#the continuing adventures of human bowser
bowserphobia · 5 months
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your classic “don’t let your boyfriend’s parents find out you’re actually a lizard man from another dimension” scenario
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onequalityduck · 1 year
Rambly thoughts on Ganondorf:
Many of Nintendo’s franchises don’t focus on things like continuity and complex morality. For them, characters are thought of in a gameplay manner rather than a storytelling manner. For example, Bowser is evil because he kidnaps Princess Peach because we need Mario (the player) to find and save Peach. Bowser is not (entirely) evil when we play with him in Mario Tennis, Golf, Party, etc. games because we need him to be playable.
In the same way, Link and the player need an enemy to fight. Ganon, or Demise, Calamity Ganon, they will all be evil simply to be a villain. Nintendo will always make light good and darkness evil, monsters are always evil and born from evil, and people are only evil if they are corrupted by the evil thing.
I would say the most complexity for Ganon we get is actually the introduction of Ganondorf the man in Ocarina of Time. He is introduced as a politician and leader of the Gerudo, who also are pretty morally complex (at least for the Zelda games). The Gerudo are a tribe of “bandits and thieves” but their second-in-command Nabooru becomes the Sage of Spirit so they can’t be absolutely bad. The first time we see of Ganondorf is child Zelda saying “everyone trusts this guy but I think he’s evil!” which well, he is, but human (or I guess Gerudo) Ganondorf is much different from evil pig Ganon- the incarnation of evil, that we had only seen in the previous games.
Ocarina of Time doesn’t give us much to work with, but it does give us speculation. Monsters are monsters are pure evil beings, as these stories go, but like I said before npcs are only truly evil when they are corrupted by evil thoughts. Otherwise they are tragic.
Skyward Sword gives us another reason to think Ganondorf could be influenced by evil in the form of Demise. Ganondorf is an incarnation of Demise in the same way Zelda is an incarnation of Hylia, but Zelda isn’t fully good in fact she can be quite flawed. In the same way, Ganondorf could be merely influenced by his past life as Demise but otherwise a more morally complexed character.
Link himself isn’t even technically a “purely good” character, instead Zelda is the incarnation of Hylia, the one with the Light powers, and normally placed directly opposite Ganon. Link is more the errand boy of Zelda, or otherwise just a guy placed in a situation trying to help the people. His triforce and motif, Courage, is more humanistic as courage can only be gained in the face of fear. Rather than always being good or always being evil Link simply chooses to be a hero and help others.
I think that choice of the main character provides a good parallel to Ganondorf, that he chooses above all to be evil not that he is evil itself (except in pig form). It’s also interesting that we always start the adventure after Ganon’s enacted his revenge or is getting ready for part 2. Every time we as Link get to Ganon he’s already got beef with Hyrule.
Makes you wonder why.
…Or not, because clearly with Tears of the Kingdom retconning EVERYTHING in the “timeline” we get good-old-purely-evil Ganondorf anyways.
So while it would have been cool to see the kingdom of Hyrule being called out for past mistakes, I think that might be too much story in Nintendo’s gameplay. I understand if some people hate the whole unshakeable good/evil thing, because irl there is TONS of people who claim they’re purely good and are definitely not, but I don’t think they will ever uno reverse and make the royal family secretly the bad guys or something.
…or make Ganondorf finally reincarnate into an ally please Nintendo set him free it was the same damn man sealed since Ocarina give him a break
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captainkawaii666 · 1 year
Updated list of projects
A couple weeks or so ago I posted a list of fan projects I want to post about on here, but it was incomplete, so I’m gonna finish it now in a more official-looking format. Keep in mind that I will likely never be able to make some of these, especially the ones intended to be shows, considering I have a few projects that are more important to me that I’d prefer to focus on. But anyway, continue reading for the list! I hope one or more of these spark your interest. (For the projects I’ve already started posting about I might restart posts about those from the beginning to make them more polished btw)
-Mega Man: Reprogrammed, a Mega Man AU comic/show that originated as me redesigning Robot Masters and grew into a full AU
-A Godzilla AU show featuring various kaiju and humans from across the franchise and a universe that actually makes sense
-A Spider-Man AU project of some kind, I don’t really have much in mind for it but I need to build a world for my spidersona
-A Binding of Isaac AU comic, which is basically just me being like “hey what if these guys all lived together in this complex labyrinth instead of just being figments of a dying 5-year-old’s imagination (though they still might be that too)
-Nuclear Throne: Wasteland Wars, a Nuclear Throne AU comic with a concrete story and lots of goofy character interactions (and Tall Bandit…)
-Meta Knight and Dedede: Star Warriors, a Kirby prequel (haven’t decided between game, comic, and show) about Meta Knight and King Dedede’s adventures before Kirby showed up in Dream Land
-A Mario prequel (once again, haven’t decided what to make it) about the battles between Princess Peach’s father King Toadstool and Bowser’s father Morton Koopa (as well as other events in the Mushroom Kingdom’s past)
-A FNaF AU show that aims to, unlike the original games, tell a comprehensible and well-thought-out story (no offense to the original story but it is anything but those two things)
I hope people are interested in these ideas, and if I ever get good enough at art to draw for them or get a job so I can commission artists, I may even be able to provide art to accompany them! I might also do some asks for the characters once it’s been long enough that people care about them.
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overnightshipping · 2 years
Ice King really is a Character Of All Time. Adventure Time really was like heehoo here's our little parody of video game villains like Bowser and Eggman! He's silly and goofy and incompetent and obsessed with kidnapping princesses! But also kind of likeable in spite of the bad stuff he does because of the aforementioned incompetence and how he sometimes has moments of humanity!
And then they were like hey actually he has a secret ooooh I wonder what it is! We'll hype it up in this Christmas episode! And then the secret is that he is a man from the modern day who has dimentia. And we just have to live with that, and the characters in the show just have to live with that, as he continues to do Wacky Hijinks.
And then he turns out to have been a father figure for a fan favorite character and said fan favorite character is desperately trying to get her father figure back but he doesn't remember her at all and we have some of the most heart-wrenching scenes in the show.
And don't get me started on Betty!!
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The Moment you’ve all been waiting for...
*It was an ordinary day at the Smash Mansion. Birds were singing. Flowers were blooming. That peaceful music that always plays when it’s morning was playing.*
*Suddenly, Bowser angrily bursts into the room*
Mario: ...Right here, bro.
*Bowser storms over and grabs Mario by the collar*
Bowser: You think you’re so funny. Huh! You think yer a funny man?!
Peach: Bowser!
Mario: Bowser! What’s got you?!
Mario: Bowser, I highly doubt I could even stomach that much Spaghetti.
Bowser: Well it was someone with a mustache in a red hat and overalls!
Peach: Uh, guys?
*The three look behind them to see another Mario, his eyes wide open in an expression of vacant stupidity on his face*
Bowser: ...
Mario: ...
Peach: ...
Other Mario: Get ready to move your pingas!
*Other Mario speedrun glitches away, knocking Bowser into the wall with a comedic sound effect*
*Link and Samus are in the Smash Gardens, playing a game*
Link: One, two, three, Park Place, I want to buy a house.
Samus: Not so fast, you activated my trap card!
Link: Oh no! How terrible! For you! *plays Uno Reverse card*
Samus: Wow, you were right Legolas. Monopoly Without Boundaries is way more fun.
*Suddenly, two teenage girls run into the garden, a blue-haired one with a robotic arm and a shorter orange-haired one in a hat*
Blue-Haired Girl: Uh, excuse me, have you seen our friend around?
Orange-haired girl: Yeah, he’s a fat Italian in red with a mustache. Probably doing something stupid.
Link: That... sound like Mario?
Samus: Impossible. Mario is one of the only responsible ones in the mansion.
OHG: Responsible? Red?!
BHG: W-well, this is an alternate universe. Maybe they have a different MArio? One who was never infected by memes.
Samus: Alright, we’ve clearly gotten off on the wrong foot here. I am Samus, and this is Link.
Link: Yo.
Samus: Now, you guys go.
Tari: Oh, well, I’m Tari! I’m a Meta-Runner, and this is my best friend Meggy!
Samus: ... ...Okay, I know ya’ll said “Alternate Universe”, but even I know that Meggy is an Inkling.
*A dark look passes over Human!Meggy’s face*
H!Meggy: I was...
Meggy enters the gardens*
Smash!Meggy: Hey, guys, something’s up with Mario. He-
*The two Meggy’s spot each other and immediately recreate the Spiderman pointing meme*
*In the Office of the Master Hand, a blue palette-swapped Mario stands before the Hands*
Master Hand: So, to summarize. Your idiot meme-infected friends are running around our mansion, and you need our help to gather them all up?
Crazy Hand: Sounds like a wacky crossover adventure!
Master Hand: Why did it have to happen right before our Jamaican vacation? *Turns to their guest* Alright! We’ll help you... what did you say your name was again?
SMG4: I’m SMG4! Super Meme Guardian and-
Master Hand: Yeah, yeah, whatever.
To be continued...
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ttyd-comic · 2 years
the story so far (mushroom kingdom history)
under the cut, you will find a few paragraphs on my personal Mushroom Kingdom History headcanons. also, a bit on where mario, peach, bowser ect. are at in their lives when the comic starts!
The Mushroom Kingdom is located in the basin of a large mountain range, offering it protection from outside forces. This allowed the kingdom to flourish for a great number of years, ruled by the Toadstools.
At some point, when Peach is still a child, King Durian is turned into a horrible beast by King Morton, ruler of the Darklands. (Really, he's been turned into a golden retriever, but none of the mushroomers have ever seen anything like it before.) This sows discord between the two kingdoms, with the Mushroom Kingdom still doing better overall than the Darklands.
Queen Cherimoya continues to rule, until she suddenly dies. King Durian is obviously in no state to rule, so the twelve year old Princess Peach is left in charge. Toadsworth is there to guide her until she's older. At some point during this period, King Morton disappears, and Bowser is made king of the Darklands under Kamek's supervision.
When Bowser is older, the koopas discover air power, and unleash a successful attack on the Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser kidnaps Peach for the first time, and this is when the Mario brothers, from Earth, are marooned in this world.
Mario and Luigi save Peach from Bowser, and agree to be the protectors of the kingdom. Things calm down for a while.
Bowser's next attack is to take over the Mushroom Kingdom castle, trapping all the royals inside. Mario and Luigi best him yet again, though this is the last time Luigi is directly involved the fight. He's more of an engineer than Mario, and while they're trapped inside the castle, he notices all sorts of structural and plumbing issues. He decides he's better suited as Mario's understudy, and busies himself with the castle project.
After this, Peach and her court take a vacation to Isle Delfino, and she invites Mario along. There are ~vibes~ between the two, but things are officially platonic. And because of their respective statuses in the kingdom, they have to be platonic. Either way, they have become very close by this point.
While they're on vacation, they're attacked yet again. This time by one of Bowser's sons, Bowser Jr., who believes Peach to be his mother. Mario takes care of the situation, and the vacation continues.
Things become more relaxed between the koopas and the mushroomers, and Bowser offers to right his father's wrong and change King Durian back into a human. Afterword, Durian still isn't into the whole "being a king" thing, and takes a backseat to Peach.
The most recent Bowser-related adventure was also the most eventful: Bowser steals the Star Rod from Starhaven, scattering the star spirits in an attempt to finally take over the Mushroom Kingdom (and, optimistically, the world.) Peach's castle is uprooted, along with Peach herself and her court. Luigi had been working on the plumbing in the basement, so luckily he's left behind. He holds down the fort at home while Mario travels across the Mushroom Kingdom to rescue the star spirits and save the kingdom. After this, Bowser takes a long, long break, defeated.
At the point TTYD happens, Peach and her kingdom are enjoying a period of peace. Mario and Luigi have been in this world for about seven years, and are pretty famous, at least around the Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser is in a state of ennui, unsure what his next project should be. Mario and Peach are both a bit defensive over how many times Bowser has kidnapped her.
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timbertumbr · 4 years
Boneafide Gamer (A Reverse Harem Fic)
Chapter 4, Gaming Adventures
First chapter
Quotev Link
Right, these will be short mini adventures with the reader and the boys over the course of a month. Is it important to the plot? Yes, it shows how they bond and get to know the reader which is important for the next chapter. Plus, it’s for fun. Also, I have no idea how to describe smash battles so bear with me. I had a friend help me with those so big thanks to them!
A month has passed and during that month you’ve gotten to know quite a few of the skeletons, you got to know them through various games or just chatting on discord, here are a few of these moments.
Saturday finally arrives and you’re setting up Smash Ultimate with the help of Red who’s on a discord call, you eventually connect it to Red’s online match and off you go select your characters.
“Pft, why am I not surprised you chose Bowser?” You say playfully into the microphone, Red huffs.
“Hey, he’s a cool character, okay?” He defends, you chuckle and pick [insert character here] causing red to snort.
“Really, [Your character]?” He jokes.
“Oh like you’re one to talk,” He chuckles and selects the “Fight” button. “Bowser VS [You character] 3 2 1 GO!” And the battle begins! Red immediately made your character fly off the stage.
“Wha- DUDE!” Red starts laughing his ass off as your character floats back onto the stage. 
“Oh man! That was PRICELESS! I wish I could’ve seen your face!” He snickers as you start trying to budge Bowser off the stage. He gets launched upwards and gets behind your character and launches them off the stage again.
“HOW?!” Red snickers at your reaction.
“I’ve had a LOT of practice with story mode,” He explains as your character floats back onto the stage, you decide a different strategy, you make your character hit Bowser before quickly jumping away and repeating the process. You got a decent percent on him before out of nowhere he uses his special move which FLINGS your character off the map with no chance of recovery. Bowser runs into the screen and slashes it twice, signifying that he won.
“Wow, that was… short,” You comment before briefly checking your phone.
“Huh, guess that shows how much time I spend on this game,” You huff in amusement from his comment and see that Cheesepuff messaged you.
Cheesepuff: Yo, I hear Red yelling from my room. Mind if I join you guys via discord?
