#the beaumont children
gwydpolls · 11 months
Time Travel Question 28: Murder and
Disappearance Edition II
Given that Judge Crater, Roanoke, and the Dyatlov Pass Incident are credibly solved, though not 100% provable, I'm leaving them out in favor of things ,ore mysterious. I almost left out Amelia Earhart, but the evidence there is sketchier.
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criminol · 2 years
The Unsolved Disappearance of the Beaumont Children
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Jane Nartare Beaumont, Arnna Kathleen Beaumont and Grant Ellis Beaumont were three siblings collectively known as the the Beaumont children. 
Jane, 9, Arnna, 7, and Grant, 4, lived with their parents in a suburb of Adelaide, not far from Glenelg Beach, a popular local spot for children to play at. On 25th January, in the middle of a summer heatwave, the children’s father dropped them off at the beach. The next day, the children asked to go to the beach again, as it was too hot to walk they took the bus to the beach at 8.45am, they were expected to return home at lunchtime. Their mother became worried when they did not return on the 12noon or 2pm buses. At 3pm, their father went to the beach but could not find the children. After checking friends’ houses and searching the streets and route to the beach, the Beaumont parents went to the police station to report the disappearance.
Police searched Glenelg Beach and the adjacent areas including monitoring the airport, railway lines and interstate roads in case of abduction. The investigation found several witnesses who had seen the children in Colley Reserve, near Glenelg Beach, with a tall man with light hair, the man was wearing swimming trunks. The children appeared to be relaxed in the man’s coming and at around 12.15, walked away from the beach with the man.
The Beaumont parents described their children, especially Jane, as shy and not confident around strangers. As the children had seemed at ease with the stranger the police theorised they may have met him during previous visits to the beach and grown to trust him. A seemingly innocent remark by Arnna to her mother before they went missing, that Jane had ‘got a boyfriend down at the beach,’ may have been reference to the man. A shopkeeper also reported Jane had bought snacks, including a meat pie, with a one pound note, which further suggested the children had been with another person- this was more money than the children had been given and they had never bought a meat pie before.
Despite multiple suspects being named, including suspected serial killer Bevan Spencer von Einem, what happened to the Beaumont children has never been established and no traces of their whereabouts have ever been found.
The Beaumont children’s disappearance was linked to the 1973 disappearance of Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon, two girls who went missing while watching a football game, like the Beaumonts, the two girls were never found.
The Beaumont case remains one of Australia’s most notorious cold cases, a $1million reward remains for information relating to the disappearance. The case continues to be widely reported with headlines on new theories and clues being published regularly.
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Australia Day - 26 January 1966
            The Beaumont children are three siblings Jane Arnna and Grant who disappeared from Glenelg Beach, near Adelaide, South Australia. The children have never been found and their disappearance remains a mystery.
            The family lived near Glenelg a popular beachside which the children often visited by themselves. On 26 January 1966, at 10 am the children took a five minute bus journey from their home to the beach. The children were expected to return home by 2 pm, their parents Grant ‘Jim’ and Nancy became worried when they didn’t show up and called the police at 7:30pm.
            There were witnesses who had alleged they had seen the children near the beach in the company of a blond haired man aged in his 30s. The children were seen playing with him and enjoying themselves, they were witnessed with the male around 12:15pm. A shopkeeper said that Jane bought pasties and a meat pie, and that the children have been in her store previous times before. The children paid for their purchases with a $1 note, even though their mother only gave them coins. At 3pm a witness alleged that they had seen the children walking alone, away from the beach in the direction to their home.
            Arnna had previously told her mother that Jane had ‘got a boyfriend down the beach’ and her mother thought it was another child playmate and didn’t think any more of it. On the day they disappeared they had 17 items on them, including clothing, towels, bags - but none of these have ever been found.
            The children’s parents remained living at their Somerton Park home for years, hoping for the day that their children will return. The couple eventually sold their home and moved. Nancy died in 2019, aged 92 and Grant died in 2023, aged 97.
            In 2013 and 2018, an excavation took place at two locations at the North Plympton factory which used to belong to Harry Phipps, one of the many suspects. This took place after two men, who as boys were paid by Phipps to dig a hole in that area at the time of the children’s disappearance. The excavation found animal bones, but nothing else.
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#thebeaumontchildren #beaumontchildren #glenelgbeach #australiaday #missingchildren #truecrime
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lepetitdragonvert · 4 months
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La Belle et la Bête / Beauty and the Beast
d’après le conte de Madame Le Prince de Beaumont
CERF - bohem press
Artist : Fiona Moodie
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yesiamplease · 2 years
I'm not really comfortable doing this so I don't know what to say, but my brother is doing a Livestream fundraiser thing for Beaumont children's Hospital.
I'm not asking anyone to watch the live stream, that there is a link that I'm hoping maybe someone somewhere out there will see you and at least donate a little bit. The goal is only $400. There's going to be a raffle with Sonic the hedgehog themed prizes. He has less than 3000 subscribers, so I don't think that he's going to reach his goal, but I'm hoping that this at least reaches someone who's willing to help out. If not, that's understandable, having the funds to donate at all is a privilege that most people don't have.
That's the link to the donate page if you don't want to click on the stream but are still willing to donate.
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hepdenerose · 1 month
Evening Promenade (Canal West)
Fatigue exacerbated by insomnia almost wrote off an August Saturday. But when brightness chased away rain showers, I conceded a stroll might be of benefit. Taking me a while to get ready, Phil waited outside and pushed at the door to ‘see how I was’. “Not good,” I retorted, “but I’m coming!” He stood in the street, eyes shut, looking sunward. Advising I do likewise to reset a tired brain, vibrant…
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yestolerancepro · 2 months
Just the Job revisiting the Employment Game A Tolerance project extra blog
Hello this month of August marks 25 years since me and a group of friends worked on a disability awareness film simply called Tolerance. This article is the first in a special series of blogs to celebrate that milestone.
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As part of the 25 birthday celebrations I think its only fair that we revisit The Employment game
So why have I included The Employment game in Tolerance Project history ? Well firstly it shares a number of ideas and themes with the former (1) It treats a serious subject with a degree a humour which should make you smile and think at the same time. (2) it uses TV and film themes as part of its soundtrack.
The Employment Game uses the now classic theme from the Rhubarb and Custard cartoon series, The Tolerance Film took this idea further and in the course of its short 25min run time you can hear  themes from Star Wars, the Good the Bad the Ugly, Officer and a Gentlemen and a few others.
Lastly they both feature a person trying their hardest to get there dream job and succeeding in the end.
