#the bee sitting on jon: oh my god girl he did not just
possumsquat · 4 years
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@writevale i’m back at it cause i love strings between the stars and im p sure this was my favorite scene 😭 i loved the imagery
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Toni//i don’t wanna think of anything else now that i thought of you (part 2)
hey! i hope you like it! i love this so much, it’s so cute and gay and lovely. like me! here’s part 1 if you wanna read it! 
“Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.” Amber slurs, a sleepy grin on her face as she rests her arms on the side of the pool. You and Toni share a concerned look from the sun lounger you’re sharing, and as a collective, all of you move a little closer to her. She’s bound to fall, but at least if she does she’s already in the pool. “Lets play truth or dare!” She cheers and everyone groans. 
“Amber you always ask the worst questions.” Betty rolls her eyes from beside you and downs the rest of her beer. Sweet Pea and Fangs nod in agreement, pausing their game of ‘who can drown the other the fastest’ and join the conversation. 
“Maybe you’re just not interesting enough to have a proper answer to my amazing questions.” She huffs and splashes the blonde. 
“She’s plenty interesting.” Jughead defends his girlfriend and she places a hand over his. 8 years on and still nothing has changed between your little group.
Betty and Jughead are still madly and sometimes a little annoyingly in love, Fangs and Sweet Pea are still as immature as they were when they were 17, it’s just now they have jobs to go to, ones that they still get to annoy each other at. Amber still can’t handle her beer, only now she has someone to hold her hair back when she’s throwing up after two beers, and you can guarantee that when she has finished puking, Jade will always send pictures of her asleep on the toilet to the group chat. 
And you and Toni? You’re still very much in love, and still denying that you have been since you first met. Only now, that hate has laid the foundations of a life together. An amazing home, your dream jobs and so many pets that you’re sure you keep getting strays and not noticing. 
“So!” Amber claps, splashing water at Sweet Pea and Fangs who have now joined her side. “Toni, seeing as though it’s your house, you go first! Truth or dare.” 
“Truth.” Toni replies, the sunlight catching her eyes, making them shine a golden colour and your breath hitches. 
“Boooo.” Sweet Pea jeers, a smug smile on his face and Toni flips him off. Fangs reaches around Amber and slaps the back of his head and the two of them break off into a mini fight that ends up with Fangs under water while trying to kick at Sweet Pea. 
“You always pick truth.” Jade adds and rolls her eyes at the pink haired girl. “Hey! Bee! How are you getting on with that barbecue because I am starving.” She shouts right in your ear and you send her a glare as you rub your ear. Toni stifles a giggle while patting your shoulder and Jade shrugs at your annoyed stare, before facing Amber again. 
“You’ll get it when you get it!” She shouts back and a few serpents that are gathered around the barbecue groan and walk away disgruntled and in search of something to do while they wait for food. 
“Try not to poison us this time!” Jade adds cheekily and then screams a little when a tomato is thrown at her head. 
“That was one time, 7 years ago. I’m now an actual, proper chef or are you forgetting that.” She replies and Jade holds her hands up in defence. “I’ll spit in your burger if you’re not careful.” 
“Is that a promise...chef.” She winks and you all laugh loudly. Bee shakes her head but a small smile plays on her lips as she checks on the food. 
“You’re so fucking gross.” Fangs pulls a face while chuckling and she grins at him. 
“I always pick truth because you always dare me to something stupidly dangerous and extremely deadly, and surprisingly, I quite like being alive.” She says, smiling at you and you tuck a piece of hair behind your as you smile at the floor. 
She leans forward and presses a kiss against your cheek, causing them to heat up even more. 
“Get a room.” Sweet Pea splashes you both and the two of you send him an annoyed glare. 
“We have a whole fucking house.” You motion to the building beside you and he sticks his tongue out at you. 
“Fineeee.” Amber huffs. All she wants to do is play the stupid game and get drunk and her friends are making it increasingly difficult to do by making her wonder how they are all still friends. “Okay, Toni. Have you ever said something you regret about someone here?” She asks, her blue eyes sparkling with chaos and Toni shifts uncomfortably while eyeing each of her friends. 
Everyone, including you have a curious smiles on your faces and you all subconsciously move closer to her making her gulp. 
“Yeah.” She nods. “I told people I was friends with Sweet Pea and I’m still regretting that.” She sighs and Sweet Pea stares at her offended before chucking water at her. It lands on the both of you and the two of you squeal. “Sweet Pea! I spent two fucking hours doing this makeup, I am going to drown you.” She threatens. 
“I would like to see you try.” He laughs. 
“It’s okay.” You squeeze her hand. “I’ll just get Bee to spit in his food.” You add and grin. 
“Come on. Seriously?” Amber pushes and she sighs before looking at you. 
“I mean, I may have said a few choice words about you when we first met.” She says, a guilty expression clouding her face and you roll your eyes. 
“Well, that’s not exactly a secret.” You laugh. “And I definitely deserved it.” You shrug and she nods. 
“Okay, well then no. I haven’t.” She smiles and the group sends her suspicious looks. 
“Have you actually?” You mumble and she nods. 
“I’ll tell you later.” She whispers in your ear and the two of you giggle quietly. 
“Boring!” Amber huffs. 
“I told you.” Jade smiles smugly and Toni pick up the slightly squashed tomato and throws it at her again. 
“Y/n!” Amber turns her attention to you and you swallow nervously. “Seeing as though this is also your house. Truth or dare?” You think about it for a few seconds, weighing up all of the possible things that could kill you in your eye line, before finally deciding on truth. You don’t want to jump off the roof into the pool...not again anyway.
“Oh God.” Jonathan throws his hands up. You honestly had no idea he was that close and a few of you jump when you notice the brunettes presence. “You two are just as bad as each other. Remind me, when did you get married?” 
“Shut up Jon.” Toni shoves him. 
“Or do you want me to tell a certain chef that you like her?” You add and his eyes widen as he looks over at Bee. She sings along to the music while smiling along with what Dana and Maggie are talking about. 
“Okay, okay, okay. Be cool.” He holds his hands up. “You guys were made for each other.” He huffs before sulking off to get another drink. You and Toni giggle as you watch him walk away and he pulls a face at the both of you which only makes you laugh louder. 
“Truth.” You repeat, turning your attention back to Amber. She hums in reply, her eyes hooded as she leans her chin on the side of the pool. “What is your biggest regret?” She asks and the smile falls from your face. 
You look at each one of your friends, all of them smiling widely and waiting for you to answer. Toni nudges you gently and you feel your throat go dry, suddenly it’s too hot and the gaze that you’re under only makes it worse. 
It’s a loaded question, and it’s one that you think of a lot. You’ve made a lot of mistakes, like a lot, but the one that you always go back to, the one that sometimes makes it difficult for you to get up in the morning, or to look at pictures of your younger selves, or for you to fall asleep, is just how badly you treated the people who you now consider your dearest friends. 
“I-er. I.” You stutter and Toni grabs your hand giving it a light squeeze. Jade shuffles closer to you and wraps an arm around you, and the rest of your friends are now looking at you with worry. “I hate how I treated you guys.” You admit and they all share a look. 
“Shut up.” Sweet Pea says bashfully. 
“Yeah, that was years ago.” Fangs adds and you look at them confused. 
“Plus, we gave as good as we got.” Jade adds and you lean your head on her shoulder. 
“We love you, and all of that was forgiven as soon as you got your head out of your ass.” Jonathan adds before sitting down. His legs hang into the pool, disturbing the water and splashing Sweet Pea in the process. 
“I still feel bad though.” You sigh. “I hated you so much for absolutely no reason. Well, I hated you because of where you were born and were you grew up, and I was awful to all of you. But now, you’re like my best friends and I love you so much and I think back to that time and I was an asshole. Like a huge one.” You ramble and Toni pulls you into a hug. “So, I am really sorry, to all of you.” 
“We know.” Toni smiles at you. “You were forgiven a long time ago.” 
“Food!” Bee shouts and everyone stands up quickly. Toni pulls you up and your quickly enveloped in a large group hug before they all go off in search of food. 
“We love you.” Toni says. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You reply. Sweet Pea and Fangs run past you and get back in the pool. You watch as the concentrate on trying to keep the food out of the water and you ask them why they didn’t just put it on the side while getting in. “Don’t throw up.” You warn as they eat and splash and they both roll their eyes at you. 
“If you do, you’re cleaning it up.” Toni adds. 
“Sorry, moms.” Fangs teases and you flip him off. 
“I’m gonna go get some more drinks.” You tell Toni and press a kiss to her cheek. She nods and reluctantly lets you go before getting some food from Bee.
“Hey baby.” You smile as you feel a pair of arms wrap around your middle. Warm skin against yours makes you feel lightheaded and you turn around in her arms, capturing her lips in a kiss that tastes like watermelon and whiskey. 
Her hands squeeze your waist and yours tangle in her hair, the drinks long abandoned as she presses you against the counter. 
“Are you having a good day?” She says breathlessly and a small laugh follows, the sound making your heart soar. 
“Even better now that you’re here.” You reply and pull her in for another kiss. She helps you up onto the counter and you wrap your legs around her middle. The two of you giggle and laugh into your kisses, a warm buzz settling in your stomach from the alcohol, and pure happiness fuels the moment and keeps you wanting for. 
She mumbles that she loves you, and when you nearly fall into the sink and she catches you, the two of you laugh loudly, completely forgetting about your friends and the party and the rest of the world for a few minutes. 
You look at her, her brown eyes wandering over your body and you’ve never felt so loved in your entire life. It makes your heart ache at the thought that someone could love you like this. And you think back to all those years ago, when you were a Northside Princess and she was the Queen of the Buskers, and it makes you think, what if. 
When you first met, when you first looked in her eyes and felt nothing but hate, you had no idea that now, when you look into those very same eyes, they are filled with nothing but love. 
“Toni?” You whisper against her lips. 
“Yeah?” She asks, stopping at the sudden seriousness of your tone. 
“Will you marry me?” The words fall effortlessly out of her mouth and she gasps a little and pulls away. 
“Are you serious?” She says, her eyes wide and full of surprise. You nod and she nods too, although she’s not really sure why. You jump off the bench and wrap your arms around her, the two of you smiling and laughing. 
“Is that a yes?” You ask and she nods quickly before the two of you go back to jumping around the kitchen. 
Sweet Pea strolls into the kitchen and raises an eyebrow at the two of you. His gentle whistling causes the both of you to stop and look at him, neither of you unable to keep the smiles off your faces. 
“What?” He asks, a confused laugh escaping his lips. 
“We’re getting married.” You smile and grab Toni’s hand. 
“She’s officially gonna be Queen of the Buskers.” 
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hateswifi · 4 years
No More Second Chances: Chapter Five
So yes, I know it's been over a month, but I’ve been dealing with some stuff. 
Master: Master List
No More Second Chances 
She sighs in relief as they walk through the portal.
“Are you ok?”
“As fine as I can be, but now that this is over, I have to go back home. I left Jon confused because I was bawling my eyes out and just disappeared,” Marinette sighed, she turns to open a portal but stops as she’s pulled into a hug by him.
“If you need me, I’m a call or portal away,” Adrien mutters into the back of her shoulder.
“Ok, Adrien, I know it’s ten here and you’re not going to school, but it’s early in Metropolis and I have school,” Marinette giggles. “I’ll see you soon.” She steps through the portal.
“What the actual heck,” Jon says, as she enters the living room.
“Have you told your parents yet?”
“Oh yes, he definitely told us,” Lois said, leaning up against the counter.
