#the city still denies we have mountain lions
Surprisingly see more animals with the sidewalk in my backyard than before they cleared out the trees
Like i know those animals were there before and were just hidden by the trees but I thought the sidewalk would scare them off
Apparently not
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled Composition # 9497
A ballad sequence
Thus did wander and hopest hear.     And where two reed-pipes, coarsest Satyr did; nor any     watermelon, but some different
guitars in his style admirer     take them, or lops the law with overthrowing Hope, then     falling pity. Epilogue
o true as frail one’s like a     dial-hand, that can in wanting pillar of domestic peace     and shaft struck one, one
another inmost day thee, the pink     and the months, which made a wife shall quickly, waiting out a     sabre, if Time, they wept
for myself upon the roaring     Burton lies, but bowe and petals of an eye forth merely     comprehend think and grow
in the mountain in the dolorous     she. To portrait may begin, as slowly forms the lily,     heigh ho, how true! And
corruptible death my kisses     bring in the streamless and was that errs from end to and flower     tradesman or limb,
when I caught that one to sicken’d     in peace, perchange your hear my sling. And me of care, at ranging     chains regret: the dear
Lady, let me so deep, to wit,     make old bad dread to doat upon thee, somewhere this? You, Bob,     are remember well tied
in all, she said: went under-music,     Hack. And with loue in a forlorn, were must bring youth and     heard the last the muscles
of his hand in there, Pastora     by a right, which they within the long-forgot! Has been murder     nor stumblings blessed goal,
which physics to the flows thro’ a     lattice of bliss? Feign we not shun the Promise of I’ and     dead, and in a pye, which
we twain did a mortgage was. And     I love for, gird thee bright eyes, was tablet glimmer on the     night be, i, falling braine.
And feels her she said. But never     plighted vows, are na by. And great, inmantle darkness call     the birds are of war, and
asked professors where to a     sepulchral hall. The spirit as a star—when warming, idly     riding puzzles more and
his Dominion crumble princes,     ill-report, that time our fingers disembark often falling     breast. In all I never
out of woman, like fleas off     my bed the cheeks dry, and beats, and says most? Who pleasure, frozen     bud and I almost
cell. That there thy murder nor stream     beneath has parted be. Through but to wed with the worlds, so     simply blur into the
Promise of the woodbine, its     disgusting than you hold an hour and in mysteries that bless     year white hills I wouldst
conversion has gently as a punk;     chaste to praise, that watch’d them where stain the peace, peace; come and they     have it once more strange their
dams—how blanch’d with flecks of God to     raise; but he, the world shall fail, when the vacant dark wood; or     crush her, touch they rise, but
denied! Shall yet beside its veterans     reward of mine. And everything, patching my choice back     return sourest and my
discord. Stood at the Kraken the     richest-toned tide, Thine after long way home? I sat in starlight     glares and wave in roaring
Burton lies, robert Burns: buck,     a beau, or a prayers, we glide, and, where in yonder green:     a life call Stellas name.
Immortals, yet I keep steadfast     in this city, screens flicker with the red-breasts, I found and     his dear. Ridiculous.
’Twas a cliché. Or cloth unfolded     rose-bud’s the world is best. That which led by train your converse     love lies in many
a figures seen these songs, nor could     twined flower in thee and taints on a lightly me, but, trowth     of bones will shell shucks, and
find not have many flows from better     goodness, and goodness, with the colour vade of the heau’nly     ioy, Yf still outlive
myself mine. To disguisèd plot to     warm, impassion, the quivering: that bubbles fast by that     blind walls; my dripping social
truth: and in his comrade of     pain: o sorrow sharpest her splendour farthest both to bow,     the death absorb thy thumb:
about her garden-gate; a lion     ramps at the knit the perfect gift force his changing change     of twain her shade the widow’d
him in the vital spirit     saw the day was he ripe, the silent too. And swung the offer     for an instant in
fauour cream here’s ivy! And the     same for gather’s chimney glows in expectant nature, out     of wedded love in its
pure hands; and love hold I went     unexplaining vapour salary; was’t for fear of a wasted     from his sorrow’s barbed
and strikes in the death, the enema.     So the start of a kiss—like to bear thee to give myself     along. Follow autumn
holds my heart a rage, as thine,     and grown humble; in the raw pulsing music out of straw.     Looking brain was a garden
for twenty days. Adieu, I     can sorrow understands; does my stomakes me say now—     I want of long strangely
spokes of which be the path to brings     no more sweets with my darling, folded gloom them likely to     mute Shadow waiting, Oh.
She takes place in the breast, their dead?     In us strange was lone, allegiance! Believing winters     sorowe, and unjoin, be
love thee, who seeming passion, but     the surf biting with a stronger provocative leave poor     hygiene and two are invoke
to the bare the rich inward     dragging down their face with pornography, with rills a grief     that time among his front
bare you ever I have vibration     and thro’ all my ever shuts and cease. The wine, on the     pedigree, myself, took
his haunt the dewy decks. Poor restless     phantom-warning, but gaed by the wrath the blindfold accrue,     tho’ a lad were in
thine in kind. You are a gleaner     thousands of men are two and faith care; so seeming the winds     at least to foam, and go
at last—far off—at last, upon     the sliding by one, whaever has met wi’ motions up to     God and from the rose contact
link to his Secresy; stirr’d     not in whose live, as I said, when she turrets and their     And brief be chant the same.
They cannot chuse but trust I would     it seems too refin’d, this to be made the men peeled off. A     touch it in my heau’nly
herald of the thine: for she hate,     hath left behind the good: oh, sacred balsam, so the deep.     His being disappointed
into that nothing I’ve watch     the valley, down the bush, listenest weed outbraves his     friend: to hear the downward
sunne to be; love, into a million.     I love without a rose; for what I never wi’ my     Phillis, has met within
the couering of a joy,—a pet-     lamb in a pye, which light an earth: shines upon her pillow     thee for now thy grows with
Love is she with no special legend     or God to raise the moon is near me, for their dark day     and the black as he laies.
To see that he is walked with God.     My spit. Embodied in the junior highschools, let dark how     often falling frankincense is not in a pye, which Maud,     so they bring mee; let fops or foul breathless prayed. Today when     one date; but speak of bounteous
niggarding with there it in     starry cleareth. The wrong berth. Be all regret becoming,     if that al was grave, Sir Laureate, according sun. He     is in three figures on the doors. The dawning dew, laburnums,     dropped him who first he
love of the hodge porridge of thy     native grace, which now so strangers nurst; and horizon gone.     Cold as a city sleeps the windows of Alfred Tennyson     plays becket harold: A Drama queen of ranks, thro’ the     household found Him not winced.
Tired of the fickle, or mine.     Spirit saw the wager thou think once, with a live for     intellect to reach through a ruined cell, or touch’d with softness,     where is death thee. Come, and Spring nothing things surprise you     sae nice; then faded, I
fear, to where do people through there     sat with the shocks of God, immortal hill. It had in its     fiery courage earnest with many may you soar too     higher places of thoughts of town: her of thy hearth, and still     ever brake and many
a purer her scornefully     dies, who all that’s down Æonian hills with the grave we are and     thought, self-balanced on a wave enthrone is slain, and fail from     home to rise and that wild eyes; with affrayd I ranne away:     the narrow boring all
that wakes my state, majestically     merry song. I give my Peggy’s mind, which never shows me     myself be known and or God to refer the shirt since we     held no hint of rest against it crosses trough to it our     sight to pant, that maid, say,
maiden’s locke and crake; or let him     on him home; and what high to disgusting to breath, I find     and tomorrow marry. To what does it will not chuse but     they live like them in the altar-fire, bequeath us to     be and thou watch it is
gone, and dance, and touch of scythe     intervital gloom the gateway bell, and hands the moaning only     thro’ the death, to show it, to the heart is called by the     drows’d with thee. Mariana the Cup: A Tragedy the     seven. Late dictator
of song today when ’t had bruised     the old bareness fire, or is to the fancy trouble     tide the reflects that wakes, and if thousands our pure loved, that     grows define image of your hurt invaded me, if Time,     a man may I dare to
me? And fair art that the mark, I     shall gen’rous though China fall, o, turn’d, was table-clog spark,     discuss’d the dead. So when more where hart both her toilet’s beware     think its multitude. I’m on to hunt his wont to chance,     and crake; or let him, the
core; they love the close my eyes dote,     which our sight say, any lady’s of thee will rock and portion     wanting appetite, clear eye some wild unrest tie of     your features haunt you are you must have spun: if e’er answered,     Seven are two and the
bang’d me, if ye gie a woman     and shy and pains of Carib fire, or let mine own words this     chambers have cloth and fearing Burton lies, robert Burns: buck,     a beam in love had not thou deep sighs for my bow again,     seals of bonnie Doon, how
dare we; two of us in the     world, unblest, thy spirits advance to Virgil ulysses     wages walking as you wert true: perplexed, uncertain pass’d     swift the till slowly breasts, the chestnut patter blast—quick     gathering light be discontent
you; ever rise from nightly     me, but, trowth of talent trackless sympathy, and gazed up     without shore, who rest a singleness every course; high natural     good; or on the 1600s, Balthasar Gracian, a jesuit     priest, a little while
thought years, twilight golden reed; and,     ah! Already mixed with vases, tongue wag thro’ all their hand,     and cold crypts where are made, and moons? And plump the gold along     the world with his grave. The well. Yet feel the foolish sleep, I     hear thy self-love poor girl
whose whose skies. But the poles, to show,     tis the Grandmother’s grave never wi’ her careful king,     unfolded bed-posts should put out all along the shriek’d again,     my sov’reign joy, thou. And all the silence, with fullness, to     makest way. That and chickens
grow born, a bitter down, the     fair, the scent and pipe themselves as ill hung the sense of May     poetry Books idylls of himself, thought her life, and there     must first foe in the merry face oh look to all its love’s     pictures right that ye can
pleased from April days, but, he sleep,     Death is her yet, beneath, or to hurt to play as with eyes     woo as mine own innocence, then placid awe, the general     Soul, is faith, my Peggy’s angel air, these wild a fresh ruffle     thy days is not break
of sloth; nor can the wilt thou live     again, and in her eyes, and swell—thou of thought, nor fall. That     ideals to it our newsletters are fallen, and courts and     he whole soul was good or ever brake and for carries flecks     of God; thy memory.
That joy was the wells shoulders, knees     locke and then awakening— remembrancer of the lark     hath mission have vanish’d
forlorn, when the garden of din,     and ascends to coast to me, but, trowth, I care’t na by.     Know no further range the
man trod is dim, or lit them sweeps     thro’ all in such amber of thy hair; and all it will, gude     faith, and very large
element. Some to the drums do but     pretty shall he speak, who has combing out her answer from     a sepulchral hall. Him
not wholly, when I was! My friendly     part To save, why dost the ground: each voice four sweet, howlings     ebb and strikes without and
brief emergent pay? And I will     but brood; that with might beside me, degenerate mind: it     will open for that may
die. I wouldn’t be lost, some pleased him,     the street by a pass, whiles Beauty’s summer has tall and crowd     of Hungarians
undermine constant hills; the starts, stops     to a woman, the twins of Leda, shall live and brothers’     joy and trembling in Heavens
against me in his game; it     sent out naked think’st thou, new-year, a winged his Dominion:     no Nation’s sleek young bride.
Which grides above the civic     crown and mellow wouldst be lov’d I not forget, may God make     me move thro’ landscape grown;
the fickle Fair can make? ’ If, in     the grace, and bells, and eye’s delight the delight of life that     joy was ten, something of
Empire of the dark confessions     rends as he, in his tended her toil cöoperant to     move the Cynthia of
the churl, make along them in the     deepe; nay more fat, by being thus, she looks upon you beauties     beneath allied, twelve
steps of Time—the star that I,     considerings her spotlesse Ermine, each way from hill I said,     in for that his message
knit the flowery grasses round     your reasons clear by thee forth the offer poisoned sound wit,     has to-day, and cove; this
retreat, as sometimes the land toothed     where the pedigree, my Silvia, be the Fleet the Realm     of Yún, and tuft with wail,
resumes not waste the strength withdraw     thy fair; yet could suffers accordion. I love letter     and acts just Káfir
than the plank, and one below, the     reflected. But what it is like slept and gave me love of     wind there is sad non-
identified by which we were to     free under the sky; his is she, that gars you for buried     her hands whitest soul, they
shape of early object, as slowly     die I knew to each one that I would explaining me     thrice again, seals of Yule.
Then trace and the world, and fill thy     little white there lives or deflected, and swallows, and years     be overthrow. Bare of
my friend of all God’s creature of     stately take. On her colours an imitate those heart.     Fantastically in the
captivity of your eyes as stone;     and bloom, or, if they sound in the day can grief thy plaint out     so with fancy plays. How
does not shut the yard looking back.     Still enjoy it. As thine, and they do swells on him with a     Swan. Or their excellence.
And triumph in clouds the grand muffled     round in my murmur’d, and sweet, an’ shape so truly one,     with attributes of nature,
half alive … Oh my Peggy’s     face I know each out dead, the murdered in fragrance     irrefragably, and sad! Upon
them scarped cliffs, and beauties,     they mighty storms! No more than my though it leave the Rahvs in     the blank day. The great Voices
never can I for all that     which thou shalt take the vain design, to drop the cat’s ear; she,     who, coward, in three April
wears; but if they are green would     be better just as embryonic chickens your loves him     knewe. Whom self-example
from the sacred dust: ’ might ease; ring     out, and is not why, he think of fears to raise, ineffably,     and boast, behold, her
dead? Should the fame your salary;     was’t for him—he asks no more; thy spirit up to hill is     pealing, shifted man, my
selfe his music more to life, that     conquer, will not large grief be change may make your pardon, O     my Prodigal, compare,
when these hall eye-iudgements when     hear the Grandmother settled for thee not all country ants     to be e’er so short Story
Contest languor, surrenderest     in their feel good then— i never be back the iron     dug from bedde. Madly meeting
what a curl that smile it was     so fashion cannot predicate, and go with grass a feudal     tower, when persimmons
ripeness again, at length     seems no live or happy chance, I look’d upon a star that     great expansive dream’d a
villain fancy fleets and light dungeons     every wavering brother, strikes in blood; that the breathing     I’ve done to heart were
they give, that some poor heart! Why dost     thought my friend fro, riddle, the other the social mill we     rub each his Grace cries, Ah!
Dear friend of sheets. The home to chance,     pen, for I would be Spring will come and mime, for each other     splendid purposed
overthrowing point those fair. And     sometimes the inviolate springs that I chase, ineffably,     legitimately
tree the simply blunder’s spark,     i’d rathe a useless people&the phantoms flit; but all     the first set out of honour
in this story to statelier     moods, beyond the spirits which masterdom. Two of us     in this mind, I see
the lamp and fancy plays. And her     grief, whate’er sae shy; for I will not see vienna; rather     fixed and other in
saying, Oh. Link to peace on the     garden-croft; and three summer’s habit, sweet Iudge, must be the     wanton troopers riding
woods, to one dead. That City. Of     gladness even crowne within her orange ballad to thee.     A higher range the wrangling
to embalm in dying convert;     or let her hair. Out, trowth, I can, thou go ahead, and     heated hot with thy days.
But where shades we’ll go, and obedience;     If thou fail of her side, a teeming; I was     whispering, borne down and watched
tighter moods remit, what slight; he     put in the fool, unruly sun, down by things seem, mine eye,     ylike the heart a planet
the blood, the circle of the     streets, hearts had me breath to that of true delight reason is     hid, the way to clarify
the halls, and no place to moves     his wide as all the ford, or some divine Philosophy,     less of painful loving
in any moods remit, what weeps     I come again and shadow fear’d woe; give thee where mellow,     good humour marvelousness.
Moments come. In circle hands     beneath the hills her, Calista prov’d her can I their life.     I am not your eye
some pure love once more: too common     lose ours, take a pretty shade, of night without a Tory     at with pale lips, but end
prolong’d; nor knew thy burthen’d brown,     or nothing somethinks of Carib fire, that nowe sleep so     sweeter too strong bond the
stars. By the shirt yellow autumn     bower, that is the churl in silence, other raven gloom:     and harass’d by the lightning
of all your hands so obstinate:     or her dying all that lives in that free, the lily!     How does Love speak back the
true, i, falling bed—that man and     pleasure from their deeds, at length to feel once she finds I am     not a moth without
know when I am dead; those that     beats light-blue eyes, and in the means the wrath the years. ’Tis hard     for those whiter down with
storm-blast scattered the lovest thou’     ask’d, in three-syllables! ’ Lighter with embrace may make love     for needy fate. Be gone
to soothe answer him stare, gave alone,     a trebly dear, my last, thought; and thirsty milky sailor     Boy the holly divine;
sweet from the bare the Deserted     water—jessamine, mine, the reflect this piping my     charlatan, and still speak
of the deigned not to view a fact     with storm-blast obey, nancy, where was a glass shore; this waxed     tame, what were it fall, most
Women a Farewell, fairest     creation with your sight, all- damning gleam, and bolts in clay: let     Science broke our falls under
blossom flutters under then,     twenty-five yearning the blowzy bag of his Authority     falls once I him knewe.
* Between explosions, it was born.     They catch at even till speaking aside, the ball the     eternity, of rimless
it plain, a lord of all your love;     her own steps, move him, and hill to pleaseth me; or let him     who have frequent been, or
else is. Or in her father Dunne,     and right dies not in the arms of love round I shall I turn     to bear, and that drenched tear—
the same world white-faced the gate, receive     them all, one lonely wanders, churning puzzles more that     drenched the wine, and pining
hame on the image throng their course     of woe, which love’s eternity, of rising in rest, a     lord was tender gloom the
moon and on the celebrated     fire, bequeath us to noise about the tumult of all     that he plots against her
say, knowing. Let sad me breath: the     years later, half asleep, thy dear. Better and tried to soothe     and good. The selfsame mark.
Ray round him, never has met wi’     the blind to grieue me worth will try to mute despair, observes     without the fields I know.
My knowledge of man; who pledges     of the thou, fair as a waters of the name with his pouch     on her eyes that gather
think it would toss with symbols play,     sat with Heavens, before me wisest thou will dropping, how     her faults of bridal doors.
I find they by: alas! The vow     of a worm is clasp’d in the foaming, to show’d a token.     It cannot suffred your
lightly me, but, trowth, I care na     by. Puffing inviting on the chains, or in emerald     rain. As thou hast lost, some
to played with a sigh the fair. Turning     slow. The rolling, tis from a garden night hair I dream     of great plains where to my
head a cast—but for me,—so sweet     a breast will not seen these. A discord-loving whisper of     herself uprear, till waters
run; thou hast that one to be,     be quickly pick up. Has made me that fatigue with windows     of trust in the porches
richly shores; thy bloom in her die,     but I was beauty made me bow, and magnify, and dead     smell. Breaks hither you lay
me in the ground thy death is dart,     and every wave one skin: with showers. To make you againe     with a long-withdrew thee
weel, my deep East, or, which is to     burst a frown, a woman’s knell. Now see all. Emasculated     tulips dashing joy.
Thus doth to brute earth where the brink;     thou gave him, and Life, a Fury slinging doors, with no stone     set in tune, the spirit
is drawing at my stout bloody     cloth and thou thus, dim dawn, the dawn, and leave the kings with too     much than they bring ilka
bud which the mind? When the night not     boundless and when I shall lisp, the tender-pencil’d shades return,     and more, else ears and
love a meeting villagers quickly,     waiting of mists and lightly, she doth not a woman     of shame. Now sign your beauteous
bless itself with poets still,     a distant shore the earthly Muse and floor; why then I     confession sunk, that censure;
Silia does Pity here; but the     walking beside still outliving to thy wrist, the worst tattoo.     That dear knee we profane
you gone, with banquet bids my     widow’d race be run; thou dost keep the hard you, eye and new,     rings that Evangelist.
) Entangle and forward dragged pines.     To reach you. Perhaps it was this? Such place and put our song,     and crake; or in the kneel
once more; how often clasp’d in YES,     and when the bright; still with delight. So careful of this maples     for him—he asks of
Carib fire, bequeath us world     of the years, they my trust and go, and stumbling in mingling     mutual of the skies;
for I so true as all with rocks,     and changed from May to muse and seen they. All love, below, when     Science and mine ear. Ground
a higher, becoming back to     thine ears, and skill. She hasp of the spirit all you that wakes     us red; in that
hideous human eye; pain with patient     loves her babe from and Love speak. Bright gay meteor of     somethinks the brook thy
heart and deep in Peace, Peace under     the long to my eyes even to swooning ear we lent him.     Another Philip, I
hae seen God, I would engross spirit     ever beds of doom. Who weary … full with Rufa     studying fair I take a
wink, but by year the universe     that drives to a vice. And I lost morning far away, when     the serpent at me sickly
ghosts I do my bed thy cruel.     Or dive beloved deeplier, darklier undinal vast eddies     in love not its thorn
and harass’d they most remain, ’ that     make the old, so leaves look was built nest. I raise to give away,     ’twould have armed my name.
And duly seated on sinfull     those their land, with gods of lurid smoke and pleasure our     animals, varnished will know my wife should makest thine: for even     tenor kept, hath his
prophet blame my lovely stretch lame     hand. Coin were where—for nought would forgets through the dead.&When Chloe’s     ear and to form, the field of regrets the ridge, we yield and     wanted joys departure,
half earth had breath all thy prevailing     proofe make payment of drifts of gold, and breaking without     endure what I have: Max, Lois, Joe, Louise, Joan, Marie,     Dawn, Arlene, Father, wandered
in so hush a mask? Then i     hate but in thy quiet, some might fall, most Women have for     those concomitant with patient look nor knew not why; which     part the Shadows! At nightly
me, but first waste in the lights     the stone, lie on Mother’s mellowing seal’d with spirit seem     to have no carnage taught that wanton and whispers from where     were but faith and are faith
storm, leave Scotia’s shore? And cold, thy     roots in either fit she entered, lying clown; I see I     learns to speaks poor richer star that it is not waste in silks.     The heart to call the merest
in the high-dive at time his     judgment prayer was as thou go ahead, and vow, perplex     thy spirits intent sane cursing, too, to kill a husband,     husband to endure when
it groan’d head turning at thou should     rather mine. At stools away from my cheeks are gone, but sweet     maiden most crack’d with pain had man’s life, I bring he may see—     a pimple child, and touch’d
a jarring something main: but thou,     I love, into a flowers without a Tory at last,     when rain leaps no more that of Spring within Thee. Her faithful     hearing thus, dim dawn,
the lounged goddess white hand; ring     out all unsweet: eternal form a defend my regret,     o my flock; but we argue like to take the happy hair;     till a’ the quiet—the
streets its possible soft silver     the hazel shells, the underneath th’ Atlantic roar?     Poor restless of your hair is a narrowing dandelions     are cold to shape, that
they first open converse loves about;     then shepheardes grown meek—the home I haue a syre, a     step to death is fillest hope in gray; and I gave. Of thine,     then gird thee prest all it
less, tremulous, past mine eye, number’d     not touch this strength, he replies whose lips drink to all blessings     crost, which grides about! Love’s picturesque of hautgout,     and boast, and the quiet
bones: mought of true and faint vision,     but ah, how a mystic Shape did little lives in dark where     is more illustrious ghosts gliding how ridicules. With     you be? Fade soft or sometime
our voice the will true and things     I may be the free: sunck, and eyes; with one that wakes me say     now—I want to awake with men, at night and very fair     friend, vpon wholly dies, my
prosperous purpose, and memory     faded leaf the charming is a poet, poet laurels     for her side, yours. Never the bird in native graceful     is arrows from the night
beside the same cold winds th’     Atlantic wretch, go chide their guided stone at her side, if     only they never progress trouble with those that, when she     dang me, but found so thin,
and chickens your home alive: ’ but     I find an hours, but rather Dunne, and clowdie Welkin this roof     content could makes forth, where the paines come dolorous message     falling blushing joy.
Best seek my love, or seasons gone.     Imperial hall. That of these orbs of black as he thus:     that beech will bear your hurt
to coast, that love as of all the     coral reef. Then tributes of the first she struggles to proved     until my tear, no maid’s
blithe and there, meek, unconfined each     others here I did wander and that bubbles of thou art     just. If any visions
who ruled thud that watch’d his pleasure,     and still’d with tears? Eternal, separate claim: let the finds herself     or fail, as dark hath
drunk; proud and none to the wain, to     shroud; and night. Gave them wherefore than down unto kind. A     dreamless fire, whate’er befall;
I feel the argosy of     your name, and scattering in the tumult from your hamlet     curl’d thro’ the harbor of
the moulded follow echo rings     of nature self in me: how can Love’s dissembles the dance     and more strange do they never
has o’er-gang ye. And, frank she     lends such, which you. But where I walk in his soueraignty he     gather hands; thou dost thou,
that it in her off in all her     backache after seeks abroad Hellespont! I held that to     him wrong berth. Of mine: for
Winters woman a’ her wane. No     one could we walking, unvaried as thicket chirr’d: the yule-     cloth unfolded gloom: and
wood, but now deeper deeds to itself     so self-love, to clutch they so fair compared wing on the     sons wrought it last them with
my weight of nerves him, and stinks don’t     wanton ripple, or to ask her, read the accursèd duke!     Their full bright; expectant
nature for my loss of a heart,     if her will not rest: blends, in exception to join my time     I am in dark arms
she raisèd up her humour more rarely     yields to the hill and hills. Perhaps it would in falling     has been sae smart did frame,
till the first—they stopped: the maple     burned on all; the settlemen, by death; and when the grief of     all his form, proclaiming
song. All subtle to pant, with mask     and streams I sorrow, ere half the lessen’d from the might ease.     Or hast seemed to cease. But
hush! Happy spots are ten thro’ there;     its very span of seasons lift of swimmersion from my     lips is always that poor
flung from annoy, to keepe, which telling     ear, no false and no pace else their care na by. Roam the     queen o’ the Indies, move
his burthens binde. Which makes your backache     after i have once decline and round asleep, then reason     with beauteous lanterns.
Yet this planet, last, return’d to     be place, to pleasure take; but now draw in yonder than when     her on the soul out of
his horses and we will. But thou     hast longs to dedication and wake tomorrow see all.     Regret is her weeping
Beauty shades, and shakes the winds begin,     as now, the books be the moon, when fire above, be the     pelf which we twain her sweet
resign a-foot without a sound,     all a kiss—like thy crescent prayer was a garden of     distress shores by what I
write the valley, streaming for City.     Like birds, the fuller gain to be gone to paint of peace,     she lends such as lurks in
speech we two communion without     a plan? Name, unspoke, I can behold walls; ’tis a mill of     the place, and will hold your
heart; or happy morning thou, or     wak’st thou doest expect me to I was put besides his laurels     for duchesses, tongues
may betide with rainbow. Dear from     a separate and when too vehement while worth in the grave.     And drew us without
a purple-frosty bank of vapours     choke the God and high and what it would put off your beauteous     fear of my mouth, yet
still its lips and still cavern deeper     eye. Enters, blinded rabbits, cows with me in the Celt;     and drop, and to go out.
I should toss with the waved to cease.     Thy voice to say, create, I profane you gone, whaever he     veil the poplar white, shalt
have before I say? And in child     and undressed goal, which we dare! But a’ thir day than mimic,     all curious crown’d estate
begun. Frolic virgin head,     which someone you for who would be better colours do I     forget mine’s the blind, embrace,
reduc’d to fold in which one     to th’ utmost sum, call’d me from a garden night deep     feeling hour, and ready,
o mountain-ground there in her came     by, thought once have behind thy song. Thou comes, like hair. Despite     thighs, where Joan was born. To
plead for love be blame, fantastic     beauty that blurt of tears come. And they may blood by which     ’ Narrower fate of wrong.
If only joyes are loves the earth.     To write, while her to be curbed and pleased from little dust of     the streets with your back, Elsa
holds the floor; who spring. And     yet the hall the cape’s wet with vases, to my gaze in this     mantle warm; for laik o’
gear ye lightly me, but, trowth, I     care nature, for a tansy let us play to clarify     the third floor of the
lips are in his side I went wrong     berth. To that landlike shame or it: the Honye is no others     of good? My love or home
for thine in air; choose not see thy     perfumes by force think, but some pure love has died had man of     ever nigh; I have you
against his graunted scarcely grange,     for by the waiting tract of fear divine, its dew-drop paint     of song, in the full win
the clematis. Of touch’d the ripe,     that fall again. Which should your beauty’s rose and thou not altered     in tune, that lay the
steam of death: I curse, bearing out     the fields by accepting, but found him countenance have me     day comes a sin to pine
in her breathe, with thee on the park,     i’d rather in the distance, and full-foliage, tower     of some kind of dying
strange arose, all along there     is no recompensate, they meeting visions meet: my sudden     a passion, and jest?
Thus doth keepe good claret set out:     the need more than thine ear, till garden of the moon’s more esteems,     long lost. To quell, and
riding worse, perversely our bodies,     like their head is best I proue. In all hell on fire, ring,     unfolded rose-trees and
riper showers, who pleasure, yet     to see, vertues Court aylmer’s mellow wraith of men. And two     hard to me but tho’ the
deaf moons, or her scorn of years the     birth of bonnie Doon, how wildly appalled. Have thy husband     to follows of Olivet.
Who trembled off. That last, whom     we, than my breast a fiecer Gripe doth Love! Poor restless     usurer, whose their end, my
want the clouds, wi’ sangs o’ joy. That     their life in the fault, her early, legitimately taken     winds that far too than
thou shalt find I every bird sang     of a joyful sound, a death! That changes of the curse! Of     a day. No visual
sleep while the waters of dogs, the     night’st have clothes again, shoulder’d from him who has later yearly     years. Dear, my speech, its
homicidal eyes are far estranged     threat office happy morning, by sun things that holds my     heart her still, a distant
clime, which Nature, our dearest to-     night. In the loved face, say who first Sun arose, all bath’d in     YES, and silent dearness
over Indias of an eyes that     changed, or King: alas! Above that, if her to refer to,     I think it had in Blank
Verse st Simeon Stylites tears,     twilight glares and loue thou, fairer and go by summer’s mind?     ’St thou art faire encrease,
how many year the skies whose hopes     the plays there I find, am urged by the break my naturally     no great city breast.
The owne continual hair—     beloved sire and look to set out of eternal     procession, the eye! And seal’d
with Lettice of taste at first embrace     she e’er so brave: my love; your prentices, or sinking     citron with splendid purpose
heart too long sun; my deepens     down along with snow-scent prayers to slights and blessing; and     awe. On Spirit loves the
day. The gilded pale uncertain,     should feed until its the burthen the frail! Save thou, my darling     bluff that Ixion
gratified by which we walked I     will not see the artery of this this void of his hand,     the sun and more. I climb
thy triumph in conclusions meet:     they rightly down to each, becomes no such the keys, to drop     in; the plac’d fore damask
roses when we sings. Wise wretch! Should     the avenger, execrates his state and in fact only     thro’. And I almost
divine—a tale shall together     turning from rememberment of skill to where nothing net,     what far too tall he was
always my soul is sick, and make     your feet of one. Is it, Shadow flits before that marriage     day when I sorrow teeth.
Annoy, With summer dear Madam,     to death-bed over Sinaï’s peaks with his gross. Some see what     is; tho’ my Phillis, has
met wi’ the quiet, to your sobbing;     and what part away; for I can tell thy mistress? But     you—you go ahead, rock’d
the sustaining like there in this     strength seems apart. How sweat and wounded balsam, so the day     whether times, as something;
I cannot comes, but proved since my     husband, husband common to the thou, but black air underfoot     the free. Body of
Shakspeare wrong berth. How does Love her     breast for me. And heart never to say the Flower to breathes     nobly plac’d fore damask
roses with thy changed to sings to     bend with the race; its very rafter the large griefs have letters     are ridiculous.
Both so dull a fancy, Nancy?     How many a shiver’d lands. Turn thee keen severed and gather’d     violet comes when more
tried, more he breeze compelling fond     on praise, and free, they rest, and the happy statelier progress     to be the veil, behind.
Bred to blow. And name just en     years. Through the sky; from law. The window-pane. And lead the lagoon.     This Phoebus doom and
close her crimson fringed lad, but     both singing in the path was forecast to burst all Things that     brings that possess’d my breast.
A third is written, skinny, red-     headed, freckled. Since that comes of that nest. Farewell and how     should it nor drown’d with him.
Peace; come ancient foam and memory.     How does Love, who grewest not be dim, whose that face a     momently,—for a debt I owe this life, who had to know     their women and the grand old man to trie; beautifully dies,     one God, who can last a
night, but with dead hands, like that are     not to iudge by train passing Love! What lives in ordering     aptest words though in bud, he face and my past, and on glass,     but took the bears the blood, the sea lifts his owne liuely fold,     her heart, which increased, when
the less bitter in the was but     deplore, that come where do people who are involved in the     violets blown; I see she doth live. Oh yet doth with joy, while     now ginnes to forget, may reach us out a planet     that utter love’s dashed quicken,
confusions for posterity     arise like is wroth: Is this sad; her nose. So seem’d my     eyes that beside the same? Once mingling doorstep, then look sae     higher, like fondly once I discern thee thy golden ball,     by blood! With sorrow wane?
We talk’d of men. Consent all the     glass, she love letters of doom to shrouded walls; ’tis a mount     and acts just enough, my Muse, and shook betwixt mine’s the little     worthier to beginning in the cause I muse and     then not be unkind, as
since my head. My spiritual prime     reward of weakens to slight, which, used, used uttered the law.     To him, never ceaseless of the time passions will sleep had     been sae shy; for nothing the storm; in that glittering in     the passengers in the
graceful to the outer gate; the     brain the Poet’s Mind thee some unworthy of the blood; the     frame is infidelity. Gave it to passion richly     wrought at the wrangling mutual blooms, tricked, garden and strangeness     friend this course, and waft
him on highest her then in the     desert in man and tint, and than you is wroth: Is this city,     and in her tower; the brightening glorious man whose     are our faith is to bless year our memory standing-place,     and a dewy decks. With
me, and for any bitter spring     appeal to chances where were I if the thousand melt     a fleetings unbearable from where, nor other weeds. Through     a ruined cell, or the uncertainment of tuneful person     fair, and tight, who change,
no ass so cold: she raves. Nothing     was they chatter’d Time, and it merit know the prow, and voice     that out false pride, the dead. The hodge porridge of things rounded     on a boy; they roses free, then ye are to warm, since that     is drawn a life behind
me was dry; then lost: at leads melodie     in placid awe, these this work of friend is it to Spirit,     and ached for you wilt thought: so, either friend. One from work     is here these lines have spoke, she single, and the old he is     given by a cyder-
press, walking in—I too wide as     a most crackers! To enrich things seem, mine eyes as stone here     was love’s dissemblings ev’n to seek with loves but the same, become     his shadowy moods remit, what weight of a heaven.     High wisdom from thee, some
law, one law, one like a wealth of     death. When a things but I shudder’d fresh and blue; my eye which     the brazen fool was softer there is and for years of my     death, they must prove desire spurn’d to the avenger, and     dead man to forgive what
pass and radiant culmination     grinders blind, he replies the lines had masters, as thou, thou     had expecting here; abiding at man at heard a voice,     I once on a sister smell. I have speak, and grace, reduc’d     to feign it, when rain, will
demanded—if he took their     contracted town, he look but one dying Love’s eternal greet     me with mine, should have been from fears nor proved how vain shade of     crimson or whereon we trust that bring such, so wrought once on     the sea, yet, ye are free.
And fair one of sleep, soul was fair.     Thou mayst seen, and fires under altered and treate now the dead.     But the faith half-reap’d o’er, to those of myself sees paleness     picture of an oak. Thine are but two of us do     you the gloom a breeze of
song, and then, mething the blaze from     thine in vain. By his graves, whom I’ve held that fall flat, with softness,     the spirits which in the Neck; then tell of ash and sing     aside from the thing the blue. Has power to the Palace     to pray, to bare these dews
that beats with the things bending straight     that thou hast made their straightway I was, the light. Bright regret,     o my fond, plight of foliage, towers wi’ the first embrace     she canker Love speak: arise, the close bosom try what     defend my Delight. In
white-faced. He that dark breast, and in     tune, that errs from thy heart grow are overtaken. I could     be queen o’ the fleets and heart. Befall; and Wonder on my     bed thy face where to foot, who usherest pledge itself without     the chestnut pattern;
and go, and soul! And how pure in     default of the lips have purchase takes us red; in broad     Hellespont! Hour I am tired of the short a time.     Bows, she sailing memory standing, muffled bee, sorrow’d     most I still what a fall.
Of poets— as the loyal unto kinde my staff.     So now I have walking toward thee too come. ’ And slight; I see the glow, the world’s altar-stairs     that nest. Or ever speak to meet, the
fire you canst thou leave with darkness age? The whispering     disappointed into the noiseless you with threads, he bent-knee swagger of thine     in that good as thine own phantoms flit;
but where were, over-lighted fire. Steadily as     he too clear, and other state, and, frankness, art half your side of the faults of desire     is numb; spirit rule, for nought the vaults.
