#the bold type 4x03
jadelotusflower · 1 year
Lois Lane Costume Appreciation (Smallville seasons 4-5)
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So in my recent* Smallville rewatch I had a whole new appreciation for the costuming, and in particular, my girl Lois and her colour story/clothing complementing Clark’s in different ways. We often see Lois and Clark wearing somewhat similar clothes - usually both in jeans, t-shirt, and jacket combo in either red or blue, with Clark in one colour while Lois is in the other. But I was particularly intrigued by yellow as the third element of the Superman triad, and while we don’t see Lois wear yellow as much as she does red and blue (or pink and white in the latter seasons) but it seems she is associated with yellow at pivotal moments in her character arc and relationship with Clark.
Standard caveat that I think a lot of this was intentional, but some things are probably me just reading into things and choosing to find meaning in in the visual storytelling. Additional caveat that red-yellow-blue was the standard colour palette of the show and the mise-en-scene relied heavily on this - particularly in the early to mid seasons - so it's certainly not exclusive to Lois and some examples may be coincidence.
But let’s talk yellow! (Expanding on this post)
Yellow is Earth’s sun Sol (in contrast to Krypton’s red sun Rao), the source of Clark’s abilities. It’s the heart of the Superman shield:
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It’s the colour associated with the Crystal of Fire, one of the three components that make up the crystal that builds the Fortress of Solitude and houses the knowledge of the 28 known galaxies. The Crystal of Water (transference/transformation) is blue, and the Crystal of Air (symbol of the House of El) is red:
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Fire is light and warmth; it can purify and cleanse. The crystal of fire had healing abilities, it's what restored Clark's powers in 4x08 Spell, and throughout the series, when Clark is injured and then healed by the sun, it's often accompanied by a yellow light.
The Crystal of Fire was also found in 4x01 Crusade where Lois first appears: as Lex unearths the crystal in Egypt, Lois comes across Clark (in the form of Kal-El) in a cornfield. (In what is likely a coincidence, Lois will return to Egypt in 10x01, and it's there she makes the decision to commit to Clark in 10x02, and she is possessed by the Egyptian goddess Isis in 10x05).
Yellow the colour of the Kent farmhouse, Clark’s home, as well as the kitchen (hearth) of the house. It's the flowers in the front yard that also draw their life from Earth's yellow sun (the barn is red, the sky is blue).
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So basically yellow = healing/home = Clark's heart = Lois.
This kicks off in 4x02 Gone, where Lois wears Clark's red and plaid shirt, the first of several times Lois will wear his clothes over the course of the series. Clark is in a blue check, and it's notable that we first see them collectively in Superman colours for the first time when they are both together in the Kent house (in the yellow kitchen).
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In 4x03 Facade Clark wears the same shirt that Lois borrowed, and Lois has a yellow top under her jacket (also note the blue blanket in the background of the barn).
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We then see the same (or a similar) top without the jacket in 4x04, Devoted, where Clark and Lois banter and engage in some prolonged eye fucking eye contact. In this scene the primary colours are right there bright and bold, leaving no doubt that we've just been introduced to the Superman endgame.
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Now, there may be an in-universe reason why Lois is wearing yellow here - it follows a football game, and yellow is one of the colours of Smallville High. However, Lois isn't exactly the school spirit type and she was wearing this top in the previous episode, so there's no doubt in my mind this was intentionally symbolic.
This is the final episode of Lois’s introductory arc, the end of the beginning, and a glimpse of the future.
We don't see Lois again for a while (and she spends most of 4x08 possessed by a witch). The next one might not count, but her cute breakfast themed pjs in 4x13 Recruit include red yellow and blue (and pink, a colour that becomes more symbolic for Lois in the latter seasons):
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Sidebar, but Lois and her parade of themed pajamas delights me so much!
This is also the episode of an iconic save, where Clark goes all WHERE IS SHE on the freak of the week, and rescues Lois from drowning.
In 4x16 Lucy we don't get yellow in the costuming, but at the end of the episode Lois and Clark grow closer, acknowledging that they're now friends, accompanied by some more prolonged eye contact. Clark then looks through his telescope a a yellow shooting star passing between a red star and blue star (to the background of Mark Joseph's Fly ("written in the wind...now it all begins..."), intersecting with a meteor in an explosion of light, much like Lois has barrelled into Clark's life, setting him on a new course towards his destiny.
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This show, honestly!
Next is 4x21 Forever, where Lois has found some sleeves for her job at the Talon (which is heavy on the yellow/Egyptian decor), and Clark of course is in red and blue:
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Clark's shirt is not the same one that Lois wears earlier in the season, but Lois does wear this shirt later in the series, so she certainly has a thing for Clark's red and yellow plaid!
As Lois and Clark investigate Chloe and Lana's disappearance, she puts on an orange jacket (orange is another interesting Lois colour - a mix of red and yellow that pops up at interesting points in their relationship).
It's telling that Lois very rarely wears prints - she's into bold, block colours, and other than plaid, so is Clark - they often wear complementary costumes, and/or are mirror images (or close to it) of each other, both in the colour and style of their clothes.
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I'm not saying this is soulmate behaviour, but this is absolutely soulmate behaviour!
We don't see Lois in yellow again until season five.
Now I know there was a lot of criticism levied at the show for Lois's relationships with A.C. and then Oliver, but honestly I don't really mind - let Lois be a slut in charge of her sexuality! There is no shame here for a girl who attracts would-be superheros, and goes after what she wants. GTFO with "Lois goes through the Justice League" misogynistic line of thinking.
