#the Prophecy of Simeon
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A Light to lighten the Gentiles
25 And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
26 And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Spirit, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ.
27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the law,
28 Then he took him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said,
29 Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, according to your word:
30 For my eyes have seen your salvation,
31 Which you have prepared before the face of all people;
32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.
33 And Joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him.
34 And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against;
35 (Yea, a sword shall pierce through your own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher: she was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity;
37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, who departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.
38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spoke of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
39 And when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth.
40 And the child grew, and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. — Luke 2:25-40 | King James 2000 Bible (KJB2K) The King James 2000 Bible, copyright © Doctor of Theology Robert A. Couric 2000, 2003. All rights reserved. Cross References: Deuteronomy 18:15; 1 Samuel 2:20; Joshua 19:24; Joshua 22:33; 1 Samuel 1:2; 1 Samuel 2:21; Psalm 89:48; Psalm 119:166; Psalm 119:174; Isaiah 8:14; Isaiah 9:2; Isaiah 11:10; Jeremiah 32:11; Matthew 2:12; Matthew 2:23; Matthew 8:10; Matthew 12:46; Mark 15:43; Luke 1:26; Luke 1:68; Luke 1:80; Luke 2:22; Luke 5:33; Acts 13:3; Revelation 6:10
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glasscandywitch · 4 months
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gankutsuou + virgin whore - emma maggie solberg
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radnewspaperroom · 1 year
I can't find my old post 😭 and this is riddled with OG Obey Me Spoilers, so if you haven't made it to lesson 80 and know the full story you might wanna skip this
I always had a deep gut feeling that Simeon had powers of prophecy and that's essentially what TSL was, disguised as a novel "inspired" by the boys
Each Lord is obviously each brother and certain characters reflect other people in their lives
Henry is MC
The Bronze Magician is gotta be Solomon
Knight of the Maze I feel like could be Barbatos
Even the play they did in the later season!
He had been so angry and so frustrated because he couldn't write anything (it's my theory that his powers weakened and he couldn't *see* anything) right up until the end and hastily wrote out the plot that ended up being how MC was about to use the Night Dagger on Lucifer and their internal struggle cause Dia just recently revealed his feelings and Lucifer over heard (AND THEN NOTHING WAS EVER FUCKING SAID ABOUT IT)
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I feel validated lol
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e-devotion · 9 months
what are you excited about?
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What are you waiting for?  Right now it might be about Christmas, the holiday, family or something like that.  There is so much going on.
In the story of Jesus coming to earth there is one piece that sticks out to me about people who were anticipating something very important.  They were waiting and excited about what God had for them.
We have all been in that place.  Waiting and excited.  It is kind of like a kid ready for Christmas but struggling to wait for the big day and all that it brings.
What are you excited about and waiting for?
Then you meet Simeon and Anna at the temple.
Luke 2:27-35  NLT  
That day the Spirit led him to the Temple. So when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required, 28 Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God, saying, 29 “Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. 30 I have seen your salvation, 31  which you have prepared for all people. 32  He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!” 33 Jesus’ parents were amazed at what was being said about him. 34 Then Simeon blessed them, and he said to Mary, the baby’s mother, “This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, and many others to rise. He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him. 35 As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul.”
Luke 2:36-38  NLT  
Anna, a prophet, was also there in the Temple. She was the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. Her husband died when they had been married only seven years. 37 Then she lived as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshiping God with fasting and prayer. 38 She came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem.
Both were looking forward to Jesus, the Messiah, coming.  And here is their meeting Jesus and seeing their dreams and hopes come to life.  That was their anticipation.  That was their hope come to life.  
What are we looking forward?  What are we excited about?
Then, let me chat about Cuba and what I was and am excited about!  Every one of the trips I have been on has brought anticipation, excitement and even joy.  
This trip was much the same.  But one part I was anticipating and even nervous about was a 15 hour bus ride from way east in Cuba back to Havana.  The hike was heavy and something I was waiting for.  But the bus ride had me all nervous and uneasy… anticipating to say the least.
But it was good.  Interacting with our team that was on the bus with us was so good.  Seeing some of the country I have never seen before was good.  Doing something that the Cubans do easily and I have never done was cool, the way to travel and how to prepare.