It is also part of the Tolerance film history that when the idea of the Tolerance film was first talked about, as co-ordinator of the group, I felt it was important to have some idea about what goes into film making, in order that when we did the real thing some months later, So I wouldn’t be completely lost on location or in a studio set. So I enrolled myself on a Film and TV-making course at Beaumont Street studios and as part of the course, we had to produce a short film – the Employment Game was born. 
The Employment Game was made in about in about 1998 The film runs for just under 10 mins and was directed by me with a script written by myself Rob Martin and Steve Walker it was shot inside Beaumont Street studios with very little set no budget and was shot and completed in just 2 days.
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Why was The Employment Game created ?
The Employment Game was created as a result of my frustration at struggling to find a permanent job something which still annoys me to this day, especially as not much has changed sadly. Because people see my wheelchair first and me second, I kept being offered training courses, instead of chances of work, and consequently, I have a CV as long as long as your arm.
This is something which Robert himself complains about bitterly in the finished Tolerance film. Like Robert in the Tolerance film the character in the Employment Game has to deal with a man who is not very sympathetic to his wanting paid employment, and will give him every excuse why he will not employ him in his firm.
The man in question in the Employment Game is played by Rob Martin who plays a Mr Grosenberg like character, who in the Employment Game is minus the squeaky voice. I would bump into Rob again when making the Tolerance film when he was hired to provide the Behind The Scenes photographs  for the production
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So What are my memories of The Employment Game?
For the most part they are good and happy ones I am glad it turned it so well it was certainly a good training exercise for when I made the Tolerance film some time later. It was a lot of fun to make watching it again recently you can see that that Myself and Rob Martin are having a laugh doing it . It was very hard keeping a straight face at times I can see myself cracking up.
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One of the things I remember about the Employment game is that I was planning to do something else With a Scifi theme Quite rightly the teacher of my class steered me towards doing something easier So I came up with the Employment Game idea instead.
Before filming even got started myself and Rob with the other members of the class nicked a camera and did a short pilot of of my ideas.
Watching the film again I note there are 3 script writers myself Rob Martin and Steve Walker. The reason for this was simple, I originally wrote the script myself but about 2 days before filming the script that I worked hard on went walkies So the three of us had to sit down and do an emergency rewrite.
 I don’t think there was much of a script to speak of in fact I think most of it is ad libbed a lot of Rob Martins lines certainly are his comments about the Spice girls and you wouldn’t get the jobs anyway sound is if they come off the top of his head there was also a nice out take from me about the Spice girls that hit the cutting room floor I won’t go into details but The Employment Game was certainly the happier of my 2 filming experiences.
The Themes of The Employment Game/ Borrowing a theme from a Children’s classic
After 2 days of filming the Employment Game was then edited by me at Beaumont street studios the only hitch we had was deciding what music to use for the opening and closing titles as with the Tolerance film my CD collection came to the rescue.
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After a short search I decided it was down to 2 pieces of music the Gallery theme used on the programme Vision On, a show aimed at the deaf community that was presented by Pat Keysell and Tony Hart which ran on the BBC for 12 series between 6th March 1964 to 11 May 1976.
To learn more about Vision On which just so happens to be celebrating its 60th birthday this year click here Vision On at 60 – celebrating a creative powerhouse that inspired a generation | Radio Times
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The music was part of my Childhood as it was also used on the Tony Hart series Take Hart 1977-1983 if you don’t know what I am talking about. You can find the music on You Tube by looking for it under its proper title called Left Bank two written by Wayne Hill and recorded by the Noveltones for De Wolfe music or click here.The Noveltones - Left Bank Two - Vision On Gallery Theme (youtube.com)
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After listening to it featured on rough mix of the film I decided it didn’t work. because it was too long and it didn’t suit the comedic tone of the film. so I decided to go with my second choice the theme from Roobarb and Custard.
You can watch the opening titles by clicking here (4) Roobarb - Intro Theme Tune Animated Titles - YouTube
For those who have not seen the show it was an animated series created by Grange Calveley and originally shown on BBC1 just before the evening news. Each cartoon, written by Calveley and directed by Bob Godfrey, was about five minutes long. Thirty episodes were made, and the show was first shown on 21 October 1974. The theme is that of the friendly rivalry between Roobarb, a green dog with an overactive imagination, and Custard, the mischievous laconic pink cat from next door.
The narration of the series was provided by the actor Richard Briers
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Photo Captions
Beaumont street studios where the Employment game was shot it closed its doors for the last time  2010
 Me in the job Centre set one of the writers Steve walker is sat next to me in the blue shirt
Rob Martin as the not very helpful Job centre employee
A 20 year old me I play a version of myself in the film not much of a stretch really
Me and my Electric Chair providing the title sequence
Vision on with Pat Keysell and Tony Hart
Roobarb and Custard
 Richard Briers.
Special Thanks to Ian Medley for rescuing the film from VHS
To help the Tolerance Project you can read about us or give us a small donation by clicking on the following link
 or follow us on Twitter @tolerancepro
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taskmastercaps · 7 months
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[ID: Seven screencaps from Taskmaster. Lucy Beaumont says, "Basically, where my mum lived, when she was growing up, she lived next door to, uh, an old couple and they couldn't have children. So, the husband, he bought a monkey off a sailor. Um, but the monkey bit her nose off. And I was never allowed pets. But my mum did eventually get me a hamster." End ID.]
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bosbas · 10 months
Chapter 5: I don't want you like a best friend
series masterlist previous part || next part
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x best friend!fem!reader WC: 3.8k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, idiots in love being idiots in love, angst, sexual tension, miscommunication (ish), benedict bridgerton being an idiot, anthony being a slayer in response
Summary: You and Benedict have been best friends since childhood, but things change dramatically once you come out in society. You’re struggling to find someone you’re as compatible with and who knows you as well as Benedict, all while trying to quell your ever-growing feelings for him. Shenanigans ensue.
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May 26, 1814 - Word has it that Benedict Bridgerton has returned from his mysterious disappearance to the countryside and was seen at White's with the Beaumont twins last night.
But more interestingly, the second Bridgerton brother was spotted with a certain Miss Y/N Beaumont about the town getting flavored ice in the growing summer heat, with Miss Beaumont appearing notably more joyous with him than during her interactions with other gentlemen she met at the Cowper Ball. While not privy to the intricacies of this friendship, this author does wonder whether Mr Bridgerton's newfound reappearance in the ton will affect Miss Beaumont's standing in the social season. Will suitors be too intimidated to pursue her? Though this matter might prove irrelevant, as Mr Bridgerton might decide to pursue Miss Beaumont himself...
