#the bio is basically a tldr of this post
Meet the person behind the blog
Hi so I thought I would make this so I could get it off my mind. For starters-
My blog is not for kids!
It's PG-15 at least. I cover dark topics and I pull no punches. So, be aware. Some of my fics might be lighthearted, but that is not a blanket rule. Most of the time even the fluff fics have some dark themes.
I write based on personal experiences. My trauma and my mental health basically coat my writings like thick paint.
I write The Markiplier Cinematic Universe, IRIS, and Lego Monkie Kid fics. Sometimes I might just post something that's on its own, but that'll be rare.
Any and all things in these fics are based on my interpretation of the canon media and my personal headcanons.
Don't be surprised if I blip in and out of existence. Consistency doesn't exist here.
I do write ship and non-ship fics. Depends how I'm feeling on any given day.
I write mostly GN or Male povs if I do reader fics. Which will probably be rare.
Thanks for listening. See you in 2 years when I write again.
All my fics
Lego Monkie Kid
Who Killed Markiplier
None yet!
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kaiju-krew · 3 months
So I know this is like, a month late (forgot to ask when you posted the pic lol), but what's up with Labra? He got like a backstory, lore, or something like that? I'm curious and wanna know more abt him.
drew him again :3c
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UHMMM yes i am lore building for him........ i haven't decided everything yet but i know i want him to be a distant cousin species of goji's. everyone's fangoji lore is different but i def imagine him as a part of my personal monsterverse au rather than existing in his own world with no friends haha loser
putting a cut here so i dont spam people's feeds lmao
likeeee for comparison it's probably similar to Crocodylia encompassing crocodiles, alligators, and gharials?? labra is in a similar niche to zilla for me. goji is the largest/apex species of the gojiran order, whereas zilla & labra are smaller and occupy a different niche. Big bruiser lion vs. carcal or lynx type thing.
my hc is that the vast majority of labra's species (pre-mutation art is what they looked like) was wiped out when ghido got into hollow earth. which is also the same time he wiped out most of the divine moths and a couple other species :''(
it ended with ghido iced but it fucked up the hollow earth ecosystem for a while and led to a lot more radiation leakage since he tore the place up real bad. labra was Almost Dead and ended up hibernating to recover by a radiation vent, but he'd laid down in feldspar vein that kinda grew to cover him and turned to labradorite and idk magic radiation nonsense it fused with him and caused him to grow/mutate.
the ghido massacre also caused battra to hibernate/mutate too so it's a Big Event in my silly au world. most of the kaiju that are clearly a result of mutation fuckery (biollante, kessho too) may be related to it as well but i haven't fully fleshed it out yet. it would mostly be based around goji's hyper-regeneration doing the thing where like.. if a big enough chunk of him gets lobbed off and has access to energy it mutates and tries to regenerate and causes a fucked up clone siblings thing idk omg ok i'm in tangent city good god sorry i was supposed to be talking about my gay son
ANYWAYSSSSSS for more general hc/character stuff: >labra is genuinely terrified of ghido and even gets freaked out when he hears wing beats without warning. (mosu beats rodan's ass bcuz he divebombs labra for fun sometimes) >he lives on monster island and ventures down to hollow earth sometimes, but he won't return to his old home because it just reminds him everyone else of his species is gone. (he isn't even his own species anymore bcuz of the mutation. so they're basically extinct.) >he loves swimming and sometimes just lays in the shallows to absorb sunlight. stretches out like a lazy ass cat. cat boy behaviour >he's loyal to goji and doesn't start shit with humans unless they attack first. even then he does his best to steer clear. >mothra likes his dorsal plates and talks with him sometimes (Moth Therapy) they can bond over ghido hating it's a good time >he has a mutually bitch-bother dynamic with rodan where rodan bothers the shit outta him until he manages to grab that turkey and idk sits on him or something. but if rodan really pisses him off he doesn't mind actually throwing hands because he knows goji won't care if he puts the bird in it's place. >he also likes angy, zilla, and bio a lot too.
there's more but i'll stop there for nowwwww
tldr: big gay lizard is traumatized but doing ok ig
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octolich · 2 months
I was Scared for Dragon Age: Veilguard.
I take it back, we are so back. The release date trailer fixes so many of the anxieties of this post, Im keeping it up because I ain't no bitch but consider this an archive post of sorts. Ima make a new one glazing the new trailer but for now this is absolute cinema. Nice going Bioware! Still not pre-ordering tho, fuck EA. I want to say before I state anything, I'm still buying the game, I just want to warn fellow DA Fans to be cautious about this game and its potential quality. I could be wrong and this could be game of the year, best in the franchise. I've just got a weird feeling about Bio ware's marketing that I want to get off my chest.
This is just a personal opinion and warning from a Dragon Age Fan. Disagree? You're probably right. Your opinions are valid and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
TLDR: Bioware has been very sneaky with marketing as well as dodgy choices in design that I do not agree with. They keep on talking about how this is the best game in the franchise and how the characters are the most in-depth yet, but I personally am sceptical. I could be wrong and this could be game of the year, best in the franchise. I've just got a weird feeling about Bioware's marketing I want to get off my chest and warn others about. We're treating breadcrumbs as buffets. They refuse to show anything substantial off and rely too much on "The games good, trust me bro. we've got nudity!"
I love Dragon age Inquisition to death. Played through it multiple times over the course of 7 years (Necromancer homies rise up). I played Dragon age Origins a wee bit and really loved the freedom and gritty setting which was a complete 180 for what I'm used to from DAI. I didn't play dragon age 2 (sorry besties I'll try it at some point) but I've heard it introduced a lot of controversial concepts but ultimately "modernized" the franchise.
Now, I actually didn't mind the trailer! I was jamming to the bombastic song but found the dialogue in it to be extremely corny. It definitely is a major shift in tone from the other trailers but hey! Maybe it won't be like that in the game. Marketing can mislead the perception of a game through the trailer like with Dead Island (amazing trailer btw) But then I saw the gameplay preview.
