#the brat energy is truly astounding
reedsofintimacy · 1 month
Damn for having so much personal advice and opinion to give, and being, yknow, theoretically, *confident dominant types* you all sure are shy and convinced on not letting me know who you are. I guess that's fine but also I'm not posting it and I would never really trust advice via an anon. Sorry. Teehee 🤭
But tbh it really has been my experience that nearly all women are truly submissives. Including self professed "dommes". I think many are submissive women who find the idea of a submissive man being dommed by a woman sexy. Like to watch in porn or imagine.
But they don't actually want to be the woman doing the dominating. Its just a sexy idea. Actually being that role is deeply uncomfortable to them, they dont enjoy it, they arent wired for it, and it isnt their personality. They're submissives who happen to also find submissive men cute. Which is fine, but, is not a domme any more than finding a puppy at the park cute makes you an animal whisperer.
"Uh i wanna domme u but also im turbo nervous and shy and hate leading conversations and dont want to pick what we do in bed and it would be great if you could do all the things a functionally dominant person would do except i call you "good boy" while you do it." Mmmk. Im good thanks. "No but like even though youre like choosing everything and in total superior position by all metrics, the activity is giving me head so that makes it dominating you". Sure.
Having been a daddy dom of convenience for a long time before finally embracing that it just isnt what i enjoy most, i have hard carried sooooo so so so so many conversations over the years with submissive women who I knew wanted to talk with me but were just wholly incapable of even half guiding a conversation. They needed their partner to always being the one picking the topic. I ask a question, she just answers it. I find another topic, she passes back. Which was fine, i was the dominant and when i really was interested in someone I put in the work.
But the amount of *dominant* women I have had contacting me who feel *exactly* the same to talk to is astounding. Im sure youre all great people but i sooooo do not have the energy or drive or desire to simultaneously be in subby space and also the one clearly dominating this conversation and in total control. Thats the opposite of what I want in a domme.
I want to be responsive. Reactionary. The one being led by the dance. Putting effort into my steps, sure 100%, but not choosing their direction. Not dictating the tempo. Not selecting the music. The sensation that the person on the other end *actually halfway knows what they might want* and is going to communicate that without me having to prompt and pry it out of them and being left feeling like I'm clearly the boss. I swear. Im not a brat. Im not trying to be alpha. But somebody has to drive this vehicle or itll explode; and in a complete power vaccuum theres just nothing i can do to stop myself from expanding to fill it its just physics at that point. And im just not really into it rn.
Anyways rant over 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 lalalalalalalaalalalalalala
New writing should be coming soon!!!! Ive just been busy with restarting some classes and another thing so I hope everyone enjoys <3 submissive women always welcome on my acc. Just dont try to domme me. Because i can tell. Immediately.
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maschotch · 2 years
it is so fucking funny how much youngest child privilege reid gets... dude will actively fuck up an investigation and get off with a stern look and a warning
truly!! and when he gets scolded at all he's so whiny about it
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I had a pretty shitty day yesterday, but re-reading some of your fics made me feel better today, so thank you for that <3 If I'm correct, you are working on part 2 of fearless, right? Would it be possible to see a sneak peek please? Totally okay if not, I know you just finished Off the record (which by the way was amazing!) so I don't wanna be too impatient :) Again thank you so much for sharing your work, you're an astounding writer! ^^
Oh, hi sweet anon !!
I’m sorry to hear you had a shitty day. I’m a little late on responding to this but I hope your days since this one have been wonderful in some fun and unexpected ways. That’s so lovely to hear re-reading some of my fics brought something nice into your life! I so appreciate you letting me know. It’s a huge encouragement. Thank you 💜
I am always happy to give a sneak peek, so of course! I don’t have a lot of the backstory written. This is actually where it starts in my drafts:
“You’re a little brat, you know that?” Bucky reached over and ruffled your hair, you grinned and pushed his hand away.
“C’mon, Buck. All in good fun, right?” You smiled sweetly, knowing Bucky wasn’t actually upset with you.
“Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes. “Watch it. One day I’m gonna get you back,” he folded his arms and glared down, and you saw the familiar sparkle of good-natured big-brother-type energy. You chuckled one through your nose and turned back to your book.
“Try the knees, Barnes,” Loki sighed, not looking up from where he was turning the page of his own book.
You froze. No. No no. This is not what you needed right now. Already having one of the strongest people in the Compound know exactly which spots would take you apart was intense enough. Not that you minded the pure fun of it, but they were here, now, together. It may be too much.
“W-wait,” you felt your cheeks heat up dangerously warm as Bucky’s brow furrowed in Loki’s direction. Slowly, as Bucky worked the pieces together, you began making moves to casually slide off the couch and make a break for it.
You saw Loki look up and give you a positively malicious smirk. He scoffed, then looked at Barnes. “Well, I suppose you could also let the slippery little spy get away with it. If that’s truly what you want.”
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maschotch · 3 years
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