#the croc to the left is the oldest and is playing with his friends. the other 3 just take the device from him to play
lowkeyclueless5137 · 10 months
I'm eyes emoji'ing so hard at the Tartarus Buddies au rn. can we learn more
It's a simple au with very fucked up implications. :3
In here, we have the possibility of a kid overbloting. But the thing is that these kids are growing, their growth can be easily influenced by things due to their faster acceptance of it and overBlot was no exception.
As such, when STIX captures them, they realise they are kept alive as long as they have blot around to run on. Putting them in tartarus only makes them to adapt more and simply live. Their Phanthoms were long dead, but our kids remained in there.
The first one here was none other than Malleus, who overBlotted when he found himself alone, in the castle, Lilia leaving without any announcement. He thought Lilia abandoned him and didn't want him just how everyone else left him, so for a 5 year old it was a pretty hard blow. He was quickly contained because he couldn't tell apart the Charons from real people and thought they were here to play with him, to stay with him and not abandon him.
Cue Idia and Ortho. They were absolutely curious of Malleus's presence. Malleus was also curious of them as well and as such, the 3 started a surprisingly sweet friendship through the glass wall.
Because of that, Malleus was supposed to be in a lower tartarus level, but he came up to the top layers, simply so Idia and Ortho could hang around with him. He wasn't any different than a normal kid. He liked a lot the gargoyle pictures in the books and really seemed to enjoy any kind of food you gave him.
Later down the line, we get Azul, who came in due to a very ugly bullying incident. He was a sobbing mess and afraid of everyone. He just wanted to curl up in a ball and be left alone.
In the end, he also warms up to the other 3 and all become friends. They told that Azul was super awesome and that being an octopus mer was insanely epic, which did improve his self esteem since these guys genuinely thought he was cool and wanted to be friends.
Until Idia turns 8 (he was 5 when Malleus came in), We get Jamil, Riddle, Leona, Rook and Sebek. They all took a while to warm up, but for STIX, it was revolutionary that these boys were able to adapt to the blot and live in tartarus. Sometimes they did get out, but since they were so young and now high on blot, sometimes they would get nauseous if they stood for too many hours.
But when Idia's 8, also the incident happened. Ortho was dragged to Tartarus and everyone did a comune effort to save poor boy. It ends up with Malleus absolutely demolishing a titan, but in the end, Ortho was saved.
Except that he was an overBlot and now couldn't leave tartarus at all. Unlike the others, Ortho was completely bound to the underworld. Even staying at the upper levels sometimes had him dizzy, let along get out of the tartarus. It was painful and the body was going through rapid changed and Idia could do nothing but watch and accept the situation. HE was responsible for this and now his little brother was turning gradually into a monster.
The others tried to cheer Idia up, but what else could they say? At least Ortho's not dead? That would literally be the worst reassuring message. :'3
But times still moves on. Idia came to adapt himself more to the tartarus. He wasn't that affected by blot since you had Malleus, Riddle and Azul who were the clingiest mfs known to man. Leona was the oldest and therefore the leader of the group. Jamil is your local 'if it doesn't work, resort to homicide', advisor. Sebek has body goals and usually is Ortho and Riddle's bestie since the 2 are the warmest. (help, sbk_zgvlt has infested me with the Croc headcannons/pos) And Rook was the eyes for all of tartarus. He knew everything and if anyone needed to find smth in there, Rook was your man.
Cue the NRC letter arriving and shaking the whole tartarus since 'Idia will be gone to school?! But he cannot even open a bag of chips?!'. Up until now, the Shroud parents home schooled everyone. Leona was literally 18 now and he didn't get his letter 3 years ago, which means that their existence was erased long ago. He got for his 18th birthday a hand crafted chess set that everyone else worked on. And he really likes to play with it. :3
Cue Idia trying his best to try and leave the tartarus to go and make his luggage, but everyone literally holds onto his feet and beg of him to not go. These bishes really have abandonment issues :'3
But Idia has to go in the end. To ensure that things would go well on his end, the tartarus Bois get a shared phone that they can call Idia on. But Mrs Shroud told them that they can only call when everyone falls on agreement. Leona being additionally informed to be reasonable when calling Idia due to 1: timezones, 2: he's as school and needs to learn, 3: you cannot attempt to make him homesick. Leona was the deemed leader, so his word does hold sum water for the rest after all.
First day in and Idia turned his phone on silent mode for the ceremony. Back in his room he had 30 missed calls and 1463 unread messages.
Gradually, the others do tame down once Idia actually responds back, but for Idia, gradually it goes worse when he realises that some of these people at school used to be aquitances with the tartarus Bois. And to top it off there's this magicless bish and their raccoon who waltzes in and creates trouble. Overblots happen and the victims are back to normal which Idia knows it would be an absolute shitshow if STIX intervents.
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More of this Cursed Witch Ninjago Fic: Other Characters
Some of these were drawn using bases (I can’t draw people for the life of me), and some were using a character creator website/app.
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Aris is a cursed witch, and has a mouse dragon familiar she named Rolo and a mouse dragon roomate/child named Squeakums. She’s wanted mostly due to the fact that she’s cursed and considered dangerous, despite not actually hurting anyone. She finds Lloyd on his own and offers him a place to stay until he can find the others, even enrolls him in one of the schools so she can at least know he’s safe during the day. She’s powerful in most types of magic, but not all. 
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Mars was adopted by Aris and then kidnapped by the emperor. He has a hawk familiar named Phoinex. He got the nickname Singe after nearly burning down the school he attended (the same one Aris sends Lloyd to). He’s a budding fire mage, but due to the amount of shit the emperor put him through, he’s a little wary of using his magic. Kai and Zane find him in a hidden cell and free him, growing even more sus of the emperor. He’s the only one to ever see the emperor, though they were wearing a griffin’s mask and pelt. He’s about 16 years old at the time of Kai and Zane finding him.
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This is rough;y what Rolo looks like, plus little dragon wings.
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This is Phoinex. Very protective and lover of shiny objects.
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Here’s what Aris’s griffin form looks like. The scars are from the emperor’s guards trying to arrest her.
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This is Squeakums, he’s a little shit. He will steal all of your left socks. His favorite spot to sleep is peoples heads and laps and if you try to wake him up and move he will scream about it for an hour. Aris found him in a pet shop and he followed her home because she smelled like fibsh.
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Pluto the feral enby. They use all pronouns, but have a preference for they/them. Down for stabbing a man, especially if that man is the emperor. They’re a budding ice mage, but also in illusion and beast wrangling classes at school. They have a pet ice dragon named Frostsnap. They’re also the youngest of the friend group at 14 years old and have a leopard familiar named Silver.
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Terra’s very sweet, but she will beat someone to death if they say something rude about her friends. She’s a budding earth mage, which includes rocks, minerals, crystals, and plants. She has a buffalo familiar named Geode. She can often be found laying in the dirt or grass during her down time. She’s also fairly young at 15 years old.
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Venus is a budding love mage, and is also in the potions class at school. She has a rabbit familiar named Persephone. She’s very particular when it comes to her potions and also her cooking and baking. She’s the same age as Terra and just as feral as Pluto.
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Saturn is a budding air/wind mage and is also in bard and healing magic classes at school. Him and Mars were practically brothers before he got kidnapped. He can play a lot of instruments, including wind instruments. He has a hummingbird familiar named Droplet. He’s 16 years old.
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Neptune is the oldest of the friend group and the mom friend. She’s a budding water mage, and in illusions and healing classes at school. She has a boar-croc familiar named Sobek. If she’s mad you should run, because she’s crazy powerful and not afraid to kick ass.
There’s two others, Headmaster Moon and Nova Brightthorn, but they’re more side characters that show up very little. Moon has a raven familiar named Eclipse, and Nova has a snake familiar named Abomination. Nova’s magic reminds Lloyd a little too much like his dads powers.
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let-me-luve-you · 2 years
Overlooked and Overworked (Part 2)
Tom Holland x Sister
Summary: Tom still feels terrible for how he treated you and he plans a day to make up for it.
Warnings: apologetic Tom, mostly fluf
Word Count: 1.1K
A/N: This is a long-awaited part two. I recommend reading part one before reading this one. This is short compared to the first part, but I hope you still enjoy it!
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Tom woke up around 10am and decided to get up to plan a day for just you and him. He wanted to make up for all the neglect. He quickly went home to change clothes before going back to his parent's house. Walking in, he saw his mum sitting at the table reading something in the daily paper. 
“Hey Mum!” Tom said as he walked to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Nikki smiled at her oldest. “Can I ask you a question?”
“You just did.” She said with a smirk. Tom gave her a look that said now is not the time. Nikki gave a small laugh before saying, “Go ahead.”
“What do you think I should do for Y/N? I want to make it up to her for everything I’ve done.” Tom said with a small look of shame written across his face.
Nikki stared at her oldest for a second, not liking that her son was feeling terrible. But she also didn’t like how her daughter was treated, even though she had a small part in it. “Well I know she needs a couple of days to relax. She needs to catch up on sleep she missed.”
“I know that,” Tom said. “But I was thinking of taking her to get lunch somewhere and then having a movie day. I just don’t want her to think I’m trying not to do anything with her.”
“I think lunch is a great plan. Take her to her favorite restaurant. I know she loves sitting on the patio.” Nikki smiled at her son as his eyes lit up. “Talk to her when she is there. See what she wants to do. If there is anything she has wanted to do. If she just wants a calm day, ask her if she wants to spend the day and evening at your house watching movies.”
“That’s a great idea. Then we can have dinner too.” Tom smiled as the plan came together. Nikki smiled as her son got up to leave the room. 
“I would tell the twins not to be there. Just make it you and her. She deserves your undivided attention.” Nikki added before Tom could leave the kitchen. 
“Good plan. I’ll text them.” Tom smiled one last time at his mum as he walked to the stairs. He stopped at the bottom and pulled his phone out. He saw the time was now 1130am. He knew you needed sleep, but if he was offering to take you to your favorite restaurant, he knows you won’t be mad at him for waking you up. 
After shooting a quick text to all his brothers and friends to leave the house for the day, he walked up the stairs to your room. He knocked lightly and heard you say come in. He smiled as he opened the door. Glad he didn’t have to wake you. 
“Morning.” He sat down on your bed next to you as you played on your phone.
“Technically afternoon.” You rebuttal. Tom laughed as he looked at your smirking face.
“Get up. We got lunch plans.” Tom said as he stood up to head back out of your room. 
“It’s a surprise. You can dress however you want. We can also do whatever you want today.”
“I’ll be down in ten.” You stood up and stretched. Walking over to your dresser to get some clothes. 
Tom walked back downstairs as you got ready for the day. You were still really tired and didn’t feel like doing much, so you dressed in leggings and an oversized t-shirt. Sliding on your Crocs and grabbing your purse, you headed downstairs. Quickly throwing your hair in a messy bun, you smiled at Tom as you walked towards the front door. 
“I’m ready.” He quickly met up with you and you left the house. After driving for twenty minutes, you finally realized where he was taking you and smiled. 
“Oh my gosh. I have been craving their pot pie for weeks now.” You yelled as you pulled into the parking lot. Tom smiled at you before getting out of the car to lead the way. 
Once sat at a table in the corner of the patio, Tom finally said something, “So what do you want to do today?”
“Can we just chill? If you have something planned already, we can do whatever, but I’m still exhausted so I don’t feel up for much.”
“I thought you would feel that way so I planned a movie day. We can head back to mine after we eat. I have snacks and drinks. No one will be home so it’ll just be the two of us.”
You smiled as you realized you would finally get to hangout with your big brother. You can talk about whatever or just sit in silence. You wouldn’t have to worry about anything. 
“That sounds perfect. I have been wanting to see that new Sandra Bullock movie. Can we watch it? It’s the one with Channing Tatum.”
“Yeah. We can watch whatever you want.” Tom said with a nod.
After the waiter took your order, you and Tom had a great conversation. Tom kept repeatedly apologizing and you kept saying it was okay. As long as he learns from what happened, you were okay with everything. 
Finishing your meal didn’t take long. When you got to Tom’s you went straight to the kitchen to get snacks and drinks to put on his coffee table. Tom grabbed your favorite pillow and blanket and set it in the corner of the sectional that he knew was your designated spot when you were over. 
“My blanket and my pillow!” You said with a smile as you set everything down. Quickly taking off your shoes and socks, you curled up in the corner of the sectional and pulled the pillow and blanket with you. 
“Comfy?” Tom laughed before sitting next to you. You turned and smiled at him and nodded before looking back at the tv. “The Lost City? Is that what it’s called?” He asked. 
Once again, you nodded in his direction. Tom turned the movie on and turned the volume up. 
“Thank you for today.” You said softly while still looking at the tv. 
Tom turned to you, “I know you said it’s okay, but I’m sorry. I’ll never let you feel like that again. I will help you with whatever needs to be helped with. I will always make time for you when I’m home. You can come with me whenever you want. I don’t want you to have to thank me for hanging out with you. I love you.”
“I love you too Tommy.” You smiled at him before leaning your head on his shoulder. “You’re still my best friend.”
Kissing the top of your head, “And you’re still mine.”
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cinna-stars · 3 years
Worth Waiting For
Uhh, okay, this is my first ever fanfic! I might continue it based on the reception, but it was a few thoughts I had in my head that I wanted down on paper. 
18+! Some sexual themes and content throughout, however for those experienced smut readers, this is some mild sauce, not very much spice.
I have to credit @cyancherub for making me think about Kiri smelling like cinnamon, the thought hasn’t left my brain.
