#the absolute bliss i get from a good eating day is unmatched by any pleasure a man can give me
augustbrunette · 6 months
Stupid ass food log
Breakfast: spicy tuna kimchi rice and miso soup
Lunch: multigrain toast with tofu spread tooped with tomatos and cucumber
Dinner: cup of cauliflower soup with a piece of toast. Piece of chocolate for dessert
Calories: who fucking cares
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trashytummiez · 3 years
Hi. Could you write fic, where Link is miserable cook, so Sidon has to cook for him? But because Sidon is much bigger than Link, he makes too much food for his tiny boyfriend, Link still would be certain he could eat it all.
"I must say my friend...you continue to amaze me!" Sidon declared with a dashing smile was almost as bright as his blushing face when he saw his boyfriend sitting on the floor so bloated he couldn't even stand up straight.
Link burped loudly and deeply in response to Sidon's adoration then groaned.
He sat on the floor so bloated that his blue tunic rode all the way up and let his big fair-skinned tummy stick out freely. Link almost looked pregnant with how round his stomach had become from eating so much.
Sidon was used to cooking a heavy amount of food any given day. After all he was a very large framed zora with an appetite that was unmatched. He cooked about what he would have cooked for himself. Only this time he did it for his boyfriend. And the young hylian hero was certain he could eat whatever Sidon threw his way.
Only now after eating so much the poor Hylian felt like he was going to burst. His tummy was achingly full to the brim with all manner of zora delicacy which churned noisily inside of Link's belly. Link's face went a little green from how full he was. He brought a fist to his mouth and winced. There was a burp lodged in his throat that he wasnt sure if he wanted to let out or hold in because part of him was worried some of his dinner might come up with the gas if he let it out.
Meanwhile Sidon smiled and sat himself down next to his immensely stuffed little boyfriend and eyed his bulging belly up with a pleased and enamored look on his face. "Oh my yes. Most amazing indeed."
Eventually Link couldn't hold it in anymore and burped so hard that his tummy rippled with the erupting gas. He sighed and patted his belly with exhaustion and relief that only gas came up. Then he slumped back with his palms against the tiled floors. His smooth ample tummy spilled out a little more prominently before Sidon's very eyes.
Sidon looked as if he had just struck gold.
The young prince laid his webbed silky hand down over Link's bulging stomach. Because Sidon was so much larger than Link his hand enveloped a good portion of the mans stomach even with how bloated he was. Sidon's blush intensified when he felt Link's belly against his hand. His flesh was so comfortably warm and his stomach so smooth and jiggly to the touch. The young man had such an intensely accelerated metabolism that so much of what he had eaten was already partially digested. That gave Link's tummy a little extra softness and bounce which Sidon took advantage of by drifting his fingers down to Link's lower tummy and jiggling it around.
This caused a couple of loud and heavy burps to erupt out of Link back to back.
"As you adorable Hylians often say...nice one," Sidon said with a flustered smile.
His hand more gently stroked the crest of Link's tummy where it felt the fullest. Sidon's clawed fingertips lightly kneaded down into Link's warm bubbling flesh. Because of how soft Link's tummy was his fingers sank into the stomach flesh like Sidon was kneading dough.
He was absolutely in love with the way Link's belly felt in his hands. The way it shifted with an audible slorsh when Sidon ran his hand down the sides of Link's tummy or jostled with every light pat or thump Sidon gave Link's tummy made the zora swoon. It almost sounded like a thick little like-like sloshing about.
Sidon lovingly stroked Link's belly with light little circular motion. He barely had to move his large palm to cover every soft inch of Link's tummy.
Link moaned pleasurably. He very desperately needed his tummy rub and no one rubbed it better than Sidon.
"It astounds me that someone as small as a Hylian could eat as much as I can," Sidon mused while he rubbed. "Your iron stomach never ceased to amaze and...infatuate." He said that last part with a thirsty look in his eyes and gingerly patted Link's belly as he spoke.
It jiggled and sloshed with each pat he gave which caused the boy to let out a cute hiccup.
When Sidon felt Link's stomach gurgle noisily in his hands he pressed down on Link's belly softly.
That added pressure made Link wince then usher a huge burp.
Sidon shuddered at that booming sound. Eager to hear more he pressed down a little harder on that big squishy tummy to squeeze another big throaty burp out from his bloated boyfriend.
It was a well kept secret that the young prince of the Zoras had a crippling burp fetish that made him weak in the knees whenever he heard his boyfriend burp. Each one was like music to Sidon's ears.