In 10x09 Mera alleges Lois is attracted to power, but I think it's more she's drawn to strength of character, as well as people who challenge her - characteristics Clark shares, and where Lois doesn't quite fit with A.C. and Oliver, she will fit with Clark. What's interesting is that yellow pops up here, but in ways that aren't quite in sync.
In 5x04 Aqua we have Lois in a red swimsuit and Clark in blue shorts, and she is lain a yellow towel when she is saved by AC.
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Then as A.C. and Lois get closer, she wears a blue and yellow suit (so collectively, she owns swimming outfits in Superman colours) and then a blue t-shirt but pink shorts. AC also wears orange and green (Aquaman colours), so while we have the yellow and blue, we also have pink and orange which are on the same spectrum but not red - close but things aren't quite right.
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Other than the straps on Lois's suit, yellow is also present in the scene with the flowers, and the stripes on the cup (the Kent family mugs are often yellow as well!). Clark is present in the scene long before he walks in on Lois and A.C. kissing - kicking off a pattern where Clark is suspicious/annoyed by the men Lois dates.
At the end of the episode we get Clark in red, Lois inbBlue, and the helpful yellow of the barn props, as Lois wonders how she's ever going to meet a guy that wants to save the world, not own it, and Clark assures her one day she'll meet someone even more special than A.C. The anvils, they be dropping!
This one may be a stretch, but Lois is wearing a light yellow top in the early scenes of 5x06 Exposed aka the episode where Lois poses as a stripper and gives Clark a lapdance, but perhaps more importantly where Lois flexes her investigative skills, first by boldly challenging Detective Sawyer, and then helping Chloe track down a serial killer. We often see Lois in yellow when she's making steps towards her journalistic career.
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Next up we have 5x08 Solitude, where Lois is working at the Talon, and we get a very direct Superman costume reference with Lois's top and apron with the Talon logo in yellow where the Superman crest would be.
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That Lex is really amused by Lois is delightful to me! I wish that they'd let them share more screentime!
She decides to take down Lex in this episode, and in doing so ultimately helps Chloe uncover Milton Fine's true motives - arguably without Lois she never would have been able to save Clark in the Fortress and Martha would also have died. It also sets up the future Lois and Lex dynamic and her quest to expose his criminal behaviour.
So shame on anyone who says Lois doesn't serve a purpose in these seasons or that she's "not iconic Lois yet". She's not meant to be! She's on a journey, just like Clark is.
There's also this jacket in 5x10 Fanatic and I can't decide if it's a very light yellow or not, but this is when Lois becomes Jonathan's campaign manager, integrating even further into the Kent family. While I don't agree that Clark and Lois had a "sibling dynamic" in these seasons (I'm sorry, siblings don't stare at each other like they do!), Lois was in many ways a surrogate daughter to Jonathan and Martha - they immediately took Lois under their wing, believed in her, championed her, and she in return was ride-or-die for the Kent family.
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In 5x20 Fade we continue the pattern of Lois in yellow when there's a romantic interest for her that Clark takes issue with, although in this case he's right as the guy is a hitman. Clark wears a light blue shirt, while Lois is in a red dress with yellow/gold straps - the lighting is also extremely unsubtle:
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Incidentally, this is also the episode where Clark accidentally sees Lois naked.
Later in the episode Lois also wears a yellow top and blue jacket, and in a deleted scene it's actually Martha who picks this outfit for her after Lois says "if you ask me, [Clark] needs to finish the chapter on Lana, turn the page, start dating again." It's a very sweet scene, and the future mother-in-law vibes are strong as Martha says, "If I'd had a daughter, I'd want her to be just like you."
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Also important to note that Martha is wearing red in this scene, and there is a later scene that was not cut, in which Martha tells Lois rather anviliously "maybe you have to get through all the wrong men, so you can recognise the right one."
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Martha choosing yellow for Lois, as if unconsciously knowing what it means, it actually something that it so personal. Also, the face of a woman who knows her worth.
Speaking of anvils, there dropping all over in 5x21 Oracle, where Lois wears yet another yellow top for Clark's birthday, and made him a red and blue cake with yellow candles - and we see later in the episode that the inside of the cake is yellow as well.
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Lois also gives Clark a red and blue journal with his initials in gold, wrapped in paper that's red on one side and yellow on the other, with red yellow and blue ribbons. It's actually an adorable gift, and it's a shame there was never see Clark writing in it.
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Now, how many yellow tops does Lois own? I actually think this one is the same as in 4x21, so with the one above and the tank top that's at least three (plus the bikini), which is not an insignificant number!
But wait, I spoke too soon, because Lois is wearing another yellow top when she and Lana walk in on Clark rifling though the dorm room later in the episode - there's a different neckline/bodice to any of the previous tops, but I wonder if this is a continuity error because when Lois confronts Clark in the loft later on it once again looks like the top from the opening scene.
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Or maybe not? Her hair is obviously different, but I'm not even sure it's the same jacket? The lapels don't look quite the same either, maybe it's not even meant to be the same day.
Lois just chose extremely similar outfits I guess!
The scene in the loft is the infamous "piggybank" conversation, where Clark says, "There are times when I think you don't know me at all, then others when I think you know me better than anyone."
I mean? I MEAN?!?!?!?!
Clark is also holding the journal Lois gave him, which is a nice touch. This is ripe for fanfic potential (if it's already been done, drop a link!).
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That's it for the first two seasons of Lois, stay tuned for part 2!