God showed it, and it was good.  I thought it would be harder than it was.  Yet through it all it not only it not too bad, but it was good.  Great outcomes, and there is more to come.
What are you excited about and anticipating in the days ahead?
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anokha-swad · 1 year
First Sorrow: The Prophecy of Simeon
From the Gospel according to St. Luke:
When the days were completed for their purification according to the Law of Moses, they took Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord
Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. This man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Messiah of the Lord. He came in the Spirit into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to perform the custom of the Law in regard to Him, he took Him into his arms and blessed God, saying: “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to Your word, for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You prepared in the sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel”.
The child’s father and Mother were amazed at what was said about Him; and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His Mother: “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted; and you yourself a sword will pierce, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
To suffer, to feel pain, to be despised, humiliated, to go about with a wounded and tearful heart – this was indeed something terribly inhumane!
Or perhaps without suffering we would not be completely human? Would we not have the right to reach out for love, happiness, and heaven? In times of suffering, when faced with our Cross, by uniting ourselves with Jesus – this is when we precisely become even more our true selves. At Nazareth, through His Angel, God announced to Mary news of great joy: “Behold, you will conceive and bear a Son…,” you will be the Mother of a King, “and of His kingdom there will be no end.”
Mary, help me to believe, even when my reason fails me. Your sensitive heart, pierced by a sword of sorrow, uniting itself already beforehand with Jesus in His suffering, wishes to be united with the heart of each one of us. Through Your Immaculate Heart, we wish, like you, to surrender ourselves unconditionally and with complete trust into the hands of our Heavenly Father, believing that “all things work for good for those who love God.” Amen.
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7_sorrows_eng.pdf (carmelitefathers.com)
menakeret.bandcamp.com/album/menakeret www.metal-archives.com/bands/Erancnoir/3540435684 www.metal-archives.com/bands/Menakeret/3540521441
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devildomwriter · 16 days
Simeon’s Journey
Simeon was introduced to us as an angel, not just any angel but an archangel; A warrior angel in charge of legions of angels.
From season one we immediately learn not everything is as it seems with Simeon. Simeon tends to bend the rules, be more relaxed, and was mentioned as having once been a Seraph, the highest rank of angel in the Celestial Realm.
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In the Celestial Realm Simeon was a brother to Lucifer. He was given a rose garden by his Father and watched it diligently while having a great interest in a book of prophecy, one that foretold he’d one day lose his wings. Although this concerned Mammon, Simeon wasn’t particularly bothered.
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When the war broke out, Simeon tried to cover for the brothers, and for this, he was demoted to Archangel, a busy position where his job was to defend the realm from the frontlines. Gone were the days of rest and relaxation with his family and two close remaining friends, Raphael and Michael.
To cope with the loss of the brothers, Simeon began to write about them, likely using the book of prophecy as a reference since most of his books reflected what would eventually become reality, with the main protagonist, Henry, replacing MC. These books would eventually be published but upon visiting the Devildom and discovering the brothers were so different from how he remembered he became disheartened and didn’t continue his work until Season Four of the game.
Upon coming to the Devildom in season one Simeon was guarded against Diavolo and didn’t particularly like him. He enjoyed scaring Luke, befriended Solomon, and acted as a messenger for Michael.
In season two things take a turn with Simeon. He’s more relaxed and adjusted to the Devildom and doesn’t hide his secretly stern behavior, even bringing Mammon to tears when put in charge of a play he’d write.
When everyone learned MC would likely die from their abundance of uncontrolled power, the ring of light was given up as an option because it was lost in the war. Simeon keeps quiet but immediately leaves to steal the ring from the celestial realm to save MC’s life.
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These actions closely resemble Lilith’s choice which started the war with similar results.
Lilith directly altered a human's lifespan which is forbidden, by offering him stolen fruit from the Celestial Realm.
Simeon more or less altered MC’s lifespan by bringing them the one object that could keep them alive. If MC hadn’t died, Lucifer would have, Lucifer who although forgiven, was still a traitor to the realm.
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The final chat of season two is Michael asking to speak with Simeon. It’s clear he’s in trouble for what he’s done.