Once again, you found yourself amidst the flurry of commotion that marked the afternoon before a ball. Only this time, you felt considerably less nervous knowing you had Benedict's company to look forward to. This would be your first time seeing him at a ball, dancing together outside the confines of either of your homes. You were quite accustomed to dancing with him. Both sets of your parents had been eager to teach their children the art of dancing, resulting in frequent informal post-dinner dancing lessons where you, more often than not, were paired off with Benedict. And you weren't complaining. He was a magnificent dancer, and you found you could just let go and allow him to take the lead while the two of you waltzed. Instead, you could focus on the feel of his steady hands on your waist, the handsome smile he cast down at you, or the shivers that ran up your spine when he would lean down to whisper something in your ear. Perhaps you were used to dancing with him, but that did not make it any less enjoyable.
Which is why you found yourself unable to keep still, excitedly humming and squirming around in the carriage bound for the Featherington residence. It was like your debut all over again, you thought, but with Ben being the only person who would be seeing you come out for the first time.
"Y/N, that's quite enough!" exclaimed Theo, clearly fed up with your antsy behavior. "Whatever is the matter? We are almost there; are you truly incapable of sitting still for a few more minutes?"
You glared at your older brother, choosing to ignore his comment but stilling your movements nonetheless. You were more than aware that Theo and Bastian were all but dragged to tonight's event by your mother, the pair being less than enthusiastic about attending a ball the very day they returned from their hunting trip, but you were not bothered one bit. If you had to go out and look for a husband ball after ball, they should, at the very least, be forced to be there as well. You envied their position in society, under no pressure to marry so soon and with complete freedom to do whatever they wanted, really. Your own literary pursuits were under somewhat of a time constraint unless you managed to find a suitable husband who would allow you the freedom to continue them, which was becoming increasingly unlikely as the season continued. Despite your mother's comforting words, assuring you that you did not have to marry this season, you honestly wondered how helpful another season would be if it was as fruitless as this one. You reasoned that you might just have to settle for someone you weren't particularly taken with, which was a dreadful thought, but at the very least, you were hoping to find someone who wasn't terribly dull.
After half an hour at the Featherington ball, you feared that "not terribly dull" might have been too high of an expectation to have for potential suitors. You were in the middle of a dance with some titled gentleman, his name you were not entirely sure of, who had been stunned into silence after you made a quip about a book you knew he should have read, as it was included in the Oxford curriculum you had been privy to courtesy of Benedict. Now, the two of you were dancing in complete silence, your eyes scanning the ballroom for any sign of your best friend. Just as you felt your foot being stepped on by your mute dance partner, you turned to see that Ben had entered the ballroom. The sharp pain in your foot was forgotten, and you relaxed, knowing you had an actually good dance to look forward to now.
Benedict eagerly entered the ballroom alongside his mother and older brother, immediately searching the crowd of people for you. Although he would never admit it, he was, for the first time in his life, properly excited for a ball. He knew he would be able to dance with you, granting a socially appropriate opportunity for him to hold on to your waist for a few minutes and feel the curve of your hips, occasionally getting close enough so he could smell your sweet perfume and whisper a silly comment in your ear. A comment that would no doubt make you laugh or at least giggle softly in a way that always seemed to elicit a warm feeling from his chest.
Unable to find you in the crowd, Benedict turned to Violet, who surely would know where you were by now, with a questioning look. She softened her features and gestured toward the dance floor, where Benedict could see you dancing with another man.
He barely heard his mother say over the roar in his ears, "She's out this year darling, with barely a spare moment away from a suitor or another," too focused on the man's hands on yours as he spun you around. Tearing his eyes away from the scene, he looked at Violet, who was already looking at him with a hint of concern. He swallowed thickly and put on a broad smile, not wanting to outwardly show what he was feeling.
"I suppose I'll be competing for her affections tonight, then. Hopefully she has space on her dance card," Benedict uttered, internally cringing.
Turning to Ben, Anthony leaned over and clapped him on the shoulder. "I don't think that'll be too much of a problem, brother. If you'd read Whistledown in your time away, you'd know your dear best friend has scarcely been giving any gentlemen the time of day. At the Cowper ball, Colin and I were practically the only ones she danced with," he said with a meaningful look.
Ben looked puzzled, not entirely trusting his brother's account of your season so far. He probed further, "A couple of men asked the twins about her at White's last night, so I just assumed she was having a lot of success." At the mention of the gentleman's club, Violet excused herself and went to go chat with some other mamas milling about the ballroom.
"She is having a lot of success, to be sure. Lots of gentlemen callers and the like. I just don't believe she actually likes anyone just yet," Anthony explained, seeing Benedict's shoulders relax just a fraction.
Trying to appear nonchalant, Ben responded, "Oh. That's a shame then that she hasn't found anyone she connects with."
"Are you sure you think it's a shame?" came Anthony's teasing reply, earning him a small shove from Benedict.
Just before Anthony could return the shove, you came up to the Bridgertons, walking as fast as was appropriate at an event like this. "Oh, thank heavens!" you exclaimed. "I thought the dance would never end. What good is an Oxford degree if you haven't even read The Odyssey?"
Anthony couldn't help but laugh at your exasperated demeanor, making a dig at your previous dance partner. But Ben was too eager to get you to himself. He softly grasped your wrist and took hold of your dance card, wordlessly asking for your permission. You raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him.
"I can't say yes if you don't ask, Ben," came your response. Yes, he was your best friend, but he needed to show some decorum. Besides, you really wanted to hear the words coming out of his mouth, needing the sweet sound engrained in your mind so you could revisit the scene later when you were in bed playing over the best parts of the night.
Stifling a smile and giving you a slight bow, Benedict looked deep into your eyes and flashed you the most charming, rakish grin he could muster. "Miss Y/N Beaumont, would you do me the honor of giving me this dance?" he spoke lowly, sending you a cheeky wink.
A simple "yes" from you would have sufficed, but you were finding it difficult to form any words at all. Your throat had gone dry, and you were astounded by the intense effect his words had on you. Having such a close relationship, the two of you were as informal as could be. But here, in this ballroom, barely even touching you, Ben had managed to leave you feeling warm and out of breath with a more formal tone than you had ever heard him speak to you. You maintained eye contact with him, licking your lips in a failed attempt to get something out to indicate that, yes, you desperately wanted to dance with him. You settled for a quick nod, pushing your dance card-clad wrist further in his direction.
