#the batfamily and the rogues gallery. His Range
incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Hello! While scrolling between random hurt/comfort fica I stumbled into a batfamily one and decided to give it a shot and now I am curious about this fandom! Never read any dc/marvel comic and watched maybe a couple of superhero movies so I have basically 0 knowledge about batman except that Robin is his apprentice but also apparently there's multiple Robins??
Can I have a general fandom/family introduction? I'm very confused but also really curious since I'm an avid found family enjoyer :)
What the heck is this fandom?
If you're reading this, you probably either a) want to get into comics but aren’t sure where to start or b) found yourself plopped in the middle and don't know what's going on.
DC Comics encompasses a wide range of characters and storylines with varying levels of popularity, and is home to some of the most iconic figures like Superman and Wonder Woman. What often happens in the DC and Marvel fandoms is that rather than trying to engage with everything, many fans will have a certain subset of content that they focus on. Sometimes it's a single character, sometimes it's a team like the Justice League, or sometimes it's a superhero family unit such as the Flash Family.
This blog primarily focuses on the batfamily, which is the group of characters that operate as Gotham City vigilantes centered around Batman. Some are legally/biologically related, some aren't. Generally speaking, the batfamily fandom is one of the larger subgroups within the DC fandom because so many of the comics revolve around these characters.
Who is Batman?
Are you living under a rock
Batman, AKA Bruce Wayne, begins with the infamous tragic origin where his parents were shot dead in an alleyway when he was 8, leaving him an orphan to be raised by his butler/surrogate father figure, Alfred Pennyworth. Once Bruce got a little older, he donned the costume to deal with criminals directly and bring justice to the city.
His civilian identity is Bruce Wayne, the (and I say this begrudgingly) billionaire CEO of his family's company, Wayne Enterprises. The company makes a little of everything and keeps Gotham afloat with job creation and philanthropy. Nothing unethical about one rich guy running an entire city.
His alter ego is Batman, and he uses his wit and extensive training to fight an array of both petty criminals as well as big-name villains like the Joker, the Riddler, Two-Face and more (collectively known as the Gotham Rogues gallery).
NOTE: some former villains, like Harley Quinn, have been rebranded as anti-heroes.
Batman operates out of a hidden cave (yes, a literal cave) under Wayne Manor known as the Batcave. This is where he keeps all sorts of high-tech paraphanalia, including his Batmobile, bat-plane, batarangs (bat boomerangs), and a powerful computer known as—you guessed it—the Batcomputer.
Batman's primary love interest is a former villain known as Catwoman, AKA Selina Kyle, who is a master thief. (Her backstory includes growing up with an abusive father and turning to stealing for survival.) She's since reformed and has been indicted into the Justice League. They're really cute if you don't think about how they're technically two furries who roleplay as cops and robbers.
NOTE: in an alternate timeline, Bruce dies as a child in that alley as Thomas Wayne becomes Batman while Martha Wayne becomes the Joker.
Okay, what about... Robin? Robins?
There's a lot to unpack here.
The OG Robin is Dick Grayson. Yes, we still call him Dick in the year 2022. He was a child acrobat who was part of a trio, The Flying Graysons, with his parents, John and Mary, in a traveling circus called Haly's Circus. Haly's stopped in Gotham, where a crime boss named Tony Zucco tried to get them to pay protection money. When Haly refused, Zucco sabotaged the trapezes and Dick's parents fell to their deaths. Bruce was at that show and because Orphans Unite or whatnot, he takes little Dick under his wing as a ward (not legally adopted at this point, Bruce is in his early to mid 20s). Dick joins Batman's crusade as the colorful pantsless sidekick known as Robin. As Robin, he also became the leader of what would eventually be a multigenerational superhero team known as the Teen Titans.
The second Robin is Jason Todd. He grew up in Gotham's notorious Crime Alley, where his mother, Catherine, was a substance user and his father, Willis, was an overall piece of garbage. After his father goes to jail and his mother dies of an overdose, Jason is essentially an orphan left to fend for himself on the streets. His run-in with Batman happens when he tries to steal to Batmobile tires to sell, and instead of getting punished, he gets adopted. Legally, this time. So while Dick is the oldest, Jason is Bruce's first kid. Jason takes on the Robin mantle and fights crime, yada yada. What he's well-known for is his death, where he set out to Ethiopia to find his biological mother, Sheila Haywood, and is killed by the Joker. Then Superman breaks reality and Jason comes back to life, spends some time with the League of Assassins, and gets rebranded as a crime lord/anti-hero with a hell of a grudge against Bruce for not avenging him.