“Hey, Stretch wants to join, is that okay?” You ask, he told you his name after a few days of messaging each other.
“Ashtray? Why does he want to join?” Red asks surprised and somewhat annoyed, you message him and he responds-
Cheesepuff: Just wanna watch ya guys duke it out is all. Maybe commentate. 
You snort at his response.
“He wants to watch us fight and commentate on it,” Red falls silent for a bit before sighing.
“Fine, he can join only to witness me kicking your ass second time ‘round,” 
“Oh, you’re in for it now My Chemical Romance!” You counter as you share your screen and Stretch joins the call.
“Hey- Woah, already beginning the match?” He asks as Red begins the match and you’re trying to button mash your way to victory. It failed, miserably. And now you’re on two lives.
“Ooo, button mashing never works out, honey,” You blush slightly from Stretch’s comment and attempt to kick Red’s ass with a different method, you use your special move and it flings him and he finally loses a life!
“YES!” You cheered as Bowser floated down back into the arena and began having a fist fight with your character.
“Don’t celebrate just yet sweetheart,” You could HEAR him smirking, and that distracted you enough for your character to fly off the map. God damn it.
“Gotta keep your head in the game bud,” Stretch comments, you glare at the screen, damn him and his smugness. You focus on getting the overgrown angry turtle over the edge but he got your percentage way higher than you thought and got flung. 
“Bruh…” Red and Stretch snicker, final round, for you anyway. Silence falls over the call as you and Red duke it out in the arena, sometimes very close to flinging Bowser off the map. But alas, you are no gamer deity so you lost. Again.
“Aww man…” You mutter.
“That last round was super intense, I was on the edge of my seat,” Stretch comments, you huff.
“That’s 2 to 0 sweetheart, up for another round?” Red asks, you gather your shattered competitive spirit and have your hands ready on the controller.
“Always Batman rip off,”  Stretch snorts and starts laughing his ass off.
“B-Batman rip off! Hahaha!” Red grumbles under his breath as he starts another round, and for the rest of the day you and Red duke it out with Stretch making humerous comments, you and Red egging each other on.
You wait for the invitation link to Oak’s island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. You, Oak, and Willow wanted to meet up in Animal Crossing to just have fun, chat and just explore. You finally got the invitation and unmute your mic.
“Got the invitation and I’m on my way!” You hear Willow whoop in the background of Oak’s call.
“Cool,” Your character takes the plane and arrives at Oaks clean and colorful island, Willow’s character waiting at the airport. 
“Y/N! You’re Here! Follow Me, I’m Gonna Give You A Tour Of Our Island!” Willow exclaims as you follow his character.
“You can share an island?” You ask, hearing about this for the first time.
“Yeah! We Divided The Island So We Can Help Each Other And Do Our Own Thing!” Willow explains.
“Wow, you guys must be really close,” You comment.
“Yup,” jeez, you almost forgot he was there. Willow takes you to the “border” of their island which was just a bunch of fences and a single gateway to each side. And this is where Oak waited.
“Come On S- Oak,” Oak’s character goes through the border by your character.
“Now, Which Part Of The Island Would You Like A Tour Of First?” 
“Your island, your rules. Whichever you think is best,” Willow squeaks from your answer.
“W-Well, If That’s The Case, We’ll Tour Oak’s Part First!” You hear something falling and hitting the ground with a thud and hearing Willow worriedly shriek “OAK, ARE YOU OKAY?!”
“Uh… everything okay over there?” You ask worried. 
“Yeah! Oak Just Fell Off The Couch Is All!” Willow assures, you raised a brow at your screen.
“You okay Oak?”
“Fine, just surprised,” Oak mutters, awww. These precious bois.
“So you’re saying you… jumped out of your skin?” You hear Oak’s deep chuckle and Willow groaning.
“Alright! Enough Horrible Jokes! Oak, If You’re Ready To Give The Tour, You May Begin,” After a bit of waiting, Oak’s character goes through the border again and into his side of the island. He only briefly gave descriptions of his section of the island which had quite a few trees, bushes and a few decorations here and there. He only had a handful of villagers in his part of the island. When you ask about Boots the crocodile, his neutral voice turned serious.
“We don’t talk about Boots,” He says before continuing the tour.
“He Didn’t Like Boots…” Willow explains vaguely before you and him follow him around the rest of the island, even showing off his garden by his own home. And that transitioned to Willow giving you a tour of his part of the island. His part was quite colorful with trees and bushes and a heck of a lot of decorations, mainly cute stuff which you complimented on and he squeaked, muttering a “thank you.” He had the majority of villagers and he liked all of them, you noticed Oak’s character stare at Bob for a bit before rejoining the tour.
“And This Is The Museum! Go On And Take A Look At It,” Willow insists, you step into the museum and gasp, it’s practically full!
“You collected all this?” You ask in awe, Willow “Nyeh heh heh’s.”
“Of Course! With Some Help From Oak Of Course!” Aww. 
“That takes some dedication dude, nice job!” Willow squeaks again, why are they so cute?! Once the tour was over, you all just hung out on the island, you fished while talking with Willow, Oak making an occasional comment here and there. All in all, visiting their island was a GREAT idea!
You were planning a gaming session with Blue (You watching him play the game.) when you receive a friend request from a very familiar username. Coolskeleton95. You accept the request and Papyrus sends a message.
Huh, how polite! You ask Blue if he’s okay with it (Of course he is, he was the first one Papyrus asked but wanted everyone’s permission) So with that in mind, you begin typing your response.
(Username): Sure! But be warned, Blue and I decided to pick a horror game, you okay with that?
(Username): Popgoes.
“You ready guys?” You ask, seeing the Popgoes menu screen from Blue sharing his, well, screen.
“YES!” Blue exclaims.
“NOT REALLY BUT SURE!” Papyrus says.
“JUST START THE GAME!” Edge grumbles, he asked (demanded) to be part of the gaming session. Blue starts the first night and is introduced to a TV and a tablet full of camera locations. The phone rings and the man named Fritz begins to speak.
“You may want to look around Blue,” You comment, knowing what happens if you don’t. Blue uses the yellow arrows to look around and gasps when he sees the animatronic stage DIRECTLY BEHIND HIM!
“Oh boy…” Blue mutters before going back to the cameras and flicking through them.
“WHY IS THE PANIC METER RISING?” Edge asks, seeming a bit on… edge!
“Quick, look around!” You warned, Blue squeaks and quickly looks around, seeing a cat animatronic as soon as he turns to the left. The screen flickers and the cat is gone.
“Woah…” Papyrus mutters as Blue looks around, flicks through the cameras and then looks around again. Huh, he’s learning quickly. A tense silence fell over the group as Blue played the game, occasionally getting a gasp from one or two of you when an animatronic came a bit too close.
Then finally, when 6 AM rolled around, an electronic version of pop goes the weasel. We all breathe a sigh of relief as the screen fades to black. Then it cuts to an 8 bit atari like minigame. Blue tests out the controls before moving into the 8-bit version of the pizzeria. 
“WHAT’S GOING ON?” Papyrus asks, somewhat confused.
“Lore, hidden within a minigame,” You explain.
“WOWIE! A CLEVER JAPE!” Blue continues to wander the pizzeria, passing by debris and junk while exploring. The tense silent air returned as he found an 8 bit version of what seemed like a human. Blue approaches it, the screen cuts to black as a static like sound plays. It cuts to the second night and the voicemail begins.
Blue repeats the cycle as you all watched. Then, out of nowhere from the vent above, an animatronic jump scares Blue. You yelp, Papyrus screams, Blue screams, And there’s a yelp and thud from Edge’s mic.
“OH DEAR,” There’s some muffled noises from Papyrus’s mic before you hear his voice in Edge’s mic, asking if he’s okay. Blue is snickering and asking if Edge is okay between bouts of laughter. After coming back from the shock of what just happened, you start giggling as well.
“YES, YES, I AM FINE, STOP LAUGHING!” This only prompts you and Blue to laugh harder. You could HEAR how angry Edge was. Papyrus returned to his mic.
“OKAY, LET’S SETTLE DOWN AND ATTEMPT TO COMPLETE THE SECOND NIGHT, AGREED?” Papyrus offers surprising you, wow, no WONDER he’s the mascot. You all agree and continue playing the game, occasionally getting scared, occasionally making comments on the lore, or laughing from amusing reactions from the jumpscares (Mainly Edge.)
You were minding your own business when you got a discord message from Red.
After a few seconds of wondering what brought this on, Red sends you a photo of Stretch on the couch, holding his phone, with a white fluffy cat on him.
(Username): Aww, a kitty.
Red: Not just ANY kitty, Edge’s kitty.
Oh, well now you understand why Red was finding this amusing. Apparently in their home there’s a rule to let “Doomfanger” lay where she pleases, anyone who is caught moving the cat is sentenced to one month of chores.
(Username): Oh no, poor Stretch! 
Just as you said that, Stretch messaged you.
Cheesepuff: With my last breath, I ask you to tell Blue that I was the one that stole his jelly beans. Farewell friend.
You laugh at his joke and receive another message from Red.
Red: Holy shit, he’s a mad man!
He sends you a picture of Stretch proceeding to put Doomfanger onto the couch.
Red: He cometh…
He sends another photo seemingly behind the couch of an angry Edge most likely yelling at a somewhat nervous looking Stretch.
(Username): Tell him I’m rooting for him. I got a message to deliver.
Red: 👍
You go to Blue’s personal messaging.
(Username): Stretch ate the last of your jelly beans.
Magnificent Blueberry: I KNOW.
(Username): Wait wut?
(Username): How?
Magnificent Blueberry: TRADE SECRET. ;)
Cheesepuff: Hey. So me and the others have been chatting and we’ve been thinking, is it possible if we could meet up? In a public space of course and only if you want to.
Oh wow, when you woke up today you were not expecting to finally meet the skeletons face to face.
(Username): Yeah, I’m down! Have a place and time in mind?
Cheesepuff: You free on Saturday around noon?
(Username): Yup! And the place?
Cheesepuff: I’ll send you directions on Saturday. See you then honey. ;)
God damn him and his smooth flirting… Wait, was it even flirting? You don’t know any more.
Totally not the writer: So what I’m hearing is that you scored a date.
(Username): Not a date! Just going to meet up is all.
Totally not the writer: Uh huh. Make sure to wear protection when you get boned. 
(Username): DUDE!
Totally not the writer: HAHAHA! I’m joking! Holy shit, that was funny! 
(Username): You jerk! >:(
Totally not the writer: Look, I’m sorry. Will you accept my cookie of apology? 🍪
(Username): . . . Fine, but only because of the cookie!
Totally not the writer: Luv you too <3
(Username): Yeah, yeah, you dork. Make sure to go to bed at a reasonable time tonight, alright?
Totally not the writer: No promises.
(Username): >:( Go to bed now.
Totally not the writer: Okay.
Sighing, you put your phone on the charger, do your nightly routine and then go straight to bed. What a day….
12:34 AM
Totally not the writer: Okay, I know you told me to go to bed at a decent time but…
Totally not the writer: I don’t know if I’m being paranoid, anxious or both but I SWEAR I keep hearing scratching sounds… Idk if it’s my imagination or what but I’m freaking out dude. 
Totally calls for help…
But nobody came.
Next Chapter
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vedj-f-bekuesu · 5 years
2019 in Retrospect
2019 has been fairly quiet, so I decided to start off this year by looking back on it. I’ll be dividing it by main fandoms/characters/ships because this year there were actually some new ones. That hasn’t been the case since, like, 2013. 
Sonic the Hedgehog
It was an...alright year for Sonic. TSR was fine but too light on content, Mario and Sonic Tokyo felt like a step down from Mario and Sonic Rio but was still alright, and I have not played SEGA Heroes (and haven’t bothered with the Chao in Space short). Lowest spot for me was the IDW comic; the Zombot arc has had one interesting story so far, but the rest has had either bad writing (primarily aimed at Shadow’s turn) or it’s just been wallowing in its bleakness in a way even Shadow the Game didn’t. Then again, I find zombie stories uninteresting to begin with, so no duh I’m not interested in a Sonic take on it. 
Chaotix kind of mirror that. Vector’s managed to get a good showing in, batting 3 for 3 on the game front, and having a key role in two of them. And like I said before, the Chaotix have genuinely had the most interesting stories within the Zombot arc, although with Vector and Charmy turned this may become more limited. Speaking of though, Espio and Charmy have had weaker presences. Espio managed to get into all three games in some form but to a lesser extent (one just by name), and Charmy was really left behind. 
As for Vecpio, it’s been pretty bare for canon material stuff. Espio got mentioned in TSR as contributing the report that reveals Dodon Pa’s true role (with him and Vector being the key to making everyone shut up about him being suspicious, proving they’re best as a team). And Mario and Sonic Tokyo has something if you headcanon some stuff; when Vector talks about the medals, Espio is the first person you’re directed to. Nothing is said by Vector about Espio in text, but you can implicate that Espio was chosen first because of his strong link to Vector, being the first one Vector would trust to compete at a gold level. Other than that? Dry. And with no announcements for Sonic games in 2020, this may just continue. 
Crash Bandicoot
On the reverse side, we have Crash Bandicoot having a really strong year. CTR:NF came out (which is a remake of my favourite Crash game) and has been doing gangbusters. On top of this, it has been going out of its way to revive pretty much every dead character in the franchise, to the point that we have RIlla Roo back in the fold (something I genuinely didn’t think would happen 19 years beforehand). 
Skipping straight to the shipping for this, I wouldn’t have imagined it for Crash ever, but there’s actually some in-game material for me to latch onto for DingodileXKomodo Joe! Dingodile has been pushed into a more jovial character since N-Sane Trilogy, being even more doubled down on in CTR:NF. However, for the past 20 years Komodo Joe has managed to avoid being given traits closer to Espio. This game finally catches up to him, and does it hard. Seriously, his character took a hard turn for the stoic badass Espio did after Heroes, and when did Joe ever use Martial Arts magic ever? Aside from making that dynamic naturally more matching, Slide Coliseum joins in the fun with the visual upgrade. It has holographic projections of a trophy girl repping a couple of racers dancing each, and guess who the devs felt could be paired up for how they go together rhythmically? That’s right, my reptile boys. Man. 
