#the brain is a strange thing tbh : mentally ill related stuff
unofficiallyswizzy · 1 year
so seeing how this blog is filled w my absolute mass of fixations interests and other shenanigans ive decided to one keep posting that here using tags ofc but also two reblog and post the same things i do here into the according blogs for ex i rb pnf stuff and then i rb my other interests but on the pnf sideblog its only focused on pnf so i can have my interests and etc be more organized w out having to constantly use the tag system but also being able to be my free reign self if its still confusing well im still making the blogs BUT DW ITLL MAKE SENSE SOON
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meowingfawn · 3 months
my relation to my fict. types
a little self explanatory, a post about (at least some of) what connects me to my ficto kintypes honestly for some it isnt super clear, brain just went 'me'. i think ill leave the ones that have that feeling out since i wont really have much to say about them
i think all of these guys also have the feeling of "thats me" so i wont be including that in the info, but i do feel connected to them all with a sense of, thats me.
with that stated, lets start!
trauma, also probably influenced by a connection to undertale as a whole. i think the other ways i feel like them other than trauma are like, appearance, feeling pure of heart in a way while also feeling like you are the farthest from innocent. undertale feels like a familiar place to me, even though i actually was never heavily involved the fandom (and i dont even know all/majority of the lore! ive never done a genocide run, or seen a playthrough of one. just bits and pieces of a lot of lore)
steven universe
trauma heavily, its actually kind of weird how similar our traumas are, as well as literally so many small aspects of our lives. i could go on and on about things in our lives that are basically mirrored but not sure if i would feel comfortable with that lmao. other than that, yet again i am very bonded to steven universe as a franchise. the places dont feel the same as undertale, i can assume this is because undertale is a game and i usually feel like i am 'there' when im playing games, and shows you dont really get that, more so just observing everything. (unless you make fan content or indulge in fanfiction ofc)
twice/jin bubaigawara
trauma and sense of identity. i have really weird system stuff that i feel relates to twice's experiences. also, strange addition to this but i find that i do the back and forth with myself like twice does, im not sure if its my tics or what but sometimes i will just say stuff that sounds aggressive and i follow it up by something more sweet, or trying to comfort or apologize to whatever i just insulted or complained about (its like. almost always not actually a person). not sure if ive done that recently, tbh i dont pay attention to it much anymore.
himiko toga
honestly, i feel her obsessive behavior very much, its somewhat a cope on my end but mentally ill as i am i have become very obsessed with people like this sometimes! as well as just. being very not normal about men sometimes, plinKing rn. (/ref) this one is pretty personal to me but i feel like i take some comfort in relating to toga. i do feel like i have been doing better mentally when it comes to this stuff, but it still makes me feel better to hold her close in my mind and know she is just like me.
tomura shigaraki
i need to rewatch mha. i need to rewatch mha...i dont remember that much about this kin feeling- i think honestly it was getting muddled between system-related stuff and kin stuff, but i do still feel a connection to shigaraki, i feel like its wishy washy on if he feels like 'me' or not. still included it for the sake of saying this
EXTREME silly, just like me. weirdly emotionally shifting between upset and silly, and also sometimes serious. relate. also i am such a little guy, i am !!!!!
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brokenmousepad · 2 years
about me !! [ header and pfp by me ] call me swizzy !! or anything is fine really go wild w names /gen my preferred pronouns are
he / they / it as well as xey / xem / xir / xyrs / xemself , bee / buzz / bugs / boops / bugself , bee / bem / bee / bees / beeself , ar / lyz / ars / lyzs / arlyzself , fizz / fizz / fizzes / fizzes / fizzself , but any neos are fine !! i dont use any emoji pronouns but they are def awesome !! :D please im begging you use any pronouns besides my preferred praying emoji im nd , poc , but i dont want to reveal that specific information as well as my age anon is on if you want to chat but please dont dm me !! my dni but its on another post woah :O fandoms im in but i need a separate post because holy shit /lh more about me under the cut !!