While Jason was dead, we get our third Robin and the first one with pants: Tim Drake. Tim is actually Bruce's neighbor (the way rich people can be neighbors with spaced-out properties). He grew up with wealthy but neglectful parents, Janet and Jack Drake, who often left Tim home alone as a small child while they went on their archeology expeditions. Tim takes an interest in the Gotham vigilantes and sets out to follow them around and gather evidence to figure out who they are. Eventually, he deduces Bruce, Dick, and Jason's identities by some moves unique to the Flying Graysons. Then, Tim basically blackmails Bruce into letting him be Robin and has his own teenage superhero team called Young Justice. After the Robin title is taken away from him, he becomes Red Robin (yes, like the restaurant chain) and while everyone thinks Batman is dead during this time, Tim is the only one who believes otherwise. Also, his mom drinks poison, dad is killed by a boomerang, best friend is killed by an evil clone, other best friend is also killed by an evil clone, girlfriend dies (see below), assassins steal his spleen, and now he's bisexual and dating a boy who creates conspiracy theories.
NOTE: In an alternate timeline, Carrie Kelley becomes the third Robin.
Robin #4 is Stephanie Brown. She actually didn't become Robin until well into her vigilante career. She actually made a name for herself as Spoiler with the purpose of taking down her father, a D-list Gotham villain known as Cluemaster. Similar to everyone in this franchise, her childhood wasn't ideal as her father was always up to criminal activities and her mother worked a lot as well as (in some versions) used drugs. She later becomes the fifth Batgirl and then Robin before her death in the 2005 War Games comics, where she is killed when she seeks out a villain against Batman's orders. She then returns from the dead and goes back to being Spoiler. She also dated Tim and was a fairly long-running relationship before they broke up. She also had a teen pregnancy at one point (not by Tim) and had a daughter that she put up for adoption.
Robin #5 is Damian Wayne, the biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul (daughter to Ra's Al Ghul, leader of a villainous organization known as the League of Assassins). Damian was raised in the League of Assassins for the first half of his childhood, where he was trained to be the heir to Ra's Al Ghul's empire. Talia brought him to Bruce when he was ~10 to refine his skills with Batman. However, that kind of goes awry when Bruce fakes his death and Damian is raised by Dick instead. Damian also becomes a Teen Titans leader as well as forms a friendship with Jon Kent, son of Superman (please read Super Sons, it's adorable). Damian is then killed by his oversized evil clone and is brought back to life on the planet Apokolips (no one stays dead istg).
Duke Thomas's relationship with the Robin mantle is a little more complicated. Duke first shows up as a really intelligent kid who solves one of the Riddler's puzzles. Later on, he becomes the leader (aided by Alfred Pennyworth) of a group of teenage vigilantes known as We Are Robin, who helped take care of Gotham crime while Batman was missing. His parents were, for a lack of a better term, disabled after one of the Joker's gas attacks (seriously, someone euthanize this clown). Bruce takes Duke under his wing and Duke rebrands himself as the Signal. He's unique from other Gotham heroes in a couple aspects: 1) he fights crime in the daytime instead of night and 2) he has photokinetic superpowers. (He's also dating one of the We Are Robins members, Izzy Ortiz.)
What about the others, like Batwoman and Batgirl?
Similar to Robin, Batgirl is a title held by multiple people. The first Batgirl was Bette Kane (who is now Flamebird), but the most well-known one was the second one, Barbara Gordon. Barbara (Babs for short) is the daughter of Gotham police commissioner Jim Gordon. Inspired by other Gotham heroes, she became Batgirl behind her parents' back and worked in tandem with Bruce and Dick, forming a relationship with Dick along the way. She became a quadriplegic after getting shot by the Joker but refused to step down from the field, instead using her intelligence and technological capabilities to surveil and provide intel under a new moniker, Oracle. She also has her own team, the Birds of Prey, which includes people like Huntress and Black Canary.