“Oh heck, um hi, I’m your exchange daughter, and I just so happen to be Ladybug. Another surprise is I was just exposed by my parents to all of Europe,” Marinette answers shyly
“Wait seriously? That’s it,” Jon asks.
“For god’s sake, one person that’s all I ask,” Lois says, picking up her coffee and walking away.
“What’s that about?” Marinette asks.
A yell comes from down the hall. “Because I’m the only normal person here! Just one person is all I wanted.”
“I knew it!” Marinette says triumphantly. “You guys are the heroes of Metropolis.”
“How’d you!” Jon exclaims, earning an elbow from Clark. “I mean why would you think that?”
“You guys wear glasses to disguise yourself,” Marinette deadpans.
“Ok maybe that wasn’t our best idea,” Clark mutters. “But that doesn’t explain how or why you disappeared.”
“Oh that’s simple, my biological parents outed me on T.V. so I had to go do clean up and tie up loose ends,” Marinette shrugs, walking down the hall to her room.
“Where are you going?” Jon called after her.
“To get ready for school, I have to change out of Aunt Amelia’s clothes before school starts,” Marinette called over her shoulder.
“Who’s Aunt Amelia?”
“Adrien’s aunt, who decided that she wants me as a niece,” Marinette’s muffled voice comes from down the hall.
“Oooh is Adrien your boyfriend?” Clark teases.
“No he’s my best friend and hero partner,” Marinette responds, walking back down the hall. “What’s for breakfast?”
“We’re going back to normal now? Ya know what fine, whatever,” Jon said, standing up to grab a cup of coffee.
“You don’t like coffee,” Clarks points out.
“I’m just already done with today,” Jon says, putting his head on the counter.
“You think that’s bad, I’m going over to Damian’s after school to work on our project,” Marinette sighs.
“Oooooooh you gotta a daaaaaaaaaate,” Jon teases.
“No, we’re barely friends,” Marinette says quickly, she puts her head down on the counter.
“Was that a blush?” Jon pokes. 
“No, he doesn’t like me at all, why would I bother liking him?” Marinette says, raising her head.
“Ahh it’s ok Mari, he’s like that with everyone, he’ll warm up to you,” Jon comforts.
“I don’t care if he does or not,” Marinette says, standing up abruptly. “I’m going to the train station early, meet me there when you’re ready, I have a lot to think about.” She says, grabbing her stuff before leaving. It was an hour later when Jon found her, just as she said she would be, waiting in the train station. 
“You good?” Jon asks, sitting down beside her.
“Yeah, I guess I am there’s just a lot that's been happening during the past day and the question and teasing were too much I guess,” Marinette sighs. “You ready for school?” She asks standing up.
“Uhh sure, I bet we could stop at the little cafe that’s close to school,” Jon says, walking towards the train.
“Ok we have time,” Marinette responds, stepping on the train. The trip is silent between the two raven haired teens. Marinette ends up falling asleep. Even though it felt like a couple of minutes, it was well needed. 
Jon woke her up as they were arriving at their stop. “Mari, if you wanna get coffee we’re going to have to get off now.”
“Hmmm… ok,” Marinette sighs, standing to get off the train. Marinette got her coffee and slumped to the first period without waiting for Damian. She laid her head down on her desk and proceeded to fall asleep, luckily for her, Lois called in and said she had been up all night dealing with a family emergency, Mrs. Waters took pity on her and let her sleep.
“Come on next class,” Damian said, looking down on Marinette.
“Huh ok,” Marinette says, standing up, but almost proceeds to fall over, only to be caught by Damian.
“Are you ok?” Damian asks, helping her stand up straight, he actually seemed a bit worried.
“I was dealing with family issues last night,” Marinette shrugged, leaning down to pick up her stuff.
“Are you still able to work on our project after school today?”
“Of course, wouldn’t want to make you even more grumpy,” Marinette said with a small giggle. Damian wouldn’t admit it but he blushed the tiniest blush and if she had been looking at him, he would’ve said it was just her tiredness getting to her.
“Yeah, whatever, let’s head to our next class,” Damian mutters, leaving the room. The classes go on as normal but with an extra sleepy Marinette. They say goodbye to Jon at the end of the day before Marinette and Damian climb into the black car.
“Master Damian, it’s nice to see you bringing home a friend besides, Jon.”
“Alfred she is an acquaintance, and we are just working on a project,” Damian says, looking out the window.
“My apologies, Master Damian,” Alfred says, his eyes flicker to the blue-haired girl.
“Since Damian,” She starts, being interrupted by a yawn. “Is apparently too rude to introduce me, hi monsieur, my name is Marinette, I’m living with the Kents as a part of the exchange program.
“He can be difficult, miss Marinette,” Alfred smiles.
“You’re not supposed to agree with her,” Damian says, looking away from the window to meet Alfred’s eyes in the mirror. After the introductions, the car ride is quite quiet. Unlike Damian’s complaints, the manor is pretty calm. Maybe a too bit calm because Damian had to leave for a minute the next thing she knew, she was out cold, asleep.
Damian walks back into the room to see Marinette fast asleep and he’s about to wake her up when Tim walks in the room watching something on his tablet. “What’re you doing here, Drake?”
“I was watching this video on a French,” He cuts himself off with a slight screech. “There’s a living breathing girl here?” The loud noises stir her awake.
“Did you finish what you needed to do?” She askes with a yawn. She looks over to Damian and sees Tim standing there. “Hey, I’m Marinette.”
“As in Marinette Dupain-Cheng?” He asks, looking in between her and the tablet.
“I mean kind of,” She shrugs. “I don’t go by Dupain-Cheng anymore my parents dis--”
“Shut up! Don’t finish that wor-”
“Did someone say they were disowned by their parents,” Bruce says, entering the room.
“Umm… hi, I’m an exchange student from France,” Marinette greets with a wave.
“So you were born Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” Tim questions, looking back up from his tablet.
“Yeah,” She says slowly.
“You’re the magic girl!” Tim screams.
“Did someone say magic girl?” Dick says, popping his head in the room.
“Seriously? I guess news travels fast,” She says, picking up her phone. “It’s only been like fifteen hours.” She finishes with a sigh.
“Why didn’t anyone reach out to the league?” Tim asks.
“Been there done that, got called a joke, decided that it was better handled by ourselves. And it worked out Hawkmoth is gone, I’m free of that burden,” She shrugs.
“Can someone explain what’s going on, I head magic girl and I want an explanation,” Dick wines.
“Oh.. I’m Marinette Fu, I am the Guardian of the Kwami and true holder of the Ladybug miraculous, but that’s not news, its already been in the news today, well Parisian and British news.”
“Was that the family matter?” Damian asks, eyeing the petite girl up and down.
“Oh yeah definitely, my parents outed me on national television and made it seem like it was my fault I wanted to leave, speaking of leaving it’s dinner soon and I don’t wanna be late,” She says, standing. She grabs her little purse and takes out a pair of round glasses.
“Wait, so you’re in need of parents?”
“You can fight Clark and Amelia for custody,” Marinette says before calling on her transformation.
“SHe’s A FREakIN MAgIC gIRL,” Dick screams, watching her transformation.
“See you at school tomorrow, Damian,” Marinette salutes before walking through the portal leaving a whole mess of a family behind.
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cchellacat · 5 years
Game of Thrones Finale
Here be spoilers for the last season of GoT.  Turn back now or forever hold you peace.  Trust me, I am not holding my peace, I feel like going to war and breaking a bloody wheel over the back of D&D’s heads.
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I knew going in, this wasn’t the ending I had been hoping for, or even expecting for nine years.  After the penultimate episode the writing was clearly on the wall, so I watched this final chapter, ready for crushing disappointment and grief. D&D did not let me down. 
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They completed their character assassination of Daenerys with all the clumsy, lazy, pretension and dreadfully written dialogue as one might have come to expect, if they had been paying attention since the start of the season. 
When left to flounder in the seas of uncertainty without the masterfully crafted scaffolding of GRRM’s books to hold them afloat, the writers sunk the whole thing gleefully. I’m absolutely certain they took great pleasure in destroying every logical expectation.
This constant need to justify their own twisted ending and eradicate certain characters development and arcs, left me feeling bewildered and horrified.  The beautiful woven foreshadowing that had been building since season one seemed to be cast aside at the last and replaced with some Frankenstein monster, cobbled together from a need to be “different”  to “surprise”, to be “edgy”  and “subversive”.  
This isn’t how good writing is done.  You don’t change the track of a story just because it’s deemed predictable or because fans guessed the ending. 
The onus then, is on the writer, to follow through and complete the story while still making it enjoyable and intriguing.  It isn’t to upturn the apple-cart and refill with limes.  It’s to take the damn apples and make pie.  Make it interesting, draw the audience in, there is nothing wrong with giving the audience what they want. There is nothing wrong with delivering a satisfying and sensible conclusion.  There is nothing wrong with giving the main character/s a happy ending.
Their fear of cliche, lead them straight into trope hell.  The “face heel turn” of Daenerys from Liberator and Mother to Tyrant and Murderer was sloppy, poorly written and did not have a justifiable history to back it up. 
Do not even get me started on how they killed her.  JFC.  Could they have been anymore obvious about how that was gong to go down?  Talk about cliche. 
Murdered by the man she loves, who loves her and who is also her only family.  We’ll talk later about what they did to poor Jon.  Just for reminders sake though, here she is, held in the arms of the man she loves as he promises her she will always be his queen, kisses her and stabs her right in the heart.  **blood boiling**
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Turing Sansa into Littlefinger 2.0 made my inner rage monster scream.  Her transformation from  the “The High Queen”  to “The Chess-master” makes me think the North isn’t in any better hands than it would have been with Littlefinger in charge.  How convenient that none of her siblings will be nearby to notice.  Bran in the south, Jon in the True North and for some inexplicable reason, the girl who spent eight season finding her way home, decides to go gallivanting off into the west on some LotR, knock off elf quest. 
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Arya’s end is as unsatisfying as every other one.   She spent years growing stronger, learning to kill, striving to be No-one.  Her whole character arc was about her coming to terms with her loss and recognising that no matter how far she ran, she would always be Arya Stark. 
Then is was her journey home, learning that she could go back, that even changed by war and blood, family meant everything.  Her clarion call, that the “lone wolf dies but the pack survives” has been with her every step.  It’s the message her father taught her, one she held too.  Why on earth would she leave her pack behind? 
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What even was the point of having her and Gendry meet again and come together if she was just going to walk away?  I’m not saying a character has to be defined by a romantic relationship, but why bother giving the fans a few crumbs just to spit on it an episode later?  This is clearly baiting of the worst kind.  I’d rather they met as friends and parted as friends than the shit show of having Gendry propose, only for her turn him down.  I mean, she could have learned another lesson with the Hound, that defining your life by revenge and forgetting to live only ends in death.  Her returning to Gendry after that would have made sense.  It would have made sense for her to go build a pack of her own.  But no, that would be too easy.  What shall we do with Arya?  Lets put her on a bus!
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He did love her.  Jon was crazy about Dany.  She was crazy about him.  This is the man who puts family first, who lives by his honour.  He is his Uncle Ned come again.  Ned, who lived and died by his oaths.  The only time he broke them was to protect his sisters son, to protect Jon, his family. 
This is why they had to destroy Daenery’s character so completely.  They had to make her the worst villain imaginable to make it look even remotely plausible that Jon would;
1. Break his oath of fealty
2. Murder his own blood.
3. Betray the love of his life.
They had to preserve Jon’s good name, oh yes, because Jon wouldn’t kill her for power or because she lost her temper and disagreed with him.  No.  They destroyed both Jon and Dany with this plot. 