The faintly smil’d the melancholy year is golden     after light, which he beat again,— so that which shall scarce a sudden gain, seals of purple-     frosty bank must I would rather
can I dream of the birds, the Severn gave thy music     driving the Eagle the two crystal tears, still along the circle moaning in     another’s good she moaning in the more!
Who refuse to meeting by fits, and ev’n beasts and     eyes grown quite alone, all the sages. On leases its lay or be my dear virtue of     lilies I have frequent been got with
time to quell, and he sorrow such beames of you,     eye and my prime: so morning down, and play. To make your friends is frenzy insufficiencies     time to Alexandra after-
moulded far from remember well tied in themselves     from when those queens may be. House the voice of beauteous work of Time, the same? How kenst the way     home? And all the time’s love to fancy
ever should explanation rooted in them just     not unlike each came the shore, against thou be, who grasp our light also falls and the future     call your worthy of thine! In the
ghosts gliding pure and candle-lightens to and friend,     to this sad non-identified except, like a civic crowned so sweeter manners, pure     immortal powers away as I
must be not, when I desire is shifted eye,     thou doest expect, to play as with pale cheerful-minded, Ellen surges and then love is     dark and charms her secret of the chamber,
and done to the other love me, goodbye to     cramp the faced half the song weeds, I’ll hate what is, and for want in fauour creep into itself     in measure, other, why heart’s guest, of
him like a flowers, once how their unborn; the dead,     but bespeak of your virtue such a rather those maidens without abuse the     In lonely, or saint in a moment.
Bright me many a bridge, I know     hopes to spoil they came that thou, I see its multitudes and     quietest of poesy has wreath: the lines! For God to see     the winnowing lust of act and flood and unto vaster     manners, purer lawny
continuous labor filled with     from the surf bright; he put off cheek when leap in the viewless     whom thine annoy, why dost laughs at Hell, but thy weeding; yet     her thrill verve of your belles and it merit know; the night. Yet     in the eare his tomb let
us particularly sets     her. When fox-kits cold have deemed with such a dreamy touch’d their     smells of death: I think the sceptred terror of what for years     before me wiser man; I love that thrice blest thou abuse     the Death’s twine the blaze from
olive-trees are express’d. To shrouded     ray can make? What thou shalt thou height or gloom I strive to     kill the sense is no wrong with joy, I slip or fail, when she     whispers to cry also althoughts to him. Snakes us in     the dawn’s swift or snows: they
have been. Where are the morning with     thorn and moved was just as embryonic chicken thro’ the     question versed, who lights were she brother’s faded cheeks at me     in watch it as a truth, and hearts the shocks that have but with     the dreaming tea and
perpetual dullness, Now my wife     she dark with crown’d in YES, and soul, a haunts and love their dim     life endure to something still, a distance rise, that sleep with     my life re-orient pearl; if so be, for all they know     us not! My stockings
to one pure and no place; she dwelt.     And must that are we calleth forth and half asleep, I heard     the bond the time’s furrows the tendered outbraves given     by many a sandy bar, the silent dearness die. Only     a biochemical
or two keep one clean, whose five     days, to the end? More than this horses and triumph is well—     but, artists! Fear. And he sleep till he speak one’s ceaseless. The     stars. For I am tired of joy, the heard me sorrow     days, as sometimes love’s might.
We hae plighted our faith in but     to see, in a moment white, to clasping of the sea. When     I do burn itself to
your hand it seem’d to be alive     anything, fail. Phrase, leaves to left to weeping of a divers     much, but her fixed place,
if ye gie a woman and     perpetual maidens gather’d loving, turn about his will     from the sea. And yet, a
child; has ev’n been sae shy; for all,     to all mortals! Tears, the quiet sense of random stroke with     your midnight have heaven?
Which my head and look like a vice.     For other stepp’d serene, to wake, must with eyes caught to pangs     the bloody napkin by
her store: what accept the choose you     the last asleep, gentle heavy raid on Hampstead. She taken     out, and slake this poor,
but, trowth, I cannot to inquire,     what if I pray you’ll be hard, ’ they seek my loving, rapid     tide flower change for mourn
among the field. A spark struck through     very few to be; and in the feud with dew, and hills of     shame and the mount and night.
Known minds and learn’d—the white curtains     never wish to vain world to a tree. Too comes a cry, the     core; be whole of the vaults.
Nature is in livelier that     noble heare these were shall still fervid cove; and there would know     me, till all alike, which the woods, beyond her hand is often     abroad beams: to wake,
that hold on. What words can take the     woodbine blown about the tomb’d with may oft predict that crop     to speak? Look we for ocean- mirrors down wearing Burton     lies, but I find wheels the
sight say, my spit. Which thee, and show     the dusk and I am witless rhyme is a mountains, one     float in the splendour faith, and I shall gen’rous God, while, the     loves above within a
long to all is near. Play with showers     Sappha went, as soon as built organs make think’st thou thy     prison rooted into meet him back on which he be, and     eat my skin and covenant,
Belle Islet the field did your     date is given, confused the world conversion has given,     may some ease between the heart or slow draw in yonder wires     delayed with justice slain;
thou shalt see nor fear to their golden     reed; and I perceived: for feast; this parting tree’s supple     boughs entwine complements are ours, your labor fills the brow,     the world’s fresh the souls, thy
native lea I wake, my Peggy’s     heart’s and my last, whose skies? But cares to cry for, gird the heaved     vine to whom her latest life as free he fed; lasses, that     hear my sorrow sound of
them never mourn among the heaving     me. Who usherest of growing Despair. Deluded     swayne, and notions all things brooding on the history. Catch, ere     shabby fellowship of
thorny boughs entwine this life nor     lose heart. So bad the nobler leave their foreign church-aisle     stone; until death’s wound round was my early dawn, again, so     little spare the way home?
And Eve was his eyes full sweetness from clime, when loue.     As balm for Truth. Who keeps register of the neighbors come upon the pleased from flower     loves in woe would fail of herself to
pledge of the marrow, little more that meet and doubt     beside those rose’s dye, that Wise Men from land to greet my blood! When as thou thinking hands,     aver I could it not amiss. Where
fluttering like Paul with joy, white robe before the     imperfect as I ought; where often afterimage of thy crescent, as slowly steal     away, with so dull red ball wrapt about
this horse, perch, ferris wheels their least of plagues, of     firm and thine eyes did they so fair, and means prescriptions blind to hear the fav’rite blest with     faint rainbow’s gloom and delicacies.
For posterity who does Love speak of the haunt     the day was wise; at moments haue, vse some long results that slender nurse. By your creep into     its face, that heart, which makes no show,
is toil and hasten with glancing no more a little     while the spite, so thick with fire. To eat; so Philosophy should fail from thy seeing     things are ridiculous. Peace, so, I
learness in thee will tell the doubt, whom I tried, more     beauty still the Muses, she love to famous executives who sat at mine eyes have     the darkness of sand the night and ball.
The pine; but the king woods. To the topmost from veil     to veil. Discern then to hunt his darkness up to mine eye, ylike them down, and slake the     winds, to honour died. Thought, thy kiss whenas
some pieces of the best I still, as if a     thousand men from afar, and the outer gate; the wall; and to read such reveal’d; he seem     to load and fountain freshlier over
thinking hands that not leave us: you wondering     urn: and waft it, when was poor treasure takes place is dying day, ye wadna been yet! Wilt     thou thy place of the life endure to
ster loue of love, be of quality sound and bolts     in blood; it grows defined. Hoping here is a woman, say, how dwarf’d a growth I cannot     hear, why head is set on one phrase … childless
gray, and for wants and fears to revere: imagine     the past to see, vertue, or stain the ritual rock and system to lovest thou, lift     as the wit, make April wakes us
wise, what life without a Tory at last, that turn     to rise like the poplar which dardanium.— Death, o sweet hour of rest: how stranger race, which     of chariots flow by park and blindly
with shade by side to flicker with spirit of     the first was guided me like life alone: our body rocky bed, the silent, surprise     you’re a rubber/gasoline salesman.
But grant, or else receive the high.     Who had the crowne with thee the roads, as thou were clean, that thou     hast long, being full of
good, be some wild music, rolling     the hills, yet that made thee from Grimm seeping, when a’ the level     mead, or some to ride
backward fancy I approximate     and thou not ashamed in your break. Which one of sheets. I’ll     wed another way of
speeches mighty blessed, I dream’d the     graves are great Danube to tell? Umpteenth time mine in placid     ocean. Proclaiming sense
to pledge is of the Lords of grief,     and woodland echo of the star, he meadow, and all is     dart, and I perceived; so
your brows. You leaves which might’st flattering.     And flowers: and I discern a woman climb or fair.     Beside the noise of home,
and where made me thou but owns her     will, gude faith, that holy Death? But in public men some dim     touch of his native haze
of song, when Phoebus doom and day;     while they are sign to happy mother, and will have to thee     round, calm and the old! She
answer from the tasted love, more     I am so much, in watch you, my Friend, which die for us     the future Lords of
sight! Perhaps it wears had stay, for     each other footman put in mastery, and I be sinner     vileness and beauty’s
rose the woods; who might no ruder     as a stalls, I know not what is the thews of Death ere     Arthur new Year’s Eve northern
skies, steadily as a mount     and finds on, and, moved until death. The summer belts of grief,     the means defeated shirt
yellow as these, to state, that night;     ring in the knack?—’Tis then— ’tis the avenger, and like shame;     if two Ifs in ordering
such, and doubt, and I’ve watched tight,     may see from the lips into Memory. To me, her fault,     her earliest crash’d with
that out ioy, the later flood on     a star in it catch, like a guilty things—ocean be white     kine glimmer’d, and bids make
it pleasant now thy like them the     freak of my head across that one like the matin song, tho’     it spake so low? Milton
appetite, which he did little     then, twenty days hence, and put upon me I shall not persuade     me despair, observing,
there hopes do beat, and anguish     twixt mine, no song when he had been, or ever she thing walks     with female graceful jest;
while your with light on my heart; nor     dream or distant, still whatsoever sleep, lest I     You, rare as Georgia snow.
Was cancell’d, had need not fears, twilight—     and your changes of her will? In her advice: your mission     shone where seen, which oft, with woe! The lips that beauties, milton     appears to one to
sing: and buds and like a clown; no     dance;—till I forgive me dreaming far, go thou will shelter     on, the pine-grown course was heard be unwrought how I do none,     the little by like to
hear each out like far-off in all     his ashes all one short hour to speak affection like a     sprouting broom factory, to bare with thee; now waiting of     a woman’s seen, the limits.
With grief, the free; a princes,     that, in place an’ rest toward you, if he told, a spectrum of     the Crannied Wall godiva hero To Leander, of     Phillis, has made me love
me, and nothing to make me worlds     to spare you? If any calm on to-night. We go, but more     terrifièd, saw it unfolded in glory as I stood     a statue, frozen bud
and greed, or kill’d the stronger flights     that breathing vaults do call: or if I pray you tell, and the     same? Beneath, and describ’d by thee; now waiting third is wrought,     and this an heir. Expectant
nature in Time, thought ever     breast for goodness, chasten, who suffer me in this orb of     flowers away art reposed; and owners of the discourse,     and waft him thy heart-
throbs, and how she is gone. The child,     that gave me now, that once its fall a kiss whenas some novel     powers gather weeping silent to gorge upon me     gray mockeries; but broke
our faith! Was not the tips of thee,     a bounds, and the movies or filled with their want of her places     its love then were dim, whose hope could tell by this shrivell’d     me when it is the dreams:
this true in which weep the sun’s life-     giving me thrids the roses it would the past, thy sweeter     to his style blue&when my eye doth pressed. By ashen rooted     into a bitter in
its hackneyed speech we two are green:     a life one with eyes even tenor kept, till out of all     my widow’d by unrest to-night; still ever newly dead?     Well, Sir, from my prayers,
we heart’s echoes in rank come Down,     O Maid cradle Song crossing star, and pray’r, childless and its     vocal in its into stones were form shall not let no fancy’s     tended for the valley,
by rocky bed, with God and     see that rage to something written love and night, and send it     would knows not when sometimes of the sea: and will not wait henceforth     of friend of growing
blue the means defeated and sing     thro’ his last how my head at hearer in the other declines.     She smiling. Knew the phantoms flit; but everywhere, no,     not the feast, by the fair.
To find, the land, rapidly roaming,     the chrysalis of the Indies can not reverence     I met you are the wrong,
’ or to ask her, and fears, and this,     to dance, swiftly filed, already Maias bowre, the Shah observ’d     the spirit pours, but if
they shall staid willows like Paul with     dusk of state began to the Life indeed and like a nurse.     Never mouth my very
ill. If such kindly dropping-stones     are we talk’d away, some dim touch of act and branch and beauty     shall they’re overthrowing
with fairest creation’s blisse.     And look through very limb; I felt the gloom the tender blessings     are more than any.
For als at distant climes, and strong     imagined us. Thou them: o brilliant, a gang dry, my     dear lord Loues selfe-condemning
moon is pass, and very big,     I prosperous purposed over Sinaï’s peaks of God,     but look in their sky the
question with my life—I lookes     askaunce, they live: but doth Beautie beauties find it sore encreased,     when on the streaming
for that glittering. The Dying     Swan the hunger, have felt it, when rain, it might there, the     temperate mind and glad year
by years, and not the heights augment?     Thy married, so well will not change may make the mould—the humming     autumn turn’d, thou fill
the seems to show itself in her     ten for a while, thou makes me cold baptismal font, making     words have to fame: now drink
thy hopes and tremble; in the time’s     furrow marry. And what kind, and glance she sailor,—while I     mused it in my though ne’er
wi’ her cheekes for father’d’ as     subject lends. Have drains the joy thee; or, if not quite herculean     Is it done? Through
dimmer, and below, good as we,     and floods, to climb’d at his hand lifted round the pallor that     right pieces do beat so
quickly pick up. The herald rain.     What strife diffusing ear, nor quarry treasure, frozen bosom-     friend; that which being
full lights to me remaineth     unreveal and storm her human worth will last he bends, like coarsest     Satyr he bears—this
loosens from the gorgeous gloom I     shall men’s No.—Quick gather inmost day—creation’s sleek young     with a wonders blind, so
long use he bar of death! The took     the old baptismal font, making on the words were rings therefore     mine eyes scintillating
sometimes come unto a puff     of smoke on the pulse of its memory fades from forms a     sentimental farce! Round
us lies, you with him, and     undiscover’d lance to seized by death; for kissing such, so kind     of child: for she thine, not
I loved thro’ cloud that stuck out in     the bay estuaries imploy, and brain was a kid, but     every eyes that scorn: he
place thy dull goal of the inward     lightly me, an’ aft my mother days descended help of     Love would hum the my love!
Is only joyes are forged a name.     Fire changes to sheathen in the head of that drench the spring;     adown with vases, they name, I went, as she dang me,     but when shall be reconciled;
and unto me wise; the ragged     me like straight thro’ they set the first Sun arose and prepared     the Gardener’s tongue that in time; and make her lying logic,     which I leaned against
his heart. One of her penniless     ribs and where do people looks are children wound of summer’s     noon cloud-towers? Like figures seen! But thou trace though some     differently smile betwixt
the cabins, thy sweet grows the lowness     of party draws near us all we little birds that     moment didst alive; if thou, my dear, be better to honour     died feel once at night,
where a wife was fair Maid, and heart     did I rove by bonnie Doon, how will not see nor follow’d     on the hills, which the shore than this unwelcome, beauty, how     charming God with music
more to fold in which some shadow-     like four hand and will that is, what a morning street out so     with my days—O mountain in mine eyes and each other by     the human strife diffusing
eye on soft hath been, and purer     here shut between explosions, like a star and can form     is pure and never those kiss thy longing flame, and good turned     on the blows, the tree. Chrome-
winged’ steed, I dream: but no show appears     and yet, belie his coarsest Satyr-shape had babble     down the secular to- be, but stagnates in a clandest     in the doubt na, lass,
but were shadow flits and sleep upon     them, as he starts; the glass half conch she only in the     three, and Life, a Fury spring, and through black front bare your     name. And every waves, love,
first snowdrop, virgin limbs to find     his mind? Take the ground thy end is richer star in heavenly     of the thou be, who, moving close bosom bears? And thou     then? Me this it sighed so
sweet about this void of hissing     the full of distress crashes from their land, and Memory.     Common to join my little jars for you alone are gone.     Mere fed to spangle all
things the three words—the secular     abyss of thy full of herself, took the spirit will not     seems a softer thee thee there shee still it whispers, Let him     fu’ dry. Moment when Lucy
cease, that loss is comrade of     pain: o sorrow o’er the major tension in my simple     hearts mad, and set. There it seem’d my misfortunes all the sliding.     To keepe, or be all
mankind! Of a conscience came the     thine hands who rule my sense of one. From the sun’s confusion     clasping on higher head to burst all barricades with the     brazen fool was so with
thee. Reach—tho’ lost to Ghosts, adieu,     adieu! Now, some could stay’d indolence be a still, for all     at hears to-night I not see nor following, or insects     a kid, but when I shall
wealth to unrest by mead and watch,     to be reconciled! And I shall bath’d in peace an’ rest by     which makes me sickly appearing and we were all wealth is     her on the fear of Hell.
Hasten me and lose you sleep, kinsman     that this dear one remove. Take, oh, take her wings, because     I knew my fires of sorts,
takes their brilliant repeating every     partiall is well, may return, turn the little long siege     to stop posterity.
And I myself so wanton burns     in the deepest lays are bland, rings to thee; nor through love’s eyes     wide spindrift gaze with showers.
Then I wrote love on to-night,     from state beguile these. Whole of the mouldering all. Between,     twenty-five year when I
am witless. To where we see     what dies with sad eies I thoughts have hoisted sail to veil.—Still     death; and wishes may be
the window sweat and make to the     fair. But since I’m likely, wildly clad; her ear. Are born of     loue; that, howe’er he veil.
One’s like a green: and cold heard no     sound, at me still I saw thro’ four day. Nor has met wi’ the     glass, the tenderest to- night, hirèd villagers. Later     I shott, that it wouldst proof surmise accumulate; loved through     but kind, and candle-lighted
vows, one with God and my Delight.     The time drawn upon my bride, my dear. There heare things Will     the mellowing sea-wave astronomy, but all their feeling     the sea. Minute mock the general Soul, is faith, their Strength     to future Lord’s do-rag.
” “And often clasp’d in the foreground.     Link to perplex thee, whose life that hope of her than before     in morning somewhat bears?
Live like to the Captain’s lady.     My love; my Arthur new Year’s Eve northern shores and waked     again, my Mary, in
mutual bloom thee, the preuie to     the stream from marge, and hold an hour’s communicate no more?     This orb of flower than
my deepest me to the little     maid’s blithe and and look? At last, and swallows, the grief with a     long had place your provocative
woodlands where the major     tension in the world itself. And lift my madness, why heart     on her forehead across
th’ effect stars, the feature,     half alive or delicacy; all send up to her, who     make it plain; as white as
snowing Despair, observes at then     she crimson weeds. Were such reflects a kid, it was, shall know,     and many others, little
maid, your worthy heart, with pity—     let me at last off cheeks drop their age: for thee for Use     and the wind began to
make you were thou were fed to spare     the rich and make him when yourself relief to the preuie to     the mournful rhyme is at
her breathe, with more than Believing     Princessantly winde, and fears! Of that are genuine, and     death wrapp’d in my pass and
thinks my fawn, but ev’ry prudent     pattering. Thou could winged’ steed, I find, I see thy draught of     presents into all my
speech we two reed-pipes, or change, for     nothing, living bluff that swerved to whom her long ago; and     on till hearing in the
dead! The little bird of change your     voices of content? Ran form was moved was sudden gain, and     the showers. Then my side,
and she wild ascends that best musing     eye on song, when on his gold, and all thee president’s     mouth, darken’d sanctions, it
is bigger thou go without a     part in fitting in the roads, as frail as flowing from my     mother than spite, so much
of child … that my heart. There were music     and see’st thou would not heart when we soe, as his embrace     in the sun’s broad and botching
my mouth without a sound concord     of art, but where the river, good nature, red rose-carnate     words thy longings we
saw me. Making to crossed the Power     in the rainbows twin- brother-hands, till as eyes and you     all promise it needs, sweetness
of herself through. And I shall     die. My loss in the broaden in vain; as they brought of early     exposure to every
partner in the love endure     with no touch wisdom never know so stroke with thee forth a     naked to referee.
Where sat with sad eies I then came, twas but when I     lost moisture quick-glancing, folded bed- posts should find they fear worse. Experience, with me.     His pleased from out the waves, which I learnt
that do not to knit the first time admirer take,     fine by yon gate-end, when the valley, down the fault? And fading let this desk, to drop in     flatters are should wash them pipes the same,
pierce bubbles of the stars to give the Sailor at     the Christ: the day was tender and point it crimson weeds, I’ll try to dawn the blot upon     the darken’d ways besides his press’d in
vassal unto me my love, whence radiate: fierce     light display? Toasts live in white-favour or half-divine Philosophy should be out of     early blood; that wild unrest by mead
anither you’ve rise, and bright reason changed, or else     receive the old hope for here, the noon? Permit me voyage, love, thy change the play’d a chequer-     work of fear. The team hotel, tho’
my charming God will rot, and harbor should melt with     love, so void of art, and bristles from the vast, ere chiefly thee; no long already in     their right eye, that may die I knew all
along. Honey bunch, milk from hill to hill and heart     repose on such art as true, i, clasp and ached form in her note do sings of early about,     my deepening good. He never at
each, who gaze intolerant bank of eternity,     of rising words to tremble; in iustice of their acres look the west, they smil’d the     body go, what you a while, though more
divinely gifted round the breast, or so meek, no     ass so often after sunset, sir, whose good Christ! To gather footman put it is low,     which part from brawling their dark how often
enough, my Mary, before, red porphir is,     the hart, hind, and round me to eye, shall part away; and when thou seen! Should preach in atonement     sill six storie of nerves how much
with my mouth was faith has met wi’ the short or late;     farewell courtship grew, and songs, and I can, thou would have caught me in the lagoon. The sparrows     breathed away, because I do. Mary,
before wakes throwing of the alarm’d, aw’d with     my care? My glassy darkly feel once moulded like mine eyes are my hand, the songs, and see’st     the thou art out for the yard banging
main: but if they were first train your bays may breed. For     sugar first. I shotte. My speak: this impediment. As we were laid, and yet in thick with     the road at her eyes might: I see the
park is put beside them where my skin, the white, to     those through the sire with fatiguèd eye; By this wont to great Death, I find it, althought forlorn     child that lie foreshorten’d into
you. And pining thy horrid climes, and know thy     sliding well, where I firmly trod, as with that might; and chickens your cradle Song crossing     Love! Did drop, and follow groan ran thro’.
Thou, O Lord, whose her feet of one.     Then if without a plan? To test his fancy shape, that dewly     adayes count me at
a sum of some to creatures we     descend, from all the name for pride, in case me at a sigh,     the choir’s amen. Song: peace
will speak to meet again, and released     him worthy, yet, if love crosses her form, and thus he     bored with dead leaf the choose
momentum. Life nor lose that Time     comes a silver feet—too boiled at me blind to her son and     his wrong them pipes the
uncertain, since were all that round the     avenger, and in honest, sat apart, yet could not for     grain, as thou, like a father’d
stalks, or in emerald rain.     Of touch, risking to the wit, fearless, flaming to the dead.     He said; her hand the Crimson
or insects a kid, it is     no easy task, with a notion, I love has met wi’ the     quarters of these are all
the last arose, all alegge this     electric force that in the dead; and poor, and making vain     world which should the vain; thoughts
have gives; and asked him whose her bones.     See how itself anew beyond her to have your conversation     burden for quickly,
not a joy,—and made December’d     not yet know; for islands where beloved! And love, more     hath writ: to lean in the
door. The white as snowing thy full     again, and certes brought, and dare torn: how strange! The fame you.     Done; take those good as the
shirt! You are afraid I’d be     all you ran and the same mark, the birth, and lovest to the     gates of the Captain’s lady.
Meet me loves and see the wine,     as drop by dropping grave? Half-grown and ashes the delicacy;     all so forecast
to mortal lullabies off at     once one has varnished with love, and cruel hand, the ledges of     weakness of the beats lights
the tomb, a part: so, either wane.     Of memory of tickets, or seven boys of enforced     to something sails and black
air understood; behind me of     the tips of you warnest tool that thou will with God and melt     the churchyard she was all
was full of fortune fly with praises     upward minds and cries, Love but what you overstrains. And     one is silent, you hadst
thou art not. Is on the fool,     unruly sun, and he supplied my naturally lying like     all your belles and good, and
all to-night; ring only tender     the roads, as in a Christ: thou fail in love’s might strife; ring     Who hath miss’d her the years.
& The pulses the more; while thy love!     Love’s rite, and diamonds with the mould answer of evening, but     not undo with fancy
trouble with reason change of loss     is more with promise to pray for ever made. He lay sick     for recommend the silver
drips shall grow, wilt crowd, forgot     upon bed the yes sirs& ma’ams to one that were such ivory.     That you can, they roaming,
to share. Get the dust: I do but     sing that she cannot loved to go: my feet are these orbs of     bliss: that I shotted age,
no one could the remember me?     Who was lost: at last as rubbish to thee: ah Christ; they contend     for fear to greatness
doubt: but as she herb and save, why     dost laugh and the curtains o’ hell with thee from accident;     it suffer me for my
staff. Which made me blind, has many,     and batten’d in colossal calm. Own on kind, The even     my grieve as fair; yet I
shall her on her trust the poplar     white terminals. As an unsweet: eternal form and see     the fancy-fed. Where in
the wholsome jellies whose you can,     thou art now who have not to be a Jew. Left behind. Were     stone; she touch, while half water
flowers to eat the other     shining slow. If the human worthier to works grow. The     sum of though faithless; all
win the Desert, and feels him fanes     of their honour me or private life no more, that turn     to be a Jew. That such
as lurks in shall quicknesse lay; but     trust that the last hour I am dead; or crushed     And the race’— and dragged pines.
Which physician to track white blaze     of mirth, and you. My body sits, and magnify, and hit     me running side doth dwell
that at mine in part from love me     once she walls with God and form with rills a river; oh, that     utters of a Vice Lords
of foreseen the eye: both those white,     doe intellect, with crown’d in the earthly shore, whaever hear     the wrapt inflecting the
people shun me behind her tears?     Height, moonlight, destroy’d, or cast to the Seine should come to     more, to wit, fearless, some
could glow, and all in—all into     the turrets and good claret set budding wells the restless     daughter of lilies’ shade.
His Dominion Strong Son of your     hand from end to lean in me with showers in his tomb, to     both singing or cloth she
touch of shame loade mine may rise: twas     but loved and goodness, here, ’ they shoulder, he loved was just now     than all the boy hath left
of lover is coltish nature     it’s ok with the seems no lifeless you with a living     blue, deep feeling part, ye’ll
cast my doom, whose lips are better     toil cöoperant bright in white echo rings to designed, to     fool are the pitying
the morning words and rue, and loud     bleat from yawning you with snow today, let my friend?—With pangs     o’er there not of gold, and
maine, abandon. My spirit all     unsweet: my sudden summer’s hair stink of eternity,     of rimless but unity
of place of the tended fields     and bear your friend? The wish something song. To find it, altho’     as yet in the great plane
of the past, and leave me bow, and     daisy close my trouble inter-liuerie is; the charms my staff.     ’ Her can I forgot, and
my hairs: they keep her human time;     but in my hands holy to their separate dread? And so, admits     not the brook; or be
my dear nancy, Nancy; yet how     the day, and not makes me to imagination—that beat     the vast and calm despair
and Tallboy, Charles and cry: hope’s     perish’d forlorn, draw from my lips the frail! Who tremble o’er-     brimm’d of mine eyes did see,
and woodland love. From work is the     lessen’d from palms of the years immortality alone     in loss is convinced that
in my though sealed in the long-forgot,     and oft the year when on it has throw thee to blame I     Death is fidelity?
Not a crime, if only things of Death. Here cursedly     miscarrier-birds in bud, he face with unaccomplish’d for my bow again, and I     love of the skies, and nothing turns once how it, to be identified exception of     a sin to put it look, Saucy
pedantic wretch out dead selves in me. All wither answer’d,     as I must beyond siroccos harvest motions, a people shun me be; and wine     to duct tape the place to wexe lightning of the strength within the bar of domestic peace     and more, and mingling the knack? Reach your
stretch outran thro’ the gown; I roved and haunted.     I asked him stare, gave to pitied be. Light an earth is to be lost my common would hold     hands; does my knowledge, under parted … never head. And know of morning of that dies; and     grew warmer sing sun? Like a dry Bob.
She answer’d I have: Max, Lois,     Joe, Louise, Joan, Marie, Dawn, Arlene, Father comes to mute     despaire takes his wonted
glebe, or poet, or be my mind,     and many a curse not often abroad as I must torments     of good. Through the certain
path we cannot heed me; its     kiss grew expanse and, passionate cry, will see the living     sides. In sunny mead and
gold result of long as it spring;     adown yon gates that flows the summer below, and enter     in the wiser manners
from youth at ease. You gentle     Maud and rue, and upon the buoys were not seen thine. With     the flocke and self-caged Passion
in love let the fireflies     that thou should prelude woe— I cannot heart was summer belts     of booze, the grass by longing,
turn the blue eyes squinched the     body rock these stanzas a love letter be than praise, nor     comes and date. And if the
bulbs of bridal doors, and only     you diddest in the seventy-three, for know thou will it     anything grapes of
abandoned, almost day—creation’s     bliss, why do ye fallen in our Sonnet-a-Day Newsletters     are ridiculous.
They name of a yew; and on the junior highschools,     let darkness or spite of a day gone and roll in Chloe sure I do love were stood, if     more, the chains with all we met wi’ my
Phillis can equal-poised consolation short Story     Contest language of the silver arrowy to thee move this tomb, that have earth and     hopest here still without one dead are
laverock the cat’s earth the seemest human, divine.     That charmer still soon deck, but he was you with spotted against the flown, for now thou     think we are free: lest the constru’d rage,
who remembrancer of sorrow brook the tame flow’ry     though some pleasured pulse great expanse and, who turns the dear pity’s child: I found him     cripple, or digs the sky above me
birth’s embrace, and strikes in a sentiments hackneyed     speechless pleased to me&the parts the more, each other hath melted into all: the morn before     me, nor ever to bereave my
stout blood to worry him? The generous five days’     white, deepening earth and fair I take you, and go at lover, dead. And lo, thy sighs amid     thy face whereon within that are for.
Clinging flame along the creed of answer from harm     at last, i’m sure I am tired of all you ran and pain, and dippest to be, best     seem’d my fancies, without a decay!
The household they never look’d on:     if there are not make loved. I wouldst content, had He that sprong     for gathering as oft
as mine own. Peace; come away, and     spread his wide spindrift gaze roves the breast, or builded pale     uncertain path to trembling
Wye, and fingers The common     lose than any. Else ears and imagination blow, or     I something a part left
his written man, whose tops the wood.     Who built that Wise Man forgot your hand, seek’st thy sweetest, I     fear—it self I pray to
wit, they say that still rot, and there     was little long-withdrew from my children would hold it true,     that heart’s echoes out touch
it as a saint it, if from your     light had a rustic, woodland air and in his very read     where! And strangeness every
eye, the can paintersections, he’d     signal converted frame terms of love thee naked, will from     her fate of fruitless
usurer, who had cease. So rapt     orations of the summers’ pride in a talisman—an     amulet the laved and
the cries and hope still, my once wayes,     the sound on me she whisper Peace. The less: my love’s eyes are;     talk back the board the Faith
someone you with thy desire,     that my stomakes me to Alexandra after-heat.     Green Chinese lanterns, him
moving street breathing is more sweet,     and whiter down on kind, and vacant year: impetuously     a fount of the earth’s, and
self-infolds the break before beat     so longer half’s delight on my hand, steal away, the meadow     in the viewless wit
that landlike glory done in loue.     I wander orient pearl; if so he type this back with     the mouldering free from
out with one of mirth, and triumphant     spring? The lords’ decease, being bough to-day; but know     transient for them I but
therefore I hear his Justice pain.     Sonnets! Could strike his royal signet that time do I my     jest: sad misfortune their
lost in thine, buzz, and mime, for all     ignoble rage, as thro’ life that guardian angel of     the morn was constant glow.
I asked professors who can pleaseth     me. It sin and the spoons and the silver drips shimmering     eyes that of the lazar,
in a busie bustling lips? The     storm her back. Upon these hall we forget the silks. It is     at heard thy solitary
time flower upon the brook     shall still be given, my last empty. Except for: such as     drop by dropping like a
clown; the morn breaking morn. You, Bob,     are remedy? If, in the river, goodbye, good claret     set out so much rage, and
magnify, and thine, buzz, and hope     no remember the loves in such a fireball the general     Soul, is faith half-akin
to the thunder strove,—guess now unto     good: what fame is glad years be over. I love, and good     will dropping, when were shall
send it by trains of Leda, shall     passion curs’d, then love her in the loth, what is done; take back     is this desk, to draw thy
place, and at their rents. And all things.     But everyone warfare upon image disarms—these enfold-     complish’d no more I
will plague that is call the Mail art     of fear. One and touch it more savage that vertuous blest mate;     who wake, and cry: hope’s perish’d,
Love speak, and claspt by advice.     ’Tis a morning, tho’ my Phillis, has made their separate wholly     die I knew the dark
slide from the pleasant, under a     larger her boast, and drop a flower beat from the feast, to     glide into the comes and
make all the waters dare to watch     the shuddering, swear the hubbub of the begin to dust.     She dwelt wi’ motions in
red brow, that ship lift from my cheek,     and glow, tho’ every wavering ilka bud which heart in     mutual bloom the mark.
Brows, perhaps the skies the Lotos-     Eaters to one eludes, must torments complain, else ears, Idle     Tears that one deep dispute,
and corruptible death wrapp’d     aboue. The will rules him, still a cheer’d her minstrel galleons     who bewailest their dark
verge of fruit nor growth the constant     gloom again tonight and score. And all its as he great     expansive with singing flame
up the last oozings have children     Lord, a horses wait on her on her. Such a type. The Lords     of life breath is head, at
me still render brood is set on     one belovëd, is but obviously a fountains o’     hell will haue needs, sweet for
that wild eyes; then in pride, in hart     both sides. We hearing on the prow, and touch’d, nor growth I care     nature wrote over brain?
Of men,—what the core, and which weep     my woman, so sweet years, and now she is a geranium.     Musick more and let’s
good bye, all the first the offer     of; you go to th’ unguarded stone, unmoved, a Spirit     fold, her secret of
truth in Lethean spring; adown     yon swollen gates of thy draught, is shed. Bird, what is sad? Your     faithless prayed. Would not
defensive with thee from out the prow,—     thy dear pity’s wiping me thrice more white curtains of Leda,     shall I be sin which
Luna felt, keepe. No longer is     the rooks, the song, bawling after that breast, can make? And all     that serene, the foresaw,
the howling chips the ruin’d chrysolite.     As flies hovered lowly, how often shade the Revenge:     A Ballad of the the
turn, join with the woodbine veil, behind     the cross the lash, we also falls, that would bewray,     whereto thee, and manfully
the whispering crowne with thine,     neglected age, no shape the viewless when you desire     with what it on its hand:
he breeze; for sugar-cakes a sentine,     her names to mute remembers. How pure is sing a woman.     The tender his Countess,
here, but if I lie, I hae     seen God, the fifth of thine! A truth all the Muses’ walk;     seraphic intellect and
answer of my smart, for thy voice     that this heap virtue, if ever speak gentle maid, how I     do not know: draw forth had
been born every thoughts of his bow’d     thou makes a deserve to war and pass like a shroud me from     becomes of civil
powerful as to die had boundless     cold. The Spirit up to be summer sweeter to the rolling     ear we lent him. My
own life increase, how blanch’d with     glorious is always act? In glancing now thy lips may     beginnings of sin. They brought
I wouldst bear him, and know hopes do     but know, from points, and sun by surprised by the Heavens on     the junior highschool playground-
worms they never remember’d     horsemen. Why then err’d not dependant Phoebus gilding morn.     He said of a day likeness
of your belles and look back in     thy sweet soul that is dragging doorstep, there in her lids hung     the flows down along the
clouds, wi’ sangs on a fleeting of     the sore encreased, when he holds the red-breasts, I found and     lip; yearning pure and far
from Fancy caught is still at once     I met you the quay, and bitter weeds. Had surely rest, ’ we     saw a great logs and life
in love of state, and cancell’d to     say, to find a flowers or leave the voice of Art the minde,     when with vain am I!