*Recent when I first started putting this post together several years ago, it's been sitting in drafts for an embarrassingly long time. In fact, such a long time, I've completed another Smallville rewatch since then (hence the impetus to finally finish and post this).
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toshsato · 4 years
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maycanady · 5 years
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autumnrory · 5 years
man like at first i didn’t like ryan with jane i think i thought he was annoying and then the “i couldn’t have done it without you” roryjess-esque scene happened and i kinda changed my tune after that and then the fucking cheating storyline happened so i’ve just been mad ever since and THEN in this ep it totally felt like he was lying when she asked what happened after the kiss and he said that he called her because he felt terrible and i’m like if it went further than that why didn’t he just come clean about all of it like if he told her he kissed someone he might as well have just told her the rest! anyway fuck him lmao
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buddiewho · 3 years
I was bored this weekend so I rewatched season 4a. Spoilers ahead. 
Honestly, I don't think things get popping until episode 3 [but weren’t actually nearly that great until the last 3 episodes tbh] and I am not even being Buddie biased or Buckley-Diaz family unit biased [this might be a bold face lie, but on second rewatch, I noticed I was paying more attention to everything else as well]. 4x03 is just a really good episode. Good old emergencies, mixed in with Eddie's paranoia over Hildy. Then from there it's Buck Begins and the whole Buckley family secret. Then of course, I feel like when we get to Jinx that starts some kind of path. The universe path, you know? There Goes the Neighborhood also continues on this path. Buck is still trying to work through some stuff; a terrible date, the bit about SAFE SPACES. Then Breaking Point. Everyone has one right? Even Christopher and getting angry or as Buck put it “ I heard you blew up at your Dad” and that’s not over yet though. Taylor needing a friend. Nearly Buck reaching one, but he managed to repair it. Eddie for the sole fact Christopher runs away. Hen and Karen actually not having a breaking point until... Chim and Maddie breaking and repairing it in regards to how Baby Mango arrives in this world. Athena and Bobby just being parents to everyone as usual. 
Fun fact. Breaking Point was on as I typed this and it's the one on one scene between Buck and Chris. "I don't want to miss anyone else," Christopher says after he names all the other people he misses first. Buck is probably also telling himself, don't make it about you Buck, this isn't about you, but you are going to promise, "I'm not going anywhere." The last three episodes (Jinx, There Goes the Neighborhood, and Breaking Point) were like some kind National Treasure bullshit; *Nicolas Cage voice* "The secret lies with Charlotte." "Paul Revere went by horse and it was two lanterns not one" or some bullcrap that movie talked about (not going to lie, I once thought it was comedic), but I just mean the overall premise of National Treasure being about secrets or coded messages and a Treasure Hunt (which if I'm correct is also a name of a potential 911 episode...?)
Can I backtrack a moment to 4x07? You know the awkward double date that Buck invited Taylor to? Buck is sitting awkwardly in that chair, wondering about his life choices and little bit of a song played. The lyrics, "There's someone else for you." Just that bit of the song, for the record and I don't think it was already playing in the previous scene to end so coincidentally over Buck’s face?
I'm also not over Taylor talking about looking for a miracle in which Buck gave to her and Eddie also called Buck a miracle worker.
Okay, the end of Breaking Point: Ana comes over to the house, like some awkward new beginning parallel to Madney being cute as they prepare for Baby Mango. Buck patches things with Albert. Then the not so happy crescendo/breaking point for Hen and Karen. Adopting Nia may not happen.
It's really coded like a treasure hunt and if there's an episode named that, well, that'll be hilarious. I'm forever going to hang onto Future Tense as a way of showing us the future, Buck and Eddie have yet to realize. So when they do realize it, it'll be soo damn good. So if the presumed treasure hunt the universe sends the boys on (with everyone else on their own kind)- but if Buddie doesn’t end with them figuring out what connects them and how they want to be connected...like if they don’t meet in the middle at the X marks the spot (or the universe tether aka Christopher) then I really am just creating this treasure hunt out of thin air and it doesn’t exist like the Dad profusely told Nic Cage’s character in National Treasure...or maybe it’s also like PLAYING DETECTIVES? Cagney and Lacey inspired True Crime podcast brought to you by Buck and Eddie two LAFD firefighters and best friends occasionally featuring their Captain of the 118; plus Bobby’s friend Michael and his partner David who reluctantly participates in these shenanigans but could provide key medical evidence/research. In my mind, they read [mostly Buck and Eddie] their cases/script for this made up podcast as 1940s detectives. Smoky voice Buck: “It’s a locked room mystery.” *1940s detective music* Smoky voice Eddie: “Correction. It’s a locked yard mystery...” Anyway...
Did I mention the clowns to ya'll? We didn't forget abut those clowns did we (Jinx might actually be my fav episode of the season after FUTURE TENSE). The clowns are so pointedly shot after Eddie mentions Ana to Buck. Okay. Then there's also the love languages thing. That's a book Buck’s therapist would've recommended right now or for some reason he’s choosing to read it? As we can see, I think the show might be reeling it back in for Buck. As Eddie put it "I don't know what inspired this software upgrade." Coincidentally, Buck 3.0 is looking to the FUTURE. Anyway, the love languages. NO one immediately thinks about the coffee machine prank. Absolutely no one so I won't even make that a thing, but I notice in that scene Buck "outs" Eddie by telling the team about Ana.
