#the apprehension is there of course but.. i'll see where this goes
silasbug · 1 year
so the coursemate that texted me on sunday has been consistently trying to keep a conversation with me and internally i am very much *confused screaming*?
is this it? am i being adopted? why is this always how i end up making friends? someone passes by the "pathetic little guys" petshop and goes "i want that one" *pointing at the most pathetic guy out of the bunch (me)*
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adore-laur · 3 months
Hey! Saw your post abt asking for more dadrry and I love sending these to you so here goes: Harry’s been noticing that his wife is a bit down lately. It’s not because of anything in particular she still loves all of them but she’s just a bit bored at home with him back at work after a short parental leave to take care of the baby and their oldest daughter at school now. So one day he concocts a plan with their oldest kid and takes her with him to the pet store to pick up something to keep his wife company
It was Harry's last day of parental leave, and he noticed you were apprehensive about it. He had been at home for twelve weeks, savoring time with his three girls. Now, he was leaving the little bubble of bliss and heading back to work.
He empathized with you, knowing the daily parenting routine would weigh heavily on your shoulders. A part of him didn't want to leave you. It wasn't that he didn't trust you—he simply dreaded missing milestones, cuddles, and the mere pleasure of watching you as a mother.
Harry was out and about running errands with his eldest daughter to enjoy some quality time together before tomorrow arrived. He stocked up on groceries so you wouldn't have to worry about it for a while. He had also already decided to freeze several home-cooked meals to make it easier on you, as well as occasionally bring dinner home from work if he had the opportunity. Next on the list was buying more diapers and baby powder.
You had told him the days would be long and boring without him home as the main entertainer for the girls. Last night, before he had fallen asleep, he brainstormed ways that you could pass the time while he was working. You obviously had the kids to take care of, but there would be moments, like during nap time, when you'd be sitting in the house with nothing to do.
It was easier with the first kid since all you did was nurse and soothe cries. Now, you needed a distraction for both the kids and you.
"Daddy, can we go see the animals?"
Harry was buckling his daughter in her car seat when she asked the question. Her little finger pointed next to the grocery store they were just at, where a pet store resided. He'd never ventured in there before simply because he had to reason to. Now, he had a daughter who loved every animal that roamed the earth and held a curiosity toward any signs of them.
He sighed and unbuckled her. There was no chance he'd have said no, even if he did want to soak up family time in the comfort of his home. But his baby girl got what she wanted, at least when it was a reasonable request.
Steady rainfall dotted his clothes and frizzed his hair as he speed-walked toward the automatic doors with his daughter on his hip. It was Sunday, so there was a slow stream of people driving around and walking past the line of stores and boutiques.
Inside the pet store, an unknown smell greeted him, as well as two green parakeets perched in a large, luxurious birdcage. His daughter gasped with a wondrous smile, listening to them chatter and squawk noisily. Further past the several species of birds placed near the storefront window were glass terrariums with bearded dragons, nonvenomous snakes, and slider turtles. They all moved leisurely and held zero interest in visitors.
In the back, a dark section dimly lit by blue aquarium lights showcased rows upon rows of glass tanks filled with freshwater fish galore. Some of Harry's cherished childhood memories involved lingering near the fish section at pet stores, feeling like he was in a secret underwater world that no human could enter.
"All right, lovebug," Harry said. "I have a question. Should we get Mommy a fish to take care of?"
"Let's pick one out. I'll even let you get one if you want."
He jostled her playfully. "Of course. We'll put it in your room and help you feed it."
She rested her head on his shoulder and softly said, "Thank you."
His heart melted a little bit as he kissed her temple and set her down. "Anything for my sweet girl."
They walked hand in hand past the tanks and admired the different species of fish floating in the water—goldfish, cichlids, tetras, and ones he couldn't name.
"I want one of those." She pointed to some nearby shelves, where there were little glass containers with betta fish swimming around in them. Many were vividly multicolored. It seemed like a perfect distraction for your mind. Nothing too high-maintenance or in need of too much attention.
"Yeah?" He stalked over to the shelf. "Which one?"
"Purple," she said decisively.
"And which one for Mama?" he asked.
"You pick."
Harry browsed the options. They were all magnificent to look at, but one in particular grabbed his attention. On the bottom shelf, there was a pearl-white betta fish that looked like a wispy angel. Harry crouched and closely inspected the harmless creature. It was beautiful, with an appearance of quiet elegance. Just like you.
"Definitely this one," he said, picturing it in a bigger tank with aquarium pebbles and plants and maybe a rock cave to sleep in.
Harry waved over a store associate and got the checkout process started. Within ten minutes, he was carefully carrying two glass containers with the new pets and pushing a shopping cart with two separate two-gallon tanks, pellets, and a couple of cheap aquarium decorations.
When they arrived home, Harry walked through the front door and saw you sleeping on the couch. The baby must have been napping as well, which was really the only time you or he could catch up on sleep. He smiled to himself, a lovely ache pulsing in his heart. If it was possible, he'd stay home with you forever and have "parent" be his singular job title. Alas, he was a needed man outside the home. 
His daughter skipped toward you, clearly excited to reveal the surprise. Harry slowly walked over with the fish and crouched next to your sleeping form. Quietly beautiful. 
"Sweetheart," he whispered, softly stroking your cheek with his knuckles. 
You sleepily opened your eyes, squinted at his face, and then hummed happily. "You're home." The way you said it sounded relieved, which made him not want to be released from his sabbatical. If only he could work from home. 
"We got you something," he said, turning to his daughter so she could do the honors. She took the container with the white betta fish and held it out like it was a sacred gift meant to be handled with the utmost care and respect.
"What is... oh my, what is this?" you asked, your expression morphing into amazement. "Where did you get this?"
"We went to the pet store, and Daddy said that me and you could get pet fish."
You quickly noticed the other betta fish that Harry was holding, and your eyebrows drew together. "What's the special occasion?"
Harry tucked the blanket further up your body and said, "Tomorrow is going to be rough, so I thought you could use a distraction when the days are long without me here."
Your jaw dropped a little as you took the container and closely watched the wispy specimen swim in circles. "That's so thoughtful, Harry."
"Thank your daughter," he replied, kissing your head as he stood up. "She convinced me. Thankfully, she picked an easy animal to take care of." He couldn't imagine if he came home with a slithery snake or an obnoxious bird. This was a peaceful pet that didn't really do much of anything. Something you could simply admire and keep satisfied through simple measures.
He never thought getting you a fish would be a part of his lifelong repayment for two precious children, but it was the most spontaneous moments that mattered most.
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uglypastels · 1 year
okok I've had this idea brewing in my filthy mind for a few days so imagine sanji discovering camgirl! Strawhat reader and becomes kinda obsessed?? Maybe one day she wears something of his(maybe a ring or his shirt) live and he goes absolutely feral and has his way with her??😵😵💫
I took out the camgirl aspect because I just wasn't sure how to incorporate it into the universe?? (I'm still new to it, so trying to figure out the dos and don'ts haha.) but I hope it's still good.
masterlist | inbox - requests open
reminder that reblogs and comments are the best way to support writers on Tumblr
warning: 18+ content. MDNI. simp sanji. masturbation. suggestive language and actions. light biting.
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Laundry Day.
'Can someone remind me again whose brilliant idea it was to fight the giant squid?' You looked down at yourself, stiff as a board, as you felt every inch of your body to be sticky with black ink.
When you looked up again, the rest of the crew had all found a sudden interest in the most mundane parts of the ship, not daring to meet your deadly glare.
'Thought so,' you mumbled. 'I'm gonna go change.' Awkwardly, you made your way downstairs to the bathroom to try and wash off the black goo the sea monster had spewed onto you. You scrubbed for what felt like an hour, with the stains just never seeming to seize. The water poured down your body, slowly turning from a black abyss into a drabby grey until it finally recovered to its natural clear state, and the smell of fish was exchanged for your hair conditioner and body scrub.
stupid. fucking. squid. You kicked around your thoughts as you got out of the shower, nearly falling over in the process.
Too tired to cross the ship to your room, you instead walked to the small laundry cabin that was next to the bathroom and picked up the first pair of shorts you found and a button-up shirt to throw on.
You had thought it was one of yours, always being fond of having some larger piece of attire to throw over a short sleeve, but you soon realised your mistake when you entered the kitchen.
Sanji was in the middle of setting some water to boil, glancing up at you from his work with a soft smile. That smile then quickly froze in what you could only describe as a shock.
'I know I look like a mess,' you sighed, reaching over to the cupboard where the crew kept their hardest liquor. The day just called for a shot. Or three.
'Not the words I would use.' Sanji said, the clicking of the gas stove intercepting him, 'Is that- is that my shirt?'
You glanced down, noticing the blue striped pattern on the material and the actual tailoring of the shirt as opposed to the ones you were used to wearing.
You cursed under your breath. 'Sorry. I'll go change.' You began unrolling the sleeves, already seeing how they started to crease.
'No,' Sanji coughed out. 'It's fine. Honestly.'
'You sure?' You looked up at him apprehensively, but he just shrugged and continued on cooking.
You poured yourself a drink and made yourself comfortable opposite Sanji, enjoying the show that was his meal prep.
'Where's everyone else?' you asked as he began chopping up vegetables.
'Uhm, probably sleeping off the squid,' he chuckled, focused on the ingredients. As he kept going, you realised his answers kept getting shorter and shorter with each question. What usually would be full of quips and flirtatious remarks was cut down, blunt, like the edge of a dull knife.
And at first you had brushed it aside as him concentrating on his craft, but the longer he cooked, the more noticeable it was how he avoided your gaze. Even when talking, he didn't dare look up.
'Are you really ok with me wearing this?' You asked eventually when he was done and washing his hands in the sink.
'Of course, darlin',' he wiped his hands on a towel. He was about to turn around, but you saw the moment as your chance and swiftly slithered by his side. He stumbled back slightly in surprise.
'So why have you been ignoring me for the past hour?'
'I haven't,' he slipped by you elegantly and got to packing up the prepared food into storage boxes.
'But you have-- you didn't even look at me until now.'
'Sorry, sweetheart. I was working.' Usually, his saying something like that would make you think things were back to normal, but he seemed nervous, and before you could say anything else, he excused himself to his cabin.
Confused and a bit flustered at the sudden departure, you stood in the kitchen for a moment. You had planned on going upstairs, to get some fresh air, when Luffy stormed into the room.
'Ah!' he exclaimed, 'glad to see you're back to your ink-free self.'
'Yeah, thanks, Luf.' You took another shot quickly and watched as the captain raided all the cupboards. 'Watcha looking for there?'
'The tangerine cookies that Sanji made yesterday. There should still be some here.' He stretched his arm out to pat around the back of the highest drawer.
'You sure you didn't eat them yet?'
'Nooo,' Luffy looked at you sternly. 'Because I put them there specifically so I wouldn't eat them earlier.'
'Right,' you nodded. 'Well, Sanji had been busy around here, prepping lunch for tomorrow; maybe he moved some things around,' you suggested. 'You could go and ask him.'
'Aaah, I could,' Luffy wavered, 'but I was hoping to do this without Sanji's help.'
'Did he ban you from the kitchen again?' After the last incident of Lufft stuffing himself full of snacks right before dinner, the cook had given him strict orders not to eat an hour before meals. Looking at the clock, you could see it was closing in on dinner time.
Luffy scoffed, which only confirmed your assumptions. With a sigh, you got up. 'Fine, I'll ask him. But he might be asleep, you know.'
'Thanks. You're the best.' Luffy said, arm the length of the room as he opened cupboard after cupboard. You just rolled your eyes and made your way to Sanji's cabin.
'Hey, Sanji,' you knocked softly, unsure if he had maybe decided to take a nap. With no response from the other side of the door, you tried again. You thought to just let it go and leave him be, but then you heard the clashing of the pans in the kitchen, followed by a Luffy 'I'm ok!' and knew that you needed an answer for your captain. These were desperate times.
'Hey, Sanji,' you opened the door. The only thing you had really seen was the shape of his body splayed out on the bed, and it was more of an instinct or a gut reaction that told you that you should not look any further. So, quickly apologising, you shut the door again as Sanji cursed out in shock at the door opening.
