#the Wyvern’s bride
vaya-writes · 2 years
The Wyvern's Bride - Part 3.2
When Adalyn gets sacrificed to the local wyvern, she’s a little annoyed and a lot terrified. Upon meeting the wyvern, she discovers that he’s not particularly interested in eating people, and mostly wants to be left alone. In a plot to save himself from the responsibilities his family keep pushing on him, Slate names Adalyn as his human Envoy, and tasks her with finding him a wife.
2000 words. Cis female human x Cis male wyvern (slow burn, arranged marriage, eventual smut). firefly-graphics did the divider.
Masterlist - Previous
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Adalyn wakes early. She’s used to getting up at sunrise to start baking, and up in the Spires with the balcony door propped open, she has an unimpeded view of the lightening sky.  
Slate had woken earlier still and is nowhere to be found. There’s evidence of his stirring here and there. A blanket in a pile by the chaise. Crumbs at the table. A covered plate of cold toast waiting for Adalyn. She bites into it, relishing the jam Slate had procured.  
She’s tempted to go back to bed. To sleep in until the sun finishes rising. To loaf about and relax, perhaps with a book. But she’s not yet game to go through Slate’s collection, and the threat of boredom chafes at her skin.  
Instead, she dresses for the day, gathers up some of her cleaning supplies, and makes for the kitchen. She’s not sure what state she’ll find it in but is looking forward to using the area herself.  
Light streams into the windows as she makes her way down the Tower until finally, she enters the passage that leads to the kitchen. Its dark, but thankfully short, and when she finds the dining room, the skylight illuminates the area enough to see her to the kitchen. 
Adalyn swears under her breath as she locates the flint and steel and lights the nearest brazier. Perhaps lighting is another thing she’ll have to talk to Slate about. 
When the kitchen is lit, Adalyn leans against the counter and surveys the place. Her legs are wobbly from the trek – it had been nice to stretch them, and she can move without discomfort now, but the hike will still take some getting used to. 
The Matron’s staff had tidied the kitchen. Dishes had been washed and put away, and any remaining food had been sealed and put in the larder (dried fruits are all that remain). Still, there are crusts and crumbs scattered about, and the fire pit is overflowing with ash.  
Adalyn sinks into cleaning. She marvels over the plumbing as she wipes and washes the counters. She puts on a pot of tea when she works, settling into the familiar routine. She even rummages through the larder for ingredients, and once the counters are clean, starts baking some bread and biscuits. She’d brought her starter yeast from home, and Slate’s kitchen is stocked with everything else she needs.  
By midmorning she’s surveying the fruits of her labours with satisfaction. There’s a platter of sweets to snack on, jam sandwiches which she eats on the spot, and a tea set which she resolves to take upstairs. She sets aside a handful of other things to take to the Tower, so that she won’t have to descend to the kitchen each morning for supplies.  
Throughout the morning Adalyn had noted a distant rumble. It had been almost comforting. In the stillness beneath the mountains, with Adalyn’s busywork being the only sounds, it soothes her to hear something else. 
When she finishes her work and takes a moment to breathe, she listens to the sounds with curiosity, then recognition. The occasional boom and slight tremors beneath her feet could be indicative of a cave in but had been too consistent. It’s more likely Slate, at work somewhere within the Spires. 
She glances at her food, then around the kitchen. There’s honestly not much else for her to do, and with the rest of the day stretching out before her, she decides to explore. 
She sets off in the direction of the byway, following the distant sounds of earth rending, retracing her steps through the dining hall and a winding passage before she emerges into the enormous cavern. At the size of it she blanches. Awe inspiring as it is, the walls are still unremarkable, and she worries that she might lose her way. She’s looking around for landmarks, anything to help mark one passage from another, when she notices the pile of stones beside her.  
Their purpose immediately becomes clear. Adalyn notes the number of stones and their arrangement – unique. Each door marker is different from the next. She resumes her exploration, walking alongside the stream and taking in the sights. Plant life creeps down from the ceiling, spilling over the edge of the cave opening, high above. The area is almost lush. 
She doesn’t have to walk the entire cavern, thankfully. The sounds are coming from just across the main-way, and she eyes one passage speculatively. The gouge marks around the edge of the doorway are fresh; debris and dust litter the ground and a set of footprints, visible even to her, track through it all. She spies a bundle of white and stoops to examine it. A shirt, discarded in a heap. 
She’d go in after Slate if it weren’t for the darkness. At its thickness, she balks. Even if the wyvern were through the passage, she has no way of knowing about any hazards.  
“Slate?” She calls. 
The noise ceases. For a moment she hears nothing. Then there’s the crunch of footsteps. 
“Adalyn. Are you alright?” 
The air swirls with dust. Adalyn waves the particulates away from her face and coughs. “I brought you lunch, though it might be early.” 
Slate emerges from the darkness, pausing at the threshold of the shadows. “It’s never too early to see you, dearest.” 
Adalyn squints at his outline, using the expression to cover her embarrassment. “Do I get to see you?” 
He straightens, and steps out of the corridor. Contrite, he runs a hand through his hair, smearing a white streak through it. “Sorry. Difference in eyesight, I guess.” 
He’s shirtless, in his demi form. There’s a layer of filth and grit covering him, almost creating patterns against his grey skin and dappled scales. 
She eyes the swarths of them: thick and dark on the backs of his arms and shoulders, lightening colour at his sides, and thinning into skin over his chest. There’s a fresh scar above his left pectoral, and Adalyn recognises it as the place where Slate had removed a scale. 
She drags her eyes away from his chest and forces a polite smile. “Did you want to wash up first, or...” 
Slate gestures towards the cavern. “Let’s go over there. You can sit in the light, and I can take a dip in the stream.” 
Adalyn takes a seat at the bank before unwrapping their food. She sets the remaining sandwiches aside for Slate while she picks at a biscuit. She watches with bemusement as Slate kicks off his shoes and socks before stepping straight into the stream. She catches sight of his back – tessellated scales the colour of coal – and the amusement slips her mind. 
“What are you working on today?” 
His arms are wreathed in shadow, fingers tipped with long claws. Adalyn watches, riveted, as he dispells the claws into puffs of smoke and begins rubbing water up his arms and chest. His skin from the forearms down is still shadowy, and cloudy water streams off him in rivulets. 
“I’m carving the passage from the main-way to where your quarters will be.” 
“By hand?” 
“The first time, yes.” 
He climbs the bank to sit beside her, and she wordlessly hands him a sandwich. He smiles his thanks. “What about you?” 
Adalyn sighs. “I don’t know. To be honest, without a bakery to run, I fear I might get quite bored.” 
“What did you used to do with your free time?” 
She leans back, watching a cloud pass. “Cook. Clean. Garden. Sometimes spin and sew.” 
“Do you like doing those things?” 
“Yes, sometimes. They help me feel in control.” 
Slate considers while he finishes his food. Then rests his hand in his chin. “We could find you a project. I always have several to keep me busy.” 
She grins. Slate seems the type to keep multiple pots on the burner. “You got a list, or something?” 
He straightens and counts on his fingers. “Finish the blueprints for your quarters, carve out the passages and main spaces, contract a smith for fittings, designate a permanent space for my workshops, build said workshops, prototype different elevators,” he pauses, and a blush touches his cheeks at Adalyn’s expression. “To start.” 
She enjoys his enthusiasm. Even if she finds it hard to relate. “I thought you’d finish the Tower first.” 
He brushes some crumbs away and reaches for a sweet. “I don’t want to crowd you longer than necessary. Your space is my top priority.” 
Some of her mirth fades, and she tries to keep a neutral expression. Part of her fixates on those words, searching them for further meaning. Perhaps he is being genuine.  
Tentatively, she replies. “I don’t feel crowded.” 
She misses the way he looks at her, somewhat sharply. Fearing he had misstepped. “You don’t? I- well, I know how humans value their privacy.” 
She purses her lips. Part of her very badly wants to protest the distance he’s literally building between them. But she doesn’t want to push, and risk seeming clingy.  
She lets the topic drop. “So what project do you suggest I take up?” 
He thinks. “You like cleaning.” 
A nod. 
He looks almost pained as his picks his next words. “I suppose I don’t mind if you go through my things. Organise them, I mean.” 
She’s torn again. She wants to react with brevity. Tease him for his tastes. ‘What if you don’t like my system.’  
Instead, she approaches the situation with growing anxiety and caution. She wonders if having her in his space, touching all his things, will drive him to push her away faster. She’s practically a stranger. And he’d been so frustrated with his family meddling.  
“If you’re sure. I know it could be a bother.” 
He shakes his head. His fingers creep towards hers. “It’s not. You’d have to try really hard to bother me. Just wait until tonight. Some of the magical artifacts can be aggressive, and I’d better point them out.” 