Hen: Ana who?... Is this the one you yelled at? Eddie: I apologized for that. Chim: Yeah okay and you still didn't ask her out? Eddie: She's Christopher's teacher. Bobby: I thought you said she got a new job. Buck: *crickets*
What's the intention behind Buck bursting this supposed secret and then not have him encourage Eddie? Like in his way, Buck could’ve said well, does she do this or that? Words of affirmation? Gift giving? Are yours and her love languages truly compatible? Oh, wait, there’s implications behind the book Buck is reading but also...there's implications behind Chim and Bobby's statements. They're implying okay so go for it. Neither Hen or Buck really do that. Why don’t we have Hen jumping on the encouragement train either? Instead she brings it back to that one unfortunate moment any of them really remembers of Ana... Hmm, it's secrets and coded messages and the one thing that Buck has said from this entire season that truly resonates with me:
Buck (directed to Eddie): The universe is screaming at you and it's like you're not even listening.
Irony is. Neither is he.
Oh wait, another line that resonates with me (and I made a recent post with it too):
Bobby (directed to Eddie): They're so focused on what they don't have that they might miss out on the chance to have something else, something real.
Something real. 
You really want me to think this line is about Ana Flores, even if Eddie thinks it somewhat is? And the foundation of it is to encourage Eddie to think about moving on, to stop being so STUCK (2x04 anyone?). If it really is about Ana then we're actually painting Bobby as the character who has no idea...? None whatsoever as to HOW CLOSE Buck and Eddie could be, if that's what they wanted. Seems fake, but okay. Bobby's line actually should highlight that they both are looking in the opposite direction when in fact the SOMETHING REAL is right in front of their faces. The something real is what Eddie came home to after his supposed date.
Just saying because to me it looks Buck and Eddie are still looking in and RUSHING INTO the PAST TENSE and have yet to understand the FUTURE TENSE. 
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forbescaroline · 5 years
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top 100 favorite female characters: #40. kat edison (the bold type) “Men are always such a letdown. I can get the job done better myself.”
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hd-source · 5 years
the bold type 4x03 is uploaded. please like this if youre downloading, thanks!
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televisionpromos · 5 years
The Bold Type 4x03 "Marathon" Promo - Kat goes out of her way to help a transgender runner get into the New York City Marathon, while Jane and Ryan try a different kind of marathon to rebuild their relationship. Sutton starts to feel she's going backward in her career and looks for a way to improve her value to Scarlet. Jacqueline's new situation at work leads to tension with her husband.
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moviefullonlinelove · 5 years
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girls-are-weird · 4 years
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#NowWatching: The Bold Type 4x03 "Marathon"
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maddieladner1999 · 5 years
Tv shows update
I know I just gave you a marvel update but as we get closer to endgame and I’m not ready in tv show form, I have realized one thing: keeping up with tv shows other than marvel is not allowed. Every time I do it I find myself thinking I could be watching a marvel show and could get through it faster. Since I’m no longer keeping up with them I’m gonna give you a list of the shows I’m behind on and what episode is next to watch. I will catch up when I’m up to date on marvel and since I’m already a couple weeks behind on some of these coming back on air it will take me a while to catch up.
PLL: the perfectionists 1x05
The bold type 3x02
Good girls 2x07
Riverdale 3x18
Billions 4x03
Shadowhunters 3x17
Jane the virgin 5x03
Supergirl 4x16
Dynasty 2x15
Legacies 1x15
Tangled 2x14
The flash 5x17
Good trouble 1x11
This is us 3x16
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blastar-blr · 5 years
"The Bold Type" zapowiedź odcinka S04E03: Marathon
“The Bold Type” zapowiedź odcinka S04E03: Marathon
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lightwood-alec · 8 years
TV Episodes 2017