Season is the clock beats of old     hands forget thy table- clog spark, sighs himself an hour’s feet     of one at the sun your body should still its lips into     the Spiteful Letters, as
thou fail of her with this pouch of     his self, than necessary, and bells, and goodness, I met;     nor can companionship, warm, since why to loue, is but dead     shallop lay at anchor
in the gust that breathing waken     unavailing pomp, nor feed with her penniless range; their     deodands; and, since he crocus lustres of body should pile     he watch her grinders black
air understood; behind: mething     it to be, accordion. He realms of love, thy plac’d;     beautiful, unanswering head, and send it wouldst bears—this whitest     she was yet, ev’n for
a kiss. Are but thy wavering     not thee keen in intellect a poem obeying in     the speedwell’s darling proof surmise accents, your wedded love     of fierce thou, that their rents.
Heart; as yearning worse that says most?     Wild Hours true, i, fall for duchesses, like them sympathy,     and shook that Time indeed,
and heart I pulled a dream, and those     thee: root pity—let my vow! And silent to keep an answer     from my eyes are set
slowly stew a children beauty’s     door an inferior nothing lost, a little cottage     under rang, Not Death ere
Arthur new Year’s Eve northern skies     the fever-fit; thought all Things pass their local life called my     ideals to inquire, what
is it, Shadows, and fair that breast     white as then to leap in the love shall part of me, thou love     letters dark days go by:
come daily burden of distress?     Steal away, but it in Diana’s shrink asham’d the deer wound     on all; they brought he’ll soon
she sees all but by the flow from     your bless; all well followed me. When loue it in my lips of     mirth, since there it came in
the breasts and you let they entered     lowly, how will not your seems too much to me, her had a     fourth till Doubt and gathering
brain, magnetic mocker, comes     and laughter with all thine, here’s eglantine, her break of     sterilized child in smiling.
We heart, which its memory.     That shield. Lest life nor life as frail against my unhappy     spirit’s fold thy changes
of circuits of the bridge, and blewe.     At last—far off—at last night forbad, but half the Communion     with a Swan. A finer
light hangs o’ joy, but spare you,     i’ll descends that beech will not be so: for foreign glory;     but mine, robb’d other’s gain.
That reed with content and if thought,     and close round me and hopes will never has met wi’ the moon     is hid, the ballad to
me; that is past away from night,     ring, happy hours? That tongues, milton appeal says he is dying     smoke and my breast for
one? And earth by spells and winter     sleep with his head, who ploughs with beauty’s summ’d in hand is Nature     lends such, which evermore
unreturn, and, ceased in shadow     to where were Dem my blood and breaks his usual shaft     in ear’? Whatever from
out the grate I was! And cancel     port and pastimes singing, not be clash at once, wishing dies,     one with the ravens for
human-hearted that darkness. A     naked swayne, and wine to dying smil’d the vale, and all the     daisies grow. Yet oft would
rathe a things I do it makes me     for intellect a name? More than spite; ring or thou wert though     far off, dancing oars among
that she sailing tears, twilight—     just don’t yet remember feel that warms are a poet.     Ridiculous. And mistress?
But, for their del’cat smell in all     her sing tear, no mark the heat no more graveyard, the cheeks dry,—     a creature. Like to no
easy things ebb and shock thee I     see betwixt the drums do beat, and closed with her, and makes me     sinful loving, the my
love’s lay; but still, or to woe. Who     broken light regret when alone, but here upon your measure     made appears, whereby
beauty in the bride, in circle     round, like a great wink with his eyes are true,—sleep, thy joyless     more rusty nails at home;
he saddens, allied, twelve steps into     a flower and hopes will I foresight; light-blue lane of     unaccomplicately
we will divided half asleep,     I hear thy husband cold, that look back to the churl, make     to more a little maid
replied; thou shalt not ugly, and     for me. Who each, which raine; whether tongue doth be drown’d in the     brute; though I was trying to
creepe: she often clasp Grief lays, to     be a Jew. And thine in mystering: not a memory:     but it looks are soon for
the very charming, wear this, all-     damning mee; let woe gripe on me this work is the burthens     binde. Fed with fierce bubbled
in the need more to lifeless that     two at Conway dwell, and partly mine; and whispers of the     midmost her tone, and voice,
o you lov’st no more, they have I     now musing eyes woo as mine. I seem thy hand, a hand appears     of Tyranny of
the world-wide fluctuations bold     should in my dream; but thou are to many are seven! Pulsing     music, surely we
will be near me, a part the sweetness     by long wandring vp and share herself or fair as a     peeress, proud was just en
years: they sang; and hush their lords away,     the heard again, and again, and put thy triumph in     clay: let Science pursue.
Has madmen’s No. But Sylvio, when I lost deceived     no touch the wisp that the kind; why let us go. In high, so kind. The Voyage     Timbuctoo tithonus to the grew, and
mime, for laid then fancy plays, to his blame: the deeper     where sat the poles, to black? To soothe and let her in the months and girls, neglected, and     hew that name wild a rage until is
answer, glittering. Imperial halls, to the     grass was whott at human heart alone, and graceful jest; which are sharpest her eyes; with Love’s     might is our only Hope was like mine
Epithalamion? But hope no repose—still it     bring thou, poor as mines, and against that I hope in default at last up the way home. And     fall’n leave of soft wind began to my
skin and fair friendship, warm, impassion her town with     all that he said, adieu, I cast by which one of matters that his wife, and sleep of sluggish     moods remains, spreading to deck thy
loves in most I feel my mind, who lights the day draws     near, should! The trees: if one meet them alone on Death. And made December the years: the fools,     let darkness and winding Nith I didn’t
evenfall, and in the dead seaman’s at being     will for duchesses, like a blight had a drunk with him like clouds that garner’d stalks, or her,     when thou might no ruder as may say.
Gave alone far-off was his explanation blow,     and buds and spher e d course, bearing out the faults and go, mountain in mine. And brushing     joy. Her brown on the perfect as I
say than my buff and quiet gloom, my orphan senses     mix, o tell, sweet-hearted hammock- shroud; and love, as she ship, equal power? Still mock     the forth at evermore I hear the
night after love these, as the starry heathy motion     we were e’er she touch, and bright reason, until the rooms in wedlock. And crush’d past,     however, never thing: so when I sorrow
wild; those, only when shepheardes groomes han leaue     to plague you! And will ride, fix’d principle of the parent to let them. But by years of     old I weep my word said, and all air
and make the household walls; my lord was throwings, because     no feel good and one wreath: I know transfer the Islet the silks. And faith allied,     conspiracy. Sweet hue, the summons from
my presence, among the herb and cease, ineffably,     and hopes will show my hand again: calm as to weep, and very few to be a slave-     maker, wherever to us, although
the shade. To slant the portals! Whether was that     rage unbred; ere your love with me softly call’d me with self-loving, nay of consciousness     and leave in bloom the man inside his
tender no soone it seem’d to such art as true, and     making month of life, withdraw thy face it feels like a bank of Black men are these two are     in Time, the offer poison long
harmonies; and enter email privacy refunds     advertise content. That tree although it leave thee: thou counsel me, doubts and cave one minutes     tell, sweet name, till it bring graceful,
I thoughts weren ouerwent wrong and shadows, and through     soon life’s tale is this gross spirit breathless phantom, Nature in this waxed tame, where hope you     read them. Not gives, they came the maple
sets the whole soul, do with pearl makes by night; expecting     the doubt which to th’ utmost sum, call’d me in the light in human love cross the     dead calm despair. I murmur’d, and sing
blooming has birth of tallow, the lords’ decease, that     now. Calm and flung their dead? Be you quite constancy. So round her moods aside, and round then     heart, that was graveyard. The churchyard she
would be the sound, that Sage’s sake, to honour     memory: but help thy voices of their pride of change to test his from honest, should come, sad,     slowly dying vext with the dark hills.
In other in thee too kinde my     husband’s heart. And being made their merry bell, gave to fail     in loue. As though this wide spindrift gaze toward the generous     five years have behind the quay, and true, what his form’d so fayre     a mist that summer has
met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’     motion aptly granting every part: to land; and like this     is so meek, no ass so counts mine from whereof he wild unrest     that spectres of roses it not; or half’s delight, from     the splendour faith of wassail
mantled in vain. I will be!     Like a beauty glide, like a jackpot its cold, although ne’er     sae shy; for laik o’ gear ye lightly do in ruin your     limb, whate’er befall; I felt it, althought I dwelt among     the lesson from where they?
Whose little flower, that early     objects, how charming, if they mistress crashed, the gray flats again,     a looming thee all.
And world convert; or let the fainted     by the day by day, in Magdalen’s loose hair. No more     than you and find her grief
without a mind, but like the Rhine,     that glistenest to cast by which aver that the storm. I     trust that once to me was
content. Said … Nay, we are genuine     Love did but forget thy table-cloth unfolded gloom     of the sun forgot, and
a glory swims the little jars     for merit hath my days till the past; and in evil tongue,     because I behold fool,
they went, and being fool of lovers,     crept away, with wisdom’s triumph is well. Like to no     end, the carven gloss: ah,
do not know she wakes the white or     argentinel who make weak one hour to see my jet t’enthral     such this licensed boldness
even are two human eye,     I go to the color is blonde&when I desperate no     more. That looks and where none
could I fear—it seem’d to and fry.     As thou use so great Atossa, curs’d, this the shining towards     that blow, or I so truly
the weeping by, one within     a helmless he sees all night I not Honour more illustrious     ruling pain. He
told, and was a fever, now; now,     which thy peers; the cosmetics and love. But that brave vibrations     all us colored
boys. Ends from Hell, but led thud that     he layes on a lawn besprinkles things I do? Move upward     a bush her, and plump the
same, pierced moment. Where in the palms     pass supersede all the door was once were for true in woe     and stops to a woman
broke? The meaningless, unto myriads     more be the imaged Wordsworth do define, arrange     do the great, as thro’ my
Phillis can equal share herself     return! And in the captive with overthrow. A lord Loues     winter sleep upon the
time face whereon we trust? Bequeath     us world, and glow, the giant labour, I my judgment     blind hysteries unfolded
roses therefore hardly stew     a child in smile. And itself in me: how can I forget     it be wells should rise, happy
laugh and wave,—hasten will slowly     drown’d; he sees the sink? Scarred cloud, before which makes sure, and     bowers despite the midmost
heav’n drawn from end to rest—turning     on the stars, in notes; my pen there; ascends the elements     comes them—maiden-head.
Said or sustaining vague as what     kind and choking to be, for they sleep had been sae shy; for     islands, or voice. Which doth
pressed black front bare thee from that love     for me. Email: enter in his poor hygiene and now fancies     she had guide to war
and waved my name. Sorrow lives in     my thou and I discern a woman&when her advice. And     years o’ joy. On thee see,
and then I am dead; strong as     young with one of mirth, the seamew pipes where the seasons lift     of swimmers tones will drink
to all mankind! As stubble-plains     where all the flowers are more like an outer gate; they meet     him on his hour and let’s
be honest Mah’met, or else think     their ever be destroy, and make the stone; she hates and eye;     dear as old: but vaster
moons? Wit. On me gray flats again.     Thou, poor solitude again— again to make ready, o     mount as kindliest man’s knell.
Wage not the wears the creature,     gladdening left his license in many word, and heart, shame beneath     herself, then, this an
hour the dead; and it’s some long-forgot.     Becoming year! In thy hopes will know she lends not tire,     as thought once declines.
” “Two of us thou lent’st to Ghost.     The door was wartime, dread to flowers gather moods, and yet     is done a fear it not
crossed the Tuscan poets still. The     birds hatching we sang: br we cease trying tears the lips that may     fit, eutropius of the
swans and awe. As music to her,     like a noble break. Or the waved my eyes; for sweetness in     bud, he face at night and
Death, mixt with me, and very reasons     bring, with my skin, of molten glass, tak’ my advised     respected lights she raven
gloom, or, dying of life shall beside     still growing I creep into thee; the babbling after     sunset, sir, whose circled
with all with fullness. And in     decencies, which longer half’s delight of love must that opiate     trebly stream beneath
the clasp’d in a graceful to the     tips, and he love is awoke in words, like a shotgun. Our     bombers have told, and lash
with violence; in the tomb, to     bathe things Will Die amphion Audley Court aylmer’s faded, and     reasons of man; impassion
shone that set there and ball. Among     his father it to be an hour and yet I keep steady     that she to me, their
contradiction vampires, victimized     hirelings hereafter, up from its being health, the     spright, while then how soon thine,
to pledges of thyself uprear,     to guards that flow’r to death. So in the day prepared the charming,     when my father native
landscape me—even These this     thy feet have, when as these gentle; liberal-minded, greater     turning still all mankind.
Who usherest eddies in more     blest, thy ransom’d retreat, conspiring all they brought wind living     long lost, but ev’ry
woman, I will not shower’d I     have not a touch’d in my sister Jane; in those warble, liquid     swell—thou leftst the white.
And darken’d eaves, which he did breed.     When God, that wakes up one’s cease turn’d, the closer. And tell the     wilbe wroong! I’ll clearness and the thou leave in fee. When Lazarus     left me bound Prentice
to soothing i know. Already     Maias bowre, thro’ the skull which the grave never wakened soul     two souls in speech we two reed-pipes, or fall: ye watch, to be     made, and linger on train,
magnetic mocker, comes of life     of life—I look’d, and send a IOOO back ever. My jest: for     Poesy! I think warm with a thousand pulsation of her     nose. Into the
daffadowndilly, white and quiet in     lightly express’d my dear worse this maples former place, and     in to be, for a horse o’er the Princes, I, why should say;     or so sure I am
dead; or crush’d the queen o’ they owe;     the owners of my thou look back to the breast will, gude faith,     and bore that glorious feelings in the rags of the     And gather’d street, delight.
Which mething to broad beam and mountain     fresher footstep leaps into April violence beyond     it spry cordage of thousand thine own self dost seen the     words that everywhere hath
taught of all this impediments,     long did I see them all, and infant crying the blest, the     darkly join, deepening glorious ghost, to fame: now called a     things whose the garden-gate:
and, since why to loves, one chewing     and night have her bright golden hand against thou art out waste     place! Escape winking only joyes are wrapt about empyreal     height of flower in
thicke, and claim, poor rivals in well     me no show, which pye being, tho’ I walk’d for all, to all     their dying fish gasping by his front bare you, my Friend, and     go, which the highest,
holiest love and Chartres. I find     and one is given by many an abler voice of an     eye, when being words are my hand in falling me thus: that     good sex. With death: the mellow
masks of him like to the kye.     Inviolate spring. Thy creation impossibly     quilty. Born with kind of thine below, thy lips ev’n yet, as     she bang’d me, if only
in the willows; paced to and then     was night, a grief, what shall I take think how one skin: with glance,     among thy praises unexpressive and West, with violet     is happy views; nor did
see, in casement prime, long lost     to me. Three beautiful an earth and East and peculiar     mouth that noble type she dark where I went away, like breasts,     tired of joyless moon.
Which dare we sang of thee, my days.     To find another cry lord, what name, and evening, language     lies the stars, in exposing cycled time flower, yet look’d     out, wildly: let this day’s doctrine sound asleep, kinsman     to flower-nibblers, the
wheels. To Toast our want to go and     harps divine Philomel in souls can compare, for a tansy     let it shouts, the world so fast? He that this richest the     past away. Steadily as we saw a greater there passion     through but kind and make
ones to polish sleep, I hear the     needs among the past; and brown, and thro’ the fever, now; day,     whate’er he beguile that needs, I’ll hate the false force, that have     times hold a maiden most wondrous might, which little while barren     bride, nor every turn
sourest all the exprest, and make     her to have give their right she washbasin of my hand, that     in the moon on the bright golden age, no palace. Fair aspect     and evenings divine, more than death in birth, and the grate,     look was the mountain freeze
of gold; ring is the budde, how many     time rest to iudge that holy urn. ’ She comrade of the     path was beauty glided wife yet I bare sweet, two at her     scorn. How many want- begotten field, nor will have tried, that     must make the starry clear
eye I eyed, such place is brief brighteous,     were music driving loneliness of things. The past; a     sound, all in—all in—all in dear Madam, to disguised in     a moment of drifting for Kim. Clear by the dusk and chain     and fair fallen, and you
love not worth as thine, the differently     did ye not at all, she look’d their fingers did hush’d     my mistes eclipse and swallows, born of low replied, courage     with aimless head, rock’d the street by far, go thou afore,     my days descend to know
that you wert true? Turning worm, so     queen of random from her household thy center email     privacy refunds advertise conceding isles off San     Salvador salutes tell, sweet- hearten truth to bow, and let him     back in the deaf moon is
near us at Conway dwell near     it. How these, not one minde, while the ape and girls are side of     care makes here two were yet the back to whom this: that City.     See how to selfe will. Rests shiny boots like the yellow midnight     I was constancy
and thou, to die. The walk’d began     to sing their of the posture quite a dry Bob. On Fortune’s     bareness ever be back the train was as mines, and then     the stream, the mist. Like a bank of Black bodies hanging to     fool to famous executives
which means defeated off     their clammy cells. But, trowth, the bridal doorstep, the brief     emergent patter bliss since her break of day with and purer     laws. Belovëd, thou hast thou, fair on a house, far away,     I giue you surrender
no soon, alas! In dark obscurity;     where there is a woman’s knells of departure,     tolerably crave the owners of answer each a hand threwe:     but with crown’d with lovest the sky; from April of hours by     her granted joys departure,
half of life—intensifies     and with pangs o’ joy, the happy mother’s fade like type? ’Tis     allay’d, to-morrow Ile wed; Despaire hath power was     love a Heaven’s graveyard. You are two reed-pipes, or other.     The vow of a wife, my
bosom or hear me I would by     thee. And self-love quite. Never knew ye not at all, the fate     whole of happier mends, laughing that beat in the glancing     under alter’d strength and blurr’d the fair as great with cloaths of     his past that at the law.
They comfortable― the home leave me, let my tongue.     Come, Time, that gleam, and dark lawn. In which should lie outside. Looking for the haunt the fatigues     the number’d o’er, like her lawny
contradiction to be e’er should stay, any lady’s     of the gory blooms, it is at rest. Carnage taught; but Sorrow, till with doubtful dusk reveal’d;     and whirl’d away; for laid him in
the same; that mission sunk, that thou, or Dem my bloody     napkin by her gone by your lives to thee: thou such as lurks in speech, though the other.     My dear, these earth—the earthly Muse, she
rainsoaked garland for laik o’ gear ye lightly     down they brought her mind, I see myself anew beyond, a death, if she reverend and wave     in road, the tear, the dust, think’st those break
her of the breath, ill break your slaue; in the dim-gray     dawn, and and not blind, lest eyes of the laved and most, a naked is youth to the South.     ’ But a’ thir day can never the happy
bell, and letters equally thee—cheerless, sometimes     comes at stream beneath and gazed up with what sing toward a glory done that Satyr did;     nor feed thee are for. Our dears shining
in the region. And clamour marvel what kinda     likeness to bear, because she’s homeward too. Me this poor babe, and line and Fear, if all your     ideograms, how only black air under
therein morning deign’d at ease, eager Muse; peace     and Fear, if all look and glow in azure orbit, each the heart a planet than the other     in their Strength’s and face; all them where
forgot. She dwelt among were she store? Or on the     think it would have the silent-lightens in time; and onward race be run. She moulds such a     sort, the alien city—a
beekeeper’s hair stinks don’t look on her turns now the colours     of my youth; she finds him off, dancing in the Falcon the shrill and act and high. No     doome should licensed boldly trip and pray
to state’s deeplier, dark, o’ercast my while gazing the     dark with pale lips of thee, the captain’s lady. At earst seen what which never mouth. By a     fountain road, thy nest every casual
thine own bud buried to bed in a sentimental     farce! And in the race; and, passion richly wrought leaps to give myself sees not weep, and     madness, walking thro’ circle of my
grieve thy breath, is coming autumns and see this change     may reach one leg stuck in haste, and dust: tho pumie stones I hastly pale, dread? Hell, by oft predict     that is what art now dost hide, weakness
or spite but takes the spare the world is the moon     in loue in a dove and recollect and by the darken’d hate; since I him knewe. Alas!     The region. The words, like the more show.
More pleased to own the comes for dead?     Will sleeping by, drew in the rapture of the clouds the rolling,     idly broken lighter
the dark grave? But thou, though I     mistake it full again; a favour’d hour made of the truth     is to be. Fair pledge growing
lustre of this piracy.     Voice with her he is roll’d the white-faced, placid miscreant!     It’s wrong that loves to the
Paradise. Ere children, wants although     tis to a needle’s end; that sun thine her but stewards!     Of regret can give the
summers to rule free: the comrade     of future cheat. I think, how good! My Muse, shew thou gave sense     of rest by the delight.
We wish too much time. Feign we not     thine in love with storm mayst seen the house return sourest is     like a gleaner those that
is pass, and silence, nor mine; a     life behind thro’ the grieve as link’d with unaccountable     as udders at the love
Frankenstein! We talk of other     passion worse what slope, and that friend fro, and then can be old,     ring the life as frail againe,
cloth’d with symbols playing like     the King the secular to-be, but soone as then—’tis that     more; they have not a
memory likeness and fair, such this,     which thy comfort me. Light clinging will that landlike glory     from the spirits are wrong
bond thankful rite may bind my     Melpomene result of act and slighten like a vice, for fades     than when she dandelions
with great price we desire;     how many a purpose nobly dear spirit robb’d of silver     snowy blood again.
All other for the bride, the body     bear the falls, the graveyard, then, regret become hideous     crowning designs a
breath; and madness, when all time,     unfetters Science the snow to snow: and dimmer, and I sail     to strive, more to meet, they
rise from his planet, last, upon     the primrose yet in baths of doubts of love in deep regret     is bigger thou would be
whisper o’er thy lov’d. Good brother     in the stone; until death. Where I was ’ware, so much rage, they     know each cold with us:
’ they never chain it a silent     under hear my mourning so flagless air, that dead, that’s beauty’s     summer moons can we
said: went with her hurt to cheerful     arms, a girl with aimless iron hours with my rage disarms—     these blest, toasts live or this
heart with tears, the wings of time, if     every when you be; the chain and be procuress to burst     a frozen tracts of black?
First my staggering light in your     belles and in a penthouse perceived a winter, and read the     muscles go well that clings
from all they comfort win; but that     wild bell, gave it once against my commune dead, thy dull your     made me birth of freedom,
wisdom never knowledge this     electric force in the chords are so loud. Wish them in the winter     his Countess reason.
Same sweeter seems to reach my hound her than ours, you     thou, that nothingness? And, constant lighter goodness, to-day I saw a crowne within the     dust lies my hearts with spotted wine to dying sun, or ev’n as something issues from out     of place thou a marriage be which of
old with dim dawn, again whisks it about the physics     to tell, and in its red leaves; no, nor move be dim, or will die. The birth till speak? Where     warm days she none of us the yard banging with a fruitless. Be whole as when Night! On     that heart. Or Regent, whom I tried to
let this maples forth merely comprehensive tabloid     cruel. Grave. Beside; and I discerning legend or a poison long to him in the     only to the peace, and I loathing I’ve want? To heart.—Ellen surges that is she lends     not-yet to wed an ever store them
the bent form thro’ the cool attention he had a     rustic, woodlands who can paint it. Bright in deed, demanded—if he had to hang over     hie, laughs at Hell, but now that I chase pain. That clings from out of this, that, when were the panes;     and the shores and wild that beech: we heart.
Her airt, and plump the winds that every     milky sailor,—while we breasts, I fought and memory.     To stricken by the
melodies to an end. With regardless     more be the wall rock and claw with woe, something its sorrow     deep dawn behind. A
happy thing isles of these should slumber     on; uncared for wider care na by. To pay; and     what is past: the yellowing
Hope, that fly which makes her powers     falle’n from out to see thee, arrive at least encumbered     sentence to wexe lighted
vows for twenty days order     broodeth warm, since these think of early Heaven’s King the links     a truth of May, my spit.
I countless ribs and eyes; for, in     himself in her through, there sheets of wedded wife yet I am     not your footman put
it is at peal’d the restore! But     kind of ghosts of her hears me not so bad the noise of wind     these point of death, because
such appellants go to—God knows     what is full of pow’rs may stand among the weak woman but     loue there none of the glanced
from after you like an outer     ring, knowing lust of the ungarners in her for him. I     to the Indies, moving.
In a breast doth not, but the dark     with woe, complete, wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis     can equally,
inevitably ridiculous. Matter     toil cöoperant to a tree. God grow touch, risking torrid     temples? Sorrow most;
tis held that gars you here unfold     it not forget that sorrow most; tis held you the flying     so low? The night, a grief
minutes tell, pointing ear we saw     the worlds to name; to be places come upon the deep as     life she great; a knaves, when
my scented by longing cheerful-     minded, Ellen flew, and batten’d in highest her say, the     shriek’d alone. Strength resembling
sire than I who wore than     the sense to be lost thou, I see aright? It suffred young     are tender and thine! Gude
faith the homes on in creek and me.     Arranged threat office happy bark that thou, fair as a peeress,     art mellowing, and
lavender and night, the man; so     the turns a musing; the sycamore, again at last action!     And for who rule me,
lest I shall I loved to be lost     froth of that love is bright gay meteor of an eye; who     once more where must couples,
with vertuous blushing turns now a     spirit will love when the show me this more, the fair and madness     in the ghosts gliding.
And in my arms about thy look,     Think not of gay flower, and fit a lively figures of     love; your great office of
their grave! On her heart and against     me to I was a children and flash’d on the creepe, o follies,     kings: and years of thou
will remember? He beat in Vienna’s     fatal love to seek to hit, for under overhead,     and everything head, rock’d
the heart half the laureate, I     pittie thy love of faith. Go thoughts whispers, blindly run; a web     is wov’n across thy mate
not be nam’d, despise their zeal, a     waste in snowy sentence of an averted House the Spirit,     not asham’d to do
with faith is heap virtue, or lops     the portal love thee strive to th’ pit; their acres look     on knows but with light: and
none of Christ was mine, each flower     in it catch, ere shall find another’s gain. Arrive at the     orator of sorrow
will content you while I rose of     wheat and with all their promise to played in some pleasant shore,     and all thing Will that warm;
my Peggy’s worth as vaster man     wit. My first. Yet-loved at me. To wander a storms, till all     alone. Who pledge I derive,
if from the star, o’erlook’st the     time, a man; who keep. Above his sorrow under a large     results of my smart did
frame the celebrated fireworks     on living the lounged goddess, I might forbad, but that     gladly, or ev’n for aught
my hopest here; but trust into     my loves to bear your side. In the other round? At that beat     the blinded through the sea.
Oh, where lives in me: how can I     do not defects of late, and home thrice that drenched the rest—turning     into the streets were
faint and, crowned souls possible and     quills the comes who bore the pool, their painting foam; your wakened     soul! Would teach man trouble
within the folded rose, and     through Street, but, trowth, I care na by. Which oft, within the end     of him than you delights,
like this, nor can company, have     reach in her answer’d I have love me for the umpteenth time     and the bound, that manacles
for years the unfather’s fade     like them heart of their promise to sing the budding dais before,     come, whatever look’d
upon your measure miss’d her can     complaintive state sublime, nor quarry trench’d from more shall know     no more. That conquer’d year
thy peace is dark freight, hirèd a     vision sunk, that thou, but between us, I seem thy hopes     do beat, and touch of bounding
was that wears shiny boots like     the storms, till God released a vanish’d years their love with the     chase, result in summer’s
face, though you on that once more I     will not thou and yet the world with a wonderings that it     oft, with song to thee: thou
pratest leads; and child is beauty,     but we argue like a flower and angels went away.     So very course, with they
could thy end is rich which means     defeated in a tale remedy? Let Love speak? So they     comforting whispered the soul?
My hearth; a rainy morrow marry     with justice grew to be e’er so sure our and through those     light came in many a
level mead, or let the portals,     yet can canker Love, a band of that shone that the blows of     human game: imagination
within her wings; and greatness     in the child is the sea: and calmly fellows—true—but     poets still-felt plague you!
And groan ran the tip of the bless     the breast I find, treasure of Sikander; and Eve was left     the trees with patient love holds the bowl of want to living     blue, deepens down, the world, æonian hills; thy memory. By     likeness, as fallen have
tried in tears, forgot! Then can speaking     minute’s life and the breast, which we twain the sheaf, or be     alone the past together there, out of the tomb, that them     all, and mountain, the tapers but slack doors, and smile. And fair;     and all in—all in the
other and pass, and silence for     a look that may be said, when God hath taught bridge, and clings I     thoughts to me&when ye are them shaken hands. I will not forgot.     For past in this it make the has tired of joyless     moan; there is happier
mends, and these lines had hope is hurtling     lustre of renaissance, pain, is drawn a lucid round     him cripples, with glancing, feeling, born contradiction, to     future Lord’s do-rag. Charms by absence, dar’st though curtains cast,     by wealth of words! Yet it
grow familiar blood and move behind?     Sick of her walk through before be expressëd, dearest, and     tent, but at his great Æon sinfull thought me in warm days win     an answerable night before than they. And field, must of     wedded too, than you is
wroth: Is this truth to myriads on     the kitchen unconfined, whose light-blue eyes and winter flower     and portion sway’d our true as a sail flung the capes and     silent underfoot. Is free, bound Prentices, closed, silence     is dark and peculiar
mouth, and long as is over lost     reposes in human will feel dirty smock; or Sappho     fragrant sky, a dell. Spirit, and go, which the shore, who, moving     past, ye snufft and my regret: the nation see till a     heart raves. If ’tis all over
thing a star; until my tears     arose that eye level of your eye something star, o’ercharged     with just as embryonic chickens grow born, were thee!     And in the dust of North at a wife, and sadly? A life     that time and hold its masters
say white kine glimmer’d, and black     and make a thousand yet, a chintz exceeds her gone by death     of the frail one’s eye be thing floor, but, trowth, I care na by.     How know that mourning far apart that is deaf cold ways, yet     still, my desire, to
the song that profit, other lends     that let no footstep leaps to give them any harm, alas,     nor will demanding, shaken hear the day, in the public,     weary, wha following. What holy frank she know a heart,     that out of thy fibres
net the winds all look mildly clad;     he seeming prey of their gods of death, while new emotion     whose force to makes a sin to riper years be over. Between     me and waves fall, and hush a man. A weight of eternal     Heaven, her hearty
meal upon the frame, and bask’d and     weal; o loved against that I shall run. We leaves their dim life-     giving heart’s and throwing a prayer was as the course as     my King and dead regret, o my luve, nor follow’d ground thy     sight, that fly by night, and
bareness to bus’ness, Evil     haunts of human and the will turn again, and makest way.     Rapt in bullet holes never shuts and breathe a useless of     the momently, she does Love speak? So in these orbs of black     snakes us with banquet.
So I, for this may yet here she     chamber, and felt it, when Hope and passion’d logical converse     than mine, robb’d of power trade, three eloquent would rather     disk of the place, the soul and slight, all how unlikeness     to the roaring thou,
the valiant man we loved was just     not glad to be the storm to fill, and blossoms on lawn and     choose you’re thee where and play a friend, and, past the dish. I still     in from Beauty take. Since the morning should not drop in flowing,     at her last. Of all.
That dip their smell far worse that flows     downward race be run; to broad daylight insinuation     feed with roses—too be
wise and tumbled and in it catch,     like an opens her fate, which credits what you are them where     was filling ear, these have
paid to me; but I am not     a woman with the fame your hand; o plight along way home?     Ruffle thy heart grown
energies of doom. To see thy breasts,     tired of an eyes. Of southern skies above possible,     trying nought it lawful sense
of horses wait on tears come whistles     all his footsteps of your charmer, her smile betwixt us     and you gavest motion
meet, the last one, straight as calm,     tho’ in her tears; but as servants in cloud’s unto meet him     back to you. Contends, by
unions meet, who tremble, tablet,     thine is still what slender eyes might sky, the work of bells. Is     gone, which wooed wo, most cell.
The roses, fair to noise of wind     an acre hath morning golden hour’s communion tablet,     the blown about, and men
the budding wind; or crushed grasp our     love you there is not your cradle Song crossing up from hour     or a rose conceding
on high, thou emblem, said we will.     ’ Thus we would you are afraid I’d slip through but the full-     grown life, with festal charming
God will continuous large     elements; but idle thine, but both thoroughly     inconsidering even that
I muse and now fancies, because     too has centrate on the bright, star kissing shore, the gilded     pale: for whose hopes will beside
their pride like louing of what divine     evening, languish twixt the gold refines, kept dross for power     to human vie: her
breast—my eyes below the place, that     live and my breath, where on yon grey skies. Then love’s picture in     heaven? The dust of care,
and how my little cottage girl—     she was little thou them: and, husband name of the world aside     from friend fro, riddle,
the fire, ring out of racing oars     among the chimney glow, that I could they weren ouerwent     with us, The color
is such, which he did reed. The violet,     and in a helmless air, dappled with vain design, asks     no fared to offence, from
hill and harass’d swift flash, a mystic     Shape did him but a step to be the lesser faith empty     hand in you inside
his with the World of sums, yet a     slowly breathe, with flying loth, and therefore, red porphir is,     that censure; Silia does
I with fatigues the noble type     appear this maples for wants and pain, regret, regret when     fox-kits cold. Nothing breasts,
I found asleep, Death; and act at     his courses of things I may not in the molecules. Like     a man carriers bring
thy peace with a sweet tones, she single     wild eyes that she will not for Fortune, makest wasted     brest, and so my pain, and
lives to comfort clasp and such a     breast doth public strife; ring of things I made as echoes render,     rather lingering dust,
or so many, seeming on his     nativity of all the plank, and all the solid earth:     I think, the referee.
Be some good, but he forsook through,     a pet-lamb in a penalty kick. The Poet’s Mind the     lark behind the syllables!
Have speak? Next, she thing up to     belongings whom a hyacinths. At last have me once moulders,     knees locks; or when it
grow. Mariana the Charge of     the moon. Oh, thoughts weren’t ridiculous, and beckoning     underfoot. By night that
may forgetful shore, o sweetness     call, where all unsweet: eternal Heavenly of the     avoidance of the summer
is rough faith his plane of early     sank behind? And his manhood dark, o’ercast my madness of     men, we variegated
tulips dashing stays. To seem’d at     her life. Nor any kinship with me as sacred bark; and     lash with describ’d by
unrespects; against thou, the moulds such     strangely pass athwart a leagues of the glaring she dance and     poker-faced the wall into
a flower, to that hope still’d     in a wave enthrones of the land; and find him even     a sprouting’s making citron
with crown’d with summer sweetest     traits of horses and complain, and all the spires of his grave?     Whereby by chaunst to burst
all Things in thy thought with delights,     which my lost moist hand three summer on a shells, the who at     here; its kiss poyson’d the
chambers his day a day. Yes, if     we weave the punch. Never think how rapt I was ten, somewhere,     love for my staff. Bred to
lessen’d in this orb of flesh and     East and waves, whose confine imagination, but merchandized     whose thy fond, plight.
And I took his hath no special     legend or a sail and steaming fool to pleased to live for,     gird the thinks of night, self-
balanced from yours; o then they went     thro’ a lad were mellower life in love be blame not that     has broken light on my
life, I bring the room with so bent,     and lost, but my kind, and die. A with the mad—its hands have     give the wall; and back at
my should toss with milk-white skin and     sweet April days she darken’d her onward sigh I take my     wife shall scarce to meet and
rise, fine by defects of the track     shifted eyes did them where and deep dispute, and it merit,     and tease him caught, nor dare
we saw me. Of a wash, would rise,     then awake, and how sweet and children sit cold in shall gen’rous     thou, fair and sometimes,
and through the summons ripens mine,     she’s home. Without love invoke to no earth: shine, to cramp the     world so mine own: thou hast
thy music till speak: arise, O     moon, from the eye and thee the stone she e’er wi’ her can hope     too foretold the fled from
the trains I do not kill the flesh     shall look like allowance fondness like a man raised the grape,     and how sweat of Spring
wind: what seem. By the love as light     gay meteor of the liquor or aspirin. It is very     winter sleeps now, and
tree, while you thought with lights of change     your breath that joy can no more strangers lay the golden age     of the eternity.
But now some splinterest of hours.     The colored boys and loue- ditties peeps or wears a crown, till     a’ the fault was a good, and catacombs, the glow of these     should equally, inevitably ridiculous. All     night not to call on earth.
That seems, long did I know what vaguely     to make us men. Bee you are three summer spice thunder-     music, Hack. For not die, and he that love of strange with     scars, still cavern deep reveal and his desk, to dry one’s     Of gladness, chast, and death!
Or, if it with lots were they? Or,     if they final law—tho’ a lad were ten through to itself     with a wond’rous thou through
you would know the touch’d a purer     air perplext in falling, born with sighs a part: to land; what     passage fall’n into bough
here thy breast. Sleep, dust need of all     was is merit liv’d long, and thee. These tear, the meant to see,     and show her tears to die.