Super Mario Bros
What a weak year for Mario for me. What Mario got for new games this year were Luigi’s Mansion 3 (which I’ve not played), Mario Maker 2 (which isn’t new story content and doesn’t interest me in the slightest), Yoshi’s Crafted World (which I forgot was a thing) and Mario Kart Tour/Dr Mario World (which...um). 
Because of this set-up, Bowser hardly got anything to do so he’s really been on the backburner. Considering how he’s been pushed in the rest of the decade that’s saying something. In fact, the most character stuff he got was in Mario and Sonic Tokyo, and even that was mostly just alright (I think Bowser Jr got the best deal out of that).
Spyro the Dragon
Spyro was alright, but this one’s more understandable. With 2018 being the big year for Spyro’s return, 2019 was a rest for the little guy. That being said it wasn’t completely quiet; Spyro Reignited Trilogy finally got its port on the Switch, and to tie in with that Spyro got an appearance in CTR:NF. 
Because of the latter point, Gnasty Gnorc got a surprisingly strong year. Not only having more people learn about his glow-up in SRT, but bringing over that petty and angry character to CTR:NF. Seriously, his bit in the grand prix intro video is great, and he has more lines in his racing quips than any other game. 
I don’t think I made a post about OK KO on Tumblr (or maybe I did one, I can’t remember). But I did manage to get into this just before it got cancelled so there’s that. 
I maintain that the Sonic crossover (aka the first thing I really knew about OK KO) didn’t give me a good impression of the show.It just seemed like “here’s the Sonic and Eggman dynamic but with more cartoon shenanigans*” and it spent more time making endless Sonic references. While some were deeper cuts which actually were impressive, most were references I could see in pretty much any Sonic-referencing material. It wasn’t until I decided to look up more info on Lord Boxman sometime after because I wanted to check if N.Gin was an influence that I found out the plot of the actual show (crossover notwithstanding) was pretty nuts and way more up my alley. 
Speaking of, there’s Voxman. Whereas other ships on here I have to dig through material to construct nuggets from them, this was literally in the text. And why not, they have a good dynamic and are usually the most fun to watch bounce off each other. And I still like the fact that if KO and Lord Boxman were the Sonic and Eggman parallel, the story ends with Eggman becoming Sonic’s stepfather. Let’s see IDW tell a story like that, it’d be better than the Zombot stuff. 
*I think that was the point but still. 
Man I wouldn’t have thought they would have remade LEGO Racers but the one they made this year was gre--
Okay no, this year basically reignited another flame that I thought was snuffed out like 16 years ago. For a brief history of me and LEGO, when I was six I had a freestyle box which I used to make an elemental superhero persona. I played with this until I was 11. Before then, my sister got some LEGO Harry Potter sets (which we still have in the loft), I played LEGO Racers a lot (and wasn’t very good at it), and I owned two random other LEGO sets (the trike from Life on Mars and Lava from RoboRIders). 
After that, I only dabbled in LEGO when there was a Sonic set done for LEGO Dimensions. I did try to play more into it, but it was really prone to crashing in certain worlds so I eventually got frustrated enough to stop playing it. Sometime in the interim though my sister started enjoying LEGO films without me knowing, so when February came around I was dragged to see LEGO Movie 2 when all I wanted to see in 2019 was Toy Story 4. Dad insisted on it since we rarely have family outings. In retrospect; 
LEGO Movie 2 hit me in a way a piece of media hasn’t for years, or even decades. It’s shot up to be my third-favourite film of all time. And it’s revealed to me that LEGO is shockingly good at making endearing characters. So much so that breaking it down (pun not intended) has to be done by theme.
LEGO Movie: Part of the reason why I didn’t get into LEGO earlier was because I did see LEGO Movie back in 2014 when my sister was given it on DVD (she wasn’t into LEGO then) and I wasn’t impressed with it. In retrospect, I can appreciate what it did more, and I bring it up because it’s what makes Unikitty, Benny and Metalbeard so endearing when combined with what happened in TLM2. Lucy’s okay (moreso in the sequel), Emmet’s cute, President Business is fun but the MVP is definitely Rex Dangervest, who’s this feral monster but with Emmet buried away deep inside ready to flesh him out. When I make LEGO stories, I just have Rex change his mind on rescuing himself after getting the dinosaurs, and instead wreaking havoc in the present. This kills Emmet off in any story I do but it’s a worthy sacrifice. 
LEGO City Undercover: As a video game person I’m kicking myself for not getting into this before. Frank Honey is the best; he’s adorable and weird yet still feeling very much human and basically the Emmet of his city. Rex Fury has grown on me lots since my initial assessment of him,it’s infectious how much fun he has with being a criminal (while Vinnie is more fun when not doing criminal stuff and Chan seems to be more focused on doing criminal stuff as a job. I also think his calmer side is criminally (no pun intended again) overlooked). Also Ellie is underrated, she is the best straight man you could ask for. 
LEGO City Adventures: As I’ve said before, pretty much everyone in LCA is adorable, especially Duke and Harl. Still hoping for more Daisy time in the second season, she could be a riot if played properly and not just a Fendrich stooge. 
Ninjago: Coming in with the hot take here; I prefer the movie version of Ninjago to the series. I think the problem with the series is that it has so much baggage from before the series started to iron out some of its issues and cliches that it’s kinda hard to get into as a new person, whereas movie Ninjago is a lot more approachable and written better off the bat (although I do see why it wouldn’t go down well with existing Ninjago fans). This all just makes me think of that moment in series 11 where Nya sees her worst fear of being normal in an artefact and it shows her movie self, almost as a take that. It just makes me think the show writers are salty about movie Nya kicking show Nya’s ass in being a better character. Also shout outs to Kai, Cole, Zane and Lloyd for being great characters as well (Jay is cute in the movie, his show self can be punted off a cliff for all I care). And I am with the movement to have Cole come out as gay (or at least bi if they want to keep Tournament of Elements I guess). 
Nexo Knights: This show is regarded as another Ninjago wannabe, but it feels very different to Ninjago to me. So much so, there’s not a single one of the heroes I don’t like and they all need to be cherished. Macy gets props for being the best female character to me, Aaron is probably my favourite now and this is a house of Clance for future reference. 
So, with all that being said, what do I think of the prospects for 2020? I think it’s going to be quieter than 2019 to be honest, since there’s a lot winding down, and on the game side there’s been zero announcements. Crash and Spyro having a rest is understandable, Sonic’s going to have to get past the movie before gearing up for 2021 probably (for the record I have no interest in the movie) and Mario just needs to try harder. And with OK KO dead, only LCA is holding the fort for guaranteed new content I want to engage in right now. 
You know what would be fun though? Series 20 of the minifigures theme is due at the end of this year. Wouldn’t it be awesome to use the occasion to give some phsical minifigures to characters who never got them before? LIke, Rex Fury somehow still has enough demand to be a persistent feature in the customs market, give him an official figure (especially since he’s the only character from LCU that’s not Chase that’s even appeared in merch outside the game). Or let Sky Lane get her LEGO Universe look in physical form to go with her LIXS look. Or heck, finally give Rocket Racer his original look, that’s how I discovered the minifigure world in the first place!
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animatronic5 · 5 years
The link above is for my Fanfiction.net profile. 1. A sequel to my story, LoZ: Hyrule Heroes, involving Link and Malon's kids, Lyn and Mel, trying to rescue Zeldas sonn Prince Scott, from a ressurrected Vaati and Zant from TP. Along their journey, they travel with a young Rito girl named Sarah, Erma, (the witch from the first story), the desperate Midna who's trying to reclaim her throne, and Flynn's pup, Zeke. A side-plot in the story would be Link and his companions from the first story protecting Hyrule Castle, and Zelda, from Zant and Vaatis incoming forces. 2. A harem crossover, Dragonball Z and Chrono Trigger, involving an OC, Ayla, Maron, (Krillins Ex, not his daughter), Launch, and a few other single women in these universes. The plot I've thought of so far is a young man from the future who ends up travelling through time, and thus, meets the many hot women who fall in love with him. 3. AvP, a female predator named Tia'ra and a male human named Max are trapped on a prison planet with many other humans and aliens. As they try to find a way to escape, as well as fall in love, they meet a Xenomorph whose been experimented on and given human speech and thought, a little girl whose been wrongfully taken there, a woman and her pet Xenomorph, (note, this is my character Violet and Xander from my story, the Android and The Mutant), and a male cyborg, the group find out about a plot that threatens to destroy the universe. 4. OFF, Batter x Queen AU. The Judge sends a regretful Batter to a time before Hugo lead his world to ruin, and thus, starts to form a relationship with the Queen. 5. A continuation of my story, UnderFell Mob. In this, Frisk is now an adult, working with her monster family to maintain peace. Soon, a new menace rears its head to threaten Frisk and those she cares about. 6. Godzilla Apocalypse Story involving OCs, humans and monsters from Godzilla, Gamera, Mothra and King Kong movies. When the world is turned into a wasteland, it's up to a small group of humans to try and create peace between the monsters and themselves. When Ling Ghidorah threatens the last of humanity, it may be up to a certain radioactive creature to maintain peace. 7. Invader Zim X Gaz AU, if this one wins, or if I ever decide to do it in the future, I might do another poll on where you'd want the setting for this AU to be. 8. Tom, Toonamis glorious host, is sent on a Sci-Fi adventure that will have him meet several faces. And they're all his own! (Basically, our current Tom ends up stranded on a desert planet with a new larger, more mobile version of SARA, Georgia the worm, and Clyde 56s, and they end up finding the factory that built Tom, and in doing so, they find the previous models of Tom, but discover that they have their own personalities!) 9. An OC ends up on a cosmic adventure with Quenn Tyr'ahnee, (aka: The Martian Queen on Duck Dodgers). On their journey, the two fall in love as they are chased down by a group of space pirates, (who may or may not look like classic Looney Tunes villains). 10. Years into the future, the Teen Titans, (comic versions mostly), are now lead by a new generation. The son of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, the daughter of Dick Grayson and Starfire, the daughter of Raven and Garfield Logan, an ageing Victor Stone, the grandson of Slade Wilson, and an orphaned monster find themsleves coming together to carry on the legacy of the Titans before them... 11. A crossover between Super Mario Odyssey, and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In the story, set in an AU, A weakened Ganon creates a spell that merges his world with the one housing a certain Italian plumber. When he forms a shakey alliance with Bowser, it's up to 2 heroes to save the day. A plumber with his talking cap, and the Hero with the sword that seals the darkness must save their world's from the Koopa King, and the Demon Lord... 12. Who loves Smash Bros? I Do! So I thoight, why not make it into an actual story? Keep In mind, due to so many characters In the games, and several games at that, I made it a more simple plot by making my own that's loosely based on the first game. I will have various characters from certain games In it though. Some as heroes, some as villains, and some as side characters. In my story, a dimensional rift created by Master Hand brings various worlds together. This includes the Mario Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog, Link, Fox Mccloud, Samus Aron, Solid Snake, Megaman, Kirby, Red and his pokemon, Ness, Lucas, Donkey Kong, Pit, (aka Kid Iccarus), and Captain Falcon. Characters such as Bayonetta, Lucas, Banjo Kazooie, various Princesses, the Wario Bros, (Yes, I'm putting Waluigi in there), will be forced to hold up together while our heroes work to stop Master Hand and his minions. 13. Mad Marvel. A Mad Max style universe involving various Marvel characters. For my main leads, Spiderman with his Karen AI, She-Hulk, (note that I'm toying with the idea of Spider-Man and she hulk as a couple for this story) Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Wasp, and Thor. The villains would be an immortal Joe version of Thanos, Hela, Magneto, Red Skull, MODOK, Dr. Doom and Abomination. Other characters like the X-Men, Deadpool, the Hulk, and other Avengers would pop up in other groups. The main one is the characters I listed. 14. Spiderman: Great Power. A very loose adaptation of the PS4 game. It has variations, like the action, and certain changes to the story. Such as Peter having his AI Karen and his drone from SM: Homecoming, Peter is in a relationship with She Hulk, he is friends with the Avengers, and side characters like Ned being involved on the side lines. 15. A Ben 10/ Fallout harem romance story. It loosely follows the combined plots of Fallout 3 and 4. An alternate Ben's universe is destroyed by a black hole, and so Paradox, feeling bad for him, sends him to an alternate dimension where he was unknowingly killed by an insane pyronite. Ben is brought to a fallout style dimension where various alien species have come to the Earth before and after the nukes turned it into a wasteland. As Ben works to save this world from being torn apart, he also finds himself in a harem style relationship with various woman from the series. Influenced by the story, "Ben's Harem", by GreyKing46. 16. A Smash Bros AU. In this story, Samus Aran is the captain of a group of space mercs. This team consists of Aran, Sonic from Mobius, a Pikachu tested in in a lab, a baby Metroid, Link as a Luke Skywalker type character as boy coming from a backwater planet, Mario as a space mechanic, Fox Mccloud, a cyborg version of Snake, Megaman and and Kirby as a mysterious space outlaw. 17. A fantasy story maybe? When a feared yet gentle barbarian is taken hostage by a tribe of ogres, he is soon thrown into an adventure involving high stakes danger, and romance. He soon finds himself in a relationship with several females! Yeah, trying to delve into harem style storytelling. He finds himself with an orc warrior, a runaway dwarf princess, a human thief, an enslaved centaur, a flirtatious elf, a hard headed goblin and a shy nymph. 18. A simple romance story where Peter Parker, Spider-Man, and Jennifer Walters, She-Hulk, become a couple, fighting against various enemies as members of the Avengers.