'Sorry!' You shouted through the door, simultaneously trying to comprehend the blurs of your vision and trying to forget anything you might have seen. He wasn't... no, that wasn't... no.
There was some stumbling coming from his room, followed by a few more curse words. You didn't know why you were still standing beside his door, but he certainly didn't expect you to have stayed there, and so, when he entered the corridor, your bodies practically collided.
'I didn't see anything!' You blurted out before Sanji could say anything. Both your faces were wide in horror. 'I swear- I just,' you made the mistake of taking his appearance in. His shirt was untucked from his trousers, belt unbuckled and hanging at his sides. Oh god. 'I just... I was wondering where the tangerine cookies were. The ones you made yesterday.'
He was still hard. Most of it was hidden by the layers of clothing, but there was no denying it. You did your best to keep your eyes on his face as he listened to you blurt out words like a maniac, but it sure was difficult as all the puzzle pieces came together.
'They should be in the left cabinet, bottom shelf. Behind the baking ingredients. I hid them so Luffy wouldn't eat them before dinner.'
'Good thinking,' you laughed, probably a bit too loud for the situation, but the nerves were getting worse by the second. 'Well, bye then.' And with that, you ran off to the kitchen, leaving Sanji in all his unspeakable glory behind.
In the kitchen, you were met with Luffy picking up the pans he had dropped and Nami looking at him with what could only be described as disappointment. Without acknowledging them, you walked over to the left cabinet, opened the bottom half of it and searched the bottom shelf for the box of leftover cookies, slamming them onto the counter. Luffy immediately lunged forward to them, oblivious to your shocked state, but the navigator was a bit more perceptive.
'What happened to you?' she asked, declining the offer of a cookie from the captain, who already had two in his mouth.
'Nothing,' you shook your head.
'You look like you've seen a ghost.'
'I didn't! I didn't see anything!' Nope, nothing at all. You definitely did not see that. Or how big it was... or how his hand looked wrapped around it... or his face when he- NO.
'Hey, is that Sanji's shirt?' Now, Luffy decided to be observant. You looked down at your shirt as if you had only now noticed what you were wearing.
'Oh, I guess it is.'
'He must be having a field day with that,' Nami snickered, to which you looked at her confused. She, in turn, rolled her eyes 'Like you haven't seen the way he looks at you on a regular day.'
'I- no?' you blinked, trying to grapple with what she was talking about.
Nami just shrugged before grabbing the last cookie from Luffy's hand and walking out of the room. If you thought he would be aware of anything that you had just talked about, you would have asked the captain if he knew what Nami meant by her comments but instead just contemplated on it all by yourself.
Against all your survival instincts, you walked back in the direction of Sanji's door and knocked again. This time loud and clear. There was shuffling coming from the other side, and a second later, the door opened to reveal Sanji. His lips were pulled in a tight line of a smile as he looked down at you.
'Hey, can I come in?' you asked softly.
'What?' Sanji asked before the initial question properly connected in his mind. 'Uhh, I don't think that's a great idea.'
'Sanj, we should talk about what happened earlier.'
'Do we, though?' His voice raised in pitch nervously, but you just glared up at him, unimpressed.
'Sanji, please just let me come inisde.' You pushed out any thought that just burst through your mind that did not have to do with the current situation, but it was hard to see the images of what you saw in his room before were still very much playing over and over in your head.
In the end, Sanji gave in and opened the door for you. As you walked in, he stayed behind you, hand running nervously through his hair, as he spoke: 'Listen, I'm really sorry about... everything that happened today, really.'
'You have nothing to be sorry for.' You turned to face him. 'I'm the one that stole your shirt and stormed into your room unannounced.' It was his room. He had the right to do whatever he pleased in it.
Sanji laughed awkwardly, looking away to the far side of the room, but even then, you caught how his eyes glanced and slightly lingered over your body. The blue-striped shirt still hanging over it.
You, in the meantime, fought the urge to look at his body, combined with the memory of what you had caught him doing.
Maybe it was the few shots you had taken earlier to forget about the giant squid attack that instead did nothing you had hoped for but only made you bolder as you asked: 'were you thinking about me?'
'You know, earlier. When I walked in. Were you... thinking of me?'
'Shit, don't make me say it.' He combed his fingers through his hair. You walked over to him, closing the gap between you lightly.
'Why not?'
'Because I don't want to make things weird between us.' His jaw clenched as you came towards him, and you couldn't help but laugh at what he had to say.
'Oh, it's definitely too late for that now. Things are already weird.'
'Super weird, aren't they?' he asked softly, strangely intensely.
And so, when you responded, your agreeing words were only as hushed as he had been, too focused on each other's proximity. The two of you stood there, frozen between actions, taking each other's bodies in at the new lack of distance until Sanji took the final step over the edge, kissing you with his hands on cupping your cheeks.
You stumbled back at the force, steadying yourself when you caught onto the shirt he was wearing. One of his hands moved down to your waist, guiding you to his bed until the back of your knees hit the wood, and you lightly fell back.
Sanji placed himself over you, and as his weight pressed over you, you could feel his hard-on through his trousers. A curse fell from his lips when you reached for it and your fingertips moved over the material.
'You've been drivin' me insane the whole day, walkin' around in that shirt.' He said as he began leaving a trail of kisses down your neck.
'Figured,' you couldn't but be a bit smug about it, which he did not seem to appreciate given the pinch of his teeth you felt on your sensitive skin.
You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him even closer to you, trying to get some, friction out of the movement as he pressed himself against you.
'Cocky are we?' He smiled into his kisses, and at this point, all you could do was nod in agreement.
Sanji kept himself up over you with one hand as he used the other to unzip your shorts. One-handed and without a clear view, taking them off turned out to be a bit more of a challenge, far more awkward than expected when you tried to shuffle out of them, but his touch on your skin made up for it by tenfold.
You were about to make a start on unbuttoning the shirt you were wearing when Sanji stopped you. 'No, keep it on.' and kissed you before you could make any other snarky remark on his behalf. But when he pulled away again, though slightly dazed by the passion, you still managed to comment.
'If this is the treatment I receive for stealing your clothes, I might just do it more often.'
To this, Sanji groaned through his teeth. 'You're gonna be the death of me, sweetheart, I swear.
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acewritesfics · 8 months
The Neighbour's Cat | Tommy Shelby
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Request: from @rainydayteacups
Fic Type: Imagine
Warnings: Swearing. Fluff overload. Soft Tommy. I guess you could say pre-war Tommy but I didn’t really mention it.
Word Count: 1,564
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“Did you hear that?” Ada asks after a loud thud came from out in the backyard.   
“It might be the neighbour's cat,” Y/N replies. The grey tabby is often in her small backyard, making himself comfortable in one of her flowerpots as he slept. She no longer had flowers growing in the one he took a liking too. “He often comes into the yard.”  
She goes to pour herself another glass of the wine that Polly had swiped from the Garrison when she sees movement outside the window. Recognising the familiar hair cut she stands up from the table. "I'll be right back. I need to make sure the cat hasn't gotten into anything it shouldn't have."  
"But it's dark outside, what could it possibly get into?" Ada whines, lifting her glass to her lips.  
"You'd be surprised," Y/N mumbles and makes her way to the back door and slips outside, looking into the darkness of the night for a person sneaking around the back of her home. "Tommy?" she whispers loudly unsure if it was him, she'd seen.   
As Tommy moves in front of her, a hand clasped gently over her mouth as he holds a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet.   
"Come with me," he speaks barely above a whisper, the hand covering her mouth moving to take her hand in his and leads her away from the back yard and into the street.  
“Tommy, I can’t just leave,” she protests but makes no real effort to break away from him and go back inside. “Where are the others?”  
“Back at the Garrison,” he informs her. “And who says we can’t sneak off to spend the night before our wedding together?” 
“It’s tradition,” she sighs knowing the women currently in her kitchen will have her head once they realize she’s disappeared.  
“Fuck tradition,” he scoffs as he slows his walk now that their getting further from the house. “Since when have we been ones to follow tradition, eh?” 
“I guess you have a point,” she smiles. 
“We’ll start our own tradition,” he announces, his voice echoing through the empty street as he walks ahead of her lighting his cigarette and turning to face her while walking backwards. “Our future generations will spend the eve of their wedding together instead of apart because we did it first.” 
Not realizing he’s about to step off the curb, he stumbles backwards causing Y/N to gasp as scrambles forward to try stop him from falling. He steadies himself before he can topple backwards. “I’m fine, love.” 
She shakes her head with a chuckle as his hands reach for her hips and pulls her closer. “So, what do you say?” 
“I say, I’m the luckiest woman in all of England, maybe even the whole world,” she smiles. “Let’s make our own traditions.” 
He smiles, kissing her, before taking her hand again and leading her further from her home. 
Arriving at Charlie’s Yard, Tommy helps her through the gate and towards the stables. Y/N looks around apprehensively, unsure if they should be there. It's been a long time since they snuck into the yard of the man who's like an uncle to the Shelby siblings. Last time they did it, they'd been caught. Charlie had almost fired Tommy from his job as punishment, but Tommy promised never to do it again. Until now.  
"Tom, are we allowed to be here?" she questions him, even though she has a feeling she already knows the answer as they walk into the makeshift stable.  
"I cleared it with Charlie," he informs her, surprising her a little. 
"But Charlie's at the Garrison with the rest of the blokes," she says, realization hitting her. "He was in on this plan of yours." 
"He tried to talk me out of it," he tells her.  
"But of course, Tommy Shelby gets his way," she teases. 
"I convinced you to marry me, didn't I?" he asks, a smug smile on his pouted lips.  
"It didn't take much convincing," she smiles.  
"We first met here," he reminds her. "You were tending to one of the horses Curly was working with." 
"Moonlight," she smiles remembering the day well.  
She came to Birmingham two years ago to visit her cousin, Curly, and look for work, having been fired from her last job for no good reason. Curly talked to Charlie about hiring her, claiming he needed a hand with the horses. Charlie hired her after Curly gave him his word about Y/N being a hard worker and almost as good with horses as he was.  
She was three days into her job when she crossed paths with Tommy. She was grooming Moonlight, a black stallion with a diamond shaped patch of white on his forehead. Moonlight just so happened to be one of the horses Tommy saved from a man who was about to put the beautiful boy down, because he was sick, and he couldn't afford to get him well again. Curly had nursed him back to health within a few weeks. Y/N had bonded with him so much that Tommy couldn't bring himself to find him a new home, instead keeping him as a gift for the woman he had fallen so quickly in love with. 
Those few weeks curly was nursing Moonlight back to health, Tommy spent pursuing Y/N, unable to get her from his mind. It took a month before she gave in to his advances and they've been together ever since. And Moonlight is now in a stable on a farm a friend owns, living his life to the fullest. Y/N is out there almost daily attending to him and taking him for rides. Tommy can't wait for the day when he can move Moonlight into their own stables, on property they owned, with as many horses as his wife wants. 
"The first time I saw you, I knew I had to have you in my life," he tells her. "You looked so beautiful, covered in dirt and grime, humming that tune as you ran a brush through Moonlight's mane. He seemed so calm and at peace that I felt it within myself."  
"Oh, Tommy," she coos softly, feeling her heart erupt with all the love she has for him. The fluttering feeling like a kaleidoscope of butterflies was inside her chest. She steps towards him, placing her hand on his face as she looks at him lovingly, her thumb stroking his well-defined cheek.  
"I've felt it ever since that moment," he says, his voice softer. "You bring peace to my chaotic life. It's one of the many reasons why I love you." 
"I love you," is all she's able to say before she pulls him in for passionate kiss, expressing all the love she has for the man who turned her life upside down in the best kind of way.  
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Y/N startles awake the next morning when a loud noise comes from outside. Placing her hand on Tommy's bare shoulder, she gently shakes him awake, hearing the rattling of gates being opened.  
"Tommy, we need to leave," she tells him barely above a whisper. 
Groaning, his eyes flutter open and connect with Y/N's eyes. He smiles and reaches behind her head to pull her in for a morning kiss. His other hand travels up her thigh, plays with the hem of his shirt she's wearing before slipping under it to grab her hip to pull her closer.  
