#the chokehold this idea had me in for the last weeks i swear to god
cloned-eyes · 1 year
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Imma not sit here and pretend that the whole reason i made this blog is because of Tech and this scene were he is literally about to get eating by the Zillo beast and just stands there mesmerized because hes a fucking nerd and I wanted to give him a space deity gf ever since
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twomoonstwosuns · 4 years
back to you [series masterlist]
previous part · next part
pairing: professor!poe dameron x reader
warning: swearing, a little angst, a little soft
word count: 3.1k
a/n: the last chapter got such an amazing response, thank you so much for that. i’m a little iffy about this chapter but i hope you still enjoy it! as always comments are very much appreciated (i've gotten some and they’ve been so lovely so thank you for that as well)
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The beginnings of spring meant that it was becoming increasingly harder to be inside of a classroom. 
It was true for both students and professors, the shining sun coming out each day and bringing a new warmth to campus. The temptation to skip class was great, the buzz of excitement of there just being a little more than a month left of the semester making people not want to be stuck inside. 
The weather getting warm during the day meant the temperatures when the sun went down were tolerable, just shy of being able to crack the windows open overnight. You had asked Poe, since the nights had been so nice, if he wanted to go on a late night stroll with Beebs through the park. It had been a long winter cooped up inside for all three of you, the idea of being able to spend time outdoors in the summer weather tempting you to make all kinds of summer plans with Poe. 
Poe hurried through his office, grabbing everything he needed and shoving it in his bag. He was in a hurry to get home so he could eat dinner and get some more work done before he met you at the park. A small smile was on his face as he recalled the last time he was at the park with you. 
There was a knock on the door and Poe looked up to see Armitage Hux, one of the last people he’d ever expect to willingly stop by his office. The men were acquaintances, professors in the same department, but Hux thought Poe was too young and too laid back when it came to teaching, so he never bothered to talk or work with him unless absolutely necessary. In comparison to Poe’s affable, fun, and likable persona, Hux was strict, straitlaced, and uptight.
“Do you have a minute to talk?” Hux asked, his tone suggesting he’d rather be anywhere else at that moment. 
“Kind of on my way out, so make it quick.” Poe continued to grab things off of his desk to shove into his bag and when he heard the click of his door shutting, he finally looked up. 
“You’re interviewing for the department head job, right?”
Poe stood up straight, adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. “What about it?”
“Did you know that job was all but promised to me? Snoke spoke to me personally and said it was mine. Instead, Organa’s got people lined up to interview for it.” Hux sneered. “Absurd, if you ask me.”
“Hey,” Poe warned.” She’s doing her job. Snoke didn’t have the authority to just give you the job.”
“Yes, apparently he doesn’t.”
Hux studied Poe, and Poe gave him a confused look. “Is that all you needed?”
“I’ve been talking with the other candidates one by one. Some have taken themselves out of consideration.”
Poe raised an eyebrow. 
“Is that what you came here to do? Talk me out of interviewing for this job?” He smirked and chuckled lowly. Hux just smirked back at him. 
“Not quite.”
He pulled his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it and handing it to Poe. Zoomed in on the screen was you, car keys in hand and a very clear view of a red spot on your neck despite the dark backdrop. Poe furrowed his brow and looked up from the phone to Hux. His pulse had quickened drastically and Poe hoped he wouldn’t see Hux couldn’t see him start to sweat. 
“She’s dog sits for me.” Poe said with an even tone. He’d had that lie in his mind from the minute you started seeing each other, just in case he’d ever need to use it. 
“See, I don’t think so,” Hux said with a twisted smirk on his face. “I have it on very good authority that she was seen in your apartment with you—“
“My dog’s been having some behavioral problems lately, so she fills me in on how he was when I was gone—“
“I guess there was a lot of clothing thrown around, including a black lace bra.” Poe’s face went white and he looked away from Hux, wondering who could’ve seen you. He then remembered what night it was when you wore it and it hit him: the pizza guy. He had made a comment about Beebs being hyperactive, which meant he got a glance inside the apartment. 
“They have a class together, that’s how he recognized her,” Hux continued, answering the other question Poe was thinking. “He told me what he saw and it only took $100 and three cases of beer to get him to hang around outside your building a few times to see if he saw her again. I have a few more pictures if you’d like to see them.”
An anger that Poe had not experienced in years burned inside of him. He slammed the phone down onto his desk, the picture of you disappearing off the screen.
“What do you want?” Poe’s voice was low and dangerous, like he was a few seconds away from putting Hux in a chokehold. 
A wide smirk crossed Hux’s face. 
》 》 》
Poe: Can you come over? We have to talk.
You stared at the ominous message on your phone, your heartbeat thumping hard against with anxiousness. The glass of water you had just poured yourself was growing cold in your hand. 
“Y/N!” Your head snapped up and you were met with a weird look from Karé, who was staring at you over her laptop on the couch. “I asked if you wanted cheese or pepperoni.”
“Oh,” you said, not even realizing she had asked for your preference. “Um…whatever you want. Cheese, I guess.”
Karé looked at you with confusion as she finished ordering the pizza. When she glanced at you again, she saw you still staring at your phone. Karé tossed her computer aside, getting up and walking over to you. She looked over your shoulder at your phone and grimaced. “Not good. Who’s that from?”
Your roommate froze, her face turning into confusion. “I thought things were really good between you.”
“They were! They are!” You exclaimed, putting your phone down and crossing your arms. “Things have been amazing since we got back from spring break. We’re supposed to take Beebs on a late night walk tonight. I don’t know what happened that could’ve prompted a ‘we need to talk’ text…”
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Karé said. “Maybe it’s about what you’re going to do after graduation.”
“Well, that’s not a nothing conversation either,” you pointed out. The front door opened and shut, Jessika’s loud voice announcing her presence to her roommates. 
“I have ice cream!” She happily exclaimed, holding up a grocery bag with three pint sized ice creams inside, but she frowned when she saw your expression. “Whoa, what happened?”
“Poe said ‘we need to talk’” Karé said and Jessika inhaled sharply. 