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professorprophetess · 5 years
Lost in Adaptation
Though there have been successful game based movies before, like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, that was about a fictional game coming to life. It worked for a different set of reasons and they all had to do with the concept of half-real Juul talks about in the book of the same name(Juul 121-162). That begs the question, can real games get proper adaptations into film without having their attempts fall flat. The short history of video game movies does not really suggest that this is usually possible. Yet even then exceptions can exist. For the sake of simplicity I will be sticking to movies produced by the West AKA Hollywood that are not animated that feature real game properties being adapted into films. To get the greatest breadth of the attempts to adapt games into movies I’ll pick one per decade since the very first live action adaptation of a video game came out in 1993. That movie is one that I’ve often chosen to pretend doesn’t exist as it was a very disappointing childhood memory: Super Mario Bros. Next I’l jump ahead to the 00’s with 2008’s Doom. Finally, I’ll look at the recent game based movie Pokémon: Detective Pikachu. Where did the previous two movies from prior two decades go wrong where Pokémon: Detective Pikachu got things right is the question I seek to answer by analyzing these games based films from those decades. Please note, I will not be counting any movies made by Uwe Boll amongst adaptations that got things wrong as I am lead to believe he does not care about how far off track he takes his films and it would appear as if he does it on purpose. Therefore, all films he makes are anomalies and should not be counted.
First, the movie that started it all. Super Mario Brothers was a very big deal in the early ’90’s. As a child of that decade, I know first hand how ascendant Mario and Luigi were. My older siblings and cousins all clamored to play as much Super Mario Brothers games on their NESes as they could. Naturally, a movie based on their beloved game was going to be awe inspiring.Oh, it was but for all the wrong reasons. To be fair to Hollywood, games are hard to adapt into a movie because of that half-real element many games have to them, especially story light platforming games of the NES era. However, that still doesn’t fully explain how they went from a fantasy romp where the hero—an everyman Italian plumber— rescuing the princess from a monster into gritty sci-fi dystopia, extra emphasis on the gritty. The set design, cinematography, plot choices, and direction are all bizarre when one takes a step back to just look at it. For instance, their redesign of the iconic Bowser into a man with weird hair. Because of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film coming out three years prior, the ability to have made a puppet suit for someone to wear to bring Bowser to life in all his dragon-turtle glory existed. Yet, for some reason, instead of respecting the intellectual property, whomever had purchased the rights handed the project off to writers who clearly were so embarrassed to be adapting a video game that they didn’t bother actually adapting it. As a small child, all I’d cared about was that they’d made Yoshi look weird and the goomba’s looked wrong. Now that I’m older, I’m more perplexed by why they’d choose to go so far a field. Their idea had no business being grafted into the Super Mario Brothers’ universe. In fact, had they not been supposed to be adapting Super Mario Brothers, their idea would have been fun for a Sci-fi B-Movie. Instead they just went so far off to the side that it left a shadow that kept Nintendo from allowing anyone to make movies from their IPs. The actors did what they could but a bad script and bad direction cannot be overcome by anyone. (Super Mario Bros)
The shadow wasn’t just cast by Super Mario Bros but other movies kept the belief that video game movies just would not work alive. Thus we get to Doom. I was far too young to play Doom at its initial height of popularity but I knew what it was. So by 2005, after strings of other not-so-good-to-so-campy-its-fun video game adaptations, it was Doom’s turn. The trailers looks promising. Then what happened was a clumsily cobbled together film that used elements of Doom’s barely there plot, as well as plot threads from Alien and other space horror flicks to produce a B-movie that bears next-to-no resemblance to Doomat all. There’s an instance where the movie switches to first person POV like the game, and the human antagonist has become and alien creature called a “pinky” which is a demon from Doom, but ultimately being PG-13 could not deliver on the gore factor needed to fully capture what it was that Doom was: a bloody maze of gore and violence. In this case, it was likely based on the fact it was Doom that they thought adapting it was a good idea, but in their fumbled and neutered execution they made a so-so space horror that almost utterly fails as an adequate adaptation of the game of the same name’s fame it had tried to cash in on. Again, the set design is questionable as it is set largely on a space ship instead of in a maze of tunnels through Hell, and the tame levels of violence are not reflective of the core part of Doom’s appeal at all. The acting was decent enough, but otherwise the story direction and direction in general are suspect. 2005’s Doom failed because it did not try to be the by proxy gore fest that its source material was and without that gore, the classic Doom doesn’t have enough of an identity to fall back upon (Doom).
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu: A film I’d initially thought would also fail. One reason was because I thought the game it was based on was a silly idea when it came out, but also because it had become an almost accepted maxim that all video game based movies would continue to be awful because when it comes to gaming that Half-real effect I mentioned that Juul wrote about makes it hard to fully adapt a game because we, the players are not just passive watchers but active participants with game play, meaning what we do is projected into what happens so even with highly story based games, like a Final Fantasy title, no two people are going to have the exact same gameplay experience (Juul 121-62). Yet, those games have a higher chance of being adaptable.  Those games prior to Pokémon: Detective Pikachu that most consider to be meh-to-passable all tended to be those based on games that tended to have far more of a narrative world to them than something like Doom or Super Mario Bros which were adapted from a story light FPS and story extra-light platformer. In the case of Pokémon: Detective Pikachu versus the series it spun-off from, until Generation V, there really wasn’t much to the story to speak of, and though it’s still not central to the main games, it’s stepped up to keep with what Generation V did. Pokémon: Detective Pikachu is a point and click adventure the is full of story and characterization that is not dependent wholly on the player, making its world and story far more adaptable into film format. A second thing the makers of Pokémon Detective Pikachu got right was they kept the aesthetics of the Pokémon world whenever they were designing the set design. They only deviated as such to make sure that these things looked coherent and real in that sense but it still reflected the worlds the games had presented. The pokémon were also a huge factor. They had to be redesigned to fit with the humans in the movie, but those redesigns were made with respect to how these creatures would look were they actually real creatures, keeping the uncanny valley at bay. Also, in a start contrast to the Super Mario Bros movie, this world was not only vibrant but it was a live and full the the fantastical creatures people expect to see in a world full of pokémon. Which is to say, we expect to see pokémon and they fulfilled that and then some. The plot is nothing extravagant or especially complex, but it was fun, it had genuine moments of heart and it fit in perfectly with the insanity that can happen within the pokémon universe. It felt like it and the games took place in the same world (Pokémon: Detective Pikachu).
Doom and Super Mario Bros on their own are not actually purely awful films. Doom fits right in with a lot of passable sci-fi horror trying to be Alien—and failing— whereas Super Mario Bros is more like an 80’s sci-fi B-flick that is trying to be cool—and also failing. However, the problem is these movies do not exist on their own, they were in fact adaptations of other intellectual properties that their makers did not respect enough to properly adapt to the silver screen. Whereas the Pokémon: Detective Pikachu film had nothing but respect for the game franchise it was representing into a live-action/CGI hybrid. Pokémon Detective Pikachu fits into the Pokémon World. It feels like it belongs there, and these events could be in that same universe. That, ultimately, is where the other two films failed horribly. Both films, so caught up in trying to be appealing to everyone, lost their identities to the point that they no longer fit in the worlds they were supposed to be adapting.
Works Cited
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu. Directed by Rob Letterman. Performances by Ryan Reynolds, Justice Smith, and Kathryn Newton. Legendary Entertainment, 2019.
Doom. Directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak. Performances by Karl Urban,Dwayne Johnson, Rosamund Pike. Universal Pictures, 2005.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. Directed by Jake Kasdan, performances by  Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart , and Jack Black, Sony Pictures, 2017.
Juul, Jesper. Half-Real. MIT Press, 2005. pg 121-162.
Super Mario Bros. Directed by Annabel Jankel and Rocky Morton. Performances by  Bob Hoskins, John Leguizamo, Dennis Hopper. Allied Filmmakers, 1993.
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free2apk · 3 years
Super Mario Run Apk Mod Download 2022
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Super Mario Run Apk Mod Download 2022 A new kind of Mario sport that you could play with one hand. You manage Mario with the aid of tapping as he continuously runs forward. You time your taps to tug off stylish jumps, midair spins, and wall jumps to gather cash and attain the aim! Super Mario Run can be downloaded without cost and once you buy the sport, you may be capable of play all the modes without a extra payment required. You can try out all 4 modes earlier than purchase: World Tour, Toad Rally, Remix 10, and Kingdom Builder. ■World Tour Run and jump with fashion to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser’s clutches! Travel via plains, caverns, ghost houses, airships, castles, and extra. Clear the 24 exciting guides to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser, ready in his fort at the give up. There are many ways to revel in the courses, which include gathering the 3 exclusive kinds of coloured coins or by using competing for the best score against your pals. You can attempt publications 1-1 to 1-4 at no cost. After rescuing Princess Peach, a 9-course unique international, World Star, will appear. ■Remix 10 Some of the shortest Super Mario Run courses youll ever play! This mode is Super Mario Run in chunk-sized bursts! Youll play through 10 brief courses one after the opposite, with the courses converting every time you play. Daisy is misplaced somewhere in Remix 10, so try to clear as many courses as you can to locate her! ■Toad Rally Show off Mario’s stylish movements, compete in opposition to your friends, and mission human beings from all over the international. In this mission mode, the competition differs each time you play. Compete towards the stylish actions of different gamers for the very best rating as you gather cash and get cheered on by way of a crowd of Toads. Fill the gauge with stylish actions to go into Coin Rush Mode to get extra coins. If you win the rally, the cheering Toads will come stay on your country, and your nation will grow. Super Mario Run Apk Full 2022 Combine one-of-a-kind homes and decorations to create your own unique kingdom. There are over a hundred kinds of gadgets in Kingdom Builder mode. If you get extra Toads in Toad Rally, the wide variety of buildings and decorations to be had will increase. With the assist of the pleasant Toads you can step by step increase your state. ■What You Can Do After Purchasing All Worlds ・ All publications in World Tour are playable Why now not attempt out the larger challenges and thrills to be had in all publications? ・ Easier to get Rally Tickets Its simpler to get Rally Tickets which are had to play Remix 10 and Toad Rally. You can accumulate them in Kingdom Builder through Bonus Game Houses and ? Blocks, by using amassing coloured cash in World Tour, and extra. ・ More playable characters If you rescue Princess Peach by finishing direction 6-four and build homes for Luigi, Yoshi, and Toadette in Kingdom Builder mode, you can get them to enroll in your adventures as playable characters. They play otherwise than Mario, so why no longer positioned their unique traits to true use in World Tour and Toad Rally? ・ More courses in Toad Rally The forms of publications to be had in Toad Rally will boom to seven special varieties of guides, expanding the fun! Along with the new additions, Purple and Yellow Toads may also come to cheer for you. ・ More buildings and decorations in Kingdom Builder The styles of buildings to be had will growth, so youll be able to make your nation even greater active. You also can place Rainbow Bridges to make bigger your state. ・ Play Remix 10 without having to wait You can play Remix 10 constantly, without having to wait among every recreation. *Internet connectivity required to play. Data charges may also follow. May include advertisements. Read the full article
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bowserphobia · 4 months
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more of Luigi's regular human boyfriend Bowser
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/2YEPF4H #
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As one of the best-selling consoles of all time, the Nintendo DS had a wide variety of games in its library. With the new features the DS brought to video games including the touch screen, the built-in mic, and the local Wi-Fi connection, DS games were able to try new things other games were still unable to do.
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Because of these innovations, many DS games like The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass still holds up to this day. Since these games were ahead of their time, players have a plethora of challenging and fun games to play that rival anything produced for the current generation of consoles.
10 Animal Crossing: Wild World
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Animal Crossing: Wild World is part of the social simulation game series Animal Crossing that has the player control a customizable human who has just moved into a new village populated by anthropomorphic animals. Since the games are open-ended, players can choose how they spend their time, which includes collecting items and talking to the other villagers.
This game is significant because it introduced many gameplay features that would become mainstays of the series. For example, instead of the top-down perspective of the first game, this game has the sideways view that later games would continue to use. Also, the game introduced online play, which has remained a big part of the series.
9 Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
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Taking place seven years after the third main Ace Attorney game, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is a visual novel adventure game where the player as a lawyer must solve mysteries to prove their client’s innocence. Apollo Justice is a rookie defense attorney who ends up working with the memorable main character of the previous Ace Attorney trilogy, Phoenix Wright, and his daughter, Trucy, to solve the old murder case that led to Phoenix’s disbarment.
Along with the regular cross-examining in the courtroom and the investigation sequences outside of it, this game also introduces some new ideas to the series. Since Apollo does not have Phoenix’s magatama, he instead has a bracelet that allows him to see small movements people make that give away their lies. With the wide cast of intriguing characters and a darker storyline, this fourth Ace Attorney game is absolutely worth a playthrough.
8 New Super Mario Bros.
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A discussion about the best DS games is not complete without the number one best-selling DS game: New Super Mario Bros. In this 2.5D platformer, the player controls either the titular character Mario or his brother Luigi as they navigate through various worlds to save Princess Peach from Bowser and Bowser Jr.
As one of the best-selling video games of all time, it is no surprise that this game is hard to put down. The combination of simple gameplay with the variety of worlds to explore makes the game enjoyable and addicting. New power-ups such as Blue Koopa Shell added a new element to the gameplay. Also, movements from 3D Mario games, like the wall jump, were also added to enrich the experience.
7 Dragon Quest IX
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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies is an RPG released in 2009 that follows an entirely customizable main character who is part of an angelic race that lives in the sky called “Celestrians.” A catastrophic event occurs that sends the Celestrians plummeting to the mortal world, and the main character must find a way back to their former state while gathering lost fruits from the world tree.
RELATED: 10 Best Classic JRPGs Available On Switch
Along with the higher difficulty, this Dragon Quest game introduces many new gameplay features that make it worth playing. While keeping the traditional role-playing mechanics and interesting storytelling of previous entries, Dragon Quest IX introduces multiplayer functionality, plenty of customization options, and spawning enemies.
6 Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
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Created by Shu Takumi, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a 2010 adventure puzzle game that follows an amnesiac ghost named Sissel who has recently died. While traveling with a female detective named Lynne, Sissel uses his new spectral powers to perform “ghost tricks” in order to save lives and try to recover his memories before dawn arrives
Over the course of the game, the player will possess corpses in order to travel back in time to four minutes before the person’s death. During this period, the player can manipulate objects in order to affect what is happening and change the future. This creates an intriguing gameplay loop that will keep the player hooked from beginning to end.