I was quite shocked to see Minrathous! I loved the city's whole MagicPunk theme and with the floating Archon's palace in the sky? Even though it looked a bit... off, I still liked it. The city looks old, and powerful. I absolutely love that. But then we get to the immediete problem. The Demons. I believe I heard from somewhere that the artists designed them this way to be similar to that of the human nervous system. What I presumed to be despair demons looked creepy with this artistic vision, but the pride demon??? It just looked goofy and not intimidating at all. They really traded how unique each and every demon looked, and went with floating kool aid spirits?
Moving on, Dragon age Inquisition has 8 slots for abilities you can fill in, allowing you to combo them and have a wide arsenal at your disposal. But with Veil guards 3? It was an immediate red flag. Now, I heard from Bioware that Rook can have an ultimate ability, but that is still 4 out of the original 8 you could bring. Companions are said to have a fixed 5 but can only bring in 3. BUT, Bio ware has been said in the game informer to be encouraging combining abilities with other companions, and not with just your own arsenal. But I still don't like the change.
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A 60 second cooldown though??? either the fights shall be long, or you'll be a sitting duck spamming basic attacks waiting for your cool spells. I suppose there would be ways to reduce the time with cooldown reduction perks, but again, I do not vibe with this. aswell as following to comment this:
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Now, Im no expert on game design, but I loved the combat in DAI AND DAO, yes it had its flaws but I find it was a highlight, now a flaw of the games. To say that Combat was "Uncharitably meh" I find spits in the face of the philosophy of combat in the previous games. DAI was all about about levelling up to build complex arsenals of spells to combo with, and unlocking specializations which further added spells to play with. DAO was all about freedom, you can be a necromancer/pyromancer/blood mage/spirit healer and it would work! Im afraid that Bioware has forgotten why this was fun and risk the chance of making combat one of the worst aspects of Dragon age Veilguard.
Now, instead of Bioware talking about gameplay, they love to talk about companions, throughout all of the game informer articles they talk about Romance, nudity, character creation (I admit I'm a bit hyped about this one though), and the companions.
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Again, the wordplay of how Veilguard is even better than all previous dragon age games doesn't sit well with me. Are the previous companions also not complex? Is Dorian not a man who's constantly fighting between hating his father and loving him, while this love is also reflected for his home land? Is Morrigan not a woman who is on a fight between the discovery of ancient magic, the love of her warden and son, as well as the fear of her mother?
I just find it so strange that they focus so much on the companions in these articles, while also keep quiet about the gameplay, spare the game preview (Basically a vague tutorial) and a few pictures. Now, again. They could actually be the best in the entire franchise. I could eat my words and these companions could shake the very foundation on what it means to be a companion, but I just don't buy this narrative bioware is trying to feed us.
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"These followers or companions don't exist by themselves" "Your assembling a family." "Everything you do ties into the critical path" "things are done towards a goal." "In Origins things are done just to do them."
https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-video/2024/07/19/the-making-of-dragon-age-the-veilguard (blue text is excerpts from this video. There's more but I can't be assed putting every quote into this. You may watch it yourself if you wish to see more)
They continue to use flowery language in these statements. How complex they are, how they're their own people. But where's the proof? these are all just words at the moment. In the 20 minute preview, I wasn't sitting there immersed in Minrathous, (still pretty gorgeous though, love you concept artists and 3d modelers xxx) or sitting there amazed at the characters. I'm just a dude sitting there watching some Batman Arkham knight look ahh combat.
The Video used above is just so much yapping, with re-used footage from the gameplay preview, trailer and images previously released. There is nothing new they are adding or introducing, only saying "The Characters and Story is good, trust."
Honestly? My theory is that this entire campaign is damage control. Lots of people who viewed the trailer immediately hated it (to be fair most of them haven't touched a single dragon age game in their lives) and the gameplay preview was a mixed review at best. After mass effect andromeda? I don't trust them. Not one bit.
I am going to buy the game and either enjoy it or hate it. I don't prefer gameplay over story, I'm a mix of both. I think one cannot exist without the other. I am just extremely worried for the future of not only Dragon age, but Bioware as a whole. I have a feeling that after this, if this game flops, Bioware is headed for the guillotine by the hands of EA (bunch of pricks).
One thing I will say is I like the skill trees!
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This type of skill tree I think outdoes Inquisition's skyrim style perk tree, and really leans into the way Origin's does its abilities and perks (which I like more and Inquisition). From the looks of it, you can twist into what type of mage you are, as well as specialization. Control Death Caller? Burst Spellblade? Or maybe mash Control/Sustain together? It really beckons the imagination. THIS is what I want to see. Instead of words I want action! I want snippets! Not reused footage of the trailer or game preview, I want hard proof of how great this game is!
Not only that, but I do have to admit. the New UI puts all of the previous games to shame. I'm a big fan of the prismatic purple UI they've got going on.
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I got to hand it to the Artists and graphic designers, It feels like the artists have fully realised their creative vision. I've never wanted a MagicPunk city until I saw Minrathous. I admit its a small thing to like about, but its the small things like these that can elevate a games quality. If there's one thing that I find that Dragon age Veil guard does better than the rest is the UI.
I post this out of love, not hate. I'm terrified that my favourite franchise is going to turn dogshit thanks to questionable choices. Bioware is doing nothing to comfort these fears by pumping out bloated statements like how the characters are the best in the series, and bringing up transmog and hyping up the character creator. Like, yeah? where is it then? are there no snippets? You're willing to post entire skill tree's why not post the character creator? or a sneak at the transmog?
After mass effect andromeda, my faith has been lost on bioware. But I still love the dragon age games. I just wish they do it justice. I will still buy the game, and leave a positive or negative review depending on the quality. If its good then ya'll have full permission to clown on me!
