let's Play so far, and you'll see who's really lacking any respect around here!
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Admins in Team Meteor really like their wordplay, noted.
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frozen-borderline · 6 months
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Letter to Nico's son Ari
New York, October 1982.
"Dear Ari,
You don't know me but I know your, Mum, Nico. Her record company asked me to write a few words for her new release and rather than a serious "critique" I thought it would be fun to write you a letter and tell you a story about her.
There are many good stories about Nico. This is about her penchant for marvelously curious catastrophes and could be entitled: NICO AND THE DOCTRINE OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES.
It was 1974 or 75 in Paris. I was managing MAGMA, a fiercely original and uncompromising band, not welcome, of course, on the radio, TV or in commercial clubs. We had a hard time getting gigs and saving money to improve the equipment and we were playing in Maison des Jeunes, parking lots, public squares, abandoned churches, slowly but surely making progress. Although I had never met your mother I knew her work and much admired her uniquely ironic and accurate sense of the dilemmas and contradictions facing modern artists. So, when my friends Bob and Barbara Benamou introduced me to her I was delighted. At the time, pursuing a seemingly obscure but no doubt meaningful artistic quest, she was working with Philippe Garrel who, besides literally starving, was making some mysterious beautiful avant-garde films. She was also living with him in this apartment where everything, but everything, was painted black. Now, you know your mother's propensy to dark, conspiratorial plots, no one can quite follow, and I don't precisely remember how it occurred, but one day she ended up living with my wife, my newborn baby and myself in our house in Sèvres. She was easy to live with, considerate and discreet, except that first thing in the morning she would ask one to partake in a concoction of 100 proof peppered Polish vodka with hot-sauce and God knows what else that would set fire to one's mouth. One night I took her to see MAGMA and she sort of fell in love with their music. Opening her eyes in wonderment she would say in her slow rounded speech: "Oh! But Giorgio, this is the best band in the world..." The band, particularly Christian Vander also liked her work. They, were due for a tour, she for a record, so, I thought, let's put them together for a while and, who knows, something great might evolve. As I told you, intelligent music was not exactly in demand and touring France was more like guerrilla warfare, with endless Identity Checks at toll-booths of the Autoroute, cancellations of concerts for political reasons and other no less harassing difficulties. We were, however, breaking new ground and just about perceiving the end of the tunnel. So, when on a cold, misty and wet morning in February - having warned Nico to expect a certain degree of discomfort - we left Paris, our spirits were high: She needed the money and we needed the exposure.
MAGMA's line-up at the time consisted of 7 musicians and 2 roadies and normally they would all be travelling in an old Mercedes van which took 9 people plus the equipment. With Nico and myself we were 12 now, so I took my car along, an old but comfortable 2-seater, Facel-Vega in which everyone wanted to ride and I had a hard time establishing fair turns.
The first 2 or 3 gigs want off well but as luck would have it - and thanks to drafty hotel rooms and poorly heated halls - your mother came down with a terrible cold. This prompted her to acquire a substantial supply of medicines of all kinds, culminating with a particular brand of cough-syrup which, much to our relief, seemed to alleviate her condition and generally keep her cheerful. Never mean when it came to sharing her discoveries, she invited us all to taste the healing properties of her elixir and soon, everyone began to sneeze, puff, cough and whiffle and buying little brown bottles.
A few days later at one of the most important concerts of the tour —in Lyon or Avignon— I remember her (and everyone else for that matter) getting on stage with a whole supply of these little bottles. Sipping and singing, singing and sipping, she stayed up there for over an hour and a half, finally provoking the legendary impatient French audience into cat-calls and boos.
You can imagine the mood the next day. Never short on quips, Die Alte Zwetschge ("Old Plum", an affectionate tease) was totally disconsolate, disenchanted and displeased with me, the tour, Magma, life and the whole thing. Our next gig was in Toulouse, quite a distance away and I planned to leave early with the sound-roadie to check out the old theatre where the show was scheduled. Somewhat apprehensive, I thought perhaps she should ride with me and the roadie but then decided she'd be more comfortable in the van and after imploring the boys in Magma to use all their guises to cajole her during the long journey, I left.
We got to the theatre early, checked="checked"things out and waited for the van to arrive. 7 O'clock, 7:30, 8, 8:30, no van. The concert was due to start at 9, so we began to worry a little and decided to backtrack up the road and find out what, if anything, had happened. You can imagine my horror when, in the middle of nowhere some 20 miles from the city, I saw the van lying nose down, off the roadside, in a 50 foot deep embankment and, but for empty syrup bottles, no-one in sight. Fearing the worst, I drove to the nearest gas station and called the theatre. No news. I asked the people there to call the police and every hospital in the region and holding my breath drove back to the city as fast as I could. When I got there a considerable commotion was under way: hundreds of people were crowding the entrance, pushing and shoving. Somehow I ploughed my way through got inside and there in the foyer the most sorrowful sight awaited me : looking like a bunch of wounded from World War 1, with bandages on heads, knees, elbows and feet, leaning on crutches and walking-sticks, sat Nico and the most forlorn-looking band of musicians I ever laid eyes on. I know that mine was perhaps not the most considerate reaction, but I couldn't help laughing. Naturally I tried to find out what had happened; between Nico's dark mutterings and the band's contradictory narratives it was impossible to figure out and to this day we'll never really know. I remember that with her bandages and walking-sticks your mother looked like the ultimate Mater Dolorosa of Rock & Roll at the mercy of Unintended Consequences...
Of course the concert got cancelled and so did the rest of the tour. Nico went back to Paris, then to England. Magma went back to saving money for a new van, and the record was never made. Who knows, it might still happen one day. In the meantime I often ask myself: What the hell was in that cough-syrup ?
Sincerely yours, GIORGIO GOMELSKY."
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wildissylupus · 1 year
in one of the posts you reposted about jack and Cassidy the op talked about how jack could possibly project all his guilt and anger onto genji through the voice line we have of them and it made me think. It’s something completely different but I’ve always thought of genji as not being as close to overwatch as a lot of people make it out to be?? but I say that very lightly. I do believe genji eventually came to get closer with everyone else I mean we know he definitely got closer to Lena at some point. But with how he got assimilated into ow in the first place and everything that happened with hanzo, he obviously didn’t have a good time lmao. He was probably distant and isolated himself, and that most likely stopped him from really forming connections? I don’t know how long it took him to finally get his shit together but I know at some point he realized he didn’t want this and went out to basically find himself (zenyatta and the shambali). And this connects back to the whole point of this ask, maybe it’s so easy for jack to project onto genji because genji is kinda an enigma within ow. He came in and probably took a while to form any relationships with anyone and once he did he basically went his own way and found his own path APART from overwatch. And he’s probably one of the few that was able to do so. I feel like that gap between genji and overwatch not only can make it easy for jack to act how he does in that voice line but it would also be cool to see genji as a character be used to showcase and guide others into realizing that they can heal with or without the help/need of ow (maybe Cassidy and mercy). It’s just a silly thought I had but ofc if you disagree to any of this I would love to hear your thoughts
I definitely think the only people Genji got a connection to was other members of the 2nd gen of Overwatch, specifically the Storm Rising Team. I do think that he and Cassidy did get closer after Blackwatch but that was more in the development stages when Genji decided to leave. Out of all the characters I also think Genji was the first to leave Overwatch of his own volition.
Like I said in my previous post I think that Genji's isolation from both Blackwatch and Overwatch did have the unintended consequence of him not being to help where he should have and saying/doing things that made things worse. An example being him initially supporting Reyes's decision to kill Antonio.
Something else I want to point out is that out of all the second gen, Genji and Tracer are the only ones with a family outside of Overwatch. Tracer has Emily and (presumably) her bio dad, meanwhile Genji has Hanzo and Kiriko's family. In contrast, Sojourn's first association with Overwatch was when her and her sister weren't on speaking terms, Cassidy and Mercy were orphaned by the Crisis and Winston lost his father figure in space. We also see that even though Tracer has those connections, she still has more familial connections within Overwatch than out of it.
I think that would both help and cause conflict. On one hand Genji would be able to show a lot of characters the downside of the previous Overwatch, on the other, he'll have a hard time relating to other characters when they struggle through the betrayals and heartbreak of the old Overwatch.
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Hay Sparrow, I hope your week has been well.
Since I’ve been doing those minor revisions to ‘To Heal a Broken Soul’ today, I figured I’d ask some questions that were inspired by what I was revising.
Does your world have magic in it? If so, does that magic sometimes have unintended side effects when it is cast? Can it be miscast? If it can, what are the consequences for doing so?
If there isn't any magic, is there anything that happens that does have unintended consequences?
Hiii thank you for the amazing questions as always!
Two of my writing projects utilise magic, and that's Released and Cardinal Sins. And the magic for both is actually really different and used very differently.
In CS, magic is elemental, so it fits into one of a few domains
The Forest (earth manipulation)
The Sky (Wind, air)
The Sea (Water, siren magic)
The Crucible (Fire) (Fire giants, volcanic)
The Internal (mind manipulation and compulsion, usually only present in half-humans of a magical descent)
The Infernal (demonic)
All of this magic presents in different ways and is unique to the user. Water magic tends to be harder to control than the other elements, especially with a sirens voice. The demonic has the least emotional and physical toll on the magic user. Earth and sky magic tends to work together and in harmony, and usually formed in the offspring of fey and weather sprites. With exception for Aspen, who has the power to control lightning, and was gifted this power by the forest after undergoing a genetic transmutation through hellfire.
And an exception for Tulip, the King, who has powers of earth, air, water, fire through the fifth earthly element granted to him, which is soul.
Aspen and Tulip are both seen extending their limits. Aspen's repercussions are exhaustion to the point of passing out, and bleeding eyes, nose and ears.
Fairweather, a siren, shows that she can't control her compulsion, and accidentally demands people do things which is why she ends up wearing her mask.
Mercury, previously human, now something, uses an enchanted arrow to kill his brother, because he misdirects his intention from the deer he was hunting to his brother, who irritated him.
