#the bone witch spoilers
seylaaurora · 7 months
I'm currently reading "The Heart Forger" by Rin Chupeco (spoilers ahead) and I'm wondering wtf Kalen's thought process is
"Oh, I didn't like Tea because I was prophesied that she'd be her lover's death and I didn't want her to cause my cousin's death, but now that it's me who's pursuing her that's okay"
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royalberryriku · 11 months
The Shadowglass spoilers (The Bone Witch Series)
Finished chapter 12 and I'm 99% sure the traitor is Althy. I'm making more and more realisations and how it just fits too well.
1) it would be between Shadi, Althy or Tea's mother as suspects for Likh's blight. Shadi isn't a traditionalist but could theoretically still be physically capable (though again she would lack a motive) and the mother has an ordinary heartsglass so she is physically incapable at all. Which leaves only Althy or Shadi.
2) Althy has been with Mikayla from the start as her friend, however, if we look at this just purley physically, she has been around longest and since Mikayla lost her heartsglass AND, most importantly, there when the previous Dark Asha in Mikayla's care "went mad with darkrot" by laying waste to a village. Shadi was not around or knowledgeable of these events. She is too young.
3) If we assume darkrot isn't real or caused by dark heartsglass, then we can also assume that last Dark Asha from before could have been afflicted by the same poison Tea was. She was also dangerously "close" to taming the Daeva and questioning the Elders.
4) Why was Likh specially targeted for the blight? I think this may point to Althy's potential motives. I believe it wasn't just his/her closeness to Tea, but the deviancy from the Elder Asha's ways. Same with Khalad, Althy has been suspiciously distant and I don't think that's a coincidence. I think she's far more traditional in the older Asha ways than she lets on.
5) Althy was too quick to blame Tea. While she wasn't exactly hostile at first, she showed the same exact distance/ indifference to Tea when she was arrested as she tends to show Khalad. I think the latter point may be a stretch, but it gives off the same feel to me; there's distinct inability to frame Tea as innocent because she doesn't WANT Tea to be viewed as innocent.
6) Altaecia was far too quick to become volatile and so against tea. She also immediately blamed her for Mikaela's death, but I don't think it was genuine. It felt too forced. I think she knew tea was innocent, but wanted her to be viewed as guilty once again.
7) She demanded to see Tea's pages far too much and as far too hasty. She wanted to get those pages as soon as possible. She was very likely the one to steal the last pages.
8) I think the traitor would be someone who weasled their way right next to Tea to keep her as a regular ""Bone Witch who will die for her purpose"" rather than finding too much of the truth, and what better position would be as an Asha Sister to her?
As for her motives for all the above, I think it's very likely she was never actually friends with Mikaela but instead was charged to keep watch over her, helped to hide her heartsglass from her and silence Vanor, poisoned the apprentice to compel her into murder/ madness, poisoned Tea and killed Daisy, tried to blight Likh to frame Tea as the one to kill him/her (two birds with one stone), and, finally, was the one behind blighting the Elders and killing Mikaela. I think Althy, if we view her as an agent of the Elder Asha's and perhaps a to-be Elder Asha herself, these crimes make sense. Especially if you see her actions under a lense of traditionalism and trying to keep the status quo.
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theaologies · 2 years
Nina: I love him
Matthias: I wanna smash so bad and that means I’m going to hell :(
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automatonwithautonomy · 5 months
In Gideon's comics, Cohort adepts always sat on plackets of grave dirt to ameliorate the effects of deep space and the loss of their power source; trust Harrowhark not to take the placebo. - Gideon the Ninth, page 67, chapter 7.
Harrowhark rose from the placket of House dirt she had been sitting on, which held the merest suggestion of thanergy at this point anyway, - Harrow the Ninth, page 69, chapter 5.
hmmmmm. hmmmm. many thoughts...
it's such a small difference! just a little detail, but harrow is so unbalanced without gideon!! in this reality she's constructed, harrow's going insane and she's weak and of course she need the placebo!!! it's!!!! so!!!!! ahhhhgggg!!!!!!!
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mayasaura · 2 years
I think I've found a way out of the political situation in The Locked Tomb. One that doesn't lead to massive loss of life, and still dismantles the empire of the Nine Houses.
John didn't create anything with the intention of it surviving him. He seems to have gone out of his way to do the reverse, and only build things that would catastrophically self-destruct without him. Empires are already powder kegs, and based on the information in As Yet Unsent, John rigged this one to go up like the sun. Here's an excerpt of Judith reporting what she understands of BOE's arguments:
Their other line of attack is the business contracts. They claim that the services asked of them by the Emperor were set down in lifetime contracts by previous generations, who assumed the contracts would be terminated upon the Emperor's death.
If this is true, and we have no reason to assume it isn't, John has either intentionally or accidentally made himself into a latter-day Alexander; building an empire that will immediately crumble at his sudden death. This looks like it provides an easy solution: Kill the Emperor, terminate the contract, freedom for the peoples of the greater universe! Glory to the resistance!
Problem is, even assuming this doesn't amount to the fiery genocide of the Nine Houses—which I'm assuming is not the direction this series is going—there is no external state or government-in-exile prepared to take over where the Nine Houses left off. BOE is a militia group made up of isolated and conflicting factions, and the Houses have been incredibly successful at destroying political and cultural unity in their colonies. The sudden cessation of the empire would leave a huge power vacuum, New Rho writ large across the face of the universe.
And the Cohort would still be there. The neat crumbling of John's empire relies on the Cohort respecting the terms of these ancient contracts. Every admiral and general jockeying for power in the void left by the death of the emperor has to agree that yeah, the empire thing has been great, loved the military conquest, but now that we don't have an emperor anymore let's pack it all in and go home. That isn't what happened to Alexander's empire, and it's not what I see happening here. Alexander's empire dissolved into 40 years of civil war, eventually leading to the creation of four successor states still under Macedonian or Greek rule. Most likely something similar would happen in the empire of the Houses: the universe would dissolve into open war as the dominant military powers duked it out. The Cohort vs the Cohort vs BOE, with thousands of smaller powers allying with one side or another. Who knows what this would do for the politics back home—how factions would develop in relation to House loyalties, what Houses would survive the fallout, and so on—but for the larger empire it would be a bloodbath. We got a little taste of that in Canaan House, when Judith and Marta tried to impose military rule.
This isn't an argument for the status quo, though I do see how the people most likely to die in the ensuing chaos would disagree. Then again, some wouldn't. The deadly blast of an empire imploding is still better than endless death and exploitation under colonial rule, right? But we're still looking at catastrophic loss of life, and we can only hope that when the dust eventually settles, whatever comes next will be better, and not just successor states under Cohort control.
Which brings me back to the ray of hope I see in this clusterfuck of a situation: Kiriona Gaia. Heir to the Emperor Divine.
Six months ago, John had something else in common with Alexander the Great: no clear line of succession. Now he has a publicly declared and recognized heir, and that gives the Nine Houses an off-ramp into peaceful dissolution. It wouldn't be too difficult for her to step into the role, especially if Ianthe and Sarpedon back her. No one is anticipating that the Emperor will ever die, so the leaders would want a figurehead to gather around for stability.
Once Kiriona's in power, she can start a controlled demolition eventually ending in her abdication. She can formally honor the contracts set to terminate upon her father's death, and negotiate to release occupied planets from imperial rule. This feels like naively wishful thinking, wanting to have my cake and eat it too, but I think the pieces are in place for it to actually work.
Kiriona is in the unique position of being set to inherit the empire without having been thoroughly indoctrinated into its power structure. She went straight from being on the bottom rung of the meanest most isolated portion of the interior to being the crown prince in the space of a year, and she hates it. We know her. She has no personal stake in preserving the empire, she has no respect for authority derived via power structures, and she places a high value on respect earned between individuals. All she's ever wanted is to have a positive, or at least affirming, connection with other people. She has a protective inclination, and she's been on the front lines to see the cost in human sacrifice maintaining an empire demands. So taking that all together, there's a good chance that, given the opportunity, she would want to dismantle the empire.
She wouldn't have to do it by herself. As emperor, Kiriona would have support from Paul and the Sixth House, and possibly the Third with one or both of its princesses. Ianthe and Corona have been planning for this, or something like it, for a long time. She's also Wake's daughter, with connections in BOE. If We Suffer can spin her succession as the result of a plot set into motion by Commander Wake, other wings of BOE might be convinced to parlay with the Houses.
It would also bring Gideon satisfyingly full circle, back to the first chapter of Gideon the Ninth. The series opens in media res, introducing Gideon in the final stages of executing a scheme utilizing loopholes, blackmail, technicalities, and straight up forging paperwork to corner her evil overlord into granting her independence. It would have worked, too. If Harrow's attention hadn't been more valuable to Gideon than her freedom, her 87th escape attempt would have been successful. She's good at this, and she understands what it's like to be desperately trying to escape exploitation. So it would be a hell of a thing, for her to end up in a position to use those skills she honed trying to escape the Ninth in unraveling the whole power structure that's been exploiting her since she was a baby.
Of course this series being what it is, anything like this would all have to happen by implication off-page while we aren't looking. The real story is in the people, not the politics.
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queerlyvictorian · 3 months
I reblogged someone else's post with my theory, but I also want a more easily accessible place to voice this idea.
I think it would be even more rude if Interlude #2: The Clearing (the Patreon-exclusive Umora one-shot releasing between Chapters 3 and 4 for those who haven't heard) is a story that seems entirely unrelated to the present day, and then we somehow figure out that the setting the story took place in is (like that OP said) the place that will one day be the Irulian Desert... but the wizards don't show up until the end.
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pawnshopsouls · 1 year
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"Huh! Heard through the grapevine that someone got evicted from their little space kingdom. Sounds like free real estate teh me. But first, gotta get my hands on a certain sea-serpent-eater guy. Any guardian wanna give me a hand in gettin' a hold a' that guy? I just need his noggin, really, but gettin' him back whole would be great."
Bonely paused before rubbing his hands together. "I do have a couple exotic engrams fer the service! One fer his head, two for him intact! I'll give yeh the coordinates a' where teh drop him off!"
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smolandweirdwriter · 2 years
if a nikolina plot line occurs and usurps zoyalai I WILL be fighting netflix with my bARE FUCKING HANDS they already cut out so much of zoya being spiteful and i hATE IT GIVE ME ZOYA BEING MORE THAN AN ALINA PLOT DEVICE OR GIVE ME DEATH
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lavender-rosies · 2 years
if freddy carter gets one more bloody nose in s&b i’m lobbying for his bafta and that is my opinion on the netflix adaptation hope this helps <3
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tomboybabygirl · 2 years
the thing about bones and all is that these outcasts have this really quiet acceptance from people who aren’t like them but want to understand them.
like there’s this thing inherently Wrong with them (from a certain standpoint. god knows i don’t condemn fictional cannibalism) but they are loved over and over again anyway. maren’s father says he doesn’t know if he loved her right but he tried his best by her, he couldn’t help but keep her safe and keep others safe from her. and lee and kayla hate each other sometimes and love each other more than anything. and sully’s mother let him eat and lied for him and let him go. and those two guys fell in love over shared meals sort of. like it’s definitely a fucked up kind of love but it was. a lot. for me
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moonlight-prose · 2 years
I just watched the two latest TLOU episodes and I'm screaming. I need someone to scream with. Kathleen made me angry, Sam made me happy and then really sad bc I forgot That happened and Henry. Oh fuck, Henry. I get what he did to get the medicine for Sam🥲 this show man. this show?! How are you?