She eyes his hand, next to hers, and some of the tightness in her chest lessons. Anxiety temporarily assuaged, she manages a smile. She stands and readies to leave, allowing herself some humour. “Okay dearest.” 
When Slate joins Adalyn for dinner he is both late and sodden. He lands on the balcony and lingers there, sheepishly wringing his clothes out. 
“There is a bath here.” 
“I don’t want to track dust through my room,” he says before going to fetch a towel.  
Adalyn had rekindled the fire herself and lit the braziers, and dinner is set out when he joins her at the table, once more in his human form. She wonders if there’s a particular reason he chooses the form so frequently. 
“Sorry I’m late. My timepiece is broken.” He bites into a pastry and lets out an appreciative groan.   Adalyn hadn’t found any substantial supplies in the larder and had managed to make some fruit pies with the jam preserves. He swallows and smiles at her. “How are you finding the keep?” 
She shrugs. Adopts a teasing tone. “There’s room for improvement, I suppose.” 
“I don’t want to seem like I’m complaining.” 
“Please. Complain to me.” 
“Perhaps you could build an exit or two? I’m getting plenty of fresh air from the balcony, but it’d be nice to go for a walk on the surface.” 
“That’s a quick fix. Though I’d be careful walking around the karst. There’s a lot of places you could fall.” 
“We’re also down to bread and cheese. Some supplies wouldn’t go astray.” 
Slate nods. “I go hunting every few days, but it’s slipped my mind, with all the changes. I’d planned to visit the valley tomorrow; we could stock up then?” 
“What are your plans in the valley?” 
He smiles, coy. “Oh, you know. Post some letters. Check in with some craftsmen. Pick up a gift for my wife.” 
“You’re too sweet.” 
She rolls her eyes. “I’ll forgive your tardiness then.” 
“Was that all you wanted? A door and some food?” 
Adalyn narrows her eyes. “I could make a list if it pleases you.” 
“I love lists.”
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kuramirocket · 2 years
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dwellordream · 5 months
Books Recs of 2024
The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett. Mystery/fantasy centered around Din, a young assistant investigator assigned to help an eccentric and infamous detective, Ana Dolabra, solve a series of murders. Din is an engraver, his brain altered so he has a photographic memory. However, no one is quite sure how he got his current position, since he failed every single one of his final exams except the combat portion. Ana is an exceedingly odd woman who refuses to go to any crime scene in person and often performs mad science experiments in her spare time. As Din struggles to keep up with the case, which revolves around a bioweapon being unleashed on a series of the empire's best engineers, he also worries what will happen when Ana finally uncovers his secrets.
Highfire by Eoin Colfer. Urban fantasy (very comedic fantasy) about a dragon called Vern (short for Wyvern), who teams up with a juvenile delinquent named Squib (real name Everett Moreau) to take down a corrupt sheriff who is plaguing the Lousiana bayou. Vern is a very small (seven feet long) dragon who is the last of his kind (as far as he knows). When he is spotted by a local troubled teen, his first instinct is to hunt Squib down and kill him, but he quickly realizes the two of them have a common enemy- the murderous sheriff who is running drugs through their territory.
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Andrastian Statues
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The purpose of this collection of statues is to show the Andrastian style depending on the region, the details in it, and how this may or may not influence other statues we saw in game. I also attempt to recollect some interpretations of them, although most of them are mostly based on speculations.
The current post contains the following set of statues:
Ferelden Style: Pre-Divine Andraste, Chasind Andraste, Ferelden warrior protector Andraste, The Maker, The Dwarf [?], Rider Maferath  [?], Masferath Repentant, Hanged Masferath, Other Statues.
Orlesian Style: Rustic Maferath, Hessarian, Andraste; The Orlesian Warrior Andraste, The Stylised Orlesian Andraste, The Orlesian Andraste, The Orlesian Maferath, The Orlesian Havard, and the Orlesian Hessarian; The Weight of War
Free Marches Style: The Free Marches Hessarian, The Free Marches Andrastian Warriors [?]
Unknown Style: The Skull with sword, The Guide, Guardians of the Path / The Watcher.
[This post belongs to the series “Analysis and speculation of Statues”]
Ferelden Style
Pre-Divine Andraste
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One of the most iconic statues in DAI.  
It’s present all over Ferelden, specially in big, colossal statues along the paths of Hinterlands. They are so big that sometimes one can overlook them unless you look upwards [check Hinterlands: Statues, paintings, and structures found in the open]. 
In Skyhold, we can find this statue in a small version in the local chapel, which triggers the note Bride of the Maker.
Thanks to the DLC Jaws of Hakkon [Main Chamber of Razikale’s Reach], we know that this statue belongs to a pre-divine time. It is probably one of the oldest representations of Andraste we have in-game.
As usual, she has a one-spike helm that has strong resemblances to Flemeth’s tiara, and to Humanoid Mythal statue, Dragon Mythal statue, and the Ferelden Wyvern.
She has a sword in her hip. 
Her sleeves and skirt have long lines that emulate folding. It’s a style we saw in statues that were considered “elvhen” in-game [for example, the Elven Archers or The guide]. But we can see this became an Andrastian style since we also see it in the Blocky bearded humanoid.
Her gigantic hands have been used in several elvhen places, and I wonder how meaningful these are: these hands appear in Exalted Plains: the Dead Hand as well as in the  Shattered Library, holding eluvians. Is this a mere reuse of resources or hides some lore in it? We know DAI is less lazy about this than previous games.
This statue is curiously aligned with Humanoid Mythal statue in the Fade, as well as with the Imperial Highway Columns [check The Raw Fade:  Part 1]. A Design choice that keeps me wondering if it hides some meaning in it.
Chasind Andraste
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It has the design of a totem.
Its relief is very intricate. 
She is represented as a protector warrior due to the strong presence of the shield on it. 
We can suspect this statue is also ancient, and you can see that it has similar style to the Alamarri Monolith with swirls we find all over Hinterlands.
If you pick the Chantry-related garden in Skyhold, this statue appears in it and the archivist Banon will mention details about it in The Women of All War. He claims it’s Chasind, not original from Skyhold, brought by Ferelden into the castle. He also suggest it’s a re-usage of an ancient totemic statue. 
This last comment streghtens the idea that ancient Andrastian art tends to be done over or using/co-opting statues from previous civilisations.
Ferelden warrior protector Andraste
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Another classic representation of Andraste in game.
It’s Ferelden style.
She is represented as a warrior [holding shield and sword] but also as a divine entity [I suspect the ring behind her works as a rustic design of a halo].
There is a chance that the thick “halo” could be an adaptation from another icon we saw among the Elvhenan design: the Golden Ring. How is this possible? I think it’s not too strange considering how deeply related to the elves the Avvar are. If we think that part of this culture comes from the Alamarri, one could guess that through the elvhen lover that Thrydda had, some elvhen presence has been around this culture to incorporate elvhen iconography in their own art, translated later into something of this shape.
The Maker
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This mysterious figure has no face, in fact, it looks like bandaged. In his right hand holds a crown, while in his left hand, a dagger. The outfit is a very simple robe. 
The dagger is quite curious for a representation of the Maker.
This statue took me a long whlie to identify. In early posts I kept calling it  Faceless figure holding a crown. I came to the conclusion it is the Maker.
This statue appears always within the context of the Andrastian statues, so it could not be asumed in any other way than related to the Andraste Myth. In the posts Andrastian Design: Stained Glasses and Andrastian Design: Tapestry and Tryptich, we can see that a figure with no face and wearing a crown of similar characteristics is represented as the Maker.  These are my main arguments to be confident about this identification.
In Hinterlands, he appears in the main hall of Haven very high upon the hall, hidden in the shadows, in a room filled with andrastian iconography, which reinforces the idea that it represents an entity that is above all of them, Andraste included. Another confirmation of being the Maker.
It also appears in the Tyrdda Bright-Axe Path, which has a mixture of statues, and in Forbidden Oasis, when the place was took by the Andrastian forces. It also appears in the mysterious Hinterlands: The Unknown Ruin. Other more natural and Andraste-related places where we find it: Redcliffe - Future,  Therinfal Redoubt, Western Approach: Adamant Fortress.
The Dwarf [?]
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This figure was tag along the blog as Blocky bearded humanoid. It is found in the main hall of the Templar building of Therinfal Redoubt and in the corridors of Redcliffe - Future
The design of this statue feels closer to the pre-divine Andraste. Maybe it has some influence of the Alamarri style.
The long lines on sleeves and chest seem to suggest similarity in style with the pre-divine Andraste but also with the elvhenan statues such as the Elven Archers, or The guide.
