#the best weeb i know
comeonandsmash · 2 months
hope everyone is enjoying the new porter album as much as I am ^u^
the texas clan server has been MIA for about two months now but I hope you all are doing well and smiling yourselves <3
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frogs-in3-hills · 7 months
rewatching hxh is crazy like the foreshadowing is so good. i’m just as emotionally engaged as i was the first time watching but in a COMPLETELY different way bc it’s almost hard to watch through the sheer sense of foreboding you feel as gon learns more and gains more power. his recklessness was always taken quite seriously by the narrative and that’s clear on a first watch, but knowing exactly what happens and where that self-abandoning recklessness, that thrill-seeking, that bullheaded perfectionism (not to do everything perfectly but to do everything with perfect accordance to his own terms), and that childish willingness to disregard everyone else in pursuit of his own impulsive goals (thereby reinforcing his own worldview for better or worse) goes… the show is SCREAMING at you that this is all going to go horribly wrong and it’s so sinister in this weird offhanded way, like it’s sticking to shounen tropes just close enough that you definitely notice something off but don’t suspect it’ll snowball the way it does.
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kiddphel · 1 year
Cybereyes Include an Eye Recording Unit (for no extra cost)
Word count: 2,481
Characters: Blessed, F1N4L1T¥ (Mentioned)
Summary: Blessed kills time on a roadtrip by rewatching some of the memories caught by his cybereyes. What kind of memories? Well, literally only the gay ones.
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My name is…. Ren Kanim….. Ren Kanim…. Ren….. Ren…..
Blessed sunk deeper into the plush bus seat as he sighed, replaying the memory over and over again. It was times like this he was happy his cybereyes came with that free recording software. It was always things related to F1N4L1T¥ that made Blessed happy he was recording every going on that he saw. F1N4L1T¥- no, Ren. They were the memories he rewatched over and over lately. Before, he would just watch bittersweet memories. But now, as of late, he had memories that genuinely lit a fire inside of his chest. An ache between his ribs. Why did they make him feel this way? What exactly is it that these memories stir inside of him? Sure, he liked F1N4L1T¥. He'll admit that (to no one but himself and King). But this felt… Strange. More than just a simple crush. An infatuation. Was it just that Blessed had never truly felt an attraction to someone before on a level that wasn't purely a fleeting appeal to their physical appearance? Sure, Blessed was inexperienced. He was aware of this. Everyone was. Even King had mentioned how he had never gone on a date before. And, well… That led to another memory Blessed watched back fondly. The time F1N4L1T¥ and him went to the mall food court together.
A "fake date", F1N4L1T¥ had called it. Two people spending time together and talking, loudly, in public. That's what they said. A fake date… Blessed wished it could have been real. Alas, there was that "real" date they went on in Vegas. Well, more like Dread and M00nshine went on a date together. It was a real date though, right? It felt like one, Blessed thought. And sure, maybe it was just "M00nshine" and not "F1N4L1T¥". Maybe they were on a date with "Dread" and not "Blessed".
Damn it. Being a Shadowrunner was a mess when you have all these fake names to keep up with.
Blessed didn't care who went on a date with who. He just knew that nothing would be right until he could go on a date with them. With Ren.
Whoever "F1N4L1T¥" is, I want to get to know them. That person. Blessed always thought. Whoever that may be, I want to get to know them better.
And now, Blessed had a better idea who he wanted to get to know better. Ren. Ren Kanim. That's who he wanted to get to know better. F1N4L1T¥. M00nshine. Whatever names and aliases they had. Blessed wouldn't mind getting to know all of them. But he knew, deep down, that the one he wants to know the best is Ren.
The satyr leaned his head back as he listened to the chatter inside of the bus. Casual, idle chit chat amongst the party as they continued the journey to Atlanta.
Ren Kanim…
Blessed smiled as he played back the memory once more. If anyone looked at him, could they tell he was up to something? Or would they just chalk it up to ol' Blessed being his usual, weird self. The smile faded from his face. Yeah, Blessed was weird. Unusual was his usual. Impulsive, naive, immature, gullible, stubborn, bull-headed Blessed. If he asked the party, there are probably a few more choice words they would have to describe him. Nothing positive, he thought. No, he was bizarre. He knew this. And he sighed again. Not the same sigh as before. That was light, whimsical. Happy. This was a dejected sigh. Defeated.
He knew he was difficult to like.
He hoped it was fixable.
He wanted F1N4L1T¥ to like him.
He wanted Ren to like him.
Blessed shook his head. It was quick, sharp. A sudden shake like his body had a shiver run through it. He just wanted to clear his head. Crossing his arms, he leaned his head back against the seat as he crossed a hoof over the opposite leg. He couldn't let himself spiral down that mental path. It's been bad enough since they left Detroit, he didn't want to spoil another day's mood with his own mental flagellation. It's what he was best at. Knocking himself down and kicking himself while down there in the dirt. It's how most of his thoughts ended up when he started thinking about his feelings for F1N4L1T¥.
He was no hero. No genius. No prince charming. He was just… Blessed. A weird freak from Detroit. And then there was F1N4L1T¥… They had so much experience. A colorful life. They were handsome and gorgeous at the same time. They talked so smoothly, sometimes so sweet.
Are my goat legs weird? Blessed had asked.
I've known people who have exclusively been attracted to guys with goat legs. F1N4L1T¥ had responded.
But that wasn't the answer he wanted to hear. Not the question he was really asking.
Do you think my goat legs are weird? Do you think I'm weird? I want you to like me the way I like you. But I'm nothing like them. The ones you like. I never will be. Is it over before I've even had my chance to begin? Can I ever have a beginning with you, or am I doomed to run a race I was never really a participant in?
Damn it. There he went again with the downward spiral.
He played it back again.
My name is…. Ren Kanim…..
Would they hate it if they knew the things Blessed had saved- The things he played back to feel that ember in his chest burn again? Blessed cycled through all of them again.
The first meeting. When Blessed and King were given that first job with the group. A gunner and medic duo meeting up with some other ragtag Shadowrunners. Back then, Blessed wasn't sure what to think of the others, F1N4L1T¥ included. A hacker, a face. Some well dressed, smooth talking human. Depending on the job, could be important. Could be nothing. But nowadays, that meeting has a whole new meaning. Blessed would rewatch the memory, taking it in with a new perspective. The way F1N4L1T¥ introduced themself. The way they smiled. The way they talked to Blessed, then a stranger.