"Enough of that you two," The sound of Charlie's voice causes them to part. "You best get out of here before they send a search party. Can't be late to your own wedding." 
He walks away before they could say anything. Standing up, Y/N quickly dresses into her clothes from the previous day as Tommy takes back his shirt and coat.  
"I'll walk you home," he tells her as they leave the stable. They thank Charlie who waves them off with a shake of his head and tells them he'll see them at the ceremony. Hurrying home, Y/N holds onto Tommy's hand tightly, bracing herself for the lecture she's about to encounter.  
Standing on her front doorstep, she turns to face Tommy with a small smile on her lips. "I'm about to get my head bitten off by your aunt and our sisters but last night is worth every second of it."  
"I agree, my love," he smiles also. "I liked that tradition far better." 
"This coming from the man that said a fuck you to traditions," she teases.  
"To traditions that aren't ours," he corrects her.  
"You better get going before Polly sees you," she chuckles and pulls him in for one more kiss before they become man and wife. "I love you." 
"I love you too," he says pulling away from her and stepping back on to the footpath. "Don't be late," he tells her. 
"I'll be the one in white just in case you can't find me," she laughs. 
"I'll always be able to find you," he smiles and turns around, starting his walk to Arthur's house.  
As soon as she opens the door and heads inside, she gulps seeing Polly standing there with her hands on her hips and an angry look on her face. "And where the hell have you been?" 
"The neighbor's cat needed to see me," she replies slipping past her to go to the bathroom. 
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TAGGED: @chapter-in-my-old-diary - @hanawrites404 - @goblinjnr - @halsteadbrasil - @forgottenpeakywriter - @star-ggirl - @iceman-kazansky - @alexxavicry - @galactict3a - @crispynutella - @il0vebeingdelulu - @nicole-19s-world - @yeppaweshallsee
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blissfullyapillow · 2 months
General Disclaimer! Spoiler Warning for 2.1 story quest!!
Hello!! Oki oki with that warning out of the way, Here's my request: Caelus,Jing Yuan and Aventurine reacting to the player crying during the 2.1 quest.
I mean as the quest progresses the sadder the player gets. Besides Aventurines whole backstory, what really makes player crumble is how they relate to Aventurines plight. Just being so tired, constant survive mode, the desire to end it.
Eventually player just pauses just to cry saying "you son of a.... Aventurine.. *sniffles **sobs* me too.. *sniffles* me too..." before collecting themselves after crying a bit to completing the quest, relating to Aventurine a bit too much.
(and at the end as he walks towards the black hole, player says "My Kakavasha,, ill see you soon")
If youre uncomfy feel free to decline! Thank you in advance :)
Notes: Hi Shiromayyyy, I apologize for the long wait! I hope you don’t mind me adding my own little spin on this. I’m also sorry that it’s a little on the shorter side, but I do hope you enjoy it! I really loved writing this request :>
I struggle to contain the brimming enthusiasm that threatens to overflow, anxiously waiting for Honkai Star Rail to finish loading. I thoroughly enjoyed the previous quest in Penacony and played it until the late hours of the night on the day of release. I can only imagine where the storyline will head.
Albeit, I’m still feeling apprehensive about certain characters, namely Aventurine and Sparkle. I understand there’s clearly more to be shown about these two, but the way Aventurine presents himself honestly irks me to the core. I simply hate people who behave the way he does, and I truly do not see myself ever liking his character. Of course things could change, but well…
With a sigh, I dismiss such troublesome thoughts from my mind. My eyes light up with uncontained delight as the game finally loads and I find myself back in Penacony. It’s time to see what this quest has in store!
── .✦
I’m sure my face reflects my conflicting emotions; my heart lurches at the revelations being presented to me. Aventurine’s backstory is truly heartbreaking. I was adamant about my distaste for Aventurine previously, as I even discarded the free lightcone I received with his face on it, but now I can’t help but feel swayed. 
I pout as I click for the dialogue to continue. I can’t believe I’m actually relating to Aventurine… and how tragic his story is. Living through such an experience is truly… atrocious.
As the story goes on, my mood takes a nosedive. I find myself relating more than I’d like to Aventurine; the constant survival mode, being so tired of life’s unfortunate circumstances, and just wanting to end it all..
My eyes tear up as Aventurine, or I should say Kakashava, bends down to be at eye level with his younger self, a black void serves as an ominous backdrop for their important conversation. 
My feelings slowly build to a breaking point and I’m forced to pause the dialogue. I fail to detain the tears that threaten to escape my eyes, and a sorrowful sob slips past my lips. "You son of a.... Aventurine.. I can’t..” It all feels a bit too much, so I allow myself this moment to cry and collect myself. 
Honestly, these feelings I harbor for Aventurine surprise me. I never would’ve imagined myself relating to him as much as I do, but here I am.
I take a few deep breaths and calm myself before finishing this touching cutscene. As Aventurine walks off into the black hole, I whisper "My Kakashava, I'll see you soon…”
I complete the rest of the quests for the story, enjoying every twist and turn the story provides. Penacony is easily my favorite storyline so far, and I can only imagine what else Honkai Star Rail will come up with!
⋆。˚ Aventurine’s Reaction ✧˚ 
Saying Aventurine feels startled is an understatement. He’s genuinely just so… surprised? He remembers you mentioning just how much you didn’t like him during the previous story quests. He didn’t mind, truly, since he’s been met with such scorn his whole life.
Yet, seeing the tears cascade down your face causes something to stir within him. He doesn’t entirely know what it is, yet he feels it. He can’t pinpoint a name for this feeling, but it’s there, and… it makes him feel alive.
It makes him feel significant, in what little way this may mean. And, oh- he struggles to control his facial expression as you bid him a farewell. 
He feels conflicted; he understands opinions can change and that they’re valid, whether he agrees with it or not, but… well..
He feels that he just may like you more than he’s willing to admit. 
。𖦹°‧ Caleus’ Reaction ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
As you run around penacony with him, eating ice cream cones and causing your usual havoc, he takes this opportunity to gather his thoughts.
He’s seen all sorts of reactions from you before, ranging from downright goofy expressions to one’s of allure and intrigue. 
Yet, seeing you cry stirs feelings of turmoil within him. On one hand, he’s touched that you’re really enjoying his adventure’s and finding people you can connect with on a deep and personal level.
 Nevertheless, it still pains him to hear the obvious pain in your voice as you speak to Aventurine. 
He hopes that future stories bring out more positive feelings for you, and in the meantime he’s more than willing to engage in the many side quests you pick up for him to do. 
Secretly, he loves hearing your laughter when his dialogue options appear, and the way your eyes shine brightly whenever you scroll to his character. 
He’s become quite fond of you. 
ᨐฅ Jing Yuan’s Reaction 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖
Jing Yuan finds your reactions to Penacony’s story line to be quite amusing in its own way. He’s thoroughly enjoyed tagging along as you discovered the hidden truths of the Planet of Festivities. 
Although, he would’ve preferred if your tears were spared. He’s used to heartbreak and pain through his experience as the general on the Xianzhou Luofu, however it does not making witnessing it any less grievous. 
Which is why he’s overjoyed as you begin to perk up, exploring the festivities Penacony has to offer the player. It’s entirely all too humorous when you hunch over in laughter at the interaction taking place on screen. 
Many times he’s been shocked by something you’ve said or done; one time, an out of left field, wholly absurd comment left him utterly flabbergasted, yet he struggled to hold back tears of mirth all the while.
Jing Yuan enjoys seeing what choices and decisions you make as you play the game since your personality shines through each and every decision you make. 
He can’t wait to make another appearance in the story, if only to see your elated smile of surprise as he appears on the screen. Oh, you have no idea just how charming you can be, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t consider himself thoroughly enraptured by your charm.
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sant-riley · 2 years
Okay yk what idc I got alot of thoughts of Puerto rican! Reader with the boys, I am not sorry, I need to get this out of my system. so I'm giving her the codename of Teddy :) sorry if that ruins the immersion!
General hcs/thoughts I have with the boys from mw2:
Ghost could destroy an entire pernil by himself. He actively looks forward to it every single Thanksgiving despite him literally not being American and thus doesn't celebrate it. "L.T, don't tell me you're going over to her house just for some pork." "Why yes Johnny, I am." He is not sharing with a single soul, he will break someone's fingers. (Teddy makes him his own at this point so the others can have a try)
Soap fucking chugs Coquito like it's nothing, bc technically it isn't compared to the stuff he has back home. At first he was apprehensive but now he usually goes home with a bottle. He will share but if he sees someone wasting it he will be pissed. It is hard as fuck to come by in Scotland if not the base.
Price very much enjoys the cleaning playist Teddy has, she told him how growing up that that was how her mom told her it was time to get her ass up and do chores. He finds himself playing it early in the morning while he does documents to wake himself up.
Everyone's favorite song round let's go
Soap's favorite - Suavemente
Ghost's favorite - Anhelo (totally not bc he danced with her to this one)
Price's favorite - Danza Kuduro
Gaz's favorite - La Vaca
Alejandro being surprised when he sees a short Hispanic woman with two big ass European men. "Tu con estos dos? de donde eres chiquita?"
Soap fucking pushes himself in and answers for her, a smug little smile from all the little Spanish he picked up. Ghost just rolls his eyes and tries to not groan. Soap being a showoff.
The solidarity between the Vaqueros and Teddy 🤝 different countries but there's alot to have in common.
Teddy cursing in Spanish at the top of her lungs and Alejandra and Rudy snorting. "You kiss your grandmother with that mouth?"
The boys have in fact danced with her when she's feeling homesick, each one. Soap and Gaz don't mind doing it in public where as Ghost and Price rather do it in their rooms/her room. Ghost and Price will say its good exercise but we all know the truth.
When fresh food is available, they'll ask her to make the food she eats off duty. It's different combinations of rice and beans, along with meat always.
Everyone fucking devours tostones btw. Literally they have to buy so many plantains to make sure everyone has their fill or there will in fact be a fight.
SHE MAKES THEM HELP MAKE PASTELES!! It's a whole assembly line. Christmas is a war zone in of itself trying to make the shits.
Ghost drinks Cafe bustelo straight out the machine. No one else can stand the stuff bc it's too strong.
When sofrito has to be made, everyone makes Soap cut the onions lmfao, the worst part of the entire process.
Everyone starts to saying spanglish around base, Gaz switching from English to accented Spanish is a interesting sight 😭 Teddy mocks him as if she isn't to blame.
"Really? Nuevo? Do you know what that means?" "Oh for fucks sakes."
Okay I'm tired and my fingers hurt from typing all of this lol I'll add more probably at some point!
If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
nckdnsk howl you can't keep having these bombass headcanons while i'm still compiling stuff to write my fics (it's me, crowshipping anon) 😭 i'll probably share them when i'm done 🫣
jokes aside, since you want some two cents on killer and color being apart from each other...
cross takes the role of teaching killer about boundaries in relationships. he belatedly realizes that "wait, does killer have any hobbies or other friends apart from color?". and so it turns into a daily exercise of forcing killer (usually with violence sadly) to socialize with more people and find his own hobbies/activities not related to color. cross gets killer a secluded place to live (cross might have blackmailed ink into helping). cross makes killer decide on interior furniture, letting him have some choices in his living environment. baby steps, baby steps.
unlike color, of course cross is busy with his own stuff and responsibilities. i imagine he's on community service for what he did in the past. so cross is not just killer's only caretaker/parole officer. sometimes dream is there, sometimes blue, sometimes murder and/or horror (if they escape nightmare and once they're well-adjusted - i imagine they'd have an easier time than killer for... reasons), and there are other people as well. it's not a one-person task to rehabilitate a bad person - it's a community effort to reform them to be better!