i love : - reading / books / romance / angst / horror / slice of life - writing [ the above !! ] - the fandoms im in - listening to music - space / astronomy / aliens / stars - science / biology / physics / psuedoscience / math - dogs / cats / pandas / ducks / dolphins / and more !! - the ocean / marine biology / koi !! / fish - nature / bugs / earth / rare sights / trees / plants - food - learning new things - the little things in life [ ex : a weed growing on the side of the road , a cloud that looks painted in the sky , etc ] - creepy things / spooky ones / the abnormal - and more !!
typing !! : - i mostly use more than end punctuation like !! or ?? - i dont use periods because it makes lh stuff seem too neg or srs :[ - i only use periods when it IS something neg or srs or putting dot dot dot - i put spaces between punctuation ex : hi hey hello !! , what is cheese ?? - i dont use emojis only emoticons unless its something that cant be put in emoticons - i type in all lowercase - i use tone indicators !!  please use them w me as well !! - i swear and use caps a lot :O
tagging system !! : #block this tag im talking /j - swizzy speaks : talking tag #literally no clue what im doin - the swizzy random posts tag : anything random tag #woah look at this you really wanna look at this /ref - swizzy big things : anything important #literally in my pinned im just stupid - stuff in my pinned thingy : self explanatory #im an artist ??? what ??? really ??? and a mentally ill one at that ??? - swizzy can draw : art tag #just sys things amiright - swizzy thinks systems are cool : sys tag but whether im a singlet or not is none of your business #just nonhuman / kin things amiright - swizzy thinks nonhumans / kinners are cool : nonhuman / kin tag #woah oh my god so /pos this is cool wow wowie stareyes - swizzy likey : anything i like in general #im mentally ill please excuse my ramblings - swizzy and fandom junk : my nd ass and interests #its a silly goofy moment for me B] - swizzys endorphins are increasing : memes and shits n giggles #i have messages ?? no way ?? - swizzy gets inbox : anons or smth idk #the brain is a strange thing tbh - mentally ill related stuff : im nd soo nd related stuff misc !! : - im an infp , taurus , pst time zone , i have a guilty pleasure for coffee , writing my random thoughts , and funfacts , i have two dogs , i have a fern named Fern , and a cello named Fierre i hope you enjoy your stay here and that your day / night / afternoon is very swaggy !! [ will be updated when needed ]
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luna-mistrunner · 3 years
homura for the ask game :)
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
she's homura akemi, so there's a lot to pick from. she literally restructured my whole brain...so i guess it's gotta be how unabashedly mentally ill and a lesbian she is <3 (gentle pat) you can fit so much (love) relatable stuff in this baby
least favorite thing about them
the part where she's in a marketable property and so they have to stretch out the profitability of her concept and potentially warp her and every character around her to pad their margins because consumers have the critical thought capacity of a pea
favorite line
again there are a lot, but like. "Even when I'm lonely, even when I'm sad, no one can ever understand how I feel." is like a vocal stim for me and has been for 8 fucking years. "I think I've been lost for a very long time." hits me so hard. "No matter how many times it takes, I'll definitely protect you!" kills me also. "It's love." god. "Of course I don't (consider myself human.) And neither should you." God!
KyoHomu...bros...religious trauma bros...bros that bond over caring a lot but not knowing how to express it anymore................hrgggg the parallels they have with MadoSaya...i'm gonna go nuts
MadoHomu tbh like i love poly quintet but as a monogamous person nothing hits harder than the couple that unlocked true lesbianism for me. i will be chasing this high for the rest of my fucking life (tho gr1ddle/h4rk comes close)
the curse that is fucking. tatsuya x homura. what the fuck was that mangaka thinking. mami tomoe's daily life my fucking abhorred.