Its face seems to show a big smile, but if you see it with more detail, it may also represent a long, long beard.  The broad constitution, the big ears, the lack of hair, and the prominent beard seem to suggest a golem-like or dwarven representation.
I can’t say I can identify this figure in the Andrastian Myth, but it’s related to the Andrastian Faith since it appears where there are other andrastian figures.
If this figure comes from the Alamarri and it was co-opted by the Andrastian faith, I could suspect that may be related to the dwarven culture that Alamarri had. If we remember Tyrdda Bright-Axe Path, she had a child with a dwarven prince. The Chasind also had mixed descendants of humans and dwarves. So, if it’s an alamarri statue co-opted by the Chantry, it could not be strange for it to be a dwarf. These details may indicate that the Alamarri had a deeper relationship with not only elvhen, but also dwarves, and this aspect appeared in the art until co-opted by the andrastian faith resulting in this figure.
Rider Maferath  [?]
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This statue appears only in Fallow Mire. Although, the same statue appears riding a horse in Crestwood: surface. Maybe it’s a mere reuse of resources.
It has a similar design to the  Blocky bearded humanoid.
It represents a man with a beard, and its angular design may suggest similar time and style than the previous one.
More details in the section Other Statues from this post.
Masferath Repentant
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Mostly seen in the region of Ferelden [although, you can find it too in Western Approach: Adamant Fortress] 
This is the typical Ferelden statue of Masferath, regretting his betrayal.
He is sitting on a stone which has a design of a snake surrounding it, representing the Tevinter influence or deal he made with the Archon before handing over his wife. 
The helm in this statue has a C-shape, which I find very similar in design to the Tevinter helms [check section “Outfits” in Patterns and Styles: Tevinter]. I’m not sure if this is mere coincidence, or it speaks of a common [dragon-inspired] origin source.
Hanged Masferath
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This totemic sculpture can be found in Hinterlands: Statues, paintings, and structures found in the open.
This is a Ferelden representation of Masferath being hanged. Clearly Ferelden has a strong sentiment with his betrayal.
The totemic structure seems to show mabaris at its base, followed by two different kinds of birds or maybe it’s a dragon [hard to say].
The top of these totems keeps bringing my attention: I can’t stop thinking there may be some link with the Tevinter metallic statue that I called  “Tevinter bird”, found in Ferelden in the underground region of Crestwood: Flooded Caves.
Other Statues
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The couple can be found in Hinterlands: Redcliffe - Present, as a symbol to remember those who died in DAO-Redcliffe. It can also be found in Crestwood: surface as a memory statue of the drown, and in Frostback Basin [DLC]: Nigel’s point, as a memory statue of Ameridan’s friends: The templar Haron and the dwarf Orinna. It feels more like a reuse in most cases since it’s a strange statue to represent "fallen/lost people”.  Certainly we can assume it’s Ferelden made.
The horse with the rider seems to have, as we see in its drawing from the book Art of Inquisition, a lot in common with the previous statue I called “Rider Masferath”. The horse has been removed in some other places to only let the human figure stay.  It can be seen in Fallow Mire without his horse, and in Crestwood: surface. Sometimes the rider is not well chiselled in the stone. 
The vessel with many faces is only seen once in the game, in the The Darvaarad - Part2. We know the Qunari took this castle and put a lot of statues that they gathered around the world. However, this statue of many faces looks like it belonged to the inner corridors of the castle, implying the castle per ser may have been Ferelden, or elvhen in origin, but repurposed by Ferelden later. In the game we only see the “back” part of it, while in the book Art of Inquisition, we can see the full statue, which implies a beheaded figure. Maybe it’s the representation of a jury. It could also be interpreted as an entity that puts “the right head” into the people, suiting the Qunari and their Qun philosophy, but this interpretation would make me question why it is so related to Ferelden art in the Art Book.
Orlesian Style
Rustic Maferath, Hessarian, Andraste
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A bit distant to the style of the Blocky bearded humanoid, we have these series of statues representing typical characters from the Andrastian Myth.
They are mostly located in different areas all over Orlais [or inside the Skyhold if you pick an Andrastian garden].
We find Andraste, in blue and red [I’m assuming one is the bride of the Maker, while the other is the warrior protector of her people]
Masferath is carrying a crown (?) in his hands, and Hessarian is holding the Sword of Mercy.
These seem to belong to an Orlesian style but rustic or more “popular”. They give me the impression that were made by the working class people who could not afford realistic artists to sculpt them in stone. 
They seem to be made out of wood.
The Orlesian Warrior Andraste
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Unlike the previous one, this Orlesian statue is made out of stone and is bigger, more detailed, and realistic. It seems to appear in rich/high class places.
It also appears in Emerald Graves: Din'an Hanin, which may represent the influence of the Andrastian faith among the Ancient Dalish when the Dales was their Kingdom land granted by Andraste herself.
This statue presents Andraste as a warrior: she is wearing a detailed armour, a big sword, and, curiously, a helm that has no iconic single-spike. However, I can see some similarities in the armour design to Flemeth��s armour or the armour used by Humanoid Mythal statue.
Due to the strong similarities in style, this statue belongs to the same group than the Orlesian Andraste, Orlesian Maferath, Orlesian Havard, and Orlesian Hessarian.
The Stylised Orlesian Andraste
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Another over-detailed statue of Andraste made out of Stone which appears in wealthy places.
The whole design of Andraste has a strong similarity to Tyrdda Bright-Axe, which may suggest that this statue may have a strong alamarri influence, mixing Andraste tale with the representation of Tyrdda.
The icon that represents the sun, ironically, has a strong similarity with the statue I called Sun-head creature, deeply related to the Elvhenan and, potentially, to Tevinter and its old dragon gods. This may imply that this statue may have collected several icons and details from different cultures and faiths to gather them in the cult to Andraste. This process is well known in human History, where the forced religion tries to blend with the local ancient one to produce an assimilation of the new faith.
The Orlesian Andraste
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This Orlesian statue is made out of stone and is bigger and a lot more detailed and realistic that the “wooden” sculptures. 
It tends to appear in wealthy places as well as inside the Chantries of the game.
It represents mostly the divine Andraste and the bride of the Maker, without any element of her warrior side.
She has a one-spike helm that has strong resemblances to Flemeth’s tiara, Humanoid Mythal statue, Dragon Mythal statue, and the Ferelden Wyvern.
Due to the strong similarities in style, this statue belongs to the same group than the Orlesian Warrior Andraste, Orlesian Maferath, Orlesian Havard, and Orlesian Hessarian.
The Orlesian Masferath
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It is called “The Betrayer”. 
We see the man worried, grabbing his own head, showing the weight of his own betrayal. He keeps the crowd of his leadership of the Alamarri in his hand since the Chantry tale says that he betrayed Andraste out of jealousy because she was more important than him among their people. I always questioned this since he was the one commanding the armies and their people into Tevinter, and he may have chosen the “lesser bad” option [read the The Chantry and the Mythology of the Chant of Light for more details].
Due to the strong similarities in style, this statue belongs to the same group than the Orlesian Warrior Andraste, Orlesian Andraste, Orlesian Havard, and Orlesian Hessarian.
The Orlesian Havard
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Havard is shown here with avvar clothings [fur-based]. 
He is  carrying the urn of Andraste’s ashes that will be placed in Haven and will become later the Temple of Andraste [DAO].
We know thanks to the notes triggered in it that this statue seems to represent Havard but its appearance was based on a noble’s lover [check it in Emprise du Lion: Pools of the Sun].
Due to the strong similarities in style, this statue belongs to the same group than the Orlesian Warrior Andraste, Orlesian Andraste, Orlesian Maferath, and Orlesian Hessarian.
The Orlesian Hessarian
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He is holding the sword that will be called the Sword of Mercy, used to kill Andraste in the pyre so she could not suffer anymore.
His hat has a bent T-shape that we can see in many other helms of Tevinter warriors in the section of “outfits” in Patterns and Styles: Tevinter.
Due to the strong similarities in style, this statue belongs to the same group than the Orlesian Warrior Andraste, Orlesian Andraste, Orlesian Maferath, and Orlesian Havard.
The Weight of War
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This statue was tagged in this blog as Man holding bigger head  for a long while.
It has appeared in Forbidden Oasis, Redcliffe - Future, and in Orlais: Winter Palace.
Thanks to the constant presence of Andrastian-themed art around it, I could finally assume that this statue belongs to Andrastian art in Orlesian style.
The main man has angular features, his ears are not visible since it looks like he is wearing a chain-mail. He uses scale-based pauldrons, and a robe. He is holding a sword with one hand while the other holds a bigger head. By comparison with the state of the overall figure, we can assume that the bigger head has a lot of wounds and scars [meaning that this is part of the sculpture design and not a consequence of erosion]. 