In season three we aren’t shown anything is too different with Simeon although the brothers find it weird that he’s in the human world as it’s not an archangel's job. During his time at the cafe, Simeon meets with Raphael on multiple occasions who is checking on how he is doing as a human.
In season four Simeon comes back to the Devildom, this time as a human exchange student though this fact is only known by Solomon, Raphael, Diavolo, Barbatos, and Lucifer who keep an eye on him to make sure he is safe from other demons.
Now in the Devildom, it’s clear how powerless Simeon is. Unable to protect himself or his loved ones with an angelic blessing, everyone learns the truth. With the truth revealed and his closest friends there to support him, Simeon finally takes the steps towards accepting his new life as a human and even begins to wear his old celestial realm clothing.
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But things don’t end there. Despite his newfound confidence, no more than a few weeks later he becomes sick and unsettled, even missing part of the RAD Science Fair to stay home.
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While observing Simeon one day, Lucifer notices his aura has changed and when he confronts Solomon, Solomon reveals that Simeon is turning into a demon and he has been since the human world.
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Moments we can see this too in the human world were Simeon’s teasing in the “Celestial Realm”, his threats to the brothers in the cafe, and his confession to Lucifer that he feared his own Father or an aspect of him.
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Simeon may not understand what’s happening to him, although he knows his magic is stronger and applauds MC for noticing in chapter 47. Simeon is now forced to make another huge adjustment by becoming a demon, and it’s difficult for the people around him too—after learning Raphael was found staring into space and incorrectly answering questions, even struggling to drink Demonus, which he loves. Michael has been pestering Luke for updates on Simeon, and Luke is now concerned about his condition again.
This will only go a few different ways. Simeon becomes a demon, demon form and all, and perhaps reunites as brother with the other seven, or he’s going to fight against the change to become an angel again as even Raphael states he believes Simeon is better at his “job” than he used to be.
Depending on how Simeon copes with this change, it’s either a tragedy or a new beginning. Simeon has always been disillusioned with his job, even telling MC he believed angels couldn’t have dreams of what they wanted to do, and drunkenly sobbing to Lucifer that he’s now more of a middle management type.
Either way, for Simeon and everyone around him, it’s hardly the ending.
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Okay hear me out!
(I haven't done this in a while or posted at all in a while but I missed it here and work is sucking my soul out so I'm gonna try to be here more regularly🤞🏻)
The animals in the aquariam event can all be somewhat connected to the characters they were partnered with right?
1.) Lucifer - Orca
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Majestic af - Sadistic bastards
2.) Mammon - Shark
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Dangerous but also not as much of an asshole as they're made out to be
3.) Levi - Jellyfish
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Jellyfish - remind me of LED lights
LED lights - remind me of gamer rooms
Gamer rooms- remind me of Levi
4.) Satan - Catshark
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I mean....it's in the name.....
5.) Asmo - Dolphin
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Cute but not as sweet as they're made out to be
6.) Beel - Octopus
7.) Belphie - Squid
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• Looks kinda mean but actually pretty friendly & adorable to the people they become close with
• I don't know.... as a kid though I always thought of squids as the evil twin of the octopus? even though their generally bigger/rounder eyes make them look cuter
8.) Diavolo - Whale
9.) Barbatos- Oarfish
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• Gentle Giants (any actual harm caused is less because of genuine malicious intent and more because they're just that powerful)
• Weird & Mysterious. Gives the vibe of being ancient. Possibly witnessed the birth of the universe. Probably recites prophecies in tongues.
9.) Simeon - Manta Ray
10.) Luke - Penguin
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• Do other fish look at manta rays and think they're angels?
• Cute & Cuddly (boys. cute & cuddly.)
11.) Solomon - Polar Bear
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The only mammal on the list that can actually live on land = the only human. White colour scheme. Looks friendly & approachable, can brutally murder you.
And here's the "Hear Me Out!" part:
12.) MC - Spotted Seal
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• Mammal that can live on land but is most suited for swimming in the water = can live in the human world but functions at their highest potential in the Devildom
• MC canonically has big, puppy dog eyes
• MC canonically is objectively cute
• Kinda dopey on land = passes as an overall average human being in the human world.