random headcanon
Homura is one of the world's worst liars and actresses so even though she does know that Mami would help her if she presented herself as a vulnerable girl in need of Mami-nee, she's too shit of an actress to do it convincingly and it's easy to see she knows things she shouldn't
unpopular opinion
what she did is understandable because she's a mentally ill, very traumatized, very isolated 14 year old. the way her breakdown is portrayed as something that villainized her is irritating at best and ableist and lesbophobic at worst. the choice to sexualize her akumura form is also strange and i dislike it even though i cracked jokes before about how when u graduate from self hating catholic to self hating ex catholic ur allowed to dress however you want. all of these opinions can exist at the same time
song i associate with them
fucking crazy person that i am, i've had a playlist for her since like 2011. anyway can you blame me if i say "I Will Follow You into The Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie. there's even a catholic school line in there and everything
favorite picture of them
Tumblr media
credit to you...well, you lmao
also fun fact: back in the day, "genderbent" character designs were popular but homura looks so androgynous that they basically would just cut her hair and that was it a;skdjfha point being that that alone unlocked gender for me
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shame-in-italian · 6 years
Skam Italia & Mental Health
So since the last 2 clips came out some stuff has happened & I've had a lot of thoughts going through my head that I'm gonna attempt to let out now. I am going to talk about mental health and self harm is mentioned so be warned.
I've always found it funny how much I've related to Martino. I mean I've seen this storyline play out before, but I never related to Isak, just some of the issues playing out. The tweaks they've made to the Italian version though are enough for me to find myself in Martino. I'm bisexual, now 25 but I came out at a similar age to Martino. I lived at home with just my mum, I still do actually but more on that in a moment. My mum happens to struggle with depression, has occasionally had bipolar tendencies, and my dad has suffered long term with mental health issues, our relationship has always been strained until the last few years actually. Martino's situation speaks so much to me, his anger & frustration with his mother, the turmoil of keeping in a secret, the lack of sleep. I have been there, know the rollercoaster all too well. Teen me would watch Skam Italia with tears in her eyes wanting to scream at the screen, 'I know Martino, it's okay, you're not alone.'
But then there's Niccolo. And I've found myself relating to him more as I am now and as the episodes have gone on. I have dealt with depression since I was a child and even considered suicide as a pre-teen. (Now I don't say this to be shocking or for attention, although some people still think that. It's just that through those experiences I've learned being as open and honest helps me not bottle everything up which is something I really struggled with. Everyone deals differently though and I respect that.) I went to group therapy in school and was seen to at a specialist unit. Talk Therapy generally worked for me, I used the techniques through high school and beyond. But this year my mental health has taken a truly great landslide. It's sort of been inevitable, I deal with chronic illness and it can be very isolating and confusing. This year I started suffering with severe panic attacks where I've hurt myself. I started meds & they have helped but it's slow progress. I relate to Niccolo because of the fear that he has. I struggle to keep a job with my chronic illness as is, now I have depression on top. I worry I'll never find anyone who will deal with my shit. I have grand plans to move out one day but fear that will never happen because of my illness. My dad has BPD and I've seen how that affects his relationships, not just romantic but with me too. I get why Niccolo cuts off communication for a while, I've done very similar myself. I understand why he sticks with Maddalena because you stick with the grooves and patterns you know when your brain is communicating something that makes no sense.
Now to last night and some sort of a point I'm making. I loved how much love there was in Friday night's clip. It was a lot less intense than the original but way more comforting I felt.
That same evening I had a few hours of restlessness followed by thoughts of hurting myself. Literally felt like I was in a black void but I had no reason to feel that way, and hurting myself would at least give me a reason. I've always been logical even when comes to emotion but I hate how my depression can turn around and use that against me. That's just damn evil. Now my flat (apartment to anyone pretty much outside the UK) is very small but getting across the tiny hall to my mum's room took a ridiculous amount of effort. But I did it and I got in bed and just said I was having a shit night, she just held me with no questions asked.
Here's the thing we forget with Martino and Niccolo or Isak and Even. Sometimes you're going to be one and sometimes you're going to be the other. Your Martino or support will come in so many different forms. I just feel like people watching, especially teens, need to know that romantic love isn't exactly the key to the situation here, it's just love. It was strange waking in a bed I'm not used to but I could hear my mum already up and doing housework. She came through to wake me and we sat and played with the cat and talked about the night before, she was just like I know, it's shit, it happens. And that was enough. Sometimes it's just knowing that she's there and there's love there, that's enough.