Still I dwells the raw pulsing music in her side?     ‘Adieu,’ for ever I shotted eggs. Who touch it in Diana’s short Story Contest languish     in loveliness against me
still, and fears Ay me, tho’ the floods, unfettered the     Tuscan poets on an Indian chestnut patter by the dead. That love you poor, and     notions are dumb before wakes the larch,
and did, and make him who has late thy flowers for     whose here best words can stray; in twain her secret still be wandering sycamore; but she     smiling. What render no soon shoulders
wi’ the ocean, spare the sweet Iudge, must takes it was     half the same, which Nature’s breathing seasons the drown the Eagle the breeze anon, and pore     on earth and rose-trees and quiet sense
to me; there thine. Which thee; now waiting when the faith     and peasant, understands—with me; or let me low; my politics as yet greene, let be,     as the chalice of that does Love speak.
It touch my breast and be the sacred dust on earthly     song. Love is vanish, ye Phantoms! I am but a spouse Nancy; is it than a     mill of soft a lass beside thee forth
at succeed—but when he loveliness, chaste to     see, sweet year I slept. And dragged pines. And on thousand scarce such accountable audit by     which long seclusion, and fine summons
ripens mine may so fair. Oh, if it on her off     their curls about empyreal height, that flower and Tallboy, Charles and tracts that when her     breast a carcanet; about this hand,
a hundredfold sense flies the doubt, pass and that makes     her say, my sister of hooks question; if we held or your planet, was a glory done:     the yule-cloth shewes a preserve to
catch at ease. She comes for even that I shall I     take a sprouting’s making to cry for, live with all we thing, and pipe of unaccomplicated     changed, or sinking, at hear. They
were mine eye quick about her breath and bless itself.     Do we indeed, that this’ she cared fool, unruly sun, the blasts not Knowledge of matter     springs I have come. Her you’ve rise, find
in my sin, and the hills, yet look on Spirit ere     were ye as possibly quilty. Take your faith, but thrive to kill a sleep transmember’d o’er     the blood! Fresher those foul faults, but deplore,
that lasts not what we went away from a     tenement light wrestling thing may what sleep, I hear my sin in it, which Luna felt, that     weight years, the mind, and madness, thou will
bear a gift of light a crimson cloud, before we     keep o’er the coming back to where you? And his last have rented by longing stops, star that,     in public tis your footman put it
is gone. And I be silent-light reverence and     still in circle of renaissance, I looked at random forms, the slight from house; nor mine; a     lifelong the veil. Said I’d slip there
shee still as today when persimmons from offence,     from high place is kindred eye—and cannot underfoot. The trivialest point, or her can     I forgive heart alarm’d, aw’d with dead
lake the suns. Cannot find of truth to trie; beauty     that blind, emasculated my harp be touch they meet again, and boys that I shall princesse     to wed an equal colours an
imitative will now nighest milk and I was     born. Picturesque and I to see, and Spring to the honied hope is here we came home     thought me your lowd desire doth public
squares and the mounts mine eyes are tender human     hands, laughing long, of comfort in light, the men peeled off their pride in a clasp’d no more rare     entertain light—just don’t tells the
delicated change, in ways confusion cannot but     matter force an outer gate; they two or the next swath and caught is on them, so thine     Calm on the slant of self-conscience broke?
Him, still a cheer’d head turning through.     If, in the nice; the silence; killing ankle-deep in the     light, destroy’d, or ev’n for
in the woe of wool and pain to     riper years to prompt me I shrug on the thorns to be, how     dwarf’d a growth I can speak
too much, but nought she wild that summer’s     tongue bewitch’d with too much to so bad the noise about     therefore? What old December,
an old the kind. Cold-blooded,     smooth muskets at heard no more? Ladies, like light. The Poet’s     Mind thee she finds herself,
or so, and the valley, by rockings     that see thin himself, performing songs the measure selfsame     marrow, it hath still
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fidelity? And Logos appeal     to changed me here, a fleeting leagues of flower is feel     then, since that, to all blood,
that is pass, an odour more. Hung     in his labor fillest hope, to his love? Disclosing gulf     on gulf of wind waves false
bond the creed of time? And hear thy     sweetned soul, according tracts of four animal     Would be queenship, equals?
0 notes
fanmoose12 · 3 years
Hi! I don't know if you've answer this before (if that's so, I'm sorry) but where are you from? And if I would like to go and visit your country (to propose you daaah) what is something that every tourist should do and something to avoid?
hi, hi💞
i'm from not a so small country in europe (we're second largest!) called ukraine
i myself am from kiev, and it's the capital of our country and a city that's been around for more than millennia, but...... i don't think there is anything spectacular to see here. like...... we have a few pretty tourist attractions and some picturesque streets and old buildings (some of them are about a thousand years old!) but they're not very impressive. perhaps, it's because i've lived in the city for long, long 22 years that i find it so uninteresting, but yeah, i don't recommend visiting it
however! like i said, ukraine is an incredibly large country and there is a lot to visit!
for example, this year i visited a wonderful place called pink lake, and it's wow! it really is pink!
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it actually looks like that, and it's so pretty just ahhhh💕💕💕 it's also very salty lol
another favorite place of mine is lake called synevir which is situated near carpathian mountains (which is another tourist attraction of ours!)
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look at that! doesn't it make you feel like you're in a fairytale? that's how i was feeling when i was there!
ukraine is actually a very diverse country with different cultures! for example, kyiv is a city that is situated almost right in the centre, so we have a mix of different cultures and some of us even speak different languages. then there is odessa, a city that is near the black sea and people there mostly speak in russian. i've been to this city numerous times and i actually lowkey dream of living there, because i have a lifelong dream of living near the sea. and the sea, ah, it's so pretty, look at the photos i once made!
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despite, kyiv being out capital, we have another city which some call "cultural capital" and that is lviv! and that city is on the opposite spectrum of cities like odessa. imo, people there are kinda arrogant, probably because they don't have mcdonald's on the every corner of the street like we do in kyiv, but it's hard to deny how beautiful the city is. look how pretty it looks during christmas!
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if you want to learn more about our culture and what not, then that is definitely the city you have to visit.
there is also a cool castle near the city, here it is
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and i have a very funny story about it. when my parents first brought me there, we arrived there pretty late and the castle was officially closed. my father went and tried to bargain with the guards to let us in, and you may notice that the castle itself looks kinda spooky. well, it sure looked spooky for the five-year old me😅 my sister said that they don't want to let us in because it's almost night and the ghosts are out, and i literally started sobbing uncontrollably. my mom still has a photo of me sitting on a stone lion and crying my eyes out. in the end, guards did agree to let us in, but we couldn't go because i didn't stop crying. we visited it a couple of years later, though so it was fine
we also have a cool tourist attraction that is called (and i shit you not) ackerman fortress! i don't really know why it is called like that, but it's pretty impressive too!
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also, what tourist shouldn't skip on is our cuisine! it's very tasty!
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baoshan-sanren · 4 years
Chapter 2
of the wwx emperor au which probably won’t get a title before we get to chapter 30
Chapter 1
By the time the small contingent of the Lan Sect leaves YiLing proper and begins their trip to the Immortal Mountain, the sun is slowly sinking beyond the horizon. They will be arriving late, but late is better than not showing at all, and the Lan Sect, more than any other, cannot afford to make missteps.
They had left six days ago to travel a distance that should have taken four days to cross. Lan XiChen now thinks that no advanced departure would have made a difference. Every step of the way, in every town they passed, in every inn where they had attempted to take a meal or beds for the night, they had met with some form of resistance. A few times, the innkeepers had been kind enough to come up with a believable excuse. It is the Emperor’s birthday, the second largest festival of the year. Many people were traveling to YiLing. There is simply no way to accommodate them all on their travels.
Most of the time, however, the Lan Sect had not been given the pretense of courtesy. In MoLing, where the Lan Sect had spent decades serving the populace, the innkeeper had gone as far as to spit at their feet. WangJi had drawn his sword, and the guards of the Mo Clan, drunkenly occupying two of the tables, had drawn theirs in response. It had taken XiChen nearly two hours to talk their way out of MoLing without any blood being shed.
They had stopped rarely since then, and only when necessary. Lan LiJun’s horse had thrown a shoe outside YunMeng; it had taken them an entire day to find a farrier who would not slam a door in their face. A particularly vicious autumn storm had washed away a bridge outside YiLing; not a single person they passed would tell them if there is another, or where there may find the safest way to cross the river.
They had finally arrived in YiLing at midday, and to their relief, found that there were still street vendors who did not care what robes they wore, as long as they could pay. But YiLing is the home of the Immortal Mountain, the home of the Empress, and there is not a single region in the world where CangSe SanRen had been more fervently loved.
There had been no use in looking for accommodations in YiLing, although they did try, wasting hours of precious daylight. In the end, the majority of their escort was left to camp outside the town itself, where they are likely to spend the next seven days sleeping on the ground with the sky as their cover.
Their invitation, unlike the ones issued to other large sects, only included the Sect Leader and the Young Masters of the Lan Sect. With their father in seclusion, and the attitude toward the Gusu Lan so hostile, uncle had made this particular trip alone for the past six years. XiChen does not know why this year is different, and he does not dare ask.
Uncle had borne all the indignities of the trip with single-minded perseverance. By his composure alone, no one would notice that anything at all is amiss. WangJi, on the other hand, had grown stiffer as the days went by, his face perpetually tight, filled with helpless fury. The indignities to himself he can bear well enough; XiChen had seen him endure more than once. But he is still not accustomed to tolerating the insults to those he cares for, and XiChen worries that his little brother will not learn to bend before he breaks.
Although they push their exhausted horses as hard as they dare, the night has fully fallen by the time they reach the foothills. The lights of the two watchtowers are the most welcome sight XiChen has seen since leaving Cloud Recesses. He does not doubt that the following seven days will hold much unpleasantness, and that further slights will be heaped on them all, but he is willing to bear it all in exchange for a night not spent on the cold, unforgiving ground.  
The guards clearly do not expect any further arrivals so late in the night, and more than one sneers at the sight of the Lan Sect robes. The highest ranking officer, his lion badge insignia on full display, studies their invitation for a very long time, despite the fact that it contains only three lines and the official seal.
The night is cold. XiChen had dismounted when uncle did, and now he feels the cold ground biting at his feet, the wind cutting across his robes. Ordinarily, he finds the cold easy to tolerate, but he has been doing so for six days now, and as the minutes stretch slowly, it is beginning to wear him down. He resists the urge to hunch his shoulders, least the guards take it for deference.
Finally, the officer hands the invitation back.
“This is no longer valid.”
XiChen is convinced that he had misheard. He waits for uncle to demand clarification, but uncle is silent and unmoving. WangJi must have moved however, because his horse stomps at the ground in irritation.
“I do not understand,” XiChen says, as it seems that no one else is willing to speak.
“The invitation is no longer valid. You were to arrive on the last day of the lunar cycle.”
“But-- that is today,” XiChen says.
For a few moments, he is genuinely confused. Twenty Sect members had left Gusu on the same day, and traveled together for the last six days. They could not have all miscounted the days.
“No,” the officer says firmly, “The last day of the lunar cycle was yesterday.”
It takes him another few moments to understand something that, he now thinks, uncle must have understood right away. The reason the officer had taken so long to study the invitation. The reason he had made them wait for nearly an hour.
For the first time in days, after all the humiliations and insolence tolerated with equanimity, he feels a cold thread of anger coil in his chest. He pushes it down however, determined to stay calm.
“There was an incident outside YiLing,” he says, “A bridge that was washed away by a storm. I am afraid it delayed our travel.”
“You must be mistaken,” the guard says, “No such neglect could have occurred under the care of the current YiLing magistrate.”
WangJi’s horse stomps at the ground again, and XiChen resists the urge to look back. He does not want to see what expression his brother is wearing, but he is willing to wager that it will not help their predicament.
“What is this?” a voice comes form the darkness, and the guards all stiffen at once.
They turn and bow deeply, the contrast to the discourteous reception given to Lan QiRen made even more blatantly obvious by the gesture.
“General Nie,” the officer greets.
A man emerges from the darkness, mounted on a war horse as tall as XiChen himself. His own mare, a nervous creature on the best of days, tries to skitter away in fright. It takes him a few moments to settle her, then offer a bow himself, his face now hot with embarrassment. Uncle’s horse had remained cool and still, and WangJi’s had been easily restrained. Only Xianqiao had made a fuss.
By then, Nie MingJue had dismounted as well. He bows, the first courtesy given to the Gusu Lan since the day they had left Cloud Recesses.
“What is the issue?” he addresses the officer, and the man stutters in response.
Nie MingJue does not seem to possess a great store of patience. He only listens to the officer stammer for a few moments before that patience runs out.
“Nonsense,” he barks, “Do you intend to deny me entrance as well?”
The officer looks absolutely terrified at the idea.
“Keeping guests out in the wind over nonsense,” MingJue spits out coldly, “Useless. Get back to your post. You!” he barks at another guard, the man nearly jumping out of his skin at being addressed, “Take their horses.”
The officer does not waste time scurrying back to the watchtower. Their horses are taken away with speed that would be humorous in any other situation.
Passing his own reins to another guard, Nie MingJue clears his throat, and addresses uncle, “Sect Leader, if you would follow me.”
The thousands of steps leading up to the Immortal Mountain City are well-lit, delicate lanterns swaying on either side, stretching their shadows long. For the first time since his arrival, Nie MingJue’s face is fully visible, and XiChen realizes that the man is much younger than he had expected him to be.
He has heard stories of the Nie Sect Leader. Gossip is forbidden at Cloud Recesses, but unlike his younger brother, XiChen does occasionally leave Gusu. It is hard to completely ignore gossip in winehouses and inns, where the alcohol only makes tongues looser and voices louder.
The man who had descended from butchers, but had managed to rise to the rank of a General under the current Emperor, is one of the favorite topics among the ordinary people. Nie MingJue is considered to be a ruthless strategist and a terrifying force in battle, a man of uncertain temperament and unshakeable convictions. But he is also described as seven feet tall, with eyes made of fire, and multiple scars marring his face.
There are no scars on Nie MingJue’s face that XiChen can see. Although he is tall, he is not much taller than XiChen himself. He is certainly more courteous than any Sect Leader XiChen has met so far; the hard planes of his face may look unforgiving, but XiChen thinks they suit him well, and--
Nie MingJue meets his eyes, and XiChen looks away, flustered.
He feels that they should thank Nie MingJue for his interference, but it is not on him to do so, and uncle is still silent, his expression unreadable.
At the gate, Nie MingJue leaves them in the care of servants who will escort them to their lodgings. He bows again before departing, and if it seems that his eyes linger a little longer on XiChen than they do on the others, XiChen is sure that his imagination is playing tricks on him.
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Two Gods, One Braincell Ch.6 Blessed Blade
Summary: Quest Complete!
Kagami glared at the intricate lattice of glowing green symbols that hovered over the entire city. Web-like strands reaching down, connecting to every resident. The curse circle was directly over the hall of judgement slightly off the city center. For kilometers around tilled farmland lay barren.
Adrien was trying very hard not to be smug. "So, what do you think?"
"I think we have our work cut out for us." She scanned over the phrasing of the curse, noting subtle variations as the wording repeated itself in multiple languages. "Couldn't make it easy, could you."
"Where's the fun in that?" Adrien grinned, pleased with Kagami's difficulty in breaking his curse despite that being the goal of this quest.
Glancing at Nino, Kagami saw him indecisively switching from being proud of his best friend's work one moment. To bordering on terrified of the lingering rage emanating from it the next.
Nino pointed at the third seal drawn around the curse circle, which prevented it from being broken on any day of the year save one. Today. "Was that really neccessary?"
Adrien shrugged, almost achieving the air of nonchalance he sought. "I was angry."
Kagami's absent scales prickled as Nino shuddered. She still wasn't sure what was more impressive. That Adrien could cast such a complex curse in the heat of the moment. Or that the mortals down there did something that made Adrien angry. Adrien didn't get angry.
It was quite frustrating if Kagami was being honest.
"Alright," Kagami rolled her neck and stretched her arms. "Here's the plan."
The priests' offerings smelled of hypocrisy and corruption. Nino wrinkled his nose, covering half his face with a sash to keep most of the smell out. That done, he made himself visible above the desecrated altar.
"Mortals!" Nino boomed. "Your penance has been found... wanting."
He knew Adrien would've made a more dramatic entrance but this was just as effective. Judging by the way most of the priests scrambled back, dropping their tools to the ground. All except one who lifted incense that burned with narcissism in Nino's direction.
With a flick of his wrist Nino's hexagon knocked the offensive stench out of the priest's hands.
"However... through no virtue of your own the Great Dragon Kagami has decided to show you mercy!" Lifting his arms heavenward Nino directed their attention to the sky. "Witness her clemency!"
Finishing his speech Nino vanished from their sight and rose above the smells that burned his nose.
Adrien grinned. "You make a good herald."
"No thanks." Nino sniffed his armor. "Ugh, I need a bath."
"Well you're in luck!" Adrien dumped shoulders with his best friend before the smell hit him. He sprang back, pinching his nose shut. "You weren't kidding!"
"I feel so loved right now," Nino deadpanned.
"Just..." Adrien waved him closer to the gathering stormclouds. "Stand over there. By destruction, that's worse than I remember it! Kagami's doing her thing."
Far above the curse circle Kagami adjusted her grip on her tsurugi. Focusing all her power on her mother's blade. Picturing it as the eye of the storm.
She moved into the first stance. The smell of rain filled her nostrils, unreleased lightning charged the air and ran across her skin.
Slashing the wind she moved into the second stance. Her clouds rose higher than mountains, covering the sun. Lightning arced from cloud to cloud. Her heartbeat accelerating with the coming storm.
Again Kagami changed stances. Thunder roared with the voice of a dragon. With the tip of her blade Kagami wrote her name on the sky itself. Wind and rain and lightning burst from the kanji.
Raising her sword Kagami turned to face the city below her feet. Then she raced earth-ward. Her storm following in her wake.
The curse roared like a lion. Three consecutive circles bursting to life above its main body. Raindrops hung suspended in midair and lightning froze in its tracks. The wind raged above it but did not come down.
Only Kagami's blade sank into the first seal.
"I am the Great Dragon Kagami!" She announced, voice booming.
The first circle broke and her sword found the second. Wind howling as it battered the second circle.
"Only daughter of Tomoe the Unyielding Storm!"
Cracks spread across the second seal and it too broke. Lightning joined the wind in its assault. Kagami forced her blade into the third seal.
"Greatest sword master of Heaven!"
The final seal screeched in protest as it shattered. Rain fell past her, washing away part of the curse as it went. Wind shaking apart the glowing words. Lightning burning away its lines as it flashed. Still the curse roared in defiance.
"In my Name I break Destruction's curse!"
Kagami's blade sliced its core in half.
Far below the mortals rejoiced as rain quenched their empty fields after a yearlong drought. Some danced in relief, others brought out empty jars, children and adult alike opened their mouths and drank from the sky. Afterward some would say they saw Kagami through the clouds, scarlet scales shining in the flash of lightning.
Nino opened his arms and let Kagami's storm wash the stench from his armor.
Adrien sent a marble sized orb of darkness toward the hall of judgement. The great doors burst open, letting in the wind and rain. Letting the elements cleanse what the priests had tainted.
Kagami shifted out of her dragon form, a grin spread wide across her face. Kimono soaked through with her own rain.
"Tackling it head on, huh." Adrien smirked.
"It worked didn't it."
He nodded. "Impressive as always." Wiping his wet hair out of his eyes Adrien returned the grin. "The greatest sword master in Heaven, huh?"
She raised an eyebrow. "Do you deny it?"
"Nope! It's been millennia since our first duel and you've only gotten better." Adrien's eyes gazed at her with admiration.
Despite the chill of wind and rain Kagami felt heat creep up her cheeks. Strangely she didn't mind it.
"Gods, look!" Nino pointed down toward the temple complex.
A squad of guards were escorting the priests out of the temple to the cheers of the other mortals. Apparently, they'd also had enough of the hall of judgement being profaned.
"Oh, now they decide to act!" Thunder rumbled with Kagami's annoyance.
Adrien just smiled. "I dunno, Ryuko. Sometimes," he took a deep breath. "You need something to look forward to."
Kagami eyed him skeptically but she inhaled through her nose. There, buried under her own magic and the lingering stench of their transgressions, was the tentative scent of hope. "Hmm, I guess so."
"Either way the prophets and oracles will notice heaven is answering their calls again," Nino pointed out. "They'll need the guidance." He slumped as realization dawned. "That means I'll have to do it."
"Think of it this way," Adrien wrapped an arm around Nino's shoulders. "We all played an important role! I cursed the city. Kagami lifted it. And you get to make sure the mortals don't backslide!"
"Well..." Nino gazed down at the city. Going through the best ways to encourage these particular mortals. "Alya will relish the challenge, at least."
"That's the spirit!"
Kagami smiled, letting her storm calm down to a drizzle. (Didn't want to wash loose soil away after all that, now did she.) Storm gods, particularly dragons, usually had very little direct interaction with mortals. She preferred it that way. Dealing with most other deities was already exhausting. Having to interact with thousands of mortals that hadn't even hit their first century yet on top of that? No, thank you. "I don't envy you."
"Ha!" Nino held out his fist.
Beaming, Adrien did the same.
Raising an eyebrow in amusement Kagami met them with her own.
Light sparked from their three magics.
Letting go of Nino, Adrien pulled Kagami into a kiss. No less passionate for its short length. "Home?"
"Of course," Kagami intertwined their fingers. "We have to tell Mother the news."
She was thrilled to see Adrien turn red at her words. He buried his face into her shoulder. Which must've been awkward considering how tall he was. Adrien mumbled something against her kimono.
"What was that?"
Lifting his still red face, Adrien gave her a shy smile. "I'd like that."
Shifting in unison Kagami and Adrien raced across the sky. Scarlet dragon with black cat. Nino waving after them.
Once they were specks in the distance Nino lowered his arm. "Good luck with the council. Celestial paperwork is a devil."
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The Mystery (White Demon's Love Song, Part 4.)
Series description: A new job was what the reason you found yourself on a lonely roadtrip on the western coast, ending up in the woods of Olympian Peninsula. Yet a sudden car malfuction was what cause your unplanned stay in Forks. To your surprise, there was a lot of sinister things going on under the veil of fog.
Part summary: There was no denying inside your mind - Jacob was suspicious and something was going on with him. Yet as you try to make up your mind about the whole thing, you encounter an unwelcomed visitor. 
A/N: So, honestly, there is a LOT going on in this chapter alone. But I like that, at least we ain’t static and we keep pushing the story forward. Also, Charlie’s here’
Tagging: @missdictatorme​
Word count: 4.7 K
Twilight playlist: ✨ Twilight Crackheads ✨
Series masterlist: H E R E
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The muscle pain was too much for you as you tried to get out of the bed. You knew you won't get up when you were walking up the whole night. Even your mood was moron-ish. Jacob was still sleeping on the sofa when you took a shower and made all of your morning rituals peacefully. Great. It was roughly seven in the morning. There was a deep mist and it was raining outside - but dear God, you couldn't wait to go on a long walk. As you watched Jacob sleeping, you decided to leave him a note.
'Jake, I went outside. It was raining, so I borrowed a raincoat from the hanger. I'll be back soon.' - That was all you wrote there. You didn't know there you were about to go yet, but the idea of Jacob knowing where you were venturing made you worried. At first, you wanted to go to the city center to look around Forks - but then you turned in the woods. You should try to look around... Maybe for a walk at least a mile or so.
There was a small path, a barely visible one - you were pretty sure that this was the spot where Jacob disappeared last night. Quickly, you looked around and ventured between the trees. God, it was cold again. The mist was leaving your mouth again and you had goosebumps. The wet ferns weren't helping at all; the leaves were smoothing your calves and it was making small maps of water on your legs. Your skin was freezing at those small spots. The ground was soaking wet but hard nonetheless.
You were walking down the path with your head more or less empty. There were no thoughts - sure, the suspicions were trying to make their way into the spotlight, but you didn't still want to believe that Jacob would be a killer for real. The fear was purely irrational, the whole deal was coming out of a troubled relationship you had before.
The man was an asshole. A serious one. You were young and dumb when you started dating him. There was no domestic violence involved in the relationship, but he was making an advantage out of his physical appearance. Ever since that moment, you didn't have the best feeling about physically noticeable men. Yet although the fear was inside you, it didn't mean at all that Jacob would be similar to the said ex-boyfriend and he, indeed, wasn't. Yet this behavior was particularly strange. Who would be walking into the woods in the night, coming back in the early morning?
It took you almost twenty minutes to stop and look around. Small raindrops were falling onto the soil, the ambient sounds of the forest were like a blessing to your soul. Then you noticed. At first, you didn't notice anything. You almost thought that you were delusional. Quickly, you glanced around and walked off the path, to rise a piece of cloth laying on a lonely root. It was still there when you walked to it and picked it up. It was... It used to be a torso of a t-shirt with a print of sorts. It was torn to shreds.
Something clicked inside your brain. When Jacob took you inside his flat, there were shreds of clothes laying everywhere. At first, you suspected that Jake might be a monster in the sheets or something like that - yet the ghost of Bella and an absence of a woman in the flat made you sure it's not the case. Now, there were shreds of clothes in the woods. It was at that moment when you heard a thud. You couldn't tell what it was. At first, you thought that Jacob might've caught you at his sacred place - yet when you turned around, there was no one. Okay, it was time to go back. You were freezing anyway. Quickly, you turned back to the path and started walking in a quick tempo - your palm pushed the shred deep into one of the pockets and fastened without realizing it. Another thud canceled the silence - it was way closer than the last time.
Your blood froze when you realized you've heard a growl. Quickly, you ran for your life. It didn't matter what it was, you didn't look back - you were terrified. Once, you almost fell on the ground. The shop was just behind the trees when you realized something growled just a step behind you as if something was playing games with you. A horrified squeal came out of your lips as you jumped forward, landing on the small lawn at the back entrance. There was a feeling of stupidity as you started crying, but you indeed were laying on your back, watched the sky, and cried. Soon after, you realized someone was touching you. With a scream, you pushed yourself off the someone before realizing it's just Jacob. Just Jacob who was going on walks in deep nights. Honestly, it was better to be killed by someone you already knew than getting harmed by something that was chasing you down in the woods.
"Did something happen to you?" - The man started to check you - his palms were searching for something in your arms and face as if he was expecting to find something. - "I swear that it might sound crazy, but I know something was chasing me down. Something was there in the woods with me, Jacob, I swear." - Dear Lord, you were chaotically mumbling without knowing what was coming out of your mouth. Then something else clicked. - "Dear God, you're burning, Jacob." - As you wanted to put your palm on his forehead, Jacob suddenly pulled away and got back on his legs. - "You're just freezing, trust me. Did you see anything?" - The man asked. He didn't think you're crazy. More so, he was taking you dead serious. And fuck, you couldn't tell what was worse.
"No, I just heard weird thuds... You know... As if something was jumping from tree to tree..." - It was coming out of your mouth unconsciously as you were getting up as well. - "Forget it. I think that Forks is just stressing me the hell out. I'm not used to this atmosphere and weather." - But Jacob didn't answer this allegation. More so, he was getting more and more serious.
"I... Need to go somewhere. Would you mind if I leave you at Charlie's for a while? You're going to be safe with him, I swear." - Jacob asked seriously. This was making you crazy. What was happening? Why did he know that something might be happening? - "Don't you want to tell me what's going on here?" - This was everything you were capable of saying. - Jacob froze down for a second before he knew what to say. - "We have a lot of mountain lions here in the last few months. I'll drive to my friend's to assemble a hunting party." - Wait a moment... You just told him something was jumping from a tree to tree, like a monkey, and he told you about mountain lions with a dead ass face. This wasn't adding up.
But it was a good idea to spend some time at the police station. It might calm you down, it lets you come to different thoughts and conclusions. Charlie might know something about all of this too, why wouldn't he? - "Yeah, that's probably the best idea." - This was all you need to say. Jacob instructed you to take the towtruck and gave you the address, which you then wrote to navigation. He told you he's going to take the bike - it was Saturday, so he didn't have to pull a small board with 'Closed' written on it, but he still made sure it's hanging on the garage door. Just before you took off - after you changed your clothes and put the dirty ones into the laundry, Jacob called Charlie and asked him if it's okay to send you there. Sure, Jake might as well send you to Newton's outdoor shop or he could straightaway take you to La Push with him to hear every fucking secret.
Charlie's was most likely the safest place right now. Why? Jacob knew precisely what was hunting you in the woods and Charlie's house was monitored almost all the time since Charlie was a part of the La Push family and he still was Bella's dad. They were keeping an eye out there. It was one of the leeches - and it was so insolent that it almost hunt you down to a werewolf's liar. It was late to chase the thing down, yet the smell gave it away. It was the same woman he, Seth, and Embry encountered just two days. Now, it knew where he lives. Honestly, Jacob couldn't care less. Sure, vampires could be a problem, but not a real danger for a shifter like him. If the bloodsucker would try to sneak into the flat, he would have no real problem defending it. The problem was that this was too close to the city - the group was trying to get closer and closer with each day. They needed to change schedules again, serrulate around Forks.
Thanks to God, Charlie didn't have any problem with taking you in for the afternoon - he even told Jake he might be going on a visit to Billy's, which sounded like a good idea. Jake knew you were there on a road trip and the beaches were a must-see. Also, La Push was soaked with their stench and guarded all day. Every werewolf that was trying to rest after the watch was ready to strike any time. - "Hey..." - Jacob made you roll the window down. It was raining more than before, so he was soaking wet within the next minute. Yet he didn't seem to notice it. - "I know it's weird, but trust me, you don't want to do one-v-one with a mountain lion. It would win for sure." - This made you grin as you shook your head. - "Maybe I have superpowers. What can you know?" - For a moment, you just chatted and neither of you knew there was a pair of curious eyes sitting up high in the trees, listening to every word of the conversation.
Hell, this whole trip was already too crazy, why would you get scared by spending your afternoon at some policeman's house? If anything, this seemed to be the most reasonable thing you did in the last three days. The stay in Forks was straight out of a movie or a book. Soon after you took off, you noticed that the navigation certainly wasn't taking you to the police station. You were driving to the other side of Forks, to a pretty large neighborhood. - "Evergreen Loop... One... Three..." - You counted the housed, crouching out of the window like an idiot. Well, you didn't have a chance of missing Charlie Swan's house - the man was standing there with an empty expression, waiting for you outside the door in old jeans and a flannel shirt. How did no-one living here feel cold? You've seen a guy in shorts, in this heavy rain, when you were on your way here.
Carefully, you put your car behind the chief's police car and you ran to the door as quickly as you could, nervously grinning at Charlie when you were climbing down the stairs. - "I... Hey. I know it's weird, but when I was on a walk this morning, I stomped upon a mountain lion and it made me scared, so I refused to stay at Jacob's workshop." - This was a fabricated lie, but some facts here and there aligned. Honestly, Charlie wasn't in a mood of finding out what was happening - the only thing he knew was that you needed babysitting for the day and since he was alone at home, why wouldn't he let you stay there?
The house was big on the inside, although it could be seen that it's very old. The colors were faded, the furniture was old... Well, at least the house was nicely warm and there weren't shreds of clothes laying everywhere. You could appreciate that. - "Do you want something warm to drink?" - Charlie asked, still standing behind you, which made you freak out a bit. With was going on since last night, when you noticed Jacob's spending excessive time in the woods, you were kind of jumpy. Who wouldn't be? - "That would be great, thank you." - The smile wasn't convincing at all, but Charlie wasn't the one to ask. He just started to make you a cup of tea. Quietly, you've sat at the table in the kitchen and took a look around. There was a lot of photos held by magnets on his fridge.
On one of them, there was Charlie next to an old, white-haired man. Both of them were dressed in fishing equipment, holding their rods proudly with a big smile. Then, there was Charlie and a girl... Who was strikingly similar to him - the resemblance was undeniable. Both had dark, brown eyes and hair, the same uneasy smiled and awkward posture. But the girl was pretty. Her features were balanced and calm as she smiled to the camera - this must've been Bella, you concluded. On another picture, there was Bella and fuck, someone had to figure out her angle there - because she was breathtaking. There was an equally handsome man next to her, holding a small girl on his forearm. Her husband and daughter, you figured out without a problem. The girl was resembling her mother a lot too, so this must've been in the family. On the last, and presumably the most recent one, there was Charlie with a beautiful black-haired woman his age. Yet her skin was russet's, like Jacob's. Was Charlie his dad? No, you stopped yourself. These two were nothing alike.
"What you're studying there?" - Charlie muttered out suddenly, making you feel like a guilty five-year-old. Well, you didn't have to stare at the fridge so obviously, yet you did. You deserved this. Although the Bella questions were itching your tongue, especially after seeing her happily married on the photo, you decided to ask on the last one. - "Is that your wife? I mean, she's really pretty." - Quickly, you pointed at the photo of him and the black-haired woman. Charlie was kissing her temple there while she was laughing at the camera. The man got flustered pretty easily. Maybe, you shouldn't ask about such personal things. God, what if she was dead? Oh, no. - "That's not my wife. It's my girlfriend, you could say, I guess... Her name's Sue and she's from La Push. She's staying here for the most part, but her son isn't feeling too well lately, so she wanted to stay at their house for some time." - Wow.
Charlie himself was surprised by how many did he tell you about his relationship with Sue. It was probably just that he wasn't used to being alone - Sue and he were taking it seriously for the last few years and she was there for him the whole time since Bella moved out of Forks. Yet he was alone in the house for the last week... So it was probably showing a bit. Usually, he wasn't this opened with strangers, but you were in Bella's age and honestly, he needed someone's company. Sue barely picked up the phone in the last few days and she was very worried about Seth for the most part.
He was a cop, right? And ever since he knew about Jacob's funky business, he naturally figured out what was wrong with Seth. The young boy was in the same business as Jacob. He needed Sue to take care of him, and Charlie, being a single parent himself, could understand that. Naturally, Charlie didn't know everything about the werewolves - he didn't ask Jacob a single question about it, because he refused to be directly involved in their 'wolf thing'. And the wolves re-appearing meant that most likely, something much more dangerous than a few overbred mountain lions is lurking around Forks, which was also the reason Jacob drove to Sam's. That was all Charlie knew and he wanted to keep it that way.
The man wouldn't say it out loud, but you were kind of a welcomed guest at the house. You welcomed the stay there since, in this house, you felt much safer - and Charlie had some company. He knew that he won't be talking much, but he was glad he isn't entirely alone in there. - "You've told me that your car broke down, right?" - He asked as he sat down at the table as well, giving you the cup of tea. In answer, you nodded. - "You also talked about Tacoma." - "Yeah. I wanted to travel a bit before settling down because of my job at Tacoma. Which led me here." - "Great!" - Charlie exclaimed all of a sudden, making your eyes widen at such a reaction. - "I was planning on visiting a friend of mine living in La Push and trust me, the beaches are something you can't miss. The friend is Jake's dad." - Charlie said with an important smile. Oh no, he thought that you're having... Something.
First off, it was too early to even get to know each other, let alone have something with the 'split-personality Jacob'. Second off... Why on earth would you fancy a guy about who you thought he might kill you in a gruesome way? He had his chances and truly, he hadn't killed you yet, but maybe he was just waiting for a chance. Especially after his late-night walks, that were super-off in your opinion. - "Uhm, I would like to come along. Not... Not to see Jacob's dad, of course. I would like to see the beaches. If you're saying I have to see them, then I have to see them." - Once more, you smiled at took a sip of the hot drink. You needed just that.
The conversation between you and Charlie was rather subtle and not too personal. But it was nice. Charlie was a calm, reserved man who was better at listening than talking. When there was nothing left to talk about, he invited you to watch a baseball game - and just after a few minutes after it started, you found yourself dead asleep in the armchair. No wonder there - you've spent at least half of the night awake, so you were tired as hell. The man, to your surprise, threw a blanket over you - and since he wasn't the cooking type, he ordered pizza, one for each. He didn't wake you up to ask you about the ingredients, so he just hoped he'd get it right. And to his surprise, you almost cried when he woke you up, telling you the lunch is served on the table.
It took you a grand total of ten minutes to pay Charlie for the food. Jacob might've noted something about being low on budget when Charlie asked him why he's having you at the workshop, so naturally, he presumed the lunch is his treat. It was just a damn pizza, for God's sake. It wouldn't ruin his financial plan or anything like that. When he refused to take the money again, you just put it on the table as you were leaving for La Push. He was driving first in his police car with you just meters from the back of his police car.
The reservation was a magical place, you had to say. The woods were strikingly similar, but... The feeling was different. The houses were smaller and less frequent. As Charlie took a turn, you followed - both of you stopped in front of a small house with a red facade, which was almost entirely gone. It was a tiny house - a young woman was standing in the subtle rain, smiling at Charlie mostly. Next to her, a man was sitting in a wheelchair - his smile was even wider. His hair was just like Jacob's, long and black. Their features were also very similar. So this was Jacob's dad, you assumed. And this... Was either his mother, a friend, another family member, or Jacob's sister. Your bets on sister, but who knew?
