#the auditory learners'
beedlex · 2 months
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Yttd doodles
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Abstract Many teachers and researchers, among others, continue to believe, despite the lack of evidence, that learning will be more effective if educators match their teaching approaches to students’ alleged learning styles. Scholars have called for more research on why the belief in learning styles is so appealing. This conceptual paper suggests four moral intuitions or sensibilities that underlie the appeal: (1) the desire for rational control, (2) our sense of justice, (3) the feeling that everyone is unique, and (4) reverence for the natural. Speaking to these intuitions could strengthen efforts to debunk the myth of learning styles in teacher education.
[..] Experts aren’t sure how the concept spread, but it might have had something to do with the self-esteem movement of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. Everyone was special��so everyone must have a special learning style, too. Teachers told students about it in grade school. “Teachers like to think that they can reach every student, even struggling students, just by tailoring their instruction to match each student’s preferred learning format,” said Central Michigan University’s Abby Knoll, a PhD student who has studied learning styles. (Students, meanwhile, like to blame their scholastic failures on their teacher’s failure to align their teaching style with their learning style.)
Either way, “by the time we get students at college,” said the Indiana University professor Polly Husmann, “they’ve already been told ‘You’re a visual learner.’” Or aural, or what have you.
The thing is, they’re not. Or at least, a lot of evidence suggests that people aren’t really one certain kind of learner or another. In a study published last month in the journal Anatomical Sciences Education, Husmann and her colleagues had hundreds of students take the Vark questionnaire to determine what kind of learner they supposedly were. The survey then gave them some study strategies that seem like they would correlate with that learning style. Husmann found that not only did students not study in ways that seemed to reflect their learning style, those who did tailor their studying to suit their style didn’t do any better on their tests.
Husmann thinks the students had fallen into certain study habits, which, once formed, were too hard to break. Students seemed to be interested in their learning styles, but not enough to actually change their studying behavior based on them. And even if they had, it wouldn’t have mattered.
“I think as a purely reflective exercise, just to get you thinking about your study habits, [Vark] might have a benefit,” Husmann said. “But the way we’ve been categorizing these learning styles doesn’t seem to hold up.”
Another study published last year in the British Journal of Psychology found that students who preferred learning visually thought they would remember pictures better, and those who preferred learning verbally thought they’d remember words better. But those preferences had no correlation to which they actually remembered better later on—words or pictures. Essentially, all the “learning style” meant, in this case, was that the subjects liked words or pictures better, not that words or pictures worked better for their memories.
In other words, “there’s evidence that people do try to treat tasks in accordance with what they believe to be their learning style, but it doesn’t help them,” says Daniel Willingham, a psychologist at the University of Virginia. In 2015, he reviewed the literature on learning styles and concluded that “learning styles theories have not panned out.”
That same year, a Journal of Educational Psychology paper found no relationship between the study subjects’ learning-style preference (visual or auditory) and their performance on reading- or listening-comprehension tests. Instead, the visual learners performed best on all kinds of tests. Therefore, the authors concluded, teachers should stop trying to gear some lessons toward “auditory learners.” “Educators may actually be doing a disservice to auditory learners by continually accommodating their auditory learning style,” they wrote, “rather than focusing on strengthening their visual word skills.”
In our conversation, Willingham brought up another study, published in 2009, in which people who said they liked to think visually or verbally really did try to think that way: Self-proclaimed visualizers tried to create an image, and self-proclaimed verbalizers tried to form words. But, there was a rub, he said: “If you’re a visualizer and I give you pictures, you don’t remember pictures any better than anyone who says they’re verbalizer.”
This doesn’t mean everyone is equally good at every skill, of course. Really, Willingham says, people have different abilities, not styles. Some people read better than others; some people hear worse than others. But most of the tasks we encounter are only really suited to one type of learning. You can’t visualize a perfect French accent, for example.
Considering the sources of teacher training, Ed Schools, are extremely highly ideological, the perpetuation of this "neuromyth" is probably not an accident or misunderstanding.