“Not helping, Jess! “ You ran a hand through your hair. “No, Karé’s right. It’s probably nothing.”
You looked at your roommates, both of them looking at you concernedly. 
“You’re not convincing either of us.” Jessika gave your shoulder a supportive squeeze. “Go. We’ll be here for you when you get back. Or if you don’t come back tonight, we’ll be here for you tomorrow.”
You gave her an appreciative look as you grabbed your phone and wallet and headed out the door. It made you anxious that you didn’t know what you were walking into. Was it going to blow up into a big fight or was it actually a discussion about what you were going to do come summertime when your lease was up and you were all moved in back home?
Either way, you were kind of freaking out.
The drive that was always a short one took forever, which gave your brain more time to overthink Poe’s message and come up with completely ridiculous scenarios that you somehow convinced yourself could be true. You promised yourself that if he broke up with you, you wouldn’t break down until you got back home. You attempted to calm your overly active imagination, knowing full well that neither of you expressed any interest in getting out of your relationship. 
Poe’s door was open when you got there and he was perched on the arm of the couch. His arms were crossed and his jaw clenched.
“Is everything ok?” You asked as you pulled up a chair next to him. Poe shook his head. 
“No, it’s not.”
He didn’t elaborate any further and you gave him a pleading look. “Ok, you’re really starting to scare me, Poe. What’s going on? Because I think I might know and the entire drive over here I was going over and over things in my head trying to figure out what happened that would’ve made you want to break up with me and—“
“Y/N.” Your rambling stopped immediately and Poe was staring at you with a serious look on his face. “Hux knows about our relationship and he’s threatening to expose it.”
Time stood still. You had forgotten how to breathe for a minute and you moved your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. 
“What?” Your voice was a whisper. Poe gave you a pained look as he nodded. “Oh my god.”
“I know.”
“How? We—how does Hux know? There’s no way he would’ve seen us on campus, we’re so careful not to act like a couple in public.”
“You remember the pizza guy from a few weeks ago? He recognized you from one of your classes and told Hux and Hux paid him off to stalk my building and wait for you to come out.”
A groan of disbelief came from you as your head sunk into your hands. You rubbed your face tiredly, shaking your head before looking back up at Poe. 
“What does he want?” You asked. “What does Hux get out of threatening you?”
“He wants me to withdraw my name from department head consideration.”
You exhaled deeply. “Fuck. What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know. I don’t take kindly to being threatened. I want to protect you and us, but…”
“You want this job.”
You looked at each other, both torn. If anyone asked, Poe would choose you over a job in a heartbeat, but he had worked so hard to get this opportunity, and to have it at his age so early in his teaching career was an incredible feat. It would still hurt a little bit if he lost that. And there was no way you were going to ask him to give something like this up just for you. You wanted to be selfish, have him drop the job to protect your relationship, but you knew how happy this would make him. 
Poe’s phone rang, interrupting the tense silence between you. He glanced at the screen.  
“It’s my dad.”
“Yeah, of course, take it.”
Poe answered his phone as you walked into his bedroom. You crossed your arms over your chest and paced back and forth, your mind racing with different thoughts. 
You never acted like a couple in public, but had you gotten too comfortable with each other that you became careless without realizing it? You wondered how many people saw you standing a little too close when you “coincidentally” ran into each other in the coffee line or who noticed the eye contact that lingered a little too long when talking in class.
Maybe you guys did have this coming. 
“My dad says ‘hi’.” Poe said as he came into the bedroom, sitting on the edge of his bed directly across from where you were pacing.
“I hope you told him I say ‘hi’ back,” you said with a small smile. 
“I did.”
“What did he say?”
“That I have to make this decision myself,” he said, and you nodded in agreement. Poe studied you for a moment as you resumed pacing, the worried expression on your face the same as his. “What are you thinking?”
You swallowed hard, tapping your fingers against your arm. 
“Your dad’s right Poe, this is your decision—“
“I know. But I want to know what you’re thinking.”
You did have an idea, though it would cause great unhappiness for the both of you. You leaned against his dresser.
“Until you get this job, maybe we should…”
Poe’s expression dropped. “Do you—do you want to break up?”
You were silent, tears starting to build in your eyes.
“No. Of course I don’t want to. Our whole relationship has been a challenge from the beginning, pretending like we aren’t together. This—this is just another challenge.” You glanced up at Poe. “But if you want to—“
“I don’t want to, either,” Poe interrupted. “I won’t let Hux take something else away from me.”
You let out the breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding onto. 
“So we…take a break?”
“Take a break…but not break up,” you said, the words sounding weird as they broke your heart. “Hux can’t blackmail you if he doesn’t have evidence of us being together, so…I won’t come over for awhile and I won’t go to your office hours unless it’s actually related to class.”
Poe nodded, swallowing back the lump in his throat. 
“We can text and call and FaceTime, but…that’s about it for awhile.”
Poe looked down at the ground, shaking his head in disbelief that this was happening.
“You’ve told me so many times how much you want this,” you said quietly, bringing Poe’s attention back to you. “What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t support that? I told you I would do anything to help, and I stand by that. If I will do whatever it takes to help you achieve your goals and your dreams, even if it means not being able to see you the way I want to. Because getting this job is important to you and…”
You wanted to say it, those three little words. You wanted to tell him you were in love with him, but you were pausing your relationship and those words would only complicate things further. So you said the second thing that was on your mind. 
“You are so important to me.”
Poe stared at you for a minute before taking two long strides towards you and pulling your face to his. His hands gripped your cheeks as his mouth moved slowly over yours, his tongue meeting yours in a slow dance. Your hands gripped the front of his shirt, expressing every feeling you had into the kiss. 
Poe pulled away after a minute, his lips hovering over yours and your breathless pants mingling together. He kissed your lips once more before placing a kiss on your cheek. One arm went around your waist and the other cupped the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair. Your head rested on his chest, your eyes closed as you took deep breaths to calm your beating heart. 
A shaky breath accompanied by a small whimper caused Poe to stop running his fingers against your scalp. 