Kirishima x Fem!reader 
A cool breeze whispers through the slightly ajar window of your dorm room. The sun set a little while ago; studying always seems to eat up most of your free time, so this wasn’t exactly a surprise. You lean back in your desk chair, arms up, and stretch your muscles into a big yawn. The sudden contracting muscles have your stomach gurgling. It’s definitely time to take a break, so you close your textbook and stand up from your desk. I wonder if there’s any of those expensive sounding potato chips that Momo bought back from her trip abroad left over? The thought makes you salivate as you begin towards your door. You glance to the mirror in the corner and look at your own reflection: hair pulled into a loose, messy bun, torso swallowed up by an old band shirt Denki gave you (after a conversation initiated by Mineta on what you liked to wear to bed) and bare legs sticking out from the hem. Shouldn’t be a problem, as long as Iida isn’t feeling like a stick in the mud this evening. You open your door and begin creeping your way to the kitchen, hoping to keep noise levels to a minimum as to not disturb anyone who might be sleeping already.
Your ears perk up when you hear conversation coming from the communal area.
“On a scale from 1-10, with ten being the most boring, you have exceeded my expectations and we’ve hit an 11.”
“Shut up dude, it’s an absolute cinematic masterpiece. This is why you don’t have the remote- we’d be watching Care Bears or some shit.”
You approach the seating area to see Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero and Denki. The latter two arguing over what to watch. Bakugou looks like he’s about to blow a fuse, so Kirishima chimes in,
“Hahah, okay guys, why don’t we just watch a horror movie, like Scream or something? It’s an easy watch.”
“Sounds like a good idea as long as Kaminari doesn’t shit himself.” Sero tries to start again, but this is perfect timing for you to interject.
“Sero, I’m sorry, last time I checked, you’re the one who had to ‘leave suddenly’ when we watched Halloween.” A smirk appears on your face from ear to ear as all four boys turn their head your direction. You notice an empty spot next to Kiri and take the opportunity to sit, careful not to flash anyone.
“Hey Y/N don’t be startin’ on me. I have plenty of stories about you that we could share you know? What about the Jaegerbomb incident?” Sero matched your grin, and you feign shock by slapping your hand to your heart.
“You’re breaking my heart, Hanta. Are you the only ones up?”
“Yeah Iida sort of ‘encouraged’ everyone to go to bed early because of the test tomorrow, but” Denki motions in Bakugou’s direction “the angry Pomeranian barked and he gave up with us.” Bakugou snaps his head up from his phone to stare Denki down, but realizing he’s just proving his point, sighs and goes back to scrolling on his phone.
“You okay Baku-babe?” he grunts and flips you off, but you could see the corner of his lip turn up in a weak smile at the affectionate nickname. You knew he meant well, especially after the time you had spent together over the last summer with the guys; he just had a defensive temperament.
“You wanna join us, y/n?” Kiri propositions with a wide grin. His hair was still styled into sharp points from classes today, contrasting with his relaxed clothing choice of a t-shirt, shorts and crocs. He’d also made the addition of a white bandana around his forehead. As usual, he was looking incredible.
After the time spent together as a group over the break, it was great to get to know everyone better. As Sero’s oldest friend, it was always easier to stick by him, which had ended up in your favour by meeting these clowns. You’d slowly got closer to the other three boys too, but there was something about Kirishima you couldn’t shake.
The way you felt when you were left together alone in the same room at a party, or when the other guys ended up flaking so you spent the night together at his place, there was always a feeling of excitement, in more ways than one.
You’ve never been very good at flirting and you just seem to come across as an anxious mess, but Kiri was pretty much just as bad. Meaning neither of you ever made a move. Just awkward giggles and eye contact that lasted just a little bit too long for friends.
“I actually came to steal some of Momo’s fancy chips but yeah, let me get a snack and I’ll be ready. You guys want anything?” You get up off the couch and start your way to the kitchen.
“BEER. BEER. BEER.” Denki chants, making you giggle.
“Oh I’ll come and help you carry them!” Kiri jumps up to follow behind you. You can hear Sero make a ‘wha-PISH’ whipping sound which makes Denki burst out with laughter. In their defense, it was painfully obvious you were both pining for each other.
The kitchen isn’t far but it is out of earshot of the sitting area. You open the cupboard in the corner to find Momo’s chip bag, left sat there completely empty. “Oh come ON” you sigh, picking up the bag and placing it in the trash.
“No chips left? Don’t worry I got you covered.” Kiri stretches to the gap between the top of the cupboard and the ceiling, feeling about with his hand. Your eyes fixate on the skin that is now showing just above the waistband of his shorts. You slowly move your view up the side of his torso, his shirt draping over his body in all the right places, and then to his face, one eye closed and tongue sticking out in concentration. He totally caught you checking him out and now you’re both stood there blushing like idiots. He finally located the bag he was looking for and brings his hands back down, showing off the slightly dusty bag of unopened chips.
“These are your favourites, right?” You stand in bewilderment looking at the bag and nod. “There are many bonuses to being one of the tallest in this dorm” he grins. He even remembered your favourite chips? You can’t help but smile back.
“Thank you so much. Oh let me get the beers!” you walk over to the fridge and open it up, bending over to search for the well hidden cans. You know your ass is on show, and you’re doing everything you can to make it the best view. Arching your back slightly, barely moving your hips from side to side, putting on a full show without being too obvious. “Ah I found them!” You gather them into your arms, the cold metal against your skin sending shivers up your spine and making your nipples protrude from the thin material of your shirt. You stand back up and close the fridge, turning around to a very red in the face Kirishima. You send a sweet smile his way.
“Do you mind taking a couple they’re coldddd” you whine. He composes himself and grabs the first can he can see looking ready to fall. He then proceeds to take another, slowly exposing more of your chest and your hardened nipples. You notice his eyes dart to them and then back on the beers. Are you two really going to carry on like this? Acting like the sexual tension couldn’t be cut with a knife? His wandering eyes now have you blushing and you’re quick to fill the hanging silence. “Should we really be drinking when we have a test tomorrow? I’m no NARC but you know what Denki can get like. He’ll wake up the whole house.”
“It’ll be fine. The only ones that know where the rest of the stash is are you and me. As long as you can keep a secret, we’re Gucci” he winks.
“Did you… really just use the term ‘Gucci’? like completely unironically?” You laugh, nudging his side.
“Shut upppp y/n. Come on let’s get back to them before Bakugo kills Dumb and Dumber.”
 “Hoes and bros we come bearing beverages!” You walk in and pass out the three beers you held to the boys, Kiri slowly following with the chips and the last two drinks.
“Wait, who are the hoes?..... oh.” Kaminari has a moment of self-realization and stares at the beer in his hand.
“Denki don’t listen to her, she is the last one to be calling anyone a hoe” Sero hits you with another of what will be many insults of the night.
“Uhhhh says the guys who has a body count tally on his wall. If you ever get with Mina you’re going to need to take a trip to Home Depot to paint over those you know?” You counter.
“Can we watch the damn film already?! Could’ve watched half the fucking thing by now.” Bakugou finally lets off some of the pent up steam. Both you and Denki lift your arms up to your forehead in a salute. “Yes sir!”
Grabbing a blanket, you and Kiri get back into your original seats next to each other on the sofa furthest away from the TV. Sero is on the chair to Kiri’s right, sprawled over it in the most boyish way possible, legs stretched wide and arms hanging over the back. Denki and Bakugo share the sofa to your left, Bakugou reserved to the spot at the very end, finally turning his phone off, while Denki almost mimics Sero’s positioning, but one hand is wrapped around his beer chugging it a bit too fast. Sero presses play as you sit back into the sofa. Kiri’s arm is already draped over the back of the headrest, and it’s only a matter of time until his arm drapes around your shoulder and you lean into him.
You’re about ten minutes into the movie when he starts to move his fingers in little circles on your upper arm. If anyone saw you right now, they’d assume you two were together. The months you’ve both spent flirting and teasing, the light touches and the lingering cuddles. This is becoming unbearable for you, its overwhelming. How haven’t you kissed yet? You weren’t really a ‘hoe’ as Sero said, but you certainly weren’t inexperienced and have never had this trouble before, so what was stopping you now? If things continued like this, you were going to explode.
You look up at Kiri, admiring the contours of his face against the light of the TV. The way his eyebrows slightly furrow, and the way he’s chewing his bottom lip between his teeth in concentration. You inhale the mild aroma of cinnamon, which is a scent that follows him around everywhere. You’re certain he’s aware you are staring, by the light blush reforming on his cheeks, but he allows you to for just a little longer. Right up until Denki yelps aloud from a minor jump scare in the film, causing you to jolt yourself and grab onto Kiri’s shirt.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared?” he asks, voice low and husky. “Don’t worry, I got you.” He lifts his free arm and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“I-I wasn’t scared. Denki made me jump” you pout.
“Aww, even worse haha” he chuckles, the vibrations flow through your body, straight to your core, making you instantly wet. If he ever really knew the affect he had, you might just die from embarrassment. You release his shirt and return your head to his shoulder; however, his hand has maneuvered itself away from your upper arm and is now placed on your hip. The large amount of warmth is slowly followed by a very light squeeze of reassurance, and you’ve never been more aware that you aren’t wearing any shorts.
His breathing has now quickened, and his hand feels like it might even be shaking a little bit. He was so nervous, which makes him even more endearing. A wave of adrenaline rushed through you as you lift your hand to rest atop of his, to give him the assurance that it is absolutely okay to have his hand there.
About three quarters of the way into the film, all drinks have been consumed, chips have been eaten, Sero pauses and gets up for a pee break. “Couldn’t your bladder have waited? There isn’t that much longer left Se-bro” Kiri teases
“Ei, I don’t think I know anyone who could wait as long as you have” he leans down and darts his eyes between the two of you. You glare with intent to BURN. You thought too long for a comeback and unfortunately, he’s already happily waltzing off to the bathroom.
Kiri turns to you with a smile and lowers his voice. “Did nobody tell tape face that anything worth having is worth waiting for?” and you swear in that moment an entire flutter of butterflies were trying to escape you. That’s the most direct he’s ever been and it’s not something easy to ignore.
“I know you both have hidden the beer and I take personal offense.” Denki bellows. “I bet it’s on top of the cupboard where Kiri keeps all the good stuff” and he gets up and skips off to the kitchen, fully convinced he’s going to find what he’s looking for.
“I’m going to bed. Gotta be up early and you extras are pissing me off.” Bakugou gets up and stretches. “Love you, Bakubro! Mwah!” both you and Kiri heckle him with air kisses and you are met with yet another middle finger as he strolls off to his dorm room, that small smirk still present.
There’s that feeling coming back again. The way you feel whenever you’re alone with Kirishima. But this is the most compromised you’ve been: you’re basically half naked, he’s got his hand on your hip and he just dropped an absolute bomb of a line thanks to Sero. You can’t help yourself and before you truly think it through,
“Ei, I think I’m done waiting.” You lift your head off his shoulder, faces only a few inches apart. You can feel both your heart rates quicken in sync and your bodies getting hotter. He raises his hand and takes your chin in his hand, urging your lips forward onto his. The anticipated contact sends electricity through your body and the kiss deepens quickly, his tongue licks your lower lip asking for entrance and you accept immediately, releasing a soft moan from the motion.
You twist your body round so that you’re straddling his thigh, his wandering hand had slipped under the fabric of your shirt in the same place, playing with the fabric of your underwear. Your hands find their way to the back of his head, pushing him further into your mouth. You both are getting sloppy as lust takes over and you find your hips involuntarily grinding on his thigh. He breaks away from the kiss, pulling at your lower lip and working his way down your jaw to your neck, nipping and sucking lightly, causing louder moans to escape you.
“So- fucking long- I’ve waited- to touch you like this” he groans out between kisses and bites, sure to leave a mark. “Sound so pretty”
“Ah- me too, I- fuck” the stimulation from his voice and touch is almost overwhelming, but clarity sets in quicker than you’d like it too. “Sero will- ah- be back any second” and you release your grip on his hair. He’s really trying to pout at you, but he can’t help let his goofy smile beam through. You stare at each other for a few seconds, both absolutely beaming with happiness. He lets out an almighty sigh,
“Uggggh, you’re right. Hey, what are you doing after this?” he asks as you settle back down next to him, making you chuckle.
“Well I was planning on going back to my dorm and sleeping. Unless you have a better offer?” you beam.
“Well…” his grin gets wider, “you know there’s a sequel to Scream, yknow? Think you might wanna… what’s it called..”
“Scream 2.”
“I can make you scream, too. Sure”  and you erupt into laughter together, from his disgustingly awful pun.
Sero approaches from the corridor “Well you two sure can clear a room.”
“I’d blame it on Kiri’s terrible puns, but Bakubabe went to bed and Electabuzz is currently trying to find the rest of the beer but- oh there you are” Denki walks in, with a pout on his face, and flops back on the couch in disappointment.
“Denks, how about we throw a little party tomorrow after the test. We’ll let you in on where the secret stash is, too.” You offer, his expression immediately switching to that of delight.
Even though there was only a half hour left of the movie, it felt like hours until the end credits started rolling. Denki had managed to fall asleep and was snoring at full velocity, and the only person left paying full attention was Sero, as you couldn’t stop your brain from wandering from anticipation.
He shut the TV off and you tasked yourself with waking up Denki while Kiri cleaned up the empty beer bottles.
“Kami, come on sweetie, you need to go to bed.” You nudge him slightly causing him to stir. Sero walks over, and gives him a hard slap on the ass
‘WAKE UP ASSHOLE! Iida will kill you if you sleep on the couch”
“…I- sleep- your mom-..” he sits up and rubs his eyes
“Don’t be so rough Sero, he’s so sleepy look at hiiiimm” You say, admiring how cute he looked in such tired state. Kaminari finally gets up and all four of you head to the lift… shit.