Another memory. A few months after that first meeting. They had all gone out to Dante's Inferno after scoring big with that Kirin rescue. Truth or dare had been nice, but everyone still too unfamiliar with each other to ask anything big. Anything deep. It was all fun, though. A good time. Blessed always got a chuckle out of watching F1N4L1T¥ give someone a nasty drink of Vodka and Milk. But that's not what he was watching for. No, it was when F1N4L1T¥ had gone out to the dance floor and found someone. Some random person. The memory watches them closely for a moment. At the time, Blessed wasn't sure why he was so interested in watching F1N4L1T¥ and some stranger get together and dance. Oh, but now he knows. And this moment in particular, every time he plays it back, makes the knots in his stomach twist more. It's the first moment he felt it. Whatever it was. But it was the seedling of the emotion he holds for F1N4L1T¥ now. Whatever it is in his chest, this was the start.
He wishes that stranger could have been him. Escorting F1N4L1T¥ out on to the dance floor. Spending that moment with them. Maybe they would laugh as they had a good time. Maybe they would have smiled at Blessed as they danced close together.
Next memory.
Ah, right. This one.
F1N4L1T¥ was so demure, so shy, as they talked to the gnome shop keep. A gift for Kevin. They talked so sweet, like a schoolgirl with a crush.
Do you have a crush on Kevin? Blessed had asked. His tone exaggerated to not come off as suspicious. F1N4L1T¥ gave a dismissive answer. One that could be taken as a yes, but I'm too shy to say it or a no, it's for the mission. Blessed's chest tightened as he rewatched the memory. Back then, he hadn't realized why he was wishing for F1N4L1T¥ to say it was the latter. He knew better now.
He wanted them to like him. He didn't like the idea of F1N4L1T¥ liking someone else. It was the ugly seeds of jealousy trying to plant themselves in Blessed's head.
Would you do this for me? Would you put so much thought and effort into a gift for me, like you are for Kevin?
The knots in his stomach continue to tighten as he continues.
Between the last memory and this, Blessed had realized it. He liked F1N4L1T¥. He had a crush on them.
And then, that early morning. When they confronted Kevin's dad and the cult leader, Erin.
The word felt like a thousand nails piercing into Blessed's very core. F1N4L1T¥ liked Kevin. They confessed it, thinking Kevin was unconscious. Blessed stood there, staring. The memory was only visuals, but Blessed still remembered the emotions he had back then.
You like guys who are ex-cultists? Blessed had asked. It sounded like a joke. It wasn't.
Another question where Blessed wasn't truly asking what he meant.
Could you like someone like me, then?
No. Of course not. That's not what F1N4L1T¥ had meant. Kevin was sweet, pure. He had potential, F1N4L1T¥ had said. Blessed knew what they meant. Kevin was everything Blessed was not.
Blessed scowled as he flipped to another memory. He wanted to watch the things that made him happy. This was the exact opposite of that. And yet, it still sparked something in him. A twisted sense of determination. He didn't want to give up hope. He wanted to think that there was still a chance that he could be the kind of person F1N4L1T¥ could like. He smiled, catching what the next memory was.
It was simple. One Blessed wasn't even involved in. But he had caught it nonetheless. And he's glad he did.
Bloshi, when they had first joined the group. Cleansing and cleaning everything and everyone they could touch. No one expected that their magical disinfectant wipe of a spell would clean the makeup right off F1N4L1T¥'s face. It caught Blessed by surprise. How angular their features were underneath all that work. They were breathtaking. Sure, they ran off to the bathroom and came back out several long minutes later looking their usual done up self- and they were still just as gorgeous as always. But something about seeing them so… Naturally. It made Blessed's chest swell again. He wondered why F1N4L1T¥ changed their features like that with makeup. It seemed important to them with how hastily they had sped off to fix what Bloshi had ruined, but Blessed didn't get it. He knew he never would. It was F1N4L1T¥'s own personal reasons. But Blessed still couldn't help but think that they were stunning. He felt selfish. He wanted to see them like that again. Was he a bad person? A selfish person, surely. But did that make him bad? He wasn't sure.
I'm proud of you.
The next memory. Blessed had been shaked up after dealing with the Sidhe inside of Dr. Andrea Payne. It wasn't enough that he lost sleep over the first time he had "killed" her, but now he had to live with the fact that he had killed her twice. But when he returned to the warehouse, hands shaking as they held on too tightly to the dart rifle he had used, there was F1N4L1T¥. Smiling, so warmly. They were staring right into the camera of the recording. Staring at Blessed. This was for him. A banner that congratulated him, and a snack sitting on the table behind waiting for him. It all felt so over the top. It was so very F1N4L1T¥. Blessed liked that about them. This moment was made by them, for him.
Blessed grew embarrassed and frustrated as the recording grew hazy and the POV unstable. Right, he had started crying back then. He wasn't expecting anyone to tell him he had done a good job, let alone F1N4L1T¥. No one ever told him that. And now, here was the person he desired attention from, giving him all the attention he could ever hope for. He wished he had held it together, had a better recording of F1N4L1T¥'s happy smile as they welcomed everyone back from a job well done. The base had been a disaster then, Blessed remembered. But still, there was F1N4L1T¥ going around with an excited gleam in their eyes from the success.
Blessed closed his eyes as he let himself remember things naturally. No more of the recordings from his cybereyes. They couldn't give him what he really wanted to remember now. Not a visual, but a feeling.
In Las Vegas. F1N4L1T¥, clinging to his arm. They were "M00nshine" then, and Blessed knew that was a different act than F1N4L1T¥. They made it clear it was two very different characters they were playing on this stage. But still, it felt like F1N4L1T¥. The way their arms wrapped around Blessed's own as they walked down the street together as they left the restaurant. The way F1N4L1T¥ clung to him so tightly it felt like circulation was being cut off. The way the warmth from their body seeped into his own- heating him up on the inside. It was a feeling Blessed would never forget.
Please don't fall. I don't want to have to carry you.
It's ok… You can carry me, if you want.
… Please don't fall.
Blessed would never forgive himself for that. But he knew just as well that he did the right thing. But oh, what he wouldn't give to pick F1N4L1T¥ up. To hold them in his arms in a princess carry perhaps. It didn't feel right back then. Not the right time. But given the opportunity again, Blessed fears he would not be strong enough to resist. He wanted to hold them. To feel them in his arms. Would they put their arms around his neck for stability? Would they be flustered by the way Blessed could pick them up so easily?