These are the schools that have attached quasi-religious overtones to their preferred, but ineffective, process of teaching kids to read, and have been denying evidence-based methods for decades.
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fandomsupporter · 1 year
looking at an article to figure out how to do something, getting completely overwhelmed with all the words, then seeing there’s a video at the bottom with the exact same information laid out and thinking “well why didn’t you just START with that?”
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applejongho · 1 year
if I ever say anything about anyone's voice I'm too far gone they're gonna be a bias in a few months if they aren't already
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kissingwookiees · 2 years
they should invent an type of learning and information gathering that doesnt require reading
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mostlyfrommemory · 5 months
Radio Kid
What do you remember about the radio?
You hear the term iPad kids these days. Or children who learned how to operate iPads before they learned to speak. Consequently, they develop an addiction to this device. It doesn’t seem to be a term of endearment, but rather a derogatory term. These iPad kids don’t have a clue about how the real word is. I remember hearing the same kind of language when I was a kid but attached to Television.…
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prabhatjairam · 8 months
Identifying Students' Learning Styles
The concept of "learning styles" depends on the belief that learners often acquire knowledge through distinct and preferred modalities. Students will understand better if they are taught in a manner that conforms to their interests. Every student preferred different ways of learning for different subjects. Some learn best by listening; some have to do it to learn it, while others observe every step. To identify the most appropriate style, we will provide you with an overall idea of different learning styles that will prove beneficial for students learning.
Learning Styles
A learning style is a way that students prefer to comprehend, absorb, process, and retain information. The term "learning style" refers to the understanding that every learner learns differently. It influences how teachers teach, how students learn, and how the two collaborate. It serves as a pretty good indicator of how students interact with, perceive, and respond to the learning environment.
Types of Learning Styles
Every child has a technique they use to remember information while understanding concepts. Some of them make diagrams, some take notes, some listen to lectures, and so on. Scientists discover various learning styles to help students understand and learn new information because no single learning style fits all learners. These styles are found within the VARK model of student learning, which refers to the four types of learning styles: visual, auditory, reading/writing preference, and kinesthetic.
1. Visual Learning
The visual learning style refers to the spatial learning style. It is a way of learning in which information is presented in a visual format. With this type of learning style, students prefer to use graphics, images, maps, and colors to communicate thoughts and ideas. It has a significant impact on students’ brains as it helps them retain information for a longer period. In addition, the images can be captured based on spatial awareness, brightness, color, images, or any other visual information. The following are some characteristics of visual learning:
Visual learners can easily recall information in the form of words, numbers, sentences, and phrases.
They have strong visual-spatial skills, including shapes, angles, textures, dimensions, and sizes.
They have a keen awareness of the physical environment and visual media.
Aside from that, visual learners use their memory as a television screen with organized information.
2. Auditory Learning
Auditory learning is another style of learning in which students learn most efficiently through listening and hearing. Auditory learners often love music and learn best through their sense of hearing. They like to read out loud instead of being silent, even when they’re alone. Children who are auditory learners have a much stronger understanding that enables them to listen to their teachers when they explain something important. Some effective key points of auditory learning include:
Children can learn best by listening to information.
Aural learners have strong oral communication skills that allow them to carry on conversations.
They can remember details of information heard in lectures or collaborations.
Vocabulary and phrases can be developed through auditory learning.
study24hr.com has developed a comprehensive and multi-modality learning curriculum that enables learners to reach successful levels of understanding. study24hr.com guides students through personalized learning paths. The portal is designed to meet a vast array of learning needs, ensuring complete coverage of the needed talent and skills.
3. Reading and Writing Learning
Read and write learners learn primarily by writing and reading. They prefer to acquire information by reading textbooks, notes, and handouts. These learners make use of reference materials and dictionaries. Students and teachers tend to lean towards this style as it helps learners in terms of correlating, conceptualizing, analyzing, and acquiring knowledge. It has multiple characteristics, such as follows:
Reading and writing information are the most effective ways to learn.
