#the au isnt being abandoned i promise
tacagen · 1 year
Healthy Eobarry AU
(yes its just called that. no there is no actual romance, the word eobarry is here only so i dont have to write 'barry and eobard' all the time im talking about them. some things are very close to that tho but thats just the way it always is with thawne.)
the core idea: eobard is still a flash fan from the 25th century with a huge crush but he never wanted to be a hero like barry. he always wanted to go back in time and become flash's archnemesis instead, so there is no rejection abandonment and disappointment drama at all. not a single trace of canon hatred, thawne just wants to have some good time with his favorite hero in a weird way. barry, on the other hand, has no idea what the fuck is even going on. the vibe is most reminiscent of silver age eobarry. their dynamic:
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ALSO their dynamic: this jla short
the lore:
they first meet in 21st century. eobard just finds barry, comes up to him like 'omg hi flash!! im your fan from the future and i just synthesized myself the speedforce connection to go back in time and meet you irl :)', waits exactly until barry believes and starts marveling at that fact, goes 'BUT THERE'S ALSO THIS LITTLE THING YOU SHOULD KNOW :)))) youre probably wondering why these colors. well, i call myself the reverse-flash and actually im here to cause problems for you on purpose. NOW CATCH ME IF YOU CAN :D', runs off to break the brakes of a bus carrying children or something like that while barry stands for a few seconds like 'huh. reverse? where are you going?'
right after barry, utterly confused and shocked, averts the situation thawne caused, he goes 'WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL WAS THAT?? DIDNT YOU JUST SAY YOU WERE MY FAN??' which thawne answers with 'wow. you really thought i was one of these boring "my favourite person of all time inspired me to become a hero like them" rip-offs with no imagination, didnt you? tsk tsk, i am so disappointed'
secrecy of their identities to each other isnt a thing since the very first fight. 'by the way, my name is eobard thawne! and i know you're barry allen, i actually know most of the 21st century heroes' identities but i promise you can trust me with that!'. indeed, he doesnt reveal this to anyone or threaten to do so but trust isnt exactly the right word either as thawne fucking loves visiting barry while they're both in their civil clothes at times + itwasmebarry still becomes a thing (elaborated on further below).
thawne is faster than barry here from the very beginning on pure theory and little to no speedster experience but only because barry just desperatly tries to process all the information he recieves from thawne every time they fight along with handling whatever endangering civilians shit eo does and he isnt doing well. at all. like, it does require a lot of hard effort not to lose your mind while constantly being hit with stuff like 'OOOHH DID I MENTION THAT I WORK AS THE CURATOR OF THE FLASH MUSEUM IN THE 25TH CENTURY?!? BTW WE STUDY YOUR HISTORY IN SCHOOL IN COMICS FORM, ISNT THAT AMAZING?!!'
thawne never shuts up. thawne genuinely enjoys the whole thing and admires barry an impossible amount and he's always fascinated by every aspect of the speed force, especially seeing and using it in action. thawne never acts like a normal villain as in 'commit crime->run away/fight the hero/watch the chaos'. he does something that endangeres people's lives (ALWAYS in front of barry because that is the whole point) then runs alongside barry as he saves everyone, never initiating the fight and ENDLESSLY commenting on everything barry does with consideration of flash facts, speed force and other physics stuff and even barry's personal background. it always goes like 'must do this and this to get everyone to safety!-' and thawne, instantly from somwhere behind barry's left shoulder: 'YES you DO, because this this and this and of course you could try that but-' and it goes on for 5 minutes on superspeed at the very least. from a non-speedster perspective, it looks like two blurs with lightnings, red and yellow, are saving people and going with some kind of weird squeaking high-pitched sound, which is never there if there is only flash around.
by the way, the rule that it is Very important for thawne to touch barry at any given chance and prolong it by going faster than him is still present. the same goes for becoming a speedster partially to have an opportunity to get away from 25th century and its mildly or not so dystopian shit and boringness. doesnt really realize the first part tho, sometimes casually drops some crazy ass facts about his future as something totally normal (like that one good-bad detection chair from silver age that gets a cameo in rs) and gets confused when the reaction is something like '.....i am so sorry.'
THE SAME ALSO GOES FOR 'IT WAS ME BARRY', its just way more lighthearted and has the purpose only of annoying and messing with barry through slight inconveniences in his life and it is a whole another part of their enemyship outside of the usual tag games. examples: 1. barry in his lab, extremely tired and almost exhausted, stumbles on air, says 'dammit eobard, this again??'. thawne unphases nearby with an offended look, goes 'HEY. THAT WASNT ME.', demonstratively pushes barry's mug with coffee off the table like a cat, 'now this was me, barry', grins and runs off before barry can do anything; 2. imagine thawne's excitement when he plays chess in iron heights, looks away, notices yellow lightnings with the corner of his eye and turns to the board again only to find that his queen is gone. the very next encounter starts with thawne running around barry in circles like 'it was you. it was you. IT WAS YOU! ITWASYOUWASNTIT!!'
this thawne is incapable of murdering anyone close to barry or ever hurt him at all. the best he can do is threaten anyone's life in barry's sight (and he knows barry will save everyone. more, he never arranges the events with the chance of barry not being fast enough to save every single life threatened so it isnt a big deal) because in other case he just wont come out to play with him :( ((i dont think thawne's generally capable of murder here? he feels too silly for that to me))
following important things: 1. barry obviously never killed thawne because he never did anything that extreme. 2. nora allen is alive and well and probably met thawne personally. he visits her in his civil clothes and acts in the nicest way possible, barry hears about the mysterious friend from work he never mentioned later and chokes on tea as nora recalls 'what did he say his name was? edward taurine?' 3. BARRY'S DOG IS STILL DEAD THO but it actually was an accident. he still blames himself for not shutting the back door that day in the way he blames himself for the not emotional enough postcard for his grandma in dc superhero girls. (see also: this vid but its about the dog instead of nora) ((ALSO thawne is most likely actively empathetic about it because he cant stand seeing barry sad or hurt. unfortunately he is also actively neurodivergent so that turns out to be awkward))
they team up often but barry is never aware of that as it happens out of his control. thawne has every single event that threatened barry marked in his calendar and an alarm set for it and he just shows up there like 'fuck you, this is MY archnemesis/idol/inspiration and nobody is going to fucking hurt him'
barry is generally always in the state of confusion when it comes to thawne. he doesnt understand what's going on like 80% of the time. as thawne never gets any clearer to him, barry just accepts that this, at some point, is now a part of his life.
instead of love letters, thawne writes and sends barry personally discovered speed force equations like 'look!! this is how it all works there!!' and occasionally mentions other science things discovered after 21st century. barry reads all that, understands and sometimes uses those against thawne who is completely delighted by that.
one day thawne manages to lock barry up in anti-meta cell and spends the following 3 hours on MATHEMATICALLY PROVING THE EXISTENCE OF THE SPEEDFORCE TO HIM STEP BY STEP, reciting his dissertation verbatim which was written in the context of no one knowing and caring about the concept.
thawne participates in the legion of doom and other supercriminal associations out of 'is flash gonna be there?? whatever youre planning im in, just leave him to me and me alone'. probably doesnt even listen to the scheme details and learns about it directly from barry in the final fight when he asks him 'eobard?? what?? the?? fuck?? why are you participating in something that's ultimate goal is DESTROYING THE FUTURE??'. (or others just stopped telling him the details, OR he doesnt listen on purpose after that one time he edited the whole plan like 'oh cmon do you actually think you could succeed with THIS?? let me show you how its actually done' only for them to lose epically. whats worse is that thawne saw it as something obvious. 'wait you really thought it would work?? cmon the whole point of being a supervillain is that the good guys always stop you no matter what you come up with.' they naturally never let him speak on the plans again which he responded with 'WHATEVER. YOU DO YOU IG. NOT GONNA INTERFERE AGAIN :/') unironically protects barry in group fights if any other villain is trying to aid him against the flash and attacks his own allies for that (barry once uses that to his advantage to take out the whole legion one by one lmfao. thawne genuinely doesnt notice that he is the only one standing until barry mentions it. he takes a moment to look around and that's when barry takes him out, too). as you can figure, he doesnt get invited into villain associations often, and if he does its usually the last resort bc he is a Genius Even By Future's Standards and therefore one of the most competent scientists out there.
nobody wants to sit at the same table with thawne in iron heights or interact at all because he instantly starts infodumping about the flash and their relationship. you accidentally get closer than like 2m to him and after a few seconds he just goes 'me and flash are best enemies, you know? we even always wear matching suits, oh and did you know-'
thawne gets mad if you compare his suit with kid flash because his suit has a Deep Idea and acktually he got to 21st century before wally was also struck by lightning and therefore was here first (yep, he did that on purpose and it gets revealed the very same moment he mentions it)
speaking of kid flash. thawne argues with him at any given chance because fighting a literal child on who is the biggest flash fan is something he would do on a daily basis. it just feels right (and it shouldve happened in canon at this point at least once. fucking Come On dc. almost 60 years of thawne's existence and for what!!). his points are that: he is the flash's Equal (even in height. thawne is very fucking proud of that fact) and not a pathetic sidekick; he got powers after years of hard scientific work and not by coming to barry's lab at the right moment; he is an Expert, a Professor, a Curator of the flash museum and knows everything about flashes, including the things they dont know themselves yet (he accidentally reveals that wally is also gonna be the flash but is quick to claim that he was the slowest and dumbest of them all and actually fuck you ima erase that from the timeline later), 'therefore l + ratio + IM his biggest fan and there is nothing you can do about it' 'lmaoooo who the heck taught you these words?? dude you sound so cringe. like do you even know what ratio means??' '*thinking it's just a figure of speech from 21st century literature classics or something like that for his whole life* well i- h- wh- DONT CHANGE THE SUBJECT.' wally doesnt care at all and just trolls him, harshly at times. he doesnt take thawne even a little bit seriously, which eo tragically doesnt realize.