After Barbara, the next Batgirl is Cassandra Cain (who is also Bruce's only legal daughter in the main continuity). She is the daughter of David Cain and an assassin known as Lady Shiva. Cass was raised by David within the League of Assassins and trained to be a fighting machine, similar to Damian. She was raised in isolation without speech or literacy, but can read body language really well. Her first kill was when she was 8, and that traumatized her so much that she ran away, wandering around until eventually reaching Gotham and becoming both Bruce and Barbara's ward. She holds other titles like Black Bat along the way but is most known as Orphan. She also befriends Stephanie, had a short relationship with Superboy (Conner Kent) and, like half the people here, dies and comes back. Depending on who you talk to, some people keep her lack of speech, some have her speaking, and some prefer an in-between.
Stephanie was Batgirl after Cass. See above.
Kate Kane is Batwoman and Bruce Wayne's cousin. She grew up similarly wealthy in a high-level military family, often moving around as a child. Her twin sister and mother were killed in a terrorist attack in Belgium, leaving her father to raise her. She got into West Point military academy but was expelled in her final year after coming out as lesbian under the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. After that, she spent a year on an island civilization before returning to Gotham. After Batman saved her from a mugging, Kate bought some equipment on the black market and trained herself to become Batwoman. Also, we as a fandom don't talk about her flamethrower gloves enough.
NOTE: in an alternate timeline, Carrie Kelley was also Batgirl and Batwoman.
Harper Row is Bluebird, and similar to Batwoman, she is a mostly independent Gotham hero who was inspired by Batman. Growing up, Harper often had to take care of things like household repairs and look after her younger brother, Cullen, because their father was abusive and didn't do anything for them. Eventually, she sought emancipation and got them out of there, but things still weren't easy. She went to college, but had to drop out and get a job in order to provide for her and her brother. She became Bluebird after Batman saved her and Cullen, engineering her own weapons like a giant taser. Fun fact: she's bi and her brother is gay.
This is still really confusing. Who's who right now?
Canon sucks so here's what the fandom largely know them as:
Bruce is Batman. He might have some suit modifications or occasionally pilot a giant bat robot, but he's Batman
Dick is Nightwing. He took over as Batman for a short period of time, but after Bruce returned, he went back to being Nightwing we don't talk about Ric
Jason is Red Hood. That was actually the Joker's previous title but now Jason holds it
Tim is... usually Robin or Red Robin, it kinda depends on context. Canonically he's back to being Robin now, but a lot of us still refer to him as Red Robin
Damian is Robin. He had the alias Redbird at one point but everyone calls him Robin
Duke is the Signal. Again, there were some alias changes (like Lark) but he's the Signal around here
Stephanie is Spoiler, but again, it depends on context
Cassandra is usually referred to as Orphan, but you'll occasionally see Batgirl or Black Bat depending on who you talk to
Barbara was rehashed as Batgirl in recent canon but we all hate the disability erasure so you'll see a lot of us still call her Oracle
Harper is Bluebird. I don't recall her having any other titles. Her brother isn't a vigilante
Selina (yes, she's part of the batfamily) is Catwoman
Alfred is... Alfred. On the field he goes by Agent A and his previous spy career often comes in handy
This isn't the sum of it. There are a whole bunch of other bat characters (Bette Kane, Luke Fox, Jean-Paul Valley, Helena Bertinelli, Terry McGinnis, etc.) that I didn't get into here partly because I don't focus on them as much and partly because of space. I also didn't get into all the lore for characters I did explain, like Dick's police career or other teams/relationships. There are also some inconsistencies between different timelines and reboots.
I encourage you to explore beyond what I presented with other heroes and villains since I know Batman isn't for everyone. I also encourage you to explore the comics, talk to people, and figure out for yourself what characters or storylines best fit you. Don't be afraid to take your time, either. We've been here nearly a century. We're not going anywhere.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Lost at sea, or maybe I'm your island (a lost and batman crossover you never knew you wanted)
by darknesssfriend0
Trapped on an island, plane crashed, stuck with the survivors of oceanic flight 815.
Bruce Wayne is stuck, and this time he can't be batman. because he left his cape and cowl at home, now he has to protect the night as Bruce Wayne.
but Smoke monsters, polar bears in the tropics, a doomsday computer, mysterious enemies, a forgotten organisation, ghosts, and explosions.
are too inciting to just be a coincidence, how will this mystery unravel? will they ever get off the island?
find out inside!