Here is an absolute couch potato cat at maximum relaxation levels.
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i am SO SORRY i'm late to this, but when i tell you KATHLEEN HAD ME SCREAMING AT MY LAPTOP SCREEN I WAS SO MAD. That part where she was like "kids die everyday". Yeah Kathleen? So do adults. Get fucked.
After I finished the episode I was just sitting in shock, because I knew it was coming, but holy fuck it was so intense. I even rewatched with my brother and we literally sat there in silence for ten minutes afterwards. The episode hit so hard. I really wanted them change Henry and Sam's story and I was really hoping they would after seeing episode 3.
Thank you for the couch potato cat! An absolute cutie! My cat sometimes chills that way too. I hope you had an amazing week and enjoy tonight's episode babes!🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Very cool how Orin snaps her own neck to change out of a disguise, hearing that sickening *snap* really helps drive home how sinister she is.
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royalberryriku · 1 year
Reading The Bone Witch and I'm having so many feelings, like I wanna protect and hug Tea so bad 😭
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Pt VIII good omens a spoiler-free trailer
*walks into church, ignoring the gasps of the congregation* *holds mic to a terrified gentleman's face*
Have you ever wondered, what if the flaming sword at the Garden of Eden was insufferably in love with the Serpent?
*doesn't wait for response, shoves mic in shaking lady's face*
What if I told you, your bible studies are incomplete, because they are missing the most important story of all?
*cut to me in front of a white screen, walking seductively toward camera in a suit*
Worry not, for your prayers have been answered. Presenting, Good Omens, a kind-of biblically accurate story by Sir Terry Pratchett and Tumblr's own @neil-gaiman, now a TV show and queerer than ever. All you AO3 slow-burn hoes, we see you. You asked for it, you got it. Childhood friends is so last millennium, we give you instead, six thousand years of mutual pining.
*hard cut to David Tennant, whom I have stuck to a chair with Elmer's glitter glue* *he struggles, in vain*
Starring David Tennant and his signature slutty walk as Crowley, now in a ginger Barbie edition that comes with demonic eyes, every hairstyle and gender you could ever dream of, and instant outfit changes. It really is a miracle!
*camera swivels to focus on Michael Sheen, who is bound in blankets and looking deeply concerned*
Starring Michael Sheen the fae shapeshifter as Aziraphale, the sweetest, most cherubic murderous bitchy angel you've ever seen. Special features include automatic heart-eyes the moment he is faced with Crowley, a charming disregard for casual massacre in the name of God, and the instant outfit changes. Watch him melt your heart before breaking it! Bonus tip: try giving him sushi!
*cut back to the white screen, I am now sitting uncomfortably close to the camera*
Follow Aziraphale and Crowley as they alternatively try to follow and thwart God's ineffable plan, managing to spectacularly fail at both tasks with a consistency that amazes as it befuddles. Featuring alcohol, a bookstore, and metaphorical and literal fire as things get a little... heated in the Bible fandom.
*crossfade to Soho, I walk along the street as the camera follows me*
If that isn't enough to convince you, presenting also, idiot lesbians giving an ancient demon love advice, sexy horsepersons of the apocalypse, an unofficial wedding combined with burning Nazis alive where the most important part is the handing over of a suitcase, and the sexiest MILF witch Agnes Nutter, a literal bombshell.
*cut to disturbing close up of Neil Gaiman's face* *he tries to step away, and is met with my camerapersons*
Watch Neil Gaiman give you hope and shatter it again repeatedly, in a show where the literal apocalypse is only the background to a forbidden idiots who are lovers-to-lovers who are idiots story that is older than Time itself. Armageddon takes a backseat as Crowley serves gender, and if you thought the Antichrist was adorable, wait till you see him in Good Omens, where his evil powers are directed towards being the cutest kid he can possibly be.
*cut back to white screen, I smile ominously while twirling a human bone*
Good Omens, at your nearest Amazon Prime, with free UST, fluff, Queen, and plenty of tears. Don't miss it!
*text rapidly rolls across screen*
[Imagery has been used for representative purposes. No David Tennant, Michael Sheen or Neil Gaiman was harmed in the process of creating this advertisement. Good Omens will have expected side-effects, including unprompted sobbing, a Pavlovian reaction to bandstands, nightingales, holy water and 'the final fifteen', heartache for the foreseeable future, and intense lust for Crowley's elusive gender. Asmi is not responsible for any consequences resulting from the advertised product. Some features have been excluded from the advertisement due to space and time constraints.]
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animeomegas · 10 months
The Quest for a Second Life - Part 4 - Potions and Magic and Sex, Oh My! (3)
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Summary: This was it. The climax. Narratively and physically. You could safely say that there was potions and magic and sex, oh my. GN!Dom!Alpha!Reader x Multiple Naruto Characters
Word Count: 12.3k
Warnings: Explicit n-sfw content. All alphas have penises, fyi.
A/N: It's finally December! Happy holidays everyone! Anyway, enjoy the final part of Itachi's book! I really enjoyed writing for him and his witchy goodness. I don't know if this chapter is good because I'm so tired lol. Next chapter we'll meet the second mystery omega in the second book, no spoilers yet, but I think my dearest friend @omeganronpa will have quite a difficult choice ahead~ I do like to make my gifts slightly torturous of course ;) Enjoy <3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Epilogue
You pulled back from Itachi and knelt at his feet, chomping at the bit to shower him in love and pleasure. You were grateful that your discarded shirt provided enough of a cushion to keep your knees from being bruised by the rock floor, although at this point, you weren’t sure there was any injury big enough to stop you.
Itachi’s feet were resting on the stone, with his calves and knees pressed together. You gently ran your hands over Itachi’s calves, up to his knees and then back down again, admiring his soft skin.
“Can you open your legs for me, pretty?” you cooed, not ceasing with your ministrations.
Itachi shivered, “I… You do it. Please.”
His desire for complete submission was certainly one of the sexiest parts of his newly discovered temperament, and one you were eager to encourage.
You placed on hand on each of his knees and then slowly drew his legs apart like you were unwrapping a gift. They parted easily, showing a great amount of flexibility in his hips, and soon he had his feet placed on the floor, one each side of the stone slab. Then, taking care to avoid any friction burns, you grabbed Itachi’s hips and dragged him closer to you, until his bare crotch was in front of your face, completely uncovered and unobscured.
The shadows created by the fire accentuated the angles of Itachi’s body, drawing your eyes in a multiple of directions at once. First to his hip bones, then to the valley of his surprisingly toned stomach, and finally, to the star of the show, his rock-hard, rosy cock that curved towards his stomach and twitched cutely as you stared at it. It was a good size, just a little smaller than average, and had a pleasant colour and presentation. All around, it was a pretty dick that suited him, and you couldn’t wait to get your mouth on it.
You glanced up and noticed that Itachi had propped himself up on his arms to watch you. When you caught his gaze, he broke eye contact bashfully. Cute.  
The pliant skin of Itachi’s thighs was so soft that you had no difficulty redirecting your focus to them. Watching the skin move around your thumbs as you massaged him was hypnotising. His thighs were also surprisingly toned. Did having to walk everywhere cause this, or was this yet another nod towards his questionable childhood? It hardly seemed like Itachi had a passion for working out.
Regardless, you laid your cheek on his left thigh and gave it an affectionate nuzzle. You also left a little kiss for good measure, one that could have probably been described as chaste had it been on Itachi’s lips instead.
You had been given a blank canvas and you were going to paint it so thoroughly that the marks would stay even if this world reset.
You started at the lower part of his left thigh, kissing, teasing, and biting your way up. Every gasp and whimper that you drew from your witch inflated your confidence and spurred you on further. A hickey here, teeth marks there, kisses everywhere you could.
But then, just as you reached the crease where his thighs ended and his hips started, just as Itachi’s cock twitched in anticipation, you withdrew, starting again from the lower parts of his thigh, this time the right one.
Itachi hissed in frustration but didn’t voice a complaint.
You repeated your ministrations on the other thigh, but once again, as you reached the place Itachi wanted you the most, you withdrew.
Itachi made a little petulant noise this time.
“You’re teasing me,” he accused, the shadow of a pout on his face.
“Hmm, am I?” you teased back, scratching your fingernails over his hips and lower stomach. You laughed as he glared at you. You made to go for his cock but diverted at the last moment to press on one of the love bites.
“Stop teasing,” he said, his pout deepening.
“Oh, so demanding.” You blew some air onto his cock and watched it jump. “You don’t look like someone in a position to be making demands, ‘tachi.”
Much to your amusement, Itachi huffed, blowing some loose hair from his face.
“Itachi,” you cooed, nuzzling his thigh. “I know what’s going to get you feeling really good. Just lay back and let me give you what you need. Your job is to take it, not demand it.”
You had fallen easily and quickly into your role as a dom, the words spilling out before you could stop them. You were worried for a moment that you crossed some lines, but Itachi’s pupils expanded, and the fight bled out of him instantly. Oh… he liked it. He liked that you were in control of his pleasure, and he had just been playing a little at being the brat, not that he was particularly good at it.
You watched as Itachi pressed a shaky hand to his mouth, a healthy blush on his cheeks that was slowly creeping down his chest. Yes, you could tell he was a good boy, not a brat, and you expected no further petulance from him now that you had set your expectations for his behaviour.
Despite all your teasing though, you had no intention of making him wait. Primarily because the saliva pooling in your mouth was becoming unsustainable as every cell in your body screamed at you to take his pretty cock in your mouth and make him see stars.
Without warning, you enveloped his dick with your mouth until your lips were sealed around the base, taking him completely in one movement. Itachi let out an aborted scream, out of shock or pleasure you weren’t sure, but you hoped it was both.
“Ah, fuck, that’s—”
That was the first swear you had heard from him, which only served to remind you that you were the first person to ever use your mouth on him like this. You were the only one who got to see him like this, and that thought made you hot, even in the middle of the Winter.
You hollowed your cheeks and slowly and deliberately moved up and down. The weight of him on your tongue was satisfying and he tasted surprisingly pleasant. You swirled your tongue around the head. Itachi seized for a moment, and when you looked up at him, you saw that his jaw was hanging open.
You couldn’t smirk at him while you had his cock in your mouth, but you hoped your eyes could convey your thoughts well enough.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Itachi was muttering to himself, looking like he couldn’t believe what was happening.
You paid special attention to the largest vein that ran along the underside of his cock, using your tongue to massage and caress it. Itachi’s hips jolted, lifting towards your mouth. He let out a strangled noise, like he was trying to moan and gasp at the same time. As his hips jolted, his cock hit the back of your throat. You coughed, not expecting the sudden force, and pulled back.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do that. Are you okay?” Itachi looked mortified. He tried to sit up, presumably to check on you, but you finished clearing your throat and placed a hand on his stomach to keep him reclined.