When they had gotten back to the condo. When they said good night… Blessed wished he could have joined them in bed. For nothing scandalous or inappropriate, he simply wanted to exist in the same space as them. To feel their warmth, their company. He wanted to burn the image into his mind of how peaceful they looked while they slept. Something so intimate that no cybereye recording could ever truly capture what it meant. He wishes he could have laid there beside them. How very selfish.
Blessed was a very selfish goat.
And yet, part of him didn't care.
He smiled, closed his eyes. He played it back once more.
My name is…. Ren Kanim…..
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waffliesinyoface · 2 years
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oh my fucking god, gamefreak
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mazojo · 1 year
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Miss they
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I will forever be mad about Matt and Mello dying.
Also just imagine how awesome it would have been if, when Light opens the door of the warehouse and wants to escape from the warehouse, Mello and Matt are standing there, outside of the warehouse and get shown/revealed the moment Light opens the door, aiming their guns at him, Mello wearing his leather coat with feathers as well as his sunglasses and taking a bite of his chocolate bar while Matt is calmly smoking a cigarette while also aiming at Light with his gun and then you hear Near in the background telling Light that it's over.
#I can picture this so vividly for some reason#in the death note art style which was used in the anime and with their english voices and all#Unpopular opinion but Scene and emo music from the early 2000s suits to Mello and writing Death Note related stuff works best with this#music too#someone take the scene/emo playlists away from me#I just rediscovered those songs#They make me so happy#I've listened to them during my early teenage years#I spend a fair amount of my early teenage years with emos and weebs so that probably explains it#It was a super dark time of my life and I wouldn't ever want to go back but the songs and the scene/emo aesthetic gives me so much comfort#Death Note and Bsd will forever have a special and warm place in my heart#Matt and Mello then sleep at Nears place that day; comforting him and each other because what they went through was hell and what Near#witnessed in that warehouse was awful. To strangers he might seem as cold as always but Matt and Mello know how shaken up the other is#They realized it once they saw that Near was dissocating heavily; staring holes in the air and being semi verbal for the rest of the evenin#They spend the evening eating pizza; eating chocolate and Near plays with his toys; stims and actually seeks pressure hugs from one of them#Can be seen as Matt/Mello with Near as their friend or as Matt/Mello/Near#They don't chat a lot about what happened until literal days or weeks later#Might write a single post about it but idk if I want to upload any other drabbles and headcanons besides BSD ones on here#not bsd related#death note#death note mello#death note near#death note light#death note light yagami#death note matt#death note hc#death note headcanons#death note anime#death note manga#headcanon
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katsintriis · 10 months
Is it still weeb shit to listen to playlists made exclusively of anime music if I haven't seen any of the anime
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reloaderror · 2 years
i hate self introductions w like a “interest/pastimes” part because what the fuck am i supposed to say i spend all my time drawing weebshit art for a niche fandom enjoyed by well over 2 people on tumblr or read fanfiction? this is not something you share w a room full of upstanding people. and i cant say “i hang out w friends” cause I DONT. nor am i part of any kind of organised activity so really my options are limited.
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noriakicatkyoin · 2 years
I think look back is just like personally my favorite thing fujimoto has ever created and it gives me so many emotions and i cry so much every time i read it not even bc of the ending but different things throughout . Fujino dancing in the rain and finding the passion in what she loves again . Kyomoto thanking fujino for helping her socialize and live outside of herself and share her life with another person for the first time . The two of them trudging through snow to see if they even got an honourable mention after doing so much work together. Sickening. Evil and twisted. Fujino and kyomoto you will always be famous
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when people call him Star all I can think of is Megan Thee Stallion's Mamushi song and the cringey lil 'watashi wa star' part
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empty-movement · 10 months
Chiho Saito’s 1999 Revolutionary Girl Utena Original Illustration Collection
IT’S HERE. IT’S DONE. IT’S FINISHED. NOW…IT’S YOURS. Happy Holidays, my friends.
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Vanna here! I have posted some already about this project, and the responses I got, public and otherwise, have been absolutely incredible. Y’all have been reblogging and hyping this before it even finished…I haven’t felt so encouraged about an Utena project since the musicals! (Yes, streams soon, I promise.) You can read the other post to get more details, and catch my post here with more details about the process if you’re interested. The long and short of it?
This is the first artbook I ever scanned. I did it in 2001. In Photoshop, using multiple scans per page that took hours to process. But it was 2001. A half megabyte file that was 1250px wide was considered extremely hardcore and impressive. That’s just always been the business I’m in when it comes to Utena art, you know? 
It’s now the latest artbook I’ve scanned, and so much of the process, and effort involved, is unchanged. What has changed, is the result. Welcome to your new desktop background. Your new phone background. Your new poster print. 
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What I’ve done here is attempt to create definitive digitized images of Chiho Saito’s work as offered by this book--I have removed the print moiré of the original scans, and used my literal decades of experience to try and tease out as much information from them as possible. Without being physically in front of the original artwork (which is a thing I’ve had the great fortune to get to do) this is The Most Chiho Saito you are ever going to get. I’ve tried my best to make sure there is a way to get it that works for everyone:
Do you just wanna scope 'em out? Look at some disaster gays? Grab your favorite one or two? This is the path for you! Check out the ‘compressed’ (not very) 10k ‘web friendly’ (not really) copy at the Bibliothèque, the media archiving wing of the Something Eternal forums at Empty Movement*. All the following links are also available from here. Do you want these copies? All of them? Don't just grab them individually, friend. This batch is 375MB and can be downloaded as a zip of the individual files here on our Google Drive.
Do you like digital archiving? Are you looking for a copy that preserves the archival quality of the effort but sits nice and comfy in a single file? This is for you. A minimally compressed 10k, 513MB version worked into a PDF is now up, shiny and chrome, on the Internet Archive. Do you like the idea of the minimal compression, but want the individual files in a zip? Yep I did that too, here's the drive link.
Are you looking to print these in a larger size? This is probably the only reason on Earth you’d ever want them, and yet a bunch of you are going to go straight for these. Here are the zero-compression JPG full size copies, most of them are 15k across, like simply a ridiculous size. Pick your fave and download it from our Google Drive! 
I am genuinely really proud of this work.** I was able to tease out so much new detail from these…her incredible layering techniques, the faintest brush of her highlights, and the full range of her delicate hand at whites and blacks… details commonly lost in digitization. I sincerely hope you find something here that you’re looking for, as an artist looking for inspiration, as a weeb looking for a desktop, as an archiver excited to see incredible 90s manga artwork saved forever in the digital realm. I feel like I have already said so much about them, and could keep going, but you know what? This work speaks for itself. Enjoy, use, explore, and definitely tell us what you think!