He clasped your hand in both of his, reaching his fingers to touch your own. A teasing smile pulled at his lips. "I can't take you to the dance floor if you don't say anything, Y/N," he retorted, throwing back your earlier words. You finally broke eye contact, shaking your head and looking down, laughing at yourself.
"Yes, Mr Bridgerton. I would be delighted," came your airy response. Your breath hitched in your throat as he interlocked his fingers with yours and put a hand on the small of your back, guiding you through the crowd during the short walk back to the dance floor.
"Very well, Miss Beaumont. But I insist you must call me Benedict," he said from behind you, lips dangerously close to your ear. You waited until you reached the dance floor, fighting goosebumps, and spun around to face him.
"Am I not allowed to call you Ben anymore, then?" you teased.
Ben could only smile down at you, a twinkle in his eye, "You can call me anything you like, darling."
Before you had time to process his words, which had undoubtedly left you breathless, the music started, and the two of you began dancing. It was a wonderfully familiar feeling, and you were gliding through the ballroom with ease, working perfectly in sync during every step, turn, and twirl. You were delighted. After far too long dancing with uninteresting or uncoordinated suitors, you could finally relax and just enjoy the dance, as well as the feeling of Ben's hand touching yours.
"So how is it, really? Looking for a husband?" Benedict asked after you had found a good rhythm.
Immediately, the topic clouded your features. You were unable to meet his gaze for fear of tears springing in your eyes. You bit your lip and composed yourself, blinking away any tears that had formed. With Ben, you could just be yourself; there was no need to pretend to want something you most certainly did not.
"Ummm... it's proven to be a challenge," you started, sniffling slightly. "Rather, I knew it would be challenging, but I didn't know how impossible it would feel. Every man wants a perfect, mindless housewife, and I fear I will be unable to fulfill that role. I want something different, Ben," you said, finally looking into his eyes. You were met with his sympathetic gaze, searching your face to take in all of your minuscule expressions. His hand softly squeezed your waist as you continued, "And I don't know if I will ever find someone who will allow me to do that. I can tell because barely anyone shows interest after they truly start to get to know me and can't keep up with the conversation," you added with a small laugh.
After twirling you around, he spoke, "I know, I can't say I envy your position. Truthfully, I would rather do anything other than get married at the moment, so I cannot imagine how you're feeling."
His words were thrown out almost casually, but you felt a stabbing pain in your gut as he said them. You already knew he didn't want to marry you. It would never work. He was your best friend. But it still hurt to hear him say it out loud. You were saved from having to respond by being twirled around again, so you simply nodded at him to continue, not trusting yourself to speak.
He sensed a change in your demeanor and thought that perhaps the prospect of marriage so soon was still a sensitive topic, so he tried to offer words of comfort. "At least you don't seem to have a lot of serious suitors right now. That way, you have time before you actually have to settle down."
But as soon as his words left his mouth and your face fell, he knew they were the wrong ones. You were staring off into the distance, refusing to make eye contact with him. The dance was almost over, and the pair of you were nearing Anthony once again, so Benedict knew he had to fix this in the next few moments while the two of you still had any semblance of privacy. Scrambling, he desperately searched for the correct words to say, blurting out the first thing he thought of to make you feel better.
"No, I didn't mean it like that, Y/N. I promise. You are so beautiful, and smart, and funny, and caring, and kind, and any man would be crazy to not want to marry you. With time, I am certain you will find a suitor who feels this way," came his rushed response.
Stunned into silence, seconds away from breaking down into sobs, you cut the dance short, disentangled your hands from Benedict's, and rushed to the ballroom exit, hoping not to cause a scene. The stabbing pain in your stomach was migrating to your chest. You were struggling to breathe and had tears blurring your vision, but luckily, you saw your mother near the exit and grabbed her hand, pulling her with you. She threw a startled apology over her shoulder at whoever she had been talking to and stopped you once you had left the ballroom.
Turning you around and firmly putting your hands on your shoulders, she scolded, "Whatever is the matter, Y/N? Why on earth would you–"
Stopped short by the sight of tears streaming down your cheeks, she softened and opted instead to hold you tightly to her, shushing you and stroking your hair.
"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked carefully.
You let out a choked sob, shaking your head. Primrose kissed the top of your head, not letting you go.
"That's alright, sweeting; we'll just leave the ball early then. Would you like that?"
You could only nod, holding onto her as she led you outside to the carriage. Desperate to go home and emotionally exhausted, you let yourself be directed into your seat and all but collapsed on top of your mother as soon as she was inside as well.
Back in the ballroom, Benedict stood frozen, looking in the direction you had run off in. Despite his utter confusion at your quick change in mood, he felt a crushing weight in his chest at being the cause of your distress. He thought things had been going quite well, actually. He had no idea why he had not been able to soothe you, usually an expert at reading your emotions, and had instead worsened the situation considerably. Wide-eyed, he turned to look at Anthony, who stood a few feet away. Ben was still stunned but shrugged at his brother, muttering, "Women" as an explanation for your sudden distress.
Benedict certainly had not been expecting Anthony to coddle him, but he could not help but be shocked when his brother's face transformed into a furious scowl, fists forming at his sides. He had barely reached his brother's side when Benedict felt Anthony's finger poking his chest aggressively.
"You are a complete and utter buffoon," whispered Anthony harshly, hoping to avoid a scene despite his overflowing anger. Benedict only sputtered in confusion, unsure of what to say.
"Oh, don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I heard the last bit of your conversation, and obviously, this is a sensitive topic for Y/N. A large part of the reason no man has bothered to keep pursuing her is that they know the two of you have an incredibly strong 'friendship,'" continued Anthony in the same tone of voice, emphasizing the word 'friendship.' "You would know this if you bothered to talk to anyone at White's last night or kept up with your supposed best friend at all. But you were off in the countryside doing god knows what for whatever reason, and she had to face this alone."
Ire bubbled up in Benedict, feeling that his brother's response was uncalled for. "I cannot possibly have elicited this level of aggression from you. What the hell does Y/N's search for a husband have to do with me? Who she marries is entirely her choice," shot back Ben in the same angry whisper Anthony had been speaking in.
Anthony stepped back, looking at Benedict with disbelief. "You are either completely blind or the biggest fool I have ever had the displeasure of knowing."
With that, he turned on his heel, leaving Benedict reeling, still stunned, not to mention confused. He was replaying every interaction he had with you tonight, trying to find what he said or did that might have set you off, and, hopefully, trying to find a way to fix this.