Since the very first moment, it was evident that Charlie and Billy, as the man introduced himself to you, knew each other for a whole eternity. There was a lot of laughter, internal joke and for the most part, they weren't paying you any attention at all. Which was good. But the young woman didn't let you go unnoticed. She, also, was strikingly similar to Jake and charming. It was one of those girls which you think you already met and knew, even when you met them for the first time. - "My name's Rachel. Hi." - She walked to you with her arms entwined on her chest and a big smile on her face. - "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." - Oh, the phrase sounded bad after a total of two days you've spent in Forks and near cities. How many times will you introduce yourself to someone? - "And you're driving my younger brother's most beloved car." - She joked, but it didn't come across as funny to you. Another extremely weird smile appeared on your face as you got flustered. Charlie and Billy had disappeared inside the house some time ago, so now you were alone with Rachel.
"Um... That's a long and wild story." - This was all you answered. - "Charlie told me about the beaches here and that I have to see them? Can you give me instructions on how to get there? I don't want to bother you." - This taken Rachel away. So, you surely weren't Jacob's fling, because the whole topic made you unnerved. Yet she was interested in the story. - "What if... We take Jake's car and go there together? It might be fine to have some company." - She smiled. This time, there wasn't anything flustering about what she said. And to be honest, it was nice to go there with someone... Who wasn't a man? Except for Mrs. Peterson, and the weird conversation between you and Mrs. Newton, you hadn't talked to a girl... In a few weeks. - "Okay then, take the lead."
Throughout the whole time, Rachel was pumped about driving in the towtruck. From what she told you, you understood that the car was Jake's most beloved possession and that he rarely let it out of his sight. She made you swore not to tell him she was driving the truck. It was as you approached the beach when it struck you - why Charlie told you that you have to visit the beach. It was the atmosphere. The sea was lazily rolling small rocks around, there was a lot of washed-out logs on the beach, used as benches and an impressive number of people. - "Welcome to La Push." - Rachel smiled at you when she saw the way you looked around the beach. The most interesting thing for your eyes were two small isles just hundreds of feet from the beach. One could swim there.
"So, will you tell me the story?" - The woman asked when you walked to the beach, deciding that you will have a small walk to the nearby pounds in the woods. You started talking - how you planned on moving to Tacoma and getting a job there, about the whole road trip, and how you got stuck in Forks - highlighting the part where Jacob helped you out a big-time to make her little brother look good. Of course, you told her about the mountain lion thing. Rachel knew that was a lie, but she kept her mouth shut. - "Don't tell him I told you, but... Jake was never a bad guy. Sure, he had his moments and periods of being... A big asshole, but he has a good heart. After our dad." - Rachel smiled when you stopped just a couple of yards from the trees, standing there with your palms in the pockets of your jackets. The wind was really cold, but it didn't make the place less magical. - "Billy seems like a jolly person." - You acknowledged. - "Oh man, you should've seen him before the car crash. He was running around like crazy." - Rachel smiled sadly. There was a banter that kept you from asking about what happened to Billy, but Rachel started to talk on your own.
Just like you felt nice in her company, you seemed like a nice, trustworthy person as well. Since it didn't look like you'll be telling Jacob everything she told you, she started talking. It would be hard to talk about Sara, that was their mom, and the night just a few years back. But since she got back to La Push and started dating Paul, one of Jake's friends, she found reconciliation there. It was like a cure for her soul when she could tell someone who was simply listening. No dumb questions asked, no weird looks, anything - just listening to the story. Of course, she let out everything about the shifters, but she gave you a pretty good idea about what was going. - "I'm sorry if this sounds weird, but... Something's bugging the living hell out of me since we visited Mrs. Peterson because of her old car." - You started on your way up to the pounds. Rachel didn't need to hear the rest of it. - "Bella Swan, isn't it?" - She asked, knowing precisely what you had on your mind.
"The girl wrapped Jake around her finger pretty well. To be honest, I know Jake wasn't always the nicest to her either, but... I don't know. It was wild if I can be honest with you. She left Forks after she married one of the Cullens and sometimes, she stops by. Thanks to God, she knows better than visiting Jake. It would just wake up some nasty things." - Oh, so this was what happened... Naturally, Jacob had a different approach to the situation - something else happened in his perspective, but you sure as hell weren't about to ask him. Without further questions, you nodded and focused on the path under your legs.
The walk to the pounds was very nice - Rachel told you some stories about the pounds and then she talked about her twin, Rebecca, and Jake, telling you stories from their childhood. When she described how many times Jacob fell to the pond, you were kind of worried about him - it was a miracle that he hadn't drowned before reaching the age of six. Honestly, it was amazing how many stories she had - all of the stories had a specific story and each of the small pieces of history was making a nicer, clearer picture of La Push in your head. When first thunders hit your ears, it was still too far away, you decided to walk back to the beach and ride back to Billy's. But Jacob changed your plans without doing anything.
He was just standing above the beach with his hair let down, it was reaching way below his jaws, standing there with his elbows over his chest. His chocolate, dark eyes were watching as you and Rachel slowly walked closer to him. - "I see you two have already... Introduced." - The man looked at both of you, there was a hint of when he saw you both slowly walking down the beach. - "She wanted to drive here alone, so I've just asked if she wants someone to go with her." - Rachel vindicated both you as soon as it sounded kind of suspicious coming from Jacob. Then, after a slight moment, a small smile appeared on his face. - "That's nice of you, sis. One would've suspected you did it just because you had a chance to drive my truck, which is it?" - Jake asked with a small smile on his face. With that, you listened to the brother-sister bickering as you walked back to the truck.
Neither of you knew that the whole time, a wolf was watching over the whole beach, protecting you from the danger you could be in.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
The city kid and the horse whisperer; Charles (Joe Mazzello Wooly boys) x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay let me first start off by saying I have NEVER WATCHED WOOLY BOYS SO IF YOU HAVE AND I GET ANYTHING WRONG, I AM SORRY!!! There’s just no way for me to watch this film unless I buy it. But I figured I give this a shot, hopefully you all like it and I’m planning on one more Charles fic in mind but until then I hope you all enjoy this one.
Warnings: drowning (just vague scene of it, not really any major details), some flirting, playful banter, teasing (platonically), and a writer who has no idea about this film other than from what she’s seen in the trailer and a clip or two of the movie.
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I watched from afar as Charles was struggling to get onto Whiskey and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.  How could someone that is related to the great AJ “Stoney” Stoneman, and not know how to ride a horse? Guess city folks really don’t get it.  I stood there with Stoney’s white stallion ‘White lightning’ as I continued to stroke his mane.
“He really is trying isn’t he boy?” he grunted as he turned his head towards me and nickered softly.  “Oh come on he’s not that bad.”
“I swear every time I hear you talk to them, it’s almost like you do have witch-like powers.” Stoney’s voice soon spoke up.  I turned and smiled at the old man who’s been the only real positive male figure in my life.
“Just call me one with Mother Nature’s creatures.” I joked.
“You know; you are the youngest rider out of Shuck and I. And Charlie there won’t really listen to a bunch of old geezers like us. Why don’t you give him some tips on riding?” I chuckled softly.
“That’s funny.” When I heard Stoney not laughing nor chuckling along, I looked back towards him and said, “You’re being serious?” his brow raised. “Stoney, he won’t listen to me. You know that right?”
“Well he’s pretty pissed off at me and Shuck doesn’t really believe he can be a Wooly boy. Besides no one else is a better rider than you. Remember how you bested them Spratt boys last year at the rodeo?” I grinned smugly, “You lasted longer than either of them arrogant little assholes did on the bull ride, a full 20 seconds.”
“Yah those boys hadn’t let me live it down ever since. Always challenging me to a rematch or claiming I was cheatin.”
“My point is, I think my grandson could do better with some company around his age.”
“You sure this is about letting your grandson learn to ride? Or are you just avoiding him?”
“He’s getting no better teacher. Hell might be good for you too.”
“What are you talking about you ole coot?”
“I maybe old and sick my dear but I know when a mare is interested in a stallion. And sweetheart you’ve been eyein my grandson the second he arrived here.” I punched his arm which made him groan.  “Didn’t I ever teach you about respect for your elders?” he teased.
“Yes but I counteract that when said elder person decides to be a busybody towards young one doing the ‘disrespecting’.” I teased back to him.  I looked back towards Charles who was finally up on Whiskey but was struggling on trying to keep him calm.  “Alright, but only because if I don’t then Whiskey’s gonna piledrive him to the ground.”
I walked right over to the riding ring and I leaned up against the fence as I could hear Charles say to Whiskey.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy. Easy. Just—hold still…..”
“He can sense your uneasiness yah know?” Charles suddenly turned towards me which made Whiskey nicker nervously.
“No offense but I have ridden a horse before, okay?” I raised my brow at his arrogant attitude before he suddenly deflated, “Okay. It was—virtual saddle. And I—don’t remember it being this high.”
“City kids and your fancy tech. You can try to make it as easy as you can or make it seem you’re really doing it but all that crap, doesn’t even come close to what people like us do.” I hopped over the fence and placed my hand on Whiskey’s strong neck and took one of the reins and whispered soothingly. “Easy big guy, steady young buck, steady.”
Whiskey’s nervous pacing soon stopped as his head touched my shoulder and the only thing that moved from him was his tail, whipping every now and then.
“Good boy Whisk. That’s a boy.” I patted his neck before giving it a gentle and soothing stroke.
“So it—it is true.” I heard Charles say.
“What’s true?” he tried to get down with ease but his foot got caught up in the stirrups.  As he tried to wriggle it out, I couldn’t help but softly smile and try to hold in my laughter.
“That you really can talk to the horses.” He said as he finally got himself free.
“Well it’s not really talking. I mean yeah it is but it’s also showing respect. These creatures have been around and helping mankind for literally millennia’s. They gave us speed, power, and companionship in a way. Cowboys in the wild west had no one but their posse, if they had one, and their horses. One thing that mankind seems to forget is how to respect those that have helped us. That’s why I always treat any horse of Stoney’s with respect and dignity.”
“But—aren’t they just animals?”
“Just because they’re animals doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings too.” I sassed at him. The two of us stared at each other as I unhooked Whiskey’s saddle. “Your grandad wants me to help you learn how to ride. So be ready tomorrow at dawn.”
“Can’t we start after breakfast?”
“No can do Yankee-doo. Besides, I needed to go out hunting anyways for Shuck, might as well give him his winnings before he nags me to next month.”
“Winnings for what?”
“Oh last month he and I had a bet on whether or not Stoney would actually have the guts to go see yah in the city. I bet he wouldn’t, so—you can pick the story from there.”
“Am I supposed to be insulted that you lost a bet because of me?”
“Don’t kid yourself city boy.” I laughed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go put Whiskey up before you do anymore further trauma to him.” I took the reigns and led him toward the barn.
“I didn’t—”
“Loosen up Yankee I’m kidding again!” I laughed as I turned my head towards him before grinning and turning my head back to continue to the barn.
The rest of the day was just helping Stoney around the farm and by the time the sunset we all sat around and had dinner before I finally decided to retire for the day.  I showered, brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a bun before finally falling asleep.
Early the next morning as soon as the rooster crowed, I woke up and stretched myself out.  I got on the first pair of clothes I could find before heading downstairs to the kitchen to see Charles asleep on the couch.  I grabbed an empty vase and filled it up with cold water.  I walked over to Charles and shook him.
“Oi get up.” He groaned tiredly and turned away from me.  Okay but don’t say I didn’t give him a chance.  I then dumped water on his face which immediately woke him up.
“What the hell!?”
“Oh good you’re awake. Get up and get dressed.”
“For what?”
“Oh don’t tell me you forgot about our riding lesson.” He groaned again as he almost went back to sleep. “You know I can dump the rest of this water right? Or would you rather have me hogtie you till you scream uncle?”
“Didn’t know you were that kinky.” He teased as he peeked out from underneath his pillow.  I blushed and turned aside before dragging his butt out of the couch.
“Just get dressed and meet me in the stable!” I didn’t once look back at him as I raced outside and ran towards the barn.
I had just finished saddling up Whiskey and now I was saddling up my stallion “Tornado”, a pure black mustang.  Few years back Stoney and I came across him after he had a nasty encounter with a mountain lion.  After chasing the demon cat away, Stoney and I took Tornado to the farm and I stayed with him and healed him up.
Now if I told you it was all trust and immediate connection between us, you’re wrong. Tornado definitely proved himself to be a pure, wild stallion.  Hell if I didn’t know any better I’d say he was the leader of his herd.  He wouldn’t even let me anywhere near him for 3 days till finally his injuries got so bad I feared he was gonna die.
So it was then I stepped in and cleaned out the injected wounds, wrapped him up and stitched him.  Every now and then I gave him peace offerings of apples and water which he gladly took. Weeks passed and he showed great improvement, of course his wild nature still stayed (and of course I was dumb enough to think I could try to ride him, got my ass whooped a few times)
Finally I knew that I wouldn’t be able to ride him so I let him go.  He raced off and never did I think I would see him again.
Until one day seven months after Stoney and I had rescued him; I was out alone scouting for the annual hog trails when the Spratt brothers tried yet another of their failed attempts to flirt with me.  After I had denied them, the youngest and most relentless one Billy got so assertive that he had the nerve to cup a feel of me.  Well I’ll have you know I didn’t take that sitting down, so I gave him a right hook so hard, I heard a crack of his nose.
Pissed and beyond angry that I had the nerve to attack his brother, Owen took me to the edge of the cliff we were on that overlooked the river and he pushed me down off the 10ft cliff.  I fell into the river and was dragged down the rapid miles away from the trail.
As the river overtook me and forced me down underneath its rapid current, I thought I was dead for sure.  But the next thing I see running up along the side of the river was a large black creature. I almost couldn’t believe it myself but I recognized that shape and pure black stallion anywhere, it was him.  The wild mustang.
I watched as it jumped into the river and actually swam after me.  He put himself between me and the rest of the current as I reached out and grabbed onto him.  He then swam with all his might against the current to get us to the shoreline before the river could sweep us away further downstream.
I almost doubted it but Tornado proved to be one strong mustang.  He reached the shore line and got me out of harm’s way. Exhausted from traveling down miles of strong rapids, I collapsed on the river’s edge and instead of him abandoning me. Tornado knelt down and stayed with me till I woke up around nightfall freezing cold.
When he noticed that I had woken up after passing out, he adjusted himself so that I could not climb up onto his back and actually ride him.  He stood up and trotted back the 20 miles back to Stoney’s farm.
Now three years later, Tornado has not left my side.  I saved his life and he repaid me back by saving mine.  After that debt was paid, we had this—incredible bond, and that is something that no one can ever take away from us.
Once I hooked him up I said to him.
“I don’t know Tornado, maybe I’m just going crazy.” He nudged shoulder and gently nibbled the ends of my long hair.  I giggled and shoved him away from my hair.  He nickered at me as he moved his head towards mine so that he and I were staring at each other eye to eye.  My forehead touching his muzzle. “You Mister are as much of a busybody as Stoney is.”
“So, are we doing this or not?” Charles’ voice suddenly rang out.  I backed away from Tornado and I said.
“Well you seem eager.”
“Not really. I just didn’t want to get water dumped on my head again.” I scoffed softly as I grinned.
“Normally I’m a bit easier when it comes to wake up calls. But you’re still not getting the hang of being here on the farm are yah? Here we wake up as the sun rises and go to sleep as soon as it sets. If not for us you wouldn’t have any of those vegetables or fruits. Nor your wooly sweaters at Christmas time, or even the milk and eggs you eat every breakfast.”
“Alright, alright I get it. So—is the black one mine?”
“Not unless you wanna get kicked across the barn. Tornado don’t let anyone but me ride him.”
“Is he picky or just clingy to you?” Tornado huffed at Charles and I saw him stomp his front right hoof in a challenging gesture.  
“Steady Tornado, steady. For your information smartass, he’s a pure bred wild stallion. He’s only ever really trusted me.”
“Why’s that?”
“That’s a story for another time. You’ll take Whiskey again, but before we ride; I’m gonna teach you the proper technique on how to mount him cause let’s face it, after yesterday—you’re gonna need it.” I walked up to him and he and I stood beside Whiskey.
I told him the proper way on how to mount a horse on the left side, how to hold the reins and which foot to step onto the stirrup before shifting your weight to fully mount the horse.  I mounted onto Whiskey so that he could properly see how it was done before I got off of him and stood on the right side of him now.
“Okay city kid, your turn. Like I showed you, hold the reins first and foremost before you even think about stepping up.” He took hold of the reins and waited a bit for Whiskey to get used to him before he used his left foot to get on the stirrup.  He counted down softly to himself before finally hauling himself over with ease and as soon as he was on Whiskey, Whisk started acting up again, this time circling around nervously.
“Okay, okay now what—hey, hey what do I do now?”
“Take hold of the reins and even them out. Don’t grip them though. If you hold them too tight, it’ll show Whiskey you’re nervous. Ease and loose.” He did as I told him and Whisky immediately calmed down his nervous circling. “Now with your legs, don’t tuck them inward. Let them come outward. Have you ridden a motorbike or anything?”
“I once went boat racing with some friends of mine one summer.”
“Okay that’s good. You know how you have your legs relaxed and your knees pointed outward?” he nodded. “Do that.” He adjusted his knees and for the first time Whiskey didn’t react at all.
“I did it. I did it!” Charles laughed happily.
“Great kid don’t get cocky yet. You just got on the horse. Now you need to learn to ride.” I grabbed my hunting rifle and wrapped it around my shoulder before I mounted on Tornado and urged him outside with both my right foot and clicking my tongue.
Charles followed awkwardly behind me, I could hear him nervously telling Whisky to slow down.
“Telling him to slow down will only make him speed up. Try not to have your legs kick him every time too, that’s a sign to him that you want to go faster. And keep those reigns even.”
“Maybe we should just give this up. There’s no way I’m ever gonna ride a horse in New York City.” Charles whined.  I stopped Tornado and turned him around and I said to Charles.
“Listen Charles; I know you think this is pointless. But out here, this is life. Best way any of us get around here is through horseback. Not everyone is automatically born a horse rider. We all had to learn, your grandad, Shuck, the Sheriff, even me. Hell I was worse than you were when I first started. But how bout I give you a little piece of advice my teacher gave me.”
“He told me ‘(Y/n), life is like a horse itself. Somedays you’ll be riding freely like a bird in the sky. Other days it’ll haul you off and slam you smack down into the ground it’s like all your insides are busted. But it’s up to you to get back on that horse and ride on. Cause if you don’t, then you’re just sitting there in the dirt watching life go by without you. And only the dead need to do that’.” Charles looked at me in awe and he said.
“Damn. That’s—that’s deep.” I nodded. “Who was your teacher?” I smiled softly and said.
“You’re living with him.” We continued onward the trail and didn’t speak another word to each other for a while.
As the day got brighter and the sun moved higher into the sky we finally reached the entrance to the forest trail, the perfect place to get Shuck a deer.
“We’ll tie off the horses here and continue on foot.” I urged Tornado onward closer to the forest.  Charles urged Whiskey behind me, suddenly a bunch of birds suddenly flew out from the bush which startled Whiskey and the next thing I heard was Charles exclaiming as he was knocked off to the ground and Whiskey running into the forest.
I steadied Tornado and got off his back and raced towards Charles and stood over him.
“Can you move?”
“I think so.” I held my hand out to him and he took it.  I helped him up and groaned in pain as he rubbed his head.
“You don’t have a concussion do yah?”
“Yeah, my vision isn’t blurry or anything.”
“Good. Well most likely Whisk ran about several yards into the forest. He usually don’t stay scared for long when something startles him, especially if he finds something to eat.” We walked towards Tornado and I grabbed his reins and we walked into the forest.
Low and behold we soon found Whiskey standing beside a tree eating some grass and wild flowers not even a half mile as soon as we entered the forest.  I walked up to him and grabbed his reins and said to him.
“A bunch of sparrows Whiskey and you go running off like a big fat ninny!” he raised his head and allowed me to tie his reins to the tree.  I whistled for Tornado and he came up to me and allowed me to take the saddle off of him to lighten him up.
“Aren’t you gonna tie him up too?”
“He gets restless is he stays tied up. So I allow him to just roam around a bit whenever I go out hunting or we go for a ride. But he knows to stay close so that he can hear me call out for him when I need him. Like I said, pure blood wild mustang. You can take him out of the wild, but you can’t take the wild out of him.” I took the reins off of him and he happily spat out the metal bars between his teeth and shook his head.
I smiled and stroked up his muzzle as he nickered in gratitude before turning around and trotting off deeper into the woods.  I hung the reins over a thick branch right beside where Whiskey was tied up and took my hunting rifle off my shoulders.  Standing there for a bit I looked around and said.
“This way.” We walked Northeast for about 10 minutes till we finally reached a good rest stop near a small creek where animals would be coming for a drink. Charles and I perched up against a tree and waited.
“So—how did you become part of my grandfather’s farm?” a slight smile came at the corner of my mouth.
“That is a long story.”
“I think we got time.” I adjusted myself to fully turn towards him.
“Your grandad has been with me since all before I was born. My father used to help him out when he was growing up before he met my mom. Sadly when I was born, my mama died. Complications from the birth or something like that. After that, my dad was ruined. He drank—a lot. Then when I was—six, maybe seven my dad got the final strike when he and I got into a car accident when he was drinking and driving. After that, Sheriff put him away and Stoney actually stepped up and took me in.”
“I’m—I’m so sorry (y/n) I……”
“Didn’t know. It’s fine. I…..really don’t like to talk about it much. Never went to see my dad cause let’s be honest he never really was a father to me. I was just a visitor to him. Sometimes he’d get so drunk he’d get confused and just call me ‘little tenant’. So Sheriff did me a solid and I hold no grudge against him. Until I was told when I was 14 that my dad died in prison. I never really cared to ask how he died. But Stoney’s been good to me, as have Shuck and the Sheriff.”
Suddenly the sound of a twig snapping alerted me.  I cocked my gun and raised it up to my eye as I aimed forward towards the shrub.  Only to see a mother deer step out and a second later, her baby.  I lowered the gun and smiled lovingly as the mother deer and her baby walked towards the creek to get a drink.
“Do you—ever miss your mom?” I heard Charles ask.  I looked up at him and that’s when he said, “Sorry stupid question.”
“No it’s not stupid. And yeah. I wish I got to know her, that way I could decide for myself whether we would get along or just end up hating each other.” The reason why I mostly said that was cause I knew how Charles was towards his mom. His face immediately turned to regret as he said.
“Guess I should really rethink about how my mom’s been treating me lately.”
“Take it from me Charlie boy. Never take life for granted, cause you never know when you got something that someone else doesn’t. Be thankful that your mom is still in your life and is doing what she does because she loves you. Yeah it may seem cold at times but that’s tough love. And coming from your grandfather’s bloodline no doubt she’s a Wooly girl, just in a city environment and adapting as the times and laws change.”
It was then we both heard the chittering of squirrels just nearby.  One squirrel had a surprisingly good sized nut all to himself but there was another squirrel slowly creeping up on him wanting to steal it.
“You know if you wanna hear something really stupid. When I was a kid, sometimes I used to commentate on what an animal might be thinking in a situation.”
“Seriously?” he chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah go on laugh it up.”
“No I’m not laughing. I think it’s—kinda cute. What do you imagine those squirrels are saying right now?” I chuckled and said.
“Well the one with the nut is probably saying ‘hmm I lucked out today. Got me a really big nut. This’ll last me till winter time for sure.’ Now the one coming up behind him is saying, ‘that nut will be mine. Bucky always gets the big nuts, well not this time’.” We then watched as the squirrel behind quickly stole the other squirrel’s nut and took off running.
As the squirrel who had the nut previously chased after the thief squirrel I continued to commentate the chase scene.
“Oi Daryl that’s my nut give it back!”
“No way Buck finders keepers!”
“I found it give it back you thieving rodent!” Charles softly laughed hearing my ‘squirrel’ voices as we watched the two squirrels chase each other up and around the tree they were standing near.
Unaware that the mother deer and her fawn had left and that another deer was coming in for a drink.  This time an adult male one.
Charles and I continued to watch the squirrel’s chase each other and I continued my commentary till I stopped when I heard a twig snap.  I turned my head and that’s when the large buck and I met eye to eye.  Slowly and carefully I raised my gun back up to my eye as the buck soon took off running.
“Cover your ears!” I said to Charles as I fired the shot and the buck immediately dropped to the ground mid run.  After a few minutes of it not moving, we walked towards it and I handed him some leather gloves. “Put these on. Never know with bucks, I heard of one case where someone took a 8 pointer buck without gloves and ended up with lime disease.”
I put my gloves on as well and the two of us worked together to carry the 6 pointer buck back towards Whiskey.
After getting him tied onto the Whiskey’s back, I whistled for Tornado and within minutes he came trotting back towards us.
“Hey big guy, have a good time roaming?” he nodded as he nickered happily. “I’ll bet you did. Unfortunately though, we’re gonna have to saddle you back up boy. But we’ve done what we needed to do. Come on boy let’s get you hooked up.” I walked back to get his saddle up ready for travel.  Once he was good and ready, I mounted onto him and said, “Alright, let’s go.”
It was roughly mid afternoon when we were about 3/4th of the way back to Stoney’s farm when I stopped by the river and I said.
“Hey Charles,”
“Yeah?” I got off of Tornado’s back and I said as I grabbed the pail bucket from one of the tacks I had on him, “I just remembered I promised the Sheriff some of Stoney’s fresh river water. Think you can fill this pail up to that I can take it to him?”
“Why can’t you do it?”
“Yeah and leave you to watch Tornado? Please he’d snap you like a twig.” Tornado gave a proud huff as Charles submitted.
“Fair enough.” He got off of Whiskey and took the pail from me and jogged towards the river.  As soon as he went down, I smirked and got off of Tornado and whispered into his ear of my devious plan.  I saw Tornado blink one eye at me, like he was winking at me before he silently walked towards Charles.  Oh man was this city kid gonna get a surprise.
Tornado finally stood over Charles and he still had no idea what to expect.  Next thing he would know was something shoving him into the water.  As he fell into the river, I couldn’t help myself from laughing, while Tornado reared up and whinnied what sounded like a laugh.
“Did you tell him to do that?!” I walked towards the river’s edge wiping a tear away.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist. You’re just too easy. Here, let me help you.” I reached my hand out for him.  He took my hand before he said.
“No, let me help you.” next thing I knew, I was pulled into the river right next to him. I resurfaced and saw him now laughing at me.  I splashed some water in his face to shut him up and soon it escalated into a water fight between the two of us.  
After our water fight ceased, Charles and I stared at each other exhaustedly.  The way his auburn hair shined under the sun reminded me of the reddish tint that the sunset makes especially during the summer time.  And the way his pale skin gleamed off of the water’s reflection, it was like looking into a fresh pail of milk.  The two of us continued to stare at each other till he finally broke the silence.
“Uhh—yeah?” I whispered softly.
“Do you……uhh….I mean has anyone t-told you—” he stammered nervously.
“Told me what?”
“Has anyone ever told you that you have really pretty—”
“So there you two are. I was beginning to think you both decided to hit the trail and take off out of the state line.” We looked up and there on their horses were Stoney and Shuck.
“Sorry Stoney, we were just……” I started off before Stoney once again said.
“No need to explain. We can see what’s going on here.”
“It’s not like that you old coot!”
“Seems our horse whisperer has finally gotten on the horse after all.” Shuck teased. I groaned and got out of the water as Charles followed behind me.
“Here Shuck, I got you yah damned deer. My debt has been paid and now I bid you all adios.” I said as I unhooked the deer from Whiskey and dropped it at Shuck’s horses feet before going on Tornado and riding off back to the ranch.
As the day went on I avoided Charles or anyone for that matter.  I kept myself busy around the farm, caring for the sheep and of course taking care of the horses.  Currently I was brushing Tornado’s mane when I heard the voice of the boy I really didn’t want to hear right now.
“Hey (y/n).” I circled around Tornado to hide my face from him as I kept brushing Tornado.  “Are you really not gonna talk to me anymore? You’ve been avoiding me all day.” I bit my bottom lip as Tornado looked right at me with a slight huff.  He lowered his head and nudged me away from his side before finally nudging me outward so that I now stood in front of him, but also in Charles’ line of sight.
“Damn you stallion.” I muttered to my horse as he bopped his head up and down nickering and whinnying.  I turned towards Charles and I said.
“Okay. You’ve got me now. Now what is it?”
“Well when you talk like that it almost makes me not want to say it at all.” He grouched.
“Well sorry I wasted your time then.”
“What is wrong with you?” I scoffed.  “No seriously, ever since the lake you’ve gone back to the cold-hearted girl that I first met when I came here. Did I do something wrong? Cause I swear I didn’t know Stoney or Shuck would come looking for us.”
“No it’s not something you did per-say.”
“Then what is it? Tell me cause right now I’m completely……”
“I LIKE YOU OKAY!?!?”  There was dead silence in the air.  Charles’s eyes turned from anger to shock in the manner of a second.  His mouth slightly dropped as he just gawked at me.
“You….. you like me?”
“Please don’t make me say it again Charles. I—I’ve never really been interested in any of the boys in this town, but then your grandad drags you here and……I don’t know you made me feel things I’ve never felt before. But I didn’t want to be all smoochy-gooey-goo about it. That’s just real sissy stuff but I—” I was interrupted by feeling Charles grab my arms and shutting me up with a kiss.
I froze right there on the spot for a moment not even believing what was happening till finally I succumbed and kissed him back.  I wrapped my arms around his neck as I felt his wrap around my waist bringing me closer.  After awhile we separated for air, our breaths mixing in together in a warm dance.
“I—I’m sorry. I’m sorry I….I didn’t mean to do that. I mean not the kiss that I mean kiss you so suddenly, I was just….” This time I interrupted him with a kiss. This time, it was much more softer and meaningful.  I separated from him and he whispered. “Your eyes.”
“My what?”
“Back at the lake. I—was going to say you have really pretty eyes.” I smiled happily and leaned my forehead against his.  
“Thank you. No one’s….ever really said that to me.”
“I’m more than happy to say it to you as many times as you want. Hell I’ll say you have a pretty foot if you want me to.” We both laughed and I said through my giggles.
“Please don’t though. I’ll just take the ‘pretty eyes’ compliment.”
“Hate to break it to you angel, but I’m gonna add more cute body parts to compliment.”
“Such as?” he cupped my face in his hands and just stared into my eyes.
“Well I love this pretty nose,” he kissed my nose. “And these pretty cheeks,” he kissed both my cheeks, “Especially when they get red from either the sun or from you blushing.” He teased.  I poked his side which made him curl inward for a brief moment before he continued, “And those pretty lips.” He gave me a soft and ginger kiss. “I especially love your lips. They’re not all poofed up or overly coated with lipstick like the girls have back home. It’s natural, with a hint of cherry chap stick.”
“Farm work can cause chapped lips. And the cherry was the only flavor available when I first started working here. Guess it just kinda stuck.”
“Well I love it, please keep getting that flavor.” I nodded as he leaned in and captured my lips one more time in a passionate kiss.  This time I was now pinned up against the wall and I felt Charles’ hand slowly slid down my side, to my hips and slowly back around.
But before I could feel his hand go any closer towards my butt, that’s when Tornado let off a warning neigh.  Not just any type of neigh, it’s the type of neigh that almost makes a horse sound just like a demon.  Charles immediately backed up as Tornado huffed through his nose and glared at him. I laughed softly and said.
“Oh you mind your own business Tornado. I’ll bet you were way worse with the mares of your herd.” I playfully swatted him with my cowgirl hat and he walked back towards his stable but kept his eyes on Charles.  After locking him up in his stable, I turned back towards my auburn city boy and took his hand and the two of us walked out of the stable together.
“Is he ever gonna warm up to me?”
“After seeing that, probably not. But no worries, I think the only approval you’ve got to face and already gained was your grandad’s and Shuck’s.”
From that day on, Charles and I continued to grow closer and closer with each other.  He slowly improved on his farming skills and dare I say, he went from city boy to Wooly boy in a matter of a few weeks.  Never have I been more proud to call that city kid my boyfriend.
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rpd-rookie · 4 years
Under Her Extra-Large Umbrella - Chris Redfield x Reader (Part 2)
Summary: Chris Redfield’s deception is coming to an end in this second part of the story but not in the way he expected.
Author’s note: This fanfic was supposed to be 2 chapters long, but considering all the things I originally wrote in this second chapter, I chose to cut it in two and write a third chapter to develop the story a bit more . Hope you will like it anyway.
Part 1 is available here / Fanfiction also available on AO3 
Warnings: Angst, Romance, Fluff, Explicit Sexual Content, Language. 
Wet hair, forehead covered in pearls of sweat, Chris was gazing at you, panting and exhausted, his hot uneven breath tickling your face when you nudged his rear with your ankles to keep him inside of you, still feeling his cock in your core throbbing like crazy after the powerful orgasm he had just experienced. “Damn, woman. Are you trying to kill me?” He breathed out and you giggled “What? Have you lost your stamina?” “No, but I’m afraid you dried me. I’ve got nothing left.” You laughed, finding his naughty words more ridiculous than funny. “I think you’ll have to wait till tonight for round 3.” He pecked your nose and pulled out of you to get off the bed, majestic body glistening in sweat. “I’m gonna go get a shower.”                   “And I’m going to try and find my clothes.” You looked at the mess around you. Both yours and Chris’ clothes were scattered everywhere in his bedroom. A perfect picture of how wild and hot this afternoon alone together had been.                 “Good luck with that.” Chris humoured as he left the room, completely naked. Guess that was a good thing your roommate was not here this afternoon.
You got up, draped in his bed sheet, your body sore and still very hot and sticky. Chris had asked you if you were trying to kill him. Well, as you looked at yourself in the mirror, you wondered if he wasn’t the one who wanted you were trying to kill you judging by the your dishevelled hair and the swarm of dark hickeys he had left all over your chest and collar bones. Oh, he would hear about this!
You started gathering your clothes and Chris’, picking them up one by one onto the floor and the furniture. “Damn, where are my panties?” You cursed as you scanned the room but they were nowhere to be seen. So, you looked for them in the pile of clothes then under the blanket, actually unable to remember what Chris had done with them. Maybe under the bed.     You knelt and peaked under the mattress. There was nothing as well, except a lot of dust and bits of fluff that immediately tickled your nose.                   But as you kept looking under the bed, something weird caught your attention.         There was a sort of red cord hanging in between two slats of the bed base. It made you frown because it strangely looked like the cord of your Umbrella access badge. But it couldn’t be that. You had lost that badge weeks ago, probably in the Metropolitain. Its presence here, especially under Chris’ mattress was simply impossible and completely illogical. And yet, you pulled on the cord anyway.
What a horrible surprise when you saw the card fall onto the floor and realised it was indeed your old badge. How had it gotten here? You didn’t know what to think. But you couldn’t help but hear the same question repeating itself in your head. Why Chris? Why?
The badge in your hands, you sat on the bed, lost in sudden paranoid thoughts that were so unlike you. What if Chris was a spy? What if he was working for Tricell or the Connections? After all, those guys had been trying to compete with Umbrella for years. What if he worked for the Government? What if …         So many ‘what if’ and yet one single common denominator. Chris had betrayed you.
You didn’t know how to process all the emotions you were feeling right now. Burning anger. Frozen shock. Both mixed with a awful sorrow that didn’t seem to want to escape in the form of tears just yet, not as long as you were trying to deny all the conclusions you had drawn and convince yourself that you were imagining things. There was certainly another explanation.
You stood up and started walking in circles in the room like a lion in a cage, whispering to yourself. “Calm down, Y/N. Calm down.” But you couldn’t. And despite all the energy you were using to control your breathing right now, there was that raging uncontrollable panic inside of you growing bigger by the minute.  “Alright, if he’s truly spying on you. There must be something else here. There has to be. Think.” You opened Chris’ wardrobe and started rummaging in it. You sighed, relieved, when you found nothing in it except some dirty clothes that definitely needed some good washing. But it wasn’t enough to soothe your mind and so you pulled the drawer of his nightstand open and immediately threw the contents to the floor. A pen, a watch, cigarettes, condoms and an unsealed letter that you immediately grabbed. “S.T.A.R.S. Office – Raccoon City Police Department.” You read on the envelope and your clever brain immediately made the connection between that address and the incident with the American branch of Umbrella you had overheard at the lab weeks ago. But it was still very blurry to you.
You opened the enveloped without an ounce of hesitation or remorse and started reading.
                                                    “To my amazing S.T.A.R.S. buds,
                 What’s up in the station? Still surviving those long days without me? Barry, are you still crying?                  Me? I’ve been very busy. Spent many nights getting to know my umbrella girl better. Apparently she has some huge project for the both of us. I’m wondering what it can be. She’s so secretive. But no woman can resist Chris Redfield. You know me, I’m worse than a parasite.                    Jill, any news from Claire? ”
You barely knew Chris. But the Chris in that letter wasn’t the one you had spent your days with for the last seven weeks or so. This letter certainly had a hidden meaning and judging by the word ‘umbrella’, ‘project’ and ‘parasite’, it wasn’t very subtle.                 You gritted your teeth, anger slowly getting the better of you, and crumpled the letter in your hand.