“Y/N…” You felt tears build behind your eyes, the only thing stopping them from falling was your closed eyelids. You shook your head and you sniffled. “Y/N, look at me.”
He moved his hand from your hair to stroke your cheek and your watery eyes lifted to meet his. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” 
Your lip quivered. “Me too.”
His forehead drops against yours, his eyes closing as he places a soft kiss on your lips. 
“Stay tonight,” Poe muttered quietly against your lips. “You’re already here.”
You nodded, releasing the grip on his shirt and running your hands up to rest on the side of his neck. “I don’t—I don’t know if I want to—“
“We don’t have to do anything,” Poe said. “I just want to lay with you.”
You nodded a second time, Poe releasing you to grab a shirt for you to wear. You change out of clothes and into his shirt, crawling into his bed and curling up to him when he slid in beside you. 
“I’ll tell President Organa tomorrow that I don’t want to be considered for the job anymore,” Poe said sadly, resting his hand on top of the one you had resting on his chest. You leaned up on your elbow and looked down at him. 
“Do you really have to do that?” You asked. “Couldn’t you just tell Hux you’re backing off without actually doing it?”
Poe sighed heavily and shook his head, the hand of the arm he had around you running slowly up and down your back.
“I have a feeling he’s going to check and make sure I actually did it and if I didn’t and lied to him about it, he’ll just go ahead and tell everyone.”
You frowned, sniffling to stop yourself from letting the tears fall. “I’m so sorry, Poe.”
You rested your head back on his shoulder, the steady beat of his heart beneath your ear calming you.
“You’re important to me, too,” Poe muttered quietly, kissing the top of your head. “I’d do whatever it takes to protect you.”
You hugged Poe to you tighter, the few tears that gathered in your eyes falling and soaking his shirt. You knew this wasn’t a forever thing and maybe you were being a little overdramatic crying over it. But you couldn’t help it. Your heart was broken for so many things; that you were being blackmailed, that he was going to lose out on his dream job, and that, for the foreseeable future, you wouldn’t get to be around him.
And you loved him. Which made everything more complicated. 
Poe buried his head in your hair, the attempt to calm the sinking feeling in his stomach failing. He memorized the way you felt in his arms, the smell of your hair, and the way your face lit up whenever he said something funny. He didn’t know when he’d be able to enjoy those things in the comfort of his apartment again. 
Things were going so well. You had just spent an amazing couple of days with him, both in his hometown and at the apartment before classes resumed again. This really hurt the both of you,
You and Poe stayed up as late as you could, not really saying much but just holding onto each other tight. You were both afraid that if you closed your eyes the morning would come too soon.
Both of you were too stubborn to admit out loud just how heartbroken you were. 
taglist [open!] - @ah-callie @darksideofclarke @gloomygoregirl @leilei-draws @imaginecrushes @i-ievu @brianamaree @yeeintensifies @spider-starry @krazykatkay456 @fanfiction-trashpile @afootnoteinyourhappiness @easterncryptid @my-child-gaara @myrandom-fandomlife @onebatch--twobatch @the-cry-of-youth @p3nny4urth0ught5 @porgiez @umchrisevans @galaxy-of-stories @seeking-a-great--perhaps @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @dameronsgalaxygal @mserynlarsen @yougottakeeponkeepinon @linibirdimagine @goddamndameron @starrykitn @cloud-leader @damnyoudameron @liadamerondjarin @april-14-blog
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17caratfics · 6 years
Third Time’s A Charm
This is my (late) Day 3 submission for the Caratober prompt project. This was also supposed to be the first scenario I was working on for this blog but of course nothing goes as planned. Happy October Carats!
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           “Hocus pocus,” a low voice sounded in your ear. You jumped up, clutching at the front of your chest and glared at the creature who had suddenly appeared.
           “My god, Seungcheol,” you hissed. “Stop doing that.” The figure in front of you gave you a wry grin as he put his hands up in mock surrender. “It’s high noon. Shouldn’t you be melting by now?”
           Immediately, the smile on his face fell as he took a step closer. “I thought we’ve been through this a million and one times now. Vampires don’t melt when we see the sun. And we don’t sparkle. We only prefer to be at night because it’s easier to feed on our prey.” He said the last few words menacingly low. “And garlic doesn’t scare us either,” he added upon seeing the garlic bulbs you were making appear in your hands. “As a witch, how can you be so ignorant about your fellow mythical creatures? You don’t see me walking around asking why you’re not flying about with a broomstick between your legs.”
           “There’s a difference. We are actually human with special abilities. You, you’re an aberration.”
           The vampire’s ridiculously full lips slid into a pout. “Now that was mean and insensitive. Didn’t they teach you at Hogwarts not to be a bully?”
           Your patience for the annoying blood sucker was running low. “Excuse me. You may have eternity to mill around and do nothing, but I’m on a bit of a time crunch. I need to go.”
           “Why do you dislike me so much?”
           Despite your previous hurry to leave, his words made you pause. Glancing back, you saw that he looked genuinely upset. “I d-don’t,” you stuttered before blushing a deep red. You didn’t owe him an explanation. “Just stop showing up randomly all the time. You’re annoying.” And with that, you quickly walked away.
           The truth was Seungcheol bothered you. But not in the way you made it seem. Yes, he enjoyed teasing you. But, as far as vampires went, he wasn’t so bad. At least he wasn’t out to get your blood. You’ve ran into the darker of his kind and was lucky that magical blood was quite repulsive to them or who knew how you would have ended up. It was less that he annoyed you but that he made you feel things you didn’t enjoy feeling.
           Ever since you opened up your own potions and charms shop, he would constantly loiter in your store, keeping you company late at night when the rest of the world has gone to sleep. He would guise it under the pretense of waiting for his next feed but he never once glanced at the humans who wandered in, some drunk and curious, some just thinking this whole magic shop thing was a hoax. Instead, he’d keep his focus on you in sometimes an unnerving way, but always teasing. Seungcheol had a way of looking at you that made you feel like there was something he knew but you didn’t. And that bothered you.