You are Denki are on the 3rd floor, Kiri is on the 4th and Sero is on the 5th… how are you going to get to Kiri’s room without being suspicious?
A/N: Thank you if you read this in full! Please let me know what you think and if you’d be wanting to read the next part (which would include a lot more spice!)
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hunnywrites · 5 years
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We Fell In Love In October: Part Two
Summary: Billy and Teddi celebrate Halloween in 1986.
A/N: One chapter left! I’m officially dedicating this series to the guy in front of me in line at Horror Nights the other night that had a mullet, was chewing on a toothpick and telling his girlfriend how weird she was for being so scared to go into the haunted houses. Being stuck behind those two through the Us house was something special. He scared her more than any of the actors. So this is for you, real life Billy Hargrove. Even if you were wearing crocs. 
It was late when Billy and Teddi left the movies the next night. They’d had a bit of a lazy day so far. They woke up around noon and made pancakes for breakfast (technically Billy did. He actually knew how to cook while Teddi was still learning not to burn everything). Teddi talked him into driving back into town for more hot apple cider and getting some candy for trick or treaters from Melvald’s before the movie It was still a weird feeling to step into the little convenience store and not see Joyce Byers. Teddi tried not to think about it. 
It had been an entire year now since the Byers’ and El had moved out of Hawkins. While most things had gone back to normal (or as normal as things could be in Hawkins), thinking about all of the people who weren’t around anymore made Teddi’s heart ache. She missed El, Will and Joyce. Even Johnathan. 
Now Billy had his arm thrown around Teddi’s shoulders as they made their way through the main lobby. The teens working there were closing the snack bar down for the night. “I think that’s probably the worst movie you’ve ever made me watch, Larsson. And you’ve shown me some shit storms.” Billy tossed his now empty bucket of popcorn away before opening the door for Teddi. 
It had been a really bad movie. So bad Teddi was a little surprised it had even made it to theaters and not gone straight to video. “...At least you got to see the girls topless a few times.” she offered with a small, sheepish smile as the pair made their way to the Camaro. Teddi pulled Billy’s denim jacket tighter around herself to try and keep warm. 
Billy shot her a look. “Those definitely didn’t look like any sorority chicks I’ve ever seen.” he muttered, sliding into the driver’s seat. 
Teddi rolled her eyes and smiled at him. Leave it to Billy to complain about seeing naked chicks. “The sorority chicks you’ve seen are porn stars playing dress up in Hustler.” she argued. He didn’t say anything. 
“...Whatever. I’m picking the movie next time.” he muttered. That meant they’d be seeing some mindless action movies with lots of explosions. Teddi held in a groan at the idea. The last one hadn’t been so bad, but that was only because Kurt Russell had been in it. 
TeddI threw her legs over Billy’s lap and let out a loud sigh. “If you insist...wait a second, where are we going?” she asked. Billy was driving in the opposite direction of their little house. Everything in town was closed for the night. And Billy hadn’t mentioned anything about having any other plans after the movies. 
Billy’s hand was resting on Teddi’s leg, his thumb absently rubbing at her ankle. “I just wanted to check something out.” he said cooly. There was a mischievous smirk twitching at his lips that made Teddi’s stomach do a flip. Nothing good ever happened when he got that look. But Teddi would play along for now. At least until she saw how stupid whatever he had planned was. 
Eventually Teddi started to realize that they were headed back to their old neighborhood. Billy turned onto Cherry Road, and Teddi’s face screwed up into a confused frown. She pulled her legs from Billy’s lap, leaning forward as if somehow that would help her figure out what he had planned. He drove past the house he’d lived in with Neil and Susan. Neil’s car was in the driveway and the lights inside were off. Teddi couldn’t stop squirming in her seat. Billy didn’t even glance in the house’s direction as he passed. 
Teddi let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in when the house was no longer in sight. “What’s wrong?” Billy asked. Teddi could hear hear teasing grin. “Don’t wanna visit the in laws?” 
She let out a laugh. “Oh fuck off. That’s not funny,” she playfully shoved him. Billy laughed. “And they’re not my in laws.” she said, holding up her hand and moving her bare ring finger. At some point they’d jokingly started referring to Neil and Susan as Teddi’s in laws. Mostly because Neil hated Teddi and Billy seemed to find it funny. 
Billy reached over and took her hand in his. He playfully bit the knuckle of her ring finger before pressing a kiss to it. They didn’t ever talk about getting married. It was too soon for either of them. While they didn’t see themselves ending up with anyone else, Billy would only be twenty next month and Teddi was still a teenager. They had all the time in the world for things like that. 
“Will you please tell me where we’re going?” Teddi asked, beginning to get restless. 
“Will you please be patient?” he teased. Teddi let out a loud huff and crossed her arms, sinking down in her seat. There was no breaking Billy when he had a surprise planned. In all reality she hadn’t had to wait that long. Another ten minutes and Billy pulled up into the driveway of a house that looked like it hadn’t been touched in decades. He didn’t give any clue as to why they were there. He only looked over at Teddi, that mischievous smirk back, and shut the Camaro off.  
“Uh...you do know we have our own house to fool around in, right?” she asked, attempting to joke to cover up how confused she was. 
Billy rolled his eyes. “That’s not what this is. Although if you wanna I’m not gonna complain,” he smirked. “I heard about this place from the guys at work. They said this family lived here, back in the 50’s. All of this weird shit started happening after they moved in, I guess. But one night, the oldest brother wakes up, picks up a gun and takes his whole family out. He says the devil made him do it. It’s supposed to be haunted now.” he explained, his voice low. 
Teddi looked at Billy and the up to the large, two story house before them. “Wow...that’s scary,” she said blankly. Billy frowned. “That’s also totally just the Amityville Horror.” 
“Wait, what? The hell is that?” he asked with an annoyed expression.
“It’s a total classic! Have you never seen it?” she didn’t know why she asked. Of course he hadn’t. “It’s based off a true story. The house was like two towns over from where I grew up, but I was always too scared to go see it.” she said with a small laugh.
“...Shit,” Billy muttered. “I was kinda hoping it was true,” Teddi raised an eyebrow. Billy rolled his eyes. “Not that they died, but that it was haunted.”
“Are you forgetting what happened the last time you went into an abandoned building?” another question she didn’t need to ask. Neither of them would ever forget what happened to Billy in that steel mill.
Billy gripped the steering wheel and let out an annoyed scoff. “C’mon, Ted. I’ve done all of your Halloween shit. Let’s just check it out. What’s the worst thing that can happen?” Teddi could think of an endless list of horrible things that might happen. But he was right. He’d been a good sport. And it wasn’t like the place was actually haunted. She could give it a go. 
“Fine, let’s go ghost hunting, Venkman.” she teased as she slid out of the Camaro.
“Who the hell is Venkman?”
“It’s from Ghostbusters, you nerd.”
“Oh I’m the nerd?” Billy asked with a laugh. The pair walked cautiously through the overgrown front lawn and up to the front door. The red paint was cracked and peeling. The tiny windows were so grimy they couldn’t peek through them to see inside. Billy was a little reluctant to touch the rusted over knob. He turned it slowly. It was locked. “Shit. Looks like we’re finding another way in then.” he took a step back from the porch and surveyed the outside of the house for a moment.
Teddi shifted uncomfortably on the porch. The wood was starting to rot. Each plank of wood creaked loudly with every step to the point where Teddi was a little worried she might fall through. “You mean breaking and entering?” she asked. 
“It’s abandoned. Me and my friends used to hang out in abandoned spots all the time back in California.” Billy waved her worries away and headed around to the side of the house. Teddi followed behind him. 
“...Didn’t you guys get arrested like four times for trespassing?” 
Billy ignored the question. He shoved one of the windows open, turning back to Teddi with a proud look as he wiped his hands on the back of his pants. “See? It’s unlocked. So technically we’re just entering.” he offered.
“I don’t know why I keep letting you talk me into this kinda shit. It’s probably not even haunted.” Teddi muttered. Billy leaned down, linking his fingers together to give her a boost inside. They’d done this so many times over the years it was almost like a muscle memory. 
Billy smirked. “Come on, Weird Girl. I’ve talked you into stuff that’s way more fun than this.” Teddi let out a squeak as his hand met her ass harshly as she crawled through the window. She could feel her cheeks burning. 
“You could have killed me,” she said dramatically after she landed inside with a thud. “I could’ve broken my neck or something.” the rest of her teasing lecture was cut off as she turned to take the house in. She regretted coming in. It was still fully furnished. Everything was covered in dust and cobwebs, so much to the point where Teddi had a hard time imagining what anything had looked like when the house had people living in it. It was like whoever had lived there had just run off. Bolted in the middle of the night and never returned. She felt a little chill up her spine. 
She jumped a little when Billy pulled himself inside, his boots landing loudly on the wooden floors. “What’s the matter, Ted?” he asked with a smile. “Scared?” he reached around her, fingers tickling her side.
Teddi slapped his hand away. “No. You just startled me is all…” it wasn’t really much of a shock to Billy that Teddi believed in ghosts or that she was easily spooked by them. 
Billy grinned over at his girlfriend, his arms snaking around her waist and pulling him to her. “Come on, Ted. You said it yourself that it’s probably not haunted.” he buried his face in her neck, his breath tickling Teddi’s neck. 
“That was before I got the total Neibolt street vibes from this place. I can’t believe we haven’t gotten eaten by a killer clown yet,” she muttered. Billy let out a chuckle, pulling away from her and linking their fingers together as he pulled her towards the stairs. “Did someone actually die here?” she asked, unable to keep herself from constantly looking over both shoulders. 
He only shrugged. “How should I know? I bought that Amityville shit. Kinda creepy that everything’s still here though, huh?” that was an understatement. Teddi was scared that they’d stumble across some gruesome, decades old crime scene that hadn’t been cleaned up. Her other hand reached up to grab Billy’s arm as they ascended the stairs. 
There were some framed family photos on the walls upstairs. There were a few knick knacks, photos and a vase that was full of decaying flowers that filled Teddi’s nose with a sweet but sort of musty smell as they passed by. There were cigarette butts and beer cans littering the hallway. They looked relatively new, she realized with a wave of dread. Was someone inside with them right now? Watching them walk the halls? 
“If someone ends up murdering us I’m going to fucking kill you.” Teddi muttered. Billy only laughed. She wasn’t kidding. 
He pulled away from her and headed into one of the rooms. “Look, babe. It’s not that bad. No blood splatters, no headless bodies, just...a lot of fucking dust.” Teddi hated how amusing he found all of this. She felt like she was in a crypt. But Teddi followed after him anyways. It was better to be with Billy and his fucked up sense of humor than out in the hall alone.
“If I say I have asthma, can we go home?” she asked, wriggling her nose at all of the dust and god only knew what else was floating around. 
“Oh, you have asthma now?” he asked with a grin. 
“..Ye- did you hear that?” there was definitely something downstairs. There was a loud thump, like something had fallen over. And Billy had heard it too. His head snapped back towards the doorway and his expression had gone all serious. It did absolutely nothing to calm her nerves. 
Billy stepped out in front of Teddi, holding his arm out to shield as if he was expecting something to charge at the both of them. “...I’m gonna go check it out. You stay here.” it wasn’t a suggestion. And Teddi didn’t really want to argue, but she also didn’t want to let him go downstairs where some headless ghost was going to kill him.
So she counted to sixty in her head before she followed after him. The house had gone completely silent. She couldn’t hear the heavy footsteps of Billy’s boots on the rotting floorboards. Only her own. Teddi swallowed thickly as she slowly moved through the house looking for her boyfriend. “...Billy?” she called cautiously before stepping into the kitchen. No answer.
The window above the sink was broken. Maybe that had been the noise she had heard? Maybe some kids were breaking in, hoping to see ghosts like Billy? But she was alone. No sign of Billy or any teens. She immediately started to fear for the worst. “Billy this isn’t funny, okay? If you’re hiding can you just come out? Take me home? ..I’ll do one of your gross sex things!” still no answer. Teddi let out a huff. 
Teddi walked out of the kitchen and into what she assumed must have been a sitting room. There was a fireplace big enough for her to stand in, and an old, dusty piano sitting in front of it. Teddi nervously fiddled with two of the piano’s keys, the sharp, out of tune notes sending a chill up her spine. 
There was another thud. And a sound like something was being dragged. Teddi gulped. She shifted from foot to foot. This was definitely a predicament. If she went looking for whatever was making the sound she’d be killed like all of those idiot girls in horror movies. You never went after strange noises and you never asked who was there. But that dragging sound...what if something had gotten Billy? 
Teddi’s hands clenched into fists at her sides, her shoulders straight and her head held high. Fuck horror movie rules, she decided. She headed back to the living room where she and Billy had broken in earlier. She was sure that’s where she’d heard the thud coming from. Out of the corner of her eye she saw movement behind the couch. Something else moved quickly past the doorway. Already she was outnumbered. 
“Bil-” whatever was behind the couch had sprung up, yelling loudly at Teddi. She screamed, instinctively throwing a punch out in front of her. 
“Christ, Teddi!” it was Steve Harrington. He was wearing some stupid skeleton mask. Steve groaned loudly, slowly peeling the mask off and grabbing his nose. It was bleeding.
“Steve? What the hell are you doing here?” she spat. Suddenly there was laughter behind her. Teddi whipped around, glaring at Billy and Robin who were both laughing so hard it looked like they could barely keep themselves upright. 
Steve plopped down onto the couch and tilted his head back to try and stop the bleeding. “You said we were gonna scare her,” he whined. “You didn’t say anything about my nose being broken!”
Robin rolled her eyes, making her way over to her best friend and slapping his hands away from his face. She looked at him for a moment before shaking her head. “It’s not broken, drama queen. She just got you good. Nice shot, Teddi. I’m glad I didn’t lose rock, paper, scissors.” she clapped Teddi on the shoulder before sitting next to Steve.
