#the above-the-fold ACTORS are good but they are givin' me nothing in this
pilferingapples · 7 months
I haven't made any secret of the fact that I don't think the 2000 LM miniseries is good like...at all...in any way....BUT I am extremely intrigued by their unaging Immortal Gavroche, which I'm pretty sure was unintentional and just another symptom of the really ruined timeline they have going BUT IT HAPPENS NONETHELESS
and ALSO intrigued by this bit where he walks into the barricade, sort of ambles around, and then absolutely zeroes in on Bahorel (yes, that's Bahorel! It's even verbally confirmed later! and he has a red waistcoat! One Actual Point to LM 2K from me XD) like that's who he was looking for in the first place
...the intrigue is not lessened by me being highly suspicious that Bahorel is also kinda immortal in this one (again: probably not on purpose, there's just. there's a lot of issues with the editing in this. Whoo boy this is not a good show.)
ANYWAY thanks for the 1.5 minutes of blorbo interaction , show, I'm taking this and the Immortal Gamin and nothing else
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years
[ FFxivWrite 2021 Prompt 8: Adroit ]
The Five Part “In the Dreams of Ashley” series is done! Go read the others here! {Prelude} {In the Dreams of Ashley: The Wind} {In the Dreams of Ashley: The Fire} {In the Dreams of Ashley: The Water} {In the Dreams of Ashley: The Earth}
[ HEAVY HEAVY CONTENT WARNINGS: implied child abuse/assault, detailed suffocation, detailed burial while alive, heavy grief and regret surrounding death ]
[ video has lots of moving colors ]
Dreaming about being buried alive is very frightening and is a warning that all of the things in your life that are causing you anxiety and despair should be thrown away. You have let things build up to a point that you are no longer able to control anything and now you risk being completely destroyed.
Ashley was forced into a uniform with little knowledge as to why, having just woken up with a raging headache and handcuffs on. Confused was an understatement. “Y’good?” There was a soft voice that addressed him, a soft voice that belonged to a large man. His hand set on his shoulder, some level of comfort and grounding while he gathered his bearings. “Wh-What’s goin’ on?” “Y’don’t know?” “Pretty sure the knot on th’back o’ my head answers that.” The man let out a laugh, then nodded. “Guess so. Yer bein’ conscripted.” “Conscripted? How in the hells!” Ashley pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a sigh… he should have been more upset about this, but honestly, it felt like the worst kind of inconvenience. Still, he didn’t fight it, worked with the flow of everything as he usually did. “Guess I’m stuck here.” “We all’re, friend.” “What’s your name, friend?” He snorted. “Hunter. Ya’?” “Ashley.” “Nice t’meet ya’ Ashley, too bad it ain’t on better terms.” He nodded in response.
“Yer gonna get caught.” Ashley chuckled. “I never get caught. That’s the thing ‘bout growin’ up in Ul’dah.” “Mm.” “Hand me your rations.” “Are y’kiddin’? I ain’t givin’ y’anythin’!” “Sure? Thought y’wanted to get out o’ here, same as me. N’if y’do, you’re gonna have t’give ‘em to me.” “Why?” “Uh… food to last us until we get home?” “N’how ‘bout the energy they’re makin’ us use t’fight?” Ashley snatched Hunter’s rations from him, stuffing them into a tight and inconspicuous corner with the rest of all of the little items he managed to get away with - some string, blades, pins, badges; even things like hair-ties and pens. Anything he could get away with shoving in his pocket, he did so. He bumped his elbow back into Hunter and lowered his voice. “Get somewhere else, someone’s ‘bout to come in.” “Eh? How’d’y’know?” “I’ll tell you later, jus’ get or we’re gonna get caught.” Hunter backed off, going back to his own belongings to check them off; leaving Ashley to slide a sizeable block of concrete in front of the hole in the wall, covering it completely. “Tucker!” “Yes, sir!” “What are you doing on the floor, get your arse up now.” “Sorry, sir! I dropped my badge.” He stood up, adjusting the collar of his uniform with a small pin on it.
“How are we going to get past them? Did you even think that far through?” The Auri woman that had joined along prodded at him while he was thinking. “Will you shut it?”