           “Hello, yoo hoo, anyone home?” You snapped out of your reverie and half expected the deep voice to be Seungcheol again. Instead it was your fellow potions maker and wizard, Soonyoung. “Whoa. Who did you think I was? The disappointment was too real.”
           You blushed and coughed to pretend like he hadn’t been overly perceptive. “No one. You just surprised me. I thought it was a customer.”
           “Ayy,” he gave you a look from behind his heavy stack of books. “Where’s your pale-skinned leech?”
           “He’s not mine,” you muttered, crouching down in front of your cauldron to avoid seeing the overly know-it-all look Soonyoung gave you. It was obvious to you just why you didn’t see Seungcheol. He was clearly offended by your words earlier, and you weren’t about to apologize either. It was so much better, more peaceful, this way.
           The two of you worked in silence, brewing potions for sell, until you heard the bells on the front door ring. Your heart leapt to your throat for a good moment before you peeked outside and saw that it was a very human girl who had wandered in.
           “Geez,” you heard Soonyoung mutter. “I swear if you like him, just use a love potion or something. I don’t even need truth potion to know.”
           You ignored him. You didn’t like Seungcheol. That would just be weird. Yeah, you didn’t age the same as humans, but that didn’t mean you had the time like him to just muck around for all of eternity. You shook your head. Why were you even considering spending forever with him?
           Once the customers left and it was almost closing, Soonyoung grinned apologetically. “Hey, I have a date tonight, so I can’t stay with you. Are you going to get home okay? It’s almost feeding frenzy time for the vampires. They usually don’t target us, but you know, things haven’t been normal lately.”
           You waved a hand. “Don’t worry. It’s not even midnight. You have fun and make sure that you get home safe.” Your colleague grinned and placed an amulet in your hand. “Just carry this around to make me feel better.”
           “You know they aren’t even that repulsed by garlic. It just makes human blood tastes bad.”
           Soonyoung shot you a look. “You need to stop believing everything that leech says. He could just be saying it to get you to lower your defenses.” You knew that he had lost a friend to a vampire hunt a few years past so the constant insults were normal. But you almost felt indignant on Seungcheol’s behalf.
           The walk home was unbearably quiet. A few weeks ago, even in your sleepy community of non-humans trying to blend in, word was around the streets that the vampires were now going after witches. Nobody knew why. It was usually known that magical blood had a hormone that was toxic if ingested in great amounts. Even though there had been wars in the past, for the last two centuries at least, there was a semblance of peace. For this sudden attack to be so targeted was once more breeding prejudiced fervor.
           It was a typical October night. The air was crisp and smelled faintly of crusty leaves, wet from an earlier shower and decaying vegetation that was ready to burrow itself for the winter. You clutched your jacket closer, whispering a small spell to create warmth.
           “Well, well, what do we have here?”
           The voices were suddenly in front of you. “Looks like a witchy-witch.” This was a higher-pitched snicker and came from behind you.
           Your eyes adjusted to the darkness and you saw four figures flanking you on all sides. They took a step in as you stood your ground, trying to ignore the panic that was riding up your throat. The adrenaline rushing through your brain had you almost delirious as a random thought popped into your head. You had no idea why this time of night was called the witching hour when in reality, it was now that you were weakest and the other demons were strongest.
           The vampire in front of you took a loud sniff in the air and grinned, too-sharp fangs sliding past his lips. “Ooooh, I do like the smell of magic running in your veins. They say it’s poison, but it’s really more an addictive drug for those like us.”
           Us. You glanced around and decided you didn’t much want to know what or who this ‘us’ entailed. A hand clamped down on your shoulder and you increased the temperature to burn him. This act of defiance earned you a swift kick to the ribs and you were down on the ground, wheezing.
           “Don’t try your little abracadabra thing with me, girlie. You’re just going to waste your own energy, and then what’s the fun of a prey that doesn’t try to put up a fight?”
           “Or you can pick on someone your own kind, sucker.” You turned in shock at the familiar voice. Seungcheol was glaring at the leader.
           The malicious vampire rolled his eyes. “You know, you’re really out here ruining our fun. Be careful I don’t report you for fraternizing with the enemy.” The other cronies shifted so that they were less focused on you and were staring at Seungcheol.
           “Oh? And you’re the one stirring up the war again. Who do you think will be the one punished?”
           The attack came too suddenly. Suddenly one vampire had you in a chokehold and the other three had descended on Seungcheol. You tried to quell your panic to summon a flame but the tight hold on your throat made it difficult to even think of the incantation. The fight in front of you was intense. There was barely any movement, just flashes and breeze and then you heard a low groan. The two other weaker vampires were already on the ground, their heads already off.
           Seungcheol was on the ground and panting. You saw the malicious leader approach him, with a wooden stake and the sudden alarm had you thinking in clarity. You burst into flames, burning the one demon holding onto you and you flew into the one attacking Seungcheol, knocking him to the ground and knocking the stake out of his hand. You whispered an iridescent bind and the vampire writhed on the ground, unable to break out of it.
           Meanwhile, Seungcheol had gotten to his feet and held the stake to the other’s throat. “I’d kill you but I’d rather have the coven deal with you,” he hissed. He crushed the wood in his hands, careful to avoid getting any splinters in him, and looked at you.
           “Hey, are you okay?”
           You were shaken, still breathing hard but summoning the binds had taken a great deal of energy from you. You were startled to see how pale he looked. There were dark bruises under his eyes and gashes all over his shirt.
           “You’re bleeding,” you whispered.
           He glanced down at himself and grimaced. “It’s fine. It’ll heal quickly. Let me call for backup to take this scum in. You should probably look away though. The other two aren’t pretty to look at.”
           You smiled weakly. “They weren’t much better to begin with.”
           He shook his head, astonished at your ability to be humorous at this time. You saw him whistle something, a strange melody, and then a storm materialized. Stern looking vampires appeared, their eyebrows raised at the scene.
           “A witch?”
           “Yes. They were targeting her. She managed to burn one of them and got this one in a bind.”