We love y’all. ~ Vanna & Yasha
You might be wondering what any of that is. Something Eternal? Biblewhatawhat??? EmptyMovement.com? You might even have done a double take at the word ‘forum.’ And you should!!!
I have a confession. This artbook was my ‘side project’ as I worked on this, *the main project.* For a couple years I’ve been banging around with a new domain, and originally I had other plans for it, but Elon Musk ruined my Twitter and Discord is well along on its way to enshittification, and well….we joke on the Discord a lot about ‘reject modernity, embrace forums’ and you know what? We’re right. So Yasha and I are putting our money where our mouths are once again, and doing something insane. We are launching, in 2023, a website forum. Obviously, this is not the official ‘launch’ per se, but I cannot announce the artbook without directing you to the forum, since it sits on the attached very cool gallery system. Oops! Told on myself. Another post more focused on the forum will be forthcoming, but if you are just that motivated to get in right away, you absolutely can! (This will help stagger new arrivals anyway, which is good for us!) If you would rather wait for the ‘official’ launch, by all means that’s coming, including a lengthy screed about how and why we’re doing this. In either case, remember: this is a couple weebs trying to make internet magic happen, we are not website developers by trade. Give us grace as we iron things out and grow into this cool new website thingie…hopefully along with some of you! :D
If you do join up, naturally, there is a thread about this project!
** If you like this kind of content, consider helping us pay for it! We do have a Patreon! If you’re wanting to use these in some public-facing distributive way, all we ask is for credit back to Empty Movement (ohtori.nu or emptymovement.com, either will work.) 
I would like to say ‘don’t just slap these files on RedBubble to get easy money’ but I know that saying this won’t effectively prevent it. Y’all that do that suck, but you’re not worth letting it rain on the rest of this parade. :)
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beomiracles · 2 months
hiii! i’ve never requested before but as i’m stalking *tehe* your account- OMG U WRITE SO GOOD BSFR
can i request something like a cosplayer!gf x soobin? yk he’s such a weeb & a nerd, i js know he would love a cosplayer gf (not only ‘cause i do cosplay lmao). Maybe some smut-ish?
TYSMMM, i hope u take the request babes <33
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DREAM RECALL Soobin knows that he should feel ashamed, but he can't help it. He wants nothing but to see his girlfriend completely ruined before him.
wc -> 2.8k
pairings soobin x cosplayer!gf warnings perv!soobin, masturbation (m), vaginal fingering, overstimulation (f), dacryphilia, unprotected sex + creampie, teetering on the edge of dub-con at some points, soobin calls reader "bunny", reader wears bunny ears !
#serene adds ✎ hii omg tysm eek that makes me super happy to hear >.< I tried my best, I'm not a cosplayer myself so I might've gotten some things wrong, but I think it's such a cool thing to be able to do ! this might not be exactly what you wanted, I think I got a little carried away, I hope it's still an enjoyable read nonetheless :3
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It was really no secret that Soobin liked your cosplays. How he would so often brag about his girlfriend who could transform into just about anyone. Not to mention the several times he watched you get ready with big fascinated eyes as he asked you tons of questions, or went out of his way to buy you the things you needed. So no, it wasn’t exactly a secret that he liked it. Well, maybe a little, maybe he hadn’t told you just how much he really enjoyed it. 
Some of them were fine, the costumes that made him giggle, the ones that were unique and funky. But some made his breath catch in his throat as he shoved a pillow over his lap. The flimsy short dresses, the tight tops, the jewelry that dangled from your neck. Even the fluffy bunny ears you once put on made him rethink his morals. — He doesn’t know how to approach it, if he should say something, or just keep quiet. Would you be disgusted with him or would you be just as turned on? He didn’t know but the thought was slowly eating him away. 
You didn’t exactly make things easier. Always sauntering about in your revealing costumes, making his dick strain uncomfortably in his briefs as he tears his gaze away. He knows that you love what you do, catching you smiling and laughing as you edit your videos, always excited to talk about your next costume. Soobin doesn’t want to ruin something you hold so dearly just because of his perverted mind. Yet he can’t help but replay the scene in his head, over and over until his hand moves down his pants on its own. 
Short fluffy skirt bunched up over your stomach, your tits bouncing in rhythm with each harsh thrust of his as your bottom lip quivers, big bunny ears flopping down the sides of your face as your dainty nails claw at his arms. — Fuck, Soobin knows it’s bad. So why can’t he stop?    
Things get no better when you call out for him that evening, your squeaky voice echoing through the walls of your apartment. He gets up from the couch, dragging his feet over to your shared bedroom, pushing the slightly ajar door open before his eyes almost shot out of their sockets. — “Can you help me zip this up?” You whine as you struggle with the zipper of your short dress. The lacey material was just the kind that immediately got his mind reeling and Soobin fumbled for words before eventually nodding, awkwardly stumbling inside the room. 
His big hands are clumsy on your back as he twists at the locking mechanisms of your garment, his brows deeply furrowed as he tries to get it right. “M-Maybe it’s broken”, you huff, making a small grimace as he tugs at the costume. Soobin only shakes his head, “no it’ll work”, he mutters, intent on seeing you in the skimpy piece of clothing. And at last he does get it, heaving a small sigh he takes a step back as you admire yourself in the mirror. 
“Thank you, babe!” You chirp, rushing to give his cheek a small peck before setting up your phone. “Do you wanna watch?” — Your innocent question sends blood straight to his groin and he has to blink twice before comprehending your words. “I…sure”, he nods, moving to sit by the edge of the bed, securely out of view from your camera. 
You had explained multiple times how you filmed your content, lip syncing to different songs and sometimes having full on dialogues. But Soobin finds himself unable to focus on anything besides how your tits moved as you redid take after take, huffing when you got something wrong as you pulled at the colorful wig on your head. 
His eyes are glued to the way the dress slides up your thighs, frowning as your hand wraps around the fabric to pull it down again. He bites the inside of his cheek, shifting uncomfortably on the plush mattress as he watches you bend forward to mess with the settings on your phone, your soft tits almost spilling out of the tight costume. — He knows that he’s done for if you turn around right now, and he swallows, fingers curling around the blanket beneath him. 
