#the Sky Speaks
reality-detective · 9 months
* * * News Interruption * * *
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real-life-cloud · 12 days
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notdelusionalatall · 6 months
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hireathlove · 27 days
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aasma ko choon loon, titli ban udun✨👀
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dreamingbutts · 11 days
Hey, by the way, eating disorders go pretty hand in hand with OCD. My mom, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle and myself all had (or still have some disorganized eating) an eating disorder. Because you get obsessive about things. My grandma was VERY obsessive about ingredients or she’d even pick off the grill marks from her grilled chicken because carcinogens. She now has full blown dementia that came on from lack of B12. My mom and I saw losing weight as a game in a sense. “Let’s see how low I can get that number!” And then we became obsessive with it and it messed us up (this was when she was younger).
So, just to let you know, your eating disorder could be because of OCD. Also, what I learned from my therapist, an eating disorder tends to come from wanting to feel like you have control of something in your life.
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soramystic · 10 months
The actual Plot of Kingdom Hearts
Okay so here’s something that’s been bothering me that I haven’t seen anyone talk about; the macro story of Kingdom Hearts. Because it’s easy to point and kind of laughingly go “what is the plot of Kingdom Hearts anyway”, and with all the talk of Darkness and Light and Keyblades and friendship and Hearts it’s easy to lose track of so okay. Let’s take a look at what we got. The overall, actual plot of Kingdom Hearts.
So let’s zoom out. Let’s zoom all the fucking way out. The biggest scale we can go to; the two fundamental forces of Light and Darkness.
Kingdom Hearts is, fundamentally, the story of Light persevering. Let me explain.
We start with the Chi-saga. It’s the Age of Fairy Tales, the realm of Light is thriving, and as someone once so succinctly put it, everyone and their grandma has a Keyblade. This is Light at its peak. I’d even go so far as to suggest that this is the only point in the story where Light and Darkness are fully balanced. The Master of Masters does mention a before-time where he and others waged war on Darkness, so maybe not a perfect balance, but the percentages are pretty much even.
But Darkness starts to creep in, do what it does best and corrupt from the inside out. Then Daybreak Town is gone and the Keyblade Wielders are greatly diminished. The ability becomes less common, and those who possess it are to be trained carefully. Missing Link isn’t out yet so we can’t assess the state of the Light during that period, but we don’t need to, because we have Dark Road.
Keyblade Wielders are pretty much entirely limited to Scala, Daybreak Town’s descendant. (…Theory that Daybreak Town/Scala Ad Caelum is a stronghold for the Light, but that’s for another time) From what we see in Dark Road, there are still enough people with the ability to justify setting up a school for, but by the end? Darkness has struck again, and Odin is no longer accepting students, leaving himself, Xehanort, and Eraqus as the last Keyblade Wielders (not counting Luxu and Yen Sid for obvious reasons.)
Which then leads us into Birth By Sleep. How many Keyblade Wielders do we have aside from Xehanort and Eraqus? Well, there’s the Wayfinder Trio, Vanitas, and Mickey. That’s five people. Five. From the thousands upon thousands that we started out with.
And they fall. Eraqus dies. Ventus is seized by sleep, taking Vanitas with him. Aqua seals herself in the Realm of Darkness. Terra is both literally and metaphorically ripped to shreds. They still live, but they are in no condition to protect the Realm of Light, and even if either Ansem or Xemnas had the ability to wield a Keyblade, they wouldn’t want to. Arguably we still have Mickey, but let’s count: that’s ONE. PERSON. One. One person against the Darkness that has broken and corrupted so many worlds, so many people. The Realm of Light is in danger. The Realm of Light is dying. The Light is dying.
So what does the Light do? One last-ditch attempt at saving itself – it takes its Keyblade, and finds a suitable Wielder. And it finds one. A child, bequeathed even, with the overwhelming desire to protect those he holds dear. And the Light thinks perfect.
But Riku chooses the Darkness. The Darkness could grant his wish, and due to the darkness already inside him – jealousy and arrogance, he accepted its offer. So where does this leave the Realm of Light? Any potentional Wielders have either abandoned the path of the Keyblade, or were taken off of it thru no fault of their own. The Realm of Light is done for.
Except it’s not.
Because you can argue that all of this came later, this giant macro story. All this history, this context was added by the later games. Right?