“Don’t worry about it, darling,” you said, sending him a reassuring look. “It was my fault; clearly I should have been pinning your hips down.” To make your point, you grabbed his hips in your hands and held them firmly to the stone slab. “There. Now you can’t be naughty anymore.”
Itachi made an outraged noise, “I’m not—I’m not—I’m not naughty.”
“No, not anymore.” It was hard to keep your grin supressed but teasing him was simply too much fun.
Itachi’s words cut off as you returned to the blowjob, the argument dying on his lips. He was leaking precum steadily now, but it wasn’t nearly as bitter as you had expected. Was the more pleasant taste a feature of his very healthy diet, or a feature of living in an erotica? Perhaps both. Would the same be true for you? A hypothesis for a later time.
After a few minutes, you pulled off the omega’s now glistening dick and took to lathering the sides with your tongue to give your mouth a bit of a break. You paid extra attention to the head; Itachi seemed the most sensitive there. You used your tongue to circle it in tight loops, occasionally dipping into his slit.
“Oh my god, don’t stop, please, please, please,” Itachi babbled. He sat up and laced his fingers in your hair, still rambling incoherently. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, I can’t, I can’t, don’t stop!”
You weren’t normally a fan of your partner trying to guide your head when you were giving oral, but Itachi seemed to be less interested in guiding you, and more interested in using you as a way to stay upright, so you allowed it. You could already tell that, if you stayed in this world, Itachi would have you wrapped around his little finger. Good job he wasn’t a brat, because you didn’t have the heart to tame him.
As the blowjob continued, Itachi kept proving that he was incredibly sensitive. As you kissed up his cock, he whole body shivered, and when you were lucky enough to catch glimpses of his face, his eyes were clenched tight. Any semblance of vocal control had flown out the proverbial window, and Itachi’s cacophony of moans were echoing around the cave, filling your head from every direction. That, combined with the way his silhouette was pasted in shadows on the cave wall, made it feel like you were being entirely consumed by Itachi. You were surrounded by him and his pleasure, and it was the most invigorating feeling imaginable.
This hadn’t at all been what you imagined when you swore that today would be the day that you and Itachi would take things further, but there was something about it that made it perfect.
Itachi looked entirely wrecked at this point, making little ‘ah’ noises whenever you moved your tongue. You wondered briefly if Itachi’s sensitivity was his own trait or born from existing in an erotica. Would you also be more sensitive? You hoped so. Oh! Would you be able to stay hard for longer or recover faster? Now that would be handy.
You gave a particularly harsh suck and suddenly Itachi’s legs came up to wrap around your head, trapping you against his dick, much to your surprise. Itachi didn’t seem to notice, even as you coughed.
Without warning, Itachi plummeted into an orgasm, filling your mouth with his sweet cum. Considering his inexperience, you figured that even he hadn’t known what was happening fast enough to give you a warning.
“Hah, there’s— hngg, how, I can’t—” Itachi was coiled like a spring while he came, his stomach muscles clenching with every shot. Dutifully, you swallowed everything, trying your best to keep up.
After the final shot, Itachi suddenly went limp. He flopped backwards, returning to his original reclined position. His legs fell from their tightly gripped position on your head to lay limply on your shoulders. He was taking deep, shuddering breaths, but didn’t move or speak.
You used your new freedom to wipe your lips. Yep, this world was definitely making everything taste better, there’s no way a good diet would be enough to make it taste like that.
Carefully, you moved each of Itachi’s legs off your shoulders and placed them on the ground. Itachi made no attempt to stop you, physically or verbally.
Once you were free to stand, you went to his head end and perched on the edge of the stone slab. Itachi looked completely blissed out; his entire face was flushed, his eyes were still closed, and his breathing was still a little uneven. You doubted he’d ever had an orgasm like that, and the part of your brain controlled by your base instincts was ever so cocky about it.
“You okay?” you asked, ignoring the instincts and going with the softer impulse. You caressed his forehead lovingly, swiping away stray hairs. “That must have been a lot, huh?”
Itachi hummed in agreement, his eyes slowly fluttering open to look at you. He held your gaze for a few moments, his eyes still lidded, before they shot fully open in panic.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t warn you, and I manhandled you, and I’m so sorry, do you need some napkins, let me grab you some.” He sat up and tried to reach for the basket, but you caught his hands and held them to your chest.
“Hey, calm down, it’s okay. You didn’t hurt me, and I don’t need any napkins, I swallowed everything.”
There was a beat of silence before Itachi’s jaw dropped. You snorted at the scandalised look on his face. He was staring at your lips like he’d never be able to look at them the same way ever again. He looked a little faint, so you poked him on the nose to bring his attention back to the present.
“How was that?” you asked, changing the subject.
Itachi drew his legs up to his chest, “That was amazing,” he said breathlessly.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” you said sincerely. You certainly didn’t doubt that he was telling the truth after his performance. “You must be tired now though, maybe we should get home.” It was hurting your heart, (and your dick), to say that, but having just had his first real sexual experience, Itachi might not be in the mindset to reciprocate.
“A little, but—” He looked down and noticed your painfully tight trousers. “Oh! You haven’t finished yet.”
You sent him a wry grin, “Believe me, I’m aware. Sucking you off was incredibly hot and all, don’t get me wrong, but I need a bit more stimulation than that to get off.”
Itachi’s brows furrowed and it was incredibly obvious what he was thinking.
“Don’t worry about me, Itachi.” He opened his mouth to argue, but you cut him off. “We should head home before it gets dark.”
You really weren’t trying to play the martyr; that had been intense, and Itachi probably wanted a break, erotica or no. You didn’t want your first orgasm with him to be one of obligation, no matter how much your animal brain was arguing that that was better than nothing.
Itachi bit his lip, looking indecisive, but quickly his expression melted into one of determination.
“No. I want to try.” The look in his eyes was one you had seen before, mainly when he was trying to wrangle a new dinner recipe into submission, but also that one time he’d almost fought the waiter in town. It was the look of someone who wasn’t going to be easily swayed.
You hesitated, “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Now swap places with me. And take off your trousers.”
You did as he asked, throbbing in anticipation. The second your trousers had been discarded, Itachi stood up on his slightly shaky legs and pushed you down onto the stone bench. He then dragged your shirt into a better position for him and knelt down in between your legs.
Your legs were already spread, so Itachi placed his hands on your crotch, head tilted like his was trying to study the outline of your dick through your underwear. The whole situation reminded you of the time he’d spilt hot chocolate on you. At least this time he was aware of what he was doing.
“Itachi, you are so stunningly hot, has anyone ever told you that?”
Itachi smiled, “Only you.”
“That’s a crime, but I’m also glad I don’t have to fight off any competition. Imagine if we lived in a town; I’d be fighting suitors away from you with a stick.”
“Shut up.” Itachi’s voice was full of embarrassed amusement. “I’m trying to focus.”
“My bad.” You mimed zipping your lips, locking them, and then throwing away the key.
Itachi sighed, shaking his head, before focusing back on you. He studied you for a moment.
“I’m taking these off.” Impatiently, he tugged at the waistband of your underwear. You lifted your lips to aid him, and soon he had them off, and the fabric fell to your ankles.
Itachi had been studying you so closely that as its cloth prison was removed, your cock sprang out and thwacked Itachi directly on the cheek, an audible skin slapping noise reverberating around the cave.
“Oh!” Itachi jumped, his hands grabbing your erection automatically. Because he was so close, he had to go a little cross eyed to keep your dick in his sight.
You giggled, pushing him a little further back, just until he was sitting back on his knees. Itachi blinked up at you through his dark eye lashes, looking confused and a little upset that you’d pushed him away. He was so cute, completely out of his element and yet so sexy.
“Slow down,” you said, squishing his cheeks in your hands. Itachi shot you a glare, but the impact was lessened by his squishy cheeks. You laughed and let him go. “First, let me remove these.” You took your ankles out of your underwear and kicked it off to the side. “Now, relax. Why don’t you use your hands first, ‘tachi. Get a feel for it.”
Itachi’s look of determination returned as you gave him some instructions, and he immediately started to explore.
He ran his hands around the shaft first, wrapping you in a fist and stroking up and down. He moved slowly, occasionally looking up at you to see your reaction. He ran his fingers over the head, even tapping on your slit when a bead of precum appeared and then examining the liquid on the tip of his finger.
You were dangerously close to blowing your load all over his face and he had barely touched you. It was just so deeply erotic the way he was using you to satisfy his curiosity and learn what he was supposed to do. The innocence was enticing, but you were also going to have fun watching experience slowly overcome it. You wanted to corrupt him.
‘James, I’m developing new kinks.’
‘Congratulations, human alpha. Is it a human custom to mark such an event with a celebration?’
‘Oh, I’ll be celebrating in a moment, James, that I can promise you.’
Itachi was holding your erection in his palm, almost like he was testing the weight of it.
“It’s hot,” he said, trailing a finger down it. His eyes jumped up when he realised what he said. “I mean, warm, the temperature is high.”
You snorted, “I hope it’s also hot as in sexy. And I’m pretty sure your dick is the same temperature.”
“That’s different,” he mumbled, returning to his task with a pink glow to his face.
His bashfulness quickly disappeared once you stopped speaking. Itachi seemed to be enthralled by your dick. He was rhythmically squeezing at your knot with one hand and weighing your balls in the other. You were tempted to tell him to slow down because you were getting close, but your pride refused to admit that out loud, so you allowed him to continue.
Itachi’s hands stilled suddenly, and he bit his lip, staring down at a bead of precum that was running down the side. You were about to ask him what was wrong when he hesitantly leant in and caught the drop with a little kitten lick.
You didn’t know if it was because this was the first time you’d had his mouth on you, because you were more sensitive in erotica pocket dimensions, or because the lick had been devastatingly cute, but you swore your soul left your body.
‘James, I’m dying, this is it.’
‘You are already dead, human, please do not panic.’
Itachi hummed consideringly as he pulled away, licking at his lips a little. Whatever he found didn’t seem offensive, because he leant back in for another few gentle licks.
Take his mouth, show him your strength, cum on his face to mark him so other alphas know he’s yours. Your instincts were screaming. How could one omega drive you so wild? He was treating your dick like it was an ice lolly. You were about to cum as quickly as a teenager, so for your own ego, you decided that you were definitely more sensitive in porn dimensions.
Itachi suddenly slipped the head into his mouth and began to suck gently.
“Oh, Itachi!” you moaned, toes curling. Itachi looked up at you in shock, almost as though he had forgotten that you were attached to the dick he was worshiping. You affectionately brushed some hair from his face, drinking in the sight of Itachi’s lips stretched around your dick. “Why don’t you try to go a little further down, baby? You’re doing so well; you feel amazing.”
With a determined glint in his eyes, Itachi took a deep breath and then forced himself down until the head of your cock hit the back of his throat. Not expecting that, you almost came at the feeling of his throat spasming and massaging you as he inevitably choked.
“Woah, woah, slow down.” You pulled Itachi’s head back as he coughed. It had felt amazing, but he was clearly lacking enough experience for that to be comfortable, and you wanted this to feel good for both of you. “Deep breaths.”
