#the ace laywer men
saltyfilmmajor · 8 months
next to the spy media thesis vision board of my mind, i think i'm gonna add the legal / lawyer media thesis vision board
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gathersroses · 3 years
NAME.   ambrosia partridge
ALIASES.   none
AGE.   appears twenty-two
BIRTHDATE.   november 13, 1850
GENDER.   female 
SEXUALITY.   on the ace spectrum
STATUS.   verse dependent
ETHNICITY.   white
NATIONALITY.   english
BIRTHPLACE.   near yorkshire
RESIDENCE.   wanders
HEIGHT.   5’7”
WEIGHT.   100 lbs
BODY TYPE.   slim
SKIN TONE.   pale
HAIR COLOR.   blonde
EYE COLOR.   blue
SCARS.   none
FACECLAIM.   tazmin merchant
TRAITS.   not afraid to stand up for herself, kind, strong-minded, loyal, supportive, reliable, enthusiastic, overcommitted, reluctant to change
HABITS.   tba.
HOBBIES.   tba.
FEARS   getting taken advantage of
FATHER.   johnathan partridge (alive)
MOTHER.   helen patridge (deceased)
SISTER.   amelia partridge (alive)
BROTHER.   none 
SIGNIFICANT OTHER.   judge bradford (intended)
SON.   none
DAUGHTER.   none
MBTI.   isfj - t
BORN UNDER PALE MOONLIGHT, ambrosia made her screeching arrival to this world, a cold november night. her parents, johnathan & helen were surprised to learn they were expecting another child in the first place. while they tried for another child after ambrosia's older sister was born, their attempts were unsuccessful. but ambrosia came along. her sister was twelve at the time thus, they were not as close as they could have been.
her family was fairly well off. her father worked as a laywer, often alongside judge bradshaw; an influential man from their area. they were good friends, which greatly benefitted their family. judge bradshaw found a suitor for amelia. he provided expenses for medical bills as they piled up for a condition of ambrosia's mother. for whatever reason, judge bradshaw began visiting them more often, wanting to help her mother as she slowly recovered from her sickness. but ambrosia soon realized that judge bradshaw had other motifs to his visits. he was in love with her mother. in her concern, ambrosia brought this up to her mother, but her mother was already aware. although she did not love him back, they needed the money.
twilight struck, taking her mother along with it. her father found her dead. it didn't make sense! she was getting better, yet it was not enough. judge bradshaw began projecting his pain onto the people standing before his stand. most received lifelong sentences or sent to the gallows. the people of their town became more fridid.
her debut into society occurred when she was twenty years old, the year after the death of her mother. being a kind soul, ambrosia received several suitors. but what surprised her was the gaze of judge bradford that seemed to always be following her. ambrosia avoided the man after the death of her mother. the truth behind his intentions prevented her from interacting with him. though, he offended asked for her hand for a dance & requested to be sat next to her during dinner events. ambrosia treated him well enough, but avoided him when she could.
eventually, judge bradford grew frustrated. lashing out once again on the poor souls brought before him. ambrosia faked ignorance. he could not be pining after her, after all. not after learning his feelings for her mother. one night, judge bradford became too desperate for her love. he confronted her about his feelings during a party. ambrosia rejected him as soon as the words left his lips. he was in love with a married woman & he was close to acting on those feelings. she refused to support a man like that.
her father confronted her later that night. while he was aware of judge bradford's love for his wife, he saved them several times before. this would be a way to repay him. ambrosia argued back. she did not want to marry him. she did not love him. they struck a deal. if she could find herself a husband within a year, she would not have to accept the offer. but if she did not, she would marry the judge. all of the eligible young men were chased off from ambrosia. as desperately searching as she was, she could not secure herself a husband. when she got close enough to one young man who was willing to help her, he disappeared the next day.
two weeks before the year is up, judge bradford proposed to her. ambrosia refused his offer, once again. the year was not up. while he reacted calmly, amrbrosia was forcefully removed from her home, thrust into an insane asylum. she was imprisoned in the madhouse for a full year. before judge bradford returned to offer his hand again. ambrosia refuses once again. the next time he came, he informed amrbsia that her father was on death's row. if she accepted judge bradford's new proposal, that would save him. with no other choice, ambrosia accepted.
knowing the thoughts judge bradford had on his mind for her, ambrosia purchased a bottle of poison. she would rather die than be his wife. what she did not know was judge bradford had a plan in mind for such a situation. he found her with the bottle of poison the night before their wedding.