Four of them clamored and cramped in the vents, waiting for a good time to drop out of them. They were dressed in different uniforms, to match those of the area they were about to infiltrate. When an opening arose, he dropped out of the vent, brushed off his clothes, then pretended to idly look at the schedule board that was on the wall. Well, he was looking at it, but also waiting for another good time to signal another body. He tapped his chin, stretched his arms above his head as the last person in the hall walked past him - he held up a signed “C”, and waved his hand. That let the other two know to let Colette drop down first, she did just the same - brushing out her uniform before striking up an uninteresting conversation about the schedule.
They waited for the hallway to clear again. She held her thumb and forefinger together and waved, signaling Ruta to come down next. As the next crowd came through, she pretended to be scolding them. It cleared, Ashley waved, and down came Hunter. Hunter always came last - he wasn’t the best actor or liar, so they made sure that he could be ready to move immediately. They walked down the hall, past many unsuspecting soldiers and medics, until they were able to escape the facility they were locked up in. “Oh, thank gods.” Hunter let out a sigh of relief at the fresh air, no matter how cold it was. “Sh. We ain’t there yet. There’s still the entire damned city. Make sure your bags are on tight, n’if not, fasten them. I mean it. Y’gotta be ready to book it once we get through.” “What are we going to do after?” The question was, thankfully, vague enough to not alarm anyone they were passing by; but Colette anxiously gripped the shoulder belt to her bag. “Hoof it.” “On land? All the way back?” Ruta folded her arms over her chest. “I’ve worked it out already, trust me.”
“How in the hells did you manage that!” Ruta laughed as she ran across the snow, outside the metal confines of Garlemald. “It’s cold, but kami, it’s free!” “I came prepared.” “Is that why your bag is larger than ours.” “Yeah. Managed to snatch a few uniforms and some blankets. We’ve got a long way to walk - most of it’s dead here. No life whatsoever, just snow. Ruta, yer on the way back first.” “Wait… is that why we’re walking?” “Aye. Othard connects here - stowing away on a ship or airship would skip over you entirely. So prepare t’get intimate with one another, ‘cause we’re gonna need a lot of body heat.” Ruta stopped and blinked at him. “...Thank you.” “You can thank me when y’get home. After Ruta, we’re going to stowaway on a merchant vessel - it’ll look more Garlean than Hingan, but it’s goin’ to get hijacked by pirates from Limsa. Which is how we get Hunter home. After that, Colette n’I’re gonna hitch a ship back t’Vesper Bay, and I’ll walk her back home.” They all seemed… shocked. Appalled, even. That this stranger would go out of his way to know so much about the way back, and that he’d help them even. “Where’re y’goin’ after that?” Hunter pat Ruta’s shoulder to get her moving again. “Mm. Back home, maybe. I dunno. Maybe I can get a job like this.” He laughed.
“Mister?” “Mm?” Ashley looked up from his book, pipe hanging loosely from his mouth as his eyes caught a young girl standing next to him. Her face was red from crying, and looking over her clothes brought back memories and images he wished he didn’t have.
“...Need help?” His voice lowered, to not draw attention. She nodded, and he stood up from his seat to pull off his jacket, wrapping it around her shoulders - it was obviously too large, but that was the point. He pulled a hair-tie from his pocket to tie back her hair, so that its general style was different at a glance. He lifted her up to sit in the chair, having her hold the book up as if she were reading it. He placed his arm on the back of the chair, talking random nonsense about words in the book to the girl as his eyes caught a glimpse of several people walking in, looking around for something or someone. When he noticed the girl’s grip on the book tightened, he figured those were the people she was hiding from. He placed his hand on one of hers, holding the book up as well - and he kept his voice just as low.
“Relax… don’t show any tension. If they see white knuckles, they’ll get suspicious.” She did just that, nodding slowly. “Okay… uhm.” She was afraid her voice would be recognizable if she spoke, so she kept it low. “What’s this word mean?” “Eh?” He looked back at the book, noting she was just pointing at the word “the”, to which he smiled - she was trying to play along with him. “That word? Oh! That’s a name, sweetheart. I know, all them Elezen got such fancy names, y’could swear y’saw ‘em in a dictionary.” They kept on like that until he saw all of those same people leave. “There y’go. All gone. Need someplace safe t’stay?” “Mm..” She didn’t trust like that, and he noticed. He laughed, waving one of his hands. “Not with me. I have a friend who takes care of children goin’ through what you are. I can make sure y’get there with no problem. Unless you’ve got a place? I can take you wherever you need most.” She smiled a little bit, nodding. “Someplace safe… sounds nice.” “Good! Now up y’get. I’ll look inta these people that hurt you, okay?”