In Released, though, magic is a little less organised. Each person has a specific fate and their powers relate to it. It depends on the power on whether or not there's any misuse or over exertion.
The best example is Kieran, who can't control his power, and is constantly exhausted and gets high to avoid the toll it takes on his mental and physical health.
This magic isn't usually cast so much as is a part of their personality.
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openheartfanfics · 2 years
Ethan x F!MC Mini Series
The Choices We Make - @bex-la-get [mini: wip]  When a woman from Ethan’s past comes bearing shocking news, Nat and Ethan grapple with their shattered reality.
Part 1  |  Part 2
The Countdown - @bex-la-get [mini: complete] [2.18]
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3
The End
The Couple & Others - @terrm9 [mini: wip] E&C’s encounters with their dear ones after their relationship became public
1. Count Me In (Ethan’s bonding time with the gang, taking place few days after 2.17)
2. Everywhere I Go (Ethan decides to invite Chiara to Providence, set in the first half of 2.18)
3. Dinner (Naveen comes over for a dinner for the first time since the gala 2.18)
4. The Ray Women (Chiara takes Ethan with her to visit her family in San Francisco 2.20)
The Cradle Will Fall - @chaoticchopshopheart [mini: wip]  After the hopeful Hearts Gala when things are going great for Penelope and Ethan, a ghost from Ethan’s past surfaces with a shocking revelation. Ethan had supposedly unknowingly fathered a child in their brief time together.
Part 1  |  Part 2 ♥
The Enneagram - @rebsrams [wip] Ethan’s back from the Amazon. MC can’t really come to terms with his decision to cut her off. Based on Atlas: Enneagram from Sleeping at Last.
One  |  Two.
The Ex Factor... Tomas - @jerzwriter [complete] LinkedIn suggests Casey’s ex as a connection for Ethan and he can’t leave well enough alone.
The Grief Series - @arjaywrites [complete] Grief is a funny thing. It hits you when you least expect it. To Ethan, it just doesn’t hit him. It tears his heart, his soul and everything. TW: Major Character Death
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
The Gala - @maximumdreamerdetective 🌟 [mini: wip] It’s the annual Edenbrook’s New year party and Ethan can’t help but spend his night filled with alcohol and jealousy.
The Inauguration - @poudredevie [completed]  Edenbrook’s brand new wing is now finished. People from all over Massachusetts are invited to join the inauguration party.
Part 1  |  Part 2  |   Part 3 ♥
The Last Time - @jerzwriter [mini: wip]  A decade apart had done nothing to heal their wounds. Perhaps this encounter would finally offer them the very thing they desperately needed.
The Metaphor Series - @queenbirbs
waiting game
hold steady
The Pregnancy -  @lahamseiroshoe *mini: completed*
Part One  |   Part Two  |   Part Three  |  The Birth
The Seal of Zeal - @headoverheelsforramsey  ☁
[complete] Ethan Ramsey and Meera Bose do not back down from challenges. But what happens when they challenge each other?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
The Seven Vows - @whimsicallywayward15 [mini: wip] It’s their wedding night! A celebration of love, with odes to her hindu culture.
Part One- The Wedding
Part Two- The Wedding Night ♥
The Ten Day Challenge - @arjaywrites   [mini: wip] Tobias challenges Dana to get Ethan to open up to her in just ten days into their new relationship.
Day Zero
Day Four
The Ticking Clock - @ao719  🎭 Based on the Grey’s Anatomy plot of a mass shooting at Edenbrook. TW: Angst. Gun violence, death.
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3
The Way I Loved You - @josiesopenheart [mini: wip]  Ethan returns from the Amazon, only to find Josie has moved on with someone else.
Prologue  |  1. Exile
Three of Swords - @burnsoslow MC and Ethan broke up. Zaid & Ines have a plan to get them to watch their triplets.
Time Bomb - @utterlyinevitable
OHSY Chapter 13 rewrite with the trauma we deserve.
I.  |  II. |  III.
Tis the Season - @potionsprefect 🎄 [mini: wip] It’s the most wonderful time of the year in Boston.
1. Festivity Upon Us
2. Heartache and Healing
To Act In Haste - @hiirunakaarchive
(pt 1)  |  (pt 2)
(pt 3)  |  (pt 4)
Two Lives, One Heart - @bonaofsavoy
part one  |  part two  |  part three
Unintended Consequences - @whenyourheartskipsabeat-library *on hiatus* Ethan x Harper, Ethan x MC
Part 1  |  Part 2
Part 3  |  Part 4
Voicemails - @drethanramslay
All alone in Boston, with nothing to look forward too, she started leaving voicemails to the love of her life, hoping that he comes back to her.
Waiting - @takemyopenheart 📚 [completed]  There are thousands of miles between Ethan and Luz—which begs the question: does absence really make the heart grow fonder?
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  III. Reunion
Walk Above the City - @anonymousrookie 🎄 [mini: wip]  They find themselves in the same city three years after he left for the Amazon and she left Edenbrook. When truths are revealed, will it be too late for a Christmas miracle?
2. Once Again as in Olden Days
Was It a Decision to Stay - @utterlyinevitable
Was It
Water Under the Bridge - @a-crepusculo [mini:wip]  Their relationship is put to the test when a new opportunity arises for Marchia.
2. Through the Door
We Need You - @lady-kaya-duskraven
Wedding series - @arjaywrites  🎭 [mini: wip] Dana and Ethan plan their wedding. Only it causes the ‘Visible Wedding Frustration’ pandemic that puts their friendships and family in jeopardising positions.
Part 1: Outbreak
Part 2: Mitosis, Meiosis
Weekend In Newport - @liaromancewriter [mini: completed] Cassie asks her brother for help as she and Ethan head down to Newport for a gathering of the Valentine clan.
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3
What Happened in Vegas - @jerzwriter  🛸 [wip] Casey & her roommates are heading to Vegas, intent on taking down Declan Nash and Panacea; but this time, Dr. Ethan Ramsey is in tow.
Ch 1 - Take Off
What If? - @liaromancewriter  🛸
[complete] If Ethan and Cassie had met in college, would they still be inevitable?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Epilogue
When The Bough Breaks - @jerzwriter 📚 [wip]  Casey and Ethan realize their seemingly idyllic marriage had fractures they never saw. They had been dishonest with each other for quite some time.
Part 3
Why are you lying to me? - @therookie [wip ]
Part 1 | Part 2
You & I - @jamespotterthefirst   [complete] Her husband’s colleague seems a bit too interested in him. Dread sets in when they have to go on a work trip together.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Your Love Is Killing Me - @headoverheelsforramsey [complete]  A canon divergent take on the emotions Ethan and Meera face on returning from Miami, and what happens when Meera faints in the hospital atrium.
Part 1  |  Finale
5 Stages of Grief - @gryffindordaughterofathena [wip] Pain is like a drop of poison, it withers you from within. A series of drabbles, where Diana deals with Ethan’s departure to the Amazons.
1800s AU - @jamespotterthefirst
At a ball, Doctor Ethan Ramsey is entranced by her beauty, not knowing there is so much more to her than meets the eye.
I: She Walks In Beauty
II: A Red, Red Rose  
III: How Do I Love Thee
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mantleoflight · 2 months
ghosts, guardians, and thoughts on Wish Dragons
//Saw a thing and now I'm thinking of Echo as a wish dragon and how she uses her maze to both test the hearts of those who come looking for wishes but also to protect herself from guardians looking to end her as a wish dragon.
//Part of me wants to explore how she would do things as a more mature individual rather than an impulsive new-light. Would her character change because of that? How many of her original traits would she retain? How would life be for her as a mature adult instead of the immature, inexperienced greenhorn who never seems to grow up?
//I'm kind of curious about how she'd be as a mature adult but also a mature wish dragon, one who knows its limits and its powers, and who consciously chooses a life like Tauranis. Because the dragons feed on the space between Desire and Reality, the spaces between What Is, What is Wanted, and What Actually Happens.
//Deals are always twisted to be as far from What Is as possible, often to the detriment of the Wisher. Unintended consequences fueling the dragons through their rippling side effects.
//it actually also makes me think of Vesper, Lyn-5's ghost, and how he might have actually made a wish on a wish dragon for his ability to heal other ghosts, to give them another chance. He likely worded his wish so that he could heal ghosts and that every injury he healed, every life he saved, would contribute to the widening of the gap between Reality and Desire, thus providing the dragon sustenance with each ghost he healed.
//I think the dragon that Vesper wished on was probably killed by Shaxx, but I do think that is how Vesper got his ability to heal other Ghosts. That and I think he'd be able to detect wishdragons elsewhere and is likely one of the ones who noticed when Echo wished herself into being a wish dragon, even when she was in her guardian form.