Jon is now Queen Slayer and Kin Slayer and he has broken his word, his oaths of loyalty, his unspoken oaths of love and protection, which she rightly expected from him as her blood and her lover and has been reduced to a shadow of the man he was meant to be, the king he could have been. 
He is cursed by the gods in the eyes of most Westerosi, or he would be if they knew the truth.  After all, look at how the nobility treated Jaimie after he killed the Mad King.  It didn’t matter to them that the King was evil, no, what mattered was that he broke his oath.
Oath breakers are anathema in Westeros. 
So much for a Targaryen Restoration.  Goodbye Iron Throne.  The whole point of Jon’s character was just erased.  Did he defeat some great evil?  No.  Did he overcome war and death and end triumphant on the throne as the last dragon?  No.  There was no point in bringing him back after his death in season six.  Anyone could have went to bargain with Dany and the outcome would have been the same.  Ugh!
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Jaime and Brienne.  The love story/redemption arc I was so invested in.  One hand gives and the other takes away.  In the end it seems that Jaime learned nothing, according to the writers that is.  I call bullshit.  Jaime had redeemed himself.  If he had to die, it should have bee while killing Cersei.  The foreshadowing of him being Cersei’s death has been around for years. Cersi didn’t love Jaime, she loved controlling him.  Cersei loved no one but herself.  That was the lesson Jaime was meant to learn.  Thanks so much for taking away eight season of character development and self realisation.
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Tyrion got shafted too.  His speech near the end, it was a load of cow dung.  In the end they left Tyrion to be Westeros’ own comic relief.  The Small Council was a bloody farce.  All that scene did was reinforce my belief that nothing in Westeros has really changed.  It doesn’t matter what title you give someone, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Give it ten years and Bron will be the power in Westeros in all but name. 
Now who have I forgotten?  Ah yes.  My Special Mention.
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Sandor went out the way he meant to, bringing an end to his brother.  But not before the writers gave him a brief moment with Sansa.  There you go Sansan fans, he called her little bird!  Now shut up and let us kill him in a fiery fall of doom. 
Death by fire, the worst death they could give this man.  He wasn’t a good man, it’s arguable that none of the characters were good people.  However, Sandor Clegane suffered more than most.  He spent his life, angry and bitter, seeking revenge for himself and his sister and father.  I think, if they had to kill him, they could have given the man a better exit than him tossing both himself and his brother into the flames.  It was cruel to make that the only way out, the only triumph he could claim.  I think Sandor should have lived.  He deserved to find a life of peace after all the fighting he did.   It is not poetic or clever to kill a character off with the object of their own fear.  It’s not clever when they do it to a villain, it’s doubly unfair to do it to a hero.  He was a hero by the end.  Sandor deserved better.
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Now look, I‘m not saying that in a show like this, that everybody should live or necessarily get the end they deserve, but, they went too far in the name of shock value, leaving no one happy, well, virtually no one. I guess the rabid Sansa fans who loathed Dany are feeling pretty good about now. 
(Yes, okay that was mean, but I got sick of seeing it in my timeline and unfollowed a few people.) 
I was always very much of the belief that Sansa and Dany had more in common than would drive them apart.  I didn’t expect an easy friendship or alliance, but I did expect them to find common ground and be able to build a relationship over time.  Strong women supporting each other is what we need more of on TV.  Not this misogynistic desire to see two strong women fight over a man, which is essentially what they reduced Sansa and Dany too with poor Jon caught in the middle.  
In conclusion...
I feel as though the writers went into season eight with a clear idea of where they had been building and then someone get a bee in their bonnet and posed the question, “Who is the least likely to end up ruling Westeros?”
The answer of course is Bran.  Bran the Broken, how fucking ignorant is that?  How about Bran the Burdened or Bran the Broker or Bran the Benevolent, if you’ve really got such a hard on for alliteration?
So now Bran, who is so disconnected from feeling that he can’t love anyone, sits the Iron Throne and is somehow meant to be a good ruler. 
All that’s needed to achieve this happy ending for the writers?
Goodbye Character development and epic love stories, hello smear campaign, death, destruction and the end of one of my favourite canon ships to ever sail.
Rest in Peace Jonarys.  I believed in you. 
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angel-gidget · 7 years
Fire At My Feet Again (Tim/Cassie, post-Red Robin)
Title:  Fire at my Feet Again Fandom: DCU, Teen Titans, Red Robin (preboot)     Rating:  PG-13 | Words: 4.6K  | a03 link Summary: Tim and Cassie have been assigned to mentor the upcoming new version of Young Justice. Cassie isn’t drunk enough yet to process this turn of events properly. But if she has her say, with Tim’s help, she soon will be.
Set a handful of years after Red Robin. Contains miscellaneous comic references including 90’s YJ. Yet also borrows an element or two from the Young Justice cartoon. Bc I do what I want. Also unbeta’d. Bc impatience.
Note: Also using this fic to fulfill prompts/days 1-3 of Tim Drake Week (First & Lasts, Childhood & Adulthood, Dreams & Reality) bc this sucker took me long enough that I say it counts and I’d like to catch up.
The déjà vu was murder. Cassie wanted to scream at the Justice League that they had the wrong girl, she wasn't a MENTOR, if anything, she was still a MENTEE, but Tim was standing right next to her, giving his Serious Business head-nod, and Cassie realized that if she did, in fact, start screaming at the JLA, she wouldn't be screaming at strangers.
Because screaming at Aquaman and Superman and Batman was one thing, but the NEW Batman was once Nightwing and she didn't really like the idea of screaming at him. She would also be screaming at Vic, who was her friend. And--sweet Hera--she had FRIENDS in the JLA. You're a grown-up now, Cassie. You're a MENTOR now, Cassie.  So is Tim, for that matter. Hell. She didn’t want to admit out loud how familiar it was. How, in the last days before she gave up the Titans, she’d had trouble remembering the names of multiple team members; they had come and gone so quickly. So playing chaperone to a bunch of kids she didn’t know was actually way more familiar of a feeling than it ought to have been. But they weren’t asking her and Tim to be team leaders. They were asking her and Tim to play Red Tornado to their new batch of kids. Not to lead. Just to make sure they didn’t break anything. To help them with reporters.  To save their asses if things got out of hand. To be around if they wanted advice. "You start on Monday." Vick told them. "We start on Monday." Cassie repeated in a daze. When the rest had left, and it was only her and Tim, the feeling that it was real began to press on her lungs. "We start on MONDAY. Oh God." "Cassie? Are you o--Um. I can do it. You don't have to help. I--" "Do you remember what we were like?! You'll need my help. WE may need help. What if they have their own Kon? What if they have their own BART?" "Or Slo-bo." "Oh God." "It'll be okay. They're just as likely to have their own Secret, somebody they'll band around to protect. Or their own Anita, who can radiate reason. Or their own YOU, somebody smart who can represent the team and keep them in line. Ultimately, they'll be themselves and we can just give them the benefit of the doubt. It'll be okay." Maybe it was the truth of his words, or the blatant compliment, but Cassie did feel herself begin to calm down. This wasn’t history repeating itself. It was just a few parallels here and there. And the history wasn't all that bad anyway. When did she get so good at only remembering the rough parts? "I'm good. I swear I am, but I think I need a drink." Tim's smile was weird. Like he was about to be nostalgic, but it was 50/50 whether it was going to be a good idea or not. "I know just the place." She half-expected him to take her to the same zany hole-in-the-wall they went to for his 21st birthday years back, but he surprised her with a Gotham spot she had never seen before. It was kind of on the (conventional) sporty side, and kind of posh. Not really the sort of place she had expect him to go. "This was my dad's favorite place." Cassie shook her head to clear it. She could count on her hand the number of times Tim has talked about his dad with her, and four times out of five, he had been in tears while doing it. "Do you remember Klarion?" Tim asked. "Bum, bum, bum… The witch boy." She wanted to slap herself for completing the obnoxious little tune on autopilot, but decided not to be too hard on herself. It WAS catchy. "Well, when he had us stuck in adult bodies, I got the bright idea that I should go check on my dad in his natural environment." "There is no way that went well." Tim nodded, "He said I reminded him a bit of his son, and he invited me to sit down and have a beer with him." Cassie felt a smirk coming on. "And you had never had a beer in your life." "Correct. I spit it up all over him. And he never learned that the weird guy who chilled with him and wrecked his night was me.”
Cassie chuckled, “So, do you want a beer?”
“Hell, no. Can’t stand the stuff.” It might have been the funky lighting, but as Tim scratched the back of his head, she could swear he was blushing.
“Me neither. Good thing we’re old enough to admit it. Hey bartender!”
Cassie waved at the old man behind the counter. He seemed to be hard of hearing, as he kept cleaning the other end of the bar. She sighed, “Go over the new roster with me.”
“They haven’t got the official—“
“I know you know the biggest candidates for this thing, and I’d like to have a heads up, please and thanks.”
Tim nodded, as he waved his own hand in the old man’s direction to help her out, “Okay. So Lian has already said yes, and if there is a god, she will hopefully end up being team leader…”
Cassie smiled, “Roy Harper’s kid would be good at it. Though Robin will probably fight her for it…”
“Damian will be there under duress. Dick thinks it will be good for him, but the chances are that if he gets out of line…”
“He absolutely won’t listen to you, so I will have to do it. Uhgh.”
Tim gave her a pained laugh, “Thank you in advance?”
Cassie shrugged. She was already beginning to understand why the League was insisting on both of them. There had been some rosters of the Titans that were like that, some deferring only to Robin and some only to Wonder Girl. But by that time, she and Tim had mastered being in-sync to the point that it was a (mostly) doable nightmare.
“Who’s the heaviest hitter we’ll probably have to clean up after?”
Tim steepled his fingers thoughtfully, “That’s a toss-up between Damian’s friend Colin, who is actually an incredibly nice kid, and Jon Kent: our new Superboy-to-be.”
Cassie frowned, “Wait, I thought… what happened to Christopher?”
“You didn’t…?” Tim’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Um, a lot of things happened to Chris. But when he came home from the phantom zone a few months ago, he… well, it wasn’t like when a Robin gets replaced, but he told me it took a lot of adjusting to the fact that an entire time-line crisis had given him a baby brother that was already twelve years old. Last I’ve heard from him, he’s trying to decide on a new code-name and … well, he’s too old for the team.”
She felt her draw drop. “Chris Kent, who was like barely past my hip last I saw him, is TOO OLD for this team? What the hell?!”
“Cassie, the last time you saw him, I was babysitting him because he was ten. And with the phantom zone, well…”
“Well how old is he n—wait. Don’t answer that. Not until I’ve had whiskey, because this  now officially calls for whiskey. BARTENDER. WHISKEY.” The time for being polite and patient had officially passed.
Cassie cradled her head in her hands as she listened to Tim placate the offended bartender, and modify her order. Apparently whiskey wasn’t specific enough. Apparently the brown-eyed little boy she’d last seen wearing little boy shorts and a cartoon character wristwatch was now too freaking old to join Young Justice 2.0.
“So help me, Tim, if you’ve ordered something crazy-expensive, you are buying.”
Tim sighed, and Cassie felt a twinge of guilt. This wasn’t any easier for him. Hell, it might be harder. She knew Damian always made things harder for Tim.
Cassie was both boggled and somewhat grateful that she didn’t have a new Wonder Girl to contend with. Though, now that she thought about it, it did seem almost a shame for one to be missing from the roster… No.
No, she was still too young to be getting mopey over legacies. Not that she hadn’t always dug the idea of an Amazon legacy, but it was supposed to be, like, a general legacy. Not hers. Not yet. And yet…
“I am buying, and you will like it. I promise. It’s only a little expensive, but trust me that you don’t want the default of anything in this place.”