(though i imagine for safety reasons, people usually take on shifts in groups. killer is still dangerous after all. i think murder, having previous beef with killer, will enjoy having legitimate reasons to fight killer and taunt him over his failures of controlling color and how he's not that dissimilar to nightmare. needs some tough love to get through killer's thick skull after all.)
after a while, cross thinks about getting killer some cats, though he is skeptical at first. it's not that he can't trust killer to take care of cats - he's just wary the caretaking duties and ownership might trigger killer's control issues again. so at first it's cat therapy sessions with ccino. killer has some alone times with the cats. maybe once ccino can reassure cross that killer can be a responsible cat owner, then it's time to GET KILLER SOME CATS!!! killer can adopt some hobbies, like crocheting so he can give his cats some fun accessories, or journaling so he can vent like crazy. oh yeah, and he needs a therapist too.
meanwhile, color is on his multiversal road trip with delta and epic. he feels excited and apprehensive at the same time. excited, because it's been a long time since he has time to spend with his old friends - he misses this so much. and apprehensive, because he can't help fretting over whether killer is okay or not - last time he saw killer, cross was dragging him away quite aggressively. epic is like "nah bro, cross won't kill him, don't worry. let's just relax"
so color is relearning how to be himself around people he love. sometimes color hurts delta/epic out of habit for not listening to him, and he's appalled by his actions. sometimes he begs them to let him see killer again, just a call, and epic and delta just have to flat out deny it for his own recovery. he can only hear updates through cross. sometimes he tries to sneak out to return to killer (yay portal powers!), but gets caught and coaxed into not doing anything reckless.
this is me assuming everything go swimmingly for both of them, though for killer it'll be much harder. imagine something goes wrong. like killer finally weasels one of his caretakers into bringing him to color, or color successfully sneaks out to see killer. imagine killer says to color that everyone is out to get them, to separate them. let's just leave everything and run away together. killer knows just a universe that nightmare has destroyed where no one can suspect. imagine color is reluctant at first, but then killer pulls out his guilt-tripping card again. he was miserable the whole time color wasn't there, so is color okay with leaving him? killer knows color knows killer is a terrible person, and yet color still tries to connect with him, not to fix him but to show him a better way to live. and isn't killer content with being with color, just the two of them against the world? whatever color decides to do, killer will agree. but, as killer proposes, if they stay, killer will not be happy, and will color live with that?
Grr yess thank you I Am eating this up more please 🙏 🙏 (crowshipping anon may I please be able to read your fics when you’re done with them???)
I am conflicted because I am like yes killer get worse you fucking vile creature and in the next I want to snap his fucking neck. I wonder if ink shares my emotions on this (characters in a story after all)
I can’t imagine what killers fucking journal would be like. probably alternating between literally everything about color and then just violently wanting to rip cross and dream and fucking dust to shreds because how dare they
it is probably the equivalent of that one post that goes “*writing in my journal with a glitter pen* I am losing touch with my humanity”
I know his bitch ass immediately zeroed in on his past victims—blue, murder, horror—and started tearing into them. probably knew cross would prevent him from physically doing so hes gonna do it verbally. hows fucking papyrus doing huh? hows that eye treating you baby blue? trick your brother into eating anymore meat horror? does he hate you now?
his ass would immediately use his knowledge and experience with/about nightmare to fuck with dream too. you can’t even save your own brother what makes you think you could save me?
he would most definitely attempt to sabotage cross’, murder’s, and horror’s “redemption arcs.”
theyre all gonna fucking hate him in these moments and its gonna take a whole lotta patience and understanding to not immediately murder him. (maybe thats what a part of him is hoping for) (looking at you stage 1, even tho you havent likely made a appearance yet)
his ass would definitely fake cry and pretend to be getting better only to just clock whoever is watching him out and attempt to escape (goes nowhere because he wasnt even allowed to know where color is)
but imagine the relief for a moment if color did sneak out to see him. before his guilt tripping bullshit.
like. like. cause I know his codependent ass was on the edge on a perpetual breakdown even when he tried to hide it and suppress it under his apathy and dissociate. his experienced mind is conjuring up images every horrible fucking thing that could happening to color, and stage 1’s anxiety is causing fucking constant nightmares and flashbacks and it makes it worse because I know he tries very often and frequently to shove stage 1 all the way down. (Nightmares still out there he hates color colors not safe)
no. no. he would just ruin everything, hed try to kill them—he wouldnt understand what killer is doing. killer cant die, color still needs him. stage 1 would be stupid enough to buy into cross’ bullshit.
i can just imagine the relief that almost sends him to his knees when he finally sees color. eyes looking him over everywhere—wheres the scars? wheres the bruises?—shaky hands (uncharacteristic) roaming over colors form. maybe even does something as dramatic as slams color against a wall with his body just for the drama of it all.
He’s real. He’s real he’s real—solid underneath his hands. Colors real. maybe so relieved there’s even some cheek nuzzles and maybe even some kisses from colors cheek to his throat.
and. and. and killer failed him. he failed. he failed to protect him.
he needs to be punished. he knows. color probably doesnt know but its okay he’ll teach him later.
and then there’s comes the exhausted but content full body sigh before killer melts against color and then here comes the apologies. for failing.
theres some reassurance from color—no don’t apologize its not your fault im okay epic and delta would never hurt me/let me be hurt—then it loops around to the fucking guilt tripping. killer im gonna snap your neck you prick.
oh boy imagine being killers therapist during this. hes gonna make your job miserable and like pulling teeth. hes gonna observe you and start using what hes noticed against you—the kids dont call anymore therapist person? oh your husband is dead..im sure its your fault.
and i can imagine back with delta and epic and color that if anyone tries to talk about killer he immediately starts defending him. like no it wasnt okay what killer did but come on he doesnt know any better (color knows logically that its killers responsibility to learn better anyhow)
id imagine that the experience with killer and the subsequent effects of instinctively hurting delta and/or epic mustve led color to those “hurting my loved ones” nightmares that delta is quite familiar with. and delta hates killer for this. he hates that he made color afraid of himself, that he did all that to someone he claims to care about more than anything.
“care about” his ass. this isnt love. this isnt what you do to those you love.
anyway i need color and epic and delta to cuddle up all nice warm and theyre there to comfort color when he wakes up screaming/crying. often times color just wants killer (the devotion when he looks at color is as comforting as it is terrifying), so at most epic and delta settle for something that could remind him of killer. a photo? killers jacket?
delta should get to punch killer in the mouth for this yes siree. epic gives him the immediate “yes” to the signaled question. (murder gets to beef with killer and also talks shit about killer out loud to papyrus & although killer doesn’t know it reaper and grimm know all the juicy details (murder talks shit while at their altars lmao) and are judging him harshly) (theyre like ‘damn bitch you live like this???’)
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agent-calivide · 2 months
I think the most important part of breaking down Prism as a character honestly is those Robot Trophies we can find. Seeing where Prism starts is integral to who she by the time we see her in the game, flaws and all.
Robot trophy 1:
Morales: Welcome to the Agency, Dr Prism. I must admit, I was surprised a mind like yours wished to take part in the work of our Operatives Division. Prism: Thank you, Director Morales. I can't wait to get started! I really think I'm going to be most useful in the OD. I have some ideas to enhance the agents' capabilities that I think are really going to shake things up. Morales: I'm glad to hear it, my new friend. Just remember -- to shake the nest of the hornet creates a hornet with a shaken nest. Prism: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I'll… keep that in mind.
So, we see that Morales knew of Prism and is actually delighted that someone as smart as her wants to work at the OD. Not the EOD, the OD. It's not the Enhanced Operatives Division, just the Operatives Division. This is likely when Reginald was a field agent, before Telekinesis or computer hacking. Morales has been working as the Director of the agency since long before Phoenix, and he is more than happy to have people work where they want to if they feel they've got something to give.
But he also seems to have this air of having seen things. Prism says she wants to shake things up, and Morales immediately warns her "To shake the nest of the hornet creates a hornet with a shaken nest." Like I've said, this sounds redundant, but when you break down the metaphor, it's a word of warning about the dangers of change. To uproot what the OD has established is going to agitate everyone who's already been working there since before Prism.
We, as Phoenix, think it's really cool that we have TK, but imagine how that would feel for the other agents who were in the EOD before TK? "Hey, you have to get a life altering brain surgery to keep working here that we don't know the full ramifications of, if not you'll get demoted/transferred elsewhere." That would suck! That would be infuriating! Nobody likes experiencing change, but Prism is excited at the prospect of causing it, and that could cause a certain tension between Prism and the rest of the agency.
And that is what Morales seems to be warning Prism of.
Robot Trophy 2:
Prism: It's working! The telekinetic implant is working! Shut down power and get that agent to scanning to check for brain damage. Prism: I did it, Director. I knew it would work. Our agents minds just became a weapon. Morales: A weapon is most useful when the earthquake ceases its blustering. How soon can all our agents have these implants? Prism: Days, a week at most! They should be field ready as soon as the TK implant is attached! Morales: This is a very quick turnaround, Dr Prism… are you sure? Prism: Of course I'm sure, sir. This is just the beginning, and progress waits for no one.
This is clearly the origin of the TK implant, the original agent using the TK and getting examined for damages.
Morales' initial phrase kinda feels like he's telling Prism to stop talking and start moving at a glance? But after digging at it a bit more, I think "A weapon is most useful when the earthquake ceases its blustering" is supposed to mean that the TK, the weapon, will only be useful once everything has stabilized. The creation of TK alone will cause massive ramifications with how the now EOD works, and that's not even talking about how much work goes into giving everyone the implants. The surgery, the recovery time, the learning curve, it's going to be a massive shift that is going to take time, how much time is this shaking up, this "earthquake" going to take for the agents to adjust?
What I think is fascinating is that when Prism gives an estimate of a few days to a week, that is when Morales is apprehensive. He's more than happy to help her get the resources she needs to improve the agents' abilities and by proxy quality of life, but that turnaround time is short. To get the TK implant put in the agent needs to have their scalp cut open, a hole drilled in their skull if not a chunk straight up cut out, the membrane around their brain to be opened, and the chip to be inserted, then they need all of that to get stitched back up and put back in place. That's bigger than a burr hole they would do for patients who have a stroke, and even then they're kept in the hospital for a few days for monitoring purposes. The agent should not be field ready the second that chip is put on. Prism is not taking into account that the agents are people, they need to rest and recover, she's too caught up on the progress that her chips make.
It makes her misguided comment "progress waits for no one" rather disconcerting. Progress waits for no one, including the agents that have long term pain because their body didn't take to the surgery. The agents who struggled to get a grip on the new sense with the TK and died because their TK pulled an explosive too close. The agents who weren't comfortable with the thought of getting life altering surgery and had to resign from the EOD because they didn't want to take the risk. Hell, we don't know if this is one consecutive recording or two separate ones, Prism could very well be celebrating about her chip's success before even knowing if the chips cause brain damage.
And even then, things like brain damage don't necessarily show up on the first, second, or twentieth use. It shows after years of use. Just because that agent's brain didn't immediately melt doesn't necessarily mean the TK implants are harmless, but Prism doesn't seem to care about that. And that is what makes Morales apprehensive about Prism's future projects.
Robot Trophy 3:
Morales: I understand you wish to discuss agent efficiency with me. Prism: Yes, Director. Agent mortality rate is understandably high due to the nature of their work. I believe I can create an agent that does all the work with half the… deaths. Morales: I see. And is this work for the agents, or is it for you? Prism: What does that mean? Morales: The bear that eats the honey soon finds its belly capable of holding the hive. Prism: That doesn't help me. Morales: You have my approval to pursue this artificial agent, Dr Prism. Just remember why the wind blows.
This clearly is Prism's pitch for her working on her robots, and I think it's a strange one. Prism pitches her robots to Morales with the argument that she wants to lower the agents' mortality rate, but this doesn't actually align with her motives that we've seen thus far. Granted the Prism we see in the levels is one who's been working for Zoraxis long enough that her goals have probably shifted, but when looking at the recordings, it really feels like Prism's just saying the quiet part out loud by the time we get to her in IEYTD 3. In previous recordings she's prioritized progress over the agents' well being, be it recovery time or career stability. If we look at external sources, we see that Robutler had a previous model called Robart, and Prism decided to pitch the robots as agents after making it entirely for bar-tending. This all has questionable canonicity due to it being a puzzle game in the discord, but if it's true it shows that Prism didn't have a dramatic loss of a loved one or a moment where she looked at the numbers and felt bad for the agents. She just realized her robot could be an agent and chose to pitch it from the angle of it helping the agents.