Despite looking similar, the head in his hand and this man’s profile are different. The bigger head has a smaller, shrank nose. 
The only significant shape in this statue that can give us a resemblance of a hint to whom it belongs is his belt, which has pointy ends. We had seen this pattern in two places: in Tevinter artefacts, such as the sacrificial burial, or in andrastian outfits.
It triggers a codex called The Weight of War which is a bit unreliable, since the person explaining this is an amateur historian, but it’s the only hint we have about this statue. The amateur historian implies that this statue may belong to a warrior with a philosophy similar to the Grey Wardens.
More details about this statue in the post Forbidden Oasis.
Free Marches Style
The Free Marches Hessarian
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It appears mostly in the Templar fortress of Therinfal Redoubt
This statue has a strong resemblance to Tevinter art. It’s not only the dark metallic material used for the sculpture, which was strong similarities with Tevinter artefacts such as Thrummer,  Water dispenser, Tevinter urn,  Tevinter artefact with spikes, Tevinter golem or Claw of Dumat, but also the prominence of angles and pointy ends. 
There is no codex associated with this sculpture, but I can guess it may represent Hessarian [the main Tevinter figure in the Andrastian Myth] since this statue has a version carrying a sword. 
It has a long beard and hair.
This statue has also been present in DA2, specially in the Chantry district of Kirkwall [check it in Architecture of Kirkwall : The Chantry].
The Free Marches Andrastian Warriors [?]
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It appears mostly in the Templar fortress of Therinfal Redoubt and in the Fade.
This statue has a strong resemblance to Tevinter art. It’s not only the dark metallic material used for the sculpture, which was strong similarities with Tevinter artefacts such as Thrummer,  Water dispenser, Tevinter urn,  Tevinter artefact with spikes, Tevinter golem or Claw of Dumat, but also the prominence of angles and pointy ends. 
It’s wearing a typical DA2 Andrastian robe, but the helm has always brought my attention:  it has a lot of more similarity to the Tevinter warriors than to the one-single spike helm of Andraste.
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Its weapon also has a strong similarity to the weapon used by Tevinter golems, while its helm has strong similarities with the ones that belong to the Tevinter warriors. One may say that both of them, in fact, are representing the one-spike helm of Andraste.
The unmistakable identification with Andrastian faith is given by the robe: if we see the chest, we will see the pointy half sun on it, which was the main design of the outfit of Elthina and other chantry priests we saw in DA2.
Unknown Style
The Skull with sword
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This is the statue that I called Skull bud with sword all over this blog.
The skull is quite long for a regular human. It holds a sword. The body seem to be inside a bud or a shell that may look like a flower bud but also as the shell of an insect/scarab. 
This statue has always appeared within Andrastian contexts such as in Frostback Mountains - Haven [the basement], Hinterlands:Dead Ram Grove, or Ferelden: Therinfal Redoubt,  but also in places where the Andrastian context is not that strong, but still yet reasonable to appear, for example in Hinterlands: The Unknown Ruin [overtaken by Andrastian faith lately, so far we see in the statues present in this room], or Emerald Graves: Din'an Hanin [which clearly shows how the Ancient Dalish allowed a certain level of assimilation of the Andrastian faith thanks to Andraste’s gift of the Dales]. However, we also find this statue in Western Approach: The Still Ruins, Viridis Walk and Inner Sanctum, which is a pre-blight Tevinter building, so one is inclined to think that this statue may have been Tevinter in origin, and somehow, adopted later by the Andrastian faith.  Or maybe it’s just Elvhenan, taken first by Tevinter, and later by the Chantry [as we see this pattern repeats over and over with everything related to Tevinter].
One of the potential interpretations is that this sculpture represents a coffin, or a dead who is put to sleep in this position. The fact that this skull is inside a bud or an insect shell [in addition to the speculation that, like all what comes from Tevinter, was originally elvhenan] brings the possibility of being related to Uthenera and the mysterious codex of Vir Dirthara: A Flowering Imago that I tried to multi-interpret in several ways in Ancient Elven codices; Vir Dirthara.
So far I know, there is no codex associated with it, and we have only speculations about it.
Its style is not strongly similar to all these Andrastian statues, but the fact that it appears mostly within andrastian themed rooms, it’s hard not to bring it into this post.
However, I’m not confident about how to understand this statue and to what culture associated it with.
The Guide
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It can be seen in three places only: Emerald Graves: The open pointing more or less towards Elgar’nan’s Bastion, on top of Stone-Bear Hold Avvars - Part 2 pointing out to the sea, and in the Fade, exactly in Flemeth’s Fade:  Part 2, pointing the path towards Mythal/Flemeth.
It’s associated with the unreliable landmark called The guide [written by this orlesian scholar who lacks of deep knowledge of elven culture], which identifies it as an elvhen statue, but it has a lot of style similarities to the Blocky bearded humanoid and the pre-divine Andraste as well as to the Skull bud with sword. If we see the back of an Elven Archer statue, we can find line-based similarities too, so it’s hard to decide whether this is truly Elvhen in origin and co-opted by the Andrastian and repurposed later, or it truly belongs to the set of pre-divine statues we spoke above and this amateur scholar misunderstood it as Elvhenan.
The unreliable landmark links it to Falon’Din for the mere fact that it is pointing out a place, so it “guides”. If we overlook this pathetic logic, and we give it a remote chance for it to be elvhen, we should be careful to identify it with Falon’Din. First, Via Solas, we know that Falon’Din was far from guiding people [Check Evanuris], and second, even if we consider this statue to be Falon’Din, we should never forget how Falon’Din and Dirthamen are entangled one another [check Humanoid Dirthamen], so this could also be a statue representing Dirthamen. The shape of the sleeves has some resemblance to the Elven Owl statue [they have long lines along it], but once more, both gods are so indistinguishable one another that it’s hard to say who is who.
Guardians of the Path / The Watcher 
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This hooded statue was called Humanoid Dirthamen/Falon'Din in this blog.
The hooded statue can be seen in four places: in Emerald Graves: The open, as a watcher of entrances, in the Hinterlands, along the Tyrdda Bright-Axe Path inside the Calenhad’s Foothold; in Exalted Plains: Northern Ramparts and Citadelle du Corbeau, as the main big statue when you step into the Citadelle [again, watching over an entrance] and in Flemeth’s Fade – Part 2, as a statue bleeding profusely with a sword in its back, as an unmistakable symbol of betrayal.
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In all these cases, the hooded version of the statue seems to be related to “watch or protect entrances”. Due to its presence in the Fade of Flemeth, we also can associate it with deep betrayal.
Once we see how the pattern unfolds with the statue I called Humanoid Dirthamen/Falon'Din [hodded version] we can understand the Andrastian version “guardian of the path” in similar fashion [he always appears in entrances as well], suspecting it was a re-usage and co-opt of the elvhen hooded statue when the Andrastian forces conquered the Ancient Dalish's lands.
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The Guardian of the Path appears twice in game: in Crestwood: surface, at the entrance of the region, similar position as the hooded versions in Emerald Graves, and in the entrance to the region of the Exalted Plains.
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moviemunchies · 2 months
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It’s the Year of the Dragon, so let’s talk about a dragon movie!
In Damsel, Millie Bobby Brown stars as Elodie, a young noblewoman from a land suffering severe famine. Her family receives aid in a bride price for her marriage to Prince Henry of the fabulously wealthy island Kingdom of Aurea. It seems a dream-come-true until, right after the wedding ceremony, Elodie is ritually sacrificed to the dragon that lives on the island in the mountain cave near the castle.
It turns out that every generation, Aurea sacrifices three maidens to the dragon, and she’ll leave the kingdom alone. Now Elodie has to find a way to escape the maze-like caverns, using her wits and whatever she can find, while being hunted by a sadistic dragon that delights in taunting her prey.
I should start with: subjectively, I kind of love this movie. Shoreh Aghdashloo tends to always be great in her roles, and she makes a fantastic dragon here. I would watch a dozen movies of her playing an evil dragon, because having her voice a character who relishes in wrecking stuff and people? This is great. I love the dragon’s design, too. Thank Tiamat, we finally get a movie dragon that’s not a wyvern. We spend so much of the movie only seeing bits and pieces of her, until we get to the third act and we finally see the full dragon and it is glorious. Playing with her prey like a great cat who spits flaming liquid. Excellent. Fantastic. Beautiful.
I really like dragons, okay?
Objectively, though, there are some problems with the way this movie was written.