(or AKA Bruce Wayne is from Gotham and basically fearless, while the entire lost cast is screaming and shooting people.)
Words: 3300, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Lost (TV 2004)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Charlie Pace, Claire Littleton, Bruce Wayne, Jack Shephard, Sayid Jarrah, Batfamily Members, Hugo Reyes, Rogues Gallery (Batman) metioned, the other survivors (Lost (TV 2004)), The Others (Lost (TV 2004)), Benjamin Linus, Juliet Burke, Penelope Widmore, Desmond Hume
Relationships: Claire Littleton/Charlie Pace, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Desmond Hume/Penelope Widmore
Additional Tags: Bruce Wayne is Batman, Bruce Wayne is Brucie Wayne, Bruce Wayne is stuck on an island and is trying not to reveal his identity as batman, Basically a AU, The Batman lost (TV 2004) crossover you never expected, Jack Needs a Hug, Gotham Lore, Gotham City is Terrible, everyone is horrified by bruce, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Detective Bruce Wayne, Approximately 7 more people live in this AU crossover, basically no one knows who the hell Bruce Wayne is, let alone batman, the lost Cast lives under a rock, bruce is going to absolutely going to have a hard time, mostly because of all the guns, lost canonically has basically everyone use a gun at some point, Bruce Wayne Tries, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, For All Of Them, the batfam is currently in crisis mode, Timey-Wimey, Multiverse, Murder, Attempted Murder, Mass Murder, Ben is the worst, DHARMA Initiative, the others are coming to kill you! the others are back in town to KILL YOU!, Bat-a-rangs, Autistic Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is very very strong, no beta we die like dharma initiative, Magic, Ghosts, whatever the fuck the island is, much radiation poisoning, Desmond's gonna freaking explode, The smoke monster (lost (TV 2004)), The Numbers, John Locke's missing kidney, daddy issues YEAHA!, the doomsday computer, Explosions, Batman Identity Reveal, people still die in this AU, I have no clue how to write them alive, Charlie is a druggie, I'm Bad At Tagging, after I finish lost I'm gonna cry and rewatch it, I'm sure people aren't gonna live, Whispering TM, Leader Jack Shepard, whatever happened to the kids the others stole? like really where did they go?, Bruce Wayne Loves Children
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44919646
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crowbcrs · 5 years
Tumblr media
hey, have you noticed [ RED HOOD ] around lately? rumor is they’re from [ GOTHAM ]. out of costume, i think they go by [ JASON TODD ]. their [ STRONG TACTICAL SKILLSET ] makes them a perfect fit for [ THE BATFAMILY / THE ROGUES GALLERY ].
I have a full biography here but this is going to be the TLDR!!! 
Jason was Robin until the Joker killed him at fifteen, he was resurrected by some time fuckery, and revived by the Lazarus Pit.
Lazarus Pit combined with PTSD from dying made him violent and impulsive in the years following his resurrection. In recent years he has chilled out a little. Not that much tho.
He’s currently acting as the vigilante known as the Red Hood. Jason is different from other members of the Batfamily in that he does not have any qualms about using lethal force, and as such, guns are his weapon of choice. 
His role in the East Coast drug trade and the other illegal ways (theft, embezzlement, etc.) he finances his operations make him closer to an anti-hero than a hero.
- Feel free to ask for clarification on any of this and please DM me for plots!!!!
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deadletterpoets · 4 years
I always felt like the Batfamily as a whole and the batfamily prominent in Bat books (specifically Batman and Detective Comics) are two separate things.
Basically characters like Dick Grayson, Kate Kane, Selina Kyle, Barbara Gordon, Luke Fox, Jason Todd (though I’m only including him cause DC continues to have him be Batfam imo he shouldn’t be batfam at all but that’s another post) should show up for big batfamily events, but should basically be their own thing for the most part. These characters would have prominent solo ongoing books and/or have team ongoing books which allows for a true supporting cast that’s all on them with more unique rogue’s gallery and less focus on Bruce’s mission.