And I think this is what happened because of what Morales asks. "Is this work for the agents, or is it for you?" I don't think he'd just ask this to insult Prism, especially when we see how much he admires her work. She's a damn good inventor, and he's more than happy that she's on the EOD, but this seems to be a pattern with her. She's more excited at the prospect of revolutionizing agents, she doesn't actually take time to care about the agents. And that is why Morales stops the conversation to ask what's this about? And he gets his answer in Prism's response. She gets defensive, and rightfully so, that's an insulting question to ask frankly, but it tells him what he needs to know, it's for her. So, he gives another warning.
"The bear that eats the honey soon finds its belly capable of holding the hive." Breaking this down, it's another word of caution. Too much of a good thing can turn bad, or maybe even discouraging her greed with her research. It starts with the good intention, the honey, of minimizing agency deaths, but it can turn sour if you don't know when to stop. It could even be him saying she got her honey, she's made a good legacy with her TK chips and she doesn't need to keep revolutionizing agents. Other fields could use her mind, hell, the TK implant probably could use some work too. Escalating to robot agents because that's where she things the next step of enhancing agents is her taking a bite out of the hive, and that's the start of a slippery slope.
But unfortunately, rather than just saying that, he chose to give a riddle. Honestly, I think these all could be good lessons that would have completely circumvented Prism's retirement, but then we wouldn't get IEYTD 3. Prism is rightfully agitated by these riddles, she wants to pursue her research and gets the equivalent of "what do a Raven and a Writing desk have in common", not everyone wants to have to write a thesis every time their boss gives a bit of advice trying to unravel what the hell he said.
But he doesn't want Prism to leave or give up on her work, she's done wonderful things for the EOD and maybe she's turning over a new leaf and actually cares for the agents' safety. What's the harm in letting her pursue this?
But he gives her one last cryptic word of wisdom. "Just remember why the wind blows." Just remember why we use human agents, and maybe even remember why people want to be agents. Yes, there's a high mortality rate, but that high turnout means there's a high number of people volunteering to be agents. Nobody is forcing them to be here, and while the deaths are tragic, they're something the agents are well aware of. If you're making an artificial agent, make sure that agent is being an agent for the right reasons.
We actually see this in the robots, why Phoenix wants to be an agent is up to the player, but the robots all talk about being an agent to use cool grappling hooks and be badass spies with cool names and driving sleek cars and all the superficial reasons. Phoenix choosing to die at the end of IEYTD 2 is for the sake of the world, for the sake of others. They have a care for humanity and will do the right thing for the sake of everyone. The robots being in that scenario? There's no risk, to value in their sacrifice, and while nobody should have to choose make that sacrifice, it makes their motives for being an agent shallow.
There's no driving "if I don't save the day, who will?" because the answer is… any other robot. They won't look at the people they're protecting as people, just numbers. And that is a risky game when you're talking about saving lives.
Robot Trophy 4:
Prism: Leaders of the Agency. I present to you today: the robot agent. A marvel of engineering, this robot has an estimated survival rate of -- Someone disengage primary power! Who adjusted these location parameters?! Morales: Doctor Prism, we can postpone your demonstration. Prism: No! I just need a minute. THESE NUMBERS ARE NOT BASED ON MY SHEETS! Director, this is not my fault. My robots are more than ready to replace our human agents. Morales: Let us end this demonstration for now, Dr. Prism. Discuss with your staff and we'll reconvene next quarter.
This is Prism presenting her robots to the heads of the agency and giving her pitch for fully ai agents. She's very sure that they've been perfected. But what we see is that half-way through her pitch, something goes wrong, likely something being done with the actual robot in front of the leaders based on how Prism responds when things go sideways. "Disengage primary power" sounds like Prism telling an assistant to shut down something that wouldn't just be a video simulation, something is going wrong with the physical robot, which could get dangerous fast.
What caused the robot to go off the deep end is implied to be the location parameters, aka the location the robot was programmed to handle. We don't know if the robot attacked the Leaders, went off the deep end and started spouting gibberish, or completely broke down, or what, but it caused clear panic in Prism.
And Morales can recognize that, intervening and telling Prism that it's okay, they can just try another test run later. But Prism doesn't listen, she says that the problems with the test run aren't her fault because the numbers they were running weren't the ones she approved in her former test runs.
The issue is she escalates the problem. She shouts that it wasn't her fault and that her robots are more than ready to replace agents. Not that they're ready for the field or ready to be used alongside agents, but that they're ready to take every single agent off the field. This is not the way to pitch something to a board of agency directors. It sounds selfish and inconsiderate of the agents that the agency has relied on for years and suggests extreme change that would make many people apprehensive.
And the thing is, the robots aren't ready. Regardless if it was accident or sabotage, the thing that was modified was the location parameters. I tried to look into location parameters and it was… confusing and statistics heavy and not what I think Schell was trying to imply, but the end point is: The robots couldn't handle modification to their simulation.
With agents, you have to be able to not only think on the fly, but know how to handle a wide array of situations. In IEYTD 3 alone, you go from a mine to driving to an underwater lab to snowy mountains to a volcano. That is a wide variety of pressures, humidity, elevation, and temperature. If the location parameters aren't the statistics ones that I barely grasped and were simply the robot wasn't programmed to handle the space it was in, then that's even worse. Because performing well in a vacuum doesn't actually mean anything. Really, the robots shouldn't go straight from testing to being on the field, they should be slowly integrated to ensure they can handle that sort of work.
And Prism saying the robots are ready to replace the agents really shot herself in the foot. Even if it was said poorly in a moment of panic, to the leaders she essentially just said "the quiet part out loud", that she wants to get rid of agents because she thinks robots are the future.
And that is bad, Morales knows it's bad, which is why he pushes Prism to just stop and try again later. He's not trying to shut her down, he's trying to help her save face.
Robot Trophy 5:
Morales: Thank you for meeting with me, Dr Prism. I regret to tell you your robot training initiative is being put on hold indefinitely. Prism: Okay, I know the demonstration was a disaster but I know what to do. I need kinesium. Our human agents have it in their TK implants, and if I can have access to it for my robots, they'd be unstoppable. Morales: I'm afraid that's out of the question, Doctor. Prism: Out of the question? How DARE you! You don't even KNOW the question! I have created the answer and you can't see it. You REFUSE to see it! Morales: All I see, Doctor, is the most intelligent and creative person I know succumbing to pride. We'd like you to continue your work with the TK implants. Come back to your true legacy. Prism: I won't go back to anything. The only way is forward. You'll see -- my legacy is yet to be created. Goodbye, Director Morales.
This is actually the most transparent we ever see Morales. No metaphors, no talking in riddles, just straight forward "we can't keep your initiative running. I'm sorry it's this way, but we still want you to work for us if at all possible."
His voice is also much more firm and flat as he speaks here, he's not talking to Prism as a friend, he's talking to her as her employer. I'm sure if he could have, he would have found a way to keep Prism's robot initiative running, but he's not some CEO like Zor is to Zoraxis, he isn't the singular head of the Agency, just the EOD, which isn't all of the agency. There are multiple leaders who have to approve of Prism's work to keep it running, Morales doesn't get final say.
He likely broke the news to her because he's her manager. Nothing more. And Prism is convinced that the issue with her robots is that… they need kinesium? This implies that the problem with the robots is their batteries, nothing to do with the pre-set parameters for the test run she was blaming earlier. This could explain what went wrong, the robots doing a test run in front of the heads of the agency, only for them to run out of power and start crashing, leading to catastrophe. But the problem is, Prism isn't listening to what Morales is saying, even when he's not talking in riddles. She's so used to disregarding him at this point because he never contributes anything seemingly of value, that she writes off his explanation without even listening to his words.
You can't be told that your program's getting shut down, then demand more expensive materials. That's not how trying to make an initiative works. Sometimes you can't push forward, you have to take a few steps back, start from square one, and try again from the beginning. If Prism accepted the fact that her initiative was shut down, she may have been able to request they re-try the initiative at a later date. Maybe she could have put more work into the TK implants to learn more about how Kinesium works, possibly even working towards finding an alternate material that works similarly to Kinesium or finding ways to utilize Kinesium in a fashion that would benefit her robots. But she refuses to back down, to circle back and try again later. She needs her robots to work, and refuses to be flexible in finding alternate ways of working on them without agency support.
As Morales says, she's too proud to accept that test went so poorly that the program got shut down. She says that the others refuse to see how she's making the answer to all their problems, but she's also refusing to listen to Morales, to the other heads of the EOD. She says that they don't even know what the question is, but the truth of the matter is they aren't asking it because it's not something they want answered. They would love to have less agent mortality, but not at the cost of the agents. They feel the agents have grown enough thanks to the TK implant, they don't need to keep pushing into animatronic agents. They're enhanced enough.
But to Prism, they're not acknowledging all the work she did. She managed to make working prototypes of robots that could functionally operate as agents! They had one bad test run that happened to have their worst trial be during their presentation to higher ups, how is that fair to her work?
However, she also refuses to believe that the problem is her robots in the first place. That the agency doesn't trust them due to their failed tests run when, really, the agency doesn't want trust them because the agency doesn't want robotic agents. They may solve a problem, but they also create problems that require the whole agency to make massive adjustments that they likely wouldn't like to do in the first place.
These two are having completely different conversations where they're not listening to each other. To Morales, Prism is being consumed by pride and needs to go back to her former projects before she destroys herself over this one failed project. To Prism, Morales is shutting down her research without giving it a fighting chance because she knows what went wrong and how to fix it, but they don't even have the decency to allow her to try again. And this is what drives the wedge that pushes Prism to leave.
Robot Trophy 6:
Zor: They didn't appreciate you. They didn't understand you. They didn't see your vision. I do. And I have access to all the kinesium you could want. Prism: Spare me, Zor. You and I both know you want access to my kinesium research. And you know what? I don't care. You get me kinesium, and I'll give you my research. Zor: That's all I ask. Prism: Then you have a deal. Kinesium is the last piece of the puzzle. With it, my robots will replace human agents, and the Agency will beg me for them. And I'll refuse them my true legacy. Zor: You and I are going to get along, Dr Prism.
This is truly Prism mask fully off. If it was questionable before, here it becomes very clear that Prism never really wanted to make these robots for the agents. I like to think she did, I've wrote fanfics on it before, but this sort of mentality isn't a major shift for Prism from where we've seen her before. She's gone from using the agents' safety as an excuse for why she wants to make robotic agents, to acknowledging that all she's ever wanted was for her legacy to be in her robots, supporting the agents has always just been a plus.
And we know this because when Zor goes after her "altruistic" angle, she immediately shuts it down. Not only does she tell Zor to stop, she immediately gives them what they want for her personal goal of making robots. Someone who's known for harming agents, but like Prism says, she doesn't care anymore. She doesn't have to pretend to care anymore.
Again, there's this focus on replacement. Not protecting agents or saving lives, just replacing the human agents because she feels they're inferior. Not only that, but she wants her robots to succeed so the agency has to grovel for her to let them use them. If this was about agents, she wouldn't be gloating about refusing to allow the EOD to have her true legacy. She'd be more than happy to, or even begrudgingly implement the robots into the EOD's spy divisions. Even if the EOD hurt her, made her angry, resentful, if the initial goal was ever at any point to save lives, she wouldn't romanticize this idea of people getting hurt out of petty vengeance.
Prism and Zor are a lot more alike than we like to think. They both have a mean streak and are willing to hurt people to get what they want, Prism just has the mask of working for the good guys first.
But I don't think Prism is a deplorable, irredeemable villain, I think that this is all so we can see where Prism started and how she grows over the course of the game. In the first level, we see Prism at her worst, where she's eager at the thought of her robots killing Phoenix to prove that they're superior. While it's an inconvenience that they failed, it just gives her a chance to re-calibrate and try again.