thawne's comedically jealous of barry to iris between the lines and is completely unaware of that. the same thing going on with the rogues about emenyship with barry but that one is direct and on purpose. probably fucking jumps in their fights with flash like 'hi i just took out cap cold for you no need to thank me <3 now, can WE dance?? :|' every now and then. probably it gets super awkward when they inevitably end up in iron heights together that same day. honestly i think every supervillain who met thawne wants to kill him at this point. he's extremely annoying, both on purpose and not
thawne finds and starts nitpicking the first curators and architects of the flash museum in 21st century from the very project stage like 'NO it should stand THE OTHER WAY everyone shut up im from the future i Know Better'. it continues right until barry comes to pick him up and apologise for the inconvenience. 'eobard, i know this place means... a lot to you but please let history run its course. i mean, arent you risking your whole existence by trying to make these changes?' 'BUT THEY'RE DOING IT WRONG >:('
CANONICALLY ALMOST DROWNS 3M AWAY FROM A BRIDGE WHILE TRYING TO RUN ON WATER WITHOUT KNOWING HOW TO DO THAT YET OR AT LEAST HOW TO SWIM. every time barry mentions that incident thawne blushes like hell out of shame. imagine being saved from the lake by your crush/nemesis/everything who is actually Worried that you almost drowned out of your own stupidity which kind of covers the cringefail at first so youre enjoying the Moment but then you hear 'why did you even decide to run across the lake, there was a bridge nearby?'. thawne BEGS barry not to tell anyone (and especially wally). that probably was the first time thawne actually stayed in iron heights for longer than half an hour without getting out the very second everyone looks away on barry's condition of secrecy. now, the funniest part? if thawne hadnt shown that it was cringe even to him, barry wouldnt even say a single thing any further. to him it was a usual impossible to grasp shit thawne does every single encounter.
thawne considers heroes and their morals objectively dumb but his thoughts on barry having the same mindset are 'god he is SO adorably naive. so pure. so innocent. havent done anything wrong in his life. sweetest cinnamon roll of all times'. occasionally tells him that out loud because he has no fucking shame except when it comes to the lake incident
his own set of morals is just 'be gay do crime' where be gay stands for teaming up with barry on practically everything that isnt their one on one fights.
following: other villains are dumb to him as well. sometimes complains to barry about how nobody Understands him and his superior taste in being a supervillain, especially in the legion. poor barry just tries to get some rest between work and superheroing and then thawne casually comes running out of fucking nowhere, lies down on his lap and starts venting about how barry is the only one that Gets him on superspeed.
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
I just read your recent Au that you and @sythesizeher are talking about and im in love with the AU!
But i have many questions soo..
1. What is Barbatos’s role here? Im still gonna guess he’s still Diavolo’s assistant but what’s the story here?
2. Would it be right for me to assume that Solomon had started his friendship with Mephisto because of his connection to Diavolo’s dad but now with Diavolo’s dad dead, Mephisto is probably on the run due to the lawsuits?
3. Lucifer is a lawyer so Ace Attorney shenanigans? OH WAIT MAMMON CAN BE HIS ASSISTANT or we have could the brothers take turns being his assistants?
4. Wait does that mean Simeon is the prosecutor here? (Wait why the hell am i making this so ace attorney, this isnt the right AU)
5. Would it be interesting if Zhao is the Devildom king but because he’s too busy, he accidently neglected Ik like JTTA? Would be cool parallel to Diavolo..
6. Adding to question number 2, what role does the newspaper club have in this AU?
7. This isnt really a question but “Solomon trying to expose Diavolo for his dad’s crimes but ended up helping him make the public love him” kinda reminds me of Candace trying to expose her brothers thing from Phineas and Ferb
And that’s all for now because im way too tired and in need of sleep, hope you have a good day/night!
- 🐧 Anon
hoho okay here we go!!!
1. barbatos - in this au the equivalent of the chronodae are the 'believers'; barbatos is hired as diavolo's tutor, which is a cover for him being tasked with keeping him from finding out about all the demon stuff. barbatos ends up having second thoughts over the years, and he's the one who first clues diavolo into looking into his dad's weird cult stuff after he dies, and promises to assist him in making things right
2. solomon and mephisto - similarly to barbatos, mephisto was originally in on the whole thing, but (as in jtta) he got more of the dirty work - sourcing the things they'd need, covering up their tracks, so on. he's a lot more taken in by sonno's stuff than barbatos, and such he only starts having second thoughts towards the end of sonno's life before that though - solomon does notice that he seems very in on the company's inner dealings, even though mephisto doesn't seem to have any good business sense, so he does befriend him to try and get some secrets out. mephisto sees right through him, but he's sort of intrigued anyway, so they end up in a sort-of-friendship, with a lot of back n forth and song n dance once mephisto does get cold feet though, he confides in solomon very cryptically and vaguely, then just disappears - soon after this, sonno suddenly starts deteriorating and dies, because it turns out he's BAD at managing the demon stuff without an assistance. solomon assumes mephisto vanishing was him running away, like a coward (similar to how he assumes he was abandoned in jtta)
3/4. the lawyers- i'm not at all clued into the lawyer world, but afaik it's not generally a "this firm is for defence attorneys, and this firm is for prosecutors"? i think (especially since they're an independent and very new firm) lucifer's firm is doing business consultations and such, and they partner with diavolo's company as per his agreement with lucifer
i reckon lucifer and satan are the only ones who genuinely see law as their career path (which could be a source of the luci-satan conflict), the others see it more as something they're helping with while trying to figure out what they really want to do
the celestial law firm is like a family business, so the brothers grew up accepting they'd take that path - since they followed lucifer when he got kicked out though, now they have a lot more freedom (as for simeon, he really just wants to be a writer, but he's also very dedicated to the family business)
but i reckon there'd be at least one big dramatic trial against diavolo - potentially as the Big Turning Point that might reveal the secret of ik's nature - and simeon would be the prosecutor, and lucifer the defence! so we can still have ace attorney shenanigans in that respect
5. zhao - i find it so hard to imagine zhao as a genuine demon king, but maybe that's because i associate the role so much with sonno in jtta? i imagined that ik-the-demon is born from some past ik-the-human, and zhao is human-ik's father. maybe he turns up as a genuine ghost in the office building later on (which could make for big big drama, because ik doesn't remember her life as a human)
6. newspaper club - paranormal investigators! solomon joins forces with them at some point, but somehow never gets to meet their elusive fourth member, despite that fourth member being the main source of all their information
7. phineas and ferb - Yes
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Another quick Ladybug fic request- post Salem AU where Blake and Ruby are off Huntress duty and rescue/adopt a litter of abandoned kittens
“You know you can relax, right?” Blake said as she glanced at Ruby out of the corner of her eye. “A day off isint going to kill you.” 
Ruby sighed and looked towards the nearest grimm siren, the look on her face almost hoping it would go off. “But what if there’s a grimm attack? O-or if we come across Cinder again? We should be ready for anything-” 
“And you agreed that you’d take the day off to relax.” Blake smiled and pulled Ruby by her arm, nearly swinging her off the path for a moment. “We’re supposed to be having fun, enjoying ourselves, not worrying about grimm or Cinder or anything else that can go wrong. Besides, Yang, Weiss, and all of our other friends are taking on what they can to make sure we can have a relaxing day. You can trust them.” 
“Yeah but…” Ruby let out a heavy sigh and leaned into Blake. “I know I can trust them, but, you know, what if something happens and they get hurt trying to give us a day off?” 
“Then something happens and there are other huntsmen to deal with it.” 
“No more buts, okay?” Blake sighed and pulled Ruby close. “You’re allowed to relax and the world wont fall apart. I promise.” 
“Right. It… I dont know, feels wrong to sit back while everyone else has to fight.” 
Blake kissed her cheek. “And that’s exactly why you need to rest. How about we make our way to the animal shelter and get ourselves a pet? That way you still have something you can take care of and not feel guilty.” 
Ruby nodded. “I… I can get behind that.” 
Blake gently pulled her along, walking down the streets of Vale. Her ears twitched at the sounds of the cars that passed by, a smile crossing her lips as she glanced at a few of the buildings that had been rebuilt, glad the effort to rebuild Vale had been going as well as it had. Grimm were now mostly under control, the wyvern on the Beacon tower had finally been dealt with and the grimm were pushed back. Supply trucks bringing material to Beacon to help rebuild the fallen school passed by, and it finally felt like peace was easier to obtain. 
Her ears twitched once more when she heard the small mew from a nearby kitten, her steps slowing as she looked around. “Did you hear that?” 
“Hear what?” Ruby asked. “If you mean the trucks-” 
“Not the trucks. A kitten?” 
“Are you sure you’re not hearing things?” 
Blake nodded and slowly made her way off the sidewalk and further into the park, her ears twitching at every sound. “I’m sure I heard a kitten around here somewhere.” 
Ruby nodded and started to follow after. “Maybe it was something that sounded similar.” 
Blake stopped and put a finger to her lips as she turned towards Ruby, signaling for her to quiet down. She looked around, ears moving with each sound until she heard the small mew once more from above her. “Ruby, can you check the tree?” 
Ruby quickly started to make her way up the tree, being careful not to slip on any of the branches. She paused for a moment when she saw a small kitten clinging to the branch. She quickly moved forward and used her semblance to grab the kitten before it fell and dropped to the ground. 
Blake quickly made her way over to Ruby and the kitten to check it. “Think its okay?” 
“Its… definitely scared,” Ruby said as she winced, feeling the kittens claws digging into her arm. “We should get it checked.” 
Blake nodded and started to walk around the park. “Take it to the vet, I’ll meet up with you there.” 
“And what are you doing?” 
“A young kitten like that isnt normally alone, especially if its stuck in a tree. Chances are, there might be more or its mother nearby.”
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
I imagine that Max cg/dom would just start giving him dume/Illogical punishments. When he Insist he get a one like.
Dom: fine if you insist on a punishment i'll give you one uh...you cant have.. uh raisinss of a week mister
Max: but Mommy i don't like raisinss. I don't think we have any in the house.
Dom: Well I guess it doesn't matter you cant have any.