As Itachi stopped coughing, you wiped some of the drool off his lips and gave him a tap on his bottom lip with your thumb.
“Easy,” you soothed. “You went too fast. You need to work up to deep throating if that’s something you’re interested in. Give yourself some time to get used to it.”
He pouted, “You’re too big.”
“Are you complaining? Because you seem unable to keep your hands and eyes, your mouth too now, off it for very long.”
“You’re also mean.”
You chuckled. Perhaps it was a little mean to tease him about his obvious fascination with your cock, but it wasn’t like you were criticising it. If anything, you loved this newfound part of Itachi. Call you an alpha knothead or whatever, but you were proud of your cock, and knowing that Itachi loved it so much was hot and ego-boosting.
“Why don’t I guide you a bit? I can help you find your limit. Here.” You gently gathered his hair into a mock ponytail and held it in your fist. With that, you should be able to move his head without hurting him. “Open your mouth and put your tongue out.”
Itachi obeyed instantly, even though his blush gave away his embarrassment. See? He was definitely a good boy at heart.
You took your cock in your free hand and rested it carefully on his tongue. Itachi blinked up at you but sat still and took it.
“Get used to the weight of it, the size, the taste, everything. Don’t put it in your mouth yet, just use your tongue.”
Itachi wiggled his tongue a little, creating a pleasant, if a bit ticklish, sensation.
“Good boy.” Itachi moaned a little saliva dribbling down his chin. You wiped it away with your thumb, marvelling at the way Itachi’s eyes started to droop as his focus returned to your dick. You had no trouble believing that he was specifically created for an erotica novel, even with the whole murder backstory thing.
‘James, if I die here, can you make sure that everyone knows that I went out getting a blowjob from the prettiest omega in existence?’
‘It is literally impossible for you to die in pocket dimensions, human. I am worried about how many times I’ve had to explain that to you. Did you lose some of your mental facilities during your untimely death?’
‘I don’t think so, but I’m definitely losing mental facilities on Itachi’s tongue.’ As you ‘spoke’, Itachi panted hot breath onto your cock and you shivered, tightening your grip on his hair instinctually, something which caused Itachi to make a little proud and pleased noise.
‘Human, while I understand those words separately, your completed sentence is nonsensical.’
You tuned James out; you had far more important things to attend to.
“’tachi, try putting it in your mouth properly now, just around the tip.” He did as you instructed, eyes glazed. “Very good, you’re doing so well.”
Itachi tried to speak, but the words were incomprehensible. You hissed at the combination of the delicious vibration and the sting of his teeth.
“Pull off if you’re going to speak, okay?” you instructed. He nodded, so you tried to pull him off so that he could say whatever he’d been trying to say, but he made a noise of discontent and pushed back against you so your dick would stay in his mouth.
Was it weird to say that his inexperience was only making this whole thing better? There was something inside you that was endlessly pleased by having this omega, who had never even touched an alpha’s dick before, worshipping yours like it was his reason for living. The idea that he was so dedicated that he couldn’t bare to take things slow was the cherry on top of an already perfectly horny scenario.
As you were lost in thought, Itachi idly suckled, more relaxed now that you had stopped trying to remove him.
“Okay, good boy, you can go a little further. Try and focus your tongue on the head and the biggest vein at the base.” His tongue wiggled around for a moment and when he found the vein, he looked up at you for praise. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to keep your voice steady. “That’s the one, very good. For many people, those are the most sensitive places.”
Not that you ever wanted his mouth on anyone else’s dick of course. The thought made you a bit nauseous in all honesty. You wanted to be his first and last. But if you didn’t pick him… someone else eventually would, for good this time. You felt angry just entertaining the possibility. Your upcoming choice was going to be painful if the second omega was as easy to love as Itachi. Part of you was tempted to just tell James that you’d already made your mind up, but you knew you’d forever wonder about the other book if you didn’t experience it.
Seeing that Itachi was comfortable, you guided him a couple more centimetres down, watching him closely, although the wet heat on your cock was admittedly making it hard to focus.
Too quickly, he tried to push down further, but you held his hair tight to keep him where he was.
“Take your time, Itachi, how many times do I have to say that? My dick isn’t going anywhere.”
He growled at you, but you only moaned in response as the vibrations ran straight to your lower stomach, knotting it in the best way. Itachi seemed shocked and intrigued by your reaction.
“Vibrations feel good, Itachi,” you explained, trying to mush out words when your brain was slowly turning to mush. “That’s why—” Itachi started to purr. He started to purr around your dick.
Damn, you really were going to die here. Shocked and pleasured, you let out a little cry and dropped the hold you had on Itachi’s hair. Making the most of his newfound freedom, Itachi pushed himself further down, until only an inch of your dick wasn’t in his mouth. He couldn’t seem to get any further, but he didn’t let that discourage him. He moved his head up and down with reckless abandon, purring and humming all the while.
Eventually, through your pleasured haze, you noticed that Itachi was firmly pressing the pressure point on his palm that the nosy old man in town had suggested. At least you now knew that strategy worked.
Itachi sucked and licked and kissed, moaning loudly, eyes heavily lidded, drool leaking out of the edges of his lips. The noise was obscene, bouncing off the walls of the cave and filling your head from every direction. The extra sensitivity was hurtling you rapidly towards your orgasm. You stomach felt like it was filled with molten lava. You needed to warn Itachi.
He didn’t respond. It was like his mind had emptied of all thoughts so that he could focus on your cock. It would have been much hotter if you didn’t need him to listen to you right now.
“Itachi? Come on.” You took the initiative to pull him off your cock. There was a wet pop noise as the seal he was creating with his mouth broke. Itach whined, tugging back towards your cock.
“Baby?” Itachi looked up at you, dazed. “I’m going to cum soon.”
Itachi blinked at you, swallowing a few times before he got the words out. “In my mouth?” he asked, staring up at you.
You hummed, stroking his face a little, “No, not yet. I’m going to use one of the napkins, but are you okay getting me to the edge with your tongue?”
Itachi nodded and went to return to your cock immediately. You stopped him with a hand.
“Let me grab a napkin first.” Itachi shook his head. “No? Why?”
“I want you to cum on my face,” he mumbled, nuzzling at your cock. “Please?”
Fuck. You swallowed heavily at his words and attempted, and subsequently failed, to keep your voice steady as you replied.
“If you want me to, darling.”
Itachi clearly did, because he immediately started to kiss and run his tongue all over you. While he worshipped you, you thought about how hot everything was, and how obsessed Itachi was with your cock. It took an embarrassingly short time to knock you over the edge.
“I’m cumming!”
Itachi stopped licking and sat back, closing his eyes. Quickly, you grabbed your dick and aimed it at his face. The first cum shot felt like you were firing a gun. All that tension, all that build up, the prettiest target in front of you, it wasn’t shocking that it was one of the best orgasms of your life.
The first shot hit Itachi in the cheek. He squeaked and jumped slightly, but his eyes remained closed and waiting. Perhaps you were just too horny for coherent thought, but you thought the sticky, white cum suited him.
Your stomach clenched and the second shot ripped through you, hitting Itachi just above the eye. Some clung to his long eyelashes, creating a striking contrast between the deep black and pearly white.
The third and largest shot hit Itachi in the forehead, some of it getting caught in his hair. You had expected that to be the end, and so the fourth one took you by surprise. You almost doubled over with the intensity of it.
It was then quickly followed by a fifth and sixth shot. Baffled and addled by your ongoing orgasm, it took you a few moments to realise that the porn logic must have been affecting the amount of cum you had, because this was not normal.
It continued until your stomach ached from the prolonged muscle usage, and Itachi’s face was covered in your cum. Despite your sudden exhaustion, your instincts were roaring in delight. You had claimed your omega. You had drenched him so thoroughly in your scent, in your seed, that no other alpha would dare make a claim on him. No one could threaten your bond, not when he was like this. You gazed proudly down at Itachi.
Slowly, the euphoric and instinctual haze receded, and you realised that you were leaving Itachi kneeling at your feet, covered in your cum, without even trying to help clean him up.
“Oh! Hang on! I’ll grab some napkins!” You scrambled for the basket and rifled through it until you had a couple of the napkins. Itachi didn’t move, he just knelt there at your feet. Was he okay?
You held the back of his neck to keep him steady, and delicately wiped him up, starting with his eyes, then his lips, and finishing up with the rest of his face. There wasn’t much you could do about his hair until you were home.
“Are you okay, Itachi?” His eyes flickered open, but he seemed to be having trouble focusing on your face. His scent was calm, and yet still geared towards keeping you attracted to him, and he didn’t speak, even when you prompted him to do so. You recognised the behaviour straight away; he was in subspace. You had been thinking about the way he sometimes got spacy after intense make outs, but you’d written it off because surely there was no way he was that easy to put into subspace. But here you were, looking at the evidence that proved you were wrong.
You gently stroked his neck, adjusting your intentions to be more of what he needed if he was in subspace. You were honoured that he felt safe enough with you, and you weren’t going to ruin that by upsetting him.
“You did so well, Itachi, I’m so proud of you,” you said quietly. Itachi smiled tiredly but didn’t speak. You supported him to his feet, standing yourself too. His shaky legs caused him to lean on you heavily, but eventually, with your encouragement, he found his balance. “Stay there, ‘tachi.”
You peeled the cloak off the stone slab, cringing at the wet spot. The dampness wasn’t ideal, but Itachi wouldn’t be able to get home without its warmth, so you didn’t have a choice but to wrap him up in it. Itachi sighed happily at the warmth, burying his face into the collar, and let you guide him to sit back down, light purrs escaping him.
Once he was okay, you put on your own clothes, also revelling in the artificial warmth. The fire was on its way out by this point, and you had to leave as soon as you could to get home before dark. It was unfortunate that you couldn’t let Itachi come down from his high here in the cave, but being caught in the cold and dark would at least be unfortunate and more likely disastrous.
“Are you ready, darling?” You slipped your hand into his, hoping he’d be okay to walk. Itachi nodded, allowing you to lead him out of the cave. Unfortunately, you really needed him to lead the way back, as you had only the vaguest idea of how to get back to his cottage. “Which way d—”
Itachi stumbled over a branch, and it was only your conjoined hands that stopped him from face planting on the ground. Itachi looked up at you, a confused chirp escaping him, like he was asking you how you’d let him fall when you were supposed to be keeping him safe. It tugged on your heartstrings so much that you immediately pulled him into an embrace and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
“I’m cold,” he muttered, pushing his face into your shoulder. While the cloak was charmed, without any clothes underneath, it was also probably pretty breezy.
You cooed, “I bet. Why don’t I carry you home?” You couldn’t bear to have him uncomfortable for even a second, not when you could prevent it. “That would be warmer for you, but you have to show me the way home, okay?”
Itachi nodded, looking relieved, and held out his arms. You scooped him up into a princess carry, and he looped his arms around your neck before settling his head on your shoulder.
“Let’s go home.”
