#the characters are all so interesting and we barley know them at the same time
showtoonzfan · 2 years
Me when The Walten Files:
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hopefull-mindset · 8 months
I've started reading The Great Gatsby (I've fallen into the reading classical literature trap 😔. I really need to finish Crime and Punishment.)
Anyhow I think it's really interesting how Asagiri chose to characterize many of the people in BSD. Especially after learning that irl Fitzgerald was more of a cynical person (at least towards the end of his life) than his animated counterpart. And it made me think of all the other characters of the show and how their characterized.
What was Asagiri's purpose as he came together with these characters? Why'd he have some characters act as their irl counterparts while others act more like the characters they wrote or people in their lives?
These aren't really questions that I wanted the answers to they were moreso just thoughts that I had. I'd love to have a peek into this man's mind and how it works
I think a lot of us have fallen into that trap LMAO. This is my favorite topic though. I could talk about this forever because Kafka Asagiri is an interesting person who has integrated a lot of literature into this one series. I don't know what goes on in this man’s mind and I know these aren't literal questions, but I am interested in sharing what I know!
As you've pointed out, some characters do act more like the people in these works written by them than the actual people. BSD isn't purely just taking these authors, their relationships, and then implementing them just like that. it also takes these authors’ literary personas, their impact socially, and their works to make them into who they are. Asagiri is doing this because it makes it more interesting, but also imagine writing about this authors where most of them lived depressing lives with qualities that don’t make uh, the type of story you want to tell.
I’m impressed with how creative he is.
I’m trying to limit myself on how much I should talk about this, but I fear that I’ll leave out important bits about how Asagiri incorporates these people into the work. I’m also just jittering and excited. Like I almost forgot to bring up the fact the reason BSD has a war narrative is because it takes Japanese authors from Meiji to Shōwa era, so about the time Western influence kicked in, forcing them to modernize and keep up with the rest of the world during what is a fairly short time for huge development like this, to post-war Japan where, you know, the Occupation of Japan is happening and they have to intake the traumatic repercussions of everything before that.
This can make The Great War functionally WW2, but obviously not a one to one match. I’m not a historian or anything, but this should come to mind for anyone who’s in the know about some Japanese history. Now that I’m bringing it up though, Mori’s attitude during the flashback with Yosano is put into context because he pretty much says himself that he needs his country to realize that they keep up with the rest of the world and that the battlefield is changing, and real life Japan did not care about how they did that.
With N, Chuuya, and Stormbringer too. I’m almost hesitant to bring this up because it’s so serious, but yes, Japan did do lethal human experimentation for that same purpose to keep up with the rest of the world and prove themselves.
Ahh, I went off track. Sorry, we were talking about how Asagiri writes characters, right? There is a lot of crossover between the real authors and their writing, so it’s sorta hard to tell with people like Dazai where the work influence ends and the the real person begins.
For me currently in my classic lit research period, I’m almost upset at myself for barley reading anything by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa because he’s my favorite character. I’ve just been so caught up doing my Oda Sakunosuke essay that I don’t have too much time for other authors. I’ve also picked up “The Similitude of Blossoms: A Critical Biography of Izumi Kyōka” recently (and A New Hamlet by Osamu Dazai, but that’s not important).
Ah, how much should I talk about.… hmm… how about Chuuya as an example of Literary Voice vs Real Person…. Lucy Montgomery and Edgar Allen Poe for Social Impact (for Japan specifically)…. and then.. Oh whatever, I’ll figure it out. One day I’ll talk about Kyouka, but not now. I’d feel ill prepared.
If you’ve ever read a poem by Chuuya Nakahara, taken in the emotion and deep feeling, and then found any fun facts about his interactions with other authors, there’s a huge contrast between those two modes that can be jarring. Im sure you can tell how that carries over to BSD. I’m impressed by how Asagiri is able to balance both the brash attitude of Chuuya and the inner literary voice that voices the emotion and care he has in him.
Edgar Allen Poe is slightly more obvious than Lucy’s influence (or maybe it’s Lucy’s, ah it depends), but both pop out at you when it’s pointed out. He was one of the first American authors to be introduced to Japan and fairly popular, but mainly we would point to Edogawa Ranpo as the most blatantly influenced by him and who his name is quite literally attached to. While Lucy Montgomery isn’t attached to anyone in particular, Anne of The Green Gables was wildly distributed in Japan when there were few english children books and became a hit.
There’s a television series too if you search for it. Any redhead, pigtail-braided girl you see in some Japanese media is because of her! It’s probably why these two have the most presence in the story currently compared to other members of the Guild and work with the Agency at times.
There are times when Asagiri will use influences outside of the author’s own catalog to create them, some literary like Albert Camus’s The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus (in writing characters like Dazai or Fyodor, I could make a post about that), and some just of his own anime/manga interests in other series like Jojo, Cowboy Bebop, Black Lagoon, etc. if you’re familiar.
I’d feel bad if I don’t at least show one example of this so, how about an Odasaku example with The Long Goodbye by Reymond Chandler? I was going to avoid talking about him until the essay, but I can’t help myself. Many have pointed out these parallels before, but Asagiri did point it to be his favorite book last year in an interview.
If you’ve noticed that the presentation for Dark Era in the anime comes off like a Noir film just like how Untold Origins came off like a black and white samurai film, good job! The Long Goodbye is a Noir novel about a detective named Phillip Marlowe who is unable to let go of a case involving a friend that was accused of murdering his own wife, but supposedly commits suicide and confesses to it before Marlowe is able to leave custody. By the end of the book, he uncovers the real perpetuator (a past lover of Terry Lennox’s before he was ever called by that name) and finds out where Lennox really is by poking into the story of where the message he got was sent.
He comes in with a new look and identity, and he asks if it’s too early for a gimlet. They say their last few words to each other, Marlowe flipping back and forth from acknowledging him as Terry Lennox and as a person he never knew, and then Marlowe tells him that “he’s not here anymore”. Marlowe had already told him goodbye when it was sad and lonely, so Lennox does the same here. That ends that mutual, long goodbye and he never sees Lennox again.
The immediate response I’ve see about this is how it parallels the relationship between Dazai and Odasaku. In The Day I Picked Up Dazai, just like how Marlowe brings him to his home to clean him up and meet up at the same bar for the next few months of their friendship, Odasaku also does so with Dazai and drinks a Gimlet for reasons he doesn’t know. In reality, Gimlets are a representation of the friendship between Marlowe and Lennox as it’s Lennox’s favorite drink. It makes it a little painful when Marlowe ignores him when he ask to go get a gimlet at that same bar they always went.
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BEAST is more hyper specific about it by having Dazai ask the same question that Lennox asks when he gets smoked out and Odasaku asking for a gimlet with no bitters, which is specifically how Lennox takes it. Odasaku does not drink the gimlet at all though, showing that there is not friendship to start or accept or say goodbye to, as Lennox does ask Marlowe to drink a Gimlet to say goodbye to him in the letter. Just like TDIPUD is like their beginning, BEAST is their ending without ending because BEAST Dazai is not the same person he was friends with.
Odasaku fulfills being a detective and Dazai is the tragic friend with a past he doesn’t say anything about. Great. Now what I think people are missing when they entirely focus on Odasaku and Dazai when they talk about Lennox and Marlowe is that Lennox is narratively also Andre Gide.
If we were to split Lennox into three people just like his three identities, this is what it would look like:
The Friend: You help him out and don’t judge for his faults, in turn you go out to a bar with each other. It’s uneasy, but it’s worth a lot to the both of you. Eventually you have to part ways in death. (Dazai & Terry Lennox)
The Unknown: Is he someone you know? He acts like it, but he looks nothing like what you’ve encounter before. Maybe in some world you were, but that’s not now and it’s too late for this goodbye to be playing out. You let it happened though and you never see him again when he walks out that door. (BEAST Dazai & “Señor Maioranos”)
The Soldier: The past is right around the corner and its come to bite you in the ass. White hair and war memories haunting him with a scar as a reminder, he’s a reflection of you but maybe not. Who knows? (Andre Gide & “Paul Marston.”)
The initials “P.M.” of both his past name and Phillip Marlowe’s is meant to clue in how Eileen (the past lover) is connected to Lennox by her thinking of Marlowe as her past lover as she attempts to seduce him in some trance. What I’m trying to note here though is that you can take this as Lennox being another reflection of himself. It’s easy to do that reading for both Dazai and Gide as they’re both his foils and are purposely similar, but Gide aligns more with this past identity than Dazai does and retains his white hair.
Uhhh, wasn't planning to make a mini-analysis in the middle of my talking but okay. I'm leaving it off there. I went blank a lot while writing because I didn’t know what I wanted to comment on. There's too much to say about this large cast. I have way more literary fun facts and ideas to say, but nah.
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Some Theodore Nott and Nottpott headcanons because I feel like it
So, I got in a mood to write some things about Theo. I mentioned here basically all the canon information we have about him, and I wrote a headcanon list for Harry a bit ago, so this post is a bunch of random headcanons I have about Theo Nott (and a bit about Nottpott) that live in my head in no particular order.