• Hunts great in the sea = actually fucking built to survive in the Devildom and thrive there
• Additionally = the myth of selkies - creatures that can shapeshift between a seal & a human. There's been lot of canon evidence that MC is not fully human
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ave-immaculata · 1 year
praying through the sorrowful mysteries and like. someone had to go get Mary. inside her house during the night she wouldn't have known what was happening until Jesus was already in captivity, but there she is at the foot of the Cross.
someone had to go get her and say that the Sanhedrin had arrested her Son. just imagine the sinking feeling to know what was about to happen to her Child, the prophecy of Simeon.
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harunayuuka2060 · 11 months
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: MC-
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: How are you doing?
MC: Are you asking because you are concerned? *tilting their head to the side while staring at him*
Barbatos: Yes. You must be uncomfortable. *seeing that all the furniture are removed, even pillows and blankets*
MC: Ah. I feel no discomfort at all.
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: I know you're communicating with the real owner of that body.
Barbatos: We were in good terms even before they decided to leave.
MC: What are you trying to say then?
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: Please pass this message to them.
MC: ...
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: MC, I apologize that I couldn't do anything to help you.
Barbatos: Nonetheless, should you genuinely wish to bring this to a close, do not hesitate to summon me. I assure you of my assistance.
MC: ...
MC: They heard you.
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: Do they have an answer?
MC: Yes. They hope you won't go back on your word.
Barbatos: I see. Thank you for telling me. *turned around and left*
Mammon: Oi, Lucifer! I thought you wanted to take care of MC, huh?! Why would you remove everything in the attic?! It looks like an empty cell now!
Levi: That's right! That's inhumane!
Lucifer: Silence! I wouldn't have done that if you were capable enough to watch over them!
Mammon and Levi: ...
Lucifer: If I had only missed one second, MC would've been dead.
His brothers: ...
Lucifer: We're lucky that they feel no pain. Nor that they feel weak after losing so much blood.
Lucifer: But they could still die.
Barbatos: That's right.
The brothers: Barbatos-
Lucifer: Did they talk to you?
Barbatos: Yes.
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: MC would like to stay in the Demon Lord's Castle once again.
Lucifer: *nods* If that's what they prefer.
Luke: Why are you smiling, MC?
MC: Barbatos... He's really a kind demon, isn't he?
Luke: Hm?
MC: It's nothing. By the way, Luke?
Luke: Yes?
MC: I want to go where Simeon is. Do you know where is he?
Luke: He's at the Celestial Garden. But why do you want to see him?
Luke: *worried frown* He doesn't see you.
MC: I would like to know how he's doing.
Luke: ...
Luke: *smiles* Okay. Please come back immediately so I wouldn't be worried!
MC: *chuckles* Okay.
Simeon: *reading a book that tells prophecies*
Simeon: ...
Simeon: *looks concerned as he tries to interpret the message*
Simeon: This can't be. MC has been long gone.
MC: *who has just arrived to the garden and sees him*
MC: *smiles as they approach him*
MC: Here you are, Simeon. And what's with the gloomy face?
Simeon: ...
MC: *goes to sit next to him*
MC and Simeon: ...
MC: It's quite peaceful here. Just like in Purgatory Hall. *chuckles* Only Solomon was the one making a racket.
Simeon: ...
MC: *looks at him* *sadly smiles*
Simeon: ...
MC: *stood up* I must get going now. I don't want a certain angel catching me here.
MC: Goodbye, Simeon. *as they about to walk away*
Simeon: *grabbing their hand*
MC: !!!
Simeon: MC...
Lucifer: *has called Diavolo to ask if MC and Barbatos already arrived in the Demon Lord's Castle*
Diavolo: Huh? But Barbatos arrived alone, Lucifer. MC was not with him.
Lucifer: What?!
MC: The statue of the Fairy king.
Barbatos: Yes. I will bury you here.
MC: ...
MC: Heh. It's perfect.
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onyourowndaisymae · 2 years
obey me dateables (+ luke) playing minecraft with you
this came to me last night like a prophecy from the god of silly geese
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prompt: you've somehow convinced these guys to play minecraft, a human world game, one night, just the two of you. but how exactly does that experience go?