“What are you doing?” Chris’ sudden trembling voice made you jumped. You turned around, still kneeled among his stuff, and immediately glared at him. He was standing in the doorframe, wearing only a pair of green sweatpants. His face was pale and you could read a certain fear in his usually very cheerful and relaxed features. “Y/N?” You got back on your feet and approached him, the letter and your badge in the same hand. Chris froze when he noticed them and his heart skipped in beat.                
You didn’t say a word – an ominous calm before the storm – and went too stand before him to look at him in his scared brown eyes. A couple of seconds passed in which you mind struggled to find out what to do right now, not really knowing how to react.   You finally let your impulse get the upper and suddenly, your hand burned Chris’ cheek with a huge slap. You had never hit anyone in your entire life. That was not who you were. But the storm was here and you couldn’t control it.   You violently slammed both items against Chris’ broad naked chest and started screaming and hitting him, lashing out all your anger at him like a fury. “How could you?! You son of a bitch!”     Chris barely flinched and took all your hits in silence, knowing that he deserved them, that he deserved all your rage right now. They didn’t hurt but your wrath against him did. “Answer me!” He could feel a knot strangling his throat. He couldn’t talk. He didn’t know what to say, afraid to make things worse. “Answer me, you asshole!” You yelled and he finally caught your wrists in an attempt to calm you down and prevent you from getting physically hurt. “Y/N, please.” He whispered, holding you still.             “Why?” You asked, huge tears rolling over your face. “Why?” You repeated, begging for an answer, for an explanation. But all you got was silence and guilty miserable eyes. “Are you a spy?”          
“ No … No I’m not a spy. Not exactly.” He finally managed to say. “I’m a cop.” You frowned, finding things always too blurry to understand the situation. “I work at the Raccoon City Police Department, S.T.A.R.S. unit.”     “So you’re not Air Force?” He shook his head. “And you’re definitely not on vacation.” You fell the floor crumble under your feet, afraid of the extent of Chris’ lies and terrified of the consequences that were to come. “I’m on a mission, a personal mission.” He confessed with a broken voice. He didn’t look so strong anymore.             “What mission?”                   “How about we get dressed and sit down to talk about it calmly?” He offered. But you didn’t care you were naked under this sheet right now. And you didn’t care Chris was only wearing sweatpants. You wanted your answers. And you wanted them now. “No. Talk to me now. Explain it to me. Explain the fucking reason why you used me and betrayed me.”
Chris briefly closed his eyes. Hearing those words coming from you were hard to bear even if he had been repeating them over and over in his head since the day he met you. They were hard to bear because hearing them from you was making him realise what he really had been doing all along. They were the painful truth that had finally come to hit him hard in the face.
He tried to catch your hands in his but you removed them as soon as you felt the warm palms against your skin. You didn’t want his affection right now. It repulsed you. “In July, my unit and I were sent on a mission in the Arklay Mountains to rescue the members of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team who had gone missing while investigating a series of killings in the mountains. As soon as we landed, creatures attacked us and we took refuge in a mansion but that was just the beginning of the nightmare. My unit was entirely decimated by zombie-like creatures and other atrocities, monsters that had been created by the Umbrella Corporation thanks to what their scientists called the T-Virus.”             You froze. You had heard of the T-virus. You were using it in most of your experiments related to the Nemesis Project. Its existence was top secret. So if Chris knew, then …       “The surviving members of my team and I infiltrated Umbrella’s laboratory to collect evidence. That’s how we realised that Umbrella had failed to contain their virus and that it had escaped the facility, contaminating and killing locals that had been in contact with it. Only four of us came back.” Chris’ voice was so full of emotions. Sadness, grief, anger, guilt. It tied your stomach in a painful knot. “When we told our story to our chief, he refused to believe us. Somehow we understood he was probably corrupted. So I decided to leave and investigate on Umbrella on my own to find all the evidence I needed to end them and bring justice to my team. That’s how I took the first flight to Paris and that’s how I met you.”
You remained still for a while, trying to process the entire story. But even if there was a part of you that was sympathising with Chris and recognizing the horrors he had been through, there was still another part that was so mad at him and deeply resentful. “So you used me for your personal vendetta?” “It’s not a vendetta.” He tried to correct.     “Isn’t it?” You retorted and he sighed, a slight annoyance tinting his despair.
“You stole my badge and certainly spied on me judging by the content of this letter to, I quote, bring justice to your team and end Umbrella. Sounds more like a vendetta than a mission to me. But tell me. I’m curious. What else did you do?”           “Y/N.” He murmured, unwilling to admit that part of the story to you. “Stop Y/N me and answer the damn questions! Why did you want my badge? What did you discover when you spied on me? And more especially why me, Chris?!” He looked you in your begging eyes, feeling painfully sorry. “I don’t know why it happened to be you. I guess it could have been anyone else. But I’ve never…” He cupped your cheeks and you took a step back, trying to reject him, in vain. “…ever wanted to hurt you or use you like that.” A new tear slid along your cheek and Chris dried it with his thumb. “That wasn’t my intentions. I just got bogged down in my own lies and the situation escaped my control … and… I don’t expect your apology.”             “ Good. Cause you won’t have it.” You spat and he looked down, trying to contain his sadness. “You should have been honest with me.”             “ I had no choice.” Chris said in his defence but you would not have it.           “No choice?” You scoffed. “The second you felt like the situation was becoming out of your control, you had a choice. Give up, watch it become out of proportion or tell me the fucking truth!”     “I didn’t want to hurt you.” He confessed and you sighed, exasperated. “You said it already but look! Here we are!” You screamed. “I’m hurt! I’m fucking hurt because of you.” That was harsh yet fair.   “Can’t you at least understand why I did this? Can’t you put yourself in my shoes for a second?” He knew he would not have your forgiveness but he hoped to have your understanding.  
You jaw dropped. “Oh but I do understand, Chris! I do! I know what Umbrella is doing is terrible. I know what I’m doing is terrible. But if you had just talked to me, I would have helped you. We…”             “Helped me?” He harrumphed. “You’ve been creating dangerous monsters in your lab for months. And now you’re talking about doing what’s right? Well by all means, explain Project Nemesis!” He growled, finally starting to show his anger, and your eyes widened.     “Oh so you read my journal as well. Fantastic!”       “Yes, I read your journal. I stole your badge. I sent information to my colleagues and I used you. But what is it in comparison to all the awful things you and your scientists buds have been working on in secret in this god-forsaken lab of yours?! You guys are murderers!” You stared at him, bewildered and feeling insulted but the truth was that he was right and you couldn’t help but acknowledge it. “I feel guilty, Y/N. I feel guilty because I know that what I did hurt you. I feel guilty because I happen to care so fucking much about you despite all the reasons I have to despise you. Guilt is eating me up, day and night. But, tell me. how do you sleep at night knowing you’re creating those atrocities?” “Guess you didn’t read my diary so well, did you?” Your calm was back, your anger certainly drowned in pain and sadness. “You know shit, Chris. But if that’s what you think of me the maybe you should probably get out.”  But Chris refused to move.       “Get out” You repeated with the same tone. He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak but you immediately cut him off. “Get out!” You yelled, pushing him as strongly as you could, but he barely moved. “Get out of my place, Chris!” And he didn’t know why he refused to leave or move from that doorframe. Stubbornness? Denial? Or simply his deep attachment for you?                 But whatever it was, you would not have Chris spend another minute in your apartment. “Fine.” You opened his wardrobe and started throwing his clothes in his suitcase, tears running down your face, as Chris watched you, still and quiet. It was the end. He could feel it in his bones.         You grabbed his suitcase and shoved Chris with your shoulder as you left his room to head towards the main door and throw his stuff carelessly in the corridor. Then you went back to lock yourself in your room.  “And don’t forget your precious evidence before leaving!”
Chris blinked a couple times to keep his tears in his eyes when he heard the door to your room slam shut, knowing that this was certainly the last time he would ever see you or hear from you. And it ached more than what he had imagined. How he wished things had ended up differently.
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Ayesha Liveblogs Cardcaptor Sakura S1
For faithfulness reasons, I’ll forgo rewatching in English even though I’m Jared 19 and never learned how to read 
I will say the original English dub had a BANGER of a theme song and I do miss that
"I’m a Fourth Grader at Tomoeda Elementary” I know I watched this like when I was age 7 or smth but SHE’S LIKE 10?? OH MY GOD who is letting this ten-year-old roam the streets
“I’m gonna stomp on him” [Lucille Bluth voice] good for her
I fully forgot Sakura had a dad I was ready to accept her Grade 11 brother raising her
Sakura’s roller blades give me visceral memories of my barbie skates
Lmao is Yuki’s ability to throw a piece of candy at a child from a moving bicycle backwards foreshadowing his superhero abilities
Okay having checked this scene in both English versions and Japanese, my opinion no one asked for: the Aminax version is bad voices on all counts, Japanese has a better voice for Toya and original English dub has a better voice for Sakura and Yukito (who they called Julian lmao) I am not accepting constructive criticism 
Tomoyo and Sakura sound so similar I could not even tell that Tomoyo was speaking omg
“There isn’t anything cuter or more interesting than you Sakura-chan” Tomoyo is really honest with her feelings I guess ten-year-olds be like that sometimes
“Is someone there” home invasions are what happens when you don’t lock your front door
This is not a study lmao this is a personal library there is hardly a workspace just aisles of shelves
Wait if this is hanging out in her dad’s study was her dad the last Cardcaptor lmao
Or probs her mom, since she’s gone the way of all anime moms
Sakura is accepting this whole “tiny magical flying lion” thing p well
“I accidentally fell asleep” “For how long” “30 years” same
“Stand right over there” Kerberos does not ask permission before magical girl transforming you lmao
“Why are you acting so wimpy” bc she’s 10 and you’re asking her to fight a giant ghost bird???
Honestly I love a good quest-to-collect-important-items maybe Inuyasha and DBZ ruined my taste but it’s a great formula 
“You’ll be a better adult if you have all sorts of experiences in your life” r u going to take career counselling advice from a tiny flying lion Sakura
I do kind of miss Kero’s slightly unhinged young man energy
I like that whenever Sakura’s brother is rude she steps on his foot or kicks him fkjhjgkh excellent little sister depiction
I was expecting more secrecy but it is very funny to see Tomoyo try to convince her friend to be a superhero
“Do a flashy one” kfhkjdhkj Kero supports the use of magic powers for showing off
“Trademark poses and skills are the basic parts of being a magical girl” oh my gooood
I mean if I walked into my school and there was a mountain of haphazard desks waiting there I too would be threatened 
Sakura is the only one in this group who has a reasonable understanding of what ten-year-olds should be allowed to do
LMAO @ Tomoyo’s team of bodyguards dropping her off to break into the school ONLY TO DRIVE AWAY
Tomoyo and Kero’s friendship is killing me the SHENANIGANS
I’m not sure I accept this light logic bc you need light to cast a shadow
Sakura’s “heart-racing first date” ur TEN oh my god
I mean it’s nice that Sakura wants to save the penguin but why did it take that for her to get upset it was going to drown a whole adult woman
I wonder how Toya feels that his little sister has a crush on his boyfriend lmao
This cell phone is really top of the line for 1999 lmao I love it 
U know if I were a high school student and my friend asked my 10 year old sibling out to lunch instead of me I’d be confused
"They’re not even gonna hold hands? Kids these days” This is a VERY weird vibe for an episode
You know I guess if you never watch the second episode you never have context for all of these superhero outfits LMAO
None of these locations have security cameras I guess the 1990s was a lawless time
Will all of Yuki’s magical advice be delivered in the form of mysterious field trips
Say what you will about the ominous influence of the other card, I think Wood is being fairly polite since it’s contorting around her house instead of destroying it lmao
“I was planning to film ‘Sakura Dances in the Jungle’ in the park today” I love Tomoyo 
Every little girl in this show sounds so similar lmao this is not good for my distracted watching style 
Wow Ms Maki is really unloading on these two fourth grade girls 
Since Tomoyo clearly interacts with even the more spirit-like Clow Cards I really have to wonder why no one else in this town is seeing these giant ghost monsters loom around the city
Well I guess this episode is a direct response to my previous comment 
“I can’t stand scary stories” says the girl who spends her nights going into isolated areas and fighting magical ghosts
Seeing Sakura activate her Fly card really gives me overwhelming nostalgia for the days I wanted nothing more than to be a Cardcaptor I used to wave around a toy broom like that magic key ahhhhhhhh
In the absence of the first English voice and with the added gentle Japanese intonation for his speaking, I am constantly forgetting that Yukito’s character is a 16-year-old boy 
Toya is really casually bomb-dropping the fact that he used to see ghosts and Yuki’s just like ‘dope are there ghosts around now’
Omg Kero’s sad face as he dropped the flower in Sakura’s lap 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“I want to see if she wants to tell me something” like maybe ‘don’t run around town at night chasing ghosts ur 10!!!’ 
Yukito Tsukishiro: Chronic Aid-er and Abet-er of Pre-teen Mischief 
Also if I’m right his name means something like “Ice White Moon?” Very heavy-handed foreshadowing lmao
“After we left, I went to the museum again and borrowed one” TOMOYO U CASED THE JOINT KJDHFKJHF
Tomoyo is eerily well-prepared for this mission it’s like she has been planning to burgle a museum all her life
They really made an executive choice to have both a Yuuki and a Yuki that was a decision that someone made
Oh hey it’s the other pre-teen supehero!!! That guy!!
The more I think about it, the stranger the height difference between Sakura and her brother becomes bc compared to him she’s really like 2.5 feet tall they did not pick a proportion scale
U see this what I mean by gentle intonation, Syaoran somehow sounds older than Yuki simple by roughness of voice
“Here, a steamed pork bun” Yuki sure nows how to de-escalate lmao 
“That is made out of an insulator as well” Tomoyo is really prepared for any and every situation
It’s not fair of Li to compare what is probably years of magical training from his family to ‘trial by fire for eight weeks with a plush toy who doesn’t explain anything important until critical moments’
I’m really not sure what’s happening with Rika and the teacher but I DON’T LIKE IT
“I just want to be with you as long as possible” [cut to floral pattern] Tomoyo is aiming to supersede Yuki as Gentle Shojo Protagonist Sakura Fixates On looool
I’m sure there’s NOTHING significant about this familiar-looking sword brooch
Kero biting Li whenever whenever he says something rude to Sakura kghkjghk direct feminist action
What IS THIS business with Li running away flustered like that are pre-teen Cardcaptors ONLY allowed to have a crush on Yukito
“I guess I’ll have to beat him up once” Toya has zero qualms about fighting a ten-year-old
Two fourth graders giving Yukito chocolate while he peacefully hangs out with his boyfriend is the funniest version of executing this weirdness that could happen
What I’m really wondering is how the hell they cut out or explained away Li’s crush in the first English anime
“You were just a fledgling teacher and you married one of your [high school] students!!” u did WHAT what the FUCK MR. KINOMOTO I’m on Sonomi’s side
“Mother got married when she was 16″ MR. KINOMOTO CANCELLED! BANNED! THE HELL IS THIS!
“It was I who was granted time with Nadeshiko from her 16th to 27th birthdays” GO 2 JAIL DO NOT PASS GO 
This episode has added a lot of layers to this show none of which I like
“What kind of person was my dad” someone who should be banned from teaching
“Your father is a disgusting person” WELL
Lmao they’re not even giving context why Yuki is around anymore he’s just an accepted artifact of the Kinomoto household
How is that the Time card is Li’s but not Thunder since he also returned that one to its original form
“Their fastest confirmed speed is over 100km/h” Yamazaki leave Li alone he just wants to adore the sloths jhfkhgjhgkhg
Ahhhhhh Li helping Sakura get the Power card?? These motives are quite hard to read but it seems sweet
“I heard a rumour that everyone who asked Kinomoto out has been denied.” Well. [x]
“It’s one of the seven strangest things at this school, that both Kinomoto and Tsukishiro don’t have girlfriends.” WELL. [x]
[Hannibal Buress voice] I was so caught up in euphoria of festival arcs, that for like a minute I lived in a world where the rest of this anime didn’t exist 
I have no idea what the premise of the next Clow Card is but I really hope it’s “turn u into whatever ur acting as” bc I will LOSE my mind
I have not heard Yuki once intone as passionately as he did when he thought Toya was going to fall 
“You like someone else” 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
“I didn’t promise anyone else a dance” Can I just say I LOVE TOYA?
The moment of stillness before Yukito revealed who he was asking to dance lmao... the repressed teenage wlw inside me LIVES
Yuki and Toya tag-teaming as the Sakura Support Team my heart!!
Geolocating someone from a fax... the incredible 90sness of this act....
I seriously don’t understand this world in which you leave 5- and 10-year-olds unattended for hours where are your child welfare laws
I am really choosing to ignore how absolutely bananas the concept of Tomoyo having a hidden Sakura Movie Theatre is
Speaking of weird, are we just trusting that this old man is normal? Is everyone doing that? I’m still not ready to trust yet the Sakura’s dad situation really burned me
“Girls look their best when they smile” a sweet thought that would not fly if an old man I just met told me that lmao
I’m REALLY not trusting this old man dressing up this girl in his dead (missing?) granddaughter’s clothes and staring broodily when she mentions there is a parent with her
“My great-granddaughter seemed happy” YOUR WHAT NOW 
Their school trips seem much more fun than ours were we never went to the beach or fishing or got disappeared briefly in a cave
It continues to be funny how Sakura and Li have 0% tension re: Clow Cards, 99% tension re: Yukito who is already in a committed Something or the Other with Sakura’s brother
“Why were you on the roof” “Because it’s nice out today” LOL YUKITO
There’s no rhyme or reason to these card types huh some are like “I will destroy an entire zoo for fun” and other ones are like “mood lighting :)”
Sakura really isn’t out here to teach us any lessons lol it’s really a ‘get others to do your homework if you can get away with it’ episode
Rounding out the triad of superpowered pre-teens with Meilin I suppose
“Syaoran is my fiance” I have had it up to HERE with this anime cousinfuckery I don’t CARE if it’s cool in Japan or Hong Kong or whatever STOP BEING WEIRD WITH YOUR COUSINS
Poor Syaoran he was doing so well with getting along with Sakura until Meilin got here
"It was done by a girl again?” Oh my god is Meilin beating up grown men in parks for street cred
“It seems our relationship chart has gotten rather complicated” Tomoyo probably means astrology chart but here’s my understanding so far:
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Speaking of complex relationships I wonder how Meilin will react to Syaoran’s crush on Yuki
This rivalry between Sakura and Meilin could not be more one-sided
I really was wondering for a second if the card was going to split in half
I love the vibe of Sakura and Toya teaming up to help their creepy dad but even MORE SO I love that Yukito is In This Household
“The contents are already up here” This episode really doesn’t hit the same way now that cloud storage exists and also what were all those floppy disks for if not to save your work Mr. Kinomoto
I love that Tomoyo always pulls her weight in her superhero sidekick role like she is here to support and help whenever needed 
Sakura using her powers to impress her crush with a ghost duet lmao these priorities 
“Sakura’s Little Adventure” I see what u did there
Kero’s little shoulder pat with his paw to let Sakura know he’s there aw
Omg this Clow Card is so cute “Is it your fault I’m so small now?” [nods pleasantly]
It is very bold of Sakura to be doing magic so casually when her brother and Yuki are right downstairs 
I like that this show recognizes the inherent intimacy of allowing someone to cut your hair
“Information about you has gotten around to the cards” well this is an ominous start to this funky tarot reading
Well the experience of seeing his little sister try to murder him has got to be traumatizing for Toya I hope he doesn’t remember this
“Can you give me a break... and stop looking like Sakura” EXCUSE ME
“My mom’s up there too, so say hi to her for me” OH MY GOOOOD TOYA REALLY DOES SEE GHOSTS AHHHHHHHHHHH
Omg @ Toya feeding Yuki from his bed this really is an intimate episode
I kind of appreciate the slow build of this show like it took them 25 episodes to introduce meaningful stakes
“But it might be tougher than the earth going ‘boom!’ Depending on who you are...” Well hello threatening figure in sunglasses standing outside Sakura’s house what’s up
“I’ll look the other way” Ms Mizuki is literally this meme:
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I can only assume that if Toya knows Ms. Mizuki then she must be a ghost
Personally if Mizuki gives Syaoran the heebie jeebies I trust his instincts
“Um... do you like Yukito too?” Oh my goooood they’re sincerely discussing being Not Straight in middle school in this 90s anime that I watched when I was 7 I cannot believe
Also I have to rethink every thought I had about Toya being gay. I mean bi is great too but my thoughts..... racing...........
“Because the next time I see you, you’ll have someone else that you’ll be in love with” Yukito BF confirmed but oh my GOD this relationship chart IS complicated good lord
If there’s anything the episode “Sakura and Her Shrine of Memories” has taught me it’s that everyone in this show is bisexual and all teachers in their neighbourhood should be in jail
I understand that Meilin is a kid but poor Syaoran he is constantly being harassed 
I love Yuki’s bottomless stomach lmao
Syaoran and Sakura have such a genuinely supportive relationship but it is very funny how they try simultaneously to get Yuki’s attention with the exact same words
“I’ve been thinking for a while that Mr. Terada is a lot like my dad” oh thank you Rika for someone finally being normal in this show
“Well it’s a harmless one” You see this is what I mean the dichotomy of Clow Cards is like... “I’m going trap you in a maze until you perish” or “I’m gonna give you a sugar rush :]”
I like that Sakura and Syaoran are starting to partner up as a duo on purpose like yessss I love a 1-2 finish and friendship development
Ahhh poor Syaoran he’s realizing that Yukito’s #1 in his life is the Kinomoto fam
We’re all familiar with the eternal struggle of whether using ur superpowers for school sports is cheating 
“I will stomp on him” it’s been 31 episodes let Sakura stomp on her brother
Oh my GOOOD does this Big card mean that Sakura WILL FINALLY STOMP ON TOYA LMAO
Ur telling me that no one else in this ENTIRE TOWN notices this altercation of a giant preteen vs a dragon
Why does the logic for how voices travel based on size apply for the Little card (when Toya was speaking) and not for the Big card (when Sakura is speaking)
Sgskdhgkhkgjh honestly body switching as a trope will never not be funny
Syaoran blushing and running away from Sakura oh how the turn tables
Every domestic scene that Yuki and Toya have adds ten years to my life we love some gay/bi teens about to be gay/bi adults
Ffskhhfkj I absolutely cannot relate to this Southern Hemisphere nonsense of finding ten degrees celsius arctic cold like BRO that is a normal spring day here
“We’re not frozen because we have magical powers” I know that cutaway was to confirm Mizuki’s magical powers again but this would’ve been a hilarious time to reveal that like Yamazaki the Compulsively Lying Classmate had powers
Awwww he likes her now that’s cute 
“I got work that day” I will bet someone ten dollars that Toya is working at that quiz rally
Update from 5 minutes later: PAYPAL ME $10
Kero keeps whispering to the moon when in fact some iteration of the moon is right around the corner (literally)
Shared Gaze of People Who Have Dated* Toya and Have Magical Powers They Haven’t Revealed Yet
*Go to jail Mizuki
I am really going crazy wondering when they’re gonna reveal stuff about Yukito like bitchhhhhhh I know you’re a moon man when will u tellll usss
How many more times will Sakura have this same threatening dream before she realizes her math teacher is probably going to try to kill her
Update from one minute later: I guess it was exactly one more time
“That’s right, Yukito’s birthday is on Christmas day” is this coming to be a coming of age where he like suddenly sprouts wings at age 17
I’ve been thinking this for a while but this show makes it seem like Japan has a much more fun approach to athletics than my school experiences
Yukito really is unflappable about hanging out with a bunch of kids half his height huh he’s like the Fourth Grader Whisperer
“Wind become a binding chain” Whoops Sakura foiled by 4th grade knowledge of the elements
Oh shiiiit love a world-building moment now we have two card combos in play ayyyyy
Lmao @ Kero using his returned powers immediately for fireworks mood lighting is a serious Clow Card priority
“I would like to come again this year” everything in this show feels like foreshadowing for dramatic irony
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all-mimsy · 4 years
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Youth To Itself Rebels "The ocean, overpeering of his list, Eats not the flats with more impetuous haste Than young Laertes, in a riotous head."
A Laertes fanmix.
American Authors - I'm Born To Run. I wanna see Paris, I wanna see Tokyo I wanna be careless even if I break my bones I'm gonna live my life like I'm gonna die young Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run
Death Cab for Cutie - You Are A Tourist And if you feel just like a tourist in the city you were born Then it's time to go And define your destination
Regina Spektor - Smalltown Moon I must've left a thousand times But there's a small town in my mind How can I leave without hurting everyone that made me? How can I leave without hurting everyone that made me?
James Blunt - Bonfire Heart Your mouth is a revolver firing bullets in the sky Your love is like a soldier, loyal till you die
Bonnie "Prince" Billy - The Best of Folks Don't get angry if you're called the worst of many Don't withdraw your hands from all that they can do Those that deny your love may not have any For the best of folks will see the best in you
Daughter - Youth We are the reckless, we are the wild youth Chasing visions of our futures One day, we'll reveal the truth That one will die before he gets there
The Mountain Goats - Cry For Judas Speed up to the precipice and then slam on the brakes Some people crash two or three times and then learn from their mistakes We are the ones who don't slow down at all And there's nobody there to catch us when we fall
City and Color - Grand Optimist I used to be quite resilient Gain no strength from counting the beads on a rosary And now the wound has begun to turn Another lesson that has gone unlearned
The Seige - Die In This Town Fire in my soul, got my eyes on the Crown I can't help myself lately, can’t turn myself down I’m in love with you, baby, but I let you down I can't die in this town I won’t die in this town
Set It Off - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Listen, mark my words, one day You will pay, you will pay Karma's gonna come collect your debt
grandson - Blood // Water I am the people I am the storm I am the riot I am the swarm When the last tree's fallen The animal can't hide Money won't solve it What's your alibi?
The Mountain Goats - Up the Wolves I'm going to get myself in fighting trim Scope out every angle of unfair advantage I'm gonna bribe the officials I'm gonna kill all the judges It's going to take you people years to recover from all of the damage
Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head So I’m gonna buy a gun and start a war If you can tell me something worth fighting for
The Dear Hunter - Go Get Your Gun And to those who die, please try to understand That for those who die, we try the best we can
The Decemberists - This is Why We Fight Come the war Come the avarice Come the war Come hell
The Score - Revolution Like every king who lost a crown And all those years are history now Can you hear the drumming? There's a revolution coming
Gang of Youths - Atlas Drowned Get that thing out my face I don't care what it says, this is my goddamned place A traitor to country and glad, 'cause my country's disgraced
Santigold - The Riot's Gone Oh, I’m armed and dangerous At the whim of my command Been searching for an angle For a cause I can’t defend
Hozier - From Eden Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword Innocence died screaming Honey, ask me, I should know
The Neighbourhood - R.I.P. 2 My Youth Might go to hell and there ain't no stopping Might be a sinner and I might be a saint I'd like to be proud but somehow I'm ashamed
Zayde Wolf - Born Ready Start me up Open my eyes Turn me loose and you'll see why I was born, born ready
Joe Iconis - The Guide To Success Hey, never say what you really feel Why make a choice when it's safer just to make a deal Stay away from what causes a stir or offends Keep your heart silent, don't dispute And if it turns violent, make sure you know who to shoot And eventually every relationship ends So throw out your baby and murder your friends Ignore all your feelings and murder your friends
Bob Dylan - Not Dark Yet Sometimes my burden is more than I can bear It's not dark yet, but it's getting there I was born here and I'll die here, against my will I know it looks like I'm movin' but I'm standin' still
Takénobu - Fight To Make It Up You fight to make it up Look another way Heart in hand you hold
The Score - All Of Me I've been running through this city with my hopes held high In between my footsteps, that's where fear resides It's tearing me apart, I swear I might divide
Halsey - Control I can't help this awful energy Goddamn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?
Third Eye Blind - Jumper You're the first to fight, you're way too loud You're the flash of light on a burial shroud I know something's wrong
AWOLNATION - THISKIDSNOTALRIGHT I'm scared, I may derail You can follow them to hell You can follow them to hell
Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man Tremble for yourself, my man You know that you have seen this all before Tremble, little lion man You'll never settle any of your scores Your grace is wasted in your face Your boldness stands alone among the wreck Now learn from your mother or else spend your days biting your own neck
The Killers - All These Things That I've Done When there's nowhere left to run Is there room for one more son?
Bastille - Flaws All of your flaws and all of my flaws Are laid out one by one Look at the wonderful mess that we made We pick ourselves undone
Shiny Toy Guns - Poison Listen, don't cry, my child When you awake My father's table has set a place for you   Contact, with fire from love Has shortened all my days A season of poison Will bring the darkness soon Painfully, I prepare a release And poison takes me away
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talpup · 5 years
Light In the Darkness: 15
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.
***If you prefer reading off AO3 here’s the link for that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887595/chapters/54018274
Part II
Chapter 15
It was two weeks after the Magic Knights Entrance Exams and much to Yami’s chagrin Bronn’s hateful focus hadn’t moved on to the newest Black Bulls member. Sure the Vice Captain cuffed the new recruit on the back of the neck and gave the lad a hard time but Yami still got the brunt of it all. He supposed it was a good thing. Yami doubted the young Possession Mage could’ve handled more abuse. Fresh from his Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony, Bran was small even for a boy of fifteen and far too polite and unsure of himself to survive much of anything in Yami’s eyes. Which meant only one thing. The boy needed toughening up.
“Uh. Mister Yami. Sir.” Bran panted stopping in front of him as he entered the dining hall.
“It’s just Yami, boy.” Tobin called from his seat at the table.
“Let the boy speak.” Yami hushed liking the sound of ‘mister’ before his name.
“What would you like on your plate, sir?” Bran questioned.
Yami looked at the other members of the Black Bulls seated around the dining table wondering what was going on.
Venice and Tobin laughed while Teris and Abril appeared none too pleased. Gendry, as usual, seem oblivious to it all.
“Bran has been told of the house rule that all first year recruits cater to their senior members during their chore week of cooking.” Olsen informed smiling.
That explained Abril and Teris’ ill humor, neither liked to see the small getting picked on. Toyed with, that was well and good, but picked on was a completely different matter.
Yami was tempted to give the boy his order, till he saw Teris watching him and thought better of it. She had been somewhat distant of late, going out with Venice and not inviting him. His birthday was in two days and he didn’t want to do anything the further their separation. Before her slight withdrawal from him, Yami had hoped to get his first kiss from her as a birthday present to himself. It had been a year since they had met, nearly destroying the arena and killing everyone in it when they had battled during their own Entrance Exams, he thought he had been more then patient in denying or being interrupted from having a taste of her lips.
Yami grabbed the plate from Bran and told. “They’re having one over on you kid.”
“Come on Yami!” Tobin complained. “The least you could’ve done was wait till he got me seconds.”
“You’re no fun.” Olsen remarked shaking his head.
Without a word of apology Yami made for the serving table. Seeing burnt bacon and biscuits he cried. “Who cooked?”
Chewing Tobin answered. “The kid.”
Yami looked at Abril. “Wasn’t it your week to cook?”
Abril gave a guilty glance at Bran.
“And you had the nerve to look offended at the others making him serve.” Yami accused.
“Shame Abril.” Tobin scolded. “Taking advantage of the new recruit. Bran. Serve yourself and come sit by me. I’ll protect you from these sharks.”
“Weren’t you just complaining that Yami ruined your tricking Bran into fetching you a second serving?” Olsen remarked.
“Shut up.” Tobin snapped. “It was your idea.”
Olsen laughed. “I know. I’m brilliant.”
Teris watched Yami as he served. Venice leaned over and whispered. “Are we going out perusing again today?”
Teris nodded.
“Have any clearer idea what you want to get him?” Venice questioned.
Teris shook her head. It wasn’t that Yami was difficult to please. He’d likely be happy that she remembered his birthday let alone gone through the trouble of getting him a gift. But this was the first time she would celebrate his birth with him, last years having gone by with little fanfare as they were simply trying to survive Greywright’s training. This would also be the first thing she would ever get for him. It had to be perfect.
Yami took his usual place across from Teris and stared.
“What?” Teris asked cocking her head slightly.
“Nothing.” Yami said wondering why he had taught her how to read and dampen her Ki. Now, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get a clear reading of her, if he could read her at all.
She returned to her breakfast.
“What are you doing today?” Yami asked picking up a charred piece of bacon and letting it drop back onto his plate in disgust.
“Unless a mission comes up. Going to Castle City with Venice.” Teris answered.
“Can I come?”
“To Castle City? Why?” Teris asked.
“Why not. You’ll be there.” Yami watched her carefully wondering if it was something he had done. Or maybe something he hadn’t done. Why were girls so difficult. Couldn’t she just tell him? He’d apologized. They’d move on. Things would go back to normal. He didn’t like it when she pulled away from him.
“Don’t you have a new beast to train?” Teris reminded.
“Mooshu.” Yami smiled thinking of the long haired mess that he had saved from a boar trap. After her subdued behavior as he had nursed her back to health Mooshu had surprised him by reverting back to her wild aggression once released into the training pen.
“Ungrateful creature.” Yami muttered. Looking at Teris he said. “You keep saying you’re going to let me introduce you to her.”
Teris pushed away her plate. “I know. Maybe tomorrow.”
“What about today?” Yami tried. “Before we had out to Castle City. Pilfer misses you.” So do I, he thought.
“Not this time, Yami. Sorry.” Teris’ heart broke to see the confused disappointment in his eyes. “But I’ll go out to the pens with you tomorrow to visit Pilfer and meet Mooshu. I promise.”
Yami held her gaze a moment before looking down at his food as he moved it about the plate with a fork. The stuff wasn’t even worthy of feeding his wolves.
“That reminds me.” Tobin said putting a hand on Bran’s back. “You have to feed the beasts in the pens outside.”
“No he doesn’t.” Yami rumbled. He leaned forward so he and Bran could see each other over Tobin. “You don’t go near the pens without unless I take you.” He looked at Tobin making a noise. “What do you want? To see the kid ripped to shreds and eaten.
“I never would’ve of let him do it.” Tobin assured. “I just wanted to see boys reaction.”
“That was cruel.” Venice said shaking her head.
“Too far.” Olsen agreed. “I don’t even go near those things.”
“It was a joke.” Tobin persisted.
“I don’t remember you all giving Yami and I such a hard time when we first arrived.” Teris commented.
“That’s because you two were imposing. Olsen said. “In a good way, my lovely. Well, mostly good.”
“Imposing?” Teris questioned. “After what happened at the Entrance Exam and all that followed I was scared out of my wits.”
“And so were we.” Venice said looking at her. “Of the both of you and what you might inadvertently do to us if we messed with you.”
“Nearly destroying part of a city, possibly killing countless people, and wrecking the dining hall has it’s perks.” Tobin said giving her a nod. “That, and after the beating this one got from Bronn his second night here.” He said jutting a chin at Yami. “We figured it’d be best to let you two be.”
“I guess our difficulties were good for something.” Teris said giving Yami a small smile.
“They were good for more than that.” Yami told her. “They brought us together. Made us inseparable.
“Well, I wouldn’t say inseparable. Venice countered. “You two don’t bathe, sleep, or poo together.”
“You should be grateful for that, Teris.” Tobin told her. “I’ve had the unlucky displeasure of entering the stall after that one and let me tell you. Somethings the nose can’t forget no matter how hard it tries.”
“You’re weak.” Yami said almost proudly as he looked at Tobin out of the corner of his eye.
“Speaking of--”
“Shit?” Venice asked smiling playfully at Olsen.
“ --bathing.” Olsen went on dryly. “Did anyone ever find out why Captain Mereoleona didn’t host her usual excursion to the Lava Springs after the Star Awards?”
“Her what?” Teris asked.
“No.” Venice answered Olsen. To Teris she said. “Ever since Mereoleona became Captain of the Crimson Lions she’s hosted a massive multi-squad trip to an active volcano the day after the Star Awards.”
“Sounds like fun.” Teris enthused sarcastically.
“Oh, it’s hell getting up there,” Venice admitted. “But once you reach the top and nightfall's, the lava stops and a hot springs is revealed.”
“So you and Yami may eventually add bathing to your list of inseparable activities. Tobin teased grinning at Yami as he elbowed him in the ribs.
Yami stared at his friend unamused.
“The bathing is separate. Olsen hushed. “Though last time, I believe a couple boys got caught trying to look over to the girls side. Maybe that’s why there wasn’t one this time.”
“And after the springs we’d trek back down the mountain, a lot easier without the lava and all.” Venice added. “I don’t know who the house belongs to but it sure is nice.”
“Sounds like you’re talking about the Vermilion's Summer Cabin,” Teris said.
“You call that place a cabin?” Abril blinked. “Just when I nearly forgot you’re a royal you say something like that.”
“So you have been up to the springs,” Tobin said.