He stared down at those graves, the ones he made; carved up of nothing but rocks and dirt, with desert blooms laid in place. All the thoughts welled up there - what he could have done, what could have gone better. Memories of all the times they had, wondering why he never said more. A lot of things were left unsaid - Ruta never got to propose to Colette, they never got to choose the colors of their wedding, or what flowers, what food and drinks; they never got to dance, and the last sight of each other wasn’t even a damned smile!
He cursed himself silently.
Hunter never got to go on about his newest niece, never got to tell the unheard stories of his family, never got to see the world as much as he dreamed, never got into a bar fight with a pirate; that the last he’d see of him was a damned smile! He never got to tell him-- He never got to tell them…
Ashley stared at the graves and knew…. this wasn’t how it was supposed to end.
He sat down in the dirt in front of them, offering some vague notion of a smile. “Y’won’t believe me. I know it. But… helped someone out today. Didn’t turn ‘em down. Didn’t make any snarky comments or nothin’. ‘Member that time out in the eastside of La Nocsea? It was like that, unfortunately. But, despite their faults n’corrupt nature, got the Blades t’clear ‘em all out after trackin’ ‘em to wherever they were hidin’.”
He let out a soft sigh. “...I miss y’all. So much. Y’meant so much to me. I was jus’ s’posed to take y’all home… n’y’stayed with me. You were my family… everythin’ I had. N’I… n’I jus’...” He shook his head. “I wish I could’ve done more. I… I… I love y’all, with all I could. Each n’every one o’ya’. I… never got t’tell you that. I hope… wherever y’are now… you know that. I’ll keep livin’ on, keep y’strong. Yer memories aren’t wasted, aren’t gone. Not yet. I’ll be damned if your story don’t get heard, though.”
He closed his eyes for just a moment
He snapped awake, not upright; he laid flat and stared at the pitch darkness in front of him. The bed below him was hard - it felt more like a floor. Wasn’t he in the dirt before? He could’ve sworn he was outside but a few seconds ago. It must’ve been a bad trip, lost all sense of time and ended up wherever he was now. All he had to do was find his stuff. He tried to sit up, only to slam his head on a short ceiling. “Augh… ow…” He tried to rub the spot he hit, only for his arm to scrape a wall right beside him. What was going on? He placed his hands flat on the shallow ceiling, feeling around - it was wood - he tried to find some means of escaping. There must’ve been a latch *somewhere*. One hand lowered to his pocket… most, if not all, of his gear and possessions were stripped of him; though he pat around to find an assortment of objects in the corners of his prison. When his hand landed on a lighter, it immediately lit up.
A coffin. Was he dead? Had they found him and buried him with his family? Did he… even want to be dead? The response of him slamming his hands on the lid and screaming for someone answered that question. There must’ve been a mistake, he wasn’t dead - he wasn’t! There was no way, none of this could be real. Dirt fell in between the cracks of the splintering shell he was incased in, no one was going to come. No one could hear him. He could feel the tears at his cheeks, the deepest recesses of his mind coming forward.
He didn’t want to die. He wasn’t ready to join them. “Gods, please… please…” He hoped some entity would come forth to dig him up and let him breathe. It was getting hot, he could barely catch his breath; like something stuck in his throat. He tried to cry for help again, met with the same silence. He could feel the blood rushing to his head, settling on his mouth and face and numbing his skin while he choked on nothing. He slammed his hands against the wood. Maybe there was just a small bit of air, if he could just get out. He dug his nails into the splinters and chips, tearing back his fingernails for just a *chance* at being able to dig his way to freedom. He was getting tired, though, exhausted. His chest hurt, and he could no longer hold up his arms. He stared at the darkness above him. Regardless of whether he wanted it or not, he could feel his vision fading - he tried to keep his eyes closed while gasping for the air that didn’t exist.
Ashley snapped awake, upright, this time; eyes forced closed by the brightness of the sun reflecting off the walls of the city - still in front of the graves of his family. He panted heavily, head reeling from the nightmare.
A nightmare.
Just a nightmare.
He was never so thankful for knowing it was just a dream.
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pretty-idol-hell · 6 years
Pretty Live 2018
So on December 9th 2018 I went to the Pretty Live! And I have A LOT to say about it. 
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I have been to Pretty Series, or rather PriPara concerts before, but I haven’t been to one in over a year. Also the special thing about this one was they actually featured voice actresses from EVERY SINGLE SEASON in the history of the Pretty Series.