They are based on the little canon information available, but I don't actually know where most of them came from. They are just my personal headcanons for a barley existing character.
1. He has dark brown hair and dark grey eyes.
He is also described as "weedy" so I imagine he's tall, thin, gaunt, and pale. In my mind, he looks like a sickly Victorian child. Although, he would look healthier as he grows up.
2. I always change his parents' names, they are very inconsistent in my mind, but their personalities are consistent.
3. His father is a blood-purist, Death Eater who isn't a nice person (understatement) and wasn't really involved in Theo's life up until Theo was capable of more complex thought and speech.
He mostly expects Theo to be molded in his image and not really have any new independent thoughts beyond his rule as the Nott heir.
Usually, I place his grandfather as the Nott who came with Tom Riddle to the DADA interview with Dumbledore in 1967 and was a classmate of Tom Riddle. His father is the Nott we see in the graveyard and the DoM. Basically, I think there are two of them and that it isn't the same guy.
4. His mother is a pure-blood witch, and she is dark and wasn't a fan of muggleborns either, but she also wasn't a fan of Voldemort. She disagreed with his methods more than anything. She didn't believe in the Death Eaters war or their means of dealing with muggleborns/muggles (although her solution probably wasn't great either, but it wasn't murdering all of them, so...)
5. Theo is initially similar to his mother’s views, he doesn't necessarily like muggleborns, but he doesn't think they should all be hunted down. He thinks the issue is more complex than most blood purists think, after all, he'd be all for just leaving the muggleborns with the muggles like squibs, but they have magic, and doing that would inevitably lead to wizards' discovery.
Talking to Harry and Hemione would make him more accepting later on.
He also thinks the idea that muggleborns "steel magic" is ludicrous and contradicts everything known about magical theory. Even if he sees them as innately lesser due to his upbringing, he draws the line at contradicting magical theory.
6. He was always closer to his mom and sat at her bedside while she was dying.
7. Theo's mother died when he was 8.
8. In my headcanon Mr. Nott poisoned her over time and later in life when Theo learns of it he becomes very interested in poisons.
The why Mr. Nott killed her isn't something my mind is consistent about and the ideas range from revenge to ritual sacrifice to cover up.
9. He takes 3 electives in school: Care for Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes.
10. His favorite school subject is Ancient Runes.
11. His grades are pretty good with Es and Os — his Os being Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Potions, Transfiguration, Astronomy, and Charms, He got Es for History, Care, and DADA. Herbology is an A for him, he knows the theory well, but he has no interest in actually growing plants ("I could just buy them, I don't see why I'd need to grow my ingredients").
12. Theo isn't really a fan of magical candy, he thinks the enchantments on them are mostly cheap gimmicks.
13. The hat considered him for Ravenclaw, but eventually decided on Slytherin, not for ambition (Theo isn't very ambitious) but for cunning and resourcefulness. Plus kinda fearing his father's reaction if he wasn't in Slytherin.
14. Theo understands how to manufacture an image and unlike Draco, can look aloof and unimpressed when he wants to. He usually looks generally unimpressed and judgmental over something — that's his resting face trained into him by years of saying "yes, father" over everything.
15. Theo has a pretty good memory, but there is one thing, in particular, his father said he was forced to verbally agree to that is etched in his mind: "It's better now you aren't stuck to her bedside" after his mother died (or something along these lines).
16. He honestly loves magic and is often amazed at Harry's intuitive grasp of some complex theoretical concepts. Harry always gets bashful and defensive when he mentions it repeating it isn't that impressive. Theo disagrees with him.
17. Theo doesn't laugh a lot, and Harry cherishes every moment he does.
18. Theo's really quiet and spends more time with books than people. He usually doesn't like people all that much.
19. He and Harry would sometimes just sit in the same space without really talking or doing anything together besides sharing a space, but it is comforting and relaxing to both of them.
20. He was abused by his father (more emotionally and psychologically than physically. Mr. Nott didn't hit him like a muggle, he might've cast some curses that don't leave a mark, but mostly he was distant and an emotionally manipulative piece of shit with impossible standards)
I can see some of Mr. Nott's punishments including, like, grounding with silencing charms and shit like that.
21. Theo would kill his father if he could get away with it.
22. The best years for Theo were 6th and 7th year. During 6th year his father was in Azkaban after the battle in the DoM, and in 7th he made sure to just ditch the UK with the money he stole from his father when he was in Azkaban. (Unless I'm diverging from canon before that)
He does come back to 8th year when that becomes an option.
22. The dynamic Theo has with his father when he grows older is like a weird sort of cold war with each of them counting wins against the other. Almost like a really twisted game of who can get away with fucking up the other's life more. Mr. Nott is usually in the lead and Theo's in constant search for blackmail material he could use against his dad.
23. Theo doesn't really have too bad self-esteem issues thanks to his mom who was a positive influence on his self-image in his formative years. His father is pretty annoyed he couldn't curve some of her influence off Theo.
He does have a trusting and connecting to people issue.
The fact Harry doesn't just treat all relationships as transactional where something would be given and something gained messes him up (in a good way).
24. Theo and Harry would, like, never go on a date somewhere public, they'll stick to hanging out just the two of them somewhere quiet.
25. I also headcanon that Theo could probably get Harry to study better because he'd actually appreciate his intuitive approach to magic and adapt the way he's explaining things to it.
26. They figured out they were both abused in a conversation that went something like this:
Harry: "My relatives don't like me much"
Theo (realizing): "My father doesn't like me much either"
Cue silent understanding and then they just continue whatever conversation they had before.
Later they would inevitably come back to this subject and talk about it more. Harry is honestly elated he can joke with Theo about ducking his uncle's fists without getting pitying glances.
27. He is less hot-headed than Harry and tends to not jump into action. He likes to observe first (even if there isn't always time for it).
28. Theo's the observe invisibly from the sidelines kinda guy. He knows a lot about people just from sitting quietly and listening. (I kinda used to do this in my former workplace, not on purpose, it was my ADHD, but I always knew all the rumors about everyone and what was going on with who even though no one told me any of it and they never realized I just sat quietly not actually reading on my phone while they were talking. It was kinda funny. Sometimes I'd tell my friends the really dramatic story I heard on the bus about complete strangers because I accidentally eavesdropped). Point is, Theo's got a blackmail folder, just in case. He just likes to have blackmail, even if he'll never use it. It's a safety net.
29. He is usually less brave than Harry, his bravery is very selective on how much he cares about whatever it is. He is a Slytherin, he has enough self-preservation for both him and Harry, but if he really cares about something, as we're shown with most Slytherins, all that self-preservation goes out the window.
30. Theo is pretty decent at planning for the long run or preparing, but these spare-of-the-moment plans Harry is so good at, aren't his strong suit. Theo is in his element when he has time to prepare for a situation.
31. He used to meet Draco and Pansy often when they were children because their parents were in the same circles, but he was never close to any of them. He doesn't really have friends, he has people he can talk to and be acquainted well enough with, but it's not really the epitome of friendship. Most of them are in Slytherin in the year above him.
32. Theo doesn't really play Quidditch (he says he's no good at it, and he's mostly right, like, he can fly a broom but he isn't great at it or anything), but he is a fan. He listens to games and follows up on team stats. When he was younger he and his mom would go to games together (she was on the Slytherin Quidditch team when she was a student).
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I’m in a weird place now because honestly???
I’m more interested in Emily as character than Charlie now. And don’t get me wrong, they’re both very very bland, but they have potential to be developed further. At this point, amazingly, I find myself more engaged with Emily’s potential development.
I think this must just be very particular to the sort of stories I like personally, so I’m not expecting anyone to agree—below is just a lot of musings on things I would have been excited to see in the story, and how I find Emily to have more potential to be interesting as of right now. Not a real review//
I find the idea of a character who fully believes that they live in a utopia, and that their group is objectively correct, only to learn the ugly truths about how their group maintains its power and control and has their whole world view shattered as a result is a lot more interesting.
Emily having her beliefs about her home and her sister, someone she clearly trusts above all else and admires, completely destroyed is something that raises a LOT of really engaging questions and character traits to explore.
If Emily was the main character, how would she work to change things after learning the truth? How would she rebel? Would she be able to bring herself to rebel at all?
How would she grieve for the sister she thought she knew? Would part of her be in denial?
What we do see in the show is that she seems to have been genuinely interested and excited about the idea of a human soul improving and ascending to heaven after death.
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and is then rightly furious when she learns about the exterminations:
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This is a start, but there is still a lot more to explore with her reaction to make this a more emotionally satisfying scene. It’s clear she’s horrified by this revelation, but because we JUST met Emily and we JUST learned that the general population of Heaven doesn’t know about the exterminations; it falls weirdly flat.
I want to know more about Emily and what she was told about hell before meeting Charlie. I want to know about her general impression of hell in contrast with her beliefs and what she thinks she knows about heaven. But that’s not something the show has time for, because it barley has time to show character depth for ANY of the characters.
I do I think Charlie had the same potential when the only thing we had to go on story-wise was the Pilot—where Charlie, and the audience, believed that the reason for the exterminations was due to overpopulation.