Not that Link minded. It felt oh so satisfying getting each wet throaty burp out of his system. The fact that Sidon was swooning with each one was just a bonus.
After getting out an especially lengthy burp Link slid down onto his back. His arms sprawled to his sides while his big belly wobbled above him with an added gurgle. He let out one last cute little burp and hiccup then sighed contently with a blissful smile on his face.
Sidon simply gushed with a bright red flush in his silky cheeks and leaned down to lovingly plant a kiss over Link's belly button.
"You're incredible my friend."
This time it was Link's turn to blush.
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maple-syrup-goblin · 3 years
(some of you might like the tags up here, sorry
suicide, gore, depression, murder, ect)
You just broke up with your s/o, your heart is in shambles. Just to wake up, you need to lift the weights of your sorrows, regrets, and the deep gap within your soul.
It's a normal, terrible day. The sky is gray, it's been that way ever since they left you. Despite your unwillingness, the drive for food forces your body through your house, out of the door, and to your bike.
You mindlessly ride to a store. Any store will do. As you look to the sky and realize it's getting dark, and you are slpashed with shock when you notice that you've arrived in the next city over.
You push on as the pit in your stomach grows as deep as the pit in your heart. Your eyes fly to a bright sign of a small grocery store on the outskirts of the city. You place your bike on the outside of the shop and enter warily.
You grab whatever your hand seems to be attracted to. You end up grabbing a load of junk with dull, meaningless lables. As you near the counter you peer down to a worried face.
"Um, sir? You don't look too well." her wide eyes stare at you as she says faintly.
"I just biked from the small town over, I'm just tired." you reply, dead as ever.
"Really? That's a long way. If you need a place to stay, I could let you rest at my home." she suggests.
"Ah, thank you very much." you muster a weak sign of gratitude.
"My shift ends soon so, you shouldn't have to wait long!" she states excitedly.
You finish paying and wait on the bench outside. Filling your stomach with some of the garbage you bought, your head becomes a little less foggy. As you wait, the sun sets and your grow cold. Just as you huddle, the girl bursts out like a little bundle of energy.
"Whew! I can't wait to get home!" she exclaims with a wide smile. Just then, in that moment, you see her with clear vision. Her cute sweater, short hair, and smooth skin. Just that sight brings you more joy than you've felt in the past month. You can't help but smile at the sight.
"My car is this way," she states, "but we'll have to leave your bike here for the night. My car is too tiny to fit your bike."
"Oh! That's alright. I'll get it tomorrow." you reply.
As you walk toward her car, she glances at you and questions, "So, what's your name?"
"Oh, I'm y/n. What's yours?" you ask.
"You didn't catch it on my name tag?" she quips with a smirk. Although you feel like that was ment to poke fun at you, a you can feel is joy. "It's Ambrosia, you can call me Am though." she explaines.
You ride in her car for a short while before arriving at a cute house, completely dark from inside to out. The tiny home is beautiful even if you can't see it well in the starlight. As you walk in the door, she turns on the lights to reveal a neat and comfy place of living.
"Sorry, it's a little small. But now that we're here, would you like something to eat?" she asks kindly. Although you ate before you got here, you haven't had any good food for months and you crave to know what her cooking tastes like.
"I'd love something to eat, what do you have?" you speak joyfully.
"Oh it's not that simple! I'll make us a surprise!" she plays. Her positive attitude leaves you trembling with happiness. As she starts to cook, she demands that you stay out of the kitchen so that it remains a surprise.
You look around her home and see few family photos and many little decorative trinkets. The smell from the kitchen lures you to it as she announces that she's done.
"Allright, let's get to eating!" she announces. "Also, I don't have to work tomorrow so... would you like something to drink?"
It's been a while since you've had a meal this luxurious with a nice drink to go with it. "I'd love to." you respond as she pulls out a full bottle of whiskey.
"I don't do this too often so let's celebrate!" she says as she hold the bottle to the sky. The two of you begin to eat and enjoy your time together. Looking into her eyes feels like standing in a cool summer's breeze. You can imagine the sensation of your hand on her cheek.
You continue to eat and drink as your ability to hold back your feelings becomes frail. The slightest drop of romance could melt you and, she takes notice.
"You know, I'm the only one here. You don't have to hide anything." she states drunkenly. You feel as if your soul has become whole again. You no longer feel pain or sorrow. All you can think about is her adorable lips.
The two of you head toward the living room when suddenly, she stumbles. Falling into you arms, she looks up into your eyes. "You just might have to carry me!" she laughs.