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gffa · 3 years
Last time I went about five months between doing a set of STAR WARS fic recs, this time it’s only been three months! Hurrah! It helps that, as always, this fandom puts out an incredible amount of excellent fic, so I feel like I’m never hurting for fics I want to yell about and shove at people, which is something I continue to appreciate as it often feels like so much of the world is such a huge tire fire. It helps to be able to find fics to retreat into, to have fun with, to express joy and creativity with, and so many of the authors in this fandom are just so good at this! To the point that these sets sometimes take awhile because there are always more fics I want to add, until the post starts threatening to be overly long instead of a decent length–in my defense, no seriously, you guys are just too good! Also, I forced myself to stop at 69 fic recs, because yes I do think it’s funny. (Nice.) STAR WARS FIC RECS: PREQUELS RECS: ✦ a comedy in four acts by jesuisdeux, obi-wan & dooku & yoda & qui-gon & cast, time travel, 4k    This was what time-travel is: staring at the dark sockets of skulls everywhere your gaze lands on. Being haunted by ghosts long gone. The apprehension of the slow yet sure approach of the inevitable which is sending chills down your spine. ✦ No Rest for the Weary by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & jedi & ocs, 61k    Needing a break from life at the Jedi Temple, Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, visit a Jedi AgriCorps settlement on the Midrim planet of Helia. There they encounter new friends, new enemies and have new adventures, all while attempting to navigate their sometimes turbulent relationship as Master and Padawan. ✦ Stars of Tatooine by Be_Right_Back, ahsoka & kanan & mace & rex & obi-wan & cast, 10.5k    After the end of the world, Ahsoka more or less kidnaps a child, has to air some old grievances, and tries to find whatever peace the universe can still offer. All paths in the Force lead home, eventually. ✦ Festival of Light by dendral, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & rex & cast, 8.7k    During his first year at the Jedi Temple, Anakin learns that even the Jedi celebrate holidays. ✦ the master, the padawan, the Force by skatzaa, depa & caleb, 1.4k    Caleb expects things to be different after Master Depa takes him as her padawan, but really, it feels like nothing really changes. ✦ desecrate my lungs by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & padme & cast, 16k wip    Time-travel fix-it in which Mustafar haunts Anakin decades after it happened and years before it would. ✦ Grace by dismantlingsummer, obi-wan & anakin, 2.3k    Shortly after Mustafar, Anakin realizes what he has done. He finds Obi-Wan to beg for death. ✦ Fifth Migration by wrennette, yoda & mace & obi-wan & ki-adi & yarael & coleman & plo & palpatine & cast, 2k    How about an AU where the Sith’s Grand Plan accounted for everything -everything that is, except the fact that the Jedi temple is actually an very ancient spacecraft and the second word got to the Jedi about there being clones on Kamino, all Jedi are called back inside and they take off immediately? Just imagine the dear chancellor’s face… ✦ fill pages with scribbled ink by magneticwave, obi-wan/padme & sabe & mace & quinlan & cast, 9.8k    A year after the Invasion of Naboo, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi is invited by Queen Amidala to return to Naboo and participate in a rite known as the Night of Fireflies. Things kind of snowball from there. ✦ Mind Your Words by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin, spanking, 7k    Obi-Wan reminds Anakin that there are consequences for careless behavior for young Jedi on missions. ✦ (you taught me) the courage of stars by grumpyhedgehogs, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, 5.1k wip    Ahsoka Tano flees after a warrant for her arrest is issued, but not before receiving aid from an unexpected ally. (Ahsoka proceeds to go on a road trip filled with a bunch of strangers who all say the same thing: Obi-Wan Kenobi is much more than he has ever appeared to be.) ✦ they faked it (guess everything’s complicated) by katierosefun, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 4.5k    Ahsoka temporarily loses memories of the events of Obi-Wan’s fake death. To help with the healing process, Anakin and Obi-Wan have to pretend that they’re okay. ✦ programed to dream by ghostwriterofthemachine, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, body horror, 1.3k    The spaceship Comet-rider is the fastest, most efficient vessel in the galaxy, and is crewed by Separatist-funded pirates. Anakin Skywalker is missing. Unfortunately, these two things are connected. ✦ Unpleasant Truths by hellowkatey, obi-wan & anakin, 2.1k    Obi-Wan and Anakin are stuck in a room with one another while waiting for truth serum to wear off. ✦ moment’s silence by skatzaa, obi-wan & owen & beru & luke & leia (pre-obi-wan/beru-owen), 2k    Owen had long since resigned himself to trouble, whenever Beru got that particularly stubborn set to her jaw. ✦ hold gently and let go by shatou, obi-wan & anakin (pre-slash?), 1.7k    A troubled Anakin comes to Obi-Wan to discuss attachments. ✦ sun child by Ro29, obi-wan & anakin, 2.1k    (or; sometimes being so tied to the Force causes problems, Obi-Wan helps his Padawan as best he can) ✦ A Dinner Out by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & cast, 1.6k    Obi-Wan can’t get his young Padawan to eat much, so he tries something new. But trying something different has unintended consequences. ✦ Shades in the Desert by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin & luke & owen/beru, 10.8k    Not even from a certain point of view did Darth Vader kill Anakin Skywalker. He wished he did, but the specter of the Jedi’s light escaped before he could finalize his fall to the dark. Meanwhile, Anakin is raising his son on Tatooine. ✦ somewhere along in the bitterness by CallToMuster, obi-wan & anakin, major character death, 3.8k    It was probably the twelfth day floating alone in space that Obi-Wan and Anakin realized no one was coming for them. ✦ Songs for Little Jedi by soft_but_gremlin, mace & younglings, ~1k    The initiates are having nightmares, so Mace sings a lullaby to comfort them. ✦ atmosphere level by softredscrunchie, obi-wan/satine & qui-gon, 1k    As a joke, Satine tells Obi-Wan she thinks Mandalore is flat. He doesn’t take it well. ✦ on sith holocrons and misunderstandings by billowypants, obi-wan & anakin & mace & yoda & cast, de-aged!obi-wan, 7.2k    or, de-aged!Obi-Wan has the same Force bonds as adult Obi-Wan, and he does not react well. ✦ Perseverance & Resilience by loosingletters, obi-wan & anakin, 1.1k    In the aftermath of Naboo, Obi-Wan realizes he needs strength to protect his new Padawan. Growing up, Anakin needs peace. ✦ A Delicate Balance by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & yoda & jedi, spanking, 9.6k    As Anakin’s skills grow, so too does his penchant for getting into trouble. After a training mishap, Obi-Wan struggles with his role as Anakin’s master. ✦ mirror, mirror by CallToMuster, obi-wan & anakin, 5.4k    Obi-Wan has been rescued by Anakin after being rather embarrassingly kidnapped on the remote planet of Ilnuria during his investigation of rumored kyber crystals deep beneath the planet’s surface. …But is all as it seems? ✦ Mace Windu Appreciation Week by Redminibike1, mace & obi-wan & anakin & ponds & cody & jedi & cast, 12.5k    Set of unconnected ficlets for Mace Windu Appreciation Week, because he deserves it :) ✦ begin again as a quiet thought by skatzaa, obi-wan/quinlan, d/s, ~1k    Cool, smooth leather touched his jaw—gloves. Because of course Obi-Wan had thought of that as well. ✦ Drunken Lullabies by Siri_Kenobi12, obi-wan & anakin & siri & quinlan & aayla & garen & bant & ferus, 6.5k    “Do I really have to go to this thing?” Fourteen year old Anakin Skywalker dramatically sighed. “It’s sooo boring!” ✦ heaven knows how I love you by the_13th_battalion, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 1.2k    Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka are stranded on an unfamiliar planet overnight. They spend their time exploring the community- and maybe they get a little closer to each other along the way. ✦ A Reckless Padawan by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, spanking, 3.9k    When Ahsoka upsets Anakin with an act of reckless disobedience, it falls to her grandmaster to help her see the error of her ways. OBI-WAN/ANAKIN RECS: ✦ Too Hot by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.8k    Too Hot: A game where two players kiss without stopping and without touching each other. If one player touches the other, that player loses. The winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser. ✦ Nostos by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin & padme, NSFW, 17k    Or, how Obi-Wan and Anakin discover that there are many ways to come home. ✦ to touch the light, darkest by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.9k    Obi-Wan begins to fuck Vader back to the light ✦ encode by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & padme & handmaidens & cast, 26.3k wip    Instead of being accepted into the Jedi Order at the age of 9, Anakin Skywalker became a ward of Naboo. ✦ Hunting the Homeward Light by GreenQueenofClubs, obi-wan/anakin & mace & ahsoka & shmi & padme & cast, 31.9k wip    When Anakin Skywalker was nine, he left his whole life and mother behind to follow Qui-Gon Jinn to Coruscant and the Jedi Temple. When Anakin Skywalker was twelve, he left his whole life and Master behind to follow Mace Windu to the Outer Rim and away from the Jedi Order. When Anakin Skywalker was twenty… ✦ use my body to break your fall by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 44.7k wip    Obi-Wan Kenobi is too good at being a Sith Lord general of the Separatist army. The Jedi Council approaches Anakin with an offer he can’t refuse. These things are, actually, related. ✦ Over and Over by obiwanobi, obi-wan/anakin, 1.4k    “I love you,” he blurts out, loud and impossible to miss. Obi-Wan blinks once, twice. And freezes. The first time Anakin tells him is a mortifying experience. ✦ Exceptions by rinverse, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & mace & quinlan & cast, NSFW, modern au, 23.4k    Young and brilliant, Anakin is the mind behind JEDI Tech’s latest innovation. Obi-Wan is the company’s perfectly composed Director of PR & Marketing. And last night, they were just two strangers at a bar, looking for something quick and easy. But life had other plans when it crossed their paths again the very next day. ✦ Here There Be Dragons by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, 10.1k    Anakin knows why he can’t shift into his animal form like every other Jedi. It’s because he doesn’t want to, it’s because he’s had a vision of what he would become, and he doesn’t want it. ✦ Waiting in a Sea of Stars by Peach_Bitters (peachybitters), obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Stranded in deep space, Obi-Wan and Anakin wait for rescue. ✦ Tristitia by JSwander, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 5k    An alternate timeline where Palpatine focuses his attentions on Obi-Wan Kenobi instead of Anakin Skywalker after the attack on Naboo. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 11: Communication, What Communication? by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, mobster au, 7k    a 7k obikin PWP that is somehow a prompt mashup of a mobster au, an accidental sugar daddy au, with a soupçon of an anakin never left tatooine au, and a pinch of qui-gon was anakin’s dad au ✦ who a person truly is cannot be seen with the eye by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, spanking, 3.6k    Anakin purposely avoids doing what Obi-Wan tells him to do. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 12: Potidaea, 432BC, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, historical au, 4.3k    Here is a short smutty scene inspired by all those classics asks, Alcibiades praising Socrates in Plato’s Symposium, and this vase c.490-480 B.C. depicting standing, face-to-face intercrural intercourse between a bearded man and a youth, which as far as we can tell was the most common and accepted position for it in Ancient Greece. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 13: Minikin and Tiny-Wan by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 5.4k    Happy May the Fourth! In honor of this happy day, I have written the fluffiest, crackiest, vanilla-flavored smut imaginable. Based on long discussions on discord with tomicaleto about her adorable Tiny AU. ✦ to hold until brightness by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.4k    Obi-Wan feared that it drew out the darkest in him, to bring Vader to these flashes of light, but it was a trade he would make again and again without hesitation. ✦ May Be Found, If Sought by ghostwriterofthemachine, obi-wan/anakin & mace & quinlan, magical academy au, 2.3k    In which Quinlan, Mace, and Obi-Wan teach Non-Traditional Magical Philosophy in an institution rampant with academic snobbery and discrimination, something dark is stirring in the nearby forest, and no one is ever prepared for Anakin Skywalker. A small story about first meetings in magical academia. ✦ infinitely varied by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 2.2k    Also known as Obi-Wan and Anakin teach a tiny program called A.H.S.O.K.A. how to be something more than lines of code via the power of linguistics. ✦ recipe for disaster by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 9.8k    When Ahsoka tells Anakin she doesn’t want to learn piano anymore, Anakin is heartbroken. He doesn’t care about the instrument, obviously, but he’s practically in love with her teacher. Obi-Wan offers up a solution to their impending separation, and it’s not dating like any normal person would suggest. Instead, he’s gonna teach Anakin how to cook. Except Anakin’s a pretty well-known chef, and Obi-Wan is absolutely awful in the kitchen. ✦ Pretty Kitty by GayCheerios, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.2k    “Master, you always take such good care of me,” Anakin says, a little chirp coming after his sentence, as his thumb rests on Anakin’s plump bottom lip. ✦ As One, Into Eternity by Pseudonymoose, obi-wan/anakin, force ghosts, 3.1k    Death comes, but the man who was, and is, and will be Anakin Skywalker is not gone. And in the Force, he will never be alone again. ✦ does he make you laugh? by y0u_idjits, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, fusion fic, 3.6k    “Tell me it’s not about screwing the guy who’s screwing your husband.” ✦ Rotten Work by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, 2.8k    Obi-Wan: I’ll take care of you. Anakin, with bloodshot eyes and a broken back from hours of terrible posture: It’s rotten work. Obi-Wan, who needs to bathe this man for his own sanity and health: Not to me. Not if it’s you. ✦ afterimages by shatou, obi-wan/anakin, 1.3k    Mustafar is nothing but a bad dream. ✦ understanding is honoring the truth beneath the surface by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 7.3k    Anakin asks Obi-Wan to take control. ✦ The strongest stars… by Tomicaleto, obi-wan/anakin & beru & cast, NSFW, 7.4k    The war’s end seems to be close, with everyone looking forward to it. And when Anakin is doubting himself the most, an unexpected visit arrives at the Temple. ✦ home has a heartbeat by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 5.6k    Or: Anakin and Obi-Wan are together, but there are still some things left unsaid between them. ✦ turn back now (i’m haunted) by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & padme & quinlan & ahsoka & cast, modern au, ghosts au, 25k wip    Anakin Skywalker’s house is haunted. Luckily for him, Padmé knows a ghost hunter. Unluckily for him, it’s the hottest, most english-professor ghost hunter he’s ever seen. And extremely unluckily for him, he’s starting to get the feeling he understands maybe ten percent of what’s actually going on here, not to mention what’s at stake. ✦ game plan by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 11.2k    Or, Vader keeps capturing Obi-Wan during the Wars. Obi-Wan keeps escaping. It’s kind of a thing. ✦ Provocation by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.9k    Or: Obi-Wan and Anakin attempt to navigate their complicated relationship with barbed words and wilful ignorance. It wasn’t going well. ✦ Languages by Crowgirl, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 6.5k    So Anakin pulls out a map and makes a list. REBELS RECS: ✦ The Scent of You by ambiguously, kanan/hera & cast, a smidge of nsfw, 2.9k    Everything changes after Malachor, and Kanan has trouble finding his balance. ✦ Heard It in a Love Song (Can’t Be Wrong) by ambiguously, zeb/kallus, 2.7k    Kallus can’t quite figure out what makes Zeb tick, but he keeps trying. ORIGINAL TRILOGY/MANDALORIAN RECS: ✦ A Discussion of Choices by Peppermint_Shamrock, luke & mace, 2k    Mace Windu has traveled the galaxy since the fall of the Republic, keeping out of the Empire’s sight and teaching where he can. Upon the request of a ghost of an old friend, Mace finds himself instructing Luke Skywalker, who is still reeling from the truth of Vader’s identity. ✦ staring down the barrel of the hot sun by magneticwave, luke/din & obi-wan & grogu & mace & cast, 25.7k    “Gone to a Child of the Watch, the Darksaber has,” Grand Master Yoda announces in his creaky little voice. “Peace, there is not, and yet peace, there must be.” ✦ Released by Peppermint_Shamrock, cody & rex & luke & cast, 6k    Nearly two and a half decades late, Cody’s chip is finally removed. Adjusting to having his mind returned to him after so long takes time, and Cody struggles with questions of his purpose of the past, present, and future. Fortunately, he does not have to struggle alone. ✦ A Tatooine Rainstorm by skatzaa, leia & luke & shmi, 1.7k    Leia meets a ghost. ✦ Dealing with the Darksaber by Peppermint_Shamrock, din & bo-katan & cara, 1.3k    After her recovery, Bo-Katan contacts Din to challenge him for the darksaber. Din is still very much not interested in the whole affair. FULL DETAILS + RECS HERE
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morsking · 2 years
So how did you enjoy reading FGO Summer Camp for NA, especially with the EMIYA scenes?
Personally I enjoyed them a lot, his inner Shirou showing, and his interactions with other characters were a great source of entertainment.
if i'm being honest, it wasn't as good as i expected it would be. while i do enjoy the occasional horror story and was entertained by the horror gimmick of the event story, i found the characterization here incredibly flanderized, and the twists in the story weren't as impactful as they were cracked up to be.
i do not think it was all that clever to give us a child kiara if the only thing that did was create a non-mystery about her identity. the player knows she's kiara. there's no need to beat around that bush, because they also put her summer version in the gacha knowing she was already pretty popular. and then there's the flipside of that problem. that guda once again meets kiara bears absolutely no meaning, at least from my perspective, because guda still cannot recall the events of SERAPH, and therefore there is no meaningful development of the relationship between the player character and kiara. if guda had been amnesiac about SERAPH, and then remembered its events when confronting kiara at the end of the servant summer camp story, maybe that would've been more compelling. perhaps servant summer camp was more informative to people who did not play ccc and did not know about kiara's inclination towards hans christian andersen's fairy tales and her more endearingly childish and innocent side. but to those of us who were already aware, it doesn't really give us anything new that re-contextualizes that trait in an interesting way. and maybe this is just me, but if child kiara and adult kiara had had a dynamic like that of minidusa and gorgon in babylonia, i would've enjoyed it a lot more.
however i do think there's something relevant and well-executed in xu fu's introduction and her relationship with yu meiren. it does carry parallels to the main story, where we found out specimen E was experimented upon by being exposed to all kinds of human-designed violence in an attempt to understand and harness it. xu fu attempting to inflict mortality upon yu is a way of grounding the divine, a theme present in the entirety of cosmos in the lostbelt. there is also the theme of unintended consequences born from a disturbingly innocent cruelty, as if to remind us that these epic apocalyptic events in fgo are the result of human flaw, often human flaw mixing with good intentions, rather than something alien or unfathomably evil. that's also an idea originating from the visual novel, and it's still quite good here.
and yeah, though they weren't particularly deep, it was really nice to see moments where archer just lays back a bit and acts like the young man he didn't get to be. it really shows that deep down all emiya shirou, no matter the name or form, really wants is to be someone his loved ones can depend on. seeing archer be unironically and unapologetically helpful is heartwarming. it really shows just how far he's come in his journey from being a person who hides his desire to be good behind his bitterness to becoming someone who will vocally refuse to turn his back on anyone who needs help. seeing him get giddy and excited over old hardware also healed 5000 points of hp, cleared all debuffs, increased my np gauge by 100%, and gave me 5 stages of overcharge on my np. remember to thank your hakunos for the malewife therapy.
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girl4music · 3 years
The thing with ‘Something Blue’ is Willow’s spell went wrong. It didn’t work in the way she intended it to work. She never intended to hurt her friends when she did the ‘Will Be Done’ spell. And so she never meant to manipulate anyone really other than herself in order to heal her heart. To make the pain go away at will.
Which is exactly why she comes to Tara’s aid in ‘Family’ and empathises with her predicament.
“She just did a spell that went wrong.”
In both episodes both Willow and Tara are supposed to learn that actions have consequences. Even unintended ones. Neither were using magic in a selfish way as there was no intention to be selfish.
Now with Willow this changes. While she never thinks of what she’s doing with the forget spell as “selfish” she most definitely is intending to manipulate Tara. And she does so not by “changing” her as such but by taking something about her away. Her autonomy. Her ability to make informed decisions based on full information. This is a violation of Tara’s mind and body. So there’s no excuse for that. She can’t excuse her actions there with “it went wrong” or “I didn’t mean it” because it didn’t and she most definitely did.
If anything ‘Something Blue’ just shows us what Willow could be capable of if she intended to do damage as well as had the power to do so…
Season 6 gives us both in a loosely wrapped handbasket. And when Tara confronts Willow about what she did to her in ‘Tabula Rasa’, Willow attempts to gaslight her in telling her that she didn’t mean to violate her, she just wanted to “help” or “fix” their relationship. But Tara isn’t a fool. She makes it clear to Willow that there’s nothing she can say that will make anything better. She gives her one final chance because she’s Tara (the representation of purity)…
When Willow squanders and blows that she was done. Personally, if it was me, she’d never see me again.
The power of magic has gone to her head. When it becomes an addiction she can’t control that’s when people think the storyline is veering off course and she’s becoming out of character. I disagree. I think it makes all the sense in the world what happens. How she spirals. They just don’t make it clear why it does.