[brothers version]
{established relationship, obey me x reader (minus luke, who is platonic ofc)}
oh you-- oh you thought the future king of the devildom was going to be a fearsome warrior slashing down hordes of monsters coming to attack the two of you? or a masterful builder constructing a wonderous homestead for you two to retreat to at night?
nah, this man is a certified flower picker.
diavolo basically uses this as an excuse to play domestic family simulator with you. he's at his happiest when he's picking flowers and planting them around your shared house (you've got to share a house with this man or he'll give you the most pitiful expression) or decorating to any other extent, like carpets or paintings or lights. he just loves making your little home together!
he's also just as willing to do anything you request of him. you need him to mine for cobblestone? he's your guy! need someone to fish for you? right away, mc! you have to show him exactly how to complete said task, but once you do, he's happy to help.
definitely puts your beds together and gives you a dumb, happy grin. the characters are as close as the two of you now! speaking of which, do you have any plans? will you spend the night at the castle? he can push back his morning meeting tomorrow if you promise you'll stay.
he's just so happy to spend time with you. your shared little cottage and virtual world are just another artifact of your relationship. maybe some day the two of you can have a domestic setup like this in real life, too.
this man is good at everything he does. obviously, he's going to pick up the controls and mechanics surprisingly fast. you'd think he'd made the game himself with the ease he gets around.
your shared house is beautiful. he actually originally made two separate houses, one for each of you. but when you looked confused and told him you assumed you'd live together, he immediately gets to work on a bigger, prettier house for you to share. the only thing that gives him away is that pleased little twitch of the corner of his mouth as he resists a smile.
with as good as he is at the game, barbatos isn't super keen on what is actually "good" and what is just normal game stuff. he finds diamonds within 15 minutes of his first trip into a cave and, when you applaud his efforts, he turns to you and very plainly asks "is that... good?"
everything he finds goes in a communal chest at your shared home. you tell him he doesn't have to do that, but he insists-- it's in his nature. he doesn't tell you that every little comment you make when you spot new, valuable resources in the chest makes his chest warm. always happy to serve, this one.
monster killing machine. nothing will hurt you in this game. they can't even get close enough-- barbatos is always there, at your tail, protecting you from stray arrows or sneaky creepers trying to get you.
oh, you're taking on the challenge of trying to teach him how to play a video game? good luck. kiss your sanity goodbye now.
he is terrible with the controls. simeon fares a little better with a controller because it's made for gaming only. god help you both if you're on a computer. wasd? never heard of her.
despite his piss poor technology skills, he's surprisingly pleased with the way this is all going. he feels a little bad that you have to babysit him in-game but appreciates your attention nonetheless. any mistake is met with a sweet laugh-- what a good sport.
he finds your patience endearing, and vows internally to get better at this game so that you'll want to play it more often. he's already plotting to rope solomon and luke into helping him improve.
and just like any good softie, he's terrible at in-game combat. he dies so many times. he doesn't really understand what's happening when he starts getting attacked. most of the time, the creature will hit him from behind, so he literally thinks he's dying for no reason. you have to explain to him that he's gotta-- simeon just turn around, you're-- dead. he's dead already.
his strengths in lie much more simple pursuits. give this man a farm to tend and he'll be perfectly content being a cute little malewife house husband. he secretly gathers the ingredients for a cake and surprises you with one after you return home from collecting wood to expand your house. he's beaming next to you in real life; who wouldn't kiss all over that cute face of his?
speaking of old ass men-- this man is a menace in your minecraft world.
he gets the controls pretty quickly. pros: you don't have to spend much time teaching him how to play. cons: he is confident enough in his survival abilities to just... disappear. what's that mc? you wanted to build a house together? too late. he's fighting against three endermen deep in a mine an entire biome away.
you're going to have to do a lot of the communal work yourself. build the house, gather resources, find a reliable source of food and materials-- solomon will stroll right in and steal them from your chest. if he's feeling generous, he'll leave behind the rare resources he got his hands on during his journeys. which is nice, of course, but he still stole three whole stacks of wood planks like a jackass and took off before you noticed.
