#the babysitter ajinda is real in that bbomb
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day 75/548 of hobi's military service
this selca was posted on 131210, when they visited yoongi who was in the hospital for his appendectomy, with the caption:
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
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V's Diary in Japan Weather : It's raining here.. While we were in Japan we had a showcase, photo-shoot and interview. Although we've been through it before, the first stages always seem nerve-wrecking. Actually I was shaking a little during our showcase but as I got accustomed to it I slowly enjoyed myself! Time has passed so fast since our debut showcase and that now we're having a showcase in Japan, it's honestly a whole new feeling. So that we won't disappoint our ARMYs, we've to become an even better and even more handsome BTS!! Ah also we had a photo-shoot after our showcase I was so happy because it was taken really well~ I hope it'll be revealed soon!!
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
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Hello! ㅎㅅㅎ Jimin-ie's here after a long while hehe We've had our first Japan showcase! Our debut showcase in June feels as though it was just a few days ago but time's passing so fast while performing infront of our ARMYs, us smiling at each other and enjoying ourselves, it's honestly something I still haven't adapted to. At every moment I really do (feel that I) have to work harder. To put in more effort. Also that we've to always be thankful for ours fans. These seem like rather obvious to say but I really do think so! Everytime we see ARMYs it's really enjoyable for us but I hope that it's also as enjoyable and happy for our ARMYs when you see us~~ Thank you very much~~ -Our ARMYs always be smiling~ All the good luck~~With that in mind everybody kimchi~~~~! (Sorry for the real kimchi^^;) ps. Suga hyung's alright so don't worry too much~~~~
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
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I'm RapMon. We went to Suga hyung's hospital ward. It's a real relief that he looks alright. He looks so bored it's pitiful. Singing Syub hyung is the best.
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
bangtan bomb posted that day:
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