The biggest is that the movie tries to make the dragon ultimately sympathetic to the viewer. And you’re probably going to guess how long before the Reveal, as there’s pretty much only one way writers try to make murderous dragons sympathetic. Which is, uh… look, I don’t know that it works. The gist of it is (minor spoilers, I guess) that the dragon thinks she’s killing maidens of the Aurean royal line. The attempt to make her sympathetic leans not on her realizing she’s been cruel and callous to innocent women who didn’t deserve it, but instead realizing she hasn’t been cruel and callous to the innocent women who still didn’t deserve it, but were descended from someone who did. Ultimately, the movie seems to be okay if the dragon was horribly killing women if they had the wrong bloodline, I guess?
I don’t think it’s what was intended, because the Aurean family is just… garbage, man, with Prince Henry as the only one with a shred of decency, and that is a small shred. It feels clumsy, is all.
Maybe it’d be overlooked if the Aureans got more development, but they don’t. I’m not saying I need them to have sympathetic motivations; Lord knows they don’t need those at all. They can be terrible people, of course, and I think that’s all that the makers of the film wanted them to be. I would have liked to have seen more of them, though. Even if I don’t need them to be relatable, I’d like a better grasp on why they think this is an okay thing to do.
Elodie’s stepmother–she also needed some work. Angela Bassett performs fantastically here with what she’s got, and so we get some good groundwork, I just think there could have been more done with this character.
The movie clearly wants us to think it’s a happy ending, and I don’t know that it is. I think there’s a throwaway line about how Elodie secured supplies to take home to help with the famine, but I notice discussions I’ve seen of the movie don’t mention it, so maybe I’m mistaken. Other factors make me really question how happy that ending’s meant to be, though.
Also, those glow worms were really convenient. Not a huge problem, as they’re established early on, I just think maybe the way they work is a little too easy.
Even with its issues, however, I think the movie’s first half is legitimately fantastic. It’s thrilling, it’s cool, it’s got a killer dragon, and it’s got someone trying to survive in a cave. Performances all-around are great and fun to watch.
So maybe it doesn’t hold together as well as it could–still, it’s not a bad dragon movie, and if you want to see awesome dragon action, the movie works for that.
[Also apparently there’s a novelization which takes the story in a completely different direction? I’ll be checking that out of my local library soon.]
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julietvoid · 10 months
People I'd Like to Know Better!
The sweet @dark-and-kawaii tagged me in this tag game, you can find a link to her post here, if you're nosey like me >:-)
Last Song: human replacement - billie marten Favorite Color: jade green Currently Watching: x-files Last Movie/TV Show: runaway bride (1999) Spicy/Savory/Sweet: savory!!! Relationship Status: jason derulo - ridin' solo (i guess this technically makes this my last song but shhhh) Current Obsession: bg3, gillian anderson (always), grilled cheese with tomato soup, and making stupid pages for my stupid little characters :-) Last Google Search: anime girl saul goodman pose... SOMEONE TAGGED MY GALE PIC THIS AND I YELLED
plz feel no obligation to do this tag but i would love to get to know YOU: @deadletterpoets , @zyana-wyvern , @phasebun and @ritualhymns (if you've already done this tag link me your post!!! also if you weren't tagged but still want to do this tag- DO IT! i wanna see!)
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i-plague-eater · 2 years
OK! It's time for real odd fan theories!
It's a widespread fandom headcanon that Cedric is a naga. Which is a quite obvious thing to assume considering that nagas are basically snakes with a human torso. Many fans are giving his folk an Indian vibe and I really like such diversity.
Since small Cedric in my comic book is fond of folklore and especially everything including dragons, I started collecting mythology as well. There are four legged classy dragons, wyverns with two legs/hands but there are also wyrms who sound like worms. So I was like: who the heck are wyrms? From "The Lair Of The White Worm" movie I knew that it's an old tradition of calling dragons "worms". It seemed at first that a wyrm is a dragon that misses legs and only has snake-like body and wings. Also, breaths acid. I dug deeper and found out that according to the one of theories a word wyrm comes from Lindworm or Lindwurm.
Who are the lindworms then?
Lindworms are long, snake-like mythical creatures living deep in the forest that traditionally has the shape of a giant serpent monster. Legend tells of two kinds of lindworm, a good one associated with luck, often a cursed prince who has been transformed into another beast, and a bad one, a dangerous man-eater which will attack humans on sight. Sometimes Lindworms has legs and/or wings, sometimes they don't. It really depends on the myth. I do like a variation saying that they has two limbs but they move like snakes and use these limbs as hands.
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Here the fun begins.
As you might know, the Escanors came from Britain, like, Arthurian Britain. Lindworms along with wyverns are a part of northern folklore, like, Scotland for example. Or we might remember The Lair Of the White Worm again where Bram Stocker is referencing a legend of the Lambton Worm.
Here's something to spice up things even more:
In the 19th-century tale of "Prince Lindworm" (also "King Lindworm") from Scandinavian folklore, a "half-man half-snake" lindworm is born, as one of twins, to a queen, who, in an effort to overcome her childlessness, followed the advice of an old crone who instructed her to eat two onions. As she did not peel the first onion, the first twin was born a lindworm. The second twin is perfect in every way. When he grows up and sets off to find a bride, the lindworm insists that a bride be found for him before his younger brother can marry. Because none of the chosen maidens are pleased by him, he eats each one until a shepherd's daughter who spoke to the same crone, is brought to marry him, wearing every dress she owns. The lindworm tells her to take off her dress, but she insists that he shed a skin for each dress she removes. Eventually his human form is revealed beneath the last skin. Some versions of the story omit the lindworm's twin, and the gender of the soothsayer varies. A similar tale occurs in the 1952 novel The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis. (source)
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The most insane idea is to make Cedric a Phobos and Elyon brother, but a bastard. Like, a bastard who is a bastard due to his lindworm nature? Or just a aristocrat with the same background, also related to the Escanor clan. I mean, he's been called "a Lord" right?
I don't think I can use the first idea, although might use the second one for an adult cartoon Cedric. Anyway, I do like the idea of using ancient Northern mythology and English folklore. I'll keep digging and bring you interesting pieces once I'll find them.
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 1
Characters Chosen Undead | Anastacia of Astora | Knight Lautrec of Carim | Solaire of Astora | Blacksmith Andre | Oscar of Astora | Giant Blacksmith | Quelaan/Daughter of Chaos | Quelana of Izalith | Gwynevere Princess of Sunlight | Siegmeyer of Catarina | Sieglinde of Catarina | Kingseeker Frampt | Darkstalker Kaathe | Patches the Hyena | Lord's Blade Ciaran | Dusk of Oolacile | Darkmoon Knightess | Elizabeth | Furtive Pygmy | Witch of Izalith | Hawkeye Gough | Giant Crow | Shiva of the East | Black Iron Tarkus | Alvina of the Darkroot Wood | Big Hat Logan | Ingward the Guardian of the Seal | Female Undead Merchant
Bosses Asylum Demon | Taurus Demon | Capra Demon | Gaping Dragon | Bell Gargoyle | Chaos Witch Quelaag | Iron Golem | Moonlight Butterfly | Dragon Slayer Ornstein | Executioner Smough | Centipede Demon | Gravelord Nito | Seath the Scaleless | Four Kings | Great Grey Wolf Sif | Dark Sun Gwyndolin | Crossbreed Priscilla | Sanctuary Guardian | Artorias the Abysswalker | Manus Father of the Abyss | Black Dragon Kalameet | Gwyn Lord of Cinder
Enemies Silver Knight | Mushroom People | Havel the Rock | Black Knight | Wheel Skeleton | The Channeler | Black Hydra | Stone Guardian | Sunlight Maggot | Batwing Demon | Crow Demon | Ghost | Undead Attack Dog | Maneater Mildred | Crystal Golem | Skeleton Beast | Kirk Knight of Thorns | Undead Dragon
Dark Souls 2
Characters Bearer of the Curse | Emerald Herald/Shanalotte | Lucatiel of Mirrah | Aslatiel of Mirrah | Lonesome Gavlan | Royal Sorcerer Navlaan | Vengarl of Forossa | Faraam, God of War | Alsanna the Silent Oracle | Nadalia Bride of Ash | Jester Thomas | Sweet Shalquoir | Benhart of Jugo | Weaponsmith Ornifex | Creighton the Wanderer
Bosses Old Dragonslayer | Ruin Sentinel | The Rotten | Executioner's Chariot | Covetous Demon | Mytha the Baneful Queen | Old Iron King | Throne Watcher | Throne Defender | Looking Glass Knight | Demon of Song | Velstadt the Royal Aegis | King Vendrick | Smelter Demon | Royal Rat Authority | Fume Knight | Sir Alonne | Elana the Squalid Queen | Sinh the Slumbering Dragon | Aava the King's Pet | Lud the King's Pet | Zallen the King's Pet | Burnt Ivory King | Darklurker | Nashandra