you end up making it to the nether together. he says he'll protect you, and for the most part that is true. however, sometimes he's preoccupied and you get attacked while he's not looking. if you die, he'll laugh at you (yet still save your stuff and give it back when you return). if you survive, then it's onwards into the depths of hell!
when he gets bored, he starts terrorizing you. this is as basic as moving things around the house to as obnoxious as blocking you in with dirt or wood and covering you up as you try to escape. he thinks this is hilarious, by the way. but he knows you, and his antics cease before you actually get pissed off.
luke tries very, very hard to be good at this game. he gets a A for effort... and a C- for skill.
somehow, someway, he falls into every. hole. imaginable. you'd almost think they're spawning in front of him with how frequently this happens. you're playing rescue now... and again... and again... and he did it once again. he also gets lost very easily, so it's best to keep him with you at all times.
you guys decide to share a little house together and it's very cute. you've got your own separate rooms, then a kitchen and living room to share. he is very insistent that it has to look like a real house, with a real kitchen and everything. humor him and help him out-- he'll reward you by always making sure you have food.
every activity in this game is now a group activity. safety in numbers, he says, in the middle of the day with no monsters in sight. it doesn't really matter anyways. he'll follow you wherever you go. he'll even enter that super scary cave you're in so he doesn't have to face the monsters alone.
luke is very scared of being attacked by any mob in the game. he's specifically built his room on the second floor of your house so they can't get him. if he is somehow face to face with a monster, then he's yelling, incoherent as all hell, panic-building a dirt protection chamber around himself (he won't actually kill them because he feels too bad). if you're within reach, then he'll cover you too. if not, good luck with that monster! he will root for you, obviously, but you're delusional if you think he's going out there to help you.
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The Prophecy of Simeon
At last, Lord, you can dismiss your servant in peace, as you promised! For with my own eyes I have seen your salvation which you have made ready for every people— — Luke 2:29-30 | J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS) The New Testament in Modern English by J.B Phillips copyright © 1960, 1972 J. B. Phillips. Cross References: Psalm 119:166; Psalm 119:174; Isaiah 52:10; Luke 2:26; Luke 2:28; Luke 2:31; Luke 3:6; Acts 28:28; Revelation 6:10
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delusionalwings · 1 year
Omg I was thinking abt how the OB boys would be with an MC that has a beautiful voice. Like Lucifer would never admit hoe much he loves hearing them sing, Mammon would ask them to have a little concert so he can charge people even tho he thinks no one else deserves to hear their voice. Levi would want them to repeat his favorite characters voice lines, or the way Satan would love sharing them read books and how Asmo could sit and listen to them talk for hours. Ofc Belphie would want them to sing him to sleep and Beel would always invite them to his workouts, because sometimes he gets lucky and MC sings along to his music (he purposely plays songs he knows they like for that reason)
ohmigod buddy, you are so right! I especially love the mammon one for some reason. TvT LUCIFER IS A PIECE OF SHIT, ISN'T HE?! i would flirt with levi till he passes out XD. as someone who loves to read, i love the satan one ;-; asmo, yaassshhh let's get the gossip going. he definitely wants to become an idol with mc. he also starts a channel called "the voice of the devildom" or something where they ulpoad music videos. it's pro level. ah another day of belphie getting an excuse to be closer to mc ;) beel also loves it when you sing after he finishes eating. it's sweet.
mc would ace seductive speechcraft like a breeze if they have the confidence to say flirty lines-
i wrote for luci and some side characters TvT
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― synopsis -> when mc has a beautiful voice
― characters -> lucifer, diavolo, simeon, barbatos
― gender neutral reader
― headcanons
― warnings -> yandere content
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The first time he catches you singing, he hides his presence and gets lost in your melody. That is when he decides that your voice must be his alone.
“Hmm. Why would you stop? Did I give you the permission to do so?”
Unbeknowst to you, he sometimes hums the songs that you are fond of singing when presumably alone. He never admits that he actually enjoys those. He lets on that it’s all his scheme to make your life miserable.
That sounds like the call of the divine, the voice of the angels! What lovely music it is to the ears!
“[Name], could you say the prayers today too? After all, your voice seems to be formed for this reason...”