Of course watching the next clip was just lovely and exactly what my brain needed. Just like a little confirmation.
What I do want to say is that I've found my voice again and actually managed to confront my depression because of how everybody is sharing their stories in this community and I want to thank you so much for that. You never expect something like a TV show to stem such a reaction but it's lovely and I'll never forget what this bizarre phenomenon has done for me. I want to say this is an open and safe space if you ever need to talk to someone, I am here for you. It's my little way of repaying this community.
Thank you if you read this, tbh it's likely a bit of a ramble but its helped me if anything.
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rouge-the-bat · 4 years
whadda fuck ur my age, for some reason ur wisdom on queer stuff made me think ur middle 20s ahksjdnfs ur takes feel so matured! ig i should take this as a sign to work on my critical thinking (⊙ᗜ⊙)
omg hehe! i feel like i usually get ppl online thinking im younger, i guess bc of the way i talk sometimes or somethin? i always found it funny bc i feel younger than i am too lol. mostly bc Mental Illness be making me not perceive time-
also everyone has different rates of progression for stuff! if u feel like your behind me on maturity for some things thats not necesarily a bad thing- but also working on critical thinking skills is always a good thing, and to keep continuing to do through life! good to keep that skill from getting rusty, at any time.
i think for me, ive grown up always in a "fully proud in my weirdness" sort of way- when i was a kid and my brothers said i was weird id be like yep! weird is great! and before i started going as rouge online, my nickname was weirdo! (which i still like as a nickname!) and so when i see new things that tend to make other people reactionally raise an eyebrow at and make fun of, i just get curious like, oh! this is different, i wonder what this is about. it helps me keep an open mind, bc im always curious about things even if it seems strange at first, and i want to learn about stuff before taking any sort of stances on it. so it just comes a lot down to willingness and Want to understand new things, instead of sticking to a first-instinct judgement.
this applies to a lot of stuff, but it defintely boosts being really open and inclusionist about queer identities! the variety of experiences ppl can have fascinates me, so i like to hear about them and broaden my horizons. so whenever i started hearing about a lot of less common labels i just wanted to learn about them! i love the variety of labels out there and different ways they can be used, it reflects the complexities of us as humans ! its the natural way of how language works, since we make all of it up ourselves!
anyways yeah, i think some general key points for critical thinking are
1. is my stance reactionary? can i really even make sense of it to myself? (id say can i explain it to others, but i have issues of doing that myself in general sometimes, even if i fully 100% understand and have a firm stance on something- at least for talking out loud i have issues usually. my brain is just a mess inside lol)
2. do i even really understand what this thing is? do i even really understand what the side im against is saying? looking into as many aspects of it as you can is the best way to get an informed opinion, that means seeing what opposing sides say, even. and try to do your own research instead of just taking what others say at face value.
3. am i reaching a good medium for listening to what others have to say, but not blindly following others views? this one can be pretty tough, bc theres a lot of stuff that can pressure people to agree "or youre a shit person." i think its best combated by staying away from people who are very black and white with their stances, and especially with how they view people, people that tend to attack others for even asking questions, and generally stay away from echo chambers. having friendly relations with people who have different views than you but are really chill about it can be good to have around- which can be hard to find Tbh especially in certain topics, but theyre out there!
4. always keep yourself open to possibly being wrong, bc theres so much information out there in the world, so sometimes youre gonna come across something that will completely change your entire view on a topic. its pretty much guaranteed to happen many times in life! its good to let your stances change as you learn more, and accept that old views of yours were maybe Not Great- but that just means your becoming a better person now!
so basically check for reactionary bias, research, listen to different views (but dont blindly follow), and keep an open mind- probably some other good things to note for good critical thinking but this is whats coming to mind for me atm! i hope all of it made sense lol
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bondsmagii · 7 years
Hey! Regarding the sixpenceee fiasco I've been reading her posts and stories for like years and it might just be because I usually skim but I don't recall any specific stories that target mental illness. Do you have any clear examples??? Rly shocked tbh bc I used to love her
I’ve been seeing the stuff go around for a couple of years now and I admit at first I didn’t pay it much attention, which is a shame because a lot of those call out posts had good links that are now all gone because of people deleting. As a result, a lot of the initial stuff that made me start thinking more critically about sixpenceee’s posts have been deleted. I’ve spent the last few days trying to source them again via people’s new urls and internet archives, but literally 90% of the links are gone.