He should leave, actually he should probably have left right away, but his greedy mind just couldn’t say no. It takes everything in him to tear his gaze from you, quickly removing himself from the bed as he heads for the door, though your voice makes him freeze in his tracks. “Where are you going, Binnie?” He can practically hear the pout on your lips and he has to bite back a small groan. “Just the bathroom”, he mumbles, hoping that you won’t catch on to how strained his voice had become. 
Your obliviousness is endearing as you give a small “okay”, and the immense wave of guilt washing over him is almost unbearable. Yet his demanding arousal wins him over and as soon as the bathroom door shuts behind him does his hand slip past the hem of his sweats. — Letting his head fall back against the cool tiles, Soobin exhales as his fingers wrap around his aching cock, groaning as he tugs on it. No matter how hard he tries not to, the image of you in the room down the hall clouds his vision. 
It wasn’t like it was unwarranted, right? You were his girlfriend, so why did he feel so shameful over jacking off to the silly little costumes you wore? But the thought of confronting what he thought to be a bizarre kink, felt almost worse than jerking it off in secret. You’d probably be disgusted with him, Soobin thinks so at least. And that’s the last thing he wants. 
He takes a cold shower after that, trying his hardest to scrub away the shame and the guilt. It never worked. He feels just as hot when he steps out again, almost like he was running a fever, an incurable one. — You ask him about his sudden disappearance at dinner but he merely brushes it off. And you’re so naive, believing every single word passing his lying lips. 
Not even when he’s balls deep inside of you that night, thick cock ramming into your throbbing cunt, can he get the thoughts out of his head. His mind works overtime as it conjures image after image of you all dressed up for him, your makeup smudged by the tears that streamed down your face as he brings you to orgasm after orgasm. — Only snapping out of his haze when your whiny voice pierces the air, “B-Binnie, s’too much!” — “Fuck, sorry Bunny”, the petname slips out without him thinking twice and it isn’t until he catches your small frown that he realizes his mistake. 
“You’ve never called me that before..” You sound hesitant and Soobin stills inside of you. “Ah.. No I suppose I haven’t”, he huffs, clearing his throat rather awkwardly, “if you don’t like it I-” — “No, I do.” He blinks, unmoving as he swallows, did he hear that right? The tiny confirmation sends him spiraling and he reconnects your lips in a kiss, thinking, hoping, that maybe he’d be able to get just a step closer to what his twisted mind desired. 
Sometimes it was almost like the universe liked to pull pranks on Soobin. Or maybe it was karma? It had to be one of the two, because he nearly drops his phone as you come skipping down the hallway, dressed in nothing but a fluffy skirt and a cute sparkly top. — You immediately begin rambling on about the character you’re portraying as you twirl before him, modeling the look. But Soobin isn’t listening, in fact he’s barely heard a word you’ve said, even as his gaze trains on your glossy lips. You always did your makeup nice, but today you had gone all out, pink cheeks matching the shadow around your eyes, and he could’ve sworn you used something akin to glitter on the tip of your nose. 
“Do you like it?” You wonder, twisting the flimsy skirt between your fingers as you await his response. Soobin’s eyes find yours, wide and curious meeting his lustful and near pleading ones. There’s really only one thing he can say. — “You should put the bunny ears on.” 
You frown, the confusion is evident on your pretty face as your pink lips part. “The bunny ears? But they don’t even have anything to do with this costume, silly!” — “I know.” He shrugs, feigning nonchalance but the way desire swirls behind his gaze surely gives him away. You bite the inside of your cheek, appearing almost conflicted as you rock back and forth on the sole of your feet. “Binnie, don’t you think–” 
“I think”, he interrupts, shifting against the sofa before he continues, “that you should put them on and go lay down on our bed.” — Your jaw slacks as your fingers, previously tangled up in your skirt, drops to your sides, sure you were used to Soobin being commanding but this was something completely new. Then your eyes drift to the bulge in his pants, wondering how it could’ve passed your notice before, and you nod, slowly turning on your heel as you head for the bedroom. 
Soobin lets his head fall back against the couch with a soft groan. Running a hand through his hair, he slowly considers what he was about to go through with. But not before long does he get up to head after you. — The door is ajar, letting him catch a glimpse of the bed before he pushes it open. He finds you perched on the mattress, knees tucked under you as you fiddle with the fluffy ears on your head. When you see him entering you immediately make a move to lie down, visibly gulping as he reaches the bed in three long strides. 
This was far from anything the two of you had done before. You supposed that some might even call your sex life a bit vanilla. While it wasn’t something you had given much thought, Soobin most definitely seemed to have as he looms over you. — You looked so pretty, so perfectly put together, and he wanted nothing more than to see you ruined. 
His large hand is on your cheek, gently caressing the pink hues as he sends you a loving look. “Gorgeous bunny”, he murmurs, pulling your plump bottom lip down, your sticky gloss smearing all over his thumb as he pushes it inside your mouth. He’s pleasantly surprised when you eagerly swirl your tongue around it, coating his finger in your saliva. You keep your eyes on him the whole time, the small eye contact makes his cock practically jump in his pants and he retracts his thumb with a grunt. 
Eagerly he hikes the fluffy skirt up above your stomach. The cotton panties you wore underneath were nothing special, you hadn’t exactly planned for things to take such an intimate turn but Soobin’s breath still catches in his throat as his fingers trace the lining. — “So soft”, he exhales, hand dipping inside the thin garment as his long fingers slide between your folds, making you suck in a sharp breath as your teeth latch onto your painted lip. 
Driven by the fantasies conjured in his far too imaginative mind, it’s almost as if he’s taken on a completely different persona. The uncharacteristic look in his eyes makes you throb against him, his saliva coated thumb skimming over your clit, has you crying out as he quickly pushes a finger inside of your clenching hole. — He wants to ease you into it, take it slow, like he usually did, but there’s something urging him on today. Desperate to see you ruined by his hand, Soobin quickly adds a second finger, not slowing down as he hears you wail, cute nails practically ripping the sheets apart as your thighs twitch. 
His free hand tugs your panties down, leaving them by your knees as he grows impatient, his attention returning to your slick core; watching intently as your arousal trails down the back of his hand. Soobin was a gentle lover, he loved taking his time as he watches your face morph into pleasurable expressions, he loved hearing your small gasps and moans as he slides himself inside of you before gently picking up his pace. But none of that lingers today.  