Then in the mines, she's disdainful towards the agent, fully believing that their misuse of Kinesium is foolish and reckless, ignoring the fact that it got the job done. The success rate isn't what she's looking at, it's the fact that Phoenix did it the wrong way. Her robots would never do something so against protocol! Then in the car level, we see her so sure that the robot was going to win because she's been preparing Right Robot the whole time for this confrontation. She knows her truck is state of the art, that it was going to take the stupid, human agent a while to get through all of the security measures. And all the while, Prism is priming her robot to take down the agent, the only reason Phoenix survives is they find her notes that they weren't supposed to have access to. They never would have been able to take down her invention otherwise!
When the agent goes to the underwater lab, they see the shortcomings of Prism's pride. That because she gave Zor her research for resources and vengeance, she doesn't get say in what Zor does with that research. Nor if Zor has to tell her what they're doing with it. On Operation Cold Shoulder, Prism is enraged that Phoenix was safe from that explosion thanks to Zor's tech, but really, that's the price of her giving Zor her research. Zor is allowed to experiment with Kinesium explosions and how to make a shield to protect themselves from it without having to disclose that to Prism. Just because she feels it's the wrong way to use Kinesium, that doesn't mean her enemies won't use it like that anyways. Phoenix and Zor have both used destabilized Kinesium functionally as a bomb, destroying a ton of her work both times. It is this rigid sense of the right way and wrong way to do things that make her robots so fragile in this system, and it's something we see her realize in Operation KBOOM.
She hates Phoenix at the start of that level, really holding disdain for the agent, and that only shifts after they save here from nearly dying. She specifically says "Why did you save me?! Saving me makes no sense, my robots would NEVER do that! I programmed them to… I programmed them to follow orders no matter what. They would have -- they would have let me die… Thank you, Phoenix."
And this is where we see a major shift. She gets along better with Phoenix, she sees their value as an agent, and even how the way they think outside the box could help like using the gear as a wrench. It is the agent's ability to see things that can't be programmed or taught that makes them useful, and that's when Prism accepts that agents, or at least Phoenix, is more helpful than a robot.
I don't think Prism should give up on her robots, she loves them and she shouldn't have to stop working on them just because they didn't work as agents. But getting to see her learning to value human agents for what they're worth, seeing her grow to see what the agency sees in them, that is her growth as a character.
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 11 months
Aksjfhk okay
This got super long but basically I was thinking about that post about Phil being more open in his boundaries and I think he actually always has been! More under the cut
I think Phil has actually always been more self-assured in his interactions with the audience and I have some idea(?) of why that is. Phil has been around forever on YouTube, he is kind of a performer in a very classical way. You can see this in like how he carries himself in his liveshows, using very basic tenets of performance that we're taught like face the audience always and fill up any lulls in the conversation. There is always a screen between the creator and the audience, of course there is. But the culture we see now of internet celebrities and their audiences having very little boundaries because of how accessible creators have become to audiences wasn't as prominent back then. You understood as a creator that your audience will make whatever they want of what you're saying and you can't account for any bad faith readers. Phil always came across to me as someone who knew how much he wanted to put out there and was self assured in it. He doesn't feel the need to clarify stuff, and likewise engages with fandom in a similar good faith. What goes on in his life and what informs his thoughts, beyond what he shares, is none of our business, that was an understood thing and he's left it at that. And what fandom talks about, how we interpret stuff, how we do our parasocial shit is also not meant to be more than a performance, it isn't supposed to Say Something Serious about the creators, which is also understood. And though of course audience interactions started getting wildly out of hand some years after Phil started posting, he still is a product of a time where that wasn't how things are meant to be and he maintains that distance with ease. Thinking about stuff like draw Phil naked where he engaged with it in good humour, or how he didn't mind having sponsorships and clickbait titles because there's an implicit understanding that this is All A Performance so he doesn't have to try and "act authentic". There's a confidence he has in his role as an entertainer, and that informs how he interacts with us. (also I had expressed this all much better earlier but Tumblr ate it up so now I have to type it again sorry if this reads weird ;-;)
On the other hand, Dan seems to worry about all that stuff a Lot More. (And I was apprehensive about saying this so I thank anon here for allowing me to say my parasocial shit XD) And the thing is, the reason I notice that is Because I am literally like Dan about that stuff when interacting with an audience (I did some videos as well yeah, but also when I've organised events that I had to host, or presented poetry somewhere, etc etc) where I constantly feel the need to qualify everything I say and do very worried I'll come off as being maliciously bad, or even perceived as being a certain way or having a certain tone when I don't. I find it in rather positive ways with Dan too (like correcting language in old videos or pulling them off when there's something in there that aged badly or could be seen in bad taste). But other times I see reflected in him my own tendency to overcompensate (self referencing how he is making Easy-Content a la 'some shit a youtuber would do', making sure he doesn't come across as having the wrong political opinions by stressing on his principles when something like that comes up 'don't settle for neoliberalism' ((also he is totally correct and I actually do love those clarifications just fyi)) )
You can see this play out so well that time when Phil accidentally says 'cockies' instead of 'cookies' and Dan makes a 'cut that out' motion and Phil just laughs about it and corrects himself and Dan goes "Are you keeping that in??"
There's probably a lot of factors to why they have those particular styles of interacting, and really there's merit to both. Phil knows where the boundaries are and ever since him just speaking random shit hasn't had the extra issue of possibly outing Dan before he's ready, Phil has just gotten even more open with how he speaks, but I truly think he doesn't care as much what we think about him. It's like, what's going on in his life is none of our business and what we're making out of our parasocial relationship with him is none of his business, which is a great way of approaching being a creator and unfortunately something that is becoming less and less of an option as the culture shifts completely with generations that have been within this internet creator culture since they were born.
Dan having entered the scene later on when this kind of culture had started (plus of course his own issues that did Not help the situation) means that it made sense for him to approach us with that bit of hesitancy and that he continues to do so. I know I have that hesitancy about how I word things because I've also seen people be taken out of context and treated in really bad faith and that is a completely understandable thing to take into consideration.
But yeah Phil being the "quiet one" has never really meant that he is less certain/more shy to me, personally, I think he is an incredibly professional entertainer is the thing and I love love love that about him because he's of a dying species in the current climate.
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gauloiseblue · 4 months
Ending (2/4)
〔 Intro 〕
You step out from the bus and look across the street, where a newly renovated building stands. You check the business card in your hand, before your eyes turn to the building once again.
Here goes nothing…
When you enter through the front door, you’re immediately greeted by a young staff at the desk.
“Hello, may I help you?”
“I’d like to meet with Mrs. Ella.”
“On what business if I may ask?”
“I’d like to talk with her, tell her that I—”
Both of your heads turn towards the voice.
“It’s been so long.” The woman smiled, before walking closer to you. “How are you? How have you been?”
“Ella.” You giggled as she came to give you a hug, “I’m fine, sorry it took so long for me to come here.”
“Hush, don’t say that. It’s better if you forgot about this place, you know.” She shoots you a mischievous grin, “Come, let’s talk in my office.”
You follow her to the room where she came from. The place is smaller than you remember, but then again, you visited this room when you’re still as short as the jade plant by the door.
“So,” She said as she took a seat, “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? I think it’s more than just missing your old mother.”
“Well,” You scratch your cheek, “I just want to know about how I was back then, and what I did during the time I spent here. I don’t really remember much of it, so…”
“You’re still a child at that time, (Name). Of course you’d forget them.” She said reassuringly, “But if you want me to tell you about them, well, I’d say that you’re very shy back then. You’d hide behind my skirt when other kids talked to you.” She chuckles as she recalls the moment, “You didn’t have many friends, but the ones who were close to you cared about you deeply. Nina, Ada, and that boy—”
Her words suddenly come to a halt, and you see a strange expression cross her face.
“... Oh well, I wonder how the girls are doing now.”
“I remember them,” You lean closer as you speak, “And that boy, what’s his name? Kö… Claus…?”
“Nikolaus.” She looked away, while she rubbed her hand in hesitation. “He was a quiet boy.”
“Is there any way for me to contact them?” You asked, “Do you have their contacts?”
“I do have the contacts of the two girls, but,” She bit her lips, “I don’t think you should reach out to Nikolaus.”
You frown upon hearing it, “Why? Did something happen to him?”
“No, it’s just,” She let out a heavy sigh, “He was very particular about your well-being, and…” she shook her head while she rubbed her temple, “Since you arrived at this place, he had been… protective of you the most.”
“I did remember clinging to him most of the time.” You sheepishly smile.
“He’s like a big brother to you.” She said, “He’d give his pudding to you since he knew you loved it, and he’d read you a book when you wanted to hear a story. I liked watching the two of you play together, because it's rare for a boy to care that much for his friend."
"If that's the case, why did you seem apprehensive towards him?"
"You don't remember?" Her brows knitted with concern, "It's better if you forgot, but I know you'll try to find out about it so I'll tell you." 
She takes a moment to gather her thoughts, before she speaks.
"He was very quiet when he first arrived. He preferred to be alone and kept to himself most of the time. He never cared about the other kids, until you came." She began, "We were surprised when he comforted you while you cried in his arms. He'd gently pat your back and tell you everything's gonna be alright. It was such an unusual sight for us, so we decided to keep watch on him. Because we thought he'd stop doing it after a while. 
"But we were wrong, he really cared about you. It's like you both were family, and he'd come to you whenever you needed help. I was glad, but a little bit concerned because he'd leave his group just to spend time with you. One time, I told him that it's possible for both of you to be adopted into the same family, but he told me it's unnecessary. When I asked him why, he said that… he can't marry you if you were to become his sibling. That shocked me, because that came out of a kid's mouth. I tried to explain that he's still too young to think about it, but he didn't listen. He just looked at me, straight in the eye, and told me it's none of my business.
"Those words stuck in my head for weeks, and I'd feel my stomach churn every time I saw you both. I kept thinking to myself, is it really alright for me to be quiet and do nothing? You see, I've always been a superstitious person. So when I got a nagging feeling in my chest, I knew something bad was gonna happen.
"It was the day you received the news about your adoption, and you were so excited about it. We told you to go and pack your things, and you told me you wanna tell your friends first and ran out of the room. It was such great news, that I didn't think anyone would be angry because of it. So I stayed in my office and completed the paperwork. It was 10 or 15 minutes later that I heard a commotion outside, and when I went to see what it was, I was terrified."
She took a deep breath, and let it out once she calmed herself. "I won't go into detail of what I saw, but you should know that he hurted you once, and we'll never know if he'll do it again. When I saw him holding you hostage in his arms, with teeth marks on your body, I just… screamed. The other staff tried to drag you away from him, but he wouldn't let go. When we managed to separate him from you, he screamed at us for taking you away from him. For my whole life, I never saw so much madness in someone's eyes, moreover when it came from a child. But when I looked at him, I couldn't help but see a monster in him. He scared me so much that I took you home with me just so you're safe. The next day, I called your parents to pick you up at my house. I had to explain the incident to them, and they agreed on taking you home immediately."
Silence falls between the two of you, and you feel the dread slowly creeping on your face. 
"How come… I forgot about that…?"
She reaches out to touch your hand, "You were shocked by the incident, (Name). I had to soothe you because you kept crying. But when I woke up the next day, you came to me smiling, as if nothing had happened." She said, "I thought you had moved on from it, but when I asked you about it, you couldn't answer. You couldn't remember it at all."
You look down to your hands, as you clasp them together. She seems to notice your worry, and reaches out to hold your hand.
"I hope you understand why I was hesitant about him." She muttered, "My heart can't handle it if something were to happen to you. Not when I could prevent it."
At the end of the conversation, she keeps you company until the bus comes. The two of you share a hug, before you bid her goodbye.
As you sit by the window, you wave at her once again. The bus roars as the driver steps on the gas, before the vehicle starts to move. Her figure slowly passes from the view, and you turn your head to see her.
But when you look past her, your smile falters as you lock eyes with someone strange. 
The shadow from the trees obscures his face, but somehow, you can tell that he's baring his teeth.