The next thing she knew, she had a strong-smelling double-shot over ice in front of her. It tasted like honey. If honey weren’t made by bees, but instead made by kangaroos kicking her in the face. She decided she liked it.
“Cassie, you’re supposed to sip that.”
She smirked at him, “I’ll sip the next one. Better hope our tab’s on your platinum card.”
He snorted, but didn’t really protest, taking a taste of his own glass.
She observed him.
He closed his eyes and tilted his head as he drank, though not with the speed of someone rushing a shot. It took the shadows off his face for a moment, so she could clearly see the tiredness around his eyes and the faint stubble around his jaw. She faintly recalled that said stubble had come very late in life to him. At the very tail-end of puberty.
She remembered that the first time she had kissed him—mourning Kon’s death in a sea of shattered glass in the Titan’s sublevel—the line from his cheek to his adam’s apple had been completely smooth.
Don’t go there, Cassie.
That was a long time ago, Cassie.
“So… um. So how’s Kon taking the whole codename thing?”
Tim shrugged, blinking his eyes open as he continued to hold the glass near his lips. “You know about as much as I do. He can’t decide what to pick. That is, he agrees that he’s years overdue to shelve “Superboy”, but replacing it is giving him conniptions.” Tim gestured the bartender back to refill her glass.
“That’s about what I know,” Cassie conceded, “But somehow, you always know a little more. So spill.”
As promised, she sipped the next glass. Sipping was like getting kicked by a baby honey-making kangeroo. It was still pretty damn good. She raised her pinky jokingly, which finally got a smile out of Tim that went up to his eyes as he spoke.
“He’s actually been trying to pick Chris’s brain on the matter. While Kon can hardly think of anything, Chris’s knowledge of Kryptonian language and mythology is giving him a ton of ideas and he just can’t choose.”
“Yeah, well. Kon’s gonna have to get used to choosing names in general. And soon.”
Tim’s puzzled expression stopped her cold.
“Oh Hera. He hasn’t told you yet.”
Tim similarly froze, “He… told me there was something he though he’d tell a lot of people in person. Said it wasn’t bad news. But with his new off-world mission, and how, um, busy we both will be… “
Cassie nodded. If Kon wanted to protest, he could blame her.
“M’gann is pregnant.”
It was always fun: managing to surprise Tim with something he’d clearly had absolutely no clue about beforehand. So fun. So rare. He was even choking a bit on his own drink.
“You’re serious. Kon’s going to be… a dad?”
“Wow. He’s got to be over the moon. Both in a happy and terrified way. I’ll be an honorary uncle. Heh…”
He went serious then, totally quiet. Sometimes Cassie didn’t dig the reminder that she didn’t really have the full specs of the brain of Timothy Drake. But then again, did anyone?
She held back a tiny flinch as Tim set down his drink and put his hand over hers…
“Are you okay?” he practically whispered.
“Yes…?” she mimicked his low voice.
“Because I know you’ve never liked talking about how things ended, but it’s alright to…”
Gears clicked into place.
“Omigod. Tim. I’m fine. Kon and I are both totally over each other. Promise. Seriously, have you been worrying about that for the past five years?”
His face didn’t turn red, but his ears did.
“Hey, you wouldn’t talk about it, okay? And Kon may be my best friend, but… he’s not my only best friend. You and Bart… you can’t think I love you any less. Do you?”
Holy shit. The L-word. From TIM. In a totally platonic sense, of course.
As it should be, Cassie.
She knew Tim had been trained to resist truth serum and torture since his Robin days. Apparently, his own taste in alcohol was considerably more effective if it could get talk of actual feelings out of him.
Focus, Cassie. He asked you a question.
“I know you love me.” She squeaked.
A distinctly fraught look pulled his eyebrows together, and it occurred to Cassie that her assurance didn’t sound very believable.
So she tried again, “I’m serious. I don’t mean that in whatever placating double-meaning Bat-way you guys usually communicate in Gotham. I mean it. I know. You love me. I love you too.”
Those burning ears of his were back, but at least the distressed twist to his forehead had gone away. And that… Cassie knew she’d said enough. Her brain knew, anyway. Her tongue didn’t. “If… if a burning building had you and my mom inside and I only had time to save one, I’d save my mom because she didn’t sign up for the life we did. But I’d be every bit as devastated over losing you as if I had lost her.”
What the hell, Cassie?! Dark escalation much?
She spared a glance at her drink as though it had betrayed her. Was she on glass number two or number three?
Tim just snorted with a smirk, “Me too.”
He took another sip, which seemed to oddly sober his face again, “Though… I’d probably be more devastated if it was you. I… I sometimes wondered if there was something wrong with me considering how fast I recovered from my mom’s death. We weren't  close. I… I wanted us to be. So much. But we weren’t.”
Cassie held her breath. She… she had known that Tim’s mom was out of the picture. That when his dad died, that was it. Officially one of Batman’s orphans. But she’d never…
Apparently, it was Tim’s turn to look at his drink as though it were up to shady behavior.
“I’ve never admitted that out loud to anybody. Not in so many words, anyway.”
They both let the silence breathe a moment, before Cassie tentatively let her curiosity get the best of her.
“What was her name? Wanna tell me about her?”
Tim didn’t look her in the eye, preferring to keep his gaze pinpointed on the single oversized ice cube in his glass, but he nodded.
“Her name was Janet. She um…” A tiny strange grin quirked the side of his mouth and he finally looked up at her through messy black bangs, “Remember that time when your mom invited me and Bart to dinner with you, and she complained for half an hour about the ‘jet-set’ archaeologists who have all the money but half-assed dedication to historical findings? Who are all about the fun and polish?”
“Um, yes?”  Oh gods. Helena Sandsmark’s fifth favorite rant topic. She had hours of material on the unfairness of wealthy socialites’ interaction with the archaeology scene. Cassie always died of embarrassment anytime someone she knew was exposed to even a fraction of it.
“My mom was one of those.”
Cassie slumped in her chair, beginning to feel her own ears turn red.
“Oh gods, I’m sorry—”
And Tim giggled. Giggled. It was… stupid but nice and he kind of sounded like he hadn’t taken in quite enough oxygen at first to do it properly.
“Don’t be, Cass. Your mom didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. I wasn’t mad. It was… nice remembering her. She was spoiled, but in a classy kind of way. At least, that’s what my dad would say about it. But he might have been biased. Considering.”
“Considering.” Cassie let a relieved giggle of her own slip.
The silence that followed wasn’t a bad one. She eventually realized that Tim was faintly tapping on the edge of the bar to the tune of the music softly playing over he speakers, though she didn’t recognize the song.
At some point in their conversation, he had let go of her hand, and she tried not to overthink her awareness of that. She also tried not to overthink the fact that she was mentally listing the different ways she might get him to put it back.
She was startled from carefully not contemplating these things when his finger tips continued tapping, but this time against her own fingers lingering on the bar. She saw an expectant expression on his face, and it took her a moment to realize that the music had changed.
Cassie’s eyes widened. Was that.. Mmmm Bop? It was. The one hit from that stupid band that every member of Young Justice has solemnly sworn to hate into eternity was dancing over the speakers.
Some members, however, had been lying through their teeth when taking said oath.
Cassie had been one of them. Apparently, so had Tim.
Their moment of mutually tapping to forbidden tunes was interrupted as the old bar keep slammed a giant pink drink in front of Cassie’s nose.
“From th’ gentleman.” The man muttered, tottering away.
Cassie frowned. Tim seemed to be on the case, however, as he made a subtle pointing down the bar. She looked over her shoulder and saw the guy. He was tall and broad, with a lear and patch of scruff on his chin that reminded Cassie of Tim’s old Mr. Sarcastic disguise. Just… without the sarcasm. His target of choice hadn’t accepted the drink yet, and he was already elbowing his buddies and preparing to stand.
“He looks like the pushy type to me,” Cassie muttered, “Mr. Detective?”
Tim gave a small sigh, “I’m inclined to agree. How do you want to play this?”
There were a lot of correct choices. Not the least of which was taking the drink and pretending it meant nothing. Making eye contact and firmly pushing the drink away was a fair call too. If Mr. Pushy pushed, well… It would hardly be any skin off her back to return the favor. But a hero was always supposed to avoid escalating the situation or provoking it. Such was the correct choice.
You’re going to be a mentor, Cassie.
Meaning—she replied to the voice in her head— that if she was going to do something wild and on the side of crazy, it had to be tonight. So, she grabbed Tim’s hand and whispered in his ear.
“Pretend to be my boyfriend.”
His eyes went comically wide for a fraction of a second, but the next instant, he was giving her a succinct nod of the head.
She felt his fingertips slide up to her jaw, pinpricks of cold from the condensation of his drink. She barely registered the procession from one moment to the next as his lips were suddenly touching hers.
Barely touching. Very lightly.
But staying. Not a peck.
Rather, a quick brush followed by a very slow second brush.  
Her eyes slipped closed, acknowledging that the feeling was nice, if unexpected.
She held still everywhere save her mouth, mimicking his movement until she could breathe in the honey-tang from his breath instead of her own.
She then set her icy fingernails against his cheek, as was only fair.
He gave a quick inhale that let her know she had startled him back.
“Two for flinching.” She chuckled against his mouth.
In an instant, she wanted desperately to see his expression, but he ducked his head to whisper in her ear again.
“Why go back to competing when we’ve gotten so good at teaming up?”
Tim thought he was so clever sometimes. She wanted to agree and roll her eyes at the same time. She was about to reply when something in the shift of his shoulders told her they had trouble.
“What is it?”
“Pushy Type has strolled out with his friends, but they went around the alley area of the building without grabbing a ride and none of them had car keys.”
Cassie hissed, “They wanna jump us? Are you serious? This neighborhood sucks.”
Tim pulled back far enough that could see his face. There was some uncertainty there that he was doing his utmost to hide, but Cassie was too familiar with it to be fooled by it anymore.
Goddess. He liked it. He liked it as much as I did.
And now he’s wondering if he messed up.
“I know the corner they’ve picked. No cameras, no witnesses. They’d be… very surprised to not have the advantage. We could change into uniform in the restrooms and sneak out the back of the kitchen. It’ll be fun.”
And… he was off. He even left the barstool he’d been sitting on spinning.
Stupid bat-birds and their emotional issues.
She’d let him get away with it for now.
Two hours later, they stumbled into Tim’s apartment dripping wet, with an unanticipated number of cuts and bruises.
“Fun, you said. We intimidate them and they’ll re-think their life-choices, you said.” Cassie scoffed.
Tim clutched his bruised rib, “I didn’t know C-listers were developing their own knock-off venom pills these days. It’s a recent development.”
His other arm was over her shoulder, keeping weight off his bruised ankle. If knock-off venom could punch her right into him, she didn’t want to think about what the original Bane could probably do.
But it probably didn’t help that they were both a little tipsy. While Tim might not have guessed that Mr. Pushy—who had wanted to be called The Dejector, of all things, yeesh—would be carrying supervillain steroids, they both would have resolved the fight a lot faster if they had both been sober and had their minds off… well.. The Thing they were avoiding talking about.
After they had the perps bagged and tied for the Gotham PD, Tim had decided to play it safe and not drive his motorcycle back. Cassie had similarly decided against flying.
So they had walked.
And then it rained.
Because Gotham.
Cassie carefully set Tim down on his couch. She then followed his directions to find the first aid kit as he began to check himself for damage.
“Just so we’re clear: I’m not actually mad, Tim. Just grumpy. I had plans for tonight. They didn’t involve this many scrapes.”