But the series proper seems to have thrown out that idea completely, and the reason for the exterminations now is to keep the demons from becoming…too empowered? I think?
Imagine if the show had kept the idea that Angels kill the demons to keep them subjugated a secret from Charlie and the audience, and built up to the reveal that it was NEVER about overpopulation.
Charlie would have a REASON to want to fight heaven that late in the show.
Honestly, I don’t know why she didn’t want to fight them before, since in her opening monologue, she confirms that she KNOWS that heaven is killing her people to keep them from rebelling or challenging heaven’s judgement.
Charlie would then be having the same revelations Emily had in the last episode. Hell, maybe you could have Lilith or Lucifer being the only ones who know it’s not about overpopulation and keeping the truth about the executions from her and public to “keep the peace”.
But instead, Charlie knows that Hell is just being purged to keep the demons from rebelling from the very beginning. And for me that changes the dynamics of story’s conflict and plot—because now it comes off like she’s trying to redeem sinners despite KNOWING that they’re being killed off so hell doesn’t get stronger. The sinners may not be innocent or “good” people, but if Charlie cares so deeply for her people and wants them to improve-why is she now trying to get the sinners to heaven, instead of doing more to improve and protect hell and fight back?
Man. With the right pacing and build up we could have had a double reveal—where Charlie learns the reason for the exterminations isn’t overpopulation, and Emily learns that the exterminations EXIST. Or heck, have Emily learn the same thing as Charlie and be SHOCKED—maybe Emily knew about them, but has always been fed the lie that the exterminations were for hell’s own good. That it was something done humanely to keep the sinners from being miserable due to overpopulation, or from suffering indefinitely.
If she learns the truth WITH Charlie, that it’s never been about overpopulation and it’s never been to being the sinners in hell relief, this gives Emily and Charlie stronger reason to ally with each other imo.
Idk man. I’m just. I get what the writers are trying to do with the hypocritical Heaven concept, but we don’t have enough world building for how heaven and hell work, and we don’t get in depth studies of the characters and their motives and goals and personalities. There’s NOT enough build up for these moments’ payoffs to feel meaningful.
Sorry, this really isn’t a review, just musings on what could have been. “Character loses their innocence and learns their home isnt the paradise they thought it was” is a common plot point in a lot of stories, but there are so so many ways to make it work for your specific story, and Hazbin had the chance to do this with Charlie and Emily so that the emotional impact of the scene would have been greater.
But because Hazbin the show doesn’t believe in it’s own story and story-telling, we won’t get to see those sorts of scenes.
I just. I don’t know what points Hazbin Hotel wants to I make and what the overall thesis of their story is. I really don’t.
Fuck, man. What else is there to say?
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You absolving Elain and nesta of providing for themselves and taking advantage of their little sister for years, many of which they were adults, is wild. Elain and nesta took advantage of feyre, it’s repeatedly established, and we meet them when they’re adults and this has been happening for years. Their father obviously sucks but even he was shown doing more than Elain in the cabin even though she was able bodied and an adult when we meet her.
It was absolutely their crime. If you can’t fathom why it’s horrible that feyre was beyond exhausted just risked her life and comes home with food only for elain to be like “when will you finish getting it ready” and have it established she’s never offered to help and has never provided any help and this has been ongoing for years while she’s an adult then idk what to tell you. You lack empathy.
You’re lying to yourself if you don’t get how bad their treatment was. It’s their crime because they could’ve done something to show appreciation or provide for themselves like healthy adults should but they knew feyre would do it so they let her. Nesta even justifies taking Feyre’s money with “I knew you could always get more”. Elain and nesta are guilty in different ways and the same and it’s actually revolting that you’re excusing this abuse and neglect just because you like their characters.
Honestly just read the acofas interview where sjm talks about the fact that feyre was forced to be the caregiver of her sisters and father and had never been prioritized or taken care of is literally linked to how she ended up in a domestic abusive relationship with tamlin.
Elain admits they failed her and neglected her and didn’t help while she gave for years. Nesta admits she did nothing and wanted them all to starve and hated feyre for stepping up and failed Feyre repeatedly. Feyre has deep emotional scars over it that we see repeatedly. To deny this mistreatment was theirs and an established pattern for YEARS, most of which nesta and Elain were adults and most of which feyre was still a child, is unempathetic and ignoring what the books clearly show.
oh goodness let’s tackle this a bit at a time.
firstly, no one is diminishing feyre’s hunting. what she did was something no child should have to do.
it’s almost as if there is no one way to respond to a truly horrific situation. nesta was 22 in acotar and elain was 20. now sjm’s timeline is a mess but that would make them no older than 17 and 15 when they fell in too poverty ( feyre would have been about 13). nesta and elain were barely adults. elain was only an adult for 2 or 3 of those years (again this is unclear due to a slightly messy timeline). however regardless of how long they’d been adults it’s still not their responsibility to provide for the family ( it shouldn’t have been feyre’s either). why? because that responsibility rests solely on the shoulders of their father. my second (rhetorical) question is: who do you think was doing the domestic tasks? because it wasn’t nesta, it wasn’t their useless lump of a father (he was to busy carving wood and neglecting his children) and feyre canonically doesn’t know how to (nor would she have time to after spending her days hunting for food). so it must have been elain. feyre is repeatedly shown to have very little interest in domestic tasks so it is plausible that due to her being an unreliable narrator it just hasn’t occurred to her and therefore it doesn’t occur to the reader. if feyre is starving after a day of hunting why can’t elain be equally as hungry after a day of unrecognised domestic labour? (even if this isn’t the case they are three barley adults in a truly awful situation so i think it’s both acceptable and understandable for them to be hangry). i don’t know how much experience you have with not knowing where your next meal will come from and being constantly hungry but i can tell you it fucking sucks and it brings out the absolute worst in people.
i never said it wasn’t a horrible situation only that it wasn’t nesta or elain’s (or feyre’s for that matter) responsibility.
it’s quite clear that all occupant of that cottage were suffering from some kind of trauma and it’s understandable that they react that way but once again it was only ever their father’s responsibility to find food and money not the sisters. i hadn’t read that interview before this and i did find it very informative so thank you (i think) for the recommendation? however, i do think it is besides the point because once again it was not any of the sisters responsibility it was papa archerons. feyre’s abusive relationship is obviously awful and i recognise how much she craved someone to put her first. but nesta and elain are not the ones at fault. their father is. it was only ever his responsibility to care for his children (and to be quite honest it was his fault they were in that situation in the first place)
also, (i’m actually glad you brought it up) both nesta and elain recognise and apologise for the treatment of feyre and show remorse even after feyre completely destroyed their human lives (albeit accidentally and i don’t think she is solely to blame she only wanted a friend).
finally, obviously i’m not the one lacking in empathy if you’re failing to recognise the trauma carried by all three sisters. nesta was angry and bitter at their father for his failings and neglect, we haven’t had elain’s perspective yet but i’m of the belief that her desperation to bake and cook comes from years of worrying where her next meal is coming from and how whatever feyre brings back is going to feed four people. you seem very familiar with feyre’s trauma so i won’t reiterate it. the only person to blame for the neglect of all three sisters is their father. he had a duty of care and he abused them. (negligence is a form of abuse btw) he was responsible for all of his daughters. he should have done something to help. it shouldn’t have been feyre hunting because it shouldn’t have been any of them. their father neglected them all. elain had to take on the role of his care giver (neither of the others would’ve done it and they shouldn’t have had to). so yes ‘letting’ feyre hunt wasn’t nesta or elain’s crime. it was their father’s and because he’s dead it is highly unlikely he will face the consequences of this and/or apologise to his daughter’s for neglecting them. ( a half arsed confession before he died doesn’t count and pulling his act together just in time for the grand finale in acowar won’t absolve him of his crimes either)
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phasesofpencils · 5 months
Idk both shows have some serious issues but imo character wise, and pacing wise [comparing season 1s at least] Helluva is SLIGHTLY better. My pov of this under the cut.
Tldr: Hazbin requires homework and is unfocused in characters and plot, Helluva [season 1] is focused on actually establishing the characters as characters and developed a plot LATER that it focuses more on.
The characters in Helluva feel more like characters, rather than talking props like the Hazbin characters. You get a sense for their deal and their personalities and dynamics even from episode one: Blitz is the eccentric boss who is obsessed with his employees. Loona is Blitz's adopted daughter that he dotes on but she also hates everyone and everything, especially Blitz and enjoys messing with Moxxie. Moxxie is the more quiet one and tries to be more professional who tolerates Blitz and is tired of his bullshit while also trying to give him a level of respect since he IS his boss. Millie is Moxxie's wife who is in a loving relationship with him, is occasionally microagressive towards Loona and gets annoyed with her sometimes especially with how she messes with her Husband and kinda enables and brushes off Blitz's stalking. And Stolas is overly horny and obsessed with Blitz that Blitz tries to distance himself from but is also stuck with bc he's his ticket to keeping his business.