Neither the shame nor bashfulness exists within him any longer. He can’t bring himself to care when you look so pretty beneath him, whimpering as you orgasm around his fingers, his name falling from your lips like it was second nature. — “N-No s’too much!” You whine as his fingers continue to spread your puffy folds, but Soobin’s too far gone already. “S’okay bunny, I’m gonna make you feel so good”, he murmurs, planting a tender kiss to your forehead and you preen under him. 
Sweat has dribbled down your face, causing your makeup to crease but Soobin only groans at the sight, his large hand feverishly working to free his throbbing cock from the confinement of his pants. — Your quiet cry when his tip meets your clit makes his chest swell as he lets himself become coated in the remnants of your previous high. “Binnie”, the nickname makes him twitch as his gaze flickers up to meet yours. Your bottom lip wobbles, short pants emitting from deep within your throat and your eyes are wide. Fuck you look gorgeous.
Soobin thinks he might come the second he slips past your wet folds, your overstimulated cunt sucking him in like never before and you whimper at the stretch of his thick cock. He starts out slow, like he usually did, though his restraints quickly snap as his pace becomes near unbearable. His eyes focus on the way your tits move with each thrust, their rhythmical bounce as they strain against the sparkly top makes him groan as he increases his force. — He traps one of your floppy bunny ears between his fingers, feeling the soft material against his open palm before he tugs on it, making you whine as your back arches off the mattress. 
“Prettiest little bunny I’ve ever seen”, he grunts, his hips slamming against yours with such force that you let out a small hiccup. Your hands move to his shoulders, pretty nails digging into the flesh there as you meekly nod, jaw slacking as you blink up at him. — His thumb is on your lips again, except this time he’s smearing your pink gloss across your cheek and chin, wanting you to look nothing but ravaged when he’s done with you. 
He can tell that you’re having a hard time keeping up, the tears welling in your eyes a clear indicator. “S-Slow down, Binnie!” You sniffle, your grip on his upper arms becoming near deadly. And any other day he would’ve complied in a heartbeat, scooping you into his arms as he coddled you, but he needs to see you ruined, he can’t stop now. — The first droplet to fall from your eyes makes him let out a strangled noise as his cock twitches deep inside of you. The ones that follow manage to smear your perfect makeup, leaving streaks on your pink tinted cheeks. 
Your quiet sobs are interrupted by breathy moans as his index and middle finger swirls around your throbbing clit. “Hnng, I’m g-gonna.. p-please let me..” Your incoherent pleas only make his mind spin, adding to the sensation of having you completely wrecked before him. His large palm against your tear stained cheek is near trembling as he leans in to press a chaste kiss to your lips. “S’okay bunny, I’ve got you.” He presses reassuring pecks to your face, covering you in his love as he feels you clench around him, pulling a sharp hiss between his gritted teeth as you finish around his cock. 
Once the wave of intense pleasure subsides you’re left a whimpering mess as Soobin abuses your spent cunt, using it however he pleases as he thrusts into you without showing any signs of slowing down. — You looked so perfect like this, your once pretty costume completely disheveled all thanks to him. Your mind is nothing but a hazy fog as you gaze up at him, letting him have his way with you because you’re nothing but a dumb bunny, his dumb bunny. 
He lets his head fall to the crook of your neck as his hips stutter, making sure to fill your pretty little cunt with as much of his seed as possible, preserving it by slowly fucking his soft cock into you despite your wails. — “You’re okay”, he murmurs, pressing tender kisses to your sweat covered neck as he slumps against your chest. “So perfect for me”, he sighs as he leans up to catch a glimpse of your face. He finds a small grin playing on your lips, making his heart flutter almost agonizingly as he props himself up to place a kiss to that very smile.
Such a perfectly dumb bunny, he thinks.  
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sabertoothwalrus · 1 year
hi :]c sorry if you have already answered an ask similar, in which case disregard this, but I was wondering if you had any tips/how you learned drawing in the at style? I remember you leaving in the tags of a post abt it and it made me curious but I can't find it, so I thought I'd ask! I've admired the way you draw in the style for years or so
I've gotten a few asks about this recently and I have talked about it a little bit, it's been a while so I'll speak on it again
Reference the show itself!!! There are 10 seasons, youtube shorts, 4 specials, and a mini series. Don't reinvent the wheel. Whatever pose, expression, outfit, prop, etc you're trying to draw probably already exists in the show somewhere. the wiki is your best friend.
Overall, the show's style is pretty flexible, so pay attention to how different board artists draw the characters! Season 1 vs Season 8 vs Fionna and Cake all look a bit different to each other. There's a spectrum of ways the characters can look, but know its limits.
more misc tips from me:
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*the kawaii thing is mostly anecdotal. when I was a kid, the ONLY place you could find kawaii/anime/weeb stuff was at cons or specialty import stores, and now you can buy a naruto t-shirt at old navy or "how to draw kawaii" books at H*bby L*bby (<- I worked there)
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o-sachi · 2 months
Shidou Ryusei ‧₊˚ ⋅ Relationship Heacanons + Mini Scenario
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ଳ character; shidou ryusei (blue lock) ଳ tags; sfw, gn reader, no y/n
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— Slow burn? What’s that? Neither of you know the concept of it because once you found each other… there was just absolutely no letting go. I mean, you have to be the rarest catch ever to be able to match the freak of Shidou Ryusei. Everything between you happens fast.
— Fast as it is, he’ll never let you forget how much he loves you. He’s so aggressive with his loving too (good luck; you’ll need it). Frenzied kisses, hugs that squeeze the life outta you, and all the weirdly sweet compliments are some of the things you can expect from him.
— Not much of a surprise, but the love language that he likes to give and receive would be physical touch. And we know he’s freaky as hell, but the touches don’t always have to be sexual. In fact, he looooves it when you pat his head and massage his scalp. It’s literally the only time when he’s calm and quiet.
— He never takes you out on dates and you don’t complain. Well, he doesn’t take you out on the TYPICAL kinds of dates. Neither of you like dinner dates or movie nights; they’re too boring. You’d much rather go get takeout at 2 AM and eat it in the parking lot. If it’s not spontaneous, then it has to be something that leaves both of you out of breath—laser tag, amusement parks, and paintball to name a few.
— Despite being on the same wavelength, you still fight quite a lot. However, it’s never so serious that you start shouting and hurting each other emotionally. Actually… most of your quarrels are super childish. The last thing you fought about was whether or not Gege should bring Gojo back. Spoiler alert: he’s a Gojo hater.