           The leader turned to you and blinked once in what you assumed was acknowledgement. “Please inform the head wizard that we will indeed be holding a meeting. It is a shame that a few rogues have disrupted the peace. I will have you escorted to your dwelling while we make sure no humans have been affected or witnessed anything.”
           “I can bring her home,” Seungcheol offered but was silenced with a glare.
           “I need you as witness during the trial.”
           “Please. He’s hurt,” you pled. “Give him time to rest.”
           There was a humorless chuckle. “We heal fast. No need to worry. Jihoon, take the witch home.” A short but fierce looking vampire stepped out from the ranks and jerked his head stiffly, indicating for you to lead the way. You gave Seungcheol one more look but saw that he had already turned away.
           There was silence from his end the next two weeks. The attacks had ceased but you wanted to know what happened with Seungcheol. The Head Wizard had called you in for your testimony and when you tried to inquire about the vampires involved, he had put up a hand. “Unfortunately I have nothing to say.”
           It was near midnight when you heard the familiar chimes ring. You barely looked up. Lately, Soonyoung’s girlfriend had taken to waiting for him to close up. “Oh. Are you just going to ignore a customer now?”
           The familiar voice had you blushing hard before you looked up in surprise. “Seungcheol!”
           He gave a wry grin as he held his arms out. “Hi, didya miss me?”
           It was habit. You scowled and mumbled a no. His face fell and he stepped closer. “Seriously? I saved you from a bunch of witch hunting blood suckers and you can’t even greet me properly with a hi?”
           The steam from the potion you were currently concocting rose into the air and he sniffed. “Oh, it smells like blueberries and cream.” He breathed in deeper and frowned. “Is that mahogany?”
           Your cheeks went bright pink. “W-what do you mean?”
           “Your potion. Don’t you smell it? It sort of smells like you.”
           Soonyoung took this moment to wander over and peer into the contents of the cauldron. With an eyebrow slightly raised at you, he clarified, “That’s a love potion, Leech. It smells different to everyone depending on their person of preference.” He said the last part with a smirk aimed directly at you and you flushed.
           “Oh really?” Seungcheol turned his attention to you, ignoring Soonyoung who had now squeezed by and was greeting his girlfriend. He stared intently at you. “And what do you smell?”
           “N-nothing,” you hated how much you were stuttering.
           His eyes narrowed and he walked closer, so close you could smell the sweet scent he always emits, doubled as you now had the real thing. You could also smell mint and oddly enough, garlic.
           “Do you smell me?” he asked. His eyes held onto yours and then he looked shy. “Or rather, what reminds you of me.”
           The doors chimed and closed again. You saw Soonyoung waggle his fingers at you. You stared at the bubbling lavender liquid and then at Seungcheol. His dark hair was softened by the steam curling and the paleness of skin less noticeable in the dimness of the store.
           “It smells like you,” you mumbled, “and garlic.”
           Seungcheol’s lips quirked into a smile and he groaned. “I swear, no matter how many times I tell you, you’re always going to associate me with that disgusting herb, aren’t you?”
           “Be quiet. I just confessed to you and you’re talking about garlic.”
           He chuckled and bent at the waist to look you properly in the face. “Hmm, magic blood isn’t that bad.”
           Your hand flew to your neck. “Don’t you dare.”
           “I wasn’t going to bite you. I was just thinking that kissing you wouldn’t be an offense to my olfactory system.”
           “Kissing me?!” you squeaked.
           He grinned, showing off one of his fangs. “Yes, silly. That’s what I want to do right now.” He waited for you to close your eyes before chuckling and leaning in to press his lips against yours. The kiss was sweet, and he pulled away lingeringly. “Oh baby, you really put me under your spell,” he murmured, earning him a slap to the arm.
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another-chorus-girl · 7 years
“Erik House” Chapter 10
Jones paced uncomfortably back and forth, "Are you sure this is a good idea? This feels like a bad idea."
Meanwhile Crawford was in the process of dethorning rose stems, having freshly picked them. Despite Cherik being the caretaker of rose garden he'd grown on the roof-with Erik's approval of course-many of the residents tended to pick a few flowers here and there. Mauer had been up on the roof a few days ago plucking some for Elizabeth.
"Yes, I'm quite sure."  Crawford nodded
"But I'm not like you, I don't have such authority of the others or respect like they do for you." Jones shook his head.
Patting his friend on the shoulder, the older Merik chuckled.
"Nonsense, you'll do just fine. Besides I'll only be away for two nights, and if you must you know how to reach me."
Crawford didn't like the strange little contraption the others insisted he get, but they insisted his previous phone was quote 'A prehistoric relic'. He hadn't quite grasped the concept of half the 'apps' on this thing.
After the mishap in the pool a week ago, the older Merik felt it was high time for a break. He hated losing his temper, and concluded a dosage of too much stress was to blame.
Sarah was free when he'd contacted her and like that had an overnight bag and a bouquet of vibrant red roses.
As the Meriks exited the roof heading down to the main floor, Jones was a bundle of nerves. It was one weekend sure, but alot could happen in one weekend.
Adjusting his cloak and fedora, Crawford sighed.
"Please my friend, you'll do just fine while I'm away." He smiled at Jones, "I trust you."
Jones watched Crawford depart, heaving a heavy exhale. "I do hope you're right." -- "How about this one?" Cherik asked, handing Karimloo another mask. Since his was broken, Cherik was more than happy to offer some help.
Karimloo tried another on, it felt a little tight around his face and nose-The West End man being unaccustomed to wearing a full mask. Aside from the the black lines drooping down from the eye piece, it was the best option. Elsewhere on the second floor Panaro was working on a little project of his own. 
He just hoped his craftsmanship wasn't too shoddy. 
Gerik opened his door, creeping downstairs. All was silent on the second floor, almost deftly silent. In an attempt to avoid a fuss from the Meriks, Jones had taken the sea of porcelain masks to a new production of 'Magic Flute' being performed at the opera.
Not just the Meriks, a majority of the residents were absent.