While characters like Tim Drake, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne (this should be the line up for the Gotham Knights game btw but whatever), and Harper Row should be the main batfam that Bruce calls on and depends on specifically in Gotham. Barbara Gordon is probably the only one that can tether the line between the two due to her range as Oracle (but if she’s Batgirl then forget it). These characters would appear heavy in Batman and Detective Comics while some might have a solo or team ongoing (Tim being in Young Justice for example), for the most part I can see a batfam team type book or a series of minis for each character that can help guide them as heroes as they grow.
This is just a quick thought process, yes there’s issues overall with doing this. I know DC doesn’t want to do it as some characters are more popular than others and brand popularity is more important than character development. It’s just what I wish they’d do as it’d make reading Batman a lot more interesting.
And yes I know you want Batman book to focus on BRUCE, but until a writer comes along and makes Bruce solo more interesting I think adding more batfam to his book would help tremendously as Bruce thrives a lot more with a great supporting cast. Hot take, but that’s why his Rogue’s Gallery is way more interesting than him.
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magnetoeisenhardt · 6 years
Top ten most powerful members of the Batfam
1) Bat-mite
A fifth-dimensional entity, Batmite possesses near unlimited reality warping powers. His name isn't actually Bat-mite; he's just a giant Batman fan.
2) Claire Clover (Gotham Girl)
Claire can use her own life force to gain powers. She could maintain Superman level powers for two years, or God-like powers for two hours. However, she can not gain back the life she spends to power herself, and every expenditure of her abilities push her closer to death.
3) Charlie Gage-Radcliffe (Misfit)
Charlie's powers are strange, even by comic standards. Her character arc was cut short due to Flashpoint, but she was originally supposed to be the lost princess Ruby of Gemworld. She hails from an intensely powerful magical bloodline, but is complete unaware of her origins. As far as she knows, her powers manifest as minorly enhanced strength, and "Bouncing". Charlie can teleport an unlimited amount of distance, carrying an unlimited amount of weight. Any wounds she sustained will instantly heal, and it costs her no energy to do so. More interesting, however, is the fact that anything living she brings with her will instantly die.
This means that she can only be defeated by projectile weapons, as anything that makes contact with her could be teleported away, along with anything connected to it.
Interesting note: I believe Charlie, as a homo-magi, has powers she hasn't yet used. I hypothesize her teleportation is similar to Kurt Wagner's (Marvel's Nightcrawler), and she travels through a parallel dimension. She may be able to tap into and channel this energy for greater use.
4) Basil Karlo (Clayface)
Basil started off as a villain, but was made a member of the Gotham Knights in Detective Comics 2016. He is nearly unkillable, as his body is made entirely of animated clay. There is no organic material to injure. He can manipulate his form to mimic shapeshifting, but his composition will always remain the same. He is an extraordinary actor, and can combine this with his powers to fool almost anyone. He has super strength, and can split himself into multiple forms. However, he has an easily exploitable weakness in temperature. Extreme cold or extreme heat will nullify his powers, and make him brittle, and easy to subdue. Disintegration is the easiest way to kill him, and frost or heat based powers and weapons are fairly common.
Interesting note: The Martian Manhunter is incapable of reading the mind of Eel O'Brian (Plastic Man), as he is made of inorganic material. I believe that Basil has a similar resistance, as well as perhaps an interesting interaction with Charlie. As Basil's body is chemically almost identical to clay, I believe he's one of the few people Charlie could teleport.
However, it is unclear exactly how Charlie's "bouncing" kills. The only time this effect occurs is when we see Lori Zechlin (Black Alice) accidently kill someone while stealing Charlie's powers. The body of her victim exploded. It is never given whether the mind can survive, and, given Charlie's powers are magical in origin, it may not even matter.
5) Cassandra Cain (Batgirl/Orphan
Cass is completely human. However, her unique brain structure gives her the ability to interpret body language as an actual language, granting her a form of precognition. She is able to tell exactly what someone will do, before they do it, making her unbeatable in combat.
She's also the physically strongest and fastest human member of the batfamily, strong enough to punch through steel, and fast enough to dodge bullets after they've been fired. Her strength is only surpassed by Claire and Clayface, and only a Superman level Claire is faster. She ties with Dick Grayson for most gymnastic skill, as she can copy any of his moves. She has complete control over every function of her body. She can stop her heartbeat, speed her healing, and completely deaden pain.