You had arrived home just in time to avoid having to stumble through the woods in the dark, and the subsequent evening had passed by in a whirlwind of cleaning, cooking, eating and cuddling. Itachi had mostly recovered by the time you had arrived, even walking the last hour himself, but he remained mostly silent unless addressed directly, and you had to take extra care to help him navigate away from a subdrop.
In contrast, the following morning seemed to crawl by like a snail. It was the day you were supposed to be brewing the potion, but Itachi had insisted on cooking a massive breakfast that had taken him an hour to cook and just as long to eat. He maintained that he just felt like making an elaborate breakfast, but considering the significance of the day, you didn’t know if you believed him. You had a feeling that he was either stress cooking, attempting to show you how good of a mate he could be, or just trying to delay the inevitable.
At least you had managed to entertain yourself by admiring and pressing on his copious amounts of hickeys.
“Mm, if you keep doing that, the food is going to burn.” Despite his words, he arched into your touch as you pressed on a particularly large hickey on his neck.
You eyed the pots and pans on the hob, all of which were stirring themselves. “They’ll be fine. It’s you I’m worried about; what if you get lonely because I’m not kissing you?”
Itachi laughed, “You’re ridiculous.”
At least the long breakfast and clean up had allowed you plenty of time to tighten up the details of your backstory, ready for your memories to ‘return’. You were grateful for that last opportunity to plan, because now, having gathered all the necessary ingredients, the time had arrived to make the Amnesia Reversal Potion.
You and Itachi were sitting cross legged in the corner of bedroom that he used for experiments, meticulously cutting, grinding, and adding ingredients into his black cauldron. It was equal parts cool and overwhelming to watch potion brewing in action. If you ended up in this world, you were for sure going to learn to make as many as you could. Maybe you could convince Itachi to move slightly closer to a nearby town so that you could access supplies a little easier?
“This potion is extraordinarily simple,” Itachi remarked, dropping in the crushed Amplexus seeds. “No wait times, no stirring instructions, no temperature requirements. I’ve never seen one like it.”
“Indeed. All I have to do is add the ingredients into the cauldron in the order that they’re listed in the ingredients list.”
“Isn’t it a good thing that it’s simple?”
Itachi grabbed a sprig of thyme and dropped it in, “Of course, it’s just strange.”
You watched the wooden tray empty as each ingredient was added to the potion in turn. The potion turned from brown, to pink, and then to purple at various intervals, bubbling, smoking, and spitting all at once. It seemed a little dramatic, but Itachi didn’t react as though anything was weird.
Eventually, there was only one ingredient left: Cinnamon. How weirdly mundane to be the climax of this potion making adventure.
Itachi added it and then began to stir, wrestling with the hydrophobic powder that seemed resistant to joining the potion. As he stirred, the potion gradually turned into a bright lime green. That was it then, right? That must be the potion!
But Itachi didn’t stop stirring, brows furrowed. He stared down at the cauldron like he was waiting for something more. He even picked up the recipe again to double check it.
“Is something the matter?” you asked, after the silence had stretched to uncomfortable levels.
“Look at the recipe, here.” He handed you to recipe, but you weren’t sure what you were supposed to be looking at. You send him a helpless gaze and he tapped on the sketch of the potion on the right side. “This is a sketch of the potion and it’s a shimmering gold. Our potion is green.”
You bit your lip, “Maybe it’s just artistic interpretation?”
“No, a shade or two different, fine, but a completely different colour? Our potion isn’t correct, but I’m not sure what I did wrong. I don’t even know how I could have gone wrong; it just says to add everything in order!” He plucked the recipe from your grip again and held it closer to his face, as though that would somehow solve the mystery.
It was then, as he held up the piece of paper, that you noticed something written on the back. Did the recipe continue on the other side? You had looked at this over a hundred times over the past fortnight, how could you have missed that there was something written on the back?
“Um, Itachi? Try flipping the page over.”
He hummed, confused, but did as you asked.
“Oh! You’re right! There’s one more ingredient, we must have missed it. It’s written much smaller than the other ingredients.” You silently passed him his glasses, which had been abandoned earlier once the steam from the potion had fogged them up, and he gratefully put them on.
 “Whatever it is, I’m sure we can find it somew—”
The sentence died as Itachi finally read the words on the back of the page.
You watched him, anxiously. “Itachi? Is something wrong?”
Itachi’s eyes flickered back and forth between your face and the recipe. Slowly, his face grew pink and heavily flushed. He didn’t speak.
“Itachi? What does it say? Is it something bad?”
Itachi opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Giving up, he thrust the paper out to you before bashfully burying his face in his palms.
Intrigued and vaguely concerned, you read the back of the recipe.
‘100ml of the fluid of a squirting omega.’
You coughed in surprise, dropping the recipe which floated slowly to the floor. Well, that answered your earlier question; you didn’t see it earlier because it would have screwed up the pacing of the plot if you had.
The erotica pocket dimension clearly wasn’t satisfied with the sappy mutual blowjobs in the cave yesterday. It wanted you to fuck Itachi properly, and it wanted you to do it hard.
“Oh. That’s quite the final ingredient.”
Itachi hummed in agreement.
Bizarre as it was, the longer you thought about it, the hotter it became. You had to overstimulate Itachi until he squirted, then use that to make a potion? Hilarious, and deeply erotic.
‘James, who is responsible for designing pocket dimensions, and can I shake their hand?’
‘That is confidential, and they do not have hands.’
‘Well, whoever they are, they need a raise.’
‘Why do they require increased elevation?’
‘Because these are mad times we’re living in James, mad times.’
‘You are not making any sense, human. Perhaps you should turn your attention to the omega in front of you. His body is displaying signs of heightened arousal, and I believe he would like you to solve that for him.’
One glance at Itachi and his newly tented shorts proved that James was correct, so you dropped the connection. Itachi, with his hands still covering his face, didn’t seem to have noticed his own raging boner quite yet.
“Well, at least we don’t have to leave the house to get the final ingredient,” you said, mouth moving faster than your filter. 
Itachi gave an embarrassed squeak, peeking at you in between his fingers. When he spoke, the words were hesitant and muffled. “That’s… um, I mean… I don’t think I can.”
“You can,” you said confidently. You figured that it wouldn’t make any sense to set this up as the erotic climax of the story if Itachi wasn’t capable of squirting. “I’ll make you squirt, trust me.”
Your brazen confidence seemed to have an effect on Itachi, who was looking progressively more flustered as he processed your words. His pupils were wide, cheeks pink, and there was a little wet spot at the tip of the tent in his shorts.
Oh yes, there was something about this situation that was getting to him, just like it was getting to you. You already knew he was submissive, of course, but perhaps your confidence in talking about his body was doing something more to him, or maybe the idea of mixing sex with magic was what was making him so hot.  
Either way, you leaned right into his space, smirking. Itachi’s released a delicious scent, something submissive, something horny, something to entice you to fuck him.  Who were you to deny him?
“Now, do you have anything we can use to collect liquid?”
You remembered, on your very first day in this world, how you studied Itachi’s living room to prove to yourself that this hole fever dream was real and find clues about the kind of life you might have here. The room looked a little different now. Itachi had levitated all the furniture against the wall and laid down a tarpaulin in the newly cleared space, creating the illusion of both more clutter and more space that the living room normally had. A large, red bucket stood innocently, front and centre by the fireplace, ready for a not so innocent purpose.
The room was bathed in an orange glow thanks to Itachi’s permanent fire magic crackling away in the fireplace. All these fires were going to give you a complex. It wouldn’t surprise you if you ended up being conditioned to pop a boner whenever you saw an open fireplace. But if you didn’t end up in this world, you were glad to know that fire would remind you of Itachi and your time here with him.
From the ceiling hung a metal bar, about 50cm in length, hanging horizontally from two sturdy pieces of wire.
“For drying flowers,” Itachi had said when you’d questioned why he had a bar in his ceiling capable of holding the weight of an adult person. His explanation didn’t really make any sense, but you had accepted it as porn logic and moved on.
Now though, there were no dried flowers in sight. Instead, from the bar, hung something much more precious. Itachi’s wrists were bound together above his head, secured to the metal bar with an old scarf you had found and swiftly repurposed. He was completely naked again, and although that always made for an enticing view, this particular moment was perhaps your favourite so far. Because your beautiful witch looked utterly wrecked.
You circled him, footsteps crinkling on the tarpaulin, and committed every inch of him to memory. He was shining, hot and sweaty from your games, with the hair that was not scraped back into his ponytail sticking to his face. His chest heaved in an attempt to beat his exertion with enough oxygen, and his hands, tied up though they were, periodically clenched themselves into fists.
Lovingly, you loosened his ponytail and then retied his hair back to include all the strands that had wiggled loose. Itachi didn’t comment on it, even as you pulled his hair away from his sweat-soaked skin. He only panted, head lolling against his extended right arm.
If you had known that overstimulating him had made him look so pretty, you wouldn’t have held out for so long.
“How many is that now, Itachi?”
“Three,” he panted, lifting his head up to look at you. “I’ve cum three times.”
“That’s right.” It had been a handjob, a blowjob, and a rimjob respectively. “Glad to see you’re still with me, for now at least.”
Itachi bit his lip; he was still embarrassed over how easily you’d put him into subspace yesterday. You used your thumb to remove his lip from his teeth and then held it there.
“You drive me crazy,” you breathed, watching his eyes dilate. “I want to take you apart just so I can build you up again. I want to see every face you make and claim every inch of your body. I want to get every artist in the world to paint you, just to find the one that can manage to even get close to your real-life beauty. I want to be the first person to touch you on the inside.”
To emphasise your point, you snaked an arm around his waist and slipped your hand down until you could slide your fingers over his hole. He was soaking wet, and after only a few seconds, you withdrew and held your dripping fingers up to the light.
“You’re so messy, Itachi,” you teased, rubbing your slick fingers together. “It’s like your hole is trying to tell me something.”
“You’re so embarrassing,” he muttered, cheeks going pink. You laughed and pulled him closer, until you were pressed right against him.
“Don’t worry, baby.” You returned your hand to his hole, but this time started applying a small amount of pressure. “Even if your mouth is too shy to admit it, I’ll give your hole what it needs.”
Your forefinger slipped in just as you finished speaking, only up to the first knuckle for now. With how wet and swollen he was, it was surprisingly easy, even for a virgin. Itachi stiffened, pulling at his restraint a little.
“You okay?”
“Fine, it just feels a little weird,” he said, squirming. “It feels bigger than I thought it would, for a finger.”
“It’s normal for it to feel a little strange at first, but I promise I can make you feel good. You’ll be squirting all over the place in no time.”
Itachi made a little embarrassed noise and dropped his head on your shoulder to hide his face. You gave him a little nuzzle, which he quickly returned. You purred so that he could feel the vibrations; you hoped that would help him relax.
“Deep breath.” You pushed the finger in to the second knuckle and then held it there. You wiggled it to help him get used to the foreign sensation. Itachi kept his head on your shoulder, where he occasionally pressed little kisses to your skin, as you worked on fingering him open.
You fucked the single finger in and out, meeting little resistance. The obscene squelching noises forced a shy whine out of Itachi, who you imagined would be fidgeting a lot more had you not secured him to the ceiling.