Use headings, glossaries, definitions, and dictionaries to understand topics.
Generally, take verbatim notes in sessions.
Do well with essay tests and multiple-choice questions.
4. Kinesthetic Learning
Kinesthetic learning, also known as tactile learning, involves physical activity. It is a way of processing information through touch and movement. Kinesthetic learners use body gestures to better understand learning procedures. When they can interact with their surroundings, they retain information more effectively. Besides, students can learn best when shown presentations, videos, and simulations. This type of learning is best suited to situations like field trips, role plays, hands-on projects, and competitions. Additionally, the prominent characteristics of kinesthetic learning are as follows::
Full-body movement is the most effective way to learn.
Well-coordinated, with an acute sense of body movement and timing.
Learn well in activities involving performances, such as those involving actors, athletes, and dancers.
Work well in various fields such as sculpting, repairing, art, or working with tools.
To get the daily booster, please visit: Daily Booster Article| study24hr.com
Tips to identify the learning style
There are several ways students can assess their learning capabilities and determine what learning style best suits their needs. Here are various tips that learners can consider while trying to identify their learning style:
Examine different learning methods.
It may be helpful for learners to experiment with learning the same materials through different methods to determine which style best suits their needs.
Reflect on your learning experiences.
Students can consider their past learning experiences and think about what methods of acquiring knowledge have been most successful for them over time.
Ask your instructor or supervisor for feedback.
As an educator or student, you can request feedback about your learning style from an instructor or a supervisor, who can help you by offering insight into your ability to process information.
The Final Review
Remember, a learning style simplifies your preferred way of learning. It is very important to understand and identify your preferred style. You should be careful while choosing the most appropriate style that fits your needs. No matter what side of education you’re coming from, you can benefit yourself by understanding the best learning method. Therefore, enhance your learning skills and talent with the help of the VARK learning approach.
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runepou · 9 months
Important stuff to remember about each language
Weather it be pronunciation or certain meanings to different words just small stuff like that
does that rlly help?
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Early Childhood - Language
Phonemic awareness begins with a student’s knowledge of sounds and being able to hear the sounds in words. We can help children hear individual sounds by:
Articulating slowly and carefully
Encouraging the children to speak and pronounce words
Repeating new words
Singing songs
Reading books
Reciting poetry
Playing sound games
This student is working with the Key Cards focusing on ending sounds. This material helps to enhance auditory discrimination in preparation for reading and spelling, writing with the moveable alphabet, listening, and vocabulary enhancement.
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consideratesea · 1 year
does anyone else think in like mostly sounds and images (snippets or daydreams or whatever, can be music “movies” pictures etc., you know what I mean lol) is there a name for this?
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bfpnola · 2 years
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just wanted to remind everyone again not only of the 3,000+ resources offered through our Liberation Library but also of the study guides for beginners offered under each of our social justice topics!
resources can be organized by type (article, novel, podcast, video, etc.) as well as filtered and searched through. we’ve tried to make our system much more accessible than our former platform on google docs so this is such an exciting development to share with everyone.
please share to promote equitable access education!and if you’d like to volunteer with us, check out our open resources committee roles!
REBLOG THIS VERSION! image description by @bonesandblood-sunandmoon below the cut. thank you for writing one!
[Image Description: Six screenshots of beginner study guides on mobile view. The main text visible under each title reads:
Confused on where to start? Better Future Program has organized a study guide just for you! Use the ‘Search’ and ‘Sort’ tools to view only certain types of resources, like articles for visual learners or podcasts for auditory learners. Back to the master document of Social Justice Resources.
Five of the study guides have the start of a list of resources available with color coded resource types visible - Posts have a purple box, for example. Each study guide has an image. Prison/Policing Abolition has an image of chains, Organizing has two humanoid figures hugging, Classism and Anti-Capitalism has a stack of dollar bills, Anarchism has the red ‘A’ in a circle, Mad Studies has a yellow and orange capsule/pill, and Free Palestine has the flag of Palestine.