"if you die, you are cursed," he told her. cursed to never die. unless she could secure a kiss of true love. judge bradford said he was willing to secure such a kiss. but ambrosia replied that such a kiss would not be of love. she drank the entire bottle, staring judge bradford in the eye the entire time.
he tried to save her, he did. physicians were called, but nothing prevented the poison from burning her heart. ambrosia took her final breath.
and awoke underground. weeks had gone by, but she was not dead. she did not breath, her heart did not beat. not alive, but not yet dead. she remembered the curse. now, she wanders between spirit realm & the living, the only way to escape from this miserable existence is to secure a kiss. but who could ever love the unliving?
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thedeafprophet · 2 years
PLEASE summarize ace attorney through dash osmosis that has to be amazing fjfjdj
ok ok so as far as i know there's like, these guys who are laywers and also rivals? and theyre gay? or at least everyone thinks they're gay? idk ive seen a lot of fan art. I think one is named edgeworth or something.
and like from what I gather the game is about solving crimes. and you gotta go about and collect evidence and you go to court. and people sometimes shout OBJECTION.
is there a plot to this game beyond crimes? idk but ive seen some edgy animatics. i think one dude has a sister too. and there's like a whole bunch of side characters who are all involved in this crime solving or crime causing. and there was a clown at one point. i imagine there must be mysteries too since its about crime solving. probably puzzles? idk.
thats about all i got, i ended up blocking the tag after awhile because i have no interest in the game (im not into laywers, only monsters here)
thanks for the ask jules XD
ask game from here
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great-gramps · 7 years
Charlie Gard Lessons
The greatest tragedy about Charlie Gard is that, not only will he die, but that the world will still miss the whole point: His government, in charge of health care, did not care. Legal healthcare magistrates made their decision about whether to fight for his life or turn their back on it based on something else, but it wasn’t love or concern for little Charlie Gard. Charlie’s parents, many citizens of Great Britain, and even our favorite “outsider,” President Donald Trump, offered assistance. Those “in charge” denied help for Charlie until it was too late. The Charlie Gard affair should be a wake-up call to us, but today (July 25, 2017) we only kicked our healthcare can down the road and celebrated that Congress voted for a nothing solution after seven years of hiding from responsibility. Enough!
I have personal experience that I can relate to government interference among members of a family–mine. My daughter is nearing age 50, much older than Charlie Gard, but she is another of the estimated 100 people in the world who suffer from the same disease. There is no cure for MDS, but she can get some relief from treatments. She needs disability insurance. I have watched her go through hoops to get help. I’ll explain as briefly as I can, because I don’t want her issue to get my focus off the main thing.
The IRS requires a completed 1099 form. In 2015 she submitted a 1099 for her daughter, her husband and herself, but there was an error involved. Having gone through severe trauma and health setbacks in both 2015 and 2016, her 2016 disability was denied because the 2015 error had not been corrected. Finally today (August 10, 2017) she was on the phone–again–desperately seeking the 2015 1099 that she was told had been completed, corrected, reviewed and “done” at least three months ago! Yet she still cannot get the 1099 she needs to turn over to her lawyer for the IRS, so her 2015 tax return can be completed, so she can qualify for 2016 and 2017 disability, and so she can get some relief from this two-year ordeal of non-stop stress, with its constant struggle to make ends meet under Obamacare’s UNaffordable “marketplace.” (Do you sense anger and frustration here?)
I drive my daughter to medical appointments, 50 to 70 miles away, once or twice a month. Today, for the third or fourth time I heard her try to deal with the same people on the phone, only to get the same result–a run-around with no one who could take responsibility for action or even remember a detail of the conversation. (My forehead hurt from doing a face-plant every time I heard her correct them saying, “no, 2015.”) The Social Security office told her she would have to talk to the Obamacare Marketplace. The Marketplace, in turn, finally put her in contact with a supervisor who was supposed to call her back two months ago but never did, in spite of several follow-up requests with at least four different people. This time they did at least talk. Of course, my daughter had already been transferred twice. She is supposed to get the 1099 that’s already “done” by this Monday, August 13, to submit to her lawyer for an IRS hearing and decision that is already two years overdue. We are not holding our breath.
I started thinking about how many people our tax dollars (yours and mine) have supported during the past two years. How many levels of sloths, at each of the three companies I know about, are involved in this one issue? At least eight or nine people, each earning at least $30,000 per year, at each company, plus all the supervisors at double that amount, for starters. Add to that the politicians who are also getting their salaries, vacations, staff and healthcare paid for by you and I. My reasonable calculation for my daughter’s issue alone, costs us (you, me and other taxpayers) a minimum of more than $810,000 per year for two years going on three, or 1.62 MILLION dollars–so far. This is happening even if she is eventually granted disability insurance. Add laywers, IRS agents and dozens of clerical workers to the cost before this is resolved, and one person is costing the government in charge well over 2 million dollars. And why? Only because the government is in charge. IRS, Social Security, Marketplace–did you fail to notice that those are all government entities who take their cut from what should be going to her doctor? That would all go away if you and I could work with our doctors to get our healthcare. And we might then have enough money to help care for our family, friends and neighbors who actually need help instead of scamming us to get rich. I know my daughter needs help; that’s personal. What clerk dealing with Obamacare patients knows who is scamming the system and who really needs help?
