#the boy is beloved and im happy
lavenoon · 2 years
Eclipse has again stolen my heart and I need to write but...how would accidently undercover eclipse deal with being in love/flirted with/having a crush. Sorry to be so needy but if I wrote it wrong I would die
The boy is popular, makes me happy <3 Let's break it up a little!
Flirting with Eclipse: He might not... get it at first. The combination of "unaware of many social cues" and "doesn't expect it" just means that the more ambiguous, subtle flirting may fly entirely over his head (which is. quite a feat at 8ft excluding sunrays). When it does click though, either because you persevered until you got through his dense "defenses" or because you skipped straight to the part where you say what you want? For one, small moment, there's doubt, while his mind struggles with the surprise. But then? He's ecstatic.
Chances are he's already tried making advances himself, but he's clumsy. There's no suave flirts or smug little grins at flustering you. His flirting may completely fly over your head, too - because for someone who was "born" forced to share before becoming his own person, voluntarily sharing is what he opts for. Sharing trinkets, sharing fidgets, sharing experiences - Do you want to be the one to screw the last bit on there? Do you want to be the one to push that button? Do you want a matching fidget? This greedy, curious little gremlin wants to learn new things with you. It's what's important to him, and he hopes that you enjoy it, too.
Having a crush: Puppy with no understanding of personal space. He'll back off when you tell him, obviously, but he wants to be close and he has little concept for how close is too close. He'd drape himself over you if you'd let him! He wants to be your backpack (on legs)! Then there's the sharing I mentioned above, cranked up to the max. Lovestruck little expressions when he makes you laugh, little dazed moments where he just thinks about how amazing you are while you're doing something completely mundane, and you may have to snap him out of it a couple times.
Being in love: The crush, but he's sure now, and that's about to become your "problem". Definitely the type that hesitates just a bit before confessing - he'd have his little "Oh." moment, and some doubt may creep up again. The fear of rejection runs deeply, and the track record for people staying in his life isn't quite the best. But if you've been friendly with him, if he knows you, he'll decide that knowing for sure will be worth it, and just desperately hopes it's requited. Anxious and flustered during the confession itself - may need multiple attempts, actually. He tries to make it look natural, and because he tries at all fails spectacularly. Maybe you're helping with an experiment - and wouldn't it just be so perfect to ask right that moment? But then the moment passes much faster than expected, and he fumbles, and oh no there's fire again. The only time he'll be mad about his explosive little experiments is when they draw his focus away from you. Once he actually says the words, it'll be accompanied by stutters and some stumbling over words, with the insistence that he'd understand if you say no, he won't be mad, he just needed to say something - feel free to interrupt him here, a kiss may be a bit hard unless there's a ladder right around, but taking his hand and saying yes with a smile might just be enough to shut him up.
Oops, now he's twirling you - hope you like bear hugs with four arms <3
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hinamie · 5 months
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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priapussdick · 8 months
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mblue-art · 2 years
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20/20, 20/20 vision Cupid hit me, cupid hit me with precision I, wonder if you look both ways When you cross my mind...
for lustuary's 1st prompt: yearning !
(and happy birthday to underlust sans and his au !! 💜)
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crescentfool · 1 month
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adventures in makomart!
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perpetual-blue · 1 month
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fave panels from this week’s chapter 🥹
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robobbin · 11 months
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Literally crying about @magic-hcs' Rust, he's the Most Teddy Man ever (ノ⸝⸝⸝༎ຶ 3 ༎ຶ⸝⸝⸝)ノ♡・:*♡・.。
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moeblob · 9 months
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I met people I knew only online for the first time irl last night and I'm still extremely exhausted cause I am not a social person so here. Take an OC.
Katale (Kitty) is wonderful and I love her and she's a criminal and that's fine. She likes to look cute and so whenever I see a really cute outfit in public with a specific vibe, I'm like "Kitty would love that". So here. Please. Please know that I saw this very pretty woman jogging with her hair pulled back, running shorts, and the CUTEST top with a little scarf from the same fabric tied and wow. It was. So wonderful, please have a wonderful day @ the lady I saw jogging yesterday.
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thedorfmirrin · 2 months
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heehee clown.....
This is Prince Plufferz; a sweet sleepy and wise clown with a library castle for a crown!!
He was a dear childhood character who close to my heart for years- and he got a maaaaajor upgrade a few days ago!!! He finally has a solid unique visual design!! :3
His library, also known as the "Pluff Library", is connected to him and is full of thousands of books. Whatever is written and brought into it inputs directly into his memory- and that means he has amassed a lot of knowledge in his head too! He has magical powers that can allow anyone to enter the library to read and chill to their heart's content ^^
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quixoticprince · 2 years
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“Show me what you dream of” Or in which I imagine that soul dream scene through a shipping lens lol Oh to be held in the arms of the person you love, supported and comfortable 🥺 Happy belated birthday Cid, sorry for ship art to be for your birthday but Ive had this sketch for a while.
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httpiastri · 1 year
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i will never shut up about this. never never never
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shadow-genesis-yay · 9 months
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misciouscave · 10 months
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Wow what an episode heh ? Anyways *unkaisens your jujutsu* 💖
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leafwateraddict · 8 months
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The valentines cards i got :O
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gunwookstan · 1 year
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PARK GUNWOOK not alone - 230420
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autoboros · 6 months
sO I'm curious..did you have any initial inspo for autos character?? What were ur thoughts while creating him
Auto was a weird one when I first made him- I made him when I downloaded the world premiere for Splat3, but he wasn't really "Auto". He wasn't even much of a character at all
Only after I got Splat3 did I begin to kind of make a guy. And this guy was like, who Auto would have been, but I really didn't have any ideas for him at that point (he looked rather different too so still barely "Auto")
And since he didn't really look right I decided I wanted to make a guy I felt like would resonate with me (in a sona way I guess) and changed up how he looked and gave him some personality. It might be surprising since Auto is like, a very polite dude, but at this point in time "Auto" was turning out to be quite the cunt of a character. He ended up getting the name Auto from my username
He looked then how he looked now, except for the outfit. He used to wear the penguin bolero, white 01sters and the white octophones and it got a little boring after a while. My favourite colour was (+ still very much is) red, so I decided I'd try throw together the most red outfit I could with what gear I had at the time. Then I began to project onto him, and he became less of a douche (in fact no longer a douche at all) and more of a nice dude cursed by resting bitch face
Then I gave him billions of lore and boom we have Auto as he is now. I have images of how he looked so I'll throw them here
1. Opening the game for the very first time
2. How he looked for about 2 months into the game (quite different) (not really Auto)
3. When I changed his design to be closer to how he looked in the Premier (though in that, he had the different yellow eyes)
4. Auto as he is now and forever yay
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