And other stuff he do mot like in sub/litte space and more random stuff like no watergun fights in the dead of winter or no horre movies of a month
Or mabye making him write. I am a good boy and don't need to be punisht or I will not blame myself for somting I have no control over. On paper by hand like 20 times so that he dose not forget
Sorry for my bad english/gammer mistakes. English is not my first language and I'm very dyslexi.
Sony worry about your English anon!!! I can understand what you meant by this ask and that’s all that counts. And I absolutely love this idea. I'm gonna make this in the d/s au because of max's history of his bad past dom in that au, cause I think that makes the most sense here.
Firstly, the ridiculous punishments start when max requests a punishment for something that he absolutely doesn't deserve a punishment for. Maybe he made a mistake in quali? He still got on the front row, and as far as you're concerned he did amazing, but he missed pole position because he had to abandon his last flying lap from running wide and he thinks he needs to be punished.
His old dom would have punished for him that, and his dad would have called his old dom to confirm that he received a good enough punishment.
But it's completely different with you.
With you, rather than berate him when he got out the car, you immediately hugged him close and asked if he was okay, praising him for trying his best and making sure he isnt beating himself up too hard for his mistake.
It's such a sharp contrast to what he's used to and he has no idea what to do about it.
He doesn't get much time with you until after media, and even then he doesn't know what to do. He should be being punished right now, but instead you're trying your best to comfort him and he doesn't know what to do because he doesn't think he deserves this.
So he panics and called the safeword even though you aren't scening. You step back of course, asking him what's wrong and that's when he just babbles about how he needs to be punished.
You tell him that for the next week, he's not allowed to drink any almond milk. Max HATES almond milk.
He looks at you in confusion, reminding you that he hates that and you just smile and nod, telling him that it doesn't matter. That's his punishment.
You explain to him that he is getting the punishment he deserves, because he doesn't deserve an actual punishment for making a genuine mistake on track.
It takes a long time for that message to really hit home, but you stick with the ridiculous punishments the entire time.
I also think that making him write lines like that is the perfect punishment for when he really does need to be punished, like when he talks bad about himself or breaks one of the self care rules.
Often he'll end up crying as he writes, because you always make sure that what he has to write is something that he really needs to hear and it's always so difficult for him.
You always sit with him while he writes, letting him take breaks whenever he needs to and offering him plenty of cuddles and kisses, praising him for doing so well and promising him that he'll be forgiven once he finishes his lines.
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rimzieiei · 1 month
some of the ocs for the harbinger!kaveh au! :3 (more about their lore beneath cut)
warning for me making shit up
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kunjal and raahki !
they are two members of a mining company that was based in the girdle of sands. the company disbanded during the cataclysm.
kunjal was born and raised in the gavireh lajavard. when she was old enough to do it, she started her own mining company. the first person she hired was raakhi, her childhood best friend.
the girdle is the only place in teyvat where trishiraite (called tattva pre-cataclysm) can be found. the stones are composed of packed together elemental energy, making them valuable to scientists and inventors.
most of the time, kunjal and co would trade with the khaenriahns (because the enterance to the nation is right there). occasionally though, theyd trade with merchants from the rainforest and fontaine.
the girdle isnt a super populated place, being mainly composed of wandering eremite tribes. but! there would be a few permanent settlements like aaru village.
raakhis family came from the desert of hadramaveth to the girdle. she is a direct descendant of king deshret. while kunjal is the leader of the group, raakhi is the navigator. making sure the company stays safe while traversing the caverns.
the three other members of the company were iham, a talented haggler and musician. vainavi, a rebellious teenager with a penchant for mischief. and trishira, a joyful guy that has too much strength for his own good. (designs coming eventually i swear)
anyways theyre all a silly little found family and i love them so much! such a shame they have to go through the horrors...
the main part of their lore begins in a mining trip gone horribly off the rails.
during this trip, raakhi would propose to kunjal. giving her a beautiful promise bangle that matched hers. they planned to get married after they returned home.
unfortunately! the cataclysm would end up starting during their expedition. trapped in the caves while hell broke loose around them, kunjal tried to lead the group to safety. they would try to seek refuge in the khaenriahn factories, only to find them abandoned.
the company would be stuck in the caves for around a week, plenty of time for everything to go to shit! most of the ways out of the tunnels caved in, but they end up finding a way to the surface.
however, a massive monster would end up blocking their path. it was injured and probably dying, yeah, but it could definitely kill the whole group.
the monsters was one of golds creations. an earlier prototype of durin and elynas so its not totally a dragon but its getting there.
kunjal, understanding if they didnt make it out soon they would all die, set a plan in motion. they would wait until the creature fell asleep, then they would sneak past.
as the monster fell asleep, kunjal began to have second thoughts about the plan, but decided to keep going with it.
the group crept past the giant beast, but halfway through the monster started coughing. it was internally combusting. its final exhale sent a cloud of abyssal poison and particles of the monsters flesh into the cavern.
and in genshin, consuming parts of dragons (even if theyre weird prototypes) is not a good idea! in every casr weve seen, the individual ended up as an abyssling.
thats what ended up happening to the mining company. they were forcibly corrupted by the abyss inside the monster. to a lesser degree than other abysslings, but they still lost control over themselves.
finally on the surface, the mining company were changed people. they struggled to recall past memories, leaving their companionship as their only lifeline. they were also horrifically changed. bodies shifting from human to animal, and thoughts glazed over by abyssal fog.
the new, controlling void in their heads gave them orders; cause havoc.
so thats what they did! with the transformations came access to elemental powers, making the group a force to be reckoned with.
in the lore the cataclysm is implied to be yknow, a year or two of chaos. so much destruction wouldnt happen in like a couple months.
the mining company terrorized the people of the girdle, eventually earning themselves a new name. rakshasa! to the normal people of the girdle, they were said to be demons straight from the abyss. creatures of mayhem and malice. (completely unaware of the actual origins)
people would leave in droves, desperate to escape the heart of sumerus cataclysm. they would bring the stories of the rakshasa to other parts of the red sands, leaving people hesitant to return. (part if my explanation for why nobody lives in the girdle in game,, literally theres nobody there besides the pari! not a single permanent civilization besides the defunct ones)
the reason i chose rakshasa the name for the mining company to be called is because of trishiraites in game name… the name itself is a reference to a real rakshasa from hindu myth! but no where else in genshin do the idea of rakshasa appear. which is suchhh a missed opportunity cause theyre so cool!
also about trishiraite! i mentioned it was called tattva precataclysm, thats because (due to the sheer amount of bloodshed he caused) trishira had the blood red stone renamed after him. (also because everything in teyvat is composed of elemental energy and trishiraite is concentrated er so when something dies its er could form into the rocks—)
the rakshasa wreck havoc for the majority of the cataclysm. that is until egeria comes to cleanse the sign of apaosha.
unfortunately, raakhi ends up getting turned to stone. she was too close to the vorukasha oasis when egeria went out with a bang.
however, as the harvisptokhm took form and cleansed the abyss from the girdle, the fog was lifted from the rakshasas minds. it didnt crystalize them because the concentration of abyss in them wasnt high enough. it also didnt reverse the physical transformations.
after this, the gang goes through a lot of mental anguish. dealing with raakhis death and how much blood they have on their hands.
raakhi and kunjal (a bit distracted by the abyss in their heads) didnt even get to be married. <//3
the rakshasas eventually decide, after holding a funeral for raakhi, to part ways. iham, vainavi, and trishira end up leaving the girdle. leaving kunjal behind with only her memories.
because of the abyssal corruption, the rakshasa are effectively immortal. the only thing preventing the abyss from taking control of their minds was the harvisptokm, so the rakshasa who left the girdle return to being bloodthirsty and evil.
kunjal walks the desert as a husk of her former self, lost without her family. after an undetermined amount of time, the sign of apaosha returns and the abyssal fog comes right back!
i think a yapped a bit too much but! i love my doomed yuri so much :3
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moss-selfship · 8 months
Hi hi!! How about ✍️, 📝 and 💞 for whoever you'd like?
Heyo! thanks for the ask. im going to be doing this for my newest FO catra. ✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between? - Oh id probably be hated XD id be part of the "John x catra" VS "Adora x Catra" ship war XD. they would be a popular one as they are part of the main cast, but like i said. part of the divisive ship that is at odds with another one XD 📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story? - Story goes he grew up as the super pal trio equivalent of the horde (being him, Adora, Catra) and when adora abandons the horde he and catra and left alone together. He vows that no matter what happens he swears to always be by her side no matter what, and he does so as catra slowly descends into her madness with him being loyal to her as he promised. It tears him apart inside because he hates seeing the person he grew up with go down such a dark path but he is her friend and swore to be by her side even during the portal incident. Catra had already started to have feelings for him but she was to afraid to say anything about them. Afraid that either he would abandon her like adora did or that she would chase him off with her feelings so she buries her feelings for him deep down (the negative feelings of it going towards adora as a scape). after the portal events he admits to having feelings for her to but it was as the portal destroyed them both so she isnt sure if he said it and refuses to believe it (thinking it was part of her broken mind in that moment). and he is to afraid to say it as well, feeling like she isnt ready for a relationship and so doesnt say anything after it. lots of misunderstood thinking and emotions. Alot of the story stays the same with a few little exceptions here and there. Him having snuck away with scorpia to save entrapta (having told catra he was going to search for some magic artifacts) and coming back to her. 💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why? - I can funnily enough see him getting shipped with adora (maybe having abandoned with her in an AU), scorpia (big girl and funny wizard man with kind hearts), and entrapta (the whole rescue part)
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roleswap au?
:o!!! Why, of course >:)
CW: slight mentions of death, murder and scars
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Here are the designs for edgejeanist in my roleswap au!!!