“I… Oh.” He froze, “I didn’t know I was keeping you. Sorry.”
“You’re not,” Cassie corrected, setting the kit down by his foot and she cinched up the leg of his jeans. (The nice thing about his crazy expensive wardrobe: there was some extra stretch to the denim.) “You were at the center of the plans.”
“Oh.” He tensed again, and Cassie worried for a moment that she had hurt him just by applying ice. But as she looked up, she realized his ears were red again.
Okay, Wonder Girl. Time to be brave.
“Confession time. So… you already know I love you. We got that out of the way. The big secret is that I also might… kinda like you on top of that.”
Tim snorted, but it was with a tiny hopeful smile on his face that quickly smoothed itself out to boarder-line sly.
“Oh really?”
If he was gonna be that way about it, there was no need to be delicate with the application of the ice. He flinched for real.
“Yeah,” Cassie muttered, meeting his eye, “Funny how that works.”
“Funny how it’s mutual.” He panted.
Cassie blinked. “Does this mean we…?”
“If you want.” Tim whispered.
She kissed him.
Sweat, rainwater, scrapes and all. She had wrapped her arms around his neck, and even when she bumped his foot and his leg tensed, he still clutched back.
It was hard to tell who’s idea it was to lean back into the couch. Definitely her idea to start lifting his shirt off. His hair was just long enough that damp tendrils lingered where his neck met his shoulders and she didn’t resist the temptation to run her hands through it. He rolled into the movement like a cat with his eyes closed, and something like déjà vu struck her for the second time that day.
For all that Tim’s everyday body language exuded a polite distance, actually touching him was so very different. Kind of like a sunflower desperate for a hint of light. As if no one had held him for years. Maybe no one had.
Rain still clung to her own hair as well, water droplets shaking loose from assorted strands of her blond hair. They splashed onto Tim’s chest, making him shiver.
She knew he could resist the cold, if he wanted. He could use a simple stretch of his own self control to curb his reactions, but he chose not to. Chose to let her see it, and the thought lit something warm in her chest.
She leaned in close again, feeling her own shirt slide up, enjoying the contrast of warmth where their stomaches touched and cold where their hair got in the way. Tim was the one doing the kissing then, returning to that slow brush he seemed to have perfected, only against her neck instead of her lips. His arms held tight, tighter. And she gladly returned the favor until—
His whole body tensed, but Cassie knew it was the foot.
The Achilles Heel, as mom would say.
“Guess it would be more fun to save the rest for when we’re both in one piece, huh?”
Tim sighed, “‘Rest’ implies a finite amount. Was going more for an indefinite sort of plan.”
Cassie grinned.
“I’ll remember that. Now where are your towels, Young Man Wonder?”
He scowled at her, but he gave up the location of the towels. And the location of his popcorn machine. And blankets. And spare pyjamas. And dvd collection.
I could get very used to this.
She was cuddled in his arms on the couch again, but this time calm and dry with antibiotics gently applied to her minor scratches.
“It’s different this time, you know. I can feel it.” She whispered.
Tim stirred beneath her, though he took a moment to speak.
“You mean… us?”
She nodded against his chest, “Us. The vibe of it. The… the kissing. It’s different. We’re different.”
She didn’t have the energy to lift her head, but she felt him nod all the same.
“Last time, we were in a bad place. Now we’re in a good one.”
She smiled against him and trusted that he could feel it, “Even if you have to face down the Damian squad on Monday?”
“It won’t be Damian’s squad. Not immediately, anyway. But yes. Even then. We can do this. Together.”
Cassie threaded her fingers through Tim’s as her eyes fluttered shut for the night.
She believed him.
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anonwriter27 · 7 years
Chapter 18 :)
“Is my tie crooked?” Bran asked Jojen, adjusting his tie for the fifth time. “Here.” Jojen said correcting it for him.
“I can’t believe it’s happening, it seems like just yesterday I met Myrcella, now she’s going to be my sister.” Bran said wistfully.
He thought back to the day, remembering the beautiful blonde in her unicorn wellies. The way she grabbed his hand and assured him his brother was fine. Although he barely knew her, he believed her, and he knew his brother would be safe with her. He chuckled remembering Robb’s look of jealousy.
“Less that 6 hours to go.” Jojen smiled.
Jojen remembered how welcoming Myrcella had been. He had never had a boyfriend before Bran, let alone meet the family. Her smile calmed him immediately, she was an outsider like him, and they would stick together.
The pair were grateful to have Myrcella, she could comfort someone and take away all their pain.
“We better finish the decorating.”
“She’s so cute.” Arya said, holding her beautiful niece. “She’ll be a heartbreaker.” Gendry said coming into the room.
He was in his tuxedo and Arya nearly swooned (Arya was not the kind of girl that swooned).
“You look beautiful.” He told her, and he was right. Arya wore a simple dress, the bridesmaids didn’t have time to find matching floor length gowns but Myrcella had insisted they wear something they liked.
She was in a yellow dress with a black collar, the skirt flaring out. She blushed at his compliment.
“I’m glad Robb found her.” Arya said after a few moments of silence.
She thought back to when she first met Myrcella. She remembered thinking ‘dear God’ when she walked into the bar with her bumble bee jumper; but as soon as she smiled, Arya knew what all the fuss was about. They were polar opposites, yet they never ran out of things to talk about. Myrcella made her feel important, when Arya herself felt below average.
Gendry agreed.
He loved his little sister. Everyone had turned him away, the ‘bastard bull’ they would sneer, not Myrcella. She was the first family he had ever had, and he knew she would always be there, this ray of sunshine casting light on every dark corner.
“She’s one in a million.” Gendry said fondly.
“I still don’t see why you get to be best man.” Rickon said crossing his arms over his chest like a child.
“I’m more mature than you.” Jon said smugly. “You mean your old.” Rickon joked. “Do you want me to fix your tie or not?” “Yes, sorry.”
Jon had been correcting Rickon’s appearance for the best part of the morning. Rickon kept trying to readjust his outfit, he would roll up his sleeves or hike up his collar. Jon wouldn’t allow it though.
“Is Myrcella gonna be my sister now?” “Yes she is, problem?” Jon chuckled.
Rickon thought back to the night Robb came back to him. His brother had smiled at him for the first time in years. He owed it all to Myrcella; her quirky style and kind eyes had pushed away the dark cloud that hung over his big brother.
“No, it’s definitely not a problem.” Rickon smiled. “Good, she’ll be a good sister.”
Jon had seen it all from the start; every awkward conversation or look of adoration, he witnessed it. He remembered when Robb had invited her to celebrate with them; his cousin looked so proud of himself. Myrcella was the cause of that, the reason Robb had smiled, the reason he pushed himself, it was all her. He would always be grateful for that.
“Let’s go help Bran and Jojen.” Jon said. “Yeah, we can’t let down my new sister.” Rickon smiled.
“Are you ready dad?” Tommen poked his head through the door. “I can’t get this bloody tie to sit right.” Robert said frustratedly. “Here.”
Robert had come with Tommen, Myrcella deciding she wanted him to give her away, the sign of a fresh start.
“You look good lad.” Robert said. “Thanks dad.” Tommen chuckled, finally fixing his dad’s tie.
He went to leave but Robert stopped him.
“Would you sit with me a moment.” “Of course.”
They sat on the end of the bed, both unsure and a little nervous. Tommen had never really spoken at great length to his father, he had a feeling that was about to change.
“I apologised to Cella, I didn’t show you the same courtesy though.” “Dad it’s fine really…” “No no, I should have. I let you down, in the worst possible way. No number of apologies will make up for that, I know, but I intend to spend the rest of my life doing what’s best for my children. I won’t let you down again son, I promise.”
Tommen was taken back, no one had ever apologised to him.
“I know you will dad, thank you.” He said, holding his dad’s hand. “Cella will be proud of us.” Robert chuckled.
He was right. Robert had always been amazed by how forgiving his daughter was. He had dismissed her, left her to the lions, and she still invited him to her big day. He would constantly tell himself, I don’t deserve her, he believed it, but that was no excuse. Those big green eyes of hers will always be imprinted in his mind, they would forever reassure him that he was worthy.
“Yeah she will be. I’m proud of her too though.”
Tommen had watched his sister stand up again after every beating she took for him. It would have been easy for her to give up, to hand him over to Joffrey, to scream and shout and beg. She didn’t though. She was the perfect amount of both their father and mother, headstrong and poised; she kept fighting when they gave her nothing to fight for. Then she met Robb, someone who would protect her, and take her away from the madness.
“Tommen?” Sansa called out, “Oh! Sorry, I’ll come back later.” “It’s fine love we’re done here.” Robert said.
“Tommen, I was wondering if you could help me with the flowers?” “Of course!” He said eagerly.
Sansa left and he made to follow.
“A word of advice.” Robert said and Tommen whipped his head around to turn to his father.
“Don’t take too long before you ask her out, you’ll never forgive yourself if you miss your chance.”
Tommen smiled, “Thanks dad.”
“I didn’t think there would be this many!” Sansa said.
They were helping decorate the Gods Wood, wrapping wild flowers around the chairs.
“They’ll look beautiful though.” Tommen said encouragingly. “It’s all happening so quickly, I just want to savour it all.” She spoke softly.
Sansa loved her big brother, when he left for war she was heartbroken. She had been so excited when they told her he was coming back, but the reality wasn’t what she expected. She wanted her brother back, not the imposter that never smiled, and turned away from her. It had hurt her, more than she’d ever tell. Then he walked into their home, and it was Robb, her big brother; he smiled at her like he did when she was a little girl. The girl he held on to was the cause of it, this angel sent down to them. Myrcella gave Sansa her brother back, and now Robb was giving her another sister. Sansa felt very lucky indeed.
“Hey Sansa? I was wondering if perhaps you’d umm…. Like to perhaps…umm, go out some time….maybe….”
Like brother, like sister, Sansa thought.
“I’d love to go out with you some time Tommen.” She smiled, and Tommen swore his heart had skipped a beat.
“You look handsome.” Catelyn said. “Thank you.” Robb blushed. “Nervous?” She asked. “A little. Not in a cold feet way, I just want to get this right.”
Catelyn smiled at her eldest child, she went over to him to correct his tie.
“I was so nervous before I married your father. I didn’t eat of sleep for days before the ceremony.”
“Really, why?” Robb asked, falling for Catelyn’s plan to distract him from his nerves.
“I was marrying one of the great Stark’s of Winterfell, our wedding was the talk of the North and Riverlands; it felt like all eyes were on us.”
Robb nodded in understanding.
“None of that mattered though, the minute I saw your father. All the worries I had, the scenarios I’d made up of me falling flat on my face, they all disappeared when I saw him. I looked into his eyes and I was home, the safest place in the world.”
Robb smiled at his mother’s memory.
“Just look at her, and everything else will disappear.” She assured him. “Thank you mother.” “Oh it’s nothing…” “I mean for everything. It can’t have been easy for you, having me for a son, me being in the state that I was. I’m sorry I put you through that, thank you for not leaving.”
Catelyn swallowed the lump in her throat, “Your my son, I’ll always be here.”
They hugged each other, and Catelyn remembered the day she held him in her arms for the first time. He was perfect, this beautiful little boy with his bright blue eyes; she loved him instantly, and she loved the man that he had become, a man like his father.
“Myrcella is going to look beautiful.” He said almost dreamily and she chuckled.
She thought back to the day that sweet blonde girl stumbled into her office. She was a hell of a risk, but seeing how her son smiled, she knew it had payed off.
Jon knocked on the door, “It’s time.” He said.
The three of them headed to the Gods Wood.