Enemies Aurous Knight | Heide Knight | Amana Priestess | Pursuer | Flame Salamander
Dark Souls 3
Characters Ashen One | Fire Keeper | Anri of Astora | Horace the Hushed | Yuria of Londor | Eygon of Carim | Irina of Carim | Orbeck of Vinheim | Sirris of the Sunless Realms | Unbreakable Patches | Greirat of the Undead Settlement | Siegward of Catarina | Princess Filianore | Company Captain Yorshka | Sir Vilhelm | Baby Ocelotte | Queen of Lothric | Painting Woman | Liliane of the Sable Church | Lord of Hollows | Karla | Cornyx of the Great Swamp | Ringfinger Leonhard | Rosaria Mother of Rebirth | Pygmy Lords | Yellowfinger Heysel | Old Wolf of Farron | Archdeacon Klimt | Archdeacon Mcdonnell | Archdeacon Royce | Shira Knight of Filianore | Pilgrim from Londor | Ludleth of Courland
Bosses Iudex Gundyr | Vordt of the Boreal Valley | Curse Rotted Greatwood | Crystal Sage | Deacons of the Deep | High Lord Wolnir | Old Demon King | Champion Gundyr | Pontiff Sulyvahn | Abyss Watchers | Yhorm the Giant | Aldrich Devourer of Gods | Dancer of the Boreal Valley | Dragonslayer Armour | Lothric Younger Prince | Lorian Elder Prince | Ancient Wyvern | Nameless King | Storm Drake | Oceiros the Consumed King | Champion's Gravetender | Gravetender Greatwolf | Sister Friede | Father Ariandel | Demon Prince | Darkeater Midir | Halflight Spear of the Church | Slave Knight Gael | Soul of Cinder
Enemies Pontiff Knight | Fire Witch | Sulyvahn's Beast | Grand Archives Scholar | Lothric Knight | Darkwraith | Carthus Swordsman Skeleton | Tree Woman | Ravenous Crystal Lizard | Corvian Settler | Corvian Knight | Ringed Knight | Desert Pyromancer Zoey | Londor Pale Shade | Holy Knight Hodrick | Angel | Outrider Knight | Jailer | Grand Archives Scholar | Monstrosity of Sin | Wolf | Grave Warden | Deep Accursed
Groups/Ships/All Games Twin Princes | Nkstein | Ciartorias | Eygon x Irina | Four Knights of Gwyn | Crystal Lizard | Patches | Basilisk | Mimic | Skeleton | Velka Goddess of Sin
Others Dubious Grandma | Maiden of the Moon | Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
DS Trivia
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ibiteactually · 11 months
Thank you for all your lovely tags on the Wyverns bride 💕 the epilogue is still in process but I’m totally working on it. You know. Between other things.
Of course!!! I love your work so much and I plan on reading your other stories too! I understand being busy with other things, as I have too. Which is why it took me a while to get back to this lovely story. Can't wait to see how you finish it off. I'll be sad to see it end 😔
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flydotnet · 2 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card!
(Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. I don’t have any request left, so feel free to send in suggestions for this card!).
But I will be fine. I must be.
Unofficial Gay Fates has made me super partial to both Scarlet and ships with Scarlet. I'm a Ryoma/Scarlet girly too, but also, the Scarlet-Xander support chain was too good for me not to get into the trenches and write something for it too. I may've read the official Scarlet/Chevois lore doc a little too many times compared to how faithful to UGF my Scarlet ended up being? Oh well. You never get anywhere if you never try! I don't like how Revelation handled... well, most things, and the thing with Valla is stoopid as it's written there, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy playing with a zombie country of sort. There's a kind of horror to it and I had to set a mood y'know?the number of times I had "Deessu. Kurimuzon." in my head while writing this fic is obscenely high.
Bride of Crimson
Summary: Guilt will come later - for now, Scarlet needs to escort a prince to safety.
Fandom: Fire Emblem Fates (Revelation route) Ship: Pre-S-Support Scarlet/Xander
Wordcount: words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version.
Vallites don’t bleed.
That’s because they don’t have a soul anymore, Scarlet has been told. They’re corpses haunted by the mindless desire to do something. Ryo has compared them to a lizard’s tail once cut from its body, trembling as if alive yet dead all the same; and she didn’t really question it. If Ryo believed Corrin, then she had no reason to suspect anything either: Ryo knew what he was doing, then why would she go against him? As far as she was concerned, nothing had contradicted what his sister had said.
 Vallites don’t bleed, which makes it oh so much more noticeable when it’s her comrades who do. It smears on the fluorescent grass of Valla and it smells like iron – not the sort that results from weapons clashing against each other, but that which has kept her on alert for so long, back in Cheve. It looks out of place right when she thought she had finally gotten used to bloodshed.
Scarlet has been through worse, though. It takes a special kind of guts to rise against a kingdom so much bigger than your country, whose nobles seem so adamant to hurt people they can’t see while they laze around and live in luxury (and someone may’ve helped with her perception of that, but one man can’t change an entire life experience of conclusions), but it’s this special kind that’s now allowing her to cut through ghosts that play pretend with everyone’s emotions and distress alike.
 A strong, belting voice screams from behind her, prompting her to briefly turn around.
“Scarlet, look out!”
She barely has the time to crouch before a sword dark as the night pierces through a Faceless’ chest. If the voice wasn’t a giveaway, then the weapon alone would be a dead seller for the ages.
He walks his horse to her, Siegfried still in hand. (A beautiful weapon, if sinister… and plain. Unfortunately, her offer to spruce it up has already been turned down).
“Are you hurt?”
“No, no I’m not, in no small part thanks to ya.” She shines him a smile.
“Very well,” he replies with stiff shoulders and a smirk just as uncomfortable to look at. “Where’s your wyvern?”
“Errrh… Vaida got injured earlier, so I’m lettin’ her a nice rest back at camp! Can’t let my ride get worse under my watch!”
“I see. I trust you can handle yourself on your own, right?”
“Of course! Dun take me for a fragile lil’ flower, Dandy-Lion!”
He blushes like a tulip at the remark, “p-please keep this silly nickname off the—”
Xander stops dead in his tracks, eyes opening wide.
“Get down!”
 A hand axe cuts through the air, flirting so close to her pauldron that it tears it off from her, taking it in its course.
 Once the initial shock passes, she clutches her own axe to her and swings it at the culprit – some Vallite soldier with empty sockets for eyes, in a vague human shape, glaring at her with an expression just as soulless. Yep, no sympathy to be found here.
She slashes it in a single blow and doesn’t bother with delicacy, almost cutting the creature in two clean halves, looking around just enough to tell Ryo and his little brother have taken care of their left flank and Corrin and company the right one. The battle’s almost over, so she gets back up, straps her axe back onto her. She’ll polish it once they have downtime again.
 With an excited step, Scarlet turns around again.
“Good job spotting that, Dandy…”
A black horse is staring back at her with a nervous breath.
It happens to have no rider.
 Urgency hurries through Scarlet’s every fibre, until she finally thinks about checking the ground. When she does, her jaw almost drops, but she clenches her teeth and runs to a crumpled body on the ground. Ignoring every feature, she puts her hand in front of the person’s nose and two fingers on their neck – air, a pulse, a groan of pain.
Good, he’s still alive (she doesn’t quite know what she’d have done if he hadn’t been). Now, for how long, she doesn’t know, and she doesn’t wish to find out. Time to bring him to safety and have someone who knows their way around with a staff do their magic.
 As delicately as she can, she picks Xander up in her arms as if carrying a bride. The irony isn’t lost on her, as removed as it is from the situation: she renounced to getting wed when she picked up a banner and threw her life into fighting for her land, yet there she is, carrying him like she’d have expected to be, when she was a little girl and she was allowed to dream.
Oh, but that was so long ago, she doesn’t know what she’s thinking about it. It’s not like she’d have looked as limp as Xander is right now, breathing almost impossible to see with how small the movement of his chest is. His skin is pale, the rings under his eyes darker than Siegfried, his limbs limp and fingers loose. In ways, she’s carrying a shadow, in others, a statue. In either case, her fingers feel like they could break something.
 Drops dripple down her shoes as she walks. The colour of her armour makes it hard to tell what it is, but the smell of iron never mistakes her. Xander’s would make it just as difficult, but whatever slashed him pierced through what was where, leaving skin and muscle naked for all to see and blood – a river of it, in fact, trailing behind them, and she wishes she could run.
The battlefield seems bigger than it was before and how does she regret not having Vaida by her side right about now. Xander’s horse can’t help them now, not with the sort of injury he has. For all she knows, it’d just make the blood loss happen faster – and gods, he’s already pale as is. Come to think of it, maybe his pallor never reminded her of the sheltered life she imagined the Nohr royals to have…
 A feeble voice calls her back to the sound of her footsteps crunching dying grass.