“You’re a natural, darling, I’m going to go up to two fingers. It might feel uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t hurt. If it hurts, tell me immediately, okay?”
Itachi hummed in agreement but as the seconds ticked on, he seemed more and more focused on fucking himself back against your finger. He was so funny; He always got so embarrassed before and after orgasms, but the build up made him so shameless. As soon as he felt good, all those shy impulses disappeared and you were left with a completely different Itachi.
The second finger went in like a hot knife through butter. Itachi moaned, and with the hand that wasn’t fingering him, you rubbed his back in encouragement. You had originally chosen to finger him like this to give him some comfort as he entered unfamiliar territory, but you couldn’t deny that there weren’t also benefits for you, including the way you were positioned so perfectly to get his strongest, most unfiltered scent. You took a deep breath, letting Itachi’s floral scent of pleasure curl inside your lungs.
“How… How do I squirt?” Itachi asked quietly, face nuzzled into your neck. “I don’t know if I can… how does it even work?”
“I just need to find your prostate and then I can make it happen, don’t worry.” You picked up the pace, fingering him in and out, now with two fingers. He was accepting you so easily, drenching your hand in his liquid arousal.
“A prostate? What’s that?”
Your fingers paused their movements as you froze, shocked. Itachi didn’t know what the prostate was? That couldn’t be right, could it? Maybe he’d misspoken? Or you’d misunderstood? You opened your mouth to ask him to clarify, and maybe also ask if he’d ever had proper sex education as a child, but then you realised that it might ruin the mood to bring up his dysfunctional childhood or imply that he was wrong for not knowing something and inadvertently make him feel bad.
You couldn’t not ask someone though.
‘James? Do you know about this? Did Itachi ever have a proper sex education?’
‘Hmm, let me see.’ You got the distinct impression that she was flipping through pages, although you could neither hear nor see them. ‘Ah, yes. Itachi’s father presented him a book on the topic on his seventh birthday before instructing him not to have any questions.’
You rolled your eyes, of course. No wonder the poor man was confused.
“The prostate is a gland in your body that secretes the fluid part of ejaculate,” you explained, slowly starting up the fingering again before Itachi worried that he’d done something wrong. It was his terrible excuse for parents that had done something wrong after all, not him. If you stayed here, you were going to have to step in and give Sasuke the talk, because neither his parents nor older brother seemed qualified. Perhaps that was one mark against staying here… From Itachi’s sketches, you got the distinct impression that Sasuke wouldn’t neither take it well nor make it easy for you. “But it also feels very, very good. Here, let me find yours and I can show you.”
Seeing as Itachi was taking your fingers so well, you saw no issue in moving on to your next target. You crooked your fingers in search of the gland. It shouldn’t be too hard to find; it must be incredibly swollen after all the previous orgasms. Somewhere around here…
“Does it feel different to—”
Found it.
Itachi gasped hoarsely as you found it and began immediately pressing and rubbing at it. His back arched and his hips jolted as he tugged against the bar. His knees went weak for a moment and his weight dropped back to leaning against you as he gasped for air.  
“That’s—That’s—” He couldn’t finish the sentence as you continued to abuse his insides. “Oh my god, oh my god, how, how, it’s so much!”
He shook against you, biting into your shoulder. His moans got louder and more desperate until he was almost screaming. You kept it up until he was leaking all down your hand, some clear drops splashing against the tarpaulin. You pulled the hand from him in a flourish and caught him as he sagged.
There. The next one would be the squirt for sure, you thought, eyeing the liquid rolling down Itachi’s legs.
Itachi was completely limp in your grip. You readjusted your hold on him to make sure that his shoulder joints weren’t too strained, and then focused on bringing him down from that high as tenderly as you could. You stroked his back, whispered sweet nothings, and held him against you as firmly as you could. Four orgasms were a lot for one evening… although with your straining underwear, you reckoned you’d rather have four than none.
Eventually, when he gathered some of his wits about him, Itachi lifted his head from your shoulder and looked you in the eye.
“What the fuck?” was the only thing that came out of his mouth. You almost snorted in surprise at his swearing. “How did that happen? That’s never happened before.”
“I told you that the prostate would feel good,” you said, pecking him on the forehead. “Now, stand up properly so I can fetch the bucket over. I can give you a sex ed talk later, because right now we have a potion ingredient to harvest.”
“Harvest?” Itachi repeated, pulling a face.
You grinned sheepishly, “Yeah, I’ll admit that sounded sexier in my head.”
Itachi giggled a little, but stood up properly, allowing you to let him go and fetch the bucket, which you placed underneath him.
“Now,” you said, wiping your hands on a nearby towel, “do you want to squirt on my fingers or on my cock?”
Itachi’s laughter died off as embarrassment overtook it. You shook your head fondly at his predictable return to bashfulness now that he’d orgasmed.
“I… don’t know.”
“Come on, Itachi, how can I know what to do if you don’t tell me what you need.” You tapped him lovingly on the cheek. You had expected him to become more relaxed at the affectionate gesture, even with the teasing, but instead his face glowed an even brighter red and he struggled to maintain eye contact with you.
‘Human, those are the fingers that were just inside him, meaning he can likely smell his own slick and is embarrassed.’
‘Oh yeah! Haha, forgot about that, thanks James.’
‘You’re welcome, human.’
You withdrew that hand, and while you briefly debated sucking on those fingers to see how he’d react, you discarded that though pretty quickly; you didn’t want to give the poor omega a heart attack.
“You’re not answering my question, ‘tachi. Come on,” you goaded, “tell me how you want me to make you squirt.”
Itachi huffed, still blushing, “You’re doing this on purpose.”
“Fingers or cock, it’s a simple choice, my darling.”
“I want… can I… your cock, please?” he eventually whispered, looking at you through his dark lashes.
You decided to try your luck in teasing him a bit more. “Oh? And where do you want my cock?”
He squirmed, “You know where.”
“Do I?”
He huffed again, sending you a glare for all the teasing.
“Okay, okay,” you conceded, pecking him on the lips. “I’ll put my cock in your greedy hole, but you need to practice your begging for next time, okay?”
He pouted, “You’re mean.”
“Maybe, but I think you’re into it.” You ran a finger up his hard cock. Four orgasms in and he was still going strong, that had to be porn logic at play. Itachi didn’t respond to your hypothesis, which you took to mean that you were right.
Regardless, now was the moment that you’d been waiting so patiently for: you were going to fuck Itachi. Properly. You quickly shed your underwear and allowed your cock to spring up, rock hard and ready for action.
All that build up, from the very first time you met him and his beautiful nipples you’d been imagining what it’d be like. And now, as he looked at you, wide eyed and waiting, you knew that it would be perfect, for both of you, there was no other option. You just had to choose the right position.
You debated briefly going behind him and slipping inside from there. It would make the most practical sense considering the way he was tied up, but something about it didn’t feel right. Itachi deserved something a little more romantic for his first time and you wanted to be able to see his reactions.
Yes, from the front felt right, but with the way he was tied, you’d have to do something a little unconventional.
Standing in front of him, you tenderly stroked his hips, one hand on each side.
“Is everything oka— Ah!”
Itachi yelped as you suddenly hooked your hands under his knees and lifted him off the ground, taking half of his weight in your arms and leaving the other half for the metal bar to hold. As carefully as you could, you shifted your hands from the back of his knees to his butt and dragged him closer until his legs were splayed around your hips.
There. This was the perfect position. You could see his reaction, you had a good angle to fuck him, and most importantly, his nipples were perfect height to kiss, which had recently become a favourite hobby of yours.
“Are you ready?” you asked, rubbing your cock against him to cover it in his slick. He was open and ready for you, you’d made sure of that, but extra lubrication never hurt.
Itachi took a fortifying breath, “I’m ready.”
“Relax.” You grinned at him before delicately slipping the head of your dick into him. Itachi gasped, his muscles clenching immediately and clamping down on you like a vice. You hissed at the warmth and tightness but remained as still as possible to give him time to adjust.
A drop of Itachi’s slick dribbled down your cock and severely tested your resolve to remain still, but you persevered.
“Does it feel alright?” you asked in a strained voice.
“It’s much bigger than your fingers.” He leant forward and looked down at the place where you were both now joined. He gulped at how much there was still left to fit inside him. “Are you sure it’s going to fit?”
“Are you in pain right now?” He shook his head. “Then it should fit just fine.”
“I trust you, it’s just… it’s so big.”
“As you’ve said, many, many times,” you teased. “What is it with you and my dick?”
“I’m ready for you to go in a bit more,” he said, pointedly ignoring your question. He could ignore it all he wanted, but you knew he was obsessed with it, and that would fuel your ego and wet dreams for the rest of your life.
You decided you were too horny to press the issue though, because this omega was telling you he wanted you inside him, and you weren’t going say no.
Balancing his weight on one hand, you used the other to rub at his sensitive dick as a distraction. Once Itachi’s eyes fell closed at the sensation, you pushed in another few inches until you were about half way inside.
His gooey walls felt like heaven, and you were stopping both for his benefit, and your own, because cumming before you’d made him squirt would be unfortunate.
“You’re beautiful, so stunning, so perfect, the best omega,” you muttered, trying to distract yourself. You leant down and licked at his right nipple as the urge to taste him again surged.
Bending down to reach said nipple had the inadvertent effect of angling your cock directly into Itachi’s prostate. He jolted, mouth dropping open.
“There, hit there again.” His voice was as urgent as the throbbing dick in between his legs. “There, right there, please!”
You did as he asked, angling your hips again. Itachi shuddered, his arousal pushing out his earlier embarrassment, just as it had on the build up to his other orgasms.
“Put the rest in, I want it in!”
“Are you sure? We should move slowly to make sure—”
“No!” Even Itachi looked shocked at how loudly he had protested the idea of fucking him slowly. “I mean, I can take it, I promise, just put it in.”
You raised an eyebrow, but when Itachi refused to waiver, you decided just to go for it. Internal tears were not sexy, so porn logic would probably protect him.
You pulled on his hips and pushed forward with yours, sliding effortlessly into the wet heat that was more than ready to welcome you.
“It’s so big! It’s stretching me out!” Itachi babbled, head falling back. “Oh my god, I can feel it, it’s inside me.”
You almost laughed; you had never met an omega that was so easy to make cock drunk. You had even heard him talking about your dick in his sleep last night. He was so perfect.
“You love my cock, don’t you baby?” Itachi nodded furiously, drooling a little. Finally, your hips hit flush against his cheeks. “There you go, baby, is that what you wanted?”
Itachi whined, still nodding. “I need it, don’t take it away.”
“I won’t, darling,” you said, cock throbbing at his words. You glanced down and what you saw almost forced your cum from you immediately. He had a tummy bulge. You could see the outline of your cock in his tummy. You felt your instincts clawing at your mind in delight, a slight tinge of something distinctly feral lining your scent. “Open your eyes, omega, I want to show you something.”
Itachi did as he was told, his heavily lidded eyes meeting yours. Several strands of hair had somehow escaped from his ponytail again and were stuck with sweat to his face. He had never looked prettier.