5 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
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Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor is a tactical RPG where a 17-year-old male protagonist and his friends witness an outbreak of demons in modern-day Tokyo. During seven days, the protagonist, who gains the ability to see how long a person has left to live, must try to save as many people as possible.
Similar to other SMT games, the player can recruit demons as allies to fight other demons. In addition, gamers can see the enemies and must move the teams of characters strategically across the map to fight enemies in single turns, which is similar to games like Fire Emblem. With all the possible unique endings, the player will want to replay the game several times to fully enjoy what the game has to offer.
4 The World Ends With You
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Produced by Tetsuya Nomura who also developed the Kingdom Hearts series, The World Ends With You is an action RPG that takes place in modern-day Shibuya and follows an amnesiac teenager named Neku Sakuraba who has recently died. With the help of several different companions, Neku must complete the week-long Reapers’ Game in order to have a second chance at life and not be erased.
RELATED: Kingdom Hearts 3 – 10 Secrets & Easter Eggs You Totally Missed
With a gameplay style specific to the DS, this game is a must-play for the console. Using both the touch screen and buttons, the player can simultaneously control the characters in both the top and bottom screens. In addition, the soundtrack and various outfits are all sourced from Shibuya’s popular culture at the time, creating a unique time and cultural capsule players will enjoy.
3 The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
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The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is an award-winning action-adventure game and a direct sequel to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on the GameCube. The game follows Link as he travels between various islands using the ship S.S. Linebeck in order to save his friend Tetra from a life-eating monster named Bellum.
While the game contains the dungeon exploration and item hunting of previous Zelda games, this game is unique because it also has a large central dungeon, The Temple of the Ocean King, that the player must return to throughout the story. With the help of the Phantom Hourglass and other items, the player must use stealth to avoid the Phantoms in the temple. The game’s innovative gameplay and engaging storyline make it the best Legend of Zelda title to get a remaster for the Switch.
2 Sonic Rush
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Before his departure from Sega, the father of Sonic, Yuji Naka, produced one more mainline Sonic game that many fans consider to be one of the best. Sonic Rush is a 2.5D platformer where the player can control either Sonic or a new character Blaze the Cat. These two characters work together to stop Dr. Eggman and his counterpart, Dr. Eggman Nega, from Blaze’s alternate universe.
Both characters show their own side of the story, have their own specific order of levels, and have their own special abilities. The game’s smooth gameplay, beautiful level designs, and introduction of Blaze make Sonic Rush one of the best Sonic the Hedgehog video games.
1 Pokémon: Black & White
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As the second generation of Pokémon on the DS, Pokémon: Black & White consists of two RPG games where the player controls a teenager who travels across the Unova region in order to catch Pokémon, battle against other trainers, and defeat Team Plasma. The game focuses on the balance between humans and Pokémon.
Created shortly after Pokémon: Diamond & Pearl, this game has updated graphics and animations compared to its predecessors. With the game’s large amount of new characters and the darker storyline compared to other Pokémon games, it is no surprise that Pokémon: Black & White has remained a favorite that fans of the franchise continually revisit.
NEXT: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Pokémon Black And White (And Their Sequels)
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Smash Bros Character: Mass Effect AU (Warning: Long)
I know N7 day has come and gone, but I really wanted to show this to you guys for a while now. I love Mass Effect, and I love the idea of my favorite Smashers being in it. 
If you have not played Mass Effect, I apologize, for you are about to be horribly confused.
Bayonetta: An Asari, but more than that she is an Ardat Yakshi who has found a way to control her powers and mate normally with other life-forms, but still has access to her mind-destroying powers. Her only real wish is to be left alone, but since Justicars continue to pursue her, she keeps moving. Despite her condition, she is, at heart, a kind soul.
Bowser: A Krogan warlord who has left his home with a collection of followers and colonized a new world. To subvert the Genophage he uses genetic engineering, creating a new generation of “Tank-Born” Krogan, including his own children. He is technically a fugitive from the Citadel Council, but they can never seem to keep him down for long. But now he has received an offer from a mysterious being called Ganondorf, one that seems too sweet to refuse.
Bowser Jr.: Bowser’s Tank-Born son, Bowser Jr feels like he has a lot to live up to. He and his siblings do their best to emulate their father and make himproud, embracing their heritage as Krogan despite being Tank-Born.
Captain Falcon: A former N7 Marine who quit the Corps to become a free-lance bounty hunter. He possess some Biotic ability, but relies mainly on his weaponry to get him out of trouble. He’s a modern day cowboy, zipping from System to System, hunting criminals and scum for money. Zaeed Masani himself declared him one of the few men he trusts.
Chrom: A human commander who’s name and leadership has garnered respect and admiration from the Alliance and Citadel forces. While he himself is a respectable fighter, he is a better commander than warrior. He has a daughter, but due to his promiscuous nature no one knows who the mother is.
Cloud: Cloud was an ordinary colony boy, albeit one born with Biotic abilities. Until his home colony was attacked by Cerberus. He and a few others were taken to the Teltin Cerberus facility and was experimented on horribly by Cerberus. He escaped during Subject Zero’s escape, but unlike her he was found by a passing Alliance patrol, led by one Commander Zack Fair. Now Cloud is a vigilante/mercenary has devoted himself to destroying Cerberus, and saving anyone they might make a victim.
Corrin: Corrin is a child of two worlds. They were raised by Asari Justicars to be a Huntress but she never lost contact with her native family and species. Corrin is now a candidate for the Specter Program, but now that they are on the Galactic Stage, they must start to question which world they belong to.
Daisy: An asari, unique in the fact that she has little to no Biotic power. She makes up for this by being an absolute beast of a soldier, trained in every weapon from pistols to the legendary M-20 Cain. Daisy is loyal to her asari people, particularly her cousin, but has her eye on a certain human officer.
Dark Pit: Dark Pit is a turian, a clone of the original. Despite his unorthodox birth, he is a fierce fighter and loyal, despite being a bit of a maverick. Assigned to the Asari Matriarch Palutena’s personal guard, Dark Pit is eager to shake the assumptions heaped upon him for being Pit’s clone.
Dark Samus: A creation of the Reapers, Dark Samus was created to mock the original and be her superior in every way. A barely sentient cyborg/clone, Dark Samus wants to be “alive” more than anything, and will do whatever it takes to make sure the Reapers succeed, for when they do they promised to grant her “life”.
Donkey Kong: Another Cerberus experiment gone wrong, Donkey Kong was the result of a Cerberus attempt to create Super Soldiers using animal DNA. DK was the most successful, but did not appreciate his confinement. So he busted out, leading a massive exodus of genetically engineered apes and monkeys, where they eventually found themselves on a planet to colonize. Little did they know, it was the home planet of the Yawhg...
Diddy Kong: DK’s adopted son and heir, Diddy is determined to live up to his foster dad’s legacy. Because his people are constantly at war with the Yawhg, Diddy has been forced to grow up quickly. His technical genius has been a boon to his people, leading to their salvation more than once.
Duck Hunt: A tame varren who made friends with a flying mutant pyjack.
Fox: Fox McCloud is a human Specter, and the current leader of the “Star Fox” team: an elite unit of soldiers put together by the Council with the express purpose of addressing and investigating the Reaper threat. Fox has made startling headway into the investigation, and dreads whatever else he might find.
Falco: A turian Specter, and Fox’s best friend/rival. Falco is a hot-headed bad-ass and a damn fine pilot, but his recklessness get him into trouble. However, unknown to anyone but Fox, Falco is the illegitimate son of Saren Atrerius, and will do almost anything to shake himself of his father’s dark legacy.
Ganondorf: No one is sure what Ganondorf once was. But what is known is that he is ancient. Older than human comprehension. He is, in fact, the last of the race that the Reapers originally were. His body has long since decayed, leaving only his mind electronically preserved. He was foound by Cerberus, and taken to a remote facility, where he reawakened and swiftly took over the facility. He has now constructed himself a new body. One made from the DNA of humans, krogan, turians, and asari, and reinforced with geth cybernetics. Now with Biotics unmatched and technical power unequaled, he will stop at nothing to achieve his aims. His goal? Take control of the reapers, and subsequently the whole Galaxy.
Greninja: A turian soldier, more than that, one trained in stealth and assassination. While originally loyal to the Hierarchy, Greninja has recently become disillusioned with the way things run, and has become more and more belligerent of orders. But soon, he may have to choose which side he falls on in what is to come.
The Ice Climbers: A pair of quarian twins who have taken to researching new worlds for the quarians to potentially settle. Their studies have found that colder climates would make a more suitable habitat for them, and have taken to studying the polar regions of planets. But their research has also dug up Reaper artifacts leading them to shift their focus away from colonization, to war.
Ike: The leader of the Alliance Corsair’s, a group of Alliance military ships that are technically off the books. Ike, is a second-generation Marine, but already his exploits have earned him respect and admiration from his fellow Corsairs and the Alliance military. Ike is strong-willed and a true champion of the people, hunting down any and all foes of the Alliance. But now he must turn his attention to the coming threat of the Reapers.
Incineroar: A mutate creature meant to fight for the Alliance, but escaped into the wild. He was eventually found and recruited by Pokemon Trainer.
Inkling: A child asari who has commandeered a vessel with their friends, looking for fun and adventure. They have been traveling the galaxy for a while, seeking new worlds and new adventures. But recent events are forcing them to take responsibility for their place in the Galaxy, and to answer the call of duty.
Isabelle: Isabelle is actually not military of any kind. She is a civilian, helping to oversee the construction of a new colony. It’s not her fault that it was on top of an ancient Reaper cache! Now she is forced to turn her colonists into a militia, to fight the coming onslaught.
Jigglypuff: A karaoke AI that gained sentience and fled in a robotic body. Now she’s a singer on Omega and is one of Aria T’Loak’s favorite members of her “court”.
Ken: One of two human Biotics raised by a turian martial artist to be warriors of and fighters. Ken is now a sport fighter, making hundreds of credits a night by winning matches. However, Ken’s sense of responsibility is strong, and the coming conflict will need his power.
King Dedede: A mysterious alien being from millions of years ago of incredible power and strength. However, his main goal seems to be to eat as much food as possible in the entire Galaxy. While he makes noise at being evil, he is really a big and friendly guy. However, he has great knowledge of the Reapers, and has sworn to help the Galaxy fight them. ...Right after lunch.
King K. Rool: A Yawhg who escaped the quarantine around his planet and now raises havoc as a pirate and crime lord with his Yawhg followers. K Rool is a creature of greed and cruelty, seeking as much pleasure and wealth as he can. However, Now that he has learned of DK’s presence on his home planet, he hunts him with a terrifying fervor. Too bad DK is usually too much for him too handle.
Kirby: One of King Dedede’s race, Kirby is an Elder Being of phenomenal cosmic power that may be able to save the galaxy from the reapers. Unfortunately he is also still a baby, and as such it is difficult to get him motivated.
Link: Link was a human raised by a turian exile who left the Hierarchy after his stalwart commitment to justice led him to mutiny during humanity’s “First Contact War”. Link was raised with that unbending commitment to justice in mind, and it shows. Trained to be the ultimate soldier, Link is now a galactic vigilante, fighting crime lords, slavers, and all manner of scum and villainy. He has even earned a moniker: The Star Knight. However, he refuses to be beholden to any government, since he believes them to be useless and inefficient. But lately his dreams have been dark. Terrible machines from the darkness. He must be ready.
Little Mac: Like Ken and Ryu, Little Mac is a free-lance fighter in the various galactic circuits. Or at least he was, until he was mutated by Eez-O. Now he is a super soldier, drafted by the alliance to help them fight the Reaper invasion. But little does Mac know, he is a secret Cerberus Project. And now they want their property back.
Lucario: Lucario is a powerful Biotic, and an experiment of Cerberus in combining human and asari DNA. As such, he also has unprecedented psychic abilities. Lucario, however, left Cerberus in a rather brutal fashion and carrying a jaded view of humans. This was changed, however, when he met Pokemon Trainer.
Lucas: Lucas is one of two human children who were given unprecedented Biotic powers when an asteroid from beyond the Galaxy landed in their colony. Now, struggling to control his new powers, Lucas finds himself at the center of a war he never wanted to be a part of. The Reaper War.
Lucina: The daughter of Commander Chrom, Lucina is a Staff Sargent int he Alliance Navy. She hopes to live up to her father’s legacy, but lately her days have been haunted by nightmares of the future. Visions of the extinction of the human race, begun by her father’s death. She must stop this from happening. It is the only way. 
Mario: Mario is a former human Specter, but retired due to his increasing age. He is now an Fleet Admiral, commanding the Alliance’s forces from his flagship “The Mushroom Pride”. It is also well known that he is in a relationship with the daughter of an asari Matriarch.
Luigi: Luigi is his brother, but simply in his shadow. Luigi, however, doesn’t mind much, as his duty is more important than any potential fame and glory. He is also in a relationship with Daisy.
Marth: A human General, Marth is a young but respected commander of men. He is a founding member of the Corsair’s, and willing to go to any length to fight for humanity. However, he now finds himself in a hopeless war against beings older and more terrible than any in this galaxy. He cannot win, unless he convinces the Elder Beings King Dedede and Kirby to help.
Mega Man: An illegally created AI battle robot, Mega Man has travelled the galaxy in search of purpose. He finally found one among the geth, who accepted him as one of their own. He is now an ambassador of sorts between the geth and the organic races.
Meta Knight: The third Elder Being to be awakened, Meta Knight was a military leader in his day, of a nation that spanned the galaxy. But now he must goad Kirby and King Dedede into action against the Reapers, for the sake of all organic life.
Mewtwo: An attempt at recreating an ancient race of psychic aliens by the asari that went horribly wrong. Mewtwo broke loose, and now searches for purpose among the stars. He has now found it on Rosalina’s home.