Im uh, still new to Tumblr so I don't know how to end this. Treat yourself to some water, maybe order just eats? Just treat yo self! Thanks immensely for reading this, hopefully you've learned something from this rambling. And hey! If you disagree, that's more than welcome! Your opinions are just as valid as mine. and I'd love to hear what you think and love about Dragon Age. Who knows? we might agree! (Lucanis is so handsome its not even funny)
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degenderates · 1 year
What would almost-terf talking points look like? Genuinely curious because I never see stuff like that, though I may just not be aware of it. Thank you in advance ❤️
hey! no worries, it takes a lot of being on the internet (unfortunately lol) to notice the patterns of how online terfs talk about gender and make their stuff palatable for the masses, so here are a few pointers. keep in mind that people who post this kind of rhetoric aren't always terfs and you should be skeptical of ANYBODY who tells you that there are a complete set of "rules" you must follow or subjects you must avoid. think for yourself, but also be careful. with that being said, here are some things i've noticed after being on the trans internet for a few years:
1- "radfem"/"radfem-safe"/"radblr"/etc. usually they're a terf they just dont want to add the te- to the acronym. funny thing is they're not all that radical lol.
2- gender essentialism. this is one of the most insidious i think, because it's so well disguised, or simply poised as common sense. this can include anything about men and women being inherently different, whether this is about sexual violence, sexuality in general (including types of queerness), love, understanding/intuition/empathy, certain skills, whatever. sometimes it's just a joke but be careful because humor is a form of persuasion as well, just easily able to avoid blame. the reason why gender essentialism is terfy is because it posits that gender is immutable. ie. can't change. women are inherently like this, so someone who identifies as a man now will never get it, even if they end up being trans later. though some of these takes might have an addendum of, "trans women are women" or something like that, supposedly being inclusive of trans ppl, they don't account for people who aren't secretly eggs their whole lives. sure, a transfem who always knew she was a girl might be "included," but not a trans person who lived as their agab for their first 20, 30, or even 40 years. etc. tldr: this kind of rhetoric reveals how people truly feel about gender difference regardless of what they claim to support.
3- "male/female socialization." this one's tricky because yes we as humans in a society are socialized and yes that includes gender (which is a social construct in and of itself), but the vast majority of times i've seen this phrasing used is by terfs, so much so that if trans people want to talk about gender socialization, we have to use other terminology. the problem here is that folks' "current" gender is considered null and void due to how they were raised. this one is sort of the opposite of the phenomenon of "including" trans people in gender essentialism--it blocks us out from our actual gender in favor of seeing us as what we once were.
4- a weird fascination with militant genetalia. urls or bios that include stuff about vaginas and cunts killing people or whatever...i'm not against this, but most people who have this on their blog are terfs lol. aside from the jokes, people who see phallic imagery as something inherently violent or the penis as a body part as violent instead of like, the person as violent (if they are) is a big one. i guess the militant vagina is like reclaiming this somehow. i'm not sure. but it's a thing.
5- gatekeeping queerness. people who try to limit queerness to being lesbian/gay/bisexual, acephobes, arophobes, people who have this very basic understanding of queerness as same-sex attraction. sometimes they hate the word "queer." people who don't understand queerness as a culture and a way to play with gender and identity and presentation as well as sexuality, or as a political entity. queerness isn't just about being gay or straight. now not all acephobes are terfs, but because terfs have admitted to using acephobia to induct people into being radfems, and most terfs are acephobic....well. that's just one example, of course, but the point stands. anyone attempting to divide the queer community is inherently sus to me.
and finally, 6- if you download shinigami eyes, people marked as terfs show up in red. be careful because sometimes people mark others as red out of malintent, but if the person is showing other signs of being a terf and is red, they probably are one, lol. hope this helps, and other people feel free to add on! as always, take my post as just the observations of one individual, as a grain of salt!
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werewolf4vampire · 7 months
it is crazy that to this day i still see posts claiming that having a bunch of adults convince youto identify as ace at like 13 years old is completely harmless. like i have LOTS to say about my experiences during this time but tldr, it caused a massive amount of harm to my perception of myself, my sexuality, sexuality in general, and sex. for YEARS. i'll put a break here cause the rest got kinda long lmao
i was 13 or 14 when i first "realized" i was asexual. and a couple years later, when i grew out of it - because yeah, turned out it was basically just because i was a kid, with a side of stress and medication - i was so entrenched in the community and the way they talked about disgusting filthy sinful "allos" that i ended up mislabeling myself as fucking hypersexual to cope with the guilt and confusion. i was 16. i was bisexual, i was just your average horny teen, and they had me literally convinced that how much i was interested in sex was pathologically abnormal. i felt like a freak, and incredibly demonized
the worst part of all though is that to this day, it's still almost impossible to talk about these things because people will just plug their ears and accuse you of being aphobic. and despite me being FAR from the only one to go through this, it's easy for them to dismiss it, because many people are afraid to bring it up, don't feel like it's worth the backlash, or don't want to bother arguing with brick walls, so i appear to be an outlier. that lends more credence to the "you're just aphobic" claim in their eyes
at the same time, i still felt the need to identify as ~demisexual~ because i still felt so ashamed of the idea of being "allo" that i couldn't fully let go of an ace label. essentially, i ended up rationalizing my sexual feelings as being something i didn't want to experience, it was just my disorder - because wanting it, enjoying it would be yucky disgusting. i think i literally had "hypersexual biromantic demisexual" in my bio for a bit lmaoo
i think my being bisexual made me especially susceptible to being afraid of being seen as promiscuous and overly sexual. the ace community was very biphobic then too - probably still are to some extent if only because everyone is biphobic, but i don't run in those circles at all anymore so who knows
(which to be honest, even if i were, it's not exactly as if the traumatic experience of sexually inappropriate interactions with manipulative adults and puritanical group shaming doesn't warrant some kind of fear looool)
"what's the worst that can happen if a kids misidentifies as asexual for a while, not having sex?" is a frankly laughable question
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courtana · 1 year
another rant on a toxic user and fic writer in the COD fandom world — scroll past if you don't care
trigger warning: mentions of rape, incest, and abuse
First, the tumblr user lululandd began bombarding my inbox, calling me names in their vague posts— all because I said that I wished people were more respectful in what type of content they add when they reblog my posts. They'll have full blown convos about unrelated material under my gifs, while ignoring my gifs entirely or ignoring me. It's a pattern of disregarding the labor of creatives on this website. This happens to gif-makers and I'm sure fic writers too.