I realize that my numbers are not accurate, but I submit to you that they are reasonable estimates. Perhaps you can tell me how far off they are. I only know that many, many people are involved in this current situation, and they all cost taxpayer money. Multiply that by the number of people who suffer with other such causes. A thousand people? That’s 2 billion bucks.
About a week ago I looked at government web sites for information about the cost of healthcare in the US. Do you know why it cannot work in the hands of a single payer (ie, government)? Too many middle men. Too many people who pass the buck, blame everyone else, refuse to take responsibility for anything, and think the world owes them something. What a crock! The government’s own web site says this insane bottleneck is what costs every man, woman and child in this country over $9,000 per year. For 325 million people (census bureau estimate in 2017) the single payer solution cost would add $2.9 TRILLION more dollars to our deficit every year. Hello Venezuela. Hello third-world economy. Goodbye America the Great.
This is what happens everywhere when government is in control. Every where, every time, and in every thing, from postal service, IRS, education, or Congress! Lazy, thoughtless middle men who cannot take a simple problem and solve it equitably get lazy, stupid and rich, quibble over nonsense (Russia? Don Jr.? Give me a break!) and cause untold harm to citizens around the world.
Do you want to solve some of these problems? I’ll bet everyone who has read my vent to this point is capable of working out for yourself which doctor to see, which car to drive, which gun to shoot (or not), which congress-person to vote for, or which book to buy for your child. If you need help, you already know more than one friend who will care enough for you to actually offer help. Even if you don’t, you could find help at a church. Churches of all types have people there who would pray for you, pray with you, and help you get the help you need. In short, someone there will be a responsible person. Which government will do that for you?
If any of you care enough to do something about the stench in our swirling cesspool, I suggest two things. First, please share this, especially with your legislators at federal, state and local levels. Remind them to get the federal government out of health care, to put the people first.
Ask them all this question: “What part of the word REPEAL don’t you understand?”
Wait for the answer, but don’t expect it to be clear or simple. If they don’t get it, ask them to define REPEAL for you.
Remind them what they promised in order to get your vote so they could SERVE you. Make sure they understand the difference between servant and client.
Assure them you understand that their failure to vote for the repeal they promised makes them a liar, and by definition one of satan’s minions. Remind them again to repeal Obamacare immediately. Then–and only then–IF YOU LIKE YOUR JOB YOU CAN KEEP IT!
Second, find a copy of our Constitution. Look especially at Article V, the Constitution Of States (COS) option. Our founders, in their profound wisdom, possibly knowing that human nature would allow our current condition to emerge, provided this escape route. Thank God for their wisdom. Let us honor them by using this “ace” to take back our country.
Please google COS and find out where the Convention of States stands in your state. Pennsylvania (mine) is one of those states that has not yet signed onto the COS. I’m going to work on that one. If we don’t get Obamacare repealed and replaced, this COS may be our only alternative. Stalemate and stagnation are no longer options.
The COS agenda includes term limits (12 years) for all representatives in Congress. Another amendment requires those who create the law to abide by it or be prosecuted for violation of it. In short, they will live like the rest of us. Those are the only two I remember off the top of my head. These two alone would prevent some abuse and ensure that nobody could make a career out of being a servant. Do you really think any Congressional leader would vote themselves out of their cushy job? No, it is obvious now that there will never be enough elected liars to pass that; the only way is to amend our current law.
Please excuse me for ranting, but I’ll bet you have had the same thoughts, perhaps about different issues, but caused by the same problems. It is clear that the current flock in Congress is incapable of fielding enough votes that put US citizens first. Before we produce offspring from the same DC genes, we really need to clean the cesspool. After the Charlie Gard and Obamacare fiascos, and my own daughter’s desperation, I deem it hopeless to expect the swamp to drain itself.
Let us never forget Charlie Gard. There must be a better way for him and my daughter to survive and thrive. Let us learn a lesson from their plight and resolve never again to fail those in need. Remove choke points from the government so it can keep the main thing the main thing.
It really is this simple. Too much government, with too many people in the game who have nothing on the table. Repealing Obamacare will solve a lot of problems. First, it will give our politicians a more pressing reason to replace it. Duh.. It will also free other associations and organizations to serve those in need. Indeed, there are already such groups forming.
In closing, may I remind you that Senator Rand Paul has a medical degree and a plan that he has presented to President Trump. Based on his description, I’ve decided to google around for more information about it. His plan sounded to me like a good starting point. Stay tuned for more on that.
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