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dramioneden · 4 years
do you know of any fics where there’s a pregnancy scare or Draco accidental gets hermione pregnant?
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Dramione Unplanned Pregnancy Fic Recs 
Hi Nonnie, Sorry it has taken me soooo long to reply to this ask. To answer your question, yes I have a few (76) “accidental”/unplanned pregnancy Dramione fic recs to offer - because Draco and Hermione seem terrible at planning pregnancies. So I’ve broken this down into ones I’ve read & recommend and ones on my TBR you might want to give a try. I also categorized the fics into Teenage Pregnancies, Wartime Pregnancies, “Adult Draco and Hermione forget contraceptive” Pregnancies, Marriage Law Pregnancies and “Hidden” Pregnancies. So here is the ultimate guide to Dramione Accidental Pregnancy Fics, hopefully there is something on this list that will satisfy your ask. Happy Reading!
Teenage Unplanned Pregnancy:
Recommended Fics
Snow Storm by kblynne
8th year Post-war healing coping, Head Boy and Head Girl, teenage pregnancy.
Always Mine - A Dramione Fanfiction by SamadiW
8th year, Head Boy and Head Girl. The unplanned pregnancy is more of a secondary/later arc. Main arc on development of relationship between Hermione and Draco. Mixes the right amount of angst with the right amount of sexy.
Fics on my TBR that you might want to try:
From Venice with Love by jamieblye
In Private by acro acro
Locked In by goldhorse
His Sweet Dream by Supernerd22
I Didn’t Know by TriDogMom
Of All the Idiot Things by Lady Imara
Unbreakable by cleotheo
What Happened After The Canaries by Silver Lioness
Wartime Unplanned Pregnancy
Recommended Fics
Broken Chains by Leave It At That
Another Dramione, where Harry and Ron escape, but Hermione is left behind. As Draco and Hermione are forced together by a very perverted characterization of Voldemort, they realize they must rely on and trust each other to survive Voldemort’s demands. Forming a tentative trust and rare magical bond, together they set about playing the roles expected of them until they can find escape.
Resistance by GracefulLioness @graceful-lioness
Very well written, 7th year divergent. Instead of spending the war camping with Harry and Ron, Hermione spends it camping with Draco after they escape a battle together.
The Importance of Breeding by Jessiy  @jessiyl
Interesting twist on “what both sides of the war decide to do about the dwindling wizarding population”. Voldemort comes up with a “perfect mate” spell - guess who Draco’s perfect mate is?  
Manor of Conception by psiphifan
Harry and Ron, escape without Hermione. As punishment to the Malfoy’s for letting Potter get away, Draco is given Hermione to “breed”, thereby sullying his pure blood line. As dark as the set up is, Draco and Hermione adjust to their predicament quite adeptly. A “wartime subversion” read that hurts a bit … but climaxes a lot).
Fics on my TBR that you might want to try:
The Gift of Joy by biscuitsforpotter @biscuitsforpotter 
I Spy by gnrkrystle
The Power of Love by cleotheo
The Edge of the World by phlox
Balaur by two_ff
Tergeo by LadyKenz347 @ladykenz347
Consequences of War by NJ Coffee Queen
The Letter by RN2017
Haeres Genitus: The Begotten Heir by little miss moonlight
“Adults who forgot a contraceptive” - Future fic Unplanned Pregnancies
Recommended Fics
Precious Things by herbeautifullie @herbeautifullies
Beautifully told in a series of vignettes that take place every Christmas over a number of years. The author conveyed and developed Draco’s introspection as he falls in love with a family he never expected or wanted. Well written, emotional character/relationship study.
Liking by Ladyoneill
An adult affair between Draco and Hermione leads to adult conversations (with some input from Narcissa).
Fics on my TBR you might want to try:
A Year and a Day by Mistrus
Best Laid Plans by persephone_stone @persephonestone​
Careless by wish123
A Series of Very Bad Decisions by damnedscribblingwoman @fearsometinywit​
Unexpected Gifts by cryptaknight
Unintended Consequences by rainsrabble @rainsrabble
Knocked Up by dolphinroxy
The Side Witch & The Gift and My Witch & Her Gift by SeptimaBode
Once Upon a Night by longdistance
Ordinary People by inadaze22 @inadaze22
Surround Me by Taintedembrace
The Sweetest Downfall by xXBeckyFoo
A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy by Countess of Abe @countessofabe
Beautiful Mistake by pinayflava90
One Night Stand with Consequences Series by ruthy4vrsmoaked @ruthy4vrsmoak-ed
Constellations in Flourish and Blotts by MarshmellowMcGonagall @marshmallowmcgonagall
Gasping, Talking, Screaming, Crying by Gette
Heaven Forbid by empathaique
In the Heat of the Storm by xxDustNight88 @xxdustnight88
whispered through the trees by notawitch2580
Back to You by NJ Coffee Queen @mnem85
Circle by wanderlustfaery
Freedom’s Consequence, Rapture’s Reward by CelticSass
Marriage Law (but still unplanned) Pregnancy
I read and recommend all three fics in this sub-genre:
Desperate Marriage by x.Chrissy.x
Nice twist on the Marriage Law trope. After breaking up with their current fiancés when they find them cheating (Ron x Astoria), instead of letting the Ministry choose their spouses for them, they choose each other. Note: I don’t want to give spoilers away, but I think it should be noted that though it’s not tagged, be aware that a couple loses a pregnancy in this. As someone who has lost a pregnancy before, I was not put off by how it is handled, but found it emotional and relatable. There is an HEA and there is a happy healthy pregnancy and I did enjoy the fic completely even the emotional part.
Ninety-Five Percent by HufflePuffMommy @hufflepuffmommy
Draco and Hermione are 95% compatible - who would have thought? ;) I really enjoyed this marriage law fic - has courting quality to it, through all the tension and angst (and denial).
An Unconventional Escape by Ariel Riddle @ariel-riddle
Loved this twist on the “marriage law”. Voldemort has won and his wizarding world is facing population problems due to infertility of purebloods. He enacts a new law that purebloods can choose captive muggleborns as spouses. The only muggleborn for Draco is Hermione - and she’s suspicious, but clever enough to figure out his dastardly persona is more pretense for show.
Secret Child/Hidden pregnancy trope: Not only was the pregnancy an accident, it was kept a secret from Draco.
Recommended Fics
Amongst the Mango Trees by ViolaMoon @violamoonfanfic
Post-war, while in a happy affair with Draco, Hermione discovers his family has him engaged to Astoria, hours after she finds out she’s pregnant. She decides to leave and start over in Australia with her parents.
Breathe by RZZMG @rzzmg
In spite of a loving affair with Hermione, Draco feels obligated to see through his engagement with Astoria. But when he runs into a pregnant Hermione months after they break-up, he must dig deep to be his own man and not his father’s.
Seven for a Secret by Musyc @willhavetheirtrinkets
Anonymous sex during Beltane, has Draco putting pieces together when he encounters an 8 year old spitting image of himself.
Unspoken Words by LilithShade @lilithshadefanfic
Post-war, Future fic. Hermione and Draco have a one night stand. Nine months later, Hermione shows up at St. Mungo’s in labor. Draco is the doctor on duty.
Always You by Emerald2402
When there is trouble in paradise between Ron and Hermione, Draco just happens to be in the right place at the right time with a shoulder for her to cry on. A couple years later, the child she brings to St. Mungo’s with a fever, bears a striking resemblance to him.
The Trouble with Love Series by bentnotbroken1 @bentnotbroken1fanfiction
8th year Hogwarts setting. Accidental pregnancy is secondary arc, post-war coping/healing and Dramione affair primary arc. Note that the first in the series: The Pitfall is complete, but the second in the series is still a WIP (as of time of post 11/2020).
Fics on my TBR you might want to try:
Consequences of War by bentnotbroken1 @bentnotbroken1fanfiction
Aparecium by LadyKenz347
An Awfully Big Adventure by NJ Coffee Queen @mnem85
The Best of Me by MrsRen @mrsren
Choosing Destiny by AkashatheKitty @akashathekitty
Let There Be No More Curse by lexiatel @lexiatel
Nowhere Left to Run by FallenInDreams @fallen-in-dreams
Rose by longdistance
Second by LadyAlinor @ladyalinor
Seventeen by smithandbarrowman @smithandbarrowman
The Silver Dragon by KittenShift17 @kittenshift-17
Webs We Weave by mayghaen17 @mayghaen17
What’s in a Name by ImSlytherinatHeart
Full Body Control by lun27
Growing by the Minute by lozlol
Heartbreak and Horntails by AtHomewithWords
The Taste of Honey by Buzzy
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Smutty CS notion: sweet duckling Princess Emma stumbles on Dark Hook and is too intrigued for her own good...there are some things she just won’t tell Queen Snow 😉
Chasing a Shadow (Chasing a High) - Chapter 1
A/N:Thank you so much for the prompt @karlyfr13s! There is never enough Dark Hook Duckling. 😏 I hope you like it! 😘❤️ Huge thank you to @veryverynotgoodwrites for beta-ing and being awesome. ❤️ And thank you to everyone on the CSMM Discord for all your support! ❤️
Rated: E; Words (Ch1): 3856; AO3 tumblr.: Ch1, Ch2
Emma knew how to handle herself. As the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, who’d since become the ruling queen and king, she’d been well-trained in several ways by which to defend herself and protect the citizens of their kingdom. She could use a bow and arrow, was very skilled with a sword, and knew how to travel amongst others undetected. Whenever she’d asked to venture into the town, her parents were usually agreeable to it.
They didn’t know, however, about the dark figure in whom she’d taken an interest on her last few visits. Curiosity bubbled inside her while she watched him from afar as he swiftly moved through the crowd, the hood of his cloak concealing his face as he rounded a corner and vanished from her sight.
It became a little game she played with herself—finding him, trying to catch a glimpse of the man beneath the shadows, almost copying his swagger as she followed him. She wanted to know where he disappeared to every day as the sun set.
