#the birdie to my kitty ♥️
berrymoos · 7 months
there was no demand for this <- does not care /silly ,, these r shorter than my others bc i don't have many concrete thoughts but i still Love the concept
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❝ ✦(🍬🎲♥️🃏🌶️)✦ ❞
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♠️ ━ regressor husk headcanons!
with a bunch of caregiver angel.
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angel is the only one he trusts w his regression & the only one who even knows, but even then the discovery wasn't intentional; a particularly unpleasant run-in with alastor had left him disassociative & angel checking in on him was the straw that tore the camel's back into a million shreds. may or may not have been husk's first time ever feeling small, too ... so emotions r definitely running high (i say may or may not bc i genuinely Do Not know /hj)
it's a bit awkward between them after that bc neither of them really know What The Hell just happened, but eventually they work it out <333
nicknames (all of which from angel, of course <3) include: huskie, baby(cakes), & honey(pie). husk just calls him angel or, if particularly unwilling to use proper words, uses a very specific chirrup. i feel like there's gonna be a point down the road where he calls him tony too (*´꒳`*)♡
(also he called him angie once & to this day angel has been unable to let it go!!!)
generally prefers to be alone when he gets fuzzy-brained; husk doesn't do much when he's small anyways—8/10 he's napping & the other 20 percent consists of him just lounging around—so it's not exactly like he needs anyone to watch over him. he does enjoy angel's company very very much tho
kinda sorta hesitant abt the whole regression thing bc he's used to looking after everyone else; it's a weird shift, going from the most observant in the room to being too fuzzy to keep up w everything. there's a niggling voice in the back of his head that tells him he shouldn't or can't regress, that he's gotta be the watchful one bc how can he be sure someone else will? while angel's comfort is quite helpful in this regard, the voice still comes back every once in a while
doesn't regress really often & there isn't a drastic change in demeanor; he's more relaxed & he prefers for his bowtie n hat to be off
regresses more at nighttime bc there's a lesser chance of someone else finding out; also highly prefers his room bc of the comfort in familiarity
no set age range, he just gets fuzzy & feels smaller sometimes!
pretty quiet yet still capable of speaking, but he tends to lean more into catlike noises & habits—like short hisses when he's angry or scraping his claws on sturdy objects. yes he purrs when he n angel cuddle. this happens a lot bc husk loves cuddles (and canonically quite cuddly [ ̄∇ ̄])
when he wants attention he bumps his head against angel's arm or chin
blankets himself with his wings whenever he's upset or sleepy
telltale signs of regression: fidgeting with his wings and/or tail & relying more on noises than words. he normally shuts himself off in his room the moment he feels that fuzz forming over his brain, tho
more of a chewer than a paci-user cus of his fangs, so angel bought him a chewelry necklace. the shape is a fish. huskie nor husker is amused but they both appreciate the gift tremendously
isn't insanely big on having a ton of regression gear in general honestly. he's got maybe two chewelry necklaces & one stuffed bird to his name; it resembles the one he had in childhood. i don't think it has a proper name?? maybe just birdie
ohmygod he is so easily entranced by magic / card tricks it's ridiculous. literally it does not matter if it's a master's level trick or the simple "is this your card?", he'll be taking it all in with the biggest kitty eyes imaginable
not exactly bratty or particular but if he doesn't like something he will let it be known. like if angel startles him with a surprise tickle to his ribcage husk gives him the nastiest glare imaginable. doesn't even growl or anything, he just. glares. and the point is shot across like an arrow
he is like rarely ever in time out bc he doesn't really do anything? husk's regression normally consists of him layin around / sleepin, so he's never really up to anything troubling. the only time he's ever been in timeout is the day he just decided to press angel's buttons to be irritating & angel put him in timeout to prove a point 💀
really likes bananas. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
Thinking of you. Sending you love. Always. 🐦
hiya, birdie 💛 love you lots! hope you’ve been having a good start to your 2020, you deserve the whole wide world 🐱
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
I just wanted to take a moment and wish you a wonderful holiday season. I hope the next few days are filled with love and joy because that is what you deserve. Thank you for being a bright spot in my life. ❤️💜💙
Thank you so much, darling. You are one of the things I am glad I got to find in 2019 and bring with me into the new year ♥️
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
Thank you for always giving me a reason to smile. ❤️
Backatcha, birdie 🥰 You’re truly a light, brightening my life, darlin’ ♥️
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
The kitty to my bird who always puts a smile on my face.
I adore you, my birdie ♥️  you are a darling, and I am keeping you forever.
write me a tbh (to be honest) in my inbox stating a thought you feel about me
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
Pssst...I love you.
guhhh, how did you know i needed this after the week I’ve had *squishes you forever* i love YOU, shauna dear. you’re so incredibly precious to me, thank you for always making every day brighter 💖💖💖
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
Casually wonders what your reaction will be to the fic I am writing literally right now. Hmmm.... ❤️❤️
bahaha probably a lot of screaming and keysmashing lbr. i will clear my schedule to yell into your inbox when you post it ;)
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
*reaches out to pet your hair in a loving and non creepy way* Hope you have a great day!
hi, I love you so fucking much?? I couldn’t ask for a better birdie 😽😻😽 I hope you had the loveliest day too, my dear!
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
🐦 ❤️ 🐈 forever.
hello, my darling birdie 💕 hope this week has been treating you well.  thank you for making me smile with this message *squish forever*
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priceofwarmclothes · 5 years
The cat to my bird. You always know when I need a pick me up. Psychic? Maybe. Amazing? Yes. ❤️
you brightened my whole entire evening with this ask, I hope you know that. I am so very glad to have met you, sweet girl. I am grateful the universe brought you into my life for the robron compliment day, because it’s so much better now that you are here. have the very best night, I adore you.
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