/End description.]
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My state is giving us money to take a class and bro…when I tell you it’s an obscene amount of work ☠️☠️☠️ on top of a full time job. Alright.
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imapaintedwhore · 2 years
Me: I figured out what I want for Christmas.
Santa: What is it?
Me: For A03 to have audiobooks, or some way that fics could be read to me. Maybe there could be volunteers that read chapters and upload their recordings. Or people who are trying to become voice actors are hired and they can get paid. I mean I’d pay…
Santa: Dude, I’m not a miracle worker.
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lurochar · 2 months
Yandere Alastor x Reader who refuses to talk and not just to him but to everyone. Maybe one day he came off way too strong to her and ever since then she hasn’t spoken a word. How would he react? It’s almost like she’s ignoring him as she always has the far off look in her eyes even when he’s speaking to her.
Not sure if this is quite what you requested, Anon, but hopefully it’s a little satisfactory >_<
Warnings: Yandere!Alastor, Violence
Everyone is quite worried about you. They have no idea why you suddenly just stopped… talking, but Husk and Vaggie have a pretty good guess and it definitely has something to do with their hotelier because of course it does.
Alastor, on the other hand, thinks your reaction to his… proposal (not literal, but aww, if you took it that way, he wouldn’t have refused your darling little self) is cute at first. So you’re playing hard to get, making him work for it? Usually, it’s demons coming to him asking and begging for deals in exchange for their souls, not the other way around.
Perhaps he was a little too forward, blunt in asking for your soul right away? It seems he was a little too eager to have you solely for himself that he completely forgot his manners – he didn’t woo you like a gentleman should.
After a proper courtship, only then should he have sweet talked you into giving him your soul.
But after a while, you refusing to speak, to him, to anyone – just avoiding everyone in general, completely spooked by the near loss of your soul (and Alastor, on some level, can understand your way of thinking, you are relatively new to Hell after all), well, it’s starting to irritate Alastor a little. 
He does want to hear your lovely voice again.
So, he starts out small, casual things – acts of service, maybe cooking your favourite meal, doing one of your chores around the hotel, buying a trinket on one of his outings. He does hope you’ll be at least polite enough to thank him for what he’s doing for you, but all he gets is a shaky nod before you’re running to the ‘safety’ to your room.
That’s fine, there are other ways to make people talk.
He just didn’t want to have to use them with you, but he didn’t realize you were this stubborn and if his kindness was wasted…
Alastor goes to collect any and all acquaintances, friends, and family members of yours to be rounded up and brought to his radio tower. His shadow has forcibly sealed you in Alastor’s room at the hotel and you have to listen in absolute horror as familiar screams are being broadcasted to you through the multiple radios in Alastor’s room.
“My sweet Doe, I will stop this, but we must make a deal first. Do promise me you will never give me this dreadful silent treatment again and I won’t lay a finger on any of these souls again. Do we have a deal?”
You are completely frozen in fear, the screams echoing in your head. Is this a trick? If you go there, is that what Alastor would do to you too? You don’t answer Alastor’s question, you can’t.
There is a sigh over the radio and Alastor’s shadow perks up, picking you up a moment later and you’re silently panicking, wondering if these are your last moments alive as you and the shadow travel through the voids right into Alastor’s radio tower.
“Interesting. I didn’t believe I would have to go this far, but…”
A breath escapes you and you tense when Alastor pulls you up from the ground, drawing your back to his chest (though he has to lean down some) as he places his hands tightly on your shoulders, claws ripping the fabric of your clothes. “While I may prefer the auditory experience, some are visual learners, I suppose.”
At some point, you believe you completely dissociate, unable to keep watching Alastor brutally torture your friends outside the hotel and the few family members you had found and reunited with in Hell and it’s then that Alastor strikes.
He does cast a spell on you after he’s finished with what started this all, his proposal for your soul and now he’s thinking about it, a real proposal may be coming very soon.