Hazbin characters feel restricted to their one archetype: charlie is happy, angel is flirty, husk is grumpy, nifty is whacky, Alastor is "creepy" [except he isn't], pentious is the butt of the joke, etc. And the Hazbin characters rarely feel like they go any deeper than that, besides maybe Angel in episode 4. And we never really get a good sense of the characters dynamics with each other are within the group. We know Husk and Angel go from Angel harrassing Husk and Husk not being cool with it to them understanding each other and becoming friends [maybe potential love interests]. And we know Charlie and Vaggie are dating, but that feels less bc we actually see and explore their relationship as partners and moreso bc we are told and have to be reminded.
And let's not forget, that with season 1 helluva had the SAME episode count as Hazbin and with LESS time per episode. Sure Helluva was more episodic in the first half, but then it started establishing a plot half way through, like it or not, and actually started shifting more of its focus on it [for the price of their elevator pitch essentially, the whole main premise of the show, to focus on Stolitz drama].
Hazbin HAD a plot from the beginning but it stumbles, ignores, or hardly wants to focus on it in favor of introducing new characters, most of which are supposed to play some big part, when we barley have gotten to know our main cast.
ep 1: introduced to the cast, also Adam and Lute
Ep 2: the Vees and Pentious
Ep 3: the overlords
Ep 4: [no new characters but we're only JUST getting to focus on one, and what his struggles are]
Ep 5: Lucifer and Mimzy
Ep 6: Sera, Emily and Cherry [and St Peter if you want to count him]
Ep 7: Rosie and the Cannibal town
Ep 8: [no new intros but we have our big battle]
She introduces too many characters without having the time to really explore them, pretty much relying on fans to do HOMEWORK to find out details about the characters from old livestreams and sifting through her twitter rants. Hazbin introduces all these new characters and expects to "pay off" half of it by the end of one season, sometimes even by the end of the same episode they're introduced in. By the end of the season the main cast are friends, not because that friendship was properly developed and more so bc the plot needs them to be. Which makes watching the show frustrating and confusing bc watching these characters you never really get a solid explanation for their motives and bond, they feel more like they're just there to provide commentary on events and characters happening around them at times.
Helluva introduces characters but with the expectation that they'll either be inconsequential one offs [sinner clients] back ground characters [Wally] or with the intention of bringing them back when they decide to do more with them later on. [Striker]. Despite how you feel about the characters and what they do or don't do with them, Helluva i feel something for the characters, even if it's annoyed and frustrated but that's because i KNOW what their motivations and dynamics are.
Viv had YEARS to come up with a satisfying story for Hazbin but by the end of the season it feels like fan interpretation/past familiarity is doing most of the heavy lifting for the show. Hazbin was created for fans who have been following Viv's every thought since Zoophobia and leaves new fans behind expecting them to get caught up on their own or by having old fans come up to them and EXPLAIN it to them. While Helluva at least is being fleshed out at about the same time we're seeing it, it was a spin off for Hazbin that started as a general idea she had to explore a different aspect of hell that grew from there, so it actually takes the time to explain and flesh out characters and motivations.
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rise-my-angel · 1 month
I can understand the anti jonsa/jonrya/jongritte but I'm wondering about the jon/daenerys thing and if you don't mind I'd like to know why (asking as someone who only watched the show & wasn't bought by their dynamic)
It actually starts with the exact same problem as Ygritte's dynamic with him. Jon arrives at a place and is taken prisoner, his weapons are taken from him, he cannot leave of his own accord and has no way home alone, and he has no choice but to try and convince the people or person keeping him hostage that they should trust him. Only for the other person to develop an attraction, and whose dynamic can only be developed as long as Jon still is not allowed to leave or fight back. Only for it to go apparently romantic, when really, his situation has not changed if he resists.
If he is with Ygritte, and he shows signs of resistence or being against her cause, she and the others will kill him, and he knows it.
If he is with Dany, and he shows signs of resistence or being against her cause, she and her dragons will kill him, and he knows it.
Remember, when he goes beyond the Wall (gods protect me thinking about that episode), he literally has to leave by force because she still refused to give him "permission" to leave the island she's kept him trapped on for weeks. Their reunion is not romantic, and neither is them getting together. Up until a day ago, he was her prisoner and he still is at the mercy of her dragons.
If at any moment Jon truly resists her, she will kill him. There is not a single moment of their relationship where she didn't consider Jons life forefit if he didn't meet her exact expectations of total loyalty. Just like Ygritte did.
What it comes off to me, is that Jon has no interest in her whatsoever nor does he want to be with her, but he knows he is still her prisoner and even worse, she has dragons that could destroy his family and kingdom if she so chooses, if he stood against her. I think Jon realized Dany was interested in him, and realized that he was in a situation just like Ygritte. Trapped, and forced to play along much to the determent of his own mental health.
Jon is never not at Dany's total mercy if he displeases her.
Any time they get together it is clearly Dany summoning Jon, and one time it's very bad. Jon is extremely drunk to the point he can barley stand on two feet, and she is stone cold sober. She tries to get him to have sex with her, he resists and she still tries and it only ends because it turns into an argument about another topic all together.
If Jon was trying to convince a drunk girl telling him no, to have sex with him, we all know what we'd call that. What we'd call him. I do not consider Jon being a man, and Dany being a woman, to change that dynamic. Dany also has all the power of him as a Queen who forced him to bend the knee, and she has two dragons in his home that will kill him and anyone else she chooses whenver she wants.
Jon is literally unable to consent to this relationship at any point and the literal only way out he had, was to unironically kill her.
If you look through my anti jonerys tag you can find other posts I've made going into the details about why I think they do not work fundementally as characters in general, but I stand firmly against the show relationship for these reasons.
It's the same prisoner/abuse/rape situation as with Ygritte, but even worse, because Dany can and would use her dragons on him, his family, and his people if she decided Jon wasn't loyal enough anymore.
I don't think Jon ever wanted to be with her, in any way shape or form. But was forced to pretend to because he was her prisoner from the moment he stepped onto Dragonstone until the moment he killed her.
I think as for the books, they just do not work as a couple in even a functional manner and there is no hint that they ever even would become a couple in the first place and that shipping them in the books is pure jonsa style wish fufillment fanon.
Again, my anti jonerys tag has many posts about this topic since I've tackled it at many angles over the past few months if you're interested further in what I think!
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There’s so many Disney characters that could easily be neurodivergent, in fact so much so it’s pretty much 100% canon and confirmed. Lilo is a small autistic girl, it’s basically canon and I am dang certain the makers of the movie created her with autism in mind. When I was her age I acted JUST like her, so much that when I rewatched the movie as an insecure adult I felt a bit better about myself and I didn’t feel so alone. I even used to get into fist fights with other girls at school because they would call me “crazy” this is when I was her age roughly LOL. Also her obsession with Elvis is a special interest of hers clearly. A special interest is something that someone on the spectrum loves so much that it is pretty much almost the only thing they like to talk about with other people. It’s something they tend to focus on and even obsess with, something that is so much more than just being a fan. A special interest is something that is pretty much apart of that person. Like if an autistic person had a movie as a special interest they probably would’ve watched it hundreds of times, sometimes multiple times in the same day and they would want to drown themselves in the universe where the movie takes place, always thinking about it and talking about it with everyone and then getting excited over any merch for it. Like a super fan in a way. Her meltdowns are very much like an autistic person’s as well. People on the spectrum struggle to express their emotions, they may get offended easily as well or at least that is a trait some within the spectrum have and Lilo and I have. Like how we used to fight other kids for calling us names for instance, autistic kids especially struggle to express themselves vocally which could be why her and I started swinging instead of telling on them or calling them names in return. There is also a scene where the lady at the dog kennel was about to tell her how Stitch isn’t a real name and her sister made sure to warn her not to say that. This goes to show what an amazing sister Nani is as she knows her sister and what can make her upset. In this case Lilo would probably have thought that the lady at the kennel was insulting the name she chose or perhaps she would have thought she was saying she was bad at giving names. Miscommunication is very very common with people on the spectrum, sarcasm for example is a language we REALLY struggle to understand and at times we may look into things a bit too deeply. Hence why Nani told the lady not to say anything about the name because she knew her sister and what makes her happy and what makes her upset. And when Lilo was going to be taken away Nani even says how others won’t be able to understand her, a very common issue autistic kids have. Most adults have no idea how to care for autistic kids, they can’t tell the difference between a tantrum or an actual emotional meltdown. Lots of adults simply assume autistic kids are just being naughty and don’t take the time to try and get to know them and help them. For example I had to be homeschooled because I struggled with teachers for this reason. I could literally go on forever how Lilo is a canon autistic Disney character.
Others characters who may be neurodivergent I think are Vanellope and Ralph. Two characters who tend to stim quite a bit. Ralph is also socially awkward, sensitive and has trouble expressing his feelings and speaking with others, all common traits for autistic people. Though this isn’t really a neurodivergent thing but more a mental health/disorder/illness sort of thing I feel I should mention that it is canon Ralph suffers from separation anxiety as established in the sequel. Whether it’s an anxiety that he is born with (ehhh...part of his programming?) or if it’s trauma related because he struggled to make friends is unknown for certain. Some people are born with anxiety disorders and some people develop them after major events in their lives.