I will give details under the cut (and also will write out what i wrote in case my handwriting isnt clear lol):
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Roleswap au is basically: the villains in canon are now heroes, the heroes are villains. Their backstories are different, either completely, or theres just a divergence from the original (headcanon)
Jeanist: (in italics is from the image)
'The Bloody Puppeteer' - Tsunagu Hakamata
Extremely dangerous villain
Strikes mostly during the quiet hours
Has been known to influence + recruit those who have gone through similar experiences/tragedy
Takes them in and treats them like puppets to play out as a "family"
Or, leaves a messy crime scene, only taking the parts he needs from victims for his puppets
Hideout unknown. Boss of a fashion company
Is protected by a very notorious Parisian Mafia
Uses his puppets as mannequins
Has a long standing rivalry with a known assassin Shinya Kamihara
He became a villain because he was abandoned by his parents and society when he had a quirk malfunction and so he killed them and realised he enjoyed the feeling of freedom.
He acts insane, is incredibly scary when angry, but actually is a lot more clever and collected than he seems.
His scars are no longer healed and faded, he constantly makes them worse.
Edgeshot: (italics = image)
'Edgeshot' - Shinya Kamihara
Goes by many names
Extremely dangerous villain
Head of an organisation that trains assassins. Is an assassin himself
(sort of like yakuza but not quite i guess) [talking about vibes and style of thing]
Deals with things quickly and neatly
Created a massive base within the mountain behind his village. Has many branches
Rivalry with Tsunagu Hakamata
He became a villain after his village incident, after seeking immediate revenge and -at age 15- hunting down and killing the entire organisation behind the attack.
He gathered survivors from the attack/friends/others who have been wronged, and they formed a sort of. Group that trained and killed for money to survive.
Acts silent and deadly, is actually a lot more chaotic and sadistic than he seems.
His quirk has been overused many times, he has started to develop crease-like scars from where he has overused it (and almost died from)
Some other notes:
I'm sure it's obvious by now, I love a classic enemies/rivals to lovers dynamic. And the whole 'couple that tries to kill eachother but in an endearing way....sometimes...maybe'
But this one's a slightly different flavour
They have a past together, with them turning from enemies to besties-in-the-quiet
and then there was a big miscommunication where one of them disappeared for ages and came back and tried to kill the other for real
and now they are back to being rivals who regularly try to kill each other...but with a hint of:
Divorced couple dynamic, except they were never officially together and they actually still like each other
Basically, they hate each other but they don't hate each other
They have aspects in their designs that were given to them by the other in the past as a promise of their equality and acknowledgement of each other's strength as rivals
Shinya's is his dagger, given to him by Tsunagu and the case was stitched carefully by him- and also his lil arm guard things
Tsunagu's was his gloves and the flowy fabric wrap around long almost skirt thing, Shinya actually made them both from fabric from his family.
anyway. yes. they are insane and dangerous and bloodthirsty :)
(this was my original villain au, but then my actual villain au idea came and i changed this slightly to fit as a separate kind of villain au)
But thank you or asking!!! This is one of my favourite aus to think about their dynamic for some fun lol
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Can't believe you'd come in and attack the pastry brain like this...betrayal.... /lh /j
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overthinkingtaleblr · 2 years
omg thank you for answering. i thought it got lost but i know sometimes it just takes a bit lol. :,)
i thought about it a bit more, and i have another branch of the au/hc/whatever the hell this is.
jimmy, when hes possessing ghost, has red eyes that match his form when hes outside of ghosts body. gavin knows when jimmys possessing ghost, however toast just sees ghost being murderous and goes "ah... hes overly stressed again... perhaps he needs his calming tea ^-^"
when they DO get together, gavin and jimmy agree that itd be kinda weird if they kissed while jimmy was inhabiting ghosts body, so they just have to deal with gavin only feeling a weird pressure on his lips when jimmy kisses him. (like jello...)
also, toast and ghost decide one day to check out an old abandoned house in the middle of nowhere, and... ghost breaks down, because thats where he used to live. yknow... gregory casket. jimmy, instead of immediately possessing him, just... watches. he evaluates some things.
and realizes his demonic urge to kill and destroy has faded. just a tiny bit. hes become... more human. it disgusts him.
(ofc they calm ghost down and ghost comments on how he didnt black out that time. jimmy feels bad about himself because!! hes not supposed to feel sympathy or compassion!!! let alone love!!! ew!! domesticity is gross!! bleh!!)
he complains to gavin about it and they discover that ever since gavin and him have been hanging out more and more, jimmy's power has been... not shrunken, per say, just redirected.
it makes him feel vulnerable.
he lashes out. possesses ghost more often and kills meaningless people with an anger hes only felt once before. it all happens within a week, and he realizes something. it isnt ONLY anger.
its grief.
grief over losing his ability to blindly kill. grief over losing his murderous tendencies. grief over gaining COMPASSION and HUMANITY. grief over falling in love for the first time.
of course he grieves. hes been a serial killer for so long, it makes sense to mourn the changes hes experienced. but at the same time, hed never change a thing.
he goes back to ghosts home in ghosts body, covered in multiple peoples blood. (hes not sure how he got here, but it infuriates him that he can just automatically find it no matter how far)
toast is there, fussing over the host's injuries (since when did ghost get that cut? he... should be more careful) and jimmy... jimmy exits the body, and sobs.
he watches the love toast feels for ghost, and promises one thing to himself: while he cant guarentee he'll never kill again, he can make himself human... for gavin, toast and ghost.
he just needs to figure out how to make himself a host, so that he doesnt hurt the man hes attached himself to (in more ways than one) he WANTS to be apart of humanity. he realizes hes hugging his host when he opens his eyes again, and realizes hes been subtly seeing ghost as his... well, as his brother. it hurts, and hes angry at that conclusion, but hes too tired to deny it. he falls asleep outside of ghosts body for the first time, and finally feels human.
so yeah idk how it sorta turned into a fanfic buuuut i think i like the concept :D if theres any spelling mistakes,,, no theres not,,,, and if its kindaaa ooc then uhm. hmm. well i havent watched vt in atleast 2 years so theres bound to be some mistakes :P
This AU has really become a story and a half! Maybe you could make it into a fic? It sounds like there’s still more that can happen next! ^^
Dw too much about being OOC, I think a fun thing with the medium is that canon is flexible. Plus, you have development from A to B, so I don’t think it’s too inane a concept! Jimmy reconsidering the murder thing and actually feeling is an interesting concept and a good way to defang him as a monster— and admittedly id be lying if i said i haven’t had characters grow as people through introspection in concepts b4 ^^
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frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
What's a datapack au
It's a world building and oc specific Deltarune AU I made, this other ask post is a good starting point,
it's also a lie and not just the basics and is too complicated even when it is TECHNICALLY just the basics - just overexplained ! enjoy my two writing styles on these two posts, by the way !
for stuff i havent explained there, i can go briefly over the main story (tho there's side stories, characters unrelated to the main story etc.)
it follows blank, an addison who lives with his best friend and adoptive sibling, berry. together they co-own a library/bookstore/movie stuff store! it's a chill place, and stands out from the rest of the cyber city aesthetic by being.. well.. more chilled out! it is a safe place that berry wants to keep that way for anyone who may need it. they're also next to a cafe, owned by a swatcling named mocha (owned by a friend). she is their adoptive sister.
maddison is another important character, he's the adoptive gamer bro to all of them. they grew up raised by mocha's parents, alongside with mocha's sibling, tired swatchling. yes. their name is "tired". are they tired? yes. but they're in the background, back to the main point
blank is.... more outgoing and has bigger dreams, and berry is comfortable where they are at and... well... severely neurodivergent coded after yours truly (so is blank. you fool. all of the 3 main addisons are just different parts of me projected on advertisement people)
he goes out to cafes, and he even performs stand up comedy! he always had dreams working in theater, but he's an addison. they sell things and have a natural urge to do it. (berry lacks it)
he becomes besties with spamton! they promised to each other that they'd be by each other's side together, as the underdogs. they'd help each other out... and one day they will be BIG! Together! and together they can help those around them!
well.. that's not what happened, did it?! not gonna go into detail, but hee hoo, spamton and the addisons mutually pretty much abandon each other and. blank has a mental breakdown. slowly! over time! one day he snaps at berry and... UH OH! turns out he has friends tied to the cyber city black market, and mafia, essentially! he goes on to buddy ol' clambert, the big bad boss of it all, and requests to buy a swatchling mask. maybe that will make him great, right? if spamton can cheat it, SO CAN HE!
well clambert is an asshole and sold him one thats badly corrupted on purpose! he literally wanted to kill blank with it! while walking back, in the middle of the street near to the library, blank puts it on and passes out, glitching and transforming as the fucked up mask does it's job. berry happens to walk by and sees it, and does te number one no-no of datapacks/swatchling masks - never EVER take it off from someone who's undergoing "installation". they tried that and it made things worse! they run off for help... but when they come back, blank is gone. he retreated back into deep dark cyber city to live there alone, to not let anyone especially berry see him like this. also going even wackier over spamton's fame, because this happens while spamton is still famous, before his own downfall
looksie where blank's own greed and disregard for others brought him, huh ? well. this isnt forever ! things happen afterwards. years later he is "found again" and theres a process of him meeting his old friends (and new ones as well)
together they plan tot ake clambert down, as he is genuinely pure filth and only cares for money and power. he ENJOYS bringing people down to make himself feel better and more powerful. he wants people under his control, and he wants to see them suffer. he keeps selling out these horrible corrupted masks and other things. . also blank just wants revenge he is angry and rage-filled basically 24/7. if it werent for the rules of the au, he WOULD have a body count
so that's ! a short view on the story
oh yeah also spamton gets the fanfic treatment and does not go with kris after the neo fight, he stays and is found and taken out of the basement. and so begins his very, very painful path to recovery and eventually meeting his old friends.
after all these years, him and blank are not that different are they? very different, yet the same in many ways
but also blank is now a 8'7 tall monster that wants to attack everything on sight and has pet rats in his hair. would you believe me that even that beast of a guy is still based on me ? yeah !
so um yes. datapack au. can always ask me for more details !
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r4zzberry · 2 years
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technically im not meant to be showing the folks on tumblr stuff about the hyrules in LOR yet but im really proud of this drawing and i wanted to share it with yall!