I told them it's not too much to ask people to be respectful while also asking them to reblog rather than simply like things. I obviously can't control other people's behavior. But I consider that this is part of basic tumblr etiquette for years now.
Nonetheless, her unwavering defense is that this is the internet and people can do whatever they want and people can add whatever they want (Hold onto this thought)—even if it means personally making people uncomfortable or purposefully triggering them, even out of deliberate spite in some cases...
Anyway, the bottom line is, lululandd has a track record of attacking gifmakers in the COD fandom who don't like rape/incest/abusive fanfics either. Which makes sense, considering she writes and shares this content too. She's probably targeted my blog, seeing a window of opportunity, simply because I've vocally stated that I am not a fan of rape/incest/abusive fanfics. Obviously I can't stop people from reblogging or writing/reading those fics! But other people on tumblr and I have asked that people tag their work correctly, hide it under read more/cuts, and also maybe reconsider posting it in mainstream fanfiction tags if it's particularly dark work.
This is from their pinned bio:
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And this is a message she's posted to someone a few months back for simply stating they don't like seeing their favorite characters portrayed as toxic, abusive, and/or sexually aggressive bordering on sexual assault. (Headcanoning someone as a rapist/abuser isn't the same as headcanoning someone as being goofy or weird, for the record):
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She blocked that user right after writing that.
TLDR: lululandd has a grudge against me and other gifmakers whom she's blocked simply because we don't put aside our personal dislike for rape/incest/abuse and worship her and others' writing. So, she takes it out on us by stating we're 'suburban christian moms' and saying that we simply want to control what other people do. That's not the case. I don't support censorship (can't believe I have to say that, lol) but I can still actively dislike certain genres of dark writing where there is a non-critical depiction of rape or abuse. But this user sees this as a personal attack, and thinks it justifies sending hate messages and writing vague posts about me and my other mutuals.
Also: fun fact! Someone replied to lululandd's post where they were vague-posting about me, name-calling me and calling me a "suburban Christian mom" (girl I'm a bi Latina who lives in urban downtown parts of cities primarily, but yeah I was raised Catholic, so what? What does religion have anything to do with how people interact with my blog?) And someone simply said that I wasn't asking for too much. I said, "thanks! that's common sense!"
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Then lululandd proceeded to turn off replies and to delete my reply saying "thanks!" — BUT I THOUGHT WE COULD POST ABOUT ANYTHING AND ADD ANYTHING TO PEOPLE'S POSTS ON THE INTERNET?!? 🤯
Anyway, I've blocked lululandd and I encourage others to do the same if you dislike people thinking you're obligated to read triggering content and sending hate messages to people's inboxes. But then again, you don't have to because, ✨people can do whatever they want on the internet! ✨
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smokedanced · 1 year
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Hit the heart if you would like to interact with Iris Hunt, an original character! I will message you to plot. If you would rather me send you memes, you can also reply to this post with "memes". You must specify muse if you're a multimuse, for the latter, or I won't send any. Giving a few options or a fandom is ok. You can specify muse for plots as well, or I'll just ask you when I message you.
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Iris is around 26 years old on default (can vary between circa 20-30 and older easily), and while her biography is Doctor Who based, her main verse for non-Doctor Who muses has nothing to do with Doctor Who, so she's very, very crossover and various genres friendly. I do not require her biography to be read in order to interact with her, but please look at the basics tab of her about page at the very least. Here, also, are her verses, which include two different Doctor Who verses, a multifandom verse that can accommodate to basically any 21st century setting, a Mass Effect verse, and tentative interest for historical verses (OFMD is eating my brain).
She's a primary muse, so I would love more interactions for her, especially now that I've rewritten her about page.
She's open for all types of dynamics; friendly, otherwise platonic, romantic, sexual, antagonistic...
Might you (in advertising voice) be interested in this fearful but fierce little bean who's practically made her grief over her brother's death her entire identity? (Someone help her.)
Her bio contains heavy themes of familial death and grief, so don't read it if that might trigger you. I can omit explicit mentions of such in prose if you want me to; just ask.
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tldr; like for me to message you for plotting, reply with "memes" and which muse of yours if you are a multi, for me to send you memes instead.
You do not have to have any ideas in mind for plotting at all, if we can't think of anything I will simply say fuck it and go for the memes anyway, no harm done.
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incubus-puppy · 1 year
the pimned post
if you'd like to help a little doggy out, you can find my kofi here; anything helps and is appreciated. my boyfriend creature also does pixel art commissions.
you can call me hezekiah or hezey. I'm a 24 y/o transmasc mainly-t4t switch that posts a pretty large variety of kinks. probably more than most other things, this is a petplay blog and this is a piss kink blog (more on specifics later). my partner is pax (@tismrizz). my backup blog will be @occult-puppy if i get termed. mutuals n pseudo-mutuals who have interacted before can ask for discord. i also have a hazbin sideblog @old-redemption-flair
I instant-block interacters who are:
a minor (or don't have an age in your bio/pinned), a pedophile, a pro-contact sympathizer, or post pedobait.
similarly, people who give me reason not to believe the age in their bio.
user of any of the "t33n" or "p3do" tags. i get ageplay, but I've had too many experiences seeing actual minors and actual child abusers use those tags. icky tags are fine.
into raceplay and a white person.