Normally Gerik would see what Mr. Y was up to, but the older man was out today enjoying a visit with his son to a local fair that was in town.
Destler-and astonishingly-Winslow had left together earlier, the latter rarely leaving the house.
Cherik was still around but was tending to the rooftop garden. Between the roses and the assorted taxidermy creatures he'd placed up there it'd become a new dreamery of sorts.
Taking full advantage of the quiet and solidarity, Gerik made his way down to the parlour room on the main floor. He sighed happily getting the chance to play.
Though he didn't have very long to sing.
"No stop STOP," Gerik flinched realising he wasn't alone. But he was surprised to see Erik standing behind him. "Just what was THAT?"
"I was just doing a warm up," Gerik said.
Behind the black mask, Gerik could see Erik's piercing golden eyes widen in disbelief.
"A warm up? My God..." Erik shook his head. "You can't continue, not like that at least."
Gerik hung his head shamefully and got up to make his leave, only to be blocked by Erik's long, skeletal hand.
"And just where do you think you're going? I didn't say leave." Erik sighed.
Gerik blinked confused. "I just-?"
Suddenly he felt Erik grasp his wrist, tugging him along as he turned toward the basement.
"Wait! Where are we going?" The film adapted man asked.
"If you're going to wear the mask, you need a half decent voice, but I'll be damned if it's only half of it's potential."
Erik had forgotten just how delightful teaching was. And if he could turn Christine's screeching into that of a graceful songbird, he could certainly retune Gerik's poor tenor.
It was the start of a strange partnership.
So for Friday night came and went and they were into Saturday. Jones was feeling at ease, the opera went splendidly last night. Granted Carpenter and Cudia made him nervous staring up at the chandelier every so often. But the crystal light fixture went untouched and the Meriks thoroughly enthralled.
Maybe things would be ok after all.
Jones was reading the L'Epoque that morning when he heard the first warning sign of trouble.
"What's that you have there?" Kerik inquired, snatching the open box Panaro held.
"Hey!" The Merik scowled
The novelised man seemed to scrutinise whatever it was before tossing back the box. "Not bad. I mean not up to my level but not bad."
"What's that suppose to mean?" Panaro snapped, "I'll have you know I've been working hard on this!"
"Not enough it seems." Kerik chuckled before turning his back to him, only the just miss an object woosh past him.
Judging by the pattern and breadcrumbs the shattered remnants were Panaro's breakfast plate.
Kerik made an about turn.
"Did you just throw a plate at me?" He scowled yellow eyes at Panaro.
"Quite the unseen genius you are!" The Merik bit back.
Kerik held a glass in his hands and gave it a toss, also missing his target. Jones folded up his paper. 'Uh oh'
"Now gentlemen. Let's wrap things up before things-"
A whoosh of fire came next.
"-Worse." -- Crawford smiled listening to Sarah sing. She had been working on several new arias, and his reprieve from the others seemed like an ideal time to practice.
"Bravisimi my darling! That was wonderful," He praised.
"You really think so?" The brunette asked.
"My dear, I would not give you false hope. Our past lessons have quite clearly paid off."
Sarah smiled sweetly up at him with a light peck on the cheek of his mask.
They then heard a whistle from a separate room.
The curly haired brunette stood, "That'll be the tea."
As Sarah went off to check on the kettle, Crawford took a moment to check the phone. No messages since last night about the trip to the opera.
While the older Merik had much faith in Jones, he was concerned seeing no new update.
Punching in Jones number he hit dial.
"Hello?" Jones sounded a little tense. But then again, he usually sounded like that.
"Just checking in. So, how are things?" Crawford asked.
"O-Oh! Fine! Yes, everything is fine,"
The older Merik raised a brow hearing the sound of garbled French and Persian swearing in the background.
"You're sure?" He asked as Sarah came back with two steaming cups of tea.
"Oh yes yes! Hey now, stop that!"
And then the sound of shattered glass.
"What was that?" Crawford asked.
Jones sounded a little more uneasy, "Oh that! I was clumsy, dropped my glass in all the commotion! WELL I MEAN! Not commotion! I uh...."
"I'm feeling a little better now if you need me back."
"No no! Enjoy the rest! I have it all. UNDER. CON- WAIT, SEE HERE NOW! I'll call you later, got to go!"
The older Merik set the device down as the call ended.
"Is everything alright?" Sarah asked.
Crawford sighed, "At this point I'm honestly afraid to find out."
She pouted, "Do you have to go back?"
He shook his head, "It sounded a little...off putting what I heard but nothing Jones can't handle for a day. He's a decent man, if he were in imminent trouble he would tell me."
The brunette leaned back, resting her head on the Merik's shoulder, "Alright." --
In the meantime however, Jones had thought he had everything under control once he took away Panaro staff and had some help keeping he and Kerik separated.
He knocked on Panaro's door.
"What?" He could practically feel the Broadway man's scowl as he opened the door.
Jones cleared his throat, holding out a box. "You left this on the couch."
Panaro's eyes wide immediately yanked the box from Jones outstretched hands.
"Do you, do you think it's good?" He asked.
Jones smiled kindly, "I'm sure he'll love it."
“What? How did you know-?"
The slightly older Merik chuckled, "He has a particular facial structure, what with the cheekbones he has. Don't let what Kerik said get the better of you."
Panaro sighed, "Fine. Thank you for returning this."
Jones left Panaro to his solitude and sighed.
Just one little setback and he fixed. He was doing just fine. And everything was just fi-
And that all came crashing down seeing Harley and Gerik tumble down the stairs toward the main floor-being kicked down by a rather rage induced party of six.
"Oh not again! Jones groaned. "What is all this about now?"
He tried to ask but the Meriks seemed too intuned to kicking the men whilst they were down.
"Sadly I know how this came about," Mr. Y said regretfully, going on to explain why the outcasted Phantoms were receiving such a swift beating.
It wasn't Gerik or Y's intent to join Harley's little scheme this week. Ever since what happened at the pool, the what could have been Merik was plotting out more plans against Crawford and any way to make a fool out of him.
