#the closest thing to NO religion is actually probably agnosticism
bananonbinary · 8 months
god i hate smug athiests so so much
if you go around saying shit like "lol religion is stupid and only idiots have faith" you are just as much of an obnoxious asshole as christian proselytizers sorry
if you wanna have a real discussion on the merits of faith you need to start from a good faith perspective where you DON'T assume everyone who disagrees with you is a moron who can be disregarded. consider for two seconds that you arent the super genius you think you are, and something that is present in literally every human culture throughout history might, in fact, be slightly more load-bearing than you think.
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sky-on-blog · 7 years
38 questions
do you know anyone who is a native american?: Not in a large percentage. I know a lot of people who have like, a little bit of Native American ancestry, though.
have you ever been to hawaii?: Nope. It looks nice, but honestly, there are a lot of places I’d rather visit.
what negative personality traits do you have in common with your parents?: I have an awful memory, depression, and most likely ADHD from my mother. And I have anxiety and a tendency to overreact to things like my dad. Among other things, but those were the first to come to mind.
confess something that’s been bothering you lately: Like. I don’t know what I want to do for a career. I have mild interest in a lot of things but no talent and no patience to follow through with them. :)
what religion do you practice?: None, I guess -- you don’t really “practice” agnosticism.
who is the least dependable person you know?: I have no idea! Pretty much everyone I know is dependable. At least, everyone I know well. Shit, it might be me.
has an ex ever tried to get back with you in vain?: I’m...not really sure? I’ve had exes try and “hang out” with me that I declined, lol. So maybe.
what’s a mistake you keep making, despite knowing better?: Oh god. Everything I do all the time. Eating unhealthily is a big one. Buying clothes before trying them on is another.
do you call in sick to work a lot?: Nope. I try to save those.
do you ever feel ashamed when you cry?: Yeah. I feel really embarrassed and ugly. I’m a very ugly crier.
how do you feel about war?: Mm. Strongly dislike.
what is your favorite italian dish?: Chicken Alfredo. I’m not a big fan of Italian food, though. Can I choose garlic bread?
what are you thankful for?: Having a family that supports me -- financially and otherwise. Being born with privileges that a lot of others didn’t/don’t have. Jeremy and everything he’s done for me. My friends.
what is your favorite boy band?: I...am really drawing a blank. I don’t think I really listen to boy bands other than a few songs by ‘N Sync. Maybe my favorite boy band is ‘N Sync.
have you lost anyone close to you to death?: Well, yeah, sort of -- relatives. We weren’t exactly close when they died, but we were close in the sense that I cared about them?
what was the hardest thing you went through in your childhood?: Bullying, I guess. It was pretty bad, lol. And just loneliness. I was an only child and didn’t have a whole lot of friends.
have you ever had a girlfriend?: No. I’ve liked girls before, but they’ve never liked me back.
are you legal to drink? I am.
what’s the closest black thing to you? I mean, the keyboard that I’m using is black. There’s also a black pen next to the laptop.
are you close with your mother? I am now, yeah.
what did you do last night? Watched Bleach with Jeremy.
do you miss your past? I miss parts of it, but overall, not really.
do you think you’ve ruined your chances with someone? No. Not recently, anyway. I’m sure I’ve ruined my chances with people in the past, but it doesn’t matter anymore.
last time you smiled because you got a text? I have no idea. I’m not usually aware when I’m doing that, lol.
who did you talk to on the phone last, why? Probably a customer at work, because like, it’s my job?
who’s in your profile picture with you? No one, it’s just me.
besides this, what are you doing right now? Eating white cheddar jalapeno Cheetos, listening to music, and scrolling through Tumblr on another tab.
something you just don’t understand? Any math past like, division.
what is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had? Water. Or beer. I can’t remember now.
do you think you’re a good friend? Probably not. I’m really distant and I’m bad at communicating effectively. But I promise I do care.
who was the last person you got into a big argument with? Probably one of my parents.
where did you sleep last night? My bed.
are there some songs you can’t listen to because they remind you of something? Nah. Some songs remind me of things I’d rather not remember, but I try not to let them ruin the songs.
do you have any dirty pictures on your cellphone? No.
where is your biological mother right now? I’m going to assume she’s at her house.
has anyone said you have changed lately? Actually, my dad recently says I’ve gotten “stronger.” I mean, he’s right, but I’m still weak as fuck.
do you find it in your heart to forgive? Usually.
what would you do if the friend you talk to most stopped talking to you? I’d probably just assume they didn’t want to talk to me anymore.
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