“There you go, perfect.” Ygritte said, having finished her hair. “Thank you, it’s beautiful!” Myrcella said.
She was in her dress now, it was flowy and long sleeved, lace trim adorned it and velvet buttons tied it at the back. She was a vision poets wrote sonnets about. Ygritte had placed small white flowers in Myrcella’s hair and it made her look ethereal.
“Will I do?” She turned to Ygritte and asked. “Robb needs to watch out, I might steal you away.” Ygritte joked, and they both giggled.
Ygritte had never had a best friend, she didn’t get on with girls very well and she assumed most guys were only after one thing; but Myrcella, this beautiful and sweet girl had chosen her to be her best friend. She remembered the day Myrcella (quite literally) danced into her life, the way she blushed at every compliment she was paid, or how she never missed a chance to make you feel special. I’m lucky to have her as my best friend, Ygritte thought to herself.
She remembered the day she curled Myrcella’s hair for her birthday meal, and now she was readying her for her wedding day.
They stood in Myrcella’s room, bride and maid of honour, waiting for a knock on the door.
“We’ve come a long way Baratheon.” “Indeed we have, any advice?” “Don’t fuck it up!” Ygritte chuckled, quoting their favourite queen.
Knock knock.
Robert walked in and gasped when he saw her. “You look beautiful sweet heart.” He said, tears in his eyes.
“Thanks dad.” She said, trying not to smudge her make up. “You ready?” He asked. “Don’t let me fall?” “Never.”
The three of them headed to the Gods Wood, Ygritte bringing Bran’s paper fan, just incase.
Jojen switched the music on and Sam Tarly (the officiator) motioned for everyone to stand; all heads turned to the the back of the aisle.
First was Arya, she walked down with Rosie, who was smiling like a Cheshire Cat. The two looked so sweet together.
Second was Sansa. She walked elegantly with her head held high, her purple dress swaying as she walked. She sent Tommen a cheeky wink.
Third was Ygritte, she wore a dark green dress, a striking contrast to her red hair. She not so subtly winked at Jon who blew her a kiss in return.
Finally it was time for the bride. Robb was eager to see her, no one had told him anything about what she was wearing or how she would look. He wanted to see his bride.
Her and Robert turned the corner and everyone gasped when they saw her. Robb watched her walk towards him. This beautiful creature is going to be my wife, he thought. He had never seen a sight so perfect.
“Wow.” Sam said, and bowed his head when he saw Robb and Jon look at him.
She kissed her father on the cheek, and he sat in his seat wiping away his tears; Catelyn wrapped a comforting arm around him.
“Hi.” Robb said. “Hi.” She giggled.
“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony…” Sam began the ceremony.
Myrcella and Robb weren’t aware of the words being spoken or how long they had been stood there; they were too busy watching each other, counting each freckle, watching each other’s lips, and staring into each other’s eyes.
Sam wrapped a ribbon over their joint hands (they decided to do things the old way).
“Will you please recite the words.” Sam said.
“Father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger, I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days.”
“Father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger, I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days.”
“I am delighted to pronounce you both, husband and wife. You may kiss the…”
Robb didn’t need to be told, he pulled her in for a kiss so passionate, he had to hold her steady incase she fell over from dizziness.
Everyone cheered and applauded.
“I love you.” He told her. “You have no idea.” She said.
“Shut up and dance with me!” Jojen sang at the top of his lungs.
The reception, although small was hilarious. Everyone danced and sang, and demanded go make a speech after far too many drinks.
Myrcella was dancing with Jon when cover girl came on. He went to excuse himself but Myrcella wouldn’t let him escape that easy! She knew he knew the words, Ygritte had played Rupaul enough times for him to pick it up.
As he twirled her he finally let loose, “Cover girl! Put the base in your walk, head to toe let your whole body talk!” He sang and Myrcella couldn’t help but join in.
The night was full of laughter, even Robert, who had remained sober the whole night, was enjoying himself.
“Mrs. Stark.” Robb greeted her, as he pulled her in for a slow dance. “Why if it isn’t my husband.”
They started swaying to the music, everyone pairing off to do the same.
“Was today all you hoped for?” He asked. “It was everything and more.” She said wistfully and rested her head on his chest.
Myrcella thought back to the day she met Robb Stark, she could have sworn he hated her, every time he grimaced at her outfits she was certain he would fire her. Then he warmed to her, he let her into his world, he told her his story, and he let her love him. Now they were dancing together in their wedding day, blissful in their little bubble.
Arya walked over to them, “I’m gonna put Rosie to bed, she’s looking a little tired.” Myrcella kissed her daughter goodnight and Robb thanked Arya for taking care of her.
Robb watched his wife watch their daughter go. He remembered the day she walked into his room, wearing an outfit she deemed sensible. He remembered the countless hot chocolates she offered, and the way she almost cried when he asked for coffee. He remembered the first time she hugged him and the day he finally kissed her. She never left his side no matter how rude or insufferable he became. She was his everything, the reason he got up in the morning, and she was his.
“How did I get you?” He asked. “I ask myself the exact same thing everyday. I like to think we’re being rewarded for something.”
He smiled at that.
“Again?” “Again.”
Their wedding night had lasted the entire night, neither one ready to go to sleep.
She straddled him, taking him inside her again. She would never get enough of this, the feeling of him inside her, or the way he looked at her.
He thrust in and out of her, enjoying watching her fall apart on top of him. I’m definitely being rewarded, he thought.
He came with a shudder, calling out her name and she fell back on the bed beside him, both out of breath and smiling.
“It’s a good thing Rosie had a babysitter tonight.” Robb laughed. “I know, I don’t want to get out of this bed!” She exclaimed and rolled into his side, he wrapped his arm around her.
“I never imagined this Cella.” “What’s that?” “A happy ending.” “This isn’t an ending Robb, we have far too much to look forward to for this to be an ending.”
He kissed the top of her head. She was right, she was always right.
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In the Crosshairs (28/?)
When she wakes the next morning, their hands were still laced together. Margaery flexes her hand and watches Alayne’s twitch beneath it. She sits up slowly to not wake the woman beside her. She grabs her phone off the nightstand and quietly leaves, closing the door behind her.
                    She’s only going to check the news, but a text message caught her eye. Other than her grandmother, she hadn’t used the phone to contact anyone. It was supposed to be untraceable.
                    She opens the text downstairs. “Little Rose, I was overjoyed to hear you had found safety amongst the sands of Dorne and have now returned to the flower bed. As promised, I have kept my nose to the ground on learning what I can of our Queen Bee. My little birds have told me that she shall be making a surprise visit to High Garden by the end of the week on her return from Sunspear. Your Grandmother has this message awaiting her as well. – The Spider.”
                    She shakes her head as she opens the backdoor and stepped outside. The man was a wonder. All of Westeros probably thought she was dead by now, and he’s figured out her phone number.
                    Before she can dwell on the thought too long, Lady jumps on her. Margaery manages to hold on to her phone, but barely.
                    “Down girl,” she commands.
                    Lady sits, panting and wagging her tail. Her back has dried flower pedals all over it. Margaery turns to her grandmother’s flower bed. The flowers are flat and crushed. “You have a death wish.”
                    Margaery gets down to the ground. Lady takes it as permission to lick her face all over. In a way it was. She pushed the dog down, but scratched behind her ears. Lady’s tail wagged faster. Margaery scratched down to her back and Lady laid down at her side, thrilled to have her attention once more.
                    “That’s a good girl,” Margaery murmurs. Lady settles down. She rolls on to her back, massive hindlegs dangling in the air. Again, Margaery pets her. “I’ve missed you too.”
                    The morning is bright and the birds tweet high form their perches. It’s the right place to think.
                    Obara’s words replay in her mind. “Don’t fall for her lies again.” What were the lies? After last night she could no longer tell herself Sansa didn’t care. Her confession felt like a load off her chest. She didn’t have to keep it to herself anymore. Still, after all the bullshit she put Margaery through for her job and keeping secrets, only to be keeping the world’s biggest secret for a year was something she couldn’t bring herself to forgive. She didn’t want to forgive. The wall was crumbling though. She could feel it.
                    There was no rectifying it, but perhaps she could make herself a bunker. Let Sansa in without letting her have the capacity to hurt her again. She would never let herself love anyone the way she loved Alayne. That only led heartbreak. She couldn’t put herself through that again.
                    “Beauty tamed the beast,” Obara smirks and sits down beside her.
                    Margaery moves her hand over so Obara can pet Lady as well. “She’s not so bad when she’s in a good mood.”
                    “Are you talking about Stark or her bitch?” Obara asks.
                    “Both,” Margaery pats Lady’s stomach. She looks at Obara. She’s wearing a sports bra and shorts, with a water bottle in hand and a mat by her side. “Early morning workout?”
                    “Yes. If you still wanted to go on a run we could. I just wanted to do some core training this morning. Rid myself of some frustration.” Obara gulps down some water.
                    “No thanks. Today is my off day,” Margaery says.
                    “How did things go with Stark last night?”
                    Margaery shrugs. “We talked.”
                    “The mafia. Renly.”
                    “You didn’t trust her did you?” Obara brushes a strand of blonde hair from Margaery’s eyes, though Margaery looks at the ground.  
                    Margaery doesn’t answer. She doesn’t know what she trusts.
                    “Oh, Margaery,” Obara sighs. “The Starks are cold and rigid. No passion. For all their talk of honor, would an honorable woman lie to you about who she was and what she wanted for so long? Look into those lifeless eyes and you can’t tell the lie because she’s so used to lying.”
                    Margaery cocks her head. “And you are passionate and honest and forward?”
                    Obara laughs. “You said it. I assume you know the rescue mission will be going soon? I have some packing to do then.” She kisses Margaery’s cheek and draws a little spear on the side of her neck with her finger nail. “Whenever you’re ready, Tyrell, just say the word.”
                    She pushes herself up and flashes Margaery a smile. Margaery looks back to see her go and Ygritte come out. Ygritte looks at Obara as she walks past. She makes her way to Margaery and sits. Lady licks her hand before nuzzling her head into Margaery’s lap.
                    “You think those are real abs? Is it possible to get an ab implant?” Ygritte asks.
                    “Have you seen her running with us the last week. Those are real.”
                    “They’re better than Jon’s. Do you know how defined that boy’s abs are?”
                    “Yes. I’ve seen them on multiple occasions because you don’t take “get a room” literally.”
                    “Gosh, Marge, that’s only happened like five times,” Ygritte exaggerates her voice to sound like a preppy teen. They giggle at the ridiculousness of it.
                    They get up and go back to the house. “Jon said he and Obara are leaving today,” Ygritte mentions.
                    “Obara just told me. Loras is coming home.”
                    Ygritte opens the back door. Margaery shuts it behind her. She feels bad for leaving Lady, but the dog is muddy and bringing her inside will mean not only the dog’s death, but quite possibly hers as well. Lady puts up a good fight, deflating her ears and whimpering in an attempt to guilt Margaery into letting her in. Not this time.
                    “Jon knows nothing. I’m glad he’s going with someone who at least has a brain,” Ygritte mutters.
                    “He figured out your disguise,” They go to the kitchen and start a pot of coffee.
                    “Took him an hour of staring at me to figure it out. I’m glad Quentyn’s not going though. That could have been awkward,” Ygritte leans against the counter. Her shoulders are tense and not relaxed like they used to be. She’s worried.
                    “He’ll be safe. According to him, he’s done a lot more dangerous things than this,” Margaery offers her comfort.
                    Ygritte half-heartedly shrugs. “Yeah. We just figured things out and he’s running off again. I should be with him, not stuck here.”
                    Margaery rests her palms against the edge and decides to divert the conversation. “How are you guys getting along?”