In attendance was: iRis and Run Girls Run (this covers SoLaMi Dressing/Miracle Kiratts/Meltic Star), VAs of MyDream plus Shuka and Falala, Hibiki, Fuwari (same VA as Falala), Garmageddon, WITH and special guests Naru, Mia, Aira. Also Wa-Suta.
I think most people were here for PriPara though. Walking around the event area I think I saw mostly people with PriPara decorated bags. I’m going to guess the breakdown was about: 60% PriPara, 20% PriChan, 15% WITH, and 5% Pretty Rhythm. I was proud to be in that 5% with my Rainbow Live bags!! I saw at least one Aira bag, one Mia bag (it was mostly Paircham plushes but still ahah) and a couple Narus and it made me so happy! <3 It’s hard to say who was the most popular character overall…. Maybe Shion? Or Sara. (Most of the PriChan bags I saw were Sara.) Or Shogo. But there was a lot of variety. You can pretty much name any character and I probably saw someone who made a bag of him/her. 
It’s important to keep in mind that mostly only female fans make elaborate bags though. The male fans mostly just wear gaudy character T-shirts and put a couple keychains on a backpack.
I was surprised at how many WITH bags I saw even though they were such a small part of the event. Then again, after seeing how many fans came mostly to see them, I was surprised that WITH didn’t have any merch. They weren’t even featured in the pamphlet at all.
So the songs in the afternoon and evening performances were different but the flow was basically the same. There was no talk session. Just 2 1/2 STRAIGHT HOURS of one long medley of performances, a quick break while Run Girls Run talked about merch and news, then the big finale. (No encore. Just messages from the cast and then a screen with “Merry Prismas”.)
Run Girls Run came out as the opening act. They were alright! I was thinking to myself wow, they look super young when Coco Hayashi, voice of Mirai, actually introduced herself as being a high school 1st year. I looked it up because I wasn’t sure if I heard that right and GEEEEZUS yeah she’s 16 years old holy hell. They did Kiratto Start and Go! Up! Stardom, then replaced Kiratto Start with Prima Donna (the ending theme of Kira Kira Memorial Live) in the evening which was a really nice surprise.
Next up was Wa-suta! And I was pretty impressed with them! They seemed a lot more confident in their performance than I remembered them being last time. (When I saw them for the first time on the Summer Tour shortly after Idol Time started, I remembered thinking they seemed a little nervous?) They only did their PriChan stuff in the afternoon but in the evening they did The Biggest Paradox, which I was really happy about! I realized that I really like their PriChan stuff too though! ChanChanPuChanChanPuPrichan!! So I found myself really enjoying them and I wished their set as a little longer, but oh well. There was a lot more to come.
Then the character songs (or rather the songs where they sing in character) started, which were the bulk of the concert, and it would be impossible to remember them all. 
For the solos, some characters got longer versions of their songs than others and some were absent from one performance or another. For example, the My Dream members only sang their solos in the afternoon while Miracle Kiratts only sang their solos in the evening. And all of them sang the short versions. BUT. Hibiki and Shuka not only got featured in both shows, but got the FULL versions of their songs…. I guess that’s what it means to be celeb eh.
It was my first time seeing Madoka Asahina voice Shuka since Shuka didn’t exist the last time I went to a PriPara live. I loved how they did her hair. She looked a lot like how I might imagine an older Shuka to look. 
Poor Azusa Sato only got to sing Fuwari’s solo in the evening performance (no Falulu so no Tricolore) and nothing for Falala except for a Christmas performance with the other Idol Time girls (it was actually Lucky! Surprise Birthday re-written to have Christmas lyrics haha). I though that was a little bit sad for her. 
So in both shows I was towards the back, and since it was just a big hall of folding chairs with no elevation I couldn’t really see the stage that well. But I was close to the isle during the afternoon show which was good. They had some of the girls going around in these big carts, and a couple of them went right by me that time.
The first time was Yuina Yamada when she was singing Michiru’s solo. And the funny thing was, she was the first one who came out on a cart so nobody was expecting it. So when her song started up and everyone was like ?? where??? and I realized she was coming down the isle on a cart like five seconds earlier than the people around me. So I’m suddenly pointing up and shrieking, and everyone is like ??? what’s wrong with that weird foreign girl—AHHHHH!!!