Ian and Barley from Onward are both neurodivergent but in different ways. It’s not called a “spectrum” for nothing, different autistic people posses different traits from the spectrum. For example some might get into much more intense hyperfixations and others might struggle to talk to people more so than others. Ian and Barley demonstrate this perfectly as Ian struggles to talk to people and tends to stumble over his words. Some can say he is simply shy but in the scene where he tries to speak to some of his classmates only to stutter does go just a bit more beyond just shyness. Social anxiety could be another thing as well though but overall, acting that way when speaking with strangers is very common for people on the spectrum. Having trouble expressing his feelings and speaking up for himself is another trait, like with the troll and how he couldn’t really bring himself to try and make a stand. In the scene when he first meets the Manticore is another great example as he struggled to try and tell her what was wrong and then began to panic and tear up, the way he was breathing heavily showed he was on the verge of having a panic attack as well. Anyone would probably feel upset in the situation he was in but he really did look like he was about to lose control and have a bad meltdown. The possibility of Barley being autistic comes from his very obvious special interests, quests or yore and just things about quests in general. He is always super eager to talk about it with Ian and is desperate to try and get him into it as well so he has a fellow fan to talk to about his favourite game. It’s easy to say it’s so much more than being a “fan”. He is obsessed and very passionate about it, clearly a special interest. Clumsiness is also very common among neurodivergent people, idk why but it is (I get that and haaaaaaaaaaate iitttttttttt uuugghhhh) It is also shown in some mobile games he is very close with Blazey, showing he is good with animals but then not so good with socialising with other people as his quirks can sometimes drive away those annoying judgemental types of folks *glares at the stupid goat police* People on the spectrum get along way better with animals and tend to be big animal lovers as well as he happily calls Blazey cute and tries to get her to do a few new tricks in Disney magic kingdom. He also tends to speak with his hands and make lots of body movements when talking, this could easily be seen as stimming as well. He is also a bit on the emotional side and struggles to talk about his feelings. Like when Ian tried to talk to him about the screw up thing, he was so angry he just turned up his music loud to try and block him out and didn’t seem to know what to do with himself or what to say to him. Anyone would be angry of course but Barley seemed to struggle communicating with Ian about it and seemed to have trouble expressing himself at first.
Might update the list some more later (there is so many tho) but let me know what you all think! What other characters do you see as neurodivergent and why? :3
These are mostly just personal headcanons of mine. As an autistic person I am so happy to see so many autistic coded characters in media.
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
Now I'm just upset I sent like 1k words of lore and it ends up being a ghost? Tumblr??? Why??
Anyways yeah poor Waffles was created so I can show that the clans really want to scare the kittypets away and stuff.
Dunno what happened with the humans and honestly don't care to create a reason so they just disappeared one day. Many cats did start crying and that's how the kingdoms formed at first. They started forming groups to support each other because a lot of cats did have deep emotional bonds with their owners.
They learned how to open the bags and cans and breaking out their trapped friends inside of the homes that were locked. (The raccoons helped by smashing in some windows lmao).
Tiny doesn't exist because I fused him with Rusty and that's why Scourge as we know doesn't exist in Kittypet Kingdoms.
The dogs were kind of peeved off on the behalf of their packmates and some who knew how to eloquently speak cat almost went off on a clan cat before being dragged back.
Barley and his barn are neutral grey area for the kingdoms and the clans. They respect this dude's wish to live in peace.
Also, the kittypets found a way to use fire. It's just the raccoons perfected it and then it went from there.
The clan cats were absolutely offended to try and be bribed with "trash" when I have read your twolegplace culture and they were being bribed with what these cats considered treasure. Their toys. Their special little blankets. Even their cans of tuna.
Most of the kittypets were offended the fuck off and had to be dragged back by force to not cause a fight.
Waffles is scarred for life and while he does joke about it from time to time. It was rather truly traumatizing to have him be pinned down and feel his tail be torn away from him to send a message to the other kittypets. He was kind of never the same.
They could've taken his eye. One of his ears. Given him a nasty scar on his body but they took his tail and that's what makes it worse. He was created to show that most of the clan cats can't be reasonably be reasoned with.
He walked in on a Gathering, they heard him out. They heard the humans are gone and most of them agreed that, "Hmm, yes, the twolegs are gone we can take the land for ourselves and go back to the times before all of this. Starclan sent this as a message for a brighter future. Come here little kittypet. Here's what's gonna happen if you and your little friend decide to stay and not leave when asked."
That's haunting!
God, that fucking sucks dude I'm sorry that ended up happening. Tumblr sucks ass.
Honestly I don't mind that there isn't a specific cause towards the disappearance of the humans, I think it adds a bit of mystery that won't be solved. Poor Kittypets though, imagine one day you find your house empty with none of your Housefolk in sight, I like how that led to the formation of the Kingdoms, it builds a sense of community and builds a strong bond between those who were affected the most.
I feel like I remember you talking about making "Scourge" some kind of patron to the Kittypet Kingdoms but I could be misremembering, feel free to correct me on that. I think Tiny and Rusty being put into one character for this AU can lead to a lot of interesting ideas. It's good to know that Barley is just trying to live in peace and the Kingdoms respect his wishes (surprised the Clans respected his wishes but I digress). I'm sure that the raccoons helped the Kittypets with how to safely create fire without burning themselves. I'd imagine that while yeah, the cats have thumbs, with your word about Racoon thumbs generally being more capable, I think that it'd be hard for cats to hold tools to make fire.
I would very much imagine some dogs holding every fiber of their being back from mauling a clan cat to death, I don't blame em. Also makes a lot of sense for the Kittypets to be offended back at the fact that the Clans considered their prized possessions and treasure, "trash". Again, don't blame the Kittypets who wanted to beat the fuck out of the Clan cats, but also they're stronger than me, it would have been on sight for me.
Poor Waffles, man. I guess sometimes you need to show the unwilling and violent nature of the clans through some form of writing. But also, fuck, imagine how horrible he feels after realizing that he gave the Clans vital info about the disappearance of the Twolegs and feeling like he's the cause of their frequent raids and attempted take-overs of some of the Kingdoms. He feels like he's doomed them all.
Overall this is such good ideas you got cooking up! Really gets you thinking about something else too. How many cats in the Clans don't share the same sentiment towards the Kingdoms, how many cats in the Clans are tolerant of them? Are they scared to voice their opinion because they fear punishment? Such a terrifying idea.
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torturedblue · 1 year
In honor of 5 years of ROTTMNT, I present: Things I would love to see in Rise season 3+ *inserts Fairly Odd Parents 'If I had one' meme*
Part one of a list of ideas the previous shows have done that I’d love to see their version of if we get any more seasons 🤞🏽 (Part 2)
The Pulverizer. Dude was hilarious in 2012 and to take it even further, the idea of Rise Donnie also having to be the one to deal with the guy honestly seems so funny. Hopefully their version would have a happier ending tho...
TigerClaw. Do I even need to explain? He's my favorite 2012 villain and honestly the coolest one and clearly the Rise guys would think so too with all their tiger quips lol. And it would be nice to have a really serious villain that’s also not Shredder/Kraang level dangerous but still more of a challenge for the turtles. Since Draxum joined the light side Big Mama’s really the only one left
Bebop and Rocksteady of course. 2012 and 2016 Bop & Rock are so funny I think they'd be even funnier in Rise considering it’s the funniest TMNT show
Spike. Rise Raph deserves a pet.
Usagi. Genuinely wondering how Rise would portray him—and with this Leo being so different than the 2003 and 2012 characters, if and how they might still become close friends. I’m now too much of a leosagi shipper fr, probably mainly because I just love their friendship in 2003, also I think bc he's always an adult in the 03 and 12 versions, plus they barley got to know each other in 12, so overall it’s just an idea that doesn’t really click with me. Not to mention l'm so damn asexual I think I just love to see such a good friendship satay that way. But considering how serious Usagi's character always is I'd like to see if they'd change that in Rise to match their style or keep him the same way. If he is more serious it’d be an interesting contrast to Rise Leo’s constant joking and silliness
A musical episode bc honestly come on they would've killed it. And they're all just too musical theatre to not indulge in it at least once. Especially the Broadway baby disaster twins
Dropping the "Rise of the" in the title since after the season 2 finale and movie they have officially… arisen. Since the whole point starting off was these turtles aren't as trained or shaped etc, now that they are it would be cool for them to officially become the TMNT again. Not to mention they finally said the name in the movie so it would really top it off
A cure for the ooze. Draxum presumably could make his own 'retromutagen' like in 2012 and it'd be interesting to see a plot where all these mutants around New York could actually get back to their normal lives if they wanted to. Especially since Draxum had his reformation arc he really should be undoing his mess lol.