Her desire for answers made her bolder than she’d ever been, determination fueling her next moves.
Emma tracked the mysterious figure to a seedy street a few towns over, sparsely lined with lamps which mostly remained unlit as the day gave way to nightfall, and she found herself squinting in the darkness as she lost sight of the man again.
“A bit far from home, aren’t we, lass?”
Emma jumped at the sound of the sultry voice and turned to face its source. Her eyes widened as she got a good look at the cloaked man for the first time. Dark wisps of hair covered his forehead, and matching scruff decorated his chin, with equally dark kohl setting off his deep blue eyes and making them look that much more wild. An intriguing scar had long since healed on his cheek, and despite it, she couldn’t explain the sudden ache she felt as she scanned his features. He was rather attractive, she had to admit, save for the threat of the sharp metal hook whose tip he held at her throat as he backed her to a wall, the sudden contact of cold stone taking her by surprise. (In all honesty, though, that intrigued her too, the moonlight dancing across its surface as it sent a chill of some sort coursing through her.)
“What is it, love?” he sneered. “Are you here to make a deal or to try to kill me?” He glanced down at her scabbard and loosened it with his hand, shoving it to the ground with a clatter. “Either way, you’re in so far over your head.”
“Please,” Emma croaked, her throat suddenly dry, though from what she wasn’t quite sure. It wasn’t exactly fear, she knew that much. “Neither. I just—”
“Ahh,” he gave her a devilish grin, “or perhaps you’re after something else entirely.” His hand snuck beneath her bodice and seared her skin as he slid it up her side. “Does the thought of the big, bad Dark One turn you on?” He leaned the curve of his hook against the wall over her shoulder and hovered his face just above where it had been, inhaling sharply along her neck and humming against the shell of her ear, making her legs tremble beneath her as they suddenly grew weak. “Ohh, you don’t know what you’ve just gotten yourself into, then,” he growled, “Princess.”
The Dark One?!
“W-wait—” she pleaded because she knew she should. Panted, really. He already had her breathless as his mouth explored what little skin was left exposed by her modest outfit, while his hand found her laces and worked to reveal more of it to him. “I didn’t know….” She’d heard stories of the Dark One that had made her blood run cold, and she knew the danger he presented.
But the man in front of her didn’t quite fit the description that had been passed along in fairy tales, and all she felt now was heat, pooling low in her belly and blossoming on her cheeks and curling her toes.
“You know who I am?” she questioned, not that her identity was exactly a secret, but she thought she’d done well to evade his observation, though she guessed her current circumstances proved otherwise.
“Aye. Why do you think I led you all this way?” he asked, rucking up her skirts as his fingers brushed the back of her knee, encouraging her to lock her leg behind him as he lifted it and caressed her thigh. “I couldn’t very well take you in the middle of your own town for everyone you know to witness.” His eyebrow raised as he added cheekily, “Unless, of course, you’d like that too.”
“I wouldn’t,” she replied quickly, unamused by his soft chuckle.
“But you’d like me to take you here?” he teased, not waiting for an answer. She gasped into his mouth as he slanted it against hers, his tongue inviting itself between her lips and she found it not unwelcome as it drew forth a moan from deep within her in tandem with his thigh as he nudged her legs further apart and nestled it between them. Without a second thought, she rocked her hips, seeking a friction she didn’t know she needed until each pass both soothed and spurred the throbbing she felt in her core.
“Tell me what you desire, Princess,” he coaxed, breath hot over her lips. “I know you’ve been following me for some time. Tell me what you’ve come to crave, and I shall make it happen.”
“And what would I owe in return?” Emma knew any interaction with the Dark One would have unintended consequences.
“For you, love, I’d make an exception. Consider it my patronage to the crown,” he said with a flourishing bow while keeping his thigh pressed between hers. The timbre of his voice dropped much lower as he pressed his forehead to hers and purred, “With or without magic, you’ll come with no price, I assure you.”
Emma knew it was a bad idea, tried to convince herself to push him away, but her hands and hormones betrayed her mind as she pulled him closer, one hand anchored in his hair while the other splayed against his back and travelled lower to grip his ass with a confident playfulness neither of them had expected. She felt the hard bulge rubbing her thigh through his trousers as she continued to ride his leg and cursed without realizing what she was saying.
“My, what a crude vocabulary for a princess,” the Dark One commented, slowly sliding his hand toward the apex of her thighs. “Beneath the yards of intricate fabric, you’re still just a needy little wench, aren’t you?” He sent a jolt along her spine as his fingers passed through her folds and eased between them, working her more gently than his reputation would’ve led her to expect. “You put on airs of piety, in your castle with your guard and your formal address, but your slickness reveals the truth of your primal desire.” He pressed them deeper inside her, adding another and curling them towards himself, and she arched into his touch with a whimper and another string of curses when he continued to repeat the motion. “That’s it, darling. Fuck yourself with my hand. Show me just how desperate you are for me.”
Emma furrowed her brow at his words, unsure of when he’d stilled his hand and let her take over the pace. Her rhythm faltered, and she canted her hips in protest as he removed his hand from her core, only to watch in stunned amazement as he licked her arousal from his fingers one by one, his talented tongue determined to catch every drop.
“Your taste is exquisite, Princess,” he said. “It’s no wonder you stay locked away at most times. If they only knew what they were missing, you’d never be without a caller begging for even the smallest sample of your irresistible sweetness.”
Emma stuttered over unintelligible syllables, biting back words she hadn’t expected to want to say, a vulgar question nagging to be spoken that she wouldn’t dare to voice.
“Yes, love?” The Dark One pressed his chest flush against her, staring into her eyes, his mouth a hair’s breadth away from hers.
“I, umm—” Emma hesitated. The Dark One simply smiled, waiting.
“You’re a bit of an open book, Princess,” he said. “I can read your thoughts, but to get what you want, I need you to say it.”
Not one to back down from a challenge, Emma worked up the courage to ask, “Would—would you like to taste it directly?”
He raised his eyebrow and hummed his assent, his voice a low rumble in his chest as he prodded, “Is that what you would like, love?”
“Then tell me.”
“I want your mouth on me, Dark One,” she pleaded. “I want to feel your tongue inside me.”
“Mmmm, with pleasure,” he growled as he sank to his knees in front of her and ducked beneath her skirts.
The sinful cry that left her lips echoed down the empty street as he made contact with her wet and aching flesh, and Emma was sure someone would hear it and the equally loud moans that followed. Her legs wanted to cave beneath her, instinctively pulling together and pressing tightly around his cheeks as he devoured her, the brush of his scruff burning her skin in the best way. He chuckled without pausing his ministrations and held her thighs apart with the palm of his hand warming one and the flat of his hook cooling the other. She squirmed at the conflicting temperatures, or more likely at the way he licked and sucked in the space between them.
“Still with me, Princess?” he mumbled into her core, muffled by the layers of fabric cinched at her waist that shrouded him. Bracing herself with her arms against the wall, her fingertips dug into the gaps between the stones as he scraped his teeth against her clit and nipped at her sensitive flesh, his tongue plunging inside her as he drank in her arousal.
“Mmhmm,” she sighed unconvincingly, rolling her hips as she chased her high. A building tension overwhelmed her as the Dark One nosed at the swollen bundle of nerves while his tongue relentlessly found a spot that his fingers had only teased. “Oh gods,” she panted, her knuckles turning white as she heavily relied on the wall to keep her upright, losing the support of his hand and hook as they met his mouth in the middle to bring her to the edge.
“You flatter me,” he muttered, the joke lost on her as her head spun dizzily and fell back against the stone, her eyes fluttering closed while her hips bucked into his encouraging grunts as she came hard on his tongue.
The Dark One did well to catch as much of it as he could, opening his mouth beneath her as he thrust his fingers inside her with purpose and let her release pour into it, licking along her folds and sucking on her clit until she at last relaxed into the wall behind her. He lifted her skirts and stood before her once more, looking absolutely wrecked and feral, his chin glistening with her wetness below swollen lips, his hair mussed from static and sweat, his pupils blown wide with a greater hunger they’d yet to sate.
“I so wanted to make you wait for it,” he growled, chest heaving, “to make you wait for your release until I had you on my cock, but you were just too tempting, my dear. I had to taste all of you.”
Emma’s hands reached up to attempt to tame the haphazard locks atop his head but only served to add to the chaos as she clenched fistfuls of it instead when his lips collided with her own. She melted at the heady taste of herself on him and welcomed his full perusal of her mouth. The Dark One moaned eagerly as his tongue teased hers as it had her core, and Emma boldly took his bottom lip between her teeth as she pulled back for just a moment before she rose on her toes to meet him again.
“That’s it, Princess,” he said as they breathed together. “Take what you want.” He nosed along her jaw, nipping at the path until he bit her earlobe. His hook caught on her neckline and he tugged it down, down until he freed her breasts. The cool night air rushed across her newly exposed skin, teasing her nipples until he harshly palmed one breast and thumbed at the stiffening peak as he asked, “What do you want?”
“I want—” she could barely breathe, let alone think enough to speak. But then, she really didn’t need to think at all, only feel, to feel something more and then keep feeling it until she crashed all over again. “I want your cock, Dark One. Give me your cock.”
“Good girl,” he purred into her ear as he unlaced his trousers and lifted her skirts in the crook of his hook. His hand departed from her breast only long enough to align himself with her entrance and press inside with one steady roll of his hips as his teeth sank into her shoulder.
Emma cried out at the pleasurable pain of his bite and the stretch of his cock, clutching at his back for any sort of hold, finding purchase in the material of his cloak.
The Dark One’s fingers returned to their task of kneading her flesh as his tongue worked to soothe the purpling spot onto which his mouth had latched, and he began to move inside her with deep thrusts that left her almost empty before filling her completely each time.
“Gods, you’re so fucking tight, Princess,” he praised. “Tight and wet and fucking perfect. All for me.”