rules for interaction - if your blog is about or features:
ageplay. while I'm not into ageplay personally, i don't much mind it as a bystander and do not block for this alone. if you message me unprompted about explicit ageplay, or try to engage in ageplay involving me, you will be blocked.
feederism/weight gain. i am in eating disorder recovery and will not be fetishized about this. i block for weight-related comments not obviously in good faith (fat people are hot, much like people who aren't fat are), and for blogs that are weight-centric. if you don't want blocked but regularly post feederism, make it tagged and easily blacklist-able. DO NOT send weight-related messages to me.
detrans/misgen. i may not block for posting. same as the above, but also DO NOT interact with any explicitly t4t or trans posts on my blog (by anyone, not just me).
incest/fauxcest. I won't block just for posting, but don't leave comments or tags. no messages about it.
raceplay as a person of color. same as above.
i block at my own discretion. try it and see what entitlement gets you.
more below (tags etc)
any genders are free to interact, but I'm really only into masc-aligned people and men. if you're not sure, no big deal, just ask. or don't. only really relevant if you're trying to interact with me as a person and not a blog runner.
what you can expect (bold for most common):
✔️ omorashi, petplay, intox, breeding, cnc (tagged [ tw: cnc ]), cg/l (now tagged [ abdl-adj ]), impact/cutting, knife/gunplay, abduction, bondage, humiliation/degradation, praise, manipulation, overstim, dacryphilia/crying, omutsu/diapers, hypnosis, use of reclaimed slurs, forcemasc, mindbreak, whump, somno, extreme violence (tagged [ tw: violence ]), blackmail, watersports, orgasm control/denial, free use, exhibitionism/voyeurism, furry stuff, boots/bootblacking, hard cnc/rapeplay (tagged [ tw: rape ]).
what you might see on occasion, but not often:
❗impreg (but not pregnancy-focused) (tagged [ tw: preg ment ]), snuff (rare, particular, and purely fiction, tagged [ tw: snvff ]), objectification, monsterfucking, needles (tagged [ tw: needles ]), object insertion, abdl-adjacent (long story, tldr in a disability/doggy way and not an ageplay way)(included in [ abdl-adj ]), mommy/daddy kink (not into it, but willing to overlook it depending), tickling.
what you will not see:
❌ ageplay, emeto, scat, internal or consumption pissplay, sounding, ovipos, detrans/misgendering, forcefem, feederism, spit, incest/fauxcest, necrophilia, gutspill, raceplay, huffing/musk/scent stuff, probably more that I can't think of.
joke posts that involve anything related to the above will be tagged [ i jest ], so if you're especially sensitive to those topics i suggest you blacklist that tag as well.
everything i post applies to me as the dom or the sub; basically all of my kinks are reciprocal.
i rarely repost mutual aid that i see floating around, but i will occasionally reblog aid post by/about mutuals. if you have nothing to give and it causes you grief, the tag to block is [ mutual aid ] (this is a decision that holds no moral weight; i do not blame you if you decide to filter this tag. we don't do moral OCD here, this is your space as well as mine and you know yourself best).
feel free to ask or dm! I'm just really bad at replying. open to engaging platonically, romantically, or sexually, but at my discretion.
my images under the tag #meposting. pics of the bean under #beanposting.
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randomnameless · 1 year
Beating a dead horse but seeing a post this morning (and an earlier fanart) made me think about it -
In good or in Bad, Nopes has characters mentionning how having a crest makes them “monsters” (in good it’s when Miklan supports someone and calls them super rad, in BaD it’s when Uncle Rufus insults Dimitri).
But it’s also, more or less, the same thing happening in the Momo paralogue - we have mentions of how Momo was “turned into a beast” due to his Crest power :(
We also the biggest fuck you - if the player knows everything about the lore though, where Marianne goes :
The Wandering Beast's eviscerated body... Only human bones and this sword remaining.
This “sword” is also a bone, but not a human one so we don’t give a fuck?
Anyways, more about the inital point to make : 
Many times in the Fodlan games’ script, we see the association that Crusts or Relics make people “monsters” and not “humans”.
And while we can muse and legit angst about the crested humans who are basically “insulted” because of their blood, what about Nabateans themselves?
In a verse where Supreme Leader and the Mole People keep on calling them beasts/creatures/other beings without “humanity” or capable of “human feelings”, how do they react to someone, maybe Miklan meaning it as a praise, calling a crested peep a “monster”?
Nabateans have crests, of course, and aren’t humans. Does this automatically make them monsters? Can’t they coexist with humans or even live with them, because they are “monsters” and not “humans”?
Are they still “monsters” when they are the one who look after humans abandoned by their own kin ?
Marianne ultimately goes :
The blood of a beast no longer flows through me. I feel human for once.
But what should Flayn or Seteth (or even Billy) think about this line? What does it mean to “feel” human? Seteth is a “beast” but writes fables for children, are his feelings “human”?
They are not bio-humans, so are their feelings automatically “not human”? Or something that is removed or cannot be understood by “humanity”?
(this reminds me of something in a certain route...)
Of course a positive point can be inferred from Marianne’s paralogue, who says this last line after having put an end to Momo’s sorry life who uwu “suffered for his murderous past” (nothing about Jack the Nabatean of course, it’s not like the games give a fuck about them, nor like Marianne reacts to Rhea’s infodump about her shiny sword and Momo’s sin) - was Momo a beast because of his “murderous past” and not because of his appearance/nature ? 
I’d love to believe it...
But FE16 reminds us that Miklan “turned into a beast” after using the Relic - or at least that’s what we’re told. Miklan was still “human” when he did his thief things, pillages and, in FE16, seduced women - but the second he transformed that’s when he became “a beast”.
We know how transformation in a demonic beast happens - when a human holds a crest stone or uses a relic - but in a way, Rhea’s lies also made sense : transforming in a black beast is a sort of punishment because the human who transforms, naturally, aka not Waldified, was in both instances we see, someone who was already a “monster”, albeit not biologically, but someone who killed/pillaged/did bandit things.