“Keep your strength to yourself… Dandy-Lion.”
To her surprise, she sees him smile – one as delicate as his breath. It’s good enough, she thinks.
“I’m not too heavy, am I…?”
On second thought…
“You’re lighter than I expected, honestly.” She snickers. “Heh, if I had been told the High Prince of Nohr would worry about that on his deathbed, I wouldn’t have believed it, yet here we are!”
She hopes that, if he can focus on something else…
“I can’t be too worried if it’s you, can I…?”
Her face burns.
“What’s that s’pposed to mean?!” She snorts and chuckles. “Don’t make me laugh like that, there may still be enemies ‘round!”
Huh, his smile is loopy…
“Your presence… is reassuring…”
…and his cough isn’t getting better.
“What the…”
There is a thin trail of blood going down his lips and chin. Oh no.
“Scarlet, you’re…”
The good thing to do would be to make him spare his energy, but… despite it all, his voice…
“Shut up, I’m bringing you to a healer! You can tell me all ’bout it later!”
 She quickens her pace, despite the soreness in her legs and the way carrying someone tugs at her arms. Her pains are a minor thing compared to the man bleeding to death drop by drop in her embrace; and yes, she can’t call it anything else. Not when he calls her presence reassuring, not when she sees the way he makes her feel.
She clutches him closer to her, letting rust dripple down her breastplate, uncaring for any sort of aesthetic. Of course, this is a battlefield, and there’ll never be enough gemstones to make death and blood beautiful… but this is different, Scarlet finds. Everything around her is crimson, now, from the air she breathes to the skin she feels under soaked cloth.
If she could, she’d leave a peck on the forehead of a man who’s absolutely making it out of here.
 The rest of the road back to camp is long and silent. Xander’s breathing is a fragile thing, or so it feels, and he doesn’t rouse back to wakefulness. She regrets telling him to shut it, now, but if it’s so he can get some rest… then so be it.
She wonders what the scar she’s left him looks like – half out of pride, half out of shame… and a little bit of general curiosity. It’s impossible for her to tell what part of his silhouette is armour and what isn’t, sometimes, and she blames it on being starstruck.
…oh, she never even thought of Ryoma like that.
 The camp is now in view, with its white smoke and warm banners.
“Hey, Dandy-Lion…”
“Is there someone you’re coming back to once this war’s over?”
He spits out some blood on the side. It’d have disgusted many, she supposes, but she appreciates the eternal reminder that, for all of his royal-ness, Dandy-Lion’s still a mortal at the end of the day. Makes him more approachable, more… lovable? (Oh gods).
“You mean… as a spouse…?”
“Yeah. So?”
“No… I cannot see myself take a wife… and neglect her as my father has…”
“You’re not your dad, ya big doofus. Pretty sure we’ve gone over that already.”
She isn’t quite sure what she expected he’d reply.
“Has someone… ever told you your honesty was refreshing…?”
She chuckles. For all of his princely ways, he isn’t above being embarrassingly adorable.
“Yes, you, that other time.”
“And you…?”
“Is someone… waiting for you back in Cheve…?”
She chuckles. Had the man she’s carrying in her arms the High Prince of Nohr, she’d have seen a reciprocal response there.
“Not in that way, no.”
“I see…”
His head lulls against her breastplate.
“You’ll be okay, Dandy-Lion. Just ya wait.”
“Oh, I know, Scarlet, I know…”
 She quickens her pace one last time, heart jumping up and down.
Xander lifts his head, painfully slowly, grunting under his breath. Aww…
“The camp’s not far. You’ll be fine.” It’s a little hard to believe when you see him bleeding, white like a sheet and eyes foggy, but if she isn’t here to believe in his recovery, then who will? “Sorry, by the way. If I hadn’t lost focus…”
“Peace, Scarlet… An injury is better than a death…”
“That’s true…”
“Isn’t it funny?”
“What would be?”
“That this is the second time you’re carrying me to safety…”
“Does the first time count, when it was just fixing my own mistake?”
He coughs when he chuckles with her, but he’s still with her.
“I’d say so…”
“Then guess it counts!”
 She steps into camp and, as gently as she can, gives her charge to a worried Camilla of Nohr, who, not unlike her, can carry Xander without grunting (gods, what little firecracker said really holds water). The horse, who she abandoned without meaning to, follows Camilla inside the camp, as diligently as it behaved when it was mounted.
Speaking of mounts, she’s missed Vaida very much. Maybe she can pay a visit to Dandy-Lion later, once she’s had a good conversation with her trusted wyvern about what to do when you seem to have a thing for the crown prince of the kingdom you’ve spent most of your life fighting against… oh, and once Dandy-Lion isn’t covered in crimson anymore. It’s not because beauty is never truly tarnished that she doesn’t want to see him soaked in his own blood.
She should start with cleaning her armour and weapons, actually… Blood doesn’t suit them either.
 It suits nobody, really.
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vaya-writes · 9 months
The final chapter of TWB is written and has finished being redrafted and rearranged ☺️ it just needs a few line edits before it’s ready to post. I’d estimate it coming out sometime next week.
I only hope it doesn’t put people off how long they had to wait for an epilogue.
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fromtheboundlesssea · 2 years
If Syrax is possibly the one who kills Vhagar, then maybe after that people start calling her “ The Queen Slayer” , given she would have killed current holder of title of “ Queen of All Dragons”. Same could apply if Syrax possibly takes down Meleys ( Red Queen). Again suggestion and of course don’t know what you have planned.
Possible titles of Syrax to gain, especially during the Dance and decades after : The Golden Mother, Queen Slayer ( If she kills either Meleys or Vhagar), Wyvern of War, Usuper of Dragons ( if she kills and technically “dethrones” Vhagar, as Queen of All Dragons), The Red Dragon’s ( Res King) Golden Bride.
We shall see.
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occultusrp · 2 years
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Excitement and loud, jovial murmur pulsed through the Holy Sanctum as the attendees gathered for the most prestigious wedding Netherbridge has seen in decades. Everyone chatted, wide smiles curling the mouths of even the gloomiest of persons - who could ever stay indifferent to such a wonderful, happy occasion? Even the stoic men smiled and laughed with their wives, many of them reminiscing on their own weddings, years and years ago. DANDELION SPHINX stood at the altar, watching his flock with a slight smile, his wife HEMLOCK SIREN sitting in the front row, glazing from her husband to JESSAMINE DAEMON, DRAGONBLOOD CETUS and the rest of the CROWLEY family, standing closely to their patriarch. In the first row sat BELLADONNA NYMPH with CALLA CENTAUR, ORCHID BANSHEE, IRIS VAMPIRE, PEONY WEREWOLF and ACONITUM FURY. The people were on their best behaviour, putting aside their private affairs to avoid spoiling such a grand occasion.
Soft and bubbly chatter soon turned into fidgeting which, ultimately, turned into anxious glances cast towards the open gates of the Holy Sanctum. Discomfort pulses through the crowd, grasping each and every person’s heart. VIOLET GORGON was the first to notice something amiss, a tension in the air that seems sickeningly familiar to something alluding even the oldest of members’ memory. IRIS VAMPIRE knows the feeling way too well, but they refuse to see the eerie resemblance. 
Minutes tick and tick, and the wedding that has been scheduled for 1:30 pm has been half an hour late now. JESSAMINE DAEMON and DRAGONBLOOD CETUS look at each other, both with a question mark lighting the depths of their eyes - even DANDELION SPHINX seems at an edge, glancing at HEMLOCK SIREN. Minutes keep ticking and when the belltower strikes 2:00 pm sharp, everyone falls dead silent. Waiting. Listening. 
But, even the iron cast bell falls silent after a minute and the silence now seems to echo around the Holy Sanctum. No one dares to speak, or breathe, but AZALEA WYVERN is the one who ultimately breaks the silence. “I do not think they are coming.” he speaks and LAVENDER ARACHNE agrees and calls for a search party. Murmur courses through the room before DATURA UNICORN repeats her brother’s words louder ; “As LAVENDER ARACHNE wisely noticed, shall we search for them? Perhaps they’ve lost track of time.” 
The CROWLEY, BLACKWOOD and CLARE families stand in unison, prompting the rest of the guests to divide and search for THE BRIDE and THE GROOM, and with some intervention from DANDELION SPHINX and VIOLET GORGON, they agree to pair into groups ; one group who will follow JESSAMINE DAEMON and hunt for THE BRIDE and the other will follow the CROWLEYS and look for THE GROOM. They’ve agreed to meet in the Holy Sanctum in two hours time with or without the couple.