Mii Brawler / Mii Gunner / Mii Fighter: AI warriors created by Cerberus to fight for them.
Mr. Game & Watch: A primitive AI that just wants to help.
Ness: The other child who was made a super-Boiotic by the asteroid that hit their home planet, Ness is the more confident of the two. He is clear in his purpose. To help in the fight against the Reapers.
Captain Olimar: A quarian investigating new worlds for the quarians to settle, Olimar is a botanist and scientist who despises violence. But his discovery of a new planet and a new species under threat by the Reapers, Olimar must find his courage and fight for the future.
Pac-Man: A salarian STG commander who’s team has been investigating the Reaper threat. Their findings have been spine-chilling, and now they find themselves hunted by Reaper forces.
Palutena: An Asari Matriarch who believes int he Reaper threat and wishes to prepare for it. As such she is mustering as many ships and soldiers as she can and prepare the Galaxy for what is to come.
Peach: The daughter of an asari matriarch who, like Palutena, is trying to rouse the galaxy against the coming threat. Peach, however, is working with her lover, Admiral Mario, to rouse the people of the galaxy.
Pichu: An experiment by Cerberus to create a new for of electrical life form. It succeeded, and now Pichu is roaming free on a new world.
Pikachu: The same as Pichu but bigger.
Piranha Plant: A Thorian creeper that gained sentience. It now wanders the stars with Bowser, serving his new Master’s will.
Pit: A turian, the one from which Dark Pit was cloned. A gifted Biotic, Pit is the captain of Matriarch Palutena’s personal guard.
Pokemon Trainer (Charizard, Ivysaur and Squirtle): The Illusive Man’s child, Red is determined to rescue as many of their father’s twisted experiments as he can. The creatures he rescues share a powerful bond with them, and will fight and die for them.
R.O.B.: A geth unit who fights beside Mega Man and fights for the future of his people. He seeks the destruction of the Reapers and the death of the traitorous geth who follow them.
Robin: A powerful Biotic and one of Chrom’s crew, Robin is a brave and loyal person who whole-heartedly believes in their comander. Robin is more of a support fighter than a front lines sort of Biotic, but their abilities make them invaluable on the field.
Rosalina: An asari matriarch who leads a biotic compound for all races on a private space station called “Asgard”. Rosalina is one of the most powerful biotics in existence, and seeks to train others of every race to use their gifts for good. Her altruism extends even to the krogan and the vorcha, and has been a powerful voice behind the efforts to remove the genophage.
Roy: Roy is Marth’s right-hand man. he is a ferocious soldier and technical expert, and is another founding member of the Corsairs. He has been with Marth since the beginning.
Richter Belmont: A member of a military family, one specifically trained to hunt rogue Biotics. As such, Richter is naturally resistant to Biotic abilities and any damage they cause. A bit arrogant, Richter has a good heart that is too often ruled by his hot head.
Ridley: A monster. He was a Yawhg originally, but was captured and experimented on by Cerberus until he was a twisted shadow of what he once was. He now roams the stars as an emissary for Cerberus, hunting down potential experimental subjects. However, sometimes his Yawhg aggression comes out and he goes on rampages. As is what happened on colony V-R-19, where Samus’s parents dies.
Ryu: Ken’s adopted brother and rival, Ryu travels the galaxy seeking worthy foes and the answers to his past. However, he soon finds himself enrolled in the Reaper War.
Samus: When Ridley killed Samus’s parents she was found and raised by the most unlikely of foster family. A small group of Prothean survivors, preserved beneath her colony. Samus was enhanced with their DNA, and turned into an unstoppable tool of destruction and war. Samus is, however, ruled by her sense of duty and commitment to her cause. she prepares to face the ancient enemy of her adopted species, the Reapers.
Shulk: Shulks life was... ordinary. Until, of course, the Heretic Geth attacked his home. Ever since his people have been  at war, barely holding their own on their colony world, cut off from their native planet of Earth. However, Shulk has recently found something that may turn the tide. An ancient Reaper weapon. The Monado.
Simon Belmont: The patriarch of the Belmont family, a family that hunts rogue Biotics. A bit older and more jaded than Richter, but his heart is no less kind. He pursues his family’s ancient goal of hunting the ancient rogue Biotic: Dracula.
Solid Snake: A human and leading member of FOXHOUND, a Spec-Ops group founded for the express purpose of fighting Cerberus. But Snake is, in fact, a creation of Cerberus. Another of their experiments that has turned on his creators. snake is an old soul in a young body, having seen too much in too brief a time.
Sonic: A turian warrior, possessing an affinity for speed biotics that none others can match. Free-wheeling and fun-loving, Sonic is a maverick who just wants to help as many people as possible. He is also old friends with Admiral Mario.
Toon Link: Link’s clone, created by the Alliance in secret, hoping to recreate Link’s natural solder abilities. However, he ran from the Alliance and has joined a group of benevolent Pirates.
Villager: A powerful AI that seeks to fight the Reapers and gain true sentience and humanity.
Wario: A mindless and greedy thug of a krogan who works for Ganondorf for money. He does bot care that he is betraying he species.
Wii Fit Trainer: A civilian who has recently enlisted alongside Little Mac to fight the Reapers.
Wolf: A turian pirate and mercenary who works for both the Alliance and Ganondorf. While truly a mercenary, in his heart of hearts he has a kind heart when all the cards are down.
Yoshi: A friendly Tank-Born Krogan who fights beside Mario as his faithful friend and side-kick.
Young Link: Another clone of Link, this one created by Cerberus. But this one is still a child. He is being raised by Cerberus, but in secret his mind is being molded by ancient and powerful forces for one purpose: to end Ganondorf and the Reapers once and for all.
Zelda: Zelda is a pureblood daughter of two asari matriarchs, and her biotic power shows it. She also seems to possess budding psychic powers as she seems to possess a modicum of foresight. She now seeks Link, seeing him as the key to ending Ganondorf.
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yukithesnowman314 · 4 years
In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Fire Emblem series (with the release of the first game of the series, “Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light released on April 20th, 1990), I will be doing a bit of a low-brow, personal “retrospective” of the games I played from the series. Join me as I talk about my first experience with the series through my first and second favorite Fire Emblem game: “Genealogy of the Holy War”.
[Warning: Foul language, low-brow commentary, and crude remarks  on the characters of  Fire Emblem.  Go watch some boring elitist cornballs with no real talent who think talking about video games on YouTube  is a real, viable job on YouTube if you want a serious retrospective on the series]
As with many of my peers who grew up playing video games throughout the 90s, I played such classics from that era such as Super Mario World., Street Fighter II, Sonic, Gran Turismo,  Final Fantasy, and Pokemon to name a few.  It was thanks to the 1996 capsule monster catching RPG that I would find love within the RPG genre.  As my first RPG, I loved the idea of capturing and raising monsters to dominate the world of Pokemon  Blue.  Later, around the early 2000s, I was introduced to two of my top favorite RPGs of all time: Paper Mario and the original Final Fantasy 3 on the Famicom; which happened to be my first Final Fantasy game.
(For those wondering how and why Final Fantasy 3 was my first FF game: grew up in Nintendo dominate household and my Pentecostal mother thought RPGs were the devil because Christians, especially Black old-school Baby Boomer Christians,  live in fear of thinking for themselves and questing religion; so emulation was the way for me.)
I loved the idea of taking a traditional  2D-platformer Mario game and reimagine it as a turned- based RPG spanning across the Mushroom Kingdom as Mario, once again, must save Princess Peach from the clutches of Bowser. As for FF3, the 8-bit charm of four young orphaned youths being the chosen ones of legend to save the world from darkness. While both games’ story could be consider “basic” to some (which, to a degree, they’re sort of right especially on FF3’s front), I enjoyed and loved them.
I would continue my RPG journey as the early 2000s progressed with classics such as Chrono Trigger, Shin Megami Tensei II, Final Fantasy IV, V, VI, and finally VII (mostly 16-bit emulation because, again, scared Pentecostal Christian mother).  They told such amazing stories of their worlds.  Time travel.  Nuclear holocaust. Tales of hope, life, and death. Yet, despite all of that, there was something missing from those games. Something that I could say in confidence would impact me for life.
Don’t get me wrong: it was a shock to see teen pregnancy used as a narrative theme in Final Fantasy VI with realism as Katarin struggles with the fact of becoming a teen mother in an world of ruin. Katarin, along with her lover and baby’s fathers Duane, the oldest member of the destroyed village of Mobliz in the World of Ruin. Chrono Trigger made me thought about my own existence in the universe as I watched Crono and crew ponder about how the universe and its inhibitors became to be during the campfire scene.
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Chrono Trigger campfire scene
  Yet – those things didn’t fulfill a certain need of true, down-to-earth realism.  I needed something more grounded. Something that would make such sense to me as a young man. Something that I could relate to with absolute:
Super Smash Bros. Melee. for the Nintendo GameCube!
Through a summer school event, I managed to get my hands on a copy of a Nintendo GameCube demo disc for the PC.  Featured on the disc were video demos of upcoming launch titles for the GameCube: including Luigi Mansion, Star Fox Adventures, NBA Courtside 2002, and of course, Super Smash Bros. Melee.  Super Smash Bros. 64, the game prior to Melee, felt dwarfed compared to the raw graphical power and scale of Melee. I was aware of and hyped for Melee being created by Nintendo through elementary schoolyard conversations and magazines.  Seeing a demo of the preceded flawless game’s action and mass scale drove my desire to get a GameCube and Super Smash Bros. Melee for the 2001 holidays season.
So, did I eventually get Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo GameCube and the GameCube for Christmas of 2001 like every other good little boy and good little girl?
Of course fucking not!  My parents went bankrupt after buying a new house, having to bury my mother’s parents who both died a month apart from each other, and finally — said new house’s kitchen catching on fire; thus, causing us to  living in a downtown hotel then a temporary luxury apartment because we all have shit lungs (asthma). I was lucky to get a DVD/VCR combo for Christmas with a few DVDs.
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For three years, I had to live the Melee (and by proxy, the early 2000s gaming) life vicariously. One day, while working on a paper on the history of video games in 8th grade (2004), I discovered  the MIDI (Musical Insturmental Digital Interface) video game vgmusic.com. Musically inclined fans could upload their recreation, remixes, and close-to-the-original MIDI files for the nerdy gaming massive to indulge in.  Being curious about how the music of Melee sounded, I led myself to the Super Smash Bros. Melee section which had an impressed library of fan made songs from the game.
Scrolling through, there was one track that caught my eye: Hyrule Temple: Fire Emblem.  “I don’t remember a Fire Emblem in Majora’s Mask, OOT, nor Zelda II. Maybe I missed something like a secret item named ‘Fire Emblem’ when I had played those games.” I ponder to myself.
Curious, I clicked the link to the song.
Four taps on the artificial hi-hats rang out followed by Latin-like horns, a heavy bassline, and drawn out bass strings and horns building up to the meat of the song.
“Okay, did Link went to Mexico and fight Zorro in a Zelda game because this song sounds super Mexican as hell.”.  Rather than do the incredibly smart and not racist thing and Google search Fire Emblem (because I was too busy googling Princess Daisy, Terra Branford , Ayeka Jurai, and Sailor Pluto hentai images and doujins) I just assumed that it was some a weird Zelda thing.
  Months later, after my parents recovered from their bankruptcy, they gifted me a Nintendo GameCube for Christmas (they couldn’t find Melee in any store sadly).  No worries.  I was given a Blockbuster gift card by a family member for Christmas, so I decided to rent Melee the day after Christmas.  Wanting to know how to unlock everything, I went online for answers when I came across two Nintendo characters whom which I’ve never heard of: Roy and Marth.
Again,  rather than doing the smart thing and Google search “Roy and Marth” (I was googling how to torrent anime illegally this time instead), I decided to play Melee for my answers. After defeating the original 13 fighters, I was alerted with the “Challenger Approach” alarm.  A shadowy figured appeared with a male wielding a sword.  We’re transported to Kirby’s stage with me wondering who I was going to face off against.
Then, that familiar Mexican sounding melody starts to play.
“Okay, this song sounds ever more Mexican than before now I’m hearing it how it meant to be heard.  Why is this white boy speaking Japanese to some  Mexican sword fighting music? Is this Zorro’s cousin? Kirby’s friend?”
After defeating Zorro’s half Japanese/Half Mexican cousin from Kirby (I assumed) I’m greeted with the following message:
“Direct from Fire Emblem, it’s Marth, the swordsman supreme!”
“Okay, what’s Fire Emblem, who’s this Marth dude, and why he’s a white boy speaking Japanese to Mexican music?”
Upon unlocking Marth, I ran him through his Classic Mode route to unlock Roy. Fought Roy.  Figured out why I thought Fire Emblem was Zelda related after a year (you fight Roy in Hyrule’s Ruins because I guess Roy was sleeping with Zelda behind Link’s back after she slept with Gannondorf). Whoop Roy’s ass and got Marth’s trophy. Wanting to learn more about Marth, I deiced to check out his trophy.
            The betrayed prince of the Kingdom of Altea, the blood of the hero Anri flows in Marth’s veins.  He was forced into exile when the kingdom of Dolua invaded Altea.  Then, wielding his divine Falchion, he led a revolt and defeated the dark dragon Medeus. Afterwards, Altea was annihilated by King Hardin of Akanea.
Fire Emblem JAPAN ONLY”
“Wait, he saved his kingdom only to have it annihilated by another king? So, a Nintendo hero failed at saving the day for once? That’s interesting.” Reading Marth’s bio deepened my curiosity towards Fire Emblem.  “Why was Marth forced into exile? Who betrayed him? How did he escape it?  Who’s Medeus and Hardin and how did they manage to destroy his kingdom?”
There was only one way to find out: download Fire Emblem through emulation.  But,  which one?  Visiting my preferred emulation site at the time, Emuparadise, I sought answers through the form of three Fire Emblem games: Mystery of the Crest (FE3), Genealogy of the Holy War (FE4), and Thrica 776 (FE5).