13 Reasons Why (13) 1x01 - Tape 1, Side A 1x02 - Tape 1, Side B 1x03 - Tape 2, Side A 1x04 - Tape 2, Side B 1x05 - Tape 3, Side A 1x06 - Tape 3, Side B 1x07 - Tape 4, Side A 1x08 - Tape 4, Side B 1x09 - Tape 5, Side A 1x10 - Tape 5, Side B 1x11 - Tape 6, Side A 1x12 - Tape 6, Side B 1x13 - Tape 7, Side A 8 Out of 10 Cats (1) 20x08 - Jamali Maddix, Rick Edwards, Kate Humble & Joe Lycett (New Year’s Special) 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (1) 12x01- Stephen Mangan, Noel Fielding, Fay Ripley & the Brett Domino Trio A League of Their Own (9) 11x11 - Christmas Special 11x12 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part One 11x13 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Two 11x14 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Three 11x15 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Four 11x16 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Five 12x01 - Rob Beckett, Dele Ali & Stephen Mangan 12x02 - Emma Bunton, Mo Farah & Anthony Joshua 12x04 - Charlotte Dujardin, Cesc Fabregas & Romesh Ranganathan American Gods (1) 1x01 - The Bone Orchard American Horror Story: Cult (11) American Horror Story: Hotel (4) 5x07 - Flicker 5x08 - Ten Commandments Killer 5x09 - She Wants Revenge 5x10 - She Gets Revenge An Unfortunate Series of Events (1) 1x01 - The Bad Beginning: Part One And Then There Were None (1) 1x01 - Episode One Animal Kingdom (14) 1x08 - Man In 1x09 - Judas Kiss 1x10 - What Have You Done 2x01 - Eat What You Kill 2x02 - Karma 2x03 - Bleed for It 2x04 - Broken Boards 2x05 - Forgive Us Our Trespasses 2x06 - Cry Havoc 2x07 - Dig 2x08 - Grace 2x09 - Custody 2x10 - Treasure 2x11 - The Leopard Archer (2) 8x01 - Archer Dreamland: No Good Deed 8x02 - Archer Dreamland: Berenice Arrow (1) 6x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2 Atlanta (10) 1x01 - The Big Bang 1x02 - Streets on Lock 1x03 - Go for Broke 1x04 - The Streisand Effect 1x05 - Nobody Beats the Biebs 1x06 - Value 1x07 - B.A.N. 1x08 - The Club 1x09 - Juneteenth 1x10 - The Jacket Ballers (8) 1x02 - Raise Up 1x03 - Move the Chains 1x04 - Heads Will Roll 1x05 - Machete Charge 1x06 - Everything Is Everything 1x07 - Ends 1x08 - Gaslighting 1x09 - Head-On Bates Motel (3) 5x05 - Dreams Die First 5x06 - Marion 5x07 - Inseparable Big Fat Quiz of the Year (2) 1x24 - Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2016 1x25 - Big Fat Quiz of Everything 2017 Big Little Lies (7) Big Time Rush (1) 2x15 - Big Time Reality Bill Nye Saves the World (2) 1x01 - Earth Is a Hot Mess 1x02 - Tune Your Quack-o-Meter Billy on the Street (18) 1x01 - And Away We Go... 1x02 - Television is the Greatest Thing to Ever Happen to Me! 1x03 - Drunk Rich 1x04 - Can Rachel Dratch Name 20 White People in 30 Seconds? 1x05 - The Meryl Streep Showdown 1x06 - Where in the World is Scarlett Johansson’s Vagina? 1x07 - Ask an Asian! 1x08 - Are You Smarter Than a Gay Fifth Grader? 1x09 - Did You Hear Madonna Died? 1x10 - Joan Rivers Gets Quizzed in the Face 2x01 - Billy Meets Mr. Singh! 2x02 - The Lesbian Lightning Round, with Andy Cohen 2x03 - Scream for an American Girl Doll, with Will Ferrell 2x04 - It’s Spock - Do You Care?, with Zachary Quinto 2x05 - Whistleblow that Jew!, with Rashida Jones and Maya Rudolph 2x06 - It’s Debra Messing, You Gays!, with Debra Messing and Christian Borle 2x07 - Do You Think Gisele Bundchen Understands the Jokes on Portlandia?, with Nas and Ashley Benson 5x08 - Curbside Conga Line with James Corden The Blacklist (4) 4x03 - Miles McGrath (No. 65) 4x04 - Gaia (No. 81) 4x05 - The Lindquist Concern (No. 105) 4x06 - The Thrushes (No. 53) Black Sails (10) 4x01 - XXIX 4x02 - XXX 4x03 - XXXI 4x04 - XXXII 4x05 - XXXIII 4x06 - XXXIV 4x07 - XXXV 4x08 - XXXVI 4x09 - XXXVII 4x10 - XXVIII Boardwalk Empire (2) 1x04 - Anastasia 1x05 - Nights in Ballygran The Bold Type (10) Brooklyn Nine-Nine (23) 4x11 - The Fugitive, Part One 4x12 - The Fugitive, Part Two 4x13 - The Audit 4x14 - Serve & Protect 4x15 - The Last Ride 4x16 - Moo Moo 4x17 - Cop Con 4x18 - Chasing Amy 4x19 - Your Honor 4x20 - The Slaughterhouse 4x21 - The Bank Job 4x22 - Crime & Punishment 5x01 - The Big House, Pt. 1 5x02 - The Big House, Pt. 2 5x03 - Kicks 5x04 - HalloVeen 5x05 - Bad Beat 5x06 - The Venue 5x07 - Two Turkeys 5x08 - Return to Skyfire 5x09 - 99 5x10 - Game Night 5x11 - The Favor Castlevania (4) 1x01 - Witchbottle 1x02 - Necropolis 1x03 - Labyrinth 1x04 - Monument Dear White People (10) 1x01 - Chapter I 1x02 - Chapter II 1x03 - Chapter III 1x04 - Chapter IV 1x05 - Chapter V 1x06 - Chapter VI 1x07 - Chapter VII 1x08 - Chapter VIII 1x09 - Chapter IX 1x10 - Chapter X The Defenders (8) Difficult People (28) Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (4) 