It’s a spell intended to scramble your mind, thoughts, and memories if you ever decide to talk with Charlie and the others again (he honestly thought about just stashing you away elsewhere, but seeing as he spent the majority of his time at the Hazbin Hotel, you would be safest there too), that you would not recall anything that Alastor had just done to you or that he now owned your soul to begin with.
After all, he certainly did not need Charlie to call Lucifer up if it ever did get out what he had put you through just to get you to speak again and to get you to sign your soul over to him.
Alastor had what he wanted and he would not let a little deadbeat ruin it.
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prettieinpink · 11 months
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LIST YOUR ACADEMIC STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES. This is so you can allocate time accordingly and avoid wasting any time. 
PRIORITISE ANY SUBJECTS. These may be subjects that will help you in your future career or just a subject you especially want a good grade in. Anything for these subjects then becomes the most important on your to-do list.
DIVIDE TIME EACH DAY. Not all days you are going to be able to sit down at your desk at the same time. Instead, according to your energy levels and planned activities, divide your time.
E.g I have cheerleading after school and I'm going to be so tired, so I’ll do my studying in the morning instead. 
ESTABLISH BREAKS. Depending on how long you can study for, place a suitable break in between. This helps make studying more productive, but only if your breaks are. 
USE YOUR TIMETABLE. On days you don’t have a specific subject, dedicate more time to that one. 
CONSIDER YOUR LEARNING STYLE. This helps to be a bit more specific when creating it, instead of winging it and just doing anything. Having a consistent way of studying helps us learn better. 
E.g I’m a visual learner, so I’ll watch animations. I'm an auditory learner so I’ll watch a video of someone explaining it. 
KNOW WHAT YOU WILL DO DURING STUDYING. Do not just wing studying, it’s unproductive and you’re more likely to waste time instead of using it.
 Before you start studying, write a to-do list of everything you need to do during that session and how you will do it. Less time time-consuming and allows you to use time productively. 
SAMPLE – this is Lanny’s daily study routine without any upcoming tests, as an early bird, kinesthetic learner and needs breaks to think with clarity.
Review my flashcards in preparation for any test. 
Write/note any flashcards I'm struggling with. 
Check seqta/school website to access my courses, in which I’ll write down which subjects I had. 
Do a few quick blurts on paper of everything I learned in those subjects with prior reading. I only do this for HASS, math and science + any electives that require it. (blurting method)
Then I recheck my blurts, add in anything that I’ve missed and correct with a different coloured pen. 
After, I push those papers aside but I do not discard them. I’ll then complete my online science homework + class workbook. If I happen not to understand anything I’ll watch a video on it and then complete some questions on that. 
I’ll take a break around now because, on an estimate, it has been around 20-40 minutes since I started depending on how my science homework is. I usually eat something and then get back to it. 
Math is next. I’ll complete any math homework, then I’ll practice doing math questions on my own. What I like to do is watch a math video, pause the question without the answer then watch to see if I got it. Effective because they explain it and I can see where I went wrong without analysing my working out which is rather time-consuming. 
I take another break. Math stuff usually takes around 20-30 minutes. 
I then do HASS, which is the easiest. I usually read an article or watch a video on hass then apply that knowledge by answering questions OR doing assigned chapter work. 
I do not study English after school, but I usually read an assigned passage/book and then try to apply any techniques/knowledge by taking that paragraph apart and analysing it. Sometimes, I write my paragraphs using any taught techniques and then mark them. 
Then, I redo my blurtings again but without prior reading then recheck and correct. Then I am finished for the afternoon!!
Review flashcards then watch a video/read an article on what I was struggling with in the morning but I do not do anything to consolidate this knowledge. 
That is all, please feel free to ask me about any questions about studying as I don't really post much about it, I'll love to help out any fellow students! 
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feralposting · 4 months
Hey what’s conversational hypnosis? I’m an auditory learner by the way :33
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