First Try: Mystery of the Emblem
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The game boots up with a shield with five circular groves and a flame crested embedded in the middle while a trumpet and French horn fanfare plays for a few seconds. Next, I’m treated to a tapestry with scrambled text. However, the imagery of men burned alive by dragons, sages praying to the heavens, a god armed with a mighty sword and shield descending to earth from the heavens to slay a dragon, and humans giving praise to their savior to a medieval musical motif told the tale for me.
Following, the intro ends with three strikes of lighting; causing the screen to flash. A known fanfare plays as the words “FIRE EMBLEM: MYSTERY OF THE EMBLEM” fades into the foreground as the Falchion pieces through the text.  Finally, I’m introduced to the playable classes and their stats through the game’s attract mode.
Due to the state of the game’s translation, the pre-chapter’s screens were an unreadable mess (a most common issue of Fire Emblem early fan translations days). For all I could had known, this could had been Roy’s game, which I would had been cool with, but I wanted to know Marth’s story.
Skipping past the mess of the “translation”, the game starts.
Axe-men swarming a lone island: pilaving and killing.  A young woman on a Pegasus flies away from the carnage to a castle.  It is here I’m introduced to Fire Emblem’s first ever characters: Jeigan/Jagan, Ceada/Shiida, and the poster boy of the series: The legendary Prince Mars!
“Yo, who the FUCK is Mars? Where’s Marth?” I asked myself in confusion.  I mean, he had blue hair like Marth. Wears a tiara like Marth.  Look like a chick like Marth. But, he was clearly Mars. Not Marth.  Disappointed (and utterly unaware that Mars is Marth and the translator took the Marusu name too literal), I stopped playing I FE3 and booted up FE4.
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Second Try: FE4 (or, my true first Fire Emblem experience)
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  Immediately, I’m blown away by audio/visual presentation. While the opening text aren’t a jumbled mess unlike the “translation patch” of Mystery of the Emblem, they were in Japanese; a language which (at the time), I lacked understanding of. Regardless, I could understand the story though the art and sound.
Dreadful music plays as the red and black hellfire serves as the background while mighty warriors and fearsome dragons engage each other in brutal combat.  Twelve flames, representing the twelve  holy gods of Jugdral surrounding a lone tower. As the music reaches a peak and fades out,  A dragon of darkness and a dragon of light entangled in a fierce battle  and the screen goes black. Silence. Then, a golden wheel fades in with slow strings building up. The wheel is surrounded by glistering weapons in a celestial blue shade before flying off.
Finally, this specular ends with the Japanese Fire Emblem logo proudly appearing as the theme of the series plays in vigorous pride: as if it was an anthem for a militaristic nation.
Even if this wasn’t Marth’s game and even if I lacked the knowledge to understand the Japanese language, the ominous scene displayed for me alongside with the introduction of the actors and players of the world of FE4, I wanted to dive deep into the blood soaked tale of Jugdral.
After the marvelous introduction, I created a new file, got hip to the story of Jugdral thus far, and proceeded to play.
“Finally! That’s Mart- no, who’s the hell is Sigurd and why does he looks like he could be Marth’s older cousin? If that’s Marth’s cousin maybe Marth will show up in this game.” I proceed to play FE4; impressed by the scale of the map compared to FE3’s Book 1 first’s map.  FE4’s first map felt like a long-standing war was about to take place while FE3’s first book seemed like a meek, short skirmish.  In a way, this set the tone of the overarching theme of FE4’s maps: large armies clashing with one another non-stop.
Needless to say, this was going to be a long, uphill battle –and I was going to love it.  By that detail alone at was then that I knew that not only Genealogy of the Holy War was going to be something special for me, but the Fire Emblem series in general.
Three turns passed.  The blue hair axe dude, Lex, wasn’t Marth.  The other blue hair guy, Finn, wasn’t Marth neither. At this point, I realized two things:
1. I’m racist against blue hair mid-90s anime-inspired  fantasy characters. 2. This wasn’t Marth’s game.
In any case, the first few minutes of gameplay impressed me. How should I  move my units?  Which weapon is best against the enemy’s?  Should I keep Arden guarding the castle or should I be bold and reckless by leaving the castle defenseless?  Midir wasn’t a girl? Azel have a thing for cute young nuns and so do I.
Hooked, I spent an entire weekend getting through the first three chapters of the game (Birth of the Holy Knight, Maiden of the Spirit Forest¸ and Disturbance in Augstira). By the time I reached Chapter 2, I realized something: I suck.   Ethlyn (Sigurd’s sister) got wounded, so these left the game alongside her husband, Quan: causing me to lose two units at once.
I accidently killed Ayra with Alec and my dumbass saved my game after the fact.  I also got Jamke killed because Adean, the priestess whom was supposed to talk to him so he could join your cause, was at the other side of the map. I made Azel kill him.  But, it didn’t matter.  All it matter was that I was having fun with the game and I kept at it.
Well first, I simply fell in love with the game’s story.  Who would had known that Sigurd  recusing his friend Aidean from the savages of Verdane was actually a part of a much more diabolical plot orchestrated by the underground cult, The Loptr Church and their leader, Manfory to control the world.
Manfory was the man running the show behind the scenes in an attempt to find the last two surviving decedents of a twisted, dark, demonic dragon god (Lopotsu) in order to revive said dark dragon to plunge the world into disarray, death, destruction, and darkness.  Using his pull and promise of power to politicians throughout the land, Manfory was able to install his plan of bringing the world into darkness.
Second, as a teenager, I wasn’t one for politics. It was a topic that bored me to no end. Yet, Genealogy of the Holy War opened my eyes to how brutal and ruthless politics can be. No. Inferior words such as brutal and ruthless are understatements.  Cutthroat fits better.   I was filled with disgust with Chagall killing his own father, King Imuka, to gain power in Agustria.  I took note at how one set of dukes and lords of  Agustira  bid their time as Sigurd cross blade against the other dukes and lords of their land.  Levin’s uncle was willing to kill him and his mother if it meant controlling their nation.
(As Leptor told Sigurd: “Politics is all about power!)
Now, let it be known that politics alone wasn’t the sole reason why I fell in love with Genealogy of the Holy War despite it being the driving force behind why I loved the game.  The countless tragedies after tragedies that transpired throughout Sigurd’s tale got me as well.  To understand where I’m coming from, let’s go deeper into what I mean by this.
Towards the end of Chapter 1 (Maiden of the Spirit Forest) we’re treated with a touch of “love at first sight” story narrative.  Upon conquering Marpha Castle, Sigurd encounters the beautiful and alluring maiden, Deidre, being harassed by a brigand.  After running the thug off, Sigurd and Deidre exchange a few words; with Sigurd being shocked that Deidre knows his name (through Aiden) and admitting that he’s everything  she imagine him to be. Sigurd ask for her name, which Deidre asks for his pardon for not revealing it before running off loves struck.
Curious about her (and not being able to shake off the feelings of love) , Sigurd asks a local elder about her.   The elder informs Sigurd of Deidre’s name, background, and warns Sigurd not to engage in any sort of relationship with Deidre; least disaster shall befall upon the world if she left the forest and found love. Not wanting to believe in such superstitions, Sigurd sets out to find Deidre. They encounter one another and admit that they had fallen for each other…
…And like any good woman and man who fall for each other upon a chance, first meeting, they both fucked later that night. This isn’t me being lowbrow (for once): that scene is in the official Fire Emblem 4 manga written and drawn by Mitsuki Oosawa.  Deidre totally fucks on the first date  (must be due to of all those years of living a sheltered life).
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Without context, this scene can be taken completely wrong…
  Anyway, after conquering the Kingdom and Verdane, Sigurd and Deidre got married.  From their marriage, Sigurd started to change.  His sister, Ethlyn, notes how much Sigurd changed thanks to Deidre.  He’s no longer a slob.  His hot-headed attitude has all but disappeared.  He became more upbeat. From their love and marriage came their first and only son, Celice, whom they both loved dearly.
Sigurd was happy. Deirdre was happy.
And then, Chapter 3 hits – hard.
After receiving news of Sigurd subduing Madino Castle, Deidre decides to leave their army’s home castle to check on her husband.  Despite pleas from Shanan (Prince of Issac, his backstory on why he’s in Sigurd’s army  is a tad long for this post for me to explain) to ensure that Deidre do not leave the castle as per Sigurd’s request, Deidre leaves; assuring Shanan that she’ll only be but just a second. As Deidre walks outside, she is attacked by Manfory, brainwashed, and taken away by the dastardly villain.
(Keep in mind: Sigurd is prepping to engage in combat against his own best friend, Eldigan)
After subduing Evans Castle, Sigurd is alerted by Shanan that Deidre went missing (in the manga version, Shanan engage in combat against Manfory and fails to rescue Deidre). Sigurd, still stressed out due to discovering the beheaded body of Eldigan in Silvali Castle, sets out to find Deidre.
To worsen matters, Sigurd hears that he and his father Vylon are accused of murdering Prince Kurth of Grannvale  (in truth, Vylon’s rivals, Lombard and Leptor, murdered the prince as an attempt to frame Vylon and take Castle Chaply from him).
Sigurd and company are forced to flee to the faraway frigid mountain lands of Silesse. Despite his justified anger/desires to storm Grannvale and expose Lombard and Leptor for their crimes, Sigurd is forced to resolve the civil conflict of Sileese while living as a refugee.
Once the civil conflict in Sileese subsides, Sigurd sets off to Granvale to combat against Leptor and Lombard. He revives his family heirloom, the Holy Tyfring from his father, who has been morality wounded by Lombard’s squad.  Sigurd is helpless as his dad dies in his arms and promises to rain wrath and revenge upon Lombard and Reptor for their crimes against the Chaply family and the land of Grannvall. Keeping to his promise,  Sigurd successfully slew Lombard and set his sights against Reptor and his unit.
During this time, Quan and his Ethlyn, along with Leonster Lance units, are to aid Sigurd and his army.  However, King Tribant (introduced in Chapter 3) ambushes their squad: killing them and leaving behind no survivors sans Cuan and his Ethlyn’s 3 year old child, Altena. Sigurd hears of this news and is devastated by yet another tragic event in his life.
Following, Sigurd eventually take the battle to Leptor, effortlessly defeating him with the help of his army.  Sigurd is greeted by Arvis’ aide, Aida, who tells him that Arvis and Kurth’s father knew Sigurd and his father weren’t involved in Prince Kurth’s death.  This relives Sigurd, a man who for the past two years dealt with soul-crushing pain.  For once, Sigurd is able to take a break and repay his allies  for their work.
Yet, all isn’t what they may seem.
While Sigurd and company are welcomed to Belhalla by Arvis in a faux celebration party, Arvis reveals to Sigurd that everything that has transpired within the past three years of Arvis’s doing.  He doesn’t pardon neither nor his father for crimes to conspiracy to usurp the Grannvall throne by murdering Prince Kurth. Sigurd is sentence to death.  Sigurd, now in absolute disbelief and believing that Arvis is joking, asks if this is a cruel joke, to which Arvis replies that he is not. Before killing Sigurd, Arvis reveals something that Sigurd has been looking for the past year:
Deidre – now recognized as the wife of Arvis.
Arvis insists that Sigurd must be confronted by the daughter of his victim. Deidre, lacking any sort of recollections of her (true) marriage with Sigurd, questions if Sigurd murdered her father. The man snaps, yelling at his wife that he’s married to him, not Arvis, and that he did not do such a horrible thing to his wife who, he loves dearly by killing her father.  Deidre is confused.  She ponders why Sigurd, the man who supposedly murdered her father, is speaking to her as if he was her familiar. She requests to Arvis that she is given more time to speak with Sigurd to clear things, only to have that requet deny by her new husband.
As Deidre is courted away by Arvis’s royal guards, Arvis believes that Sigurd has said more than enough and orders the execution of Sigurd and his army.
My jaw dropped as I helplessly watched the army whom I raised and the characters I grew to love lives come to a brutal end.
“Nintendo a company for kids and family…Did they just really let one of their main characters die so violently like that?” My teenage mind couldn’t compheren that Nintendo allowed the death of a main character (among many other controversial things) in one of their games.
Continued in Part II.
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The Swarthy Nerd Podcast A Black nerd empowerment podcast where Black nerds (well, all nerds, but Black first and foremost) can get together and talk freely about nerd culture while also acknowledging systematic white supremacy and racism in the nerd and Eastern otaku fandoms. Every Tuesday join @superlostfan108 and @weebtrashyuki the founders of http://www.swarthynerd.com for there very informative podcast talking about all things nerdy. No desperate boot licking self hating negus who were never accepted by Black norimes for being too weird for  their love of anime and comic books by the Black community allowed. Go drink bleach.
Instagram: YukiTheSnowMan314
My Facebook Page: Yuki The Snowman https://www.facebook.com/yukithesnowman/
“Personal’” Facebook: Yuki Benji https://www.facebook.com/yuki.benji.1?ref=br_rs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/weebtrashyuki
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15 years ago, I learned that Sigurd is not Marth's cousin and that I might a racist towards and against any Fire Emblem with Blue Hair (they all look alike to me -- i am not sorry). In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Fire Emblem series (with the release of the first game of the series, “Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light released on April 20th, 1990), I will be doing a bit of a low-brow, personal “retrospective” of the games I played from the series.