“Is someone gonna tell me what the fuck is going on?” Teddi asked, glaring over at Billy. He was still laughing a little bit. 
“Don’t look at me,” Steve said, his voice thick as he pinched his nose shut. “This was all his idea.” he jabbed his thumb in Billy’s direction. She didn’t really need Steve to tell her that. Of course it had been Billy’s idea. 
Billy wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Come on, Ted. It’s just a little Halloween fun.” he said with a smirk. If looks could kill, Billy would have been dead. 
“I think you’re sleeping on the couch tonight, Goldielocks.” Robin said with a snort. 
Teddi shrugged Billy’s arm off. “Was any of this true? The whole house being haunted thing? Grisly murders? Ghost hunting?”
Steve had finally managed to get his nose to stop bleeding. “What? No. The family that lived here stopped paying their taxes and ditched the place. Kids come here to smoke weed and hook up. I’ve been coming here for like...ever and I’ve never seen a ghost.” 
“If he had he was probably too stoned to realize.” Robin said as the two broke out into quiet giggles. 
Teddi turned to look at Billy and crossed her arms tightly over her chest. “So you lied, drove me all the way out here, and had Steve scare me? For a joke?”
Billy shifted uncomfortably. “...I mean, when you put it like that I sound like a dick.”
“You are.” Steve and Robin both said. 
“Oh, you have no idea what’s coming for you, Hargrove,” Teddi said, jabbing him in the chest. “I’m gonna get you back. And you’re not gonna know when. It can be tomorrow or five years from now-”
“Come on, Teddi, it was a joke.” Billy urged. 
Robin groaned. “Let it go already. You totally deserve whatever’s coming. Can we go now?” 
“Yeah. Billy promised us beer and horror movies, remember? You were all come on, dude, it’ll be fun! We’ll scare her and then we can hang out!” Steve said, mocking Billy’s voice. 
Billy held up his hands. “Yeah, yeah. I remember. Just get outta here, alright? We’ll meet you there,” the message was heard loud and clear. Robin and Steve shared a look, pushing themselves up off of the couch and passing by Teddi and Billy. Robin patted Teddi on the shoulder as she went. “Teddi…” Billy started once they were alone. 
Teddi fixed a stern look his way. “I was worried. I was down here thinking of all of the horrible things that might have happened to you. I thought something had like eaten you or something!” 
Billy approached her slowly, gently taking her wrists into his hands and pulling her to him. She didn’t fight it, but she didn’t lean into him like he had been hoping. “It was a joke,” he repeated. “C’mon Doll, don’t be pissed at me.” Billy only broke out Doll when he was really in trouble (which Teddi had to admit really wasn’t very often).
Teddi wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling up at him. “It’s fine. I was just pulling your leg.” 
Billy let out a sigh of relief. “So are we even?”
“Are you kidding? Fuck no,” Billy groaned. “You know, I don’t know what I’m more offended by. You planning all of this, or the fact that you didn’t ask me to scare Steve instead.” 
Billy scratched the back of his neck. “...I guess I thought you’d think it was funny.” he admitted. 
“I mean...it was, I guess. But if you do it again I’m dumping your ass.” 
He let out a small chuckle and nodded. “Deal...and we can still scare the shit out of Harrington tonight if you want. He’s on our turf.”
Teddi let out a snort. “I’ll think about it. Let’s go, West Side Story. I wanna get out of this dump.” she took Billy by the hand and pulled him towards the front door. 
“Hey, wait. Were you serious about the sex stuff earlier?”
“In your dreams, Hargrove.”  
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notalwaysthevillian · 6 years
A Different Side of Hogwarts
Warnings: Manipulative Deceit, crying, there’s a cat
Beta Readers: @hi-disappointed-im-daughter @solemn-vow @patton-croc-agenda @kilala2tail
Word Count: ~2k
Pairings: None (yet)
Chapter 20
Important Note: This is the last time I’ll be adding my general taglist to this fic. If you’re on my general and want to continue to be tagged, let me know via ask or DM - if it’s in a reply I likely won’t see it.
Chapter 21
The holidays came to a close quicker than Patton would’ve hoped. Despite this, he was bouncing off the walls the day they left to go back to school. He’d get to see his friends again. They could ride together on the train!
As soon as the Hogwarts Express came into view, Patton hugged his parents goodbye. He grabbed his trunk and bounded up the steps, heading towards the back of the train. Hopefully his friends were already in their compartment. He couldn’t wait to give them their Christmas presents!
Through the glass door, he could see Logan with his nose buried in a book. He slid the door open, bouncing on his toes. “Hi Logan! It’s me, Patton!”
“Hello Patton.” The corners of Logan’s mouth twitched up into a smile. “Did you enjoy your holidays?”
“Yeah! I had so much fun! My sisters and I made some snowpeople and went sledding and had some hot cocoa!” The words tumbled out of his mouth all in one breath.
Logan shook his head, constantly amazed by the amount of energy one person could have. “Do you need assistance with your trunk?”
“I think I got it.” His tone was uncertain, but Patton held up his wand anyway. “Wingardium leviosa!”
The trunk hovered for a moment before falling to the ground, sending Agatha darting up onto Logan’s shoulder.
Frowning, Patton pointed his wand at the trunk again, focusing harder on what he wanted to happen. “Wingardium leviosa!”
A loud bang sounded as the trunk slammed into the ceiling of the compartment. Redness rushed to Patton’s cheeks as he lowered it slightly, guiding it to the rack above them.
“Slightly overdone, but you did manage to levitate it.” A laugh left Logan’s mouth, but he looked mildly impressed.
Agatha crawled across Logan’s shoulder. With lightning speed, he had her in his lap. “Patton, did you take your potion?”
“You remembered?” Patton couldn’t help the squeal that fell from his mouth. He flung his arms wide, ready to hug Logan, but froze. His arms hovered in the air. “Is it okay if I hug you?”
“If you must.”
The air was knocked out of Logan’s lungs as Patton pulled him into a tight hug.
Once released, Logan straightened his robes. “I am slightly offended that you thought I wouldn’t remember something so important. We are friends after all. At least, I am friends with you and Virgil. Roman is - well at this point he’s more of an acquaintance. A friend of a friend.”
“You just have to get to know him!” Patton held his arms out, allowing Agatha to jump into them. She snuggled up to him immediately, her purr drowning out the rumbling of the train.
Logan looked on, unable to tear his eyes away from how adorable the scene was.
“I love her.” Patton whispered, petting her gently.
It was the quietest Logan had ever heard him.
“She appears to like you as well.” With a free lap, Logan was able to return to his book. “Do you know if Virgil or Roman will be joining us? I would like to gauge the noise level before I get too far into this.”
Patton frowned. He’d hoped that Virgil and Roman would come down here on their own. Maybe they didn’t realize that Patton wanted to sit with them all?
“I’m not sure. But I’m going to go look for them and see! I’ll be right back.” Patton got up and slid the door open. Agatha protested when he tried to put her down. “Lo -”
“You may take her with you if you wish.”
“Thanks Logan!”
Agatha snuggled further into his arms, purring like a motorboat. Patton rubbed his face into her fur, looking in each compartment as he walked down the corridor. He kept his eyes peeled for his roommate or his Gryffindor pal.
Boisterous laughter poured out of one of the compartments up ahead. Patton looked inside, finding six Gryffindors. Roman sat in the middle, a bright smile on his face. When he spotted Patton, he held up a finger and started to wiggle out of the group.
Slipping into the corridor, he reached out and gently stroked Agatha. “What’s up, cat and the Pat?”
Patton let out a giggle at the rhyme. “I was wondering if you were going to come sit with us.”
Roman hesitated. “Who’s us?”
“Me, Logan, and possibly Virgil.”
“I think I saw Dr. Thunder sitting with his brothers at the front of the train.” A hand knocked on the glass. A redhead made a ‘hurry up’ gesture. “I - I think I’m going to stay here. My trunk is already put away and everything.”
“Oh.” Patton did his best to not let his shoulders deflate. “That’s okay! I’ll leave you to your friends then, and go find Virgil.”
“See you.”
The door slid shut with a click. Roman turned his back on Patton and crawled over his friends, sliding back into his spot.
Agatha shifted, licking Patton’s fingers. He gave her a sad smile. “Let’s go find Virgil.”
They walked further down the hall, finding Virgil in the second compartment. His oldest brother was next to him, with Devin was sitting across. The latter had a smirk on his face that only grew when he spotted Patton.
Before he could move, the oldest brother had gotten up and opened the door. “Come on in. Patton, right? Virgil has only said good things about you.”
Patton grinned, faltering when he saw the tentativeness in Virgil’s eyes.
“I’d shake your hand, but it appears to be occupied.” The brother’s voice had Patton redirecting his focus. “I’m Preston Night. We haven’t had the pleasure of meeting.”
“You’re Virgil’s oldest brother, right? The one who pranks?” Preston nodded at Patton’s statement, looking surprised when Patton leaned around him. “And you’re Devin. I hope we can get along.”
“Yeah, as if that would happen.” Devin scoffed.
Preston pushed his hair back. “Devin. He’s a pureblood, just like us.”
“I don’t care. He’s not in Slytherin.”
“Neither is Virgil.”
“Exactly.” Devin shot a look at Patton before choosing to look out the window instead.
Patton could tell he was still listening.
“Pat?” Virgil squeaked, getting his attention. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to see you, but...what are you doing here?”
“I came to see if you’d sit with us.” Agatha let out a loud meow, making three of them laugh.
“Who - who exactly is us?” Virgil’s eyes darted to Devin and back.
“Me and Logan.”
“Logan and me.” Virgil corrected automatically. “I’m going to stay here...with my brothers. But I’ll see you in our room, okay?”
Patton forced a smile onto his face. He could tell by the guilt in Virgil’s eyes that it wasn’t believable. “Okay. See you!”
Tears burned in the corners of his eyes as he made his way back to his compartment. If he hadn’t taken his potion, he’d be able to blame it on allergies. He blinked harshly, trying to rid himself of the tears before he re-entered the compartment.
Hearing Patton enter once more, Logan looked up from his book. “Seeing as how you’re alone, I suppose it’ll be just the two of us?”
“Three.” Patton said, gently putting Agatha down on the bench seat before sliding in next to her. She curled up in a ball, her back against his leg. Patton began to gently stroke her fur, struggling to think of a conversation topic. “Um...how was your Christmas, Logan? Or do you celebrate something else?”
“My family celebrates Christmas. And it was satisfactory.” His nose was buried in his book once more. “I received next year’s books from my parents so that I can get a head start. Remy gave me a new jacket. He said that I need to dress more casually. Honestly, it’s more his style than mine and it’s big enough that it would fit him, so I question if it was really a gift for me after all.”
Patton frowned. “I like the way you dress.”
Logan flipped a page. “As do I. So for now, the jacket will stay in my closet until Remy inevitably asks to borrow it.”
“Did you get anything for Christmas?” Patton asked as he scratched under Agatha’s chin. She began play-biting his fingers, making him jump.
Logan glanced up, a tiny smile on his face. “Actually, she did. I’m planning on continuing my weekly updates to my parents, so I thought it would be wise to get her a coat. She is quite small. I don’t want her to freeze in the cold.”
Patton let out a cooing sound. “I bet you look adorable in your coat, don’t you girl?”
The two chatted for a while before Logan slowly began to respond less and less. Patton stopped talking. He stroked Agatha, getting lost in his thoughts.
He would have to try harder to get Roman and Virgil to join them when they headed home for the year. It would be so much fun to sit together before summer break.
With Virgil’s family situation, it was unlikely that he’d be able to visit. And based on Roman’s reaction, he probably didn’t want to.
Maybe Logan would.
Pinks and oranges started to fill the sky as they reached the castle. Patton couldn’t help but gasp as they got off the train.
“Have you not seen the castle at sunset before?” Logan adjusted his glasses. “It’s much more breathtaking when the stars come out.”
“That sounds so pretty!”
“It is.” Logan rubbed the back of his neck. “Perhaps we could stargaze sometime. As...practice. For our Astronomy homework.”
Patton nodded eagerly. “That sounds great!”
The two stopped at the stairs. Logan moved to the right and Patton to the left.
“See you tomorrow.”
“Bye, Logan!”
Patton bounded down the stairs, giddy from Logan’s offer.
His mood drastically changed when he saw his roommate sitting on his bed, hood pulled over his head and arms wrapped around his knees.
Patton held his arms open in a silent question.
Virgil’s face crumpled as he launched himself into Patton’s arms. He buried his face into Patton’s chest, and Patton could feel his t-shirt become wet with tears.
He half-dragged Virgil to his bed, putting him down and letting go only to draw the curtains. Once he laid down, Virgil latched onto him once more. Fat tears slid down his cheeks, but he made no noise.
It broke Patton’s heart.
“I’ve got you.” Patton whispered, rubbing Virgil’s back. “You’re safe now.”
It took the better part of an hour, but eventually Virgil’s tears stopped and his breathing evened out. Patton gently moved Virgil’s arms, earning a whine.
“I’m just going to get something to help you sleep. I’ll be back in less than thirty seconds. Promise.”
When Patton appeared out of the curtains, their other roommates all gave him the same concerned look. He waved them off, mouthing ‘I’ve got it’. They looked sceptical, but didn’t say a word.
Patton popped open Virgil’s trunk and lifted the lid. The bottle of sleeping potion was sitting on top of a rectangular package wrapped in black cloth. He grabbed the bottle and closed the lid before heading back to his bed.
“Here, drink some. It’ll help.”
Virgil reached for the bottle and did as Patton asked. When he handed it back, Patton put it on his bedside table.
“Do you want to sleep here or in your own bed?”