— I can totally imagine him watching anime with you. He’s lowkey a weeb, trust. It’s actually one of the more calm moments you have with him. That is, if you consider him reacting to every little thing happening to be calm. Best believe he’s shouting at the screen at the most hype moments of the show. He Naruto runs unironically btw.
— He’s… shockingly the possessive type? Like I can imagine that it took him forever to find someone like you, so the prospect of losing you to someone else pisses him the fuck off. He won’t try to hide it too. He’ll still be all sweet with you, but when you look away—whoever tried to poach you will be facing his wrath.
— People are convinced the two of you can communicate telepathically. You can just give each other a look and you both already know what it means. Soooo many inside jokes that if someone else heard the two of you talk, they’d give you a weird look.
— People wouldn’t usually invite Shidou out, unless you would be tagging along. With you around, Shidou isn’t much of a menace. The two of you become the fun couple that livens up the gathering. In short, y’all some crazy fun.
ᯓ Dancing scenario
It was one of those lazy Sundays that the two of you would spend hanging out in your bedroom. It was unusually quiet as both of you were busy scrolling through your phones. A different audio blaring from each of your devices while you scrolled through several Tiktoks.
"Ryu, look at this one," you say, thrusting the phone into his face. "Let's do this dance."
It was one of the simpler dances you found. Everything else was too complicated for the both of you to do in synchrony. You gave him some time to watch it twice and he grins.
The way he hurriedly got off the bed was enough to let you know that he was up for it. You followed suit, preparing your phone to record the two of you dancing like idiots.
Shidou was already practicing on the side. "Heh, this is easy!" But, alas, he was doing it horribly wrong as he always did.
Finally getting the phone ready, you smirk at his silly attempt at the dance and approach him. "You got it all wrong!"
Of course, he insists that he was doing it flawlessly. But you still show him how to do it. About 15 minutes have passed before he became decent at the moves. It's not like you wanted perfection—the mediocrity of your moves makes it funnier anyway. But at the very least, you wanted him to be able to resemble the dance.
"Alright, alright, just hit the record button already. Don't be so fussy. I dance better than you do!"
You playfully glare at him. "Yeah, whatever you say."
Once the phone started recording, you hurriedly went to your place beside him. The music starts and you were able to hit the first few moves. But as you neared the end, Shidou did a different move.
"See? Who messed up first?"
He doesn't own up to it, of course. Shidou, instead, demands for a 2nd take...
then another...
then one more...
then another take...
then, you finally couldn't take it anymore because how is it possible that the more you do it—the more mistakes the both of you do? In the last take, unfortunately, you were the one who messed up.
He gave you that look and you already knew he was going to rub it in your face.
"Hah! Told you I'm the better dancer."
Oh... he did not just say that.
Without another thought, you pounced on him like a wild animal. He should be thankful that your bed caught him, otherwise he wouldn't be attending football practice tomorrow.
You were a self-proclaimed jiu-jitsu fighter when it came to playfighting with him. Well, you don't know the moves or even the name of the moves—but the point is that you have to make him tap out no matter what.
To some extent, this was your little way of showing cuteness aggression—more so the aggression part. Sometimes he just gets on your nerves and this is the only thing that appeases you.
The two of you roll around on the bed, trying to gain leverage over the other. At some point, both of you almost fell off the bed. But he caught the both of you fast enough and flung you back to the other side of the bed.
As he recovered from that, you slipped him into a chokehold. It was a light one, of course. It wasn't like you wanted him to actually pass out.
"What? Gonna tap out?"
He smirks back at your cocky expression and taps your thigh to let you know he was throwing in the towel. He gave up without much of a fight, but that was his own way of letting you know how whipped he is for you.
Shidou might not be good with words, but you fall for his actions nonetheless.
You smile triumphantly at him. "Guess that makes me the better fighter huh?"
A devilish grin stretches across his dark expression
"I demand a round 2."
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ε( ε ˙³˙)ɜ 。° ⚬ 。 likes and reblogs are appreciated
pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
o-sachi © 2024
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yanderenightmare · 10 months
nerd-kun tomura crushin on the pretty clerk at the comic shop🥺 she's always so sweet BUT THEN HE FINDS OUT ABOUT THE BOYFRIEND
Shigaraki Tomura x darling
TW: f!reader, creepy behavior, stalking-ish, obsession, incel-vibes
fem reader
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It spurs from something so small. Something you forget by the next customer in line, whom you treat just the same, bagging their comics and figurines with a trained smile. But for Tomura, it’s special. How you dub his fifteen percent membership discount as a “pretty-boy discount,” or when you give him an extra stamp on his loyalty card and flash him a cheeky wink as though to say “just between us,” or when you smile so brightly, looking him right in his eyes when you tell him to “please come again soon, Tomu-kun~”
He can’t believe you even remember his name. A pretty girl like you.
It’s all a delusion. Deep down, he knows you just read it off the registry after scanning his membership card. But it feels too good to imagine you know who he is, to imagine you actually hope to see him come back soon.
His favorite thing to do is ask you to recommend him something new. To see you nod all eagerly, gushing while skipping about the aisles, helping him search.
“You must have a lot of time on your hands to be done with those volumes you bought last week, Tomu-kun.” You joke, scanning the shelves with him trailing after – hood pulled over the mess of his hair with hands shoved down the front pocket – now looking up from the shadow it cast – eyes wide.
You know my name… 
You snort, giggling. “Of course I know your name, silly.” 
His stupor shrivels into a blush, realizing he’d spoken out loud. But you don’t seem concerned by it – nor do you even notice as you stretch up on your tippy-toes to reach for a book. 
“I’d be a real airhead to forget it – you’re in here practically every day.” You flash him that trained smile – all pearly white with a breath of laughter – offering the book you’d just picked out for him to reach. “You’re becoming my best friend – I see you more than I see my boyfriend!”
Tomura doesn’t reply. Nor does he accept your hand-out.
He’s too caught up in your words. A wrinkle scrunching up between his brows – eyes slim while staring at you – feeling his temple pulse. 
That’s not very service-inclined of you to say. Customers don’t want to know you have a boyfriend. That ruins the fantasy. You’re supposed to be the friendly flirt – the girl that’s really too pretty to be a weeb but doesn’t know it herself – the one he can go home and fist his cock to while imagining he has a chance even though you’re way out of his league.
His crush on you was harmless.
But you just had to go and ruin it, didn’t you? Had to shatter the dream – dropping the boyfriend bomb, calling him your friend. Jeez, could you be any more obvious? That’s how you nice sweet polite girls like to say you’re not interested, right? 