Something like “you act as a monster, then your body shall reflect it”.
Tldr : in a game where there are non-humans, what does it mean to be human? When so many characters angst about not being “humans” due to crests and whatnot, why does it matter at the end of the day?
Yes, Flayn is not human, but she has more compassion than the entire cast reunited given how she “died” to heal everyone once. Is she a monster because - assuming she has one - she can enter a bestial form, even if she has “human” feelings ?
Imagine Marianne or Claude telling a Nabatean, like Seteth, Momo turned into a Monster because of over usage of his relic, and Seteth being in a better game, reacting with something like “Maurice became a monster the day he participed in the genocide of a tribe of people living in mountains, feasted on their corpses and descrated them to craft a weapon, regardless of his outer appearance”.
No wonder after 1000 years of humans angsting about “no i have a crest i am not a human i am a monster :( :( :(” Rhea was afraid Billy would reject her after knowing she is not a human, having witnessed her “other form”.
And again, sure, Dimitri, Uncle Rufus, Miklan and the student cast (save for maybe Claude but the “humanity” nonsense was added by Pat) don’t know about Nabateans or the fact there are “non-humans” living with them, but Doylist wise, we’re still playing a game where Nabateans are “othered” and treated like “abominations” for the sin of not being humans, and humans feeling like “monsters” for having nabatean blood... and Nabateans themselves are never allowed to react to this.
As cute as Flayn’s supports with Dimitri were, we don’t have something where Flayn tries to ask him - in a roundabout way - if he would still be her friend if he knew she was not human but a “beast” (and Dimitri laughing at her because come on, Flayn, being a beast/monster? and then what, she roars? Monsters are people who slaughter others and love violence, even if she was made of, say, sugar cubes, or could transform in a giant wolf, she’d never be a monster!). 
Is it because of Earl Grey, or because this question trumps everything about “we want to tell a story about a 3 way war” and makes everything else pointless?
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↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ daily click for palestine ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
tldr: this is my main blog so there's all kinds of crap here. mostly rick and morty and some other hyperfixations. i don't get to pick what the autism latches onto, luv.
original posts are tagged #my nonsense and art is @space-enbies-inc. when i rb posts i tag the shows/games and characters involved. i don't trigger tag anything at the moment, but feel free to ask if you want something tagged. general blanket content warning (and some other shit) under the cut.
last updated july 2024
content warning: nothing extreme enough to piss off tumblr, but there is very suggestive art and general "horny about that old man" vibes. uncensored slurs (usually ones about lgbt+ people), discussions or depictions of homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, racism, classism, sexism, and probably some other bigotries tbh. canon typical content (like gore, death, incest jokes because rnm cannot help themselves). loads loads loads of mental health things, suicide, self harm, smoking/drinking/drug use and addiction, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, ocd, adhd, autism, overstimulation, meltdowns, dissociation, gender dysphoria, and maybe some other stuff that's not coming to mind? idk for sure.
basically if it happens in rick and morty, bojack horseman, or disco elysium, it can show up on this blog.
i do not ship rick and morty together but a lot of ship art just looks like regular fanart if you don't know any better so it's possible that ive reblogged r1ck0rty before without realizing, apologies if that's the case.
i do ship jerrick and rickcest and like to reblog that kind of stuff. i don't consider those ships to be incestuous but i know that some people do so i figured id give you a heads up.
☆fandom stuff☆
~rick and morty~
~smiling friends~
~gravity falls~
~cyberpunk 2077~
~disco elysium~
~solar opposites~
~king of the hill~
~bob's burgers~
~bojack horseman~
☆bio pt2 ig☆
im a 21 year old west virginian.
queer in gender and orientation. what way specifically? who fuckin knows, but im 3 years on testosterone baybeeee!
when i complain about libs that's because im a leftist, not conservative. im sure that's obvious from the everything about me, but ngl i didn't know there was a difference between liberal and leftist till i was like 19 so im certainly not gonna judge people who get that confused.
but yeah, that's all i got for now. asks and dms are open, you're welcome to just drop in my messages and start a conversation about our shared interests or whatever. im no therapist but if you need someone to listen or commiserate in mentally ill solidarity, im here.
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somastory · 10 months
Ok Here’s An Actual TLDR Intro Post
Hi, my name’s Rory 😄 I’m a 24 year old pansexual partnered kinky white cisgender woman (she / her) in the New England area training to become a sex coach (I’m still about 2 years away from finishing this first certification). I’d really like to help out other queer and neurodivergent folks find their full pleasure potential and feel good about the sex they’re having! I’m mostly focused on the scientific and psychological side of sex, rather than any mystical or tantric point of view… but admittedly I am agnostic and like to believe in magic and manifestation 💖. Basically, I have tarot cards, but I’m too lazy to use them!
🚫 DNI if you are: 🚫
— A minor / under 18 years old!!!
Seriously DO NOT interact with adult content creators as a minor… you’re not only putting yourself at risk, you’re also putting the adult at risk too.
Literally anyone else is welcome to interact, I just ask that you be respectful. I only follow, like and reblog posts from people with their age in bio (18+) and after doing the vibe check that they wouldn’t mind my interaction with their content.
👀 What Kind of Stuff You’ll See on This Blog: 👀
— My personal stories about my sexual growth / healing journey. Let’s normalize learning about and embracing our pleasure!
— Sex-positive education and activism :)
— Reblogs of hot stuff related to sexual interests of mine (including taboo stuff like age play, incest, MD/lb, BDSM, somnophilia, dubcon, and noncon… DNI if any of these are a hard no / repulsive for you because I may forget to tag). This may include sexy fan art of my fannish interests if I see it and I do the OP vibe check.