A Raph and Donnie episode
A Raph and Mikey episode
Huh despite being leader and the oldest Raph really got the least amount of solo/duo episodes
How they met April bc we need the story around that. Gd we're just missing so much background context from the show getting cut short
How they found the lair. 2012's Lone Rat and Cubs was such an amazing episode and it was awesome seeing what it was like for them before finding a home. In 2003's first episode we also see them find their new permanent home, and having the same backstory for Rise Splinter and the boys could be so touching. Especially being on the run from Big Mama and Draxum. We caught that glimpse of him still in a Liu Jitsu costume as a rat and living in a box. I’d love to see between that point and whenever they moved in to their home. I also think it would be a good reminder of how much Splinter was really struggling both during childhood, while he was starring in those movie yet Sho was still trying to get him back into Hamato business, and then his time in captivity after
An explanation behind why Yoshi is called Splinter, we never got our explanation in Rise… or 2012 either now that I think about it. Even 2003's reason kind of felt like a stretch, even though it was a cute story behind Splinter's owner Yoshi losing his girlfriend. I can’t remember if Bayverse explained it and I haven’t seen the original show, but I think each version has had a different reason they give
Fungus Humongous. One of my favorite 2012 episodes that would be awesome translated to the Rise boys. We know Donnie's hallucinated fear could be beach balls and Mikey's would prob be the Gumbus or some kind of ghost. Raph's could be Mrs. Cuddles, although he did conquer that fear. I wonder what Leo's would be… I always found it interesting he didn't have any special fears like his bros. But there is something about Leo strikes me as the kind of guy who doesn't have those irrational fears or gets scared easily, so seeing an episode where they could give him an advantage could be cool. Although, since this would be after the movie he could see Kraang, or him losing his family, and his insecurities with leadership would definitely be a realistic factor. It'd probably work well as another Halloween episode
Bishop; I think in the movie the fact that female Kraang stayed back was going to introduce him. I think a lot of people know him more famously from 2012 show ofc, but my favorite use of him was definitely 2003. Dude was unhinged and a whole ass machine and seeing the Rise boys face off against him would be so cool. Not to mention he gave us the 2003 Rat King episode, another one of my favorites
Spirit Quest type episode. They have such cool mystic powers and ninpo abilities and seeing them meditate and experimenting with them would be so cool. Not to mention the costumesssss I mean how bad ass would they look in some of the 2012 get ups
Turtles in space and the Triceratons. I've recently seen by other Rise fans that the triceratons might be been hinted to from a shot in the movie with a triceratops skull in the Kraang’s ship and apparently were being worked on by the creators. 2003 and 2012 each did these plots in different ways so I wonder if Rise would approach it as a season long thing or maybe just a fun arc. Either way these guys were made to go to space and seeing them freak out over actually getting to be like Jupiter Jim would be awesome. And again, getting to see their space outfits!
What kinda stuff do y’all wanna see from future seasons from rottmnt?
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everybody-loves-purdy · 8 months
Not very happy with the new announcement of arc 9 following an arc 1 cat… BUT if it’s Barley, Tawnypelt, Smudge, or Stormfur I can excuse it. I like Brightheart but so much of her story has already been explored, by the main arcs and by her graphic novel, and I just don’t think that an arc on her would…. really be all that interesting? Ngl
I guess it depends where the story goes, the vibe I got from the wording of the announcement that this will be a supporting character rather than a pov in the arc, probably like how Sandstorm was in the apprentices quest, an older familiar mentor figure for the protagonist who helps set them off on their journey, playing a key role themselves. I am admittedly very biased but I do think there’s room for one last hurrah for Brightheart, perhaps she could finally get an apprentice of her own even if it’s not official, the graphic novel did really hammer in how much she wanted one. The new Erins seem to be addressing fandom complaints in these newer arcs (eg Mistystar being super old and Ashfur going to StarClan), so I don’t think it would be out of place to finally give Brightheart her very own apprentice after being promised one after Jaypaw all those years ago. I feel that would be the most logical place to go with her at this point if she were to get focus. But at the same time that’s only an if, other characters would certainly have their own stories to tell, Cloudtail’s could involve whether he’s still atheist or not, Tawnypelt could feature her accepting she’s old now and coming to terms with that, we could see how Smudge has got on since the clans left and maybe find out about what has happened to Princess etc
Regardless I feel that whoever this character is, like Graystripe and Sandstorm before them, this will be their last hurrah and they will die at some point in this next arc. It seems to be the pattern, give an old fan favourite some focus and relevancy in an arc to help the next generation before they pass away helping the heroes.
And I forgot about Stormfur! Yeah he very well could turn up again to help out if arc 9 involves some travelling. He probably doesn’t even know Graystripe passed away so it would be good to actually have him be told about that.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Someone posted the stream highlights on this thread.
I’m just going to only go through the one’s that were the most important to me or the ones I felt like talking about.
>“Viv was responsible for the dildo scene, Adam (the episode writer) had no knowledge of the scene”
Well that just makes me feel a whole lot better. (Sarcasm) Adam is still a shitty writer but to learn that this was VIV’s idea is….wow, I mean it makes sense, girl loves her mlm fetishization and is way too horny a writer for my liking.
>“S2E2 and E3 were hectic to make since they started being made at the same time as Hazbin Hotel started production, resulting in split teams”
Ah, and it shows, THAT’S why the animation in those episodes are so choppy and awkward and the quality drops constantly.
>“goofy Millie music scene coming up very soon”
I’d say I hope this has something to do with her character or something that will possibly expand on her personality but I doubt it. It’s probably some wacky country song or maybe another love song between her and Moxxie.
>“Viv consideres Stolas, as a character, is full of pain and emotion. Difficult to write. Very positive character (kind natured but very flawed) but is dealing with a lot.”
Of course Viv. He’s SO flawed and complex. That’s why his daughter is at fault for not seeing the fact that he’s miserable or appreciating his care for her. That’s why Blitz is at fault for breaking his poor uwu heart. That’s why Stella is at fault because she’s an evil bitch right?? Yeah, we can tell he’s filled with drama Viv, but I’m surprised he’s difficult to write for you since your viewpoint on him is so black and white. You call him complex and flawed but you never treat him that way. You just like to milk his sadness constantly and baby him to prove that he’s an innocent Uwu bean who’s done nothing wrong and only the characters AROUND him are at fault. Your words in livestreams about him are such bs.
>>“Viv states that eventually Stolas will become more involved in how he relates towards the other members of the core cast (Moxxie, Millie)”
Judging by the leaks I do expect Stolas to go live with IMP at one point since Octavia and/or Andrealphus and Stella kick him out, and maybe I’m speaking too early but….lmao Stolas and Moxxie and Millie have nothing in common. I’m not even interested in whatever they’re going to pull for this because their whole dynamic is that Stolas never gave a shit about Moxxie and Millie, seeing them as lower life forms and constantly disregarding them because he only cared about Blitz. See what happens when you have a powerful prejudice character and then retcon him into an Uwu baby? It gets weird. Don’t worry, I’m sure Viv will retcon the fact that Stolas was prejudice towards imps and act like it never happened too! Also I’m sure he’ll relate to Moxxie more, cause…ya know, Millie has no fucking character. That’s all we need tho, Stolas butting in to the MAIN cast and overshadowing the characters and dynamics that are barley developed. It’s going to be a disaster.
“>As noted above, Millie, Octavia, Stolas and Fizz have bits of personal experiences written into them”
I always knew that Viv poured her “personal experiences” into some characters and was a self insert writer at times, but lmao you’d think Millie and Octavia would be written with more respect if that was the case for them, but Viv doesn’t give a shit about them. Again, Millie has no character so I don’t know how that could relate to something of Viv. Stolas and Fizz tho? I could definitely believe lol.
>“viv adores crossovers, she hopes in the future she can have crossovers between HH and HB”
What??? I could have sworn Viv said that she wouldn’t do a crossover with HH and HB. Kinda thought the whole point was that Helluva was the indie one where Viv could make her own stuff and Hazbin was the actual big show. I dunno, I like crossovers too but I don’t think this one would fit.
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I felt like screenshotting the last part I wanted to talk about because it’s basically all of this.
1. This is PART of the reason why Viv’s world is so messy. Everything feels so scrambled because she wants to shove in a bunch of mythologies and texts and everything into one and that just makes your world less consistent and more confusing.
2. I don’t even know why Viv says these things because she never focuses on them anyway. Again, her hell is just an underwhelming city and there’s never a deep dive into the mythologies in the first place, aside from background shit or a name drop. Still, this is starting to become Zoophobia where she has too many ideas and is too ambitious and wants to dump a lot of things into one. It’s funny, I saw part of this livestream, and she willingly can openly admit that the comic was a mess and she poured too many ideas into it, but she just……does the same for Hazbin and doesn’t realize it—-
Okay I’m done. I will post a clip or talk about some of the stuff said in the OTHER livestream (the one that was a mess) but for now here are my thoughts. Honestly tho EVERYTHING Viv says in a livestream is a mess. None of the insight or attitude she displays there never comes into the show or even real life with her criticism shit fits and all. It’s all a joke ugh.
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emomusicalnerd · 2 years
Haven’t posted a film review in awhile but I have some things to say.
The hills have eyes directed by Wes Craven.