You love the attention, but you snuff it out the moment it becomes too tedious, don’t you? 
Fucking bitch.
You regret it, right? When you get off work and wind up in the boot of his car with your pretty face taped shut.
He’s going to teach you a thing or two about true customer service.
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Random Obey Me! Headcanons
Belphie doesn't know how to swim and is too lazy to learn. The brothers have tried to teach him multiple times, but he always ends up giving up before he can make any real progress. He even fell asleep in the water while Satan tried to teach him once, and after that, the brothers just collectively gave up and accepted he'd probably never learn how.
Lucifer is terrible at baking and making any kind of sweets in general. This is funny, considering he's one of the best cooks in the house when it comes to preparing literally anything else. And Satan absolutely thrives off of this, as he actually masters all areas of the kitchen and will brag about how it's one of the things he's better at than Lucifer.
Beel loves rock and metal, they're his favorite music genres to listen to and motivate him when he's doing his morning run, practicing for future games, or going through his workout routine. He actually learned how to play drums because of it, and even performed in a concert when a friend's band was doing a show, and the friend called him a few hours earlier saying he couldn't make it and needed him to take his place. That day, multiple videos of the concert were posted to DevilTube and went viral. Everywhere, people were discussing how talented Beel was, and the brothers even encouraged him to enter the music industry. He refused though, saying he wanted to focus on sports as it was his main passion.
Satan was born a baby, though he grew faster than any other demon or angel. The way I picture this is that he would stay the same age for a few months and then jump to another out of nowhere, for example: he'd be 3 years old for a few months, and then suddenly jump to 5, staying that age for another set of time till he jumped to 7 and continued the cycle. This only stopped when he reached the age he'd originally have if he had born when first formed as an emotion in Lucifer's body. And so he now ages normally, as any other demon would.
There's a magic barrier around the House of Lamentation that stops any demon that's not one of the brothers, Diavolo or Barbatos from even passing the gates. But as mentioned, it only works on demons, hence why Luke was able to sneak in without the others even noticing during season 1. And this is the same for the Demons' Lord Castle, that also has a magic barrier around it.
Mammon smokes. It's his way to relax after an especially stressful day, he'll stand on the balcony staring at the view outside, alone in his thoughts for as long as he needs to. The brothers understand, as they all have their own ways to cope with stress, and always make sure to check on him at some point while he's there or after. Sometimes though, on very rare occasions, Lucifer will actually go and join him. They'll vent to each other about work, their day in general, and whatever is on their mind while smoking together. Those times are very special for both of them, as they can just chat and relax together without worrying about anything else, knowing they'll always have each other.
The characters' speech gets jumbled when they're drunk, they just start speaking multiple languages at the same time and it only gets worse the more drunk they are. For example, Levi will start spilling Japanese words and sentences in the middle of conversations, Solomon will talk in Old English and confuse everyone, and Lucifer, as the affectionate drunk he is, will just start mumbling I love yous and a bunch of soft praises in Infenal to his brothers and MC. It's a mess.
Levi is one of the most popular streamers in the Devildom when it comes to gaming, anime reviewing, and weeb content in general. He's everyone's favorite, and the one people go to for opinions before purchasing anything. He gets sent games before the official release, merch, figurines, etc. And although most of his streams involve just him, sometimes a brother will join. Mammon and Beel for the most part, but the others have all participated at some point. ( Fun fact: Levi broke his record of views when Lucifer accepted to join him after years and years of pestering. They played Minecraft together, chatted about random stuff, and the viewers were blown away seeing a new side of the eldest, as they only viewed him to be intimidating and unapproachable. To this day fans beg for another stream between the two, but Lucifer always refuses, saying that was the first and last time. )
Lucifer taught Satan how to play piano when he was younger. The fourth born however grew to resent the instrument, lumping it together in the long list of things he'll never pursue again because of how it only makes him more similar to the eldest. He does miss it sometimes though, and very rarely, when he's alone at home, he'll play one or two songs to himself and think back to the lessons Lucifer gave him long long ago.
Beel gives the best massages ever for some reason. You'd think not because of his size and clumsiness, but he actually knows how to control his strength and be a perfect mix between gentle and rough. Oftentimes Beel uses his skill on his brothers, mostly Lucifer and Levi as they're usually the ones staying sitting for too many hours at a time and end up stiff as rocks afterward.
Asmo has an OnlyDevil account where he shares spicy pictures/videos of himself that his fans go absolutely crazy for. His account is very popular and he's actually one of the most sought creators on the platform. Needless to say, the amount of money he makes out of it is no joke.
For some time after lesson 16, Beel didn't know how to interact with Belphie or how to even feel about what had happened, making him avoid the twin completely. It got to the point where he couldn't even stand sleeping in the same room as him, seeking Mammon every night to sleep with him instead. The second born never minded, as sharing a bed with the younger one kept the nightmares of MC's death away.
Satan has always been extremely sensitive to certain sounds, textures, and tastes. For example, there's a brand of milk he absolutely despises for how weird it tastes, despite all the brothers ( including Beel ) insisting that it tastes the exact same as any other milk they've had. There's also a certain type of fabric he can't wear because of how it feels on his skin, numerous foods he can't eat as they give an unimaginable ick, and noises that make him physically cringe at how uncomfortable they sound. The brothers have been aware of these things ever since Satan was born, and although they don't completely understand it, they always have it in mind when buying something for him or finding themselves on cooking duty.
In the Devildom, birthdays are celebrated every 100 years. Diavolo however is an exception to this rule, as he is of royal blood, and his birthday is made into a huge annual event across the entire kingdom. Following this, the brothers only began celebrating their birthdays annually once MC came into the picture, as they wanted to experience as many birthdays as they could while they were still around.
Lucifer regrets not accepting Satan as his son from the get-go, cursing his past self for denying responsibility for the blond when he was first created and the poor way he treated him. But he didn't know any better, he had just fallen after facing a war against his own problematic father, and the last thing he wanted was to label himself as someone's parent. But now he really wishes things had been different, though he's already accepted that it's far too late now, as thousands of years have passed and he believes he's lost his chance to make things right an eternity ago. It still pains him to this day though, to see the change in Satan's expression whenever someone makes the even slightest suggestion to them being anything more than brothers.
I've already made a separate post about this one, but the brothers can sense their sins on other people and feed off of it. Also, demon blood is dark black, while angel blood is bright gold.
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