1x01 - Horizons 1x02 - Lost & Found 1x03 - Rogue Wall Enthusiasts 1x04 - Watkin The Exorcist (9) 1x08 - Chapter Eight: The Griefbearers 1x09 - Chapter Nine: 162 1x10 - Chapter Ten: Three Rooms 2x01 - Janus 2x02 - Safe as Houses 2x03 - Unclean 2x04 - One for Sorrow 2x05 - There But for the Grace of God, Go I 2x06 - Darling Nikki The Flash (3) 2x04 - The Fury of Firestorm 3x17 - Duet 4x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 Freedom Fighters: The Ray (3) 1x01 - Episode One 1x02 - Episode Two 1x03 - Episode Three Future Man (13) Game of Thrones (2) 7x06 - Beyond the Wall 7x07 - The Dragon and the Wolf The Get Down (11) 1x01 - Where There Is Ruin, There Is Hope for a Treasure 1x02 - Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames 1x03 - Darkness Is Your Candle 1x04 - Forget Safety, Be Notorious 1x05 - You Have Wings, Learn to Fly 1x06 - Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice 1x07 - Unfold Your Own Myth 1x08 - The Beat Says, This Is The Way 1x09 - One by One, Into the Dark 1x10 - Gamble Everything 1x11 - Only From Exile Can We Come Home Girl Meets World (1) 3x21 - Girl Meets Goodbye Glue (6) 1x01 - Everyone 1x02 - James/Janine 1x03 - Eli/Rob 1x04 - Tina/Dominic 1x05 - James/Rob/Cal 1x06 - Rob/Tina The Good Place (21) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - Flying 1x03 - Tahani Al-Jamil 1x04 - Jason Mendoza 1x05 - Category 55 Doomsday Crisis 1x06 - What We Owe to Each Other 1x07 - The Eternal Shriek 1x08 - Most Improved Player 1x09 - ...Someone Like Me as a Member 1x10 - Chidi’s Choice 1x11 - What’s My Motivation 1x12 - Mindy St. Claire 1x13 - Michael’s Gambit 2x01 - Everything Is Great! (Part 1) 2x02 - Everything Is Great! (Part 2) 2x03 - Dance Dance Resolution 2x04 - Team Cockroach 2x05 - Existential Crisis 2x06 - The Trolley Problem 2x07 - Janet and Michael 2x08 - Derek Gotham (22) 3x12 - Ghosts 3x13 - Smile Like You Mean It 3x14 - The Gentle Art of Making Enemies 3x15 - How the Riddler Got His Name 3x16 - These Delicate and Dark Obsessions 3x17 - The Primal Riddle 3x18 - Light the Wick 3x19 - All Will Be Judged 3x20 - Pretty Hate Machine 3x21 - Destiny Calling 3x22 - Heavydirtysoul 4x01 - Pax Penguina 4x02 - The Fear Reaper 4x03 - They Who Hide Behind Masks 4x04 - The Demon’s Head 4x05 - The Blade’s Path 4x06 - Hog Day Afternoon 4x07 - A Day in the Narrows 4x08 - Stop Hitting Yourself 4x09 - Let Them Eat Pie 4x10 - Things That Go Boom 4x11 - Queen Takes Knight Halt and Catch Fire (1) 3x01 - Valley of the Heart’s Delight House of Cards (13) 5x01 - Chapter 53 5x02 - Chapter 54 5x03 - Chapter 55 5x04 - Chapter 56 5x05 - Chapter 57 5x06 - Chapter 58 5x07 - Chapter 59 5x08 - Chapter 60 5x09 - Chapter 61 5x10 - Chapter 62 5x11 - Chapter 63 5x12 - Chapter 64 5x13 - Chapter 65 How to Get Away with Murder (2) 3x10 - We’re Bad People 3x11 - Not Everything's About Annalise Iron Fist (13) 1x01 - Snow Gives Way 1x02 - Shadow Hawk Takes Flight 1x03 - Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch 1x04 - Eight Diagram Dragon Palm 1x05 - Under Leaf Pluck Lotus 1x06 - Immortal Emerges From Cave 1x07 - Felling Tree With Roots 1x08 - The Blessing of Many Fractures 1x09 - The Mistress of All Agonies 1x10 - Black Tiger Steals Heart 1x11 - Lead Horse Back to Stable 1x12 - Bar the Big Boss 1x13 - Dragon Plays With Fire The IT Crowd (5) 4x03 - Something Happened 4x04 - Italian For Beginners 4x05 - Bad Boys 4x06 - Reynholm vs. Reynholm 5x01 - The Final Episode It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (10) 12x01 - The Gang Turns Black 12x02 - The Gang Goes to a Waterpark 12x03 - Old Lady House: A Situation Comedy 12x04 - Wolf Cola: A Public Relations Nightmare 12x05 - Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer 12x06 - Hero or Hate Crime? 12x07 - PSTDee 12x08 - The Gang Tends Bar 12x09 - A Cricket’s Tale 12x10 - Dennis’ Double Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (30) 4x01 - February 12, 2017 (Trump vs. Truth) 4x02 - February 19, 2017 (Russia) 4x03 - February 26, 2017 (Affordable Care Act) 4x04 - March 5, 2017 (Tibet) 4x05 - March 12, 2017 (American Health Care Act) 4x06 - March 19, 2017 (United States Federal Budget) 4x07 - April 2, 2017 (Cannabis) 4x08 - April 9, 2017 (Gerrymandering) 4x09 - April 16, 2017 (2017 French Presidential Election) 4x10 - April 23, 2017 (Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner) 4x11 - May 7, 2017 (Net Neutrality) 4x12 - May 14, 2017 (Dialysis) 4x13 - May 21, 2017 (Stupid Watergate) 4x14 - June 4, 2017 (Paris Agreement) 4x15 - June 11, 2017 (UK General Elections and Brexit Negotiations) 4x16 - June 