I really didn’t fuck with this movie, and I was disappointed cause I do like Wes craven’s work. It’s just gross and upsetting; not unsettling or scary. I definitely think you can use these aspects to make a good horror movie; I mean I love Texas chainsaw which is extremely similar. So I definitely am not against all movies with cannibalism. Texas chainsaw, fresh, and silence of the lambs are just some of my favorites and they all use cannibalism to create that gross yet creepy atmosphere. This just feels gross to be gross. Not to mention using sex as an aspect to horror which can be really terrifying and interesting….when it’s done by a women. I’m sorry I don’t want to see what a man has to say about sex being a horror aspect. There are exceptions but for the most part I think sex is better used when written or directed by a woman. I know as an ace person people are gonna assume I go ew sex automatically bad :( that’s not how I feel about sex in movies at all. I think sex is an extremely useful tool in film but you absolutely have to do it right and not just have it for sexualization of women. Also animal harm always a no no unless you have a reason for it! I get the point behind it still disgusting and brutal and I hate it. It would be just as impactful if it was a human. Pet semtary I’m ok with it cause it serves a purpose to the overall film. Also these characters aren’t interesting and neither is the killer or setting. I don’t feel myself feeling for any of them and we don’t really know them that well. The only reason I know their names is cause the characters are just constantly screaming each other’s names half the time. The killers aren’t even fun which is very lame considering Wes craven makes some amazing villains for horror. The setting while I understand the purpose of it staying in one place it really makes things feel the same a lot. I do get part of that is budgetary. I’m not gonna judge a movie on a low budget. There are lots of low budget movies that make use of it better though. Texas chainsaw does this same story pretty much but way better with a similar budget. The ending is shit. It’s abrupt and you barley have time to process it. It feels like we still have a lot more story when it ends we don’t get much of a resolution. no wonder it got a sequel. Don’t think I’m gonna spend my time watching it though. 2.5/5
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hunterwritesstuff · 5 months
Can you tell us about all the ocs in ur au? Just like names. Or just the characters in general?
Yeah! Going under the cut bc long, but listing most important stuff about them <3 TWs ahead: Abuse, religious trauma, parent death, death, homophobia mention, grief, and other heavy stuff, PLEASE take care of yourselves! Also, don't worry, I'm doing my research for the things here that I don't have experience with and I'm handling the sensitive stuff with utmost care <3
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🧸 Hunter had a dad in the navy, but when Hunter was ten-ish, he died out at sea :(
🧸 He was an animator before the studio fell!
🧸 Before the studio fell, he was probably closest to Tom, Sammy, or Wally!
🧸 The reason he quit working there was due to him getting stressed out due to having to deal with his family AND incredibly short deadlines.
🧸 He has the same thing I do where if I stand for too long, his legs start to hurt :(
🧸 His favorite animals are manatees! :D(He relates to them a bit too much lol)
🧸 He very much so will break out into song at random.
🧸 He sees Tom as a father figure!
🧸 He had a breakdown when he realized he was gay :(
🧸 Sammy helped him through it <3
🧸 He's autistic btw, almost everyone here is aside from the last three-
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✝️ Kenneth is an ex-choir boy!
✝️ He used to go to church, but stopped when he just didn't have the time to go anymore. He still practices slightly, like, he prays whenever he sees a carcrash, disaster of some sort where other people are in danger/hurt, or he's stressed, and he has a rosary in his pocket at any given time(as a comfort thing and like, as a fidget thing lol)! :D
✝️ Like many of my other ocs, he's autistic lol
✝️ He's always had a weaker right leg, so that's why he uses the cane :D
✝️ He definitely spends a fair amount of his morning routine choosing which cane to use for the day(It has to MATCH the VIBE of the OUTFIT!!! What's the point if it DOESN'T?!?)
✝️ He started off at JDS as a one-off VA for a character(A radio announcer that Bendy bothered because he said he was "too young to go into the business"), but he was fun to work with, so Joey kept him around for other voicework! :D
✝️ Before he worked at Joey Drew Studios, he was a radio announcer!
✝️ He always sorta. forgets to get food?? But Wally helps with that! :D
✝️ Also like, he's sorta like, a mix of Alastor and very VERY toned down Spamton(The best way to explain it is to show how he speaks, so like, he'll deadass just speak like this: "Weather got ya down? No worries! Get some HUGS from YOURS TRULY to help youR SOUL ASCEND to GREAT HEIGHTS!!!!!", his ass does NOT know volume control unless he's working-)
✝️ Also his last name is lowkey a reference to a musical artist I used to listen to a lot when I was younger-
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🐕‍🦺 John is an. interesting fella!
🐕‍🦺 He looks average as shit on first glance, maybe you'd think he's like. a little sexist? But nope! He's actually quite sweet, in reality!
🐕‍🦺 He can't really handle excitement too much though :(
🐕‍🦺 Most times, he has his service dog, Wily with him(Wily is a Newfoundland :3), but he can't really bring that to the studio, so he threw together a device that detects his pulse, and if it goes too fast, it beeps at him(I KNOW THIS IS THE THIRTIES BUT LET ME HAVE THIS PLSSS)
🐕‍🦺 Overtime, Norman catches onto this and warns him whenever like. something might be too exciting for him.
🐕‍🦺 His family(thankfully) was in the rare percent of people who were chill with gay people :)
🐕‍🦺 They always felt so bad he had to hide such an, in their words "amazing and beautiful part of yourself" :(
🐕‍🦺 He's one of the few OCs I have who has a good relationship with his parents :]
🐕‍🦺 He's such a shithead in the like, /affectionate way, I love him.
🐕‍🦺 He works at GENT btw lol
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🐙 This is Barley!(His name was chosen on purpose lol) He's Hunter's bio dad!
🐙 We love him! He's like, the best dad one could ask for!
🐙 He's the kinda dad to hand out full size candy bars during halloween and compliment EVERY SINGLE COSTUME, and like?? NOT COMMENT ON ANYONE WHO DOESN'T DRESS UP?? AND IF SOMEONE SAYS "Oh, I didn't dress up because I couldn't think of anything... :(" HE IMMEDIATELY SAID "That's alright! You went as the best thing you could, after all! Yourself! I'm so glad to have met you!"
🐙 He gave Hunter a manatee plush when he was like, two.
🐙 He always helped people out if they were having a rough time :)
🐙 Pure of heart, sweet of man <3
🐙 He wasn't a pushover, though! He could still stand up for himself!
🐙 He took Hunter out fishing a lot! Mostly to catch up on what was going on in his kid's life :)
🐙 He loved Hunter with all of his heart, bro, that man treated his son like a Goddamn PRINCE.
🐙 Even if he had a rough day, he'd always either sing Hunter to sleep or read him a bedtime story because "My son being happy makes me happy" :)
🐙 He'd be proud of Hunter...he'd be so proud...
🐙 His ghost still sorta watches over Hunter, man. HE JUST WANTS TO TELL HIM HOW FUCKING PROUD HE IS OF HIMMMM
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🪼 This is Marcy, Barley's wife!(And someone else's now, BUT WE'LL FUCKING GET TO HIM.)
🪼 Before Barley passed, she was the typical housewife! Heart of gold!
🪼 She always made sure to make extra bacon for breakfast because it was Barley's favorite and he'd always eat almost all of it :)
🪼 She's a seamstress! :D
🪼 Before Barley died, she always made sure to fix Hunter's manatee if it ever needed it :)
🪼 She was just...so sweet before everything happened...
🪼 Then she got the ill-fated letter. Barley was dead.
🪼 Their once happy, life-filled home now felt...empty. Soulless.
🪼 The day Barley died, a part of Marcy died too.
🪼 The loneliness was too much for her, so after a few months, to try to cope with the loneliness, she found someone and married him.(Again, WE'LL GET TO HIM. DON'T WORRY.)
🪼 Hunter was now just...another person in the house at this point. Marcy still loved him, but she couldn't handle spending much time with him because he acted too much like Barley for her to be able to stand it for too long. The wound was still too fresh.
🪼 She turns a blind eye to how her husband acts because...well...she doesn't want to be lonely anymore.
🪼 The house has a husband in it now, but it feels even more soulless now. There's a new husband and stepdaughter, but the life almost feels even MORE drained out of it.
🪼 Also like, now, anytime Hunter gets home, she measures him to keep track of how big he is. This is why Hunter doesn't really like hugs unless he trusts the person.
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🦋 Rebecca. Ooh, Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca, where do I start with her?
🦋 She's Hunter's stepsister. Typical fare for stepsisters in fiction. Bratty, nosy, all of that.
🦋 She doesn't understand privacy too well. She'll just randomly walk into Hunter's room to whine about the latest drama she's had to deal with.
🦋 She's just...exhausting for Hunter to deal with.
🦋 She's younger than Hunter, so she gets pampered a fair amount.
🦋 She gets Hunter to do shit he doesn't want to by saying "Well, if you don't do this for me, I could always tell dad about how you're...well...y'know."
🦋 We don't LIKE HER in this FUCKING HOUSE!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
🦋 Very Rarity-like in the worst possible way.