Whenever he faces a writer’s block or feels frustrated in general, he asks you to read to him. Your voice has a quality that helps him visualise better. If you read any of his recent works, you will find how he writes about prophecies in enchanting voices, sirens calling out to bewitch angels or even a whisper in the dark. Your voice calls out to him in more ways than one.
What beautiful voice you possess! After this discovery, he decides to update his schedule to include an hour of you singing human world songs. Daily. What can be better than experiencing human world culture by enjoying the voice of his love?
He is enthusiastic about holding festivals and nudges, almost subtly forces, you to sing in those. After all, the entire Devildom must witness your talents and realise how amazing the various realms are. What potential healthy bonds can hold!
Your voice reminds him of the soothing aroma of fresh tea. Even though the word ‘cunning’ perfectly suits Barbatos, he feels that you have a better claim to that title. You would speak innocently yet the words would pierce hearts. The moment you open your mouth in Seductive Speechcraft, even the Young Master is charmed.
Barbatos notices and knows that you do not have any ulterior motive but he can’t help but try to be on his guard and... ultimately fails. You are so cunning, aren’t you? Cunning and clueless... The things that you do to those around you and him. Can’t you see?
He has found that your voice helps his spirits to an extent where his efficiency improves too. How can he let you go after that? You will indulge him, won’t you?
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pregnancykink · 1 year
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1. The Prophecy of Simeon | Luke 2:34-35 | Then Simeon blessed them, and he said to Mary, the baby’s mother, “This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, and many others to rise. He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him. As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul.
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2. The Flight into Egypt | Matthew 2:13 | “Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to kill Him.”
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Matthew 2:16 | Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and [...] killed all [...] who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity.
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3. The Loss of Jesus for Three Days | Luke 2:43 | And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.
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Luke 2:46-47 | And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.
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4. The Carrying of the Cross | John 19:17 | Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull.
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5. The Crucifixion of Jesus | John 19:18, 30 | There they crucified him [...] When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
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6. Jesus Taken Down From the Cross | John 19:33-34 | But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.
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7. Jesus Laid in the Tomb | John 19:41-42 | At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid. Because it was the Jewish day of Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.
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Sam & Dean | The Seven Sorrows of Mary
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acaribeau · 1 year
Ch 16 wasn’t the first time we traveled back in time
And I'm not talking about NB
Theory time! (And a little rant)
Too much text incoming
What if I tell you that the timeline that we see in cannon (specifically S1) wasn't the first time we lived that year? What if we repeated that year over and over until it came right, not for us (and definitely not for the neckless MC that died in Mammon's arms) but for Diavolo?
You don't believe me? Well, I have a theory...
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In multiple times, the brothers had told us that "they wouldn't do something like that for a random human".
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But they had, indeed, showed too much attention and attraction to a random human. (Yes, MC isn't completely human but if Angel!Lucifer couldn't see what they were, they just saw a random human with a nice soul). Some of them didn't do pacts at all.
Even Lucifer was flirting with MC (in the form of dead threats like a good demon 😈)
What if that was the remanant of the feelings that they built in the previous time-lines?
But Barbatos vowed to never use his powers... Wrong!
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Yes, he vowed to never see the future again... For himself. Diavolo can have totally control over them, over Barbatos. He's his butler and he has vowed to serve him. If assuring the succes of the exchange program (the first step to Diavolo's dream of interdimensional peace) wasn't important enough to use his power, when could they use it?
Barbatos already used his powers in front of everyone in ch16. But... Wasn't too ideal that he knew that MC only needed 5 pacts? As if... He already saw them open the attic before? How did he knew he needed to warp time? Because I'm not going to buy that he leaded MC to Mammon's room by accident. How did they knew (or even suspect) that MC were descendant of Lilith? (And that we could revive magically by her).
Barbatos, ordered by Diavolo, rewinded time and time again that year for assure that neither of the exchange students died in that year (any dead could mean war, depending of how good is the relationship with the Celestial Real. We already saw the threats that Michael send to Diavolo through Simeon in S2).