LOR isnt being abandoned i promise! me and louie have been working on lore and designs and we’re trying to figure out proper planning for it all. im also working on getting out of highschool and getting into an art school so thats taking up a bunch of my focus lol.
if you havw any ooc questions about LOR my ask box on this account is open! or if you wanna chat hit me up in dms ^^
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twigs-sprigs · 2 years
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an au in which.. well different outfits that the ninja have had are actually just who they are
okay so i have much to explain so STRAP IN
so i came up with this idea really suddenly like ten million thoughts just hit me in the head, but the main concept is that
the world is actually a post apocalyptic style scenario, there's an "above" new ninjago city, that was built on top of the old overgrown and kind of abandoned old ninjago city (i imagine it having like glowy mushrooms and stuff and having some sort of a pretty factor to it)
i also see this whole world being full of like a multitude of different species with all sorts of wacky features (this is all kinda like years and years after the disaster that destroyed the og ninjago, so it has very cyberpunk-y and modern elements)
let's call it the (PA au. just post apocalyptic for short)
(this has been compared to that one show called arcane before. i. ive never watched arcane. /gen.. so yeah. i know its similar. its a coincidence. i promise. )
now, our characters consist of
kai - aka. the red shogun. (the outfit is prime empire kai, kind of combined with the red shogun outfit from season 4) a villain turned superhero vigilante, who's just doing his gosh darn best, and has a whole team who keeps his back safe! lloyd - aka. GB (prime empire lloyd) a trained mercenary and the leader of a gang that does everything from trading substances, weapons and machines in the black market, to simply bounty hunting. he's an untrustworthy, quiet but sly and feared leader, whos really just a sad and lost kid at heart. people say he takes after his father, but he wouldnt admit that. jay - aka. superstar rockin' jay!! (prime empire jay, ofc) he's a celebrity rockstar both in the above world AND in the undercity. though he mostly spends his time up above. he's still part of kai's vigilante team! nya- aka. THE FREAKIN SEA (seabound nya) she's a part of the sea that decided "fuck it!! we ball!!" and left to see what life on land is all about! she met kai and quickly became really close with him and they became siblings! shes the first member of his team! and she's kind of confused but she's DEFINITELY got the spirit! zane- aka. snake jaguar (the outfit from sons of garmadon) just like kai he's a vigilante, a wielder of ice. he goes undercover in lloyds gang and becomes his right hand man, but gives crucial information to his team, so they can take down lloyd's operation. cole- ROCKY FREAKIN DANGERBUFF, yet ANOTHER member of kai's team, he's from the dangerbuff clan! one of the groups of people who live their lives in the undercity. he's a dancer and a beast hunter, but also a kick ass hero just like the rest of the team! pixal- samurai x!! she's also a hero, that kind of rivals red shogun and kind of doesnt like him at all, but she does get kind of close to one of his team members... if you know what i mean
i will say that ALL the members of the squad still have their elemental powers, i havent yet properly fully thought that part out but i know for sure that they do.
SO YEAH. lloyd is actually kind of the villian for a large part of this au. i tried my best to not change his personality in a way that wouldnt be natural for his character to progress. in my head he grew up kind of sheltered from the outside world entirely. he's not really a... person? he's his role and thats that. he was never really loved by anyone therefore doesnt really know...emotion. all that well. he may act like a bratty teenager from time to time when he's taunting his enemies, but that's just... a character that he's playing up. he really just has no clue what hes doing.
(everything im not saying here is in the little notes i left on the drawings, though they may not be canon since i wrote down concepts and ideas there too)
his dad, garmadon, also is a little different in this au. basically "good" garmadon isnt really a thing (hes basically JUST the version from the oni trillogy). he was the previous gang leader BEFORE lloyd but he vanished and supposedly died. so lloyd had to take his place.
the ACTUAL. REAL VILLAIN of this au is harumi. who, fr. is still just herself. she's also kind of the second in command to lloyd. and she betrays him. and kind of takes the gang all to herself. leaving lloyd to help out the heroes...and finally find a family in the process.
its very emotional in my head and i am so scrambled right now these are the only semi-coherent thoughts.
i would LOVE to talk more about this au. if you have any questions or ideas or ANYTHING really.. do send asks about it... im in such deep brainrot for it and rambling on tumblr is apparently a thing that i do! (who wouldve thunk!)
this au was also made with the help of @shadesofvermillionvoid as USUAL.. so you can send asks there too!!! give kai all the love ever ash deserve it!!
... and to whoever bothered to read all this. wow. thank you! :D i feel very seen
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Karma's Nasty Bite
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Summary: Charles has spent the last few centuries hunting his maker ready to make them pay for the life they stole from him. Charles- now going by walter finalky finds his maker. But his maker was not what he expected and things take a dramatic turn.
Warnings: adult situation +18, NO MINORS, vampire au, gore, anxiety, Confrontation, humiliation, degradation, name calling, swearing, non con?, smut,
A/n: holy shit can you belive this is my first vamp au? Seriously like wtf? Anyway im very happy with this one! I love it even if it isnt as smutty and i intended but whatever im pleased, and i hope you all enjoy!
Taglist: @captainsy-cookiemonster @blakerogue @mary-ann84 @starstruckkittyangel @littlefreya @zealoushound @luclittlepond @angryschnauzer @sciapod @spazzymamahenrylover @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @nuggsmum @thatgirly81 @isitmine @tinabean37 @loserrlauraa @henrythickcavill @plainbrunettelbl @dummiesshort @cynic-spirit @pandaxnienke @two-unbeatable-beaters @libbymouse @wolfieash @eldarwen333 @princesssterek @mom2000aggie @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @watercoolerpaint @sofiebstar @secretlywriting
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Walter snarled lunging at his prey, though this time it wasnt his usual strange human with a blood fetish that his hands narrowly missed, it was her the one he'd been hunting all this time! Centuries of prowling england and he found his biggest game here of all places!? Or better yet she had found him, luring him out with yet another ding dong dash bite, turning a fledgling loose in his territory for him to deal with.
He'd fantasised many times over what he'd do once he found his maker. He'd kill them, torture them slowly! Lock them up somewhere with silver chains and make the bleed out slowly starve them whilst parading humans past their cell to tease them with the scents of fresh meals.
As the years passed his plans for his maker grew darker, the hate inside on him boilin over untill he was this brooding male forced to endure humanities stupidity. But out of every scenario he'd come up with, his maker was never a woman, but a male- a servant or some lowly lord that he had insulted, maybe even bedded their wife leading them to inflict such a cruel revenge.
His maker being a woman hadn't crossed his mind. And her being one which he'd bedded over and over in king henry's court as the duke of sufolk was so far fetched he was sure he was seeing things. But no this was definitely the devilsh harlot he'd fucked and filled over and over in hampton court palace.
You truley were stupid if you thought you were getting away from him unscathed. No. He was going to ruin you like never before! But first he would subdue you and talk, force you to tell him why youd fucked, fed, turned and then abandoned him to his fate in the kings halls surrounded by priests and god fearing courtiers.
"You?!" The word was lost in a feral growl, his fangs errupting from his jaw with such ferocity that his pin teeth also sprouted from his lower, tiny needle like points hidden behind his blunt human teeth that would clamp onto unwilling prey, holding them still as he fed.
The woman took a step back, there was something different about her. She was still the stunningly exotic female he'd soiled over and over after her promise of being barren and unable to bleed let alone produce a bastard. Her cat like eyes complimenting the feline grace she held. The feminine yet deadly way she carried herself had been what drew him to her, she was a fire that everyone wanted to burn them. It was common knowledge she was barren and unable to wed so she became a loose woman. But there wasnt a thing loose about her apart from her morals.
"Yes me charles"
"Its walter now you fucking WHORE!" He threw himself at her this time his hand squeezing her neck just below her jaw. She gasped in pain and moved to calw at his thick hand clutching her brutally. The panic of being out manoeuvred so quickly changing her scent to one of desperate fear.
It wasnt that he could suffocate her, vampires didnt breath. It was that the nerves and tendons that controlled a vampires fang reflexes were vulnerable at the jaws hinge and top of the throat, and the venom glands. And they were extremely sensitive, the slightest touch was agony. And he was squeezing tightly, threatening to snap them so she'd never feed again. The worst thing to happen to a vampire, the slowest most painfull fate. To become emaciated never actually dying but being nothing but skin and bone paralised for eternity in a wooden box driven made.
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"N-no please-please dont!" You pleaded crying out still feebly pulling at his hand not daring to claw at him when his hands were holding your feeding muscles and venom glands so tightly.
"Why not!? You deserve it you deceitful wench!" He hissed giving you a light shake makkingnyou whimper at him squintinnyour eyes closed. You'd not been sure of his reaction to you. You knew he'd be angry but you couldnt put it off anymore the last centuries had been a colourless meaningless void since leaving him. You couldnt help it anymore you had to seek him out, to beg for forgivness and pray he would overlook your silly mistake and let you nest with him ... but you didnt have much hope you knew well enough god doesnt grant your kind mercy.
"I d-didnt know!" You sobbed trying hear to hold back the tainted crimson droplets, the tears that had caused this entire thing!
"How?! How could you not know!? You'd left me to die" the once duke growled, nostrils flared and lip curled into a cruel snarl. He clearly wandpted answers but his hand was tightening bringing more tears to your eyes, the red beads over flowing before trailing streaks of crimson across your cheeks.
"Y-young! Young! 'Ease ple-" you tried pleading through the pain of his hand clampig over your tendons at your jaw, they ached and throbbed, the acidic taste of vemnom flooded your mouth ad the strong fingers dug into the glands below your jaw.
"Young? YOUNG?! YOU THINK THATS AN EXCUSE! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" Walter bellowed in a rage backing you up into the wall behind you shuntingnyour bones into the brick makingnthe tremble fiercely, the ominous crumbling sound accompanied by dust plumeing into the air around you.
"You made me into this monster, a satan spawn, a souless bloodthirsty demon." Walters words were poisonous wrath, his words continued to spill as his body began trembling, eye seeping int a dark maroon almost black as he snarled his fury.
"I bled alone. Turned alone, awoke alone in that room- i came to in a pool of my own blood." His voice wavered a crack in he solid distain as he recounted what had happened after youd left.