So, I’ve done a bit of digging of my own, and I’ve managed to find some still live posts that I think illustrate what I’m saying a bit better. I’ve screencapped them all and will be hosting the images myself independently of a specific post, so the links should always work.
I’m specifically focusing on the content of this ask here, with posts that use mental illness as entertainment, or treat it in the same way as regular “creepy” (i.e. horror) content.
The case of Margaret Schilling is a post about a woman in a psychiatric hospital who died after getting lost in the building, and her body wasn’t found for many weeks. There is a short paragraph at the end about how the hospital is apparently haunted by Margaret now, but the majority of the post focuses on her being mentally ill and the suffering she must have felt being lost and dying of cold and exposure. There’s also a picture of the stain her decomposing body left, so beware of that. It’s tagged #paranormal.
The Mentally Ill Man Who Cured Himself With a Gun is a post about a man with serious OCD who tried to kill himself by shooing himself in the head, resulting in brain damage that “cured” his OCD. The photo is of a man with a gun to his head, if that will bother you. It’s tagged as a science post.
Short Creepy Story is a story from Reddit where the “creepy” event is a schizophrenic woman acting strangely because of her hallucinations. That’s it. Dude’s mum is schizophrenic and he goes upstairs to find her in the bathtub thinking she’s in The Little Mermaid. The title is “short creepy story” so like, yeah.
The Child Star is a story from Reddit which focuses on children being sexually abused and not understanding what’s going on, and the police interviews with one of the grown up children who is now clearly suffering from mental illness thanks to the trauma. (Full story)
The Suicide Orphan is a story from Reddit which focuses on an orphan that drives people insane and results in them committing suicide, and I know that this isn’t the only example where sixpenceee posts things that use suicide as the main element of a horror story, which is exploitative and also I personally think it’s inappropriate to use something that comes as a result of serious suffering and imply that it was the creepy ghosts that did it. (Full story)
“Psychopath” post includes a link to a quiz where you can see where you “fit in on the psychopath sprectrum”. I’ve seen people mention her using outdated terms in her posts and so this is here as proof that it does happen, and also because “do you have a severe personality disorder?” is a bit of a cheap entertainment trick in my opinion.
Karin Catherine Waldegrave is a post about a woman who replies incessantly to her own posts on social media, believing she is the target of a conspiracy. It’s clear she’s likely mentally ill. The post is tagged #creepy.
Chinese Water Torture is a post about the torture method that drives victims to extreme stress-related mental instability, and is here both because of that and because the fact that it’s tagged #creepy, which doesn’t seem appropriate.
The Edmonton Train attack video shows someone apparently in an altered state of mind through drugs or mental illness (or both) attacking someone on a train. She gifed a video which has since been deleted but a different video of the attack can be found on Youtube, and described it as “insane”.
Drawings of a Young Schizophrenic Boy is exactly what it says – a bunch of drawings from a young boy suffering from schizophrenia. The boy is quite obviously distressed by his hallucinations but the post is treated like the other paranormal posts, designed to shock and scare. The post is also tagged #creepy, which is inappropriate. (Close up of caption and tag, as the image is difficult to read)
Made By a Paranoid Schizophrenic Patient is another drawing by a person suffering from schizophrenia, also tagged #creepy, and this one with a self-promo in the caption.
I also found a post where sixpenceee addresses the claims of ableism. She says she agrees on the points made about films and stories portraying the mentally ill/physically disabled as “scary”, and that she tries to avoid using words like “insane”. She also asks people to differentiate between her paranormal/creepy posts and her scientific posts. However, she still continues to frequently refer to things as “insane”, both as descriptors and to self-promote her blog (1, 2, 3).
This covers the things I’ve seen people claim she does, but if anyone has any other links (especially things saved from earlier posts like this) feel free to add on.