— Fan interests include: LISA, Ted Lasso, Jreg, Danganronpa, Persona 5, Salad Fingers, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, The Coffin of Andy & Leyley [and while I’m not really an RPF kinda girl, I also like Formula 1 and Jeremy Clarkson / James May / Richard Hammond].
🤯 My Politics, In Case You Were Wondering (DNI if any of this makes you want to cancel me, but I am open to measured discussion): 🤯
— I support racial justice, LGBT+ rights, disability justice, and the neurodiversity movement. I support transformative justice and I am a prison abolitionist about 99% of the time.
— You can’t control the thoughts in your head or who you’re attracted to. People should not be judged on the basis of their thoughts alone. That being said, I strongly believe that certain attractions are better off (which is to say, safer) explored in fantasy rather than IRL (this includes minor-adult relationships and incest).
— I am Pro Choice but respect Pro Lifers as long as they don’t try to enforce their ideology via the law
— I am COVID vaccinated while being partnered with an unvaccinated person
— I’m kind of post-left these days because I don’t really see a world after capitalism but I think the people can make capital work FOR THEM if they organize with this in mind. Having money is not a sin if you acquired it via your own labor and you strive to use it as ethically as possible.
— I strive to be anti-reactionary in all things except this one: Fuck Trump, I’m never voting for him LMAO. This is also why I’m allergic to most social media because it feeds off reactionary politics.
💖💖💖💖 THANKS FOR READING! 💖💖💖💖 (god this was still probably too much information, I’m really good at that)
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noahrmal · 8 months
hi everyone! i'm kat (she/her) and this is my messy son noah (but honestly, everyone in this rp is gonna be messy as hell lbr)
some brief stuff under the cut but tbh the most info is in his extremely casual bio and very basic barebones stats page. i do have some baaaaasic plot ideas below as well though i prefer messaging to plot especially when the muse is this messy 🤪
edit: i have a more specific plot ideas post here c:
as for messaging, i prefer disco/rd (thegongoozler over there) but i can be persuaded to use tumblr ims if needed!
brief tldr
noah was born in australia, and lived there until he was about 9. mostly raised by his mother, barely knew his father (running business in seoul)
his parents were technically married but basically separated
(tw: car accident, death) well, his mom dies in a car accident when he's 9 and that's when things begin to go wrong
he had to move to seoul to live with his father since he was a child... and this man is basically a stranger to him
thankfully he does speak korean so he isn't hopelessly lost but still
in early schooling (like i'm thinking ages 9-12) he was mostly quiet, lonely, sad.
something changes when he hits high school and he's suddenly a wild child (attention starved)
noah is muse f in subplot 3--so he's one of Those Boys......
tbh i just think he's so excited to have people who care about him in his life that he's willing to do anything for their approval
so he does some not so good things (bullies, cheats, lies)
he was also frequently known for hosting insane parties in his father's home when he was on business trips
and also taking his dads car for joyrides with his friends... etcetera etcetera
noah's big Plot Secret in his app is that his dad bribes/pays off an underage dui he gets on one of these Joy Rides. very few if any people know about this whole thing
anyway, at present, he's finishing a business degree at university (he hates it)
plot ideas
idk i think it'd be fun if one of his friends was in the car when he got the dui and they were sworn to secrecy
someone who was on the receiving end of noah's meanness in high school... he's not like that anymore but also he's too much of a coward to face the consequences of his past actions
someone who desperately wanted in on the subplot 3 trio? maybe they were treated nicely, maybe they weren't
i also just think that noah was probably a lot nicer when he was alone/separated from The Boys in high school--someone who didn't understand why he was suddenly an asshole when with his pals? peer pressure is a hell of a drug
obligatory section for ex friends. ex flings. ex partners, fwb, etc etc etc!!
idk please plot w/ me, this isn't my normal kind of muse so i'm sure a lot of it is going to happen in one on one discussion!!!
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its-jace · 1 year
❝ intro
hello hello!! i am not late to the party, its ya girl here, nana! very excited to be here!! anyway, this is lee alexander jihoon, aka jace, 27 y/o former idol current soloist and producer under culture creative, who does a bit of modeling and hosting on the side.
you can find his profile and bio here, and his plot page here, if you are curious, his career page here. i will toss some bullet points on his background and current status; 
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like this post if you wanna plot!
quick tldr;
lee alexander jihoon, aka jace 27 years old, born and raised in the uk whole family is doing something creative for a living used to do a lot of ballroom dance competitions while in the uk he decided to be an idol was shipped like amazon prime to seoul to his grandparents at age 12 debuted under a small company at the age of 15 (2011) was active under the group until age 18 (2014) because the group would go through many member changes and what not, it took a huge toll on him mentally and he went on an indefinite hiatus used to focus on mainly dancing had a whole redemption ark and got into rapping, singing and producing music while on hiatus went on show me the money in 2015, age 19 out of pure spite most likely bc a coach told him he couldn’t do a good job, he is PETTY ended up winning runner up after producing some bops like okey dokey and fear after that his company went mad at the sudden popularity he gained and so his solo activities started eventually he got worked to the bone by his old company and basically went mia when he didn’t resign culture creative reached out to him to sign an exclusive contract around the time rumor spread that he was supposed to be the original winner of smtm instead of being runner up decided to sign with culture creative just because they didnt seem like control freaks over time, he has released two mixtapes, four eps, two albums, lots of bops super hard worker, probably people have to drag him after training so he doesn’t continue he is rather blunt and opens his mouth more than he should when he is tired or stressed that specifically has caused a few controversies and issues along the way, but nothing enough to ruin his image completely, his management quickly puts the fault on the fact that he is technically a foreigner, despite having lived in korea for half of his life used to stream games a bit when he was on hiatus, recently has gotten back into it
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knittory · 2 years
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🍄 Mushrooms are all the rage right now! And for good reason, fungi are vital to our environment and my goodness...there are so many different types! And you know what happens when you mix mushrooms and ghosties? You get adorable Boo-Shroomies!