"I was delirious, I could see the dust in the air, hear the heart beat of every single person in hampton court!" His words began to morph into a whistful rasp, emotions running high. He leant in, giving you a taste of his scent. It may havebeen over five centuries but he smelled the same, as all do at their turning. His scent was of parchment whine and snuffed out candles a light scent of sage from the bathing soaps he had used. Walter was still your charles. Just a very lonely sour version.
"I could smell the scent of my blood lingering in the air like a fucking ambrosia. And the poor maid? She was innocent but i jumped her, with no control at all, tareing into her- i still hear her gurglingwet screams as she pleaded with her last breaths- inhad to cut her throat and fake a fucking murder attempt!" You relaxed into him dropping your hands from his and wept silently. Youd have looked away from him if you could but the hand on your neck held you still. He was angry confused and he looked tired, not for lack of sleep but tired from exsisting, he didnt want to be here and endure this but unlike the myths vampires do not die so easily. Only their maker can kill them. Its the ultimate responsibility of create a fledgling.
"I-im so sorry- i am- it was an accident" you wimpered but yelped as he brought his other hand up landing a frustrated fist on the wall against your face. You were beginning to truly panic, he was well fed and strong, strongr then you at this moment and could easily do some damage, enough to incapacitate you if he wanted to.
"Do you know how scared i was? Can you imagine? I wanted to kill my own son! Who i loved so dearly, i had to abandon everything! My life, my identity my home family everything!" You closed your eyes not willing to look at him, even through the snarling and savagry you could hear the strain, the fear and hurt behinde it all. He still mourned the family he pnce had. You knew the feeling the longong to go back and hold your loved ones one last time. That had been what cused all of this, that need to return to a life you nolonger had.
"And you tell me it was an accident? A fucking mistake!" He raged leaning ever closer cool breath from his words fanning over you, his dark insidious eyes glinting in the dim light of room, his fangs gleaming the small points of pin teeth making you shudder in fear.
"I-i know! I know- please i want to explain!" And you did. You wanted him to give you the chance to explain and redeem yourself! If not your were completely fucked you needed him to take you in as his. To pull you into his nest and create a coven or else you were doomed.
You'd run away. Many covens held the darker skinned vampires hostage, they could blend in more with humans unlike the deathly pale ones. A darker skinned vampire was used to act as bait, lure out meals for them letting their covens feed from the source instead of doner blood stollen from blood banks. You were like a lioness doing all of the work yet receiving little in return, the covens gave you enough to survive but never enough for you to fight and escape. You were slave to your coven, so fled when they made a move on newly turned fledglings in their territory.
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"Then tell me you fucking harlot!" He roared snapping his jaws at you barely missing your soft flesh. You quivered and gasped out in pain. His anger had rtravled thrpugh his hand squeezing a little too tight making words difficult. He faltered at you, frowning locking his jaw with a growl but loosened his fingers at your neck before hissing a vicious 'speak' at you.
"I was newly turned, i-i met you after i was abandoned. Id only been alone for a few months, i started bedding humans . I thought i could control it" you trembled you wasnt trying to make excuses or justify what you did. But you did want to explain you hant meant to do this, you hadnt wanted to harm him, much less turn him.
"I-if i could resist feeding during sex i could go home- to my family! I just wanted to see my ma once more before she died that was all" you stuttered weakly, shaking your head at him.
"The others i could resist - but you? You were somthing else. I felt a stronger pull so seduced myou more and more! I was trying to learn how to be safe"
"But i... i couldnt stop it. In my struggle to stop i bite to deep and then... i knew you were gojng to bleed out. I cried mourning you... my tear fell into your wound and..." yoh trailed off shoulders shaking with silent sobs you truley did regret pushing yourself that night. It ate away at you, he was the first human youd been able to resist despite the mouthwatering scent. You enjoyed his companionship, he was unlike the rest he made you feel alive.
"The blood tears turned me? You... mourned me?" Walter whispered under his breath, he was shocked to say the least. He'd never thought you would have been young or made him by mistake. He had always assumed it was vindictive and his turningnhad been done on purpose for land or wealth revenge even!
"Yes, i panicked and ran i didnt know untill years later. Im sorry i should have never continued to seek yoh out when your sent drew me in to you soo much. But i blieved you were my final challenge, that if i could resist you i could resist all!" Any kindness on hos face quickly became rage as you revealed your thoughts over him. Despite apologising he seemd even angrier then before and his hands peeled you from the brick work behind yoh and fisted his hands into your hair presenting your vulnerable neck to him once more.
"So you were a fumbling fledgling? My transformation was becuase of a fucking challenge you set yourself? You played with my fucking life!" His thunderous snarl was dangerously close to your neck, his breath making your skin prickle. Your eyes were blurred, loo,ing to the ceiling witha red hue as you wept. You felt his nose graze your lower jaw and panicked, hands co eing up to his chest pushing at him willing him away as your fate seemed all but sealed.
"I didnt mean it! I-it was the sex, something was different with you!" You sobbed out trying desperately to find something to appease the huge angry male before you.
"Sex? My fate sealed by my own sexual prowess?" He asked muscles bulging under the knit sweater he wore, threatening to wear out the stitches as he raged below.
"Yes... You were better! The things you did to me- the feelings i swear my heart jumped everytime- a heartbeat charles! Id gone over a year without one it was addictive! Surely you can understand" you pleaded with him still hopingnyoud manage to get through to him, that you could make him see what you were to one another. Mates. True mates that needed one another.
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You hadnt understood at the time no one had told you! And for so long your mourned the loss of him. It wasnt untill seventy years ago you'd picked up on his scent you'd brushed it off but as time moved on you were scenting him more and more, faint wisps not enough to track. Untill finaly a few weeks ago you'd heard of him, an old vampire from your time working for the human police. A vampire detective in chasing up a spite turning. The others spome of him with slight trepidation he was said to a grumpy bear of a man solemn and bitter, as the story goes he was once high nobility in an english court but was bitten and abandoned by his maker.
It was then you knew. Your charles, your mate had somehow turned and youd him in his hour of need. It are away at you and the guilt prompted you to seek him out the next time you were able to leave the nest alone.
"A heart beat? No impossible those are fucking stories!" He released you in seconds throwing you back into the wall and stepped back, you may aswell have scakded him with how he tore awayfrom you. Eyes wide and chest heaving a low rumbleing growl echoing in his chest and he drew in breaths he didnt need.
"Its true! I didnt understand at the time but now i do, you were my mate! Only a mate can cause such a thing!" You pleaded with uim to see. You had mourned him soo long you needed him to accept it, to belive you now and take you in.
"No... no it cannot be you lying whore!" He yelled now overwhelmed by what you had to say. It was clear he was confused, probably by his hesitance. You imagine he'd spent many long nights planning what he'd do once he found his maker. But as he looked at you he felt something strange and unsettling. Deep down he knew there was a truth to your words, he could feel it in his bones.
"Im telling you its true! Trust me!" You said shuffling towards him with unsteady steps, knees quivering every bone in your body told you to run, to escape this powerful lone vampire. But you wouldnt, he'd give chase and attack on instinct. He'd hurt you first and ask more questions later and in your frail malnourished state you wouldnt be able to endure much of hos wrath.
"Trust? I would not trust you if you told me the sky was blue! Let alone trust your my mate" he spat at you eyes now two narrow slits, sharp cold garnets gazing at you with a cofused distaste. Thick heavy brows drawing into a deep v and his tongue rolling over his lip and fangs, his own venom permeating the air.
It was intoxicating to see him in such a state, you felt as if your legs had melted below you. You feet nailed to the floor under his gaze. You now remembered what is fwlt like to be prey, the chill up your spine shuddering violently, fear pricking each nerve like ice picks. But even so you stood reasonably still, clenching your fists, he wanted you to run. To back down so he'd have reason to lunge again. But you werent gojng to. With a deep unnecessary breath you spoke quietly into the space between you, cutting the air with soft words.
"Yet you feel it to otherwise youd have killed me already cha-walter" the male hissed looking away with a earth shattering snarl before locking his eyes on you again frustration across his face.
"You have no idea what i feel your deceitful little bitch!" The words were spat once more, but more in denile then actuall rage, his ire now directed inward towards himself.
"Yes i do, please charles, please just give me a chance to prove to you we are mates" you pleaded inching forward tk him one hand pressed against your cold still heart as if feeling for a beat, any indicaion you hadnt made it up, it hadnt been a cruel trick. You wanted to feel that again, the light lub-dub of your heart jumping for him.
"Prove? You want to prove it how?! By letting you feed on me, that would be fucking convenient useing me to regain your lost strenght! Or perhaps we put it to the test!" What had started as a humourless scoff became a threat, a dark promise from one monster to another.
"Maybe i could fuck you now, mount you like the frail cunt you are, break you as you deserve to be broken! With painfully deep, pelvis crushing fucks, treat you like the wreched villainous witch you are!" Youd been anticipating much, violenc hate, hollow words but not that. Youd not ever thought he would threaten bedding you so violently.
"What?! No-noo charles-walter, your grace please- please you'll hurt me you can harm me now- your a male stronger then me and well fed!" Your plea fell on deaf ears as he quickly gained on you, long legs closing the space between you and a vice like grip snagging one fore arm jerking you into his chest. You fouht feebly striking his chest and shoulder with the single free hand you had.
You shouted yelling and pleading with him as he began to move you across his apartment, trying to dig your heels into the floor below. But a violent pull had you staggering out of the red bottomed shoes almost breaking your ankles as you lost all balance and tumbled behind him.
"As i recall madame,you used to enjoy the rougher touch, so you'll forgive me if i ignore your wailing and fuck you into repentance anyway!" His words were dark. Darker then any you'd heard before as he crissed the threshold of his bed room and swung his arm around flinging you into a long stagger only to cartch yourself on the bed with your hands. As your knees hit the floor.
You snapped your head in to his direction pivoting your body to face him frightened yet aroused as your saw him casually kick the door closed behind him making the wall shudder from the force.