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secondsofhappiness · 7 years
Yes it's me! Hannah (🙏) so lovely that your back, I'm really good thanks, and am coping (HA!) really well with all this Bex nonsense- I agree she's just irrelevant now - I just want her gone, if the baby's gonna stay and be Robs she best be leaving - I feel like I've weathered the storm and we are coming out the other side so I'm hoping the future looks good for Robron (for how long who knows?) ill always be slightly more cynical and prepared for it not to be tho! 😉 🙏 x
That’s the spirit! How very British of us?!
I am strangely enjoying it all. Especially Ryan’s performance. God this whole thing could be so pantomime and awful and yet it’s actually got some depth and complexity and it’s because of him. He’s keeping this all afloat tbh…!
The Rob/Larry fever dream episode was… yeah… but it was actually incredible too.
Again, it could have been horribly over the top and granted the bed scene was something none of us ever should have had to live through… but the bits before it were bloody genius!
It was twisted as hell but that’s what Rob and Lawrence have always been. Hand down I’ve always said one of my favourite scenes is Rob/Lawrence back in the day where Rob threatens him and tells Larry he knows he fancies him. That scene still gives me shivers and so before Larry shucks off his mortal coil or whatever is going to happen to him, we were owed one last session of Rob and Lawrence weirdness. When Rob was actually opening up to him and being honest and genuine and actually VENTING but all the while drugging Lawrence and ruining his life… Rob was using his OWN blackmail and weirdo fan fiction of some bloke and his dogs shacked up with Ronnie to relate to Lawrence, to talk about his troubles and to offload about his heartbreak about Aaron and Dr Floppy Hair… can you believe?
It was amazing. I was laughing the entire time and then the staircase scene… definitely one of my favourites in a long time. Rob’s fake laugh with him looking like he was ready to smash Larry’s skull when he was talking about finding a doctor. Hahahahaha.
It’s also the most nervous I’ve been for a long long time watching the show because I wasn’t entirely sure they weren’t going to have them sleep together and there is no way on this earth I’d have been able to accept that… Lawrence is the worst. The actual empirical Worst in ED characters. I’m happy watching Rob’s downward spiral into insanity but actually achieving the hat trick would have been MENTAL.
So yeah. I’m loving it hahaha. The new addition of Chrissie is exciting. Rob’s jaw clench and the fact he thought he had it all organised with dirt on them all (Lawrence and Lachlan) or some form of emotional blackmail (Rebecca)… but now Chrissie is there and she doesn’t swallow his nonsense and he knows it. Ryan nailed that scene - right?? :)
Wow rant! I am happy you’re chill and looking forward to stuff too. I’m well up for Mr Romantic Hero Rob to make an appearance again but I am weirdly enjoying the White Family Goodbye Tour, mainly because they’re going to crumble in a heap and there’s NO OTHER WAY for a HF family to go. It’s one of my favourite parts of ED.
I also CANNOT wait for the up coming Coira and also Ness/Charity (my brain hasn’t registered that yet). Still holding out for more Leyla and David and Jake and I am entirely smitten still with Lydia so yeah, I am happy to be back chatting nonsense about our show!!!!
It’s so lovely to chat again. I am SO PLEASED you’re still here :) sorry for disappearing a few months back, but I am v much myself again and happy to be back!
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unofficiallyswizzy · 2 years
oh god lets do this again , shall we ??
about me !!