Cass sat perched on your bed, where you lay in your night robe with a puffy face from the extensive crying you had done the previous night. Your mother had been discreet upon returning to your home, but your younger sister had inevitably heard you both come in and went to greet you in hopes of knowing what transpired at the Featherington Ball. Not wanting to explain your heartbreak to either of them in the moment, you had gone straight to your room and locked the door, not even allowing your lady's maid to help you out of your gown. But you knew you could not avoid your sister forever. So when morning came, Cass had slipped in before the rest of the Beaumonts rose. She found you already awake, staring out the window.
"Cass, I fear I have gotten myself into a most precarious situation," you started. She said nothing, opting instead to pat your leg in support. Her eyes grew wide as you briefly recounted your dance with Ben the previous night. You were near tears again, the pain of rejection still fresh.
"Well, I think Benedict Brigerton is an idiot. And a massive one, at that," your sister huffed out once you were finished speaking.
You let out a wet laugh in surprise, chastising her, "Cassandra! You must not use such foul language!"
"It's rather warranted in this situation, actually," responded Cass. Ever the fiery personality, you appreciated her fierce protectiveness in this moment.
"Honestly, I've gone over our conversation about a million times since it happened, and I don't think he actually said anything wrong. He doesn't want to marry. I don't have to worry about getting married right at this very moment, and I will eventually find someone who wants to marry me. Someone who is not him," you said carefully.
Tears welled up in your eyes again, but you pushed through, needing to say this out loud. "All of this is true. If Colin or Anthony or anyone else had said this, I would be inclined to agree with them. I think-" you paused, composing yourself.
"I think I have genuine feelings for him, which I had not entirely realized were there, or at least I had not categorized them as... whatever they actually are," you finished, unable to stop the tears from streaming down your face now. Cass reached over to hug you and moved to sit next to you on top of your covers.
You were still sniffling when she spoke up, "I was wondering how long it would take you to realize." Seeing your dirty look, she let out a laugh, "Sorry! I'm sorry! It was just quite obvious to me. Or to anyone with eyes, probably."
You put your head against the headboard behind you, closing your eyes in frustration and responding, "It's just very inconvenient that I feel this way. Obviously, he does not feel the same, which is obviously alright," you shot Cass a pointed look, warning her not to interject. "So, I believe that to actually find a husband, I must change my friendship with Benedict. Slightly."
"How do you mean?" asked Cass.
Rubbing your temples, you answered her, "Perhaps, seeing him less. So I'm not distracted. And so I stop comparing every suitor to him. And maybe not dancing at balls anymore. To have more time to dance with actual potential husbands. And because I do believe I will fall in love with him if we keep dancing like we did last night, which would not be helpful in the least." You had stopped crying now, your plan of action filling you with resolve.
"Are you implying that you aren't already in love with him? Because we both know that's not tr-" Cass attempted to say, before getting hit by one of your pillows square in the face. But this time, you were laughing with her. It was all going to be alright. You would find someone, and your feelings for Ben would soon become a thing of the past.
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cherrycola27 · 3 months
A Favor Among Friends
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Series Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption, historical inaccuracies. Regency era men and ideals. Eventual Smut. RegencyEra!AU Banner Credit @thedroneranger
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Chapter 2: The Offer
Your heart leaped in your chest when Bradley walked into the room. He brought your daisies, your favorite flower. He brought some lilacs for your mother and a bottle of wine from his travels for your father.
Sitting with him in the drawing room, talking felt so easy, so natural. You knew that he was the one for you. If you had it your way, by the end of the season, you'd be his Viscountess. You were giddy at the thought.
Bradley was just about to leave when your brother and his wife walked in. Eddie immediately asked to speak to Bradley in the study to catch up, you presumed. So, you excused yourself and took your sister-in-law by the hand and led her to the sewing room so you could show her the latest embroidery piece you'd been working on. Once you were married, you'd be able to join her sewing circle.
"Edmund! It's so good to see you!" Bradley exclaimed as he walked into the study. "What are you doing here, Bradshaw?" Your brother asked him harshly. Bradley looked at him puzzled.
"I'm calling on your sister. I intend to court her and take her as my wife." Bradley said as if it was the most obvious thing.
"No." Eddie deadpanned. "No? What do you mean, no?" Bradley asked him. "No, you cannot court, my sister, and you most certainly cannot take her as your wife. I will not allow it!" Edmund state.
"I don't believe that is your choice, Mister Beaumont. I believe the say is your father's, Lord Beaumont. Bradley narrowed his eyes.
"She is my sister! My baby sister! And I am your best friend. You have known her all of her life, and she was like a sister to you! Which is why I don't understand why you would want to court her. And as far as having her marry someone I know, I'd much rather her marry a stranger than my best friend whom I know all about. I know every triste and affair you have had Bradshaw. And my sister deserves an honorable man. Someone who will be faithful to her." Your brother exasperated.
"I have my father's ear. He will listen to me." Eddie bit back. "Why can I not court Ducky? She is a wonderful woman who is well accomplished in many talents and has been a friend to me my whole life! Surely you would rather her marry someone you know than someone you don't?" Bradley asked your brother.
"You think I am not honorable? I am a gentleman, and unlike many men of the Ton, I have no bastard children. And I would be faithful to Ducky." Bradley argues back.
"Bradley," your brother sighs, "you are a rake. You have been since we were six-and-ten, when your mother passed. I am not saying that you are a bad person. But I know that it is not a lifestyle you will be able to give up. I know I am being harsh, but you are not good enough for my sister, and you will only break her heart. So please. As your friend, I am asking you not to call on her again." Eddie finished.
Bradley clenched his jaw. "Fine." He walked to the door and paused. "I'll be taking my leave now. Bid your family a good day for me." He said before storming out.
You were saddened that you didn't get to give Bradley a proper goodbye, but hopefully, you would see him again.
Rainy weather kept everyone inside for a week, but on a fine Wednesday morning, the sun broke through the clouds and brought new life back to the Ton.
That afternoon, your mother insisted that you go to Market Square and promenade with her and your brother and hopefully find a suitor.
You looked and saw that Eddie and your mother had stopped for a refreshment, so you quickly walked over and looped your arm with Bradley's.
You wore a golden yellow dress with fine beadwork, some white lace gloves, and your hair swept up away from your face. You were walking slightly ahead of your brother and mother when you spotted Lord Harrington coming down the path towards you. You curled your nose at the thought of promonading with him and quickly looked around for a way out. Just across the path, you spotted a familiar frame.