None of these plans going anywhere. At least he thought one might work once he'd heard the older Merik would be away.
"I'm not doing it," Gerik said bluntly. "I'm not risking another throat punch now."
Harley scoffed, "Come now, I just need a lookout is all!"
"While you destroy the room of someone who stands at 5'10 and had ME in a chokehold?" Y asked flatly.
"I didn't say destroy it, just a little.....redecorating."
Gerik shook his head, "Forget it. I'm done with revenge schemes I don't even play a part in."
Harley smirked behind the metallic mask, pulling something out of his breast pocket. "Not even for these?"
Gerik glanced up at him and gasped.
In his gloved hand Harley held out for him photographs. More specifically snap shots of a certain Merik whom enjoyed lifting at the gym.
Gerik snatched up the Karimloo photos, from the angles he could clearly tell the Merik hadn't outright posed or known there was a camera nearby.
"How did you?" Gerik asked somewhat dumbfounded.
Harley shook his head, "Not important. So, you help me trash the old man's room and I let you keep the photos. Deal?"
Y shook his head, "You're going to get yourselves hurt."
Harley scowled, "Thanks dad, now come on Gerik it's a fair trade!"
Gerik sighed, feeling Y's disapproving glance, "Deal. But only a lookout! If I see one of those masked madmen coming I had nothing to do with this." But neither man was successful with either plan.
Harley only had a solid two minutes and six seconds in Crawford's room after picking the lock before he and Gerik were jumped from behind yet again.
"I just followed them to make sure they wouldn't get into trouble." Y exclaimed trying to help Jones pull Mauer off Gerik.
"And it didn't occur to you to tell me of this plan?!"
"For all I knew you were as insane as the others!" --
It took far too long to subdue them but at least Y helped Jones fend off the Meriks.
Jones tired and feeling his breath hitched and uneasy glanced at his pocketwatch.
It was just passed four. Still a whole night to go. Part of him desperately wanted to call Crawford back and plead for help. But he saw what sort of stress the older Merik went through each day, he deserved at least a short period of R&R.
But how was he to tame the others for one more night until morning? Jones was not a drunkard by any means but he would strangle a stagehand for a drink right about now.
Then the thought occurred to him.
He knew Destler had enough spirits in his room to intoxicate a tavern of sailors. 
Jones had one idea, it could surely be either brilliant or backfire horribly. But he decided to take that chance. --
Gerik's assault wasn't anywhere near as bad as last time, he had escaped with a few bruises but nothing that wouldn't fade away by tomorrow.
He decided to play it safe and stay upstairs. Though when he started hearing music blare from the second floor, it peaked his interest. More specifically because this music was not the monotone sad groans of a pipe organ or screeches of a violin. It was a bit more...eccentric.
Creaking the Meriks door open Gerik found the cause to be a small sound system rewired to work as a router for a karaoke machine-never mind who karaoke machine it was or where it came from.
Many of the Meriks were there out in the parlor hooting and hollering like young men out at the town.
Karimloo was laughing with them, holding his mic dominantly, an arm around Panaro holding another microphone. 
Wilkinson blinked surveying the scene, turning to Jones
"You got them drunk?!"
Jones scratched the back of his head, "Well it's distracting them right?"
"And making a mess of the parlour," He retorted.
True, while the Meriks were highly inebriated they weren't causing too much trouble. While anyone else would be worried about a noise complaint the only one had was Lerik beating a broom handle on the ceiling as Panaro and Karimloo sang 'My Prerogative'.
"Another! Another!" Karrie jeered.
"Well?" Karimloo asked Panaro.
The Broadway man felt his face go warm, "Well I actually had something prepared."
Stepping forward to change the track-and accidentally spilling his glass while doing so-Panaro cleared his throat gazing back at Karimloo.
It only takes a moment
For your eyes to meet and then
Your heart knows in a moment
You will never be alone again
Perhaps it was the wine triggering his boldness stepping closer to the West End man.
I held you for an instant
But my arms felt sure and strong
It only takes a moment
To be loved a whole life long...
The whole room seemed to fall silent when Panaro pulled Karimloo by his loosened bowtie and felt his malformed lips against his own.
Pulling away Panaro's eyes widened, seeming to just now realise what he'd done. Before Karimloo-whom was just as dumbstruck-could say anything, the Broadway man took off.
"Why? Why did I go and do that?" Panaro mumbled woefully to himself, locked up in his room. "I'm such a fool..."
A short time later he heard a soft knock on his door.
"Go away!" Panaro grumbled.
"It's me," His head lifted up hearing Karimloo's velvety voice. Slightly hesitant, Panaro opened the door revealing Karimloo at the door.
"About earlier," The Broadway man sighed, "You don't need to worry about it. It was a mistake, I've had alcohol and I just-"
But he was silenced when he felt Karimloo pull him to him by the shoulders, kissing him back. Panaro felt his eyes flutter closed unintentionally leaning in closer. 
Both seemed frozen in place before Karimloo pulled away, "I hope you still don't think it was a mistake."
Holding something out for Panaro, the latter gently accepted the offered rose.
"I went up to the garden after you left, that's why it took me awhile."
“T-Thank you...” And then Panaro remembered, "Oh, I actually have something for you!"
Opening his nightstand drawer he pulled out a black box handing it to Karimloo.
He opened it and felt his lips curve in a smile. In his hands he held a new mask, he already knew it was handcrafted.
"I lined it as well, so it shouldn't scratch at your face as the other one did." He lifted a hand to the full mask on Karimloo's face, "May I?"
He nodded, shutting his eyes as the mask was pulled away.
Karimloo felt Panaro's digits roam along the ridges and twisted flesh of his deformed half. And then he felt the mask gently pressed in place like a perfectly aligned puzzle piece.
Karimloo's dark eyes opened and found himself smiling, "Thank you."
Pulling Panaro close once more they shared another kiss.
“Do I get to hear the rest of the song?” Karimloo mumbled against his lips.
“Of course...”
Taking Karimloo’s broad hands in his, Panaro cleared his throat.