hello my names swizzy but you can call me anything !! :D my pronouns are [ full set ] : he / him / his / his / himself xe / xem / xer / xers / xemself ar / lyz / ars / lyzs / arlyself koi / koim / koir / koirs / koiself and a bunch more but !! any neos are okay, no emojinouns :]]
some extra : im some flavor of nd / poc / age but you dont get to know them ;]] im open to chatting anytime and anon is on !! just dont blantly ask me if were friends /lh hehe /gen im an artist/writer/reader/musician/cook/cosplayer/talker !! here are my interests !! i try to edit it as much as possible but if i forget oopsie hehe current stuff i might talk about are : bnha, ducktales 2017, anime in general, eddsworld
typing !! :
- i mostly use more than end punctuation like !! or ?? - i dont use periods because it makes lh stuff seem too neg or srs :[ - i only use periods when it IS something neg or srs or putting dot dot dot , replacement is ; - i put spaces between punctuation ex : hi hey hello !! , what is cheese ?? - i dont use emojis only emoticons unless its something that cant be put in emoticons - i type in all lowercase - i use tone indicators !! please use them w me as well !! - i swear and use caps a lot :O - i use [ words words ] instead of (words words)
tagging system !! :
#block this tag im talking /j : swizzy speaks - talking tag
#literally no clue what im doin : the swizzy random posts tag - anything random tag
#woah look at this you really wanna look at this /ref : swizzy big things - anything important
#literally in my pinned im just stupid : stuff in my pinned thingy - self explanatory
#im an artist ??? what ??? really ??? and a mentally ill one at that ??? : swizzy can draw - art tag
#im an artist ??? that likes other art ??? what no way impossible ??? : swizzy likes art - not my art
#just sys things amiright : swizzy thinks systems are cool - sys tag am i a singlet or system ?? youll never know
#just nonhuman / kin things amiright : swizzy thinks nonhumans / kinners are cool - nonhuman / kin tag
#woah oh my god so /pos this is cool wow wowie stareyes : swizzy likey - anything i like in general
#im mentally ill please excuse my ramblings : swizzy and fandom junk - my nd ass and interests
#whos world is it ?? EDDSWORLD !! : swizzys eddsworld tag - specifically for eddsworld stuff because im mentally ill
#ITS YOUR POWER ISNT IT ?? !! : swizzy bnha tag - specifically for bnha stuff because im mentally ill
#are you pondering what im pondering ?? : swizzys gay mice tag - specifically for patb stuff because im mentally ill
#its my world and were all living in it !! : swizzys mml tag - specifically for milo murphy stuff because im mentally ill
#swizzy loves cookies running : swizzys cr / crk tag - specifically for crk stuff because im mentally ill
#im in my prime when ... sonic !! : swizzys sonic tag - specifically for sonic / mostly sonic prime stuff because im mentally ill
#JUMP UP KICK BACK WHIP AROUND AND !! : swizzys ninjago tag - specifically for ninjago stuff because im mentally ill
#no way the deltas can ruined ?? : swizzys deltarune tag - specifically for deltarune stuff because im mentally ill [ may have undertale because its deltarune ]
#DUCKTALES !! WOO OOO : swizzy ducktales tag - specifically for ducktales stuff because im mentally ill
#car ing my toons since birth : swizzys cartoon tag - cartoon stuff because im mentally ill
#its a silly goofy moment for me B] : swizzys endorphins are increasing - memes and shits n giggles
#i have messages ?? no way ?? : swizzy gets inbox - anons or smth idk
#the brain is a strange thing tbh : mentally ill related stuff - im nd soo nd related stuff
#i reblogga the post : swizzys rbs - self explanatory
#agab ?? assigned goofy at birth ?? me B] : swizzy trans tag - swizzys trans tag 
#swizzys gay tag - for all things lgbtq+ B] 
#woah oh my god so /pos this is cool wow wowie stareyes : swizzy likey - swizzy likes these things [ maybe niche idk ]
#thats the body special : physical disabilities tag - self explanatory
#just creechures just sillies just little guys of the earth : swizzy loves bugs insects etc - the swizzy bug tag !! i love creechures
#animals are cool and interesting : the swizzy animal tag - yes
#i be spinning in the gamer chair ... gayming ... : that one gaymer no way - swizzy plays games
#guys look our friends did the thing !!! :D : swizzy has friends no way - tag for my ULTRA MEGA AWESOME FRIENDS a step up from mutuals , if youre a mutual and you want this tag lemme know HEHE
#guys look our mutual did the thing !!! :D : swizzy has mutuals no way - tag for my wonderful mutuals i love yall a bunch /nr
thanks for reading have a great day/night/afternoon !!
[ will be updated when needed ]
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