“Look at your tummy, darling.” Itachi’s brows furrowed, but he did as asked. He stared for a moment as though he wasn’t sure what he was looking at. To help him, you pulled out completely, only to immediately plunge back in. Itachi’s stomach flattened out and then bulged as you moved.
Itachi’s eyes snapped fully open. He jumped to look up at your face, wide eyed and shocked into silence.
“That’s my cock inside you, I’m carving out a place, so that no other cock will ever be able to satisfy you like mine. Your hole is going to ache for me now, it’s going to miss me when I’m gone, I’m making sure of it.”
Itachi was staring at the bulge like he didn’t know how to process what was happening.
“It’s a good job we live in the middle of nowhere, because I’m going to need to feed your slutty hole my cock all the time to keep it satisfied.”
All at once, Itachi’s eyes bled red like that day in town, he seized up, and his cock shot cum all over his tummy bulge. You watched, obsessed, as Itachi started to cum from your dirty talk. The bliss that overtook him was so powerful that you were worried he would tug the metal bar out of the ceiling as he spasmed and moaned. You almost forgot that you were here to make him squirt.
Recognising that this needed to end soon because Itachi had to squirt and you couldn’t hold in your own orgasm for much longer, you grabbed his hips and set a brutal pace, fucking in and out of him with abandon.
Itachi’s moans became moaned screams as you pounded him through his orgasm, elongating it and then quickly sending him hurtling towards another one.
The position you were in was aiding your pace, as you were able to move Itachi up and down by his hips, dragging his entire weight down onto your cock, using him almost like a fleshlight.
You had never felt more single minded. You were chasing your orgasm with reckless abandon, and the only rational brain cells you had left online were fully focused on making sure you didn’t accidentally give Itachi a mating mark.
Itachi’s moan was now one long syllable, broken only by voice cracks that plagued him on every other thrust. Itachi’s walls were massaging you perfectly, flexing and fluttering in an almost wave-like motion that Itachi was definitely not capable of performing consciously; it must have been an inherent erotica trait.  
You had to fuck him, you had to make him squirt, you had to cum inside him.
“Alpha, alpha, alpha,” Itachi babbled, tears slowly running down his face.
“’m going to cum, omega, I’m going to cum inside you, I’m so close.”
“Don’t stop,” he sobbed, pulling fruitlessly at his restraints. “Alpha, don’t stop, I think I’m going to cum. It’s so hot!”
Your knot was starting to swell, and much to your displeasure, you knew you couldn’t knot him if you wanted to properly collect his slick. You had just enough restraint left to jerk away as your knot started to catch on his tie.
Itachi thrashed as you held him over the bucket. He pulled at the scarf and kicked out with his legs. His eyes flashed red under his eyelids. Clear liquid shot out of him with force, and the sound of his ejaculate splattering in the bucket filled the room.
There was no way you’d have been able to hold back your own orgasm at such a sight, and so you followed suit, cumming a load all over Itachi’s newly softening dick, until it was completely covered, and some was dripping steadily to join his slick in the bucket.
You both fell silent in the aftermath, panting heavily. The crackle of the fire suddenly sounded louder than you had realised, and your limbs felt like they were made of lead.
You had never felt anything so intense.
‘James?’ Even your mental voice sounded tired.
‘Yes, human alpha?’
‘Picking erotica was the best choice ever.’
‘I’m glad you are satisfied.’
A laugh bubbled its way up. Satisfied indeed.
“It’s done,” Itachi said, stirring the newly shining gold potion. “It took a day longer than expected, but the potion is perfect.”
You peered into the cauldron, “Do I have to drink some of it?”
“No, several of the ingredients are very toxic, so please don’t drink it. I will use the potion to paint some runes on your face, which should trigger the process of retrieving your memories.” He grabbed a little paintbrush and nervously ran his fingers over the bristles. You had done your very best to convince Itachi that you weren’t going to abandon him as soon as you got your memories back, at least, not in the way he was thinking, but it was obvious that he was still deeply apprehensive.
You sat down in front of Itachi and closed your eyes, letting him paint the runes. You were weirdly nervous even though you knew the potion wasn’t going to have any effect at all. Mentally, you ran through the backstory you had crafted. MLHH, you repeated, Money, Love, Health, Happiness.
You startled as the first brush strokes hit your skin. “It tickles.”
“Sorry,” Itachi said, not sounding very sorry. His voice was tense, but you didn’t hold it against him.
It was a strange feeling, after spending over two weeks with him, knowing that you were leaving him behind, at least for the moment. It was a cocktail of emotions. You were sad to leave Itachi, excited to see the next pocket dimension, guilty about being excited… It was a lot.
You comforted yourself by reminding yourself that you could return if you wanted to. No one would force you to leave Itachi for good, that was entirely your decision. You didn’t have to leave him if you didn’t want to.
“It’s done.” You opened your eyes and saw Itachi watching you nervously. Was he waiting for something to happen? Was something supposed to happen?
‘James, is something supposed to happen with this potion? To show that it worked?’
‘Of course.’
‘What?! What’s supposed to happen? Am I supposed to glow, scream, black out? Do I need to act? What do I do?!’
‘You’re supposed to regain your memories, human alpha, have you been paying attention?’
You took that to mean that nothing spectacular was supposed to happen, and you just pretended to suddenly gain clarity with a gasp.
“I remember everything,” you said, acting like you were processing the returned memories. “It worked!”
“What do you remember?” Itachi was nervous, clutching the paint brush tightly to his chest.
“I was hiking in those woods, but I tripped and hit my head, that’s why you found me unconscious. I had intended to leave before nightfall, but I was knocked out and got caught in the snow. I was trying to kill time on my own, as my family are away on a business trip, they’re merchants you see, and my best friend is currently travelling for a wedding.”
“You’re from a merchant family? They must want you home soon.” Itachi sounded dejected, but like he was trying to be happy for you. His fake enthusiasm hurt your soul. Thankfully, you had come up with an explanation that would allow you to stay.
“Not really, you see, I never wanted to follow in their footsteps, I always wanted to carve my own path. My family love me, they just want me to be happy, and I know I’m happy here, with you. They’ll support me no matter what. They own a big house that we can stay in any time, but here is where my heart is.”
“And you’re single?” Itachi asked, desperate hope in his voice.
“Completely and utterly single. Although… I would be honoured if you would help me change that.”
Itachi’s face split into a big grin and he threw himself into your arms.
“You want to stay?”
“For as long as you’ll have me.”
“Forever,” he said firmly. He beamed at you with watery eyes and leant in for a kiss.
“Forever,” you repeated, but just as his lips were about to meet yours, your vision went blurry, and faded to black.
When our eyes refocused a half second later, you found yourself back in the library, staring at James, the ghost of a kiss on your lips. You were disorientated and already missing Itachi.
“Here, human.” James touched your head and your thoughts and emotions cleared. “Until you have the time to compartmentalise, it is more convenient if I supress conflicting emotions. It would be unfortunate if you could not give the next pocket dimension your full attention.”
“Yeah, it would be,” you agreed, already feeling lighter. As much as you loved your time there with Itachi, you were looking forward to the next book too. If anything, you were even more excited because you knew that no matter what happened, you had a life you wanted with Itachi. Even if you hated this next world, you could pull as many shenanigans as you wanted, knowing you had a safe world to return to.
“We do not have time to discuss anything here. Put your hand on the second book.” You did as she asked, watching as her hand joined yours. “Welcome to the world of ‘Fifty Shades of Audacity’.”
Next chapter
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shadowsingercassia · 2 months
The Gate To Home | Chapter 1: "Answer my question first." "No."
Summary: You are an Ironteeth witch and one of Manon's Thirteen. During the third Valg war, all the Thirteen were dead, and you - heavily wounded - fell through a portal. Landing on a far away land, in a war camp, everyone seeming petrified by your iron teeth and nails, you see three males. Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel, your only hopes. But which one of these hopes will help you find your way back into a new home?
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, injury, broken bone and abuse, language, angst at the start and at some parts, loss of The Thirteen, I have also added a scene from the heir of fire when Rhysand is seeing her memories so spoilers ahead (tell me if I missed anything!)
Words: 3k (next parts are going to be longer)
I want to dedicate this series to the people who are struggling to find their place in a new enviorment, city country etc. I love you all <33
I read over it once and I will read it over again later!
Other parts: Chapter 2
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Your body collapsed onto the uneven ground. The battle was over, but The Thirteen... they were all gone, except from you - who you were heavily injured - and Manon.
All around you, ashes and corpses literred the place, black and blue blood slattered here and there. Ruins and smoke and embers. Fallen witches and Valgs and wyverns.
The ground seemed soft, as if you could sink right through it, probably thanks to the injuries.
You felt a head nudging your side. Your wyvern - Azurth - trying to flip you over gently. Her scales were warm against your side.
Hands firmly grabbed you and flipped you on your back, and staring up at the face, her golden eyes gleaming with tears, strands of white hair sticking to her forehead, was Manon.
You had never seen her cry before, and the sight made something in you break. Managing a brief smile, you raise a trembling hand to wipe her tear.
A deep gash at your stomach was dripping with blue blood, pooling slowly on the ground around you. You had a few more slices, one on your forehead and another at your calf, and a couple of broken bones on your arm. The wound on your abdomen had almost grazed your gut and it was a miracle how you were still surviving, because the blood you lost was too much and it continued to drip and drip and drip.
"It's ok, Manon," you assured her, but it only made fresh tears roll down her cheeks. Perhaps you could have cried too, but you couldn't bring yourself to cry. Not when you had served Manon until your last breath. Because that was your purpose, as your grandmother had said, to serve Manon for the rest of your life.
"Please, they're all gone, I can't lose you too." Her voice broke, just like everything in you at this moment. "It's ok, Manon," you tried to explain but she wouldn't budge. You felt her hand, pressing down on your wound, attempting to stop the blood flow. "Please"
"Look at the stars tonight, we'll be there," you couldn't help yourself when a tear escaped your eye, rolling down your cheek. The hot tear was comforting against your cold skin, damp with a layer of sweat.
"Don't say that, Y/n, please" she pleaded, murmuring the same thing, over and over.
"Look at the stars tonight, Manon, look at the stars..."
Closing your eyes, you were ready to accept your fate, and yet, something shifted.
It was as if the ground shook and the earth opened, taking you with it to the depths of it, perhaps it was just your imagination, or an illusion of you mind. And then, falling.
Your eyes snapped open as your back made impact with the ground and you grunted, gritting your iron teeth together. Voices. Male voices. And... footsteps?
Flicking your wrists, iron claws replace your fingernails. Silence.
A crowd of winged males had gathered around you, all of them wide-eyed, keeping a safe distance from you. As they should, you thought to yourself.
The wound still throbbed as you pushed yourself into a sitting position, most males backed off immediately, yet in your peripheral vision, you saw someone. Not just someone, but three large winged males, the expanse of their membrany wings on display, stretching proudly behind them.
You bared your teeth to them, hoping the iron would scare them off. They stopped in their tracks though didn't retreat. Everyone stared. Where were you?
Something invaded your mind, and you didn't know how to shield yourself from it.