A humongous thank you to my friend on Insta - @chickensandyarn for allowing me to test 3 of her 4 upcoming Boo-Shroomies patterns ☺️
And yes, I named my boo-shroomie babies.
🖤 Angry Alfred (Shaggy Ink Cap mushroom)
🧡 Pleasant Peter (Jack-o-Lantern mushroom)
🤎 Morose Monty (Morel mushroom)
📝 Pattern by Insta - @chickensandyarn -- Don't forget to give her a follow to stay updated on pattern release!
🧶 I used Hobbii Baby Snuggle Solids with a 5mm hook
💕 Do I recommend these patterns? Yes yes yes! However, they do vary in difficulty with the Ink Cap being the most challenging (a good kind of challenge though). Because of this, I'd recommend you be at least an intermediate level crocheter to make these. You'll need to be comfortable with all basic stitches, color changes, sewing, increases/decreases, FLO/BLO as well as back post. The patterns do provide photos for the trickier bits, which is always super helpful! 💕
🔹Difficulty rating: Intermediate (Amigurumi basic/intermediate stitches, sewing, color changes).
🔹Cuteness Level: 17/10 I need to make several and put them all over my house as little Boo-Shroomie guardians 😊🖤
🔹Pattern Designer: Insta - @chickensandyarn
✨Knittory Updates ✨
⭐️FC (Insta): 1128
⭐️Next Giveaway: at 2K followers on Insta!
⭐️Next Tester Call: Fibian testing in progress 🐸
⭐️Etsy Shop Restock: Ongoing
⭐️Custom Orders: OPEN, 3 slots available (link in bio)
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blue-rphub · 2 years
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
i <3 the salt || accepting
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alright so here's the funniest AND stupidest story i have of all time: so i got called out. when i was 14. lmao
QUICK TLDR FOR THOSE WHO DONT WANNA READ THIS MESS THOUGH; i was called out for stealing icons when i was 14 even tho i drew hundreds of my own icons & had a long art credit list for the ones i did not draw.
anyway heres the whole story:
so bare in mind the account was for a character who had like. they had a lot of canon appearances but the media source didn't have a lot of amazing content to make icons with.
sooooooo i drew the VAST majority of my own icons (like i still do now), and any artwork that WASN'T mine, i had a HUGE art credit page that was linked in every promo & my bio (similarly to how i credit artists in my tags now instead; i try and ask people before i use their art now though), and again i was 14 this was 2014 so most of the RPC was just using icons with uncredited artwork so at least i was doing the bare minimum & most people RPed this character also used the artwork i made and/or cropped for this character and just also linked to my art directory page
so now that that background is out of the way. someone who i knew didn't like me very much (which was fine, but for what reason was unclear at the time and i still Dont Know to this day) made a callout post & accussed me of stealing another roleplayers icons HADHSDAjk
i basically responded with like. "i drew a lot of these myself & my icon borders have my own URL in them, i have an art credit page too, you can ask the other RPers for the zip file i sent them on skype if you want to see the raw crops w/o editing ? :( :(" & they took the callout down like half an hour later. bcuz. obviously it wasn't true and i think they were looking for a reason to not like me. also at the time i was 14 and this person was 21 lol so they were beefing with me as a sad 14 year old HDKJHSD
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incarnateirony · 8 months
I'm trying to keep up to understand. What's the octopus you're referring to in your posts? Just need clarity that's all :)
In the movie Slayers Premium, a town is cursed to speak jibberish by an ocean demon, and it's called Octopese or Octopusese depending on the dub.
Many, many, many fucking moons ago, for personal reasons, my friends and I got stuck on a jibberish phrase, "pirate candy rumpocky riding sniff makes buttrum" because like. Other words had translations? Like "I love you" in Octopese means "I can't repay you the money I owe you" but we never got a translation for the buttrum line but were like. Ok but. Rum is here twice this is clearly a particle word
anyway, like the nerds we are, me and my friends fixated on this phrase. It came up during, yes, a later personal spiritual event, but it was literally because basically, the divine doesn't conveniently speak english, and when you manage to vibe with the universe for the first time, transmission is roughly "SKDJFKSDJFSKDJFHSKJDFHSKJD*)(#R(*#(*@#$??????" and the brainjuice latched onto the recent jibberish and the word rumpocky came out.
As a result, a few years later, I was playing a like, roleplay avatar version of "hermes", but as me, because you know, roleplay, so this hermetic aspect, as a student of hermetic philosophy, was Aaron. Because that's what you do in motherfucking roleplay, basically. You work on shit that inspires you and make stuff you like for a personal story, right?
Well, during Mercury Retrograde, I opted to have hermes speak the octopese as replacement jibberish, and dropped the line: pirate candy rumpocky riding sniff makes buttrum and gave it some random subtitle of meaning, I don't remember what it was at the time, because it was jibberish, and really meant nothing beyond the personal sentiment of the humor of it from the past. But TLDR, it went on the character website as a tribute, and everyone had a good old gas about hermes and rumpocky.
Enter: my psychotic ex, who can't cope with me/him?/whatever leaving, who truly believes the great god hermes looks like my roleplay avatar apparently, and drives a 2005 Mazda 5 shitmobile, made a shop as a "priestess of Hermes", and named it The Rumpocky Pagan, and made some wholeass bio about like, during some channeling session she received divine providence that hermes really likes rumpocky as a specialty seasonal thing in Japan, so as his specialist fucking snowflake who just fucking now post-breakup became his priestess, orders that shit from Japan so she can shove more candy in her face, then goes around spoopy crystal conventions as the Priestess of Hermes.
Her entire fucking shop, life, every fucking thing, is branded to a literal jibberish joke because she's that fucking delusional and can't let go and, I repeat, she has groomed a small cult into humping my face as the great god hermes that fucks them in RP and conveniently channels to get banged by her boyfriend whenever he isn't giving her enough attention.
Truly fucking psychotic.
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