“I - I’d like to sleep here, but if you don’t want me to...I can sleep alone.” Virgil’s voice wavered.
Patton shook his head. “Virge, you can sleep here. It’s always okay.”
“Are you sure?”
Pulling the covers back, he nodded. They slipped under the blankets, Virgil cuddling up to him immediately.
The two of them fell into an easy sleep.
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JEFF Triton -- Character Sheet
Archetype — The Ruler Birthday — April 25, 1967 Zodiac Sign — Taurus MBTI — ISTJ Enneagram — 6; the Loyalist Temperament — Melancholy Hogwarts House — Huffleclaw (with a Slyth model) Moral Alignment — Lawful Good Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — JODY Triton (nee Poole) Father — Cyrus Triton Mother’s Occupation — homemaker? Father’s Occupation — mer-government? Family Finances — uh all mermaids are rich are mermaids a communist dictatorshiP? Birth Order — Oldest Brothers —  None Sisters — JEAN, JUNE, JULY, JANE, JILL, JADE Other Close Family — Octopian, Trent -- brothers in law; Jewel, Jasmine, Jetta, Jem, Jennite, Jasperine, Julia -- nieces; Jordan -- nephew; Athena’s family. Best Friend — Sebastian and Scuttle Other Friends — Mufasa, The Prince ??, Benjamin Enemies — uh humans? lmao Pets — nah fam. Home Life During Childhood — More introverted but still friendly, didn’t get in much trouble (Athena was the #rebel). Kind of a nerd, his sisters’ deaths made him stoic. He loved them a lot and was kind of the peacemaker of them. Liked to explore, spent time collecting things/cleaning. Loved the environment.   Town or City Name(s) — Boscombe Reef off the coast of Bournemouth; Swynlake, England What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — it was under the ocean?? do they live in caves?? do they have infrastructure? do mermaids sleep in dens do they have "blankets" (makes no sense) and mirrors and toys??? BUT UH pretty clean and neat?? like if he did have toys and, sure, he had toys, they were always put away. Any Sports or Clubs — mer-debate, mer-student council, stuff like that Favorite Toy or Game — mer-chess, mer-monopoly (and the regular versions) Schooling — fish school? HAHA get it? puns. Favorite Subject — history but also really liked science and finds it v applicable to his job Popular or Loner — was very friendly and had friends, but they were mostly “school” friends. liked to be rather solitary, but lots of people liked him. Important Experiences or Events — his sisters’ deaths, moving to land, marrying/meeting athena, athena’s death, his daughters’ births Nationality — er English? I guess? Culture — Merculture Religion and beliefs — Merreligion  
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Sean Bean Complexion — had acne and has scars, but otherwise dark, tan, leathery skin and kinda red sometimes Hair Colour — Copper-y brown/red but going grey Eye Colour — Blue Height — 5’10 Build — Stocky and powerful Tattoos — a whale across his chest, multiple smaller ones--probably all the girls’ birthdays somewhere listed under a fancy letter “A” Piercings — had a nip piercing, ear piercings -- still wears ear piercings when dressing up Common Hairstyle — on the longer side but nicely groomed--def going grey but still pretty brown/red, beard is super nicely groomed it is his best feature ofc (alana makes him special beard cream) Clothing Style — DAD™ wears cargo pants, sandals and socks, CROCS, hawaiian shirts, etc Mannerisms — strokes beard when thinking, talks with hands, frowns when deep in thought Usual Expression — resting bitch face, but he’s actually so soft
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — decent, probably gets colds every now and then but overall pretty robust health-wise Physical Ailments — n/a Neurological Conditions — depression, PTSD, anxiety Allergies —  seasonal allergies Grooming Habits — rather good, sometimes falls to the wayside bc depression, but mermaids pride themselves on their appearance, esp concerning their hair Sleeping Habits — insomnia which gets worse the more worried he is. Goes and sits in his office a lot at night. Doesn’t sleep very well at all. It makes him tired. Probably falls asleep watching TV in the evenings Eating Habits — eh, he can forget to eat if he’s busy and is a snack addict. But he always has dinner with the girls when he is home.   Exercise Habits —  not suppppppper active, but he swims which is really good for you, isn’t unhealthy but isnt like JACKED Emotional Stability — about a 7. He’s pretty stable unless the girls are giving him hell or something happens in Swynlake that throws off the sense of safety. Body Temperature — Normalish Sociability — 4-5, pretty average. He has been masquerading as a human for al ong time but sometimes he makes little mistakes and says weird things. Doesn’t really seek out conversation but can hold one very well. Not shy, just quiet. Addictions — uhh coffee probably Drug Use — nah Alcohol Use —  occasionally, likes a good craft beer; RARELY gets drunk
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — indulges with food, dwelling on the past Good Habits — good grooming, good listener, organized, quick learner Best Characteristic — the biggest heart, he cares deeply about his fam and community Worst Characteristic — stubborn, suspicious, anxious Worst Memory — his sisters and athena’s death Best Memory — marrying athena! His daughters’ births! Proud of — his daughters, his company Embarrassed by — his daughters -- benjamin probably lol Driving Style —  too damn cautious, grandma, soccer moms you if the car stops too fast, Safe Driver ™ Strong Points — resilient, strong, detail-oriented, smart, studious, hard worker, meticulous, community-oriented/family-oriented Temperament — stoic, laidback til u piss him off Attitude — cautious, realistic, lil sassy but like subtle Weakness — his fears and anxieties Fears — losing his daughters Phobias — ?? Secrets — he’s a MERMAID Regrets — not being with athena/being able to save his sisters/wife, def relationships w lana and ariel Feels Vulnerable When — when he doesn’t know what is going on, lack of control, when his girls are upset with him Pet Peeves — littering, not being listened to, putting their feet on the dashboard Conflicts — wants his daughters to be independent v wants them to be safe; family versus community: mermaids are community oriented and it is hard for him to not fully be himseLF and not be useful -- would choose fam over community. Motivation — be a good community leader, keep his daughters safe, give back, keep the lake/ocean/community safe and clean, be a good dad Short Term Goals and Hopes — daughters succeed academically, board stuff, community safe Long Term Goals and Hopes — safe and happy for his fam, WANTS GRANDBABIES Sexuality — heteroflexible/demisexual Exercise Routine  — swims p regularly Day or Night Person — wants to be a day person, but his depression/insomnia force him to be a night person Introvert or Extrovert — extroverted introvert Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist with realist leanings
Likes and Styles:
Music — Jimmy Buffet and dad rock, also Jazz Books — biographies! Magazines — nat geo, home improvement magazines, men’s health, takes teen vogue quizzes w the girls Foods — p much likes everything, lots of fish, also likes sweets and junk food Drinks — craft beer, water, coffee Animals — his marine counterpart is a turtle!! But he likes most animals--just not in the house w a bunch of daughters,, Sports — eh not particularly Social Issues — left-leaning on most social issues, but more fiscally conservative. Big running points are always SAFETY SAFETY. Big on environmental stuff Favorite Saying — “if life gives you limes, make margaritas” - Jimmy Buffett Color — Green, like Athena’s eyes /tear Jewelry — wears bracelets, rings, necklaces, mostly hemp and beaded stuff, occasionally metal if Dressing Up Websites — watches TED talks, loves youtube (for animal vids), is that dad that comments on everything on facebooks, decent w the internet bc y’know he runs a company, TV Shows — home improvement, cooking shows, bad reality telly, historical dramas (mad men, house of cards), sitcoms Movies — tbh likes romcoms on the lowkey, hates horror, will watch anything hte girls want (but horror) Greatest Want — keep his family safe, happiness for his girls Greatest Need — learn to let go, safety/security/peace
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — lives in the Woods, five bedroom, three floors, mansion Household furnishings — relatively modern but also homey Favorite Possession — his photo albums and his wedding ring Most Cherished Possession — HIS DAUGHTERS!!! Married Before — to the LOVE OF HIS LIFE Athena Significant Other Before — probably one girlfriend Children — Attina, Andrina, Adella, Arista, Aquata, Alana, Ariel Relationship with Family — has a good relationship with his sister who is still alive and that fam, they live on land these days tho closer to the shore tbh?? They probably work together. Really close with Attina, Andrina, Aquata. Has a good relationship with Arista too. Strained relationships with Ariel and Adella and Alana (in that order of most to least strained lol) Car — 2012 Honda Odyssey in grey -- “The Humpback” Career — CEO of Triton Industries, a nonprofit that works towards ocean clean up. Dream Career — Uh, probably exactly what he is doing tbh Dream Life — being able to move between the land and the ocean freely without fear of repercussion, athena alive, all his daughters happy, retired with grandbabies Love Life — non-existent /tear; tho tbh probably gets hit on all the time. This makes him uncomfortable. Talents or Skills — good at chess, good cook, handy around the house, knows sign language/french/spanish, can sew a bit, play an instrument ?? (something brassy maybe the trumpet or drums) Intelligence Level — 8, he’s v intelligent. Finances — they rich af holla @ sunken treasure
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — uhhh worked in mer-government tbh probabyl like environment conservation   Past Lovers — like one girlfriend, he was not very smooth w the ladies Biggest Mistakes — being too controlling, letting athena out of his sight Biggest Achievements — watching attina and adella graduate, all his daughters being safe and (mostly) happy!!, his company, his solid place on the board
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AU Facts - re-post
I was informed it's hard to get the first one to load so I don't know what's going on but I'll put it on here again just in case
Sorry guys
   My Alternate Universe follows a similar timeline to the 2014/16 movies but unlike that it differs in many ways, the turtles are a bit older and differ in age –this is due to having to replace subjects due to one or all passing from not being able to survive the shots they were given, work side by side with the cops after the Krangg invasion, they have a baby sister who they not only saved but was raised alongside them by Master Splinter
  Before anyone points it out the AU does have several different story timelines it follows – Raven was saved by Raph in one having found her alone in the sewers, in another he snuck up to the surface without permission and stumbled across the scene where two people were being harassed by the Foot in the end the little girl watches the men murder her mother as the young turtle tries to stop it… then there is one where the turtles never find the little girl and instead she grows up on the streets where she’s homeless and hunted by not only the Foot but also the Purple Dragons, in this timeline Raven saves Raphael from freezing to death after he’s hurt in a fight
I do tend to write poly relationships/one on one relationships
The OC Raven was originally from a book I was writing back in High School – in it she is a mutant who can absorb abilities (Like Rouge only the ability becomes hers making her dangerous to everyone around her) as a child she absorbed her guardian angel and the she fox who killed her making her the embodiment of something similar to the ying yang – beautifully innocent yet deadly, after that she is forced to carry a demon within her that tends to take over from time to time, so I did mutate her in one of my series where Sacks scientist actually force fox DNA into her with the mutagen and since in the AU the teenager has the DNA of a small species of turtle it mixes bad becoming unstable and creates a monster she struggles to control (Same as in the book)
  Enemies include:  Shredder and the Foot clan, General Krangg, Hun and the Purple Dragon’s
  The turtles have several allies other than April O’Neal, Vern, and Casey Jones, this world also includes Leatherhead who lives off in a substation close to where their original lair existed down by the docks (So far they have had four homes in their lives), they also have a few other human allies which includes a blind man that runs a thrift store with his wife and daughter where the family get most of their newer cloths Raven fixes for them, a girl who works at a pizza shop and Chinese restaurant that coexist in the same building who gives them the leftovers they are going to throw out, and a few homeless people who stay near where their bridge exit – not including the NYPD
  Leatherhead met the turtles when they rescued him from a lab the Foot were operating out of, the massive croc has a uncontrollable rage point that erupts without warning and much like the turtles he doesn’t trust humans, they found him a home where he could be safe and no human’s would be able to get near his home on the other side of the abandoned tunnels never thinking a human would actually go there willingly – also forgetting a certain teenage girl happened to go hang out in those tunnels from time to time
The first time Raven runs into the croc she is wondering around and steps into his lair without knowing she was in danger
Giving she’s never feared her family she doesn’t move a muscle when what she originally thought was Raphael turned out to be a giant mutant crocodile man, she attempts to calm him before he attacks her - she gets hurt trying to outrun him knowing the sewers far better than him she slips away by taking a tunnel only to slam right into the mutant once again just as one of her brother’s comes to rescue her having heard the screams
The turtles had mentioned they had a little sister but had never thought the two would meet but after she had apologized for trespassing in his home the two somehow became the best of friends
Leatherhead having been raised in the labs is incredibly smart and enjoys spending time in Donatello’s lab while visiting his friends if he’s not hanging out with Mikey or being spoiled by Raven who makes him tons of food while he is there
Although the croc his bigger then the turtles he his only a few years older then the teen girl
  The first lair was down a few miles from the docks where the turtles and Splinter lived until they were old enough to move without the rat having to carry them, the second lair (Lair we see in the first movie) was destroyed by the foot and Shredder, the third was a station that was long forgotten where they stayed for a year before finding their current home where they have been for five years
This Lair is massive having three levels underground and an above ground Garage where they keep their vehicles so they don’t disturb their father while working on them or heading out late at night.
The main parts of the lair are all in one large room decorated like an underground amusement park equipped with a water slide with smaller rooms built up off to the sides including the huge kitchen, a dojo, a weight room, the lab and needle room reside off to the back where they have a TV room and a rear exit, Splinter’s garden room that connects to his bedroom, and a small bathroom right under the stairs.