The small, encouraging sounds she made with every slide echoed the muted slap of his balls against her wet skin, the Dark One’s hungry moans finding their own sort of syncopated rhythm as he kissed along her collarbone and licked at the hollow of her throat before meeting her mouth again.
“Oh, how I’d love to taste every inch of you,” the Dark One groaned against her lips, “to watch your body quiver as I run my tongue all over your skin.” He dipped his head to trail his breath down her chest and suck at her nipple before releasing it with a soft pop. “But alas, we’ve not the time nor is it the place, and there’s a much more pressing matter for us both.”
Emma felt that tension building inside herself again as he devoured her mouth once more, massaged her breasts relentlessly, and slammed into her aching core. His words affected her more than she thought they could, and she writhed against the wall as she moved with him in an effort to bring them both to completion. She could tell he felt it too as the cords in his neck tensed and the force of his hips increased.
“Where do you want it, love?” he asked, his voice little more than a whisper this time as the words caught in his throat.
“Ins—inside me,” she choked between whimpers. “I want to feel it inside me, Dark One. Please come inside me.”
“Fuck, Princess, you are a naughty minx.” His thrusts grew rougher, more frantic as he began to lose the last of his resolve. “As you wish, my darling.”
While she thought he was already as impossibly deep as he could go, the Dark One adjusted his angle so that his legs would give him a stronger foundation as he pistoned his hips with abandon. The change sent her reeling, and she struggled to hold on as the corners of her vision blurred from his merciless snaps.
“Are you with me, Princess?” He breathed.
“Mmhmm,” Emma answered as before, though she knew it wasn’t quite true. Her mind travelled to the edge of another blissful plane, and her body was kept from physically falling only by his pinning hers to the wall.
“No, I mean, are you with me, love?” the Dark One clarified. “I’m so fucking close, sweetheart. Are you with me?”
“Good.” His hand slid its way up to her throat, taking a loose but firm hold. This time Emma did feel just a touch of fear, wondering how far the darkness would go to get him where he wanted to be, but it soon turned to further desire as the Dark One only tightened his grip enough to make her gasp as she relaxed in a mildly lightheaded haze. “Come for me, Princess. Come right on my cock as I fill you with my seed, you naughty thing.”
It did something to her, the way he continually mixed formalities with such vulgarity in equally sultry tones and with an eloquence that made her wonder for a brief moment why there would be any other way to speak when his speech alone could make her feel so good.
Emma’s legs began to quake beneath her when he passed the curve of his hook over her clit in deliberate circles and reminded her that she didn’t have to rely on just his voice to find her release, for which she was most grateful.
The Dark One stifled their moans of pleasure with a passionate kiss, plunging his tongue as deep as his cock as his hips stuttered and stilled and he spilled himself inside her. Their chests heaved as they rested their foreheads together and panted over each other’s lips, attempting to catch their breaths and waiting for their limbs to feel solidified again before daring to move.
“That was wonderful, darling. And I’ll be expecting some… other reciprocation with this pretty little mouth of yours next time,” the Dark One smirked. With a snap of his fingers, he righted himself, leaving her already missing the feel of his cock as his trousers laced themselves.
“Next time? I thought you said I’d come at no price,” she teased, wrapping her fingers around his hook and running them back and forth along the curve.
“That I did. And I didn’t lie, you’ve nothing to repay me.” He took the time to manually fix her bodice, every brush of his fingers lighting little fires across her skin, his effort with the ties as hot as the rest of their prior interactions. “But you withheld the truth from me of just how good of a fuck you are, Princess. You can’t honestly say this was a one-time thing.”
Emma hummed and placed her other hand on his chest as she challenged, “And what if I do?”
“Then I’d hope you’d kindly get on your knees for me right now, and I would assure you that whatever ungodly hour you arrive home will have been worth it.”
Emma’s gaze flicked from his eyes to his mouth and back as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.
“As tempting as that sounds,” she said with a smile, genuinely interested in finding out how he tastes and curious to see just how weak she could make the all-powerful Dark One in the process. But she knew she shouldn’t have gone this far to begin with, and fearing the consequences of further pursuit of whatever this was with him, she responded, “I need to get back before my extended absence is noticed, unless you want to deal with the army of guards my parents would send after you if they somehow found out you’ve ‘ruined’ me.”
“‘Ruined’ you?” His eyebrow raised as he scoffed, “Oh love, your innocence was clearly gone long before tonight. We both know you knew what you were after when you followed me here, and you certainly knew what you were doing when you got it.” His voice became darker, almost threatening when he added, “And I can handle the guards.”
“We might know that, but they sure as hell don’t, and I intend to keep it that way.” Emma sighed. “And I know you can handle them, that’s what I’m afraid of. It’s not for your sake but for theirs.” That earned a sarcastically begrudging eye roll from him.
Emma ducked and slipped away from him, picking up her scabbard as she did, and he spun on his heel as he watched her slowly step backward, beyond his reach.
“Goodbye, Dark One,” she said.
“I’m not unwilling to fight for what I want. Don’t think I’m letting you go this easily.”
“I would despair if you did.” Emma took another backward step before turning and taking off in the direction of her castle.
“Goodbye, Princess,” the Dark One called after her, or thought he called, his voice softer than he’d realized or intended as he watched her leave and got lost in the thought of his release still inside her.
It was all Emma could think about too, knowing it was driving him just as mad and grinning to herself at the fact that she could get to him. She could feel the way it dripped down her thighs as she moved. She could feel the way it dried sticky on her skin as she allowed it to remain there longer than she probably should have.
And she could feel it later as she further explored herself when she finally reunited with her bed and imagined what else he might do to her if given the chance, and what she could do to him, the scent of his pleasure mixing with that of her own arousal as they blended on her desperate fingers, which would have to suffice until she could find him again. She bit back moans and struggled to refrain from calling out his infamous moniker as her head fell back with the fresh memory of his mouth on her neck and the promise that she would feel it everywhere else.
Oh yes. Yes.
Yes, she would absolutely have to see him again, somewhere that would allow them a bit more freedom, the potential danger of granting that to him only adding to the thrill of it all.
Recalling his request, she brought her wet fingers to her lips and tested herself to see what she could handle, learning how much could fit and how deeply and for how long before she’d need a break. Just the hint of him on them encouraged her to try more, deeper, longer, as her other hand matched the pace inside her core and her thumb flicked at her clit.
She’d find an excuse for why she’d need to clean her own sheets tomorrow.
As Emma at last relaxed into the mattress, she drifted into dreams of what might be in store for the two of them. There are some things she would never tell her parents, and fucking the Dark One again and again would just have to be one of them.
Tag list ❤️: @donteattheappleshook @elizabeethan @hollyethecurious @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @jonesfandomfanatic @jrob64 @klynn-stormz @kmomof4 @qualitycoffeethings @stahlop @teamhook @the-darkdragonfly @thejollyroger-writer @tiganasummertree @xsajx @wefoundloveunderthelight @zaharadessert
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kingbuckley · 4 years
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Alright you guys this turned into an absolute monster of a fic rec. It’s organised by word count in descending order, and ALL FICS HAVE A HAPPY ENDING!! i don’t read fics that don’t end happy so even if a fic seems scary you can rest assured it ends fine if it’s here.
Special shoutout to @thisissirius (same ao3 handle) and @getbvcked (attolians (annber) on ao3) i have all their fics bookmarked so i didn’t include them individually in this list but you should check them out because every fic they put out is amazing. 
the rest is under the cut:
Breaking and Entering by AngelCuttingOnions (g/1k): Have you ever been terrified to lose something that isn’t even yours? Digging helplessly at the mud with your bare hands, so determined not to let go, not to give up. Your heart going so fast you think it might just beat out of your chest.
in any place you'll allow by barelyprolific (m/1k): Cleaning duty has never looked as good as Evan Buckley waxing floors.Or, Eddie Diaz finally makes his move.
Care and Keeping by BlackRose (m/1k): Eddie's alive, but he almost wasn't. Buck's determined to keep him safe now more than ever. Eddie, wants Buck to feel seen.
Cool for the Summer by Onlymystory (e/1k): Buck comes over to apologize to Eddie. It's a very good apology.
fireworks have nothing on you by inkandella (nr/1k): Buck’s tears had dried not too long ago, but his hands still shook as he wrung them. Bobby had just left to deal with, well, everything, but Buck remained by the truck, refusing to drag his eyes from Eddie for even a second. Eventually it was just Hen and Chim that remained, and Buck could finally see Eddie clearly. The man’s face was streaked with mud, dirt, and blood, his shoulders were bowed and eyes stared blankly off somewhere ahead of him. Buck bit his lips, but it didn’t really help him from asking again. “Is he okay?”Or; Buck finally does something about it.
Hotel Complaints and Grievances Raised by asexual-fandom-queen (m/2k): After a night out with the 118, Eddie wakes up with Buck naked in bed, and a barrage of feelings to face.
fight so dirty/love so sweet by homewrecker (m/2k): Buck and Eddie go for the title.
YOUR MOUTH IS HEAVEN by AgnesClementine (t/2k): A tongue piercing. Buck has a tongue piercing. Which is fine. Totally fine. Eddie is absolutely not going to lose sleep because of that information.
Zoom Into My Heart by Shaniamr (m/2k): Buck didn't know that zoom shared your private chats at the end of the meeting, but he's about to find out.
collisions in the dark by Marcia Elena (marciaelena) (e/2k): Eddie and Christopher spend the night at Buck's. Coda to 3x09.
What do you need? by RealOrFiction (e/2k): Buck has needs. Needs that haven't been met in a while.
Great Game by LovelyLittleGrim (e/2k): Buck’s watching him, waiting for some type of response. “Scared, Diaz?”“I don’t have any reason to be scared, Buckley.” He meets Buck’s eyes, lips quirked and murmurs, “I always come out on top.”