The second time was when all of a sudden there was a huge POP, all these blue streamers rained down, the intro to Jun Amore Ai kicked in, and I looked up to see Mitsuki Saiga DIRECTLY ABOVE MY HEAD singing as Hibiki. I’m not going to forget that for a long time!! That moment alone probably made the entire thing worth it.
You can see one of the streamers I saved in the picture above. No other character got an intro like that. Only Hibiki.
I already talked about this a lot, but Meltic Star opened with their brand new song Netemo Sametemo DREAMIN' GIRL which premiered on the anime literally only a few hours before. So I, like most of the people in at the event, was hearing it for the first time. It was a really bizarre moment when we were all expecting COMETIC SILHOUETTE and then it was like wait… wait… whaaaaaaaaaaat is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis. I didn’t find out that the song had actually been on the anime that morning until hours later.
So, of course I knew going into this that several iRis members now play double roles. But man, it still didn’t prepare me for seeing it actually in action. Especially Yuuki Wakai who is both Reona and Sara. She didn’t change her hair when she switched characters (she couldn’t do much really) so to me it felt a lot like seeing Reona dressed up in Sara’s KR performing with Meltic Star. That was a trip. Funny how she went from playing a biological male character to a boyish girl. But yeah, the iRis members are really talented. Seeing Yu Serizawa and Miyu Kubota bicker as Anna and Emo while dressed as Mirei and Sophy was craaaaaazy. 
Another thing I realized is that, with the way they cast them, both Miracle Kiratts and Meltic Star are made up of both members of iRis and Run Girls Run intertwined together. So you basically can’t have a PriChan concert without having both groups present. This to me shows a commitment to keeping PriPara going as I would think all members of iRis will likely always show up to the bigger concerts like this one, and I feel like it keeps things strong the way they mixed up the new girls with the experienced. I thought it was strange to do it this way at first, but after thinking about it a little bit it makes sense. 
Moving on, WITH performed and they were pretty great!!  In the afternoon and evening they did one of their new songs (a different one each time) plus Gira Galactic Tightrope. Both of their additional songs were songs I was hearing for the first time. The crowd loved it and  I was pretty impressed with their performance as well. Even though I didn’t know their songs, it was really easy to get into them. By the end, like with Wa-suta, I found myself wishing their set could have been a little longer.
I still feel like I wish someone would make me a Powerpoint or something which explains how WITH got so popular despite being such minor characters who barely did anything in Idol Time. But during the event it finally dawned on me that it’s probably not about WITH as characters at all. It’s probably that people just like their voice actors. Is it? They are indeed cuties.
(Also explains why I have had trouble getting into them, since I just don’t follow real life celebrities the way other people do. But putting that aside…)
When Gaarmageddon was performing in the afternoon I noticed Gaaruru’s costume was missing a wing. I spent most of the performance wondering if she always had one wing and I just never noticed. But nope, she had two in the evening ahah. I wonder when it fell off and if that will make the DVD.
Oh yeah, so you remember that fan created unit from a while back? Where people could vote at Prism Stone for their favorite characters? Well if you don’t, Dorothy got #1 and ended up being grouped with the #2 and #3 characters Aroma and Hibiki to make the unit “Doramageddon Hi”.
I thought they just did this to sell merch and the unit would just fade into obscurity but NO.
Basically it was.... a giant mess. It was mostly just Dorothy and Aroma arguing the entire time about who was more popular, ever so often being interrupted by Hibiki just not givin a f singing these MAJESTIC lyrics over them like the class act she is.
It’s hard to imagine this song ever making it to CD. I mean, a huge chuck of it is just Dorothy and Aroma getting the audience to yell “Do-ro-thy!” “Devi-Devi-Devi!” “DO-RO-THY!” “DEVI-DEVI-DEVI” over and over again while getting faster and faster. But I at least I hope someone uploads it when it comes out on DVD. What a terrible combination for a group ahah. (People didn’t vote for that group specifically. They just combined the most popular characters. Perhaps especially because of that we have nothing but clashing personalities.)
Azuki Shibuya, aka Zucchan who plays Dorothy was really eating it up too. She had blue hair, the only cast member who went as far as to completely match her character’s hairstyle (the others just did what they could with their natural hair), so she basically WAS Dorothy for this event. She agreed in the pamphlet that she basically does become Dorothy as soon as she steps on stage. Also she was super shocked when she found out Dorothy was actually number 1!! (So happy for her.)