Each of the turtles have their own room set up the way they like upstairs of the home overlooking the den and dining area, a separate set of stairs goes to an underground area where there is a pool and basking area for hot summer days and showers in a separate area set up like a locker room
  The ages of the turtles vary depending on when I’m writing so per usual I try to write them when they were teens but most storied are going in their early twenties. Ages for the turtles range in stories from 10, 12, 15, (18 – 26 ç the most) and as always Leo is oldest followed by Raph, then Donnie, and Mikey is the baby of the brothers
  Leonardo – The oldest
Leonardo was the only baby turtle from the original first four to survive the mutagen shots where as his sisters from the clutch never hatched
As a toddler this sweet boy clung to Splinter just as much as his baby brother and was the first to show his true personality
  The blue banded ninja is the same loveable yet anal older brother we all adore, but he is much stricter than most people are used too and tends to sound extremely cold even if he doesn’t mean too at times/he can come off as a jerk which he tries to avoid.
As the oldest and the leader of the clan he carried a lot on his shoulders even if his younger siblings try to help him he’s not too keen on letting them
He was the first of his brother’s to be allowed to go with Splinter on junk runs since he was very obedient to his father’s orders even if he had a small tendency to goof off from time to time
He tends to argue with Raphael over everything from why he’s leader to why the hotheaded turtle can’t go out to the surface most days, he leads the team in practice and training daily, spends a good portion of his days training, improving his katas, and meditating
He tries to loosen up from time to time so he’s not always the serious turtle that constantly has a perpetual stick up his ass, on those days he plays video games with Mikey or works out with Raph getting into competitions with his brother that he tends to lose at, sometimes if Donnie has a lot on his plate he will go and help with smaller projects
Leo can’t cook even though he tries to much to his siblings dismay, he is skilled in sewing, loves to read and tends to try new things to see if he likes them every other month
  Raphael – Second oldest
Raphael was the only surviving hatchling from the next clutch of eggs due to the others fell ill and died within the first two months due to poor diets, he was left in his tank alone and fell ill of a broken heart shortly after his brothers and sister died, looking as if he would pass too April O’Neal placed him in with the older baby turtle hoping he would be comforted if he did perish – instead Raphael got better and when he took to Leonardo the scientist kept him in the tank to be sure he wouldn’t fall sick again.
Do to the trauma of losing his siblings early on the turtle became protective of Leo, Donnie, and Mikey once they were in the tank not allowing anyone except April and her father to pick them up
As a rambunctious toddler Raphael was the more curious wonderer so Splinter had to find a playpen to keep him and Donnie in so they didn’t run off until he found a heating lamp then the rowdy tot was never far from it always basking if he wasn’t playing
  As the biggest turtle he comes off as intimidating and has the temper and attitude to back it up but around his family he is more laid back. As the second oldest he butts heads with his brothers – mostly Leonardo several times a day due to they are both alphas and only a few months apart in age – but it’s more to just keep the leader on his toes then to be an ass
Raphael spends a good portion of his day lifting his weights, breaking his punching bag, making repairs around the lair, working in the garage, or wondering around the sewers if he’s not in his room or screwing with Leo
Raphael is actually the one who saved Raven when he was only ten bringing her home and caring for the girl while she was weak
The red masked turtle is quite the handy man so it takes a lot off what Don has to do in the lair when it comes to furniture being broken or having to repair pipes other than the electronics from time to time, he also enjoys working in the garage on his motorcycle when he needs some alone time… this tends to happen more than ever when you have three brothers that piss you off on a regular bases
At night if the brother’s don’t go out for patrol or have an easy night he sneaks out to meet Casey to ride bikes and patrol the city
And yes because I’m a sucker for it he does dress up as Nightwatcher without his family knowing to go out and fight crime, I had to give the hothead a motorcycle for him to ride but in actuality he had 2-3 he works on
He tries to not show it but he’s very protective of his family and cares for his brothers a lot , especially his two younger siblings, and as mean and off putting as he tried to come off he’s still a giant teddy bear with a really big heart that comforts the others when needed
Raphael loves knitting, carving little wooden figures, and cooking. He has his own play system in his room with his own TV but Mikey doesn’t mind him playing him on the one in the den if he’s not pumping weights
  Donatello – Third Oldest
Donnie was actually the only egg to be brought in for the next test probably because it was the only one they could find so late in the season, he was perfectly healthy to their surprise.
When placed in the tank with Leo and Raph he didn’t take to them right away tending to stay far away from the two other males who were inseparable but given time Raph wouldn’t leave him alone and started dragging him around the cage by his carapace when he would retract into his shell to hide from them taking him to the food where the other two stayed sitting there with the turtle until he came out to eat, afterwards the third turtle was never far from the others
Even at these ages he showed higher than normal intelligence able to find ways to escape their tanks
By the time he was a toddler he was already interested in things having created their first toy from scrap parts until they had a car that drove around the home on its own it acted at a motivation in getting his baby brother to crawl as he chased it
  Our sweet purple banded genius is still a genius so I didn’t change him by much
Donnie spends every waking hour in his lab if he’s not training, having to fix the security systems that surround their liar, or repairing the things his brothers break every other day, he also has three areas inside their home that belong to him
The Lab, his computer station, and his room
He’s a coffee addict so Leonardo and Master Splinter have set a limit on his caffeine intake although being Donnie he has his own coffee pot hidden in the lab so he still drinks more then he’s supposed to, his siblings constantly have to pull him from the lab to eat if they don’t just bring his food to him otherwise he would forget completely
The genius and his family built onto their home over the years so because of that each of the turtles now have their own rooms and a portion of the lair that belongs to them separately
Donatello created the lair from top to bottom making all their electronics, appliances, ect. So he tends to joke when Leo tries to boss him around
  Michelangelo – Youngest
Mikey sadly was the only egg in his clutch of ten to survive but was born sick due to he had a twin that had died in the egg while inside with him, because he was the only egg to survive in over a year they cared for him round the clock until he was well enough to be placed in the tank with the other three turtles even though he was too small to fend for himself but never had too.
It was instant that the other three became protective of the tiny turtle caring for him
Because he was so tiny he liked to ride around on his brother’s shells while they wondered around the tank of hide under them while they were standing
The scientist had a hard time getting the smallest turtle away from his brothers since they were always huddled around him, Raphael and Leonardo brought the youngest two plenty of food before they would eat while Donatello would lie beside him protectively until the older two were back from their bowl
It was because of how territorial the older three were that they were all placed in separate tanks that sat side by side in a square so they could all see one another allowed to be in the same tank while April was in the lab playing with them
  Michelangelo is our little prankster/skater boy
This loveable little turtle is just as we have always seen him - he can be the biggest pain in Raphael’s butt wreaking Donnie’s lab like a tornado joking off in the dojo while Leo’s trying to continue training but still somehow being that innocent angel in his father’s eyes all in the same ten minutes
Because of how small he was when he hatched Mikey is smaller than his brothers – this is more of his size then age but it makes it easy to see he’s the baby brother in all aspects
When he’s not messing with his brothers or getting one somebody’s nerves Mikey spends a good portion of his time either playing video games, reading his comics, or tagging the lair with his art while nobody’s paying him any mind – he has even done a wall in each of his siblings rooms in honor of something he loves about them making a memorial for each room
When it comes that time of year the orange banded turtle is the one to start the parties, planning the biggest bashes with the help of their sister they never fail to impress weather it’s a birthday party of Christmas
Mikey has the potential to be better than his older brothers, he’s much faster, skilled, and the shortness comes in handy he’s too laid back to really try
  Raven – the baby
She’s a curvy yet slim beauty with pale porcelain skin, long black curly locks she wears in a bun of ponytail at all times, and emerald green eyes, she’s only 5’6 so she’s constantly teased for being short by her brothers, the young girl hasn’t always been with the mutant family
She was abandoned in the sewers when she was very young and somehow survived on her own for months before stumbling upon Raphael while he was out blowing off steam after a fight with Leonardo, she followed the turtle from a distance curious about him until he realizes she’s there. She hides in a tunnel when he turns but doesn’t try to run from him when he came to investigate only to find a sick and thin form
He rushes her to Donatello who had recently started learning everything he can from several medical books after finishing the physics and the thesaurus collections Master Splinter has found him while scavenging threw a junk yard or walking past a dumpster. She’s really sick and they all expect her to never make it but a few days later she’s just as active as any normal child would even though she’s still ill
It was guessed Raph had to have been the only person she had seen in a long time but for a child she looks at them as if they are no different from the tiny human girl and the longer they are around the child the more they learn about the strange child their brother brought home
At first glance the girl seems like any normal kid – curious about everything she sees and gets into, she loves to watch them while they play games or sits close by while they are watching movies, after a while she goes to them sitting in their laps as they read or watch cartoons… Then come the day they find she is far from normal
Raven hates enclosed or tiny spaces unless she finds one she likes, has major abandonment issues, and more surprising to the family the girl hates humans more than her fear of snakes
By the age of five Splinter lets her join in with the turtles in their practices but doesn’t start fully training her until she is twelve when he comes home from a walk to sees her playing with a broom stick like it was a bo or a sword sparring with her brothers as they practice their team attacks, he stays back watching the girl holding her own against the turtles who at that time were teenagers – seeing the potential she has he started her training pushing her just as hard as he does his sons
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  v  The turtles don’t wear their full gear while relaxing in the lair – just pants and masks if it’s an off day – hoodies that are customized to fit over their shells during winter
  v  As they get older they are not required to train but do it anyways now that Leo has started leading the training practices while their father watches from his seat to keep an eye on the teen girl
  v  Splinter lived in the lab the turtles and him were created for three years before being freed into the sewers
  v  All of them have different eye and skin colors:
         ~ Leo has some of the deepest icy sky blue eyes and leaf green skin
          ~ Raph has golden orbs with emerald green skin
            ~ Donnie has honey brown eyes and olive green flesh
              ~ Mikey has the prettiest baby blues and a light sea green coloring to his skin
  v  Like the turtle’s Raven is skilled in several things – having taught herself to cook and bake, loves to sew and after years of practice became good enough to repair and make clothes for her family, does most of the cleaning in the lair just out of boredom… learned mechanics and how to work on cars by watching Donnie and Raph
  v  Leonardo and Raphael are both 26 but a few months apart in age, Donnie is six months younger then Raph (25-26 depending on the time of the year), Mikey is a year younger than his three older brothers (24-25)
  v  None of the turtles are actual blood siblings
  v  Raphael even though he cares for the girl deeply starts to push her away a few years after she comes to live with them fearing he will hurt her if he lets her too close but slowly she breaks his walls down considering him her best friend even though he acts like he hates her
  v  The guys have rap battles at random to roast each other
  v  Donatello was practically blind so his brothers had to lead him around until he figured out where everything was in their home until he was eight when Splinter was able find him some glasses in the garbage but as he got older the frames were smashed several times so he found a way to make his own to his prescription and now just orders them when he needs a new pair
  v  Splinter started teaching the little girl ninjitsu at the age of 5 – she may be years behind her older siblings but the rat saw fit that she start earlier then his sons   (Boys started when they were 8)
  v  3 nights out of the week are family nights so they have dinner together usually a homemade meal before either watching movies or playing games together, very rare is when Splinter is out of the lair do the siblings head to the surface to hang out for fun
  v  Mikey clings to Raphael more than his other brothers
  v  The teen gets several smaller jobs to help support the family once she learns to deal with her deep set fear of the humans bringing in more money for their needs, she is more mature than girls her own age and can sometimes act more like a mom rather than the youngest sibling
  v  Michelangelo having painted every room in the lair goes out to the tunnels around the home to work on his art, or takes off to Leatherheads part of the tunnels to get some peace and quiet from his brothers
    v  Leonardo’s love for Japanese culture was so intense he not only learned to speak the language he uses it almost as much as he does English becoming fluent by the age of thirteen, his room is decorated with art and writings from the country his brother’s managed to get over the internet
  v  On junkyard runs Raphael hangs back watching for danger while guarding Don’s shell before making his way to the front to feed the guard dogs playing with them and the puppies while his brothers look for things for their home so he can see the night security building and warn them if he leaves
  v  Donatello carried two jobs at the age of fifteen as not only a computer technician but also as a customer service assistant for people having trouble with their systems
  v  When younger they had to teach the girl several things – at the age of four even with very little physical contact with people of any kind the girl had a full vocabulary and to an extent could read but her way of speaking was confusing
  v  She was fascinated with  horror films of any kind that even the turtles couldn’t watch
  v  Birthdays were never really celebrated until they had a home but each of the turtles picked a day they wanted to celebrate their birthdays on: Leo picked February 13, Raphael May 11, Donnie picked November 20, and Mikey being the goof he is picked October 31. Raven’s real birthday actually falls the day after Raphael’s on May 12 but she always forgets it going all out for her brothers – usually they remind her
  v  Mikey and Raph takes shifts cooking with the teen during the week
  v  Like Donnie, Raven is a coffee addict
  v  Raphael actually has a good voice and when younger used to sing to his brothers – now you have to tempt it out of him when he’s either in a really good mood or drunk
  v  They choose nights when they go solo
  v  Patrols are never in groups unless it’s a mission, they split into teams to patrol parts of the city on more difficult nights but on the easy nights they divide the city into four parts each turtle taking a portion
  v  They take turns being teamed up with their human sister
  v  Splinter has a soft spot of animals and tends to be unable to say no when one of his children bring home a stray pet – he loves Mikey’s kitten
  v  The first time one of them (Donatello) got hurt in front of her during training the little girl had whimpered running to the turtle’s side looking the wound over before trying to clean the wound herself – Mikey practically ran screaming in horror to get their father as the little girl licked the wound to stop the blood… (It’s gross but she grew up without proper role models so seeing animals cleaning wounds on the streets stuck with her)