He was startled to see you. "Ducky? What are you doing?" He asked you.
"Lord Harrington was about to come ask me to promenade with him, and I would rather jump in the pond. Which is quite the risk because I cannot swim." You giggle.
Bradley laughed at you before escorting you to your family.
"Lady Beaumont, Mister Beaumont," Bradley nodded to them. "I was hoping I could escort Miss Beaumont through Market Square this afternoon. Would that be alright?" He asked.
"Of course!" Your mother cheered and smiled at him. Eddie smiled too, but you couldn't help but notice how pained he looked.
"Thank you." You whisper to Bradley. "Lord Harrington is determined to have me has his third wife and refuse to be it." You say. "You are not someone's third wife. You are someone's first and only wife." Bradley said to you. You smiled and turned away from him, fearing the blush in your cheeks would give away the crush you had on him.
"You know, we have to stop meeting like this, Lord Bradshaw." You chuckle as you curl your arm tighter around his.
"What ever do you mean, Ducky?" He asks you, still using that nickname he gave you all those years ago. You turn slightly to see your mother and brother walking a few feet behind you.
"I mean," you drop your voice to a whisper, "I swept you into to promenading with me through Market Square to avoid a suitor, just like you swept me onto the dance floor at the first ball of the season."
"I didn't hear any complaining from you when I did. However, if you'd like, I could always find someone else." Bradley chuckled and lifted his hand as if he was going to pull away. "No!" You said hastily, clapping your hand down over his. He let out a chuckle and shook his head. He enjoyed spending time with you, truly.
He turned back for a moment to see your brother shooting daggers at him. Bradley shook his head. You were the one who pursued him this time, but your brother didn't know that.
Three months. It had been three months since the first ball of the season, and you had yet to secure a proposal from Bradley. He hadn't called on on you since the first ball, but he'd danced with you and each one since then. Always two dances. One quatrain, one waltz.
Each time was always magical, yet he'd neglected to call in you again. Unfortunately, Lord Harrington had called on you three other times. Each one worse than the prior visit.
However, as you sat at your vanity, you hoped that Bradley's mind had changed. He promised you that he would be at your home this week and your parents had told you to wear something "elegant" because they had news for you this afternoon.
You donned a beautiful emerald green dress with pearl adornments your mother loaned to you. As you descended the stairs, you heard voices and in the drawing room. They seemed to be in high spirits.
You took a deep breath and plastered a huge smile on your face as you walked in the room, only for it to drop at who you saw sitting with your parents.
"Lord Harrington." You grimaced. "Miss Beaumont, wonderful to see you again. Forgive me for not being able to stay longer, but I must leave." He said the moment you walked in.
"It's quite alright." You half smiled as he took his hat and kissed your hand to bid you goodbye.
"Darling, come sit." Your mother said. "We have some news, Y/N." Your father said as you sat down. "Lord Harrington has ask for your hand. He has made quite the offer."
"What? Have you accepted it? You told me I had until the end of the season, and we are only halfway through!" You shouted, smacking your hand on the table.
"Darling," your mother began, "we have not accepted his offer, but it is the only offer we have had all season. And, there is no telling how long it will be available. So, your father and I have decided that if you do not secure a match in two weeks, your betrothal to Lord Harrington will be official."
"No, no! He is old enough to be my father. How could you allow that. He has a lesser statis than we do!" You protested.
"He has a sizable estate and is willing to talk a dowry significantly smaller than your sister's was. The decision is final." Your father said before dismissing you from the room.
Tears stung your eyes as you stormed up the stairs. You couldn't believe this. Your parents were so desperate to get rid of you that they were willing to marry you off to someone twice your age that looked like he was one day away from going in the crypt.
You were so angry. You refused to be sold off like some prized heifer. You'd seen the girls who were placed into marriages like this by their parents. You had to find a way out.
You paced around your room, searching for something, anything to help. Your eyes landed on your globe.
"America, I could go to America." You whispered. There was just one problem. You needed money. Your family had money, but you'd never be able to take the amount you needed to start a new life in America without getting caught. You needed help.
"Marisol!" You called for your lady's maid. "Yes?" She asked you. "Have the stable prepare my horse. I'm going for a ride." You said. She nodded and took off.
An hour later, you had your cloak pulled up around your face as you road your mare through the pastures to your brother's estate. You were disheveled by the time you made it.
"I need your help." You demanded we the two of you were alone in his study. "With what, my dear sister?" He asked you.
"Mother and Father intend to marry me off to Lord Harrington if I do not find another suitor in two weeks. I cannot be his wife, Eddie. I will not." You say.
"So, I'm going to America. Aunt Johanna lives in North Carolina. I can reside with her until I find a more permanent place to live. But I need money to do that. Can you help me?" You beg your brother.
"Y/N, this is a crazy idea." He tells you. "Eddie, I do not care if you think I am making a rash decision. I will not be trapped in a loveless marriage to a man forty years my senior. Will you help me or not?!" You shout at him.
He sighs. "How much do you need?"
"Three thousand pounds. Enough to start over and support myself until I can find work." You say. "I know you must speak to your wife about this, but Eddie, just know, I will find a way there with or without your help."
"Give me a couple of days to get the funds together. And to arrange for me to travel with you. I will not let you make the journey alone. It's far too dangerous." Your brother tells you.
"Thank you, Edmund. Truly." You say as you hug him. "I must leave now, Mother and Father do not know I am here. I will have my things packed and find out how quickly we can leave." You say before bolting out of the room.
"You're not actually going to let her go to America, are you?" Your sister-in-law, Clarissa, spoke as she emerged from behind a bookcase.
"Of course not, I just needed to pacify her for a few days." Eddie spoke as he settled into a chair and rubbed his face. Clarissa settled onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"She said that she had two weeks to find another match. Do you think it's possible. Has anyone else tried to court her?" Clarissa asked him.
"Sir, Mister Edmund Beaumont is here to see you." A valet said to Bradley as he sat in his study looking over his ledgers. "Send him in." He half mumbled.
Your brother sighed before jolting up. "My god, Rissa, you're a genius!" I need the carriage at once. I have an idea!" Your brother exclaimed before running out of the room
"Bradley!" Eddie practically shouted as he strode in the room. "What, Eddie?" Bradley rolled his eyes, still annoyed at the conversation from a few months ago.
"I need you to do something for me as a favor among friends." Eddie said seriously. Bradley sat up straighter, noticing his friends tone, and his flushed his face was.
"What do you need, Eddie?" Bradley asked him. "I need you to marry my sister." Edmund stated.