Buck Wild by Ithinkwehaveanemergency (m/2k): Eddie accidentally finds out that his best friend, coworker, and secret crush has done gay porn.
no greater joy by elisela (g/2k): When he wakes again, he finds Buck and Christopher out in the backyard, snuggled into the hammock that Buck had brought over months earlier, the day after Christopher had offhandedly mentioned that he’d been in one during a camping trip once and liked it. Buck was fooling no one when he said he’d happened to find it in storage, and Eddie had helped him set it up immediately, basking in the second-hand glow of Buck’s complete adoration of his son.
No Rest for the Wicked by Wassereis (e/2k): Eddie gets home early. What he finds wasn't what he expected.
people who love the same by templemarker (t/2k): Buck was just reheating a plate for Eddie when he heard a very familiar snort behind him."Okay, what now," he said expectantly."So," Hen drawled, "you have one plate on the counter, steaming, already had a couple of bites. And now you've got a second plate," she gestured at the microwave to the reheating lasagne, "and we all know who that plate's for."Buck looked at her, tilting his head. "I mean, I always make a plate for Eddie," he said, confused.
One Week by elisela (g/3k): Christopher's week revolves around Buck.
wherever I'm with you by anonymous (g/3k): In which Buck can't settle down in his own apartment until he realizes the true meaning of the word home.Or; Sleeping is easier when it's with Eddie.
To Be Whole by mansikka (t/3k): They say that when you and your soulmate are ready to meet, whatever they write on their skin will appear on yours, and vice versa. Which Buck thinks is bullshit. Right up until words start appearing on his arm.
Pull The Pin by islandgirl (g/3k): Everything they've been feeling and not saying is like a grenade between them and damn it all, Buck is ready to pull the pin, let the explosion happen and for everything to fall into place.
Long Overdue by mansikka (m/3k): Eddie realizes his feelings for Buck are more than platonic; what's he supposed to do now?
you could write this love in stone by chocolatebirdie (nr/4k): "Whatever happens, after tonight, I just want you to know that your friendship has meant everything to me. You’re my best friend, Eddie. You and Chris are – are like family to me. And I’m really grateful to have met you both.”“Why does this sound like you’re breaking up with me?” Eddie asks. The confusion-amusement ratio has started to skew towards the former, with an added dose of concern. Well maybe if he’d shut up and let Buck talk, Eddie wouldn’t be so puzzled.Did he have to use the phrase “break up,” though? Buck’s not sure he can stand the implication.
you can always be found by chocolatebirdie (nr/4k): Abby's back in LA, and she keeps trying to get in touch with Buck. The only problem? He's literally always with Eddie.
Until the Dancing Ends by suyari (g/4k): It’s been the strangest day of his life to date.Or the one where everyone's seen the footage of the rescue but Eddie.
when the hardest part is over by Anonymous (g/4k): “It’s okay,” Buck rasps out, tight against Eddie’s ear. “We got you back. We got you. You’re safe.”It sounds like he’s reassuring himself as much as Eddie – might even be saying it for Christopher’s sake even though the boy is blissfully unaware of what’s happened tonight. A mantra spoken to the night like a victory speech, a reminder that it could take nothing away from them.
Not Done by red_to_black (nr/4k): Buck volunteered to get into the ambulance with him, knowing the risks. He's pinching the guy's skin and saying, "Take it out," and Eddie, for the first time since leaving the military, feels it - a connection. A kindred spirit. A purpose that tethers him to reality. A person relying on him to get the job done.(or - a list of things Eddie Diaz couldn't give up on, including himself.)
Talk About It by DoneInLove (e/4k): You want to send me your dickpic?Just to see if it looks okay. Buck starts sending Eddie his dick pics before he sends them to other people.Eddie doesn't know why he decided this was a good idea.
Guessing Game by Arsenal (t/4k): Buck overhears Eddie telling his mother that he has feelings for someone and drives himself nuts trying to figure out who is possibly could be. aka yet another oblivious Buck fic
Happy Buck Day by Jecari (g/5k): After pushing the balloons tied to Christopher's crutch away, Eddie finds his best friend frowning, mouth agape. Buck looks adorable."It's not my birthday," Buck points out after shaking his head."We know," Christopher laughs.
Buck Is My Warrior by elisela (g/5k): “We’ll be filming a special edition of American Ninja Warrior,” Troy announces after the introduction to the current contestant ends, “focused on our brave first responders. Go to our website to find out more details and how to submit your videos.”Oh.“Buddy,” Eddie says, “I don’t really know if that’s my thing.”Christopher looks at him, then down at his feet and mumbles something.“Didn’t catch that, kiddo,” Eddie says, reaching out and pressing two fingers under Chris’ chin to tilt his face back up.“I said,” Christopher says, “I want to nominate Buck.”
Eddie Diaz and the Cat-astrophe at the 118 by SquaresAreNotCircles (g/5k): It’s Chimney who rescues her from the tree, but it’s Bobby’s arms that she curls up in on the drive over to the vet to get her checked out. Right from the start, it’s as if she knows who she needs to cozy up with to secure her spot at the station.“Come on, that’s crazy,” Buck says, but he does so while laughing not at Eddie, but at the grey tabby cat trying to get her claws on the fake mouse on a string that Buck bought with his own money, so Eddie doesn’t put too much stock in his opinion.Or: The firefam adopts a mascot and Eddie has a minor crisis about it.
Evan Buckley and a Series of Unintended Consequences by Shaniamr (e/6k): Buck has been hurt on the job and has lost the ability to use his hands while they heal. Eddie jumps at the opportunity to help Buck with anything he needs. Anything.
Love Language by red_to_black (nr/6k): The one in which there's too much pollen around, Eddie pines, and Buck is oblivious.Or - Eddie's love language is acts of service, and Buck doesn't totally get it.
The Other Woman by MomentsOfWeakness (t/6k): Buck has been unlucky in love lately and he can't figure out why. It takes a phone call from Eddie and an interrupted date for him to finally put the pieces together.
My Favorite Place Is Inside Your Hug by Lopithecus (e/7k): When Eddie gets stuck in a hole while trying to rescue a kid, he remembers Afghanistan and how many people were lost. Luckily he has Buck in his corner to help him get through the memories.
give me strength so i can see by see_addy_write (t/7k): After the tsunami, Buck is sure Eddie won't want him anywhere near Christopher -- or himself. Both of the Diaz boys have something to say about that.
haircut to the heart by itsmylifekay (nr/8k): 5 times Buck cuts Christopher’s hair and 1 time Christopher helps cut his.
In the Aftershock by hideeho (t/8k): When Eddie is injured on the job, Buck is forced to face the fallout.
Slow Your Thinking by an_alternate_world (e/10k): Eddie has the itch to fight, the discomforting unease of needing to release all his negativity again making it difficult to concentrate on the calls. Buck suggests an alternative: surrendering his need for control to Buck for a while.
Just For This Moment by suyari (m/10k): “Take your time,” Carla said sternly. “Don’t rush this because you’re worried, Buck, do you hear me? Any change in your scent could just set him off.”“Yes, thank you, I know how to deal with Alphas,” he drawled.“Yes, but Eddie’s not just another Alpha and I think it’s time we acknowledged that.”
You Are Safe (With Me) by BabylonsFall (g/10k): Or: 5 times Eddie waltzed into Buck's apartment like he owned it, and 1 time Buck tried
you waltz through my bloodstream by wayfarer (t/2k): Buck gets a boyfriend and Eddie is totally fine with that. Really.
can't fight that feeling by Anonymous (e/11k): “We have to keep this quiet,” he realizes.“That’s,” Eddie starts, his eyebrows tilting inwards adorably. “I mean, yeah, if that’s what you wanna do, then—”“Not for long,” Buck protests. “I’m thinking until tomorrow.”The eyebrows rise with interest; the eyes beneath get their spark back. “Yeah?”“It’s Maddie and Chimney’s wedding day,” Buck says, slipping his hands down the last bit and entwining them with Eddie’s. “Today should be solely about them, about their love. You and I can have tomorrow. All the tomorrows.”
Just Hold Me Well by Lobotomite (m/11k): It was meant to be a fun little trip with his 118 family; no stress, no drama, and certainly no sexuality-redefining fumbles that make him realize his more than platonic feelings towards his best friend. But, well, when has anything ever gone according to plan for Buck?
a leaf falls on loneliness by iimpossible_things (nr/11k): Buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “I’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. Really, he doesn’t. The 118 has too many good, kind people for that.But every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chim, he hears Eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.”—you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting—So each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence.
Darling It's Better (Down Where It's Wetter) by Onlymystory (e/20k): "Who the hell is that?" asks Buck. Like he doesn't know exactly who that is. Like a week ago he wasn't enjoying one of the best fucks of his life with Eddie Diaz. Or the reason for Buck's surprise at the new recruit isn't quite for the reasons everyone thinks.
i think i might've inhaled you by ariquitecontrary (m/20k): How do you tell your best friend that you're actually in love with them? If you're Evan Buckley, you don't.
dancing under red skies by dayswithout (g, 30k) Buck hates Eddie Diaz on sight.aka, a soulmate au. (Eddie’s POV; g/15k)
dancing under red skies by dayswithout (g/30k): Buck hates Eddie Diaz on sight.aka, a soulmate au.
The Education of Eddie Diaz by mansikka (e/30k): Eddie doesn't really know how it happened. One moment the 118 are drunk in a bar after a hard shift, confessions slipping from his mouth as he playfully kisses Buck on the cheek. The next he is on Buck's couch, taking up Buck's offer of an education that could be asking for trouble. But it's just sex, and they're just friends; it doesn't mean anything to either of them. So why is his time alone with Buck the highlight of his week?
Guess We'll Just Have to Adjust by CocoBadShip (m/30k): No, Buck does not have a damn crush on Eddie fucking Diaz. No, Buck is not thinking about Eddie's stupid smile or his stupid hair or that obscene sound he made when he pushed the couch the way he did.Having a crush would be weird. And dumb. And the last thing Buck needs in his already fucked up life.
tagging those of you who requested @lafdbuckley @casscent @googoodreamers
and some mutuals because why not @eddiediazs @judsonryder @fierydeans @buckleystrand
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