  v  Mikey was the one to figure out the child they took in was smart when she accidentally hacked into Donatello’s computer to get the parental lock off the youngest turtles game system
  v  Donnie buys groceries by using the online orders having them delivered to the building just over the lair where Raven or Casey poses as the owners of a small business and the teen travels to the store only for small items
  v  None of the mutants knew the girl was good with electronics until she was playing with her computer he had made her and managed to unlock Don’s system playing one of his games with him before they even knew she was doing so
  v  Raphael’s favorite treat is brownies
  v  Raven being raised alongside the guys had to learn not only how to fight and protect herself she was taught how to keep up with them being slightly slower, jump over areas no human could manage, and hide in an instant before she was allowed out of the sewers with them so they played games to prepare her for things that may happen on the surface
  v  The very first time they ever took the girl to the surface was with her brother’s for a junkyard run that was supposed to be an easy night; it turned into a fight for their lives. The turtles finally seeing that the innocent kid had a much darker side when they were in trouble. She fought several men hand to hand with ease before ultimately killing two Foot soldiers before she even realized she had done so
  v  The guys take great joy in teasing their baby sister for being so small or pushing her into doing things they would have gotten in trouble for – Splinter never disciplines her for them if his sons were involved
  v  Raphael looks to Leo for advice when he really needs it even though they fight alot
  v  Although she doesn’t get sent in there a lot the teen’s punishment in the Ha’shi is to stand/balance on a bamboo pole with one foot while doing anything from stitching clothes or reading her textbooks to force the girl to focus her mind
  v  Raphael and Leonardo are usually the ones the teenager is teamed up with being the most protective of the girl, the other reason is nether of the younger turtles keep that good of an eye trusting her to keep with them. Donnie’s mind is always wondering and Mikey get distracted
  v  Raven having been told to stay away from Leatherheads place without one of her brothers with her fearing their friend could hurt her if he doesn’t recognize her never listens to them, she tends to believe the mutant would never hurt her on purpose and always gives him the benefit of doubt. Somehow the two are the best of friends even though she risk her life every time she steps foot into his home
  v  The kanji carved into Raphael’s shoulder is a constant reminder to watch his temper after flying into a rage in the middle of a sparring session with Leo in which Leo caught him with his sword accident cutting his brother over his lip unable to dodge fast enough when Raph attacked raking  the longest prong across his brother’s eye almost taking it out leaving the scar over Leo’s eye once it healed, after being sure his big brother would be okay he ran to his room and cut the symbol into his flesh without his father knowing until he fell ill when it got infected
  v  Raven  although with her fears of human’s warmed up to April within hours of them meeting due to the young reporter found the girl’s weakness (Coffee)but Raven took well over a year to warm up to Casey never getting to close to the man while he was conscious still not fully trusting him but after seeing her brother’s screwing with the man for fun she makes an effort to sneak attack him the moment he gets to the lair finding it funny when Mikey shouts out the score
  v  Mikey has a small fluffy white, orange, and gray kitten he named sweetie after he rescued the poor baby from the tunnels without his brothers knowing hiding the sweet little fur ball in his room until the morning it got out and attacked Leo’s leg while he was meditating – it is never to be spoke of since Leonardo never heard the tint angel playing beside him screaming just before he fell off his meditation perch just as Raphael finished his workout causing him to be mocked for weeks afterwards – and due to it being able to get the best of the blue banded turtle the kitten is practically worshiped by the others
  v  With enough begging from the young girl each of the turtles have been forced to have a peel off face mask at least once in their lives – Mikey’s the only one who willingly gets one every week when April comes over to do one on the girl
  v  Leo tells the lamest jokes but yet there are still funny
  v  Raphael had a Pitbull puppy when he was a kid but had to rehome her due to she didn’t like Donnie walking through the lair late at night
  v  When the weather gets bad or the tunnels are flooded around their home the teen makes the family pot roast stew and small sweet treats to cheer up her cabin fever ridden siblings always making plenty so they have tons of extras – as soon as the guys are busy she dishes up a few servings into several tuber wear bowls making sure they will survive the journey before slipping out of the home. Due to where he lives it’s hard for him to get out and find food once the seasons grow cold so the family tends to bring him groceries at least twice a month. Making her way through the overflowing tunnels to his home to be sure he’s fed – she’s sure to check and watch her back while wading through the deep water just in case he’s out finding the croc is always grateful for her caring thoughts and food
  v  They created a personal holiday where one day out of the year Mikey can’t pull pranks or be annoying – they also have on the same day where everyone has to prank one another and the loser actually does chores for a few months  by themselves and Mikey usually loses
  v  When hurt of upset the teen shuts down – she never shows weakness and rarely cries in front of the family
  v  Being older brother’s each of the guys taught the human girl something  personally even though she learned a lot by just watching them:  Leonardo helps her one on one in the dojo to achieve her lessons faster if she’s having trouble while also teaching her to speak several different languages so if the need arises she can pull off any disguise and throw off enemies, Raphael even though told not to by their Master taught the girl to drive not only the garbage truck but to also operate a motorcycle before she was fifteen got in trouble then took to teaching her several fighting skills, Donnie being the educated turtle saw the curiosity the girl at a very young age and started teaching her several things from medical training so if he’s not around she could deal with injuries of all severities to honing her hacking skills until she is just as good as him, Michelangelo taught the girl how to swim and draw finding a hidden talent she possessed for awesome anime characters
  v  Even though the teen plays stupid around others she’s just as smart as her older brothers and acts as though she’s older then the turtles
  v  Raphael spends the most time next to Leonardo in the Ha’shi – Mikey is in close third whereas Donnie rarely gets sent into the room unless he’s in the middle of something with his brothers
  v  To stop Donatello from licking the icing off their pop tarts the young woman buys the genius coffee flavored so he will eat the entire thing practically abolishing his nasty habit but his brother’s still hide their breakfast items
  v  Raph has several tattoos including one for each of his family members
  v  The guys tend to go into a hibernated like state during the winter making it harder to wake them
  v  Michelangelo, Donatello, and Leonardo get sick at least two times a year whereas Raphael is rarely ever sick but it was always easy to tell when they weren’t feeling well.
~ Mikey would act like he was completely helpless and whoever was taking care of him would practically have to do everything for him – he turns into a child that constantly needs cuddles.
~ Donatello was usually always sick since it seemed like his immune system was slightly weaker than the others, so he locks his self in the lab going over everything he could find on the internet thinking he had something that was worse than just a cold – in the end where he would only be down for a day or two it’s dragged out into a week-long ordeal.
~ Leonardo basically sleeps for hours as if Donnie would have drugged him; the oldest turtle becomes completely unresponsive to the world easily knocked out cold from the smallest illness so nothing disturbs him no matter how loud Mikey tries to be
~ Raphael, when he does manage to come down with something turns into that giant teddy bear he is on the inside becoming strangely affectionate and needy to any form of comfort the other’s will give him – so when he’s sick he curls up on the couch and nuzzles up to anyone that gets too close, usually it’s the girl who’s trying to take care of him
  v  Donnie having gotten tired of hearing the unpleased opinions of his brother’s about his eating habits and the unnecessary energy it takes to leaving the lab for drinks or food found and fixed up a refrigerator he keeps stocked with Soda’s and snacks
  v  Raphael and Mikey are the ones who do tattoos for the brothers
  v  Once a year the family goes up to the cabin in the mountains for a few weeks – two months at the most to train, recover, relax before heading back home
  v  Leo makes his own candles and takes great joy in making them for his Master
  v  Mikey although he can be messy is very organized, he likes to collect things – comics, action figures, manga, anime, you name it he likes it and has a place for everything in his room. So it may be messy but when he feels like it his room can be organized almost just as well as Leo’s
  v  Raphael actually had the teen help him make his Nightwatcher uniform without her ever knowing making her think it was for a Halloween party they were having
  v  Raven is fifteen when she starts to have nightmares and flashbacks remembering a life she never knew she had, remembering her mother, the details that wound her up in the sewers, faces and voices she doesn’t know seem so familiar but never tells her family
  v  Raven had been going out with the turtles for three years when her true bloodline was revealed to them, during a battle with the Foot Raven gets cornered by Shredder away from her family but just as the man is going to kill her he stops to look her over almost in shock before ordering his men to release her. he apologized for their rudeness referring to her as princess before he tells her of a life she doesn’t remember… her real name was Anastasia, of her mother who he took in off the streets and got her cleaned up of drugs, how he cherished the young woman… and was so happy to find out she could help him continue the clans bloodline
  v  It is then that he tells the teen she is the heir to the Foot clan and her mother was killed for kidnapping her and going on the run when it was revealed that she was to be raised as a deadly assassin that would someday take his place over the evil organization
  v  He literally comes out to tell the girl she was his daughter when she doesn’t believe him
  v  The simple fact of learning she is the offspring of their enemy destroys her and then she becomes hell bent on training so  she can prove she’s nothing like the evil man and vows to disband the clan if she ever takes over it
  v  Leo didn’t like tea when he was a kid
  v  Mikey posts their music on YouTube having a whole hip-hop list him and the guys have done
  v  Raven even though she is a human has gotten into fist fights with Raphael
 Didn't separate this time so hope you all enjoy
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Ziggy Stardust's Daughter Is Alive and Living in Nashville | #50StatesofArt
David Bowie never died. In fact, it's hard to deny his presence in the heart of every artist on our site and in the mind of nearly every reader. One look at Juliana Horner, and it's even harder to deny Ziggy Stardust's resemblance, as if, before evacuating his mortal coil on-stage at the hands of "the infinites"—read Ziggy's entire origin story here—he made a pit-stop in Nashville and conceived a conspicuously human daughter. 
It's hard to talk about Horner's work without talking about Instagram, both because she broadcasts to an enraptured audience of 42,500—ourselves included—and because its four-taps-to-transmission format is unmatched for her brand of anything-goes creative output: designs, drawings, performances, photography, makeup videos, and everything in between. The oldest of seven children, even over the phone the Pratt Institute Fashion Design grad has the vibe of someone for whom total creative transmutation proves no obstacle. A mutual friend described her simply: "She's an angel." 
While I'm not much for canonizing (mythologizing, however, is fine) I am inclined to believe him. Creators spoke to Juliana Horner about art, Instagram, and returning to Nashville from New York City. 
Creators: Your background is in textiles. Tell me about the earliest experience you remember just foolin' around with makeup.
Juliana Horner: I suppose right around the time Avril Lavigne and Evanescence hit the scene when I was in middle school, I developed an interest in having a pair of raccoon eyes of my own. I was very into the… darker side of 5th grade, if you will. I switched schools many times when I was younger and figured if I was going to feel left out I might as well look left out too, so black eyeliner and terribly tweezed eyebrows it was.
You seem like a pretty private person, but much of your practice is extremely public. How do you find a balance? 
My immediate reaction is to say I haven't found a balance and I never will. There is a torturous demon inside of me that is ripping out of my soul and forcing me to create new and exciting things to share, while my shy, weak, early arthritic human body is like "no, please stop."
Do you think you learned more in art school, surrounded by people, or working solo after graduating? And why?
While I prefer working alone, I know very well that I learned an equal amount before and after graduating. Art school, in addition to new skills, gave me something to disagree with. I learned very quickly to stop asking for my peers' and teachers' opinions. You can't go on with your life as an artist agreeing with everything around you and saying "this is fine". You have to find what you dislike, bounce off of that, then kickflip in the air and blossom into the unique and unreproducible thing that you are.
You studied fashion. How did that education (if at all) serve to inform your current work? 
Studying fashion brought a level of refinement to my work. The program was stressful. At the time half of me hated it, but the other half was exhilarated and grateful to have the time, space and resources to create anything I wanted. You have to kill a part of yourself to learn anything- to develop a style that belongs to you.
Can you tell me a bit about your decision to move back to Nashville from New York City? 
At the end of school, I felt a little broken. I am the type of person that once they decide on doing something, they take it as far as their body will let them. I did that with school in New York. All of a sudden, it was over and it was like the wind had been knocked out of me. I had to move far away from it to digest and absorb what had happened. In the meantime, sort of without me realizing it, my truth began to manifest itself and I slowly developed into what I am now, whatever that is.
What's an average day look like for you, if there is such a thing? 
Coffee is pretty much the only consistent thing about my schedule. And staring at my phone. Can we please switch to Google glasses already? My hand and neck are killing me. In the morning I like taking hikes and walking in my neighborhood. During the day I'm either at work at the craft store (my mom's), shipping art ordered from from my website, doing freelance work or working on my own art. Other activities include hula hooping, skip-hopping, playing piano or my midi, singing in strange voices and dancing that doesn't really qualify as dancing, more like therapeutic movement. At night I drink wine and do my makeup.
For someone who's never been to Nashville, how would you describe it? 
Very green and lush and muggy during the summer. While it's the worst place in the world for allergies, somehow 20 days a year of the most blissful, blooming weather in the spring makes up for everything. The fall is also amazing. It's a growing big/small city, and there's things to do when you want them. You can go to a shitty dive bar and have the time of your life drinking a bucket of beer and smoking cigs indoors or put on your platforms and go to a weird 1920s-style "New Nashville" rooftop hotel bar with $20 drinks. And music is always happening everywhere. And if you want to go downtown to the neon lights on Broadway and buy some cowboy boots and sing karaoke with the vague stench of throw up hanging in the air, there's always that too.
Finally, your audience only gets to see the perfected end results. Do you have any 'major makeup fail' stories that you hope readers will immediately forget after reading this?
I can't really think of a particular instance, but there is one thing that is pretty funny to me: I take a lot of singular pictures of either my right or left eye, as we know. To do this, I have to get the camera very close to my face, which distorts the outer corners of the image. I'm sure everyone is pretty familiar with this aspect of their phone camera. What I'm trying to say is, if I didn't crop those pictures, I probably would not be doing this interview with you right now.
Click here to visit Juliana Horner's website, and here to see her work on Instagram. 
All year, we're highlighting 50 States of Art projects around the United States. This month, we're covering Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Tennessee, and Delaware. To learn more, click here.