WELCOME to our first and opening event! This is a PART ONE of our two part event. IN GAME, part one lasts for TWO HOURS so until 4:12pm the same day. OOC. the event will last from TODAY, OCTOBER 1ST, until FRIDAY, 15TH. which gives both our current and future members enough time to plot and interact on dash. As stated in the event, the participants will originally divide into TWO GROUPS following JESSAMINE DAEMON and DRAGONBLOOD CETUS, however!! participants are allowed to divert from their original group and pair off with another character and search in another direction. GROUP ONE led by JESSAMINE DEAMON:
We wish you all good luck and happy writing for the event. May the search party begin!
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I just read all of your The Wyvern's Bride chapters throughout the day, it was so good!!!! Can't wait for more whenever you get the chance. Also the Strade series is A+ 💖
I’m a happy clam reading this. Absolutely exuberant and content at the same time. Thank you non 🥹
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pegasusknightsonly · 7 months
awakening luna planning
chrom/sumia obvs im not an idiot. usual inheritance goes (galeforce from sumia, aether from chrom). this run i had lucy go through sage and that wasnt great but it wasnt terrible either. ds+ and tomefaire gave it way more oomph than lucys raw magic would suggest. what else could lucy do if i want to give her a beast mode... hmm. i want to keep her in a sword class if i can. bow knight i guess after she finishes great lord
what if i dont use wyvern panne. i mean thats stupid and i probably should but what if i didnt feel like it. the problem is that virion!yarne is really really good and frederick!inigo is absolute trash but frederick!yarne and virion!inigo are both Just Fine. i do really like virion and olivias support. hmmmm
gregor/miriel again its a classic for a reason. maybe i do nerdzerker laurent so i can keep lucy in a physical class
now unfortunately i need a magical girl to hang out with owain. i really dont want to use noire because tharjas base hit is so horrible. henry!nah ? henry!nah maybe??????????? str +3 mag +3 skl +2 spd -1 oof but what can you do with nowi lol lck +0 def +5 (??????) res +2
"what about robin" what ABOUT robin. i mean. rob/lon'qu. its a classic for a reason
ok how would we all feel about vaike!yarne and frederick!severa . now i know what youre saying and i agree that cordelia is virtually unusuable but severa is at least better. fred!sev is str +4 mag -2 skl +5 spd +1 lck +0 def +3 res +0 is like... i dont like spd +1 but i like the rest of the statline????
nnnnnnn i actually really like a +mag robin/sully........ str -1 mag +3 skl +3 spd +5 lck -2 def +0 res +3
but that gives us 6 girls 4 boys. so i probably need to commit to a m!morgan for balance. i DO want to use robin as a rallybot late game and frobin is much better for that bc of bride access so i dont want a 3rd gen morgan bc robin wont be seeing much combat. HMMM
wait hear me out on my new terrible idea. donnel!nah. str +3 mag +1 skl-1 spd -2 lck +5 def +5 res +2 for another armsthrift/sol build ?? orrrrrrr ricken!nah str +1 mag +4 skl +0 spd -1 lck +3 def +3 res +3 in sage or dark knight to bakc up what owain is doing......
buttttttttttt you KNOW i love mag robin/lon'qu which is a m!morgan with str +0 mag +4 skl +4 spd +6 lck -2 def -1 res +1 and i think nah and morgan could have a lot of fun together... early second seal ricken to archer to boost nowi's hit bc awakening manaketes use str instead of mag?
sumia!lucina (bow knight) x gregor!laurent (berserker)
chrom!cynthia (sniper) x virion!inigo (warrior)
gaius!kjelle (dark flier) x libra!owain (van/ven sage)
frederick!severa (...paladin? luna falcoknight?) x vaike!yarne (berserker)
ricken!nah (sage) x lon'qu!morgan (van/ven sorceror to sage)
+mag/-lck frobin (grandmaster -> dark flier -> bride -> falcoknight rallybot) x lon'qu (?trickster or griffon knight for +1 mov on pairup)
sumia (luna falcoknight flying support/speed rallybot) x chrom (bow knight / skill rallybot)
olivia (dancer) x virion (early promotion into sniper to maximise longbow chip damage?)
all other parents benched
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langwrites · 8 months
If I was going to put the Awakening crew's skill proficiencies into Three Houses terms...
Generally speaking, I go with the principle of "based on their reclass options in Awakening."
This only applies to the Shepherds who have shown up in Among Lions so far. This is, as always, my interpretation.
So, they break down a bit like this:
Aversa, who has only one promotion branch apiece with access to Swords, Staves, or Riding, has no skill bonuses in those areas. She's neutral on Authority because, despite being a character who's canonically killed her subordinates before (very marginally offscreen), seems confident enough in her tactical acumen to be why Gangrel's war effort didn't instantly implode.
She also has penalties in Heavy Armor and Bows, because she has no reclass options with access to either. She also has a penalty in Brawling because she's frankly the kind of person to reach for magic before punching anybody.
Her talents, instead, lie in Lances (Pegasus Knight promotion tree), Axes (Wyvern Rider promotion tree), Flying (both) and Reason. Strictly speaking, she could have access to the Faith proficiency (which is where Nosferatu is hanging out), but in Three Houses that stat is effectively an indicator of the character's faith in Fodlan's religion. This is an arena in which Aversa is...decidedly not winning any awards.
So, therefore:
Boons: Lances, Axes, Reason, Flying
Banes: Bows, Brawling, Heavy Armor
Budding Talent: N/A
With all that reasoning on the board, let's go faster for the others.
Boons: Swords, Lances, Axes, Reason, Flying
Banes: N/A
Budding Talent: Authority (tutored by her father)
In the Future Past DLC level of Awakening, Female Morgan is depicted as a Wyvern Lord as an antagonist. While manakete!Morgan doesn't start out with any weapon proficiencies, she has access to all of her dad's reclass options (barring the gender-locked ones), and then has Pegasus Knight (and Bride) on top of that.
Boons: Swords, Axes, Reason, Authority
Banes: N/A
Budding Talent: N/A
The only classes Robin doesn't have access to are gender-locked. He is very good at doing almost anything the player needs him to do. This particular Robin is Speed-boon/HP-bane.
Boons: Swords, Axes, Reason, Bows
Banes: Lances, Authority, Heavy Armor, Flying
Budding Talent: N/A
Henry's reclasses are the Thief and Barbarian lines, while his starting class is Dark Mage. This gives him access to bows in two unrelated promotions, swords in three, and axes in two. He can't be reclassed to a flying unit or one that wields lances, but he does have Dark Knight. And despite his aptitude for animals (in a warped Disney princess way), Minerva totally bit him once. Lastly, because Henry has the tactical acumen of a Molotov cocktail and an old habit of attacking allies when bored, he's got an Authority bane.
Boons: Lances, Reason, Faith, Riding, Flying
Banes: Bows, Brawling, Heavy Armor, Authority
Budding Talent: N/A
Lissa's base class is a Cleric, so she has to get a Faith boon pretty much out of courtesy. Her reclass options are Troubadour (Faith, Riding) and Pegasus Knight (Lances, Flying). She's actually short a promotion compared to some units, because Cleric and Troubadour can both promote into War Cleric. Still only counts as one. Lissa can't access armored classes or bows, and canonically wants nothing to do with leadership roles, and so she has Heavy Armor, Bow, and Authority banes. Just having a lot of potential training paths doesn't make her a balanced combatant when she also comes with absolutely garbage Strength and Defense.
Boons: Axes, Reason, Faith
Banes: Bows, Brawling, Heavy Armor, Flying
Budding Talent: N/A
Libra only has four possible promotions, because his three base classes (Priest, Mage, Dark Mage) have overlapping options. At least one of them gets a horse?
Boons: Swords, Axes, Flying
Banes: Reason, Heavy Armor, Authority
Budding Talent: N/A
Lon'qu has three base classes: Thief, Myrmidon, and Wyvern Rider. His sole magical promotion, Trickster, is the only reason he doesn't have a Faith bane, and the same goes for Wyvern Rider and Lances. While Myrmidon and Thief both promote into Assassin, that still only counts as one Bow-using option.
Boons: Swords, Lances, Reason, Flying
Banes: N/A
Budding Talent: N/A
The only class type Cordelia doesn't get access to is "armored," but Miss Multitalented still doesn't have any banes.
Boons: Swords, Lances, Flying
Banes: Axes, Brawling, Authority, Heavy Armor
Budding Talent: N/A
Olivia is all Speed, Skill, and Luck. She does have two reclasses, Myrmidon and Pegasus Knight, but her low Magic and meh Strength means she tends to be a supporter more than a fighter. Except for when she gets Lethality to work.
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