【 Try again? 】
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oph3liatlou · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing(s); recovering!buckybarnes x oc!victoriastark
warnings; light swearing
word count; 1,363
proofread?; yes.
note from author; link to wattpad, link to character's spotify playlist (comment songs also!), find the full masterlist here.
summary; In the depths of Africa, the mysterious nation of Wakanda has reached out to the outside world for help. A mission has been set in place for Victoria Stark, to save Bucky Barnes - the former brainwashed assassin - from his past self. Can she rescue him from HYDRA's grips as the world watches and waits or, will he forever be lost to the shadows?
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Victoria had to get ready for her mission that she had been tasked with. She headed back downstairs to see her father, who had just finished fixing up his suit.
Tony turns around as you enter the workshop, wiping his hands on a rag. "Done pouting upstairs?" He's trying to keep it light. The tension between you has been growing for months. He needs to fix it, but he just doesn't know how.
She rolled her eyes. Their relationship was always sarcastic banter but sometimes, he didn't agree with her decisions. Especially when she avoided his monthly functions. "I wasn't pouting." She stated, leaning on one of the shelves. "I got a mission so, scratch my name off the guest list for tomorrow night."
Tony's smile fades. He looks at you for a long moment, his expression going tight. He's not happy about you skipping yet another event. But rather than start an argument, he asks instead, "Where are you headed?"
"Wakanda." Victoria answered, not elaborating.
Tony's eyes widened, a slight flicker of surprise crossing his face. Wakanda? He hadn't expected that. "Why?" He tries to keep the tension out of his voice, but there's no hiding the concern in his eyes.
She was happy that her father hadn't started giving her attitude about her not attending the party. "Steve's friend, Bucky." She started to explain. "He's in Wakanda, the Princess is treating his conditioning - trying to demolish the Winter Solider." Victoria shrugged. "You know me and advanced technology. He thought I could help...and he wants a friend there."
Tony's worry eases slightly. He knows about Bucky, of course. The Winter Soldier, the infamous assassin. Helping to undo what HYDRA did to him wasn't something he objected to. And he understands the need for support.
He gives you a small nod. "Alright. Keep me updated. And...Victoria?" His voice goes soft. "Be careful."
She nods, turning back to the door. "Oh, and I'm bringing FRIDAY with me."
Tony raises an eyebrow, a hint of amusement returning to his expression. "Bringing the bots, huh? Trying to show off your tech prowess, aren't you?" He smiles, glad to see you a little more lighthearted for the first time in a long while. "Alright. Just watch out for Wakanda's tech. They've got stuff that will knock even you on your ass."
Victoria chuckled at his comment. "You better up your own game, then." She rebutted.
Tony gives you a wry smile. "Don't worry, kid. You forget who you're dealing with here. I'll have some new goodies for when you return."
He crosses his arms. "Now, get out of here. Before I change my mind about letting you borrow Friday."
She grinned. "Yeah, yeah." And with that, she left the workshop - her feet echoed on the floating stairs that shifted under her feet as she made her way to her room to get her gear.
As Victoria ascended the floating stairs to her room, thoughts of the upcoming mission start to swirl through her mind. She begins packing her gear, making sure she has everything she might need in Wakanda. As she sorts through her supplies, a mix of anticipation and apprehension fills her. The unknown always holds a thrill, but it's also a constant reminder of the dangers that lie ahead. Despite the nerves, she can't help but feel a sense of excitement.  She's eager to see Wakanda's advanced tech and how it compares to Starks. As she packs, she notices two pictures. One is of her as a kid, asleep in her dad's embrace, and the other is her and Tony, taken not long after, on their first successful mission together. They're a team. She smiles softly before placing both pictures safely inside the bag.
With all the essentials packed, she heads towards the garage. The Quinjet is waiting for her, already fueled and prepped for takeoff. As she approaches, she can see the familiar shape of Friday's housing unit being loaded into the jet. 
"All ready to go, Tori?" She asks, her voice filled with anticipation. "I've already downloaded a comprehensive database on Wakandan technology. It's quite impressive."
Victoria nods gently, though Friday can't see her. She was secured in an earpiece in her ear. "What else should I know? About Barnes, about Wakanda...?"
"Barnes' condition is improving with the help of Wakanda's healers and tech. They've already managed to dismantle some of the indoctrination that HYDRA instilled in him," Friday informs. "As for Wakanda, they value their privacy and highly protect their technology. The Dora Milaje, the warrior women, are formidable and will likely keep a close eye on us both." She pauses. "Oh, and the food is fantastic."
Victoria chuckled. "Sadly, I'm not going there for the food." She paused when both her father and Steve stood at the entrance of the Quinjet.
Tony and Steve stood near the Quinjet, watching as Victoria approaches. Tony's expression is a mixture of concern and pride, a look she's seen time and time before. Steve, ever the serious one, nods in greeting. The two men can't help but worry about your well-being, especially for this mission.
"I'll be fine, yeah?" She said to the two of them, in reassurance. She turned to Steve. "I'll bring your best friend home."
Tony gave a small nod, his expression softening, but the worry remains in his eyes. Steve, however, gives a small, almost imperceptible smile of approval.
"We know you will," he reassures. "Be careful in Wakanda. And don't hesitate to call if you need anything."
Victoria nodded. "Sure thing." She went to go into the jet before turning back around and hugging her dad.
Tony is taken aback by her sudden show of affection. His eyes widen slightly before he quickly composes himself. He hugs her tightly, ruffling her hair affectionately. It's a rare moment of parental vulnerability from him, and he cherishes it.
"Stay safe," he whispers, holding her close for a moment more. "We still have plenty to argue over when you get back."
She chuckled. "Yeah, like who let you wear those shoes."
Tony playfully rolls his eyes.  "Kid, these shoes are a fashion statement. You wouldn't know style if it smacked you in the face." Tony pulls back, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. He looks down at his worn-out sneakers, a comfortable staple in his wardrobe. "Besides, these are just... comfortable."
Steve, still standing nearby, can't help but chuckle at the exchange between the two. It's moments like this that remind everyone of the family bond they've formed over the years.
Victoria walked backwards onto the boarding ramp and snickered. "You do realize, I'm the one who did most of the draft designs for your suits?"
Tony gives her a mock-indignant look, his hand over his heart. "Are you saying my suits are outdated?" He feigns hurt, though the playful glint in his eyes reveals his true feelings.
"Maybe we should leave the redesigning to the professionals," he quips with a grin. "Besides, we can't all pull off the casual sneaker-and-suit look."
Steve piped up, waving goodbye to me with a chuckle. "You definitely can't, Tony."
Tony rolls his eyes but can't resist a smile. "Keep it up, Cap. I could always program Friday to play baby shark on infinite loop in your helmet next time we're in the field."
"Hey Friday, keep that as a note." Victoria chuckled loudly...getting onto the Quinjet.
Friday's holographic form appears, shimmering beside you. "Noted," she assures Victoria, her voice filled with digital amusement. "Any other requests for Captain Rogers, while you're at it?"
Victoria smiled. "I'll think of something."
With a final farewell wave, the Quinjet's door seals shut behind her. She's enclosed in the sleek interior, the hum of the engines signaling that the adventure is just beginning.
As the Quinjet soars into the sky, heading towards the unknown lands of Wakanda, Victoria is filled with mixed emotions: excitement, anticipation, and a touch of anxiety. But as long as she's got Friday and her wits, she knows that she's ready for whatever comes her way.
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syneilesis · 2 years
The air is tense between you and Nobunaga. You and he sit across each other in the council hall, the other warlords watching with apprehension in the background. There's no sound except breathing—even the twittering of birds can pierce through the artful walls of this quiet council.
Finally, Nobunaga speaks.
"This cannot continue."
You agree with him, a first in the recently bitingly sharp hours. "Yes, it cannot."
"This is truly a regret, but it must be done."
"So be it. Divorce it is."
There's a collective gasp among the warlords, sans Nobunaga, who's just looking at you steadily.
"M-My lord...!" Hideyoshi said, shocked.
He is ignored. Instead, Nobunaga addresses you. "How shall we settle this?"
You think for a moment, remembering modern family settlements, then say, "We split custody of our children."
"Children?" Ieyasu pipes up grumpily behind you. "Do you think we're chil—ugh, nevermind. I don't know why I'm here." He rises from his seat in a display of being done with everything when a hand shoots up to grab his shoulder and shoves him back down. Ieyasu squawks.
Masamune grins, his hand firmly staying on Ieyasu's shoulder.
"Fine," Nobunaga says. Then surveys his warlords, deliberating. "Who shall remain with me?"
Naturally, to the surprise of no one, Hideyoshi jumps to Nobunaga's side. "I will remain loyal to you, Lord Nobunaga! It pains me to see you end your relationship with—" He casts you a sad glance. You blink back, unimpressed. "But I will always stand by your side, my lord!"
Nobunaga only nods, but that is enough for Hideyoshi.
"My, such a heartfelt confession," Mitsuhide says with that foxlike grin that unfailingly causes Hideyoshi's blood pressure to rise astronomically. "Do you believe that Lord Nobunaga will fall for your unending fidelity?"
"Mitsuhide, you—"
"Mitsuhide," pronounces Nobunaga, and the man in question straightens, which still indicates the level of respect he has to his lord. "I take it that you will stay with her."
When Mitsuhide sidles up to you, he's smirking with such glee that Hideyoshi calls him out on it.
"You traitor! You snake! You—" and then Hideyoshi unleashes crunchy words that blight Mitsuhide's reputation and lineage. Mitsuhide just relishes that calculated entertainment.
Of course, where Hideyoshi goes, so does Mitsunari, who spares you an apologetic look and a bow before going to Nobunaga's side. Ieyasu, at first, reluctantly trots in your direction, but one word from Nobunaga and he pivots grudgingly, standing on the other side, far from Mitsunari, grumbling all the while.
Ranmaru, by virtue of him being Nobunaga's page, is stuck standing between Hideyoshi and Mitsunari.
"Five against two? You're outnumbered," Masamune tells you and Mitsuhide, his eye gleaming. Then he takes a step towards you. "The lass knows how to keep things exciting. Sorry, Lord Nobunaga, but I'm with them."
Hideyoshi is now vibrating in what seems to be stress.
"Five against three?" Keiji chimes in, that sunny grin ever-present. "Make that four!"
"Why does this sound like we're teaming up for a fight," Ieyasu despairs.
"It's not evenly split," Mitsunari comments. Ieyasu casts him a baleful look.
"Then I'll make it even," a voice cuts in. Everyone looks around to find Kicho next to you. He's giving Nobunaga an elegantly defiant frown, but the rest are stunned and aghast to see him.
Then the Azuchi warlords (except Nobunaga) draw their swords and point them at him.
"Kicho!" Hideyoshi snarls, Ichigo Hitofuri glinting under the menacing light. "How the hell did you get here?!"
"I was once a vassal of Nobunaga," Kicho responds calmly. Then he turns to you, his gaze softening. "So I'm here to even the odds."
Everybody screams their dissent, even the ones under your custody.
Finally, Ieyasu snaps. "Why are you even divorcing?!" he shouts over all the barking. "What happened between you two?"
At the question, you look away guiltily. Nobunaga zeroes in on that action like a hawk.
"I have found," he begins with great severity and gravitas, and the rest of the warlords pause to listen to him, "that the number of konpeito in my stash has decreased by three. I did not eat them."
The council hall stills. Everybody lies frozen facing Nobunaga and his grave countenance. For a few seconds, it seems as if time has stopped.
And then everything breaks into chaos.
"'By three'?" you cry, indignant, "I only ate two—and I already said sorry but you weren't listening!"
"My lord—where did you get that stash?! Is that different from the ones I'm keeping from you?!"
"Hideyoshi, was it you who ate the other konpeito?"
"My, my, Hideyoshi. Who's the traitor now?"
"Shut up, you—! Lord Nobunaga, it wasn't me who ate that one konpeito! I swear I'll find the culprit for you, my lord! But you have to give me that stash for safekeeping—"
"Hey, Kicho—where are you taking the lass—"
"Ugh," Ieyasu says amidst the din, "I'm done. I'm so done with all of you."
And then he leaves the hall, away from all the crazy people, for peace of his mind, never looking back.
The end.