And like a cerise in a cake, end that annoying and dangerous 'hate for humans' of Belphegor. (And assure again the loyalty of all the brothers for Diavolo at letting them know the reason behind Lucifer's pact was to save their sister)
All ended too good for Diavolo. But for achive that, MC had to gain the affection of the brothers, little by little, or one by one. By the time the cannon is happening, Barbatos already knows what to do without seeing the future...
Of course I'm not saying that all the pacts were for his direct intervention. Mammon's and Satan's were for prophecies (arguably Levi's. When have you seen Barbatos left something dirty for more than 5 seconds? But he wasn't in Levi's competition, so Mammon slipped... but that could be thinking too much) but he helped planning the retire for doing Asmo's pact (remember that they are very close friends, how could he not know how to push his buttons? He could even ask Solomon to lend MC his magic if he wasn't planning it).
And of course, probably that's how they knew about the prophecies of TSL (and why Diavolo avoided the final act, and made Simeon rewrite it), seeing things that no matter what he did, there were thing that always happened. Not in the same way, but inevitable and unavoidable things.
Now! For finishing this :
We all know how OM like to insert the media (normally Levi's animes and games) with long and uncannily titles that adjust too perfectly to the situation they are living.
Poor MC with so many prophecies in their life, I don't know how they aren't paranoid in all their elections.
So... Diavolo said this in a chat.
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The actual theory
There were routes. Bad ending routes. We died many times, and in at least one we survived thanks to friendship Lilith's magic and freed Belphegor (in the same or separate timelines). We said what she told us, but something was incomplete, something was wrong and we died again.
Then Barbatos did the little things that could done to be sure that we made the pacts. The moment MC had the 5 pacts, an MC from another timeline came, opened the attic and returned to their timeline (because this Barbatos wasn't an asshole and made the portal door close to the attic).
Belphie, Beel and MC go to PH.
Belph is a prisoner.
MC didn't die.
Lilith doesn't tell them their message (No good Belphie here 😔 only hate).
Then, as things weren't as good as they could be, Barbatos decide to... Expand his options, bending time. How? Well... Being an asshole Making MC to change the past.
He knows MC has to die to "speak" with Lilith and a Belphie filled with blame of killing 'a part of' Lilith again is a good Belphie. A Belphie that won't start a masacre or war in the human world. So, he sends MC to Mammon's room, directly to the past brothers (why risk that MC could be sneaky enough to avoid them in the Hall? Throw them directly to them!) And the rest is history...
So... The questions that we all are thinking (or at least me)...
Will OM! Music Nightbringer give us that bad ending routes?
Will they connect that past-timeline with the present OM, doing this theory semi-accurate or completely wrong?
Will they finally explain the limits of Barbatos' powers? Or is he an ancient god without limits?
Were Mammon's instantly crush in MC product of a past timeline that neither of them remember?
Were Diavolo and Barbatos assholes? Yes
Will Simeon fall?
Will I ever overcome my ADHD and procrastination and write a fic about this theory?
Did I overthink too much an Otome game?
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alexxncl · 5 months
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lucifer's psyche (nb)
mammon and satan's relationship (nb)
simeon's celestial war dilemma
solomon and diavolo (nb lesson 14)
diavolo and barbatos' relationship (nb lesson 15)
michael's true intentions (nb lesson 20)
simeon's prophecies (nb lesson 23, og lesson 76)
satan read the bible? (nb lesson 26 & 32)
time soup (nb lesson 33)
solomon, lilith, and the underworld (nb lesson 36)
the fall to cocytus (nb lesson 37, og lesson 16)
mammon's power (nb lesson 39)
barbatos and mc (HDD 2024 Ch. 4)
what's happening to simeon? (nb lesson 45, og lesson 76)
were the RAD Science Fair Physics Finals rigged?
is simeon a demon? (yes...probably)
a (mini) luke race retrospective (nb lesson 49)
mephisto's insecurity (nb lesson 49)
simeon's prophecies 2.0 (nb coffee someday)
what's happening to simeon?
solomon can't go to babel?
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Simeon’s Prophecy
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Major spoilers for Obey Me season 4 below the cut
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So Simeon already knew sometime in the future he wouldn’t be an angel. He is good at reading the book of prophecies and working out the future. So even in a time where MC didn’t meet him in the past, Simeon foresaw meeting someone “unexpected”
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