You and Sorrel sat atop your wyverns, waiting eagerly as Manon prepared to make the Ferian Gap with her wyvern Abraxos. Manon wanted you and Sorrel to watch in case she fell.
And you both couldn't say no, after all, she was the leader of The Thirteen, and you would all listen to her, always.
Your wyvern, Azurth, was one of the larger wyverns in the Ferian Gap. He had dark emerald scales, with hints of blue and black. Each of his claws were about the size of your arms, his teeth sharp as daggers.
His tail was spiked at the end and you made sure to cover the tips with iron so they would be deadlier. Azurth's wings were drooping on the grass, but you knew he was always ready to take off and fly to catch Manon if needed.
You stare as she gives a command to Abraxos. Again and again. Her wyvern doesn't budge.
Abraxos ended up curling on himself and you felt Azurth relax, as he now didn't have to go catch anyone in case they fell.
Manon never made the Ferian Gap, atleast not that day.
You had gotten in a fight with a Yellowlegs witch. Honestly, she had it coming but no one punished her. And you... they had taken off your shirt and chained your hands into wooden poles.
The iron-tipped whip came down again and again. One, two, three...
You took the whipping like you should, not letting out the screams that threatened to rip from your throat. Bitting your tongue, you felt the blood run down your back in rivulets.
Four, five...
One for each punch that you landed and you knew that, well, you did land a lot of punches. But that Yellowlegs actually had it coming, she started to insult The Thirteen and mocking you and Manon.
So you couldn't have helped it when you had snapped at the poor witch.
Six, seven...
Your chin was felt up high, facing the witches that watched. You picked up on some whispers like, 'she deserved it' or that 'she's getting a punishment made for an animal like her.' Yet, those mumbled comments only made you more determined to keep your head high. To flash your teeth, stained with blood from how you were biting your tongue and everyone went silent.
Eight, nine, ten...
The wind wipped at your hair as you flew on your ironwood broom. As a child, you loved flying on your broom, and you still do in your early adult years.
You felt free when you were in the skies, the breeze kissing your cheeks and swirling around into the locks of your braided hair.
Splaying your arms wide, embracing the wind, letting it wrap around you like a comforting blanket.
You tipped your hair back and smiled...
The presence in your mind drew back after seeing a few more of your memories. Anger simmered beneath the surface. How dare this mysterious male invade your mind? Does he know that you can gut him with a singular swipe of your iron nails?
You planted your feet firmly onto the ground and ground your teeth together to keep from hissing in pain. Balancing on your good arm, you manage to stand up, every muscle screaming in protest.
Your iron nails caught in the sun, looking as deadly as ever.
A voice reached your ears and your head snaps back, only to be met with the sight of violet eyes, twinkling with amusement and curiosity, "who are you?" The tone of the male's voice was firm.
A few locks of onyx hair fell over his brow while the rest of it was combed. Atleast he has nice hair.
You chuckled humorlessly, "why should I tell an overgrown bat who I am?" His eyebrows furrowed, probably not expecting you to snap back.
"I am the High Lord's son," he tells you. "You are a- what the fuck is a High Lord?" Your voice was laced with confusion, yet you didn't want to know anything right now.
"A High Lord is-" he paused the sentence. "Answer my question first," he commands as if he expected you to obey.
You crosses your arms over your chest, holding back any sounds of pain. "No," you shrug, pain shooting through you with every movement, every breath.
"Answer my question and maybe I'll consider getting you a healer."
You sigh, perhaps a healer was needed in order for you not to bleed out to death, though from the moment you came here, wherever that is, you felt signifigantly better. "My name is Y/n Blackbeak"
The answer didn't seem to please him. "That does not explain why you just fell from the sky," your eyes widen.
"I did... what?"
"You heard me."
"I don't believe you"
He runs a hand through his hair in frustration. "Well, it's a good thing we have witnesses, don't you think?" You roll your eyes. "What are you?" He now asked.
"Get the healer first and I'll consider answering you," you say to him, flashing him a grin, showcasing your iron teeth. "You are in no place to be requesting things or flashing those iron claws and teeth. Simply answer my questions. What are you?"
"An Ironteeth witch," you answer, tired of this constant back and forth.
"What the fuck is that?" His eyebrows furrow. "Come on now, you can do better than take my words and throw them back at me. I expected more creativity from you," you tease him, but there's no hint of humor in your voice. Let him fear you, better than having to talk to any of them.
"Will getting you a healer make you talk or will you continue being impossible?" He crosses his arms over his chest. "It depends." "On what?" He asks quickly.
"On my mood," you answer and he clenched his jaw. "And why does it depend on your mood?" Annoyance radiated off of his every word. Oh how much you want to smirk at him, but you thought that he'll never get you the healer then.
"Because I can either talk..." you make a pause to show him your iron nails, "or slice."
He must be terrified, maybe. Already, you can sense a few that have soiled their leathers and it made you want to smirk in satisfaction. But this male, he and those other two oversized bats, don't even seem scared, and that only makes you want to claw their chests out.
"Don't threaten me," he snaps now. "You know, I could have killed you already, but your generosity to get me a healer has made me hold myself back. So, if you continue giving me orders like some soldier, I will not hesitate to show you the abilities of these nails."
At that, he stops and considers your words. You were right, of course you were right. At any moment you wanted, you could have killed him, but you really, really wanted to see where this was going. Besides, you also need that healer.
"Fine, I'll get you a healer for truthful answers to my questions and yes, you can sass me all you want but at the end of the day, I want those answers."
The corner of your lip tugs up in a vicious smirk. Oh, you are going to make this day a living hell for him. "Alright then, a healer for truthful answers to your questions and I get to sass all I want."
"Besides, there's no Y/n Blackbeak without her sass," you say.
After a lot of 'almost ripping out their eyeballs' and 'sassy retorts' He finally manages to guide you into a small cabin.
"This is a spare cabin, you can stay here," he explains. "Since when were you kind?"
"Since all of my life you just happened to cause trouble and I do not tolerate troublemakers." He thinks he's so much better, right? "And yet you still tolerate me," you shrug and he clenched his jaw again. He looks very good when he's pissed off, you should do that more often.
He ends up getting that healer. A girl wearing a loose beige dress, stained with flecks of mud and dust. She has wrapped her pale brown hair into a bun at the nape of her neck. Green eyes, the color pale, as if it was drained, and her features looked so much like a teenager's. She couldn't be more than sixteen.
You turn your eyes to the male - which thankfully he told you his name was Rhysand. "Why the hell aren't there any females here, except from this healer? And why do they look so miserable?" Rage begins to burn. How disrespectful are they to the females who just want to become warriors.
"If I tell you, will you answer my question," you nod and he sighs. "Good."
"Female in Illyria and in these camps are kept as breeding stock-" You had attacked him, your nails digging into his abdomen as you tackled him to the hard ground. It would surely leave a mark.
Two hands gripped your shoulders, the other two males - Cassian and Azriel as you soon had alsl learned - hauling you up and away from Rhysand.
You scratched their forearms, causing them to loss their grip and then you elbow the taller one - Cassian - in the stomach while ducking under Azriel's fist.
Taking a step forward, you tripped over Azriel's foot, that he put there on purpose and eat a mouthful of dirt as your face slams onto the ground, blue blood running down from your brow.
Azriel makes a move to get on top of you and immobilize you but you roll away and stand up. Good thing witches have enhanced strength and speed and your magic still works.
Your fist connects with Cassian's jaw that stumbles backwards and falls on his ass. For a second, you didn't realize Azriel was coming towards you, again trying to tackle you down but you turn around and dodge his blow, that barely grazed your arm.
Then you grip his shoulder, iron nails sinking into the skin as he lets out a groan. Rhysand stands there, and on his face sits a smirk that you find is the most annoying thing ever.
"You said you wanted a healer and yet here you are, fighting," you lunge for him again and then you feel the presence in your mind again. You gasped "So that was you who invaded my mind?"
"Of course it was me. Listen, my point is there's no need for violence. When I become the High Lord, I will try to change that law."
"You will try, that's the point, try, not will change, but will try. Do you know that witches are only females and we start training from the age of six?" He looks stunned. Perhaps it was because of your harsh tone. "How old are you?" He asked.
"Trying to pry into my personal information now are you, son of the 'High Lord'?" He sighs in annoyance as you air quote the title of the High Lord. But really now, you don't even know what it is, how does he expect you to fear that supposed High Lord? Besides why would you, one of The Thirteen, one of the fiercest and deadliest witches in Erilea fear a man with a stupid title and most likely zero fighting experience?
He doesn't budge and won't talk until you give him an answer. If he wants to be stubborn then so be it, you were always the most stubborn out of The Thirteen.
So you stare and he stares back for Gods know how long. Another two gazes burn into the back of your head, Cassian and Azriel most likely.
You glare into those violet eyes, but he doesn't budge. But there it was, you sensed a flicker of fear. This will be very fun.
After what seems like an eternity he speaks up, "you're not an easy one, are you?" You scoff. "Never was, never will be."
"How old are you?" He repeats
"How old are you?" You tilt your head slightly to the left.
He rolls his eyes, "so that's how it's going to be? Fine, I'm twenty-four." He seems young but you knew that he was fae from the moment you'd seen him, so you expected he was older.
"I am one hundred and fourteen," his eyes widen. "Witches are immortal?"
"In Erilea"
"We're in Prythian"
"Do you know how I can get back to Erilea?" You really hoped you could get back. You could only imagine Manon, looking up at the stars, and instead of seeing twelve, she'll see eleven stars. Perhaps she'll wonder why a star is missing.
"Unfortunately no. I'll let you adjust for now and I'll be back later. Let the healer do her work until then. I'd hate for you to die before I get answers."
He left, and so did Cassian and Azriel.
You were laying on the ground, the star-flecked expanse of the sky stretching up above you. But it's not that which surprised you, it was the stars.
Eleven stars shone brighter than the rest in the sky and you found your eyes watering, a tear rolling down your cheek.
Feeling someone's presence you turn around, finding Rhysand leaning against the wall of your cabin. This time his features were peaceful, not annoyed, not cold but peaceful. And he was staring right back at you.
He took a step closer and then another, the moonlight illuminating his face and at last he sat next to you.
Violet eyes find yours and scan your face before his fingers brush away a tear. You flinched at the gentle contact. "Why is it that you're crying, ironheart?"
"Why should I tell you?" The ghost of a smile tugged on his lips. He lowered his hand from your face.
"I'm impressed how you still find the energy to sass me while you're crying."
"I'm not crying," you tried to convince him that you were fine, but honestly, you were mostly trying to convince yourself.
"You know, I haven't formally introduced myself," he extended a hand. "I am Rhysand, son of the High Lord of the Night Court"
You take his hand, your iron nails retreating.
"I am Y/n Blackbeak, one of The Thirteen fiercest and deadliest witches and Manon Blackbeak's Second."
a/n: I'm so excited to continue this writing this series! This fic I would say is kind of an introduction because then in the next I'll have a little time skip (a month). Also guys, I decided who she ends up with (if you look closely you'll see the hint) 😉
series taglist: @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @anarchiii @saltedcoffeescotch
general taglist: @amara-moonlight
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Love, Cassia! ❤️
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