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thotsforvillainrights · 11 months
damn youre really breezing through requests!! hope youre doing well 💕
can i request Redestro with a daughter (or gn child, i dont mind!) who goes to UA as part of the support course because they want to not only live up to lead the MLA, but to lead Detrenat as well?
(Doing great I think for the most part, thank you!!!! I also hope your going good too! Gonna try to write a tiny bit this evening, let's hope I get charged up and make it far lol)
~Going off to School~
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Apprehensive green eyes scanned the packed bags by the open closet over and over again. His heart was in between a sort of bittersweet pain and worry mixed with pride at the events unfolding in front of him. Time flies is the truest statement especially now. And he couldn't help but to see his now teenager still as a small child even in pivotal moments as such. That same face now smaller, all the diaper changes and zoo/aquarium visits zipping through his mind. Each and every small school award, first steps, first word, small dimpled hands holding his much larger ones on walks now long gone...where did the time go?
"Dad, are you crying again? It's been 10 minutes since the last one." His kid chuckled at him. He smiles and quickly wipes the tears away that seem to keep pooling back up instantly. "Apologies, it's just that I'm...feeling quite a bit in this moment." He laughs sheepishly. His daughter/son/kid smiles softly and moves to give him a quick hug before zipping up the last bag. "Dad, I know you're probably really worried but I promise UA is a safe school and with my meta-ability, I know how to take care of myself haha!"
"Yes, but the dorms have me a bit worried. Are you sure you don't need me to just move there? Deika isn't too horribly far away for me to travel, for work. Besides, I can get a lot done remotely and-" His child laughed and shook their head. "Nah, this sounds a little bit more like bargaining haha. I'm not a kid anymore, and besides, I know even if I DO end up needing help that it won't be too far away. Especially not with uncle Tomoyasu's satellites trained on me." They wink before picking up some bags and beginning to lug them out to the car. Rikiya follows suit and grabs the remaining collection as he follows closely behind them. He watches with a twinge of sadness tugging at his heart as his kid finishes loading up and gets into the driver seat of the car. They smile sweetly and buckle the seatbelt. "Dad, I love you and I swear I'll call as soon as I finish settling in, okay?"
"I should hope so, or I will be up there within the hour if not."
(he wasn't joking, despite the smile)
The two bid their goodbye and as he watches his child pull out of the garage and head down the road, Rikiya can't help those familiar tears welling up in his eyes again for the millionth time today. Later that night he doesn't settle down for bed until he gets a call letting him know his child is okay. Even so, he still tossed and turned just a little bit beforehand. It'll take some time to adjust, but he's sure to get down to it eventually.
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nessinborderland · 2 years
Angst prompt 5 and any high&low (apart from Rocky, I'm sorry 😂). Maybe a sibling in a rival gang or something like that..
Glad to see you back again! Sorry its under these circumstances though. Hope your recovery goes as smoothly as possible 💕
Angst #5: "I am here to tell you that I cannot meet you anymore."
Where you and your brother part ways...
“Yoshiki, I...” the words died before they could go past your lips.
You couldn't say it. Repeating the words over and over under your breath had been easy, but that was before you got out of the car and saw him sitting by the river, throwing pebbles at the water. Just like he did when he was little, when things were bad at home and you both had nowhere to go but hide under a bridge while waiting for the worse to pass.
But he wasn't a kid anymore and you had to stop viewing him as such.
“What's going on?” he asked, hands in his pockets and a concerned look on his face. “I haven't seen you in weeks, you don't answer my calls, and then you suddenly want to meet. Are you okay?”
You took a deep breath, gaze falling from his as you said the words, “I’m here to tell you that I cannot meet you anymore.”
“What?” he scoffed, a light smile on his lips as he took a step towards you. “What does that mean?” His eyes flickered toward the SUV parked behind you and his smile died, something akin to apprehension flashing in his gaze. “Sis… what the fuck is going on?”
“I have been offered a job,” you said. “A good one, in the city but I… I can’t be seen with you anymore.”
“A-A job?... But why? We're family!” the pain in his eyes made a knot form in your throat. His gaze flickered back at the SUV and his fists closed by his side. “Is someone threatening you?”
"No, of course not!” You hoped your words sounded convincing, for both your sakes. “My priorities have changed, you're not a little boy anymore.” You gulped, your tone going lower as you directed your next words to the ground, “You don't need me. It’s time for us to grow up and go our separate ways."
“Bullshit!” he exclaimed before gripping you by the shoulders and forcing you to look into his eyes. “Are they making you do this?” he asked, eyes wide. You could feel how his hands shook, and panic flew through you at the possibility of him starting a fight with the person waiting for you in the car. It was a fight he would not win. “Tell me, just say the word and I'll make them regret it!”
“Stop!” you shouted, pushing him back with tears in your eyes. You hated yourself for what you were about to say. “No one is making me do anything! I’m doing this because I’m tired of taking care of you! I’m done dealing with your fights and your childish behavior and your stupid gang! I’m done fearing for the day I’m either going to visit you in prison or the morgue!”
Tears were streaming down your face at that point, your sadness only fueled by how true your words were. Still, that didn’t mean you didn’t love him. That was why you were doing this in the first place. This was the only way you knew how to protect him; if you had to hurt your baby brother for it to happen, then you would gladly do it.
“Goodbye, Yoshiki,” you said as you rushed to turn your back and go back to the car, unable to look at the tears you knew marked his face.
“Neko-chan,” you stopped at the mention of your childhood nickname, rejecting the will to turn back to him and enveloping him in a hug as you heard him cry. “I’m sorry… but please don’t leave me. I-I promise I’ll be good.”
“I’ll stop fighting, and-and I’ll finish school and get a job and–”
“It’s too late for that,” you interrupted, not even having the courage to look at him. “Goodbye.”
I love you, you whispered to the wind as you fastened your pace in direction of the car. You didn’t dare look back, not even once.
You knew that if you did you would take it all back.
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Am I the only one who’s not really enjoying chapter 2 so far? I feel a tad guilty for saying it but apart from Jimin’s album, none of the solo work we’ve seen so far has really made it for me 😕 Objectivity I found Indigo really good but I realize I never really reach for it. Face has been the only album I’ve listened to loads of times. I like Layover, but I know it won’t be to the point of listening it again and again. I was a bit sad because I was excited for Jungkook’s album but I really don’t like Seven at all. I miss Jin and Hobi’s humour and energy. I guess I’m much more a BTS fan as a group rather than the members separately. Jimin is my bias, I have a soft spot for him, but I would still choose the band as a whole over him as a soloist. I feel a bit bad for saying it.. I hate the way the fandom is right now, all the competitiveness, and oftentimes I catch myself thinking I want this chapter to be over so we can get the band together again. I just want to see them live at least once, as I became a fan at the beginning of 2020 and as I live in Europe I didn’t have the opportunity to see them. I’m also bored about how they tend to focus so heavily on the US market now..of course I understand why, but still, it’s annoying. I don’t know if there’s anyone who feel the same? I just want the solo area to come to an end.. sorry for the rant, I know I’m being selfish but I’m getting bored with this area😫
I understand where you're coming from. I miss BTS like crazy. Nothing tops how much fun they are together and how their love for each other is a balm to the soul. I miss them dropping music and their performances. I miss the excitement of a BTS comeback. It's really not the same with them solo. Nothing is as exciting, everything is rushed, and we have no time to even anticipate or feel excited about new music dropping because it happens too often.
Indigo is a great album but I haven't listened to it much either, V's debut was my least favorite in many ways, I didn't like JITB as a whole, I didn't care about Face either. I like Seven but I've many, many complaints about it, and am feeling very apprehensive about JK's next single and debut album. I would've been happier if I had more performances to look forward to. When BTS have a comeback, they perform their title track so much that we get tired of it. But Hobi and Suga were the only ones who performed more than a handful of times, and doing a tour isn't the same as having performances uploaded to BANGTANTV every week. I miss group performances, Bangtan Bombs, Run BTS, the random promotional videos for Chuseok or whatever, Bon Voyage, Winter and Summer packages, ITS, etc. Photoshoots and variety shows aren't the same, I don't care for them... I miss the excitement of waking up and seeing them all at a certain event or at the airport. Nothing is as fun with only one of the members, and I know they're all looking forward to 2025 as well!
It's insane that it feels like BTS was an hallucination. Before 2021 the idea of the members not being seven was just fucking crazy, but now BTS don't even feel like a group anymore. I can't even imagine them together now. You're definitely not the only one who prefers them as a group. Most Armys do. It's okay to be bored by their solo ventures. It is what it is. It's not selfish. You're allowed to not like the way things turned out. I'm sure you're not blaming BTS and that you understand their current situation.
Also, I've no plans to seem them live. I know it won't happen and I'm more afraid of having the opportunity than not. If they go to Spain, for example, it will be relatively simple for me to see them live so I will feel pressured to buy tickets, but it's so fucking complicated to do so. Plus, there's traveling, the waiting at the venue, and all the stress that goes with it. If I don't get tickets, I'll be sad, and if I do, I'll be nervous that the experience won't live up to my expectations. I honestly prefer it that I've never had to worry about missing a chance to see them live because it's never come up. But I also get your pov haha. I hope you get to see them at least once!
Thanks for the ask!
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sonofirishseas · 2 years
🪦   -  for our muses to visit a graveyard together at night - either of the Pirate Lords
Halloween night - the only time Sapphire wears an obscenely wicked black outfit as opposed to her usual sensual blue.
“So, my love. The House will take care of itself for the rest of the night.” She looked at the clock. 11:45. Just enough time to get there. She lightly brushed her lips across her lord’s.
“Let’s go exploring. I’ve always wanted to see that old cemetery on the hill. A perfect night for it, don’t you think? And who knows what might happen?” She licked her bottom lip wickedly.
The Captain quirked a brow at his lady, a smile tugging at his lips at her suggestion. It was perhaps a strange one, but also intriguing. But not for the reasons he guessed the young woman was thinking of. A midnight stroll through the graveyard could be considered bad luck by many and hardly viewed as "romantic" save for those of a more morbid disposition. And if he thought too deeply about superstitions he might be put off from the idea.
But he knew something his pretty jewel did not. And why not now to reveal it to her? Since she had so unwittingly given him the perfect opportunity.
His smile grew as she teased him, a twinkle of mischief in his own blue eyes. He took her arm in a courtly manner, pausing a heartbeat to once more admire her darker attire. He perferred the blue of course but there was something to be said for dark she was swathed in.
"A curious suggestion, m'luv." He said, trying his best to sound surprised, perhaps even apprehensive. He didn't want to give away his little surprise after all. Not yet. "Ye must be confident that I'll keep ye safe from whatever might be wandering at this hour. Living or otherwise." His grin grew as he pulled her closer and gave her a little teasing nip on her neck. More to tickle than to excite. "Of course you be right, but none the less."
He moved closer to the windows. The weather was damp, and there was the faintest bite of cold in the air. Mist rolled in from the harbor beyond, laying a fine gauzy blanket of white down upon the cobblestones. The moon peaked from between bands of black and silver clouds, giving enough light to move by even without a lantern.
Barbossa grabbed his frockcoat and Sapphire's cloak, fixing his hat to the top of his head once more. "Shall we then?" he asked. He waited until she took his arm, then took a lantern to light their way as they made off down the near empty roads. The chill had driven the late-night patrons of brothels and taverns indoors, and the only comings and goes was of those where heading to or from ships, or from tavern to home where they might sleep off their stupors.
By the time they had reached the cemetery hill, it had gone very quiet. The only sounds that from the shore and the wind in the trees. Night birds and animals cooing or chittering softly in the distance. The graves here were scattered and usually ill-tended. Mossy and overgrown in many places. And there were always fresh ones. That evening two lay freshly planted in the other, and another grave hung open wide, waiting for a funeral that would take place in the morning.
Hector guided her towards a crypt, overgrown with vines and night blooming flowers that seemed to glow whenever the moonlight struck them.
"Not frightened, are you?" he asked, before taking note that the flowers were the only thing that were aglow. There was also a small candle that was lit near the door of the crypt. And the Captain smiled, knowing what that meant.
"Now, who do you suppose that's for?" he asked.
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