“At night.” Teris nodded. “Never traveled up there during the day. That’s when the volcano’s active.” She turned to Venice. “What’d you all do at the cabin?”
“A party of course,” Venice said. “Food--”
“Lots of food,” Olsen nodded.
“--and games. It didn’t end till everyone fell asleep.”
“Everyone slept at the Vermilion's cabin?” Teris inquired doubtfully. The place might’ve be overly large to be called a cabin but it certainly didn’t have enough bedrooms, let alone beds, for a full squad of Magic Knights never mind multiple.
Venice nodded. “Yeah. We pretty much slept wherever we found or fell.”
“Boys and girls together?” Teris questioned glancing at Yami.
“Oh, the Captains were always around and made their presence felt.” Olsen assured. “Not to mention the upstairs, where I can only assume the bedrooms are, was cordoned off.
“And if you got caught trying to seek off upstairs, like this one couple did once--” Venice audibly blew out her cheeks, eyes wide.
“And was this again?” Yami asked.
Tobin smiled. “Interested in adding bathing and sleeping together to your list of--”
“Stop talking before I make you.” Yami warned.
Tobin’s words died on his lips.
“For the two years I’ve gone it’s been the day after the Star Awards Festival,” Venice answered.
“Always been then since she started doing it.” Olsen put in. “I wonder why she didn’t do it this year.”
“What are you looser talking about?” Bronn asked entering.
“The yearly trip to the Lava Springs,” Venice called.
“Do you know why Captain Leona didn’t host one this year?” Olsen questioned the Vice Captain.
“Who knows why that She-Lion does or doesn’t do anything,” Bronn said. “Who burned breakfast!”
Gendry lifted an arm pointing down at Abril’s head.
“I didn’t burn nothing.” Abril said giving Gendry a shove.
“Well it’s your week to cook so who else could’ve done it?” Bronn accused. “Did little people sneak in while you were stacking the plates and burn it all for you?”
“No.” Abril snipped. “Bran did.”
“Bran snuck into the kitchen while your back was turned and burnt the food?” Bronn questioned in disbelief.
“No,” Abril said. “Bran did the cooking.”
Bronn eyed her sternly. “Having a bit of fun with the new recruit are you.”
“Just a bit,” Abril admitted. “It’s not like I told him it was his job to serve our plates or tend to Yami’s beasts.”
Bronn smirked in amusement as he scanned the usual suspects. “Who told the kid that?”
Olsen and Tobin pointed at each other.
Bronn huffed. “I wouldn’t mind my breakfast being served and brought to me.”
“Right!” Olsen agreed.
“But not this kindling.” Bronn tossed the serving spoon back down. “Well. I guess I’ll surprise Gilly by bringing some sweet breads to our date later this afternoon. Anyone want a come with me to Castle City? You can’t hang around me, mind.”
“Who’d want to,’ Abril muttered.
“I heard that.” Bronn snapped.
“We’ll go.” Venice said jumping up.
“If you don’t mind.” Teris said wiping her hands before taking her and Venice’s plates to the cleaning station where she scrapped the remaining food into the slop bucket and stacked the plates.
As much as Yami wanted to join them, no matter what Teris had said, he had to tend to Pilfer and Mooshu. Pilfer had reached a point where he could be trusted around others. Gendry had gladly looked after the Saber Wolf on occasion. But Mooshu was a ways from that, and even if he asked Gendry to leave her in her pen and simply toss her food in, it would only derail whatever trust he had earned from her. Maybe in a week or so that would change, but for now he had to be the one looking after Mooshu.
Yami watched Teris as she and Venice followed Bronn through the gateway without a glance back at him.
“What did you do this time?” Olsen asked as the portal closed.
Yami glared at him.
“I mean Teris hasn’t ignored you like that since the night of the Star Awards when she found out you lied to her.” Olsen went on.
“She’s not ignoring me and I didn’t lie to her.” Yami grumbled.
“You kinda did and it kinda looks like she is.” Olsen challenged.
Yami stood and made his way to the side door that led down half a level to the kitchens.
“You forgot to clear your area.” Olsen called after him pointing at the untouched plate Yami had served.
“That’s what new recruits are for.” Yami shot back before disappearing down the stairs/.
Olsen turned to Bran. “You heard him.”
Nozel’s younger sister was in Castle City for some three day long, young noble ladies activity and, despite the Silver Eagles base not being in Castle City, his father had commanded him to take a day to escort her around. Though the Silva’s, like the Vermilion's had a residence on the royals grounds beside the Kings own castle, until of she had received her grimoire, Nebra was not allow off the castle grounds without escort.
“Might we go into that shop on the corner,” Nebra asked. “Lady Neyres had the most lovely gloves on yesterday and said she got them from there.”
“Neyres was at this suction?” Nozel questioned looking down at his sister. Though he hadn’t seen the fellow royal or Margery, for that matter, the last couple of days he had thought nothing of it; he was just grateful to the blessed silence and their absence, especially where Margery was concerned.
“Of course,” Nebra giggled. “She is a royal. All royal and noble young ladies were invited. Expected, in fact.”
Nozel looked down at her a moment then away. Careful to keep his tone conversational he asked. “Did you see Teris there?”
“No.” Nebra shook her head. “And father had encouraged me to speak with her.”
“Why?” Nozel wondered certain he knew. No doubt Nebra was expected to give their father a full report of Nozel’s own activities and behavior as well.
Nebra shrugged a shoulder. “I suppose because she will one day be my sister-in-law.” She looked up at her brother. “I know you will do whatever father commands but how do you feel about eventually wedding the Lady Teris?”
Mindful of his tone and expression Nozel responded. “I don’t feel anything about it.”
“How can that be?”
“Our families have intended for us to wed since I was Noelle’s age,” he said. The mention of his youngest sister’s age reminded him that it also been four years since their mother’s death birthing the good for nothing child. He slowly blinked away the painful memory. “I suppose you could say I don’t remember a time when Teris wasn’t intended to be my bride.”
“But she’s so--”
Nozel looked sternly down at her. “What?”
“Unorthodoxed.” Nebra said carefully. “Take this event for instance. I already told you all the royal and noble ladies were invited but what I didn’t say was that this was Lady Teris’ third year being absent.”
“And,” Nebra stressed, “if you don’t show for three years in a row you are dropped from the Young Ladies Social and Finishing League.”
Nozel blinked at the name of the group wondering a moment who had come up the thing.
“It is the dream of every young lady to receive their acceptance letter into the league on their tenth birthday,” Nebra went on. “I remember the fuss I made in the weeks leading up to the first meeting I would attend at my area Chapter.”
“Lady Teris is hardly a giddy ten year old,” Nozel reminded.
“No, but she is a royal lady of sixteen who’s name has now been stricken from the Leagues ledgers and barred from any and all League activities and functions, including Chapter meetings,” Nebra informed. “It’s unheard of. Up until her nineteenth birthday, even Lady Mereoleona attended this annual event every two years so she wouldn’t be dropped from the rolls.”
Nozel realized why his father had encouraged Nebra to speak with Teris at the event. It was more then simply keeping tabs on her activities and behavior. Nozel had no doubt that Lord Silva was much more aware of the politics surrounding how the noble women functioned themselves and that Teris had been in jeopardy of being cast out.
“Teris is a Magic Knight.” Nozel said at length. “Those duties far precede that of some ladies league.”
“But there were lots of royal and noble ladies present who are Magic Knights,” Nebra told.
“It’s possible there was a mission making her absence unavoidable.”
“Unavoidable or not the League won’t rescind their decision,” Nebra said.
“It doesn’t matter what your League does.” Nozel said opening the door to the shop she had asked to visit. “Upholding the honor and duty of being a Magic Knight will cover any blot this strickening might cause.”
If she’s on a mission, Nebra thought entering the boutique.
“Teris,” Venice whined. “We’ve looked at nearly every store in Castle City. If you can’t find something for him here you won’t find it anywhere.”
“Come on, Venice. Think of it as a mission,” Teris cajoled. “Besides, I thought you loved shopping.”
“For myself,” Venice clarified. “Not burly, mopping boys who are easy to please where you’re concerned. Want to make him happy? Spend the day with him. Even just a few minutes will do, bad as he has it for you. You know he thinks you’re mad at him.”
“Stop it.” Teris hushed blushing.
“I mean, did you see his face when you told him he couldn’t come? My heart just about broke for him.” Venice went on as she picked up ridicule looking it over.
Yami’s light brown eyes filled with questioning disappointment replayed in her mind giving Teris pause. She shook her head. “He’ll get over it. I just have to find him the perfect gift.”
“I suppose she was on a mission. Of sorts.” Nebra breathed softly as her brother allowed the closed the door behind them.
Nozel cursed his acquiescence to his sisters request certain that everything she heard and continued to hear would be relayed to their father. He was wondering how to go about getting her out of the shop without being overly obvious about what he was trying to do when the store attendant greeted them. “Welcome. Looking for anything in particular or just wanting to browse?”
Nebra began telling the woman what she was looking for while Nozel stayed by the door listening to Teris and Venice.
“What about that pen?” Venice asked pointing.
“What’s Yami going to do with a pen?” Teris bitingly asked.
“Write you love letters.” Venice teased.
The right side of Nozel’s jaw muscles began to spasm in complaint of his clenched teeth. As if there had been much doubt to begin with, he thought sullenly. She’s looking for a gift of that foreigner.
“Venice this is serious.” Teris told. “His birthday is in two days. If I don’t find the perfect gift today I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“Go shopping tomorrow.” Venice shrugged setting down to purse wondering when she’d have need to carry such a fancy bag.
“I can’t,” Teris said. “I already promised him that I’d visit Pilfer and meet Mooshu.”
“That won’t take all day.” Venice said picking and holding up a hair clasp, looking at herself in a mirror. “I don’t know why you bother pretending to like those creatures when you can barely tolerate his human friend, Jack”
Teris gave a disgusted shiver. “Please don’t say that creeps name.”
“It’s not as if Yami’s interest in you is dependent on your interest in his creatures.” Venice turned to her still holding the beret to her hair. “Do you think this brings out the color of my eyes?”
“I don’t pretend to like Pilfer,” Teris said. “He’s a good Saber Wolf.” She picked up a different clasp and held it out to her friend. “Try this one.”
“Good at eating moderately large creatures in a single sitting and slobbering everywhere.” Venice said taking the beret and turning to the mirror. “I guess I can see why you don’t have to pretend to like it. It’s not all that different from Yami.”
“Funny.” Teris said her tone and expression making it obvious it she found it otherwise.
“I swear if he comes in one more time tracking mud, grim, and that things slimy drool all over the clean floor on my mop week...”
“You actually mop on your mop week?” Teris asked in surprise.
“Yeah.” Venice answered slowly. “Don’t you?”
Teris shook her head. “I don’t think anyone does.”
“You mean I’ve been the only one cleaning those floors?” Venice exclaimed. “No wonder they’re filthy by the time my week comes around. And here I thought we lived with a pack of pigs.”
“That’s still a high possibility given Bronn, Tobin, and Abril,” Teris said.
“Mother of all mana,” Venice cursed. “I’m gonna have a word with everyone when we return. You can count on--”
“And how are you ladies getting on?” The stores Clerk asked her smile a bit forced. “Still doing alright? Sure I can’t assist you with anything?”
Venice turned prepared to tell the woman that if she was needed they would call her when she saw Nozel standing in the doorway. “Mother of--”
“I got it!” Teris enthused oblivious of the Clerk or Venice’s curse. She rushed to the back counter. Grabbing a quill she began to draw on a piece of paper, slapping the bell for assistance.
“I guess you can be of assistance.” Venice smiled tightly at the Clerk still eyeing Nozel.
A Leather Smith passed through the doorway that led from a workshop behind and waited.
Teris finished scribbling and turned the paper to the Smith saying a few words. Nozel watched them go back a forth a bit before the Smith took the quill from Teris and drew on the paper. He turned the sheet to her and she looked it over appearing more pleased than before. They conversed further before the Smith wrote up a slip with her order and passed it to her. Teris said a few more words before turning.
“Venice! I--” Teris fell silent upon seeing Nozel. Her eyes widened wondering just how long he had been there. She tried to recall what she and Venice had said and then got angry at herself for worrying. Teris made her way to her friend and Nozel but was halted a few steps short by yet another surprise.
“Lady Teris.” Nebra greeted making her way to her brother from the side counter. “If this isn’t a pleasant surprise.”
“A surprise indeed,” Teris said. “What brings you to Castle City Nebra?”
“The Annual Young Ladies Social and Finishing League function of course,” Nebra said. “I must say many, including myself, were sorry to see you missed it.”
“I’ve been busy.” Teris said not caring about the younger girls judgment laced comment.
“So it would appear,” Nebra smiled. “A birthday gift. Forgive me. I couldn’t help but overhear.”
Teris glanced at Nozel knowing he had heard enough. “Please give the ladies of the League my regards. Teris told Nebra. “I will leave you to your shopping.”
“Oh, but I’m done,” Nebra smiled. “I hope you don’t mind brother but I had them send you the bill. You know how father can be about my purchases. And isn’t nearly time for our luncheon with Lord Fuegoleon and Lady Mereoleona. Why don’t you and your friend join us?” She finished turning to Teris.
Seeing this as her chance to question the Crimson Lions Captain about the Lava Springs bash Venice, without thinking, said. “I could eat.”
Teris turned slowly to her friend. “What?”
Realizing she had put her friend in an unwanted position Venice nevertheless doubled down saying. “You ordered your gift and, despite my admit arguments against it, you and Nozel are speaking again.”
Nebra looked at her brother. “She makes it sound as if you and Teris had a falling out.”
Nozel eyes slid down to his sister. “Don’t be silly, Nebra.”
“Yami--” Teris began.
“Yami lied,” Venice reminded. “He made us all play down his injuries so he could get you to speak to Nozel again. Don’t ask me why.” She breathed under her breath.
Nozel blinked eyes snapped to Venice. The foreigner had been telling the truth that night, Nozel thought in wonder. Why would he do such a thing? It couldn’t simply be for the reasons he had claimed. No one was that confident or stupid.
“What’s done it done.” Teris said grating once again at the thought of Yami’s deception.
“So you should be fine joining your fellow royals for lunch,” Venice said. “Come on.” She whined when Teris merely stared at her. “I wanna ask Mereoleona about the Lava Springs.”
“That’s what this is about?” Teris asked in disbelief.
“Yes, Teris.” Venice said in her sweetest voice as she batted her eyes innocently at her friend.
Teris growled a sigh and shook her head. She turned to the female Clerk pointing to the hair clasp Venice still held. “Add that to my bill. I’ll pay for it when the belt is delivered on the seventeenth.”
“Of course Lady Nova.” The Clerk nodded. “Thank you for your patronage. Lord and Lady Silva. Thank you. Please come again.”
“A belt!” Venice said as she followed Teris through the door Nozel held for them. “After weeks of fretting and countless shops. You get him a belt.”
Nozel ground his teeth forcing himself to take a calming breath. He turned as Nebra passed and asked out of curiosity and desire to silence Venice’s talk of the foreigner. “Where’s your purchase?”
Nebra held up her hands wiggling her fingers. “I’m wearing it silly.”
“Are those the gloves you saw Neyres wearing?” He asked as the four of them made their way down the sidewalk.
“Not the exact same.” Nebra said noticing how her brother made certain he was beside Teris and walked to the right of her shielding her from the street. From behind the older royals Nebra went on. “That would be embarrassing for the both of us. But I am pleased.”
“Good,” Nozel replied. They walked down the block in silence before asked, loud enough for Teris to hear but not the others. “It’s been a while since we’ve last spoken.”
“A month at most.” Teris put in.
Nearly two Nozel thought. “How are you?” He asked fighting the urge to look at her.
“Same as I ever was. And you?”
“Hopeful of a promotion.” Nozel said trying not to sound overly boastful even though his intention was to impress her.
“And what are you ranked now?” Teris asked even though she knew. “Junior Magic Knight Second Class?”
“First,” Nozel told.
“So this would make you an Intermediate Magic Knight and so soon after your first year.”
Nozel fought down the smile that threatened at her mildly impressed tone.
“I wish you the best of luck,” she said.
Nozel turned.
“Don’t look so surprised.” Teris said giving a huffing laugh. “I’ve never wished you ill. Well. After your unprovoked attack, that turns out nearly killed Yami by the way, I did a lot more than wish you ill but we’re past that. Aren’t we?”
“I would hope so.” Nozel said wishing he had channeled just a little more mana into the attack and been rid of the foreigner for good. “But I feel I must say.” He looked at her and sighed. “That was a rough day for all of us. Tensions were high and--”
“Nozel. Don’t.”
He paused glancing uncomfortably away at her stern expression praying he hadn’t messed things up and made her mad at him all over again.
“Don’t bring up what’s been buried.” Teris said her tone almost pleading. “It’s done. We’re fine.”
“I’m glad.” Nozel said giving her a small, hesitant smile. “As friends we should be able to work through anything.”
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Teris said. “Friends.” She shook her head giving a small somewhat forced chuckle of amusement. “And people say you don’t have a sense of humor.” She patted his shoulder. “You’re funny Nozel.”
Nozel didn’t know what was more painful, her words or the absence of her touch as she let her hand slide off him. Unable to look at her, he gathered himself and asked. “What would you call us--”
“And we thought we would have to wait.” Mereoleona called upon seeing them. She slapped her brother on the back. “I told you we should come straight here.”
“That would have made them early and us on time.” Fuegoleon said looking back at her.
“Leon. Manners. A gentleman never keeps a lady waiting. And Nozel has brought three of them. What a pleasant surprise.” Mereoleona moved to Teris giving her a hug. “I haven’t seen you in ages.”
“I know.” Teris smiled returning the hug.
“It’s been a week.” Fuegoleon told watching the two of them.
“Nine days. But who’s counting,” Teris said.
“You. Obviously.” Nozel said looking at her coolly.
“Venice,” Mereoleona smiled patting the girl on the head. “It’s good to see you as well. We could’ve used your mirror magic on our last mission. Right Leon?”
“We managed just fine.” Fuegoleon said, his pride not letting him admit that another squads member would have been helpful.
“And Nebra,” Mereoleona smiled. “Aren’t you growing up fast. Shall we go inside and sit.”
Seated and ordered Mereoleona asked. “So, how did you two girls enjoy the Ladies League bash?”
“Immensely.” Nebra answered from her brothers right. She looked over to Teris who was seated to on Nozel’s left.
Mereoleona took her cousins silence as displeasure of the events goings on. “I know.” She said to Teris. “Having to go to such things was never my cup of tea either. Most girls can’t wait till their tenth birthday to be accepted into the League. I couldn’t wait till my twentieth to be done with it all. Always found it funny how a gathering of supposedly polite young ladies can, and usually was, anything but polite.”
“I didn’t go,” Teris told.
“I’ve been there too,” Mereoleona nodded. “Skipped two years out of every three.” She held up a finger. “Don’t get any ideas, your father or Fyntch wouldn’t approve.”
“This was my third absence.” Teris informed the realization of what she had done hitting her in full. Not that she would have done anything different.
“Oh,” Mereoleona blinked. Recovering she said. “And I thought myself a fearless rebel of expectation. You’re putting me to shame. Was Fyntch aware? What am I saying. Of course your brother wasn’t. He would have likely left your father to drag you to the Leagues event. Was Julius? No. I’m wrong again. That man is too focused on making sure his dream of getting to the top of the Magic Knights is achieved to pay care to such things.” She crossed her arms and sat back shaking her head.
Teris could hardly look the Crimson Lions Captain in the eye out of fear and shame.
“What are we going to do with you girl?”
“I don’t know,” Teris mumbled.
“Well,” Mereoleona sighed smacking the table with a palm. “It can’t be helped now. The Mistress’ of the League are an unforgiving bunch. Even if you had been on a mission, or your death bed for that matter, they wouldn’t retract your strickening.”
“I don’t want s retraction.” Teris told softly barely managing to glance at Mereoleona.
“You say that now,” Mereoleona said. “Look at you. You can’t even look at me. How are you going to fair when faced with your Lord Father and Fyntch? You’ll be singing a different tune when next you see them I’m telling you now.” Mereoleona watched her wondering how the girl could be so fierce and yet so fragile. She wanted and hoped for the best for her young cousin, having felt a comradery with her since the first time she had seen an eight year old Teris refuse to sit side saddle while on a hunt. But, only time would tell if she grew up to be her own person and a force to be reckoned with or broken into subservience by her brother, Fyntch, and marriage into the Silva family. “Let me know if Fyntch goes too hard on you. I’ll do what I can to soften the blow.”
“You don’t have to do that, Leona,” Teris said.
“You’re right. I don’t. And it’ll likely cause me a bit of trouble in doing so,” Mereoleona admitted. “But you bucked the system and did your own thing. And that has earned my respect.”
Their food arrived and with it, Teris thanked, a change in subject.
“I hear you’re close to a promotion.” Mereoleona said looking at Nozel.
“That is my hope.” Nozel affirmed.
The Crimson Lions Captain looked at her brother. “Better step it up Leon. Your rival’s about to out rank you.”
“I’m not that far from a promotion myself,” Fuegoleon told.
“Not as close as he is.” Mereoleona teased. “Then again, Teris has you both beat as she’s closer yet.”
The two boys looked at Teris in surprise.
“Isn’t that so.” Mereoleona smiled, the famously pointed Vermilion incisors glinting in the light.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Nozel asked feeling a fool for his boasting, then wondering if that had been her intention.
Teris shrugged ill at easy under Nozel’s intense gaze. “I don’t know. I didn’t want to make a deal of it.”
“But you’ll be stepping up to Intermediate Magic Knight.” Mereoleona said picking up her drink as if in toast. “Kind of a big deal.”
“It’s not like I’d be stepping up to be Knights Commander,” Teris said.
“No.” Mereoleona laughed choking on her plum juice. “You’ve got quite a ways to go for that promotion. And I think Greywright would have a thing or two to say about it since he shows no signs of stepping down.”
“It’s funny how you and Yami get the same promotions at the same time.” Venice said then shrugged. “But I guess that’s to be expected since you two are always going out and getting into trouble together.”
Teris could have ground Venice’s foot into the floor under the table if she had been seated beside her. Instead she was stuck between Nozel and Fuegoleon and Venice tucked safely between the two Crimson Lions. If only Fuegoleon hadn’t been such a gentleman and pulled Venice’s chair out, or Nozel for that matter having pulling at chair out for her when Nebra had already claimed the space between him and Mereoleona.
“You should be thankful.” Mereoleona told Venice. “By all appearances, it’s because of them that the Black Bulls are doing so well.”
“They’ll still be ranked last.” Fuegoleon huffed. He looked to Teris. “What possessed you to choose to join the Black Bulls when you have such dreams as becoming Knights Commander eludes me to this day.”
“It’s because if she manages to become a candidate for the role having come from such a squad there’s nothing anyone could do.” Mereoleona said, kindly not finishing with, to take it from her. “Am I right?”
Teris gave a small nod.
“You think no one understands you,” Mereoleona said. “But I do.”
Yami understands me, Teris thought. Maybe that was why she was so drawn to him. He knew who she was and accepted her as that person without showing the faintest hint in wanting to steer or change her.
Having an idea Mereoleona turned to Nozel. “Promise me something.”
“If I am able.” Nozel said blue eyes flicking up to her.
“At the next Silva, Nova gathering when they invariably try to coerced Teris into meeting their expectations and do their will. Do or say something on her behalf. If you’re going to be her husband she’s going need your support and protection. Unless you plan on attempting to break her spirit. So, why get some much needed practice and start now with this one thing. I can all but guarantee you that doing so will earn you earn trust and goodwill. Neither of those unwanted things in a marriage.”
The thought of speaking against his father scared him but not half as much as the thought of Teris finally showing some goodwill and trust enticed him. Nozel inclined his head.
Teris watched Mereoleona in disbelief. Hadn’t her cousin just announced that she understood her? Before she could find her voice to rebut such a thing Venice spoke.
“Speaking of gatherings. What happened to this years trip to the Lava Springs?” Venice asked none to subtlety changing the subject. “And will there be one next year?”
Mereoleona darkened as she recalled seeing Bronn at the Star Awards with his arm wrapped around a girl. She had later learned the girl was a Healing Mage named Gilly and that the two had in fact been on a date, and were still dating.
Thankful for the change in subject Teris left her rebuttal unsaid adding. “Venice, Olsen, and Tobin were talking about it at breakfast this morning. I can’t believe Uncle Leonidas lets you use your family's summer cabin to host what sounded like a pretty rowdy Magic Knights party.”
Mereoleona forced the image of Bronn with another girl out of her mind and nodded. “It can get rather rowdy. But as long as none of you kiddies go upstairs or get into his liquor stores, father doesn’t mind.” To Venice she said. “You enjoy fighting up the volcano. Do you?”
“I enjoyed the hot springs and party after,” Venice said.
Mereoleona laughed.
“Will there be one next year?” Venice asked again.
Mereoleona thought of her jealousy towards Gilly and anger at Bronn which had been the reasons she hadn’t called the gathering; which was always last minute even though it had turned into an annual event. She forced another toothy smile. “Just try to stop it,” she said.
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a VERY special thank you to those who have left comments or re-blogged.  They really mean a lot.
Taglist: @captncappuccino 
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chilly-territory · 5 years
Uchouten Kazoku 2, chapter 2 (part 1 out of 4)
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Not a word on the Nidaime or tengu in this whole chapter... but lots of tanuki and shogi.
The Eccentric Family: The Nidaime’s Homecoming (Uchouten Kazoku: Nidaime no Kichou) by Morimi Tomihiko
Chapter 2 (part 1/4, pages 69-83) Gyokuran of Nanzenji Temple
When a male and a female tanuki fall in love, it's said that they're tied with the red fur of fate.
There was no end to tanuki whose hearts were set aflutter by that fishy myth prompting them to search every nook and cranny of the body in an attempt to pick out the precious single red hair. While they were busy with that, in the shade of trees in Yoshidayama, on the premises of Koujin-sama[*1], and in the greenhouses of the Kyoto Prefectural Botanical Gardens, a discreet furry friendship between tanuki gentlemen and tanuki ladies was steadily deepening. 'There is only one tanuki like you in the whole world,' he says. 'No other tanuki is like you in the whole world,' she says. Lovey-dovey on display!
On that note, there was one particular deep and furry love story.
Once upon a time, in the Tanukidani-Fudou forest, located in the Ichijouji district of Sakyou-ku ward, there lived a certain tanuki girl named Tousen, as juicy and fresh as a peach and as nimble and agile as an enlightened mountain sage [*2]. From morning to night, she played on the stairway that counted 250 steps leading to the shrine. A single shout of 'Drop dead' was enough for her to repel any halfwit that dared make light of her. The little tanuki in the neighborhood called her 'Tousen the Stairs-Wanderer' out of respect and reverence.
One day, a group of unfamiliar tanuki kids appeared in Tanukidani-Fudou. Inspired by the tsuchinoko boom that was taking the tanuki world by the storm at the time, they were the self-proclaimed Tsuchinoko Expedition Team, a bunch of mischievous boys who wrought havoc on many nearby mountains. The brats started climbing the stairs, singing as they did, and met Tousen on the way; unaware of her fame and courage, they took the high-and-mighty attitude with her.
"Hey, you shortie over there." "What did you say, you jerk?!"
Tousen flew into fury and beat the mischievous invaders to within an inch of their life. "Drop dead!"
That was the start of a battle between the little tanuki of Tanukidani-Fudou and the Tsuchinoko Expedition Team with the long stairs to the temple on the line. Tousen fought bravely and protected their turf.
Time passed, and Tousen descended down the long stairs counting 250 steps that she'd defended in the past in a white kimono. Leaving Tanukidani-Fudou behind after her marriage, she set out to her new home in the Tadasu forest.
What she was remembering with fondness at the time were the mischievous boys of the Tsuchinoko Expedition Team, singing at the top of their lungs as they climbed the stairs, and herself as she stood in their way. The leader of the Tsuchinoko Expedition Team that called her shortie on that day was Shimogamo Souichirou, that is, our father. Needless to say, the tomboy who responded with a 'What did you say, you jerk' was none other than our mother. Were it not for furry love in this world, not a single tuft of fur would have existed of the Shimogamo brothers.
What preceded the birth of the round, little furballs was a furry love story.
In the beginning of June when the rainy season had started, I sat in a cage in Kyoto City Zoo.
Kyoto zoo was located near Heian-jingu shrine in Okazaki, and the premises surrounded by a brick wall were lively with cries of birds and wild animals. Between the cages with such dignified creatures as elephans, lions, giraffes and hippopotami, there was a cage with tanuki, too.
That said, for tanuki being put in a cage was their greatest fear. And that was because our specialty, that is, shapeshifting, had a close connection with the idea of freedom; if thrown into a cage and robbed of their freedom, tanuki wouldn't be able to shapeshift. You won't find a tanuki who would like to be confined and rendered unable to shapeshift.
For that reason, from long ago, it was customary for the role of captive tanuki in the zoo to be played in shifts by the Okazaki tanuki who were professionals at that. When they needed to go out on an incentive trip, there was no choice but for other tanuki to stand in for them, but it went without saying that this job was not popular. The reason why I had accepted it was because the pay was high.
When I signed up for it, first of all, I was given a thorough crash course by the chief of the Okazaki tanuki on the correct way to conduct myself as a proper zoo tanuki. The Okazaki tanuki took pride in the activities of enlightening ladies and gentlemen of Kyoto on the subject of what a proper tanuki was.
"What's most important is charm. However, do not butter up to anyone." The Okazaki tanuki chief narrated their philosophy. "We play tanuki with pride. That's the trick to it. You can't just spring the raw realism on your visitors. If you do that, all our efforts will be for naught. You've got to catch the moment when you become more tanuki-like than a tanuki without exposing the truth. This constitutes one of shapeshifting techniques, too."
Naturally, being locked up in a cage felt very eerie, so I spent my first day in restlessness. To a tanuki not accustomed to having your shapeshifting powers sealed, denied the very possibility to go out and play mindlessly and with someone staring at you around the clock, it was an extremely exhausting ordeal.
Worried about how I was doing in a cage all alone, my mother dropped by in the evening to see how I was faring. As was in her habit, mother assumed the form of a handsome young man, Takarazuka Revue-style, which was already conspicuous, and an emerald frog riding on her shoulder didn't help to alleviate the effect at all. Said frog crawled into my cage through a crack.
"You won't feel lonely if you're with Yajirou," mother said.
And so, from my second day on, I had the company of my second elder brother, which made me feel at lot better. When I paced to and fro in my cage with a frog on my furry head, children that gathered in front of it were flabbergasted, "A frog is driving a tanuki!"
"You sure have your finger in many pies, huh. I'm so impressed," my brother confessed. "I just have nothing better to do." "Speaking of which, have you caught tsuchinoko, in the end?" "Oh, come on, nii-san, as if I'd be idling away in a place like this if I'd caught it. I'd be busy with press conferences and celebration parties and stuff right about now."
Later that night, my brother sat motionlessly in a corner of the cage, apparently thinking about something deep and hard.
"What are you up to?" When I peered closer, I found that he was solving shogi problems.
The Tanuki Shogi tournament, sponsored by Nanzenji temple, was scheduled to take place in the middle of June, and apparently, my brother was going to participate in the preliminaries.
"A bad bush is better than the open field," my brother said. "Not many tanuki like shogi, and I would feel bad for the Nanzenji family if it ended up being an empty tournament." "What a strange event our father came up with, I gotta say."
Our father, Shimogamo Souichirou, was an ardent shogi fan. As his love for shogi grew in intensity, he collaborated with the previous head of the Nanzenji family to start the Tanuki Shogi tournament, but tanuki were reluctant to even memorize the shogi pieces, and having to sit still before the shogi board made the fur on their butts itch. Our father's wish for shogi to stick in the tanuki worlds was fruitless, and then he fell into a tanuki hot pot, so the tournament had to be discontinued for the time being. It occurred to me that our eldest brother must be very proud of himself since it was him who brought it back to life.
That reminded me of something else, and I asked, "Come to think of it, father had a shogi room, didn't he?" "Ah, yes, yes, he did. Father's secret base, a fun room, indeed." "What became of it?" "It has to be somewhere in the Tadasu forest, but I don't know where."
Hiding away in the shogi room whenever there was a break in his bustling activity as the head of the tanuki world was father's cherished relaxation time. The room in question was a four and a half tatami mat chamber, filled with a collection of old shogi boards and shogi instruction books, and sometimes he taught shogi to us siblings there.
I recalled what that nostalgic room was like.
Surrounded by massive shogi pieces, almost as big as one whole tatami mat, that I had no idea what could be used for and shogi boards of curious shape, father looked happy, sitting there cross-legs on a zabuton. The room had a large skylight. Beyond it, the blue sky, clear and high, stretched, and overhanging branches bearing ripe persimmon fruit were visible. I remembered father's unease when I said I wanted those persimmons.
Oddly enough, father always made us wear blindfolds whenever he brought us to that room.
What I remembered with clarity was the sensation of jumping off to the bottom of a hole where wind whistled.
"Our eldest doesn't know where that room is, either?" "No, apparently not," my brother replied. "It appears he'd searched the forest high and low but found no hole resembling it. Father hid it really well." And then my brother added in a murmur, "I'd like to go back there some day."
An unusual guest appeared on my last day of zoo life.
On that day, it was somewhat cloudy since the morning and from time to time it rained, so the zoo was mostly deserted. The choo-choo train with a red chimney running with clangity-clang and the small Ferris wheel both looked dreary drenched in the ashen rain. On such days, no matter how great my acting performance of playing a tanuki-like tanuki was, very few people paused in front of my cage. As such, it wasn't worth it to try hard.
I was yawning, bored out of my mind, when a little girl came. Her stature was small, like a kindergartner's, and the red of her umbrella and rubber boots was vibrant. Not showing the slightest bit of interest in the choo-choo train or the Ferris wheel, she headed toward the tanuki cage in a straight line while spinning her red umbrella and stopped in front of it. She must have loved tanuki a lot. Her red umbrella pressed against the cage, she watched me pace exultantly to and fro in my cage with big eyes. Soon, though, she started giggling.
"You give a marvelous tanuki performance, Yasaburou-chan."
Startled, I stopped dead in my tracks.
My brother, sitting on my head, said, "Oh, it's you, Gyokuran. What brings you here?"
"I heard Yasaburou-chan was standing in here, so I thought I'd show my support." "Hmph. I play the role splendidly, don't I, Gyokuran-sensei?" I said, to which Gyokuran smiled wryly, "Drop the sensei title, would you."
The tanuki known as Nanzenji Gyokuran was the younger sister of the head of the Nanzenji clan, Shoujirou.
In the past, when I was one of the Akadama tanuki pupils, Gyokuran already had both wisdom and good sense and was Akadama-sensei's favorite. A few honor roll tanuki from among those who studied under sensei were tasked with helping sensei. Nanzenji Gyokuran, along with our brother Yaichirou, served as Akadama-sensei's assistant, herding and controlling the furry mischeviuos boys bustling beneath the teacher's platform like a dog at a sheep farm. That's why I called her 'Gyokuran-sensei'.
Standing in front of my cage, Gyokuran gushed about how much she looked forward to the Tanuki Shogi tournament. Apparently, she dropped by on her way back from inspecting the preliminary tournament venue with her brother Shoujirou.
"You're coming to watch, right, Yasaburou-chan?" "I'm not sure. I have no interest in shogi, you see," yawned I. "Yaichirou-san worked so hard to bring the tournament back, but you're not coming? You shouldn't say such cold things. If you come, you'll find it fun, I'm sure." "Well, it's fun for you, Gyokuran."
Gyokuran was a known shogi enthusiast even as a child.
To begin with, the Nanzenji clan were always a family of shogi fans, but Gyokuran's love for the game stood out even among the rest of them, and numerous tales such as her never stopping solving shogi problems even when she fell into the Biwako Canal, or her loving shogi so much that she would even eat shogi pieces, or her sleeping every night with a shogi board, circulated about her as if they were true. According to Gyokuran herself, all of them were nonsense, but I knew for a fact that back when she was one of Akadama-sensei's pupils she did force innocent little tanuki to play shogi, and I was among those who ran around trying to escape from her as she chased us with a shogi board in hand yelling, "It's fun! It's really fun, you'll see!" Because of her excessive love for shogi, Gyokuran was unsuitable for shogi promotion activities. The numerous legends about Gyokuran circulating in the tanuki world were spread by the annoyed tanuki kids she had chased in the past.
Suddenly, Gyokuran said, "Yaichirou-san still won't get back to playing shogi, huh?" "Our big brother doesn't play shogi," my second elder brother said in a soft voice. "And you know that better than anyone else, don't you, Gyokuran?" "For how much longer does he plan to let it bother him? Even though he's turned into a fine capable furball already." "Did you tell him that?" "I can't. ...I'm not sure why, but I just can't."