She can perfectly copy any movement, provided the original user has anatomy close to a humans. She has no skill ceiling, and will be able to break her previous records every time. The limits to her strength, speed and skill don't exist.
Interesting note: Her body reading completely negates any form of disguise, including shape shifting. She can read non humanoids to a lesser extent, but not robots. Cass feels extreme empathy towards anybody she's reading, to the point where she will feel their pain as her own. She can read animals, but does not experience any empathy for them.
With her abilities, she can defeat everyone lower on this list combined.
Cass would be able to defeat Charlie in a fight, as the surprise and stealth factor from teleportation would be completely negated. Cass would know where Charlie would teleport before she does it, and could throw a projectile into that area as Charlie bounces into it.
Her abilities do work on Clayface, but she would require either cryo or thermal technology to beat him, giving her no real advantage. While Cass could predict a powered Claire, it doesn't help her defeat someone faster than light and strong enough to bench the earth.
6) Barbara Gordon (Oracle)
If everyone on this list was given access to maximum equipment, Barbara would rank number three. With unlimited access to every piece of technology on earth, she could very easily take over the world, or destroy it. Her photographic memory and extreme intelligence means that she has a plan for every situation, and, unlike Bruce, doesn't need to keep files. There is no opponent she can't outsmart.
However, her ranking falls due to her maximum strength being extremely conditional. Remove her from computers and she is a formidable opponent given light gear, but her paralysis makes her a sitting duck without her wheelchair. She is the fourth strongest on the list, but her fighting style is completely defensive, as Barbara lacks any way to engage a fight, and has to wait for opponent to come to her. She cannot dodge fast moving projectiles, like bullets, or move out of the way of powerful AOE attacks, like explosions, fire, electricity, sonic waves, chemical splashes or falling objects. Her extreme strength is somewhat neutralized by her extreme weakness.
Interesting note: Barbara's wheelchair changes from writer to writer, but at one point it contained a machine gun full of rubber bullets, a mechanical lift platform to go up stairs, grappling hooks, and a portable computer.
Post flashpoint, Barbara has a device in her brain that allows her to walk. However, this version is significantly less powerful, and shares very little with her pre-flashpoint counterpart.
7) Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael)
Azrael is the combined entities of Jean-Paul Valley, his suit's AI, and an actual angel. Jean-Paul himself is not entirely human, as he was created by the Order of Saint Dumas artificially, and had his genome spliced with the DNA of other animals. He has enhanced speed, strength, stamina, metabolism and intelligence.
His abilities are vastly enhanced with the Suit of Sorrows, capable of exceeding Bane. The Suit of Sorrows contains an angel, one who attempts to use the wearer as a host. The longer the suit is worn, the greater the enhancement, and the greater the loss of control. The suit is equipped with two bladed gauntlets; The Sword of Sin, and the Sword of Salvation. The first forces you to relive every bad thing you've done, and the second forces you to relive every bad thing that happened to you.
With suit enhanced strength, he's the third strongest. Without it, he falls behind to sixth. With or without his suit's speed, he comes in third.
Interesting note: With or without his suit, he is the second best fighter on this list. His blades defeat an enemy in a single touch, allowing him to defeat Basil. His superior skill would most likely allow him to get a hit off on Charlie, and his blades would incapacitate her before she could teleport him. Barbara would likely be able to hack and disable his suit, but, in straight combat, she stands no chance. As his blades are magical, there is a high probability they could harm Claire. However, she can power up to a point where she can take him down from range, and eliminate that threat. I have no idea whether they would work on Bat-mite, but Jean-Paul would have little difficulty tricking it and finding out.
8) Helena Wayne (Batman)
The Bat of a world ruled by Darksied, her rogue's gallery is composed entire of alien powerhouses. She faces threats so dangerous, Batman's rouges of Prime Earth are either irrelevant, dead, or her allies. In order to survive on Apokalypse, Bruce Wayne required the Hell Bat suit, a suit so powerful, wearing it kills him. Helena just uses her two fists.
9) Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Dick's advantage comes from his circus background. He clocks in at the fifth fastest, and ties for most gymnastic skill. He is an extremely skilled fighter, detective and spy. He falls below Helena Wayne, however, because of lack of want. Dick has no desire to pursue his crime fighting career, and hopes to retire. Although he served as Batman as a time, it was out of necessity, and he resented the role he played.