I’ve heard it said, that love must grow
That to be sure, you must be slow
I saw you smile, and now I know
I’ll sing to just my heart
That smile made me trust my heart
Panaro’s eyes beamed, singing as Karimloo gazed back at him. Karimloo joined his companion, creating a duet.  
For it only takes a moment,
For your eyes to meet, and then.
Your heart knows, in a moment.
You will never be alone again
I held you for an instant,
But my arms felt sure and strong
It only takes a moment,
To be loved a whole life long
Their arms went around the other, the Merik’s just inches away.
And that is all that love’s about
And we’ll recall when time runs out
That it only took a moment
To be loved a whole life long
Unbeknown to either of them, a nosy Gerik was peaking through the doorway, hearing and seeing everything as he could feel his heart shattering. The film adapted man knew from the way Panaro kept looking at the West End man that it was only a matter of time before they would be together.
Yet again Gerik found himself pining for someone already taken.
Heartbroken and slightly tipsy-the other Meriks were so intoxicated they barely registered his foreign forbidden presence on their floor-Gerik staggered away to make his leave. Only to be intercepted by Kerik's hooked arm.
"Tut tut, not a wise idea to see you here," The novelised man grinned like a Cheshire Cat. "But I shouldn't be surprised you'd be spying since seeing your face go red as a tomato at the pool party."
"Leave me be," Gerik mumbled woefully.
"Come now, no reason you can't stick around a little longer, have a bit more fun." Kerik said, a hand rubbing along Gerik's broad shoulder. The man couldn't sing his way out of a paper bag, but he was physically well developed. "Might take your mind off West End and bread boy down the hall. Just a night?"
Gerik barely registered they'd entered Kerik's room until the door shut behind them. -- Crawford awoke early on Sunday to an annoying repetitive beep.
He sat up, noticing Sarah was blissfully sound asleep. He glanced around noticing the infernal black rectangle called a phone was flashing. Picking it up the older Merik was wide eyed to see several missed calls.
"Oh my..." He mumbled, noticing one message in particular.
ERIK: Home now, urgent.
Mismatch eyes wide, he stood dressing promptly and quietly gathering his belongings. Leaving a note of apology for Sarah, Crawford adorned his cloak and fedora, making his way back to the house.
When the Merik arrived he was surprised to see Erik sitting patiently in the main parlour, hands clasped together.
"Ah good, you're finally here," Though the Merik could hear a slight edge of annoyance. "While I understand your boys can be more than a handful I think it's best you not leave the House for so long."
"So long? What's happened? I was only gone two days!" Crawford was suffice to say surprised. Sure he expected a few hiccups, but how bad could it be?
"Why don't I show you?" Erik mumbled behind the black mask as they walked up the second floor.
"Sweet music's throne, what the bloody hell happened?" Crawford gaped.
Their parlour looked like a tornado had come through it. There was broken glass, some pieces of furniture flipped-though his heart calmed when he saw the organ was thankfully untouched-he could even see scorch marks on the wall. There were a few Meriks still present-passed out but present-a few clutching empty wine bottles to themselves.
Erik wanted to be angry (and when he discovered this he most certainly was), but seeing the shock and confusion on Crawford's face-well half of it-made him feel some pity. Some.
"Where's Jones?" The older Merik asked fearfully, to which Erik pointing a finger to the other side of the room, where it looked as though Jones was asleep. His suit a mess, and his wig untamed and wild.
"The poor fellow was close to going up the wall trying to tame this. Apparently there was a dispute between three of them wanting to sing the same song or some similar ridiculous notion."
Crawford sighed, "I can't carry him, help me with his legs?"
Erik and the older Merik lifted Jones up and carried him down the hall to his room, so as he was more comfortable than on the floor. Unfolding a nearby blanket, Crawford draped it over Jones, trying to slick the wig back so as it was more manageable. Plucking Jones earphones off the adjacent table he placed them in the unconscious Merik's ears before making his leave.
Closing Jones door behind them, Erik asked, "Just what do you plan to do about this?"
Crawford's mismatch eyes narrowed, "What I must."
In a loud booming tone that the entirety of their floor could hear, Crawford shouted.
All at once doors flew open, Meriks half asleep and still dressed in dishevelled suits came barrelling out hearing that familiar authoritative voice. Crawford's brow rose, noting Karimloo and Panaro exited together out of the latter's room. Kerik calmly stepped out of his room yawning, "Could you be any louder?"
The novelised man walking passed Crawford so as to go downstairs, only to be yanked back by his wrinkled shirt collar.
"Not so fast." Crawford said.
"Oi, let go of me old man! I'm not even one of you guys!" Kerik grumbled, but the older Merik just dragged him with him to the parlor.
"No but I have a strong feeling you had something to do with this mess,"
As Crawford began giving the Meriks an ear ful no one seemed to notice Gerik, whom was half dressed and his wig discarded tip toe out of Kerik's room and up the stairwell towards his floor.  
-In this story Mauer also gets his Christine, whom in this case was Elizabeth Southard whom in r/l he is currently happily married to as well.
-There is much Actor Allusion I’m using here. As Crawford’s Merik originated in the 1980′s I of course am making his Merik quite clueless by result of present 2010+ technology. So yes, the Meriks made him get a smartphone. And of course not knowing how to use it had it on silent mode!
-The mask Karimloo borrows is the sort of clown mask Cherik wears over his own mask at one point in his adaptation, I believe in part two of Cherik’s special.
-Yes Panaro was shooting fireballs at Kerik with the skull staff from the ‘Bravo Monsieur!’ scene in the ALW musical
-In the novel “Phantom of the Opera” Christine’s voice was rather screechy and flat before Erik started teaching her. 
-I picked “It Only Takes a Moment” From Hello Dolly! as A) The Meriks in this story love musicals and B) Hugh Panaro has sung this song for the album “Tap Your Troubles Away! The Words and Music of Jerry Herman” look it up it’s quite lovely!
-I should hope everyone’s well aware of the “Hugh Panera Bread” joke by now hence bread boy XD
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