🦋 Very particular about how everything goes.
🦋 She doesn't understand Hunter's attachment to his manatee plush. It's old, stained, and just overall sorta icky looking(It is covered in years of love and Hunter doesn't want to wash it because it means so much to him and it still sorta has the comforting smell of his bio dad on it so he doesn't want to lose that)
🦋 Trying to decide if I want her to get the Anastasia from the Cinderella sequels treatment or not lmao
🦋 Her dad treats her like a princess. She's very spoiled.
🦋 Speaking of the bitch...
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⛓️ This is Bruce. Hunter's stepdad. I hate him so fucking much.
⛓️ He's practically the exact opposite of Barley.
⛓️ He's cold, callous, cruel, uncaring...
⛓️ Y'know that one song someone on youtube made of like. the three disney villains singing about their woes with their daughters?
⛓️ This one? He's basically just Lady Tremaine's verse.
⛓️ He tells everyone that "Hunter just stays in his room all the time because he's a recluse who doesn't love his family.", but he basically gives Hunter no real...reason to come out of his room, even going so far as to make the like, "Look who's finally come out of his room." comments whenever Hunter tries to come out.
⛓️ He basically only pays attention to Rebecca and Marcy, honestly.
⛓️ Holier than thou attitude basically.
⛓️ Unfortunately, unlike Barley, he's. actually REALLY FUCKING HOMOPHOBIC.
⛓️ Anytime Hunter has any friends over, he shoots him a suspicious look. Like, he always assumes Hunter brings them over to either open up about how he's treated or for like, sexual shit.
⛓️ SPEAKING OF HUNTER'S FRIENDS, HE DOESN'T HAVE FUCKING MANY DUE TO THIS BITCH. He vets every person Hunter seems interested in and nine times out of ten doesn't really let Hunter talk with them.
⛓️ He's such a piece of shit, I ACTUALLY HATE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH.
⛓️ He literally doesn't allow Hunter to make ANY mistakes. If any are made, he reacts VERY FUCKING POORLY.
⛓️ He literally just sees Hunter as a smudge on the family name.
⛓️ Whenever Hunter stands up to him, he just laughs, knowing that it won't last long.
⛓️ Whenever Hunter gets more like...dead in personality in the story before he gets inked, THIS MF IS TO BLAME, RAAAAAGGHHH
This is who and what I have so far lol OKAY NOW I NEED TO POST THIS AND GO SHOWER IT'S ALREADY 2:38 PM RAAAHHH /silly
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the-indie-owl · 2 years
Favorite SpongeBob ships?
Oh boy, I have a lot of ships in the show (some of which are divorced ships or semi-canon ships of the Bikini Bottomites) but I'll just start off with the Main Ones that I ship.
SpongeBobXSandy - Probably one of the Main Ships in both the Show and the Fandom. The Two have a lot of perfect chemistry together and they even have such adorable moments, the two protect each other and even enjoy a lot of fun. They're also very helpful of each other since they're close friends and all, and I like how Sandy is the Badass Girl while SpongeBob's usually the "Goofy Nice Guy". Felt a bit disappointed that their past of how they met was retconned since the Third Movie only for the Spin-Offs like "Kamp Koral" and it was also kinda funny that ship was roasted in one episode of a wedding flashback (Truth or Square).
I sometimes think that SpongeBob has a crush on Her, rather or not it'd be a question, yet, they still support each other.
PatrickXMindy - I'm pretty sure everyone shipped them since the first movie in their own childhoods (including mine). Gotta admit, I always find Patrick's crush on her adorable since they are opposites attract and it's one of those "Royal Heir X Peasant" tropes. It was nice to see that Mindy did had a cameo in the Birthday special. Oh, and I guess Patrick does have a type for Girls; Mermaids (which was hinted in Legends of the Bikini Bottom).
Sherm said that Mindy is 14 and that he assumes that SpongeBob and Patrick are like kids (which makes Me believe that he doesn't know their ages which is why he thinks Mindy is young) maybe SpongeBob and Patrick are somewhat Older Adolescents too since No One really knows much about the Characters' Canon Ages (The Writers would never really know about their true ages based on how old they are).
Personally, in my POV/Headcanon, I see Patrick 17, SpongeBob 18 (based on some theories about his age), and even Sandy 19. (But in most of my AUs, Mindy is 19-21 while Patrick is 22 in some of my AUs, mostly from my Human AU.)
SquidwardXSquilvia - It was nice to see that Squidward finally had a love interest of his own (but sadly, much like Mindy, Squilvia is just a one appearance character even though Mindy did at least came back at the show one time). I felt bad for Squidward being so lonely all the time he couldn't find someone like him who he could love. Personally, I think Squilvia has the same interests that Squidward has, if she could find a Man like Him, then Squidward would find a Woman like Her.
Gotta love on how SpongeBob instantly ships them together since Squidward is honestly the Tsundere type who has feelings for Squilvia. I can see Squilvia having sympathy for Squidward on how rough his life was as she could relate to the same way as him. I think these two would have been perfect as Husband and Wife 💙
Hoping for Squilvia, she might make another appearance in the Modern Episodes.
NeptuneXAmphitrite - Surprise to see that I would instantly brought up Neptune's ship since he's one of my favorite characters? Lmao, thought so 🤭
I know that we barley see them together, especially in "The Clash of Triton" and even though it's unknown on what happened to Amphitrite and Triton in the First Movie, I'd like to think that Neptune and his Wife were separated once.
Even though we haven't gotten a backstory about them, I headcanon that in Ancient Times, they didn't mind at first but when they got to know each other, their romance blossomed into love (but Amphitrite was already in a relationship with Poseidon as Neptune technically stole his Greek Counterpart's Girl and won her heart in a fight).
In their Teen Years, I see that their relationship would be pretty similar to Bambi and Faline from "Bambi" (imagine Neptune and Amphitrite's love scene with the song, "I Bring You A Song"/"Looking for Romance" in the background lol)
I guess Amphitrite was chosen to be Neptune's Queen so they can produce an Heir to the Throne but their feelings do matter for each other since hey, Amphitrite respects her Husband a lot.
So yeah, that's about it. I ain't going to feature all of the other ships in cuz that would take a lot of exhausting work to explain a lot. But these that I picked out are my Number One ships in the Show.
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So, This Is Us will come to an end tonight and I am sad. I am sad because instead of feeling this way because a show I loved for years is ending, I am actually feeling incredibly relieved.
I didn't enjoy this last season at all. While I imagine that, Kevin's """love life""" aside, the show is wrapping up in an emotional way, I can't believe that in a show who had the story planned all along, for 11 episodes of its FINAL SEASON almost nothing happened and the plot barley moved on, while the rest of the final episodes were full of rushed storylines.
They developed Kevin and Madison for 11 episodes only to end their story with a montage and destroy everything they built for them until that moment. They pretended that it wasn't like Kevin was about to realise his feelings for Madison just one episode before and then they magically put Kevin and his ex wife together (a basic character we know nothing about, with zero depth and not enough screen time throughout the years) completely out of the blue, even if it didn't make sense anymore for where the characters were at that moment of their life/growth.
Like, if someone had told me that, after all the hype, I should have waited for SIX SEASONS just to see Kevin end up with the same woman he had a relationship with when he was young (and it didn't work) and then AGAIN when he was 36 years old (and it didn't work 2.0), I'd would have laughed at them!
Oh, and a reminder: this is a show that it was supposed to be realistic and the writers have always been proud of that! Like, if you indeed read the interviews post ep 6x02, you'll even read that they didn't make Nicky end up with Sally because..... It would have been unrealistic!!!
And what about Kevin's character development? What about his journey in the previous seasons and him letting go of the idea of a Hollywood type of story? What about the love of my life will be my child(ren) when the twins have been basically an accessory to his storyline? What about his career? Justin was so excited talking about his S6 storyline and nothing of what he said happened because they changed everything.
Kevin's centric episode ended with him finally finding the foundation, deciding to live a fearless life and then, a couple of episodes later, we see him going back to his S1 era and dating women after women because he lost Madison (let's be honest) and only in the end he ends up with the woman (after Cassidy declined his proposal) that was conveniently available.
I won't talk about how and the stupid reasons why they ended up together because other people already discussed this enough.
Even reading the interviews after 6x14 where they were saying that their story has already been told and that there's no time to show more of that is a real joke if you think that they had 3 YEARS in advance to think about Kevin's endgame (no but seriously, imagine to not have enough time to show your main character's love story after SIX SEASONS OF HYPE!!!), but well, it's what they deserve and I really wouldn't care about it anyway.
Isn't it funny though, that despite the show is trying to imply that "it has always been Sophie", Justin actually said that he doesn't think that it had always been her and that it would have been interesting to see Kevin end up with Madison or Cassidy? Yeah Justin, we know that!
There are many more things about our beloved Pearsons that they could have shown us (slowly and more) and yet they didn't because they wasted precious time, but this is a blog about Kevin and Madison, so I will stop here.
Anyway, @ this is us writers, thanks for making the goodbye much easier.
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