You comply, and pick her up. You feel her squishy thighs in your arms and your hand grabs her chest. Holding her in your arms has put things into perspective. Although she's a tad short, her beauty is unmatched in your heart.
You carry her to her bedroom and set her down. Once she regains her balance, she uses all the force in her body to fling off her clothes. Your drunken mind follows suit and you remove what's keeping her from your body.
The mutual excitement brews a love so stong that it lats for hours. She's lucky she doesn't have to work in the morning.
You grasp her arms and lay her to the bed as you pummel her as hard as you can. Her poor little bead makes cries of help as you recklessly destroy her insides. The absolute bliss you feel is more fulfilling than anything you've ever felt.
She gasps as you continue, she looks beet red with pleasure. You begin to slow so this can last a while longer. You use your hands to toy with ever part of her imaginable. Her squishy breasts, tender thighs, and soft cheeks all run past your grasp.
"Please, please, harder!" she demands, "play with me, play with me! I'll be your toy to make you happy!" she cries with tears of bliss. You continue, harder than you have ever before. You grasp her boobs and fondle them with force.
She lets out one last moan of pleasure and holds you tight. "Thank you." she wispers. Your tiredness catches up to you and you fall asleep with your bodies intertwined.
You've slept better than you ever have before. You wake up to the sight of her soft lips and are instantly filled with the pleasure you felt before. Her small body seems so fragile in your grasp. She's so tender, and vulnerable.
Although you were filled with joy, your heart snaps back to how it was tbe morning prior. You stare at her, blankly. As she awakes, her eyes flutter open and her lips form a smile.
"I love you y/n" she barely musters. As she states this, you realize that she was able to fill you with joy she can do it again. You kiss her passionately and feel between her legs.
Her eyes fill with shock at your sudden movements but she can't say no, you've filled her mouth with her tongue. Her fragile body under your control fills you with the feeling of power. A power you've only felt the day before.
You start to rough her up. Using unnecessary amounts of force. She starts to cry but she wanted to be your toy right? Did she lie to you? Just like you s/o did back then. You can't stand liars. You can't stand her.
You trow her to the ground in a fit of rage, as her cries grow. Noting she says matters now, she'll just leave you like your s/o did. She's just like her, a liar and garbage. You top her and bite her throat with the strength of a lion. You claw at her soft skin and tear her insides up with the most massive rage boner any man could hope to amass.
She can't speak anymore, all you hear is muffled screaming and gurgles. You imagine doing this to your s/o and get up. A job like this requires special tools.
You retrieve a knife from the kitchen, her eyes contort into a deep fear. As you plunge the knife between her breasts. You slice her down to her belly and continue with your hands. You reach inside her and pull everything out. All the love, all the joy, you believe it is yours now.
Her eyes fade and her tears stop flowing. You continue to use her as a toy and fill her with your semen. Since there's no chance of a child, you fill her vagina with your semen in the most satisfying way you could have ever conceived.
You keep her face looking pretty, but with her throat destroyed you decide to ruin it a little more. You flip yourself and shove your dick into her throat however, it quickly reaches where you've crushed it. You press on and slip your cock deeper and experience the tightest grip you'll ever feel.
You assault her lower lips with your raging tongue to get a taste of your prey, your toy, you little meatbag of happiness. Rubbing her ass, you finnish in her adorable little mouth. And find yourself calming.
You cleave her head off to keep it as a physical memory of the last time you'll ever feel joy. You cry as you realize you've ruined your toy. What are you saying? Your toy? You realize that you've become a monster.
She's much more deserving of a life than you ever were. And you took that. You walk out of the house with your hand on her scalp. Or what's left of her you monster. You steal her keys and drive home. You monster.
Every time you look at what's left of her. All you can think is, "you monster" and you are. You are a monster, a horrible human being. If that. Your tears flood your vision. You know you'll never be happy again. You are worthless. But you feel what's left of Am isn't.
You arrive home and place her head on your table. Her lifeless eyes stare at you. You pleasure yourself one last time before ending your life just as you ended hers.
You grab a knife from your kitchen. You place the tip to your chest. You take a deep breath and plunge the blade into your heart. Letting your rage guide your hand. "You monster, you are worth nothing" you repeat in your head, "How can anyone love me now? Why would anyone care? S/o doesn't, Am doesn't, your family doesn't."
When you're done, you look just like her. A pile of blood and meat on the floor. The physical pain amounts to nothing compared to the disappointment you feel in yourself.
You feel warm, your sight glows red even with your eyes closed. Where have you found yourself?
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