Except it wasn’t.
Because they say it. They tell you outright. They say it in the very first game: the story of Light fading, and how it survived in the hearts of children.
In the face of overwhelming darkness and despair, worlds crumbling and without his friends, without his weapon at one point even, Sora didn’t give up. Even traveling to the End of the World and seeing the shards of the worlds that already fell, that couldn’t hold out, he stared Ansem in the face and told him he was wrong. That the true nature of all things was not Darkness. That Kingdom Hearts is Light.
And so it was Light.
Light persevered in his heart - literally, even; he sheltered Kairi, a Princess of Heart. A heart of pure Light.
Light survives in the hearts of children.
And from there the tide turns. The Light is back, it has a foothold again, it has defenders.
Because that’s the thing. Kingdom Hearts wasn’t threatened by Ansem. If it were, Sora would likely have been given the X-Blade. But he got the Key of Light. Called the Kingdom Key, yes, but still the Keyblade for the Realm of Light. Because the Realm of Light needed his help, the Realm of Light was in danger.
So yeah, after that there are more Keyblade Wielders. Of course there are; the Light is finally able to fight back, once again trying to achieve a balanced state.
The fight against Darkness is never over, and it never will be. That’s how this universe works. But if this series has taught us anything, it’s that no one is ever wholly evil and no one is ever wholly good. Everyone has a little darkness, just as everyone has a little light. You simply choose for yourself which one to nourish.
The Light is not inherently good – we see this most prominently in Eraqus, who believes Darkness must be defeated and that if anyone possesses any darkness, they are evil. But the Darkness is not inherently evil either – as showcased by Riku.
Light and Darkness are two forces who need each other as much as they hate each other, and the power they grant is just that; power. Power is power, it’s just a tool. No morality attached.
The heart is a mess. Not fully good, not fully evil. Not fully light nor fully dark. One cannot exist without the other, and full dominance from either side is no good. The greater the light, the greater the shadow, right?
There must be balance. And balance takes hard work, and dedication, and no easy way out.
And the Hero of Light works harder than anyone else.
That’s why Sora is special. Not because he’s “the only one who can wield a Keyblade” (also who even said that? Riku? Literally what the fuck does he know he was being manipulated by Ansem and Maleficent), but because he was literally the least qualified person in the room and still made it work. Because of who he is. That’s why the Light chose him.
Light perseveres.
Sora perseveres.
That is the plot of Kingdom Hearts.
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belleinwonderland7 · 8 months
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It has been months now, but I still think of these clouds
Who could not see a child returning to their mother?
Someone went home that night and for a reason I do not know, they wanted me to see.
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witnessthepower · 7 months
Heaven sake
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styllwaters · 7 months
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necklace carpet sharks are SO silly and beautiful and it is of upmost importance that you all look at them
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thevastnessof · 1 year
if only everyone could know that zuko is a prodigy like his sister, unfortunately his special talent is called "breaking and entering" and he can't tell anyone about that
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maviyenot · 4 months
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reality-detective · 5 months
Proof it's the sky rotating not the earth. This is only possible on a flat stationary earth. 🤔
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real-life-cloud · 7 months
you're playing pokemon legends z-a and exploring the beautiful city of lumiose as it's being built. what could be around this bend, you wonder, when suddenly !!!!!!????!?!?!?
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todayontumblr · 8 months
Monday, January 22.
All 13 full moons of 2023.
A year is a mighty long time. You folks went through quite a few phases in the last year, year number two thousand and twenty-three, to be precise. You met and parted with mini variants of yourselves, like Russian dolls. A few skins were shed, one might say. Well, we've got news.
It seems you're in good company: the moon, our celestial neighbor, did just the same thing. Over 12 months, there were 13 moons. One each for each month, the whole year round, and one to spare, you know. Just in case of emergencies.   
With that in mind, we thought we would take the chance to celebrate this most mysterious friend that decorates the sky each night—and marvel at its unattainable beauties.   
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All 13 full moons of 2023 | by Ivana Fanti, @moonwise8 (@fillielitsa)
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hireathlove · 4 months
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Stared at this cloud basically the whole time when I was coming back from my institute.
Well it was to pretty , all sorts of stop and stare .
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dreamingbutts · 3 months
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Here’s some pictures of my daughters
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