How Artists Are Remembering David Bowie, One Year Later
Meet the Woman Behind These Hysterical U-Haul, Purell, and Crocs-Inspired Makeup Tutorials
F*ck Contouring, We Just Want More of This Magical Hogwarts Body Art
from creators http://ift.tt/2p1AGgN via IFTTT
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Background (FINALLY!!)
This is everything you need to know about the AU I write from... took me a while but here it is
 My Alternate Universe follows a similar timeline to the 2014/16 movies but unlike that it differs in many ways, the turtles are a bit older and differ in age –this is due to having to replace subjects due to one or all passing from not being able to survive the shots they were given, work side by side with the cops after the Krangg invasion, they have a baby sister who they not only saved but was raised alongside them by Master Splinter  
  v  Before anyone points it out the AU does have several different story timelines it follows – Raven was saved by Raph in one having found her alone in the sewers, in another he snuck up to the surface without permission and stumbled across the scene where two people were being harassed by the Foot in the end the little girl watches the men murder her mother as the young turtle tries to stop it… then there is one where the turtles never find the little girl and instead she grows up on the streets where she’s homeless and hunted by not only the Foot but also the Purple Dragons, in this timeline Raven saves Raphael from freezing to death after he’s hurt in a fight
v  I do tend to write poly relationships/one on one relationships
v  The OC Raven was originally from a book I was writing back in High School – in it she is a mutant who can absorb abilities (Like Rouge only the ability becomes hers making her dangerous to everyone around her) as a child she absorbed her guardian angel and the she fox who killed her making her the embodiment of something similar to the ying yang – beautifully innocent yet deadly, after that she is forced to carry a demon within her that tends to take over from time to time, so I did mutate her in one of my series where Sacks scientist actually force fox DNA into her with the mutagen and since in the AU the teenager has the DNA of a small species of turtle it mixes bad becoming unstable and creates a monster she struggles to control (Same as in the book)
 Enemies include:  Shredder and the Foot clan, General Krangg, Hun and the Purple Dragon’s
 The turtles have several allies other than April O’Neal, Vern, and Casey Jones, this world also includes Leatherhead who lives off in a substation close to where their original lair existed down by the docks (So far they have had four homes in their lives), they also have a few other human allies which includes a blind man that runs a thrift store with his wife and daughter where the family get most of their newer cloths Raven fixes for them, a girl who works at a pizza shop and Chinese restaurant that coexist in the same building who gives them the leftovers they are going to throw out, and a few homeless people who stay near where their bridge exit – not including the NYPD
 Leatherhead met the turtles when they rescued him from a lab the Foot were operating out of, the massive croc has a uncontrollable rage point that erupts without warning and much like the turtles he doesn’t trust humans, they found him a home where he could be safe and no human’s would be able to get near his home on the other side of the abandoned tunnels never thinking a human would actually go there willingly – also forgetting a certain teenage girl happened to go hang out in those tunnels from time to time
The first time Raven runs into the croc she is wondering around and steps into his lair without knowing she was in danger
Giving she’s never feared her family she doesn’t move a muscle when what she originally thought was Raphael turned out to be a giant mutant crocodile man, she attempts to calm him before he attacks her - she gets hurt trying to outrun him knowing the sewers far better than him she slips away by taking a tunnel only to slam right into the mutant once again just as one of her brother’s comes to rescue her having heard the screams
The turtles had mentioned they had a little sister but had never thought the two would meet but after she had apologized for trespassing in his home the two somehow became the best of friends
Leatherhead having been raised in the labs is incredibly smart and enjoys spending time in Donatello’s lab while visiting his friends if he’s not hanging out with Mikey or being spoiled by Raven who makes him tons of food while he is there
Although the croc his bigger then the turtles he his only a few years older then the teen girl
 The first lair was down a few miles from the docks where the turtles and Splinter lived until they were old enough to move without the rat having to carry them, the second lair (Lair we see in the first movie) was destroyed by the foot and Shredder, the third was a station that was long forgotten where they stayed for a year before finding their current home where they have been for five years
This Lair is massive having three levels underground and an above ground Garage where they keep their vehicles so they don’t disturb their father while working on them or heading out late at night.
The main parts of the lair are all in one large room decorated like an underground amusement park equipped with a water slide with smaller rooms built up off to the sides including the huge kitchen, a dojo, a weight room, the lab and needle room reside off to the back where they have a TV room and a rear exit, Splinter’s garden room that connects to his bedroom, and a small bathroom right under the stairs.
Each of the turtles have their own room set up the way they like upstairs of the home overlooking the den and dining area, a separate set of stairs goes to an underground area where there is a pool and basking area for hot summer days and showers in a separate area set up like a locker room
 The ages of the turtles vary depending on when I’m writing so per usual I try to write them when they were teens but most storied are going in their early twenties. Ages for the turtles range in stories from 10, 12, 15, (18 – 26 ç the most) and as always Leo is oldest followed by Raph, then Donnie, and Mikey is the baby of the brothers
 Leonardo – The oldest
Leonardo was the only baby turtle from the original first four to survive the mutagen shots where as his sisters from the clutch never hatched
As a toddler this sweet boy clung to Splinter just as much as his baby brother and was the first to show his true personality
 The blue banded ninja is the same loveable yet anal older brother we all adore, but he is much stricter than most people are used too and tends to sound extremely cold even if he doesn’t mean too at times/he can come off as a jerk which he tries to avoid.
As the oldest and the leader of the clan he carried a lot on his shoulders even if his younger siblings try to help him he’s not too keen on letting them
He was the first of his brother’s to be allowed to go with Splinter on junk runs since he was very obedient to his father’s orders even if he had a small tendency to goof off from time to time
He tends to argue with Raphael over everything from why he’s leader to why the hotheaded turtle can’t go out to the surface most days, he leads the team in practice and training daily, spends a good portion of his days training, improving his katas, and meditating
He tries to loosen up from time to time so he’s not always the serious turtle that constantly has a perpetual stick up his ass, on those days he plays video games with Mikey or works out with Raph getting into competitions with his brother that he tends to lose at, sometimes if Donnie has a lot on his plate he will go and help with smaller projects
Leo can’t cook even though he tries to much to his siblings dismay, he is skilled in sewing, loves to read and tends to try new things to see if he likes them every other month
 Raphael – Second oldest
Raphael was the only surviving hatchling from the next clutch of eggs due to the others fell ill and died within the first two months due to poor diets, he was left in his tank alone and fell ill of a broken heart shortly after his brothers and sister died, looking as if he would pass too April O’Neal placed him in with the older baby turtle hoping he would be comforted if he did perish – instead Raphael got better and when he took to Leonardo the scientist kept him in the tank to be sure he wouldn’t fall sick again.
Do to the trauma of losing his siblings early on the turtle became protective of Leo, Donnie, and Mikey once they were in the tank not allowing anyone except April and her father to pick them up
As a rambunctious toddler Raphael was the more curious wonderer so Splinter had to find a playpen to keep him and Donnie in so they didn’t run off until he found a heating lamp then the rowdy tot was never far from it always basking if he wasn’t playing
 As the biggest turtle he comes off as intimidating and has the temper and attitude to back it up but around his family he is more laid back. As the second oldest he butts heads with his brothers – mostly Leonardo several times a day due to they are both alphas and only a few months apart in age – but it’s more to just keep the leader on his toes then to be an ass
Raphael spends a good portion of his day lifting his weights, breaking his punching bag, making repairs around the lair, working in the garage, or wondering around the sewers if he’s not in his room or screwing with Leo
Raphael is actually the one who saved Raven when he was only ten bringing her home and caring for the girl while she was weak
The red masked turtle is quite the handy man so it takes a lot off what Don has to do in the lair when it comes to furniture being broken or having to repair pipes other than the electronics from time to time, he also enjoys working in the garage on his motorcycle when he needs some alone time… this tends to happen more than ever when you have three brothers that piss you off on a regular bases
At night if the brother’s don’t go out for patrol or have an easy night he sneaks out to meet Casey to ride bikes and patrol the city
v  And yes because I’m a sucker for it he does dress up as Nightwatcher without his family knowing to go out and fight crime, I had to give the hothead a motorcycle for him to ride but in actuality he had 2-3 he works on
He tries to not show it but he’s very protective of his family and cares for his brothers a lot , especially his two younger siblings, and as mean and off putting as he tried to come off he’s still a giant teddy bear with a really big heart that comforts the others when needed
Raphael loves knitting, carving little wooden figures, and cooking. He has his own play system in his room with his own TV but Mikey doesn’t mind him playing him on the one in the den if he’s not pumping weights
 Donatello – Third Oldest
Donnie was actually the only egg to be brought in for the next test probably because it was the only one they could find so late in the season, he was perfectly healthy to their surprise.
When placed in the tank with Leo and Raph he didn’t take to them right away tending to stay far away from the two other males who were inseparable but given time Raph wouldn’t leave him alone and started dragging him around the cage by his carapace when he would retract into his shell to hide from them taking him to the food where the other two stayed sitting there with the turtle until he came out to eat, afterwards the third turtle was never far from the others
Even at these ages he showed higher than normal intelligence able to find ways to escape their tanks
By the time he was a toddler he was already interested in things having created their first toy from scrap parts until they had a car that drove around the home on its own it acted at a motivation in getting his baby brother to crawl as he chased it
 Our sweet purple banded genius is still a genius so I didn’t change him by much
Donnie spends every waking hour in his lab if he’s not training, having to fix the security systems that surround their liar, or repairing the things his brothers break every other day, he also has three areas inside their home that belong to him
The Lab, his computer station, and his room
He’s a coffee addict so Leonardo and Master Splinter have set a limit on his caffeine intake although being Donnie he has his own coffee pot hidden in the lab so he still drinks more then he’s supposed to, his siblings constantly have to pull him from the lab to eat if they don’t just bring his food to him otherwise he would forget completely
The genius and his family built onto their home over the years so because of that each of the turtles now have their own rooms and a portion of the lair that belongs to them separately
Donatello created the lair from top to bottom making all their electronics, appliances, ect. So he tends to joke when Leo tries to boss him around
 Michelangelo – Youngest
Mikey sadly was the only egg in his clutch of ten to survive but was born sick due to he had a twin that had died in the egg while inside with him, because he was the only egg to survive in over a year they cared for him round the clock until he was well enough to be placed in the tank with the other three turtles even though he was too small to fend for himself but never had too.
It was instant that the other three became protective of the tiny turtle caring for him
Because he was so tiny he liked to ride around on his brother’s shells while they wondered around the tank of hide under them while they were standing
The scientist had a hard time getting the smallest turtle away from his brothers since they were always huddled around him, Raphael and Leonardo brought the youngest two plenty of food before they would eat while Donatello would lie beside him protectively until the older two were back from their bowl
It was because of how territorial the older three were that they were all placed in separate tanks that sat side by side in a square so they could all see one another allowed to be in the same tank while April was in the lab playing with them
 Michelangelo is our little prankster/skater boy
This loveable little turtle is just as we have always seen him - he can be the biggest pain in Raphael’s butt wreaking Donnie’s lab like a tornado joking off in the dojo while Leo’s trying to continue training but still somehow being that innocent angel in his father’s eyes all in the same ten minutes
Because of how small he was when he hatched Mikey is smaller than his brothers – this is more of his size then age but it makes it easy to see he’s the baby brother in all aspects
When he’s not messing with his brothers or getting one somebody’s nerves Mikey spends a good portion of his time either playing video games, reading his comics, or tagging the lair with his art while nobody’s paying him any mind – he has even done a wall in each of his siblings rooms in honor of something he loves about them making a memorial for each room
When it comes that time of year the orange banded turtle is the one to start the parties, planning the biggest bashes with the help of their sister they never fail to impress weather it’s a birthday party of Christmas
Mikey has the potential to be better than his older brothers, he’s much faster, skilled, and the shortness comes in handy he’s too laid back to really try
 Raven – the baby
She’s a curvy yet slim beauty with pale porcelain skin, long black curly locks she wears in a bun of ponytail at all times, and emerald green eyes, she’s only 5’6 so she’s constantly teased for being short by her brothers, the young girl hasn’t always been with the mutant family
She was abandoned in the sewers when she was very young and somehow survived on her own for months before stumbling upon Raphael while he was out blowing off steam after a fight with Leonardo, she followed the turtle from a distance curious about him until he realizes she’s there. She hides in a tunnel when he turns but doesn’t try to run from him when he came to investigate only to find a sick and thin form
He rushes her to Donatello who had recently started learning everything he can from several medical books after finishing the physics and the thesaurus collections Master Splinter has found him while scavenging threw a junk yard or walking past a dumpster. She’s really sick and they all expect her to never make it but a few days later she’s just as active as any normal child would even though she’s still ill
It was guessed Raph had to have been the only person she had seen in a long time but for a child she looks at them as if they are no different from the tiny human girl and the longer they are around the child the more they learn about the strange child their brother brought home
At first glance the girl seems like any normal kid – curious about everything she sees and gets into, she loves to watch them while they play games or sits close by while they are watching movies, after a while she goes to them sitting in their laps as they read or watch cartoons… Then come the day they find she is far from normal
Raven hates enclosed or tiny spaces unless she finds one she likes, has major abandonment issues, and more surprising to the family the girl hates humans more than her fear of snakes
By the age of five Splinter lets her join in with the turtles in their practices but doesn’t start fully training her until she is twelve when he comes home from a walk to sees her playing with a broom stick like it was a bo or a sword sparring with her brothers as they practice their team attacks, he stays back watching the girl holding her own against the turtles who at that time were teenagers – seeing the potential she has he started her training pushing her just as hard as he does his sons
  Hope everyone finds this informative and enjoyed it
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