18, 2017 (Coal Mining and Bob Murray) 4x17 - June 25, 2017 (Vaccine Safety) 4x18 - July 2, 2017 (Local News and Sinclair Broadcast Group) 4x19 - July 30, 2017 (Alex Jones and InfoWars) 4x20 - August 6, 2017 (United States Border Patrol) 4x21 - August 13, 2017 (North Korea Crisis) 4x22 - August 20, 2017 (Nuclear Waste) 4x23 - September 10, 2017 (Joe Arpaio) 4x24 - September 24, 2017 (Corporate Consolidation) 4x25 - October 1, 2017 (Forensic Evidence) 4x26 - October 8, 2017 (Confederate Monuments) 4x27 - October 15, 2017 (Equifax Security Breach) 4x28 - October 29, 2017 (National Flood Insurance Program) 4x29 - November 5, 2017 (Economic Development Incentives) 4x30 - November 12, 2017 (Donald Trump’s Presidency) Legends of Tomorrow (18) 2x09 - Raiders of the Lost Art 2x10 - The Legion of Doom 2x11 - Turncoat 2x12 - Camelot/3000 2x13 - Land of the Lost 2x14 - Moonshot 2x15 - Fellowship of the Spear 2x16 - Doomworld 2x17 - Aruba 3x01 - Aruba-Con 3x02 - Freakshow 3x03 - Zari 3x04 - Phone Home 3x05 - Return of the Mack 3x06 - Helen Hunt 3x07 - Welcome to the Jungle 3x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4 3x09 - Beebo the God of War Legion (8) 1x01 - Chapter 1 1x02 - Chapter 2 1x03 - Chapter 3 1x04 - Chapter 4 1x05 - Chapter 5 1x06 - Chapter 6 1x07 - Chapter 7 1x08 - Chapter 8 The Lodge (3) 1x01 - The New Girl 1x02 - Reality Check 1x03 - Opportunities Luke Cage (6) 1x08 - Blowin’ Up the Spot 1x09 - DWYCK 1x10 - Take It Personal 1x11 - Now You’re Mine 1x12 - Soliloquy of Chaos 1x13 - You Know My Steez Master of None (5) 2x01 - The Thief 2x02 - Le Nozze 2x03 - Religion 2x04 - First Date 2x05 - The Dinner Party Making History (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - The Shot Heard Round the World Me, Myself & I (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - The First Step The Mindy Project (17) 5x08 - Hot Mess Time Machine 5x09 - Bat Mitzvah 5x10 - Take My Ex-Wife Please 5x11 - Dibs 5x12 - Mindy Lahiri Is A White Man 5x13 - Mindy’s Best Friend 5x14 - A Decent Proposal 6x01 - Is That All There Is 6x02 - A Romantical Decouplement 6x03 - May Divorce Be With You 6x04 - Leo’s Girlfriend 6x05 - Jeremy and Anna’s Meryl Streep Costume Party 6x06 - The Midwife’s Tale 6x07 - Girl Gone Wild 6x08 - Doctors Without Boundaries 6x09 - Danny in Real Life 6x10 - It Had to Be You Mr. Mercedes (3) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - On Your Mark 1x03 - Cloudy, With a Chance of Mayhem Mr. Robot (10) 3x01 - eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h 3x02 - eps3.1_undo.gz 3x03 - eps3.2_legacy.so 3x04 - eps3.3_metadata.par2 3x05 - eps3.4_runtime-error.r00 3x06 - eps3.5_kill-process.inc 3x07 - eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk 3x08 - eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko 3x09 - eps3.8_stage3.torrent 3x10 - shutdown -r Narcos (4) 1x01 - Descenso 1x02 - The Sword of Simon Bolivar 1x03 - The Men of Always 1x04 - The Palace in Flames New Girl (1) 6x04 - Homecoming The Night Of (7) 1x02 - Part Two: Subtle Beast 1x03 - Part Three: A Dark Crate 1x04 - Part Four: The Art of War 1x05 - Part Five: The Season of the Witch 1x06 - Part Six: Samson and Delilah 1x07 - Part Seven: Ordinary Death 1x08 - Part Eight: The Call of the Wild NTSF:SD:SUV:: (22) 1x01 - One Cabeza, Two Cabeza, Three Cabeza...DEAD! 1x02 - The Birthday Party That Was Neither 1x03 - Exes and Oh-No’s! 1x04 - The Risky Business of Being Alone in Your Home 1x05 - Dolphinnegan's Wake 1x06 - Tijuana, We've Got a Problem 1x07 - Full Hauser 1x08 - Up Periscope, Down with San Diego 1x09 - Cause for ConCERN 1x10 - Piper Doesn't Live Here Anymore 1x11 - Twistin’ the Night Away 1x12 - I Left My Heart In Someone's Cooler 2x01 - 16 Hop Street 2x02 - The Real Bicycle Thief 2x03 - Sabbath-tage 2x04 - Lights, Camera, Assassination 2x05 - Time Angels 2x06 - Whack-A-Mole 2x07 - Robot Town 2x08 - Comic-Con-Flict 2x09 - The Return of Dragon Shumway 2x10 - Family Dies Powerless (9) 1x01 - Wayne or Lose 1x02 - Wayne Dream Team 1x03 - Sinking Day 1x04 - Emily Dates a Henchman 1x05 - Cold Season 1x06 - I’ma Friend You 1x07 - Van vs. Emily: Dawn of Justice 1x08 - Green Furious 1x09 - Emergency Punch-Up Preacher (8) 2x01 - On The Road 2x02 - Mumbai Sky Tower 2x03 - Damsels 2x04 - Viktor 2x05 - Dallas 2x06 - Sokosha 2x07 - Pig 2x08 - Holes Prison Break (10) 4x01 - Scylla 5x01 - Ogygia 5x02 - Kaniel Outis 5x03 - The Liar 5x04 - The Prisoner’s Dilemma 5x05 - Contingency 5x06 - Phaeacia 5x07 - Wine Dark Sea 5x08 - Progeny 5x09 - Behind the Eyes The Punisher (1) 1x01 - 3AM Queer as Folk (UK) (1) 1x01 - Episode 1 Riverdale (7) 1x01 - The River’s Edge 1x02 - A Touch of Evil 1x03 - Body Double 1x04 - The Last Picture Show 1x05 - Heart of Darkness 1x06 - Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill! 1x07 - In a Lonely Place Saturday Night Live (2) 42x19 - Chris Pine / LCD Soundsystem 43x03 - Kumail Nanjiani / P!nk Scream Queens (4) 2x07 - The Hand 2x08 - Rapunzel, Rapunzel 2x09 - Lovin’ the D 2x10 - Drain the Swamp Sense8 (11) 2x01 - Happy F*cking New Year 2x02 - Who Am I? 2x03 - Obligate Mutualisms 2x04 - Polyphony 2x05 - Fear Never Fixed Anything 2x06 - Isolated Above, Connected Below 2x07 - I Have No Room in My Heart for Hate 2x08 - All I Want Right Now Is One More Bullet 2x09 - What Family Actually Means 2x10 - If All the World’s a Stage, Identity Is Nothing But a Costume 2x11 - You Want a War? Shadowhunters (20) 2x01 - This Guilty Blood 2x02 - A Door Into the Dark 2x03 - Parabatai Lost 2x04 - Day of Wrath 2x05 - Dust and Shadows 2x06 - Iron Sisters 2x07 - How Are Thou Fallen 2x08 - Love Is a Devil 2x09 - Bound by Blood 2x10 - By the Light of Dawn 2x11 - Mea Maxima Culpa 2x12 - You Are Not Your Own 2x13 - Those of Demon Blood 2x14 - The Fair Folk 2x15 - A Problem of Memory 2x16 - Day of Atonement 2x17 - A Dark Reflection 2x18 - Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen 2x19 - Hail and Farewell 2x20 - Beside Still Water Sherlock (3) 4x01 - The Six Thatchers 4x02 - The Lying Detective 4x03 - The Final Problem Silicon Valley (10) 4x01 - Success Failure 4x02 - Terms of Service 4x03 - Intellectual Property 4x04 - Teambuilding Exercise 4x05 - The Blood Boy 4x06 - Customer Service 4x07 - The Patent Troll 4x08 - The Keenan Vortex 4x09 - Hooli-Con 4x10 - Server Error Smallville (1) 9x06 - Crossfire Stranger Things (9) Supergirl (1) 3x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1 Superstore (3) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - Magazine Profile 1x03 - Shots and Salsa Teen Wolf (6) 6x11 - Said the Spider to the Fly 6x12 - Raw Talent 6x13 - After Images 6x17 - Werewolves of London 6x19 - Broken Glass 6x20 - The Wolves of War Time After Time (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - I Will Catch You Trial & Error (13) 1x01 - Chapter 1: A Big Crime in a Small Town 1x02 - Chapter 2: A Wrench in the Case 1x03 - Chapter 3: The Other Man 1x04 - Chapter 4: An Unwelcome Distraction 1x05 - Chapter 5: Right-Hand Man 1x06 - Chapter 6: Secrets & Lies 1x07 - Chapter 7: The Case Gets Big 1x08 - Chapter 8: A Change in Defense 1x09 - Chapter 9: Opening Statements 1x10 - Chapter 10: A Hostile Jury 1x11 - Chapter 11: Unusual Suspect 1x12 - Chapter 12: The Defense Rests 1x13 - Chapter 13: The Verdict The Twilight Zone (1) 3x08 - It’s A Good Life Twin Peaks (9) 2x11 - Masked Ball 2x12 - The Black Widow 2x13 - Checkmate 2x14 - Double Play 2x22 - Beyond Life and Death 3x01 - The Return, Part 1 3x02 - The Return, Part 2 3x03 - The Return, Part 3 3x04 - The Return, Part 4 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (13) 3x01 - Kimmy Gets Divorced?! 3x02 - Kimmy’s Roommate Lemonades! 3x03 - Kimmy Can’t Help You! 3x04 - Kimmy Goes to College! 3x05 - Kimmy Steps on a Crack! 3x06 - Kimmy Is a Feminist! 3x07 - Kimmy Learns About the Weather! 3x08 - Kimmy Does a Puzzle! 3x09 - Kimmy Goes to Church! 3x10 - Kimmy Pulls Off a Heist! 3x11 - Kimmy Googles the Internet! 3x12 - Kimmy and the Trolley Problem! 3x13 - Kimmy Bites an Onion! The Vampire Diaries (2) 8x00 - Forever Yours (Retrospective Special) 8x16 - I Was Feeling Epic Veep (10) 6x01 - Omaha 6x02 - Library 6x03 - Georgia 6x04 - Justice 6x05 - Chicklet 6x06 - Qatar 6x07 - Blurb 6x08 - Judge 6x09 - A Woman First 6x10 - Groundbreaking Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later (8) When We Rise (8) 1x01 - Part I 1x02 - Part II 1x03 - Part III 1x04 - Part IV 1x05 - Part V 1x06 - Part VI 1x07 - Part VII 1x08 - Part VIII Will (7) 1x01 - The Play’s the Thing 1x02 - Cowards Die Many Times 1x03 - The Two Gentlemen 1x04 - Brave New World 1x05 - The Marriage of True Minds 1x06 - Something Wicked This Way Comes 1x07 - What Dreams May Come The Young Pope (10) 1x01 - First Episode 1x02 - Second Episode 1x03 - Third Episode 1x04 - Fourth Episode 1x05 - Fifth Episode 1x06 - Sixth Episode 1x07 - Seventh Episode 1x08 - Eighth Episode 1x09 - Ninth Episode 1x10 - Tenth Episode Total: 675 TV 2016 TV 2015 TV 2014 TV 2013 TV 2012
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I'm having dinner with Ramon. He shoots fast and talks loud, but we're gonna need both of those skills to get this job done.
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