The laugh that Bradley let out was boisterous and echoed off the walls of his study. He subsided after a few minutes and noticed that your brother was still standing there.
"Oh. You were serious, " Bradley said. "Yes, I am!" Eddie shouted. "Didn't you tell me a few months ago that I had to stop courting your sister?" Bradley said as he leaned back in his chair.
"Yes, but things have changed. My parents are going to betroth her to Lord Harrington in two weeks if she doesn't have another suitor by then, and Ducky said she refuses to marry him. So, she's planning on running away to America so she doesn't have to marry him. She came and asked me for money so she could! Do you realize how crazy that is and how dangerous it is?! Bradley! She said she would go with or without my help!" Edmund shouts.
"Eddie, if I go to your parents and ask for her hand, they are going to think I'm crazy. I called on her once!" Bradley shouted.
"Yes, but you promonaded with her at Market Square, and you've danced with her at every ball. It will not seem out of the realm of possibility." Eddie counters.
"Fine. But she already has an offer. Why would they accept mine?" Bradley asks him.
There is a long pause between the two men. Your brother can see that Bradley is weighing his options. After what seems like an eternity, he breaks his silence.
"You are a Viscount. You have a higher rank and a larger estate than Lord Harrington, and if you agree to take a smaller dowry, they will surely accept your offer. But, fear not. I will make up for the lack of dowry from my own purse. I will give you three times that of what my father does. Please, Bradley. We both know how head strong Ducky is. She will run away, and if she does, we will never see her again. I cannot lose my sister. I am sorry for the things I said before. I will never doubt your honor again if you do this for me." Edmund begs him.
"Thank you!" Eddie almost weeps as he moves to hug his friend. "You're welcome, Edmund. I know how much she means to you." Bradley says.
"Alright. I will marry her. I will go in the morning to your parents. But I do not wish for a dowry from you. Knowing that Ducky is safe is more than enough." Bradley finally says.
"She means the world to me." Edmund smiles. "I have one request, though. You must promise me that you will be faithful to her. No affairs, no mistresses." Edmund tells him. "I promise." Bradley assures your brother as he shakes his hand, and escorts him out.
Once he's gone, Bradley walks over to a painting on the wall and removes it, revealing a small safe hidden behind it.
Bradley pulled the key from his pocket and turned the lock. He opened the small door and pulled out a small blue box. Inside what his mother's betrothal ring. A stunning arrangement of sapphires and diamonds set in silver. He placed it on his desk, and tomorrow, he would place it on your hand when he asked you to be his Viscountess.
Bradley wished the situation was different. He'd wished that you were accepting his proposal out of love, not out of need. But he would be a good husband to you. He would take care of you.
Convincing your parents to accept his offer was much easier than Bradley thought. He guessed that the idea of them not having to give a dowry out weighed any other reservations they had.
Your smile almost seemed genuine when he asked you for your hand. You played the part of a dutiful fiancée so well as you gushed over your ring, which was a perfect fit. It was almost as if you actually loved him, but Bradley knew that it wasn't true. And no matter how big the smile on his face was, his heart was broken.
Tagging those who might be interested: @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @desert-fern @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @na-ta-sh-aa @katieshook02 @beyondthesefourwalls @je-suis-prest-rachel @soulmates8 @horseshoegirl @djs8891 @roosters-girl @rosiahills22 @dempy @callsign-magnolia @gretagerwigsmuse @mshistorylover @seitmai @kmc1989 @bcarolinablr @waywardhunter95 @whatislovevavy @inkandarsenic @dingochef @princess76179 @schoollover @cheyrenee @angelbabyyy99 @bobfloydsbabe @sunlightmurdock @sebsxphia @atarmychick007 @queenlmno @sweetwhispersofchaos @mamaskillerqueen @withahappyrefrain @pwficrecs @blackwidownat2814 @carolineesnell @inky-sun @hrlzy @berrypockets
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This page is our catch-all for demigods who have less than 4 cabin mates, and for other beings and creatures that inhabit the camp (for now). As our list continues to grow, we may further differentiate this list by moving people to pages of their own!
Beings Associated With/Inhabiting Camp
Camp Poltergiest (no name...? who could it be) @theofficialcamppoltergeist
The Purple Spirit @life--ruiner
Bread???? @bread-anon-official
Demigods (sorted by relative parental domain)
Deities of Music/Theater/Creative Expression
Alaia Delgado, Daughter of the Muse Thalia @alaiad-hehe
Meia Stounor, Daughter of the Muse Melpomene @meia-stounor-194
Deities of Nature
Acantha Flake, Daughter of Khione @snowflake-spawn
Damien Rosarie, Son of Lethe @dontforgivejust-forget
Doris Reyes, Child of Oceanus @fish-loving-child-of-oceanus
Emilio, son of Selene @son-of-the-moonlight
Jesse Halen (hot), Daughter of Eos @jesses-girl-but-im-jesse
Levanna Covier, Daughter of Artemis @the-moon-shall-sing
Pearl Roy, Daughter of Amphirite @pearl-ofthe-ocean
Sophia, Daughter of Xolotl, Aztec god of lightning fire and death @demigod-of-all
▰▰▰ Children of Boreas
Bill, Son of Boreas @bill-son-of-boreas
Arabella, Daughter of Boreas @icicles-and-snowflakes
Deities of Humanity/Dreams/Emotions/etc.
Anansi, Daughter of Apate @i-break-hearts-and-fix-cars
Cassandra Clemens, Daughter of Momus @cass-daughter-o-momus
Ekso, Daughter of Ate @ekso-ekso
Eryx, Emissary of the Fates @by-the-fates
Isla Poole, Daughter of Elpis @chains-and-whips-excite-me
Maria Covier, Daughter of Hera, of the Covier Family @the-real-forbidden-kid
Ophelia Prince, Daughter of Eris @chaos-personified
Robin Covier, Son of Ananke, of the Covier Family @the-robin-who-weaves-fate
Wraith, Son of Lyssa @but-y0u-cant-hide
▰▰▰ Children of Eros
Croia, Daughter of Eros @croia-daughter-of-eros
Daniel Lamoree, Son of Eros @kissed-bytheheavens
Julian Maddox, Son of Eros @heartz4julian
Karter Roma, Son of Eros @thebestkisserinnewyork
Marina, Daughter of Eros @loveandotherlaceythings
▰▰▰ Children of Morpheus
Elio, Son of Morpheus @narcolepticsheepcounter
Icarus Dell'aquila, Son of Morpheus @cause-im-italiaaaanoooo
Kaden Winchester, Son of Morpheus @morpheus-child-phobos-legacy
▰▰▰ Children of Psyche
Layla Von Beaumont, Daughter of Psyche @the-human-soul
Pallu Jackson, Child of Psyche @sike--no--psyche
Deities of Darkness/Death/etc.