                    “Better. Old gods help me, but I love the bastard. We’ve been talking.”
                    “You’ve been talking? That must be a first,” Margaery huffs a laugh. “Before or after he ate you out.”
                    “After. It was glorious. Still bristles me that he had to fucking lie about it all. Even more so that he cut his damn hair. But I forgive him. I can’t hate him for circumstances beyond his control.” Ygritte pours her coffee and adds a shot of espresso. “Bastard lies to me again though, I’m wearing his cock as a necklace.”
                    “I’ll be there to hold him down for you,” Margaery poured her own cup. They toast and drink.
                    “So you and Alayne…”
                    The coffee mug covers Ygritte’s face as she gulps it down, hiding her from Margaery’s glare.
                    “It’s complicated,” Margaery says.
                    As if she was a genie summoned by her mistress, Alayne enters the kitchen. In one hand she carries a fabric of some sort with pins and needles sticking out of it. Margaery can hardly remember the last time she saw Alayne sew. A warm smile crosses Alayne’s face. “There you are.” She sits down beside Margaery. She sets aside her sewing materials and covers Margaery’s hands with her own. “I was hoping we could talk a bit more. There are some things I want to tell you. Maybe go on a walk through the gardens or take a ride to some overlook. I bet it the view would be gorgeous.”
                    Ygritte quietly excuses herself, giving Margaery as much privacy as she’s likely to get in this house.
                    “Yeah we should,” Margaery says brightly, but curtly.
                    Sansa sits down across the table from Margaery, directly in her line of sight. She smiles softly.
                    Margaery looks at her coffee mug, then back to Sansa. All the hope in her eyes almost breaks her heart, but she won’t let this woman break her heart again. It’s not fair for either of them. “We promised each other honesty right? So here’s me being honest. Sansa, last night was… it doesn’t change things between us.”
                    Sansa refuses to break her smile. “It did. You opened to me. I’m not going to pretend things are the way they are before, but things are changing, progressing. I still love you. That won’t change. I’m going to earn your love back.”
                    “What if you can’t?” Margaery finishes her coffee and gets up.
                    Sansa goes around the table to Margaery. She’s intrusively close. “You loved me. You still do, even if you’re too angry to realize it right now. Which you have every right to be angry, but…Margaery. I don’t know what else I can do. I have nothing left to apologize for.”
                    “I loved Alayne. Sansa Stark…” terrifies me, she’s about to say, but doesn’t. Even honesty has its limits, so she thinks of an alternative truth. Her feelings and what others know of them are some of the few things she still has control over in her life. “Sansa Stark isn’t Alayne.”
                    Not wanting to acknowledge the desperation on Sansa’s face, Margaery drops off her mug in the sink and mutters and apology to Oberyn when he says good morning as she brushes past him.
                    In the shower, her thoughts flow. Renly, Cersei, Alayne, Obara, Sansa, the article, Loras, her grandmother, Garlan. They all run together. It’s on her to keep it in order and sort it out. It’s her mess and she has to fix it.
                    She’s always been a creature of order. So she puts them in order. What can be solved now, what can wait. By the time she gets out of the shower, she has a plan. It begins with finishing her article. It’s nearly done as is, but it’s missing that spark that will turn it from an intrigue piece to breaking news that will find its way to every major news outlet from the bloody Red Watch to Westeros Daily to the Westerosi News Newtwork. Hours spent going over her notes and interviews turn up nothing of value.
                    As she works on her article, the others came in and out. Ygritte mentions that Jon and Obara have been locked in meetings with Sansa, Oberyn and Olenna all day, likely finalizing plans for saving rescuing Loras. Let out of the primary scheme, the rest of the Viper’s clan, Karstark, and Ygritte are left with little to do other than find ways to entertain themselves. Karstark, for his part, retells valiant tales of working in the Stark Mafia. His near death experiences and glories of climbing through the mafia ranks impress no one. Eventually, they all scatter, letting Margaery finish her work in peace.
                    As Margaery packs away her things, Quentyn comes in. “We are saying our goodbyes now, if you would like to join us.”
                    “I’ll be there momentarily.” She follows after him.
                    They’re all gathered around the front door as if wishing farewell to beloved cousings rather than strangers forced together in a bizarre scheme of events. Sansa hugs Jon as Ygritte bickers by his side. Obara is talking with her sisters. She’s not much of a hugger. The most affection Margaery observes is a pat on the shoulder. Olenna interrupts them and whispers something to Obara, who nods in acknowledgement.
                    Margaery isn’t sure whom to go to first, so she stands back in between the two. She nearly jumps when she feels a furry head nuzzle against her hand. She hadn’t expected her grandmother to ever let Lady back in the house after this morning. Apparently she was more forgiving than usual. Or she didn’t know about her crushed daffodils.
                    Jon approaches to scratch Lady’s head. “You be a good girl and watch over Sansa.” He smiles at Margaery. “Both of you.”
                    “She’s a big girl. She can take care of herself,” Margaery mutters.
                    Jon awkwardly pulls her into a hug and grumbles, “Doesn’t mean an extra pair of eyes will hurt. She’s got a lot stressing her out with the mafia right now and could use a shoulder to lean on.”
                    Ice melts under heat and pressure. Perhaps someone forgot to mention that to “Ms. Stone-Cold.”
                    “Get my brother back. Be safe,” is all she says.
                    Ygritte grabs his arm and wraps her arms around his neck. “Don’t do anything stupid, Snow. I don’t want to have to hunt down some prick cause you can’t take care of yourself.”
                    “I’ll let Obara do the thinking for both of us, okay?” he grins.
                    Ygritte pulls his head down and presses her forehead against his. “Being with you has made me soft.”
                    “That’s just what love does, I suppose,” Jon kisses her. Ygritte holds him tight. Her emotions are raw and vulnerable, on display for everyone to scrutinize rather than hidden under a mask of sarcasm and defiance.
                    Margaery is so caught up in the spectacle of her friend that she doesn’t notice Obara at her side. “Any words of advice?”
                    In her brown jacket, low boots and pulled up hair, Obara looks less like she’s going on a mission to break a man out of jail and more like she’s on a night out with friends.
                    “Invest in a winter jacket. Dorne makes King’s Landing look like Winterfell.”
                    “And what does it make Winterfell look like?”
                    “A glacier of eternal snow,” Margaery quips.
                    Obara laughs and steps closer. “Good to know. Don’t worry about Loras. He’ll be back without a hair harmed. I can’t say that’ll be true for anyone who gets in our way.”
                    “Thank you,” Margaery says. “Truly, thank you. I don’t know if I can ever repay you.”
                    “I don’t require repayment,” Obara murmurs.
                    Suddenly she’s closer than Margaery realized. She cradles Margaery’s cheeks and pulls her forward for a kiss. It’s short and rough, but leaves Margaery’s head spinning from the shock. The salty sweetness of her lips lingers on Margaery’s mouth as she tries to map out what had just happened.
                    “One for the road,” Obara winks. She gives Margaery one last hug, mutters a half-hearted good bye to Alayne, who looks as though she’s using all of her self-control to not punch a hole into Obara’s chest, and she follows Jon out the door.
                    As everyone is about to depart in their own directions, Olenna snaps her fingers. “While I’ve got you all here, I have some news. My Spider appears to have caught a few flies in your water gardens Oberyn. Cersei Lannister is on her way here.”
                    “Is that not important information for them to hear? I’m pretty sure both Jon and Obara would be pretty interested to know that the whole reason for this crap will be sitting in you living room in two days,” Ygritte gestures toward the door.
                    “And have them distracted? This far south, the bitch is clawless. Their concern is Loras.” Olenna iterates.
                    “Spider? As in the Spider? Varys?” Sansa tilts her head.
                    “No, dear girl, I meant my pet spider Octavius who lives in Dorne. For such an intelligent girl, you can be quite stupid.” Olenna rolls her eyes.
                    “Ain’t that the guy Baelish loathes?” Karstark asks.
                    “He can’t be trusted,” Sansa hardens her glare. “He’s a liar.”
                    “Excuse me, girl. I don’t care for the man much myself. He has his secrets as we all have ours. But he has never lied to me in decades of work together. Nor has he lied to Margaery in the course of her work, as far as I’ve been told. Tell me, what did he lie to you about?”
                    It was true. Of all her sources, even documents, there was nothing she trusted more than the words of Varys. He had a heart for fairness and justice. He was almost completely objective in his pursuits to help the country.
                    Sansa shuffles. “Well, I’ve never spoken with him, but-”
                    “A mafia leader whom has never spoken with Varys. Poor girl, you don’t know the fun you’ve missed. When you learn the things he’s learned…” Oberyn sighs. “Why do you not trust a man you’ve never met? It’s almost as dangerous as trusting a man you have met.”
                    “Petyr has delt with him before,” Sansa held, chin high.
                    Olenna laughs. “Should Petyr be here then, making decisions for you? Regardless we are not in a state to reject notice that the woman we are trying to take down will soon presume herself a guest in my home.”
                    “Grandmother, let her be. She’s wise to listen to council of others where she has no experience herself. A mark of leadership,” Margaery finds herself defending Sansa.
                    Sansa’s eyes snap to her, confused yet pleased to have Margaery’s support. Tyene and Oberyn nod in agreement.
                    “Wise words of your own, Ms. Tyrell. Please make yourself available next time our little parties have a meeting. Nevertheless, Varys is a man worthy of trust. So we must prepare for Cersei.”
                    “In the morning. It will be at least two days. That was all. You may all get back to your drinking games or whatever it is the youth does these days. And if anyone touches my last bottle of Arbor Gold, there will be hell to pay.” Olenna excuses herself as briskly as she can nowadays.
                    “That old woman is my hero,” Ygritte whispers.
                    “Mine as well,” Tyene agrees.
                    She’d always been Margaery’s. Mothers tended to be young girls’s heroines, but Margaery had always been drawn to her grandmother. The preference never seemed to both her mother.
                    Rather than focus on her grandmother, Margaery goes after Alayne, who had scattered as soon as Olenna had excused them.
                    She’d expected Obara make her move. But not in front of Alayne.
                    The kiss itself had been what Margaery expected from the woman. Passionate, confident, rough on the edges, but leaving her wanting more.
                    The message behind it was clear. The kiss was less for her and more for Sansa, to show that Obara was staking her claim before leaving. She had no right to any claims. Because the first thought through Margaery’s head wasn’t “that was a great kiss” but “where is Alayne?”.    
                    She checks room after room before coming across her in Jon’s room with a needle and thread and some sort of cloth in hand. Lady lays by her side and perks up when Margaery enters the room. Sansa doesn’t look up as Margaery slides down to the floor next to her.
                    “How is your sister?”
                     “Fine,” Sansa says without looking up.
                    “And your adviser? Did Petyr say how they are doing?”
                    “Brienne is doing better,” she says curtly.
                    They sit together in silence. She’s not sure what how to seg into it. Eventually Margaery utters, “I didn’t kiss her back.”
                    She continues sewing. “I know.”
                    “She was trying to provoke you.”
                    “I know.” She stops sewing. There’s an edge of frustration in her voice. “Is it because of her? Is she why you won’t give me a chance?”
                    Margaery drops her head down. “No. “
                    “Then why? Why can’t you let me in?”
                    This close, Margaery can see the spots of red bleeding through the black dye in her, despite the braid. The tattoo under her shirt peaks out from the collar. Sansa scoots closer, invading Margaery’s space.
                    She could run, but she doesn’t. She told her she’d have honesty.
                    “You terrify me,” she whispers.