10) Bruce Wayne (Batman)
The first person to wear the mantle of the Bat, Bruce is the third most popular comic book character to ever exist. He has the most years of training under his (utility) belt, and is a highly skilled fighter. He has almost unlimited resources to build gadgets and vehicles, which he utilizes to extreme efficiency.
However, his stats are nothing extraordinary. He manages to scrape ninth strongest member of the batfamily, but is one of the slowest.
Interesting note: Most would grade him higher due to his crippling paranoia. Bruce is famous for coming up with a inane amount of contingency plans, to defeat any opponent. However, these plans are really stupid, and would never work.
His plan to defeat the Flash (Wally West) involves shooting him with a bullet, and having Wally attempt to phase through it instead of dodging. Wally can run seventeen trillion times the speed of light, and is famously terrible at phasing. This plan would fail epically. His plan to defeat Wonder Woman (Diana) also involves shooting her. Even in iterations where Diana isn't bullet proof, it's still impossible to shoot her. Her signature thing is blocking bullets. She can do it blindfolded, and against hundreds of bullets at a time. This is just a bad plan. To defeat Martian Manhunter, he plans to set him on fire. J'onn isn't actually weak to fire, he just suffers from sever psychosomatic pyrophobia. So assuming Batman could somehow ambush a psychic so powerful he's developed precognition, he would still fail.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Lost at sea, or maybe I'm your island (a lost and batman crossover you never knew you wanted)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JzkQYdM
by darknesssfriend0
Trapped on an island, plane crashed, stuck with the survivors of oceanic flight 815.
Bruce Wayne is stuck, and this time he can't be batman. because he left his cape and cowl at home, now he has to protect the night as Bruce Wayne.
but Smoke monsters, polar bears in the tropics, a doomsday computer, mysterious enemies, a forgotten organisation, ghosts, and explosions.
are too inciting to just be a coincidence, how will this mystery unravel? will they ever get off the island?
find out inside!
(or AKA Bruce Wayne is from Gotham and basically fearless, while the entire lost cast is screaming and shooting people.)
Words: 3300, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Lost (TV 2004)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Charlie Pace, Claire Littleton, Bruce Wayne, Jack Shephard, Sayid Jarrah, Batfamily Members, Hugo Reyes, Rogues Gallery (Batman) metioned, the other survivors (Lost (TV 2004)), The Others (Lost (TV 2004)), Benjamin Linus, Juliet Burke, Penelope Widmore, Desmond Hume
Relationships: Claire Littleton/Charlie Pace, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Desmond Hume/Penelope Widmore
Additional Tags: Bruce Wayne is Batman, Bruce Wayne is Brucie Wayne, Bruce Wayne is stuck on an island and is trying not to reveal his identity as batman, Basically a AU, The Batman lost (TV 2004) crossover you never expected, Jack Needs a Hug, Gotham Lore, Gotham City is Terrible, everyone is horrified by bruce, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Detective Bruce Wayne, Approximately 7 more people live in this AU crossover, basically no one knows who the hell Bruce Wayne is, let alone batman, the lost Cast lives under a rock, bruce is going to absolutely going to have a hard time, mostly because of all the guns, lost canonically has basically everyone use a gun at some point, Bruce Wayne Tries, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, For All Of Them, the batfam is currently in crisis mode, Timey-Wimey, Multiverse, Murder, Attempted Murder, Mass Murder, Ben is the worst, DHARMA Initiative, the others are coming to kill you! the others are back in town to KILL YOU!, Bat-a-rangs, Autistic Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is very very strong, no beta we die like dharma initiative, Magic, Ghosts, whatever the fuck the island is, much radiation poisoning, Desmond's gonna freaking explode, The smoke monster (lost (TV 2004)), The Numbers, John Locke's missing kidney, daddy issues YEAHA!, the doomsday computer, Explosions, Batman Identity Reveal, people still die in this AU, I have no clue how to write them alive, Charlie is a druggie, I'm Bad At Tagging, after I finish lost I'm gonna cry and rewatch it, I'm sure people aren't gonna live, Whispering TM, Leader Jack Shepard, whatever happened to the kids the others stole? like really where did they go?, Bruce Wayne Loves Children
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JzkQYdM
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