0 notes
luci-is-a-devil- · 7 years
Notes: this isn't a happy scenario, it's not my usual thing but I was in the mood to write something like this! It's not completely romantic but there's a connection of sorts. warning: death (not really), angst, asshole parental figure •you were a humanoid, a android that resembled a human •your father was a lonely man, whose wife had taken their only child and disappeared one night •years after that, you were "born" •you weren't made to look like a baby, more so a child •your father made you as human as possible, but you'd still have glitches time to time so he made you resemble a foreigner •with bright blue eyes, and a dark brown hair color, you passed as a half •being a child meant that when all their other kids were going through puberty, your body had to have other parts added, or changed •even though your "skin" felt real, it was all parts, that if you ripped it, would show the wires and metal under •but your father trusted you, so you were allowed to go to school and make friends and walk home with them •unless it was raining, rain made you a little wonky so he'd drop you off and pick you up • •it was your last year in high school, and prom was approaching fast •you had made friends that had stayed with and some that hadn't, but you weren't sure if you wanted to go •unnecessary money spent on fancy clothes, expensive prices to pay for food when your body didn't even need it! •"do you think yoongi will ask me?" •a sophomore named jimin asked, his pale cheeks a pink while he looked at you with puppy eyes •"I don't see why not, he likes you." •okay, maybe you weren't too good at human feelings but you were pretty good at other things •"you don't think he finds it weird I'm younger than him?" •your "brain" froze and all of a sudden it felt like you couldn't speak •"y/n, y/n?" •jimin shook you, his face getting worried as he did so •feeling power start to leave, and your body shut down •with the last bit of power, you called your dad on the phone, that he had connected to you just in case of emergency •hearing it ring, you shut off, hitting your head against the desk • •when you woke up, you were in the lab, your father sleeping in the chair next to you •"dad?" •you called, not wanting to sit up just in case he hadn't closed you properly •"y/n!" •he woke up, his white hair a mess and his glasses crooked •he wheeled the chair he was sitting on over to the table •and grabbed your hand, letting you feel his own hand •"what happened?" •you asked him after a moment had passed •"I'm not sure, your body shows that you are using excess amounts of energy. But for what?" •you shrugged not having a clue what was happening to your body, or why it was using energy •"how's jimin? I know we were having a heart to metal." •you asked, tilting your head at him •"he's fine, a little shaken up but he'll be good in a few days." •after spending so much time with you, you're pretty sure he's forgotten that not all teens are like you •"can I return to school tomorrow?" •you asked, knowing that if you ask e to return today he'd have a fit •"after we run some tests." •and tests you did, physical and mental, verbal and cyber •in order to be a teen, you needed to be tech savvy you father complained •of course you kept your comments to yourself, but some just slipped •"why? I am the tech, I don't need to know it." •he rolled his eyes at you, ignoring your remark •you scoffed but continued running through the tests •"I have another thing to tell you, and you're not going to like it" •he said, standing up from his chair to got the computer •"I don't like a lot of things." •you replied, rolling your eyes at him, annoyed at him anyway •"I'm getting an assistant, he'll be here tomorrow so I want you here early. Understood?" •it was in the tone of voice that if you argued, he'd threaten to disassemble you •so begrudgingly you agreed, nodding •"this will be good for us." •always an optimist wasn't he? • •when you went back to school, jimin was the first one to greet you, jungkook a sophomore in tow •"hey kiddos!" •you greeted them, hugging jimin and throwing an arm over jungkook's shoulder •"y/n!" •jimin exclaimed, smiling so wide that his cheeks looked stretched •"hey y/n." •Jungkook rolled his eyes at your arm on him, but waved anyway •taking your arm off of the brunette, you turned around to face jimin •"are you okay?" •you felt a little guilty, knowing that you made him panic •"yeah, I'm a big boy! Are you?" •he puffed out his chest, then shrunk down when he asked his question •"yeah, dad just wants me to go home early today, to make sure I'm not ill or anything." •you lied through your teeth, feeling worse as you lied to him •"okay!" •and that was all the talk about it •of course there was gossip about what happened •like you were on drugs, or you had morning sickness •at hearing the rumors, all of you laughed at them, but you laughed for a different reason then they did •they were laughing at the stupidity of them, and you were laughing because your secret was much greater • •"dad I'm home!" •yelling, you threw you bag on the floor, ignoring the books hitting the floor •instead of your dads voice you heard a soft live coming from the lab •"Dr.Byun said he'd back in a little while, I'm assuming you're his child?" •a brown haired male with soft brown eyes and plump lips said •"yeah, I'm y/n. Are you the assistant?" •you replied, leaning against a table, peering into the lab •"yep! I'm Kim Seokjin, newly graduated assistant! •he seemed proud of this title, puffing out his chest •it made you giggle how human he was, how expressive he was •he smiled softly at you, before noticing your socks which were covered in characters from Mario •"you like Mario?" •he asked, pointing out your socks with a grin on his face •"yep! But Bowser is cooler than Mario, so he's my favorite. Except for Dry Bones, he's cool in a morbid kinda way." •you rambled, happily telling the man about your addiction to video games •he replied back with the same feelings, gesturing widely as he told you about a game he was playing •"I'm glad you two are getting along so well!" •freezing at your fathers voice, you looked at the floor, feeling the underlying anger in his voice •"y/n was listening to me talk about my hobby of video games." •smiling at him, you nodded at your dad before grabbing your bag and quickly running up them •leaving you to do homework by yourself, instead of talking to the cute assistant downstairs •sighing you plugged in your phone to play music as you powered through the work, making sure to get a few wrong •music was how you had learned emotions and tones from people, although your father had protested this •listening to ballads was always magical, as they had filled you with a sadness, but that made you proud as you were no longer just a robot •eventually you had finished your work, leaving you to wander around your room to find something to mess with •you could leave your room, or you could leave the house •thinking between the two of them, you texted jimin, telling him to expect you at his house •so opening the window, you jumped out, landing on your feet •running as soon as you did, to make sure no one saw your escape •you had tried to have your father include wheels on your feet but he had said no •so running like a normal human, you felt the breeze go through your hair •but that was really it, you didn't have lungs so it couldn't hurt, and you couldn't feel your heart beat as you didn't have one •luckily jimin didn't leave far away, so you had got there quickly •finding your friend sat on his porch, scrolling on his phone •"Hey mochi!" •you called to him, laughing when his head shut up to look at you •"y/n! You have amazing timing! Look who texted me!" •he waved you over, shoving his phone into your hands, you saw that he was on messages •"yoongi invite you to prom! That's great Minie!" •you hugged him, happy that his wish had come true •"I'm so happy! I could scream, actually I did scream." •Jimin confesses once you released him •laughing at his confession, you ignored the feeling that your father was looking for you •"I'm sure he was just nervous before. Who could say no to the cutest person in the world?" •jimin blushed, giggling at you words •"have you asked anyone? Are you going?" •jimin questioned, his head tilting like a puppy did as he asked •ruffling his hair, you shook your head saying that you didn't want to go •he pouted, whining that you should as it was going to be so much fun •rolling your eyes at him, you waved him off, saying that maybe you'd go anyway •he smiled like the sun, and accepted that answer •looking down at you phone, you saw that it was getting late •telling jimin you were going to head out, you hugged him before running back to your house •climbing the wall that had little footholds from your adventures among the years •once you were back in your room, you laid down on your bed, not bothering to get under the covers •turning into sleep mode, your thoughts were full of Mario and a brown haired male with soft lips • •days passed and soon enough it was the week of prom •it was to be held on Saturday, today being Monday •you had agreed to go, making jimin happy, even though you knew you were just going to be a third wheel for jimin and yoongi •but that was fine, as prom would get you out of the house for awhile •your father had been acting strange, threatening to not let you out, making you stay in your room, not letting you talk to the assistant •who he didn't even bother to learn his name, even though you had told him it before •at some point, your father had stop coming up from the lab to eat meals with you •instead locking himself up down there for hours •but Jin would come up, he'd talk to you while you ate, he'd do small chores around the house •you found it that he wasn't much older than you, three years being a short time if you put it into perspective •you'd tell him about school, about the rumors that were spreading about you, and he was angrier than you expected •Jin's face had grown red, as he tried to get you to tell the kids names who had said such things •you laughed, thanking him for being angry, but saying that there was no point, teens spread gossip •it just so happened that this gossip was about you •he had sank back down in chair, sighed before talking a gulp of the hot chocolate the two of you were drinking •there were the times like that where you wanted to spill your secret, where you wanted to give him a secret no one knew •but you couldn't •the hope that he wouldn't run away was high, but the fear of rejection was higher •so you settled for secret smiles, talks over meals, hot drinks •you couldn't have him, and you were okay with that •as long as you could see him, all would be alright • •if was Friday night, you had finished school, and you were walking home •you could feel something off about the day, but you didn't know what •everyone else said it was a normal day, that there was nothing out of the ordinary •but you knew something was wrong •and you'd figured it out, only after it was to late •so here you were strapped to the same table you'd been created on •your father having just tied you down, walked out of the room to get god knows what •you kicked and screamed, telling him that this was a mistake •all that had come out of that was him telling you to shut up •laying your head back on the table, you couldn't have tears, but this would be an appropriate time for them •"You were a mistake, I never should have made you. They're after me now, you aren't worth it." •he spoke, sitting on his rolling chair and moving closer to you •"You're the one who has to deal with the outcome, my friends, teachers, everyone I've ever met." •there was kind of whirring going on as you spoke, staring into his cold eyes •there was a scoff, and there was nothing else you could do except stare into the ceiling and wait to be disassembled •"Dr.Byun? Sorry, I left my phone here, I'll leave after pickin-" •Jin's sentence trailed off as he saw what was going on •you couldn't help but laugh sadly at what was probably going through his mind •"Oh hello James! Would you like to watch me shut off the technology?" •there was a snide tone in his voice, and you could tell that he knew James wasn't his name •"what's going on y/n?" •Jin's eyes shifted from your father to you, keeping an eye on both of you •"I'm a humanoid, and he's trying to disassemble me currently. Apparently the government is after him or something. Coward." •you sneered at the man who created you, who smirked as a response •Jin looked like he didn't believe you before your "father" stabbed you with a screwdriver where your heart should've been •his gasp rang out, while you laughed at the dramatics of the situation •"You know, you really shouldn't have given me emotions on the first place. Now I'm just more human than you." •you managed to say while laughing, because even if the situation was dire, what was the point of being sad? •another stab as a response, and another, before you heard him yell and hit the floor •"let's go y/n!" •Suddenly the straps that held your body were off, and jun was standing over you •following his instructions, you grabbed his hand and ran •ran out of the house you upgraded in, where you had been created •while holding the wires that were poking out of the holes that he created, and Jin's hand •"I'm free!" •you yelled into the night sky, laughing as the stars twinkled in response •your feet were bringing you to where they always did, the place where you'd gone almost all your life •"Hey Mochi! We kinda need your help, and when I say we, I mean me mostly." •you barged into his room after greeting Jimins mom •as luck would have it, the whole gang was over at jimin's •even namjoon who you hadn't seen in a month! •"Jin?" •taehyung questioned, his head tilting as he did so •"Y/N! What the hell is that?" •at the same time jimin had questioned the wires, but you were glad that he had noticed something was wrong •"you know, my dad tried to kill me, Jin rescued me, a normal Friday really. Tae how do you know Jin?" •you answered the question, barely, before asking your own •"he's my brother. He was away at college for awhile." •taehyung said, his head now resting on jungkook •"Y/N! Your father tried to kill you? What the hell! We have to go to the police!" •jimin stood up from where he was standing, rushing over to you and trying to drag you downstairs •"jimin wait. Y/n isn't human, look, they've got wires coming out of them." •namjoon stated, looking at you like you were an alien •which yeah, you were something he'd never seen before •"oh yeah, I'm a humanoid. He built me after his wife and kid left him. Now the government is after him, so death was his best option to get rid of me?" •you explained, leading jimin back to his bed and sitting on it next to him •"so you're a robot?" •jungkook asked, his eyes twinkling •"yeah I guess, I've always kinda thought of myself as human bun not really." •you shrugged, not really understanding the big deal •"so what's the plan then?" •Jin asked, wanting to figure something out, before he came •"honestly I'm not sure? I just wanted to explain myself, mostly to jimin really." •you squeezed his hand while talking, ignoring the tears that gathered in his eyes •"you can't die!" •jimin cried, clutching onto you •"technically I won't die, I was never alive. All that'll happen is my body will be destroyed, my chip is what's important." •you explained, patting jimin on the back •you knew Jin and namjoon would understand but the others might not •"so that's your plan? Take out your chip and then what?" •Jin asked, his face red, showing that he was angry •"it's up to you really, I could live in a computer, a phone, anything electronic." •it sounded like you didn't care, but that was the only way for them to understand, that you weren't like them •you never were, and you wouldn't be able to •"leave my chip with Jin, he'll know what to do. I'll be a small memory from the rest of you." •instead of explaining, you were ordering •looking at Jin instead of any of the others, telling him what to do •"but y/n" •jimin trailed off, knowing that there really was no stopping you •"I'll see you soon, mochi. The rest of you too." •before standing up, you gave jimin another hug •going around the room, you hugged the group of friends you had managed to make •"I love you guys." •and with that you stepped out of the room, waiting for Jin to come •and he did in a minute, his head hanging low as he did so •"Ready?" •you asked, leading him outside, to a park where it would be empty •"No." •a reply that made you stop in your tracks once you heard it •turning around to look at him, you scrunched your face up, questioning him silently •"I'm not ready, I'm not ready to end the person I like. I wanted to go on dates where we'd play video games, go visit cafes, you could beat me in super smash bro again." •tears gathered in his eyes as he clutched your hand, barely holding himself together •you could feel rain dripping down, as if connecting with Jin's emotions •"I'm sorry. I'm not human Jin, I can't do that! I want to, I really fucking do! But I can't Jin ." •for the first time, you swore you were crying, that you could feel yourself malfunctioning •the exposed wires had definitely been wet, and you could feel yourself starting to float, when you turned off you felt the same thing •but this time, you felt happiness, unlike when you were first created and felt empty •"You have to take the chip Jin, please. It can't get wet, that's all I am. I'm not a human, that's what I am." •you laid down on the grass, feeling the water begin to collect in you •hearing someone kneel next to you, you felt Jin's fingers work through your fake hair where the chip was •it was a faux brain, giving you information and memories •you could feel him searching it, you could feel your wires burning •using what power you had left, you sent messages to your friends, telling them what you couldn't around others •"I love you Jin, to the moon and back." •with that, your shut, the familiar whirring that warned you when you were about to shut down began •"I love you too, even further than the moon." •smiling at him, you allowed your fingers to be intertwined, and with that the world was black •there was no more hot chocolate, no more talking about games, no worrying about prom •it was peaceful, so peaceful
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