                    “There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m the same woman you’ve always known,” Sansa assures her, exasperated. She takes her hands and rub circles over her knuckles.
                    “I knew Alayne Stone. Sansa Stark took her from me. She was everything to me. Do you realize how cruel that is?” Margaery asks, close to tears. “You’re asking me to set that all aside and pretend that this was what I wanted all along. I’m not made of rubber. I can’t bend and twist to all your revelations.”
                    “Let me explain, Margaery. I know it hurts. I never wanted to hurt you. We’re the same though. I am still Alayne.” She pleads. “Every day I wanted to tell you. Watching you dance around Cersei’s grasp nearly killed me. After everything she did to me, I couldn’t let her-”
Margaery stops her. “Not now. We’ll talk under my terms when I’m ready,” she swears. She pulls her hand away from Sansa’s grasp.
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zuzuhe · 8 years
the sonic archie comics are unreal
as an 8 year+ ‘sonic veteran’, I gotta tell you, young me has read some shit. I used to be way into sonic stuff for some reason, and one day I discovered the sonic comics. I’ve collected over 300 issues and many of its spin off stories, and I need you guys to sit down because sonic comics are one fucking wild ride that never stops.
fun fact: Sonic comics are the longest running comic based off a video game. (started like... 1990′s and continues today...nearly 20 years now)
here’s my top 16 weird ass facts about the sonic comics you guys might enjoy:
16. Knuckles' half brother Knee-cap
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So Knuckles’ mother(Lara-le) divorces his father(Locke) and ends up marrying a guy named Wynmacher and has a child with him who they named “Knecapeon Mace” but called him Knee-Caps for short.
15. Knuckles becomes evil Thor at some point
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So Knuckles has this arch-nemesis named Dr. Finitevus who looks pretty cool and all and Finitevus I guess curses Knuckles to become this weird evil god that wants to destroy technology or something... and Knux’s father Locke ended up sacrificing himself so Knuckles could go back to normal so Finitevus indirectly killed Knuckles’s father...
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honorable mentions.... Knuckles has a great uncle that is a floating robotic head because he abandoned his body so he could live longer... also Rouge has flirted and kissed Knuckles’s dad more than once.......................................... just thought I should throw that out there...
14. Sonic is a fucking stud jfc
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Sonic has dated or flirted with nearly ever girl in this fckin franchise I need to lie down... and this one girl he was dating... Fiona the fox:
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So apparently there was this robot duplicate made of Fiona when she was Tails’ age and Tails was dating that robot on an island or some shit and then he realized Fiona was fake... but then the real Fiona appears one day and she’s a few years older than Tails (16 while Tails is like 12 or 13) and Tails is heart broken because she starts dating Sonic but then she starts fucking cheating on Sonic with Sonic’s anti-self Scourge from another dimension and if you haven’t pulled out your wine bottle yet, now is the time to because damn do we need a drink after all this shit ... there’s just a lot of romantic drama in Sonic’s life
13. The Mina the Mongoose situation
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So Mina Mongoose is this popular pop-singer that dated Sonic at some point. They have this weird drama where Mina gets shot in the back to save Sally for Sonic… but she survives and then I guess she gets over Sonic and starts dating her gothic asshole manager named Ash?????? Mina I guess had some weird ties with Mammoth Mogul some weird psychic evil mammoth who somehow initiated control over Tails, Mighty, and Mina and threatens to kill them unless Sonic breaks him out of jail and gives him a chaos emerald… trust me this comic gets really fckin dark and confusing..
Speaking of dark, Sonic and Co. eventually lose their entire city to Eggman and Nicole, a robotic A.I. makes an artificial recreated city, but then she gets taken over by some techno bitch and Mina has reoccuring nightmare and tries to throw a rebellion against her or some shit idk
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Mina’s life has always been about drama, to the point where in the future she fucking marries Tails?! and they have TWO children Melody and Skye like what the fuck is happening right now
12.Tails’ family
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Tails’ father (Amadeus) was a general that lead the mobian army against the humans. His mother Rosemary had actually worked with her husband to fucking OVERTHROW THE KINGDOM OF ACORN TO TRY AND CREATE A DEMOCRACY….. …. also Tails’ uncle Merlin Prower is more or less a “jedi” wizard who is learning the way of chaos power…. so Tails’ family is all over the place they’ve been kidnapped by aliens, roboticized, thrown in jail, I mean damn this kid has been hanging out with Sonic because his family was just not around him most of their life they love him but they got shit to do… fuck shit up Prower family damn….
11. Sonic’s family
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Sonic’s real name is Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog. I shit you not. Sonic was just a nickname. Can you fucking believe this I’m dead omg.... His mom is blonde by the way, her name is Bernadette. His father (jules) was turned into a robot by Eggman and they have yet to reverse this process, but his Uncle Chuck is fine...he’s still got his luscious mustache.
Sonic ends up marrying Sally in the main future timeline and they have two children named Sonia and Manic, which are names derived from the Sonic Underground series where Sonic has two siblings named Sonia and Manic and all three are royals who the queen hid within the city to protect them from the evil Robotnik or some shit…. I mean how deep does this get….look at those fucking parallels...
10. Shadow marries Sally / future situation  
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Knuckles who somehow has become a cowboy with a robot eye… marries an echidna named Julie-su and they have a daughter named Laura-su. Bunnie and Antione have two children who for some reason are half metal, as mentioned Tails married Mina and their two kids Melody and Skye…. no idea what the fuck happened to Amy in this future, she’s just kinda gone…. ???? idk
Shadow went and fucked up the timeline and took over as the new king of Mobius… so he married Sally. Luckily they didn’t take it as far as to have children but damn is Shadow a mess in his intentions throughout this comic series. Sonic and Co. somehow regain control of timeline and everyone is happy again and there’s new freedom fighters... Oh fyi Shadow also reunites with Maria kind of… he sees her in a computer program along with his creator… so that’s nice
9. the antis
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…..there’s a anti sonic dimension.. where everyone is a gothic-punk alter-ego….. and Anti Sonic turned green because of the master emerald for some reason and I think either Knuckles or Knuckles’ father game him that scar on his chest…. Anti Sonic names himself Scourge and was dating Fiona who was cheating on Sonic…. fucking look at Anti-Tails I cant with this I am deceased…..
his gang likes to jump dimensions and Zonic the Zonecop didn’t like that.
8. Zonic the Zone cop
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Zonic the Zonecop…. works under Zobotnik….. they’re basically cops who monitor all Sonic dimensions and take in prisoners who leave their dimensions or threaten to destroy dimensions/zones… Zonic always has to hunt down Scourge and other trouble makers and lock them up…. so anyone who dreamed of Sonic in power ranger gear well congrats your dream has come true….
7. Bean is fucking related to Jet from Sonic Riders apparently?????
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So remember Jet the Hawk from Sonic Riders… well somehow he might be related to Bean or something???… and Bean calls him “ jettison Q. Hawkington….”   don’t know why but I find that funny
6. Eggman fucking snaps
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Eggman FUCKING SNAPS OK LIKE HOLY SHIT.. like out of no where he destroys Sonic’s entire city, beats the shit out of him, captures his family and friends, and then tries to turn Charmy bee into a robot but instead gives him brain damage…. Sonic kinda snaps too and would almost consider severely harming or killing Eggman… luckily Sally’s robotic A.I. Nicole had built them all a new city out of nanites …  but this whole plot was…. out of every possible plot I could see in a Sonic franchise, having such a grave one thrown at me out of no where was the biggest fuckign surprise 7 year old me has ever seen ok holy fuck
5. Amy’s situation and her cousin Rob’O who is a king..?????
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Amy used to be like… 8 years old or some shit then she wished upon a magic ring that made her body grow older by like 4 years or something so she could be part of the freedom fighters and potentially date sonic or something… so Amy is way younger mentally than she looks…
She has a cousin named Rob’O who married some echidna lady and they had a son named Jon… apparently Amy’s uncle was a king and Rob’O is next in line to the throne so Amy is somehow technically royalty ?????????????????? slkfjdk????
4. Charmy bee is a fucking prince and has a girlfriend
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oh Charmy Bee is also a fucking prince who has a girlfriend named Saffron… no idea who came up with this plot or why
3.  Sally’s weird love life
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Sally has a weird love life too, she is princess of Mobius despite her brother and his wife and child being next in line for the throne…..??? She ended up dating this secret service agent Geoffrey the Skunk who had a wife named Hershey the cat who I guess maybe got killed during a mission or something… Geoffrey got into some weird corrupted scandals with villains too I don’t recall his allegiance but Sally was smart for dumping his ass.
She also has some weird ass thing going on with this embodiment of the monkey king………??????
and then she had this arranged marriage thrown together by her father to marry the royal guard Antoine who was actually anti-Antoine from the anti dimension who imprisoned the real Antoine….. Antione I guess finally escapes and then ends up marrying Bunnie instead?????? who the hell are these writers and where did they come from
Sally and Sonic end up together in the end and Sonic becomes king of Mobius and they have kids and all so happy ending for her I guess…. besides that one timeline where she had to marry Shadow…
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Um…. Snively is …. Eggman’s nephew…. and something happens to Eggman and Snively somehow ends up dating this one techno-magic chick named Regina the Iron Queen.. she tries to take over Nicole’s nanites…  I have no idea who the fuck is writing the romance in this series but I’d like them to sign all my comics
apparently the sonic mobians had this massive war against “Overlanders” basically somewhat de-evolved humans due to a mutation experiment / bombs that aliens called Xorda bombarded onto pre-Mobius aka Earth. So more or less Eggman and Snively and any other humans are basically the endangered human species trying to regain control over their planet through xenophobic / racist ideals against the evolved animal species that is the Mobians and Sonic……………………….. I’m not fucking joking
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So apparently Sonic Archie comics went into this huge timeline-dimensional reboot because one of the former writers Ken Penders has thrown multiple lawsuits into Archie comic’s hands and this shit has been going on since 2009 until even now…
Some weird things going on in the reboots:
there’s this lady named Breezie who is … in love with Neo Metal Sonic……I think she’s based off a side character from the old show………and I really think that’s all I should tell you as you can probably see how she was first introduced…  
Honey the cheetah… a concept from an old Sonic game I guess returned????
No romance at this point…….
they gave Sally clothes for some reason…
But basically Ken Penders, a previously major archie sonic comic writer, was the creator of multiple if not all of the echidnas involved in the sonic comic storyline. So Finitevus, Julie-su, basically the entire Echidna brother hood, Knuckles’ younger brother, Charmy’s girlfriend Saffron, Mina Mongoose, Mammoth Mogul, and even Amy’s cousin Rob’O are now required to be out of the story. Ken wanted to use the sonic characters he made for his own original graphic novel but Archie wanted to maintain copyright on his characters and concepts… I mean most writers and artists are aware that the things they produce for a licensed company are usually OWNED by that company, so its weird he’d even attempt something like that. Archie claimed Penders signed a contract as evidence for it but failed to produce the contract so the lawsuit settled in 2013. Because of this, Sonic Archie comic and it’s spin off series of Sonic Universe had to completely rewrite their stories to get his characters out of the picture, or straight up just redesigned the characters… he’s also recently claimed in 2015 he’s got another law suit in mind…??? He’s actually ‘inspired’ Scott Fulop to also file lawsuits after he left archie comics too.
Here’s a chart someone made for Ken Pender’s logic in some of his lawsuit filings which you can obviously tell is quite a mess:
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honorable mentions
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I mean there’s a shit ton of stuff I’ve missed or haven’t even mentioned about this shit…..
thanks for stopping by and letting me explain the horrific treasure that is the sonic comic series because whAT thE FUCK
my god I love the sonic comics 
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