"We shall soon see if you awaken my still heart! If not i'll see to it you spend eternity in a fucking box!" He anounced whilst waltzing towards you hands at his belt unbuckling it with a villainous smirk. You pressed backwards jnto the bed hands clutching at the soft covers in anticipation. Your heat already dampening craveing this male- unable to deny your mate and his obvious arousal.
"And if you are my mate? You'll spend an eternity on all fours and earn my forgivness~" he huffed out a laugh watching your thighs clench at his words as his jeans were undone and fell to the floor. He stepped out of them lazily andcrossed the last few steps standing over you. Feet planted either side of your hips hard cock poised at your lips almost smearing himseld across them like a lip balm. He moved b4inging both hands to the roots of your curls preparing to use them as reins. You wimpered at the slight sting of his pulling.
"Keep your fangs retracted if you know whats good for you~" he grolwed before pulling you closer rutting his cock agaisnt your face leaving his cum cross your skin laughing as you opened your mouth for him despite cringing
"Well look at that~ you realy are hungry arent you? Poor starving little slut just begging for a little morsel~ who am i to deny a cock hungry whore" he mused grinding his cock against your face teasing your lips with the crown of his cock tracing your cupids bow forcing your the smeel his weeping cock. Het he held you still in his hands stopping you from engulfing him and nursing like some filthy cheap harlot. You whined closing your eyes as hetoyed with you untill with a low chuckle he embedded himself into your waiting mouth, stretchingnyour throat innone swoop then relaxed holding still pressing your nose intp his curls.
"There we go~ a nice proper mouthfull for the greedy little bitch." he sighed tensing hks hands before dragging you backwards only to rut your face again. You cried around his cock trying to deny the intense feeling of having your mates skin against yours, almost drunk off the scent of him, the taste of his velvet skin only adding to your rapture. You sat limp letting him do as his pleased li,e you would every night from now on. Becuase you both knew in this moment you were each others eternity.
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Medieval AU
Ruby and Cinder are forced to love each other in secret,one of the two having a nightmare about being executed but is soon comforted by the other
the day after,Emerald and Mercury, knowing what's going on between them,tells them to be careful
(I cant exactly call this one medieval au... going to come up with a name for it though)
Cinder ran down the streets and to the large crowd that gathered in the middle of the village, stopping in her tracks as her eyes caught sight of the gallows. She held back from raising her own arm when she saw the noose being put around Ruby’s neck, not wanting to give herself away as she watched her lover look out towards the crowd. 
“This knight has abandoned our Kingdom for a witch!” the executioner called out as he pushed Ruby forward. “Let her be a lesson to show why you must have loyalty to the queen!” 
Cinder watched in horror as a block was pushed out from under Ruby’s feet. Her eyes started to glow as a ball of fire formed in her hands and the wind around her started to whistle and howl. “Let her go!” 
The executioner turned to her with a grin as he raised his axe. “Its time to wake up, witch!” 
Cinder closed her eyes as she felt someone push her, and then heard a whisper in her ear. 
“Cinder? Cinder. Wake up.” 
Cinder opened her eyes and found herself staring at the ceiling of her cottage, drenched in sweat and hands shaking as she gripped her sheets. She slowly looked towards Ruby and gave a quick smile as she lunged to her for a hug. 
“Everything okay?” Ruby asked. “You looked like you were having a nightmare.” 
Cinder nodded and pressed in close to Ruby. “A nightmare… or a premonition. Its hard to tell the difference anymore. But I’m glad you’re okay.” 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
“I’d… rather not. You know talking about dreams and nightmares has power to make them come to pass. I… I dont want to risk it.” 
“And you know I’ll be okay no matter what, right?” 
Cinder held Ruby tightly, wishing she could truly believe those words. However, she knew that no matter how much she tried to believe them, that those words held no weight. “What about your oath? You’re a promised protector to Weiss-” 
“And I’d give that up if it means being able to be with you longer.” 
“I wish you wouldnt say that,” Cinder said with a sigh as she pulled away from Ruby. “You’d be throwing your life away. Can you really say you’d be happy with that?” 
“Of course I can.” Ruby put a gentle hand to Cinder’s cheek and smiled. “There isnt a life worth living without you. But you should try to get some rest.” 
“I’ll try.” Cinder slowly laid back down with Ruby and pressed into her, trying to calm from the nightmare she had. Even with Ruby’s arms around her, it was hard for her to fall asleep again as her mind raced with fear. She slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath, whispering to herself as she tried to sleep once more. “As long as you’re safe on your journey.” 
Morning came too quickly as she felt the rays of the sun on her skin and the absence of Ruby’s arms around her. Cinder slowly sat up and groaned as she pushed a hand through her hair and sighed when she confirmed that Ruby had left, her cloak no longer hanging above the doorway. It no longer surprised her when Ruby had to leave before the sun was up, though it still hurt that the two of them couldnt let their love be public ever since she was branded as a witch by the queen. All it took was one mistake, one mishap with the powers she had been imbued with, for Weiss to toss her aside as the court seer and brand her as a traitor to the kingdom. 
There was a knock on the door, and then a whisper from a familiar voice. “Cinder? You still in there?” 
Cinder sighed and made sure she was dressed before opening the door a crack. “You really think I have anywhere else to go, Emerald?” 
“No, but you never know.” Emerald pushed the door open and slowly walked in. “But that’s not important. Ruby hasnt been around here, has she?” 
“Why do you ask?” 
“Mercury and I overheard a few guards talking about hunting down a few traitors. And… well… we’re worried about you and Ruby. We know the two of you have been working together to get your position back with the queen, but… well… you cant be too careful.” 
Cinder gripped the handle to her door tightly as her hands started to heat up, steam practically leaving her nose as she let out a heavy breath. “Then we need to make sure Ruby knows-” 
“Mercury is already tracking her down.” Emerald sighed and slowly closed the door. “Please dont try to warn her yourself. All that’ll do is put you in danger.” 
“I know but…” Cinder sighed and let go of the half melted door handle and dug her nails into the wooden door. “I… I had a nightmare where Ruby was hanged. What if its a sign? I have to warn her-” 
“And then you’ll make it come true. I know you’re worried, but you have to let her be. Please, for your own safety and hers. Even if you have to stay away from her while she’s with the queen.” 
Cinder frowned, then pulled her hand away from the door and looked away from Emerald. “Let me know if anything changes. I need to know if she ends up in trouble.” 
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
I miss the adoption au with Seb, Charles, Lance and Arthur
Just little Arthur trying to reconnect with Charles after thinking Charles abandoned him (he always promised he'd come back to Arthur but after Seb adopted him, he didn't 🥺) and learning how to trust Lance and Seb
pllls bubba arthur being so frowny and unsure around Seb, and Lance is nice but he isnt charles either!
Charles is his big brotehr and he finally has him back and he is so afraid someone will take Charles from him again, espeically since he has been with the new papa and new brother longer already...
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this is a departure from our regular content but mod asta has been working through main story 4 for a while and during this time mod pensive wrote a hanahaki au about aira that kinda broke them. mod pensive then went on to torture mod asta with aira angst snippets while reading, which have been compiled here for free enjoyment! [no knowledge of the hanahaki fic needed to read, cw: self depreciation]
episode 117 cloudiness AIRA PRACTICING BY HIMSELF AT SKY GARDEN CUTE :shuichi_clutch_chest: OUR HARD WORKING BOY!! i wanna cry [Screenshots: Aira: (I’m no longer alone. I’m no longer just a fan who’s wholeheartedly devoted to idols on the other side of the screen—) Aira: (I know that, but old habits die hard.) Aira: (I was so used to being alone by myself.)] pensive :insanity:
yessum? 👀
hana aira haunting me
then perish, perhaps <;/3
WAAA SUBARU JUMPSCARE [Screenshots: Aira: 1, 2, 3… Subaru: 1, 2, 3~♪] he is so sweet i think ill never be ok again /joke [Screenshot: Subaru: Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. But you seem so lonely—so I wanted to cheer things up a bit for you♪] AIRA BACKSTORY CRUMBS?! EGWJVSDNBDD HE JUST TELLS HIS WHOLE LIFE STORY TO SUBARU
hes jsut in desperate need of a friend and confidant like that <3 [1]you know, from the bullying and isolation he underwent as a child &lt;3<3
[2]I WANT TO CRY DONT MENTION HIS DAD IN FRONT OF HIM [Screenshots: Subaru: I see. So you’ve had a hard time, too. Aira: What? No, no no, it’s nothing compared to being the son of “that Akehoshi”!] [1]NOOOO
and one of his beloved idols is <3 right there <3 and being<3 so nice <3<3
[3]JUMP OFF THE ROOF YOU BASTARD [Screenshot: Rinne: Kyahaha! Having quite a good time chatting, aren’t you? Count me in♪] GET AWAY FROM MY BOYS
[2]oh no, but now hes ruined this too. poor aira, he has a hard time creating relationships due to the lakc of meaningful ones throughout his life </3
[3]stinky disgrace ok ok ill stop i promise /srs
BDJDBFJ YOURE OK im not actually upset!! /gen i know aira was on twitter starting threads defending subarus dad [Screenshot: Aira: (I was a big fan of “that Akehoshi” so I already don’t really know how to respond to his son, and here comes this guy!? Is today my unlucky day?)]
oh nice so anyways he must feel so bad because one of his beloved idols must hate him and he has to deal with the annyoing bastard whose making a mockery of everything he loves </3
CRYING enstars!! is aira suffering
and also torturing his (tentative) friend (bestie) hiiro whose a little oblivious but still trying his best, which is still leagues away from his skill level no matter how much he tries because the talented are just made to succeed and hell never be one <3
im keeping aira away from you /joke [4]like the material you come up with is so heartwretching
but even so the loveable dumbass has his moments and since the fool has already decided to stick with him he could at least offer the same and stay as well :hiiroconfusion: ❤️:airalove: [4]horay that means im getting good!