So like I said, after about 2 1/2 hours straight of performances we finally got a little break where Run Girls Run came out, talked about the merch being sold in the next hall over, and made a few announcements. Some of the things they talked about were a “remastered” version Kira Kira Memorial Live coming back to theaters for a short time in January, and a Tsutaya TV Valentines project that I didn’t really understand.
Then they made the “big” one and announced season 2 of PriChan!
But. They way in which they announced it was kinda odd.
Because they started off by showing Pretty Rhythm Miniskirt arcade footage and seeing that on the big screen was like whaaaat. Then they started going through the logos of the Pretty Rhythm to PriPara seasons in order by year before getting up to PriChan. After showing the logo for PriChan, the kira door (??) closed on the PriChan logo with a SLAM! Then silence. It was kinda jarring.
So in the three seconds that followed I was like… what… what does it mean… is PriChan ENDING?! I was also still reeling from seeing that Pretty Rhythm arcade footage on the big screen earlier so I was like maybe—
Then it was like NOPE PriChan season 2!!! haha.
Don’t get me wrong, PriChan getting a season 2 is good. GREAT even. But it was kinda hard to get excited about it in that moment because basically it was exactly what I expected would happen for next year. I mean it’s kinda like well, yeah, of course. I would have been much more surprised if they were doing something different and for like THREE SECONDS I thought maybe they were. But y’know. Oh well. Viva PriChan. 
During this concert I thought about how far PriChan has come over the past year, and how I enjoyed the PriChan performances every bit as much as the PriPara ones. I don’t miss PriPara because, thanks to still ongoing stuff such as events like this, PriPara never really left. I’m looking forward to seeing where PriChan goes from here
So after the announcement section ended it was finally time for what we were all looking forward to. Or at least what I was looking forward to: The Pretty Rhythm girls!!
They came out dressed in their Pretty All Friends outfits and introduced themselves as Saints. They didn’t sing all together, but they did perform together so you could still say it was a legit Saints performance and also the first one of all time. Rumi Okubo has never performed as Mia before. She said in the pamphlet she was looking forward to shouting “MIA IS NUMBER ONE!” with everyone. And she did. A lot ahah. So basically they all sang their solos one by one while the other two were the backup dancers for whoever was singing. Heart Iro Tori Dream was a singalong, as it always is. I didn’t practice the lyrics beforehand but I didn’t need to aaaaaahhahaaaa! To think being able to sing in in the theater during Kira Kira Memorial Live was such a BIG DEAL earlier in the year. At that time I never dreamed at that time I’d be doing it with the real Naru months later.
After their solos they sang Make-It with SoLaMi Dressing just like in Prism Tours. 
Then came the finale.  All Idol Song Precious with the FULL CAST. This was the part which really got me straight in the heart. Precious is the finale song to Let’s Go PriParis and basically my favorite PriPara song/performance of all time. To think I would hear a version with SAINTS in it?! AND HIBIKI (who was the only idol absent at the time from the movie version) And WITH??!!
Basically I think I can be done with Pretty Series concerts forever now because nothing will ever get better than this.
My only regret was I didn’t know the lyrics. The second half of the song was a singalong and I tried to practice in between performances but it didn’t really work. So Precious is on my list of songs to learn for someday… maybe.
Thing is.
As good as a show the Pretty Series concerts are, the venues are always terrible. Everyone always stands and it’s hard to see. At least we had chairs this time to sit down during that one break (before I went to one which was standing room only and that was hell) but during the concert if you’re short, it’s tough luck. I could kinda see through peoples’ shoulders during the afternoon, but in the evening performance I could literally not see the stage at all. It was basically like being at a live viewing, except I paid x3 the price. I could only see the girls clearly when they were up on the carts, but the carts rarely came to the back. Even though all the tickets were the same price basically.  
So yeah, I came out of retirement to go to this one, and I probably won’t go to another one for a long time if ever. They announced this Friendship Tour thing with a lot of show dates coming up soon, but I don’t really care. I got enough prism radiance from this show to last me years.
…Is what I want to say…. But…………. 
Then a voice whispers in the wind……… An…. ju………………….
 Can I really live the rest of my life without ever hearing Fortune Carat live…..?
 I…. don…. ‘t……… kno…w….
We’ll see.
Basically at least I think one of two things has to happen before I drag myself back to one of these: 
1.)   Rainbow Live Reunion 2.)   Anju
And that’s all folks. Merry Prismas.
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