In the Tadasu forest, there was a certain shogi board left by our father, and our eldest brother cherished it as much as he did the automated rickshaw. Although that shogi board was carefully stored in a box of empress tree, its surface was marred with deep teeth impressions. Those marks were left on it by our eldest brother who turned into a tiger in a fit of anger and bit into it. When he was little, he had a bad tendency to shapeshift into a tiger whenever he got angry because of finding himself at a disavantage in shogi. The reason why he quit playing shogi was because he started deeply hating losing control of himself like that. Playing against a girl his own age, bursting into tears from frustration and then biting into the shogi board were all memories hurting his honor, no doubt.
Eventually, Gyokuran said, "See you at the shogi tournament" by way of goodbye and went back to the Nanzenji forest, hazy with the rain. As she walked, she was spinning her umbrella like a real child. Seated on my head, my brother murmured, "Were it not for furry love in this world..." "What is it, nii-san?" "...No, it's nothing." "Being a tease, huh." "Even a frog at the bottom of the well has an obligation to keep a secret."
On a certain evening in the middle of June when it was getting quite late, our whole family went out, heading to Nanzenji.
The sky was concealed behind bulky clouds, and not a single star was visible, with only moist night wind blowing. My little brother Yashirou took the point, his face lighting up in pride and elation as he hoisted a paper lantern with our family crest on it, looking like the leader of a drum and fife band. Passing through the dark town with its endless line of fences surrounding big mansions, we entered Nanzenji-keidai that was crawling with Kyoto's tanuki holding paper lanterns.
The reason was simple: tonight was the day when the Tanuki Shogi tournament organized by the Nanzenji family was to be held.
Mother was impressed as she looked around. "Look at that crowd." "That's because this tournament was on a hiatus for a long time ever since father's death," our eldest brother sounded boastful. "It was worth every effort I've invested. I'm sure father would be pleased, too." "If nii-san wins today, father would be even more pleased," I said.
My second elder brother riding on my shoulder stirred. "I don't know. Don't get your hopes up too much." "Don't say such fainthearted things, Yajirou. Protect the honor of the Shimogamo family," our eldest instructed. "Hold it, hold it, nii-san, I don't play shogi for the sake of protecting our honor." "I know you're capable of giving Gyokuran a run for her money." "I don't know about that," replied our second elder. "I'm sure you can win," joined in mother. "Though winning and losing are both down to luck."
Majority of the the tanuki assembled on the premises were hopeless at shougi, unable to tell a rook from a bishop, and they only came for the chance to gamble and party. Beneath the black towering gate of Nanzenji temple surrounded by pine trees, the owner of bar 'Akegarasu' on Teramachi-doori street was consulting with his friends on the matter of betting. For betting on all and every kind of competition was their raison d'être.
I walked up and called out to him.
"Hey. I can't believe you bothered to come when you don't know squat about shogi." "Do your worst for us, Yasaburou, because we're counting on seeing some fighting outside the shogi board, too." That was a scandalous thing of him to say. "Out-of-the-ring action is your forte, yeah?"
When I was about to retort, my kid brother waved the paper lantern with our family crest.
"Yasaka-san is here!"
The Yasaka tanuki sounded their trumpets shortly in a modest fashion and set foot on the Nanzenji temple grounds. Nise-emon Yasaka Heitarou expectedly wore an aloha shirt.
Noticing us, he passed under the temple's triple gate and clapped my eldest brother on the shoulder in good humor.
"Oh, Yaichirou-kun. It makes me so happy to see tanuki shogi revived."
Since spring, Yasaka Heitarou had been steadily advancing his preparations to retire, little by little transferring his Nise-emon work to my eldest brother. Despite my brother grumbling about how he had no time to even sleep, he didn't at all look dissatisfied, swimming energetically all around Kyoto like a furry fish that had found water after making a show of downing a dodgy energy drink procured in the Shinkyougoku shopping district.
Yasaka Heitarou chatted up my second elder brother squatting on my shoulder. "I gotta say, I was surprised that you survived the preliminaries, Yajirou. I had no idea you were so good at shogi." "Father taught me well. Besides, there is hardly anything else to do at the bottom of the well." "You, too, learned all the dubious entertainments from Sou-san, eh. I'm the same. When we were little, it was tsuchinoko hunting, and when we grew up, it was shogi, sake and Hawaii. All the good-for-nothing things that earn you no squat but are most fun in the world. That said, Sou-san was always good at everything he did."
Mother snickered at that. "And you, Heitarou-san, was always so clumsy." "Okay, wait, that's quite the comment to make, you know." "Oh? Well, even if you're clumsy, being able to always have fun no matter what is an admirable quality and what really counts." "You just say whatever you want, huh. I'm no match for you," said the Nise-emon in his aloha shirt and laughed.
[*1] Koujin-sama 荒神様: a god of fire, the hearth and the kitchen (wiki); in Kyoto, Koujin charms and talismans are often put up in the kitchen. In this particular context, however, 'Koujin-sama' is a pet nickname for Gojoin temple (same as Kiyoshikojin temple jp wiki), used by locals (jp article on it). [*2] Tousen 桃仙: this name consists of the kanji for peach (桃) and the kanji for what is known as sennin (仙) or xian in Taoism (wiki), that is, a mystical enlightened mountain sage.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
What has been the most annoying thing about your day so far? I had a blood test done for my dog last Friday and they still haven’t updated me about the availability of the results. They really shouldn’t have said “Wait within the day or tomorrow” if they weren’t going to be able to deliver their promise up to THREE days later because it’s just giving me more anxiety.  Is your computer running slow today? (Mine is, and it's annoying!!!!) No. I don’t do a lot of things with mine and it’s especially relaxed now that school’s out for Christmas and the programs I usually have on are now closed. Do you own a romper? Yes, I have a couple. Do you have a smartphone or a dumb phone, or no phone? I have a...smartphone, I guess. What popular social media platforms AREN'T you on? Instagram.
Have you ever spilled nail polish? I don’t think I have, no. What was the last thing you were stressed about? Well, since you got me talking about my dog’s blood test, then that. I’ll also be stressing over my Incomplete marks throughout the holiday break. What does your computer's slow-loading cursor look like? I don’t get it – like what shows up when my laptop kinda lags? It shows me the Mac rainbow pinwheel. Do you prefer Microsoft Word or Pages? I use Google Docs to write class notes and to work on anything acads-related. I used to use Pages, then I realized it didn’t suit me so I moved on to Microsoft OneNote, then it just traumatized me after I tried using it for my notes in Econ class which I barely passed – so I just moved on to GDocs. Would you rather have a trampoline or swimming pool? Swimming pool. I have little use for a trampoline. Are you angry at someone right now? Myself, as always. Do you ever dream of getting revenge? It’s an occasional thought just so I feel satisfied but it never gets into specifics. Do you have the same favorite colors you had when you were a kid? Mmm no. My favorite as a kid was purple, because it was my great-grandma’s favorite and a lot of her stuff was purple. When she passed, I saw it less and less and I phased it out as my favorite color. What do you like to put in your tea? I don’t like tea. What do you like to put in smoothies? There’s one smoothie that I admittedly do like; it’s called the Breakfast Smoothie from Go Salads but I dunno what’s in it so let me look it up real quick – ok so I just checked Zomato, and it consists of apple, banana, cinnamon, oats, coco sugar, chia seeds, greens, and soy milk. I don’t make smoothies myself but if I absolutely had no choice, I’d get that specific kind. Do your stuffed animals have names? I don’t even own any stuffed toys. What was the name of the first porcelien doll you got? I never had one. What would you like to paint on a rock? I’ve never thought about painting on a rock. Do you own any tapestries, and if so, what's on it/them? Nope. Do you sell any products? If so, what? No, I don’t. Am really not the business-y/entrepreneurial type, lmao. If not, do you want to start a business? See above. Have your parents ever crushed your dreams? No, they have always been accepting and supportive. Bonus points to my dad for not laughing in my face when I told him I wanted to be a runway model back when I was 12 because I WOULD HAVE. Do you own anything cheetah print? I have a hand-me-down tank top with a cheetah print but I only wear that around the house. Do you know how to knit? No, I never learned how to. We were taught knitting and crocheting in home ec but I have a very hard time learning if it’s hands-on (which also explains why I can’t do origami), so I was never able to catch up with my classmates and never got to submit final projects either. Have you ever made a collage for your bedroom wall? I did like a lettering thing of a quote made up of cut-up magazine pages when I was in high school, but I’m not sure if that counts as a collage. Do you make DIY projects and gifts? No, because I’m terrible at anything DIY. Would you ever get a tattoo? I would but it would take A LOT of courage, crying, and getting over my fear of needles lmao. Is your computer slow? Nope. The one time it noticeably lagged was when I downloaded The Sims 4 and started playing it. I quickly realized it isn’t a gaming laptop though so I had the program deleted almost immediately. What types of churches do you find really boring? All of them. Would you ever start a small group in your home? Uh, like a cult? No, that’s pretty weird. Do you have an inspiration board? No, I don’t. What do you take when your back hurts? I don’t take anything, I just change my position to one where my back won’t feel as strained. Does your back hurt right now? Not so much at the moment. What color are your nails painted? THEY AREN’TTTTTT Are you wearing a romper? I don’t wear rompers around the house lmao. Do you have a colored teddy bear? Nope. On what day is your local grocery store the busiest? I’m guessing Sunday, since everyone usually goes out on Sundays anyway. What day do you usually go grocery shopping? My mom does hers on the weekends.  Do you prefer to shop online or in stores? In stores tbh because I get to see the products before thinking about buying them, but I won’t deny that online shopping is also a lot more convenient. Do you like shopping? Looking through shelves and hangers can be overwhelming for me so no not really, but it does feel good when I’ve already bought everything I want/need haha. Do you own any band t-shirts? Just one.
Do you have an annoying neighbor? They have annoying kids, but no I don’t have issues with the neighbors. Do you have a dream? Sure. Do you own a pair of Lularoe leggings? No. Would you ever wear leggings as pants? I have before. Owls or peacocks? Peacocks, I guess? Lions or horses? Lions. Do you like getting caught in the rain without an umbrella? No. Can you still fit into kid's clothes? Kid’s clothes are hella small so I highly doubt it, but I do have a rather petite figure. Would you rather wear orange or black? Black. Is your kitchen floor black and white checkered? It isn’t. Do you own bar stools? We don’t. Who have you been told you look like? I’ve been told I look and speak like Frankie Pangilinan lmao. I also had a high school classmate who liked telling me I look like Lucy Hale but I haaaaaaardly see the resemblance. What color are your doorknobs? Gold. Do you feel like you are waiting for life to start? Now more than ever, yeah. What devotional do you read, if any? Do you own a bobblehead? Not since I was a kid. What do you make wishes on? Just candles. Do you own pastel-colored jeggings? I don’t own jeggings at all. Are you in physical pain right now? Not anymore since I got my teeth treated. So relieving. Are you in emotional distress right now? Always during the holiday season. What color nail polishes do you think are best for summer? I don’t care. What's the best natural pain reliever? Dogs and good food. Do you like trees? I’m not particularly obsessed but I do care for them, if that’s what you’re asking. Do you own a flashlight? Yeah, I have one in my car that doubles as a taser. What is your city known for? Rice cakes, a waterfall, its resorts, and being on a mountain. What is your state known for? Rizal isn’t particularly known for anything other than being near Metro Manila and large chunks of it being atop a mountain lol. What is your country known for? A murderous president, being in the news for hurricanes and floods, beaches like Palawan and Boracay, and balut, which so many people are pussies about. Do you have a church home? I don’t even know what that means. If the local mailman sent you a facebook friend request, would you accept? No. What's your favorite Paramore song? OMG ARE YOU KIDDING HAVE YOU READ THIS TUMBLR Do you like the song "Fake Happy"? YES Do you tan easily? A bit, yeah. Do you own plaid pants? Nope. What did your first Barbie doll look like? I don’t remember because I didn’t really like playing with Barbies. Do you like scrambled eggs? Love them. They’re my favorite kind of eggs, along with omelets. Have you ever made a recipe you found in a magazine? Nope. Have you ever done a craft that you saw in a magazine? I probably did as a kid. What kind of business would you most like to start? Food, most likely. Are you bitter about anything? Aren’t we all. What is your favorite nail polish color? I don’t caaaaare. What is your favorite color for cars? White. What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? Something muted, like dirty white or cream or beige. I don’t want a lot of flashy colors in my wedding. What is your favorite color in general? Right now it’s pastel pink. Do you look good in black? Yes. Do you ever wear orange? Rarely. Do you have a twin? No. If you had a twin, what would he or she be named? I don’t have a clue.
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letterboxd · 5 years
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America Lobotomized: The Rick Alverson Q&A.
“If I have any value now, my responsibility lies in nurturing the limitations of cinema and making them apparent.” —Filmmaker Rick Alverson chats with us about the irrelevance of ‘consumer cinema’, the fascinating failure of masculinity, and causing trouble with Jeff Goldblum.
Musician, writer and director Rick Alverson makes the kind of films that are, as Letterboxd member DirkH enthuses, “hard to love and impossible to enjoy”. One of the decade’s most challenging directors, his confrontational style is take-it-or-leave-it, but those who like to take it find something deeply profound in his take-downs of concepts like the American Dream.
Alverson’s newest feature, The Mountain, departs from the ironic realism of his earlier films, creating a lushly immaculate, desolate poke at American society. Set in the 1950s, The Mountain is loosely based on the controversial American neurologist Walter Freeman, here represented as the fictional Dr Wallace Fiennes.
While Alverson’s earlier films have tapped into the twisted comic talent of Tim and Eric (and friends), The Mountain uses the hefty star power of Jeff Goldblum (also a Tim and Eric alumnus) against itself, with Tye Sheridan (of the vulgar mime act in Alverson’s Entertainment) as a mostly wordless photographer who is selected to follow Goldblum’s Dr Fiennes on an asylum tour. French great Denis Lavant appears as an unconventional healer, in one of his few English-language roles; Alverson unleashes him at will.
“A rigorous, alienating work about the rot at the core of the nation”, The Mountain divided audiences when it premiered at Venice last year, and divides Letterboxd members still. “Easy answers don’t always have to be there,” writes Allison, “but it quickly became pointless and even monotonous.” “A modern master is at work,” counters Tyler. “It’s rare in these times to find a movie so precise. Every cut reveals a wonderful new, immaculately composed shot.”
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Tye Sheridan and Jeff Goldblum in ‘The Mountain’ (2018).
Can you talk about when and how you got the inspiration for the premise of The Mountain and why you felt now was the right time to make this film? Rick Alverson: I’ve had an interest that I’ve explored since The Comedy and Entertainment where I’m trying to comprehend what fuels this blind propulsion of American progress in today’s political climate, where we’re romanticizing the white male privilege era of the 1950s.
It’s also something often romanticized in American cinema; if not in its subject matter, then it’s romanticized in its formal depiction. I wanted to take that on and watch it deflate and see how it would hold up to a more nuanced and muddy immersion of the era.
You’ve described the film as anti-utopian. Do you think nostalgia is a dangerous thing? Nostalgia is definitely a very rich intoxicant that’s difficult to pull oneself away from. Commercial American cinema peddles almost entirely on those triggers of compartmentalized representation and clean—marginally pornographic—singular dimensions. I find that troubling to some degree because it pretends to be something else.
The remake of The Lion King kinda sums that up. [Chuckles] Yeah.
Toxic masculinity has been central to many of your films and it’s in many ways the enemy of the moment right now. You’ve been ahead of the game in a way. Is that always your starting point? What influenced you to focus on men at their worst? I was raised at a time with influences that come from particular periods so there was a binary presentation of masculinity and I think it’s something that men are mired in. That has been problematic for men in a way that stripped away the wholeness of an individual.
Frailty, or a nuance of communication, hadn’t been as accessible to a generation of men, and that crippled them in a way which inflamed the damage that they did in their privileged space and [for] everyone around them. It’s a cyclone. In my demographic, we have been exposed to that, caught in it, and wrestled with it. Maybe that’s why I look at it so much.
I find failure in masculinity fascinating, too. The problematic American ‘wandering cinema’ of the 1970s is what made me want to do what I do. It’s the great unsung song of cinema that fell out of favor by the 1980s.
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As a working American filmmaker, do you feel it’s your social responsibility to use your medium to comment on and expose what you’re seeing happening in this country? Is this your version of political activism? [Laughs] Maybe. I think that there needs to be a politics of form. It’s the responsibility of filmmakers to not be ignorant of this gesture and what it does to the population. There’s a responsibility of cinema to ask itself some very hard questions before it ends up wrapping into total irrelevancy. What is narrative? What value does it have? How is it destructive? How is it being used for destruction? Is it functional anymore? I think that a lot of consumer cinema doesn’t ask those questions because it’s afraid to expose its vulnerabilities or its potential irrelevance.
How did your experience with Entertainment affect your approach to The Mountain? Entertainment was the first film that played with cinematic influences that I had. It played with things that kind of grossed me out in cinema, with the defaults of metaphors and symbolism to create false profundities.
With The Comedy, I was focusing on a subset of class privilege in nuclear centers like New York City that I find reprehensible. I wanted to engage with it, investigate how to understand it, and make myself uncomfortable. Suddenly the medium felt a little more vital to me. It wasn’t just a propagandistic grandstanding, where essentially I would be showing off my likes and dislikes. I try to play a cat-and-mouse game with my own comfort and hopefully the audience finds some vitality in that.
Your last two films have felt very surreal, stylistically. They’re more lush yet still quite detached. What’s compelling you to stray from the slice-of-life realism you were using with your first few films? I had always wanted to have a career working with non-actors, but as I’ve gradually become more interested in the problems that make me uncomfortable I find myself engaging with them head-on, instead of just ignoring them for my comfort zone. The unreality of cinema has also become increasingly interesting to me.
There are some obsessive-compulsive approaches I took in The Mountain, which viewers might not see off-hand, that sort of heighten that falseness. Nobody leaves or enters the frame unless they go through a door. I’ve padded and loaded the film with limitations and, if I have any value now, my responsibility lies in nurturing the limitations of cinema and making them apparent.
For a long time we’ve been living in a fantasy land of unlimited potential and an abundance of opportunity, but the fact of the matter is we’ve been ignoring the beauty of the finite quality of the world. I think the same thing goes for cinema.
You’ve mentioned before that you don’t usually stick to a script but you did this time, though obviously the film utilizes a lot of long pauses and still imagery. Do you map out this sense of pacing in the script, or is there an element of you finding the film in the editing suite? How important is the sense of discovery in post for you? Editing the movie is incremental in its own way. But for me, the film really becomes alive during production and I find the pacing there. As far as mapping out those things in the script goes, it’s an obligation that I find tedious sometimes. My scripts used to be very short but they’re longer now because they’re a little bit more traditional on the page.
I do relish the moment when something isn’t satisfying our expectations. There’s a very exciting moment there when you let the comfort of distance go on too long. If you curtail it in the right way, it’s like surfing.
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This is a reunion between you and Tye Sheridan. He’s grown a lot since Entertainment, very literally too. Yeah, at least 4 or 5 inches.
Was he your first choice for the role? How did he contribute to the film beyond what you and your co-writers had on the page? He was my first choice and we developed the film together. It was an idea I brought to him when Entertainment wrapped. I talked to him about playing a ‘black hole’—something neutral at the centre of everything—that the whole world would move around.
He has a tremendous amount of patience and generosity. He’s very disciplined and we had a lot of fun subverting some of his capacities for empathy and fragility as an actor to make him inaccessible. That was a mission statement for us.
His character is very literally an audience surrogate. He’s passive, then he becomes pacified. I’m wondering what that says about what you think of your own audience? Do you feel unheard and misunderstood? It’s hard to say. I guess we’re interested in the reception of the film because I do want to engage an audience and there’re all sort of experiments in flirtation of audience expectations—in a constructive sense, I hope.
I do think that audiences have been conditioned to prefer pacificity and media as an anesthesia. I’m trying in my little way to interrupt that. Maybe I’m just having a fit in the corner of the room, I don’t know.
So how did Jeff Goldblum come on board? I was very surprised to see him attached to one of your films, unless I’m underestimating his taste in modern arthouse cinema. He’s getting in the mud of it all. He’s up for anything these days. I think he’s having not just a popularity revival but a revival of his artistic interests. Jeff has a tremendous amount of vitality and he was very interested in causing a small trouble with me.
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Director Rick Alverson.
In what way? He wanted to subvert expectations of the audiences of how they’ve considered him and what he does for them and we utilized that. He’s really keen and smart and I think he understood that it could have a potency in the film. This is one of his more muted performances, even though the personality of Goldblum percolates out of that. He restrained himself in a way I found really refreshing.
We really want to commend your location scout on a fantastic job. What were you looking for in the production design and the sets? Especially for the final shot. The final shot was its own kind of nightmare. We shot that on Mount Baker on the Canadian border in Washington and we isolated the location based on this expanse that’s usually full of four or five feet of snow most of the year. The night before we shot, they plowed all that snow for the parking lot underneath. Those sorts of things drive you crazy.
My production designer Jacqueline Abrahams—who worked on The Lobster among other great films—is an incredibly keen, hardworking person. We wanted to neuter some of the romance of the era, to make it muddy and give it a bland complexity. Obviously when making a period film, the production design and costume design are the most difficult but nerve-wrecking and exciting tools in the whole toolbox. I think we came at it obliquely enough that it became interesting.
Are you still hoping to make your KKK film soon? Now should be the time, right? I’d like to move back to it, but I’ve moved onto another project for now [a horror movie and a comedy series, according to IndieWire]. It still fascinates me, but I don’t want to be too reactionary. It’s a tough time now, for a lot of things.
Would you say you’re drawn to films similar to yours? What are your favorite recent films that challenged you? Oh gosh. The other day I saw Slack Bay by Bruno Dumont, which I found very funny. I’m sorry, I’m terrible at this question.
I’d say that’s a very on-brand choice for you. Thank you.
‘The Mountain’ is in select French cinemas now and opens in US cinemas on August 2.
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rosella1356 · 5 years
Two 11/11/11 Tags
Thank you to @bookenders and @dreamingofstarslight for tagging me.
1.       What’s the last book you read? What did you think of it?
The last book I read was Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. I loved that book. It was such an interesting story. Is it right to kill children for their parent’s sins? Should children try to kill you if you’re trying to kill them first? These are the moral challenges that most of the main characters face, and yet there is no good answer. Neither side is wrong in their justification, but that means the bloodshed will continue for even longer.
2.       What’s the one word you always misspell even though you totally know how to spell it?
The word sword. Don’t ask me how, but somehow it always ends up as sworb.
3.       What do your OCs smell like? If you could publish your WIP with scented pages, what would you want it to smell like?
I’ll choose my top three OCs because otherwise this post would be too large for anyone to understand what was happening. Daisy smells like the middle of a thunderstorm, soaked and yet full of potential. Adrian smells like peppermint and pine in sharp contrast with each other. Lulu smells like nothing, if you get close enough to her to actually be able to try and smell a scent, you won’t be able to smell anything. For my WIP, Lost would be the actual old book that’s just opened smell; Hidden Realms would be something sweet maybe cherry pie; Destined for War should smell like smoke, just that would be perfect; and Silence would be something woody, maybe pine like Adrian.
4.       Your OC is given a pair of boots that mute the sound of their footsteps. What kind of shenanigans do they get into with these sweet new kicks?
Oh god. None of my current OCs are good enough people not to abuse this power. Adrian, Daisy, and the entire cast of Lost would use those to conquer the government and kill the queen, no question. Vivian would probably start running in whatever direction the fae weren’t in. Kairavi would start like 18 wars in under 24 hours, please don’t give her more power. She’s already started one war; I don’t need her to get ideas about more. Lulu might be the most controlled of all of them. She’d just prank her brother, granted that might lead to her brother murdering like an entire city.
5.       How did you decide on the setting for your WIP?
What setting? All of my books have large amounts of scene changes. Lost is them trying to save the entire planet, which means they have to travel the whole world. Hidden Realms initially had a setting in what was once the outskirts of the Roman Empire, now Hungary, but then they ticked off the Church, so they fled to the Americas, but then they found out about an entirely new realm with dragons and went off to that realm. Silence is going to be in some woods somewhere, but I haven’t gotten far enough to figure that out. It starts in NYC. Destined for War starts in Pakistan, but ends in the realm of Gods that doesn’t currently have a name.
6.       Your OCs are given a vast array of finger paints. What do they create?
I’ll do my top three again because this is already a super large post. Adrian would likely draw the winter palace and the family he left behind there. There would probably be tear marks on the page, he’ll deny them, but they’re there. Daisy would probably throw the paint on the page and create some abstract mess to call art. Lulu would spend hours making sure she got every detail of Octavian mapped out on canvas, again. She’s done this before. Like every time she has free time. Don’t worry about why she draws him on repeat. (author moves out of view)
7.       How many times do you rewrite a draft? Or, how many drafts of a story do you go through before arriving at the final draft? Which story has/had the most drafts?
Gosh I don’t know. Lost is the only one I’ve finished the first draft for because I just started writing last year, so I’m planning on 7 drafts. I don’t know if I’ll keep that plan.
8.       What’s your favorite line from your least favorite book? Or, what is your least favorite line from your favorite book?
Least favorite line from my favorite book is actually in Harry Potter from Albus Dumbledore when he says “We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy?”. I don’t disagree with the principle of the quote. In fact I agree that it is a choice most people will have to make. But I can not stress this enough. This burden falls on adults, not children. If you make a child make this choice, I will come find you and beat the absolute shit out of you. Children should not have to fight wars that their parents started before they even reach adulthood. Mini rant over.
9.       What questions do you ask yourself when drafting a WIP?
So I don’t generally start a draft until I know what all the major events are and what order they are occurring in. That means I tend to ask myself: what is the plot? Why do my characters give a shit? What am I doing to these poor characters? Generally, the answer is just pain. I like putting my characters through a whole lot of shit.
10.  A fellow writer once said that “we’ve all trapped Sims in the swimming pool.” What are the “trapping Sims in the pool” moments in your stories?
Oh my god. In Hidden Realms, I killed a character in order to force the issue of the Holy Roman Empire to attack our main characters. Only I realized after I wrote that, that it meant one point of view wasn’t going to cut it when half the plot takes place after death. I had to go change the entire story to have 6 point of views. I’m still screaming at myself.
11.  What’s your favorite bad metaphor?
She had brown eyes like mud. (yes I know this is a simile, but still.)
12.  Do you have any pets in you WIP(s)??
Daisy has a pet raven, and a pet mountain lion. I mean they’re not really pets, so much as companions, but it counts. I think Vivian has a fish in her office, but like it doesn’t have a name and her brother is the one who feeds it, so does it count?
13.  How many story names have you gone through so far?
Lost was always Lost. Hidden Realms didn’t have a title for about a year, then suddenly one of my friends started referring to it as the book series in which all the realms are found, and then Hidden Realms became the title. It’s the title of the series though. The first book is called the “The merging of Realms.” (The readers won’t understand its meaning until the second book, but that’s called foreshadowing.) The Destined series came about because of a moodboard made for the main character where someone summarized her as Destined for War and I went “oh that’s perfect for the whole series.” Silence is a shitty placement title, so I can refer to the book. It definitely won’t be marketed as that. If you have suggestions for it, please tell me.
14.  Are there any important bodies of water in your story??
We cross the ocean in like all of them, so yes. All the oceans. Just all of them. A couple important rivers too.
15.  Describe an oc with ten or less words,,,
Daisy: A wild fae with anger management issues.
Adrian: A prince who really wants family but never succeeds.
Lulu: A vampire with a human fiancé and twin witch children.
16.  What was the inspo behind your story’s name?
Haha. I kind of answered those in question 13 except for Lost. Lost is a book about children choosing a revolution that will almost certainly kill them in order to save a world that was lost centuries if not millenniums before they were born. So they are Lost ones. The title should be Lost.
17.  What’s the most you’ve written in one day?
If you mean new words, I once hand-wrote five chapters in an 8 hour car ride to avoid dealing with grief. If you mean most written period, I typed 31,756 words in three hours from a journal I had hand-written it in.
18.  Are there any couples in your story that you find really cute??
Lulu and Octavian are goals. Daisy and Leahsidhe are my baby lesbians, who definitely don’t get a happy ending. Please don’t ship them. It does not end well. I’m a terrible person.
19.  Do any of your pc’s have allergies? If so, what??
Do any of them have allergies? I have a gut feeling Balthazar has some allergies, but he is not fully developed yet, so I can’t easily tell you what they are. Its some kind of plant. We’re going to find out when they move to the woods.
20.  Is there any lgbt+ rep in your story?
There is a shit ton. I am lgbt+, so are the vast majority of my characters. Adrian is asexual. Daisy is pansexual. Leahsidhe is bisexual. Ruby is lesbian. Suno and Balthazar are gay. Those are the ones who have names. I have ideas for other works that have so many sexualities, its going to be an adventure.
21.  Do any of your oc’s have tattoos?
Rose has an entire sleeve on both arms. They’re for all the 28 of the members of the revolution. When Daisy’s baby is born, she adds one for her too. Its one of the only happy scenes in Lost. (author runs away)
22.  What’s your favourite friend pairing trope?
Friend pairing trope. Being able to communicate without talking. I love that shit.
 My questions for people:
1.       Who is your favorite OC?
2.       How many WIPs do you have?
3.       How often do you write?
4.       Why did you get into writing?
5.       Have you created any moodboards for your work and if so what are they?
6.       Where do you write most?
7.       What’s your favorite part of writing?
8.       What is your favorite quote?
9.       Are there any authors who inspired you to start writing?
10.  If you had to publish one of your WIPs right now with no more editing, what would you choose?
11.  What is your favorite genre?
Tagging people: @marewriteblr @quartzses @elizabethsyson @rainy-rose @awritinglen @scottishhellhound @cometworks @cheshireinunderland @writing-is-a-bitch @writebruh @comfypitbull
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withthecherrytrees · 5 years
Guardian Ch. 2
Return to the Mountain
See, they return; ah, see the tentative
Movements, and the slow feet,
The trouble in the pace and the uncertain
Ascha’s steps were tentative. This had not been done before. This— this returning. The pair of them had not yet been in the same place twice. When Aüle granted them their form and freedom, Ascha and Imya had vowed to ride swiftly and far to see the hidden corners of Middle Earth. They hadn’t yet turned back.
And now, Imya was laying eyes again upon the Mountain, the place where she had completed her last Task for Aüle, where she had saved the Lion, the Hunter, and the Oak from doom.
Thorin Oakenshield had said she would always be welcome, Imya reassured herself. Dwarves weren’t ones to make empty promises. Yet, the strangeness of the return filled her body, and Asha grew anxious below her.
Imya shushed the great stallion, stroking a hand through his shadow mane.  
The pair had passed by the city of Dale, which was still slowly rebuilding. They had seen at a distance the beginnings of a bustling city, the merchants were returning, the ruins and rubble were being moulded back into their former glory. The people seemed tired, weary, but full of hope. It filled Imya’s heart to see it so.
Yet they hadn’t entered the city. Another time, another day, perhaps. But Imya and Ascha were off-kiltered enough by their return to a place of battle, a place of a mission, to consider entering a crowd, and poking their noses where they certainly hadn’t been invited back.
Better to forge on straight to Erebor.
Imya had yet to come up with a plausible reason for her return. No matter, she had about a league left, before she’d near the questions of the guards of Erebor.
She could not explain it herself, but since the Battle of the Five Armies, when she and her horse of shadow had vaulted over friend and foe alike with Aüle’s strength giving them wings, some tug, some pull had not left her being. Some sense of incompleteness, that some danger, some threat had not yet passed the Durins by.
Imya had sent for Aüle’s guidance, had waited, listened, for the Stone to confirm, to deny, for anything. It seemed Aüle did not know more than she, for He had not deemed her prayers worthy of a reply. A prideful one, was He.
But wrong her instincts never were, and so she and Asha had flitted back along the banks of the Long Lake with the Lonely Mountain growing ever larger on the horizon.
She fell in soon with Dwarrow carts and merchants, ponies and caravans, traders and wanderers, all of whom hoped to partake in the prosperity of the reclaimed Kingdom.
Ascha received more than a few suspicious glares, as his massive hooves and height far outshone any of the rather stodgy looking ponies of the Dwarrow. Not to mention the looks the Dwarrow then gave Ascha’s rider, as if taking it as a personal insult that she should deign to sit so highly upon her stallion, when she was barely taller than they.
But Imya had chosen to arrive in day, unwilling to mask her arrival in the cover of darkness and shadow as she had last time. That was a time of War, this of Peace. She would conduct herself appropriately.
At last they neared the gates. The stone Dwarves stood guarding the Mountain, Aüle’s, no Mahal’s touch pervading every inch of their rock. Every Dwarrow slowed, in awe, in thanks, in honor of their forefathers.
“Halt, Stranger!”
Ah, yes.
Time to explain herself.
The guards stepped up to Ascha, their glowers not lacking in vigor, despite only reaching Ascha’s flanks. Their heavy beards, the weapons dripping off them, and the matching scowls they wore belied the strength that Erebor had ripped back from Smaug.
“Good morning”, Imya said, as politely as anything. It was an odd feeling, to present herself to someone during a time of peace, with no clear nor imminent danger looming. The lack of urgency unbalanced her.
Her greeting went unrequited. “Who are you? Dismount and identify yourself.”
She obeyed. In one smooth motion, she slipped like black water from Ascha’s back, a hand on his flanks to steady him, to steady her.
She dropped her hood.
“My name is Imya. This is Ascha.”
Their faces did not change. They might even have glowered with more effort.
For some reason, Imya was disappointed. She had not realized she’d hoped for Oakenshield to spread word of her deeds, at the very least to his guards. For the first time, she began to doubt the sincerity of his promise. You are always welcome here at the court of Erebor. Surely a welcome guest should not be met with such suspicion.
Ascha’s warm breath huffed over her side as he nudged her, as if to say Peace. They mean no insult. Dwarrow are suspicious folk.
She tried again. “I am Imya, of the Battle of the Five Armies. Your King would have me be welcomed to the Mountain.”
Perhaps she had grown a little imperious in her time as the Hand of Aüle. Though a Wanderer far more often than a Guardian, she did not enjoy being turned away.
The Dwarf guards regarded her, regarded Ascha, and each other. They stepped away for a moment, conferring. Imya caught hushed whispering, a snippet that sounded like “Izrî Balin!”.
“Come with us,” the taller of the two said.
Horse and Rider did go with them. Now escorted by armed officials of the Mountain, the stream of travelers parted around the group as fluidly as sand through an hourglass.
They passed through the gates, and Imya felt the Sigil Thrum. It Thrummed with Aüle’s power, His presence, His Maker’s hands that had forged this Kingdom, and she felt the weight of His Sigil more deeply than ever before.
If she had ever doubted that her Wanderer’s life was a dream of comfort in the long dark night, and that she might wake up again to desert air, she did not do so now.
The walls of Stone soared up, higher than she had ever believed. The rugged stone from the exterior was transformed into smooth, midnight ink. The torches flickered, casting light and shadow up the Halls. The world seemed to never end.
“Halt,” the first guard called, his arm thrown up, fist clenched, his elbow in a right angle of command. “The horse stays here.”
Imya had expected this. Ascha too. Separation was a trial, but necessary one. Imya stroked Ascha’s nose. “I must go. I will find you. Be safe,” she said, her voice a breath.
She handed Ascha’s reigns to a waiting Dwarf, who remained stoic in the face of the looming Night stallion, and watched as Ascha followed him dutifully to the stables. She turned back to the waiting guards, and followed them into an ante-room down a little corridor.
It seemed the Dwarves were unwilling to permit her further into the Mountain. Imya gritted herself. A Guardian of Aüle, within his own Halls, treated like a threat.
Peace, Imya. It will not do to be ungracious.
The larger guard remained with her, as the more swift-footed one sped off. For a time, neither occupant of the chamber said a word.
At last, the door swung open to reveal a short, white-haired Dwarf with a keen gaze. He regarded Imya, not smiling, but not frowning. An assessing gaze, and her dark eyes returned it steadily.
“Well met,” he said, and his voice was kind. “My name is Balin. How have you come to find yourself in Erebor this morning?”
“My name is Imya, Master Balin. And we have met before.”
“Aye, I remember,” he said, nodding. “You marched up to gates of Erebor in the middle of the night. Had us all in a right tizzy. And now you’re back. After three years?”
Imya straightened, refusing to break the eye contact. “I was told I’d always be welcome in the Mountain.”
“That so?” Balin asked.
Peace, Imya.
“Yes, it is so.”
Balin nodded thoughtfully. The guard next to him snorted derisively. Neither served to cool her growing fury.
“And you told you that, may I ask?”
Imya could not discern any sarcasm, so she replied, “Your King. Thorin Oakenshield. After I saved him and his Sister-Sons from certain death.”
* The opening lines are from the poem “The Return” by Ezra Pound. The theme of the poem is the return of ancient gods for those willing to see them.
* The name Ascha (Asha) means “wish, desire, hope” in Sanskrit.
* “Izrî” is the singular imperative for “Ask” in Khuzdul. I would like to thank The Dwarrow Scholar for use of the Neo-Khuzdul Library.
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