[5]NO [Screenshot: Rinne: Let me give you a piece of advice, “little girlfriend of his”: don’t get too close to him. Rinne: Because sooner or later, he’ll betray you oh so cruelly…] DONT SAY THAT. RINNE SHUT UP
i have read! truly painful things!
i want to inflict! such pain upon others! :arashilove:
Rinne: You can dote on him like a cute animal, but don’t even think about “marrying” him, okay? oh this isnt rinne trying to warn aira about hiiro, this is rinne threatening aira to not date his brother or else rinne’ll throw him out a window
[5][6]dumb stinky asshole he already knows this but he cant bring himself to walk away its like abandoning a poor, feral puppy on the street. sure hes matted and malnurished, underloved and probably has rabies, but he hasnt bitten him yet and thats a lot more than most other things hes loved in his life!
HIIRO WAS QUITE LITERALLY SLEEPING OUTSIDE BEFORE ALKALOID WAS FORMED. BOY WOULD DIE WITHOUT AIRA hiiro: yeah i dont know why rinne would say that. you guys are my friends i would never betray you aira: yeah thats what i thought thats a relief hiiro: i still want to destroy all idols though aira: AAH.. STOP TALKING ABOUT THAT episode 118, heroes
[6](and also the way he leans into affection, at every compliment, always so eager and happy and bright at anything aira does. as if he was something to want, something as precious and amazing as the idols---stars of which he'll never be. and how he offers it all back in turn, multifold. miles and piles and heaps of compliemtns upon hugs upon glomps upon tears and questions and smiles and smiles, everything giving more and more to the little kindle of hope for joy in a future that will never be his that has founded itself within his pathetic, average heart that longs and longs and longs)
[7]😦 [Screenshots: Aira: (But why did he choose to lead a unit as crazy as Crazy:B and start such a mess?) Aira: (That’s not it. Just now, he felt similar to the time when he made his debut as an idol…) Aira: (He was marketed as “the last old–school super idol” or something like that.) Aira: (But he was eclipsed by the huge success of Eden, who was heavily promoted by COS PRO. After several scandals, the industry no longer paid attention to him.) Aira: (Is that when he took on this twisted personality and chose to behave as if he’s flawed in character?)]
[7][8]aira, as one who has stuck with the things he loves no matter how much its beaten him down, cannot comprehend the actions of the man who has only tasted failure once
[9]this is very sad but i have considered the exact opposite and extremely comedic scenario in which aira decides Fuck It, We Ball and creates a batshit persona in alignment with rinne’s [10][Screenshot: Hiiro: Yes, I’m sorry about that. It was wrong of me to ignore security guards and try to break into the building.] i sent that too early but do i even need to say anything
[8]but at the same time he understands the impatiance, on a primal level. the burning desire that gets snuffed like a candle against an ice rink. its maddening all the work and work and sweat and tears and blood and sleepless nights, breakdowns and sobfests and silence as you try to hide it;try to be the idol you adore try to beat the system that keeps killing and killing and killing that remainging drive inside of you that Will Not. Can. not. go. Out. [9]my brain might b in shipping mode rn bc my first thought was "i think hiiro would b into that tbh"
im always right :subaruagree:
WHAT DID RINNE TELL YOU TO DO HIIRO.. [Screenshot: Hiiro: (Hmm. Great, I didn’t know what to do… I didn’t think finishing my brother’s order would be this easy.)] exposed lol [Screenshot: Hiiro: Does it? Talking about strangeness, you’re also being strange these days. You disappeared from our dorm several times, didn’t you? Where were you off to? Tatsumi and we are worried.]
[10]aira doesnt know what to do with this stupid, stupid boy. (its not his fault he is gifted, not his fault aira cannot catch up) but, reluctantly, he heart still yet beats. and sighs, and loves
ah yes, fluff you know, my main writing style is fluff crack i have like. a series of fics which just make fun of the hanahaki genre by turning it all into crack. i wasnt. always like this
I DONT LIKE THESE EPISODE TITLES.. [Screenshot: Main Story 4 Chapter List: Episodes 122-126]
that was, until…. * war flashbacks *
moral of the story: blame me for being able to find suburb fanfics, and toku for giving me the main one that created an unedning longing to see my favorite characting in pain bc b4 that i always jsut wanted to see them happy lmao
episode 120 pitfalls oh dear god its a rinne episode the lack of mayoi is hurting me [11]THE THOUGHT OF TATSUMI DOING WOTAGEI IS KILLING ME [Screenshot: Aira: Yep. While we’re at it, I can teach you some wotagei, the slogans, and gestures we use to cheer for idols.] [pensive is typing for several minutes…] god im in anticipation and fear hiiro dont talk about how awesome your brother is, hes about to do something awful
[11]he would always go along with it because hes a good sport, and for some reason goes along with airas whims. it must be embarassing for the man, surely, as he himself is (still is) a top idol. why must he sink so low as to cheer among the peasents? its all for airas sake isnt it. and he doesnt know whether the heavy feeling in his heart whenever tatsumi accepts an offer to join him (always phrased jsut vaguely enough to hide what the doing entails, as if in some desperate, halfhearted attempted to increase the chances of getting him to say yes. munipluations hidden under smiles and "oh no, you didnt have to"s from a dirty, filthy liar) comes from a place of happiness; of finally being accepted, of having his hobbies, his passions, his life appreciated for the beauty it has seen-- or from a place of crushing, suffocating, unshakable guilt for forcing the role of "savior" upon the man who was crippled for the same reasons once upon a time (like a fairytale….) how dare he try and play with one of his beloved idols. how could he not remember the lessons beaten into him about boundaries. "this is how far your skill takes you, this shall be where you lay" truly, as tatsun would say (in a joking manner, brushed off like a stray piece of lint over his shoulder despite the heavy truth his words hold), he has sinned (it is not a joke) i think i went into mayoi teritory there ngl lol
ok wait sorry for being cringe and dropping off the face of the earth i fell asleep :insanity: I JUST WANT AIRA TO LOVE HIMSELF THIS IS AGONY every time i read ur writing pensive im like “so this is hurt/comfort right?” “:amamismile: he gets comforted later….. right………..”
why hurt/comfort when u can hurt/agony?
i don't make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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prime-wars · 2 years
howabout -- drift :^3
for those of u who dont know my nickname in our tf server is stage iv drift liker so im afraid uve just turned the key on pandora's box
favorite thing about them: drift is the kind of person who is constantly kicked down and beaten up by life and just refuses to stop living. and im not just talking about his early life in the dead end im talking about how drift joined the decepticons to help make cybertron a better place for people like him only to eventually realize that the decepticons had entirely abandoned that cause halfway through the war and he'd just missed the memo. and instead of giving up and defecting he stays with the decepticons and throws himself fully into the war to try and end it so that they Can start building that better cybertron that he was promised. and then that doesnt work and he ends up abandoned on theophany and he meets wing and ends up forging a better life for himself and learning to heal from all the shit thats happened to him. and then the decepticons show up and the one person he'd grown close to since megatron ends up dying because of them - because of him, because they'd shown up because of him. and instead of giving into the complete and utter despair of that reality, he goes on thru sheer force of will. he joins the autobots and becomes close to rodimus and they make this plan to just say fuck it to cybertron and go out to live their lives without having to deal with the likes of prowl breathing down their necks. and then he watches rodimus trip and fall into prowl's manipulations anyways, and still sticks with him, and works night and day to keep the crew from finding out, to the point that when the overlord thing inevitably blows up in their faces he takes the fall. and so again he finds himself losing the person he's closest to - both of them, since he's now being torn away from ratchet after finally getting to be around him after 4-something-million years. (oh, and also while he was going around on the lost light he ends up finding out that the rest of new crystal city ended up being destroyed and all its inhabitants have disappeared. just one more piece of his life that he's lost.) and still he forces himself to go on. he makes a living out of bounty hunting, even if it isnt much of one, and finds some kind of purpose to fulfill in saving the lives of those who cant save themselves. and then ratchet comes to get him and he agrees to go back to the lost light with him, and they survive through all the shit the universe tries to throw at them, and make it back to cybertron and makes a home together, and they get to live together and be happy for some indeterminate amount of time, and for once nothing is going wrong and he gets to live the life he set out to create all those years ago.
and then ratchet dies.
least favorite thing about them: idk !!! i really like him a lot. even the parts of him that would annoy me in any other character just endear him to me more.
favorite line: all his lines during the sparkeater arc in mtmte + ALL of his lines in eos are very special to me. i probably couldn't pick a favorite. but i will use this space to remind everyone that "be shoosh" is a real actual thing drift has said in canon.
brOTP: obviously we got the drift + rodimus friendship but i also really like the scraps we get to see of drift's friendship with pipes. if overlord never happened i like to imagine that pipes wouldve slowly integrated drift into the minibot friend group and they wouldve gotten along well together :]
OTP: dratchetrod all the way babey !!!!!!!!!! my all time fav
nOTP: hummmm..... i do enjoy wrift but not in the way most people like to portray them so i guess that counts. wrift while drift is still at crystal city and at an incredibly vulnerable point in his life is just kind of ehhh and feels a bit predatory on wing's end to me. but i love wing-lives-au wrift where they meet up after drift has figured his own shit out and is much more firmly on the route to recovery.
random headcanon: i think drift would listen to machine girl unironically. i think he would absolutely love love love machine girl he would go batshit to machine girl. also i think he would really love to garden, both organic plants and crystals. the act of nurturing new life and watching it grow and flourish because of him would help him a lot to work thru the hangups his time as deadlock wouldve given him.
unpopular opinion: oh god so many. a) the sex worker drift shit is weird and fetishistic as fuck, b) the way people talk about drift's past as an addict in a lot of fanwork is INSANE and really shows how many people view addicts as less-than human, c) direct quote from @sparkxii : "Test for transformers fans describe Drift and if you do an overly detailed description of his legs a car comes down from the ceiling and falls on you a la saw trap style"
song i associate with them: drift is one of the three characters i actually have a character playlist for so i have a bunch, but if i had to choose just one... Jig of Life by Kate Bush <3
favorite picture of them: i have so so so so so many but this one panel of him is really cute 2 me. the little "and they dont change into anything" is SO funny
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