Calix, Son of Chaos @if-chaos-was-a-boy
▰▰▰ Children of Erebus
Adria, daughter of Erebus @the-one-and-only-adria
Noah Undergrove, Son of Erebus @in-the-undergrove
Deities of Healing/Peace/Magic
Connie Marie Taylor Ross, Daughter of Circe @lotus-in-a-pond
Evangeline @little-starshark-with-wings
Katherine Covier, Daughter of Hestia, of the Covier Family @hestias-favorite-child
Elijah, Son of Asclepius @certified-sunshine-boy
Elizabeth (Elise), Daughter of Asclepius @b-ndaids
Jack Hearth, Mortal Champion of Many Gods @demigod-jack-hearth
Penelope Isabella Grace, Daughter of Jason Grace @penelope-isabella
note: we realize this page isn't perfectly organized, and respect that some of these placements don't perfectly match up. We are doing our best to keep it together and easy to read, so we appreciate your patience with these facts!!!
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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William I of Scotland
William I of Scotland, also known as 'William the Lion' after his heraldic emblem, reigned from 1165 to 1214 CE. Succeeding his elder brother Malcolm IV of Scotland (r. 1153-1165 CE), William was faced with a shrinking kingdom, but he harboured ambitions to capture northern England, especially Northumberland. While campaigning south of the border in 1174 CE, William was ignominiously captured by English knights and imprisoned until he negotiated with Henry II of England (r. 1154-1189 CE) for his release. William was obliged to become Henry's vassal, give up key castles in Scotland and defer to the English Church. Scotland bought back its freedom from Richard I of England (r. 1189-1199 CE) but then lost it again to King John of England (r. 1199-1216 CE). Despite the ups and downs concerning his relations with English kings, William ruled Scotland for longer than any other medieval Scottish monarch and did much to consolidate his kingdom and extend the Crown's rule over the entire northern British Isles. When he died in 1214 CE he had ruled for 49 years; he was succeeded by his son Alexander II of Scotland (r. 1214-1249 CE)
Early Life
William was born c. 1142 CE, a member of the ruling House of Canmore. His mother was Ada de Warenne, daughter of the Earl of Surrey, and his father was Henry, Earl of Northumberland (d. 1152 CE), the son of David I of Scotland (r. 1124-1153 CE) who had died before he could inherit the throne. The crown had passed to David's nominated successor, his grandson Malcolm IV of Scotland, but he died of natural causes in his mid-twenties and without children. Malcolm's reign had seen Scotland lose much of the gains in English territory that his grandfather David I had acquired through battles and diplomacy. England had proved resurgent under the guidance of Henry II of England. William became king on 9 December 1165 CE and was invested at Scone on Christmas Eve.
The king's sister was the duchess of Brittany, and visits to her permitted William to participate in medieval tournaments like other European kings and nobles. William cut a dashing figure with his red hair and fighting prowess. The king's nickname 'the Lion' was a posthumous one and is most likely because William had chosen that animal as his heraldic badge. The design of this badge was a red lion rampant on a yellow background, and it became the emblem of Scottish monarchs thereafter; today it is known as the Royal Banner of Scotland. William fathered a host of illegitimate children but finally married on 5 September 1186 CE to Ermengarde de Beaumont (d. 1234 CE), herself an illegitimate descendant of Henry I of England (r. 1100-1135 CE). The couple would have four children: Alexander, Margaret, Isabel, and Marjorie.
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snapdragoned · 2 months
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Beaumont brings a friend home from work, who tries to set him up on a date in his own home surrounded by his wife and children. Nice try, lol.
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(I think she looks just like Strange Aeons. Anyone else see it??)
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lepetitdragonvert · 11 months
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La Belle et la Bête / Beauty and the Beast
Au Royaume des Contes de Fées
Texte de Sarah Hayes
Librairie Grùnd
Artist : Patrick James Lynch
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nemo-in-wonderland · 2 months
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“Twins?” “Twins. A boy and girl.” Ximena answered, before turning her loving eyes to the two small bundles she kept against her breast. A smile touched her full lips, the pride undeniably written on her face at the sight of the two sleeping children. Dark of hair and sun-kissed skin, with rosebud lips and puffy cheeks that appeared to be made just to be covered in gentle loving kisses: two small cherubs sent to her from the heavens above to quell the sadness of her soul. The woman felt her heart swelling in her chest with such intensity, for a moment she was sure she couldn’t breath. They were both perfect. The girl briefly opened her eyes as a hiccup left her small mouth, a hiccup that was soon bound to become a shriek of necessity. “Mark my word, Ximena, that nena has the dark side of the moon within her,” the matriarch said while taking the baby girl in her experienced arms, starting to pacing and patting on her back to lull her back to sleep. But even when the old woman started to crone a melody of an ancient time, the baby girl would not stop her whimper of protest. “This one, instead, is a hijo de la luna llena,” the young mother cooed at the still asleep baby boy. With delicate finger, she caressed the bridge of the baby’s nose and his head of dark leonine hair. “Peaceful as a quiet night of plenilune indeed,” she murmured, her smile widening even more. “You are lucky that their father’s mark is nowhere to be found on their small faces, and instead they favour you.This will make things easier for them...and for all of us.” (….)
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A small WIP for you all tonight, before going to sleep.
This is actually a VERY old artwork, that I started in *checks info on CPS* March last year, but I never truly got the occasion to finish (or rather, I was HYPER frustrated with my lack of skill to render justice to the artwork and my beloved brainchildren).
I remember seeing a statue of Latona with Apollo and Artemis and IMMEDIATELY striked me as the perfect inspiration and reference for my brainchildren.
And, while unfinished, it still gives me so many emotions so, I decided to share it with you as well <3
So here you have Ximena with her two most precious jewels: Mathias and Antoine 🥹💓🥹💓🥹💓
I honestly want to work some more on my Unity stuff, because I have so many things to develop still, and the way I love the De Beaumont is IMMENSE.
(also, omg I was all squealing while drawing baby Mathias and Baby Antoine!! like KYAAAAAAH. SWEET BEBES. SWEET PERFECT BEBES.)
(also fml I need to recalibrate my screen because the colours are all fucked up :/)
Well, I hope you will like this! <3
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